Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, August 17, 1864, Image 1

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~ m . Km :4 1 | '?i ! |. i j >5 : li, H -; . r - . 1.3 A y :| MM - S j 'ti; .>• # ; ,y yj y ; y K BY N. S. MORSE ot JO. 6komdc & Sentinel. »•» - Mc.*aaam«n> .;u us « .niw e«. «err»E(< «.)' f.iiY WtO bfl>Ak' rn • ■ ‘’-1% ( ;;<? oo ■•i - : •* . • » A!to -Tt IS AT.V.«r<CE. v\ v \r.tvn » •» «u uv'r.s. ■*«l* • *3i' \n\ < In tueWrilki! *1 T'ft fcr/t r- m nav os i » j .-up. • in iii- :1c S t- • .1 U«rgoii ,g;. eat’re -.ha-c.', Tc-"/ aiv b<-/:ii d:b«; i-> c(' .• 'm on w.tjr’i *•; itr« ••••. j *»•<'!: ;r, . e rvadia* • ' ’ centra ! !*ug •'-' !r,r " - :C ’ |U J by • übJdtred proas, <u; i iDieh “ ti* than > ver *.h» i-ttuJi't- tiiiieL »a;* ;cvo!"'i wu-i!;»» >crurfi t-» tii.Vie* “ .'i■}:'■/:. o'.i. Sute*,” and *J»c Nil r!; ff rhsCitl .)D.” V';: ■ yir- -a. a paper ptfcll'ih'vt fit E*fc l, sk»! Ci : •• - to to Wi qu ; t) i-i c : it» r.U: ;b r it Jj. .ai/* tbur t ! the rendi tier, cf f.i.» ;:4 l Kli.llo ‘Be gin. .'id of the V> ft Irir. »•. ti t c:*.: ‘ Bttbpcrffsr of Pr@6'- dw; ]>;< * •«: i-n. Wo noi/-:t j 4jtv ■i, v, to 101 lo t VKVipio with ! ivt-*. . _f- t>Jd Us'tm it tt fey j <l'<i 1,. I i . ■'. ,;MfO' '3 IlCt attempt' •) t< co ;• . ' t . • 4., t'.if !• a jn’HU'y no* I f.i.. I ofa,* ii.iv'x- ! *r . • .li it —ti-litv i iu tta «;b/'utleut, .**-.-■ ■ r «, but nderftd to!crr» .I*. if not; c.t. by t• • frt* ..hit but one alterna tive if -■ i ! <•:■ if; Mr til-3 ill, fa a ea >r i ! - rt ..j non- *>n •-,, ir be broughtfcrtOer u it- v ■ .■■■ ■ v !—t> ari'i our ohibkett for w * ' ’jJe r< n.t'Tsatloa wi hi> dtl f no - . ’ i ;j. lie w'-i con; t'«-Li'.p > »>.—• Uftj.t I .* ; ir.q.ii?-.--; -> ft .- .Tin -ct c-t bis tn* -, J! 'll - i 1.-ji. •' of . ■ y AS,(J JiO, •i I Vli tu I’-tOTf i tii, , HH- ;o ail-1 t. '-j ■ 1' / .-r • 'oßfclo .-tie I.*- <ii») f: - ; O.i. -Oy J:--o going cij, i- I ;i.ii di e ->i- " J-.. fir? -.rn meu.” 'Jc i u -jv<•-.■ ii- ■>. y if ’.l known. A few ntoqUUk, or w.. .'<• <>«» trnor JJ*cwn’.-v j>. i- wa- -i-i. i ii r ( »l fdottoag in us .o’-My, ~.i'’ y, lii.J r. e -*ar of but one Ii- . • "io Mia < - /. t'o.l sbe (Hr ~!e, : u f,.-. icrt.-irt. Poli * j ~’ijni n (n.i.iigo oa the I • >’■ ' ial,-, nnd tht <«iiit tnajr • *" -*/ 'o t-» ." nr evr-rytai.ig 1> : , If-:-l .1- .---floj UIC (try ‘ • -li'-co-' i.y «a Uit •« ro ’ a r-ucori ful i .-iic. L!..‘'-.. f -. i jc*' mi tbe w-ijiton e-tere - -- i r I I <y t ■ Mill vl.f, .-lo la a iiu !-r * -ili oiin. ’ AVoct i* to t-.o cry, i ' i ■> tficcto l;»:k.rb ..t cc-. .tHittohf, • i - .- \V< p-y tiiat i. i- i*.' ary. rti . - f.t.i‘l i -11, L i. -v r r-ai ■ i->. rjfftnl -liri.*- . ».i Uit . • ♦!>> • • f I,olol* t ■' "i. t ►ctmc. »i. <1 t on; pcop:.: hi- - l -•>• k- ■" t! .t ill «.r v? t' - .-'j • . -i • .able, of ihrsc ineoler M-. - ,••istl -. y -'.i-B- of •> -u. «•••, ; -1- BgO Viv 10 ! - ■- 1; rji,> j . find p,o }*«-•'. y "ii.. ; of , s; . Cou/ld.-rate f M-- •» K ' , i-. j ivsit, If vce.-5.-a-y. Lv-t u 1 : -.1- V V cnect- ~v. but i' - t ii -i able tbiiia I 'i-iU be-.! * icee oo> coatri b'-.-ci-.; ;-. . -m w«—panlCatai-'y ! tbc • * ;>i tl.-uft'i' . ; ii- .u r i their I'tv.-i -rn. ‘I. aiimiujji • ti- n Ii !-■ ... tl- J !nw. au-i .- • •fii-i- of tn.- -i -e irlii. t. .heig t j iti.ii- : from i i-f.i j. ,-. , isoith hr -Sn..iu. ltut it It wautu: 'yil m j; i;-i. law| u'ul ..he w;,ll».re the . i .»L-'-r--aml . u.p of i.1.0 people—' < a’J: 1.,' ihcii . -:uU* !o ■ ■ n .; with in.' idea . thst the g(‘- -.t-noft* w >t iI- iu.-..ere ! lor; Wtelr gt-jpi, 1 - for . • the 1 0,-.l,*nt. j tvnd tiit-so v > hold 'fiiue cu-lei lain, it will, utul on. lit to f .11, It ci-iy be after we, rttd luaoy •.»l*«?-r -• !• it-s of lib rty, ure iitrii.lieQ a-.»v ; but < -.,tvu! not change tile suat leaiilt; It wig! : i e. i l fall. Xw*n- oh Aw 1 VVc iur irrorrocl ..uat C-'ipt. W«* •' * ontp'e'.on, aui! C-v't. “ I art-law . Va.i-hu’s U;-* ;ade with »i. t fifty i-TVi, ii ! n atia-j.. on the l ~t. Li .' ’ , ''em . 1 few uays si. it tilled in iott«ti l!ie eticrvy. a f ~ ■ :\t rixly - They aho t •-. ; iti g. Ii" V . ving luf'or- UMti'ti the a i-irty cf ovei und.edlan kee ..-availy ro i-i nut- ,u <.f thin, they ova. dated, tli town. • - FsDr.-.i’, .« •11 unythiicounecti-d with the Utt) ■* ia Gjoj. i \ is particularly t!e;\r, v ■■ '■ ‘iigaiiu'' ,<11; > positive WUI t\n : o' . i< v.a-t 'ait eluiust U-o entire vo w raiders sot tome il.tys before, wo. i«trvT. i.: i ■ Frvtt -a: _> fb ir. Confederate onl foniw •. lii •a; rtir.'-a. Ii !.;o ;.>;>• tv: every Hiv; . . e Lis evo.i open to. liiese gentry. 1 W j .at I'll)a ;•« plenty of turn all si . a gii-. nveu r. . i : ,\rwKs -Tin; I:. mond Ft! n t ■ Cod federate l .ora ■i»r. >. its rchi to o' .tribe i.ut.l .l»o hsv« obtain'd a rest . .1 iu Cea.e i r .to States, ti • •:.;o rs are •< ,ih ti e work. - ’* «' ■+ '*#••**» - :. tV . : . Co.—A guuliraan writing ti a, . .si H’.i’.ty. subs that tlie pso . * J'J'o lot eonss time pas: •• * f'> u' ouaint of the raiders.— i ".» «•:«*= • tbe l’i si lent for ailovs in. ii .to t . cv. .a nn. i v.,-il •* iu spots '—in saoA lot’ is :t Ivr 'e n tX‘ dry. - —“ SS. «. ••• A '*.i r . of ra’Jert in all t „>urljl» fa-i -.-iCa intslligenee •'* ‘"’■r r >" :>1 prospa it feta • i. t. Oil u- tlt«i hare been cult’va ye. , k:o yielding luxuriantly, ~<= . .-bed for r. sc. :,th k.ctp, will re tire ■ •n . ii’: pee;-la r aba ad ant *!ips !/ ■ : v-.otso. \ 4ft." Sji: OB TO J ' I'ii'.- A gar: ntsi'l j ast fro at X.=, il at the Yankee# are v '■ •. > .uup t :\fly :<y sc-.'ve ■ v‘n«; tauter. AN.' Ar! •*!"; 'T s!*. P->r- Wtiiffis bei: .. ti< .' Jacks as If the Fed- 'ut i* rrt on another gr.*r.d ru'd t: u i ” Tt;* »<r tL .i >r;r g- t L\. r.:, t prep-trc : to i- N V- x : tl. : Bt*HCC. i • T iilaiso /r \ .vi: r v • 1 M" •JCe3«j»-af ••< **}•% that private It;tors state the c;»rtaj art ti->w .• aa- ; s u.« li-»l« ..' A . 1 we i<* »j »:a tip ' rcp-iL ea of tho feten't-a; < . r>. urd roi . !.rcuio( $ bonus . 1 * ' ; fc* - 0t» i 0A,.. V’.DXESDAY YOKYpO, AUGUST IT, 13^. • FHVi.fl 1, ."l jr.ii'f . iV “ l O’U’i I A :2‘ (ur t.V • •:/ V* Mf-.yc: r! * j i*i )• «• ,huv - /c.’ Tl*-*; tbe bviU It ; - rA iiiMU/CS, ci «•* ii tie ftlicva i n«2y i>o tskea 3 tcru^n: _i «. y i irt-.a? *'■?»: ’ '■ Am.’^btyto r t* *3 i3i;ou. *•; l\v *ti jh? :.o ant : to tr?; al: ! fet.v t ; uii •'*!. M f.'-i I iu. v’s ;l Arf IV.’ * ! ‘A l. *!l3 without :s* . O’oit ) maln! .la | The first *•:■& one 1 • H.iil, wbo &u --| nonneed N.* ihe, t; :•? c.asnci'her ! j a 's# L .- v ', of Ta,'.*'-:*" f >or of ; iledicinc. After t:<; y well j this “Doctar" pitdk ito I.a coin very savage- I )y. Rue r- h -v' ti-' . :on, hc edd : | Do pii 1 t. .ibfr tr at i j too Inaugiunl Ai- ; «> .1 iaf'C i • ; ’ . \l, blufitUng and * tne ver/ b.nwi\ to free, I he IfiiW n*r infer.* vatli ?<., aa j i * ; clhntiion to ao ?»o *' WcU, th 0, tho l'v* t • .in j ir thc.t we f;o*l 1 ?*»af t!.v r t- I tration (through !. o: .Mr. here and.) -it ! sh • v -bfli.r-ii bn.-J i. --tr !to ti-.e .- • ; tbit It irly ,1 .a r : v ije ;t. 1. \'.-hi < *;ly -:.i y r ! h tb. I aett’i - Ali is: u JT-, nt Ins j l.'Sigr tho i.:i e ... - :<1 ~ . 1-u-;. veto - 'm - - . id gov . .-nt i to tb. .-ebellictu hxL-f. ii., b;w' u-X- ■ to! sya thft oa rh- (j !T.itn.i r-»« '.on-n -s t- Inn ->; tie*.! to iw it. N\,w, . ! and gesidem r.. ij> . dan ati-n-a, <.-. »-• S liojic-d. .an cijii*-,' -t-Etti. .:7 Twit. re- | ( that Adr-ii:;:-. ; -M-. • .' Tcu may e.ty tb;- ti» 03 are dark nnd r.t prcilSsni;T 4jow, .4 v?•*l.n rrion.lli j, .e r. * ! i;i. rI. , C *•* Ufaeus fei And tin o i.• w«.r’..irt among Ibc A met '-an yc-- ■ b- ; : i, • .--. n s i\-lit und Etvo tnt ■:-and jins.fcc sri.f OoJ 1 our .—v.iiich Ab:ah-nt Eb.'-oiu . hati ■ i::;df u!d -liiiiii: ■ r- .. ill. Thu nist.nud most p: oiir.ent ‘i- OCCMtOD WHS «-••;. Dr. Ch .. i | . bitter in Ith ik-nancu l:<m of 7-Ir. I ■ -c-lu umi h!* putty. AlluJii’g to ills m • !i:.'.l-n to- Offlco he id era 1 - -. 3 roruinai •.-{ A’-o Liaroln, ami it la -t grcrl'/J- uco cf ti m ; t. the nomliuitioti c-:'- 0! ti.o hands ot the j- oj-!u. This w-» hu I--.-1 -lira of me ucryofiatn ot cfsii-u. li Ifc.t - ■ >.-• / itounte 1 u;. w-., in final w*' ta'.y : .t. I ref. U i - .. If t. 1 tbs Cfcs-3 «-i-y'i.-i'dsti-' - ; ,u cki pin: t ..- ti-o <"‘u'd<T h - , to <].iv pot-if ’a. 'tin -iiicrit •’fir - gb tao j c-wr <4 oiliie a- 1 mlll'.i. r, urr lmAt {!oii iiiuaaii'.*-• 1) n a Caoet:., '' 'V id., liitvu-u tbi Cii. ;'iy h. f- ■' o. ' s<i:. 1 sMurxtt cv*ry;!>inr: fl - - ; h t,.- ;icio ■-! -1 fh'.-* ?y t- r i\ : . (j . • e. : . ,ii :u . ary ;><•-.-r. f. ■■•'•id- . ■■ -. the • 0!. i :'-v. -- Ml -y- • . -,n- arvet.;. ' o i:t Iho fiO.l but AMC IdUCOIO. ’iijopff -a ere tcM - l 0 <>;. '.'V mdc si ..; u.:, ; i - . ikd wlr '-1-J : ; tiofl. Jt i-j e.n i... ;it. Wo i'ic - < iij..,h Uncolc 1 hi* .1. i-i siy ear, tm! he 1. -. Ul'l she! ;tx-s Os -..! ■ r it demr.n if •• .-•< «Ji- > : the / jvo -i iration l • Wtt. o kc csiai ■ Aa.l yo! and • . - , 10 ci.j 1 -i !*«>«»). • -w c .a. 1:1. -.vii 1 .dst to- MS. 5 u» I arne-r. a.-.. *'• -d - I lions t) Itgh cyvry tcsm - j h (faf-b o . l-.-c Hi -of u-:t ihiur.iiu! - i -3 tn hi o . iuit n-,-,. - -do Pa !«:,. U nol t . .ting d-c r.ct of i ,rc-«sir-i *f g u ili.-i-. : ;y u‘, .« J UtS rebd.Ki.a; B.tic . ■ i ■ .1 • cm/; d'' .1 *•> any the: \ ~ ,- -.ti: • in .’ir.f *. i reiii uv stru. r )h- ", Eir.-roU 1... d-rd u . ... .1 . 1 la cloi'ugi Pi-Chi-3' er 1. Vi's offer ; ..a, -a wan p!«v.;~d to ; ma.-Tain slavery, ’.in-;: .... n 10 Jixu.-y i. On- wh« is pledged to -rec - e nil m.-u 1 qua il.-i.t;) '-ore will) is-us It !• do - l Abe l.iil i .- was h: - r d • r -~\?e o .r yo->. !'•••> v>:. ; struck the ihv! ld .-.v and ; .y- v. will have fii'U: i; 1 ' liv.l- rope | 'dent.*' Ir. r ,-in 111..' ,n> 1 ;.-■» iri.t oh. r .:ui»esty t-j j ti..itoi?; w - otTi. jcu a • .-. . •wo | vtj 1 j.i- :co duv-ili-nt j -■’tori has It u ernhlng j ... v-h - he si,. , H imve cur. and ; L. id e. ■ . *i*r 1 e,•: -r 5 -i- lira..’ - l ili I Wa.ii -• J t* ■ .iiMGf ‘*Jl* J just is -. v- rt. >lJtn id. r • tat.: it, ,t ■.. you t-ny d.u i..- .1 vu’io- f lti-«-eoh r.t.u kc h a. .i«?t o n.0.-.lis de. pvrcd by ad tie. u;di -. of the trot! i. a»s At on ,» . • elect tho rep vc t*.- ... of, { j-,»i ':• riui-.f'a will it:.-«,; •. . ... I I bright trtn of li:i, rty i-i'.i ari.-..—feb ; John •’ j iTft-iiioriL an,. i Lo opc'-dicia f/ifo. j Tho following rt: d'.’.i’ous-..Tro ih > «,.V. >*.l j I ikßa ’•entl’.i: ins tic .U; ’’ ...Jop' 1 . 1. Ti •: 5 :.vciio';d*:r.-’ r«.:K 1 licit mun. i-- r,.- . 1 r. i.'.d by removiu,’ i:s motive t.:«..- /udpi... ; ! ciplo s. ; port—ekvery. ; •'* -T. .; i— '..y fc'.’d -to ift ft'a-> lit- . ,ft t ....' I! t J?.." 1-. and , of JIV tir.ctlon ct ran. or compfe.*. ■ .. ;>. A,’, .-iu ib; proto* • r all tb- ’ hai l and a;l -* ;■ ~jua’ is i .>«..•? i 4. AI .>« cc to th. . . ii.m.:r,tt y i the peep e;t ie prol cv. . ... j. the du’v oi :*P Ucisift .t •6. No'/ tot '•■... ,( .:-:,'ftfc*s j aaand (i»icci J vivil prttri/ r». a-’ ..c iudii. »':n at to . I I as tho A - i -c. ua k-m lOjffkltV. ti. .N ■ iibslit’.tre or - • or peoungr, I, ! ■ tLej . too a. ebatti ’ ala vi- y 7. No to'O'Tciti. aof ’. I’.rcrcni’cd Stft’.o ! 1 | a Lfca.. (.■ veruu: at lo c .o.« o i ; -.r. jp’..- t .cr 1 any po-• aofii m. | I-. '-/iv * ar. ' i • i.-.ior, a# ] fc’, -11 d-.: to the (lover., ten , a,,; •>' T '“raci: ami s o • - • lob j ti of . ,t .n'l.iiM t. 1 9. Nr- lurllicr txperimeuts (o. rt ree. i irvfctut: j by ii.e protect! a . v ' . * 1 vlittzuOM .Dinltipab-J d-,-pvvisin’ 1-, -- t .-.a. ' .an:. V* if, her dr la-and fc.: . .ia • V». to u to- ;hts of freer- -’t . p-e.s I--.:. - - ..toTMes." ie ' i to*, -li*,..!^ . , !- ~- -filiV .. - SV i'afc ’ ,'ft ' U •>■ ‘: 5 er .*;. in 1-, i«d ss. I j - joui. ft! ci tits I ;. s ■ ■VBViet.l, ~.n. IA war ft ■: .tout j j ot ii v: is(3fi,.d :u 1 " That t! . a* .V- : f ,-pt fc. j *■ I ! ft •> ~ ■' -. .1 ■*■ •*... ; .-in •.. . . .1 I ~yc. . •'’-nt ' i . hi- i ■ ' IV, ' , A. . . , . UJ , - ; ' -• ' • A..: / 1 !. '■ h e i«*"' i ' ■ . re ••it. ■ ■ Mder-: . : it ?., f ! or ir '-o? or our . . SS ■' <. a., v.. ? 0 f | «'!Vt= lillr!. [ IS. .-• •* the one terra r ,\>r i'rcsi lencr ■••■' • ■ e t. -.. r.> ■: ir;. .'■•• ■ ; ti.e A:I. ; ■ ,:• final !if a; ' 'AitVi’c:''!.:. . . .»• ■•. .eat*. . t'. I.’ f hoCoiL*t;tU:ioii should be ttct.ii t-i .i • Fre': lent i \ iA' r - tit uhail i lie elec? v. i y a direct vote <n tb; pec •>, IT. Yl ' qaesa -a lias jo' the *. ■ .. >i.s . ..os .• pie i ter- a sir ; y.i ai«i\Cf i. ik ty hs, tad i cot > t.xecuti i* .* the cca ark h ~-l> of the : re'.*-'.,. : their u'j? . ■ •.; e Jdicis I at>4 (cudwie, I* •*»«- .. . .;e. L£ ii Cl FBs'.M &OV.ESU IVS. A..-. li, Ju y _ t !•. 1851. ' > * . . t : yen cill ~~ a tect otr t t id ;t-v a- !’ .-j! o-n-.r-'.-s «o Scutl: »< -s. not .,A w:*.h a: :■ i.g r.y !I* ‘ : 'a-r. :-!c .’ -so-.- ' t • i '• 1£Y 1 * fcr - - : Jtt-.klr.g t ty-c: t^W ' ■ ir.v •'-.t-d t- >•■•- bitterncia h, *•! -i i’ ) " .. ‘nt i 4». iu " b < -rett-c. tacir owe bo.««*. , ■ "j ibt l. c ,:r> -.ii tt i tn of my !*. -. i ... e: ,-jncy like ilsb. wfc'-t wo ; 1 ,:y and in ro • • i" f. ot theSlnbj to ec? ;i"•' r r i ;•« cl c.n ec .-y fh-tl tUreuie'j* the -'t i,.. ci :’d r.;.:’ •••o'.-My at.'! all ,e s. ' md . 1 iiia* isvcu politic?) rd.- ; t w 1 h .vs . a t-uricl for a tiajj. -.j: - -i .a l- ; • - r- : -r i a' imilttea* bate i never s' -.j-v. Vuu ■ -, t.\* if is io -v, Tift ted iasuch mrVuei roam C .V> m->- ■ - ; h*t I ••2t:-v. bw »’•[; a largo w!- V.-.dT ! u I'-r-- • : L:.e Jcaa'y. • • I- : nor. cm. r. pa: • j "in:, i •!;; tr-albjf: L-.-.- u- .rbfcb m.-culi : • »#w-ha«< ! ■ mruis -j r. ... .i r -r., i -.via /nude by wo : . a., .o ii,e -., iiiece r, h : viztec of my ofircr , 1 ri’;dy : | I t. 1 : '.vp -frit..- rest In a s'tatHU-ry in Lee ; county or any cib.c: cewrtyor pI-sop, aud never • belinti y : 1 I never at: >i {-. id-ru. f wb> ! K-;r i.y life, iu v-K iii- ror c-dhcrwiv-’, ! aad cover !•'-..gbt itj.l s l-l t .lira or l-.iaie r.i;« c-ent 1:y rim of k :y cr her spirit- . uousiiqit --c 2d. 1 cm no* now, mid r.c-v r ln> r bo.' i. s I V” ’■ ; -J>: ii ■ ...i"’;-36 Os id i. I ■r : y :.h r Ji.nft. ■ .. .- Ih v- r..,t j lx e ,1-t ftad SOW or ii . . c: w.c’.V.-1 i . ■ ;u j.. \iV. t- tu - l-v., „ , ... . ■ . 4q in - i.-vn f; • to any ora . r.'d- ur:*.mi. ,t va-.VI thaiaK-r j :-i >! ;i!i he ... . ! i .-U spars-, r.r.-i ) i : :fd 1 c .-.’d :pi v, i.ii * uavo lot. : d--< <i.-iuinvi-ti . i . v/n p- ion, . e f»iru c!.-ry .very indu.'itd e -i , . or ii: .4:. - th* mi r.w " ' ".y . -;• • I r do d.J acts | ‘U i •<" . 1-T.Vidl V.rc-ord !ii '. yby U.'.* nt iv * v ! t ;* . \Yi if:* n Tie -o* I r . f T’e taiitte * ; i?a v?*>rr«l j ii- tj*t* Trea urv* and lkc<‘ t ;* the hoJuMr o; th*- v <r.. Tr.vw the >v;u*ient vi.o Tnh*. j* t • m V’.ibKc LmU. i.\y h ah’. j e:;U :*? i»i u «.*i. n r,r, creiJK | iou ; • .o by \:• ■ - • that i (.YJ , ! not ; .iv-.. money ■ ■;rcl•. u lv;-..h v esh n ! i-U 'o-i-' 1 ;; ;: -M 1 " .T ; : ‘T-T j .Vi , I >.-;v\ by • ><i 0.0 :/.• K V pro-., in. J. 1 . c.-- • ; -s.-hi'' o.jw. ii jt? - y it j k :ci* :L-..U : •t! v.• I c '.-'U t: * i. tha pule. ,■ | : . ii. t *-iU . A j I . Uv. pn v , l- »-> _ ’s u'zcp. -c*i, = ;*.;'n < : •; !J ■ • rvU..(;()T ! • joe ‘ • i . v tin roepifls *T r> j ( *n '.» . i erite-i in 'ti ! vV. i ;•• - v- . -... 1.1 : o yl i-i i i \ ' -w .v’.. 3 i.c(i: j a 4 •' ;"n- j 3' i::ts : • i’Ji i V.'>:. ! octij-j:. %?l -i. . U - •. * ti*- .i*r: . ■ : :’-.cncy, ;•> ; • >r ' , !!...• < . c:e ---o J >'pur svi: ■■ .-.rd :■ :.o fc oi-i ; COO ; v Ii r. in- ! ■ -ml : ' .:!i . ; .!•• iO: hh; 1 1 ■:> 'r : i ,iu eh , *V<5 i. r j u:i... c. j b ad.-.* M.. f d.J net chi?. ' . ii all r. ;. «*OV.t - 5:!5.. .r • I. fl"'..’ 1 bC . IK* li >■ A.-•- : ' ■ . '..d1l C. e • - -y - bttfi ■ v,\. ! liibs sutc. I • .vc ... .ft lit kajv r , •• .vov-.*r. s.- not mid 1 that t L.- ro pr c'y i p,y i w .cvei i t.i lA.-d' pu t chef. K; ru-.s-c .-t --m>l no f . ■: o: re.- i —* th.. ••s.,i. ;-i - • d:lil.: . 1* VO tii: I.ii ;■ j -.ala.-. My . ... ■ruiiw, *. ja‘ i r wi;u: t the, u j . . :,iov , .f./'fiv, i me h % Oid .:opir:-,-.-! .• itv.» -y ! T . | cu: 0 .m.-wad t -ait 1 ha. - .h. ...... - ; -ia • 1 ■ b ! J : re . ;■ i of t» pay i . • : i | I •r. •• ■ -rf’it!- I ' ‘ nt*: ■ >7.1:11 | jV. • j-ip.vV. Ai*\r ■r <■ ..••>'„] ( - I a t\ c ii • l. -.XC ■ S(,.Li ; ! t.,on y i.y ft- m,; ... . >w I , •I'd pi *v. i . . b ,f. ii , fc. ./'aft hi, VO : ... ' .. , £1: -ft. * j ■ C-S: . *.o :: 1 i /. ■ -T. ) I ■ >. •-■ I ... ■ a • j fift.3 Ot lit*s.Gl-d s': , t.i, IjuL if ,;} i . 1 i -ft- '.‘ ; *fc- ft* ft RO ■ C fc'ftl ( V ' (ft-U : i>ra<Kilts ' i. .; I eift: -a, or -. .Ls v j, ; a y aiiu*, sv -.. ■ r -t a'• 5.1 . '.?UT !,: .v»li!u,.*>i. ... ■ . e>:,-to:*o'dr : :}.I, vc 11 r'.i *", ; lt eN j a.. s'.l -,- * for a-:n 5 -.-; "ui ■:u >r -or : ,i --i- ; - i:h. ' - ito ’ . >? i.fc, tfc - , ic .j l3 A V.e.ft i j ft. s, . .' y,,:>il ... \ tJ‘O i'u :e -. : '. , I-/. .! . i— u;-, c:-.i . totw.iflt, 1 ’■ ; ft’-. Tft •• ■". o; UTt .lilt . Ifc* o; if. . it,i::c;ili)y:Bcrft ] a ... .- uryn ... i ' • • • fc ft / * i j fc. • lit. ' , :>1 *h#«- I (v'. A tftofl -!vm • I too. ■ to A :i: :1 cm ...* I :H --i-> ■ --i-i' i a, i-'. l / r«- ' ' a? lor Ur.-. . <*. • » ‘‘ u : -*■ • i*. Itj . v f.*3i } 3 cc*C cf 'J- ri i leu. r a yo ii. ;/ ' / r, j r- r., , ,m_, . -i:: li. Bsew.v. ] i,i/ ■■ J - V ■ tos i,t -v Lip | ■* h* -Mbb 'tons- lu'kfc. *aat if ; * Hi.'.' : i..r ..nh oo opt aye 1 one..,at.-a e O'-rirg 0. .. .-av*cat:op.. thur. tfi-y v ito • - . ...ivl : g ihe i ‘V .... yl h- ■ f. c -t Y», '.' igtoa I -Ta«4»v-.8 to to ts. * ! ■-« ' ii • - .;• .L- to . nil elf ia , •.'.. . si . .( . p„ a nj,ed j.- aa Jblrbr.) ly rUj c.. e ' j bn.'* > S ' i !a. a . foSmi 1 .'. . "v ,? ''- - : M -■ca fc.fc iO' c.XCr -to •). i’",. , ,nc'.Tr ur.,-. -‘to--. fcLs .1 «fct it a O' ■ u. t ..... « . stUl ft ;• • M•• n oo; t! . VT i; - •i . : he .: ;-. .: and 0; ■•■>. tx f i . . 3* si . .3 fr. Ih‘ ft . . ;;■ . S' ■it..' •-;-• t :i . jin. . ... .■! _■■ ‘v-ni k--\ a':. 1 v '■ . t.:. a ; . ;*?n i ; i \.-U': - n > i’ .n- r :■■• r r .Lose * .... l',\, .' '• ' ~ rof Lin i ' t :• '. to , lie i •, !V .U'ty ,o :. - . .. ■ ,'4' r - the i t; n. .. }■!.. .o ... u j . . ... ■ •-.-■* .' .U who love he :. tbiio aa-i levjrr..'c * vs Cos Ct.j : ii bu’*u vr* h*roir j • •.; • 2XAI dOf-1 .. . SEOJT, A... ;e i-.i . . atlaci; J h» >»: J t-T«p V»T.f'’. j l * l* Ho. -.;«t *. i k.- cfet c.f from ihn 4 -E- i id a t anac Yiuiee j pa*"'9tU*t ii< iv : A .•. *:ilon. Ai‘ 1r * t .rg sfc r re enp rtf. lu;-' av - Jim-,, ' 4 %P‘yf..(- ifwAiitr: * E*!!.}, July 35!1i. f eo. i’ayue !.as yrch : ’*i ,ci ail pe/.scs i c*. upyrog iv uses or t of wo-x or 'and* I hs - asms,hi b edisirlcto; Wt-eiisrit Ke.-dockv. | and t:.>u» p' tb*-trf.-r t-ao . t :e ihe laud ! lords or o-. *rs of urn' .hii-tg and ‘ ?*.«.• U.e ;.*• ' A-ig -i - . nt ic*l o' Mt'ny. j | -it, - :>c b ::1d:1.4s or lit’ - *; -i/iloyalists atuar ! |bn *- iid t.» tli.- Post t : -•riCAdtPr, aitc uc i p.VMtut : at ;c J - -.1 ner-oiia 'vilf b* i 1 a. .. .‘.3 hftc -B:o - rlijled h of a u..-i : v •*• luaWR-a j -rsoca -nuneoteii with i- as ..y, ac.l «;dy i- -irrroit * -* * " "i-- x’-ftii ‘it 1 ,uw:.'e of ,I.','iicst. 7 oaly B** c-jPect- i e.J by j crmib> fro > it Sjt--or, tnar- | ■ i-i or,! 7t: 1. g* tills i- UlO is rit’,l : : ■ ■ 68 c. hi reg.’.-.' >m . c - ! -i I'reu. u y I>. pa rant, r-.l - !-.-i? 1 b :n eland Ixxffc . . - : c-*.:'.-. of < 7 fjj.ii -itc/ naet Eaducsd Lave . c* J. I, .1, 3 tb*- . ’adia:-'y. : 1 o u.-'c-. hvjs Vnerilla £ !U ho ebet ... fh.dui ah to yfucrow. siettpl . :\> V KO fag ' el > tlift !■ Ilb ■: Govert tu-r *-d1hloy*l! parties et 1’ iduo*h. > > -c i Jv*. 711 j Iko r-.nocrat .- t- . . oegnpl urres mdeu! ieys .in- Ci •, B;:j*eaat- t : -'(-sii u of - ionrctivio, nnd' tu- ,, iu*i . L»«tle'r. '• beea i '•rt -t r •.r ifc- atiila h .iiti, >, p:r. rn ud - | .• • . -n*i.«, n:: . oarc-lo . - peat bet are.» **U- i y c,*i*.ui ~5 .on. n. (:.:iig hn« . comir a•", and is 1 :i,i to b*,ve > sta •%, • Ihe fc. - • large ) • .timber of v e ! /k a order, and I natty of *h 'dp 'dy t&kca tho j ii >bt. r- - Y Thee ias return (triy two A l.uncircd h., Sr-T -■ Mm- ■ I !'i> ■ rebel ■ ; - ' loilrfi of Helen. - .aa-J. 1 * .!'-.rp it;.-. four leil. 1 L-i mb c».ratf?',e.TW» f at* { j ate ■ ‘log scat out f-• j I. uc.#k Wasbbutit bat w tija* J !-J: : ■-. . r.S IftY. :" : 'i'c a.'VI ,-ae ; ■ . ' ■ " >-| i.f ... -.iueii >x; . -tig '! •• -3: :ta)o it.■! thr hoods of -ho Go* t . '-At ..: t:-r r-.r ;oct tc bursh df-ipoai- j ■ ' i a. a hereafter bo ma-te, .ho y-nirter -1 taut-. 1 gtviay; « t- c ipt ihere f or. At / ci-doo brougl-i. in and disjio.-eil of in I 1a y: V’r i-.i -iner v/i!l he confieoatei to the; | United State.- -Icvcnuaent. Lou' riei.B, July J 7. 1 On t-vr lay v’-ht thirty cv- guertilias on I Mr-* f.iwkc-.ivillo and were bitel-r-d out on . j me mil :r by -no if v, ganboata, > .1. icy wnt to Olarepport and had the . i stores. Wi'.i j last beard trout they .-. o ntov . log on .ephvfl 4 ; fc. 1.-isi i iglit <i. .*• on o'clock ar Gill • MAI ] h-ry, State S» ...: .r n# returninclc i: ie.,, about five mile ‘f> t! 5 city, in ». bug ,y. ar- ; ; comptnioi tiy !n.-c- wan accost.wr. .he- j ’'K A-e toii-w 0 by <t >■■. in in soidio:’« gar., who i ■ . I: t.-ci wi-cio ho w.v • iing Ho mpf 1 iir.mi-.,” 1», ? f.r-Ji’k-r r- ;fit ••y.u h. ; ccttcc i,..- i'-.c’'- cit t :.t (iiis tiuic ot night. ' Mhll'.i:-;; then s'rrted hi-.;, whereupon the lidit-rfii v.ia him, biding hi ji r.'.iauct inslantiy. , U irii in■ ore that he- .'i.e evening Dr. Giljiin, j fo:nu-r-, jd-.y • dan ft: iho workhouse, who barf I | boon ir- the tntiifci':y pr .an. was sent fur a few ] • if. Has oat of tuv. 1 I.y it g- rd of tour men, un-1 ' i-i charge of Li "e:„c:i lie told the Lieu- 1 ft rn '■<- i.i we i-i not ' 0 tanvti to the military j . : •- .tpain - iru: ;.. ~ i(.c 1. eutcu.mi, ! I "r. upoi, the ,;nard kill ;l the Dsct- c. I E: .y U;*i?Vi;- :i...:y L’ Gco’cre IY. liar- 1 I limb, ifroroit Martha? of Lpr.iovid and hi* ; !it r’r. ■ '<-’c c ptuveil ’V'lr tho rwia of the j I 1 -J'.u ta! Miri iletc-wn, 'w<lv miles Pom h*;’o. •' ; The gu -ri l ! aipTinifi..-red .it-iaoisor! cf <ut oath j ; in belts If of <(.-• - .' ConfC-'lerac y and then ; tut-. tiieir pviaouc-ri;. - " i«nL> —— I ‘ T-r: Mn.- n.v or Ftoi’iit* Caujid Oct— Gov Milt ■ -, , f Elosida, has issued a procia ' .• ,-..fcicn calling cr. 'the people to org: -ise f tat- def-cce of ili Stare. lie rays : Our:cut even-': admoni-’: 11a of tho absc-'e c,* ssity of a . .odiati' ~ ‘ration to ciofeud ■; : . ida ", 'dnt*. the raids • . i attacks of an n- j who a'- tempfiu ngalo tho p-. ■ •if :L- ... -rate .rt. Cos by the ba.-- ,;r . g.-'-ti/ alike 0 .- laws of tl villi.: if 0 . ,-l ,i cents of b naanUy. Muiib n. ii ,-;!] in u-k Bicir h tc . and t. ii in!:';’, jowai li.-o iudi ..Kcatuif- they off '( t* e -.■ in.--:'--: to . tectsii imea .id .'-.-irru. Aided by deseiioM, t 1 - are sv -.1 I'-ri ictlv'iircuirio: j ir, v lioua'.>• .sos j iue H*ai: and !h» tinio hap arrived when . ry c-i'ixen . ap>f -of be : .-.- (not aotii- ’ , aliv •>« 1' * * tu .. > y-oc-r * . C-nfcdaratc i'tfU: - ) sJ-miUl taK •.- i.. •>- sos his ' *-fi. « .j Stu’.* e.-i-vic- • of a!i are 'dc *'.ed and re., . ' - fa .is, bus-- ,w :• bt !. ■ -v« tr- - -a—i colt upon you : 1 to ■ . . i. tc every iar -c- and at every noces- . ,I’. . j-mt* ' y ■ ... 1 your homes ; L or of. your iv : v*;, • s.- ters, and year ■'lc.. : Lie high < i: - u-i-.r of your Svote tt.'. t>' or >U‘s as fee - . .. aojessm t ■’ pTcparaticn to \ tc~ : :-:.cnc 1-3 .. - -juvebeea lasced, j a 7 j..h nill <..• uccwr-fly and cheerful* j u ■ ;.b. ; it, p ;•(. : ..: it-.. .. / ore capable] : c • 7 vr'il !;• sU’.i'-. fail to take ! t, ... , . .vlio.-i..-thee*-, •'freedom., or Wi . 1 ’ '-t*. i'igb ur. .*- duty of de j fe- teron’?ut from ri chhe cla'tr.3 ip.. ,i. ; i vrh’-jh alone«a protect the ! ri. ;' and bis fellow ri-ana. j . g the procUMftr.iii. •' tho Gov-. ! ereqv u : - from the Actiny \ . i itant and ! Inspc •-.■l- Gc u.l of the State, a v.tiring fi at 1 - . .*.': Ie lied vliite male inhabitant iu : u 1.- -i> - Ju years of age a.d over, not 1 j .I'.- ..a uo military duty, and not n->r’ «'« 1 -* * x ‘ .„ .. u, iaruu-ry remet. whether citizen, -. . s ),> mer, • .beLt -•: diatelv titrcli: eh I•- aaizctl into cc::, ....v. c»t la.iousa;.d reyiteants : .crv'"-. hi rate ire. 5 ' : o’ .•» <; li 5,-, rery evlt-oct. fr.-nt the -.rn*, that :r. \ ... ? has >aea re t.ecfcxl b tn iruaeos?! : i.'u. j'ir.l'.ecs i itd boshwhaeke. ■ •=.' i < i.\ •. . td, tolvc all cio slock and ' • 1 tenses. L '1,,. .C" rfNo. .1 C'tfoHnn . '-.o the bc. t ra : .».d in the Sicia ci u ... is i waive nw. A- run. it York, P>. r; ~ ..u ■> tL' CciSdllo app dpria* I .'6 a I.i: m th; quota ct the ' * ; . voluateea. '-iVill. -I’EAV BEB.IT :■ ' • .. AO. S3. | Tun Ti .irs E;.-u vc )' -.1 -- jrc-evord • ftb • > yTj! i&jjM- *'*iSs to the ? ii A-.- corf* tl. •« jttottt-if* '■'atf.r. .o. •b- ; -,!i as ' . f v ' rod oU>br' A • Juce . ! •.- ( r oi.ts.Jy •- tied.', fpl: . ■ t\ - 1. secre*; v, -if U w. wi.-JJkAM *4.5* fb ( a »or, ; ( ti an a -jeot \ -n j tl.Ocii ■‘fjs 'gMfc l~ it J I true, 1 rc: •* were ift' tj « Wsice; bs -:• ’ ..a'. ••. • ? • 1 dcoh’ -ra? IV-.. 1;- ; that for f. try - th»v i -: c»« ti '■ j ’. sach a * wJ? fr-t- . < it. 1« ttie hr -y? .r .by w ■ a • . v j shaft ooi' 4 r,, tcFkT’iU f *l?uk ..: v nt ! **irj.fc - Jd •'.:."uci, th:-. h-ut 1 ai.<; few.-.?njj. : -a a (-Aug t < .-.v tl-cte a. .4, -'l.tiu ~.e< !••'*■..l ' To, ;■ .??> i iadVrVlo. on ti' .1 •; tho «ir ... .. ? ■ ever.t tny r;.. .i.-/ of 1- c'i.' M-s.<ac!i d,:IV where! r{’ ■ (■■■■ 1 o: the Mir* sir ~‘bs be U-Rfinr ?ly c.-. Jo. y. , dts.-i-Moj'-cac iiickctv'w* • .it ut>J c•; si- ; ill'iu.’ir. a .oe tl s ’.if i>t -c .g i. Is*<.:•! j lie : il of ' ififtib : ■s, . j bio ;-. '.'.a otl torps. i.uc’ wi v.. > au ; '-rrt- k> , : u • -paji'.. (riSj. As. . j ms ics-.:v>T.e srwpcc'.-' iat :. : ■ uu-I di’Tr.atiiuJj >• going, on; b «• si wo ' Uoof nydeic -fre.. ,th.':v c* licw ;t- - •:o vr.itiib, t niy .. tht-ir engine r.-. i?n-i. t,‘, the c ian udk • U t’hc ;1. re >' lie- w. fa VAtr? y rers . «-a -fti* net ui; ’ ..ii ; I J«sl from it c . n- a.w 1 wr jL'i U At " a o.uset vq of 1: • .at tj ] ha-' : .01 * vus to .-i-oeifain the eae-.t | di> 0 *.12 . iirjag of the Oon-V.i .ait* fort. I | TV, x - -.yi-1 eotiiii'-nosu .a .he eirVtj j ! oft., r; 1 .re oft; 'ice ci we.’-.i . ; rum* • tuuol, dtyto uu'the t-jf if'-'tei';--, . i •*;'» . • - aoout ! iur -uu! ahulfus- high, -..-a y flitt • iii .* u.o ' ju. A.d ; trro ‘ .Mat (he* top. Tin- ii'iial'.arnif picn , ] •••:&. i .!•-4 urffao work, •• i •: k ilu!,ts' \v, ie : 1 ‘ >*s L •r> otroiil- iheir i.-!»'g iu the t j - nel **!-iai»y w.< oi-iiv ove-coi ta by • Eii .: a u;.-. aitkes io tb. . i the u-;'u'.ar i -a -s. Water wmi wii.u not far ; .0*, and for a tisi g'-To 110 U-tm ■ ,r..*i' ;o £00", L.iwev -r, n-us piariiisd. . . ii.r l ceiling I’.uved up. A qoickat.-vi ! T«t a and to obvi.iejt the vunge vunn< i nor •... and »i .unit), ro ih tr the , i half wo! n- or/' fc* higher than at ike en i ' (ice. rfwcm ‘ ac v.-a.-.r formed cu- ! •.T-c'al place- w .h:U Al3 r-.apiuect cu -e ; ' da. • • ■ >;.Tttcr .1 vr and i-'.uae,: ■ tt.c ec '.vt.-; V: a, ■ ti ,and tb • v wa- -”1 i .u v: -•.••tu Tim ■' < -.Tila <! i be ci iUr.-‘ , v ... u: . . : rest ,• j : roe: -.v.-. ■ 7 1 - - .a" ih < 1 'uit' .. A'.*- . eiiiicnUy : coring 'or : , •!'. ; . \s rear i ie ascertained 10 - : .1 ; ; ra ihc ] . »ei l>. the fort .ea? t - '■ . •fieri wa mhi • tl; '’< . fit a point ' biolly undert-i - "" - t wau r.u -.-of Ihe ee.:i-j :•<•: lan of the tc 1 cc-jamup* ’ The j f the text j-- ;e*ts ic-wartis Mt.e:-, , ler this . nr!-” the'tii&cl dr. ■. 1 into I ;•>. js, ep.t.s s- Mile. , as r,.- 1. touM j 1 • 'e '■ ,n vo n.} 1 -: . - uiino wttsis . • I aurbki, f. ~-,ci, .t inter ••sis alcu:, •uoh gftlierieß, so that ihe or. tiro ir . I oe fort might bo blown up. iu place < ii not I'relln.tisry cxperiinects ware made *.v l*. 1 r>aei I'hasc.nis wiifi c:. Midges ot ji -wder ke inserted in tho -a: : and ignited by . ( He s. Mv.tairicd th .r ihe work «.f ro-t'd ; ! ctoisch wottid kv mint, cd -tuuny secarrd i>y ! .•f 'I! -iu-ji ,-JII ; -Tl- It- /; ’• > ; ('•*-. Tn Viie l-itter c ,iit £ dorp and broad t-■ : - the ..n:v tv* >» Ci.asm Whe.o t*.«* •.1 lrfd;« j hla rtJn nia.,Ti*’DC —vr • / not <.- - lect/d by : ! p :~i:; rp. ibc te ■-.ycf i' 'plosion whu *> i I find at the ccOo j: „.v he* re* ' 1 ! Ito v: bei'v..- ->. ii.e e • 0 a* i i-i , .V- b - i'*.!)yjkti ■ •‘•.-or. f | 'j' .em'.i.iß tv: . , h-.rged - :ay The qui-.riii ;ty of poWiwr n <•: vas tou:. '.:.;e ap s I to}: scf ;t Bixt:u:i . Two'vc tbc irj | oa., {tiagiee eight urr . od br yes ( tis-r: - ■; ! ! rermble tbetu it. ~ • > and staj.-ci filled v. • ! powder, n-.i you v.iU have an idea cf tho j u:ae. —— ■ - —a- cfc - -. Tn* Tankrb -.Couxusiokkks. —Khk j ,-jrofthe Yankee i*> • Commissioners spc.iLs ' :AM of liis compaai'-.n 01. Jaimes, at.d ;Le ! ■ :»! to Richmond . "tViih nis (Jati,:-.. , - uppo3ed ic»>'‘ I ! sad nothbig to <i». ' '-out -rith hbn —..-• la'lv- i et so went with tn... -or my ».•. 1 *iti. cteu ! J (“Giant to allow J. ii (iilm 1 fr; -rr-i 1 > ! | pass onr lines to go b'»:-lU ,, >--io Uichrao id— ] jon S-.'urd&y .a- ! i :t at/ • tiv,» \ i thitdbe President kuc-vi v;thii- . i., ;ccotu- ] | puny: ;; me. j “Mr. Uccoln, thou *1 --o oi.l • •IV.: C j aeqaai; *ance of C* •!. iq'.'es, hi-, not oven rein j iiit: for now nearly tUr;,:- - *;ar. 1 How the 7ie vfc:pa|ie: . a uu a--* in ref >rcrc-5 j » to our t -ir. 10 Mr. j' .vi: ■ rgi. it,«!, i do 1. .f | , knew. until 12 o'eioeit 'art nigb-., w!ii-> 1 ! ) returnee; to ipy home i; . ■ • city, i had 1 innnicatcd to no kucavu b.-iug-, except t*.,., -.. j J Butlor and Grant, raid die Ticsidont ;'o- fact : <.f having ' -' . tie R • 1 Oaj iud at all. I j ‘•J am no' «r,r! never .tav* been dimiftctcd j j with the New York Tiib*' - ••• .At (Ir*. .t | » solicitation 01 Mr. Ed. lfow.. • Gay. the 1 . .. • ! | aging editor of unit journal no is aeeiy • .r land intimate fiend if m:;.v j did ci-LHiit, i .. -■iris' two year .go, to the- Tribune A: .-• cla | v .upi. niifg < Leap c-diuoueof n»y'bo*:i i'oi’.t ’ f!'iit arrangoni.:. was lurg since dtsvemf iuid) . >;n»i 1 didin July : st, v .ichalfadi ;:-i. ..rt:cies If. - that I have net, Lot. -cr, c: hen da word, with ’ir. Grecf-y. or e* « a-,u him for fully f.-in c • - .-ntV.4, and have 0 <;■.*_'\cim whit irfr; fuel » k:- :«'»*• t«ly thing of his Ms- - 1 diafioii: • hi.» to' h, i. * . .< in reforonco ! • f* rt •*.-..jj Uiked o." taatts-. being a Y;u{f..e, 1 <:..-i gvt ■ It w:!! k.Ault ir. u thing. Jotv/v* : j -.hi u i.:6 vst .nilay, (ao .viiL j. Ibs ie - h! I’m oi ruth): ■ ■ .m- . . ; go ot. ! V lab*, of tii. gen -1 *;t. ■ . : ids tr.«:h •. an h;j ch. dren se,/.. ’ ii'-* r. -.. .and light out- bar .4, nnTe. you a* ; nao-.i 1 ■':•. - ' tfgl-.t to Melf eorermeii . We a-c rt for nlavi-r.% ,Vo aro 1. -'g an i tl. ,or e -j. ir.i: ... io.i. I w« wifi ! ..VO/’ a 1 *••• Evening 1 . talks a.-; folio “ . j on tbc. same t: 001. James scrpceß, o r he S , ity-third jiiacntlllii -v ■ ii’.unteerK, was >'th-- r>.r i ta Ml line • :* 3 ~.,c-: pir chef i- -to E - j >m_-r.i sv ose ; . ;he ...3 un:-.;.TOmm -: : - JI i- a • • forward, bonei r.fclo nr. . i ;v,iot: sit:-.-.a. '• .* Governor cf i. . ! !?;-.%*• Ito at true wit • i voltur • >me not -on.; .tv- . ist,(o uto hi*: jtsSi;- oi troops for tno w. ; Tat . 04 .. ate. as he ;*tiii, to “‘ v j whftt ! * i. . ." wing tlu>;c‘ tnotttLi to j ■ rk li* & . do. . m bps study ami wrote - -*- lettc: to -v .oher io his coiiferenc-:. ! arj'ng each *0 ..etu him in the p-c-j.;jfc o. : olua 1 jn - et. :h for a regiutn-nt, and in ! fornai! ■ -iii i.e would join in ind ii. Tho rc-su t won inths be lad raised ] not o'. . • three 1. rimente, or iin s’av |c!i6 viLiCh •■** r c\TU«ruuv r' r Aj«;r • Aa , it Ls i rsi * as.~ ! c. )tii ■ Mc.‘»er. j U ■'tWt\,/&• vi(a ..:■•> tier, to the ] egei* ei.; . .el • -.o OauC . 'T . >.o - : .. Tfc..r.--i!t !ofwb ch • ; ceil. oCc;. :m < ; sen for *O2:- tiSr . xl. ’ The report who tt!'* IV<• y of CAon-’ j Jar ;uca' v■■ -liclur.-i . je n.‘ ru ; : 'iu Ai :» ■ . ■■;.. . fi. I. .. no had ao i,.2i.y v■_•••:••,o. .ar 1- ctaer lets ' •--’ C, ■ .t: h>. : • ... (~:S l erTKL. • tbeii- 1 ftnthorit' . . t- ihc n.L- ' •*■ A ; re* •‘ : - ML. . itap-'-r- : r r ;■ . . •■ jao Ira i n-caaie. llitat, t’.r Li t: - ion vm ( a ! a I *m not - ■ r e •■"' to the Ct .- ani , oft - . - V eartfly in dea. .. ;,, n r .-sat i .•••• .Jalk-Apos’r.'ic .. .-.•■•i --iaock*.” has faith ihai th • aT; d is i ■ . ■ • conifng, vrheo -u ■ . ,j. ; covet iSdt.c i» believes tt, »>• . nonet. . .. jr C ltd.” Tankeft papers s-- acioftt at tke .a « .airffnt qf P#tersi»v-f. L'.'-.AII'i j oil! nr, U.v7sf,v 7. A " •-■•••'•'-• ..•M'O:*.! bucfis'l .iiT ,d'..*c.d 1 ** ■ ,-••»>« •■ *.*■ ■ • J J. an .. i: bv! b.. •> :•*(*,. > . f 1... ; ; . MV i ” ,r ' ■' '• " '• j fr.'!*'uV.o»r. } l* Jv :xs)7M mo ar.feiitj > 5.V - ■ 1. s&jlrlf r ■ j s. ii l VI .Oi't ii ■, c-t'Jit s' ';:: lO I j ji",- L'la ivu ••.' i,#i. •• m " > Ijfc'i.-,M i All tii : s.M.:. pros* ... i fktai« i -aA ~iiy * rnd hi. mi.d.s: . to drug, ,;i -i cor l!ji*u' «'■-.-lilk- Wo i.- tV.t ihe ; p'«:oJecf !-. -V and. »ey. \s*tl! a, , - p... f’-oir j :-. , 0t,..i'. vul In' ’.'.♦bat not a .>■; >,i v j;/ - i,ii • h.'w if* :CIA i ■ if .UP / •.*- ; Titles' ■s’jfc, ant to *{ -• s: fHelr o*a ; i uvu r-.iii >t :hai. i< httr-ii one atn,* !o fn ..j , !lb.jd!eti;tes*:ft!w. Al rc\ l, or- f-metl : . , ‘ Gt J*- Toe 0' : w«..’-.i|. : ie .'■: !: ■ -., *> v.- --t‘.. -. ' ' . . . l :.•••••■ ; nfcat -v-.r. : ;H -i %'ins gon- f'-,i- cr.o- i . paai 1 t! .w* >n*t v ",(M e; la- :-i rhe -.. j |cl .... k.' .' f .if - .. .. ... nr- . i . halt fee a .'f ' i 'r. t- niler T.aario. lin two ch— ms, us- • i.- ; |n* * o bf’.Ti tu >.’ r. ai cf ’5,0u0 cu th • lit*., i i. 2,00‘> on f .-.c ,-i' m.I c'n-.gj. .VXliC.Cfc ThC- ft;Vi :i'T -ni .0 01: -ii; froiil th® * 7 ■ . , I S-fiu-jifirual .vx f-f u • T or- : ~:i;as. ’ It j •vs that i ..tni> ,;i the No V-m- ,-:-eia arc do*! ia* -l not to li '.p loi-.-'c, •« in regard to j i L J.l‘3 devfofc acts: ! [ - r -are :> rt/rno.: .i'lo?t. that t:'i’ ! ;‘t» ■ ;tneut’’i* abuu'. take a*:u, steps .to j -slip-, to Journal and place its in j cr, i- the's onvvpicat b.uii'l- j at the oua:.* - .-•* ] cos At Ocpis>a ot ir-cir.t : 1 sues cf l-/ f-.M /, it . ,ud i.are •■ ct .-i; > • .... t'r. v' ! m . G a .at Wx. and the hny.ii Lcn .«is | > i:-> very tauc.i '•.'•*• ■•!view of tb.- h: i-i .’one ct ;t iiv-i /.-r.t Jevsey I ntiv:. .per. . mv.h t- niue • toy,.'* ’ j Cf -t: he . -.vr .1 Uv/-: , . bo j sup!'- dt. iiiov, iit.-d its edi .:cv • ut*i«.riiy ••luaU tii.liy u*v,»m: ic:;ry f,ow>.r vrhl;h bo in- > .''.‘iii doilos. T. r.o b ivclfciys the* Jour:,..! rr/f; the . set tu-esot-. ifV-,v.*ay t-ouM-a H *:M * U'.y . -.UiOilt’Jr übiit t so c'.e vir :-. car *. v.-k.oJi h longs u> the U. ••-. Unstrist Court? Tbn .Atimi j isi'-H.tion has complete cotiircl </. n ft;-, nal in New Jersey, and thro-.e » its Jit* *, I Dir,'•:■ :i Allot,::y . n..,i M: -a. c/n ■ ■ ;.:f -,v ; r-s,:. j.*ry anil) . -tv:- f:-f. tu its c- it i ;• uic'.-.crt. if >•' t-m make i.-.t u. cudc ol: .‘t.-un ] - vloU!i(>n > fttw ;.ga.u3t the cfiilov oTio i Joiiv nal, ro ft. sf ooti-fliu* . ■ !■'•-•sliiMtion o! o’;;-r -| ; i or«l ah t.fce conJi.cto? of a .... al:.r t. --nvviper ( •fi.i’ j tho tv;r, -aud f'.v. <• lus uni-.y : allow-*; 'll us, siiall .. : f .i*« to ii!*;*' : cx:,-t.i j tl>« history o <’ .-; •;/ id a c: .as afy, j w : ’.o have n*-v..• gc, *.l io .v.itey ,:s v.-.tit ’mi- j ir.g u traitor of t- *J c -t dye who l.ave t..;- j [ crs*s,mtly aha* 1 -..*. iu me vues;. feiius. . :,;u --iu e.or p..imy t*-*r«r' re rhe .! n .«.»? ! of a prrr* W::i Ji lifts ,'.i iMly bp.f:f:i .hc'iVif,' inrega’/J to ihi tyrant; an-.l »ev* 1 .trioni • a . ! owi;r, ntuLcoa: aiually tip •sed thoir piarw Io j ;>erpi-rii»te Vifir tnio •/.• ,t ••. :•■ couufiy at the j e.oeasc of cv/r-thiug which tree • AtueiitfAJ oitizi'-P ifio!:! dear. A * , j the tie- • >.:u of Pert Lahiy. ite, (hoy do I ftO". i ••.hi.-ii'fiy u ri} ci: • ci x au . .mfy l.r pi»t. :; , t tj-isi, its t-.r.v 5,,,, ut tl i:. vyjlh *• j oat of ot : ; 75, wh, • v. • iYiiuiu i.ho p.iy j ge of cicT-Hc ■-. Jt. We in '. .s*.p;iw-*:iiUo i ■iv ’Cptivi! - .’Ail i-etoi.;• ■ ~-!)• ! , :nr< fb'.t •.t pnbiie jouiCfU iu j • -i.fCiHs , .era ! v.i • : . wC ,• . vii t-.9rt . , . I*s • <■ y i j O', ta it X\i l i • i.i • / . .'a o i Wo : : <r«: ... . —o; ii for i-uc’-i :\ r.lhir .-3 A.bvtv'i l.'-.cclr >. if v/e .ci.ii mo Ccn- j I•. iuttiou si; n l construe f. .ict.-i cov/i-tiy, I I ism petiuTOii ! . i. > ! ... betiuytif ■ 1 ! COCMry tir.-.l cr • ,11.- ral .f /y of pu/idteui I *.-{ thou: • ■ • ...i-.- netted St CA | t it) Swijer to acp.* eitlu-r bia -own ffciflah 1 ; purpoi*.:. <" -u . U ... ft re-- a f i.i- ii iuip*ac- I i iG’.o ill -v , | ,;is.,u'.i •»< uuo 100 ••?.::co by oil L-giit j I. Uto if *ls ■. 1. iitiiO) l . of pc/ :>!« ftg dUi ■ j ~ c.)i.-. i Adi..frsiv.tioa. W* . v . I j rm-ylo I- -or uu fturo Af... U wo ri-AUHi.-i ! -.tiiierly '*:vug, n ..-.vcr d*.r y seo - j -. .a thoir r; •> .-j/fc ic ute ii.-ai'ii f; of five t:~I j oers in pow r. 1 ' w* a ■ relabed Aifwl’L-0a v uor a..t j* or i j tiirti to u . .:t. :t. *i.or .- *,;■ s t-. .'.ir;-; | I . •• 111 IA :i iiwl c; a. a 1 < > •ii j , I (!".. ‘ 'A! . . .. . ; i ;):.' *•.-:is ',)■ :i .. v • iaf. lf,:* ice J : n to uo ■ . ;.- M-i* : vhs-.r .../• s. Ami v.- . ! :c; to ll : i, A lo itß chef civil *. and ie. ; -iy : ••(;'ihla be*! treason, ia .ha lh>’ «... .. *.<» • " ! Wit* Dii’ir I .*.a V/a.- E. ; reveo.— VLcrc . hi./ I*.- .ii ..u;-- . ,iTs*i > . . .. ir ; j , 1 j rCg<liil to • i t< ,? rV: •••/ Ot l' CU '* ;'. *•• ' ) :*-T. >i .* • Moaijjcmei-y A iv.ttiiC. - Aftiii/.M me matts ’ I u . i Scve-al cm:J:a*-.; fK’cn 1 -or Gc ' i Taylor’a being rt I uml'.-r.’t./ dkg -Ah ' y • a h - j i ■' . ; he ui Icai i, bh h : , S ■■ h . ti a to I New 0:. -.0.113 •> 1 l • >*r i■. : Mil - . ; he oali-d for f,.-..- i t Mtio. >ye r,.-si i prf.Uili' . •••::'*. di ..I'.iAi the true t. soil, ! ha- • ci. . .■• • r hr- --icd It rooms tha* -;.a n >g*it Nift batt’e c- f h-as- j an! Hdl ..-.intriV’y to .- ,a.-’3. wh r- hy .i-. f- T ... • Ili ■ >l,: ts«l 1 ~ if'his ari ,--. U„- w-vi ord-. 1:o fr.i, /••'.' i. : on 'j * ' - l!I . 5 got • a ram - : lift f oivt. . Bit toon mi:. The : ... ■: I'-. •‘ • ,“ j awet ado.- : -no pcs, :- '*:>*'l I bid tli> • .on. !A ■ bit !. •: ; ) !•- m able, rn po;.i . i inid nuor-ci . :ia'*. ’ , nibilate i . t - . . . jle .a- MB ; ; too soon, v,ifho/.t 1T.1re.... .... i.. i 1 ;u;-h a gi-..-<. if ..ry was iichie. -- , i I ge bn’.'- if JV.. ’ - ••• :.- t s'..i •• ■ k a j t and . • r--.. .; ,a- ,tlfi ! I the 30. UK. . j Av.-d-i, General fpnib'r. plaate r.-c-r . i.d n...- ly :tu.. • tin : , fe , . - ea;-- .0 AJ Y t!‘ > 7- i!t:;i t ... t abevb I • Fulls :(-u Aid’s »r uiu wun ifepaJd hnv” . iftft,’ ’ ril ■ L : • .-J • :• ' t! !• itnitable i a iA-oj-eii atTidU.c pi .s • cu cf ;f. i!» fc I; ’ ’ . r - ; - »* ’ ' .-* • '‘ ’ ’ liatoii I .' ;' , : 'lfcrl * "c... ■ . a. 01 :. 1. *3 db'/iuTh. to 1‘ . V • 7-5 what ** ibive L:-. ii wr-.i.- . |c ca ~J j. a-i.-.ut . Us .'). Ji:*by .'-'a. ' its-.:. ,: up i the 3 C-Oftll i;t of j tL<; c auu •ci <>v eStiu ed iit v. -id , t -VC : V*l . ' COV.j> d-.. >.-/ 7i the : ■ and a • opinio v.vuld ba»*o cun-- - j ; !:..-• abdai .a'- 'iy • o:.* ih .:i ry; ' ; . u t ;ha ■ ?u:ri;,i. J is ta. worth while'o eiiMin jwo t.*i'... ■ iiut * £ ipattDt to all* j. A LiftSl j '.'.'?VuQ?£tLA jON T’!> i y.xcz : T. -. .. 0. D. J-.c .- , 1 Jom.f'lv :oii ■ r*l: or'r ft •• • *'•*■» « . . * ucpaoiiern, or in.:- i. w of , -ir. in c.-aceA'-- r. .if- •a. .. •. • in- i•. 1 i-.l Nii. • U.'„ ':C HBJ • : While r. •'•.•>•?•: f ,t r ir. Tr * Vi iv.ia, •. '-.'kii. ■ ■ pr ta c-< ’ f yjt’u, f “-,nt a i , -i J’etT'.:>.o’j eiv .. : .. •; . Gee s . '-nruediare p.•• ..i« al h i '.'••n.':. if- •- ’ . :• .r:. a i deihis? him to pros 'd ; . -. ra ■ ■.'■ . Lr-t miy 'a a ..I -; 1 j t • ' fe. .' i. .' j• - .hens ■•••' •. a '•; : aai .■. ; I A:.: rncof'iiilon ... hpeach m.t- of the 1.. nfedvT.-'o nU -• ■■■ ) ■«, esc <■• '. r bos A.;3V:h nig;,:..' > -XiMßniio tc«r ol— !I. *. Cott .lt').: y.. U ou his ariival in A.i JimA) L Fa • w - oriei wards yea, r.o .Hi he, fully 000 ') fas U: t 1. e ' :*.l u 1• ft?. : tU i. • ■ .ii yi A y e, atiah prior ip.. !;• . Auariug Ae i. , .litlou. — " Major tien. -»w ir Mobile, -sekh . vt wad. .auJiu .1, he Ids tvu.. : !«.v ■„ . ■••,* * ■* —rt. »»,; .miw m ] ••’;*■ ft-,-: TV • s' i.7 Sli s'AU.VI*. —Tin j la; . n : iiagit-;• I rli s’S oftttof'iriiuM par* tfti-i. -: ; ai yV .’*T r.i K; ruck ,r -id of tiie . .iTfcOjiom'Tns i’v •’ Voli -7 Fine its t«- 1 !'*>•.': -. ru: i:. ary a* in j i-o s'i ' .'fc !’:rftS o.:t ito hk nsdr>s comyl-ita -r.i.l *:' -. s i— f! * est .lid- a-iC.I «> .70 fa. Aty 774-f .'•.F' v ' impis .!- ’i.i g'A i.saofc'it ’ bt* ,r .i B.v.ionsviJU ai.d K-i -i*.v -, about ; Hvm ny i.i this s-rto c: Vines/ > i ittack : it;>*> cu ci;)». Crook coin <>• i1 •' tankf^ I 1,:.;... 1-7 t'l-i ti.'.- 5 . 15 01. t li'-- 111 I5,0l»0 12,' • i- wj-jir- its and J 00/ ear .tr On.’ fc** nt* \ry v,i I r'- B:l wM'm !«i|e» bo* '.. V'fur .’2 - !d. UVi-, 'to* l ■•'<* ;a. ... w , p«l > tA a Vr t3 ; »’.’ :■-•«{• prhfti: rpvi’n (* r Th-rep -. 1 - t . a ;!• iniew *'*,«• *>. .ir rains. Gen.- . . wt. ii a red.' V find »« ar. • oaptus-eii ! li: ' h'ofv ca Jladißeu: 'a. - (i ... . S' IViW 'Ol'lldr. ' 01** • ■ . .ax . , •••.». ia o a ut'.’ids uk i .- ' c-w-n, on. .A »*.-.; ' i - . lii. ‘)' If Os OUC • j,. a •ou .iifc-U, oiiC nr >s' _ .fP* h,.>. (*:> <>. ‘lfteon, ,f- : JU- V ..: la*. • fee HI ti --■> »Wisb-> V- :t; Mr v av-- do. ; w#» . ’a i I’peru t *oi— . •« -n i ’• / .a .« their re* ere- ! >g u .'.-.i M»?yi * fc»,l ;!.ft V • i, --A -7. aC Kil lIUJ ISOVO* i>' . in I . \u *6 raturu «-'t out trcOA- ffeoc- . •• id. Tho i ii:' . ■ ' • Dofteri r -.<.:T..itir.arr •> " carver, ~jr,c v i m • .tag" aftcraw, ett mu.- - t _,.,i; ■ u had “Vlpad otur* ::c .* .atfcie. sheep. TV , Ir. tl. / e -a ~ . eorder. Ci a- ’..ttsonrg to Srickmille* Uv ..-■'•ft. v: jy tiifi eoozuy’s cavalry, r n vt Hillsboro’. and » t ,s . ,r of '-vc tons aud some saw V •iu’nl. ?.**• -.-fiur’B it’vision.coa ;.i ny. i . • hen o with sou.:, loss, cap u. >uf r.r.liicr/ and cuptuting y,. ;. •, D •-a fke oneiay accoedadin CsiA-y;- uuvr: • sou e. thirty or forty -ti .'.hole 'laivi of Generaf 1m •,v hi-'./- ■ ir. o ;ha greater pkrt ofthei tr of tl,' vfb.olft cavalry division, allot 1,. ,-e a lim tv iin army trr’.u On i 1.5 1 unit viarge force of Yankees, i ft; 7, •'O' c’ ’hfOO, CTobcod theiSltjUtan ■ i. ,-,-r : ■ -<i in 's :' rry, a short ‘distance . nil • f pis tl.,- sic tame, in Jlarko , • •-•mi-;*.’ A .three, o’clock, !\ M., they wfere, ' . bed d’.’liven ai.-ro-.-i lbe river in con a .- !o-f i.'.s twcea tw a. *hre« ;. ii- 'it- 1, t at »'i .hr ft:i- toy much gt. • ... ] . y • o.i’Si ‘ . Vtu'.k«.§> cav> 1.-y brig- ]1 at .. hy‘i - ip, and i. tmeat ] . .-ji ;i our picket at P-Viyft f erry. ; ....i- ... - (it about aI, ii mile Itutf I tiaaef • ir.g by i,).. i/.' Tirginb : /. .r- I . •.•tttvr'.r ' ler.fti u. t>. Lang conJ/’ icy toh: i. 1 • -sent co reinforce the j ■*■•**. i.vmg the ad-aric* rap* .ft . .. - , -'i/.ty--second cam upon main j iotaiing 0” this side of .ha rivi drove U'.e :-t ii.;ro“s in too yreateot i'u ifi;- Shortly Af:-..rrfards Gcuei;J Imho-' n u v-:;h liie Eighteenth Virginia regi if): —. e -* - . t.i, b:- rad:- bein 'ut 'Snick i. ,-vrs.—ftud i-i-.ii■ H'ftoftve difc.frfv.iii mu to prt. -it tno enemy's crcssiug. Most of tiia day put, ■■rt n 'i'-ui’ibing ./id cannonading, bo: ••>« • vonift: itioUtei t-giraeal of die ycbiv.'.-d aero -. '-tc ford,act were driven h i); (! :. Si yi-c.iind Viigiuii regiment, v. . <p. -iu ; pi--- 4 it ht that point. -i t-r twelve killed, :i! o'' i-''A -'.ims, ar-i twenty or thirty Loc;pt-n ! v.-holft loss, including . ..ft : <!, p a v :.(•! ’'rnted to from fifty to ;i'.it tefc-.i 1.-/.7 one uaa. private. i *..•■■• ud ie 1; .-.:•••! and; :: -• sly wounded was Sc co !. .::*,’.>: : i.' ,i. .s V/ortenbaker, com ; .!. Six';,-r-i-.o.Aii,i Vi.ginia l-c-gitatnt. Oft'::/.: hi. )ur\; division met with a i :•> on the road from Wla oi. ■■ to Mar ft-, .ii.:•,;-. A portion of the troops i t't.-.-a div'.xi/.I were marcliing into 'the midst • ferae- • who h. i placed them fi.’vtA iu ..-a to am to cade us. J* if, ;ftlu ; .., iy cf ,-sr i ~*a were fouad without •<- ..i i .7 - *:t ;i. ' time cf the attack. We ; . . 5 : ’..;y p-. Isouers and four picovH oi a,. '! -y, 1.-• ! i‘i good many of our I'.i.-j !. i.i*:,! .1! •• ,u*uc:f by the cr.miaal care . a *of heo ' -■ i•; tho division com . H.ftdis-: mporary check induced •<• c '.o.B'i f5 1 if.. ■ '-to neighborhood of . i" y to ; i.her courage Ini-. (i. y Winchester, ( < -i:;. -t- -dvaaced upon : . V.. '. < : . •• \v ■ -rr Nr.w a. !•.'■' • i .r ... Sk mighlbg <; i.■ ft-.. -.. ,:i.Sii Middletown. Tho eu-Miy v-i u'.ive:i u-k to Kernstown, vrb.-.khi:!.. no. , charged and driven •■a a Tj; tv killed and i •'.• hi'ty priso di be cl • ,r hands. - el -j* u [i. I fcy VaugL’n ' s '. a-.:. -. i'.i -e wounded i. all in- iri"ii:g . Vaughn’s coi: i .ii. ;y i .ft i r> FiiiUy Th. - T '.’ m' ... r.i .? . o. t i.’.nis, all ■ ! jy ;o . -. .’lent and vfer collision .. for* ,u.i uit ouSun iy cveniu:; at L> • t. ; ar *,'. iviioitei. o.i that cvt-iil we i -n»y hi:i! com* i tciy Tout./.! ; ,-i. v. - ' punrdl of tho iii'.-i--.- u! . Greek.aridgeV ..... ' • v -i gaged on war D.vckinri;; : ■ 1 ; > mod. ]’ , . .■■>. -V . have rcreiv-jd. vi ii :■ ;.t en t i the late latilis Tn,- j k-itj ar. itoi it; v. The incwy i ! :i 'i'rii:u utotoc to Tupelo, OD v night,; all eked iahi» ... po ,j i i-iicy by - r-II part of oftr forces. l •..• •; . • : y f. ,* three home. Th« '• .vr rut, . ,'s Iri <.*' "• iftkc- aptnr „ - : .’’• • A,UJ ~;A i i-Uii ■A’Uuli c/. C . li*- ' d'-l oct *. .I*l 1,00. . * cc-1; vt rj -.‘i-i v poiitiort. ■i . *;:•:•: to • ■ hi avu ground, ..... i.:'. I Ji.. If ho hod. .t« ' .!;>.* -ui.b.i...-;, wa '‘'.ae tha. V < ci tor. J aring ar.d believing— was i , • :l liy , ii. a-• —that Gen. Leu : ; ... . 7,-cot! v,y t»-.... divlni.TUs from j j ....; t .’a v’ ' i'f-.T to meet the ut .. ■ 1 . iy ut midnig! ' ■ ... ... 0 *;• ... d' ai, .- a : * tv, leaving i.m .(ter •-. : art..-• ry and ids ca.alryu ,Mo. . ' * 0 ‘ . mcirii . -t -k-fjairbcrsnd i. .. .3 In: yLa pwirion,... ft sup (lU.-. ! iO a. ’ ' * iIC ‘ * - y vio ci *’Ut rifcmieaw i * , . , ' ,- r uad drove tho , r." ' bU »*f.' - ft-l.eic ; •' - ! " ”fc Os : aftii '.-r; .0 /,•.■ -.-od ,*'.d . ~ a } .- h \ r ; <A.75r, ::)<. oa m •.*.■,>.V..ano ir >. ordmmeu itm • a,..; it ‘."u . v Inch, it .- . c'iev...' oa oure-de, wa . •• toag ~, J cu,: .s --; in jnt. lh .i rot , ri'. err forcec. : a ferwatd jvs ,/ua, n( :i rit for -i-.e . ,»rao as« !f - -i i .■: • was oi . .rca» r : a , fj, v,t, t'hainii’T.ari'; Li!! preaa i ii:-i -ot,. -j,r. 1 i<’y had 'aotuv-.d * ; ■ Mom:. of l* -.s «yi«g i.y. fl) ui j Foaeirt ua<i •<Jr- i/m .. : , '.lav . .fc n r V.:.l f .... ■■ : 'r.o -energy i :ic of him, i»lert'..*ft ‘' . - -: - * .e-L jj aud res tto *le ft-00. in it. . f-nerry was ge. is.,; r>‘' a;» . or.vwJry i v., ' : iC.— V ~V i , a.,=3' Si a rn train ha. ci : ; , kluncnd Db - y ait. ' n& l. Harris, '•*i "> a ' Sr.) was ar . •• 'lj ' )i . ? •a-• -Kvenicoe, :tac. n: • *c .. . •; ; addressed 1.,J *. !: •. f.ilt ii«d te, ■ u. viFt ed • v.. e<-qoa!ct«i with a. -.n of ...ta- - ‘.>ric.»’a.-jsigjw, • i \ •, -trr!• rbe •>•. t hero e‘*e wsb .(I:. ikeK :• a.-. . and by u - ;vi e • vaa'i ia' •• pa> a b | -n;,. '■• "• •a . . *•' c time a.-; vri : sa Jui» I, •, .;. .. • ns.' '.itS ki • ct. jpfA.'A ith vt.. ••' r. :• •>! ctn«* .irabUr i, ■ i ;■)"!:*'' aciit/w. aofc .. hTiu 1 • t r - i