The Lincolnton news. (Lincolnton, Ga.) 1882-1???, November 24, 1882, Image 4

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WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. BENSON WASHINGTON, GA., The Leader of Low Prices Offers to his many friends in Lincoln 3,849 Suits Gents', Youths’ and Boys’ Ready-Made Clothing, Every garment of •which has been made Specially to order, and will be sold at less than New York retail prices. 1,870 WHS LADIES’ HD GENTS BOOTS & SHOES „ Put , , by the , test . and , most , reliable ,, np mann facturere m the East, every pair of which is retained. rtS. The *? largest Te s J faaf and 5 ctaon most , °r varied money as sortmeut of •LADIES’ AND GENTS’ HATS, lii all the Newest Styles, it has been ms pleasure to have exhibited in Washington. ' Liow Prices. - yards ad A4 of Sheeting Checks, Stripes, Osnoburgs, at manufacturers’ . ten of the world-renowned Pearl • sale at $1 each. i Calico, in all the newest and Ties. I LAUD, SUGAR, Coffee, Molasses, Rice,* Grits, etc., at as low Figures as Augusta ox Atlanta. 76 Barrels of Pure and Unadulterated DTE AND CORN WHISKIES, 3 for family of use and church pur r gallon Tnd which indorsed is warranted free by the medi cn% of the ASST5L?S?££2 flow, Glass and Crockery J'.:! Ky anmerons friends in Lincoln who s the past so liberally patronized me, i to say that when the first pick breaks Mend to open one of the largest stores Who State m tho capital of your county, . it that will offer the site? is me &< i 4& JAS. A. BENSON. / — ; l - »!>• *■ JOHN D. FLOYD 5 Washington, ©a., DEALER IN Furniture! ms, &c„ Ac. A FULL STOCK OF BeGsteaGs, Bireats f Clairs. Sofas J Wartrota, Lumps AND BEDROOM SETS! AT Atlanta Prices. Undertaking IX ALL ITS BRANCHES Promptly Attended to. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. M. M. SIMS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND FARM SUPPLIES. As my friends in Lincoln know, I pride myself in keeping the very best quality of goods challenge and in selling them at prices that any other market, Do not fail to call on me, and I will soon show it to your advantage to bny my goods. M. M. SIMS, WASHINGTON, GEORGIA j- m. wood, WASHGTI. GAL Iteeps a First-Class Bar & Saloon, BiM&PooITables. Finest Wines and Whiskies, Tobacco and Cigars. Also LIVERY and FEED STABLE. Headquarters throughout the year for the sale of GEORGIA & KENTUCKY Horses & Mules. V Teams of all sorts, Carriages. Buggies, Wagons demand. and Drays ready to answer every he Old Reliable P. H. N., Washington, - - GA. ESTABLISHED I86S, And no Change Since. DEALER IN PiBocerie S AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND Commission Merchant. P. H. NORTON. Henry Gordes, JEWELER, WASHINGTON, - GA. A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacles Uways on hand. Prices as low as Augusta or Atlanta. CLOCKS CaSTBG OTEE FIVE DOLLARS Warranted for Two Years. WatClrwork Done in the Best of Style, WASHIN6T0M IDVERTISEIIENTS. 0. E. SMITH, Washington, Ga., DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. SUGAR. COFFEE, FLOUR, BACON, SALT, SEED, BARLEY, BACCINC And TIES, Etc., Etc. Coite and see me before yon make yom purchases; Washington, Ga.. Will sell exclusively for CASH! Can Jgive yon more Dry Goods* BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, And HAKDWAEE For less money than any house in Jp vkn. Ask they your neighbors that have traded with us; will confirm what we say. Don’t fail to call on us before buying, or else you may regret it. WE SELL GOODSatLOW PRICES dry Bring hides. in your wool and dried peaches and We will pay you cash for them. J.W. Sanders, WASHINGTON, GA., Hardware B I Manufacturer of all kinds of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, DEALER IN COOM 11 HEATING STOVES. MKelsioi (Mini Store. Crockery, GLASSWARE. AND Housefumistung Goods. OILS, PAINTS, Brushes,Varnishes,Etc. Special Attention Is oafied to th» WHITE in DOMESTIC Sewing Machines, Which I Always Keep in Stock ESTABLISHED I87SI. LOWE & BRO. RETAIL DEALERS HI FINE LIQUORS OF ALL SORTS. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF KORTH CAROLINA CORK WHISKY APPLE ANt PEACH BRANDY, FINE WINES, RUM, GIN, ALE, BEER, ETC., ETC; ETC., ETC. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WASHINGTON, GA. MORAL AXO RELIGIOUS. The Evidence of Faith. Real faith, by its very nature, is a standing rebuke of a religion of irlefe feeling. Genuine spiritual emotion is the effect of Scriptural knowledge and conviction of the truth, under the in¬ fluences of the Holy Spirit. But when feeling gets the control of the judg¬ ment, when conscience is overpowered by wild fancies and excitements, when reason is misled by a morbid imagina¬ tion, then come strong delusions, self deceptions, zeal without knowledge, and fiefy idtoierarice: fanaticism quickly burn? out, but faith endures, and, in their periodical conflicts, faith has been and always will he victorious, because it is reasonable, calm, founded upon competent knowledge; rind tri¬ umphs over Ignorance, passion and self .—Christian Intelligencer. Religions News nnd Nates. There are 42,000 Methodists in Mis sourii There are three Lutheran churches in Florida. The Methodist churches in England gained 22,713 members last year. The Episcopal church of Scotland has 220 churches with 67,383 iriein bers. There are on Manhattan Island sev¬ enty-nine Episcopal churches, with a total of 25,275 communicants. The Presbyterian church of Canada is raising $100,000 to build churches for the emigrants who are pouring into Manitoba. * There are 6l0 names of Chinamen on the rolls of Sabbath-schools in New York and Brooklyn and the average attendance is 331. The United Presbyterian foreign mission board has directed its mission¬ aries who fled to England to return at once to their work in Egypt. The Churchman proposes that the coming centennial year of the Episco¬ pal church in this country be observed by removing all debt from| 3,000 par¬ ishes. At Rheinfelden, Germany, the Cath iics offered the use of their old church to the Protestants for the installation of a new pastor, and many of them attended the service. A famous North Carolina clergy¬ man, while preaching a few Sundays ago from the text, “He giveth His be¬ loved sleep,” stopped in the middle of the discourse, gazed upon his slumber¬ ing congregation and said: “Brethren, it is hard to realize the unbounded love which the Lord appears to have for « large portion of my auditory.” The Toledo (O.) Bee says: Colonel J. Dorse Alexander, editor Barnesville (Ga.) Hews, has been cured of rheu¬ matism by the use of St. Jacobs Oik A system of electric signals, to be used on passenger trains in place of bell ropes now in vogue, has been per¬ fected by a conductor on the Maine Central railroad. Mr. W. A. Forbes, Greenfield, Mass., was cured by St. Jacobs Oil of rheu¬ matism. —Cincinnati Christian Stand¬ ard. The United States spend $84,000,000 a year upon education. C. C. Sliayne, 103 Prince St., New York, the well known wholesale manu¬ facturer of seal-skin sacks, dolmans and fur-lined circulars, offers goods at retail. This affords a splendid oppor¬ tunity to order direct from headquar¬ ters, and save the profits of the mid¬ dlemen. Ladies are sure of getting reliable furs, and fully 25 per cent, cheaper than ret ailers’ prices. Present evils always seem greater than those that never come. Fob dyspepsia, indigestion, in depression their various of spirits and general preventive debility, against fever and forms; also as a ague and other intermittent fevers, the “Fer¬ ro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya,” New York, made and by Caswell, Hazard & Co., best tonic; and sold by all Druggists, is the for patients recovering from fever or other sickness it has no eqnal.__ Quick, complete “Buchupatba.” all annoying Kidney, cure, Drug¬ Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $}. gists. Send for pamphlet to E. S. Wells, Jersey Cit y, N. J. _ Stbaighten your old boots and shoes with Ly on’j Patent Heel Stiffener*, Aweftr again. A He ad Aha IT" may be taken at liver and ilioUS disorder* with Dr. R. V. Pierce’s “ Pleasant Purgative Pellets.’’ Mild yet certain in operation; and there is none of the reaction consequent upon By drugg taking severe and draatio cathartics. ists. A fruit tree in Holmes county. Mississtp pi, last year bore peaches and this year bore plums. The peaches ripened last October and the plums last August. is the " Woman and Her Diieasc.” title of an ihleresting. Sited treatise (96 pages) sent, Wobij>’s postpaid, for stamps. A Address Dispensaby Medical s booiatiqn , Buffalo , N. Y._ The number of violent deaths in Iowa dnring 1881 was 418, of which 329 were acci dental, result sixty-ouo icide,_ suicides and twenty-eight the of hom from Young men dr.ibiddle-iiged debility and kindred ones, suffering nervous weak¬ nesses, should send three stamps for Part VH of World’s Dispensary Dime Series of books. Address World’s DisrrojsAHY Medical As sooiation, Buffalo, N. Y. _ He who comes up to his own idea of great¬ ness must have had a very low standard of it in his own mind. ^ Poarr Rescued UoitoM. H. H. Wakneb Bykon, N. Y., March 20, 1881. & Co.: Sirs—Your Safe Kidney r,n<l Liver Cure completely rescued me from the horrors of kifin-y disenae. Garr et W. Jsif Tn. _____ In life it is diflScult to say who do you the most mischief, enemies with the worst inten tioiiS or friends with the best. The Chinese mnst go, and all AmericaSs should go—and buy a bottle of Carboline, the deodorized petroleum hair renewer and dresser. Since the recent improvement no preparation ever hdd fitehasale as Carboline. IFrazcr Axle GreasA. One greasing lasts two weeks; all others two or three days. Do not be imposed on by the humbug stuffs label offered. Saves Ask your dealer forFra zer’s, With received oil. medal your horse the labor Centen¬ and you too. It first at nial and Paris Expositions, Sold ev erywhere. The Science of iiiU dr i?eif-Pres#rvatioii; ntiddle'- a medical work for invaluable every man—ydtihg; aged or old. 125 prescriptions. AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE. Xvgtwi Tkxas, February 20,1881. To Mr. J. W. Graham, Druggist: Bear sir—My case was an acute form of Bronchitis, and was of one and a half year’s duration. I em¬ ployed the best isodleal aid-.possible, but fa^ed rapidly, until the doctors saiu I woflld die^that my case was incurable. Thrown upon my own resource#,’ I got a bottle of DR. WM. HALL’S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS, and in six hours felt a decided relief. In three days the cough almost disappeared. Now that my chances of life are good for many years, X earnestly i-eeomhierld the above to overy sufferer of th roat o r lung di sease:_ (j; G. LA T HROP , 2d Cents will Buy a Treatise upd'ri tlf<J Horse and his Diseases. Book of 100 pages. Valuable io every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken. Sent postpaid by NEW YORK NEWSPAPER UNION,' 150 Worth street. New York. THE MARKETS. 5 SM iotiti.. Beef cattle, good to primd, I vf 7 (ti 10. Calves, corn’n to prime veals 8 @ 10% Sheep Lambs..... ...................... 4%@ 5%@ 6 6 Hogs—Live Dressed, city......... ' 0%@ <%i 9% 7% Flour—Ex, St., good to fancy 5 @ 6 75 5 @ 8 G5 Wheat—No. 2 Red.... - 9 @ 1 No. 1 White.. . r-i 10%@ 1 11% Rye—State................. 81 74 81 77 Corn—Ungrad. Barley—Two-rowed West, State mixed. ... 87 Yellow Southern..... 87 @ 87 Oats—White State........... 46 @ 60 Mixed Western....... Timothy.. 88 @ 42 Hay—Med. to ch. 70. 60 @ 90 Straw—No. 1, Rye........... @ 60 Hops—State, 1881, choice ... 75 @ 76 Pork—Mess, Lard—City new, for export. LO to 50 @23 00 Steam........... *—* to 25 @12 37 Refined......... M be 50 @12 50 Petroleum—Crude.......... 7%@ 7 % Refined........ 7%@ 8 Butter—State Creamery,..84 @ 87 Dairy.;m West. Im. Creamery. :; gO @ 33 20 @ SI Factory............. 16 @ 19 Cheese—State Factory...... 8 @ 12,% Skims.............. " 2 @ 6 Western............ 5 @ 12 Eggs—State and Penn...... 29 @ 29% Potatoes—State bbl......... 1 75 (a) 2 00 BUFFALO. Steers—Good to Choice... nJI Of Lambs—Western . MS. K Sheep—Western... Hogs—Good choice . . . wC I to Yorks. *^1 0X1 Flour—C’y ground n. process; Wheat—No. 1, Hard Duluth.. H* 19 @ l-t 19 Corn—No. 2, Mixed......... 80 @ 80 Oats—No. 2, Mixed Western. 40 @ 41 Barley—Two-rotved State ... 78 @ 80 BOSTON. Beef—Ex. plate and family. .17 50 @18 00 Hogs—Live Dressed u*f@ City Pork—Ex. Prime, per bbl... 21 00 @21 50 Flour—Spring Wheat patents 7 25 @ 8 00 Corn—High Mixed.......... 88 88 Oats—Extra White.......... 55 ,56 Rye—State ti.i.iummi.ti 80 @ 85 Wool—comb & delaine, No. 1 46 0 Unwashed combing.. 20 @ Beef—Extra watebtown quality......... (mass.) cattle market. . 7 50 @ 8 00 Sheep—Live weight......... 5 @ h% Lambs...................... 5>4@ C>a Hogs—Northern, d. w....... 10 @ 11 PHILADELPHIA. Flour—Penn, ox family, good 4 87 @ 5 00 Wheat—No. 2, Red.......... 1 10%@ 1 10% Rye—State............... Com—State Yellow........ 82 70 82 Oats—Mixed ............ .. 69 @ _ 69 Butter—Creamery Extra Pa, 34 @ 34 Cheese—N; Petroleum—Crude Y. Full Cream... 12% 6 13 . 7 Refined 7%@ 7% S TBADE aa*I A Bk DI L al §j P - CDuBedY. EOlt RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell¬ ings Scalds, and Sprains, General Burns Bodily and Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache > Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil os Remedy. a safe, sure, simple and the cheap External A trial entails but comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and positive every one proof suffering with pain can have cheap and of its claims. 13 Directions in Eleven Languages. 80LD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., U. 8. A* --N~IT P-43_ Watches TRUTH J URB Myoar futui, haiband or wif^with Never Give Up the Skip. tto2”JSSMrtafiStt least told adftoed so on the doctors me—when a friend me to send t(? )bil2 Ifcace Street, Philadelphia, and get C'Riinnbln liuflca; T'Wfth finally and fully cured me. O. S. B1SLEY, IteOalb, St. I«*rence Co., N. Y.” friend. “Send Your another medicine $12 box lias of Canriafrf* Conftrimptionv IntHca for a! I cured moot am as sound and well as I ever was." Jail. LOTTIE BENTON, 3, 1369. Kej'Bville, Crawford Co., Mo. will N. satisfy B.—This the rented most I afieiftteat,. Freaks for itself. We know A single that it bottle posi¬ tively cures Consumption, and Will frtadt up three a fresh bottles cold in twenty-four boon. CRADDOCK $2.50 per bottle, CO., 6* 108# Ra«f for $6.50. Address A Street. Philadelphia. Send stamp for book of testi¬ monials of cures from prominent persons. jtfSIICft •3. - %i: _r 4 'aJSjSS^ =r . — § S 3 ITSLh^^^ iW g aa ■ m : (W mmm ii mm iiie J mM&mm* J MEivCHANT’S GARGLING OIL is the oldest and the standard liniment of the United Slates. Large sizs> small 01.Q0; medium for 50 cents; small, 25 cents; size family use, 25 cents; Merchant’s Worm Tablets, 25 cents. For sale by every druggist and dealer in general mdrehflndise. For Faiftilt Use. The Gargling Oil Liniment with’ WBIte wrapper, prepared for human flesh, is put up in small bottles on!;/, and does not stain the skin. Price 25 cents. The Gargling Oil Almanac for 1883 Is now in the distribution hands of onr printer^ and will be ready, for during 1880. the months : of November and December, table The Al¬ manac fCT the Coming year will be Use¬ ful and instructive than ever, and will be sent free to any address. Write for one. Ask the Nearest Druggist/ Merchant If the dealers in your place do insist not keep 's Gargling Oil for sale, upon their sending lo us, or where they get tneir medicines, and get it. . Keep the Using. bottle Yellow wel I corked, and shake it before human wrapper for animal and white' fof flesh. Special Notice. Tlie Merchant’s Gargling Oil has been in use as a liniment for half a century. All we di-l ask is a fair trial, but be sure and follow rertions. The Gargling Oil and Merchant’s Worm Tablets are for sale by all druggists and deal era in general inercuaficHse throughout the J world. by Manufactured at Oil Loekport, Company. N. Y., Jtcr ckaut’s Gargling 1 9 Secretary. m THE DR. S. A. RtElIMOND MEDICAL CO., Sole Proprietors, St;.foseiih. Mo, _ MASON&HAMLIN COMPETITION ORGANS for .SIXTEEN YEARS; do other American Organs having been found Cqtxftl sufRchfttt at any. Also C Ill'Ll PEST« with Style 109; 3 hi octaves; compass and power, music schools best quality, families, for populur only sacred and secular it*, or at *22. $30* 857, ONE 866, HUNDRED S72, 878, OTHER $93, S108^S114, STYLES at to rivair.d S50D ana upward. The laraer Also styles for are uhclltj tin bi / avy other Organs. easy payments. FREE. NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE P I illllllw E This GRAND^PIAlNOsV Company have^^immenced B mtroduohiz important improvements; adding to power and beauty of tone and durability. Will not ILLUSTRATED require tuning one-quarter CIR¬ as much as other Pianos. CULARS, with full particulars, free. THE MASON-& HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO., N, i54Tremont Wabash St«, Boston; A ve.,Chi 40 E. 14th St., York; 149 cago. thebloJ'S'th. Rich en tire system in night three months. 12 Any weeks person who be will restored take one sound pill each health if such from 1 thing to be possible. may Sold to mail for a letter every¬ where or JOHNSON sent by & eight stamps. for¬ merly I. S. Me. CO., Boston, Mass., Bangor, KOCH’S f Si“COJfSUMPIII)B s&mmn ss st CDRESsSFREE offered TRIAL « to fcU ftfflictad with symptoms of lung disex so. Addrtes, Box 788, N. l. City. CONSUMPTION. positive remedy for the above disease; by its Xkave a kind and of long ubo thousands of cases of the worst •tanding have been cured. Indeed, so strong Is my faitn in Us efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, to¬ gether with a valuable treatise on this any sufferer. Give Express and P. O. address. Pit. T. A. SLOCUM, 181 Pearl Bt., New Yo rk. _ THE BESTOW Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly. Sold by all Newsdealers and Postmasters, or the Editor of this paper will take your sub¬ scription. Send twenty cents for a specimen copy to W. JENNINGS DEFOREST, Pub ilsher, 17 East 14th Street, New York._ "1' I .1‘3; E r. :9 CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good, Use In time. Sold by druggists. T I ATE.ST NOVELTY-Beautiful colored mounted litho J graphs. 30 different designs, size 15x21 in., one bomzea Superior rollers, to just plaques. imported; Send an ornament 25c. in stamps to any room. S. BlACK, any Street, York. for samples to 76 Duane New Qp{JP |jP° sta ljCa-rd^t 0 Clark* Bros^B ible of Fine, Cheap Subscnption Books, for their "Private Cir cular to Agents .” It will puzzle nnd astonish you . ~4 cents Pictorial Wanted Books and for Bibles. the Best Prices and reduced Fastest-selling 33 Nation Publishing Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. per cent. vl VAIliie IUUIiU lieu ITBEIi if few y° months u want and to learn be certain Telegraphy of situa¬ in » a tion, address Valentine Bros., Janesville Wis. /iOEEMAN \yN. BUSINESS Coleman CO J. "Write for Catalogue. ZHZ towheadT ELp£ib’ iW-DOKT'T FAIL to tend 3-ct. a tamp for tbc most compute Catalogue of TYPE, LUWEST BORDERS, CUTS, LARGEST PRESSES, VARIETY. &C. PRICES. NATIONAL TYPE CO-WSSESra® THRESHEUSSSx TUB AUIiTMAN MamSiaMA, iu*. * TAYJLQti CO.. The true antidote to effect* of miasma Hostetler 1 '* Atom, Bitters. This cWA oik of the popular of an age of suc¬ proprietary and is in demand on this Con fieri fc fever wlzMffis* and ague A (fkf ful thTee timed a » prepafafive the best possible' fat Countering rfahiri- .ea* JL Oud atmosphere, ieg< Druggists arid Iteat era g enerally. la nnfftiling aud infalii hts iii curing Epileptic Fits, Sl/astnsy Oonvul rioaz, St. VHqs flaiice, Nervous nnd Clood Dis eases. Iifiwyers, To Literary Clergymen, Men, Merchants, , Bunkers, Ladies ana all wh’.isa gedenta avy employmer.t causes iN ervoiis Prostra ^ioh, blood,- . Irregululitics oi tfce stomach, botvels or Kidneys, or who requite a nerve stimulant. tonic, appetizer SAMARI¬ or TAN NERVINE is in val&tTite. j Thousands procl.-um wonderful Invjg'orant kh^ most that over sustained the sin kin ing system. For sale by all Druggists. E i A NUTIil) BUT CNTITI.KI> WOMAN. (Fran the Boston Globe.] V_4 !/% tSSL ; v Metiers. EiUort j— Ptrfr Thu above (3 A good likeness of Mrs. Lf<8» C. tiin 1 . at Lynn, Mass., *ho Above all other human Woman,”' betas* may bo truthfully called the “Dear Friend of as some of he!" eorrespondento love to call her. BhO’ is zealously devoted ta Mr work, which!* the outcome of o life-study, and Is Obliged to keep sbe lady assistants, to help her answer the targe correspondence’ which daily pours in upon her, each bearing its special burden of suTering, or Joy at release irony It. t* j Vegetable Compound is a medicine for godfl an r Jott evU purpose* I have personally Investigate^-* «ftdt am satisfied of the truth of this. On acOount of its proven merits. It Is recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. Ono says .“It works like a charm and saves much pain, It wffl cure entirely the worst form of falling of tho Uterus, Leueorrhcea, irregular and painful Menstruation,ftS Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Elceration, Floodings, eU Displacements and the con¬ sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of life.” It permeates every portion of tho system, and give* new life and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys nil craving for stimulants, and relieves weafc fl& j at the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous I'roetratioTi, General Debility, gfeepfesmessy Depression and JniBefsstion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is Always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and finder all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. It costs only $1. per bottle or six for $5., and is sold by druggists. Any advice requiredas to special coses, and the names of many who have been restored to perfect health by tho rise of the Vegetable Compound, can be Attained by addressing Mrs. P., with stamp for reply, at he+ heme in Lynn, Mass. For Kidid* Complaint of either sea this compound is unsurpassed’ as aL'tndant testimonials HO ,” Ehow. writer, “ aro “ Mrs. Pinkham’s Li 2 oays one the best in the tcorld for <™ r0 of Constipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of Hycr. TTer Blood Purifier works wonders in its specioJ ^ iie bid8 fair to equal tho Compound in its popularity. 8010 All must respect her as an Angel o£ Mercy ambition Is to do good to others. Philadelphia, Fa, « Mrs. A. M. D. IM’SK Vj FOft THS PERMANENT CURE OF ' C©^STiPATl©n. ; Ko otlier diocaso is so prcvaltfafc remedy in this has courv .trV aa Constipation, and no ever 1 cqua.LU*?^fi$ VTnHi#?** celebrated the KIDNEY-WOUT however obstinate as a •cure. cause, it. I the case, this will overcome m«i i BMEiOa THIS distressing complicated complaint | I r is vex-y npt to bo , with constipation. KidneY-Wott quickly strengthens all kinds ' | the Weakened parts and cure# . physicians nssawines of riles .strata, when, ana , have before fwled. i IDERFUIi CURS, a# it is fcv ALL the painful ilteasea of tiio SIIdd?Y3, Liver ar.d Bowels. It oWSimos the system ef tio acrid poison that I , dreadful sufi-el'luff which only the eas es the realize, victims of rhenfllAtism oitifla't-rrS'le can TO™?ora A disease have ofthe relieved, ° boon quickly “ rn itlilMIpl, mm »■ PAW SAN 1 OBTAIN A PATENT? Send bo iidvtecd whether or not a patent can L voornmea. FdM Till.*' PRELIMINARYEXAiMINA >Hm NO CHARGE IS MADE. will a Patent HRI till shorn ey’a toe (S28) andtUa imal Sowra. a patent or not. and no attorney’s fee is charged Htt ssjssissAsrfc not advise that Inventionfa l’atentable, yog I’flltoS'inmlthe your iudpnentTan hence, yon can aW roly on the aovice givtffl qnestion; after » of the case ina* lead «o success. Sendme a written request addresst to tli6 (^mmiRSioner . of Patents that he recognize Georc.15 L. Lemon, of giving \\asn ington.D. C., as your attorneym and the case, date of the title of the invention about the filing ydflr Application. An examination olid re. rort will cost you nothing. Searches made for title to inventions, in fact any mtomiation relathig to Patents promptly furnished. Copies of patents mailed at the regular Government rates, successful (-&5C each. 7 Remember this office Has been in operation since 1865, and you tllCf efort reap the ben¬ efits of experience, besides reference can be to actual clients in every coiia^r m the U. s. Pamphlet relating to Patents free npi m request. CEO. E. LEMON, 615 I5tli St., WASHINGTOND. C. Attorney -at-L Unw and Solicitor of AflterL an a ml Foreign Patents. I OTedianfr" kGn S?TOr6tcasSlMurea<Sforb where allothere fall. A I able Bleep; effects cures skeptical. Price oUC* ftQu( irial convinces the most E~j OjjANvwArcHl Zi WEAR^Ot’T. ran /vFn ,.V Watchmakers. By malt, ^^rcul^ FREE. J KNOWLEDGE IS POWER READ! r*£ Wk f ['NOW THYSELF. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE: OR, SELF PRESERVATION, Isa medical treatise on Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man; is an indispensable treatise for every man, whether young, middle-aged or old. TIIE 8CIEN c E ^RY»k OR> SELF r H R S whatever that the married or single can either require orwish to know but ffflat is fully explained.—roronte Globe. THE SCIENCE PRESERVATION. OF LIFE; OR, SELF. Instructs those in health how to remain so, and the in¬ valid how to become well. Contains one hundred and twenty-five invaluable prescriptions for all forms of acute and chronic diseases, for each of which a first class physician would charge from $3 to $10 .—London Lancet. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; OR, SELF PRESERVATION, Contains 300 pages, fine steelyengrevin^s, fCe is_ superbly marvel of art and beauty, warranted to a better medical book in every sense than can be obtained else¬ where for double the price, or the money will be refund¬ ed in every instance.— Author. THE «CIENCE e OF rA& OR. 8EI.F Is bo much superior to all other treatises on medioal subjects Herald that comparison is absolutely impossible.— Boston . TIIE 8CIEN £?e8M& e ! oiu 8BMr - o n. Is sent by mail, seourely sealed, postpaid, on receipt of price, only $1.26 (new edition). Small illustrated samples^ 6o. Seud now. The author can be consulted on all ^diseases requiring skill and experience. Address PEABOQY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or W. H. PARKER, M. D., 4 UntiliteH Boaion, Maaa.