The Georgia constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1832-184?, November 25, 1846, Image 1

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■aww■— minwwiw ■■—mmmu ■mw I imhi— "Miirwu mmmimwmwmm'mnMTitmtommßmm&mi in mmm n i it. niyjrr-~~ -irnrnTWi i ■ m , m , K > -•• ' .' » * ' --- -«- wr». T r. J 11——i - "" '■■-•Tr- '* 1 . _' -' ■ , . - • . . . . BY JAMES GARDNER, JR. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1846. NEW SERIES—VOL. I.—NO. 47. *■» --SJ^iPUi r ■ umo ■■ w ■i ■ »w <!■■■■ '■ i iwi> ■ ■ -n»-r ——- ■ - - - - - - ----■■ - - ■■■■--- - - - - ■ - THE CONSTITUTIONALIST, i office in Mclntosh street, Mn Third dour from the Portli-West corner oj Broau-at. j Sale's of LAND by Aiiiiiiiii.-trators, Executors nr Guar- j ilians, are required, bv law, to be held in the first I I Tuesday in the man h between the hours o' ten iu the i forenoon and three in the afternoon, at tiie I ourt , House in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must be given in a public Gazette sixty pays previous to the day of sale. Sales of NEGROES must beat public auction, on the first Tuesday of tiie month, between the usual hours of sale at he place of public sales in the county where th 1 Letters Testamentary, or Administration, or Guar- [ alianship, may have been granted, first giving sixty i pays’notice thereof, in one of the public Gazettes of tins State, and at the door of the Court House where ; such sales are to be held. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must lie given 1 in like manner forty days previous to day of sale. .Notice to the Debt rs a».d Creditors of an Estate must be published for forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell LAND, must be published f»r FOUR MON HS. Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must be published \ iAcr months, before any order absolute can be given 1 by the Court. Charleston Advertisements. NOTICE TO COUNTRY 31E It CHANTS. IT OOK to your interest and advise your agents, 1 BLi that all GOODS coming coastwise, to be | transported on the Charleston Kail Road, if landed | at Smith’s wharf,will he conveyed to the Rail Road 1 Depot, Mary-atreei,) at one half the price now i charged, viz: Drayage at 181 per load, now 371 els. Wharfage one half the rate. Storage, if required do. All articles to be shipped will be charged at the same rule, sept 3d w 4 43 i FO R N E W V O UK. . 'l’he splendid new Steam Ship £ Capt. Berry, •rmrif ‘ie«t4fc» ex p e( . tH( j , G ar ,ive on Tuesday next, will leave for New \ ork on Saturday. I lie JUth insl. j This ship has been built with great care, and in tlie j most substantial manner, and in all respects calcu lated for the trade in which she is engaged. Site is 1000 tons burthen, and lilted up for the conveni ence and comfort of passengers. For Freigiit or Passage, apply to the ( np’ain on board, at Adger's wharf, or to HENRY AIJSSROON, Cr. East Bay and Boyce A. Go’s. v\ barf. The present arrangement is as follows, viz: Leave Charleston. I Leave New-\ ork. Saturday, September 19 { Saturday, September 12 “ October 3 j ** 20 “ 17 ( “ October 10 And so on, leaving each port on every alternate ! Suturda y. Positively no Freight received after 2 o'- clock, on the days of sailing; and Ihe goods landed : immediately after arrival, at the risk of consignees. 1 Charleston, September 11. [36 J2t sll TO country merchants. 7FTIIE subscriber begs leave to call llte attention H. of Country Merchants. Planters. Ac., to his very extensive stock of SI'A PEE AND /*Ai\ Cl DRY GOODS, which lie otiers at New \ ork ! prices, for cash or approved notes. His stock of ■ DOMESTICS are direct from the Factories, and i Dress Goods just received per last arrivals Irom Europe, consisting in finrt ut the following: 3,4, 5, 6 and 12-4 Brown Shirting and cheering 3, 4. 5,6, JO and 12 I Bleached do. do. Prints of every descrip tun Cashmeres, Casfiiner Des E Casse Mouse De I .nines. Chally’s Printed Bareges and Balzarines. ALSO, Black, Brown. Blue and Green Broad Cloths Black Doe Skins and Cassimeres Silk. Satin, Cashmere and Valentia Vestings Cravats, Scarfs. Stocks and Collars, And every article to be found in the Dry Goods 1 line. E. W. BANCROFT, 253 King-street, Charleston, 8. C. sept 7 33 HOTEL,|p!£ MIS. CHARLESTON, S. C. CORKER OF KING AND FRINCESS-STS. | J. P. Chase. ? Proprietors. J. B. Atwood, > * This splendid, elevated and commodious Estab- ; lisbment combines advantages equal, if not super!- j or. to any Hotel in the city, particularly on account of its central location and airy construction. Board, per day, $| 90 Do. per week, 6 00 feb 23 ly 103 I CONSTITUTIONALIST I JOli OFFICE, i WPINTCBH C7 7.53 7, £.*St-QVS’£&.i Having recently put our Jon Office in complete order, and made extensive additions to our former assortment of FANCY TYPE, we are. now pre pared to execute with neatness, and at short notice, ALL. KINDS OF PLAIN, FANCY, ANO ORNAMENTAL fiamfii©, SUCH AS HANDBILLS, VISITING CARDS, LABELS, COTTON RECEIPTS, CARDS, BLANKS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, NOTES, BILL HEADS. Ac. {£rAll orders from the Country will meet with prompt attention. Augusta, June 21, 1845. paper” books and fancy STATIONARY. DUNHAM A BLAKELY, Paper Manufac turers, are now receiving from New \ ork and Boston a very large addition to their former Ftock of Books and Stationary, toge’her with a general supply of Combs. Buttons. Pins, Needles, Spool-Thread, Razors. Scissors, Thimbles, Pen- Knives. Gold and Silver Pencils. Gold Pens, Card- Cases, Souvenirs. Tablets, Pink Saucers, Ac. A1 so—A large assortment of Pocket Books, kill, ralfand morocco; Banker Cases; Writing Desks; Port Folios; Bill Files; Bill Heads; Post Office Deliver*; Ink Stands, something new; together with a complete assortment of French and English Toys. Fire-Crackers, and a large variety of oilier articles usually kept in Book Stores. Our Goods are all new and well selected to suit both the country and city trade. Our prices are nlso reduced in proportion to other goods now of fered for sale. Coun’ry and city merchants are in vited to call and purchase cheap goods. Next door to Messrs J AS. Bones A Co.'s Hardware Store. ,V P *s' D g brushes, brushes. AIOT of Berrien’s superior BRUSHES, just received, consisting in part of Painter’s Ground, from 1 SashT 00l Brush es,alDizes. Painter’s Dusters. Fitches. Sables.real, with end without handles. Hand Dusters, Sweep jng Scrubbing, Whitewash, Crumb, V armsh, and Hair Brushes,'with a variety of other*. Also a few superior Combs, English Horn Fmlet, "[ I Yr gefi,,et0 ° thr T h E: MARSHALL 1 ■■ MISCELLANEOUS. L I ST O F LETT EliS REMAINING in the Post Office at Augusta, Ga., on the Ist day of November, 1816. SCT’ Persons wishing letters from this list, will i pleasesaytheyareadvertised . I T A Adam J \V Attaway Jane Adams John E Adris Peggy Allen Richard Antony L L 2 Armstrong Susan M, Armstrong T H care Thus. Armstrong “ U ■ Barham Henry W 2 Bryson Jno C Beard Monernia Blown Joseph i Beall mrs C Bradford Dr R Beggs Stewart Binny Jones, care of J Barker < ’yntha Branum Beall Martha Brownston Thos C S j Baker Wm Broom James ; Bettues Amos A Brown B i Barron W VV Bruner U W I Barrenton Juo M Brown L Bartlett Brow n Thomas Barman H Bryan mr J C O Bateman Anthony Bush miss S E Barton mrs Mary M Burge VV O Boyle Louisa Bush Franees J Boyle Juo Burnsides James W Bowen Geo B Burley Boutet D 8 Burnett James B Bliss 1) McArthur Parker Juo, care of G Burke Sir Roduev B Bowers C Carr Robert Cotton Frederick R l ade Jno Connor mrs Margaret Carter Dr. Jno Carre. VV m R Campfield miss Margaret Collins Martha Caldwell J C Clark miss Ann Cherry K D Clark Jno Cooke ET Cook Bherod Clark miss Ann M Crowds mrs E Clarke VV II Crawford Barah I> Davis Samuel A Debhrough Davis Benjamin Downy Patrick Denk VV B VV Downes Davis T E Ellington Wiley T Eades B Dor Anthony England A Bateman Eaton Clem F Far Caroline Frazer VVm Feels Ann Freilel Jno Ferrell Charles Fiazer miss Melvina C Frazer miss Caroline care of 11. R. Frazer Frazer miss Mary A Frazer Geo G Bryan mrs Mary,careof Graham Wm II Frances Gardner Gowms mrs Elizxbeth Gibbs A Goodyear Chas 2 Garnett Wm Green Burrell GalphinJno (would miss Maria Ga higher Thomas Grubbs Wm H Glendeiting & Payne Greenwood Unity, care Guedronmrs Ellen of R J Greenwood Graves Jno VV H Hack Daniel Henry B Harris Robert Hora Alfred Hanan Win Houston J L 2 ll.ittier Elizabeth HolmtsJose ph Han -y Augustus Housley VV m iiamat Jno Howard Rebecca Harris mrs Lucy E Holmes Charlotte ilackett miss E 2 Hodges Elihu H.ttnon Rebecca Ann Hungerford Geo S Higbl (3 Hubbard J J 11 idle Christopher Hubbard Herman 2 Hicks Brutus I & J Jacobs Mathias Jordan Henry Jones Elizabeth 3 Johnson tars Lucy Jackson J E Ingrain Jones CharlesF Jennings Thomas J K r Kelly miss Mary Ann King Benjamin i KmgJ Katie r A j Knight Wm VV Knight Geo VV Kelly mrs Jane i L | LeeJP Lewis John I Lawrence Charles LivermanWmJ I Lark VVm mrs i Lang Baml R Lewis A VV i Lawrence David Lassiter Geo Bryan mrs Mary,care L\ man i’eter of VVm Lark Little Wm M McGoulrick VV 2 McGuire Jno ; Mclntosh Edward Malone misses j Me lain mrs E Mellon Jno I Bryan mrs Mary, care MiilerJno i of Peter McClain Meyer Jno M i Mclntosh Henrietta Mitchell Thomas II 2 i Mayson rnrsS.trih Midler John A. I Manaltan Hesther Musgrove Ji I Matthews LC Morrello A 2 l Martin HenriettaS MooreJeflery i Malone mrs Ann DickeyMomlonville Mary j Meghan,'i’he VV’idow Moon mrs Amelia N i Norman Jno Benjamin Nelson J. ; Nagle James Northall A M I Nellies Mary ° i Oakman miss Ann Oakman miss J ! O K II VVm Oden II P A Q Peay Martha C Parker mrs Mary | Pannal Caroline M care Piper Solomon of E Pannal Peurifoy J D. Rev 2 I Page W T J-’olliill Joseph Rev i Gilbert Wm, care of Primrose Patrick II James Pace Page VV R R ; Reed Alexander 2 Rivers Reuben J i Red Green 2 Roberson Jno ; Reid Joseph H Reidsall Edmond ; Kicketson Emeline Russiuoulds Catharine Richmond II A Rustton VVm Richardson F Rogers \V ra. 8 Schley Wm Smith Robert A Segler Wm Smith Daniel j Sams Columbus Smith Dr II J 2 ; Sanders M D Smith Win F I Sawyer Parker Strong mirs A C I Shacleford Geo Spence David j tShugarJno Swann TltotnasT Sheud Joel Strong VVm 2 Sherman Stell S Sumner Alexander Shackleford James T Thomas Joseph Thomas miss E II Taylor Wiley Timmerman VV A Taylor Alexander Trinholm G A Thompson Sam 2 Tobin Mary A, care of Thompson John Thomas Tobin Tant David R Trowbridge Jno Taylor Calvin G ! u Unibank mr F VV Walker miss Mary E Wigfall Louis T 2 Wad kins Thomas Wi>b VVm M i Wells Doct Wilson Martha, care ol Walker <fc Bradford James B Wilson Watson E S Wilkinson A M or R A 2 Walker M Wilson mrs Mary WacoserGeoW William Jane Westbrook David Williams Jno Williams Mary, care of Willey Geo L Richard W illiams Woolly L Y Young Cuyler VV Novi E. B. GLASCOCK. P. M. TRUSSES! TRUSSES! ; B-. 11. 1). W. B. HARD S Patent Spring j Pad Truss, suitable for all cases of Umbili cal. Inguinal and Scrotal Hernia. We believe j that these Trusses will take the lead of all other I Trusses. Physicians and others will please call | and examine them. Arrangements have been made with Dr. Hard 1 for keeping on hand a constant supply. J. E. MARSHALL. , ' Successor to Thomas I. Wray, First door below Mechanics* Bank | august 24 27 imiiiii I I ■ ■ . a< mi MISCELLANEOUS. STILL CHEAPER ! O,V IV' ASH /N G T ON-STREET, Three Dours South oj Thomas Duels' Store. ! IfA AI ■TO I RfE ', 1 R II jDK R> A \!> R\! L 1 :0 AD C 'OM Pt\!E J . AND TO ALT. WHOM IT MA V' CONCERN. I Tiie subscriber takestbis matliod ol iiiformiug bis friends and custom rs, and tiie public "e lerally, that lie lias been induced to lov,er : is prices (or work on account of the dullness of business, a d with the hopes of doing m ire bus s ness. He will work at ih • following rat 's : Tin Rooting put on at $9 pe.r 100 square ft. or 125 c. per s pi ire when the materials are furnished. Lanre (Jotters, formerly 31 c. per ft. reduced to 17c. i Large Conductor Pipes 25c. “ “ 15c. Small Gutters, 20c. “ “ 12'c. J Small Conductor Pipes - (, c. “ “ 12ic. | Gutter Hooks, 16:;. “ *• 9r. | Oil Cans, all 2<Jc. per gal. “ Ihc. Bathing Tubs, sl3 (H) apices, “ $8 00 He will go to i\ny pai t of the country to put up Gutters , and Roofiiur and no extra charges will be made for it, if conveyance in 1 board are furnished. | Any reference or security will be given fir the perform ance of any work or contracts made by him,and thebest I materials will b used that tiie m irket can afford. I Having one of the • e-t workmen in his employ, lie i flatters himself that lie will please any who may give ; him a cal! both in price and q taiiiv. j Sept. 48 K. F. BOCYFR. PERIFOCAL SPECTACLES. | NEITHER THE FRENCH MENISCUS. NOR VVOL LASTON’S ENGLISH TERISCOPIC. TO all who experience inconvenience in the use ! of the common kind of Glasses, and es|>eci- i ally in night reading, these Spectacles will he found a most valuable substitute; in no ease, except where the optic tier* e has been pronounced diseased, have i they failed, when properly fitted, to give satisfac- i tion. No better proof of their superior merit can be given to each individual who may need Glasses than the satisfaction he will experience iit the use j of them. These Glasses can be obtained in this place only ! of CLARK, RACKETT & CO., j Agents for tiie Manufacturers, who have now on hand a good supply in gold and j silver frames. Perifocal Glasses lilted to any frame, J for any vision. Spectacles in gold, silver and steel, forsale very i low hy ('LARK, RACKET !’ CO., Dealers in Watches,Jewelry, Silver Ware, &c. may 8 137 PKASKS CANDY. A CASE of the real*’Clarified Essence*’has just j been received fresh from the manufactory, and is fur sale by the Agent. J. E. MARSHALL, First door below the Mechanics’ Bank, standard article far coughs, colds. Arc. is so well established that it would be folly to say anything regarding its merits, the agent has hun dreds of testimonials, which can be seen upon ap plication. It is certainly the must pleasant and safe remedy ever discovered. May 20 142 ~CilAMl'00! ! For Cleansing and Beautifying /he Hair. , BEING entirely free from any of the prepara tions of Alcohol or Ammonia, this article po-sesses the most decided advantage over any i similar compound ever yet discovered. While it cleanses the Hair and Scalp Irom all the impuri ties, peculiar to them, it imparts the most beautiful lustre and healthy appearance, also darkening the hair, it deprives it of the dead caste so common in the summer season. Try it, and it will recommend j itself. Fur sale hy \S M. 11. TU I T. July 29 Ifi 1 NEW GOODS! AND CHEAP FOR WINTER WEAK. THE BEST FRENCH AND ENG L I S II ( LOTUS, of Black. Blue, and fashionable ; fancy colors, with a splendid assortment, of I'assi : meres and Vestings, and a J all and general assorl i ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, J Shirts, under Shirts, Drawers, Hosiery, Cravats, j Scarfs, Suspenders, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Umhrel- I las, and all the. articles necessary for Gentlemen’s use, which we have purchased in New Vork.with -1 in a few days, and which we believe will givextH ! isfadion to such as are disposed to try them, and ; as one of the firm is in New Y< rk ready at all j limes to serve the public, wt can be supplied v ilb i more of the same sort, at short notice. WM. O. PRICK & CO. Oct. I , 258 Broad-street. V A RNI SUES JUST received, a eupp’y of Varnishes—war ranted of the very best quality; consisting of Coach i Brown Japan | Furniture VARNISH. Leather Polishing J For sale low by WM. 11. TUTT, Ist corner above Eagle & Phoenix Hotel ! raav 22 143 S msi cis "w » rfAHE s has removed to the opposite j J*. side of Broad-street, directly in front of Met -1 calf’s range of new buildings, w here he is opening j additional supplies of Genuine Family Medicines, ! Paints. Oils, Perfumery, dfc., tyc., to vviiich he in ; viles the artention of tiie public. sept 30 WILLIAM IT. TUTT. HOTCHKISS’ CODIFICATION. A CODIFICATION OF THE LAWS of the blate of Georgia, forsale hv CHAS. E. GRENVILLE, april 13 Only a (rent for Augusta. | GARDEN AND FIELD SEED. i 4 FULL assortment of blue Grass, Orchard Grass, 1 A Grass, red and white Clover Also, I an extensive assortment of Fresh Garden Seed, always I on hand, suited to the season. WM. II ONES. | Oct 11 1 JOHW D. SMITH, GUN AND LOCK SMITH. j (Mclntosh-street, opposite the Post Office, AugustaJ i HAVE YOUR GUNS EXAMINED. rgHIE Subscriber takes the responsibility of re j -■ minding those who have a taste for the j pleasures of hunting, that the season for it will j soon commence. They are therefore advised, and I particularly requested, to present their GUNS at his Shop, opposite the Post Office, for inspection t and repairs, as no one can acquire a reputation, or I become an accomplished Artist in Shooting, who i uses an unworthy piece. It is now generally con ceded, judging from past patronage, for which he is truly grateful, that after a Gun has passed out of his hands, it is fit to do good service; hut should it not prove satisfactory, he is confident that a gener ous and discriminating public will certainly not blame the Gun, hut the owner or his dog. sep 14 36 JOHN D. SMITH. LAMPS! LAMPS!! A FEW beautiful patterns of Dyott’s improved patent LARD LAMPS, both stand and sus pending, which will be sold exceedingly low. Also, Shades, Chimneys and Wicks—Fancy Paper Shades with wire frames. Call and see, at the ! New Drug Store in Metcalf’s Range. J E. MARSHALL. , Ort 25 2 19 Ct >TTON PRESS,GINS, &c. BILLO Cll’S PRO3fI£SSiVE POWES COTTON E" fil. ai: Sai » riJiniS Mac hine is now offered to the public as -E3 the riio<f durable, tlie most convenient, the I most power/uL (and aii things considered.) thi i cheapest and best Colton racking Press in the World. This Press has now been in use four years—sev eral hundreds of them are in successful operation. In one that lias been in use about two years, there has been / tacked . over five thousand Hales ot Cotton ! and it works better (if possible) now. than when first pul up. Not one dollar litas been ex pended on it in repairs—nor ever will be, il well used. Ail those persons who have lined them, have de | cided to keep them their life tune, and then hand ' them down to their children to the third and fourth generations. Not an individual that has seen them in use but what pronounces them "Just the thing.” 1 challenge the world to disprove these state ments, Mow, can as much be said of any other Machine ever made? And yet Igo still further; , when required, 1 will put up the Press on the plan tation. and if it does not answer the purpose, will make no .-barge. And again—being well aware that the planters have hut little confidence in new things, from the fact that nine out often are * Yankee tricks,” in tended to deceive, I have been to the trouble and expense to lit up an establishment in Macon, with several Presses, for re-packing Round Rales into Square, :md to show to the planters that the Press is 1 just the thing they want. These Presses are now, | i and will he kept in daily use, and open to inspec- | : lion. Ndvv, therefore, to induce the planter to j | make an examination, I give below a certificate, j signed by a Jew of the many who have very kindly j : offered me their names, since J started my Presses i in Macmf. To prevent bad work, and all sort of meddling : or tampering with the Machines, 1 have them all made under ray own direction, and sold at one.price. All those wishing to give them a trial, will please give their names to my Agents who call upon them, ; | or send them to the Commission House, where | I they wish to go for the Machine, in order that the \ Agent may be prepared for them, otherwise they ; may be delayed in getting a Machine when ills | wanted. For Sale at the following places: Hardemax As 1 la.mijlto.n, t ~ r . Robert Findlay. Macon. Ga. N. K. Rutleii Co., Augusta, Ga. Greenwood «fe C 0.).. , . r - J. J. SUTTON, { ( Olumhus, Ga. Noble 11. JJardee. Savannah, Geo. S. W. BULLOCK, Patentee, Mo. 27 Peck Sdtp, Mew York. j __ _ CERTIFICATE. W e. the undersigned, do hereby certify that we have seen 8. W. RU CLOCK’B Progressive I Power Presses in use in the City of Macon, ami j believe th in to he all they are recommended, and can say of them what can be said of but few things \ now-a-days—these are" no humbug.” We cheerful- j ! ly recommend them to the notice of the planters, j } and hope by their universal adoption, to see m> ; more round bales of Colton. Bigned 1 Bcott. Carhart &. Co. Watts & Moulton, Hardeman Hamilton, John M. Field, Rea & Cotton, i). <Y. W. Gunn, Russell A- Kimberly, Wheeler A llarrold, Joseph V Beymour, H. A J. Cowles, I J. A. White, John Jones, ; Cowles. Micoll A Co, J. T. Woollen, A. B. Hartwell, Tims. B. Gorman, Graves, Wood & Co. Robert Findlay, 1 Clias. Campbell & Co. E. &R. R. Graves. Macon, May, JBI6. jane 17 6m 151 | COTTON GIN FACTORY. ! ramE subscriber will remove on the firstOcloher ' to his 8 II O F on Green-street, two doors above the Baptist Church, where Planters can he supplied with Colton Gins, Thrashing Machines i Corn Crushers, tyc., of his make, which w ill he warranted to perform well. Do not mistake the i place. Re sure to look at the sign before you en- j ter the shop. JAMLB T. WADE. Augusta, Bept. 25, 1816. ]y GRIfiW OL D’S | IMPROVED COTTON GINS. f H9IIE suhscrilter will continue the manufacture i -Ml of these GENS at his old establishment, in ! Clinton, Jones county, Georgia. ile can offer no better recommendation in favor ; of his Gins than the fact of having supplied more | than twelve hundred planters with them during the last two years —while no other factory has proha ; bly sold in the Btate as many as one hundred du -1 rin£r the same time. Mo expense w ill he spared to sustain their high reputation, and render them still more perfect, il possible. They w ill be usual, to per form well, and delivered at the purchaser’s rest deuce. Engagements can lie made with his trav elling Agents, or by letter directed to him. SAMUEL GRISWOLD. | march 27 130 DR. JOEL RRxXUAM’S j LIVER AND DYSPEPTIC MEDICINE. IN offering this valuable medicine to the people of Georgia, for the relief and cure of many dis ; eases incident to a southern climate, 1 do not claim for it infaiihility; neither do 1 say it will cure all disease. Rut in Chronic Liver Affections and Dys pepsia, I can confidently advise and recommend its i use, from my personal observation and Itse of the ! article in my own practice. Thisarticle is favora bly received wherever it has been used. lam al lowed to refer to Mr. George Heard of Troup, Mr. John Warren of Uolurabits,Mr. McKaffee of Cobb, Mr. As bury Hull of Athens, Mr. William D. Ter } re 11 of Putnam,’Rev. John E. Dawson of Lagrange; | to w hich a great mini bet of names might be added, who bear their testimony to its value. Dr. Henry Branham has used this medicine in his own case, and has prescribed it to many others, gives it as his } opinion, that il is one of the safest ami most valua i hie medicines that can he used in imperfect diges j lion, liver complaints, constipation and irregular 1 state of the bowels. It is useful in bilious com plaints, to persons recovering from bilious fevers, and in sick or nervous head-ache. To pregnant women, who are subject to costiveness, this medi ■ cine is well suited. In regulating the stale of the stomach and bowels, and promoting digestion, il is • particularly useful. 1 could append a long list of certificates, but for- I bear, prefering to rely on the virtues of the medi ! cine to sustain itself. The medicine is a gentle ' and certain cathartic, tonic and sudorific. JOEL BRANHAM, Ealonton.Ga. Price SI —For sale by march 11 A. G. WILLIS. TAKE NOTICE. THE Subscriber is prepared to attend to any ( call at the shortest notice for MASON WOR K, at the Grave Yard, or elsewhere. | Hat ing hands in his employment long accustomed to tie Business, persons entrusting their work to i hire, may rest assured of having it done in the most ■ substantial and workmanlike manner. | lirick in any quantity for sale. gT Residence, the last house at the upper end of Gnen-street. S. L. BASBFORD. jme 24 w3m 2 FRESH AND PURE MAY he had at the Drug Establishment of the undersigned. He is daily receiving fr< m th* North, supplies suitable to the season. Dr. Tlomas I. Wray still continues to supervise the execution of orders and prescriptions. All articles I warranted of the purest and best quality. I i’lguii2i J. E. MARSHALL. PATENT MEDICINES. • now awTdllt culpable, TO NEGLECT USING THE GENUINE DR. TAVLOR’B BALSAM OF LIVERWORT. 375 Kowerv, N. V. 'MLfITUST those be who have Pulmonary Consumption, JITJL or any affection of the Lungs Liver or Chest, 1 after reading ihe following letter, just received from a ; m fct respectable inhabitant oT Westchester County ; New York. TarrvtoU’N, Aug. 9, 1844. D:-ar Doctor—lt is difficult to find words to express the gratitude which I feel towards you for the interest you havetak nto relieve me in my distrc's. In the year 1812 1 contracted a heavy cold, which finally settled on my lungs; in a lew months oiler 1 commenced coughing and laising offensive matter, which smelt very bad. I Having heard that Sherman's Lozenges were good for a cough i tried a few boxes of them, but they had not the least effect on me. I then called in ihe best physician in the placr, whoa tended me a few months, but without sac i cess ; I then saw an advertisement in one of the city pqiersof Wislar’s Balsam of Wdu Cherry, of which I : pur based three bottles, at tlrecorner of Faiton and Nas sau streets, but I could not perceive t e least beneficial effect from it, on the contrary 1 think it was a great in jury7 to me. Shortly after using it 1 com noticed raising blood in large quantities; 1 Was taken down sick and confined to the house Idr three mouths, during which time I lost my appetiie and f II away very fast; 1 was then induced to consult Dr. Curtisof New York, (one of the best physicians i;i the city,) but he could do me no good. 1 again become worse, ai d was confined to the bouse all last winter and spring, and I gave up all hope of ever getting any better, as 1 again raised blood and my cough was very severe logeilier with a pain in my brea.-t and under the shoulder blade. M v friends now gave up all hope of my recovering, and thought every day was the last. About this time I heard of your BALSAM OF I.IVEK'AURT being good fur consumption, hut I was like many others, and was fearful that it might be a regu- : j lar humbug; I however finally consent' d to try it, as I 1 1 thought il could make me no worse. My brother th n j I purchased a bottle of il at 375 Bowery, N. V. and I com- | i me need taking it and by the time 1 had used one bottle | ; full I could sleep all night, and in the morning Iliad an I i appetite for my breakfast. I still keep on taking it and | find great benefit from it—the pain in my breast is entire ly gone, and I raise no more blood. W ithin the last two months 1 have gamed in weight six pounds and much in i streng h. 1 would therefore advise ail who have any affec, ion of the Lungs or Liver to try the Genuine Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwors, for 1 truly believe it to : bethe best remedy in existence for diseases of the Lungs | or Liver. Should any one doubt the above statement re- i ; lativeto your valuable medicine, let i.m call on me, and 1 j 1 will convince them of its virtue. Yours respectfully, G DE REVERE. Beware of counterfeits, the only genuine has an engra ved label (over th • outside wrapper of each bottle) with the signature of Dr. GURDO.V J. LEE 'S attached. The genuine article for sale by WM. HAINES. Oct 1 ‘ 1 PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES. Family medicines, choice perfumery ! and FANCY ARTICLES. The subscriber respectfully invites the attention of j : Physicians, Merchants and Planter*, who may be visiting , ; tins city, to his stock of Medicines. Great care having been exercised in their selection, he is confident that Ihe quality of each article is such as cannot fail to afford en lire satisfaction. Th" assortment of Perf tmery. Fancy Articles, Brushes and Combs, are the finest varieties of French and Ameri can manufacture. He recommend - the Gentlemen lo confidence, in their j estimable qualifies, the Shaving Compounds of Fiver, | Guerlain, Roussel, Glenn and others, which relieve the operation of shaving from many of its disagreeable at ; tendonts. Also, to the Ladies a splendid assortment of highly i I perfumed Toilet Soaps—the Homan Kaiydor and Milk I of Roses, botbdeliglitful preparations for the complexion, ; I together with a great variety of hair Oils, hair Dy-esand • other Perfumery. Sands’, Carpi ntar’s and Bull’s Sarsaparilla, Jaynes’ Expectorant,*Carminative and Hair Tonic. Evans’ Sooth- ; ing Syrup for children teething, Powell’s Balsam of An nisee'd, an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. J bids Rheumatic Liniment, and all the other popular Medi cines of the day. Orders from the country respectfully solicited. A liberal discount made for rush. W.M. HAINES, Jr., No. 32 Broad-st., Augusta. Sept. 28 1 | I SWAYNS^sI\mi r OF WILD CHERRY, A FRESH 81 PPLY of this truly valuable me- JJsL dieme, for -he disease of the lungs, and all pulmonary affections, just received by the agent, 1 July 1 J. E MARSHALL. j ~ rrUShes. 579 VERY variety of Hair, Tooth, Hat, Scrubbing, } Yl Scouring, Sweeping, Dusting and Shoe Brushes, aiwavs kepi on hand and for sale cheap, bv VV VI. HAINES. ; Oct I 1 BAILEY’S' IITGHLY CONCEN TRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRA* T OF SARSAPARILLA. THIS preparation of Sarsaparrilla, is in most cases, found to be preferable to the Syrups, on account of wot creating acidity of the Stomach, win h the sac charine matter contained m the Syrup, is apt to do, where i»s use lias been long continued. The Fluid Ex tract effectually obviates this difficulty; and may be used for any length of time, w ilh increased benefit. A supply of Bxilnt’* Sarsaparilla, just received and for sale by WM. 11 > INKS, Agent for Augusta. •JJ" Price onl v 75 ets. per bottle. Oct I ' 1 COOK’S UILLSi COOK'S celebrated Southern Anti-Bilious FILLS. Sold wholesale and retail bv HaVILAND. RISLEY & CO. j Oct J 1 LtUUGIi’AL AND DIiNTAL INNi KU *79 MENTS, DENTISTS FOIL, TEETH, Ac. A large assortment for sale liv ed 3 H A VH,AND, TUSI,F.Y & CO. MAGIC’ TOOTH - ACHE MIXTURE. W«TARRANTEI) TO AFFORD IMMEDI- V f ATE RELI EF TO TOOTH-ACHE; j ami superior to any similar article known. Pre | hy an experienced Dentist, from a receipt j furnished by one of the ablest Dentists in the Uni i ted Stales. Price 25 cents. For sale bv D’ANTIGNAC & BARRY, HAVILAND. RISLEV & CO., WM. K. KITCHEN. THOMAS BARRETT A CO., J. E. MARSHALL, WM. H. TUTT, And at the Drug Stores in Hamburg, S. C. Agents are requested to refund the money in any case where this preparation fails to give satis faction. sept 21 PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS. & c . ITA VILAND. RISLE Y $ CO.. DRUGGISTS. HAVE on hand, and are receiving, constant supplies of ‘pure,’ ‘extra,’ ‘No. 1’ and No. 2’ White Lead, in kegs from 25 to 300 pounds, of warranted quality; i Faint oil; tanne- ’s oil; lamp oil; spirits turpentine, var- I nishes, of allkinds ; chrome yellow ; chrome green, dry and in oil; imperial green, in oil; verdigris,dry and in oil; emerald green; Prussian blue; ultra-marine blue; v nnillion ; Venetian red; red lend ; pink ; Spanish brown, dry and in oil . yellow ochre; litharge; ter de-si enna; umber; lampblack ; drop black; black lead ; ivory black; whiting; chalk; putty; gold leaf; glue; sand paper; pumice stone. rotten stone; emery; painter’s and tanner’s brushes of all kinds; window, coach and picture glass, of ail sizes; paint mills and paint stones; together with every article usually found in drug stores, of the best quality, and at very low prices, at wholesale and retail. UZri’nrchasers will do wcllto calk Orders promptly attended to- Oct I LUBIN’S CELEBR ATED H ANDKER CHIEF EXTRACTS. Hauel*s, Roussel’s and others, ccle i iTM hrated Toilet and Shaving Soaps. Pomatum, Co i Jogne water, Lavender water, Eau l.ustral, Ac., with a general assortment of fine Toilet and Fancy- Articles. For sale hy HAVILAND. RISLEV - He CO. Oct 11 j " WORMS! WORMS!! ; COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF PINK ROOT. ' A PLEASANT, safe and effectual remedv for the destruction and expulsion of Worms, from lb* system. Sold w holesale and retail hy IIAVILANP RISLF.Y & GO. OcJ 1 i i PATENT MEDICINES. DR. CHRISTIE'S ’ GALVANIC RINGS AND MAGNETIC FLUID. fOAHIS remarkable invention, which lias received U>« 3 almost universal approbation «l‘ the medical pro fession of Great Britain, comprises an entirely ue« *p- I plication of Galvanism, as a remedial by wean* of | which the ordinary Galvanic B* tcnes, Electric and Mi|- | nelic Machines.&c., are emirely dispensed with, and th* : mysterious powers of Galvanism applied without any ! of the objections which are insuperable from she g *«*- I ral mode now in use. The strong doses, and at irregu j lar intervals, in which Galvanism is applied by the Ma chines. has been pronounced, as era fair and impartial trial, to be decidedlv injurious, a«d it was to remedy this radical defect, that this new application was pro jected, which after unceasing toil and perseverance, hae been brought to its present state of perfection. Th* Galvanic Rings answer all the purposes of the nton* expensive Machines, and in Many either respects am more safe and certain iu accomplishing the desired effect. The Galvanic Rings, used in csvmesctkm with the Magnetic Fluid; » e confidently recommended in all D SORDERS WHICH ARISE FROM AN V.NFEEBLF.D OR UN HEVTIIV STATE OF THE NERVOUS OR VITAL SYSTEM,and these complaints are among the moot painful and uni versal to which we are subject. They arise, without ex ception, from one simple cause—a derangement of the Nervous system—and it was in these cases that other “ remedies” having so often failed, a new agent waa greatly needed, which k is confidently believed, ha* been found in the proper and judicious application of Galvanism. The Galvanic Rings have been used with entire suc cess in all cases of Rheumatism, acute or chronic, ap plying to the head, face or limbs; Govt, Tic-Doi.oreu* . Toothache. Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous or Sick Headache, Indigestion, Paralyses. Palsy, Epilepsy, Fits, Cramp, Palpitation of the Heart, Appoplkxy, | Stiffness f Joints. IStinal Complaints, Kumbaco, I Neuralgia. Nervous Tremors. of the Head, Fains in the Chest and Side. General Debili ty, Deficiency ot Nervous and Physical Energy, and all Nervous Disorders. In cases of confirmed Dyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement of the digestive organs, they have boen found equally suc cessful. Their extraordinary effects upon the system i must be witnessed lobe "believed, and as a certain pre ventive for the preceding complaints they arc equal ly recommended. The Kings are of different prices, being made of all sizes,and of various ornamental pat terns,and can be worn by the moot delicate female without 1 the slightest -inconvenience. In fact the sensation u I rather agreeable than otherwise. The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bands, barters, Necklaces, Ac. In some cases of a very severe character and of long standing, the power as applied hy r the Galvanic King* is not sufficient to arrestthe progress of disease and ulti mately to restore health. The improved modification ia the Galvan c Belts, Bracelets, &c-, entirely rein*- I <!ies thisohjection ; any degree of powerthat is required ! can readily be obtained, and no complaint which the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect will fail to b« permanently reliev ed. These articles are adapted to the waist, arms, w risls, limbs, ancles or any part-of ilte body w ith perfect convenience. The Galvanic Necklaces i are used with greater benefit in cases of Bronchitis or affections of the throat generally ; abo in cases of Ner vous Deafness; and with almost uniform success as a preventive for Apoplexy, Epileptic Fits, aud similar I complaints. Christie's Magnetic Fluid. Is issued in connection with the Galvanic Rings,and all their modifications. This composition has been pro nounced by the French Chemists to be one of the most extraordinary discoveries of modern science. It is be i. lieved to puss-ss a remarkable power of jRENDERtnc TH* Nerves seiisitive toGalvaimc actioii, by these means i causing a circulation of the intiuence at the seat of dhi j ease, and thus giving rapid and permanent relief. No other composition in chemistry is known to produce tha same effector to impart a similar property to the nervous system by means of an outward local application. Tho Maciif.tic Fluid contains nothing capable of the slight est injury, its application is agreeable, ami it is harmless in its action as it is beneficial in its result. Full explana tions and directions accompany it. The combined in tentions are in every way perfectly harmless; they are at prices within reach of all, and the discoverer only re quests a fair trial, as a test es tiseir surprising efficacy ! and permanent benefit. Christie’s Galvanic Strengthening Pla»- teis. These articles form another valuable application of the mysterious influence of Galvanism. They are aa important adjunct to the genuine Galvahic Rtires and tkeir modifications, acting upon the same principle, but 1 having this advantage of more local application. They I are confidently recommended as a valuable addition iu the speedy cure of Rheumatism, acute or chronic ; in I all nervous complaints.and as a positive remedy in rases of Pain and Weakness i the Chest or Back. Pain in tho Side, in Asihm i ic Affections, and in Weakness or Op pression of the Pulmonary Organs. Iu Spinal Com plaints; their effects are of the most decided character, i and they have often been used with com pie t" success. Tliev are also of the greatest advantage in Pains and Weakness of the Breast, and are highly recommended I for many of those complaints to which Females aro especially liable. As an effectual means for Etreogtheft ing the system when debilitated with disease or other causes; as a certain aid in Constitutional Weakness, as a Preventive for Colds and in all affections of the Chest generally the Galvanic Strengt ening Plaster will be found of great and permaiiem ad vantage. liiiu lew words, it embraces all the virtues of the best tonic: preparation with the imp’-riant addition of the Galvmri- influence, which is neither Impaired or exhausted, wluletlte action continues. Tbes artii les will be found entirely free from those objections which area cousta tsonrceof com plaint with the ordinary Plasters in common use. JjfThe great celebrity and success of these articlea, have caused them to be counterfeited by unprincipled persons. To provide against imposition. Dr. Christie has but our ant lorized agent in each city of the Union. The only Agencv in t ugnsla,Geo., is at the of ' HAVE AND, RISLEY <fc CO., Druggist*. All articles of the kind sold elsewhere arc worthies* counterfeits. 42 Sept. 2d COMPOUND SYRUP OF SARSAP A RILL A. FOR the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphill*, ic., to counteract the destructive effects of Mer | cury. and for the relief ol all diseases arising from an impure stale of the filood. Prepared a 1 cording to a for mula w hich is universally approved by the Medical Fa -1 culty. Put up in large bottles at SI.OO each—a discount made at wholesale, sold by Oct 1 HAVH.AND, RIPJ.EY A CO. TRUSSES, TRUSSES A LARGE assortment embracing almost every sift* of H ll’s, Marsh’s,Chase's,Corbet's, Hard’s, Ban ning’s, Thompson’s Mrs.Betts*. French Patent, Common, aud Improved Common TRUSSES, for the relief and cure of Her uia or Ru pin re. Prolapsus, &c. A supply con stantly on hand, and for sale hy H AVI L AND, RISLEY i CO. N. B.—Persons ordering Trusses should specify for w hich sipe and what purpos wanted, and give the si** (in number of inches) round the hips. The prices vary from 75 cents to sio oct 3 DRUGS, MEDICINES AND PERFUMI BY. THE subscriber has now on hand, and is continually receiving fresh supplies of genuine Drugs and ' Medicines, selected expressly for physicians aud family nse. Also, an elegant asortmeat of Perfumery —Cologno | and Lavender Waters, fancy washing aud shaving ■ Soaps, Hair Oils, &c., &c.. all of which are offered at i reduced pr.ces for cash. Visitor* from tlie country xr* j invited to call, WJL HAINES. Oct 11 _ DR. ALLEN’S BALSAM OF I IIOKEHOUND LIVE RW Olt T AND PLEURISY ROOT. A N excellent compound for < ouuhs. Colds, difficulty ! J.m. of Breathing, Oppression and Soreness of lb« 1 Chest. Just received and for sale by VVM. H AINES. Oct 1 1 Oiproved”lTa l mos COLUMBIA. celebrated Article, is one of the best prepara tions for Restoring Hair now iu use, and seldom failing to produce Whiskers in a short time, though ther* were none oa the face before. For sale hv WM. HAINES. Oct 11 PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS~ WHITE LEAD, in 25, 50 and JOO lbs. of all qualt ties Chiome yellow,Chroma Green, \e etiaa. Red. Linseep Oil, and a large a -?-iment of Window Glass fiom 6 to 32 *43. For sale low for cash, by VVM. HAINES. Oct 11 Bleached winder strain- ED LAMP OIL. \L q O. a good article of unblg»ch*d Oil, for kitrhnj use. For sale by VVM. HAINES. • O&t 1 J