Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, November 02, 1864, Image 4

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Sentinel. IMOrRMT «t TR\>K«<<V'* \*i \ I I ~(»!,\»tl %'*4 # The Northern paper* h%ve an interesting ac fount of a i• -*ut interview n • :mml>**r <>• citizens of Ten no see, signor? of a protest against the proclamation of Governor .Johnson, regulating tie*J’ievidential election m Unit State with J'reri'lenf;.-.ln. io W i-l. J.'rt. o on the loth of the present month, ine papw publish the protest it-elf, with the Bgiutbiie ot lie .'lo/.e.ta repie. ruling the foe of Itonees toe. They are Me* r* William II Campbell, • t \> ilsor, county; 1 hom is A 11 Nelson, of 4\ a-ti it!;;lon ftmuly, for the'-Tate at large: I .no ■ i j* ■ ’ rrter. ot (' it ter r.mntv: 1 ,hn U iHiam.*, ol Knox county; A Blf/ir.l, of M Minn futility Henry if.siper, of I'.e ttafil ejuuty; l.iitie i'ey tniiTTn Sumner (utility. John fiyllvelt, o! |)a vi Loo county; Kinunuel KliiwbL'e of Weak ley county, lohn ihj'**nymnn, of 'lieMiy eoun ly; for the Districts. Hl'in* protest, is too lon : to be published in,(>ur columns, an. I po e-o sno fr. pedal interest ’The grotiml taken in the protest is that the pioclamaii.n of (iovernor Johnson is an in Irint'eiueot of the law. conllicling as H J " s ; with the very letter of the i on-litiitiou, I e raitM it i.i without authority an.l be-ui?.* ;t will prevent a Ire -, lair un i true expression oi the will ot the per>|i|e of Tenth ss.-e It pin tests against the interference of the Militat v tiovellnir witli the litu.lon, of the itlertiie liauchise in Tennessee; ilmict lti aiiliioiilv Htiil llie niithoiity of Lincoln to alter, nm.-ntl Ol' iiniiiil any law of Tennessee-. ileinauiis (iNt Tennessee heallowe.l to appoint her electors «is expie sly proviiletl liy Hie I'e.leial l no li tatlon. in the uianner which the I,“gislalure thermit lias pie. I l ilieil. Hut the i oieisol il piutest still more emphatically against the fnl li.wlui; in nst unusual ami iniprai tic ilile le.t o.nh nil’ll h it is propose.l to require oi all oil izeii voters iii Tennessee : t solemnly swear that I will lieii.-.-loiili nip ] .i»! I I lie I'uUHi i till ion oil he I niteil Slate: ami lieletiil it against the a.o.anils ol it: enemies; ll,at I am an active iYieii.l of the goveiumeiil oi the I nifail Hiatts; that I lll'iletllly .so: iie Hie slip pie..i (ill the ta: 1 ! ‘ltioll a I lilt it til* COVel riliu-11l ot li.c I'uitci! IT,ales; 111 it i simer.Jy rejoice in It..- lihimph of tto*, annits an I navies of llii Uuit.’Y St amt tile enemy of tin* y* > i nile,l I'onfetletate Stales, ami in the ilrieat anil 0 Vet throw of the ailiia-s, in vice, am! of all lirineil coml/in Hi,ms in tin* interest ot the ,-.o Calleil t 'oitieiloraie S'aies; that I will eonli.illy oppo :• all armistices o" lie gotintioi.s (or peace with reheiM in arm? until tin) Constitution of tlm I nileil Slates * ami all lawn mill pioclaiuatioi.s made i't piiis.iianee Hieriot ahull lie i-tituldished over all the people ol even Stale ahd Tenitorj embrace,l withiil The nation il I'nion, and dial I will hearily "id ■and assist Hie loyal people in whatever measures may lie udopt-d for the attainment Os these ends; uij l blither, that I lake this oath freely mi I voluntarily and without ui-nlal re get vatiou. So help in - (toil After the protest, follows an account ot the interview witli Mr. Lincoln : I called upon the IVe.-blent to day and pie ecu led and rend to him thenhove pmtest ll iv iug com-ludeJ, Mr. Lincoln re.-p nded ‘ May 1 enquire how loti;; il took you ami the New Volk politicians to i ot.coct. that pi per V I l. plied it Was • concocted ill Nashville without < nmiiiunic .ring with any hul Tenues reruns We eoumuiiiie iled with riti/eiis <>i r.n imaen outside of Nashville. Inn not iviih New York politician?.’' -I will utvswer,” «ai,l Mr Lincoln, emphati cally,‘-that I expect to let the frihnH „f M.eorgo II McClellan muuag* their side of this a-oiiteM in their oif ii wav: and I w ill manage iny side of it in my wav. ’ "Miy we ask au answer in wiilir- I ip* pe-t.rL “ I.ay those papers down here 1 will give no other answer now. I mayor may riot write something about this here liter. 1 uitileistand tldi 1 know \ou intend to make a point of this, lint o ahead. You Iriv v my answer.- 1 “Yoiu iinswt’r, tliwi, i? that v ,.u .xp.-itio •IO the I lieu,ls of G,u u *ial Mc.Gklhtu man.igo Their rii.l« ul Ibis c.lit, :,, iu tin ii own way: -uul ><>U will manage your : id,* of it in v.mi vva, •-4V?.” i Hun thank’d the I'icsi.ltut ior iiisc,,HiT«*?v iu giving ns a hearing at ail, an.l took my JtlHVt* m J luclg.’ Mason, of llli? city, was pn’.vnt al the i u lor vie w. ,o whom 1 tW.-r'ii, t. g.r.l lotho .or u*iTn«ui of 11,’s report On stepping oiLsiil,- ih.* door of the executive mansion l' imm .ii VV, ,1c .lawn 1 1„* I *,.’,1.|..|,t V emphatic .iitt*po"»-i», ami submit!, <1 it bulge Mis H i*.l ailtjtlier g.mlleliuu who iiappened lobe pii'a-ni motiouiicn.l it an niali*. I Juiyi* a wind to say to lit , 1* »♦ ol the l nitetl Mates, \vl»o :i\e oi ouizlit t/> ,I'rt l lie mitMioo of Abraham I,iii ~nlit '1 In- m Tier which 1 hul I lie honor I , |> t.. || lt . _ .I’irmdofl l is not the "«;onooi-liin k of Now Yoik politicians, however that niigh! ail'd. iis uieitts. It k the so hi mi voice of a once lice ami prim.l neopte, protesting against their own Unit. Kuril Ueuienl by the agent of .yhialiam J meoln. It is xhe "oice ol those loyal men' in I ennessee who have borne the repro o li ~i people they still loved, supporting t!„- |',eV, ihnt in nil law Iti | t,> \v th.* t nioii. Ihe Vewatd of enr loyalty i> il-iiii <hi«e,oent Thecipo' pel jury j s vd to our lt| l-coiiir- it is known that », w,|i not touch Its conteuis. In.lge ve |„ n„ v „ people' ol Tennessee and U.r'aliaui i.bioiii It may lie meet that our solemn and ~ lul ap|ceal should tic thrown aside* with t V nt aenip'oltd sneer, t to it li'yon the 0,0 pie ol the Noiihoia stale . shall -o'-a i!,i f 1 " f <>ninny, vonr own will ti the President Ol the t oiled Slate mi> "“manage his side ol the route t” hv c. iiii,;. a-stdothe wry letter Ol the l 'i'i, oit iii mn . .imj •.tiering too election law ot the p.tat, s. ~, t , ! disllalo Iciso In oppouelile, liberty , j *lra I. | | ■ V\ ashill ; toll, October Ij, I I IUo aiUi. sed Cell lesp.n, le:i, e sic •a’.a lor il JMlf: W.vmiMi rov. t>c loin v |.i 1.a,,i hull. I tiailes Mason: ltear Sic 1 silhulit to volll in ic. lioU v> hat i have tvtitten ill leteierue (<> UO inh'iww Wnh the Trr«i,trill to and IV, and will a. I. you to ttate It yo.i regard the Soul l an .-»• emale re port. Ih.pcOt fully, W AMtIXOToX. OCtolier l.i, Isdl. .iidin f.ellyett. liaj ; I tear sir In laimpinuiccovith the riqiiex. ut Jour note ol ih's day I have i lily to ?sv t :i.i< | "was present at the intec view n lerivil to. Vour Matem, nt ot what look* i-' substautialiy «one t. mid on all uialnial points 1 l.ubw Jiteially jj. Kcsptclfully, Cd vBt.RS Mason The St l.auis An/oig-r thus il.-iiom,, ■ (lot •Johnson', proalautathn, A mine shameless fare* Ilian tb s* man plays with the livhs of Miiiraue low, not otvur/ol in *‘ nv part of the wo>ld. In c. mp.uison whit ir *'eu the Napoleouic Uhxle of mending she jmiversai siidrageit honorable. * ~ •) have ruiuiy outrages dutii «he thiye years and a half of Lincoln's aduiin n? U o n ’ 1,111 *’ v b an impudent disri eatd oi > Ipelmg of decency at thi- Andrew Johnson luieshowu id beyond lei if Liu. oin and .hnson believe they can secure their election Th.** , ‘ 1 *' CtUlaJ 'Ote S as those Os Tennessee They tuay prepare fora revolution in the \,.uh MtsJtaxv,3siienr.—AVe see Miikinir Y or of our poor soldiers, U J* oil*. We teil lZu tm V r r,b wbile to U ‘-"- : »*•«• item * Tain 1 U "'' e,,w, S h »*> dishearten i vmTHKR'k MCt*" It is -fated frum Washington Uial a naval ut’,3<k ppOQ Wi’.juioaton W np-d it riled, fer which ilw Ueet are gathering and the land force js in leruliners It appear? from an olticial ?tah inent that the North Atlantic Yunky hlo* kading ipiadrou iias. ,-,om Augn.-t l:t, 1 zts:;. to October Ist. captured or hestvoyed liiiv Vessel*. * Most ol ’ tin*'-- were lirn clh-s hlockra-le nitoiers. .'. woman pievuted lierrelf at the central police station, t bicugo. the other •! iv. and cotu j,!. : .e-d that. Hi'iUgh she had two bu-hai.c** in the army, .-a c mid get no relief fiom either n;e nuty oi > iiv wav comiiiitteei. ii. j. e r-nd lon L'.tie aie pith encage-i in .-tumpiirg Lous.ana. l'he , J .iaolition Inglctueo ■i ; -1 -e-j. idor.tiie danger iuiuflnerfi. lien Waslihurne, commander of Meuip'ni- I Jirti lct. ha.- given notice to j eirop? growinir . otton within the UiiTViry iines of his dietrict. they w it he pci uoiied to liiiny the same I to Hie city and . toie i' private wai.-hou es —i i his |>ennis:ion to pet-oos within llie military )i;t*> noiuprise- who have grown cotton -nr that pan ot West Tenms-ee, south id Hutch i ierivei arid w st of the Miu.dsripjd Leulial railroad, and ail that part oi the Stale of Kun lucky west o' it.i* 1 etincssee liver. Otligtal documents from the War olti.-e ai | t\ a: Fun a ton s nw tliat Hie atikee (Jo\ ein in tail I Iran . ailed into the field, Irom to Ust over j ilnee millions of men. They have, besides, | iiniie six tori ire I vessels of war, equivalent w • slim: and think, in what limy have done and wlial they it-ive p'evented ii a irom doing, lo a mote ot m- il 1 ne putty serin determined to Carry die election, il ulUniter means fail, by mdita :y powei anil inlei it-rence. Already parlies havi been aii»-stc*l tor 11.-mocmlir lick l : or latliei T fqipmlie i I’’ liekete. as they me called Ipl lln* Abolitionists. Ninth -rti papers report that tile Cotton crop in the vicinity of Vicksl vety goml and it is heite c I’lied to tin* city to he ginned. A gunboat i:, lien* liter to acnimpatiy the i 'aliloitii-i .'teameis tiom New Yoili l»j tiie i Isthmus. The shipments of Coal Iron the different-coal , regions ol IVansyivunia, except the western ; part of the Mali*, amounted last year to seven ; million eichi hundred mid forty thousand : lous. whii li at llnvo dollats and titty cents per ; ion in llie ITiiladeiphia in ii kel, would make its value inn twenty millions ol Adding about i\ mi l lion aoi ton? more tor the. western put! ol the Male, and llie value ul%im atilire iipplv will not h . hit short of thirty mil I ions ofdollao; Tuia is p;elty lair lot a single pro duct oi the Stale. An exchange ol piisuneis in llie Trails Mis i*. ippi ltepailuieiil has been agi’:ed upon Thenvgrocs i*l Philadelphia are iuedating on t ln*:i* icglit to ride in the eiiy cars, in N.-w York, the privilege i- grunt'd 'fhe Nmthmn Methodist t’.iuhops a'lvise tl* . 1 al'elilpt to lorin Mi-tliodiSt Soci,^cS in Ihe t lanfcdei.lie !T:iti s w heiever possible in Cotll.lrC lion with tliat </'iiur<h. (inn. Toliu A. MctTeinand; before tire war a piominent politician, Ills dia-lared ! himself in favor of MtlTelhiu. Annie veiy lemai I, able and iinpm f ml. orders have ocently In issued bv Yankee General I lei ion ill tin- m iii'ary d-si rict. of liaton Kouge, l.oiiisiana. oi wiiiclt tio is conitiiaiidanf, ill re gal,l to tin* free tiade in cotton ami other iiicictiandi/.e, '-cdiiciie; all commercial dealings to.a uioliopiy, sulijeiT to tlm eantrol oi a Gov ernment Kpi i'ini agent. Ad licenses for tiade | stores are revoked ; no one is permitted in j Inline to emiiinne or open a store for the sale ••I any art,id-* without -a permit l'roiu this apt* ii! agent, under penally ol arrest and colitis* i calimiol liis joopeity to tbo Treasmy Deparf iiici.l. il»'ilhrt ,oi any mn* [‘III ctlSM* nor Klli[i | any cl the porim i .ol (be country without per- I mission from tlii-. agent. Tho-New York Hoi* jdd olijedr.wo the exeicise of tneh a [lower by j a Government odiciaL on the yround that ’it I very seriously etiects llie pro-peet.-i of tlm j t'iiiou cause.’’ J It ueems llial Hie eelehrated temperanc* h e j tuivr, Tno. I>, Gotiglr, has been enlisted in (lie interest of Lincoln. An i hurt wa.f made lately to induce llie ap [ioiu m.-nt ol ex Governor I hornas Corwin, of (tlii.r, to the poiilolio ot tire Yankee hiterior j I > partmeiit. in Hie place of Mr Usliei, who ivss to be ujijioiiilrd .fudge of the United States I list Hit lint the accept.ine.* ot’ the Toslniiice H parlment liy Governor l>du nison renders the appiiinimeiit of Governor ( 'oiwin out ol tin* (|iii*Btiou. Sulim olio r West ern state must supply that deliciency in the Cabinet M*s, tVesiili-tit JiureK and family have ar rived in New York. llie Supreme Court, of California adheres to its decision lin-t the coiislilutiousjity of the military siillrugo act. This will m.ikce and tl'er ence ot tiio thousand in tip* vole m the State 1 he W 'orld has a special de pal. It IT *ui tyne - )•'**■• ’ f iling tliat ie.iolut.ioti:; wee,* passed to day i iu the ( mad: hi t 'euieii'iice ciiiruitng the con ‘ icdcialion ol tlm IVoriiices. j I'.dward Stanley, late military (bivviunr ad ] Noi t!i i arid itia, publishes a ietter t'avoring j Mi* 111 . m and opposing tin* eman-.-ipalfoil poii liy ol lent; dn a mluiiutsfrat.ion He expresses : gieaUkiudne ;- p.'i>onally lor the ioluiinisfia. i turn j Sabbath perfonn dices in San j I'faiiei'e i an no longer permitted. | The feiler'il Treasury Ueiurlmeut hast tie j lei mined to appoint, iorthnilh, V . S. {agents to j-aiieUas - e.nton 1 his, says the Memphis tin lelic, ‘-will cause general ustonishment , iiii legiei. I lie ncij.u i*y i.j those who under stood the cotton uiieslion, and are, ;,f the | same time, tboioii."lil y lovui, leeaid it, us a 1 measure M verv d.iiiblfni e'.pedieivy. I bey ; 'be I iv.i.Tii v Ileparfiuent appreeia i 111 *1 i tiie i* 1 1 ies ir would involve, and would ; not. i .1 l y il 011 l.' \ b'tle) Irmu ! dues In Nev« t trleaiek ilsl. and w-pteuio,., dc.rflaics that (lie. l ed.-ud 1 t' l - " "le st, that, tint tJeVer.l I l tie..,, ..biained iiom lh.- mruhe. l ed : eial II "Her i’llillijipi 1.11. l rebel 11 tin 111 1 1, l.allies, and .1 i tlilo m t..-ing laid to c.inueet, by , ii,.pn. I oils M.ur-xh and ii.t'ries. I Ai last, lie, ..Hi,'s v 1... v.-.llow lever at New i '*' Ul WiH 'allying oil eighty poisons a dnv. i Mo ini.l , M.-tu-tiii-iit gouig the of the , Mu"l.oi u pios - that i-vi i ouitiirl'sial.panioa i hate 1,,-cully be. n o,, in .! to Till ope I, y ! mm." ; ol li„' r.-lome itb ees . i l.onk Nopole $i > and jimriia's otuiil licit tie bus : '"•ell liiilisj.ored, I,lit .toy do n.,1 -ay moeli : e.l.i.Vii till- mitl.a an. l iti ?. at ii il.ute his ill ness ! I'» «1 i! it ol t »,j, ,» ihi-uin t t LS,u t liH-lu* ibf }.i, (i j Vk ;,i j to ho till' be- ailment i- dial,o' is an atf-etioil ' ol tl.e kill. lev-. Peal nor.-tv and r.tjiidly exhaust; | the .'teni M l it"! gives new lite i to the lev,.lul an ueitMc.ui in ‘I be • I'hd 1 b put>>ii'iius H,ln ipaie Pie sp. edv death ( I ; tin-a-line end uiip.-ineipied leader and they! 101 l t scpp i-e tliat Clv oilier Ilian I all grasp (lie : impel ial power. It] r< .juilv wiofheV per- 1 jmv anitbei- . ... — allot he.' tdoody I niching our ,v. It-publicjunlsM- to put Nap.,- ! Icon s son on itie lli.oiie. file Mempliis nay -, that among the changes, lit..! hnjlo' vicinity, ■cot the Irn.-i i baitge i licit ot n bite women hi ring to pick cotton on the plantations. (••ii. Uil on hi; been appointe ii liief (if ,* a v ,*iu y .if SI iei man sai inv il 'ii x S t x was lieattu last Sj.titiday eve niug at h’iehni md, lud , by a gang of linteiier Im.v -. who vv. re bunting lor a' l onledeiate * rtice* 1 , in wbose . Jit. ( ox v.a» under el“o*l to lie e '-VI 1 ting. Ml. Cox was reselleii ' xoine . moil eiti>:-*n.s w hi. their tegii iatvvl. it oc.-tirieil. I o line u? citi i-us Mi. t o\ staled licit he ealiiu to llicli iik nd that day itj order to lie absent front Col umbus in the evening, le.u wishing tt* lie pres ent* tiling I hi* lolincation inset tig liiat wits to be held over iiis dele it. lh-* in-w long Inidgo acresi the I'otoaac at Wasbingi oil i *itv i.u. .keen * Jinplete I. 1; }.t»s ■ecu bin ding fifteen months, i- tgitd feet ioa T -with tv <i drawers, each Ts feet long! the bii.l o cost f 1 ..u poo “ t!i-n liar but has ssned an order dei-taring j that ai! |iiTiniaT.ii the MissVippi, in his de j pntuieai. ab. >e New Orleans, shall ittit l*e cou- ! sidered v.iihin iik liue , uu ess on uph J by his ■ fnnvs. and no sl.-auie.r- shall be a It vvrd to ; d.s haieo pass. Bgeiw Or meti haudee iat othu i lliau luilitaiy J otts, with ut pc.uii ltd ■ ot ihe i Pio\ luatsu J genemi. 7 * ] YOHTIJBIWMSfVS Th» -ii; .’r froffl jHe Jf-wpnic jewel* f- um! s, the mills of the ’Vinthrop House in B st on ; r ter Hn* toe eeieral months ago. wa •gr tto the t.niied Stale? inia', and half dolur ;d*< ce coittfi (rotn it. wldeh have l.<er, r ml u> if. inemi. t? of the liilh-retif lodges. *nr moments, etc are too oniy tin y—< -it* nieces coitirv.i l!)! 4 ye tr Abo'tlt 17,000 ludiao? i.-i* on .’ie -war j::;li in Minnesota A Torllaud p.apc-r :■>:?, if k!I f e •oli-!ito!e J ,n-ikeis now iu t eat city would f- in r i-e r.-my. ' th« dl-ti-ict ij.p/a would ue . ie. times over. * Tbounw T. Mi’.i-skrd. -pe iTtni • oral or. 5e ■ leu*!. Coufeilei-'le .-•ueTilla? ft ill Ot ’ill!, to com m t .lepredalions in K.-*iilucky. Two heavy slmckioi . Ail 1 [U ike have bit*:' felt 10 I. ewer C ililmnil. • General Kt ink Grai g -r, arX «■ Yoik Stale. i*v I’mdliia-oer Gcnci'.at, and a Hie long *i |ipo •lent ot llmslemot r its, cto. J i *it in Mc'i-cl lao lie ltd-: imvCr l.etore cC'.d with llm de tu a rati. Henry Clav IVan, of lowa, who is going in vole foi McClellan, ''.i a speech ma le :,! i Idea go, sTigmatiz.-d the Tn j.ident as * a tcion uin per. ii litm amt Ivi »nt' an “inci mpeieut and imbecile wirteh. :i»d thesoblie'e lie if uolii;c-*d His III.: -Slav, sot Hie" amt Hie ••banditti ot'the robber chief ” A great sensation was c.-eal.d in lldiimore a few- mornings since, caused by tin* imultune oijs sei-uie by llm military auliiorilies of a number of hug,* buiiii' .ss Ii nisei and the eios ingiilheir eilaldshuient- In a guard of :u! [ dien. The st* v.-ire-. are oudristuod to tic pnr | -Held to Hide's cm io-itiiig tronr tlm War !‘c ! p-otiiH-iit Nothing definite is known ns to- I'm ; -Icirge.- which induced the .- s, i/m’i ;. Imt Ift -y are said .to lie Conti alt tint trade a"d I'olifedei j a'e mail cany eg. All the pioprichns, cleilCs. ! lln I olh r employees fonm* on tho preuTsi-s. j haie been sni .cd. ilirest.-d and sent lo W i-li ] in:'ton on a s[teci tl t iuiu. A number o! dry goods, clotliing and shoe stole?, pel bap? leu **i- more, were closed l> military authority in W.isliiugtou |,. v diy. ago, and guatds placid ovei tiieni, an-Ltim [iriucip-ils and clerks taken into cin.ndv, cJiaige ! with heii g engaged iu selling goods to blockade 11l Tl lie- re. ; a i-s on one ol such vessels, lt-eeiiilv e.iplmed, atl’or’ing, ii is aid. a e line tor< e, dings. T he people of AT \ tndi !a._ \ a , were. Sipal :> tilt own into consternation bv tin* a::c>i, o* twenty live or thirty of tin-most inoinitretn. teb.d i-it : .'.eiif'. -ill aecotdnice iviih a la'e mil itary older. .Monday lootuiug some ol theiil were plae.d [iloinTn* ly i'[.oii tin*, ppiltortiis et llie VI ifi:t u.ts railroad errs, .-c- a pi c\mition against tiring on tin* trains by gutm ilki.. 'i hi: ai rang,-ment is to la* ■ oulinii. and Major General llcoki r has assumed com mand -I llie inil l l -• v departmeni embracing Ohio. ! i liana, ittiiiois. e'e , in pia'v of Gmi ileiiit/.iemaii. who is otdeied to nutoiT at Wheeling. Va No person will li.-reatler iumnnested in Xev. OrieaiiH without a wrillen nccusation against tin m. Thu Yankees n:e heeinuiug to gel frighten ed at :ho pic valence of \ellnw lever in New <li leans, a; penis, has liaally made iI.T appearance in tliat c ty. 'Hie Iforiton Cmni, r says. “ while tiie negro Women are liding and luxiitialing in ilu* Te l oral caiun.-:, on ihe homily of tlm Govriunn. nt. the white women and cliildten of tiie South o-e am* led at. tliei'- homes and sent oil as piisott e s to a destitute country, to be sold in- bond ; I lie New Voik News tin: public ; debt ol the North up to tlii.s time at. tliiily live I bundled millions. | il is repoi ted tiiat Gmiit Ims written hi W:,sli ; illgtou tliat be should leave to let. go bin hold j iinb-fS he is. 1. in.-01. eil, m l Hint bedcsin and I,Slim In ill luiulll limilll.llli tiis pa ilioil iu A'_ I lama with as small a tone to. por.iitile, m n! \ send llm remainder ol his Hoops io Viig nia. A delegation claiming to 11 pi-eseiil ibe loyal Heuiocralh ol Tennessee are ill Washington for , ihe pui’iiose <d presenting to Lincoln a protest ! against the oath l. q lire ! Ity Gov. lohmou to be token before vouug at tin* Tn-.-i-leniialM'l, e ■ lion. T hey bad an interview with Lincoln on ! sfatiirday, and pie.sentcd their juotest, but 1 COM, plain ill having tie,a, to-aled c.tvaliciky i.y liini, lie intimating, in i,is , pinion, the docuuient whs pivp-or.i in , , ieeit uilli the New link politicians. This !he commit lee ile j uied. and retired, otter a br'ef iutei view, with i cut having a; complished tlu-ir object, or re i eeiviug any encouragement that Atm would ; intiTtrl'e ii: llm mat'ef. The I'cdeial mililaiv aulhorit’e in Noutli j western Ken I Ill'll v have laeen actively engaged j Lately in banishing cit -/.ana win on they believe jto have Southern sympathies I lit y is-.u-,1 ; orders, recent!;, at Gohimbus, Kentucky , tian ! idling many ol the most, pmmlu.'nt cit /. in: of place lo (l.inad i. ioiitiscataug ttmir [misu mil elieds, and giving Hi, in bin n very shot! time li settle tin ii alf lies. The wionghl imo Ann-s -u ll was < i i**.l trt T.iulgepi.rt-, t kiiiuecCi ill. lc enltv Three shots wele lim'd, with tlm following H-iilt Hie li’.;t shot, ai Ii i::*e of si-l.een [oi n sol pow di r, llm gun elevaitd at twenty hur and t iie tilth degrees, was sent live and lim e quarter milts llm s-coiid shot, elevated the same, with a charge of twenty pounds • t powder, a * niitbier,” amlfelsli.rt one and a halt in ilt s llie third »h 1, with acl rge or twenty live pounds oi powiter, wen! a disiance ol -even and a (pi ii teimiles iu 1 liii I v s t .ffds Hie. sLcll weglmd one iinmlicd mid se< eii [luuuds. i .lodge Unit, Toited-Sl.-.1e,; Judge Adv.uafe | (iell. ral, lias siibmilted to Se loia; y vd War ! .Slant.,i, a voluiuiiioua repoi t relative In Pig ! “I I eye,l .oiiipii aey ugaiust. the, (i-ivet rim, nt ill j iii \\ »*b l 'l t.e only tJalcs ol ihe N'oitii In wbichsol ) diers are not allowed lo v-,te file Indiana and j New loftry. i A inv-tef ions disease ul Mapletvo. and Tn.diluti'. { 'U' *il'-ld lias-. , -I. Si ti ii> and iif twelit v id the yocii'j la. I ice, and is yel ie,gn C Ihe He;.id t’liieiinii have jciPilished a ; A", ‘iust tile exelusioii of tln-ir eliii.ben j <l"nl the pi.b;ie ■, hoots ol tied city | '* b« IVderat iudieittl amUiiu ities ut Memphis j h’lA e .tuiuol, r.-l active uperathi'u ; t... ! h vUtioil ot private pr. peity in licit eit> . Th,' "tuformatiol.. riled in die t’uife.l fdate.. .ii ti it G coni (. up 1,, lhe .tli ult, numbert and, so lac a., WA have heel whle lo lean,, tweuly right. II -dated tied a iicde li-isl. iu |.- & ].„ I,a y ba- le.-.s -.i . kill t.|,iare miles of tore-t in Maine. ! i,M l, “‘ ,! ,I'j'o •• Ol . td-aiuii •< supplies ~f ( ‘tor I lie Uiatlilf a,dill" oi Hie *i'mb. Ail k at. lu* iu-.i Uiti, from the tt. si. coi.,|.-,| , an.) "Ivec plated pmp tin the lienv-ral, .loan j tough, unplatted mump lor the pr.vate ; aoidier. Ileni v Wai l I.ceeli. r has-given noli. e. Icon, i bis pulpit, that until the Movcmlwr elei li. u bis .-.iiuiloy .-Veuitig setinons would l,e vvha' ; i -W' 11 ' i ,, ' u 1 ,l, ‘ Tuietrt ' ‘II political. These did Hut wist, to bear them be ct.| ! i,'steii to slay ! away, tbit Slieir seats might be oecun.etl i,y ! these who did. is "t-v'e.l ill Vv'it:htnglnn that novenior ill a-lloi and bad decided to liuo-.v cut the soldiers' vote upon tho n.-w constitution c.f M vrvland. as, at eoi.ling to the existing State law', sol ? diets were not authorized to Vote. A munula,.-luring linn in Tull i'.iver, Mus is said to have lost tL'.'di.ntMi within a foituiL-lir by the decline in the price, it cotton goods. Oov. Waits advertises lor sale i-Tui; of.ft r ,j Alabama six per Cent bumis. These bends are each for one thousand dollars, payable in current coin twenty yeats after their date. Tcb l-t.l -fd, and the interest, unt ; i the espitaiion ■ ol twelve uioiitus after li e ratification of a treaty of peate between the Coniederate : nil United States, is payable, at the Slate Tims my every tirst day ol t'ebiuury in V*bolc,t.-rote or State Treasury lint, s at the option of the I State. I‘ids will be received at the Kxc. n'ive ;U. partmeiil nut il Nov. Ttb, IXU4 State Tteas- i ury’uotes, or urw issue ol Confederate nob-s, i witi be received iu iKiymeat. Ibda shou’d bti endorse,! on the envelope “Ll:,is for state ! iioil'le ' ’ a The Maru l»sU-r Guardian publishes evidetne j that emplovmenr i- ls-Comiug more scatie iu the manufacturing districts, and there is Continued depletion and srUsiUyetit.Sa in n uoaciai and coauaeicitti cuulcs, j M;\v« SI MMVMY. • “ N-'Tv poiidi-nt of the lUehmocd .Beciio?i “ mt ,*nacy tiddiof sorgho in Yirgina nave oeeu ifii'lre.l by hv bridiz.i'.ljc with th? tnootti Coni and other kiiuis r>f inillet giowing m ar. iml warm* [danteia of the ini|?>»tance of car-md iHtcntlbu i:i .? lecting pure seed for Hie next crop, ' 'l’he (.'•ilunilmsF.iKpiirM- notice.? the sale at.' am li ii iu Unit city ot a veiy-rii « lot of «>r g.oiin :up at 5... hi per siiillon. and adds: I acre bis been un exceedingly large amount T H.’s ?>!•-n nude i-, tip? s ciion ’he present i 4 ’ a '“ b ahli »*• would no: ar H || s „ r| ,riiwni t went PtiH l.iW'cr, We bear , f Urineis wiio mvei made ruoi’e than i|, !V e lo live bales •>t Cotton, who th’s year Ucia lw«my io , v.-er j five banvls ol sjicp, Hi and whose i»uii ’ ie? <an not consume more than one or iwo f.ou-ls ol it. fiitieis hardly a tanner or pi titer Imt will have more or less of it to sell. la liie Alaii uuu 11 of Kepieseiitative? adverse iiqiint? Ii ive ieru made by (siinuiittees ip: u Ihe preposition lo arm llie slaves, upon the ground that the sal ject [u-opeiTy belongs lo Conga cs I. ’ ? The llii liuiond Sentinel thinks t'.ere is i/nt iiltie liope of a ifeiieral exebauge under the caltrl So long as, Liliouln is Tretidmit. Mr. Allied H-H and bis sister, who live about iv utv miles below Newbeni. N. were mur deiei Ity n. toes a lew days since. Tim Confederate Sf*a‘es district couit, at Uii-liiiiimil. bas.tVcided that llie contractor of i mail lvute over feu miles iu length is ex ■nipt Irom Nun in Union. A liviglit • iafn on tim Mobile road, laden I wiih V jukecs c tplnred by lo tries t at Athens, | Via. ran oft tin* luo Ii ik‘t. 1. im-ar Okalona, ’ killing quite a number ,: Ute robbeas. Mej ii \V. 1.. Me,’ofliiico’, formerly ol Frank iiu, Triin , bill file ol llm Anny ol Tnneessee, lied al, Ala., gtith September llm A'abima Senate has passed a bill put Hug all aide ImdieT re/idciils of the. State, he twe-ii seventeen nud fitly years ofa/e, without exception into Hut second class luiliHa, and es pecially declares that members ol the Legisla lure shall not beHexcuipted by any act. ihe Henderson Times rays Gov IJonilirn of -soa ill Carolina.’ :« loitilyiilg tlm mountain pis iv.’south ol I lender.souvitlo. ft,t- total amouTil of luxahle [vriqierty in dijec ce coiiuly', (ieoiqta, ill which tlm eitv ot l oiunibiis is situated, on the tirst ol April lasi, was folly three miilious. tour hundred au l vv.iiiv Hioiisaud doHns. There are now i.vev gne bundled otlicera iu our mmy in unlive sin vice with but one leg apiece. Sorghum molasses is seilino at Choi lotte at ! S.V alul ?li a galhiii, and slill declining. l idlers Is lire; Uiiui.lge an* l Kehols are lollow | icg up tlit-ir . ueeecses in Hast. Tennessee will, vigor, amt have completely neutralized ihe el 1 lorls. oi’llm enemy io lli»l qyarler. 4 I’nion is Ibticouuly seat of Kniuklin county and ; bent [lily utiles Item Jedeliou, mid some iwenty miles South of the Missouri liivcr, and foriy mile’s West, of St, l.oois, Theie was quite a heavy frost iu the vicinity ..f Lam astersviilv, S C. Monday morning.' Oct ! !0, sui’.icieot, il is believed, lo damage tiie late j . l ops. H’sliop Andrews lias given, notiee licit the! iiexi I'oiilejciiee of tlm M. K. Ctiareh, heiefo o,** -Ippoinled to he In id at Mobile, will be j ilehl ui i iisculoos t, on the 10l Noveultier. •lodge I’. !’. Il.mfoid, of the Supreme Court oi LoiiiMuua, die,! tiie bAter part of August in Western L iliilialUl. Captain Wetter , o’ llio Savaiinab Mills, has come to Iho rescue ol ihe citiz ns oi Savannah a,;aii s.l tim exiorliim ol dealers’ in hreadstud’s, illd oiltus On sale meal and gaits at f.'i per iiusliel, ai.d elioice fie li gioinid vvlieut and rye dour al SI CM per sack. There has beeil a li ankee uui'.auding or v:iid iu'g pari v seouiilig, about in Kiel l.misiana. Their i• l■ j■ I I seeins elieirly Iu haVe breu pluil- I it is slated that General 1-kl. .lobnstou, who I vvn? among the cipliued at .Spoftsylvauia i'oil! I I louse, ami exchanged nt GhnJlestou, has j t.e.m selected lo futnuY'ind General l'T'eueb’s | Division of Hip Army ol Tennessee. it is said that within a few day?, the qtrice ; of com in Columbia. South Carolina, has de i dined from toisl’J a bushel. Heel', bacon, ' and oilier ar*ii !.*s of prime m cesuity, have al j so declined si usideiably. Anew district, known as the di.srvict of | Mississippi and Cast Louisiana, has been crea ! led b.t-Geneial G.udnei, vviiti headquarteis at | .Jaeksou. (ail. liosLar, coiiiiiiamhint of the. the post at .'’.diua, ordered ail the bar-room* iu that cit.V defied for Unity days, and that all men connected ai ith llm army lutiml drank oil tlm si reels be eoiiiiued lo lire guardhouse. Gov. Wall. advertises $72u.t)00 in Alabama six per relit, bonds* for sale Hid? will be re ceived until Hie VHiaT' November, ltd if The value oi these bend? ■ will be appteciated iu ii - iitnn ial circles The eliliit: debt dt -I'm United .States oil !50‘h oi Sepitmlmr. ui lo Che New York Time--, wa- SlTki.7 37:1.717:Tti principal, ami ist 7/S.!>i:i:lT illter*lt. The Commissi,rimi's oi the town of Wilming lon have ,• nbn-i ibed or e liuiidred thouaaud dollars in aid ol llie Relief Association ot Hint [dace, to supply fuel lor rim poor during llm i-aMteing wTiter. IkiV (Talk -of Mississippi, ha? called a Stain .c ’Mvention to meet at, .laek*iu, Nov. i> “lo in nii.gurale measuias for Hie edoeatiou of tho caildren of deceased soldiers.” diidge .1. .1. Ma bel of New Orleans, died at Kcieia, Off.. 10. The South western, i'elegiapb Comp'Miy have cstabli h>4 an ollite at TllSiMltllWiV. Alabama. AI a blockade sain in Columbia, S. C . re cei,lly. I,'i.i ei li'ee coHiiiiun.led only nine ,lol lai> a pntmd. Id c.iionel T. 1. t‘bills, commandant of the (' S. Arsenal, at T lyeltville. N. C. has inau .-.i|,",led the syslem ~l eieplnyiiig female eleiks t ido Ibe vv,n I, of ine’ii detailed for tliejyir -11 Teindais ate ijnile busy in Macon —all,l up petir to be <|iiile sii ■l'esrlill. 'I i:e ( !«'ii b- ion Tinnier, records two ncci deni.-; u ulliug in lbe loss sir lives, caused by iin pin:, -. iuuiprciiiH with shells I i.u!, cud t'.doiiel I .WoOre, tins sue did Igeufjlcillt i lololit-l While ill CDUiUIUIId ,o tlieaiseiml at Selma. Ceu. K Ivv nd J.jhnMon, ir is sbatuil has been a ;i‘" and t.. ~ inn,an,lul ti,.-- I>i vision ol (Jen. T .«';I. il. ill the Army of Tennessee. I l.e I piisnimij -in, 'limlertloti icie ai, nut I lo l,c C, moved. ’ j I l.i elii.-ial vole ~f N'l i'Ji Carolina for Cov etiio, ts a! hist given. |, -lands us Jielows: ... ii \ .-..\t.7ti-: w. \v. Uoldeu. ft 4!»1 : ‘ a,lee s 1,1 ljulity. 1 :;,.j;n 1 in* i'11,',,;; of Coniskii.a tre short, the daily , 'in.- hiving d'nia-JM bein. Jhe further i g.itlii-iuig of cotton in the bafotnche district " I' aininft mii'i ssilde, at,| the. few planters of -ug-u will |p.idly make enoujtU tor their home ■ onsi.uiptien., lley life, and Corn ace m vet;, iiiiiiluf'yiSJil . The vvork of couiiectjiio the Moldle ami Gi j.tM iaihn:»tl witU tiit? tlepoiai Coluni-- * s l! ' ,vv TT(ii ou. >.lr I {>. Naiifc, ol Ga., if liian ..•*< « »i ll jsir ;i npoihn itrth io cl eaitiieu or ■ciOiKHi) wart*. H,-en,c u! oigaiicx -d o|» iaw-., are Jitying waste ! hern put ot Mtniasippi. - lb e y „ c Wl . . onriiged *i„i supplied kith ncnis and aainui .ll.ll,ll by the Yankee a(nhoriti*-s. J...i. s.m lard bus !Wn appointed ccm inandaut ol the Post at Ixllad*;* H is intimated in tha ; MobiJe Trihime (hat (o n lJiggina is about t,, reauute his old com la i'iii ui iioUiie. ilc uiriitis of Mr. Scale will lx» j,leased to **a.a that tbit gentleman bud arrived at Vent Tip/ on (be 'Jltd ot last uonlli. Mr. Johnson, of Alamugo county, Ala., bus | ;tc inuiaetiiied soluo lilt; (Onrels of castoi' oil 1 ! Hie pleased season 'The Hon. Kenneth liaynei i • had eotiie tweuly acres in the eon ter jwttn las j xius M*. tieat Judeigh N C. but we have no , l.eaid the lemilt ot Ml. Rainer'a tXpt I'itnetiU j The weekly leluruaot the hank ot Frame j rhuw ttQ iucieaae in , ash bo hand ot over ISO- ; and a tniliioa imho. HHJEIiJA J’l’RMg. Ueivbcny, tho f.ondnn AnjfflCßh j *owk«rT had fonually retired 'lrom business j life. ho business of the house w ill i e con ducted by the two remaining partners. An influential M -.diid journal u trrs Rji on to settle tlm war in Sf, the (Jnemi Aet.aiuing porses-b'O of Hiv .J:ne p.iucipal ; ! cities l'he Japirtfts® Intte’i ;s had tired on the British war ves :'•? which had b:*iu ffcreatenißg them for some lime ; The Liverpool C’-Hon market wv.s 1 and easier, v.i'iiditlle icq,Toy, and prices were weak on Hie isi of **>e l <• 0-r llreadstuti's were ijui«-t and steady. I’ quiet The Keaisargs was oricsin in oearcli of the : pi i vc. Her fTorida i ireveial letters icceived in Par;:-' state tliat the Kmperoi oi Hu. sta will pa-'s llm winter at Nice. TllPhecond session of ihe Oatholie Comrrers of Roltfium ivas opemd ai Mainer; on the “!)ib ofSeplembei, when aiu.ut b ur thousand per sons were pr,sent, iuelu ling lim notabilities of Hie lie Igi urn Catholic parly, with distinguished persons irom various countries in Lurope. The Ihiii Ti Goveruaie.iit bad determined to reduce the militia establishment about thirty per ctlit. Tiie federal M. uyn’r t inward is cruising oil tli« Brazilian co;yti in .<■ -roll oi Confederate vessels. The dissolution of tiie i’,tiii-ii Parliament > will take place next ii' k ter, and Hie general •election about three months alteiavaid. The Puissian anfboiiiies e.ceieise, without regard,ng in the !. asi tin* publie opinion ol Kn rope. the nio-t aiidtraiy irieasiiies lo represa llie national movement vvbi *h is jivolif iing agalnsl as.|a. ui ion froei Ib-i.inqil. The agi ration has assumed ulaitnii-g- piojaiiTunis, and es[i;*cially in,a- the aiie.l r,l aide Hauliusi-n, one o! ihe tuesi distiugiiisi.ed men iu the conn liy Hi; was ai rested 10l havim; taken an lie live pail in Hie pio|.a.; iiicll ol an nidi, . . Irom the iuhahU.inls ol fk-ii:, -ovi;; io Hu- civil iom inissiouesr. It lias since been delivered lo Ihtse latter, eigiu and tiv six tlions .lid oi llie in habitants; rev ei al oilier copies of tlie petition, heal ing in ail l.mi'iceu thousand signatmerf, liave lieeu sized and l,uiii,-,i t'.etvveen twelve ami ~ne o'c'ork in Monday morning. Sepli mbei- .ii, Jh.oe wlh a el.ock of earlhquuke in the No: Hi of Kiiyiand At ie ids, Skifiton, iolstlell, U-uhdale, lietid.ui Bridge. Mam heslei caul oilier plaees, llm pe . ciiliai r.i le ilioii reaiilling lrnin tin: shock win: tell. In seme places poisons wore awoke io ! the general tremor, and var’e-u: deseriplions i of llm phenomenon me eiv en, : • ini: compaiing ‘ it to lliutulrr tell, but iioi lieaul, oilier? lo i shaking aid l< eking Japan advices to K pfemher ",! say a naval expedition Iu::-, railed to ch.e.Kse the i'f’mee ! Li eiiosiu, who still closes Hie I.T '.ml sea and j interrupts tin: commerce of Nagasaki. Tim ex i pediti ii consisted ol nine BiilSli. iouv Hufcii. thiee l-'rem li, and one American vessel A Malta Cni'icHpoudcnt. reports that Cajita'il Browne, ol the bail; Cravvfouls, wii’nll Malta, witli coals from Newcastle, Ki-.ghind. early on the morning of tin:* - I -I. tteplember, states io have exolianged cniois on llie evening preceding with a three masted h.itk riggvd I a:inetl tkiiifedciale st.aner, eiioin,'; probalily jto American verseis, !!nil hiden troiii ; Smyrna, for no oilier l-'edenfl niercii ml vessel:, | aie known lo be on their wav l" Malta Tin: prist* ligli! beiwern Coluiin and Mace j did net come oil' 11, appear.-; that Cnhuui I [.aeed tire lield inb nded ior tin* scene ol the j fight amid lietiniidoiis ithouis irotu ihe ini uiutlsc mnililude Mace did not make his up pearallee. If is exjiecle i lisvt (' .burn -v:!i claim ibo stakes. The mutter slaiul? over lor adju and etlioii by tin* sl-.ikiTioldcis on Hu- 7U>. Tbe London Times says Hie captni;: of At' lauta by obernian, and Tie rtili.;, qu. uE victory of Sheridan, render the election of Mr. Lincoln to llm Piestdem y aimos! certain j The.-luce !oi Ihe great 1 i.-ncasti r, KngTaml. I Nt. Legcr Stakes vva won by Blair Athol, Leal i ing Gt ii. Beel, GiimbiiSi an ami Miner. i race was Won Ly lengths . Tin* 1 ‘ana exhibition which lately closed, although vary mieces.-i'ul, did not contain us ! many line works a.; n nil. Several of llie j must distinguished a: l i.-i ; did mil exhibit at all, au<! many of lln- old iavorile:: arc lulling : into llm background ; A horrible acrid nl cvciim -l in a coal pit at | Newcastle, KngTand, on Ihe Sii in.-t An ex I plosion occurred ul min-iigh!.. wHi eil killed j seven out ol eighteen men employed at. the : time mi the pit. A lorn* ot tlnee hunched | men had just left the colliry. The origin ol j the explosion i*- not known j It is said* that nine hundred and eveuteen ! female employees are going to India to assist in j the Knglisli t**h graj)li dejmt lineiit Six thousand perron? were ivceiillv crushed I to death by the laliingofa cliuuh at Si. l’e i rsluiig. 'J'h« management, ol (lie grand opera. Turin, | have, isrued -an edict | rtihibiliiig ladies from : wealing crinoline while ou ilc- singe. Asiatic cholera* has m .d* il-. appearance in ! theLiucoln.sliiie Feint, in Fie:!.'.,-id. Gold continues to ib.w imgeiv into the , bank ot Kiiglaiui. i Addilienal T.tiiuti t; ban occuneji i:i i li.glutid. | The Vleaiua Neilin-r Tteesn slates that, ju ! the labtsilling 1,1 til,. ( olifeic.; ee, the Hilii.'ll ■ | lOpositiiHV. to settle by arbitral ion the ,| ies i tion of !ii|nidi>.tii;g'lhal poilioh ol the Danii li i property lo be siVyu up lo the dulchiiwas I declaieii inadvisable, and ad. linile answer oil | the point was demanded hy the Hetman plea l ipo entinues 1 tie betrothal ol tht'Tiovvn Triuceof T.iusia | with the lh iin c-a l>;,..inar of I >, niua, k tins t>cen ! ofliciillly'd here. lviglixh p.rtiers projiheey a li cuiciai crash throughout Kun-pe. G--U. McClellan’s hite-rhas su,pii:-t-d Furo pean politicians. They looked for a more peapelitl document.. . It is a rental liable fact that in Ireland, -MiiiDg the past dry season, Hit* polato d:.-:ea;i' lias in, wbere made iis uppeaiaiae, and the i . i.tik m, was nevei known to 1,.; more heullliy. ’lhf I’.viis T.u; tell., ilie .-.(my oi Mr. Sewaiit's l demand oil the T.iifisb Govctnuieti! for tie' leli ditioil of Seiieiies II ia v Ah- Adau.-a ''was directed to sound lend iii isell on the sul jec*. tint the til st ovei lui e of the Ameiiein Mod. ter were nlet hy the head of tie- Foreign Office with a peremptory id;, al. Is the captain ot the Kearssge, said lh" lie I, niched lo cut pee session ol Captain Sellllnoe and hi- eailoi; . he had only f, , I d.o ihciu on I,'mi dlhe I i.-ei hoinid. Mr. Adaois replied, that . ; . : on Imai.l llu- I leerlloltnd they w.-ie in,,lei (lie pi idee,' i.-n ol I* itish II . ; If. l.e, |1„.,, mi.nine,! that, they nine still more decidedly under lh ll pto lection Inivv. ,\ii Admits ,l„, ,j lI, ( . int. i lic.v* in a deci.lly di-sili-iie,! ol mind: and this di.-iii-sioit. taken in i.,mi. . Imn with ihe enroll uinlit ill Ifrhliid, has it,l.tea;,, and the e, 1 1 a j ready existing between the t'.abine! ~, J.„ ; .,|oii and the Uov.-rnm ,;l of I,in, o.lic’ ’ heading Hal an ji.nrtials ei.d-.p • life new itiiuis Iry and applaud is linnkne. .. j A slight pi.|/u!ar i’liuoii diatinn had ial., n place against Ihe Flench Iroopa iu Uorm;. - I Editions dies vvi-to lai.-v.l. Put. order Wax i quickly res'onel and the lea-ici 1 w a, resled, AI. Ih-onyu il.blntys. in a ilixpafeli, c plains ' the reason why Fiance desiu-s lbe eva. iiatiou ,ot Koine, lie mys th.- ii run alien oi Koine j (xmstitutrs an act of iidj-ricntiim eontiat'v to ; lbe tuudameotal pribiipb.-, of Fivi.idi public : law. and is ditlicnlt to justify, inasmuch as the [ object of lending aimed suppott lo t’iednient was to free Italy ftom sou- gn intei v'eutii n— ; The const ipioncc of this state of things places ; two sovereignties lace lo hu e in the snore teiri -1 lory, liei|Ueli!ly gives rise 1., cm ions ,filli.-iiiti,s, andiucotivenieiicvs cesiili li.inthe ditleren!. jare tical points of view. Our cum;Mem o obliges Us too often to give advi.-e which the cul t ol ivoiue believes ilsell bound todeeiiiie. fit wit nessing acts at variance will] our serial condi tion and maxims ol legislation, we take ivilh ditliculty the ie,-.pOH;.ibilily ol a policy we can ' not approve. . f A London letter s-tyx blockade running and i cotton ;peculation ate now among the jneea j rious and extra h.-i/.xrdous employments of | capital. About, lorty steamers ape er:e:lge, 1 in j tlio illicit train . ami captures now are verv i Irc.juent A sea cap la in who came dire, I j from Glasgow, Bays there am bundle Is of : steamers building arid lilting out in the Clyde ; and adjacent waters, all to rmi the blockade i They act as if the war was to licit for the next live years, lie states every ship builder in the Clyde has gaslights in his vard, and. with ie lays of Lands, work every hour of the twenty four. He says says one man tire old and sue cettful blockade runner, T. i> Begble statt# four new paddle steamers s';ioa. "Mott* of ttt iLtif* Im«ots Acts—lt Hi much v> be regretted that some of c«r own ‘ men, prisoners iu Bttiler’s bands, mar he hurt by our own fUe. Its has now at hard labor in : the canal, nud exposed to mjr tire, eighty-six j of the last prismiers be t(*t k from ns: among ; whom i? Major lleulcy, tornoJily commandant* tT llm Tliiid Yivgittia baltalion, I l. 1' But ler sirs ids fie.itrneut of ilmso men. is in re ulution for out having [mt a number of Van- • kee negro to isoners to work on Fort Gilmer, which alleged (act he savs lie loams from de serters from our army. There is no tiu'.h in tiie statements of there deserters ; indeed it : has tiehn long known that desetfers never t< H : the truth ; they concia't some sto’y lo make Timuimlre? acceptable to tho patty to j whom they g.». Tue real lints about (lie Vvi kee negioe*. we bam to be there : At tiie *’uue of the battle »>l'l lart.ytovvn, there were up wards of a Inn idled of [belli imprisoned at Castle Thunder. A'l the white prisoners in the castle volunteered logo to the front, and tlmuegn e. proposed that they should also tie taken out and allowed to work on llm furtiiications, say ing they would vastly prefer tlm out-of door woi kto idleness iu piisou. Their proposition was acceded to, and they were, for a day or two, put to digging trenches near the tlly At Do time during llm very short peiiod during which they were at vvoik were they under tiie, or even within range of the Yankee guns. This is the whole story : and that Butler should pretend to retaliate lor this, by expos ing pi isonets in his hands to tlm lire s.l our l.utieiiiv. at lhi!oh Is hill anotlmi evidence of his. watnon Cm.-By and brutality. /j.’.T D i.intU'h . CITATION’S, VOK tKrTIiKS I>lN >I I.NSOIt Y. ** i an. av: *nui.\, Hv*ki*k < »*r.\ i v VV iKMrifc,-. L'ulhJifJl ti. ;\’t ililljtsliAtiT . It liu* Kvlut? ei '-ttp»u*:i i: Siitfa, l.tli* •»r tvuilty, tW< ua.-r.l, .slu.wa llial hk* Inis hti \ suitJiltiinK'f’fct! lii*.* r-l-Al-ol raid «J. . «• ad, *Tid !>> pt*<ilu> t l ai Ullt'lJ of duiniar.i>-Ji lulu t.i.d Uiiilillt nalot : lift* at.* Ut«*Mi\»t’A to tit.* UitJ U illtoitSrh a!l aid t tit- ki(««!tv*d tu and tT**.il GIA 4•J' **U*»l «Vi:**UK»*tt f\» t»** Altd UJipl fG’ ll !: ’. V ottivVW I i:i it lilt* hilly* JOV-.I;! cd !<v lav> lo . Ji-ma » Gee. ;t .\s’, tliv-y iu\'v‘, wl»> Jcttri’A siii’UM nol Ic K'.aii’.i l aaid uj.plti ant. Ci .Tt nud I illV litlMtl A'ldttdli ia! .-d/ til e lit *dU. •• 111 l..*\ lid? 4'L wav «and •''■ IV, h-V4 i> ;;r.wiNi’r.. • k. r'. .* liArK fcilT tUM), Ofdinat v. i ' rtc ok ui \ ('oi r>iiUA i 4»i .\ «1 * a »VJ,.*iV;Lt. Alary uOUillt'rli u< tii (»;t Hit* Jiolale «*i t. 11n*r A. W ’ll, ai’l*U.:.» U» (lie foi IcIl.'XS ■r and, Ini rii it: Ilu «...* xrt* lii*?J rdOKK lo U4..1 admo.ttih all. altd AiU2\'laX li’C f- ' and uji ' * «*»f TaKl «lc*. J. It; ami tu>i’* ar U\ in* . ill..- *V tl l.iu tin* lluix* f*V law, l«Kli*.*V ..oi **. it'an v !!>,-* l.av«- *vii> wiIIHIh: *lik‘Uld tnd In 1 (ti“ vild b|- ,jd li'itll'., | ( J'.vT-'i n>V lull ul and nttit *al ?l : Ii ilutv, ;U f'*tl* .* it; A|, ! I'di.*’’. lids C.' h tl lv Os Jiliy* 1““** i jv,(. T,tv I,’UiiVK w W M! I Kl. I "Mi.iuiy. j Ti>;’ Ol' (.kOICiHA, coll Mr-IA (Ml N I Y > a V* Ucr.'aci, M »•. Kon*-y. AJlijiliintfiifiU bit liu* ual.i!*! of A . I U« nt- y. b).|'.Ut*» t> itlf 1» r if*!* Ia dt •iulr’slon: Titt .-c-ilv, JirßicftnV, 10 t ilt* a’ut rtdilnUlldi all, :t:i 1 •i l'-.ftliur 1 hf .Utd ; i«*vlit»»rs «d' g'.ilii det a- t*d, to and apia-a ul It.y . wll(tiit Ihe (iiu* 4 |*fx';**'iiUii i*y UtV, uful .-diuw * *«»*«»•. il‘:»:• * •ln?v iiuVr. tvhy .-.itiil IfU*:. v .'JuGiitl hot lx* ptuitli'tl lo tin* »vid a|.j.'i ’ lit t;iYv-ii Hiulc*.r hiy liuiid uml ••{ll’ ial ;it Ollit iu Ap td;M#C. Ihln da> of I ill , t :y iti Jov* lainJU VV. W . KHIB.IJHS.OitIu.-u-v vd i \ ri: r>j uK *iUiid., ctUJA ia » 4 WNi-ivy.T, Atitua 1.. ’..“.in .1, udibiulatruti x' • n ilu* u!e . i' Kt!n ili A. upjm**a In Kit- /ol J,, lt**;s ot i »l' tiilN: l *n . '1 11. :-.;* un? t! t*reft-It*, lo il'e ttl.d *-tfli oL -;h. 'dt,* uiid .i*'*2G!;U lit * kind cd ail 'f ed t-n -v ol wdd de <• and, 1»i Ne u'.d '»;>pe *.i ui HI ’ i.rli'T* of, (»• 111.- III:! M oird'.iv 111 MaicN t.i-a I. lo - N hy . hit , if any U-ey itaYt*. why .-aid 1 e trie; jtiioftid not Ne .-.ra'il (J) .'**ll U’.oN-l HIV Na and and ofli id. sit»lLi'u:»*. ut orttt e m All* ell.* a. llli- kM ll’iV bf " aiir.,l iwhiu'li' I>A Vll ( 1 KOA i 11, < * ii t: oh’ (.i-.oi; >i •, Ktrit vi.»xh c<>r \ty. tl r«*t , rjuliiert CaWlo’, Ad HI !f?U*ito d«* h .lii-? non ofi Un* L'!.»!ule of lit Net Id. Ku»‘ t *Jc« fui* »1, u{>j>!lu3 to n.o .‘or* U l-.*- of ai it : Tl.e e ult* llijii-toie ls» eit«* uhd iulijiQhlilt, all unj .-Iti/ttl *1 lit*' !:imll»il A:,«l ei ti! saUI (!»-t‘e:lrft and. In f*e und aJd-eaT us tiry • lilt e, t*n or l.eloj*- li e ills. vo.•,lay In ;Mu*eN hex|, to hi, w I'aiiM 1 , .t Any Iltey i*:»\**, why a.tiil t.elleia rlmhiul n,>f N*‘ •* til'ltt'il •ii*’eU U?»dt': toy h;Uid nihl olMeul hiiftinl is it*, at otllcc tfi All : li.-uU, lJ■:s i)tl *l.l Vof At u.l-1, lb(i«. l»A Vll» L. K.)A 1 !l. Oid’v. Albpl.-t and. tSIM. (iiiil.tiu i'ATt: ov' (i ti»!':()i aTkhtimonTm 7 !*T;'\ ry' 'A h«*i* au, Saiuii 1 H, < \af *?, Adtu-hUU alur of. Ij.e h date . i l*i»t*e I A. ( lurk, tlt’i’GOci, c»!>i*lie*s l«» me foi J,e!it?ri> of 1 *»•.• TN** ■•* Hi’--• llt -T. tore t•» rlt** Ul.d udfii(»iinli, all uiid s'ih;Mi’;U lln* Lindu and and cieuiltars id n.0.1 de c.i »*d, l(» l>(- and apptui -f lay g(IN t.*u < i Nel, le ihr liiflf Mouduy in Alu «ii i.c\l, tu ■ iicrv (v.ii-e, if iii.) fLei ituv*.-, why -aid Lett, in. gln*uL! huf Ne ■/l lilted. i.i en M id’ t P.;V I,uf*.l uttd ati* i;l if! Thai hiv, ttt .’ill. . in Ah vh.da, llu.-i H 4 day A I .Hi*. I>.\ N 11* L. Kt»AJ 11. OidV. Aa. I I jft.< «'*1111 alll [i f.\TK’ oK • m I \ 4 I uol’M rs W .til:,in fc d’vurdr* Ht'.U’ Wllh llie Will UHUt-Yed mt 11,.- .-. lult* «*! JoNfi I' I‘i3. tale of raid eoiody Cleve;*rt«-d, Ir.kv - fpj' *hv*wu t«> tiie Court o 4(i tiihai y us raid i'cniilVHi lis S**i» lr!,.d>’ r 'Ptlf, I'Ujd. ’.lt and tu- had HiilV eaU td U|» uitd |nic' out IN * • elalp of -it'd fU'cenfc'cd, u'.td b lh.relore Ui* dla* liaiyt and It(»iii £*aUl i in? : lilt*. 4-a:,-, thetvfo c. toe !(> Hit 1 minimi N al', ill id Mhs* ilaf ♦ In* 1. iiiflrcd alid Ct'vdioY«H of s*.cd ite.v.JtH and lo kihivv itui-m*. il r*ll■/ ih yNu **’ : *! Not It u lime pie. oi'tb. *1 bv why said ut 4 .- 11ii i v i:«! t sN*;U diid Ne diMni sell and i'Uly the., limbed If m sit'd fm.-ii. * iiiv.’ ii H.itdcr my Nnitd and i rfleial xWiiufniv,. thi/ 11» day (and Sepu’iirN r. IKS . I*:, i' l». UEOIWiJ. Ciß*4.i!sM!: t’Ol iNTV. V. lien a:*, •’viditi* Kx. i uHV. nd \V Siu':)i, lvk • I'the Uidt >\ ill um! icm*of S' niiu-.y-vr li. di*- iviis ,1 |».*h».'»n tki court» f comity U> r a iR-r Jho.'c iivih i cidi l()I tih|] T'li< n biM Uifivlo*i*. t*» Pit? anil r«*»u‘i»* hU n if»on< e ina ini il ii bJ.T.xv c.i-ic.* ill? i.i llic J-tlta ge i l‘ Kvi lili!.'. MiO K'ri u ti uiiit bsutiijj l .e* o*r> « I IMnihlssk m i,» • !,i*rn w' Ihe o (»r >luui> lo U' l«*id in and n*» nu’ul ioui*.- tv. oil Uic tttet Mm,da> in Mimli nest. <; vdi ninter hiy lraielut otUee i;i tiiv.diienlf Augiis.t iMh, 1m! I ui .?<l*• iii,, 1 ain-HS KU*ltCNllJ. w . 1.. KINO. Ormiuiv. L* t * I’ MOK (;h.»k iA, la (i ’ll M< >jN 1> tTfl l NT’ V. SS he •vim l.awiei.i- il cfst «>. Ad.Uiini.sMaioi gi, tin* H*la> f i'ikoinur. Taiil. lieGeia-.d, * pi estu me t i I,t \ciy of llismiN.ion T !n*'.e le tla*Te:ore. to life Hft-I ttilimmifli iti|, md ** i ttii'ur I In* k.n.’n •» amt (lei',; .o j- ..I Mti.l Vi ivu.M* 1, 1 he ill, J ..p; -ut :»! my on or fJ.e tt, t .YJon my in * p-i! m-*» to *lr>w ».nuse, ii'u* y th* \ li-tv?. w!,v ? I ' 1 ..-Me-.i-iw»nlil ihM l.egr.iiiteil ('iveii ninler t».y hfiiiit ;iH«I mil lil uiv.natuf ,at oille in Au gUHIU, IL'.C &.ii i«4> u! reptiTuhtM-, Itiii*. I>A\ 11» 1,. KOA 1 11, ei*l» T ?*5 vv l nrn‘'i7 < i<l mis. ST AT K O »•' ii K* )l f .U h.lOrHMOMnxil Nf V. U hci'eUM .fo.V'pll it. r Ji?.‘.rrt fcH.'tof* hi of I uthe iiie K iuitior flirtw «.f ■>&■; upplus lo iin I'li- i.elfeis ol iSLinls '!’ii m* th-vetWre. to cite amt admo'iieh nil, Hint slttj'u ! .ir 'h * kindr ,1 mni f lit niloor. I » t*e utnl up[>.*:u m n.y Ottl. *, ou Ol Gi'iorc* il.* it.vf Al *1 (lay tit JM'iV Jnbi r Ui aI,I * ■■.li;»w « auae,#aiiy lh > to-ve, why d* tl—l.eOeri ahoiil l mil be erunt (* . <».v :. ami rmy h*iml and o'lle al ai-iiAtu.e, at oili e h An ; H la. litis 6U, day i*l hep’.emher, IbM liAVJU fs. KOATIf, f* I 7 “'«! vl-in'JT Utdicuny. r» T.\T »■: • fi KO'ffii A, tiO> tM(U <V Ti. Whereas i;. e l . tl -lion. - dmi i Iu o, tu Ihe e-xta'e of 11. M . !»o de-eon l. »*pj*!li*3 to me for ] ( It* in ol 1 »i •U,r.**.toll : 'I 10-s,' jv|‘e llie**'f.>r«- lo V.l«* Ulid Udllrou rJi all uiid liie k:i'dr«‘d anil, ivdit'*,s oi said ile#etued, t > !»■* mnl ap.i-arui my oill ••*. willMM 1 he «i!m; ;*,v-eid*ed hy law, to r.lo> v cause, if any Hit) huve, wti) *.» il relict, should not i.egi Ihu tuid uypli Civcii on Id mv hand aiid ofti -• 1 al ..fli cm Ap l>!i'»*' tills )(i> «iiy ol l c!o‘.er, !»»H # o-t? I‘Owlain4t W. VV, Sll I KI,I» J , Ordinary. L.i'.inui' isHokhia hlcn.MiiM) i-i7T "i v. IV tiefca-*, 15/«ti* id HlkUi Ji and liemy A. Ht;*iu n, tf\*r ,i! o‘ Ad ' piilis licit la hu {«.« Os t li-'lid-H’oli. 'I tie-* ale rh* ( lire t > ' if- Ui.U aftirifHd. !. bit, &ud StTißillal ti--" t.iiolreil ami • ied' v> J o t sh'd and -.' 'a-. and, l<* l»e un i appear .at my ofth . oh t»i i.f’ore |]j»; tii l doudav ui Mnv He»f 5 < ahow . itioc, if ai.y they ii-tvta wl.y enij teltn* sio n'd Old I t i iaJd I. li'tdei li.V ir-vid ttb'l ‘jltlchtl ktlntf, a', o.’liic* JU All It-l ', Itii.- .Ul .‘ay o* Od iti.f, ii.,4. >..ik ‘ «.n Uj.UI tMVIiU. I'.' t.\ t il. l.'ld'.nal V. APM INI STATU I X SALE. ; ? \ .1 Tt:;- of *n iu 'c l.i, ci.e ' c-iut vt Ufilma > * t J,trn..hj 2 if .••md)', w ill •.* *.feoi.l 1-e.ri.'-,. ff c » curt i J i.u.r. a Oof o. s*ld ■‘•I.U , n:i a Tlitf UFlia* i.Ouls o : &ah . i*h lbe ft# -vl 't l hjb U • V o. lUa'. H.t er b st. IU« H . v . I V t -wi;- i.'r'j » t v’Hi lon C ll and uiiil »hty Itil'C uije- I ini (I liioie ol » «*• e-Ll . Jurm-v-on Uo; WUVJ> of 1.j1.k K ur uAj .* Ins ul. WHlftio Ho»d arid Jan Id be 0.-jiiue lo 5 !i. si*.*eo IJi. ■ t; ib Mhbi >'lll cog I In* js .iui* pi.a evv ti« ; re<,i, i via ft t* r .Ibiu-i- TC- »1 M Ul ii e itom i h i Je.iil,, W. J.; ui. (m,veal h oi«l ill. !l.<* J ! I ell.V heiClst'lCg lo lh t r'UffcO) IA M h.S of’ * • Til h'til N K l»l VN. > t dm**-.! jlluli'. < (I J.ibes 11. .*;nii4tic.3, «lfcc .1 4 i,„r2 Ml Ml \l*s» 11 \ I OH’?j S4IL. {V \ • (Ip >• Os i;J» o tiel i CllitU- MoooUiide l uUll Cl’ •Pd *'* t Jt o. U.eeb V •UH-tv, W : .ll ! t HOJ.I ')i lire (Ji f 'ft f.-jfiA If .it ih-i'Uifc-l brkl. LcJ <—i 1* «’i nit Uoli e do I al UleeaS-*'- ooi.' ib alii iudy.aii!#;e lard !. c in- ikg t.. lii* irta'f • ( Sit. ll , w 0.1 1 l.e r fill it. «J t teas . H. J l)u- In m lH of be hell's :'ioll oi *4d ileui-.i.Hi. I ciiiH on «hv 4 1 ‘-ue m i. 'vTU u. J : •«!.’ riiKItl.ANJh ad 11iiwra a fiiis \\ f II.I* he doJ«l al I lie Com IJI ‘Hi: elb Ure*-fnjß l . >*<t. . T t.u Jho Cr>. r I u sdav iii Dw-eriib-r n» xt, uinln ab <*r del Os Ihe C;.ir» .4" Ol libufV. a!ot <4 inlol in tbc touts of Ueesic*!. no, udi •hiif.jr I’.iiUiaib, if. snd ol hers. « >n luhiin. ir .t rssico.4! o hr;-. f»/u l » T i*e u* lb«* in-jcd :*nd t-r. ti Jims r'.o'.d lie* ptr tujfly of Jotiu I', r*«j-;dt, l.dc* (and iiiui coiHity i1- iM. '4 ertn- (.ash, )?jA A C K HAils o,t | r «;w42 AtlniiiiL- rator. tii.mnvrii viuh’s's 11 *k., J>\ virtue „r s , ,-,ler (rein ilia C nit ol (Jr. I »iy< t 1.1 .1 > In y wip sold 1,,-iOfe I’.e Court lltso; .('.or ", ■ .;!i! >■ anuy. on tk- iio( Ttie-.1-v in l»ec,ii,l*er util ketwo-. Ui Moiiul uotirv >.rsale.(ke Odlowing |,r , ,-ly. (~-w.l ; ,mo four Utin,tre.l ami Ky ntret o lA.X I*, i,j,,ii 1, ‘g-e. '* xj'.l , nutty, u 1 1,- wjlvta of Lloyd's Creir, vj.-ii lns pn J * i I 1(1,0 I. Pa ,tial. I*-..|1,';-. Pu.ial slot Coni.Ul'U SaiuucJ.; - ISo 1011.,w0n XfllK.lKl ; l|...e\ . o-v uty V a»s o-,l ; ,MV, nty ytaircoid ; 1 O y. liny t,,0- yea/, l-u. o",U ‘ " l;,i„S;ie, 'Welitv Oi.e x,»r.- uli>-< Hast fj.r..pelv ~-loii*,i > to Hi - K/’nleni Pl.ii:i|. Mill, tale i.l sai l , nil.IV. itCr-ww'. !o. Hi lit tifll*. Loiis and v,editors of ;;.iJ Sslate. I ,-r 1, , oil li t- llav.ol oiilr. JiIsKPU .VI fill.l . S4i„ r .0,1x2 lie/l i tie l.oliu, not) Wtlli (I.e will alU'eSed^ KXFTI (Oltisjlv I.K , Wilds l»- =., a -,i ilie r. w.'i t tstiA ir iu is- •en.-rr IT ~-l.trc tli.- Courl How- door iu lbe t*r < 1 :',,| . Ore r, lolllp) (eur likely you „x IX KOKOka. 1 ' w ‘ l * ‘ ‘ :I veaisoUi Oa.e, io .! oe, 10; llei.iy. '1 'eats ', ,V . g.J.uie w His Ike last and, HV., ol ofioon Soiitte'S'.d. .1 and JOHN SK'JMItU.X' 1 . Jva, • (rs Joil.l Srw lie, land, deed SSOO HEW Alt l). Kl * A WAV r« u, ll,e (i-ssilr UIII- ,-u Tee-n ,yll,e llti, jfibf,. f»ur neur> m U UlittEN, tiroem i 3 Grc ». «•< t : K hiitieH iff f»MI i€rt\ iutiU iiltJe (i r. ci. •? Heiauiic fioio U.v i riii>-s<i <.-! . s t*•*•>* tuiri, i i loruier<> t*> J A .*u)ur?,uf couirty, <Ja. Wc* j»i I fflvi* lh? u!> -vr rvW-»' - (? ii>r L\z zrlfc Ji;jlvt4> to ua, or it iii cate j ill jh> \uiA w*» got him. 0.--,.j .yjf ■ Oh s*. T. J ACKtsnK if CO. TO RENT, o.\ Butkrr’s Ore?k. i ear thr XAftUiiv%u Kvd, six laa’ts from * ugaaU. a farru Ot.e ilxniijrbd -.uii h',tt\ LJ i-sklid uud.r Cdl'iVtiUuEi, a CGlliiOTtdiiie t*(*Ue? uU<l < Ut I builoicjrs For pi#iUc«iUir* inquire w Jwiai ilcK-roii, o- xte ui>a«ri =igt.ed t &t t Le reitie-cs. t, 00 i. cc ‘ 2 -* . . “ CITATIONS ft*, ft bJtTtr? ii S»G)»)Xfif«lTt|>* kiv’.i" r,K'.HbiTr;Ti(ii7..Tnov:TTPtrr?; i rr~ i > u lanio, n lit! a ttt rr. fir Jell* r» of it'Uv'.iv.t on tat Cuttle * ♦ id*, tiinos. l.n ui Mid ccuhC .tl •- c.*i< a T* *. ’ H? 1 Hi * (l to cP*’ *nd :»u, ..uuigtj •>•* < ,f ■ . ir ' ! - ' ... ,11.-1 st CT* Hi V'V • • *1 .10 !•*:•*• pr*:‘ ’■ 4dVv V. V. t*> n»i-*w r.uvr*, *.f nuyu:* \ -*•• ’ll- . b-tter *. N- • .f.j,-). , 'r'V ' ’ J ’’' l !::11 • Kuai no, tbi /» 1- •' K<\ MlA(’km'i'K!'.i rd’rv •AIKt »K *; ’ A 'a . <’*♦ .'i j* 1 iTo’ikL 4H.fl vn”: * Ui *‘' JU? " r hr - ’ •- *'K (aloan, !*te cl sl and (~* i-*l-! 1 t • a '-.*i.Hi ... .*n|j'u : : .r’.he i : ■'*♦ . : r* » :.i and. uphtur Hi UiV i " • : ; ' 1 •! H : W,f.» sb.*W t-utis*. ifuliV' j "• ' *.* •’*»’ -Nt »l* ~*j sL»*u Jml i.e Gi:xNafytu hum i ’ " -v it n. ! 'j* :v’* .r.if «e. * - ;:i>d.i V tf I 5- 1 •;*». ■ t: 4-. MiA« k.ui coll;*. I 4»r*A’ (** 1 • 4).iUOH’V. IA I r »»i* if i 4»K ,i.\. 4»v.| r i iii• I; t*h C, t “ .m \ V. ~i ~:i*. ' i a t up.', ei lc lue for le’Ueh* ol‘id* iiiillr*'*ftitl.'l: olf IN.* LuJiUo t l 4.i*Olye >' , Ju.-. L, lutA ul au it 4- »aid > . drt eu erl.. Civ'?-' .* *■ IN* I.M'.JI, -tv’ I h all.l admehii:!,, all Slid s'ngu’af t ln* k'.itdied ,o i. r tidutsi’i •?aid d■* *u-:«»l. lo la' al.ll HppttJU at Hiv- Mfli- v* WJll.ili III.* tom* l-.e.-, t:l„ and !#\ law t.. .slt*.W ♦ 't any limy huve, why xtut l etleis not Ne^iahl* tJi.eii uudur lit\ Kami amt 4*ftlf’al S'ijimtare tm.? d.»\ of 4hi..uu*. 1: i*l. ur.! -iw i » K. SiIAK-K hiliKOiU*. Oulmary. 4>K 4»ht»h*;iA. TAhIAfK I*4* i'o\ > T IT ♦ *‘ he.viiT, Mjn :\li dual hitil applies tu n.e lt>i ielt.raf’f adminis!i.itvoj on tl.e hstuieiu lUiou’d rd, late vd Sid 4.OUU* *> . tleet-a **d 1»- lh re’ote t•> ii»i» am! admonUh. h!! and t. r the K i utd »*tl t tel 11 •-ditmi -* a salt I «t.. pim and, t*> l.*» aiut ap| ea- u r my fdle •. \*!'i.iit tl*.** *.ime |.» s »'l »•; by'law, t'i slusv tanse, it' ua\ iN -> w: ,- id i..;NTs • l.t'i’.Kl m i ».*• <,u. te,l i.iM’i aid r hiv l.iH.i ami oiiktal slsfhuntic, ut oißv.'* Iu I i.i .\*?«a.l i 1 *♦ A. t :•* N, 1“' •1, I*. II AVI At Al’U. *4.127 4*4-11 DtibnAiy. w •I AVK til 4.h,4>.a;t i \l.l AJ* KliiiO UM V M \ . I !’■ • V-. ... 1 ~.- | . ! Atll.' *'•■• •. ">* tV.r'e 1 y;! uh 4 \ ».*;*. It !u*e 4*t rtfc.ri i ami \. d*« eased. TANARUS!.» st* .»;*• IN. . f”!.-*. to ’He .ml a.lmonlub. t*ll fttat tnguNir ♦ it * died .*i'd*-’ .. *tu«d N.:,! item t .it. to’*, and at. e,v O'lt t. v rtiah t;.v tbm: i UV4 Ith.t Iv )a«, to show ;uase, .I).* i.av.G \s l.\ sail I . 'U. s N’’..'.. 4 :.ot ! e ouv.-d. (: V. I. I .4 1 *-d r’d, !’. . *,. .‘tf.V id .O*O,C 111 r..!.U pie. tins IVMIi utlO'lubti, 11. Vr.t I-H * t» IIAMMAI'K.CitI’r. w' l • It’ 4)l’ UT * :I: . r • A . J 1 V* I N 4 4'i 'l4 t V. .» ii r. i*e..«.d4 h-vii-e ; .ad to I e .-ti p.’ihli and CflA'.t an ul tl.e r.e'H it ami p,'... -i ty.. t ,Li " I l.e k . uu’y, a miLuC Us. 'ei hil'Tivti Ve • J *;s: i. z, deal '.I s» and t.aunty, t ti!u i 4) * Jle ult t e.r >!, etm-d tu U »|ai •aHUAt Ut ’Ne lt;.ui / Comlti 4 *:dui i‘ v lull-* jI .XT me. the expr.thhu/ I hilt V duvs ii .*. t. i- li. \ pilll it! ii*f. id ij '.s 1.,)'.. *, m,A «in w uau*i'. * I >. 4'. *' . wt.\ ’...1 Nath t:, KeTttOy sinfubl Lot la* ttlt.deit v.dh'ht Ihuuliat.. i :,* ei tl.e p«t t h u.d IT.Je.'V , / Step: t I* ) a l* Kmed''. »> i it *{*> - y ue. A K. TA JOV*, f. i ” etra v. Si All’4»f 1i I ” i ’ K.I 1 i.’l* r . ; l t. (>l' 1 I.d.h 1:.\”llue lu h.e !..r lrtt.'TS 1 *d* u ih'i tint toil i.- '.’M*,!.- 1 .wa It I li.* *\ 111 tin it-v il ju ihe ualate us (til. ? Voulte. Id- 111 Irt 1 tv iN.r t .r rd. T!..-e:u ih’ iet uv to cite .Hid **..«in?*ui i* ait and singular, tJ a ki'uiout hi. 4ui ritdr.i i'a' de .it, li• Ne ui.d appeal at my i.ditevdllr'.iU 1 ,; t‘ pies’ rd .it t*V t**\V, to Hlir*w cause,ll unf they liuvu. Why vd l.ittdi’rUht l.r.t be mnateu. iJtVea lli’.t’ : inf Na.-.l aii.t « iS» lal 1 .dUie. this HA duv if 4». !.d*« r ] Si. ill. »K .SHA.CKJa.I-'UKK. * 4 • »l • ( IfJil! r. 4». ed IA I K 4.(K (: 1:0i:c .Al l!v KkT’iVUNTv7 ■" n Wlo-1 I i.H . i ’ Ml H J't ' t-m*, and tri me, that tJ»o('.da(d •ii I I,ii,h:i I. Wall I-Ut,;- m»ieel'lli* and r I N eme til? Ti l. 1 *, l •.1 .• ami .;d,m i’M» al f»h 1 Kh*<ubtr, the lc I|.* Itil ; Jilt elt ;iltv*».s td' . oil 1 . i*i*tl. !i.i Ne uuil».ippeur ul m\ • iti* .* , it .»!•:!..*)” in.' an v-n*i;t .y m Nov.iiiliut i-eki, i*» ahovvi.4'.? , it'atlk' til. 4 hate, W h\'l'ie !idm T.l.t r:»t!uU oi riant ema-c.-iiGUd lie ucUatiu IlieSbvcft e* WiiKcs, ui il, 0 me II ei lil :i!.d piMj-.-r pe'!-.,',. I iiY’'. ’.ti.Vl la U Ul.d alii Kt;*li ta;-, nt Wiistli r FtOSl* • >(1. Ii ’( # (in. A4>KM A. ;\ . w *Ti\ 11. (-1 ut:.N til » WJI.K 1 • ( I Ml. H Win", ,* f\ T H(* n.lav n to me mr letters of udHi'. at «>!i v. alt tin* will ihe iutate *0 A t >4 Tlie;.e u.- lli,*Ji Bm|m r ile ami u-.tmoni dt. all and nil:** 11 bu thi* I.dutled u: ! eii .!iir»!. ,M ’.i*l di • e.J. t utu- and ajipv.ul' ut lay urtlee on ut 11,- Ui.i Almiitav i.i* No-- m!*4'f next. !•* show I ail e, M :tuv fin y hav.*, \vhy aid lei. net slmu.d Ii:«l hd* -I.Vrd-.dr (1.4a 11 u. tier ii.v t,ai:d ai,.] 4• n». '.• 1 Ti-haiiire ;tt cfflte iu n :* hi’, '|m!,, Ilu:. “tJ ,luV * I «>■ lot. r I’ 1 t.tili -i\v(! 11. li. N t >if A! A.\ .* >fd ill a1 y. -TiT-t 41 S- (i:«1 »i.«: t\ , i t.'i.i *1 ;*i \ « (>1 \i y rs VMe J: HS, K,i:i.> l i'le.y xp s I.H .*M *ji ~1 u'mihk-tn ion xviiN %:■ w..) unu-Xvd o', tin-eGute *d Wit iiwa *i «!U*i), *•**'. , ; ih. ■ urethiTeruie. lord’! a .1! I. li aU,&L J-In.'U’fit tl« kindiad and uediri.T-j «’i said d• * *.i*d to Ne ,U«I appeal ut my • ilitr e *.v it :• an ‘he lit'.ie jot.« id.ed !>V i.iw, so nlio.v aU.-ie t if ut V 1 lie* tia\ e. whV .- aid i ette: - » uIP hid (• j*raided. ((iii It HU.lei 111 *lt ltd uli.t i’Jii Ltl aipMad 'he, ut ioi :<*, Ih / {*• fdii'ir’tii.'. -I day io.4', t”i’*y . *mT. • lit. <.- ft W ’*»' | [)S, Old;!,at-y. “■j’rtitf 4 i 4Vf 1 > 4,1 A. '(»l*.' MiilA «* Ht'AlV. UheotaS Na'.t y ’ dt'l'-J'l er dpi'••'O me foi e trt*v Id min fil'd ot: wllh the 44i 1 iaiea.d on llie tei.ttt ui VViliiam W ! k, 1 * bilpei pe*. iVera-ed : • \ ' Ilu* kit.dse.l alul ej'.-d’.loi * of >:» and tl e• t ul, 11» Ne aud appear at inv . rn. .*. vv ilhd. the tim* 1 r.> !ih*d ’ \ law, to sbovv •«u e, T UMV tlie\ have, why .*Jd ! ii.-ts xhoiibt Lot Ne Planted. l';i eii ii,.iii ' mv iH’M.i and < llii Sill at oJtiiai lh A]» I lihp, tl,l.- Kd da* id I h’llitn T. i'>M. lii-jt; iw it \V. W. i 1I1K1.1»S, iNiiiitaiy. irt* lATL 4 > k'>. Ml) V.U iV.” i; 10 11 AM »A I» (b'l'MV V N. ~* . . Al . ’,.1 i W a; - I uppb.-«l • me I ,r J.- fUis c:f M -Net*', Kite rd Said uo.ild \'. de* ease.t ' Tl;. * are Hi. leN’fe. to. ifr n!i.l aillin i.i ’ all, '.nd H,r,/|pai INa K lull, and alul ’ -ed to:-, t• I sou! .1* ' eased, to Ne amt :i| i” .»f at 14 y i.ftfet* 4il. Os tiefole Ihe tl4.?f .' u‘id..4 ,!. NoVefiiliei heal to 2,4/W ~-iii; .*,il.lti4 111 V h.IVV, V% lIV Mid Nile, » r.htMllil L*>t t’c :*• ilii ctl Uiv’ir u.inl r i.r. hum! uiul (dd i ii rn f pT:\ture atoiHeeiuAik- Jfc*l'! U. 1 f.'S'al da'r ol th oNi l K-dT t ,tM-I*ull » i'avmi,. I‘O.MII (Jrdliiiiry. rJi'i-r'K.u ul-:.n;uirt. a eiiiitii*u ei.»i?STf7’ " ‘ II Wln-ruis, SiU'ji, J.,!.’,slt*o agi.lii-s li. iut* l.v i eu-racf, A(liii!i.i-;lmii„i.,i„t II,V Mule of Wil’.itiur M. T. 4V» ke.*. iule 4»f count y, ll •• fU: Id. The.(■ nre,’ln fefore, to t'•!f..l :»dff..'M.d, :ul, ai,d rlnfula* tin.’ kindred »hd Credit*'-’: *•’ i'ato <lu, e.'_ed. to Ne amt UJd'4 :u ill •„iy odl ’. «*it ot I‘-.ore lib- Hid Mirti.-TV in Ki’Vt fi Ner next, to nln*\v t uusi*, ti any litey h:iv»*, v.liy :*;«id l.eftera rbiruid nut i-e. :I * 111 • t!. (iivefi titidt.-r my l.ithd nr and udi. iul .-../md in e, ul otMce In Ait- t.:l tliid (Jilt t'.uy i»l Udi.iH.r. tKC-i. *^oe ? 7-(vi;fi I> A \ 11 * I . Ku Ordifuu v STA'I 5b Os ij la ll lA. liIi'UMUMMSJPMA. Vb ) «*t f i w . Admit .N.l, 4 -Imu • . pb’.* so ice |..1 J ettera Os A •.nil* l-tiTdiol! on ♦! . Kdah . i lie i, e Ali. V\ ulktt, talc l*V oTi-le.*Uh! .* iN . :.•*•.! : 't l: v- ur*: tliei efoii* !’• eP e Ul and adlllOl.i- It. u'i :*tid if' V tiitt ki. (ha and uhd creditor, of ?>id* c* a Io (r a ult appear at ii. y f.lti.e, i-ti Os lu-bife ltd- li irt v o' dr*y it: No.. m!.f| tmxt, to il.u v i.llh’C, if UMV tin) liUYI*, wily ..111 I rt*l tfi'J i.huttld !» 1 Ne {.-flillt* e-t. (S',Veit Hi:• 11*! mv Land u;.f otllrial -.r-itatuio, NtoiUi einA i* -II f... thi- HI It Gay of 41. U»i>* r, :i( 4. Ovi;-4.741 I>AVII>.L. Ill) * TH, ( Idmuiy. j I‘a t'tc <)?’(*:i:• /i:i:TA’ tiicii m<»\ i» i'i >) V. j! * NefeUg, *alel i N !.!,n , • uppl'N/ to me lot Mt**H of uilmini-.tlu i.'Tit.i, ti,,' a! of M t: v O. V- nlkcr, ,af «• u! Nii.l e lNi .Ura‘,l. •| here / to ,and . U .4 :id1.i,.1,j ?!. ’.il u'-.l the kindl ’d ui.d . ledlf.iiS *1 -'.dd .i. . . ,t. so »-.* uiid i,ppi*ti fit my ofli «* fit o, l.*-t* re the 'if 1 .Niom .i* m, N v.-m et t.»*xl, ?,» •1.04 V cm.-a* tt'ui.y tlu-y have v. l.v raid Ictt. is rlu.t.ld h. I i*x i?. t an tel. t*ivvh iimlei my !,ai»d ui.d odi, id \.‘ua\\ue, .at uflle** in An t'fl%f a, till-, filh it’ll ot 4 >( bd’.'r, t (»:?. do.-u i»AVin i,. k«>a rn. o.d*y. w* i a i l: oi' .(JKDiiiJiA. i:li’!i.\»oM> cot'vt y . n V( It r -:i p Willie l. 10t.!,.-top ;*•!._, n.i* NT i ctl sos tidutihidialioti i»f«fhe 11.11 c of HaVul Wi;lkt*l. bli* of said cHiintv, ,!,*. • ~,-d. ’* lie > tti.r \ hoc! iv ». * ede and I'm 'H: i,. ill ftrul Pd;:*? filar the ku.dr.d amt .lilor. ■>’ ..*,d dc .v- and. so i c uppiv.f at »u/ Oftl.e, 0.1 ~r he!.„••?!,,* sis.-t MmU’l ii in :\ v. mh.r to -Nuvy , uU*«*, ll'rtliv lht*y tiave. whv-aid fetter- huflld a*d Nt-' Uivefi tutder if«y Ipmd iiiid **«H. nil i/.iafine al uttt.eluirU* ».*fl lu,tii - fdhattil i>l i.'C.otc,. t ■»(. 00.7 ii PAVIt) I. llv)A fit. Ofviluaiy. 'TWO IlioftTHS HO r riOfc>. vo'i icr; Tw’ii I.u Idle; ufti i date, or Uiv Hrat Kirill; r teim of th? i .Hit (.1 Ordinal Ytl n't filler./ :.p;di a.!-mi v. il! pf nr.d •To lbe* Court of i rdmarv ol «»«!elb t-loint y, lor !.* veto —Mu vorIUHM I I Cl,- m-loni-ii./ !*> tl. • ndfior l ididrto ol do):ll I*. 1 ..V. illit i, del *•.«: «and, I In:. I tl,S:*pl . l.t.J. T ‘ f.i 1 11 A j •. 4. A l l .Vi EH, ;• v. y tliwtt.'dftr?. N0h0,.~ ’ - 't*t7«V7t?»» i.'.hj* ,» \ .dioii ill l.e n■ :ii*o Iu Uit> ll(ifi , "';d> l «' I n.-1 ot l 'idiH'.ji i • > i't t’.t »» Hiitk , lul b-4*-e fu Si«'J i!4 tiFf'r'O Wf'lll i'i I .el !. i **. to J lie ol W. hs. I‘illt •eda*'. LdcVl-ai.l ..'linty, ih-r-'i-.-d. ~hi • ...i’ i A K J , sii; J Lfc.\ , Adm. fkTU't’H'K. In 'l'ivi. iiiiGili.f* il. ■ • ..1.i.0n will !•< in.tde lo the Honor pit; . (I.| oi re \ « ; 1.0 . lo* »' '.'.i.ty lor leave lo .*!! the f .•/•r-vV’-. nii.t r-..f c.-l o ■ Hi m. nI- Hunt, lute of .“.{i 1 l • oiinty. t dCt:#eed, i.-r ib> p.*.]** , . * -. -n •n- • / Uu-i'i*. » i’lLhlt* *ot lili.mrid, Ji'll,'. (J. IHM.T/,'' AiV, 4 A.’u.oo. n.tO'r IV’ «»tdo:. il,cl.':.' ait, . did. a(. 4 . )' . '! V. ;!i *.C 'hi »c to Hitt 1,. • -|i H.e . ll ! late. I> !! -lo tl.e • i, I. I .M.l. i r. Hlub ii. u, la lyl xii'nJ . ...inly . -d U (ol , IM4, Al i j A aPbit Ji»il \.-V Adn. r ..1,51.11 ■* : n•• I‘jJi -m^_* V'lll- I .1 ,‘UtV .lavsrifi.; .Id- . , ■>. w.ll be made to Hid ltint he. <*l ■ trt,■ •• so the f. ’..t' **r A- d.u Jrb>’» dr* «'» eI, laid . i .v l f .i.-.’v , i 1... ‘ •*>. ~ • : JJ, *1.4 -.*l. ** XV ‘ I'noATAS ) J ill'. V. Adfnr. notice *r» DRIJ'I Oi£ > A.Vt* p yuo nt I*. Hie lli hf' en :1 • to* s* f. • Hi: -s t»g m*t ; kl „ K/.a-c ar not it:, and»• !h in. ufterd. and, Vi itl.i.t 1.,,,/p ■> , Dvfai ji iw-krix, , . , V/.21 6W41- -IUII.X I .-..1U IH. ) j\l Ail a..! -u,,;;.. 1 : ,-i Ui , .*>! ui'.r v. ivia i.f Jtii f.n. >m>! c‘unle. an- .1. v. i J n. rk.- *iai.* j»*ynica>* J., be mill,*. ii 1.0.1 : i'd Hi**:.* .. taHi i ”.2u'Ua< %aut E la’e will pr.:nil li.em, dm) a!l ' • wilbin the ttiuii pic M'; i'i,-d l.v lov. A It All till 'J.'i , sep 7 . w.;/ AdUiliiijiratuK. Notick. Two im*i,lin :C'< r and .te r-n*, i'h-u v/.li he K'-t *•„ Hi>i,ori!dii lh»- * on;!- ii' Oiduay Knixiond rounty. tor iy (o s I. Al-iM'. a tieyi'o ‘ t- i to the K-.Sulc of 4 . t , J| ( .'.allea*. !aV ul -a. I . iUCd dc(:, a.-e*l. A A AJ KS 11. .VOln if, sh|6S -> . A <lndmstia;or. N.i j , ■ *» .to M r.Mt btt. f d-d. ip;.;;, it; ,n w \ h-cade to the iloil." .:*.* , lb * »*r Or.iu.a v of 1 .* Hiuond ‘ .mftty, tor VaVt: to ri'll A*H ft : •>.'«' »da Vt-f*-lof.g, r-v; lo Hie 1* -oT Kl. h'uM KJI-V, la?* .>t ...J ,illd \. and a 1. -d. I"*'. H- Rrt/itr, Ad. S. %:<Ft ji •k. A » A ’ -s*/!,- Il !/•’' it;-*' - Id-:•/Ah-sniiJi'r Cope, J*r„ 4?c<•:»-*), 1 de .1 v. ilk. „ v.Hu y, ». dl tTai.ein.'iu-dlate }>a)iuei.t t # the » ltd ‘M.gne I ; .Ui*l Ihov J. \ ijein ab-’ 1 i»«.t c 4-itc n»e md i'.i*-d I o J-r ft-! l tlie lUhc. «lfl fv JiUlfttrd VviU.i.l tJietun* pie crihrd b> lut/. <W. roi'E. ( . . < rlddv. il W.M.A. 1 OPE » **'*• %} oti< ‘ i• > i» “■ a .\T> V '** IK Ali pr*.--n.. h.d. bUd to t».e e-’uteef Kslhi.r de* (carej. litr of VV <■; ||..IV, wl!i r.uke ’io-m dintc pay/nent t-. rite under. igiud an.! ti.-.-T having i-!*»iius tvya.Lst 6 ou w i! preaeiit th in d.l y al'i r,.i-d. v. ii :u U- tirur piciv r-bed by* lA'llCtw 43 LJLef-nh# N. >ii * A- !; p* r-xofis ind and. 1 !., the L. talc of VV. t.. f Prtiedge iaU* o. <oiaaihmc*mrty, de .j-!.-,-}. will make ImmedLate iwv ’ inriit lo Hm undersigned;awl Urn-t; hav>tigd€’iuar.ds aaaiiia) l Idfilite are b<4ifl»*it to present the wine, duly attenU-l Witi. In th? tuue preaerilicil by lav/. <*M 4 B.'f (KKSKSLY A.lm Noifci; ~ * All i.ereous tlifce.ts'.. ~r Hampton J Hue.,,, l-.lf; Ct K . .UU.I UCOUUty,dries id, will l luebt Ui l homae H. VV«iiun<, Attorney for the ul • bavins tkioix. i aea e.ia'e will u/eaett lii'u,’ dijiy ktteweil, v,u.,u ite uiti- £.ir«xi-vd t.y law V * ■ 01 ’ o«S iwu* AO£i,BV ii. CbISTT, ZXt,