The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, September 03, 1844, Image 3

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i i—jri—JlJ.i • t , cr T* ,, « ° r < Otion Jvgutla and Hamburg J r „ m |„ .vpi .1- t,tto 1 *f#r»f. * IM4. 184a. Rlock na hand lit iiiiiut * < 7, ~7 BUippeUfroin Uthcpi. lo’l.VxlV) • U \9il-i . *2OO %: > oftA j * Deduct Stock on lin'd *i I ~g ii.'j ’ r °, Ulß * C4!ip '' IK.'. I1 U«dact reccijn ul ncvr crop - :<7 __ 19d,354 UJ'ib-G n . C ,' n 1 R^ J '' S , ON ‘ S ’ p! 2 ~ Th « period having arn\ - <1 when it i* customary f>r m to make up our yearty statement of the emp*, --xport*.&c. of cotton tiiid rice, we have d.-layed truing our Trice Cur rent unu! (hi* morning. Co//o«--ThoofK.-rations in f'plaml since our r<-- vievvoflhcSlth ult., have h eh on a more extend J tea.n than for sum- week** prev ions, purchasers ha- V ,n s taken 2637 bales. In our report of the above oale, we stated that the downward leniency in pri ce* of the previous fortnight, had not only beer. Checked in consequen. e . ( the recent favorable ndvircH per the Acadia, hut that b tween 7 and SOU bales had been sold toward* the Hose of the week at rather fuller rates than those paid previous to the receipt of these advices; it was, however. a momentary revival. as buyers refused ‘in? on the following day .at similar prices, and on Monday, they bought freely at old price*; on Tue ..ay anellorl was made to-ustain the rates oblain-d llie previous 1* riday, which cheeked open, tion*; t ,*■ desire, however, to sell, induced several holders on Wednesday to bring forward t!n-ir slocks, and pur chase* were effected on decidedly advantageous terms. .Subsequently transactions have h-.-li re tarded for the want of facilities <.f transportation, which have enabled those w'ho have continued in the market to liny at a reducimi of a full 4 cent on the purchases of Friday week. The busi ness has been confined aim >.-t exclusively to Euro pean account. The receipts have been 533 bales. The sales comprise 19 bales at U, 127 at oi, 17 at 51. 12 at 51. 8 at s|. 112 at 51, 10al5r, 187 atG, 136 at G 4. 269 at 64, 95 at G|, 162 at Gi. 337 at 64. 810 at Cl 1(8 at /. 112 at .i.aud 1G bales of the new crop at Gl and G|. Tic: following quotation* wifi give a fair criterion of the slate of the market at the •close of operations on Saturday, mz; —Inferior and ordinary, 41 a 51; middling to rui.idling fair, 6 a 61; fair and fully fair. Gil a 74; choice, 71 a—. It is impossible thus early in the season to speak with any degree of certainty as to the probable yield of the coming crop. We have already seen estimates placing it at 24 and 21 millions; the result, however, cannot be known with any accuracy for a month or six weeks to come, during w hich time, should the weather continue favorable for picking, it is more than probable that the larger figures will be realized. As the disasters of the past year from home speculation, have si.own that prices can only be controlled by regular consumption, we would ad vise planters generally to send their crops to market as soon as prepared, with instrueiions to sell on .ar rival, at prevailing rales. As to prices we can form no correct opinion, hut believe that when the article begins to arrive freely, the range will be from 11 to 61c for inferior to fair qualities, while a fancy article will command something more. Os Long Cotton, only 13 bales changed bands during the week at prices ranging from 23 to 37c. per lb.— It is very generally conceded that if present pros pects continue favorable, the growth of Carolina and Georgia will exceed that of the year just closed. SAVAN.N Ml, Aug. 31.— Remarks. —This num ber closes the commercial year, and as is generally cur custom, we yesterday counted the stuck of Cot ton on hand, both Upland and Sea Island, and find our present stock to consist to 2004 bales of the for mer and 97 hales of the latter. We have altered our tables to correspond, and believe they will now be found correct. At the commencement of the season, some idea of the growing crop, is generally attempted tube given; but as it is almost next t" impossible to form any thing like a correct opinion at ibis early period, <and former calculations have proved lids to our satisfaction.) vve will barely stale, that we hear few complaints from the Atlantic Slates; from the West it is different, us the eatterpillar, that formidable enemy to the Cotton plant, is said to have made its appearance in various sections. If we are favor ed with a late fall, there will b ■ no scarcity of Cot ton. Os woo Cation . we have received, up to the pre ■ent time, about 131 bales, 21 <>l w inch have been disposed of at prices ranging from 7 to 8 cents —the balance is still on hand or has been shipped to oilier markets. The color ol’tli new crop, so far, is good, but the staple is not as good as last year's crop, there v;ll hi •• great . dir g ff in qu-ility. Compared with lhai of the last season. Cotton. — Arrived since the Ist. Aug., 3416 bales Upland and 10 bah** Sea Island, and ( hatred in ihe same time 6359 hales Upland and 37 bales Sea Is land; leaving on hand, inclusive of all on shipboard not cleared on lit • 31st instant, a sto; k of 2004 bale* Upland, and 97 bale* Sea Island Cot ton, against 3,151 bales Upland and 193 bales Sea Island, ut the same period last year. Durriagtlie past month our market has remained without much aeliv ity—the principal business trans acted being on Northern account. We have had but one clearance for a foreign port, the ship Fran conia. During ih w hole mouth our stock has been *o light, as to oiler no inducement to shippers to en ter tlte market, and the only transactions were in fill up sin ill orders, which, in a measure, accounts for the limited business done. During the vve k ending on the 9th August, the sales reached only 218 hales, at a decline of j a 4 cent, from the prices paid the. previous week; they were disposed of as follows: 29 at Gl, 80 at Gi, 92 at 61, and 49 at Cl cents. So unsettled were prices this week, that we were compelled to omit quota tions, as it was impossible to give them with any degree of accuracy. Two bales of ihe new crop were received, one of which was sold at 8 cents and the same price was offered for the other and roiused— both were shipped to .New York. During the week ending IGth instant, pretty much the same stale of things existed, and quota tions were again omitted. The transactions em braced 39 hales at s|, 39 at 6J, and 259 at 61 cents —total 337 halos. .No new U'otnm received this week. No change in prices. During the week ending 23d inst. the sales reach ed about 590 bales old Cotton, viz: 9 at 51. 32 at sj, 117 at 5 13-16. 139 at Gi. 9 at 61,and 81 at GI cents. The receipt* of new Cotton this week, reached 23 bales. 15 of which were disposed of-—lO at 71, qual ity fully fair, and 5 bales at 7, quality middling luir to fair. No change in prices. During the week ending 30th inst. there was a very limited inquiry, and few or no sales were el fected up to the 2Sih. since which time the follow ing sales were made, viz: IS at 5. 11 at 51, 112 at st, 9at 6, 127 at (if cents—total 276 bales. New Cotton arrived pretty freely tins week, but only 5 hales were sold, which brought 71 cents. Some-few hales of Sea Island were also disposed of this w eek, the only sales of this description made this month; they consist of 4 halos at 18, 3 at 22. 12 at 20 a 23, 6 at 27, an i 12 hales Stained at 6 a 7 cents. Rire. —The New crop has made its appearance in this market, and from ill we can leant, promises lobe fair average one. \A e have received during the past week. about 2750 bushels, in the rough, some of which lias been beaten out and is now on the market, but we hear of no sales. This article has had an upward tendency during the month, and owing to the light stock in first hands, holders have been stiff in their asking prices. During the past week then' has been a good inquiry tor the N’t esl India market.and prices have advanced fully la I ths of a cent per lb. on alt qualities. The sales reach 310 casks, as follows: 50at 34. 100 at 3|. and 116 at S 3? per 100 lbs. We now quote ordinary to fair2i a $3: good and prime 3? a choice none. Groceries.—During the past month the business in our Grocery market, has been confined pretty much to a retail business and supplying the wants of city retailers. For the past week, however, there has been some little improvement, and a fair budaess i* now transacting with both town an 1 country.— There is - no scarcity of any article that we hear 1: end as we have been careful in revising our quota tions, vve think they can now be depended on,—our readers will bear in mind, however, that they are wholesale, and not retail prices. The business of the past week has been confined to small lots, and we have no lame transactions to report- Ot Bacon the supply is fully equal to the demand—prime is gelling scarce, but the middling and inferior quali ties are plenty, and dull of sale, lie' supply ot Flour is good, and every, arrival is adding to the present stock. Molasses.—Supply equal to th-' de mand, but as soon as our rivers take a rise we lo k fur a diminution of stock. The same may be said of Coffee, Sugars and Potatoes. Domestic Spin:- Good stock of all description on hand, and holders are willing sellers at present quotations. Com. —No cargo sales to report during the past week. Good supply on hand, and retailing from store, at 564 cents per bushel. Hay. —There is a good supply of both Northern and Eastern, and both descriptions are dull of sale. Sales during the week «f 120 bundles Northern. from wharf, ats9 cU per 100 11m.—retailmg from sp >r<‘« 621 cent*. Bagging —There i* a good supply of all descrip tions of Bagging, but so tar there itaa beep only a limited demand. The sale* during the past vve,-k, ca, i-t of I* I rolls Dundee, at 21 c.-nt e ; 31 ditto at 22; c ties Gunny at 21; 59 bolts Kentucky at 151, 18 at 16, and 23d at 17 cent*. Hu’• It > ,k’ —"-ale* tlii- we»d; of 15 c..i!s Kentucky at 5; a 7.; Manilla 9 a 94 cents perlb. ■No//.—Jnqturi this week. p*T ship Howard, 390 ton*. —Sales have been made during th • month at $1.15 per sack, at which price the article is now i held—retailing at $1,55 a 1,62 per sack from stores. Exchange —The busine* of th * past month in Foreign. Ibis been very light, and nearly all matur- Jnghere ua-s liven sent out of the market to be dis- . p -■ d of. We quote the nominal rate on England at 8 a 8i percent, prem—uu r banks are not pur chasing. In U Tae-ac tliere is not much doing— the banks ar<- checking on New York at i per cent. r right ch ck —o I d am tb jy can be ob tained on Ik-tter terms. I 'reig/Us.—'l here is now no vessel up for a Foreign port. Tie-Franconia was the last for Liverpool, and she found some difficulty in obtaining a carg > at. id. for square and 7-lG tor round hales Coast wise—tle-re I* nut ram h offering, but the rates have been steady during th past month. To New York the packets c ontinue to lake Cotton at 50 cents per hale, for square and round, an J 37t com* per tierce for Kice. No vessel up for any other port. MOBILE. August 29. —\N t? have had another w« ek of almost nnparralleled dullness in all depart rn tits of trade. Business is confined aim' *; exclu sively lo the city, and the few transactions that transpire are scarcely worthy of record. The health of the city was scarcely' ever so good at this season of the year, ll;-*re being only sorn • five or six cases i of ordinary - icknes, and not an instance of yellow fever reported for the last five days. Cotton. —Tlmre have been sales this week to the amount of 120 hale*, hut we are unable, from these limited transaction.*, to say more of prices, than that : they arc exceeding irregular. Middling cottons may be quoted at 6 a Gi< - , though "im- sales of that \ quality have been made at a lower graduation.— 1 he foreign accounts p ceived here the day before yesterday, per Acadia at Boston, have had no effect upon this market, i here are but very few orders in hand. and t hose limited below onr last quotations, V\ •• present to-day a corrected account of the re ceipts, exports and slock on hand of cotton for the commercial year ending with this month. The ' discrepancy which is exhibited in onr present and I former account of cotton received, trifiingasit is, may be attributed to ihe deficiency in the receipts by wagons a- reported from the C hicka.-alia coun try. The report vve give of stock on hand, and of ! exports, may he relied upon as authority, and. as a I matter of course, the receipts at this port as indi j cated in our tables may he taken as correct. I Received this we- k 186 bale*, and exported 533. leaving a stock on hand of 3,920 hales. The total receipts of tin- season at this port are 468,717 bales, - includingß97 from Florida. Bagging and Rage. — Dull of sale, prices without alteration say 13 a 11c and 51 aGc i ash, and 144 a j 15 and 0 a Gienn time f r Western. Received this I week 332 coils of rope. Previously 37.893 pieces S bagging, and 31.119 coil* rope. Total on hand, | 2,952 pieces and 4,059 coils. i Bacon. —Sugar and extra cured hams we quote I at 9 a 10c; good ( incirniatti hare do. at 84 a 9c; j clear sid- s 5* a .>0 ■; < incinnatti shoulders, good j quality, 54 a sic. inferior qualities, of which the , market is nearly bare, sell at ic less. Received ' this week 71 casks. Previously 8,055. Stock on I hand 239 casks. Freights. —Very little offuingat nominal rates: s 3 p ■i hal ■ coast wise an I 17-33 a9- IGd to Idverpool. The brig Sylph is the only vessel loading, having 250 bales engaged for Boston. The barque Francis ! Burr has cleared empty since our last, and there are j now only two or three vessel on the berth, includ ing the brig mentioned above. Exchange. —V\ e have no change to note iu-pri ces this week. There has been a progressive im provement daring the entire year in the rates of do mestic bills. Alabama money has also improved, and vve quote it this week atß« a 9 per cent. dis. NEW YORK. Aug. 28.— Cotton —Since onr last, holders have e.vinced a great anxiety to sell, and prices in consequence have receded from day to day, until they are now 3 of a cent, below* the cur rent rate* of last week, the market closing heavily, with but few buyers, and a continued desire on the part of most of the holders to realize speedily. The sales include 190'! bales Upland and Florida, ordi nary to mi Idling at 54 a sis cents, middlidg fair to fair Gi a 71..g00d fair lo fine 7 i a 84; and 130!) New Or!*-.:;i; and 7>leb;l. , .•.•>!!;;.try to middling 5J a G'j, i middling fair to fair 74 a 73, -and good fair to fine i 84 a 94---together 3200 bales. i Tha arrivals have been, 2,77fi bales, j Total import, since Ist instant, 12.503 “ | Export, from Ist to27th August, 14,225 “ Export from the United Stales, Since Ist September last, bales 1.611.849 Same time last year, 2,005.889 Same time year before, 1,458,612 mini »i SHIP N EWS, s A\ \NN\M. Vug. 30. — \rr. chip How trd, Li verpool ; • loop See. Gull. Indian River, Fa,; steamer i St. Matthews. Falatka. j W ent to sea, sloop Levant, Havana. [ AUG. 31. —Air. brigs Macon, New York; Au ) gnsta, do.; Eleanor, Baltimore. Went to sea. sc hr. Henry Jenkins, Havana. CHARLESTON, August 31.—Arr. sehr. Prcsi : dent. Philadelphia; steamer* ’inoinnati. Savannah. Went to sea, sehrs. John Hancock, West Indies; j Yew Tree, do.; steamer Gov. Dudley, Wilmington, i N.r. SEPT. 2.—Arr. ship Southport. N. York; brigs I Diiiion. do.; Tow r, St. Juan de los Rainedi< s, Cu | baj sehr. Lady Warrington, Richmond, Va.;steam ! er Charleston. Savannah. I Went to sea. steamers Gladiator, Wilmington, ! N. C.; C. Vanderbilt, do.; Cincinnati, Savannah. ! I have removed to the store on Broad-street, directly 1 opposite to the Masonic Hall, and next doi t to Messrs. Moore & Davis’ hardware store, where j they' will be happy to serve their friends and cus ! tinners. inly 2 i Lk FRED. E. Dl G \S. will make mrf.rai, i advancks on Cotton consigned to his friends in CHARLESTON. NEW YORK. LIVERPOOL, or Jan 9 HAVRE. T. i*. CLEVELAND & J. W. SPEAR, SURGEON DENTISTS. No. ~\s, Broad-st. over the store of Aldrich «V Green. I take this opportunity of rccunmi aiding my pu pil. Dr. J. \V. Spear, to the citizens of Augusta and the public generally, as a skilful operator in all the branches of D -ntal Surgery, and especially in that I of inserting artilit'ial teeth on plate or pivot, he hav ing ojiqrated v\ nil me for the last three vears. april 1 J. A. CLEVELAND. 9Cf* W. McK UN UEV. Attorney at Law, Lexing | ton. Oglethorpe county. Claims of anv size in Oglethorgo or the adjoining counties, will be accu rately attended to if intrusted to his care. Sent 30 44 LAW ADVERTISE WENT. —The subscri ber will practice Law in the several counties of the Cherokee Circuit, and in the Federal < otirts. for the District of Georgia. OfH eat Cassville. Cass coun ty. Ga. ACHILLES D. SHACKELFORD MarchS, 1544 tuly [in 12 NEW A SPLENDID JFAS 11 ION ABLE i SPRING GOODS. JOHN BRIDGES & CO. DRAPER 8 A -V I)'TH LOR S. Ero-.ul-street, next door below the United States Hotel. RESPECTFULLY inform the public, that they • have just received a full, and fashr nabje va riety of Cloth*. Cassim: res. Linen Drills, Vestings. Fancy Articles, and Trimmings for gentlemen's wear, consisting v-f French and Fmglish t loths (of j all colors'. Casimaaretts. Drap d'Ete, French and English mill'd and single mill’d black Doeskin Cas simeres, fancy French single mill’d Cassimere for s|>ring wear, white and fancy Linen Drills. Satin, Sill-;, and Marseilles Vestings, Shirts. Gloves, Scarfs, Stocks, Ac., all of the latest and most fashionable t styles. N. B.—Making and Trimming in the most fash ionable manner. 112 march 7 ifior ma: refine tT pmv i ® SUGAR.—Just received per Ivail Road, A few boxes of this NEW ARTICLE. • which will be put up in half bbls. for family use at 13i cents per lb. This sugar is said to be 30 per cent, stronger than any other, and is better for ma king preserves, candies, Arc . than either loaf or crashed. For rale hr ISAAC MOlSE pity 9 9 fIST OF LETTERS remaining in the F *i J Office at Augusta. Ga., on th» Ist Septemb r 1 StU JQr PcreoiiH wishing letters from this It- , will please say tliey are advertised. Adam Horton B 2 Averell Ed wan! Adam A L 2 Anthony L L 3 A!n rn E R Arrington Amanda Ardis C W Ardissohn B Anthonv Ur Milton B Baldwin P H 2 Black E J B al Ur L II Berry Bottom A Bell Beard Mariana Bouyer Mary E B-tu Philo Bryson James Bigelow David Bruzeal Willis S 2 Barclay John Brown B F B-irrey Solomon Brandon Sophia Bartank Jacob A Bradford Thos M Baldwin D II Brister Cyrus Bo ronton J >1 Bruner Daniel Blodgct cap! James P Drankam E M Black bunt J C Bruce Betsy Bottom Davis 2 Burton Hixey Blackman Calhoun Burley Henry B 80-.vdry Hays Buckaloo Joel Blane Caroline J Burns Robert C Carswell mess J F A M J Colson Charles Caley James Cooper t assion M Cole Anna S Cord .-arahG Costa Cari Clara Clanton Turner 3 CoopJ M Clancy Mary Camplield Margaret 2 Clark James Campfield Josephine Clark John M Christian J A Crittenden Ada Cheek Alexander Crawford Ann Chappel James M 2 Crockett Iris Payne i C«pp Timothy D i Daynall Elbert H Daniel CheslyC Da\is Wra W Danforth Oliver Dean William Duvall Beal M Davis Wm If Donovan D II Dixon Taos E A F Eziel Delphine Fields Spencer Edes D B Fields Isaac T Engle Lewis 2 Flint JnoT England Armstead Frazier miss Caroline M ; Evan Rebecca Florence mrs | Fair Eveline c I Garngan James Green P S Gardner mrs Mary G Griffin miss Mary Gallavvay Wm Graves miss C laudia ; Grady Juo Graham Daniel j Green W A 2 Gordon Wm G ; Groce J E Green JnoG Graves J A 2 Glover Wyley H Hale William Hitt J M j Hardun miss Julia 2 Hill J ‘ Hart & King 2 Housely Wm ! Hammond A L Hoyt Dan | Hamilton C Hotchkiss W A i Harris R Y Hubbard miss Mary A Hitchcock Dr C M 2 Holland Elery B j Hoisumbake Bur Howard W H | Williams Susannah care Holland AS of H H Hickman Hutchison Jno W | Hill A S Hull A Spencer 2 ! Hicks Oscar Hoyt Daniel J j Johnson Judith Johnson G D | Brazeal W J care of J B Joseph Dennis Jones Jaillet Wm j Johnson Lewis Jarnagan N K i Keene mrr King A lla|l j Keener Henry Kingman | Kelley Laura Kelly Richard Lasiter Geo Lawson W P Lark W G Labatut miss Eugenie La Roche O V Lott miss Eliz Lamar AI B M Green miss Epsy Ann A last mr A care of A McLean 2 Mendhiem E McFarlaue care of James Mnsgrove mrs A A AlcCafFerty Al origin J D Ale Bryde Jno Mulen James 2 McCary Walton Morris Jacob S •VicAliilan F V B Morgan A Heckle McCollum Jas 2 Murry Thomas Met locklyn Dominick Murphy Timothy McGarEliz Moore W B Mantz mrs Mary 3 Moore John L N & O Norton John Oak man miss Ann II Nnt<' I-reniiah 2 < “-..Us L-wrallen / I O'Shea mrs Alary J H O'Bryan Jeremiah | O’Conner Francis Ogden David P Patten Nat Sophia Branham care of | Paunell mrs Caroline AT Joseph Perrine S Pardue miss Mary Eliza Platt Henry I Pearce George W Powell Nancy j Parker miss Amanda Polhill rev Joseph ! Pery Gary F Prevail Joseph i Poore D N R. Ragsdell miss Eliza C Richards Thomas care of Ramsay Isaac B F Chew V i let care Pf Jesse Ramsay Rhodes miss Lavina A Ramsay Joseph B Ribersou miss Alary A Richmond mrs Eliza Annßives Henry P Richmond Henry A Roxburth P i Ridley Dr W Morgan Rasal Martha A Richardson honJ S Robinson mrs Anna T Kicliards William S Scott John E Sims W W Scott mrs Alary G Shaw Susan A Satterfield miss Ann S Smith G B Schly hon Wm 2 Smith John W 3 Schley W Smith 6c Co John T Scott John Smith George Shelly Robert 3 Hannah care of miss Sa- Sibley Nancy rub Smith Simmons miss Imogene Strap P R H 2 Stuart William Sharp Elizabeth Snooden Henry Skinner William Starr John Skinner Seaborn Street George T A V Thompson Wm T Tinsley miss Margaret Taut Isaac Tobin & - s ons messrs 2 Thomas mrs Emeliue F Tornman mr Tallulah Club Verner John 2 W Wauldin Abigail Windsor Anderoas Walton John 2 Williams Wm Walsh John Winkler John Walker Wra care of Geo Winkler Jean R Evans Wilcox Samuel Wanker Geo M Williams L R Wakeham Peter Winn William E Watson Thomas Wiley W B ; Westbrook David Wolfe Cornelius Whitehead Alaria E Walter J T Whole John Wootrer Jos B Wellauer Conn Wooding John Wightraan J W 2 Wurdeman C D Y Young Joyesru Young James sep 3 ' EDMUND B. GLASCOCK, P. M. k<ILKs ANI) B A 1,/OH INES.—Snowden Cm dr- Shear have just received from New York Rich Charnel ion Silks, for ladies dresses, new styles Super blue black Ilellemiennes, Poult de Soie, and Gro de Swiss i Rich Paris Balzorinesand Bareges,for ladies dresses Super plain and satin striped black Bareges and Balzorines Lupin's best black Mousseline de Laines and black Brilliants i Rallies H. S. Gloves and Egyptian Alitts 'J’he public are respectfully requested to call and ; examine the above assortment, with a variety of other articles suitable for the summer season, may 14 141 : if 3. SHEAR have received from New York a large and beautiful supply of Swiss and Jackonett Muslin Edgings and Insertings, new patterns ALSO, r Thread Race Edgings and Insertings, new pattern? Swiss, Mull, and Book Muslins and Bishop Lawns Jackonett and Cambric Muslins, some of extra ‘ quality Superior Irish Linens and LongLawns,atlow prices ALSO, A great variety of other articles suitable for the pre sent season, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. * [may 14 miCTOK IA SIG U?, COTTON BAG- j » GING. Ac.—Just received per Rail Road, on 1 consignment. 5 hhds choice Sugar, ‘‘victoria,’’well drained 20 coils Kentucky Bale Rope 30 pieces Kentucky Bagging 10 hhds "Netfs” Bacon aides, without back bone 10 bags fine Old Java Coffee, at 12* cents per lb. all of which will be sold low for cash or approved ' paper, by ISAAC MQISE 1 aug 5 21 aig-uv _ • *y.. s • - J. (j. G; i ■i :• IHIA WS N HXT THU IISD AV. GREENE.AND i'ULANSI MDNI ABa V Jj O T T E IS Y l CLASS No. 19, FOR 1-11. To bo drawn in Augusta. G c-. Thun-d? v, September a. hit. J. G* d: Co., ; ■ SCllLtfii ; 75 NUMBERS —12 DRAWN BALLOTS. 1 priz . of >3.O'JO I “ 2.000 1 “ 1.200 i w i.o-.n 1 “ 597 75 I “ 3 JO 1“ 2 0 1“I * D 10 prizes of 100 Packages f whalvs e<v, A’, v. , .ted to draw not less than $2! —shar s in prop .-.ion. For sale by JOHN A. MHJ.iI: A exit, under *ti.* 1 ntiod S ; .a.-s . IttrAliberal discount made m packages. Orders l‘n>m the country promptly attended to. s 3 J. G. Gregory cr Cn. : s Fortunate Cgfics. GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT I, O T T E I! Y : EXTRA CLASS No. 35. FOR 1344. To be determine;! by thedrawingof the Alexandria Lottery, Cioss 31, on Saturday, Aug. 31, 1544. J. G. GREGORY Jk Co., Managers. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME : ! 75. NUMBERS —12 DRAWN BALLOTS. i 1 prize of $30,000 1 ' “ 10.000 I “ 6,000 1 “ 5,000 1 “ 4,000 I “ 2.500 1 “ 2,000 1 “ 1,747 25 prizes of 1,000 25 “ 500 Tickets only $12 —Shares in proportion. A certificate of a package of 26 tickets will be sent for $l3O. Fur sale by JOHN A MILLEN, Agent, under the United States Hotel. £D"Ordors from the country promptly attended to. i aug 23 29 A„.;,A TO KENT.—The commodious House i PHI opposite the Catholic Church, suitable for { large family or a private boarding house. ! Also, a small Dwelling, immediately adjoining, | on another lot. Also, for sale or rent, fifty acres of pine land with ! the improvements thereon and an orchard of five : hundred different fruit trees upon it, situated twelve ■ miles from Augusta, on the Milledgeville road and near the railroad. Apply to C. HANTS, sept 3 tu3 below the market. it * ‘ WATCH _ 3% | -ii li \i pp $-1% . I RROAD-ST. NEAR THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, ; ■-C-. W W at MHlt tmm Ua U | Bold and Silver, lever, lepine and Plain WATCHES. ■TY” C Tr a T1 -n t J_L ix .larwLia j * e- ' j*, A>DJEH £LIiYOF THE LATESTFASHIONS, I WATCHES AND CLOCKS c* ■>? ei t v ace o ->7 aan a v.- vrr.vnteot.> perform well. afcttCiir utide unit iiCpaUia. j fob 10 * 101 •*» * THIRTY DOijLARM REWARD. —Runaway on the Cih day of February last, a negro man. named NED, about 30 years of age, black skin, five feet eight or ! ten inches high, weighing about one hundred and | seventy-five pounds, no particular mark recollect j ed. Said hoy was bought from the estate of David | Urquhart, Esq., in February last, he may be lurk- I ing still about the plantation, or passing up and ; j down the river in some Petersburg boat. The above 1 , reward will be paid for his apprehension and de- ■ | livery in the jail at Augusta. An additional reward j | of fifty dollars will be given for the detection of I ; any person harboring, concealing or employing the i j said negro. A. MARTIN. j i aug 15 24 | ji y-( b. ‘ *>: -bf 111 T! PIANO FORTES. —The subscribers have just received two of Nunns, Clarke & Co.’s | superior Piano Fortes, with all the late improve ! ments, which render them equal to any ever open- ; j ed in this market. They will be sold at tho manu j facturers lowest prices. Persons wishing to examine ’ I the Pianos, are requested to call and look at them. ! | jyll CD AS. E. GRENVILLE «fe Co. \ PIANO FORTES, j .4 T MA N UFA CTUR ER S ! i> RIC ES. L - mV k? Ti\ %• 1 U) )\ h i -^ryi: tre -W -il/V | HP ARSONS has just received two of 9 NUNNS & CLARKS’ SUPERIOR Pl j ANO FORTES, with all the late improvements, i j which render them equal to any ever opened in ibis market. Also, two from GILBERT, of Boston, j j with the improved patent action, which are pro j nounced by judges to be equal to any manufactured ! in the country. Persons wishing to examine Pia- I nos. are invited to call and look at them. They will be sold at lowest manufacturers’ prices. Also, on hand, a well selected stock of sheet mu- ■ sic, instruction books, &c., together with Guitars. : I Violins, Flutes, Accordions, and most of the small ! I articles usually kept in a music store. april 30 ALL GOODS. —The subscriber has com menced receiving his FALL GOODS, con j sisting in part of, 8-4 and 10-4 Damask Diaper I 8-4 Satin do do . ]2-4 Irish Sheeting 9-8 pillow case Linen j White and brown Holllands j 6-4 Jaconets and Cambrics 1 Rich furniture Calico Dress t alicoes, of entirely new pa terns I Earl-ton Ginghams, new and beautiful patents Zenohin Cloth ’j : Chameleon Stripes Figured Mohair ~ Black and Mazarin, blue Lustre g BPkand col’d Alpaccas and Bombazines : Silk Warp do lx i Foulard Silks f E Bl’k Italian Lustrings Cbusans I Crepe deLaine o Organ dlie Ginghams J ; Corded Skirts j ( 5-4. 6-4. 7-4, 8-4 Thicbet. Silk and Wool Plaid. J brocade ami Nett Shawls Madras lldk'fs and plaid Cravats Cotton and Pongee Hdk’fs Gum-elastic Suspenders j 12-4 super bed Blanket? All of which, •" Ui be sold low, bv wholesale and Retail JOHN P 3ETZE i aug 2? £3 ■V.?" ■ - ■ ■ ■—* -7 ■ ytT!rißg»qw C.I i »v. ,’iisa u .. PaV . de'itzs VJ ■ -t ppdb-Imr intention of opening a Seh »; ; tir? Ldurattc.i •\ V oung Ladies. I ’i -• ir , -t* of iu-t u ;i v u. . runipri'.* rd' of i those branches of an English l .du—ation tlta*. are ! taught In th- be -1 instituttous, f>r th * accomplis h- j ine: lof which, - lie will devote her lime and unre- ! t 1 n.u:i : l she R- .V the more cfilc- j tea' .do liu ii- r number of pupil • will be limit 'd ! to t.. .r , Her schxl will be opened on the ; Ist Mi'c üb-r ne ;. i t the r»»m formerly occupied | by M;s. Eg,:non c.i the c cncr of Reynold and Mc latosis-sircetr, sept 3 SU EDES lilUN.—iooTT TlaTßlrs well ' assorted, in -ts to suit pure nosers and on ac commodating terras. Al 1. a mil saj*p;y of Engl.-b refined, English ; m-Tciamiable, and Aas icon Iron, in flat, square, and round -jars, assorted sizes. Also, 5'J9 casks Uct Nai’ ! s r•• nod. For «a?e bv t .G. 3IOhPIS. 42 Las: Bay. ' ; Cl iiileston. Sept. 3. id-I ££ Y’OTICE.—A;! nerson-it.( : e . al to the estate 1 l\i f Solomon Kutelajid, laic of Richmond r • deeea ed. rro required t- nan 'tr- iatc p ;p. and , 11 those who l-uve deincn.’s against i the -;re request 1 1> pn =- nt th m with- | in the ti:r. ~ scribed by low . HENRY W. KMT.- A.N J Adm’r ; _s i , r?. 1 J-i I. ■_ Jy__ T’T'OI R t'V,r\ 1 11$ aider dc 0. ap,. iication will be li. made !■> the Inferior L oun of Richmond county, w hile : tttinu id r ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Solomon Knee land, late of said county, deceased, fur the benefit of the heirs and ! creditors. HENRY W. KNEE LAND. Adm’r. ! $ nt.-mber 3. 1844. 32 COFFEE AND BAGGINIV fI® 10 hhds. shoulders and Slides 5d bags cheap Coill-e 100 pieces Colton Cotton Bagging Just received and for sale by aug jJI GEO. W. LAMAR A CO. YdEGIWLS Foil SALE.—In addition to a « those that were on hand the subscribers have just received from Virginia about 40 negroes, boys and girls, strong and healthy; among them, house servants, seamstresses, cooks, washers and Doners. JENNINGS & CULM. Hamburg, August 31. ISI4 [aug 31 I> USSI A ANDKENTUCRI KUPE,Ac. ® —Just received per Rail Road 20 coils small Russia Rope, equal to any in use 30 li Kentucky Rope 5 half pipes Domestic Brandy 5 “ ” “ Gin : all of which will be sold low for cash or approved paper, by IS A.AC 31 OISE, aug 29 29 mr F.GIIO —Snow den & Shear have just received a large supply of Negro Cloths, of superior quality, to which they would re spectfullv invite the attention of tho planters. July 13 _ __ 10 TS7INEGAK.—2S bids. Cider and While Wine | w A r inegar, fur sale low by aug 10 if GEO. W. I.A3IAR <t Co. I IFI:lii IN I: ( !)l N i’K 4 Tl.O I K 20 ■ barrels Flour, at $1 per barrel. For sale by aug ß GEO. W. LA MAR * Co. ' : g«A US ESS AN i> SA4 >DI ,~Elt V.—GLU. j \V. LAMAR & Co., have just received di ; reel from the mamifacturer’a, 20 cases of the fol : lowing description of Harness and Saddlery, i Setts of Brass Mounted Coach Harness “ “ Buggy do “ “ Suikey do Japaned do do Buggy do Plated Coach, Buggy and Suikey Harness Fine Shafted Saddle Spring Stirrups “ Plated do j ‘ £ Boys’ “ '' do j “ Pidgeon “ “ do ; “ Shafted “ Steel do Patent Curb Bridles, brass i “ “ “ plated i “ “ 41 steel English Martingales, Ate. 6cc. &r. ! All of which are offered low for cash or city ac ceptances. June 9 UR All N IdlsT, (111 TiMfNOF UlTo^ z'SL a romance, by G. P. R. James, Esq., author 1 of Rose D'Albret. Arabella Stuart, <kc.. price 12s ! cents. Received by THOS. RICHARDS, aug 20 27 H #JIK \NOF V9TIEFi. a novel, bv the .Rl late .vliss Ellen Pickering, anthmrm of Nan Darrell, the Fright, &c.,price 121 els. Received by aug 32 THOS. RICHARDS. CIOKiNNE, OK •»' Vtl , by Madame de s Stacl-Holstein. translated for the library of I standard novels. The Poetical Passages, by L. E. L. Received by THOS. RICHARDS, aug 22 27 ; f IFE AND AD\ ENTURES OF MAR MA TIN CIIUZZLEW4T. edited by Boz, with numerous illustrations by Phiz, price 50 cts. Re ceived by _ THOS. RICH iRDS. FMIHE HISTORY OF THE CRUSADES JH. for the Recovery and Possession of the Holy , Land, by (Jharles Mills, author of a History of Chi i valrv, Ac. Received by r aug22 ' THOS. RICHARDS. j ij* ROCEEDINGS OF r PiTeITvVAL COURT i ST MARTIAL, in the case of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, to which is annexed an elaborate re ■ view, bv James F'enimore Cooper. Received by aug22 THOS. RICHARDS. rm 1 ’.£A NSAUTit)NS OF TIIE S r OC Jl ETV -£L of Scientific and Literary Chiffonniers, being essays on the primitive arts in domestic life. The Spoon, with upwards of one hundred illustrations, No. 2. Received by THUS. RICHARDS, ang 22 27 = II 15 51A RV O F SIIIJ :c I NOV E LS, Nos. A 38, 39, and 40.—N0. 38, the If Family, 1 by Fredrika Bremer, translated by Mary Hovvitt. No. 39, the Grandfather, a novel, by .Miss Ellen I Pickering. No. 40, Arrah Neil, or Tales of Old, a romance, byG. P. R. James, Esq. Received bv ang2o CHAS. E. (.RENVILLE & Co. ■WFAV HOOKS. —Tim Life of Geo. Brummell. I’ll Esq., commonly called Beau Brummell, by Capt. Jesse The Comic Blackstone, by Gilbert Abbott a Beck ett, with illustrations by Cruikshank. Received by aug 20 ('HAS. E. GRENVILLE & Co. BACON SHOE LDERS Thi subscriber od’.-rs for sale, 20 hhds. good Bacon Should | ers. suitable forplantation use, at tlie low price of 3 1 cents per lb. by the hhd. ISAAC MOISE. 1 aug 17 25 ISAH VNSAC i i O \S<aF 'UiTiI~S(K IEFY M OF LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC CIIIF rON.NIERS, being essays cn primitive arts in do j mestic life. The Spoon, with upwards of one hun ; dred illustrations. Received by aug2o CHAS. K. GRENVILLE <fc Co. WIS7OOLLEN GOODS.—The subscribers i % w have on hand a laree stock of W OOLLFN NUGHO CLOTHS of superior quality, plain and twilled , manufa'-tured j at Bf.llville Factory, Richmond County, j which they will sell on a credit until the Ist of Jan uary next. They will also pay the highest price in cash or exchange goods al cash prices for ail Wool, which i may be brought or sent to them. GEO. W. LAMAR & Co. aug 10 ts Agents of Factory. IMFOHTA M to PLANTERS.—N JE . GRO CLOTHS.—The subscribers have just , received a sample of the Woollen Segro Cloths man - : ufactured at Bellville Factory, Richmond < ounty, and from the superior quality of the material and manufacture they believe it is only necessary for i the planter to try it to give it a preference over any thing of the kind introduced into this market: they warrant it to be pure wool filling, and can challenge competition with any for warmth, strength, and durability of wear. GEO W. LAMAR Sc Co., Agents of Factory. [rj~ They have also left samples with the under- I named gentlemen, from whom the planter can ob tain it on the most liberal terms; Messrs. Thoma? j Dawson A Son. Bustin d: Walker. Dye A Dough ty. Clarke A Roberts, Adams A Hopkins, Stoxail s A Simmons, Porter Flemming A Co., D’Aniignac 1 A Evans, and J. Alexander. may 16 POWDERS FOR 3IAKINGWASHING TON MINERAL WATER—A pleasant sum | mcr drink, cures dyspepsia and head-ache, and j keeps the stomach and bowels in a healthy active ' state. Persons using it, need not fear attacks of Summer or Autumnal Fever lor sale by april 25 6m NELSON CARTER,. Ajent. v &IL.LS. VCKIvV • ‘ :’. ; '■• S VLE. I will b- s i!d. beibn- th*- court !■ m-edwr in J»rk • ,b->, T, on Fiv first Tuv day b» October next, <>:. - in nd red a fid tlvei|iy 4r« e-res of land, more • or Ki—levied on as the property of F; tclrick Weils, an:i bounded by lands of A!turd Roaili and Johri : u »:«.ds an 1 others’. :o satisfy one fi. fa. in favour of George Pollock. Also, thirty send of stock catt'e, and two head of horses—kvl.d i n a« ts. ■ pwnierty of Robert Wil* Lams, to satisf y%\ (•. L. in tavo* of John Boston, i sept 3 P \ NSO3I ROG-ERS, s. a. c. Gvardiur.'s Sale. On :ia first Tuesday m O tobc* next, vffll W sold, before i»:c e;. ;n boa** d:cr, in the village of Jtukt-'wi. men ciiinty, between the usual hours of sale, ‘ A tract of fetid, cunfainis* one hundred and for ty-nine U If ; acres. more or less, adjoining lands of W. W Stark. R. ’ tW. Lovett, and others. Sold os the proper:'/ of Ta mas Oliver, a minor, by or der of the t teriop Court, wh-ii siuir ;cs a Court of Ordinary, »f r ti;o benefit ol i ' . -aid minor. NOAH EL FXM AN, Guardian. TLTE.— -as In -inn will be opened upon an exten sive seale by ?'lrs. 11. L. MOISE, <m Tuesday, the 2:1 of Oct her. atthat airy and commodious resi dence formerly occupied by the late .Mademe. Prod’ lionime, Iludson-street, north of the Citadel, and | two doors west of Meeting-street, well known ai one of the most salubrious locations in the city. No j pains will be.spar<-d in procuring the must competent j and efficient, Assistants; and Professors will be em - ployed to lecture upon and iilusirate the Science*, as a complete Chemical and Philosophical Appara tus will be furni hed. Every branch comprising a complete Course cf English will bo taught. Also, French, Spanish. Italian, Vocal and Instru mental Music on the Harp, Piano and Guitar, Drawing, Painting and Dancing- Voting Ladies | will be received as boarder?, whose studies, moral* , and deportment will be under the immediate super intendence of Mrs. Moiae. A careful Directress will preside over the Dor mitories and Laundry,and every effort will be made to render this Institution equal to any in the United Slates. Those who nave completed their English scholas tic course, and desire to perfect themselves in Mu sic. or the Languages, will be received as Parlor Boarders, and have the benefit of the best Profes ] sore. TERM:? t PER QUARTER. For English, from $8 to §ls 00 ! French, Spanish and Italian, each 10 0O . Music on the Piano, 20 00 i “ “ “ Harp, “ “ “ Guitar, Drawing and Painting, ‘ Dancing, Boarding, including light* and fuel, 50 00 Pupils entered for the whole term, will bo rcceiv . ed ata less price than by the single quarter. Charleston, S. (’., Sept. Ist, 1844. REFERENCES. auousta. Hamburg. Gov. Geo. W. Crawford, Dr. J. W. Stokes, Hon. John. P. King. Dr. James 11. Griffin Hon. Andrew J. Miller, CHARLESTON. Hon. John IF. Wilde, F. H. Elmore, Esq. Col. IF.-n, Cumming, A. G. Rose, Esq. Robert F. Poe. Esq. Wm. De.nring , Esq. John Bones. Esq. Hugh Rose Banks, Esq. Rev. C. A. Dodd. 31 aug 31 .4 I GUST A FEMALE SEMINARY.— | -ifS. .Mrs. James Adam, successor to Mrs. H. L. .Moise, respocifulh informs her friends and the pub , lie, that she has taken that well known and com ■ modious residence No. 300 Broad-street, so long oc cupied by Mrs. Moise as a Seminary, where sHw will commence her duties on the first of October next, as Principal, aidi d by efficient teachers, —no ; effort will be spared to render tills institution equal to what it has been. Young ladies will be received as boarders in the family of Mrs. Adam, w hose education and morals will be under her immediate superintendanee. Every branch of English Literature will bo taught, also French, Italian and Spanish, Vocal j and Instrumental Music on the Piano and Guitar, ! Drawing and Painting. Terms made known on application at the Scrai- r nary. References:—Mrs. 11. 1, Moise. Rev. Edward | F. Ford, Hector of St. Paul's Church, Rev. C. S. Don. Pastor of the Presbyterian f hurch,and Isaac 11 ena v, F-s q . r. ::g 20 | "a SBLECTBC-BTOOLFOH BO VS.—The -cm subscriber proposes to open, in Augusta, on the first Monday in October next, an English and Classical School, in which will be taught all that may be necessary to fit boys for college, the ' counting-house, or the common business of life.— j The art of book-keeping will be taught to those j who may wish to become proficients in that essen tial branch of a commercial education. He in j tends that his instructions shall be appropriate, thorough, and accurate. To the younger boys, spe i cial attention will be given, as it is of the utmost importance to begin right. But the high end to which, as a teacher, he aims, is not merely to pro | mote the intellectual improvement of his pupils. He considers them as candidates for immortality; and to render that immortality happy, he will feel 1 bound to throw around them, all those moral and religious influences w hich may have a terwierrey to promote their eternal well-being, w Idle he is endea voring to guide their minds in the pursuit of know ledge calculated to render them useful and respec table members of the community. Parents, to whom the subscriber is not personally known, arc respectfully referred to the Rev. C. S, Dod. the Rev. G. F. Pierce, Robert A. Allen,esq.. Col. Gould, C. J. Jenkins, c?q., or A. J. Miller, esq. Persons disposed to patronize the School will please leave their names, previous to the Ist of Oc tober, with the Rev. .Mr. Dod. or with Mr. Benj. Hall, at the Post Office, specifying the number of pupils each wishes to enter. TERMS OK TUITION: For the Languages and Book-Keeping, sl2 pet i quarter, payable in advance. : Spelling, Reading and Mental Arilhmatic, §3 per ; quarter, payable in advance. All other English studies, $lO per quarter, payable in advance. 13. B. HOPKINS, aug 27 29 ' GEORG IA SIX PER CENT. BONDS, FOR BARK OF AUGUSTA STOCK. BANK OF AUGUSTA, ) August 28th, 1844. j) ON WEDNESDAY, the sixth day of Novem ber next, will be oIT-red by lids Bank, at auction, in exchange for shares in the Capital Slock of the Bank of Augusta, three hundred and two State of Georgia Six Per Cent. Bonds for one I thousand dollars each, the in'erest payable semi | annually on the first of March and September, and the principal on the fir-t of September, 1369. By order of the Board of Directors. aug 29 ths J AS. W. DAVIES. Cashier. I WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION i BUSINESS. PYE «fe DOUGHTY respectfully inform their customers and friends, that they continue the above business, in all its branches, at the Fire- Proof Ware-House, on Mclntosh-street, occu pied by them for the last three years, which is now in complete order for the reception of cotton. Their personal attention will be devoted, as her*- tofore, to the interest of their customers. Liberal advances will be made at all times oc | cotton in store. Augusta, August 2S, 1844. 3thß [aug 29 WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION B U S IN ESS, WITH INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE. TXHE undersigned have taken the well known' Ware-House on the east side of Jack son-street, near tb.p river, formerly occupied by Messrs. Clarke, MeTier <fc Co., opposite « Jarke & Roberts, wl-ere they propose carry tug on the above business. Their establishment will be fitted up, and ready for the stonge of cotton and other produce, by the Ist of September nest. From their experience in cotton transactions and facilities for the promotion of the interest of their customers, they hope to receive a share of patroa ! age. Their charges will conform to those already es tablished; and liberal advances will be made, when required, on produce in store, j Full Insurance effected against fire, without t charge to owners. jv 20 6m ISAAC T HEARD & Co. Cl .EOItG-IA CURED BACON 10,000 J" ib». Hams, Sides and Shoulder* Georgia cared Bacon, jtißt received and for sale fcv aug-20 &EG. xr tAM* P; 4- Co.