The Lincolnton news. (Lincolnton, Ga.) 1882-1???, November 10, 1882, Image 4

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tASRIIRTM ADVERTISEMENTS. LORENZO SMITH & BRO. -OF WASHINGTON, GA.. ABB OFFERING pba THE FAIT, TRADE Cincinnati Buggi es AT $50 TO $75. Columbus Buggies AT $100 TO $160. Bqggies and Carriages of other makes and grades at various prices. Also STUDEBAKER WAGONS At $65 and 870. TENNESSEE WAGONS At $60 and $65 WEBSTER WAGONS ir-3— $60 ttT$76. teREE 3-4 WAGONS AT «BB. i WW will. Seat, mm at $4o. -~A; ■4DSRS, GRAIN « % TING TOOTH Wf ot m 2 ■ Double H: Spokes £ $60. • il rK<Hi| ir HZ* w iw m mjmi .. .. ■ ■ - to be "W low as bouse m the 8011 th. Give ns a temmdmce solicited. - f # M. MAY7 WASHINGTON, GA, GROCER, ASP DEALER IN GENERAL HERGHANDISE. The liberal patronage which I have ob¬ tained from the people of Wilkes and adjoin¬ ing counties, I intend to hold by continuing to sell my goods at the very lowest prices, and by fair dealing in all things. Also C. M. MAY & CO. B ill carry on a General Mercantile business atDouble Branches, Lincoln Co., Ga. ESTABLISHED 1872. LOWE & BRO., V RETAIL DEALERS IS FINE LIQUORS OF ALL SORTS. AGENTS FOB THE SALE OF NORTH CAROLINA CORK WHISKY APPLE AND PEACH BRANDY, FINE WINES, RUM, OIN, ALE, BEER, ETC., ETC, ETC., ETC. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. JR-’ Washington, c a. WASHHHTM ADVERTISEMENTS. BENSON, WASHINGTON, GA., The Leader of Low Prices Offers to his many friends in Lincoln 1.149 Suits Ms’, Traits' anil Bits' Ready-Made Clothing, Every garment of which has been made specially to order, and will be sold at less than New York retail prices. 6.870 MIBS LADIES' UD GENTS BOOTS & SHOES Put up by the best and most reliable manu facturers in the East, every pair of which is warranted to give satisfaction or money returned. The largest and most varied as¬ sortment of * LADIES’ AND GENTS’ HATS j In all the Newest Styles, it has been my pleasure to have exhibited in Washington. GEORGIA, KENTUCKY AND NORTHERN JEANS, For Men and Boys’ wear, at astonishingly Low Prices. 100,000 yards of Checks, Stripes, Osnobnrgs, 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 Sheeting at manufacturers' prices. 100 dozen of the world-renowned Pear! Shirts for sale at $1 each. 25,000 yards Calico, in all the newest and most stylish-brands. 300 rolls of Bagging. 300 bundles Long Arrow Ties. BACON, LARD, SUGAR I Coffee, Low Figures Molasses, Bice, Grits, etc., at as as Augusta or Atlanta. 76 Barrels of Pure and Unadulterated EYE AND COEN WHISKIES. .Genuine Catawba, Seuppernong, Claret and other Wines for family use and church pur¬ poses, from adulteration, every gallon of which is warranted free and indorsed by the medi¬ cal faculty of the State. Wood and Willow, Glass and Crockery Ware, Cutlery and Hardware always in store, and sold at lower prices than any house in me rade. To my numerous friends in Lincoln wha have in the past so liberally patronized me, I desire to say that when the first pick breaks in the State in the capital tfee-largesmorer of your county. Who isJt that will offer me the site? JAS. A. BENSON. JOHN D. FLOYD, Washington, G-a., DEALER IN Furniture! COFFINS, &c, k. A FULL STOCK OF BeisteaSs, Bureaus, Clairs, Mas H tr t=s 0=1 AND ff BEDROOM SETS! € AT €• Atlanta Prices. Undertaking 01 ALL ns BRANCHES Promptly Attended to. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. M. M. SIMS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALEB IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND FARM SUPPLIES. As my friends in Lincoln know, I pride myself in keeping the very best quality of goods and in selling them at prices that challenge Do any other market. not fail to call on me. and I will soon show it to your advantage to buy my goods. M. M. SIMS, WASHINGTON, GEORGIA J. M. WOOD, WASSDiGTOH, GA, Keejis a First-Class Bar & Saloon, Billiard& Pool Tables. Finest Wines and Whiskies, Tobacco and Cigars. Also LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. sale Headquarters throughout the year for the of GEORGIA & KENTUCKY c Horses & Mules. Teams of all sorts, Carriages. Buggies, Wagons and Drays ready to answer every demand. he Old Reliable P. H.N sa Washington, - - GA. ESTABLISHED 1865, And no Change Since. DEALER IN GiociUiS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND Gommission Hereto! P. H. NORTON. Henry Gordes, JEWELER, WASHINGTON, - GA. A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacles klways on hand. Prices as low as Augusta or Atlanta. CLOCKS COSTING OYER FIYE DOLLARS Warranted for Two Years. Watchwork Done in the Best of Style. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. ~ " f. ( Pj R MT _ . V H * 9 ^ Washington, G-a*, DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. SUGAR, COFFEE, FLOUR, BACON, SALT, SEED, BARLEY, BACCINC And TIES, Etc., Etc. Come and see me before you make your purchases. urn & mm, Washington, Ga., Will sell exclusively for Can [give you more Dry Goods J BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, And HARDWARE For less money than any house in town. Ask they your neighbors that lmve traded with os; will confirm what we say. Don’t fail to call on us before buying, or else you may regret it. WE SELL GOODS at LOW PRICES dry Bring in your wool and dried peaches and hides. We will pay you cash for them. J.W. Sanders, WASHINGTON, GA., Hardware Manufacturer of nil kinds of Tin & Sheet Iron fare, DEALEB IN COOHG ill 1AT1G STOVES MralsMolii Store. Crockery ! GLASSWARE. AND Houselornishing Goods. OILS, PAINTS, Brushes,Varnishes,Etc. Special Attention Is oalled to the WHITE A1 DOMESTIC Sewing Machines, Which I Always Keep in Stock The Cincinnati Enquirer says “ an editor’s vacation consists in leaving the sanctum ten minutes-earlier than usual \ and taking a walk around the block.” The Kansas City Times feports thal its bookkeeper suffered very severely and for a long tinie, With rheumatism. He tHed St. Jacobs Oil and was cure! by one bottle of it. A young lady attending balls and parties should always secure a female chaperon until she is able to call some male chap her own. The Ithaca (N. Y.) Ithacan observes: Our druggists report that St. Jacobs Oil goes off like hot cakes. The Bachelors’ Mutual Protective association of Knoxville, Tenn., in¬ sures against matrimony. "A I > ro p of Joy in Every Word.” Dr. B. V. Piercb, Buffalo) N, Y.: Three mouths ago I was broken out with large ul¬ cers and sores on my body, limbs and face. I procured your ‘‘Golden Medical Discovery” and “Purgative Pellets” and have taken six bottles, those and to-day I am in good health, all ugly nlcers having healed and left my skin in a natural, healthy condition. I thought Although at one time that I could not be cured. I can but poorly express my grati¬ tude to you, yet there is a drop of joy in every word I write. Y'ours truly, “Discovery” James O. sold Brums, druggists. Flemington, N. J. by Noeth Carolina has 776 saw-mills, with a capital of $1,743,217, employing 3,029 hands and the pr oducts are wo rth $2,672,796. Dr. B. V. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Dis¬ covery” cures every kind of humor, from the scrofula. common pimple or eruption to the worst Four to six bottles cure salt rheum or tet¬ ter. One to five bottles cure the worst kind of pimples Two on the face. to four bottles clear the system of boils, Five carbuncles and sores. to eight bottles cure corrupt or run¬ ning By nlcers druggists, and the worst scrofula. and in half-dozen and dozen lots at gre at discount. __ Over 9,000 new farms were started on gov¬ ernment lands in Minnesota and Dakota during the_year ended Jnne 30,1882. Weak lungs, spitting pf Wood, consump¬ tion and kindred affections cured without physician. Address for treatise, with two stamps, World’s DispEnsaev Medical Asso¬ ciation, B uffalo, N. Y. _ The Texas State government has ceded 740 acres of land in Kinney county to the United States to be used for a military pos t. “Against the Advice of Friends.” H. Batavia, N. Y., February 6, 1880. H. Warner & Co.: Sirs —By kidney dis¬ ease I was reduced to a walking skeleton. Against the advice of friends I took your Safe well Kidney and Liver Cure, and E. to-day M. Sbebwin. I am as as ever. Gold was discovered in Siberia about eighty about years ago, and now its mines yield $6,000,0 00 worth ever y year. 8th Ladies, send 25c. to Strawbridge it Clothier, and Market sts., Philadelphia, and receive their Fashion Quarterly for six months. New music and 1,000 engravings in eac h number. A solid lump of pure silver, weighing nearly N. C., a pound, was found near Magnolia, rec ently. ___ Solid men admire the beautiful, and this accounts in some measure for the thousands upon thousands of bottles of Carboline, the deodorized petroleum hair renewer and dress¬ ing, which have been sold yearly, Pure cod-liver oil, from selected livers, on Y. the Absolutely seashore, by Caswell, and Hazard Patients & Co., who N. pure sweet. have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians declare itsuperior loallcther oils. Chatted hands, face, pimples and rough skin cured by using Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. Pain, Irritation, Kidney Retention, Disease. Incontinence, D eposits, Gravel, etc., cured by “Buchupai ba i.” Send for pamphlet to E. S. Wells, Jersey Cit y, N. J, _ _ Treatise 25 Cents Will Buy a upon the Horse and his Diseases. Book of 100 pages. Valuable to every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken, Sent postpaid Worth by New York Newspaper Uuion, 150 Street, New York. T The Frazer -fxle Grease fs the , best in the market. It is the most economical and cheapest, one box lasting as long last as two of any other. One greasing will two weeks. It received first premium at the Centennial and Paris Expositions, also incdi’.li at various State fairs. Buy no other. RESCUED FROM DEATH. William J. Conaiilin, of Somerville, Mass., rays: In the fall of 1870,1 was taken with bleeding op the lungs, followed by a se; 074 cough. I lost my appetite and flesh, and was confined to my bod. In 18771 was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said I had a hole in my lung as big as a half dollar. Atone time a report went around that I was dead, I cave up hope, bnt a friend told me of DE. WIL¬ LIAM HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE '.LUNGS. I got a bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced to fe-il belter, and to-day I feel better than for three years past. BAKER’S PAiN PANACEA cures pain in Man or .For use externally or internally . 25 Cents will Bny a Treatise upon the Horse and his Diseases. Book of 100 pages. Valuable to every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken. Sent Postpaid by NEW YORK NEWSPAPER UNION, 150 Vf otth street. N ew York. THE MARKETS. 3 NEW YORK. Beet cattle, good to prime, 1 w 10)^ Calves, Sheep...................... com’n to prime veals 4^@ 8 (3> 10 Lambs...................... 5 Hogs—Live................. U34@ 6%@ 13% 5% Flour—Ex. Dressed, St., city......... 10%@ (5 11 West., good to fancy 4 55 6 80 Wheat—No. good to choice 4 06 @ 8 75 2 Red........... 1 09>£@ 1 09% No. 1 White......... 1 11 @1 11% Rye—State ................. 77 @ 77 Barley—Two-rowed Corn—Ungrad. State ... 81 @ 81 West, mixed. 67%@ 80 Yellow Southern..... 72 @ 72 Oats—White State........... 49 (iis 65 Mixed Western....... 38 @ 42 Hay—Med. to ch. Timothy.. 70 (a) 90 Straw—No. 1, Rye........... 60 @ 65 Pork—Mess, Hops—State, 1881, choice ... 68 @ 70 new, for export. 21 70 @21 90 Lard—City Steam...........12 75 @12 76 Refined.........13 00 @13 00 Petroleum—Crude.......... 7V@ 7% Butter—State Refined........ 8 @ 8% Creamery..... 30 @ 34 Dairy............... West. Im. Creamery. 20 @ 22 20 @ 28 Cheese—State Factory....... 15 @ 18 Factory 8 <a 12% Skims........ 2 @ 6 Western...... 5 @ 11% Eggs—State Potatoes—L. and Penn 27 2 I., bbl... 2 25 2 50 BUFFALO. Steers—Good to Choice... 6 00 @ 6 50 Lambs—Western........... 475 @5 25 Sheep—Western............. Hogs—Good 4 00 @ 4 25 to choice Yorks. 8 40 @ 8 70 Flour—C’y Wheat—No. ground Hard n. process. 7 25 @ 8 25 1, Duluth.. 1 17 @ 1 18 Corn—No. 2, Mixed......... 70 @ 70 Oats—No. 2, Mixed Western. 39%@ 40 Barley—Two-rowed State... 80 @ SO BOSTON. Beef—Ex. plate and family. .17 50 @18 00 Hogs—Live................. 8%@ 9% Fork—Ex. City Dressed......... 11J4@ 11% Flour—Spring Prime, Wheat per bbl... 2100@ 2150 patents 7 25 @ 8 75 Corn—High Oats—Extra Mixed.......... White.......... 80 @ 81 61 @ 52 Rye—State................. 80 @ 85 i Wool—Wsh’d comb & delaine 44 @ 48 Unwashed “ 28 @ 30 Beef—Extra WATERTOWN (MASS.) CATTLE MARKET. 8 Sheep—Live quality......... 7 37%@ 12% Lambs...................... weight......... 5 5% @ 6 Hogs—Northern, d. 6 % w....... 11 11 % PHILADELPHIA. Flour—Penn, ex family, good 5 50 6 76 Wheat—No. 2, Red.......... 1 10 1 10 Rye—State................. 70 70 Com—State Yellow.......... 82 82 ! Oats—Mixed................ 69 69 Cheese—N. Butter—Creamery Full Extra Pa. 34 34 Y. Cream... 12%@ 13 Petroleum—Crude. 6 7 Refined 7k 1% The Science of Life or Self-Preservation, a medical work for every man—young, middle aged or old. 12B invaluable proscriptions. pip •Vi Hfekl ft 1 HEADY. FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the' Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell¬ ings Scalds, and Sprains, Burns and General Bodily Fains, Tooth, Ear and Headache > Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as Remedy. a safe, sure, simple and cheap External A trial entails but the comparatively trifling with outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. 13 Directions in Eleven Languages. 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A, VOGELER & CO., Baltimore , AT d. f JJ, 8. A, _ __N Y N U-41_ An Only Daughter Cured of When Consumption. death was hourly expected, all remedies having failed, herbs and Dr. Calcutta, H. James he was accidentally experimenting with the many of made a pre¬ paration His child which is now cured in this his country, only child and of enjoying Cousmiuvti tne Lest »n. of health. He has proved to the world that Lon sump¬ tion can be positively and permanently cured. Tue doctor aoci now gives K this Recipe free, only asking two three cent ■ ’ ips to pay expenses. Thin herb also cures Night Sweats, Nausea Nausea at at the Stomach, and will break up a fresh Cold in twenty-four hours. hours. Address A Craddock & Co., 1032 Race Street, Philadelphia, , namin g thi a paper. -ark 1 a gfig &EF i a® i »«k M IllSSli Wm ■ r '~-; Jx§ % MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL ia the oiliest and the standard liniment of the United States. Large ’ size, *....... $1.00; medium 50 cents; email, 1, 25 25 cents; email size for family use, 25 ren ts; Merchant’s Worm Tablets, 25 cents. To. m.ieby every druggist and dealer ia general merchandise. For Family Use. The Gargling Oil Liniment with white wha in I'PEit. small prepared bottles milp, for liuman and flesh, is put up does not stain the skin. Trice 25 cents. Tho Gargling 1 Oil Almanac for 1883 Is now in the hands of our printer, and will ho ready for distribution during the months ot November and December, 1SS2. Tho Al¬ manac for the coming year will be more use¬ ful and instructive than ever, and will be sent free to any address. Write for one. Ask tho Nearest Drnggist. If the dealers in your place do not keep Merchant's Gargling Oil for sale, Insist upon their sending to us, or where they get their corked, medicines, and shake get it. Keep the bottle well and it before using. Yellow wrapper for animal and white for human flesh. Special Notice. The Merchant's Garbling- Oil has been in use ae a liniment for half a century. All we ask is a fair trial, but be sure and follow di¬ rections. I he Gargling’ Oil and Merchant’s Worm Tablets are for sale by all druggists and deal era in general merchandise throughout the world. Manufactured at Uockport, N. Y., by Mer¬ chant’s Gargling Oil Company. Secretary. to AGENTS make rapidly WANTED.A2S NEW money Belling our BOOK S NEW YORK BY S “ T — AND — ____eiSLIOIT Showing wdi.-cl up the New York of to-day, -with its palaces, its countless cr< thoroughfares, sights, its romance.its its rushing mystery, elevated its dark trains, crimes its and terrible tragedies, its charities, and in fact every phase slow books, of life in the great city. Don’t waste time selling but send for circulars giving full table of and contents, territory terms to Agents, Ac. prospectus now ready DOUGLASS in great demand. Address BROS., 65 N.Seventh St.,Philadelphia.Pa Blmxi r TnTwil| , c"ra"'l , l 'ly change ot tire system in three months. Any person who will take one sound pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to health if such a thing be possible. Sold every¬ where or sent by mail for eight letter stamps. I. S..IOIINSON vV CO., Boston, Mass., for¬ me rly Bangor, .We.__ mules. 1,000 *3 ENGLISH for Males.—Can FERRETS furnish parties with Beagles K or Kat Terriers at reasonable prices. Will tell you now to world make for the 10c. best in string muzzle Please for your ferret in the this in, stamps. it out for will state what paper you saw and cut it not appear again in this paper. Send money by Postoffice Order or Regis¬ tered Letter. Address with stamp, Clinrlcs H. Vun Tech ten, Victor, Ontario County, N. Y. TRUTH /«\ Mary J. Woodworth and Levi A. Hall! please send address toB. Business H. ALBERT, interest, 271 Franklin st., Chicago, Ill. tW~ for your 3 SNNMUMSSSS AULTMAN £ TAYLOR OO., Mansfield. Ohio. THE & AND NOT WEAR OUT. CAT 5SULJU WK. sitEK. Watchmakers.Bymatt, CO.. 15cts. 38DoySt„ Circular, N.Y. J. S. BIRCH * IN* ■ ■ ___ Jewelry, BILVBRWARH, retailed Ml 9V CllullGO 9TSnfl6 et tv holeml" rate.. Price list free. T. W. Kennedy. P.O.boxWO. N.Y The true antidote to the effects of miasma *r Hostetter’s Stom¬ ach Bitters. This medicine is one of the most popular reme¬ dies of an age of suc¬ cessful propi ieffi ry specifics, and is in immense demand wherever on ttys Con tinent fever and ague exists. ful A times wineglass- day three a preparative is the best possible for tn countering a malari¬ ulating ous atmosphere, the liver, reg¬ and invigorating mach. For sale the by sto¬ all Druggists i an nd Deal evs gener ally. ■ WOMAN CAN\r HEA1TH OF W0! /SYMPATHIZE WIWSJpS THE HOPE Jy WOMAN. THE RACE: i t 4 L LYDIA E. PINKHAM T S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. ■' - — M U R I n !■ Ill ■— A Sore Core for all FEMALE WEAK.* NESSE 8 , Including Leacorrhoeay Ir¬ regular and Painful menstruation, Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb, Flooding, PRO¬ LAPSUS UTERI, &c. t^*Fleasant to the taste, efficacious and Immediate In its effect. It is a great help In pregnancy, and re¬ lieves pain during labor and at regular periods. PHYSICIANS rSE IT ASD PREBCEIBE IT FREELY. CF*Foe all Weaenssses of the generative organa of either sex, it is second to no remedy that has ever been before tho public; and for all diseases of the Kidneys it is tho Greatest Remedy in the World, ^“KIDNEY COMPLAINTS of Either Sex Find Great Relief in Its Uae. LYDIA E. PIXKRAM’8 BLOOD PURIFIER ■will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, at the same time will give tone and strength to the system. As marvellous in results ae the Compound. EETBoth the Compound and Blood Purifier are pre¬ pared at 283 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of either, $1. Si* bottles foi-$5. The Compound is sent by mail in tho form cf pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. f inkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose 3 cent stamp. Send for pamphlet, mention this Paper, taTliYPiA E. Pinkhah’s nvm Pills euro Constipa¬ tion, Biliousnesc and Torpidity of tho Liver. 25 cents, jgs^Sold by all Druggists.^Ea (s> I KIDNEY-WORT! FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. ► No other disease is so prevalent in this coun , 1 try equalled a3 Constipation, and no remedy has ever I tho celebrated KIDNEY-WORT as a Ith cure . Whatever the cause, however obstinate , ecase, this remedy will overcome it. ED IB THIS distressing complaint, b S Kcm KojCmP ■ is very apt to be complicated . with, constipation* Kidney»Wort strengthens 1 1 the weakened parts and quickly cures all kinds I of Tiles even when physicians and medicines have before failed. , RHEUMATISM « is For a WON-, this it IDERTUL CURE, as it is for ALL the painful diseases of tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. that! It cleanses the system of the acrid poison 1 causes tho dreadful suffering which only the , victims of rheumatism can realize. 1 THOUSANDS OF CASES ofthe worst forms of this terrible disease have been quickly relieved, and in a short time i PERFECTLY CURED. tTTt cleanse*, Strengthen* and give* Now | 1 Life to all the important organs of the body., The natural action Of the Kidneys is restored. 1 I The Live!* is cleansed of all disease, and the Bowels move freely and healthfully. I ISTIt Acts at tho same time on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS,*® MOLD by DRUGGISTS. $1. LIQUID or DRY. Dry cad be sent by mail. 1 WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt. (57) li ins :y-wort; mmnmmm 0 HI! I ^ ^ ..... otlier American Organs having been found equal at any. Also CHEAPEST. Style 109; 33* octaves; sufficient compass and power, music with schools best quality, families, for popular only sacred and secular HUNDRED.OTHER in or STYLES at S22. ONE at to S30, $oOO SoT, and S««, upward. *72, The 87S, larger S93, stylet 8108, wholly Sill, are wn* rivaled iiVLUSTHATED bu any other Oroans. CATALOGUE Also for easy payments. FREE. NEW Fa a M Al && This Company have commenced rinilUv the manufacture PIANOS* of UPRIGHT GRAN 1> introducing important improvements; adding to power and beauty of tone much and disability. oilier Pianos. Will not ILLUSTRATED rv<n<irejunina one-quarter Cl It— as as :_46 a™ SS. riANO CO., 154 Troniont 8 t., Boston 14th 3t.,N. York; 14*.> Wiilmnli Ave-.CIm-ngo. & sk . nJfB JjM £ THE DR. S. A. KICIOIONB MEDICAL CO.# Sole Proprietory fit . Joseph, Mo. FIVE-TOW « 1 MN E11K » All Iron anil Steel, Double Bra»a Tare Bean Jones he pays the freifbt. All eizee equall/low, H for free book, address n ^ J8KES OF BiNeHAMTOH, Einjiurttcs, II. T. 1 YOUNG MEN KS'ffiTJSSS tion add ress Valem ine Brow., Jamesville, Win . L,,;,.,i POWER uofa Science, a ? ur£ , HOW THYSELF, THE SCIENCE OF LIFE: OR, SELF PRESERVATION, Is a medical treatise on Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man ; is an indispensable treatise for every man, whether young, middle-aged or old. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; OR, SELF PRESERVATION, Is beyond all comparison the most extraordinary work on Physiology ever published. There is nothing SS whatever that tho married or single can either requ or wish to know but what is fully explained.— Toronto TIIE SCIENCE OF LIFE; OR, SELF , Instructs those in health how to remain so, and the in¬ valid how to become well. Contains one hundred and twenty-five invaluable prescriptions for all forms of acute and chronic diseases, for each of which a first class Lancet. physician would charge from $3 to $10. — London THE S CXE^ i?E OF Rv¥ PF 6 k °R, SEI.F. Contains 300 piijres, fine steely engravings, is superbly marvel medical of art and beauty, warranted to *Le^ a better book in every sense than can be obtained else¬ where for double the price, or the money will be refund¬ ed in overy instance.— Author. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE ; 4 OR, SELF PRESERVATION, IRjRo much superior ° P to 8 u all 18 'other abBolute treatisos *y impossible.— on medical lioston Herald, THE SCIENCE OF I.IFE; OK. SEJ.F Flt ENERVATION, Is sent by mail, securely sealed, postpaid, on receipt of price, only $1.25 (new edition). Small illustrated samples, flc. Send now. The author can be consulted on all ^diseases requiring skill and experience. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or W. II. FAILKI’.U, M.l»., 4 Bulfioch Street*. Boston, Mass, Is and infalli b,e in CUTin B Epileptic Alcoholism, ing, Scrofula Opium and Eat¬ all Nervous and Blood Dis¬ eases, To Clergymen, Lawyers, Merchants, Literary Bankers. Men, Ladies and all whose sedentary Nervous employment Prostra¬ causes tion, the blood, Irregularities stomach, of bowels or Kidne JIS, or who require a nerve tonic, Stimulant. appetizer or SAMARI¬ TAN NERVINE is in- ra¬ valuable. Thou san ds wonderful proclaim it Invigorant the most that ever sustained t lie sinking sale all system. For by C. araasP’gsalgiBsi: CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. GO 1 X 10 k l M SS 1