The Lincolnton news. (Lincolnton, Ga.) 1882-1???, December 01, 1882, Image 3

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THEN EWS PUBLISH It D EVERY FRIDAY AT DIN. COLNTON. GEORGIA. BXTEKED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AT THE POST-OFFICE AT LISCQLNTON,. «*■ KOI A. FRIDAY D anther 1,1882. Tl B HOLLENSHEAD Local Editor and Business Manager. . NOTICK. Parties to whom I told guano the tpreaeut season, are respectfully noti¬ fied that I have their notea for «• elec¬ tion. Note* due October, 15th 1882. ’Plume cult and settle. T. B. Hoixensheau. Cwisty Directory ■B F. Tjitom, Ordinary. 'T. B. Holienshead, Clerk Superior -Court and Comity Treasurer. W. T. Murray, Tax Collector. J. B. Bently, Tax Receiver. G. P. Murphy, Sheriff. H J. Lang, County School Com’r. L. Pi Elam, County Surveyor. All who are indebted to us by note or account are requested to make im¬ mediate payment as we greatly need the money to meet our obligations, and must have it. T. B Hollesshead, • W. T. Murray, T. P. Mitchell, Ag’t. for T. N. Dallis. Lineolnton, Ga., Nov. 13.1S82. Remember' he election for county officers takes place on January the 3d, 1883. ly Grape-Vine Telegraph the »IKWS More rain t’-is week Change cars f -r Lincoln!"!). —Pod. Nashe’s school has closed. — All aboard the El'berton Railroad. —The atmosphere is laden with moisture. —Can’t our yonng people get up a calico party ? . —Bussed is 'in- cheerful giver—r. the A E. & O. R R. --Mr, D. J. E. C Ivin has wit. I (drawn fnm the race for Sheriff --J. Dv Colley, E-q , will he x-Hs- ii' fr >ni Lincolntou <*n business for ten days. — The North Georgia annual Con¬ ference of the M E church South met ’ in Lagrange on Nov. 29th. Look out about the 7th of Decem¬ ber for some wed—Beg pardon, we came near divulging a secret. —Col. R M. Mi'Cbell 4 spent the day Vmo^snriVPFbTd.oc'ioo. in Lineolnton last Saturday The It —Oor RepreJet:rativ>- the Hon. J. \V. Barksdale is on a ntimher of im portant committees in live Legislature. —Mr. William A. Fieklen. of Wash¬ ington, had his arm so badly la?cera v ted in a gin last, week that it had <o be •amputated above the elbow. —We have received an advance notice that the editor- f tire Nk>vs m l be present’d wit > a huge wedding cake 'in the sweet b> e and-bye.” Told you so. —Be sure and plant large crops of oats and wheat. Though late, better late than never. . Be you ever so rich a farmer, you can not. afford to be without those crops. —“President James P. Verdery >>f the A. E. and O. Railroad is off for. the up country in the interest of his.road. He will soon have the surveyors in the field and the- line marked off for practical work. The subscription al¬ ready insures the building of the road, but it will be largely increased. Mr Verdery is giving his time and energy to the road and it. is certain to be built.”— Augusta News. Mr. Verdery’s enthusiasm means business,, and Lin¬ coln delights to sustain bint in this great enterprise. Personal —Miss Lizzie Sims, of Lincoln, ir visiting friends in Augusta, —Prof. Otis Ashm re has gone t Harlem. He will o-t' rn s »»n —Mr Joint Gtee s>>« and familv will move to Lttusians s«s-u. We re¬ gret to Use such •» family —Miss Alice Hollidav tine of the m-ist Hccomplisi-ed \i uog l»dies • f Wilkes county visiting Line >ln —President Verdery of the A. E. & C. R. R. spent two days with us this week. He is highly elated with the prospects of our Road, and wants to buy property in Lineolnton. By-the way the President is a single man. IMed. _ Mr. W. K. Turner an aged citizen of Lineolnton died yesterday morning at half-past three o’clock. He has been suffering some months from a combination of diseases, and death was perhaps a sweet deliverance from his pains. He has doubtless gone to join his - ife and little children in a better land. Enjoyable. The winter party campaign was opened in Lineolnton last Friday night with a candy pulling. Quite a crowd of our portly young, men, and beauti¬ ful blondes and dark eyed bruuetts were present, all of whom enjoyed themselves to the utmost extent. One of the most charming features of the occasion was the musio by Misses F. H. and L. B. It waa simply exquisit. Pulling the candy was the laughable part of the programme, aitd we have never beheld such a “stuck-up” crowd. The News gang'returns thanks for an irritation to be present. Hull. W. U. luttt' • I .. Sensfe >r from 'hi* District i« <>ne<>f t lie leading mnnbeis <>f the upper II vi-e of tlmGeneral Assembly of Georgia. He is a gentleman of fine le^al attain¬ ments. quick perception and excellent judgement, and withal i« one of the most important and influential of our law-makers. He is chairman of the Senate committee on Railroads, and is alao a member of the commit ee on Banks. Printing, Stale of Republic and ol the S(ter.ia) Judiciary c<unmit tef. He is one of the lineal orators in the Senate, and when he speaks Com¬ mends the strict attention of all bis heavers. The 29lb D strict feels a just pride in her Senator, and someday in the near future we expect to hear the clarion notes'ot Vpluiu Bill Tutt,” in <'ovgr-s« A Gala Night Iu Liacelalon. The closing exercises of Prof. T. A. Nashe’s school on last Tuesday was a scene long to be remembered by the young people of Liucolnton and vicin¬ ity. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather a very large crowd was present to take part in the amuse meutsand contribute to the enjoyment of the occasion. The Academy beautifully illuminated and everything in perfect trim for the affair, and the exercises were opened with some of the sweetest music on the piano by Miss Lucy B'.>jd that we have ever heard. Iudeed the bird-like chit chat of the crowd was completely hushed, and silence—save by the bewitching pei former—reigned supreme for some¬ time, so enchanting was this part of the programme. Each strain of music ms it floated out on the night air but served to more enthuse the crowd, and at the.conclusion the deafe ing applause plainly indie ted the high apprecis'i n -el upon the performance. A hand supper was served at ten o’clock, which w : a» simply supeib, and C'-uld not. have failed to satisfy the most fastidious epicure. Then follow¬ ed toe plays usual on similar occasions, and ail enjoyed them to the utmost. Miss s A. and L B . F. II A. E , L. N , F. F., L B and M. P., deserve special mention for the excellent manner in Which they as a committee managed the* supper The merry crowd persed about 32 o'clock liopeing soon to have the pleasure of attending other eu>ertaiunieut. of the kind. MOUNTAIN MISCELLANIES. BY HOOS1ER. Spaie-iibs. Backbones. Slice “mertaters” and fleas. A fellow down here lias threatened to ride our horse about some reporto¬ nal work d >ne by us. We hope he won’t, for lie must take in considera¬ tion that the fraternity'gives “to airy nothing a local habitation and a name ” One tn fellow citizens is to trote ble. H>- wants t bttiid a pea for his porkers, but is afraid to locate for fear ibe R. R. will run over it. ’ Bolts Matthews and Toni Paradise are standing candida tes for matrimony with ttiC cltauces in favor of neither. If aec.n get t wo pounds ,.f pepper on a credit we will kill a wild itM'kev Christinas. , Tots 'as i.iur aim, but 1,'ot/i Mitchell says it, is impossible to accommodate us, and we will have to content ourselves on rabbit soup. We are all candidates for happi¬ ness, but. alas ! how often we receive the suffrages of sorrow. A mountain ranger fell desperately in love with a mountain nymph, hut could give no expressions to his feeling, save the upheaval of many sighs, a furtive sheep eye anti a love-sick coun¬ tenance. The old lady had killed the last chicken, and to expedite mat¬ ters thusly addressed the love-sick pair: “Jerushy, do you love “You bet I do.” “Now Swet do you love Jerushy?” “I certainly do." Well I am willing go and g^t Cap’u. and tie the knot. Ere the sun sent up his last lingeriug rays of following day, Swet. and were numbered with Hymen’s band. A. E. &. C. Railway Notice. For the purpose of soliciting sub¬ scriptions to the stock of tiic AUGUSTA, ELBERTON Jt CHICAGO RAIL¬ WAY, I shall be at the following places on the days named. All persons who intend to aid the enterprise are earn¬ estly urged to meet me : Lineolnton, Saturday, Nov. 25. WILKES COUNTY. Washington, Wilkes Co., Mon. Nov. 27. Danburg, Wilkes “ “ Tuos. Nov. 2S. Pistol, Co.,Wed. morn. Nov. 29. Broad, Wilkes Co., Wed. eve. Nov. 29. ELBERT COUNTY. Bakers Ferry,Elbert Co.,Thm\Nov. 30. 4. Doves Nicksvillc, Creek, Elbert El. Co.,Fri. morn. Dec. Co., Fri. eve. Dec. 1. Elbcrton, Elbert Co., Saturday, Dec. 2. Ruckersville, El. Co., Monday, Dee. 4. Eureka Mills, Tuesday morn. Dec. 5. Heardmont. Tuesday evening, Dec. 5. Stausells, Wednesday morning,Dec. 6. Flatwoods,Wednesday evening,Dec. 6. LINCOLN COUNTY. Lisbon, Thursday, December, 7. Barksdale’s Ferry,Friday morn.Dee. 8. Goshen, Friday evening, December 8. Dooley’s Ferry,Saturday morn. Dee. 9. Lcverctt, Saturday evening, Dee. 9. Double Braucbys, Monday, Dec. 11. Lockharts, Tuesday morning, Dec. 12. Leathersville,Tuesday evening,Dcc.12. COLUMBIA COUNTY. Raysvillc, Winfield, Wednesday morn. Dec. 13. Dunn’s Chapel, Wednesday evening, Dee. 13. Tliurs. morn. Dec. 14. Gritf’s Appling, Store, Thursday Friday evening, Dee. 14. Luke’s morning, Dec. 15. Store, Friday evening, Dee. 15. Dr. Jack Smiths, Sat. morn. Dee. 16. Maysvillc, Saturday evening, Dec. 16. It. M. MITCHELL, Soliciting Agent, A.E. & C. Railway. USUAL AjjVEIt THE UtN t 8. - LINCOLN SHERIFF’S SALE. OF GEORGIA—Lincoln Co. VTTILLbc V sold before tlic Court T House door in Lineolnton ou the 1st Tuesday in Januarv, 1883, between the lawful hours of sale, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in said county, adjoining lands of Wm. and A. G. Paradise, Joint Jones and others. Levied on as the property of Rachael and John Blackhoru, to sat¬ Court isfy a li fa siiid issued from favor the Superior II. of county in of F. & J. I). Colley and Sims & Shubrick. Written notice of levy given to De¬ fendants in possession. November 30th, 1882. G. P. Murphy,. Sheriff L. C. IJ CO LUTON UlVEBTISEMENTH. THE LATEST NEWS Is tliatnhe undersigned keeps a well selected S'eck of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Crockery, Glass, arid everything usually kept in a first-class country store. I no *' “contest” your right to buy elsewhere, but if you will give me a call I guarantee satisfaction,.in quid ity and price of goods. Polite atten tion to all. T- B H^LLENSHEAD, Liucolnton G ! orgia '„ LAWYERS. F. H. COLLEY, Att’y at Law, Washington, Ga. SIMS A SHUBRICK, Att’ys at Law, Washington, Ga. C. It. STROTHER, Att’y at Law. Li. colnton, Ga. II. J. LASG, Att’y at Law, Lineolnton Ga. J. D. COLLEK, Att’y at Law, Lineolnton. Ga. Coixxctixo \ Specialty. Ts prepared to negotiate loans on long or short time, at (i per cent, for patties wishing to bor¬ row money. A GREAT SHOW -AT P.L.STURKEY&00., Near Pine Grove. NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK. A WONDER TO ALL HOW THEY SELL AT SUCH LOW PRICES. 50 Pairs Ladies’ Shoes worth .$1.00 at 75 cents. 100 Pairs Men’s Brogans Home¬ made at $1.50. 50 Sacks Salt 200 lbs. at $1.50. Coffee 0 His. to $1.00. Good. 300 Bushels Corn at 75 cents. Highest prices paid for Cotton, Hides,Chickens, Eggs, Dried Fruit, &c. Nov. 24, 3m. IV. A. Maguirf.. Barnett Irvin. George E. Dillard. AUGUSTA PRICES DUPLICATED !! (:o:) The A. E. & C. R. R. is the Pet Schi me of Lincoln -AND The all Absorbing Wonder and Great Enterprise of Wilkes is the New Store. New Goods. Low Prices and Immense Bargains of Maguire, Irvin & Co • 5 Successors to T. BurwellNS keen. Grocers, Commis¬ sion Merchants and Cotton Buyers Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple Dry Goods, Hardware Har¬ ness, Saddles, Lea¬ ther, Boots, Shoes, Liquors, and General Merchandise * NOS. 3 & 4 GREEN'S BLOCK, WASHINGTON, GA Nov. 10; 3m. T. M. H. 0. T. S. New Attractions —at— The Music House of the South. PIANOSandORGANS! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. -— (:o: )—- ■ G.1U.-E. 1. 0. I.-L. P, 0, S. An Extended Visit among the Principal PIANO and ORGAN FAC¬ TORIES has enabled us to make the FINEST SELECTION of INSTRU MENTS ever brought to Augusta. Our Stock, which will be ished Weekly from the Best facturers, will be the Largest and Most Complete iu the South. Our Prices the Low est, and Terms of Payment the Easiest ever Offered. Sheet-Music and Music Books— Large Discount from Publishers’ Prices. Best Italian Strings, and everything desired in the Line of MUSIC, SAVE MONEY by visiting or cor¬ responding with G-.O. Robinson & Co., 831 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. Nov. 10, ly. OLD RELIABLE, r Invites the Attention of the BUYING PUBLIC to his WELL SE¬ LECTED STOCK OF FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FURNISHING GOODS, SC. -(:o: > In our Dress Goods Department may be found all the Leading Styles in the Newest Shades, embracing PLUSHES, VELVETS, SILK OT¬ TOMANS, SATINS, PLAIN and BROCADED VELVETEENS. Be¬ sides a Magnificent Line of Dress Fabrics, ranging iu price from 9 cents to’$2.00 per yard. While I desire more especially to call your attention to my Dress Goods Department, I would say that the other Departments have not suffered for want of Attention, as I have spared neither time nor money to have them OPEN UP TO THE Full Standard! You arc cordially invited to visit MILLER’S Nov. 10, 3m. ORDER YOUR Saw Mills, Cane Mills, Grist Mills, and Plantation and Mill Machinery, Engines and Boilers, Cotton Screws, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Jour¬ nal Boxes, Mill Gearing, Gudgeons, TURBINE WATER WHEELS, Giu Gearing, Jndson’s Governors, Disston’s Circular Saws, Glim¬ mers and Files, Belting and Babbitt Metal and Brass Fittings, Globe and Check Valves and Whistles, Guages, Iron and Brass Castings, Gin Ribs, Iron Fronts, Balconies and Fence Railing. Geo.R.Lombard & Co., FOREST CITY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, Near the Water Tower, 1,014 to 1,02G Fenwick Street, Augusta, Ga. g/F Repairing promptly done at Lowest Prices. COLEMAN & LYON, -Dealers In General Merchandise. THEY offer liberal and .great in¬ ducements to the people up and down the Savannah. SAVE GREAT EXPENSE Of hauling, and buy your goods at bottom prices at home. P. HANSBERGER, -Manufacturer Of CIGARS, -And Dealer Iu TOBACCO, PIPES, AND SMOKERS ARTICLES. CIGARETTES TO TIIE TRADE A SPECIALTY. Manufactory on ELLIS STREET, FIRE-WORKS BY WHOLESALE. M BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Nov. 10, t-f. DANRUHG ADVKBPISKHBSTf*. J. A. SUlTuS. A. S. ASDEBgO'R. Sutton & Anderson, DANBURG, GEORGIA, (: o:) —Dealers In— Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Drugs, Boots, Shoes, Hardware and Farmers' Supplies. Co:) Highest Price Paid For Corn, Cotton, Peas and Hides. Oct. 20, 6m. l MATHEWS & TALLEY, DANBURG, GEORGIA, COTTON BUYERS, --Dealers In Meat, Lard, Flour, Molasses, Sugar, Grain, Clothing, Shoes, Sta pie Dry Goods, And Plantation Supplies. Oct. 20, 6m. John L.Anderson, DANBURG, GEORGIA, Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs, Medi cines, Paints, Oils, and Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats,Caps, And a Full Line of Fancy Goods. Highest Market, Price Paid For Vottoa and Other Farm Produce. TEBMS CASH Oct. 20, 6m. Sis is i O-OSHEljr. C 3 -A., ••••••a•«••*•••••* KEEPS a first-class store with a full and complete stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Is determined to sell so cheaply that all who call on him will purchase be¬ fore leaving. Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco, Cigars, Crackers, etc. Dry Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes. The best Market in the county for Cotton and Oats. Oct. 27, ly. Cooke’s Clothing -AND- Hat Store !! THE LARGEST STOCK. CLOTHING-. THE LOWEST PRICES. TIIE LATEST STYLES. HATS. Call and see our STOCK. The great¬ est VARIETY. A. W. Blanchard, (FOR J. C. LUDLOW & CO.,) 711 BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA, GA a Nov. 3. 3m. Merchr’s Store. A First-Class Store in every Par¬ ticular. A full Stock of General Merchandise always on hand. J. N. Mercier. Nov. 3, tf. FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale one third interest in the following property: 1 Seven horse power, C. & G. Cooper engine, one Cart! well separa¬ tor, 1 fifty saw Brown cotton gin with self-feeder and condensor, 1 yoke of large young oxen. The gin and at¬ tachments has been used only one season. All the maohinery is good as new. Can be bought low for cash, or on time with approved security. Ap¬ ply to T. B. HOLLENSHEAD, 4t. Lineolnton, 0*. WitHiNGigN AUVEttTlSEiltNTS. 1 __ DRY GOODS. BIG BOOM, Paper. New I Enterprise. New Goods. The New Goods can be found at First Class Cash Dry Goods House Hogue <fc Quin, who keep constantly on on hand a large 6 and well selected stock of choice goods, , and , we _ _ selling them lower than they can be bought in larger cities. For the best Boston Brogans go to Hogue & Quin. For the. best Baltimore Ladies’ Fine Shoes go to Hogue A Quin. For the best Philadelphia School Shoes go to Hogue A Quin. For the best Ladies snd Gents' un¬ derwear go to Hogue A Quin. For the best Laundried and Un laundried shirts go to Hogoe and Quin. For Fine Clothing to fit you go to Hogue and Quin. For Ladies’ Cloaks go to Hogue and Quin. ‘ We sell all our goods at cash prices’ and for Cash—No credit prices in onr House. Call on us and you will be waited on by polite clerks. Washington, Ga Oct. 20. 6m. Slaughter Still Continues!.! Unparalled inducements are offered by the nndexsigned in the following goods both in quality and^price: Bleached Domestic, Unbleached Domestic, Sea Islands Domestic, Checks, Cotton Kersey, Wool Kersey, Wool Jeans, Wool Fiannels, Canton Flannels. Hats, Table Damask, Linen Doylers, Linen Napkins, Handkerchiefs, Laces, Embroideries, Tooth Brushes, White Dress Goods. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Calico, Momie Cloths, Cashmeres^ Goods, American Dress Velvets, Plush es, Jewelry. Mr. JOHN M. WRIGHT, of Lin¬ coln county, is now with us and will give all of his old friends a cordial wel¬ come and holds himself ready at all times to serve his friends in any capacity it they will entrust their or¬ ders to him when not convenient for them to visit Washington to make their selections in person. And to our many friends of Lincoln county we pledge ourselves to dupli¬ cate any bills purchased in Augusta or elsewhere. All we ask is an inspec¬ tion of our Stock and we guarantee satisfaction in every particular. Cozart, Binns & Co., WASHINGTON, GA. Oct. 20, 6m. 3 IU 3 PE I i To The Front. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gents Clothing, and in fact everything usually found in a General Store, all of which I respectfully call your attention to. Ladies will always have good attention paid them when they visit my store,so let them and select for themselves. I will pay the Market Price for Cot¬ ton in Seed or Lint, Corn, Wheat, Oats, Peas, etc. Special attention paid to orders. W. T. MURRAY, Oct. 20, ly. Lineolnton, G». AUGUSTA Ai> V JCKTIsKM KNTO. BUGE1ES, CARRIAGES, ETC. Roet. H. May. A. R. Goouyxab. ’to:, ROBT. H- MAY & CO’S. GRAND EXHIBITION OP Carriages, Boggles, Phaetons, Aid Plantation Wagon*—All Sizes. The Largest and most Complete as¬ sortment ol One and Two Horse Ve hides ever shown in this section. AU first-class work, and will be offered for the next sixty days at prices way be ] ow t jjeir value and lower than can be duplicated. opportunity; Do not loee this On examination, this work willI prove to you that it cannot be purchased else* wbero at the price8 we oller . Also, a large stock of Saddles, Bri¬ dles, Harness, Umbrellas, Lap Re be*. Blankets, Cali Skins, Sole and Har¬ ness Leather, Rubber and Leather Belting, Trunks, Bags, Hub*, Spoke*. Reins, Axles, Trace Chains, Hame*, Wagon Harness, Ac., at LOWEST CASH PRICES. THE ROAD CAKT-Pateated. The Safest, Lightest and Host Easy Riding Two Wheeled Vehicle ever produced. Of all the road carts made, use and experience has demonstrated these to be the best. Tbs ADJUST¬ ABLE BALANCE is a most valuable feature of our Road Carts. Bay so othqr. Price $50.00. The EXCELSIOR BUCK BOARD —Patented. The cheapest, most con¬ venient and durable Vehicle ever of¬ fered to the public. Price $50.00. N. B.—-We warrant a9 the vehicle* we sell. Remember our prices are th* LOWEST. ROBT H. MAT A CO.. BROAD STREfit. Opposite Ga. B. B. Bank, AugusU.G*. - Oct. 20, 6 aC * " ' I' T I , . RAILROADS. IICHMl* Passenger Dept rtf M Caises or 8ctntDvtM. On and after New. 5th, 1882, Ito enger Train Service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Lane Division wi§ be as fjllows: EXP! —Eastward. NdmskrSI. Leave Atlanta, 2 55 p. ta. Arrive Gainesville, 5 04 p. to. , &afc£*8tt Lola, . 585 p. «u Rabun Gap June., ,5 11 i$.M p. m. Toccoa, «48 Seneca, 8 07 p,nu Greenville, 10 06 p.n» Spartanburg, Gastonia, Charlotte, 3 21 a. n Express—Westward. Number 59. Leave Charlotte, 1 00 a..ia. Arrive Gastonia, 2 08 a. ». “ Spartanburg, 4 31 a. m. “ Greenville, 5 59 am. “ Seneca, 7« am. •* Toccoa, 918 am. “ Rabun Gap June., 10 00 a. m. “ Lula, 10 37 a. m. H Gainesville, 11 06 a. m. “ Atlanta, 1 30 p. m. Accommodation Train (“Air-Lino Belle.’’) Leave Atlanta, 5 00 p. ra. Arrive Atlanta, 8 40 am. I. Y. Sags, Superintendent. T. M. R Talcott, Gen. Man. W. J. Houston, A. G. P. A. M. Slaughter, G. P. A. Arrangement of Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars —VIA— Charlotte, Danville A Lynchburg On 31—^Through without Bleeper Attala to Row York change. —VIA— Charlotte, Danville A Riohmond Oh 51— and Through Richmond Sleeper to New Atlanta York. to DaaviUa> T. M. B. TALCOTT, Manager. General I. X. BADE, Superintendent. May 5th, 1833. Augusta and Knoxville R. R. Co. GEN. PASS. Ga., AGT’S. Oct. OFFICE, 8, 1882. i Augusta, J Commencing MONDAY, will 9th, inet., the following schedule Auguste be oper¬ ated. Trains run by time; No. 1—NORTH. Leave Augusta, 7:45 a. m. Arrive at Greenwood, 1:10 p. nn No, 2—SOUTH. Leave Greenwood, 2:15 p. in. Arrive at Augusta, 7:15 p. m. Connect at Greenwood with Colum¬ bia and Greenville trains for all points West. E. F. Vebdeby, Gen’l Manager. G. I*. Hill, Gen. Pass. Agent. Mrs. W.S. REID, wwa yuuw UVUSv. TVfMIflf* New House, Large and Commo¬ dious. Splendid accommodations, $1.25 per day. 1021 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga. M. SLAUGHTER* Gen’l Paaa. Agent. W. i. HOUSTON t AaeietantO.P. A.