Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, September 21, 1864, Image 4

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(Chronicle & J?rntinrl. Tm ClWOli. —'ll)'- KlCUmunu 'Vtllg lint a'l tioriw for *»yir>g tfcv G< orff'ji has n< t b«t<E in p'>e*K««i:on of tbe Confederate Gtavw* ■lent for many* month* prtft it was Hold if Liverpool**/; an English firm lor hard r-i«h in whatever may have been its • tl*eqtu nt fate I*B matter of little concern to tie h nth Per bap* patient Ettgland*njoy iHwovev in the 'ate proc -dnre of toe United .'fates ship r >; tva Niawar .thing to aw k**a a momenta!) peevish. Mote then to ;* in not to be ex peclei. Albion's sensitive pride.* like b-i bullying in*oience. is ol the past Akothkr PtTitione Got -We tindere*.--. that the B <artl of Dire tots of the Aug; t. ! lory, on Samr 'ay Ust appropriated SDiOoO to be ui>ed for tb benefit of soldi -rs families aoii the poor of th ty This is a very libera! gift We t. <; er corpora iorin incur'city ar.d elsewhere will follow the patriotic exampu pet them The p or in our laud hare got to be provid ed for, and It in far belter to contribute to their wants cheerfully than to wait and be obliged to do 60. Let it no* bo r“c>rle against th't port on of our ■ it'z -n* who re mained at home that tne families of the pa triotic soldiers in the field were permiUod *o Buffer tor the necessaries of life. Souk Homs Truths—lt is a fact that tie-• were a good many able-bodied men in Attan' at the time of i'H investment by Sherman, wb were not patriotic enough to assist in the <!* f nee of h« place; uud who 'eft at *h- !i t i pearance o' danger The Charleston Coiir'e In i:« attempts to slur G.orgia calls this;, urn. *‘:iiiZ nsot At'anta ” flip M-can lute! iigem et In an article oa the sub.i ct., r.uva this it. n .t so It states that most of the able bodied ct z -us oi Atlanta went into the ranks a the hegii ning of th wat and have from the fi at bee:, at CbarleHton and othe points of danger di fending the property of just "fcuc'u tucu :c>. •!:► Courier terms “citizensof Atlanta" ihe in ttlligencer furthci iutorms tho Courier .ba ueost of the men who left Atlanta when K her man's army appeared, were uu-n who did buei ne»s in Chari etori before the war commenced m and are in every sense of the word “citizens o' Charleston.’’— patr otic or unpatriotic citizen s South Carolina, just which ever it may is to term them Intelligencer also gives the Courier a { heme thrusts about the residents cf its ©v, n State. It says ; H*a Ron!*' Carolina any reserves? Would It not be well to inbun thorn with the,am'* spirit of earnest, patriotism that made Gtoigia rnml i'» atilirepopulation to the tie'ri Could they not be iu*'uced to c me up to the help bl the weuk against the mighty? Might not then assistance in this hour of o-ir great riee-l turn the title in our fnvor ? Let them take the 5' aces of our brave Georgia troops that oe f e.,ti South Carolina who wiih tbeit vt tcmn arum and utout heatts. would s'tike efiictive blows lor their homes and thi” e-*at sl 'ute We have kindly told the Cornier the truth, and insist orj it turning its attention to t'>e leg llmate business of attending to its own Slate, there to stir up those who remain at home, to come to a sense of their d’ty. and do a little of what Georgia has done that it may occupy as noble i p'aceon the roll of uati ns The remarks of the Intelligencer, although iievere, are well merited. The Courier has for along time been in the habit of venting n- ill timed spleen and uncalled for ill humor upon Georgia and he. patriotic Governor Instead of stirring up the thousands of laggards of chivalt. us Carolina'and urging its own dila tory Executive to action, it passes its lel-ure hours—and it appeals to have a -deoiy—in hading fault with patriotic Geo-gians who are In the field, and G- v. Brown, who is exerting every energy to prevent Georgia from being overrun. After the Courier has spurred hosts of “Ist dollar and last ditch’ 1 Carolina Citiz -ns, who arelertj yimrthe comforts and luxur ck ot home, into doing their duty, it will I e ample time for It to find fault with the residents and /ti lers of other sections of the Coufcd l ruev wli” are already doirng theirs. The Orowixo ( h'P stTto.N to t«j} 'Vau in tkk Kokth —T he opposition to the war in the North is growing more intense every day, especially In Ind ana. The people are Im-ci icing amoved The followiog resolutions wore adopted, am u. others, at a meeting held in Fort W iyne, li.di ana.- The Republican papers say that, they were “advocate! in speeches if possible sti.l more treasonable “They ary vey strong itt their denunciation of the Administration, and show that tlie people are ready to rise in re •istanee to the military authorities : Resolved That by a wicked and blind Ad ministration and its. Abolition supporters we have been unwillingly forced into a war. the avowed purpose of which is to aboli.-b slavery, and the only result of the lurther prosecution of whirh will tie ruin and eternal s. prrition • •ml that we view with u-i tn’ the 'act 11,.> 2.500 o<lo ot our kinsmen hav- a.ready be called out. and a large m j rity of then slaughtered, and we have still tia gi,pg vs our head a merodess conscription ao.t t nor on ms. Tuitions taxation Resolved, That we are more than every n viuced ot the truth ot the doctrine ot l> m *•- racy aseeited at the outset, tliat th- w e is o-.t the remedy for attempted a •e. s-ion <>. and u •. ; but is and stinion ami eternal separation its It Therefore, we are in favor of, nod item* , those in au'h rity a cessation <f h ■> u.,-s, and *hacalling ft geti or ot a c-.iuveti’toe f• the States h> settle upon such terms id' as shill he to tlje t-est interest of th o 1 U .ion and to the honor and dimits f the p - p- . RiSolved, that we kuna that Ah abi- i.i .- coin. the President of th- Uuittd s .•* .» n. ls , again otrsged the peo ie and and degiaded tin- Union in ti ee\eg of he woi and. by -ntir ntr Opportun'ti » for peace ■ T-: by 'i-ttnvnup ed Southerners and confidential .ist ■o oi the Confederates, and t-v unwisely nd v . !;, tly t crusting before the world, contrary the Constitution, his doctrine of üb"!ilioni-m .;s the ultim itum of a peace between the sections Also. Hist h’- position puts a a•• »’ and m > r e dangerous and more disgraceful ph s upot* the *.rar; and we hold h m tos[H>iisilue bet re G- and as.' man tor its furth« rprol.-riga''.n. an 1 upon ; -e»ts th- rimes an aU tne li ribl- e>n> > . attendant, np n tin p r ot-scutiou o> au n.- .1 unnecessary war solved, That in view of these fads, we do are the pii posed draft fi t st)o 000 men the ru si d*tnnahle of at' otter outrages ih it hove been perpetravd urum 'he people by this ml ministration ; an . we further declare th it 'he bonor, dignity, an I satetv of the people de mau l that against ruin and enslavement they must afford to-themselves that protection whi-h usu pa'ion and tyranny dny theoi Resolved, Th t wo Co"d< ta t the notion of the Federal authorities in the tec-nt Kentucky election in airesting, on tS* eve of elect-.»n day, the candidates npou'he Dem *cntic ticket, and in compelling their nsnt.s to b stnck.-n trom the poll boots? and we ro w warn the Abolitionist* that in the atteaint “) per;- tire alike violation of law and tights i . our re .r-=, there will surely comeac t*fi 1 1 bet iein the people and their oppressor* that thos- in pow er will do well to avoid .forcing up nns We are law abiding citiz ns. but wo are neither •laves nor cowards, anti we rr 11 detend cur righ’s at all hazards. Resolved. That we are opposed to ti e draft, and that we call upon the item cr irv of ail ib l State* to sustain us in our and« cmration and ,i fi ht we must, we shall ficht tor the t.'ot’stitu tion and the Cni n. anti will never srive any aid or assistan e to the continuing o! th sun holy ami unconstitutional war We are nr peace, and determined to have peace, and that we earnestly pray'hat the Pre-idcur shall re voke his proclamation for ib« draft, «nd treat with the C<-nt»dete.te Government irp.m term ed peace ana the restoration of the Union. Tg* GroßciA Militia —The G< v, r'-or fc-c gianted a fnrtoug l ot ttiirty tlsyg to hi* Militia for the purpose of allowing them to ;-o home and see after their plantations—g tther ctops. *ow wheat eto. Since they first went to th > front they have tietformed their'•uty w«ll They bave'tcught like bravo men long end well, 'fcsvc erected works au:i def'endtd themtiud Coftaic;yV«i«-# ife U*wik* fl 1 iik C*rt;j;n or the Vlabama —1 k- Loudon Tune-has a beg mn’cron the Atab ma. iu wbi h it thus sumtuarizss the histo y ol ter c liter: Ibe A' -bama got out of the Mersey < n the : /fit!, Ju y 1 nt>2. and • u th- 2-lib of tile totinw- I •eg i e tti C<ptaiq SemiDCM h fitted Lis flag in j tier Ht* crew. ,b nt one i uidred at, I twen i ty n number, consisted chit riy cf the scum o' : i. yei» h.J. weie qni e tin rained, and ga‘e him - g** it. deal o' liotib e The aimament of the ' j s wo!■ known bm run t** il-re n peat ; • I It & t,b s•dof a 7 mob B akeiv liE- - gun i i ■ ■ l , >rr pivot h'. . anrl six 22 j I liindeis. On <1 ,e I9 h f-I iOi- ot the pri Snu-i . ar t-b< ve set so aiai-d anil mauned wa* uok j ihe L .ited Males 'is its K iea;o Mie j ■ | [;;■ -i-ati in v.Tvi s vice ;;**■ SiACi- o 1 ■ r,t■ iw uio-rba U hat did -ie act mp|l.-li j n bat time' See C p'ured mo e than -ix'y j . f-.ds, rh- • eri r mit-d val e ot whi h w•* ' bout tour and a hall mi.lmn* of and liars. Sh- | ,I,feted If No.their; lie ' Imnts ot their piop ty a> ' e IHt -ot .«zOiiooo per IW li’.t , l»“ me rigb'eoine' i 1 : mfr rn > ad*-, lataiog the price or insurance, and >• - ins the Government ‘ uge aoru* in the equipment o cruisers to | rotect ih ;r -h-pgin* Now the ii.-t of the j Alabain 'spf'zes is here given in th- least iu j ••Iligible’flVei ien of urdei : the alphabe'ical.-s | Vo here p opose toe DStMICt a tahte lOi OUI- j v ~ based ot: chroimlo y: Sti2 Septi rnber. t itmulgec Starlight, tdeean itivi r A ert Weather G iuae, Aitahauia, Benjamin Tucker. Cour ier. Virg nia, hi sea Din ar—lU €232 000 1862. October. B dliatit. Wave Crest, son i v oii’ia vs i* cheete Lamplight er. Lafayette No . i, Crens «, Liu re Pi, Biro de Cm me 9 7’'2 000 ißdd, N .venib r lev -t. bM k T g. Wales and I’a keijCo >k—3 £7O 00“ 802 it : • ! on,A<i«l 2 26 i 000 lon.. January, lb:tr->!O., Gulden Rule •.dfl: id.jv: 3 282 000 86-1 K in in.ry Y tn-tiri. Oil • Jafie, ...••<< • 1., Washi:igt.,n 4 i72,0“’l SO::- VI- "u Beitea t'h.iy r .1 rin l‘’j üb. M-o-ing *• a*', li ng ti • - :< • c- *.r • * !! I: 7 330 000 .-(j t. >pu L -ii i~,* fi ioh ii.ii fj-uy, L.T,->i« *t< .V 2, Shu.fiim.;h-m, Ny , i’'.rp - »*, i.-i- 1* ‘ 8 £42 Oort j 36 ; W.»y I nun Jack ea'arie, Oull :.e- i ..1 2 -no fi 71 !) non j » .: man—2 236 000 80 i .1 ■ tuna ch-Lui-dt and Ex press— 2 - 471 000 i. " * pet-- 1 • noi l nut that thu- hit I'- ll -V ten dir (1 o.'.r the cm a- r «*t ill A i buna She served the Cratfidi raie-frir *x-icr ’iventy-tr.ii umiter. ami we hive given the iic'.iii of her itpeiatious m *he lfi»t. imlt ot that ei ind, nutneiy. eb v-;D roontrs In that time, hen. the ainnuat ot pn-perry which she de stroyed on the high se s ameunted, as es’i mat and “y Cap'ain S umieo, to a .title more then -4 000.000 ISow, enrup*re thi- with the latte' halt ui he ca rer. O b-r last eleven monih-- there we'e no l< -s than~eve» in which ii does not appear that «■}c .p tires w- r» me!c It he lema'ning l< ui imm 'y. 0 tuber. N'vein her and D. c.-tti ier ..f last yea., and *•> J mmi ( ol tin paE-nt year, she secured '.he Dun kuk, tin Amanda, the Winged la test, the I ex'll Slut th- Belli ra. theWptl . del -i and tit Linn..i J nt-, in ail val led at ££62.000 The iom, urisnn is instiu-t. v for it glniA’i that 0:e a a mma ami her Bis rr sliips had dune th°ir w ik ■ fiectually in tii- lust e'ev n mi'titbs nt tier cruising she did n-i mote damage limn ii) the first, elevi n inontiis slie ban In i,n known to do in a single Ii a- It ", n h •>! Oct'Oier, iS ,; 2, or tit month of VI-x- 1863. Sp akirg ol 1.-i' fight v/ith the Ke,usage the 1 itu-a Hays : , The A'atiama came to Europe sadly-needing r. pair Her copper imeihd to i.-e replared, an ‘ hei h-'i'eiv t.n b "Vs hauled Her tni'ii g pnW' ts tv. much ii-ne-ath Ii- r mark, and -tie • eut in'o Ch-i tiei'ig on' I‘iight say u cripple. Y«t -t wm in dim p i s'ut >h it (Jiptain S -uunes. will; atr eaiti g for in « is. tn de up ins mind iii gni'lit ■ u u 'enuf t-o fi/ht tie- K a -age. a-d h- lost ’ll baitle -ai dv h'fau-e the enemi ha eng greater speed w-e* ► Ded to •pna-ribe tile Cnndt'i ms of th- flight. file , bj-.-t :il Captain Htetiitt’.P H| psreiitly. v.ns-tobomd tile enemy ti in and lit-ency i t -peed h-j was to cany oat h iitHadi aiß. TrKATMvKT r.'l ConT! DttsAlE W"?.«.KV WITHIN the Va-ki.i: I.IN'S. It will ite gratiticatuin t.n s-'di >« Hint -ufueees who have left! de friends w'itiiin the em tnv’s lines, to le’itn that the stiifeiti r*'s IVi ell have he-n tonde ns t th-ir mn'tientment nre gross • xtiggerwrii os j Much ,111'Vi resssiv pein has been bflh'tid l._\ them When If! vu liv I,rmy advyu cd. ■ e -ui'fed hou-es in he |onfe of »h* aruiy We e (ii la erl t-v -tcuggiers Er, n lie nnopr- a; at inEMi'it* we»e nffe'eil 'o the fi-'mi Vp oec-py'li.' them Thepe as.-ugg'res. ‘idieuevei they cou and lie didn' t “ were me ’4l' return a t - Inh t, a, tie'es, i"i Kia" s-nt with had and ti; win t.> Chat laneoira fTn-crui'ied w'h* nt-vei V'silid lie <he O’ -rev's e "is were milt: ■ i* ju ed it' ,1 defaeed ard riirni'u e siro' r.t, iUr worm n iinve idwav « ' .-I r* ve- p. e --d ‘ y the'll Slu-TP-mV er fl r ir ali dis ifi,-i li <1 pi r sons living.wtihin *hr-e m"t-s• of ih, raii in remove, i as been nf.f.l? and onlv to 'those wn ill n w hope pe neat •'-in. -I'.ipai end kMown sea 'Ulle'its lend' v and ‘he»>. in i' e-nein V.-ip Dine. (I .Ilgeri'lls. Where ih..y have been O --t tlitj" h Ve 11•li o' d’s urfl and 1 -nil a 1 ii I get* I a (I A iiiißVill, bu a Big iv family ot feuni’es has been c mpeiled vo rt move up to the mid dl - ot August I'lie tnnitve o' this Bfitmiiig clemency i* ep' parents But whatever the motive, the results should reiz ve the anxiety of friends The ad vice o! t|i« res [ion si tile patties tumishiigthii i> In’ mill ion, to those who u;a' be tn suthns S'len, in ail pro'iabilUy, to be overtun. is to -t.,y at home, piotnt their pioperty and there await the exiudsi n • ! the nn my I; is proper to sn , that die above -t.a*ement cmc-ins on) dl- pe suuat tie im-nlo idn v. Ill" I .the poili as to IVhii h hilslmd in •u* (• ■ - w end I "i the gr, atei-i a-xiety. 80. nod ie-.. iv n n a tm r n in-d. have slt.l -. i h. h it and ii - Vnnk -» tin e ' n g-. n t; .- ui Mid'-nM Ti i\h* v- hft a p i I»I -I . O. ni l vet ortVr piov tlnl toil t mi riv :■ k .in in lie lit m es Ii in the r>n -o-id * eli ~.- >( 111-tlstm **eil 1 (h-ii eie. l)l .1 sh- II te fill. Vt-rydrmg Within re -o' s t .lic.i I!t n-ll ut ’ nj was laigr an- s." ared, i !.. * i i'i-i d.en. * this Them is - , a o;.let i r anxn.n ashe pe-M-n il treat , if X. iV 8 I" tie' to* it tin | ♦ - •it .■ (• g- IV!n<? •’ pn •il iUg P n.a -■ |-'V g a- I. is ti '• i! lE:i' 111 US to -! i ■ fr. a' —i . j *.; i,'.i )iun ■ i:, ■m ti .ft 1 us w t i j 1C! id to Ole Cl Ss •4 o! i .l Ulen ’ fiiu'i i ven g - .eying. >, • deseVu* Is at owed to :en. an ic •• u s-t; m:., f ; s immeifiatelv sent | North Ti: nnniiei .ho eJ J -lih-ton'* ;•> h. i riyb’tj -ajAed 'firs tint -cmc he widely led in ’. d’e .arc;-, j fti r is uzso he it. ni cm p it. Tbofifi Confed' I(- am. who :■ i mined aid to- k tbfi oadl. while j ihi y are de-p:; hi ti:.-Ynt:ie *s, recei-e 10 . - . h - her< - i" th-\ cm lay tacit ha-tidaou ue* -Sxwti mih aYac-v Bkitisu OrixinN On Wednesday night j July l~ (i. lit Lnd M • •r ■ nterfaiued her M-a ijesty’s MnisUjtts to dii.n* r et the Mansion liouse. All t>v Mites'-** „ ~re po-jeht with tl'l eSO O' Gl'rlUtW The if trorili company wer«* • uno.-nt in rank and fiolitica! IPe The speed" sg. neratly were if the ordsuuy routine character Lord F'.ltuersttm odtTy al lulled to tli" civil a--g iullm nee of English eottimetee, ' T to the prosperity of ihe coun fry Ear! Uu-fel, in returning thanks on he h its of the i!ou-- o! Lords. Mid: “it ipUst, nit !. id, bar** ipp- and to r m- o the conn tty preen.tan ■ oiri comp im n f to arm ; cia: my mm w : tb ritof a House ot Lords, who hie. nn! -li. • >} ,r and -jrree of confidence ' i m-* vrhif-it it» o-■ v; '■ * * tad rime ■ ight toes pect ill the lit itnigenreJit ot this Hlf.iis • ot the riin’ii. “I .itt: gi td to mv th i* tb° nkoms whuh. how !o’ it wete in •it t eoiifi n- to those r. bm he # who were tit (li tnnt pa is of the conntri, tmve |I. n* nri h r; .ore" ’< I for never dnl this • count ty •'.’iniiti » p «»u >r posit bn, and nevet i wh«i it» influence rieater with all f uv'jru conn i lii-s th :n it i at the present moment ’ lit k turn* uncement taind 'o elicit any demonst'a tioi. ot app VSe ill s- itle pot- ot th ';V there tv* i e heard expressions of •Oh! oi ! oh! 1 ’ tod the to hie Karl c ! sell his ahi * without it s’t>>tieeh-er from the company. A>- oih* i ie|.ott p»yp: “The noble Ear! terir"*d b p seat with pc*t<y ly a v cm • r from any p,rt of the mM\. which in truth bad li-teo td a ti a zH with a ; lizzie* I I • k. «.« i not ex actly ctmiprei c! dour the iu i tore- find m-nn ir.g t the nob e Ehl's ti tor.v.c r. and Dow cave v ut t> t eir rmpti-e as a light -e. me ' to.bieak io upon ti eit Bonds hy a 123 t >ou vees«»iot,.“ The M -rujc Post in ate der te mok' 1 bat th- pr- too and si 0 ,c- wth which E- i Russel’*. retnatk b • s'st, >, 1 t «tt- ve’e- v • and moot have tuade the S h e F.,rl 1 g et ti.a he did t ot, on this topic at least, imitate Ha te licence of his leader. ip"-ii.. ?r--i Th. half year’* • earns of tiia inditect taxa tion oft: e French Empire shew: a tiimifcUlicjl 9j j.6EC«, • j FOti li.iVIILUs. DVpati.hes fie a, Belmst to midnight of th, ! l'ich Auull-t, repregi-ilt th at the riots still call j to.ized * ut.i’ur the .-Ughteßt cnance of abating ! Tne -ma*.-Btes' itemeni prevailed, huriiiess va- i su p ruled, nd at houses closed Seye'at | de id til cunfi cts had. tak l n p ace between t!; -. police and die m -i*§ The police had fired ! and wounded *bou thirty p*; sot. two me- j tally, and killed three There w«*rebearlv s'x ty peisotiß iii al. wounded by vunsbots There , were one th itl-.rfld nine hnniirc i infiiutrv. two ; troops of cavalry, and eight hundred consta- ! Ides on dti'V 8 -Idlers had tafeu possession o‘ I ihe gin : wdei B'. |-es to piev-.-t them fi. ;; ; i tailing into iii-h nds <fth . taob Tiie's*nd\ j Ii w“ iii ii iisaanit—d ihe Unman Catholic milt g.-P - to |heir work, and the "Pm ud S l :>-i't ' t:n h •/! tit*'same with the Piot- sra ' ; . i*i’l- ' fie Ctt unes he! ’, a meerintr and ap j pointed it ■!' P Itati 1! to Dublin to nq ’ire the ; iinv-'rnne it to a. ,i,int eminissioners tn gov j -i u >wn. it they cid no cnDh letne in th. (Eavi-Tmtes A -nt .'p' for the ,-til v 1 -s. ot ti e .iiso set. ’i foot. The Uiiiuan Cathnlic B shop hud i sited an add'e-C c dli.i.g on itie Ca'ti'i.ios ie tto pantcipate in the lints: but to ext cise rise gmatfist lorU'arance At Sho-liuryne-B. a tew a-o, a target, hunt mi the exact ra- i.-! ot Kfeucli irorj-c -is w.w submitted for 'rid and was completely overnowcied by th- Armstrong stun lbtyu dinary uixly eigtit p..under piero-d thefn’ii a haitTucii pi '.tea, hut cot the backing ; but the shot and shel 1 of the Aiiu-lroi;g gun sbattei ed the tsi'g-t to piiec<*B From recent Bt itlsfical returns of the mineral rkhes o* France, it appears that the number o: coal mines worked is tour buudred and ninety, and of iron mines two hundred and two Ol ■ hor substances there are iwo huudrtd ami tortv seven mines; co prising rapaite. bitu men. rock sale antiiaony manganese, lead, -i! ver, c ipp-r. tin and zinc, isolated or in combi niil-ion. file coi.cescioii- of coal mines extend ■ over five tho-.isan t two huod -ti and t'weut-v -ix .quo- kr< im**t res (each two hun h.-lfind forty veil ai e-) in tony-seven ddiercii’ depait ui--is I ii- mines- f in>n some embrace an .fin of one ri-ms'o and two i und' eii -.: and tor y •it've square kil me res, lie iu thirty one Cl tits. 11l- iliercHs Yelvez-ton advert’sesiu thegfc i nr,d column of the Times that, finding it unpins j lO.e. even with th- ai of aii hm tnuen is., to ; answer the timernns fetreis -f s.mpathy and ! a-si., addiessedto her by. on tire strangers •lie 's.-vth y will imt construe her si enc- to j any want of appiecantion of their kiadtless. but j ace pi til's expression nt her grate!ol anti sin aF- {firiliUd. " In the ivoik of depening a sveii in lioscawen | street,, f .-uro, Bcoriaud, the laborers have cmne i upon souut stones of crey spray. The sped- - metis contain copper and lead, and crystals of wiiaf la ca,led white iron. Tnev have been rought fr-.m a dep-'h of I'etwicn live an - ’ «ix ’atb iu , it Lull lerstood that a scieutific ex Hininat'on ot the ground wdl bs made. Tiiv English papers exult ovei the acccssßion of a valuable i icture of the‘National Portrait Gallery ot Loin on It is the port ait of S T Ot'ieiidae, painted by the Am riean artist. astopgton Aiistou, consufered by Wordsworth and other friends of the poet the most satiisfac lori lik- ness that ever was painted of him Fivi acjtS't land have been porch -Bed at Oxford tor the erection of a Roman Cathoi c coil-go and c.utch. ‘Mcfiittbaum tia- been found in a red san l ston- quarry hear Aoeideet). The Eastern which cost 000 (100 has b. en sold tor $125 000 which sum will not be sufficient to pay oif preferment creditors and her ixpetisfis T"ere mv no longer the Pyrenees, oa\s the Monitfiur On July 15 a locotnottwe coni ing from Spain passed through the Pyrenees into France along t it; new series of tunnels, twenty h'x kihm-tu'B in iezigth. This was moiety a trial trip, audit nt perfectly *»ucß« s fu- lln offi-iai oponing of the line is" fi.u and i for Hiigusi Jo j The vast emigration heretofore going on from I Bel id to the United states has almost eu tirely ceaei-d • iiv > huinired housand acres of iand in Ire land has been permitted to tail to waste anu steri itv the nasr.y ar A htiid yin * Jewish ayadgo-ae has b en tu ced ai Mi ibou ue, iu Aust'alia. There are doe thimsttmi Jews in toat iity. ! lie navy- list Khuws ;p, B iiich navy to con tain at piesent. in c-mDiis* on 249 HteatnshipH '■t all H'Z ", treni the stately t!iree and -< ker 'down to tin-tiny gun boat I he«e m -iziit betweeti 230 and 2-ii) tints ; they are tpanmd !>y about 45, 000 ii-.t-n arid boys, and a>e propel led by a -ti*ain power exceeding (10 000 horses n< minal. In ud.’ition there a'«.* 48 aili' g ves el;' ui"Unt '■ a u -.1,1 a- of COO guns, ami minnci! by about t> 500 men and hoys The sailing ve.s els are iiitiiiaU,y Only fit for lrarb »• *lu ty ant training sh pS i’liey ar tt'-v o in'eriiled to go to sea agon nod tluo.f ue shouid no' ito leganitU as b !■ "S "g to tie- •ff-ctiv- ii f- rco the ilcnii’en" in Loritlon ft ve b<en holding ; * i-eriiH o mm In«r8« under the auspices of J Bi’-h oi V. o-g j , i> ti Ui.-ou P att i hey ti iv -b- s.-i; fi ghum Young os European P -soh-i t. "ini ii s tat' ei .a Pies d'-iit oi the M iinoti:- i'i over i e w r'd. i'h K.i'ig'"f t-pih: iriived in Paris on the I7 hos Allan t lie was eceivnl by tile E ii p. I'OI iu (>• !;'. n ai the entmi'ca to the Pei me ot V. tsiiiilis i ... re »).(.' ait' ii political im pofiai Ce att’icli and to the Ve- t N *!>nle , ' ij'-te da.. .. of<served with rjr«at p tup or, 1! ii i j-0.'.0g in Paris ou the 15 h■ ) August Tbe fci'ti) Mr and Emp'As' io'i'' litrouuii the oii.stcowded thi.rotighfares an open c purge and quite unatfeiid-d. Aueaiy rich in tiwitzei-iand seen, ry, boji found anew fpa'ure wiiieh adds to its wonders of nature Near St Maurice, in the Canton d<> Vend, a grand crystal cave."a has beeu dis covett-d. ut which one arrives by a boat, in a subter-anean hke The cavern lies 1300 feet beiow <he surinea of tbe earth, and it is said •o he In ••ititi tt! l eyoud de, crintion. A lettfi- from E*’gleed declares tha* Mr Ct l- h;« irnest-d a large sum ii is* aid about £.o*' 090 sc*riurg, in the Eogiuh furnis itouti tid. c Lou 'on Times est>mares that the to*al ids- riafi'Ui "i <• i.O'ii in o Gnat BitUin lor •h> yen ib(i4 wTi i«» -I- a fair proportion of the !• ti m;iF f;;i .died we-rirt ti' lir-d in ti e h-rghi of itaii'de *ith America Tie im por ta t"U« ol Cetl-ni t.'OUi all dir ctious h ve iu •reisfid. since th- gie it tailing eff in ISl'l at . p»<<* of more than one million hundred ~. i_-pt ; -e"ii * III*-aI y ihe Kui big pap- r r ji n't iha r the S -clary • f i e Ancifi a Arc'u- ib! iii winning have pro p.'- and t S'-ote'- b i it- apreSeot to th P luce of Wales, wbu su c <- s hi- t'ariier as pcf.-on ol | t s ■'’.(• r y I'h- soap-'if tiie bonnet l« tile sane i* hit wore 'y Arch rwh le >li oringat Paji ne,- is I he ius:di di.ed with white sat in * and in ri o et-etre the t’ri coot Wales' cot’ ••i a-.n.s is i mbre-oe rod. and F low ihe words • Ich L'i- u.’ 1483, the date when the society 1 i.- P-pai Government lias determined to h tV<> »U fri 'J' h usives erased tiom tho suopn «ud iiotfi-s. T K o words table d'hote, modes ith Paris, ohj fsd’art, and such like are now tor hi den 'eiius. ’’’he Hotel ie Minevve refused io change us name, and its sign was removed bv the pc-ce, Al'out half the stores iu Home, have French H : yio». i he difficulty between the Egyptian Govern ment and the U ued States Government has l> , ; t " it.iH aot .rily adjusted. An ulecrione* ring riot bad occurred at Gene va. Switzerland, b it had subsided I'i’e Buiied States frigate Niagara had arrived in ihe Tagus. - M's", Belie Boyd. t!i- celebrated Confederate ?pi, has a, rived ia England, and is making a se eation Palmerston a s answered, in regard to tbe recognition ot Maximilian, that the fuiure r.baracte; cf his Government, whether stable ad peaceful or turbulent and uncirtu’a. must deieoni *e England’s course in regard to re cj'gniti.'n Her M.'j -sty’s srmor-p ated iron ship Royal .Sovereign, measuring 4.000 tons has made a sucCfir-dul trial trip lately. .**he has four tur ids in unts flve 300 pounder gun-, and can "t-am elev* n knot" an hour with full power She win be commandfiii by Copt Osborne, who was lately iu China. An txi'ii-Hs Penny Parcels D livery Company a b-t’ g established in Lo"d u. Patcels are to he delive ed hourly, within a radius oi miles, at one penny each. Iwn hiiiidifd ‘housaT'd" Poles hove been add. and td tb* population ut Siberia by the Rtis -i-ii G-u en 111-iit Paluicntou wiil complete his eightieth i e .r on ti;*- '2Bth of next October, and has been ,t dit! nfty y*ars in parliamentary life yu-eii V'n t ii ii h» a;i|n»uted a cou mi*«ion w .ii li-fitructions to c os der tbeexpedifiuev of ah.' ishiog capital punishmeDt' A w itii g machine has at lensrth been di*B <-'ivrr*-d t tit" is a nov*-l and criuus instrument iv '• h iors been innnt*d by a French artisan ni;*vd b JUIS It is tor the nurp- ?•; of tn 4 g sher-haud n- tes wi'h mi-re than u*ual ii; ',!i• \. It cot s-sts <! a sert sos levers work'd by keys ok- » phe o. e.r.d acting «*n a .*•» *.» ij ii (• »: ich 'nip:: -9 ih* tn-flvi s on a sbp of paper whicii Is gradually onrol'ed. WorU -y a i win in* ti'Her, an ordinary repot ter c c (Mo ka- quarkly rr 11 ■ shot* hand rep :*i r, hut t y u-i -g tht two har its the ra hiir is in' re. K-i ■; immensely. coir Bp* Ldtnt. cf the T- rfio'o G übe. sais that the scheme of a Canadian re PiatiOa BWvfc WitO g€6*«i »T« ifi *fcf- Uud. A KIHKIIA VfclV’ | A correspoident of the New York Times | "nag* *o as a means of securing deseitirs and biiunty jampevs, that every person liable to tne draii. who shall secure arrest of one of these sh it be entitled to a certificate of ex t-mpiion i he wlioie number of sheer) ir Ohio is -f "90,- ri th's yea’’*, .icol foodnef will be 19.- yuii pounds, worth sls COO 000. Michigan na i-J smso o sS-.-p nail ihe .fi'imafed wool pr-duct is twelve o> fittcen tniilion pounds ' urongbour ihe W-st tbe tatmers ate taking th - money tb**v get for their wool and invest i; tg in iiicie shiop, as wool growing is more p-.ufitati.* ii-t imw. pi . New York He* aid gives a« an indica rion.i f pr-gifiHs, the foiiovrim*: “Four atbletic and 'e y greasy negroes silting ifown ail in a r; ’Tf in.a Broadway omnibus, n and three white i ' "tfU'ii'tia iiji in the same 'bus. and bang 'Du- on torhe straps ■" * ones Buchanan has volunteered to do mill : u-’ v duty for cue hundred days, ar.d U now at i < imp •'Mdwallader, Pqnnsyj.yania. Vce Prcsi i dent Hamlin is also (ium4®U.vice in Maine. The I'nion Lea-rue Citm "i New York has ] pri suited Admiral Farragut with a sword for j hi" Mobile success. hht N Y. Bun says as a number of statements have recently been made iu reference to the • •limber.of Con led era l e prisoners now in custo dy, Use following coriech-d account of them has Steen obtained : Officers, four thousand ; enlisted men, fifty thousand in round numbers, ibis dies cut include those captured in terent opeiat'ons. and not yet reported to the Cocti mi-surv General. The Sioux City. lowa, liegistor, of the 27th uit says Mr Sell, cf tLc* Q lurtermaeter’s De pArtcnent, has jnst. amvotS fiotn Fort Union, and re,-oits fiat a Battle occurred between GfiUrtfc! Sully s tx !nmi»ti,il and- 5 000 ind an*, nmr the Ktrif'e river, .Lily 25th, in which the latte*-w« re dciv-ated with a toss of 150. The I ;- 1 -.a: loss was five ki'lori aud twenty or thirty wound'd A" <> r gaoiz idon is proposed in New York on Vr the name of the ■ Uni n Gold Our i-ncy and Gij'd lux As-oda im ’’ It. object is tc r t’-e the merchant. of N'w Yoik to a sense <>' their national responsibilities in regard 1 1 national affairs apd “timulate tbem to take an interest'ln th flaanciai alfdrs of h- country I hey propose to hold .weekly meetings for dis cussin*? qoesti-ns relating to this subi-ct. and to establish branches in a!) the prominent ci ies. for tin puiposeof giueading coirect informa tion co th'-se stAjecU, and impressing their p-actical views upon the G vernment. Brigadier General Hammond, Surgeon Gen eral fit.the United Stales, has been dismissed tho service tor stealing and iyiug The New York Times bays it is pretty gener ally understood that Fremont is in -be with d*a<vifi<ta acaiididiite for 'he Piisidency, and semebody else nominated in his pi ce at Rut fa’.o. His same does not piove to be the tower of strength it was espec-tid to be. An arrival from Honolulu brings dates to the 18th of August Kitig Kam htimeha, on tbe’lSth August, after an excited speech, abro geb-ri tho (Sivdwieh Islands constitution of 1812, and declared the constitutional conven ton dissolved This arbitiary act is ngmded as a regular cotip d'etat by the King, sind if submitted to by the Haydati pc ple will ren der the kingdom nearly an absolute monarchy Ail of the prisoners captured by bherman are at the Yankee orison, i amp Motion, near Eivansvi! e, Indisns. A ady in Berkshire, Mass., was delivered * f her ! we.ntv fust child hist w*ek. Her hus dand is as we'd as can ba expected. I h Wbeeiintr. Wes eru Ytrg'hi», Register rays:—'Two handsome and accomplish and v -u g Indies are to be tried for treason at tbs 1 June term oi the court at Fairmount The A tun y General exp cts to convict tiu-m of : tt; eat"t *.) offence, la that case will they bn executed? ! The Toledo (Ohio) Fomm-rcjal reports the annex* and acc act given by <>i Eaton, super intendent o the operations among the freed m-n on the easyride of the Mississippi borier inarin A-k insas Col. Eaton has had direct charge ( ,f 113 POO negroes. O' thes“ 40.000 | ure.p "v in the (Jutted states armv; upwards of j 00 000 are working the aband-ned plantations for th*“ Northern lessees; 8.000 are working i lands upon fheirowu MCC- uut and 7 OOOaiedi- | r. -dy under the care, of the Government, but ' arc so man -god that, their labor will result in a large profit to tho Government, instead of an | ! expense A. strand peace mass meeting was recently - lut'd at. Peoria-, il! , at which 40 000 people ! weie n -sent. Rasolittions of the m«t deft nt j charterer towards the Lincoln Administration were adopted, ami an immediate armistice de i manded I The Chicago Tr'bunfi announces that, tbe I fourti-eti b a>;d fifteen-h ItHoois regiments have | ben musteieted out<4 service, having d“dined tor-etd Kt t'hese r-gim nts Were with (jher uuti to Gep.gia The ■ i hti-enth Illinois, from Shale's co-poi-iod at i.itf" Rock, has gone to Sp'-i- t) Id to be mustered ouv oi service, hav ing declined t(' l» eii'list ' • • capitalistg of Detroit are quite excited «-vei th-‘ij»c-’ve * of oil wells at r*i,kep?rt, on liu'shores of L-ke Huron Frank linsse'i Redding, publisher of a theat- I rival sheet in Was ington called the Guide,' | has been sentenced to an imprisonment of five [ rears io Fori Delaware for uttering treusou- I able langurge while the enemy were in front | of Washington. | The Portland (Maine) Advertiser states that j several of tiie Abolition preachers have rcccot- I iy declared from tbeir pulpits in that (state i that the further conduct of the war is unchris ; tiuii, and prayers should be directed heaven | ward for peace, and not longer for war, and | peace, on my terms naoessary to stop the skod j ing of b'ood British neutrality has again beet shown by | -q other from the Custom*, authoritiesprohibit- Img tho sips of either 01, the Amerieut beliiger enm from entering any British port for the poip. se of hfiii g dismant-ifid and sold Os co' ;se as the British autborit'ea knew that, thisc uhi only : fleet prejudicially, one side the Coiif- ffirate S ai-s—;t yvas designed for io h • ud. aud is another substantial amend for the Tiet.'t misadventurer The sporting fraternity in New York are g-ea-'y t-x reis-ui over the gr*-at mat* h for! klOOthi, over the Fashion tra k, between GeoeoU Butler and Goorga Wilkes late Roh erf F itiughatn Both horses are said to be in splendid c* U'iition 1 w.m-n of m<*ne.y liiV« been staked on the result Him Daniel S. Dickinsfin has declined to be a candidate for Governor ot New York nil))! SOHHI I2A«IOU>A. The Raicigh Clonteil'tate luarus troaa n cor reFp'.'Qii'iit that Major Whit ford mode a cir | cu,t around X«*tie. n with a detacbment of for !;y Wen of itw 67th Regio:?B.,:iu.i has returned | cr.irq). O" approsAiug the rat In ad 11 i miles below Newfieru at 7 o'clock ou the morn* intr ol the 27rii ult , be tore ap toe railroad and waited for the approach ot-rhe train from More head city, which was to arrive at that point at halfpatt 9’oc'ock. He had only been there a few moment' when four negroes came down the road cn a hand car, to see if the road was all right, Ihe hand car was captured, with the negroes. Thin was in sight of a tamp of Yank-e cava'ry and one company of Yankee infantry, near Gioataa Station The road was torn up one mile beL.w. The alarm was given and the Yankees ad vanced down in such force that Major IV had to retire Ho made his wav out through swamps and creeks. Tbe Yankees were sure they would oapture the whole party, but they have mi arrived safe in eur lie>-e again. The road was tom up m two places The cars c-ama up at their usual hour, in fast ep ed, and did not watch wtll below, where the alarm was given—the? run o*r, crashed up the cars, and killed s.vera! soldiers on board The route going and coming whk j, v oU j>, o ne, and circu lated aii a ound the Yankee army at Newbern. The Y nkee rienerai gept out eight hundred m- n t*» capture Major \V and his party, but he r-iired in time. The tramp around was 215 mile**, and was marie in six days. (Jen W citoig is at pre.~ent rs-'fiising psrm's s:-'u to visit ’he forts and fonificatiuas around Wilmit g'on A iffisrii'tte paper learns, fn man official source, th *t in response to the suggestions of the fc' taniissaiy General of Subsistence G S. A, the tueichanta and shop keepers, in Char- LoUe. v-'ili hereafter pay a u> if. rm pric- and ric more for all subsistence offerd for sale iu that matket On 'l ednesday evening, Aug. 31, a severe hurricane and hailstorm swept over the lower part ut -amp-O" county, N C , e.vending into Duplin, tearing up trees and doing considerable '.Mnjrge to crops Governor Vance, of Nor-h Carolina, has --'tied a piGc'i.rwarkm, cading on deserters to reinrn to * Lei 1 n. mraocifs, under p naty of be ing dealt wj’h ommani) when captured H* pr, mise hold, or>d fi r thnty days. orde ; g r aje'-een U-u<.d for tb* entire iiitia of the >’ate to in a out and agist in th ir arrest. The British Cueu-ms nav- irsu J d »n order h-tt r." th'p of eituer o: the American belli gerentx enali Pe allow?; to enter ary English po-13 tot tbe parpo** oi dUB»BUei ud mil FROM Vllliil.Ut. Grant has been grading the country in rear of bis works preparatory to building of a branch railroad to connect ids extreme left with the road to City l’oint, and thereby have ' a rapid and unbroken lice of communication between all points ot ills army and h s main ' base of supp its. lie is now busy at, woik lay ing the rail" oa this new truck, and wd ere; long have ii completed. From th-se portions , cf our woiks nearest this new load, the noise j of tig; falling iton as it is thrown upon the ground can in- plainly heard We also have it j from high authority that this new road is'in j rapid progress The Petersburg Express thinks tbeie is but I little doubt that Grant is receiving rctatbice ments, and tuat he is conveying them to his left, Whe cThey come from, or what the ob ject of collecting them on our right can he, we are .unable to state. He may probably content plateau Hack on our lines io that direction, or may be a tuaher extension of his lines around the city. From elevated around Petersburg, the trains on the City Point railroad an "e distinctly seen, and the rattling of the cars and whittling ol the engine heard. Deserters ieport that the Yankees are afraid of our moving operations.. Giant s i'tue of battle, from Ciiv Point to Reams Station is now about twelve ini'ss long A correspondent of the Charlottesville. ••Chronicle’ ’ gives tho following : On Thurs day Anderson’s troops relieved ours in front of Charlesto wn, aud Early with his forces moved to the left to ShpplTerdstowu. About midway we encountered ail the cavalry foices of the enemy, who had started out—splendid y equip U'-d te make a grand raid itiiiud ua* they told tho ott'Zeiis u Shcphetds’.OY*)!, as they passed, that they intended to destrov our re serve ordnance H.i'l other trains at Wiu«hester, ami 'Bet' pass up the Valley to Sfaunlon de stroyiug everything as tin y went They were in srajisl'irii.'-', and -poke confidently of sue cess wfhing tiiat Eai ly non id be compelled to h ave t"*- Valby at cm e. and stay out of it They si ambled "n us unexpectedly, and the i pride had & tumble. \Ye smashed tiieaf tip considerably. lytid drove them parity aentas the liver, aud part y buck to Harper's F-r y R FOUL ATI' IN.S AS To THE FSB of (’kutificatkr of IsDiiur* n.Mte* issi kD uxi) r 14m hmtiov of Act of Febkuai:? 17th. *864 1 All office'e and agetris will forward estiu>a*fis for ctrdfi cates of indebtedness, to lie placed to th- ir credit with the Treasurer, Assistant Treasure' or Di posit a; y which when an pieced, are to he drawn out in sinus of even hundreds, by the or dinary check wth the addition of the word*, “pay htue in certificates cf indebtedness, dated —-.lßs—the date of tbe purchase or im pve*llkpen't, which must not be antecedent to the 171 h February, 18(i4 II Each officer or tisriTit who bus issued pa pevs stalina tha; certificates ot ituF bteiine*'* are due to parties fi.r property bought or impress *-d, in accordance with Circular, dated March Ist, 1864, c- nveyieg iustiuctt-ns of the Sicre tarv of toe Tieasuiy in respect, to those certifi cates, will pn c-eri to settle with the holders, (riving in payment his chick on the Treasurer. A-sisi#nt Treasurer or D**po*it«ry, » above pquind, paying the odd amount iu cash, or check 111 Each ( S er agent is hereby enjoin ed to use as large a proputioo ot certificates of indebtedness as p ssilde in making his pur chas- a, and to rppeal to the patriotism of pub. iic creditors to receive in payment these certifi cates in lien of currency. Under the last Currency Act of Congress, the Treasury is only authorized to issue, in pay ment of Go ernment (xpeiises. about S2OO 000.- 000. Os th's amount only $10.000,000 remain to be issued Tbe only other means for carry ing on the Government ,re, faxes, certificates of indebtedness, and sale of six per cent, n-n taxable, long date bonds. Taxes are not I available until 1866, for they are paid in four per cent, bond, which, of course, cannot be used as currency The fi per cent, long date, nou-taxable bonds aft; he'd in the market at 35 percent premium, and it is impracticable to sail a sufficient amount ot them so carry *>n the Government. Hence the Government must roly upon the use of certificates of indebted ness Th' ee rerfincates offer tbe following ad van tages to the holders: They hygr 6 per cent interest, payable semi annuity, and are exempt, from taxation on principal and interest As long as the present rate of taxation continues (which is 6 per rent dir.e"t U>:, *hesides a tax, on the income derived from bonds) these are much better than any taxable Confederate bonds; for they produce 6 percent instead of less than two pier cent which the 8 per cent bands pro-act* after paying taxes. There is another "mail advantage the claim ant gets interest on h’s claim from the note of purchase, whereas, if paid in cash, he gets no interest (Signed) L. B Northrop, C. G. 8. An Tothskstixg Coerbspo.sdbnoe —TheCharles ton papers, while publi-hing sonic ve>. v 'nteirst ing correspond nee which be* taken place about the prisoners recently confined in that >ity. have overlooked a series of most insolent letters ad dressed to G( n. Sam Jones by Brigadier-Gen i ends Weasels, ShiMer. Hcammon Seymour and ! Heckman, while iti prison t here We find the j whole printed in a Northern journal. The first j letter, dated, “Chatie*ton Jail, June 15,” de I mauds that the Confederate authorities.shouid ■ issue to tbem. “at no ma ter what expense or trouble,” (we copy the words) a ration equal to tb t issued by the Yankt e authorities to the Confederate prisoners. They also request that thi y shall be allowed to subscribe to the Charles ton-papers; that washing and bathing arrange ments be provided for them ; that they be, no tified when flags of truce go to Federal litres ; • and that limits for ex-reiae be enlarged This insetant let. er received attention to the extent of some of its requests being granted. En cm raged by this leniency. General Wegsels then proceeds to write General Jones a series ot letters, requesting that tbe “Sanitary Com mis ion ’ be permitted to a'tend to the wants of j the prisoners at Andersonvble, Macon, aisdeth- ( er places.uind that General Seym uv he allowed j to visit those places and seo that the Federal t prisoners did not.suffer, and that the Surgeons - and Chaplains in iSoUiheqi prisons, not being j prisoners of war he released, and that thepris- j o ers at Andersurmile nod M -con be remov'd | to a mure healthy location hi tact, these Y«n- ! kos seem to have taken everything c*-n; ected j with their own imprisonment, and that of oth ers, into tlv ir own hmos. T e iast. series'of letters the Yankees say were not answered- Peacb—The word Bounds pleasant to the eat Itspsaksot happy reunions, of happy homes, of pleasant meetings around the koc hI board. It speaks of “gocu times t© come” to those veterans of the- camp and bat tle field to the toil-worn soldier, to those gallant spirits who have aro and up so bravely in def-nce of the botm sand firesides of an oppressed and groan ing people It speaks of the joyous areic< me, the lapping oi bauds, the heart hurstinc with gladness, The long and io mg,embrace as the father, g r>. husband and brother eturns wi'h a life long furlough -o meet aud rej-ice with thedoved ones at home, it speaks of Liberty and Independence, ot a bright and glorious future to oil! down trodden Country, no longer the foot b»li of tyrants, but tho pride and glory of the Western World. In the and .vs of on- pros, petity wi faii. and to apprecia e tho full import and significance of the term. We passed along the quiet scenes of life and iiardlyoiiCethouglii of tu«little woid “Peaci!” When we heard the word mentioned, it struck our listless ears with a dull ur,meaning sound But what untold blessing*, what Heaven-born joys are now treasured up in that little word. The greatness and grandeur of au empire aro as naught in oomparii-on with the heart .felt pleasure, the exquisite delights, toe enraptur ing charms which are centred in the word “Peace!” Just now tho newspapers throughout thi* once united country are teeming with * IVtcd’’ j North and S-ufh the word has b*-en caught ap ; and pas*d from paper to paper, and from j mouth to mouth, .iii the whole country re t sounds with the erv anil the whole atm sphere ' seems 1 'den w th the sound of “Peace!” —Col vmina Girotinicm. Attorney Geumal Wharton, cf Misssissippi. has explicitly decided that foreign suljects re- j gidii’g in Mississippi, are liable to miiiria duty, even th ugh they may have tak°n an oath of neutrality imposed oa them In Fedeial author- ity. j Great efforts are being mode to Imve a felie graph line established between Greenville and Columbia. S C. Tiie enterprise ought to suc ceed.- , JOB PRINTING. OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED Promptly, Neatly AKD A/r LOW RATES, II WS Vfi'ffi. NOttTHEKJtf NEWS TbeNV*v York M* rcury asserts *hat the Chi ca.go Convection tacit agreed upc.n a plan for a reeon-truction ol the Union whtah c .nt^nl- , plates the graaniz it ion of five separate Confed eracies. each indepi orient of tbe others in tie management of Bit ir local affairs, anti bound to each other by alliances offensive and defei - j sive. ’lhe Confederacies to consist of the Gotti n and South All title stab s. the Tran-. Missis sippi St ite3. the States o' the N-nbw/'st, ti e Middle states and New Eng'and Mat. s A s'Ulifnr plan was piopo*» and by Y,d; ind g ham in Congress, Febnmrv, 1861. Shelby with S,U'O men is threatening Charleston ar.ii Cape Girardeau Missouri Liiige numhers of Price’s men ate in South ern Missouri, and are apparently waiting the arrival of their General. Memphis is filled with Arkansas rumors, none reliable. Stanton telegraphs Dix that the Provost, Mar sha! General ha" been ordered to enforce tbe draft without delay, and that ai! applications for its postponement will be refused. Sheridan’s c va'ry are said to be broken down and must recuperate. The steamer Franconia ftvm Boston fqr Hali fax was chas-don the eighth by a su-posed .privateer iff Shelburne. Another (McClellan muss-meeting w«s held in New Yolk < n Thursday night; great enlhu s-arris was manifested. The New York U"ion Convent inn has non - leafed Reuben E Fenton so? Govern- r, and* Thomas G Alv ni for Li'ii'enant Gi vevnor Tite Illinois Dm era tic. Convention neini natedJimeaC Rohinson for Governor Res o'utio. s were pass and ©hdors’ncr the Chicago pfitfortu. and declaring the intention oft 1 e democrat* of Illinois to give their nnaaituous support to McCieilan and Pend'eton. Sherman Via" refused to exchange prisoners whose term of service as expired The Ten”esse - Union Com i n* ion passed res olutions favo-ing a ca’l tor tt State Convention, and the abolition of siaveiy. EXCHANGE OF NAVAL PRISONERS Arrangements l ave been made for ’he ex change of ail naval prisoners. The Yankees hold about sixty officets and three or tour hundred seamen and marines. We have nearly the same number. The excess will be made up from army prisoners The exchange will probaly take place at Charleston. CONFLICT OF AUTHORITY IN KEN TUCK V General Ewing recently issued an order da ted Louisville, requiring the Justices of each county to assemble in ten days to ievy a tax sufficient to arm, mount aud maintain bf y men untri furthpr order.-. G vernor Brumlette on flieAth issued a pioc* ianiatii xi declaring said order to he in and iov - tumofali laws of the State, and in cufl-ct with the rights and iabois of the p ople He says it is the duty of justices t- retuse (ibediance to such orders, or immediately re-, sign, and forbids ihim to make such levy oi taxes. NO CU«fc N FAY ! S MA' SCIiAI.K’B "O! THlAtav ¥ VEB Alt xtrl-fc, Fills. Hlls have be. n h(»ruugiily ti-ai-c 1 iu tills region • i tue ;..y ad Lav:: h.ui pron unceci a bpu i'Jc f.<r he cu f, us i t. mi*.* u* v»v*t. ar.-; pep red wittv. u Q iin n-3 >r Arsetfio, tkl cnp? ! talc-n »•> i»er©oi Bc. u»iy -g . v;,tli mini tty i'ljey nr« no a .be.; Vt-g table liiiLab but ate co;ni)G&t<l ol Ai -u rais uiid Vug aAits The Sub criber baa naraerods o r lUo tea tr-*m f’b>aieiai a o their efile y bu e does no and eia . nicPM itry to übi ch lb**in t.s u- t the vicinity ot ihe widen eof t p r.-oh giv liftrth c«‘ idcat-e k; iW cuments* eusehsa Tiiei’l. s a. ri AI ?*T m..K« tir wd 'lhe S«»u hern Hri are WA R Ni i> TO URE It th-> do in»t, f tie R 1 »I'o . Wit.L UK KK UR I’- 1 e irve ion- o bki .g he el’ ll a hartic is pr*.-sc»l bed T epr tpnevor fiL-.ift. >spo expe inn-ntl gvnffthi.'C itl th * ciiiuti ih.;i a• .e RH' nti ci’l'aitic is 5 ’it IE Y NE. < K JiY Heinei-rf re ftsci-m.-ziFna ih \ a ft se‘V t‘ ?: .» i x Pill or ilam tb of - Msa .I’d Mi-.ii.bpLi »• ". u ! qu%iili it*>. it w.-i/L cgiumio .-ir.e. n 1- s v !na iiii h!g e udmi .i tend about 4h ur.-b toietheusu . foi tv chi I. The -c-.fha *i Rills o fl be 1 und at the Dm/ Store>f te ve»:9on & iton, Ga.. in »: •. t. Ca p» > tl.Ze Im «V «Jo A D K (.’H\Lir, augM •id<ttfw3B _ .rrupriet- r, M a. Ki AriTo COLOMBIA (JOl .*• . \ Tth,ti e . lor < uri i 'i.lo • .*1 ii-j pe to on of <<o n rt. v.iis n, JiirUh siovu.’, Htenh i. i raue [ >a»fu hiiitey, Janies K '-vi so , IVtet aud * ' n; a ■ C«n n , of(J- juru’ fa crn t>, Henry 2.1 oar T itic. ! AUrHrtns L-fitte Willi ik .i O-.tarieb, *> m vra, John ■ Boiiea, VVi liaui E J.teka n. Aiidre-.v *t J.xk <rn .tcoe'-i r | ar , i V i-LL-titStv.' vV Mtn .»e sup carle IP’ Aic'Jay. Benjan.iu IL W ir-en, • b.arios * ov/ ;-ad, * ortei ; Fietriir.wift, Isuaore J'G.rardy, iiham S K b-.-r.a ». 1 Roberta 0 M Thew, u'atuiltoii ti i ‘ iff'. ah, TifLi.«K I' i btovail,.Adrian « Iver*. Side), Robert A. i.t u a. a Janies M lye, of fich.ioud u n ty, V nice t ti'loiioy. ol I>ew t.n ctiuti’v, ukd >Vili!a:n W Evere l in ughrlfrpe Gov.iuy. aid Mar:.hiiii H Weibotu ?f arreu cou dv. r rp*‘oiiO !y «shew* eth, that wi h Abe object of tic-ihj< cieaied a bon> p ii.t. with out inoatri« an ir'.lividua: lia.»i)it;>, they liav< a-soui tod. hem selves together for ’.he pur c.-e« tnanufuc ur ng ttoa aid?, and imp-Tiii.g fr«>m ureiKU counlr es a*i the nu'ieritil.". n a chinfcry and oihe. artidesnecessary for car > lug on i-aid bual* nesri, and all other business in ciiaxaelur or incidental t) ere o. That said u inesa i3 *o be carried on in the county of (’o lacibiu, and Mate a ore aid, under be i.arne .in a xi ye of “'ihe LI i.cfiviile -Janutuciuring' :j mpanv,” aud that •urnoum ol •■•apitalt ‘c employed is'five u.K'tvci tb-•uriUT.d dollars, lobe dl * id< and into '•hares of one thousand dollars each, of wliioh capital there, has been paid in tne aurn of cue h .udreu ih* u* sand do iars. v v hert forC y u; petitioners pray t 1 r.t to enable them to carry en their buaine.H. a.-; a.orcsabi, au order raa\ bt paste . at the next term ot said * oor , ,u,pura*ia ice to ;h r•>• -f in i.cii cases made anu pruvidc l . de hi i».y v cv.r p*"Vl!on i . .ij.p '< Hti >n granted, and con ti uti» *r them a.u -Lo-r ouctessars u ».d>; pOitica and -rpo;aie for hf nurp >;*&f ros.-VJ, r rlie name aiid lc of “he oon-Mviilfc an factarir.£ tjoftip-my ’ lor t-lie ter of «h;rty ) cars ird!v the first day o: Jun? eighteen hun dred and Nixtyd-.-ar. Jno ft il3oii Charles F McCay Joslah JSiOV v l Benj tnin li \\ arrrn .St' pn*.-h inane • buries a ■ o Maud ».nic. l W Halley I’orer i'i mmaig Jamies R * :l*!0u Itadroe i* t.traray i'eter Jones V ii lam - lionerta VV i ii .m v i oiWpfc' Jan -.-s M Robe t.i Hvnry Moore A! i r • vr Ge main 'i Dortic lla :-• =:. M itichmas Ed - nt Lafittr ' < ’ Ives William rt lioodrlch Jo-ia. 'ih.vy J inteis tirnwD Hfifn«rt K. i.l hJolisi Ba es . Ja live "A i; lain K *fackeon Vi. . *r.t t\ Ro ert lc trgaha t V»;..*m W a creit Th iuK-i w > hi-.beater Mr.;shad ii e. ora* Will am Jessup Ti '.: a * *'t<xv,di Ad e-v MJ’cfc'on STATE OF GEORGIA, co;.: MHIa m FT*Fereot • I ail) appeared. Join: it who be'.!.* dul « ■* om tav"lh.t’ c lbs • reri.deiit of 4 i h-.- olg-v j «au fa tv.r j ihg Uom; any,” hie ted in t(-e n y Mid -U 1 af j-es.h.J 1 m macut t. urir,.< Vo ion sud- aid fflu fro»*: j foreign countries, the uvceA-a y inauria::'., ::.:a.hb« iy nr cl : oj her articles ip . e hiao’iut «»f up’ .! a t*; .1 y ,-•* d'■ and empl yed fc s .ca Uon*p<’.”;* at t, i : , i, ■ • is bu* h ... i* 0 ti oris iid l> li.*:.-, nau? in en invested m n.a.' iu y. »t.* cfe and rciai titrate v/orth the sum ol o-c hundre and twenty hv? thousand Uo.iai'-. JN •. it wu.toUN ; Snorri to and <»ii?:scrib'd befosc me June lSg, b 4 D l\ 'I a ' F<.>lt ! *, N F. A true extract from the record of olan:b!& Su;*cricr Court. June 27th. iBM i <v*To- n *)7 nr.n w. <r ;c£.T Ct<»rk. ! tUITU t *n»> f-* KT T *rK L N_ ruUNT ~ Ncficeijh rby giv*..n V> v>.i per is having dt-wu- di ;**iaiDßi Abner rt Hnniricit. iMle ol Id *-o i> ty. ucc.& .to pr sent them to ne prrope r, y iJ adH out. wl vr: 1 1 * iiin vre ECrlbed by J nv, sujts to e >ov? clianct* tmd o.ra un cnd all r* rsof.a id- ebted io Solid c.- cetu-ed are hereby required to make iiajiiedla'e pfc>"ui€Lt. . „ ALEXANDER air* 2J 6w°4 A m’r of bner rt Hanulck e 'iN ll persons indebted to the Estate of Mi'-ha • P.Bo'S cla>. lat-eo R tl.n.oH-i c.* ry , : wrv'' are r-i -i»« towui Woett to the ur ; er i*i e<l ;ax.d oa: «re notified ro ; re.-iut tl*e fcarue cui/ witUo tiie time pnecriho* .J"» L jj. . I m;I*AIK,I ,- t „, «r.ai3*o*as* ’ vv'- ‘Qo ~ • Jn. > ’ X o ln' imlet/w! to taos Thoir.-w Sr wj-s, •ti rifKc'ror.. c ' -* A wilt .a k, Im*, •"» o P *v tto tbe üßil-t*-.* «l; •ar’ ti«s v , -cmrr* GaM tt l ■tear l 'no if! ’lO j *'Ot tti-in, U’j-y a .en'tfl. w.t:l' ti,a time prescribed by Uw 1 t,i.i aM E J CKSOV, GEilAi.a T. Dot! ft, w\nw Kx-cu-cm. \” ,u fails'te-l to the Fl-:v* -f K!o n.d “Is? tat, lidsowr. i-oiii! . oc r- ■ 1 w m»« rent' ta p* meat to lie snde-syri'ed ; td t •*: hv-j c. m-i - -. ad W>e*ltK -eat dm, duly . -te=ted lom to p pr. *c i.'fd T l«W, C>AK H tLr Y, kp7Bvß7* x •VOTICE TO DEBTOR ' rtEDFTOrt.'-. AiJ per.-"LS Luvfiur den;*: r Hgtihi'i r° e rriv of L’h j,,f. \<a Ties. Iri irt hriH Ti»i cn Hj. drC* a•d. w pr * n th.m wn bn theliu.eptc tfibtc *r.;: th • e i.-i brad wii'rn k f).»yine r tjo iIAi. A. llu L N - hw 7* Exee.H'-r t V u r<* Two m Llbßa f **r are apr“ica-'--n will be read- o’ * If nor.tbU he nurt f O ' -ry 1 cn ■ ■•y. i -uve >s 1 Mw. a s ■ i ? Jr# to the bs «of CLa-ii'S U Chaff**«, la eof ati.o c unt>v*fc i-d. JA hr..' H . LUf Gt, OK'H, F€pfi * ira - or. "vroji £■ Uty day<* dat»* a; pl ca ioc w!li b** to ?h« • i-urr or'ordinary f Tkllu-fi gd y. for icavc o **l tbt | lai.d '»t or tring n the r nf Ah•-.*(», < ecea,.ea, iat« ft aid ruTty m sS-j.taflb.- th 13H B'V, & g’,y 7' T:.n Iftrt f, A ‘ir.'r, * V Tl fc iTrorn rd>HafV'i aa’e a;-p.? a-i n will b m- etot'a rt nrr-vb:e.tht* ur. f r.:i y■ i ch ou’ c- n y fo' t veto * Ad !in-,a » r. h?ip t> c Jl elate of Rub r-1 .ate of »aid couuiv and c i K' nirtE»,A m'x AO'! Ms HVftß’s BVLS. \\T I J bri e-id re ue-b r , l -a truay, thfc 7rh day >7 of b*'PT*'mi>'T. Ia n , ar tof » * rich’ m ca . ert tof>K con-ietne f v wn, Acr r P , h w-l# ». . t'.ne lr..* r ’jT#r;rg, ).jg fine Or -d t u*. Hamm r?. x r zi y 6cr w*. Tacit*, Ac. A: •Le tools are n go*d ora w an slc, c BspVte a etxic and ce foaß'l. *n and u, iho pr pertj walk EX m f »?H MaTite >t i f i fi Fivjr' FOS» ilffKM ip X ft -sets ,-n , ■ - __ #L GKoKf.iA.Li ,u T,N ut cvT* 5 ■“ 1 olw cm tt may c-V.w u. \\ »!! c<* u j.i p.-i 'iv, upp.icii tu il in pe iu nut etiWi.t * £ oxny il ** U 1 J *' oe » “• t.awts, i»l and »?d I;.-- stox ;.-ill it,' th '-t«llt,i- B rßd -ext w ihn- iu “ di ml and ©fflcia 'iKU-it i-e T T ‘M Odinary. J s Es) KG I\, i■' :• OvJl t i "" J, 1 . *■* rtGitxjmOer Moore, iat* otraiu 09 n ! _ * iri-rvforot'i cite :;r.J reuu re a I persons i-jneeme4 ■ - L"U« of J..J: 0 v . Ai. t ! •* -aid K , at He r ■•! i ’"o iVI v'.' U " U ° Pa ”* 00001 uh the first- iwo.-bay k» Vs*a‘ V ' U^f ,Uyta “ «*?»'• - A F»l K»h. . , t-v. v# Nil L. O.Ou tn ' ! a ** * (iE‘ ‘KGI , •»li UN ftp *i Y. K 1; *° h *’c- >k. ii lo i I ... v t -* ,' IC njt No. ■?. : t (.flirt im.> solJcur. v „ We , . (ti-ot !! / 1 u- lli coiiih *'•*>.< *»! i 10 aor i ml ■, ri t F’ : " ;t .," ••'vhctiMid Haft v.»i. M i, r* '• ,V.'’ ' s de th. LniLk.A Ou GuiV. f-ioicomii U. Vi oor* doc. 4 IKJ 'GI A. -REfiN CO I’M : Y V* Wh...' ?,th • EM»te fHe yh H'_n is'eut-a and '■ uii 5, CeeciiseJ, i* u -epre,- r- 1-d ilawaiet i iMor .t titeanj :iti,., ;.!»u urj , . »„i_ » « "ri" ■’ »’ «t " «t I 'lW I ,h ~*»!,v .!.? ia., .ir.iti .i. ut s-in l tat-,shutthi o '•» ve... ,j i fc, u',i}-.0i.l -S a Momtay ir. ct L.-r-..1n li.veu uc-i.T iii> lia and, u! i dl e iu (f • ».yi fW" ’ HTO sum. S' * av '2C< l vJ4 , i . f* K’.HUiIA. G EE • duvi\ OT he -8.. «• R. mi Is., i: ■s. rcriitcnt. f-.(. ■ o;i(itv snd < •• i»\is o* ng.-) o E h i .*• C .fc U . o i4 c lift e-’i.-G i. a ee. tit*, li to c_* -I ic-i » • v- r - wifiut, gan !a:i.- * i hwj art* t -r fore t«* o t»> a*'.i -atni * jai. * r. . c -w -v c: iii e•• in Rad aits ■ l - - v *. purs ns • pr pen s»;oa*.’ o •» v t i • |.J r ' ; 'i "i or is »*•*. the #i: «iul pro c- .4 u 4 i lC * o>m'i oU; irv ; e i»C”.* in -r. n..- .qv. «'.* .» i . flrrit M • fi ' j', o. HOC*- Lx y; . O' eti under mj Lvaa l off ’ in O’ ->*- • y. '■! 4 i; u.r29 6w54 ff T iit • 'KUati . - ", ’ • h‘T: y. M. H.i \1 U r : ;i .* -i * . f ' 1 ■ • *«w ur.ll' *OSri* P ::il , : ~ ’ C, ' v - in iii • so - *ad *,t ih i. •; lg v \\ ,t *'* MV; uud i BJV htnri ♦•••>.! V , , t .. "-mH y . K%. “ Uir '•''bury. ' j; V: F <SL 7iU V LKE*' <• X *NTy * v **hfc gi.\ J J Rob * :>p(, it*fl L letters of »‘f : u,'v Y, diVaL ! “' “■ ih, rcl.,- and cr.d'.' r»o"*.i:d'.''Vl-V" * v’.T'r'il a - Q- .it'll t. ci m. p.-isc iNd i.j , „ 1,7 ' . (' -ui■ llicy Hu-, wh I.'tt-.'- hi;:’ ~, . £ • o;v. u u cier -,:v '.u-.d ,n,l Oca , a.-h.iur'.o!!. ih s st du\ '*. *SS-i aUR t> iw34 ! * p-oSry I -IT ' 'liSt'lv I , I'' ',,L 'I;>(A .1 .\T\ ‘ L? , wi-c.'Oi.*, .-. oh a ard ].|.l c.- t n.c -r ■> ie*» . f »<. mi i.-l at: .v !< t L*-.ite i.f v\ - t.. ua u. <-*• -a-c-tl Tilt-w :;r. n,( a-.iiuo hi. aUat.uittantinr ik« kmdr and :i!.a c n.nor.- ui w. (Iw-aacd. to b: mid ai-iaar at u.y '-.lf'- 1 1 .i 'l'ht!m f.-iic i.vti h\ I*v 'usl(('-- *if a- vyhc-i MV', why aal lelfe.s «ho id uot U. .*..*u-»u. Oiva- : a» l; baud aar.utile. ;-ho. ::..-e :,t . , s , B _ i>linp, thi 'A day ot A-its-. .', vriK’ UF. nliutiry. OT TiiUi- .12 .. oi ; ,~ .'().-. ;a; K vT \ • K '"- v vi '; :*> z .. me n.r cm of \t.nn istra in on tlic citt oj »c< • ert A. Janes, late of s&id The eai ’, hi rufmo. to c'.te :;r, l aduicuiai! i»11. iTid thmculs? 'he kin- red nci credi'o r (>r'na!d dice~»ji= »i to hi* and app'a' at m< ci€c°.oncct>eiore ibv firs Mocday next, to show t-au-iC. if any the h tve, wjiy waid Lett, a- shouid not be ranted G*v\ m under my bun i v.d n*gnatu e nt officein Ah ga-t ; bu-.m.-rijlY f •ep • n.a r. S‘ 4 - «S4wF !» VU» L. »?o.*'nf ••rdtuefr. TA kOF >■E~ R Ia Hit- ~ .‘ h 1 . o„. * r pdeu 10 me fu. Liters of A nr.' ’fl Ifhou -n the »* rhite of l-e ne h D ,a eof hid C*>* Tit ■ dcre-.s-d : I ■ are tin ref »re o el' c;v and .dmonish nil and si gnhkr tbe ki •.’,.*•.1 ■ er.’littersr». said d<_ce;; J. ••> c a’-d atn-v office?, on or hf*tosG the fif**t <; J>v ii e of»er aext. to Hho* r iivo, il D’iy they h ive why £ i-f Le'tew shouid n t bo ,J ‘ven utiMe’-tm hand and official sign ture at office \u Au gu tu this* Ist May oi ' r. > v a i*2 4 f/o*> r»A Vj I * 1.. Ro T * Ordinary. fa!Et>F ii Et > H(i 'A. R/bjf i |. '7t~ H T i . hJ b ; l Mr» a’>* *;»-*» t m- •" -r tetter* f * tit ' ni io- on th* F.-iate ~ I,»»u:• ... Nk, , ateo* paid c ua y ci c-HM-d Hiu-f n e ihcrefore t«< ciu and admonish, li and siTig ’ar ’he hi’-dr dan creditn .• • f said decease-> to beaudii}i:;car at tut “ffice on or i efore ihe Hist < u*h*> in 1 'clo*»or nex*. t- . Jiow cau u. ? :nv the> nave, why -d<i let e c >h.?uid not he granted. .v n under my hand and official signature, at office in Au eiisra. thi. day c- inf v . 1801 8- P'2 4 w.% D A VID L. RuA. ril, Ord’y. T T- <> GE«UtOIA RH '■ y. kJ» • < H'N « . H 1 e en«. Maiv na J*> e appl s'O' es r 2.<-tten of . uafdlan,-' f r etc a D min. orpha. mdum rof Le »n •r • ‘ Dcmiiiif and C" .Thc-sri fireTherofore to and; an** adrr.-'rjsti, all andsimrnlarthe kindred an*’, tr?* i; 3of *iid nln r, ’ >»« aid apfiear a mv ffit .it or i>-fore the M a\ t (>c rrn st, t..rih*>w Cifi.-iC, if a y thev have. •hy sai ’ ‘t< •«i and not beg’&it’- Giv n under ir.' ha and and official dgn ture a» oSlci in Au» trusta. fu; st da> i*t L*opi* tnhvi sep-Jfitv-S.'; DAVII* L BO • U ’’rd’y. ATE OF LORGIA. Kl f,rr *(>NO OOU]st~ : i”:3 % liereari. Juinea L. Gow apj;Vie< to rue t' rLeU*rsof A<i*. 1 and uitiu*- an th Estate ol J. hu N. Oow, aie ot *&:d co Mi y deceased Tt. sc are ‘h •' e-fore, to cltp and admoiis al', -'nd pingn ar tjie k’ dr*ti iiTiu ced lora of e-'d decoas, and, t<» b** ntni app -ar nt. y • ■ifi con o ‘ *o firs ©nd V in 1 *cto‘er next te show cause, if any th y hav* ,w» y sai letters should :: »i t e grant. iven under no hand and- Sl'.- Itr.ature »t office iu A’t* gushl. tikis la dav of September I8f»t Bfip2 4wfii DAVID *. KOATH Ordinary. ri EE NEC U’ TY • T here a *l Su It’", •••rdi « f r brier.- of n inistiat o on the c ate of John * i der a n. late of b*ufl coua t.v, ric casud. 'Tr - a* - there-G e. ’oclte and adtnoti t*h li, a»-d irr^ular tlic '.Au<; cd c-.-M c eli’ors of s:«t de-i ascd, to sl ow can f, f hi. the\ have. Wj aid letter-* shonift no b -rantc*’ p hi apr-l c*n nt '!• t‘ouitoM>r< nary. » beheld In are'fer SXid cm MY. <- V -nt :a ii. ti. or,pi next. -»:’ er. under tnv hand atufil uin re-n*-ho-o , August 99. • m EDGE.NI SL.KI f< G. s 11 A .v,Sfi ‘ Drdicftry. £3*l A iirOF GhOß* IA. OG! F/HioRPE Os N : y. * rt ii re:,-), 'A im mK. {Smith t m- fat i* tr» of Aduiinsiv t e:i 'ov tne es at*- of J »rrjfi rt. Sn.i.h, U> of aid cou l m . rie r * < and 1 irJ-e ire tl.c-rvf.ire che and adtE ridsl; all, -ivd ail ts S' th» hi'-d c ' l -ov. 'f• iL -ased. to if ie 1 . at | car a mv o3! ■ v/itiiln the tin»o t-rs iIIk-c; b kv to show c-use if ary the have, v/h7 mud let rs - :i!d n' tbe vraut, and '.i tn under myh .mi and officlii signature. M. t. uguft, K. C SIIAr.KEI.FORL, <;r t ISfiA /lE”ROT . SI RKKNE - FM’Y "T .»m kin-ajp:ic so the tunrii a hip o* the p rrion and u*** peri • P ary iv k r.a, or;»h n ■ r-der fourteen ' ear-- rt'a i-) -f Jarm?s Pi .. kb.. kin?, late of said coun v. dec -;ad # • he se • r e there fore «• ci’c nd aa ; much &' a eeu ce*n and To .'h-iv ci whyth gur*- 1-muxipo th- <tnd pr r ertyr.f aid < rv-han <*ho Id '.ot be vwi-tl n -i ppllcmt, r.t t* H ' ' Uit of Urd ary l<* c held u and fr r ah. c >ui -> t oa tift t-rvt Monda in So-’ inner next 'iven u ii r my hand at oIHc*■ in G e-ue.-b r , September 3d. »8H EUGc-MUSL KIN . fcp 4 3wS6 *Jrd.nar»- QTAT VOF G K< > V, ICH *OV~f s » v T’ O Wherea .fames rt av es eu:«rd«-»- of ■ : | ni mt : vk-.ri, mi or (now f 8g«) j ppliet* ’o me , r L. *e -f Is rr.l-> « n. r the es re ’ icit'' id a m ’ vV 1 *nli tb kl and e wn! <r»i.* saf —iic? rniu o he and potg .i office, Ol *>r he} Iv 1? C til 1 Mo du‘- I v hei ; i-\ to tb w ca’.rf;, If ■ tbt:’. have, wh i-i- Let «*r s v ol »*• dtra* »o«. Gtve onde-'mv b ird flu ■ at - fftc* m mi gfcctT, hi ; Oth. day *-f--Ciri-j.-; e P«4. D > ViD . rtoAT , rd - er «’P3 • ' ? jT n*'FOEORG! . OO* -OR F 4 ■ V Y Wher-a Job. * M • t- ie-'o o-e f r J '>« a fl m t. a ton ri -' o Ino wjt ti ■wi a "X and •• e-t tc of t-ry ISrOficf:, latfe ut »i "rU.d id I' es ('■ 1 i r.. t. .■ c;t" .Ilf! “dn.Pi t. c. *a- Lr tio? k' (i-e(i ((I cHtoi* f h I*l -I-t*atn e nn- : irß* m oft e .-'.(li t? :: rcacri'-e' ‘-. I-w t . .-h - e-. oe. U .1 . i:ev aMl'-t'.—P RtiO il. f( (t ‘c■ ry Oi -: nn':r - y h. lid aid offi i;l !c a ur. t ■3" h .5.-7 ot ■ t m i-r, Ibiff B-pilS *7 F o. H ' KKI.KI a.-fftry. CU I• -F Kill;! 1 UJI . i-, .—, i- mli.-'p'fiu; .-i .I-', m l f- (.Thom *.l m-i». anil -Inn,--, h;- v f.. .->* tic..-'a. I G o-gtc; .Io n ierc and <! ro rc :-« hi w fi, i li t I cou y Oc rcli ii.; it 1 ,. l.;r. "uairr.ciall, of 3 dI) r ct, I *(f-Ti(i ri*.:. fid .1 V.r. T .'ltti a v"-g a pile f - c*: or d-c- " ifi, 1“'34. -11 - • 0-1 ' f ih- do! I wnila-.. a. aI. tn. un !< k, «• h MO a"v t-. b i- j* i. ii' ah- ii f- th- t.l | V-u and a i.-.juiT du- 1 and and * nd p ' jfic.r fill .art f- irv »< ■: P-5. •■■con ,at ih Ir. rm fs hi “-ir ■>* -e ■ -*-1 e*rt 1 day -(?.> Oct t ..ondtli" ii ate o'sa I- ; - -n f ;n ; ep 2 Jwß6 l> . ! . ’to ! rd'na y . C '!■ OK « *•■ ir - .'GO irn-.»' > HTT. ;O ■' hei- .Si: G -.rd- - .-.1 I t - J !!.. *iu | Cl- >■ r.d ■' y M h Os. "• t r t of-, (1.0. 1.7 lilo -t- hr r m. 'cta» t. • t.e • 13“ !W ft r . and t .. re- . and In -a* irh O' ai... f« : n w * C-. : t- 'I ;.. r *;; ' T ■-e arc th-r f 1 t arc! a . a'! r. and 'tn 'll’ ■ -he I Ir iw ai.d .rice »of ar n.' r. to ‘ e mit ape a a-• ,y i offi , wi-»;i t me ■* o: 7 aa , ' -• if j its h'Vc, ally a-4 s-rdU.ii *n a rut be dm 1. reed < ,cq . h er, an r- my . nil and offl. iat - z-ia> re. 'hi* < h av f.f Spurn er. BW. a o. S IA K*.’L • HD. esp! J r-.v.;7 O dma.7. V! iro.-? '• dil'l- t \ T OTI''S. J.i i v/n montte a) erdate ar*p icatif.n wU! be ps« ?n b* M« norab'e heO urtof rdir.arv nf Kichroo «i c-untv, for »▼© in-seli a nag n. l ••:■* vo f.-H •- ri 'I IM, be ngio -he te ol J hn li. Cro ker, late '.-f.uid cou .t-. and *-a ed BE>JAMIN K. Raj U Ju*yßl 6tv3i AdnbQir ator. VJ OTiCE. ii i -.vomonihs ftf'rirdr.t* appi: airtn will l» mad- to’Jat Hn!'>ra e’h*; un f< *r in; ry of i J paor.d cou* i>. ior eava i • fir li fw.• t , ftv acre of L*S*•m rr or . \ u&i lou2* ly 'f o g-y t•?~? fc t t it f 1 ufus J o ee, <e ;.>ed Jyt Bw--l J Vi) 'UHiiiWD Execut r. \TM-ii7 " ii /.pr>- o*tio V 7 ! hem ih ■ «murt of. *r*l tfMryol J- ■- siw.i"iDfc*« f rgi , 'thefi*; ular t-*m a:terti.« rx if -I.;, oft wont n h fr in t in rt . f.r ] fe v« 'o *. Ti tb# ia dg '--: •- , \:.g i id- Etute f .1 rn- D *amn: . h>« <■} •aid - rin v omcaa fjz l« De;. : iof tne h‘ ir» and ureriiter* ofe»i ri*ceased V fMrt.l DUNN. «ug 'j&w?, 4 . dfn’-nx of Ja» D Mffi'uli, j iCAtrtn wj’i be n »de to -h 'v»ort of '.‘rd’rary f ic In nAx, n’t ert. t • arttnn af cr ti:> n i!«trt*u of ro 7, L rTn Li* : oilc , for Ir re t*- ?eha r.*/ •• r. b 3 gin t sher? u’e f H *i<nn n lats f. aide*, ity d“c s*d.for rh L neflt oMh he; r§ un credit •Tv ot Bii .and U '-CiV3' P T a MESH o fTLLAN, unff ?i) S*»3* * r "'* '•*' ” * im 3. / i EDKrirt . T Ll* FKRKO i or Nri "" * T %i y U • it* era i J'.-: t:«Ti wi! h TM'*> to th of * »rdir.ary of't alrt-fe ro *nu t f ' <o *-eil rh- laid a 4 r, gr* - «.to’h e«ft*tc*/f 'n:o tc He Os T-h » fern.’ c ui.i>. decear* and. Zs UfLLI TO, a*(>4 f.wV. a T*.V with l\ fV: arfc-vad. E U. I» ll H r Y. C’(*!Tl>\ FUIIIIH A. '.KMIUL • O.MMISSiCS AIKBCH « IT faT ’* HE OLO T»W) «r D CQHT>, hXAI L A i'O » J ( Kaolt ST.. aCGC' iA, Oa. m: t >T Malw U SSll’ l T 0 V T!iE Area *f Do“'.i: TANARUS, B" -n I, * r Q .In flits 4<v 3!v *! hfit-ri #*. if. u* E the p li-r wL h« nr* 1 f tbr firm i ilqui-l cn The >n n v Lereaftci be c nd 1 ' Wl' y V h4r OBtbowhftcc QQ . E r rt TOrOHTY, c. w. i ou'.ffrr, * Anjou*, 0» Bfpt.’. ‘W. M 4«M cl u >.u*> o ttus • ro USißttiUSbS?asw®* 1 * »•