The Lincolnton news. (Lincolnton, Ga.) 1882-1???, December 15, 1882, Image 3

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THE NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT LIN. COI.NTON GEORGIA. ENTERED AS SECOND CI.ARS MATTER aT THE POST-OFFICE AT LIXCOI.NTOX, OE'BOIA. FRIDAY, D' cumber 15,1882. T, B. HOLLENSHEAD. Local Editor .and Business Manager. NOTICE. Parties to whom I sold guano the present season, are respectfully noti¬ fied that I have their notes for collec¬ tion. Notes due October 15th, 1882. Please call and settle. T. B. County Directory. B. F. Tatom, Ordinary. T. B. H illenshead, Clerk Superior Court and County Treasurer. W. T. Murray, Tax Collector. J. B. Bently, Tax Receiver. G. P. Murphy, Sheriff. H J. Lang, County School C^rn’r. L. P. Elam, County Surveyor. All who are indebted to us by note or account are requested to make im¬ mediate payment, as we greatly need the money to meet our obligations, and must have it. T. B. Holi.enshfad, W. T. Murray, T. P. Mitchell, Ag’t. for T. N. Dnilis. Lincolnton, Ga., Nov. 13 1882. Rf.membek the election for county officers takes place on Wednesday, January tile 3d, 1883. By Grape-Vine Telegraph to the IYEWS. —Heavy frosts. —Chitlings and sausages. —Hogs are selling here at 8|. —The negro child that was so se¬ verely burned at Dr. Ferguson’s last week has since died. —Mr. W. T. Murray has a lien egg that is six inches in circumference and eighs eight .ounces —The hens ne on a strike, nod as a Consequence eggs can not. be had here even at a very high price. —There is a man in Lincoln who h»» 150 tioiue raised hoj>H for sale. Hi* name c n be learned hv applying at ttiis office. ■ —Santa Claus unloaded at P. L. Sturkey <t- Go’s. $500 Worth of Hoi iday goods. Call and get your pres¬ ents. We have them for all, and will sell at low prices. —All communications must be ac¬ companied by a responsible name to insure publication. Remembe. this, and don’t besurorised when you send us an anonymous article, if you never see i* in print. —Can’t we have a County Agricul¬ tural Club ? 8uch an organization would be of great interest to our farm¬ ers, and would stimulate the farming interests of Lincoln wonderfully. Let some one put the ball in motion. —We trust our readers will bear with us this week as Mr. J. D. Colley one of the editors has been absent for nearly two weeks, and other- pressing business has kept n» from getting up as much local news as we might have done under other circumstances. Mr. Colley will return next week, and we promise to do better in future. —President Jas. P Verdery of the Augusta, Elberton and 0nic»g > rail¬ road, paid us a pleasant visit las: Sat¬ urday. Mr. Verdery was returning from a trip along the line of the pros¬ pective, road. His comprehensive and practical plans and ideas are calculated to overcome all oostacles in the way of completing his enterprise. He was met by several of our business men, who as¬ sured him that we would ta.p his road with a branch from this place.— Wash¬ ington Gazette. Mogejr to bend. In anotner column will be seen an advertisement of money loaned at 8 # per cent. Personal Miss Fannin H 'ilenshead.of Lincoln, is visiting in M Duffie. Mis. Sailin K-lly. ..f MeDnffi •. i spi-uding a fna d <ys ill Liuenlu. Mr. Joint Nash wid in ve to Lin Cnlotot) next ye-ir. W welcome tiim Mr. B. A Willi-.g. tin, one J it T m-ist subsii.niial a.,ii n.ff i, n ia! »-is V Sens >lf III*' go ,1 c U-oy .f VI- Dllffl paid U- n visi ibis »*ek Obituary. Maud Green, s*c<*nd daughter *1 Fred aud J. V. 0-ok. whs boru in Jef ferson county, Ga.. July 4 , died in Burke county, Gii , November 6th, 188?. The grave claims its vie thus from among ihe babes and yuiitn as well as the heavy and decrepit age Yet despite this truth, how bard t.i give up those we love to the cold e-n brace of the coffin and the tomb. Yet the assurance that she is but trans¬ ferred to that better laud where pain is felt no more aud sorrow never consoles us. Then grieve not loved oni*a f-.r Mm- lom i,f your darling tut*, the pet of your home-hold, fc»r though y<>u shall hear no more the geni e tone* of y. ur baht MmimI, yet you m ill meet in that spin land where ahe will sing with you the prabes of God in that (tainted choir. 8,, weep no ne re for tlie sound of a voice that is silent, or the clasp of a hand that is cold. o. p. M. 'I’tte Cilrls are Hood Enough. We have often noticed that the young man who thrieks most frequent¬ ly and shrilly fur an improvement in the character of our women both men tally and physically, is usually a little half-crank, spindle-shanked and lan¬ tern jawed cuss, weighing about one hundred pounds, who hasn’t sense enough of his own to get off the track when the cars are coming. Let’s have no more of such nonsense Tile gills and women of to-day are a great deal too good for the deserts of the average man. When you hear a man growling about the depreciation of the gentle sex, set him down as a nincun P‘ op. A Remarkable Recluse. The death of a remarkable recluse is reported to have occured in the, Gre¬ cian monastery on Mount Athos, in Macedonia. He Was ninety-four years of age at. his death, and for sixty eight years had been an inmate of a solitary cell, front which he never emerged ex¬ cept to attend chape! services morning and evening, and he there always pro¬ vided himself with the food needed for the following day. He passed his time in devotions aud in painting pictures of the Virgin, which the officials of the monastery then sold. His body, pur¬ suant to his wishes, was buried before the door of his cell. The oldest among his brother monks could not remember ever to have seen him receive a oom munication or visitor from the outside world. For sixty-eight years he was practically buried in the monastery, He died with a reputation for sanctity, aud bis body will be a treasure to the monastry. as his history was while he lived. Dear Oid VI oilier. Honor the dear old mother. Time has scattered the snowflakes on her brnw, pillowed deep furrows on her etteeks, but, siie is sweet and beautiful now ? The lips are thin aud sunken; but those are the lips that have kissed many a hot tear from childish cheeks, aud they are the sweetest lips in ail the world. The eye is dim, yet it even glows with the soft radiance of holy love which can never fade. Ah, yes, she is a dear old mother. The sands of life are nearly run out, but feeble as she is she will go further aud reach down lower for you than others upon earth. You cannot walk into a mid¬ night where she cannot see you ; you cannot enter a prison whose bars will keep her out, you cannot, in *unt a scaffold too high for her to teach; that she may kiss and bless you iu evidence of her deathless love. When the world shall despise and forsake, when it leases you by the wayside to die unnoticed, the dear old mother will gather yon iu her feeble arms and carry you home and tell y-m all your virtues until you almo-a forget vour soul is disfigured by vice. L ve her >eud-rly,and cheer tier declining tears 'with holy devotion. Tne feeling beiween ague and qui¬ nine is exceedingly bitter. Why, gentle, reader do we always find U in trouble? One half the world don’t know how tne other half ties. We speak from ex¬ perience. Health journals insist upon repos¬ ing on the right side only, and claim that it is injurious to lie on both sides; but we don’t know where they will find a healthier set of men than lawyers. A Negro child was born in Texas with four teeth. A colored man who heard this exclaimed :"Dar, now!-shoot ’em on de spot; dat little niggah’s 'pared fur eatin’ too early in life ter be profit¬ able.” A. E. A C, Railway Notice. For the purpose of soliciting sub¬ scriptions to tiie. stock of the AUGUSTA, ELBERTON & CHICAGO RAIL¬ WAY, I shall be at the. following places on the days named. All persons who iutend to aid the enterprise are earn¬ estly Urged to meet me: LINCOLN COUNTY. Lisbon,- Thursday, December, 7. Barksdale’s Ferry,-Friday morn.Dec. 8. Goshen, Dooley’s Friday evening, December 8. Leverett, Ferry,Saturday Saturday evening, morn. Dee. 9. Dee, 9. Double Branches, Monday-, Dec. 11. Lockharts, Tuesday morning, Dec, 12, Leathersville,Tuesday evening,Ilec,12. COLUMBIA COUNTY. Raysville, Winfield-, Wednesday"evening, Wednesday morn. Dee. Dec. 13. 13, Dttttn’s Chapel, Thurs, morn. Dec. 14. Appling, Thursday Friday evening. Dec. 14. 15. Griffs Store, morning, Dec. Luke's Store,- Friday evening, Dec. 15. Dr, Jack Smiths, Sat, morn. Dec. 16. Maysvillc,- Saturday evening, Dec. 16, R. M. MITCHELL, Soliciting Agent, i A*E. A C. Railway. LEGAL APVEItTI8i.afc.NXB. LINCOLN SHERIFF’S SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA— Lincoln Co. TI V TILL he sold ljcfore the Court V IIotisB door in Lincolnton on the 1st Tuesday in January, 1883, between the lawful hours of sale, all that tract or parcel Of Jitnri lying and being in said county, adjoining lands of Win. and A. G. Paradise, John Jones and others. Levied on as the property of Rachael aud John Blackborn, to sat¬ isfy a fi l‘a issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of F. II. & J. D. Colley and Sims & Shubrick. Written notice of levy given to De¬ fendants in possession. Said tract of land containg six hun¬ dred (600) acres more or less. November 30th, 1882. G. P. Mlrpuy, Sheriff L. C. LI 00LN TON S.DVEBTI8KMENT8. THE LATEST NEWS Is that the undersigned keeps a well selected of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Crockery, Glass, and everything usually kept in a first-class country store. I will not "contest” your right to buy elsewhere, but if you will give me a call I guarantee satisfaction, in qnal tty and price of goods. Polite atten¬ tion to all. T B- HOLLENSHEAD, Liucolnton, Georgia. LAWYERS. F. H. COLLEY, Att’y at Law, Washington, Ga. SIMS & SHUBRICK, Att’ys at Law, Washington, Ga. C. B. STitOrUElt, Att’y at Law. Lit coin ton, Ga. H. J. LANG, Att’y at Law, Lincolnton. Ga. J. U. (JOLLEY, Att’y at Law, Lincolnton. Ga. CoiXFcm'o a Fpeci.iltv. Is prepsrsd tu negotiate losns on long or short time, at 8 per cent, for paities wishing to bor¬ row money. A GREAT SHOW -AT P.L STURKEY &C0 •9 Near Pine Grove. NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK. A WONDER TO ALL IIOW ■ THEY SELL AT SUCH LOW PRICES. 50 Pairs Ladies’ Shoes worth $1.00 at 75 cents. 100 Pairs Men’s Brogans Home¬ made at $1.50. 50 Sacks Salt 200 lbs. at $1.50. Coffee 9 lbs. to $1.00. Good. 300 Bushels Corn at 75 cents. Highest prices paid for Cotton, Hides,Chickens, Eggs, Dried Fruit, &c. Nov. 24, 3in. W. A. Maguire. Barxktt Iiivin. George E. Dillard, AUGUSTA PRICES DUPLICATED !! •( :o:> The A. E. & C. R. R is the Pet Scheme of Lincoln -AND- The all Absorbing Wonder and Great Enterprise of Wilkes is the New Store. New Goods. Low Prices and Immense Bargains of Maguire, Irvin & Co„ Successors to T.Bcrwell Green. Grocers, Commis¬ sion Merchants and Cotton Buyers Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple Dry Goods, Hardware, Har ness, Saddles, Lea¬ ther, Boots, Shoes, Liquors, and General Merchandise, NOS. 3 & 4 GREEN’S BLOCKS, WASHINGTON, GA. Nor. 10, 3m. T. M. H. 0* T. S. New Attractions -at The Music House of the South. -(:(>:) PIANOS MISIGL IXSTRIMEXTS, G. II. [.-£. 1. #. H,-l, P. (j. S. An Extended Visit among the Principal PIANO and ORGAN FAC¬ TORIES lias enabled ns to make the FINEST SELECTION of INSTRU¬ MENTS ever brought to Augusta. Our Stock, which will be Heplen ished Weekly from the the Best Manu facturors, will be Largest and Most Complete in the South. Our Prices the Lowest, and of Payment the Easiest ever Sheet-Music and Music Books— Large Discount from Prices. Best Italian Strings, and everything desired in the Line MUSIC. SAVE MONEY by visiting or responding with G. 0. Robinson & CO., 831 BrOad StrSBt, Augusta, m i n Georgia. . „ j\ov. m, jv , . OLD RELIABLE, ilJ 1 Invites the Attention of fhe BUYING PUBLIC to iiis WELL SE¬ LECTED STOCK OF FASHIONABLE DBF GOODS NOTIONS, FURNISHING GOODS, &C. ■( :o: ) In our Dress Goods Department may be found all the Leading Styles in the Newest Shades, embracing PLUSHES, VELVETS, SILK OT¬ TOMANS, SATINS, PLAIN and BROCADED VELVETEENS. Be¬ sides Fabrics, a ranging Magnificent in price Line from of 9 Dress cents to $2.00 per yard. While I desire more especially to call your attention to my Dress Goods Department, I would say that the other Departments have not suffered for want of Attention, as I have spared neither time nor money to have them OPEN UP TO THE Full Standard! You are cordially invited to visit MILLER’S CORNER. Nov. 10, 3m. ORDER YOUR SawMiHs, Cans Mills, Grist Mills, and Plantation and Mill Machinery, Engines and Boilers, Cotton Screws, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Jour¬ nal Boxes, Mill Gearing, , Gudgeons, TURBINE WATER WHEELS, Gin Gearing, J ml.son’s Governors. Disston’s Circular Satvs, Glim¬ mers and Files, Belting and Babbitt Metal and Brass Fitting% Globe and Check Valves and Whistles, Guages, Iron and Brass Castings, Gin Ribs, Iron Fronts, Balconies and Fence Railing. Geo.R.Lombard & Go •> FOREST CITY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, Xear the Water Tower, 1,014 to 1,026 Fenwick Street, Augusta, Ga. ffF Repairing promptly done at Lowest Prices. Nov.lO,ly. COLEMAN & LYON, ^—Dealers In General Merchandise. THEY offer liberal and great in¬ ducements to the people np aiYd down the Savannah. SAVE GREAT EXPENSE Of hauling, and buy your goods at bottom prices at home, Nov.KUy. P. HANSBERGER, j—-ManUfacturf.r Of CIGARS, -—And Dealer In- TOBACCO, 1’irES, AND SMOKERS ARTICLES. CIGARETTES TO TnE TRADE A SPECIALTY. Manufactory on ELLIS STREET. FIRE-WORKS BY WHOLESALE, 706 MOAD STREET, AUGUSTA, Nor. 10, GA. t-f. imN'Uho advf.b it semen rs. J. A. SCTToN. A. S. Anderson. Sutton &Anderson, DANBURG, GEORGIA, {:o:> —Dealers in— Dry Goods, Groceries, Motions, Drugs, Boots, Shoes, Hardware end Farmers’ Supplies. ■Co:) Highest Price Paid For Corn, Peas and Hides. Oct. 20, 6m. MATIIEWS & TALLEY, DANBURG, GEORGIA, COTTON BUYERS, -Dealers In-- „ Meat, _ Lard, , m Flour, Molasses, 0 Sugar, Grain, Clothing, Shoes, Sta pie Dry Goods, And Plantation Snpplies. Oct. 20, 6ra. ; John L. Anderson, DANBURG, GEORGIA, Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs, cines,- Paints, Oils, and Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats,Caps, And a Full Line of Fancy Goods. Highest Market Price Paid For Cotton and Otkcr Farm Produce. TERMS CASH Oct. 20, 6m. is, W. !Il%&Bi? GCSHEH C3-A-, KEEPS a first-class store with a and complete stock of f GENERAL, MERCHANDISE, Is determined to sell so cheaply that all who call on him will purchase be fore leaving. Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco, Cigars, Crackers, etc, Dry Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes. The best Market in the county for Cotton arid Oats. Oct. 27, lv. Cooke’s Clo thing -A 1ST ID- Hat Store !! THE LARGEST STOCK. CLOTHING. THE LOWEST PRICES. THE LATEST STYLES. HATS. Call and see our STOCK. The great¬ est VARIETY. A. \\’. Blanchard, ' (FOR J. C. LUDLOW & CO.,) 711 BROAD STREET. AUffOSTA, '35 'S Nov. 3, 3m. Mercier’v Store. A First-Class Store in every Par¬ ticular. A full Stock of General Merchandise always on hand. J. N. Mercier. Nov. 3, tf. FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale one third interest iu the following property : F Seven horse power, C. & G. Cooper engine, one Cardwell separa¬ tor, 1 fifty saw Brown cotton gin with self-feecfer and condensor, 1 yoke of large young oxen. The gin and at¬ tachments hss bfeen used only one season. All the machinery is good as new. Can be bought low for cash, or on time with approved security, dp ply to T. B. HOLLENSHEAD, 4t. Lincolnton, Ga. WV?HiKGTOM Al>VE uTISEU r.NTS. DRY GOODS. BIG BOOM, New Paper. New Enterprise. New Goods. ! The New Goods can be found at the: First Cl -ss Cash Dry Goods House of Hogue & Quin, who keep constantly - on hand a large and well selected goods, and i stock of choice we purpose felling them Sower than they can be bonght in larger cities. : Hogue *• t & h. Qmn. « M. Brogan, go to j For the berft Baltimore ladies’ Sboo. go to Hog.. 4 CWn. best Philadelphia School : For the Shoes go to Hogue & Quin. and Geflts . i For the best Ladies tfn der wear go to Hogue <fe Quin. For the best Laundried and Un laundried shirts go to Hogue and n ^ • For Fine Clothing , to fit .. you go to Kogue and Quin. For Ladies' Cloaks go to Hogue and Quin. We sell all ofir gooffs at cash price®. and for Cash—No credit prices in our House. Call on us and you will be waited on by polite clerks. sens & $va, Washington, Ga. Oct. 20. 6m. The Slaughter Still Continues! ! Unparalled inducements are offered by the undersigned in the following goods bath in quality and price: Bleached Domestic, Unbleached Domestic, Sea Islands Domestic, ^ iec ' i8 ' Cotton Kersey, Woo , Kersey> Wool Jeans, IVool Fiannels, Canton Flannels. Hats, Table Damask, Liuen Doylers, Linen.Napkins, Handkerchiefs, Laces, Embroideries, Tooth Brushes, White Dress Goods. Clothing, B.iots aud Shoes, Calico, Momie Cloths, Cashmeres,J I American Drees Goods, Velvets, Plushes, Jewelry. Mr. JOHN M. WRIGHT, of Lin¬ coln county, is now with us and will give all of his old friends a cordial wel come and holds himself ready at all times to serve Lis friends in any capacity ii they will entrust their or ders to him when not convenient for "'™ ■»»» •» «... their selections in person. A»<1 . . t »,», tae.d. . . , of , ta|, . »», county we pledge ourselves to dupli e »te any bills purchased in Augusta or elsewhere. All we ask is an in tion of our Stock and we" guarantee satisfaction in every particular. Co2art, Binns & Col, WASHINGTON, GA. Oct. 20, 6m. To The Front. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gents Clothing, and in fact everything usually found in a General Store, all of which I respectfully call your attention to. Ladies will always have good attention paid them when they visit my store, so let them come and select for themselves. I will pay the Market Price for Cot¬ ton in Seed or Lint, Corn, Wheat, Oats. Peas, etc. Special attention paid to orders. W. T. MURRAY, Oct. 20, ly. Lincolnton, Ga. ACt.lBlA ALVMfUsKaBhnt. B0GEIE8, CARRIAGES. ETC. H. May. A. R. Goovybab. •o:, UOTifT. H. MAY ft CO’S GRAND EXHIBITION Carriages,' Biggies, ftaitofes, Ajft Plantation Wagons—All l!Vw The La rgest and <hd moat Complete tfoiM sortment of One Two Ve^ hides ever shown in tbfc section. Air first-class work, and Will 5« offered for' the next sixty days' at pfi&d Way be \ ow their value and lower than daw i*> . (j* Do not loee thia opportunity, eXaminatibn, this work will proVe to you that it cannot be purchased Slss-' where at the prices we offer, AW6> a ] arg e stock of Saddle*, Bri dies, Harness,-Umbrellas, Lap Robes, Belting, Trunks, ™ SX’VUgS Bags, J&tbt; SpoKee, Axles, Trace 6'hafcS; Haases. XSrgST ^ - THE ROAD CABT-PaliMIrf The Safest, Lightest and Most Khsf Ria5ng Two wheeled Vehicle ere/ produced) Of all the road carts made, use and experience has demonstrated these to be the beet. The ADJUST-' ABLE BALANCE is a moat valuable feature of our Road Carts. Bay is' other. Price $50 00. The EXCELSIOR BUCK BOARD — Patented, 'fhe cheapest ,■ moat eoa venient and ffff&ble Vehicle e4wf of 1 ferrd to the publid. fnee WO.dO*. N. B.—We warrant all the vehV»l«f we sell. Remember'o&r ASeea mm (Mf LOWEST. £L MAY i 0(5.,’ BROAD STREET, Opposite Ga. R. B. ftank, Xu*ukte'.O*. Oct.- 20, 6m. sz- a RAILROADfe. . RICHMOND 6 m\m h b Pas&zige£l)ep^& . ■ Change op Schesuu) On and alter Nov. 5 til, 188S, fm* enger Train Service on Um Atiaata Jt Charlotte Air-Line Bivkion wiH be follow* r E XFRE8S—K AfTWARD) Number 51. Leave Atlanta, J 55 ryvvvvvT'p Arrive Gainesville, 504 25JRSC Lula, 5S* Rabun Gap June., fit Toccoa, * 4 r Seneca,- 807 Greenfille,' <0 08 Spartanburg, n 40 ItL. 2S Charlotte, Gastonia, •• M in. p EXPBSBS—WSRWABK Numbek 50. Leave Charlotte, f 5b Ja/nY, Arrive Gastonia, 8 08 a. mr Spartanburg, 4 81 Green Viffe, 6 59 a. be Seneca, 7 48 tumu Toccoa, » 78- a. m. Rabun Gap June., 10 00 a. m. Lula, 10 87 a. m. Gainesville, 1108 a.m . Atlanta, 1 30 p^m. Accommodation Train (*Ai**Lin* Belle.”) . I^eave Atlanta, 5 Off Arrive Atlanta,' 8 40 a. mv I. Y. Sagb, Superintendent. T. M. R. Talcott, Gen. Man. W. J. H&cston, A. G.F.JL M. Slaughtbb, G. P. a. Arrangement of Pallaan Pike# Sleeping Ctrs —VIA— Charlotte, Bknvilfo A Ayndihurtf On 51—Through (H«4pw Atiaata ta Yoik without chang*. —VU— Charlotte, Danville A Richmond ‘”^3BSfiaaSifiS5! , “^' T. M. B. TAIAJOTT. II. tmVftrirtii H tSS** 1 ** 0 *”' JUJSf?* 6thi Augusta and KngnUlt 1.1.0, ■m GEN. PASS. ACT’S. GPPlCiy t Augusta, Ga.> Ocf/8, I88SL f the CotViiUeneing following schedule MONpAY, dth, fn«t., viH b« tlJaej oper¬ ated.- Train vrw# by Atfgntte No. 1—NORTH. Leave Augusta,- 7:45 a. m. Arrive at Greenvdobd , 1 J , :10 p. m. No. J—SOUTH. Leave Greenwood, 3:15. p.- in. Arrive at Augusta, 7:15 p.- m. Connect at Greenwood wfith CofoiW- bta and GreenviRw tratrt* foj> tR points West. E.- F. Verdcky, GenT Manager. G. P. Hill,- Gen. Pass. Agent. Bfr&w.aitn), it Carolina House. New- House, Large and Commo dious. Splendid accommodations, $1.25 per day. 1021 BKC7AJ7 ST&SRT, Augusta, 6 a,