The Lincolnton news. (Lincolnton, Ga.) 1882-1???, November 03, 1882, Image 4

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WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. LORENZO SMITH & BRO., —OF— WASHINGTON, GA., ABB OFFERING FOB THE FALL XBASE CincinnatiBuggies AT $50 TO $75. Columbus Buggies AT $100 TO $160. Buggies and Carriages of other makes and grades at various prices. Also STUDEBAKER WAGONS At 965 and 970. TENNESSEE WAGONS At 960 and 965 WEBSTER WAGONS 960 to 975. 3-4 WAGONS • -AT 655. . . . Wapi, fill Seat, . 7 & S.V; ■ tm I ft is, a BAIN g. TOOTH ■ of 4 iiriiiK ESfA. Aaftw -{.. j)oable mess, Hubs. Spokes m 5 nteed to be as low as 3 m South. Give us a inoe solicited. T _i - -- - . MAY, m m 'ON, GA, ER, •' ?,l if-— - dealer in m4 •; * ‘ MERCHANDISE. The liberal patronage which I have ob¬ tained from the people of Wilkes and adjoin¬ ing counties, I intend to hold by continuing to sell my goods at the very lowest prices, and by fair dealing in all things. Also C. M. MAY & CO. Will carry on a General Mercantile business at Double Branches, Lincoln Co., Ga. ESTABLISHED 1872. LOWE & BRO., RETAIL DEALERS IN FINE LIQUORS OF ALL SORTS. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF WORTH CAROLINA CORN WHISKY APPLE AND PEACH BRANDY, FINE WINES, RUM, GIN, ALE, BEER, ETC., ETC, ETC., ETC. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WASHINGTON, GA. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. BENSON, WASHINGTON, GA., The Leader of Low Prices Offers to his many friends in Lincoln 3,649 Suits Gents’, Youths’ and Boys’ Ready-Made Clothing, Every garment of which has been made specially less than to order, and will be sold at New York retail prices. 6,878 PM LADIES' AM GENTS’ BOOTS & SHOES Put up by the best and most reliable manu¬ facturers in the East, every pair of which is warranted to give satisfaction or money returned. The largest and most varied as¬ sortment of LADIES’ AND GENTS’ HATS, In ail the Newest Styles, it has been my pleasure to have exhibited in Washington. GEORGIA, KEMTUCKY AND NORTHERN JEANS. For Men and Boys’ wear, at astonishingly Low Prices. 100,000 yards of Checks, Stripes, Osnobnrgs, 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 Sheeting at manufacturers’ prices. 100 dozen of the world-renowned Pearl Shirts for sale at $1 each. 25,000 yards Calico, in all the newest and most stylish brands. 300 rolls of Bagging. 300 bundles Long Arrow Ties. % BACON, LAP, SUGAR, Coffee, Low Figures Molasses, Rice, Augusth Grits, Atlanta. etc., at as as or 75 Barrels of Pure and Unadulterated RYE AND CORN WHISKIES. Genuine Catawba, Scuppernong, Claret and other Wines for family nse and chnrch pur P<*es. every gallon of which is warranted free bI ™ a1 ' Wood and Willow, Glass and Crockery Ware, and sold Cutlery and Hardware prices than always house in store, in at lower any the trade. To my numerous friends in Lincoln who have in the past so liberally patronized me, I desire to say that when the first pick breaks dirt I intend to open one of the largest stores in the State in the capital of your county. Who is it that will offer me the site? JAS. A. BENSON. JOHN D. FLOYD Washington, Ga., DEALRRIN Furniture! COFFINS, &c., Sc. A FULL STOCK OF Beisteafls, Bureaus, Chairs, Sofas, WarJroles, Lumps AND BEDROOM SETS! AT Atlanta Prices. Undertaking DULL ITS BRANCHES Promptly Attended to. } WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. "* M. sims, WHOLESALE i RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND FARM SUPPLIES. As my friends in Lincoln know, I pride myself goods in keeping selling the very best quality that of and in them at prices challenge any other market. Do not fail to call on me. and I will soon show it to your advantage to buy my goods. M. M. SIMS, WASHINGTON, I GEORGIA J. M. WOOD, WASHINGTON, GA, Keeps a First-Class Bar & Saloon, HinlSMUIti Finest Wines and Whiskies, Tobacco and Cigars. Also LIVERY ’AND FEED STABLE. Headquarters throughout the year for the sale of GEORGIA & KENTUCKY Horses & Mules. Teams of all sorts, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons and Drays ready to answer every demand. he Old Reliable P. H. N ■J Washington, - - GA. ESTABLISHED 1865, And no Change Since. DEALER IN G rocerie s AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND Commission Merchant. P. H. NORTON. Henry Gordes JEWELER, WASHINGTON, - GA. A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacles Vlways on hand. Prices as low as Augusta or Atlanta. CLOCKS COSTING OYER FIVE DOLLARS Warranted for Two Years. Watchwork Done in the Best of Style. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. C. E.. SMITH, Washington, Ga., DEALER IN Groceries,.- Provisions AND jr STAPLE DRY GOODS. SUGAR, COFFEE, FLOUR, BACON, SALT, SEED, BARLEY, BACCINC And TIES, Etc., Etc. Come and see me before you make your purchases. MU & FU1TSDI, Washington, Ga •> Will sell exclusively for M Can|give you more Dry Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, And HARDWARE For less money than any house in town. Ask your they will neighbors that have traded with us; confirm what we say. Don’t fail to call on us before buying, or else you may. regret it. WE SELL GOODS at LOW PRICES dry Bring hides. in your We wool and dried, peaches and will pay you cash for them. J.W. Sanders, WASHINGTON, GA., Hardware. Manufacturer of all kinds of Tio & Sheet Iron Ware, DEALER IN COOKING AND HEATING <3 STOVES. TleEMslorCooMove. Crockery, GLASSWARE, AND InttnUini Goods. OILS, PAINTS, Brushes,Varnishes,Etc. Special Attention Is called to the union niem Sewing Marines, Which I Always Keep in Stock A quality of California redwood is its ready absorption of water when heated, which for a time makes it almost fireproof. The quickness with which fires are extinguished in San Francisco lias often been remarked, and the celerity with which blazing buildings are often transformed into charred remnants is greatly facilitated by the entire lack of the resinous ele¬ ment in the redwood lumber. Take coach varnish and renew alj your oil-cloths. Wash them clean, wipe dry, and apply a coat of varnish. Be careful not to step on them until they are dry. If this is done once a year the oil-cloths will last twice as long as they will without it. Professor Robert Odium, of the Na tatorium, this city, was cured of a severe attack of rheumatism by the use of St. Jacobs Oil.— Washington (Z). C.) Star. Eli Bates, of Springfield, 111., lias given $30,000 for a statue of Abraham Lincoln to be put up in Lincoln park, Chicago. The Boston Pilot says: St. Jacobs Oil stands without an equal. Virginia lias 172 tobacco factories, which consume over 48,000,000 pounds of the weed each year. As Out* ProgrrM. completion stages are quickly abandoned with the of railroads, so the huge, drastic, cathartic pills, composed of crude and bulky medicines, al'e quickly abandoned with the introduction of Dr. Pierce’s “ Pleasant Pur¬ gative Pellets,” which are sugar-coated, and little larger than mustard seeds, but composed of highly concentrated vegetable extracts. By druggists^____ There Is a clock in Nantucket that shows the movement of the tides and planets, one wheel of the clock requiring 100 years to complete a single revolution, .... Who knows . Tennyson’s “Slay Queen.** that if the beautiful girl who died so young had been blessed with Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription” she might have reigned on many another bright May day. The "Favorite Prescription*’ is 3 cer¬ tain cure for all those disorders to which fe¬ males are liable. By dru ggists. E. J. Matjmine, of Paris, claims to have made the discovery of a method of manu¬ facturing quinine artificially. If the blood be impoverished, as man) fasted by pimples, eruptions, Alders Swellings or rui. ning sores, scrofulous tumors, •». general debility, take Dr. R. V. Pierc< ’ i “Golden Medical Discovery,” Sold by drug¬ gists. . .. ............. GtllTEAu’s skeleton is now at the National Army will Medical museum the in Washington, but not be exhibited to public. A Brig. General’* Statement. H. H. Phillipsbubq, Wabneb Co.: N. J., 4 une 18, 1881, & Sirs—I owe to your to-day. Kidney and Liver Cure all th@ strength 1 I have The doctors all told me Was going to die. Brio, Ger’l C. A. Heckman, • ®’ J. • — A bald-headed Californian has brongh back his hair by covering his rink repeatedly with a pulp of eucalyptus leaves. —FeE-prspi'usiA, spirits and EfstsssTt on, depression of ' forms; also general debility, in their various and as a intermittent pfsventive against fevers, fever the and ague other “Fer¬ ro-Phosphorated by Caswell, Elixir of Calisaya,” made Hazard & Co., New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic; and for patients recovering from fever or other sickness it has no equal. Nervous Young or middle-aged men, suffering from should Debility and other weaknesses, send to Prof. Mars ton, 198 Fulton St., New York, for his valuable treatise on Dis¬ eases of Men. I iled free. Tlie Science of Life, or Self-Preservation, a medical work for every man—young, middle aged or old. 125 invaluable prescriptions. tJ. BEST Y. TRUSS EVE U USER. -Send for circular. Elastic Truss Co., rBmoVBd to744 Broadvruj. N. Y. AN EXTRAOltlJlNATtY EASE. Austin, Texas, February 20,1881. To Mr. J. W. Graham, Druggist: Dear 8it~*Ts ).y case was an acute form of Bronchitis, and was of one and a half year’s duration. I em¬ ployed the best medical aid possible, but failed rapidly, until the doctors said X would die—that my case was incurable. Thrown upon my own resources, I got a bottle of PIL WM. HALL’S BALSAM FOE THE LUNGS, and in six hours felt a decided relief. In three days the cough almost disappeared. Now that my chances of life are good for many years, I earnestly recommend the above to every sufferer of thro a t or lung di sease.__ C. G. LATHllOP. A LLEN’S BRAIN FOOD!—Most reliable tonic jCV for the iirnin ami Henevative Organs. It positively virile cures Sold Nervous Debility and restores lost Lree powers. by mail receipt by druggists. of $1; G for $-3. ALLEN, Chemist, on 315 First price. Avenue, JOHN New York. 11, 25 Cents will Bay a Treatise upon the Horse and his Diseases. Book of 100 pages. Valuable to every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken. Sent postpaid by NEW YORK NEWSPAPER UNION, 150 Worth street. New York. THE MARKETS. 2 HEW XOKX. Beef cattle, good to prime, 1 w llj^@ 12% Calves, Sheep com’n to prime veals 7%@ 10% ...................... 4 @ 5% Hogs—Live................. Lambs...................... 6 @ G§f Dressed, city......... nx@ 10 13 % Flour—Ex. St., good fancy 4 45 }i@ 11 to @ 6 75 Wheat—No. West., good to choice 4 05 @8 G5 2 Red,. 1 07K@ 1 08K No. 1 White 1 11 @ 1 lift Rye—State 74 fd> 79 Oom—Ungrad. Barley—Two-rowed Stato ... 1 07 1 12>4 West, mixed. G8 72 Yellow Southern..... 72 @ 72 Oats—White State........... 47 @ 53 Mixed Western....... 33l£@ 40 Hay—Med. to ch. Timothy.. 70' @ 95 Straw—No. 1, Rye........... 60 @ 65 Pork—Mess, Hops—Stato, 1881. choice ... 68 ra 70 now, for export.21 70 @21 90 Lard—City Steam...........12 75 @12 T5 Refined.........13 00 @13 00 Petroleum—Crude.......... 7V@ 7% 8^ Butter—State Refined........ 8 @ Dairy............... Creamery..... 30 @ 34 20 @ 22 West. Ini. Creamery. 18 @ 26 Cheese—State Factory............. 15 @ 18 Skims.............. Factory...... 8 @ 12k 2 @ 6 Eggs—State Western............ 5 @ 12 and Penn...... 27 @ 28 Potatoes—L. I„ bbl......... 2 50 @ 3 00 ilteers—Good BUFFALO. Lambs—Western......... to Choice... 6 00 @ 6 50 Sheep—Western........... 4 40 @ 5 40 _ - ... 4 00 @ 4 50 Hogs—Good to choice Yorks. 8 40 @ 8 80 4Y Hour—C’y heat—No. ground u. process. 7 25 @8 1 25 Corn—No. 1, Hard Duluth.. 1 20 1 21 Oats—No. 2, Mixed......... Western. 69 @ 69 2, Mixed 64 <3 65 Barley—Two-rowed State ... 90 @ 90 BOSTOU. Beef—Ex. plate and family. .17 50 @18 00 Hogs—Live................. 8 @ 9 Pork—Ex. City Dressed...... ny, Flour—Spring Prime, Wheat per bbl.. .20 50 “ ~21 00 Com—High Mixed patents 7 25 8 75 .......... 84 @ 85 • Oats—Extra White.......... 51 @ 52 Rye—State ................. go (f 85 iVool—Wsh’d comb Sc delaine 44 (7 48 Unwashed “ 28 @ 30 Beef—Extra WATERTOWN quality.. (MASS.) CATTr.E MARKET. 7 37^@ 8 121* Sheep—Live Lambs............... weight.. 5 m OH 6 @ 7 Hogs—Northern, d. w 11 @ 11J* PHILA DKI.PnlA. Flour—Penn, ex famiij. good 5 50 6 75 IVheat—No. 2, Red.......... 1 02 1 02 Rye—State ................. 68 @ 70 Com—State Yellow.......... 82 @ 82 Oats—Mixed................ 69 @ 69 Cheese—N. Butter—Creamery Y. Extra Pa. 32 @ 32 Full Cream... 11% 12 Petroleum—Crude . 6 7 Refined 7H Pi Natural petroleum, deprived of ite eolor and disagreeable odor* is What Carbolino is made from. beautiful As now improved and and perfected performs it is a preparation, all that is claimed for it aa a hair r estorer. Weakness, Ilvrllucol UyspdpsiS) .Wan. Impotence, Nervo ia Sexual Debility, cured by “Wells' Health Re newer.” E. sjt. Druggists. C Send N. J. for pamphlet to S. Welle, Jersey ity , S3 Ceuta Will Buy . Diseases. a Treatise upon the Horse and his Book of 100 pages. Valuable to every owner )f horses. Postage stamps taken. Sent postpaid by Hew York Newspaper Union, 150 U>rth Street,. New York. it TBA.DB Hi n m %! [?|i@ra§g: m - ■ < Hi ml $ v mmm 1X1 THEGREAT 0 !■ i'OlA RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell¬ ings Scalds, and Sprains, General Burns and Pains, Bodily Tooth, Ear and Headache , Frosted Fdet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacob* Oil as Remedy. a safe, sure, simple and cheap External A trial entails but the comparatively with trifling outlay have of oO £ents, and eterjr one suffering pain can cheap and positive proof of ite claims. -j a Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER, & CO., Baltimore, Jfcf.. 17. 8. JL. __ An Only Consumption. Daughter Cured of When death . ,, vva.5 hourly ospneted. all remedies having failed, and Dr. H. Janies was eipefittiewting with the many herbs which of Calcutta, his only ho accidentally child of Ceil.sumption. iflaod a pre¬ paration His child is cured in this country, and enjoying tho best now of health, ^ He haw proved to the world that Consump¬ doctor tion can do gives positively this Recipe Add free, permanently aSItirn? cured. two thres- The now This only herb also Night cent stamps to pay expenses. cures Sweats, fresh Cold Nausea in twenty-four at the Stomach, hours. and Address will Craddock break up «fc a Co.; joRace Street; Phil adelphi a, naming this paper. floss® - rH i jji* NfiSlI mm ,Sfad 2Kfir s m A 0 CilnCS AitD ^ sj ^ THE I)It. Si At UU IfMOXD MEDICAL. CO .Sole Proprietors, Si, ,h »sep h. Mo. _ AGENTSWANTED.4S rapidly selling NEW to make money our BOOK. • NEW YORK S5Y SUNLIGHT — AND — eiSLISHT Showi ng up the Xew York of to-day, with it* palaces, its crowded thoroughfares, its rushing mystery, elevatod trains, its and countless terrible sights, tragedies, its romance, its charities, its «jid its in dark fact crimes phase of life in city. Don’t time selling every the great waste slow contents, books, terms but send Agents, for circulars &c. prospectus giving full table ready or to now and te rvitnry in g; eat demand. Address DOUGLASS BROS. ,’55 N.Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa Payne’s Automatic Engines. 0 ;x*r- horse Reiiaule, Durable with % less and Economical, trill furnish a Engine peacer built, fitted with fuel and Automatic irafer than any other not an Cut-off. Send for Illustrated Catalogue “J,” for Information and Prices. I». W. Payne & Sons, Box 860, Corning, N.Y. Blood, Parsons' Purgative Pills make New Rich and will completely change the blood in tho en¬ tire system in three months. Any person who will take one to sound pill each health night from 1 to 12 weeks may be Sold restored if such a thing be possible. every¬ where or sent, by mail for eight letter stamps. I. S. JOHNSON ifc CO., Boston, Mass., for incrly Bangor, Me. FRAZER AXLE GREASE FIVE-TON WAGON SCALES» alii Iron and 8teel, Double Brass Tare Bean Jonos he pays the freight. All sizes equally low, for free book, address JONES BF BiNGKAHfiTGN, Binghamton, N. 7. 31" 17‘ I 7”“ HT (‘U six CTS s” i* 8 , T f usssi Jagras; heads?or°to Tinc*KKSTRKN oTl! RN and D^VIGORATJ^ibe LK*dV* Veni* n HAIR 1 tnjwuere *C£N don’t h |o^ be N humbugged. J.^GO FA I u NL Y 8IX TS Dr ZA LJ616, Dos T040, Boston, Uw, Boirzic of ell imiUtiaui. W atehe$_ISS5lfi’IS5 YOUNG MEN tion, ad dress Vale nti ne B row. , Jameav ille, Win. ELECTROTYPE AND STEREOTYPE 81 4. W. The true antidote to the effects of miasma is Hostetler’s Stom¬ ach Bitters. This medicine is one of the most popular reme¬ dies of an a g- >f suc¬ cessful proprietary specifics, and is in immense demand wherever oil this Con tinent fever and ague exists. iulti>T»e A times wineglass- day a is preparative the best possible for en cuunteringamnlH ri - 18S la unfailing and infalii l,le in curh,g Epileptic* Fits * Spasms, Convul sions, St.'Vitus Danco, fervuS&M Alcoholism, Opium Eat To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary Hankers, Alen, Merchants, Ladies and all whose sedentary Nervous employment causes Prostra¬ tion, Irregularities of bowels 'Kidneys, stemach, or or tfinic, who require appetizer a nerve oi stimulant. TAN S A MARI valuable. NLRVINL is in Thousand* the wonderful proclaim it Invigorant most that ever Sustained the sinking Side all system. Fot d s H I % s a n CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Use in Cough time. Syrup. Sold by Taste* druggist*. good. I ; m i r i 9 I !! £ KiDNLY-WORT HAS BEEN PROVED ThaSURKST OUR* for KIDNEY DISEASES. bo*, a lame hock or a disordCMdwrtuetadL nESVTATE?*use EXOMSY-WORT at on — . DISEAllsofthVuVgR ■» It has Bpeciflo action on thle mort taportot organ, enabling It to throw off torpidity endt»- of the aOtton, stimulating the healthy flooretlon Hilo, and by hooping the b vela in free condi¬ ( tion, effecting its fOg blar d lfe barge. i If yott are suffferlngr from malaria, have the chills, aro bilious, dyspoptid, or twmsttpatod. Kidney Wort will surely relieve and quickly cure. 1 hi the Spring, to cleanso the System, every oho Should take a tho rough course of it ' 8 laGuilvd* nrlinfi for complaints such poculiarto pain and your GOX, as weaknesses, KIDNTSY-WOIIT is unaurpassed, fto i t will act promptly and safely. Sex. Incontinence, retention of "urine, h’-ickdustcrhopy deposits, and dull dragging pains, allsneeciily yield to its curaUvo the KIDNEYS, po wer. P fit Acts at the same time Ott LIVER AND EOWELS.X1 For Constipation, Piles, or Kheumatism it is a permanent cure. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Pr1ce$U (*) Ion EY-WORT v & [UftaBBet MERCHANT’S GARGLING OIL is the oldest aud the standard liniment of the United States. Large size, small *1.00; medium 50 cents; Small, 25 cents; size for family use, 25 cents; Merchant’s Worm Tablets, 25 cents. For sale by every druggist and deafer in general merchandise. For Family Use. The Gargling Oil Liniment with whitb wrapper, smalt prepared for human flesh, is put up in bottles only, and docs not stain the skin. Price 25 cents. The Gargling Oil Almanac for 1883 Is now in the hands of our printer, and will be ready November for distribution during the months of and December, . The Al manac for the coming year will be mors use¬ ful and Instructive than ever, and will be sent free to any address. Write for one. Ask the Nearest Druggist. If the dealers in your place do not keep their Merchant’s sending Gargling Oil where for sale, they insist upon and to us, or Keep the bottle get their corked, medicines, ehake get it. Yellow well and It before using. wrapper for animal and white for human flesh. Special Notice. The Merchant’s Gargling Oil has been in use as a liniment for half a century. All we ask is a fair trial, but he sure and follow di¬ rections. The Gargling Oil and Merchant’s Worm Tablets are for sale by all druggists and deal¬ ers in general merchandise throughout the world. N. Y. by Mtr Msfuifiictiircd 8.t Lockport, ( chant's Gargling Oil Company. Secretary. J > Cured! Consumption uar> Be OR, § WM. ums.BMSAM i>rg;ui9. It altMSI lips anil henlsi the Membritne Moot iind poisoned by tlie of disease, the Lungs, mid inliaiiinl the highlit sweats sweats and ai tightness prevents the chest wliitffc hied* 3i(*2?iiipaiiy aea*oss w bt(#hiaiady* it. C'onsuntpt ion is not an inc in cura HAld/H HAIiSA.U will ci nre you, ev ea MASON&HAMUN Also ( Style 109; octaves; sufficient compass and power, >ith best quality, families, for popular sairred and secular music 51s schools or .STYLES at only *22. ONE IU;NT>RKI> other 80S. *108.8114. »t $30, S- $57, 00 see, upward. S72, The *78. laraer etf/len icho/ly un to and are payments. - riral’P In/ inn/ a her Organs, Also for flasy NEW I ij actuated catalogue FREE. PIANOS aililing to and beauty of important and durability. improvement" Will I power pini e-quarter tone not ILLUSTRATED require ng on UIR as much as other Pianos. particulars, UULARS, THE tiASOX vritb full A- HAMLIN FftEE. ORGAN AN1I PIANO <(>., 134 Treniont Wabash St., Boston; Ave.,Cliicng 4« K. i i Ih Sr., N. York; 14P o. HULLERSSSS TAYLOR CO. Mansfield, a THE AULT MAN A A NY energetic man that wants to make money fast AIL and honorable address C. Marshall, Lockport, N.Y. . KNOWLEDGE IS POWER EAD! r *£m/BtC£ fiOrM urs KUN THYSELF. the science of^ & or, self. s Is a medical treatise on Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man; is an indispensable treatise for every man, whether young, middle-aged or old. THE SELF. Is beyond all comparison th» most extraordinary work on Physiology e, ar published. There is nothini r. aij'vstisfcgsss: THE hdENCT^OF^vLIFE^ OR, SELF l™trnct* those in health how to remain so, and the in¬ valid now to become well. Contains one hundred and twenty-live invaluable prescriptions for all forms of acute .and chronic diseases, for each of which a first ZanL? by81Ciaa W0U d chiar K» fr°m $3 to $10 .^—London THE «/ OH, SELF. R Contains 300 pages, fine steel engravings is superbijr bound in I'rench muslin, embossed, full gilt. It is a marvel of art and beauty, warranted to be a better medical book in every sense than can be obtained else¬ where for double the price, or the money will be refund ed m every instance.— Author. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE: OR, SELF. PRESERVATION, enbincuThat"’ 1 '’’’p» *° ° th ” <m the SCIENCE^ OF LnrE^ OR, SELF. r Ib »ant by mail, securely sealed, postpaid, on receipt of price, only01,25(new«clition). Small illustrated samples. Oc. Send now. The author can bs consulted on ell ^diseases requiring skill and expsrisnos. Address peabo ^^^% d ^ l ^ s T' t u t e. 0 i i 4 Bill finch 8tr«et. Boston, Mass. AKD TOOLS FOR TYPE MACHINERY PRINTERS, ETC. A SPECIALTY. 83 Jackson & HUKE, Chicago. St., Into of H. Hfirtt A Oo. Uuab. IIuke, lato of Iluke A Speucar.