Blairsville free press. (Blairsville, Ga.) 1896-1???, July 28, 1892, Image 1
B l. AIRS VILLE FREE PRESS. VOL. 1. C'ointinHMiomTH ol' Roads and Revenues. iohhpJi II. Penluutf, Um Lowl . and Joli p. Caldwell. ' NEWS V ITEMS Subscribe for the Free I’uksn. Send us your order for job work. 1). M. Fojtj s swd man was in fown monday. Tho, Teachers Institute is in session (his week. IVSr.Elree’. WINE OF CASDU1 lor female disea**.. People’s Party men are ns plenti¬ ful n,i tiaiv on a dogs back. Two new subscribers from Gum Log. Thank you gentlemen. The “clique” around IMairsvUle arc certainly in hot water Prof. Casteel lias been, in the “City’ for the past few (fays. J. A. and li. W. Rutt, has had new lightening Rods placed on their buildings. Owiuitlp.tloo. HJ- BLACK-iiRAUUHIf t.-a cute. If the “Third Party is hurting you I would not show it as plain as some do around Blairsyjlle. If you want q paper that will give the news just as it is subscribe for fie Free Press Have MeNaini, Wm. Ifurch, W111. Phillips all traveling salesman called pn our merchants last week. WcELKE E’ S W1MF, OF CARDUI for Weak Nerves. There arc not many people around Blairsv^lle that are not People’s Par¬ ty but what are subjects, Mm. Eleza Bennett and Mrs. Rose Butt gave The Free Press office a very pleasant call one morning last week. The Notla River Association will embrace the 1 st Sunday in next mont h at Pleasant Qroyc, a large*..... * 1 1 » M The Rev. E. Iledden of Ttiawassee, preached to quite a large congrega¬ and tion at this plnpe, on Sunday Monday li\st. WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women. Wa have received through, Hon. Thomas K. Wimp our repi esenative in Congress several valuable docu¬ ments, and also Mr. Winn’s speech on free coinaif * of : iiver, Misses Nina Leila and Flem Butt in coiupiniy witu Musses Eh tell Wat- kins and Mary Butt, drove out to Mrs. Reids on Sunday evening be- bind those spanking grays of Mr. Dodd’s. Try SLAC K-DR AU G HT to.*. P^pepSiO. The Editor is away this week at- lending the People’s Party, Con veil- lion atGainesvile, and The Free Press Office is left entirely at the mercy of the Devil. ARKAQUAH. Mr. Editor. If you have the space I will give you a few dots from this section. The farmers of this community have gathered up the rusty bladed hoe since the rain stopped. We are having beautiful weather for thrash¬ ing, Hood and company are thrashing for this section, Grain is injured. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Duck¬ worth have been weeping on account of a son, who is lying on his bud and has been very ill but to the joy of his parents and friends he is much better. Mr. Jackson and his two daughters visited friends and relatives near (his hood Sunday. They joined with Prof. J. 1 ). Pence and YY. J. Jackson in their singing at old Shady grove. 1 hey made it ring. Shady grove Sabath School is going to have a cele- AH WE ARE, LET THE WORLD ENOW AND 8EB* CS—THE TRUTH SPEAKS BEST FOK US. brat ion this fall, but the time is not set. Hut when it is set the The Free PRKSSwii) invite all public schools. The camp¬ ground opened up yesterday with a lively crowd of boys and girls. We think we are going to have a large school we arc hustling now to finish our corn. Success to the Treks Press, S Ml'r,o IK. AW OED FOR THE PEO PLE’S PARTY. Editor Free Prkss: After reading the proceeds of the People's Party meeting, as it is published in the “Her¬ ald” we have decided to say something in defense of this great agd grand movement. The Herald starts off by say¬ ing, “Tbadius Pickett was in¬ troduced'who at once after a glance at the people before him own to. recognize the fact that he was to address a peo¬ ple who thought and acted for themselves.” We admitted the Herald has told the truth this there were men in that as¬ sembly who had decided and determined to no longer sub¬ mit to political “cliques” and party lasha, but to act for themselves. While on the other hand there were men in the assembly who have always tried to rule tyM dictate poli- Ltvjw, jjoople of .this v ty, and we the common people have quietly submited to their rulings until it seems there is hardly another chance for us, out side of absolute monarchy; but the glorious light’of refor¬ mation has dawned, the com- mon people haye cpine to the , (teclared , , , for r indi- . .. li'ont c , and pcndent actiofl| and the tread of thc mi b rh ty army is , beared all over this government as it marches foreward ami cries out for Liberty.!* The Herald says _ <1^. P, ckcU COnC ] Uc j C d h j s speegh J ie ca jj eg i upon a jj who , WCW in fpvor f of £ the , I bird . , I dl ty tu stand Wellborn Up. At ^this point Judge arose and said, “both sides should be heard before such a ques¬ tion should he put before the people gathered in the house.” We would like to know what use there would have been in discussing the side of democ¬ racy; we have beared the old “song of democracy” until we have learned by heart, it is a song of promises that will nev¬ er be fulfilled. We know it has become corrupt; we know there is no relief in democracy for the farmers; vve know that the democratic leaders are sold [both soul and body to Wall street, we know that the democratic leaders have been promising relief for the last thirty years but it has never come, what is the matter? Oh! the “boss” says we have never had a chance to do anything, Well if 147 democratic majorty and a whole “gang” of repub- ljcans to help them out a chain cc to do something we don’t know why you would giveall BLA 1 BSV 1 LLE, GA., THURSDAY, JULY. 2H . 181 ) 2 . chance. Pickett objected to Wellborn’s motion and 20radi¬ cals and 2 negroes we don’t know whethej the negroes ai osc. But if they did they had a right to, and we don’t see why the 11eraid should try to throw off on us because negroes were in the house, when they allow them in democratic meetings. After 20 radicals and 2 negtos arose judge Wellborn then a- rose and said, “all who are in favor of free speech and a fair discussion of measure follow 'me out ot the court-house,” and out he went all but the 20 radicals, we think the two ne¬ groes tollqwyd aim as they were missing after he went out. No one had interfered with the Judges freedomof speechhe was asked to sit down and be¬ have, hsmself unrill the busi- ness of the meeting could be transacted, then he should have the floor. He was envi- ted to, a joint discussion of measures but lie did not ac¬ cept, like some made politi- tian who in the movement of- excitement allows his passion to overrule sound judgement, he rushed out of the house, and pours out his abusive argnmsnt on this grand movement of the people. The Herald concludes with termin- ing us as lying cowards, radi¬ cals, fools and every other slanderiouc name it can think of. We say there were neither cowards, nor radicals in that orgftpi/ation. In zation there were men as true as ever lived in Union or any other county in Ga,. men who far ed the music in frontvof the battles in bygone days of the ‘60s, at a time it required manhood and bravery, these men are as brave now as they weie then, and will, fight to end for their rights. We are not fanatics, and fools, we are the people who feel the hand* oppression, we are the people who feel the burden of heavy taxation brought about t by democratic ■, . and , • republics’ * legislations, we are the peoph whe groan under heavy bur- dens grievous . to l:c borne, while the political leaders walk through halls of Congress and cry out “the people be dammed whvt care vve for the peop!, r A People's Party Man. CANADA. Editor Free Press: We are now having warm weather, nice showers, and the farm products arc rowing nicely. The farmers are rushing to get done laying by their corn. Mr. James Abercrombie's mill washed away some time a go, and he has not yet found his rocks. The Rev. Lewis Garrett a primitive Baptist preached at the Radical school house the th-ircl Sunday at eleven O’clock, and the Rer. T. K. Posted followed in the evening at q o’clock, and of course their doctrincdid not correspond. It is reported that Garnett has set IW.,11 deltas meet him at the aboved named place on the fifth Sunday in July and T. K has accepted. Mr. . , James . Davis . . says thinks that there is a young man in otir district who is a candidate for matrimony. Politics in this district has not yet reached [the 98th de¬ gree. Mr. 11 . N. Abercrombie has a t piece. n ;A„ vff hlCKOl) UUVniT Iv-rlr B.U k a- -1 rouixj nis bee gum to keep bees, from going off tionf supers tjjiQii!) In of. J. ML' Miller from 1. on as jtqkl , W 1 mamma tna: He was not g R ^ ng to go courting until he readied ids foimei vvelgut,(i 75) we sup¬ pose lie i*as readied tire notcu. He Has a “sugar” east, and a “honey” west; four nights out of eaqh week. Yum! \ um! Yt ml. It i;i reported that Mr. John Nelson has invented a new method of hive- ing lues, vi 1 . lie places Lis ginn on a tab!:', knocks the head oft, then ho lays the beey on the table, takes the lire sliovol, and dips the bees up and pours them in at the head of the gum. Do you wonder at him getting stung. Jones, ♦ 9 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ! Agreeable to an order of the of Ordinary of Union county will be sold at auction at the court liou.s dooR of said county on the first Tues¬ day in August next within the leagle hours of sale the following property to wit: two parts pf lots of land 110 ’s 1105 and 106 in the 10 dist.. and 1 I sec.,-known as the Chaatine place 'Uw) s 0 acres of lot No., ‘260 in* the 1 | 10 ,n<i 1 sUl k,I0wn :!s lhe ‘ ’'’ 1 Gasctt patch. ARo all of lot No., ,321-17-1, containg in 160 ‘acresmore or less it being the place upon which Phillip Logan now lives, all the property of John Nicholson late of said County deceased Terms cash This July, 4th 1802. Phillip, Lohan Adm,r. LiSt -a iHtfll W iNiy fe^s^^SHSiBOjpr'tn« 'Fk IlL Youi’/ii K«ader. Tno cnnjciritT nogdeet fcboir o{/» E«f<fii iKbrvsotUoebMce, l SEport«bHy rl-los; fill to.q =S§§g$ip-fng;| Xo reotfl TO «spl»iohrn». Write ae.d l.eirr, H. W»t»n>DuwlK <« de!»y. Ail-lvoao atmu-o. Salicit & Co.. ISu® 86“- A“uwla.-;<1, S.alut, ASK FOR ITI THE SELF-THREADING lUlEliE it B” Ic it are com¬ i u bined the fin- esl mechanic, al skill, m most useful!?-.P and practicalgUS anda|?a elements, all known vantages that make a sew¬ ing machine desirable to ^ gel! or use. ELDREDCE MFC. CO. fMtsry and Wholeaalu Office, Cl U 2V5 Wabash. A#v., Chicago* Brood titvi'et* OTevt THE POLICE GAZTTE 1 the only inuHt.rntt.ul paper hi the world (Oil- ‘aminK mi tnu inmm Nonsnttomii and sporting ew» ««*»•« to i>c> v.snout », N always malms (Uemls wln-itivfra goes. Mailed loam itfhlrcss iniiv-i.-nmsii»t»«< w-.-uiuly wrapped t» wcqKg )!■ Urtri Five * Wits for sample copy. RICHARD K. FOX I'mu kiln Ftp litre. New York city jVScESree’8 W\ne of Cardui and THEDFOaO’S BLACK DRAUGHT :,re for Side by the following merchants in l'a iV'lt't' uiaiMviik-. I'-.CoiB -p, IVt) Log. ^ C,C;iM\\Vfl, Track Rock. Young ' cane. jo LifVV .Anderson,\ !tng l e in.-. J. a ATTORNEY AT LAW Elairsvillo Georgia solicits logttl business In the c6urts < union and siUTOuiuling counties, prompt intention given to feeling. DR F. J. ERWIN. PHTSHKAI Oners Ills professional -service to; the people o BlalrsvlUepijitj surrounding coualr; JL A, BUTT* DEALERS! IN Ceneral Merchandise BLAIRSVILLE, GA ' READY MADE CLOTHING, LnJL-s’ Rrces dfoods, Notions, -Roots, Sho^i, Hats, Capa, ShaiVin, Etg Also oari-iv a full Hi;. of Family Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco, Hardware, Stoneware, Tinware, ami many other’ articles too numerous to mention, cla anil .sue me , to 1 will do my lr t to pleaH-Kjviu.lbotljCiii^prlc-erandC'iiialil 'ofgoods. Fur treiiment anti short prolltji. Bn W. Butt — DEALER|JN— General Merchandise, BLAIRSVILLE, GA. I I PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Right Treatment Guarantee! To A21 qu stomers « Slothing 7 Of iLOTHINGfc* CHEAP. -CHEAP The fioi.d tide of trade is flowing to nm-not as a favor but as reward of merit, I bespeak a call; an inspection of stock, of qualities and styles a comparison of prices—leeling’wull j assured your patron age will fall in It means dollars and cents to YOU. --CHEAP FOR CASH OR BARTER- WANT YOUR PR0D0S AND WILL PAY BEST PRICES. M ell >orn Jackson. m 'Em I jifl> }/ At $ if 01 M 1 ! t mpmm \ \\ Manufacturer oF Buggies. Wagons and Hacks Also repairing Join. BLAIULYILLE, GEGGlA. Nit boston ChestWsjcht FOR YOUR HOME. . TT’rrsslEL O' hW * A ‘ Price Complete" $4.qu and Upward. QM 7: HM...“ w—w—az .._...A_ P, '7':: ’ _. (“’L',» " '*~ l.‘ ‘ .A-..“ W!!! ‘.. ‘. H :;_"_._.. gm A, M - The handwmkst. mm“. mm mi”?! durable CH 851' WEIGHT enthe mar- km, {0: Home or G)1Bhfi_"m, . Finifihcfl in Bicycle Enamal, Swivel Pulleys, Steel Rods. Rubber Bumper; Amuseflg, \vdghts, Biamed Cord, etc. Kenny packed for shipment. with book of 1n Send for Price mu tom. Schn- macher Gymnasium 00., Akron, Ohio. V * ~ ":5'» si— A «2:: ~ _., .W‘I—mlmm-flu Egg?» 3» W v ‘w'w WEQ; V “1.2 V ,_._;.;.._...,V,*_Mw V- _ ”LA”. , , , . w. , -_"v:::~:>-r_.-‘-Q(§ «a ‘m 5 Different Styles, ail Excellent. p t-Hi Stamp r«r Illaatrotai rrloa Li«t. The SchumacherGymnasium Co. W-