The Lincolnton news. (Lincolnton, Ga.) 1882-1???, December 08, 1882, Image 4

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I WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. BENSON. wishing™, ga., the Leafier of Low Prices Offers to his many friends in Lincoln 3,649 Sits Gents’, Mils’ and Bops’ Ready-Wade Clothing, Every garment of ■which has been made specially to order, and will be sold at less than New York retail prices. 1,170 HUS LADIES MD GENTS BOOTS & SHOES Rut up by the best and most reliable manu lecturers in the East, every pair of which is warranted to give satisfaction or money returned. The largest and most varied as Bortment of LADIES’ AND GENTS’ HATS, In all the Newest Styles, it has been my pleasure to have exhibited in Washington. Bsoiiiu, nsnen md noethebn jeans. For Man and Boys’ wear, at astonishingly . Low Prices. ^^aa^aaaas F “" ■ m 25^XX) yards Calico, in all the newest and most stylish brands. — BACOH, LARD, SUGAR, Coffee, Figures Molasses, Rice, Grits, etc., at as as Augusta or Atlanta. JOEN WHISKIES. other Genuine Wines Catawba,'Scuppemong, and church Claret and for family use pur Ksssgfisgjssrscis fruity of the State. JhhWteB and Willow, Glass and Crockery Ware, Md Cutlery at and Hardware prices than always in store, sew lower any house in •Jbe rade. To friends in Lincoln who have in the past so- liberally patronized me, I desire to say that when the first pick breaks dirtlintend the to open one of the largest stores th State in the capital of your county. Who is it that will offer me the site? JAS. A. BENSON. JOHN D. FLOYD, 'T Washington, 6a., DEALER IN Furniture! COFFINS, &c„ &o. A FULL STOCK OF 9 'J Clairs, Solas J farJroles, Louies % - AND BEDROOM SETS! AT Atlanta Prices. Undertaking 0 ALL ITS DRAHCHES Promptly Attended to. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. a. a sws. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND FARM SUPPLIES. As my friends in Lincoln know, I pride myself in keeping the very beet quality of goods challenge and in other selling them at prices that any market. Do not fail to call on me, and I will soon show it to your advantage to buy my goods. M. M. SIMS, WASHINGTON, GEORGIA J. M. WOOD, - WASHINGTON, GA, Keeps a First-Class Bar & Saloon, Finest Wines and Whiskies, Tobacco and Cigars. Also LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. sale Headquarters of throughout tbe year for the GEORGIA & KENTUCKY Horses & Teams of all sorts, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons and Drays ready to answer every demand. he Old Reliable P. H. Na, Washington, - - GA. ESTABLISHED 18SS, And no Change Since. DEALER IN Rrocerie S AND GENERAL MERCHANDiSE AND Commission Merchant. P. H. NORTON. Henry Gordes, JEWELER, WASHINGTON, - GA. A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacles Always on hand. Prices as low as Augusta or Atlanta. CLOCKS COSTING OYER FIVE DOLLARS Warranted for Two Years. Watch work Done in the Best of Style. WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. C. E. SMITH, ^Washington, Ga., DEALER fit Groceries, Previsions AND STAPLE DRY 600DS. SUC AR. COFFEE, FLOUR, BACON, SALT, SEED, BARLEY, BACC1NC And TIES, Etc., Etc. come nnd see me before yon make yon purchases. UVD V FOOTS®', Washington, Ga.. Will sell exclusively for Can [give you more Dry Goods, BOOTS A SHOES, Hats & Caps, And HARDWARE For less money than any house in town. Ask they your neighbors that have trailed with ns; will confirm what we say. Don’t fail lo call on us before buying, or else you may regret it. , WE SELL GOODS at LOW PRICES dry Bring hides. in your wool and dried poaches and We will pay you cash for them. J.W. Sanders, WASHINGTON, GA., Hardware. ■Manufacturer of nil kinds of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, DEALER IN EGCNIHG AND HEATING STOVES. it Sti Crockery, GLASSWARE. AND HtmMdki Goods. OILS, PAINTS, Brushes,Varnishes,Ete. Special Attention Is oalled to the nm in nunc Sewing Machines, Which I Always Keep in Stock ESTABLISHED 1872. LOWE & BEO., RETAIL DEALERS IS FINE LIQUORS OP ALL SORTS. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF NORTH CAROLINA CORN WHISKY APPLE ANb PEACH BRANDY, FINS WINES, RUM, GIN, ALE, BEER, ETC., ETC, ETC., ETC. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WASHINGTON. GA. THE FAMILY DOCTOR. Dr. Foote's Health Monthly advises sufferers from neuralgia to try‘a hot dry flannei over the seat of neuralgic pain and renew frequently! Bums and scalds ore soonest relieved by an application of cold water. Dry carbonate of soda or baking soda sprinkled over the burned spot is the latest remedy, and is said to be very effectual. These means are only tem¬ porary. Dr. Hall prescribes watermelons for painful and feverish “summer com¬ plaints ” and for fevers of all sorts ; the fresh juice of apples for nervous dyspepsia, and the free use of raw ripe and perfectly sound fruit for both constipation and the opposite conditions for sluggish livers and for listless appetities. An Editor’s Cruelty. Editor (reading)—“The night had draped its folds around the dark and steely waters; the lights of the dis¬ tant city glimmered on the brink; naught was heard save the churning of the paddles as the ferryboat Pulton plowed her way across the threatening tide. There were but few passengers —weary men returning to tlieir well won rest ; hollow-eyed girls ex¬ hausted with their daily toil in the close and fetid rooms of some city workshop. One figure only was seen to move restlessly to and fro, his hat drawn firmly down over his wild and hopeless eyes. Suddenly he darted from the cabin, gave one last look on sea and sky. There was a plunge, and all was still—” Editor—Jim, this is all very fine but it’s not the way we do it on this paper. Just say: “ Last evening, as the ‘ Fulton ’ was making her 9 o’clock trip, a man, ap¬ parently about forty years of age, jumped from her deck into the river. He was fished out by deckhand Smith and handed over to the police.” The Richmond ( Va.) State writes: Ex-Mayor J. A. Gentry, Manchester, this State, was cured of rheumatism by St. Ja cobs Oil. Colonel Thomas M. Holt of Haw • River, X. C., who now owns several cotton mills, says he dyed with his own- hands the first piece of colored goods made in the South. We know from experience St. Jacobs Oil will cure rheumatism. — Peoria (III.) Peorian. Ottawa boasts of a venerable couple named Macdonald, the husband being 105 years old and his wife 106.: would a Fatal nustaste b e not to take Dr. R. V. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery” if you are bil¬ ious, suffering from impure blood, or fearing consumption (scrofulous disease of the lungs). Sold by all d r uggists. A ton of fine white paper was required on which to print the 900,000 ballots for, and a like number against, the amendment of the constitution making canals free of tolls, voted at the last election in New York. Dr. Pierce’s “ Pleasant Purgative Pellets” tles, arc sugar-coated and inclosed in glass bot¬ their virtues being thereby preserved unimpaired climate, for any length of time, in any so that they are always fresh and reliable. No cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. By druggists. _ “Red chills” are an affliction which belong exclusively to Greensboro, N. C. Persons taking and these chills become as red us blood, remain so un til ri d of them. Functional derangement of the female sys¬ tem is quickly cured by the use of Dr. It. V. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription.” It re¬ moves pain and restores health and strength. By all dru ggists. _ The elevated railway travel in New York increased from 46,000,000 passengers for the year 1878-9 to 80,361.029 in 1881-2. Mensman’s Peptonized beef tonic, the only preparation of boef containing its entire nu h-i(ious properties. It contains life-sustaining blood-making, force-generating and indigestion,dyspepsia,ner¬ proper¬ ties; invaluable for vous prostration, and all forms of general de I dlity :also,in al 1 enfeebled conditions,whether the result of exhaustion, nervous particularly prostration, if overwork or acute disease, re¬ sulting from pulmonary N.Y. complaints. Sold by druggists Caswell, I I azard & Co.. prop’ rs. , Tl.e Frazer Axle Urease Is the best in the market. It is the most economical and cheapest, other. one box greasing lasting as tong as two of any Ono will last (wo weoks. It received first premium at l!:e Centennial and Paris Expositions, also medals at various State fairs. Buy no other. The successful man has many imitators in his line of business,but there is only one origi¬ nator. So, also, the great petroleum hair re fected, uewer, Carboline, holdB as now against improved all imitators. and per¬ the palm flies, “ Rough roaches, on Rats.” bed-bugs, Clears out vermin. rate, mice, 15c. ants, Siam?, for feverish¬ Motheb Swan’s Wobm ness, restlessness, wo rms. Taste less. 26 o. The Science of Life or Self-Preservation, a medical work for every man—ypung, middle aired or old. 125 ig¥filtl ftblg prescript ions. One pair of boota saved every year by using Lyon's Patent Metallic Heel Stiffeners. TWENTY-FOUR HOURS TO LITE. From John Kuhn, Lafayette, Ind., who announces that he is now in “perfect health." we have the fol¬ lowing: “One year ago I was, to *11 appearance, in the last stages of CdnsUhibtiOn. t?nf best physi¬ cians gave my case up. I finally got so low; that onr doctor said I could not live twenty-four hours. My friends then purchased a bottlo of DR. WM. HALL’S BALSAM FOR THE LtfNGS, which con¬ siderably benefited mo. I continued until I took nihe bottles. I am now iri perfect health, having used uo other medicine.__ DR. DeWITT C. KKLUNGEIPS LINIMENT is an i infallible cure lor Rheumatism, Sprains, for Lameness md Disease* of the Scalp, and promoting the ;rowth of tho Hair. TUE MARKETS. 7 HEW XOBK. Beef cattle, good to prime 1 yt 7*4(3) 7>i@ 10 ti'h J,C Calves, corn’ll to prune veals Sheep ....................... ®>i Lambs...................... 6 Hogs—Live......... 7i£; Dressed, city.......... 4 i'5 &%('! 6 75 9 Flour—Ex. St.-, good to fancy @ West,, good to choice 4 45 (d) 8 -6 Wheat—No. 2 Ked,.......... 1 1 0J No. 1 White ,1 Q 8 @ 1 08^ Rye—State t,, n : j:; 72 @ 7 22* Barley—Two-rowed State ... 88 @ 510 Com—Ungrad. West, mixed. 80 ( 5 ) 80 Yellow Southern..;.. 80 @ 92 Oats—White State........ 1 ;; 43 hi £0 Mixed Western....... 40 @ 43 Hay—Med. to ch. Timothy.. 85 (a 90 Straw—No. 1, Rye........... CO @ GO Hops—State, 1881, choice ... 1 05 @ 1 25 Lard—City Steam...........12 25 @12 10 1 ’etrolwm —CriMte, JijM >J($ 7% 8% Refined........ 8 Butter—State Creamery..... 34 @ 38 Dairy............... Creamery. 16 20 @ 23 31 West. Im. (u) Factory....... Factory 15 8 Op 19 12% Cheese—State SkinMr 1 ...... 3 fi (d 6 Western...... @ 12% Eggs—State and i’eim 29%@ 30 Potatoes—State bbl... 2 00 @ 2 25 BUFFALO. Steers—Good to Choice... 5 50 @ 6 00 Lambs—Western........... 4 65 @ 5 25 Sheep—W estern............ , 3 85 @ 4 40 Hogs—Qpod to choice Yorks. Q 05 @ 6 80 Flour—C’ygrounuu. process. 7 25 @ 8 25 Wheat—No. 1, Hard Duluth.. 1 18 @ 1 19 Corn-No. 2, Mixed......... Western. 76% 40 @ @ 77 Oats—No. 2, Mixed 41 Barley—Two-rowed k,sto*i; State ... 78 (3 80 Beef—Ex. plate and family. .17 50 @18 00 Hogs—lave 8 %@ 9% City Dressed......... 11%@ 11% Pork—Ex. Prime, per bbl... 21 00 (a .21 50 Flour—Spring Wheat patents 7 25 88 @8 00 Corn—High Oats—Extra Mixed.......... White.,. @ 88 66 ;;;;;; ! sb Rye—State 85 Wool—comb & delaine, No. 1 46 @ ro Unwashed combing.. 25 @ 35 Beef—Extra WATERTOWN (MASS.) CATTLE MARKET. Sheep—Live quality weight......... ......... 1 50 @800 5% 5 @ Lambs...................... 5%@ 6 % Hogs—Northern, PHILADELPHIA* d: w....... 10 @ 11 Wheat—No. Flour—Penn, ex Red family, good 5 25 @ 5 50 % 2, 1 10 @1 10 Rye—State....... 70 @ 70 Corn—State Y'ellow.......... 82 @ 82 Oats—Mixed................ 69 @ 69 Butter—Creamery Cheese—N. Full Extra Pa. 3i @ 34 Y. Cream... 12%@ 13 Petroleum—Crude 6 @ 7 Refined .;.;; 7%@ 7% PCOH s ' m : j ffl- li mm mm MM s mm -■ v ; • : emu FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell¬ ings Scalds, and Sprains, Burns and General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Bar and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil aa Remedy. a safe, sure, simple and cheap External A trial entails but the comparatively trilling with outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering pain can have cheap and positivo proof of its Directions in Eloven Languages. 13 SOLD BY ALL DRTJGQIBT8 AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., XT. 8. A. N Y N U—45 §y - t. BSlSBiPTli. 1 have for abovo thonBands a positive remedy of the the kind disease; by its cte of cases worst and of long PtaiKtlRg in have been cured. Indeed, eo strong is FKfiK. mv faith Its efficacy, that I will semi TWO BOTTLES to¬ gether with a VALUABLE THEATTflE ou this disease, to r.ny snUcrer. Give Expires and P. O. address. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 181 Pearl St.. Now York. TYPE, BORDERS, CUTS, PRESSES, &C. LOWEST PRICES. LARGEST VARIETY. NATIONAL TYPE C 0 . ) «S 5 ffi£ffiW _i.2i F1VGLISH Im XUbooks RKWAlin Holi- HOOKS. Superior ported anything reward this for for lJday the rewards to in country money. Books in quantities for 5o., 10c. and upward. Beauti¬ ful book8for25c. to 50c., with big discount for Novem¬ ber orders, to introduce; catalogue free. DAVID U. COOK, 46 Adams street, Chicago._______ MMYaSSmMD VY. Baker, Atty, Easton, Talbot Go., Md. ^ wfuLWMP (8 )an T vT,tch I D WEAR AND NOT OUT. sold iam M gfeas HULLERSSSSSs AULTMAN a TAYLOlt CO. MawdalJ. o. --rite THE /-1HRI8TMAB Vj AND choice, NEW YEAR CARDS. day-schools Fringed and and home plain, gifts, lc. now $1 patterns, ouch. for Address Sun¬ to DAVID O. COOK, 46 Adams street, Ch icago, Ill._ fJKT II IMC'K selling our Rubber Stamps and Music. Samples free. L. P. Bissell &; Co., Cleveland, O A Pictorial Wauled Books for Bibles. tho Best Prices and reduced Fastest-selling and 33 per ce nt. Nation al. Publishing Co. , Philadelphia, Pa. YmiMn I UUnQ l.qCM fislE.feV D you want to learn Telegraphy in a few months and be.certain or a situa¬ tion, address Valentine Bros., Janesville Wis. / iOT.EMAN BUSINESS Uole <;01.r*E<SE, Palms, Nowark, vy N, J. Write im Oatalo gue. man & Props. ft ACCIITC I 8i»d l*x 0 roular of Laukdiiv (^ueen m kin w Co.’s Washer, Syracuse, New York. _ A Sure Cure for Epilepsy or Fits in 24 hours. Free to poor. Dr. Kruse, 2844 Arsenal at., St. Lou ie, Mo. / lorrespondenta Marriage. furnished Corr'ap’nd’nU’Ag’noy.St,Paul. on Busineu, Fun, Love Mina. or Am. [..alMWWliT-. c GARGLING OH “■A A LOCI For Internal and External fJse* CURES RHEUMATISM, Bums; Frcist FcojUsi Bites; Chilblains, Chapped Hands, Sore Nipples, j n±sass5StosftMM,- Toothache, Cramps Colic, or Asthma, Spasms of Stomach, Pain, or Internal Lame Back, Bites of Animals, • Galls of all kinds, Sitfast, Ringbones, Poll Evil, Cracked Garget Tea in Cows, M, Spavins, Foot Rot in Sweeney, Sheep, Strinehalt; Scratches or Grease, Windgalls, Foundered Roup in Poultry; Fistula, Feet, Bogs. Cracked Heels, Mange ln Ask your nearest Dealer for or Druggist for one of our Almanacs 1883. From the Christian Leader N. F., Oct. 28, 71. Merchant's Gaiiguko On..—W o have made tho merits Special personal this celebrated inquiry in remedy, regard and to or Audit a genuine article of rare value. It is by no means a new remedy. The establish¬ ment which produces it dates Its manufac¬ ture as far back as 1833. Since Which time it has been steadily growing the in foremost public favor. busi¬ Tho patentees mcirirf are among of Lockport. They ness reliable. tb« city are every way From the Toledo (Ohio ) Blade, July S, 1571. Merchant's Gargling Oil—T his Old standard article, under the admirable man¬ agement of John Hodge, Esq., has reached an efio'i rttous sale. htt? It is an honestly com¬ pounded article; it merit, and now that the best business talent of the country is handling it, there is no reason why it should not doublo its present usefulness. No family can afford to be without it. For family Indis¬ use, as pensable. well as for animals, it is simply SPECIAL NOTICE. All wo ask is a fair iriS!; tint ho sure and follow directions. Worm Tlio Gargling Oil and Merchant’s Tablets are for sale by all druggists throughout and deal¬ the ers In general merchandise world. $1.00; Medium^50 Small 25c.; Large Size c.; Manurabttifefl at .Lockport, touiiiah}'.' N. Y„ by Mer¬ chant’s Gargling Oil Secretary. {ME mm Territory clear. They satisfy u&* fast, the people on account oi then vauiwi ‘llswmsn’s America.’’jsj n biography from the Mound J 1 awsTs. The cnly book covering tho subject. Brothers. The Lives of tho bf James MIswjrl OutlawB, The only complete account the “ Tha IsTs^rsaUs; 5 ? •“^ssSS \isssr**-* • SSSf!R. “fislerial h ?iSSK5SS Fs®ily iw«l!^roK^ n W Write quickly for tircnlars end term.. Territory I. Magic Lanterns Outdone uy the .< ri Old fashionable remedies are rapidly giving ground before the advance of this conquering specific and old fashioned ideas in regard to de¬ pletion as a means of cure, have been quite exploded by the suc cess of the great ren ovant , which tones the system, tranquil lizes the nerves, neu tralizos malaria, de piirates «‘«nd enriches the blood, rouses the liver when dormant, and promotes a reg¬ ular habit of body. #11 For sale by Druggists and Deal¬ ers generally. 4 1 m ;v'i>rk8of 1001 a watch SSSoSSS'-S} in motion. Photos enlarged to life size, ■ •r ten tiinos largor; useful to portrait-artists and ama tears. We send tha Poly,ipticon and and 200comic pictures, oiegant chromo cards portraits, by mail for $2.50. Our circulars toll how to obtain it free. Agents wanted. •Murray Kill Pi! b. Co,, 129 E. 28th St., W. Y. iASON&HAMLIN HHK other American < Jrgans having been found equal at Also CHEAPEST, Stylo 109; 3hi Bufecient any. end with best quality, octaves; for sacred compass and secular power, music in schools families, popular only #22. ONE HUNDRED or STYLES at &30, ©57, 80<>, S72, OTHER at t-o ©aOO and upward. The S78, larger ©93, styles ©108, wholly $114, rivaled are un NEW IIIaUSTRATEJO by any n her Organa. CATALOGUE Also for easy payments. l^REE. PIAMACS B I^Piy V 11 - Com £ P 1 PIANOS?mtradarin^ a ° y have c°uimenced importunt GltAND and durability. improvements; Will adding to power and beauty of tone not require tuning one-quarter as much as other Pianos. ILLUSTRATED CIR CIJLARS, THE with full particulars, I'ltEE. PIANO MASON tfc IIAIUEIN ORGAN AND 14 th CO., N. York; J54Tremont 149 St., Boston; 46 E. St., Wahasli Ave.,Chicago. llhs ♦ JmL MsiS Rite HEVESfASLS. t’JlE Hit. S. A. RICHMOND MEDICAL CO., Sole I’rtipiii Kirs. St. Joseph, Mo. J SSSrJSS; Bass, octave coupler, Mechanical 2 knee swells, Sft /Nil Yl wi th $3 stool and $1 Book, only $76. _lAjl Aho sired. sent Elegant on test case, trial-plan magnificent Ifde tone, durable inside and out. Cir cufar. with testimonials,free. Ask (i. 1 ‘nyne & Co. ,47 Third av .Chl cogo Free! Cards andChromos We will send free and by mail a sample set Cards, of our tinted large German. French American Chromo on and gold grounds, receipt- with of a price list of over 200 different We will designs, also send on free by mail, a stamp samples, for ten postage. of beautiful as our Chromos on receipt inclose of ten cents to pay for packing list of and postage;- also a confidential price our large oil chromos. AGENTS WANTED. Address F. HL EA8QN & CO» % 46 Summer St., Bost on, Mass . if! ■ Parsons 7 Purgative Pills make Nifw Rich Blood, tire and in will three completely change the blood in the eu one pill Bystem each night from months. 1 to 12 Any weeks person who be will restored take to sound health if such thing be possible. may Sold a every Bangor* Me. for. ineriy l 1 TUP 3 iSBB fl^TWYMAGAM g0§B^9 I For Two Dollars. Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly. Sold by all Newsdealers and Postmasters, or the Editor of this paper will take your sub¬ scription. Scud twenty eents for a specimen copy to \V. JENNINGS DEMOREST, Pub. Usher, 17 East 14th Street. New York. ©1 •IftJEACHER’S BIBLES. "Oxford'" Most complete teacher’s Bibles extant; 140 pages, plain binding, Gift Bibles gilt from edge, 40 Tor One Dollar and Thirty Cents. cents upward. DAVID 0. COOK 46 Adams street, Chicago, Illinois._ WatchesialS^l T 5. l Best CURES Cough WHERE Syrnp. All [LSI FAILS. I I Use in time. Sold by Tastes druggists. good. I C OMS-O MPT 10 N s *x! c fc-i K o H t c” O Is unfailing and infalli¬ ble in curing Epiloptic Fits, Spasms, Convul¬ sions, St. Vitus Dance, Alcoholism, Scrofula Opium and Eat¬ ing, all Nervous and Blood Dis¬ eases. To Clergymen, Lawyers, Merchants, Literary Bankers, Men, ladies ana all whose sedentary Nervous employment Prostra causes tie -ion, blood, Irregularities of bowels Kidneys, stomach, or or who reqnire a nerve tonic, stimulant. appetizer or SAMARI¬ TAN NERVINE is in valuable. Thousands proclaim wonderful it Invigorant the most that ever sustained the sinking system. For j . H WOMAN CANNL'HEAITH It THE HOPE WOMAN. ih-HE RACE! r *4____ i i y; * •V 7 mt* K, N m V IYPIA E. PINKHAM!S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Sore Cine for all FEMALE WEAK* NESSES, Including Ecncorrharn, Ir¬ regular and Painful Menstruation, Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb, Flooding, PHO IiAFSUS UTERI, &C. t 3 TPleasant to the taste, efflcacioos and Immediate in Its effect. It la a great help in pregnancy, and re lores pain during labor and at regular periods. rjITSICUSS I SE IT XSD ritESCItlEE IT FBEELT. t-TFon iiiiV EAKsrasrs of tho generative) organs )f either sex, ft is Stjond to no remedy that has ever -veen before the pubiitl BC™>v ln the Omdsts it is the Greatest ESTKIDNET COMPLAINTS of Either Sex Find Great Relie f in Its Use. KS:«,“BSiS:S.3&5SSrJSiKhS-* tyBoth the Compound and Blood PtfriBer are pro pored at 233 and *15 Western Avenue, Lynn, Ba®. Price of either; $1. Six bottles for $5. Tho C j”“, is scut by iuat^ ta the form of pills, or of lorcuges. on receipt, of price, CH^hor M tor either- Ei.elosc 3 ecu freely answers all letters wiryv stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mentis this Paper. gaf-Sold by all IlraCgistB.- rp a (3) .. I WORT I FOR ©©NSTIPAT8©N« THE PERMANENT GOBfe OF v I No other disease if So' -prevalent in this cotm ,try ao Constipation, an d, bdj a^edy has ever ; 7 equalled, the celebrated XIDETJ5Y-WOUT AS & 1 cure. Whatever the cause, howoTOF etetinafe I tho case. this remedy will overcome it* P 9 La J™ @ THIS distrCFBing- coinplafs* | 1 ec'nstipaticm. Kidney-Wort strengthens with all kinds i the weakened-parte and quickly cures medi Piles even vrkGH physicians and Ones have before failed. __ Kftgr RHEUMATISM. paiiif» DERFTTIi CUBS, 08 it is for ALL the diseases of tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowel*. It cleanses tho system of tho acrid poison only that the l cau es tlie dreadful autfering t'calize. which victims of rheumatism c&tl , iboen cf the ^ly^^ndin^horttima : B | Life t^“It to cleanses* all the important Strengthens organs end of the 1 i Tho natural is action cleansed of tho cf Kidneys all disease, is restored., 41x0 The Liver add healthfully. ■F I Bowels movo freely t ‘^JESSES’ SQnt bymail. 8 ei. I.KJPIDerliRV. 1>T «>Trbe CO.. JWHWgtOIIjYt. (57) j ETCHT ARDSON & mmmmmmKL PATENTS CAN ! OBTAIN A PATENT? Send aYnination’VAu’be patents of the class made of inventions of 5fi HPsffe^Ete? SfcaypnvnU bo same patent be cwiaisecl* advised whether or not a can F01 ® IMINARY EXAMINA. HO CHARGE IS MADE. What will a Patent SSSS drawings by the irinven* - tho required tbo expenpo unless a patent Is allowed. When ,^'owed, the raent attorney’s foe (820) fee is (©25) payable. and, Thus the* you final know GovbZ”- be¬ forehand,./or nmhiusf, whether you fee are is going- charged tape* a less patent or do not, and no .'ittcrncy’s attorney whore un¬ fed you net a Patent. obialtfmff.a Att Patent will not depends advise on his success that in invention is fiatpntnbloV unless it really you is patentable, your far fib best? so ora judgment can aid m determining tho qiK&ponj hence, you can examination rely on the is had. advice Design given after Fe * preliminary cuts and trio Kcjtisti'atian of Labels, Trade w Marks and Uc-issucui secured. in Caveats pre¬ pared and filed. Applications revivor of ue Very lccted, often Abandoned,nr valuable in volitions Forfeited saved t-flfiCs in made. these filo inveiitions have have tindertak iu-e jure sa^ classes of cases. If If you you failed, failed, Undertaken handling to tccnrfl your own patent and nd a Send skillful of the case may lead to ,o success. success, aerw me me a i written request addressed to the the Commissioner Commissioner of of Patent* that he recognize George K. Lemon, of Wash¬ ington. D. C.. ns your attorney in the case, tfivitltf of the title of tho invention and about tlic date filing- your application. An examination and re¬ title port to will inventions, cost you in nothing:. fact iniorraation Searches made relating- for to Patents promptly furnished. any Copies of Patents mailed Kemcmber at the regular Government been in talcs, successful (25P« each.) this office youtiiereforc has ben¬ operation efits of experience, since. 1865, besides »nd reference reap be t he inyejr can to actual clients in almost every county in the U. *?« Pamphlet relating to Patents free upon requesu GEO. E. LEMON, 615 15t1a Sfc., WASHINGTON, D.O. Attorncy-at-Laiv and Solicitor of Amerf* can and Fordun Patents, SIOO Library for $8.75* $6.75 Sunday-school buys a library books, of 400 volumes of choicest $1 to $1.50 logued and numbered: sent put postpaid. pamphlet Books form, all cata¬ wiro stitched, light and flexible; wul up in outlast expensive. most One hundred and fifty-six books now issued. Catalogue free. DAV ID Sample O COOK book 46 and library exchange, ten cento. . , Ad ams street, Chica go. *6*1^ B B 9 TffLfl 1 CT3 U»« IS MIGHTY. Great Bpaoish Prof. S«er, MARTINEZ, A»»tol.gor m And Psychologist, wiU, for SO eenM, with ape, height, eolot ef eyes ao<1 lo«k of hair, tend a CORRECT PIC Tl'P-E of your future husband or wife, with name, tine And place of meeting, and date of marriage, payoholog Ically Address predieted. Money returned to all not MtuSed. Prof. L. Martinet. 10 Moot'j Pl.,Boeton, Mass. KNOWLEDGE IS POWEB READ! 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