Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, November 16, 1864, Image 4

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{ •> |) xjq i>} c! ctv V" cntim'i,; .. ■■' Vi' ..... . li,.;' iff \! ;>v ill ! H . fl ,jr ' "., 1 ' ' 'V -Vi'' Vs-'V'VV-V ti»- ’ I. h tV. to ) . ; . ,;i‘'ted by him in! < i -at Bilt.. i'.-.f- Viur- hmiffre-l '.U<l even fe- ! India to as *1 $ 1 ‘ l V’' ./ ';'.u V .'i -'vVV':cm-.lra-l t--. • ■ Vv.’o !■ i Iff.-les 1-Ts lately * 1> i-iir!'• a .^tV,V!Wi:VVS I '*<i<* rty‘,VVa, y i,o 1, •iav.hi ■? t . i:. ii fti'.pc ir. ttKMgU If »s ‘ffat l. lte-: “M. JML- bil-1, iff Bart--, I—- >l. u« I .>(!■ ■ : '.lf! ': i <' i■ ■ -M-- t • J'Ui,!-. . !■;>- t ■ <• ; .V; *rii.hi-o ell a iff hi- ini ui; On the / )!h O. ini., r, 1a fou’slain at a I Hilfl WiV .' b ' V"iVU'V".I 'Vi'tiiV t ilia „. M ,rii,.. , .mil. uy. i'l.a follovyi'.-t' in;;iv ii , ||, wi t* cut it! I hi*' nr .1 ■ " : tt j j*,. i.'.-.i : ■ i. <it lime ! •jui. c |,.it!) weiels* <•! fl-m *-vl- • . h.w -tn-rtr. (t jinun . mtei-v, 3 -J w-ttiwl Units’ tunl ■ ...•> •i'u of v.i- •<- 1 - ■ Tii'.... foml him mot Ih «afhiffie Coiqtws C-t ’•• •' vlif'-.: .11 Oil tlitt IlH:.; Ci : - j4t*Uil?.> r , V*i •;i ;• • • •.! i- U» « • ’*** -d i vml wun p:• ••“it, iri. Iu '« lln? nypi'i: •* of the I ersons from v.*-» < ■ >g: • * an in ' • o\u> . Tin; mother U' ton I ivm .■ . • V -i. vbw« iGiiuno ad aln. it to i.n tmil-el \, .Ih tilOHl* till! • !<t. ; I'll ll' •'! V l.'il.T Jinaanm-l, tv, ■ a Me; ir« : r, of j!bark«iun, t outh Caroliu;i a lr-iu ii * I’rna/- I ■>* ?'i lat Ilian led (llli ie ' li. < v.Jo in t i- t : no tltut the fotni noi Hu; n v Italnm Bil lion vi‘l !"• I; ; ■ -‘nu t. -a. I>i. Hi. liaidi'on, mi c! -rut f, nay.- Thai in ru e, ja.i <1 in a ,i«H !• .e; 1 li n poi forivtcl lilt, (ie-jlvoys fit , 11 I 1 per-r.n i’t ivuitle. .'Darin# Die cot.iin.taijco tin < :■;■:■ ■■ >i.s "ov : ■ Lomivti, lie t . i Uiu in staei e n with benefit. i, - in'.or venti n in Amorienn • 11! . i i.iiene i.i hynn, Kni'lutel. IJ-.- t"i;i>: ; ■ 1 |''fi l nit"* i roop : ovv.-n tin t : a we.Ciii! t I l. : ' iy. fin u. • ’■.•el ‘T-'uitiCiU liea.hU.-i he;,hi ift the ■fnited ;-t:>t. t. Tlte (. •lit-el ■;■!.(■• ; ' 1 1-e.ur ooillinued in uuf l l'r ,'ftl 1 Opel 1.1 it::I ill 1., .vcrpool. *(Jlooiuiir.'i l f.or.tii.ue.l t.» prevail in i.i I <•.■■ • In in F. inland pence k t'i! i|.d In ;iv. ■ • tie.'' OeiUlan ttilil Deliili ih hy the eel:, ie i '■ Ci e"'H' minor fjU' ie I. Madrid i' rnoktu ,v> the . nani. h(i trhfri meilUO 111 •■! Ije :.e-.... he. ■ I i.T t iniie-I T:i ■!.: s ( r. i’ll well ,et » y i.iiiehiO tion to Spain. Tin! t'.iiii. i -l and Kui|.rr«- of iitie'.ia worn i tayh',; in 1. ■ ■••nin of Ki i e. I aTUeldll clo '■ :in I . anlnll Oil ti e ! 01 October, nl :■ ’. "■ ■ lor in u- .. Tee i.i .or poodji'v lion Toil ft v.. d.if, will.! iUi i oph mill i‘.l<i<ed will", v. ■.•! p;i.\ ■ Tin re wa a liu.l h- , i, :.i tor Allie) ie 0 ...: ■• 'I Wi illy move "Ilfli tir til;. e ’V I ill t’-e Amei ot I.i. .• tlio tii■ iioin * ii; m ■i.\ ■r. (>■;• . KllfrUi.h lie ■ .il’.e ill . : t■■ \ IjOep.m Inurk man- • r ' ! m ; ii: o< (leepair at m; po e n in o. a • r JUillobiint ill Luudon, e. el i _Mil.Liie trnm tin* name cause. ■ trite Palis tilUliomi . Ih tile : ■ ■.;■ weaiioK real tails n to. . A o a Ai to ii'i.ii. «. tills t.een opened ill j; ...... ie. .i tie, an auxiliary to lUe W« U-rn* the . intn’i Society. ' !•;•■, eVeiy ha IP: ... P-. in < foil P.lli fee.: ■ I '. . ' ii.Ulth'. |. ! lore the oil o orderK frciu t‘i.» I;.. P. p !*• :> to tfciieiai i'.l .i 1 miulive .0... j e L,: ■' e; i. «epti. n.■ •■ •; oi •i. Ti -ui .a ilie ports 01 tile I de.i . ~ i . (tiny, ill An j- ! wer, said I ■ll ■ \ pel I I e. ei- tie neatiincuU oi . -le . . i-i.d pen f.-lt' l>y liii! Aitieri;;.n : eo;e, ..r ii •• i for.Ale.':m »ter, ••the !iliii..a..r tie. p.. oie ami tin i'on. lor hr ci hup . .1. ilerry Jtr.e. < • ■ . :• 1 line i o a;- Die M mpile,, a.e \v ir!: II e ■ ; (vainiiy . Federal Stat ol A if. ‘h. v.Ptli IP.! ••|l:ey arise,'’ lie saiu” iivau ihe m;t P i:u -i; avti the I'.liilcd .Sinus :>!••• ai'i u ... ,u t!,-. r-tine path, that ui ti ■i ( ii ion. ' oa this c.\- 1 1 iiofdiiiufy i‘P"..'al.iilioil ',.e ; !i,,ia ffaia com llleiltin:: . v.e I 111 'P to ,e, :.[ i; u> el!f leader.t ill it.- nr.tive in Duc'isios is Itm:;.! •. vo i (iiO.rnihC.VTi s — f i lip tellowitpy is tin I, i* of intronefions to lax r >liei ton , tiopi the tv .mi. \ ol Taxes, ia r. eienee to the i,.i -siion of reerir in# coftitipfil-ca, ii .P ;1 of trcsuury not.. 1 , ia j.avtu-'at ol i. ati. . le.-• than one hundred dollars. Offli r.«-r v.i ■ ■ : • ; Tv. ) R» hm. sn, >■ : in-. IT;!,, |>Y.t. , Shi: *\iiur lvtu-i if iT.;> t nit. to tin- Hecwtnry of lln* Tro -iry I•. <•.> ivt'.-r ml to tiii:; Il.iw .ii foi ». <n. i' <• sth itisl. I rctumeti I; t > »!< > . v wi.h my view.;. < ji, r > v;t . "1 !. ;vo 1lii» L>;«<v In lytiini I ;' :i le‘;vi- t tom K. 1: . ; ' ! i ' "*■ to give my 04 iuion l,u tl.v. « • ■ . ». : 1 v;; see no v;'-'id v.; >n v.i v t ■ . r ■ ; nuil not tee,-he :« S ri i; 1 til> U I:1N of &I'7, if 1 ‘ -v,;. oi-i. 'I IVgttlil'iotU) • !•■ •; Arii, le •), jtfttvitle l-t it l' -it - :inT eer. ii tiiaj bop.ttd to the 1»v j \> . . *ii-: . ■ ii corUiui I’tV’es; but it tiien* 1 • it f., : .n -it Oiler SUU>, tin' trc ! ; • r: '■ •Jl j> v ii j 1 1 iTncy. 'ii. •.. . nlaii. .! \... • ,vt,i, \i .. ,„> veniemi' of the taxpayer, m:' V ti; • •• -m iimt <o avoid thonecessity of ; . • out tar l»y the erii. ct. r ,19 » •:» i tiotu of co»mu\ that tLo ;-t\ : ... r v . : tv.-; lie willing; to pay any wore ti.-m tl.,' ixa.l tuuKiut of liia tax. 1 ts. it i-e b >0 pay mote, and it requires no in nnr . . v from the collector, where i > tn • : • to m-eivinar if.' The pov* . v. ... ,1 liUt lienelited, a at t i e I \ ; > ; . . . tinted. 1 have in evt-ral 1 ;i..\.i cuilictom to receive i . vti itai . r a : r at r siinotmt t'eui the t.t tine .a : ■•' .•;>- -a,; , < uses, ami in • ’ she amount of »v;e ! . • : , i s his under the tax law <•:' l.i. \ri uv... 'w ere very small, in iv.ny * os ut:<l. r hi ■ :\ici;in::ii.;<T. ih.. • ea, .■ 1 ■ . , - . 1; . t vli faeti-iti ; fti ’ ■ • v:is a < rhni Iwo e • lvhig no small vt -,d ia - • . . i.-,-, 4 dice tor? were dir,. i to , t«‘n or twenty n•. < : ,\. itVAieo l!e‘ :a.\ ; '■ ■' .■■■ .1 to * ] lyin 'in coin, at ti...uqe, to it; ae (he t \ ; I'.iaount’ The e'i re' uy c-i: • The is!"-v ! • lay letter we !,v aav ’ 1 an, tx v in the . m ,if course •; ;m 1 ; jo any part t-» 1 lat ; ■ “ • r« «,<• Von luo v.i. • . ■ i.ho Colletter oi yiviaia.i.w .• viil . t.\ erned by th s <i a • Wry i«:.i-.;e!iu'ly. lUr: ; ‘•lßUilf tllft I: •• ■ ' ‘ son Courier IL-: V. ! ; noccil in*al.n On —a i ■ - ■ r ;ar«-a; b » ; daily, vii t ■ . t • : i .ve done . Uj||?r the ivide. t iiia.aiH c: publiCsiy j XMBTUKKti .\K\VB. A Major General in the English army, T.ord i Stanhope, is on a visit to the army of the l“ot*>- ruae. , , j The proprietors of the Vestchester Pa., Jef f.-.-oniaa. a Democratic paper, have recovered tamages by verdict the t. ' b. Maishal iof suppressing their | wiper. The people of the Dankh W- st India Island s , talking of annexing to the fnited States. The U S. Government ha;; increased the pay },,-»r tofore allowed for artitkal legs furnished !to nldters. *" ‘V.'ilbei force Dennison, Democratic election : .uissioner from Connecticut, has been con ,.• t cn board a ve’eel at City Point, and is to be me I by a military commission for alleged vbiiatb.:. of orders prohibiting political epeech- I (« to'soldiers. The provost marshal claimed ; -t ti.e hibeuage used was disloyal and sedi tious in its character. i tie uppt r section of the Mississippi is ap- | pai f.iih lading out in its capacity as a great ;•.:•:,.•reel high wry. During nearly the v, :c.dc of the pud oeason the upper Mississppi v Viren imnavigable for boats of any con-, :• dile i/.e, such as in former years plough ed its waters. It was nearly as low lust year. The conference of British North American provincial delegates now in session at Quebec, • decided that the members ol the Legis- K'.ivit c..:i:vit of their proposed new conled i ,:.... v ~!,all be selected by the Legislative Conn • cil- (,i the serural provinces, instead of King ; ci t. and by the people direct. An agreement ! j,... ii been edt eted upon the Constitution !~t ii.i; I (.■■-< r Ifonse, on a basis ot representa i ti .n according to population, tlio total num- I • : ot imonhers to be IH4. The ’ vie tieneral Conference of the Northern McL.edi;! Church elected three Abolition 1.: aboul eight Abolition editors, exclud f,i nti* .j.ivehoWevs from Ihe church witlioat ~iitl,..i iiv of law, extended the term of the pas- I :•three years, created eight newfon '. made tinstees of church members of tJ... Quarterly Conferences, made anew ritual . ,nodeied the discipline, re-enacted the r, : making attendance upon class meetings a tv ; ot :u uli. i ship, and provided for the or . ui. u of the baptized children oi tlie elmi t ii into classes. (is Friday, October 7»h, in the Prize Court nt Philadelphia, the claim made §to a poilion of i: • cargo ot ihe prize steamer Chatham was mi eed. it was alleged on the i oi the claimant that ho was a loyal citizen .‘•ft; : ia. and that ho had tamed his Confed t itc luouev into cotton, and watched an op portunit rto put it. on hoard the Chatham, iv ii.:h ran the blockade. The decision, ad i i .to the ciaim, was-made on the ground ti.i ) urtieie tis commerce can be passed out , i biuckaded pint without rendering them li to ( oriti-'cation. The draft ims produced a kind'of reign of terror in Cincinnati. * 9 Tin* Providenco Post states that Geo. Jones, p.ub-r known as Count Johannus, has sued tlie Ivviv Y ork'Tribune, through Horace Gree ley, ior an alleged libellous article, reflecting 'u n the dram alio nhilites and private char .trim' ct the Count. A Mock of jmailde, wrought in Italy for the kmth C.uolinu State House, now surmounts the tirctimu’smonument in a Chicago Cemetery . • •:•■.; tiecn captured in trying to ‘ran the blockade. S me of die heretofore Lincoln organs in have come out for McClellan. T twenty- inch Hodman gnn was tried at .'.),-i H:-.miU:on, N. V., Tltnrsday. and threw a Ini!, weighing l.ttsi pounds four miles. A Washington telegram in tbo Now York V, • -id roiis that I‘rovi st Marshal General Fry .•nii a!i!\- t-c|,re: enled that the conscription :.nd is a failure in obtaining soldiers and re i- -i ci.aiding the i. peu of the substitute 1 m -and the compulsion of th* ptrsonal scr -. , eof -li allt and in. u, amt also that Mr. l.ineoln ■i’ i e-cn (-led, call for peremptory draft, ot u-;i) on Hie Ist ol January. A- i iglitecn, named Fad?, employed in Qimiiotmaster's Department at Nash obtained $.->O,OOO by forgery, and de camped! Lcut-v Wilber Davis lias been overslaughed li.. urn ..iditionals iu the T'hird Oongrcs ••io.-ial 'district, and Col. Charlea S. Plieips has ‘i rn nominated. T ' ! . - Diouiilyn. whicli lately arrivetl at Bos toh ii-ivy y.-i-.ii from Mobile, it. is stated has lif- Iv niiii* viotu in her sides.‘’seventy three in e-: ! >i i- p;D -. ami twelve humlad pounds of -Lot and sin-11 biii-ied k» her decks. T in'; i Louis Ib'publii- in, speak in;? of the •pi uiu'.- of a iu-w street through tho cometory, c..;iiu h ive lieeii cxpoaitd, and boys have - ,'d timmJolves with thrusting sticks into ;!- ui. and pulling out tho hones and battering . m wi-r tbo ground. In two instances hu i«uu knits have been thus bandied about like ■ >•■;• i, dF. :i!iil long auburn ringlets, that years ~<• ill-pi ide o I beauteous maidens, lie • -.i !t -. -d üb,sit the cemetery. Barbarous. Forrest: is,again in the saddle, mysteriously moving about. The latest Yankee reports [dmv him at Jackson. Te.nn., where he Is said tube com vni rating a large force. The Mem -1 : -and i'imrlcstou Ihtiirond has no attractions lor him ie .-.-. t...t Memphis has, and the Tennes - livci ivt this juncture-has perhaps more. Alihoueb, according to Yankee accounts, Hood .'A-inr. to be moving, without let or liiit ■loiHce. • it;-1 where he pleases, the reader of iic-.v v.:;pt:--s in Vaakeedom are regaled with and iubUiil dc-patches of “Sherman’s pursuit of llaod." The famous trotter. Flora Temple, was sold i . ntly iu eight thousand dol lars, Ti Y ankee papers report Magnnlor-march T 1 I-. , i-l (he tied river, if the statement be . if. it may indicate some concentrated (...» -mt-nl ti.-'v.veeu (feus, l'tko and Smith, Ihe on - character of which, in the absence of in , rm iiion fi-' in our side, wo cannot well detor -1 mine. A ran, i.:v \ or thk Cottoh Tram;.'- ti: Ton h' ’fanes in speaking of 2lie Cotton trade renuik? thus ; A tu . . . ■•all i , the price of%otlon would be • lovi 1 : peace, and every such fall will -t .:■ ti, amount leqnirccl for carrying on ■ t.t me . a that au increased business; might •; 1 x viili the employment even of adi .h. ti 1a; il.-il. Just in proportion, toiy as . .' :ii le-.eit i.> A iV'iicit will be the of ill ;n. •’ in <ho trausmissiou alike of ini the cine hand, and the return pro -1 ihe oilier. The fact. also, is to lie : • money tlowing to America is ■ i ■ 1 converted into trinkets and with-* :t - ! rirculation ns in India, and to < t lik wise in K>ypt Moreover, a !- .-price of the Etapl’e would at once ! ■ «• io.vign orders, wllich have been t ! r existing circumstances, for our ■ led gik'dw to he executed by our tuer i-i.l (1 1 av.-n for so as to have an impor ! > ts.-et v ; ■ u (ho various exchanges. 1 . 1 1A. the in :i-1 eignilicant poiut is tha*. . ii south rn Stales could ship their .. e.ith ii;j f.p. .>d which poisons ignorant ti-e •iitli.-ulties ot transport• after the war fine', to to praetieablr, there would be no 1 to .-uppc.i that wo should have any ■it;-;-- et> vie me to remit to them. A1 we i.ire of American cotton, both IT',- .1 ;a'.id Southern States are absolutely . ■ ot tipplies of nearly all other-kinds of l! m. y Iv doubted if in that respect ae value of their requirements \ lot he feund to exceed that of all the lb. \ r ll.t even under the most favor .! n.i - at present send to us; acd ;r 1 rid warehouses are for the most '■ i v.-i-i' ’..-d ivith the prioeiple articles of ;••• .e. we ate prepared at any moment to iii -et ih.wants. v ;: sos the Two Sr.erioxs,—The I'm- akeiv." in our midst quote garbled • in the most radical newspapers of ; V-.'i and as evidence of the sort of peace ' iin : to make with the South. The i d ■ li.Sv«•:-.< may have as much eontro v ■ ... t desire with ibese demoniac *' ;r 1 eis wiih the conservative 1 v. ii 1 i i-v 1 i the I'nited States. East or V- :1 i. t v.; 1 the political tricksters of N■ v irii. ; ’i i. who are quite as insane as the . ■1 . dtinkcis 1 hems elves. — Altwi'jOinery J/ii! x A no. k ~■!:;’eany is being organized in Flor i» to pm chase a su-aurer lbr bltxlvade purjvo- j POREI<;\ ITEM-- The*Ameilean advices tnken out i.y t- ■ F r sia tltim New York, (icte'ier ... Vo ■■ regrruc.; as less favorable to the esuse >y tile L uion, cud a decided improvement took p'.r.ce in tne prices of the ( oofc<le : ate eottola loan, which ; closed at 62(« it i. Mr. Gladstone, Ghan. -ilov of the Li-.-'.-oh Excheiprer, iu a speech in Laneasliire. ex- ] pressed bis.regret at the coutinuance ct the American war, and said that he v.-as in favor of the Americans being left to settle then own affairs, but expressed a doubt oi tee North to subjugate tile Boutti. The Spanish steamer lately seized by the Niagara was discharged on the English coast. an-1 proceeded on her voyage. It was stdd that she was bound, to Matamorau. it was denied that Captain Femmes h--.fl gone to sea. The owner of tbesfc-ami.r ral ridicules the idea of his taking out a small vessel Fke the Ranger as a privafeer. The I'nited States steamer Saeratm-nto was moving and signalizing on service oh New Ha ven, England The privateer Florida was spoken in lati tude i-l north, longitude J i west, on the At of September. Tho London Times favors the Canadian con federation on account of the ‘-powerful milita ry state” which the American Union has be come. Financial affairs were still greatly-ftYtuibeil in England. There was an active demand tor discount. Over half a dc-z -n new failur< i- and suspensions are reported. A. Droster, a I,on don coin men--iiard, c.m mitted suicide in conaequeuce of Ids cmbarras.4- maids. A Glasgow paper says theeilniinned dr' of seamen to man ll»e largest of ill- liic-.Uad*- van now constantly leaving, has greatly reduced tlui numlici- of men at Greenoc k for navigating tlie usual outward bound vcpbcls- A tbouaaud people have starved to death in the Cape de Ycnios, and the famine still con tiunos. An English company it in charga, at pic-senL of the projected railroad betweei# Mei iedaiid Vera Cruz. Jlr. E. Ih-.'ron l,as been (dieted one of (he directors in Mexico. It is believed that tho railroad will bo finished in the ccurto of four years. The Basis correspondent of the London Btar says that the Jockey Club, lielor-o wliose de crees Ui£ fashionalde world bend.;, have decided that the English custom of shaking liaruls i? henceforth to bo considered the correct lliinz ; and furthermore, in order to protect lndii-z --from the annoyance of having to return-the bows of any man who may chouse to take oil his hat to them in public the English i-. liion is to lie adopted of the ladies bowing fust. At Melbourne, Australia. Lucy I Ltcolt, an Ameiiean lady trom Springfield, Ala -;-,, is . now ihe lending puma donna. Hour for the Exii.ks.—Tliis in-.iihrtion, which is located near Dawson, inT.-trcil c-.uu ty, and which, welcain, is called Fostcrvllle’ —in compiiiuent to the energetic Quarter master General of tho Bin to, Col In it. Fe. - ter—is now the home of over three hut,died women and children, which numh.-r wiili-e largely increased by the arrival ot others who arc expected and for whom provision will bo made to shelter and othmvi* provide fur them. The location is a beautiful one, being on an elevated tract of land upon »vhi< h ttm best water in Southwestern Georgia can !.<• pu> cured. Suitable and com fort able iog cabins arc being erected, sixteen J- y ciclileen tvjuare which will l e amply Riiffleimil to ac commodate any ordinary si/.-'d family. The little town is laid oIV into squares and -dvc-etH, and is otherwise designed to present it o ap - pearance of one. It-will be governed by rates which will tend to tho prcs-n v.-ition of oidi-v and morality. No o« ,- of its inliaiamills oi vi *cions propensities will bo permitted to n or bo received in it if her character bo known. (Me Piu ii chitiaclcr iris p.ln uOy l«-n required to leave it, much, wo ten#., to the satisfaction of the remaining'exiles. All who can arc required to labor, nr.fl through ihe libemlity of some of our ei!i..-.-q-i a supply of cotton Ims boon contributed,*which will be spun and woven and made up into 'clothing, for which pm-poso cards and |-,o:. will l,e supplicil. Umicr direction oi' (.'ol Foster, there is nn acting Oomntissary, who supplies these unfortunate exiles with proviu- Jons They are all, v.e Ica.n, 'from Attanfa., none others being loct-ived, and only tho.-c who were banished by Shevine.ri. ih-- wretch, from tlieir homes in tl at city, and who had. tint could they procure any oilier, being with out means and without liiends to aid them.— Thehonuty which they now.nn,l will coutiniTo to receive from ihe Slate is grateful!;, w--eei\ - ed by them. They an: jncatly sokiiom’ wiv,-r, and children ortho wives and chilihciv of ul.- abled and deceased soldiers. Each cal.m will be occupied by one family. The f.i. k will -re ceive ilia best medical attention Uiat- can he procured. Tudor ihe supcrintendi 1: ■■ of Ih.o ilav. i,owi» Inmhii, a Sabbilh fcbeol fer-lhe child r eil is to l#organize,d, undo thcr ;*.ib!>.,th day esercif es wy! also be regularly admiiiht ;r --ed. Al'ieon Intellujer. A Ni t for the Monarchist - —The Colum - bia South Carolinian, in remarking upon Mr. Boyce's course, says; No train of reasoning is required to show that bis proposition of a CoMventionpf Slate a to negotiate a peace is an abamlqnmenlfcif national Government which wo are lighting to establish. Upon the above extfact the Ckarle.don 1 ’cut rier comments tints : # Will Ihe South T irolluiun show wl.oa and where tho EuiU-,1 States was ever uel.nowl edged and iceogn'.-.uid m a ‘■national (be., rn meot” by foreign powers, or by tin: fprmnl av tion.of any of lb-.: Siuti-s onifo nutted. After seven > ears war tmr ancestors ox'oriol and received iiition of indt peiidenee and autemoEy severaiiy for tliiriecu disfiiig! States, whose only relation a union es voluntary consent, not a consoiidalion or c-a traliK ition or obliteration of Slate*. South Carolina rei ngnhvd in 17; 7 with the other States as sovereign autl ir,de;>endenf, i made treaties and conventiors ns sued with otl er States and powers 1,.-Tore her adoption oi the Constitution of i7s7. and this ieni.ul,-, ■.», believe, may apply to all Ihe original States. it is diflieuit to conceive any passible :fnd permanent solution of the questiotis iiyi ;d <>f the war, widiout a concu’ renc-o to t nanial and crigiual pi-lueipjcs cf Slide:--, U.e violation or neglect of whiih, 011 both r id- h. and by the Central Government, waif the cause of the war.' Unless both sections or group ; of tide a? they were, ate prepared for a miliCvy Con.-rd idated despotism < r for im;> riali. m, like I;-,;:: - sia, there is no remedy but in the States. Vi -at as we may, and succeed as speedily or d'< i dvelv as-we can, and shall, if rye do* t-.d rhrk.k from iluty and destiny,-the iitmc-st n .-ult ~-t war, as ’,va r. can only he a 1 1 uce or a sir p ; -ion of hostilities. Peace can only be confnmed and titled by negotiations—and any iueipuent or preparatory hints, or steps toward.: negotia tion that van bo properly attempted dining the war, need not, and sLould not interfere \uili the war. Our Commissiners at Client, in ISll,* did not interfere with Andrew Jackson near New Orleans. Smut in Wheat —One of our most intelligent and practical planters sends us the following receipt to prevent smut in wheat: It should be known that strong salt and wa ter will destroy smut as well as bln. tone.— Have two barrels, cue ol water and one of strong salt and water, pour ibe wheat in the fresh water, stirring ir aed .-him ou what lloaU on,the surface; then put it in the salt and wa- ter stirring it weii ar.d slum off the wheat that floats: take it out immediately and it is’ ready for sowing as soon as dry. which by sifting ash es or lime on it, can be done at on'e. A half a bushel to the acre is enough, then plow it in with two plows, that is the bull tongue plow, iollowing iu Cue same furrow which will em-iire your ground being broken lip and, p; then open a large furrow with a large plow Iu twee* the beds.,say two feel wide to and ain the ground. In the raising of wheat very much depends on your seed, deep plowing and good draining of the land. Gocd crops have been made iu the way above desoribed.-.fa'dic li'/.iy ami Observer. The ‘Convalescent Camp'' for General Wheeler is broken down hor es has been chang ed from Sonttwesfcern Oecrg-a to Soutlrerjj Al abama, in the Vitinity ot Vireexivvood, J !'• .s’ - an'- Tonis Steamers , -.a \. irleaus have artived at New 1 ork, j •ii..-in r dispatches from that city as late as ■ the tr-i ultimo. The following is the sub : ;o of lit'.' -. f.l lf«r bu . comrcindiug at NcwOi b i; is ti-si < and aa order lor the CDrOitmeat ot ci! i:!4tl'cs Tr.tYs Department of tho Gii.t oc- ; ‘“SMgSS&S %, or.™ ~r ! ;vn authorized to u;ve notice that twenty ; three per cent.' interest W'll he remitted on i n.xes of;iMOt,:thhte'eu pir cent. on_Uses ol . iir;2 ? three pvt* -cent, on tux*es ot J duo, it paid of-Sovember. The't itself Ike v»« icU was seized by tea of her paasShgeik,' Ohesapsake and Roan oke faMdbs.-aftor. she had sailed trow Bagdad, Texas,-.ojiten’sUjJjr for New Orleans, was run into j-Mov. invilly, and,;? su'd to be now htting o tt for a Ohri’e'derate privateer. A large ifunibei’ df' Confederate prisoners loft Now Ui'lerw for the mouth of tlie Bed river outlie 21st OvR-tu be exchanged lor l idon soldiers held by the Confederate. T I,- Confederate guerrillas are very trouble •„m.> oii tlm Lon-ivsiana plantations. Tim report that the Confederate General Walker had crossed the Mississippi with his dt ' of 'the Trans-Mississippi Department is not, believed, as lie? was at Mcuroe, Louisiana, at Hie close of September. l'iw million dollars- to pay the Y aokee sol di. rs weie daily expected iu New Orleans. Ail f, ars of ihe yellow fever becoming, epi demic in N. w' Oi'-leitns have been dispelled, as there have been Hosts, » \ r'»nonx yOs : iKio\ in Ma. Botce’s Lkttbb. - -Wc ltave'a very' high' opinion, long ago formed, : of the abifrly, sagacity and statesman ship of this distirviui'sed representative, and b, lice artx very Ftfluetant to attain the conclu sion that, as ft pyodnotion, it is far short, ol that loft V standard lie which his former contributions t o tho po’itfcal tiWlutv of the country 13 to be judged. Tirat-it-possesses weight, both phil osophical and logic-id,.hi • unquestionably true, and the re forts entitled to a fair am] unimpas- Umed cvrticistn. Wo ace astonished, however, that tbuiCwbo Lave assumed the leadership in Hiis matter ItaVo'so’ fur ignored Urn argu ment, white they have- combatted the effect. Y r o c annot say. that Mr. JJ«y?o advocates rer-on i;tmc‘io!!; ftiiif .we regard'as u physical and moral imjv«»ibi!ity. To itlio iw can asc-ribo u'o aueh impropriety. U is tine, howover. that his views, like leaven ;.-!■( diffusing themselves imperceptibly through i.t>- popular mind, and pyodticing such results as tlie article was not intended to evoke. Bv umnyitte regarded as an 'absolute, uncondi tional oyeriato for peace, implying awimnder of pritioijile, ifml ignoring all effusions of blood an:.] treasure. So far it is unfortunate. No such deduction 'can be made from anything Hint we r<:inew!>er. -He is lor peace upon the prlneple t>f Stales rights.. Cnrol j /'i<i Sfiail'in. Ma. huvo.’s —-\Ve publish in au (dher column the late'speech of Mr. Boyce to ’kb» constßiients; ’ NothiTqr can tic dearer or more direct and manly lhaa this eloquent de f,-u.,e. It will hear comparison with Urn best zoectmci'i! of modern oratory in Europe ami America Tli'e blood (liinkeis and attl'ul dod oiii of the may snap their insatiable jaws Mid lap their fiery tonym-s; but wise men will rend thoughtliiliy, arnUbey will leave the persual widj tlie .-.mvictibn ot the n w-’ ib- vii-w;' and statements, and a high’ estimate of- the ohnratiUir ot Ui* man who is inave ctiough mid wise cmTixlt so deliver such well timed coiiuzol.—dk'/J, Hail. Tjik I nfat it Ad’s of Tin: Administration Per,..;. Papers th;U have been industriously public,hii‘: T m>d cii'culafins every attack that I, A3 been tirade ifpon Mr. Bo yen, the vi-.-.ffuihms uasaed and the (-peec-hea made at a . •• in# of exempts at Columbia, have not. had ihe common ip qny single, case, to p-,-d)!bh that gentleman s letter to , Mr. Davis, or ids spereh be;ore*’the meeting assembled to amicn-him. Are the Administration [tapers afra’.il iur ; tim iieople to hw ttm truth as told i.y Mr. Boyce Really the epurso pursued by them looks very much like it.—ifuit-gj, I‘ro !/o Wnoi.i:sM.u roisoMsn —ln Richmond, on I hursdiiy le.i-.t, six little school girls were made ;;uilde-;!y' iil frei;t rufiup; eakea which bad been prciv.uvj lor tiioir • snaoka. Thysicians were ca'le Hn, and the symploingi tin ier which the • litlb: on' -mere rutteiing led to the conclusion tl vy were piii-ioiud, which was confirmed by an. es. .miiiation ot the cakes of which they II ml p-u-tuken. Amahd.i. ii slave, belonging to Mr. Oiavke, the iniib'-r of four of the little girls, v. e! iUi i-. led ehui';.ed with the diabolical dt -.1, and a negro man was also taken into re. i uly, iv- uu accessory. 'I lie poison used was pile , io acid, a bottle eonitiiniiig what was left of i, being found iu the Ui(vh,.-a.—-./,T/weA. KUTICK V ftfiBBtORIUNH -CUKIItXTORS. ■ijufi 1 " i.-j AH mc. Giod lo ti.a Krti.ei t \n I ’.um Sun rr«»i nil. late uf'!; • ’iiiusuCi t iiniy, ili-i t* •.••), wl ) nmkt? Iminciliaie ]• \ iile'Ut l lilt' > l ': •1 «■ .t»'ri*d: aiiiMlfi. liakiue c'ftlcnri aftillUfit, * l e • :*v *i.»*r*.cd t*» p.ffciitlhi'iu, duty witl.iu ' ‘ M> fUBKI-N, > f ; 1 ,V. 13 JOHN T SMI |'H. \ tjS ra i 1 Ail jr.d'uMcd soitLe < stair, oi A U rope, Sr., .;» .uj. !;.!■; ■ i eoun *. w\l iflukein»mrdiuter»ayiu£i»t i t t'" u* I'. '■-.•» i*• i . ‘•.na ttc:*> Ij- viug droiancs sgarDso sad v-.d ;t,- ‘Jiv u -‘ tiii <ll<> J !•; seiit the tsctutc, niifv a’.te.-tf-d within tJic trice-pn-ciited by l:«v/. r. \\. 1 Oi’E ) , . . ... . .. .. _ wv. A, | I.f | S , x *'• V, i'• i 2• •: if. l* u J ;’l i ,KS til. I'Mi.ili,-}. " /«ll le •! i ii-U»'l>r'.d to 1 J-t- tri?hilb« r K t|i*r rook dr de • f i*i* < •>'’ V, *' lint\, Mtlll ic’.ike itn'm-diate |>u\ifit-iit l. • '.')•(!: I'. :l v Jml !:i -i* • i iiillli S't!il c • l;,1 »*, ■[-.'•• I, '■ -‘i- . ■i.i'.ii \ UtUrifltd, Within Ih.-* tni.C. pros«'*rd.rU j;» A. l . I OiUx VH, o< ’ JC ti -d 2 lOxf i-ulor. W All; ‘.G- ' \t to ti.r fekfut* of W. K. < firtledfee, it.ivo 1 l . lyi'.ttlv, d* ••«£«* I, will niuke iimnetllitv; p:iy -1.1 '/ i •or*. :.•!/? ou Ih«j < Imv iikd>’:!inulaat.HuiE' jnd ! •" U:s Codin', Ally UttCnfj‘l, With hi ;tc t .:c ;*'» * nitfu '•> ’• . A. Bi.TANKKR^J.V.A«!m Vfu'ii-rf * “ 7 i 2 •:■•: i. h,-i. soil i,. lie oflfamp'ou I Hun., ,p, I'- I nr ‘i- .1 r i: .it e,.-ti*. J, fti.l ruaX ■ iuiinetliali' a-v --:■ i■:. Ito I b.-i.e!!. Wi.lKlna, Alu-no ■ for tl ~ in.-! . I'.iii-.s ngiitii-t a:M .-iS: t will ti.,-i,i. duly ii'stfl, wi liui ihe I'ioe r re?c-i'c*<r Jiy lavv •-T-* f-wtr Ko'fcJKKT t!. l !.Ji;T P, Ex r. Vbl tr'l’f ui g- ii . •'!■< iii'!i*l.}ct! to the K*l:tt.e of l. L, Le* lia and s ’•! *Vi]iii!ihi.t i i.iimv, di i rUM-t, Wi!i make payitient to Lie an ~»:*• mu! tUosk* h »viiigr claims :-.£*.Uust said Kstate .i;v ii' i ro.|»ieSt;iii im-rji.iiuly ttil.MiWl, witLvn the time ore* ■ : ■ h\ c.v. A LKONAUU, _ lriV; 1 m Sion rtfs gufiqEsT iv ui i .;k. *’ T 7 ‘ 1A j i*,.Gntii9 uficr tlntf* appiioritriiyn will he nude to the ii: i: ■.iu i Mui Court DtHniiTrdry es (‘oidhihla e-ounty, for leave t«-. • ii ■■- vuro .n i »cl nglng t.» the ea.afe ot W,. E. iUrt.* led -u. i '!• f f't&.A count y, d.\«*a: ud, A. B. i AJiKKILSLJBy, A4m. 7>7‘lt i: J a **.'• ■ - • •' i ap_p'!.;»»!.>a will tie mod. to the }:■ : ! • r* ii ffUti \ ol Hrerii*' • unty t.*i h*aVe to i:rrt • ♦*! e.-l ite m HeneiyL ICaut, luteof 8 .id eoiiv.s . .:i... . «and. J«.r 1 *.. piaj.oa* <»t div’rih'u * iiiO)i< the uis «i •• .:•! JwII.N U. 111»! .T/C t A \V, c- "ti . Adiiutiistialor. ~ r * ia i‘v . i.ll af*.*r daUijiidicitivm wJln>e luade to fill i!ou*' if.- 1 \.‘-irt ojh»r;?in£rv of Ducoln couuty, for leas e io :■ i't ih* 1 r«:J Tvstaf 31 ol m*»iiif? to the estate of Abu r lluiu rick, tu c ‘ot - said couuty. dec acid. O -teberJid. 18*»4. ALEXANDER JOU.NS'tON, Adrn’r o"t7 bv.-il • of Abner i’, Hamrick, eec’d. Tilc m- -T . * 1.1 it onlls r,tier date hpimtation wHI lemadetothe ii'>noi;' <■ the f.'-onrt of Ordinary of (’olumbii ciant}*, for l*’.;vc to '■»';! Uie i.uitls of U»c eotaie ul labtun Fuller, deceased l;i*e of Raul county. oct ?.i> LV/-L4. -. F. XI. FI LLER. Adaj’r. ' . ' UKrntb? j;f!cr tb>o will be made to the < * urt c>* Ufd nu erj Kichmol and <-oit»itv, f r leave to soil the ; aVher, iale of said c . uov v Administrator, Tv O’i i v. ’ ’ 'i wi ‘f.- r date application will be made to the < Vu:? ,t <> dinaty of hi< binocd L’ouo' y for leave to svil Uje ucr'ri'v'S btlouaio*; to the* Els fate «>J Ouii- ve Duea?, tat; of suJU 3 -d. Lii»JN i*. BUGAS. ii')\2»Nv4s Executor. KXFi i XMls HALE. g ** p!ir?ttanref f •fcel&si will »pdtestamentw AdtimlTearnea £ r' Vt i of I < dr»cty.Vie«ravj t will be «k*S4 ut his *:.te •i.r.cTji; a5.1 criauU',Ml TL'BcjiA'V, the Ctii day * f 1 t ••; - r.e\T ihe hours of lwo'clock A. XI. ui.cl4 oV: k }•, Mlb-' p.llf V. :i*K proportv. to wit : • a e bui .irti! >.iid liin-'y three acres cf JaDd.more or -.* •' Linov- n c nr. y, U l»ei r 'tf .ti*« »asi;e piucd »bereo;j and • .i- dr- : led r.t r’ o Lis death. wVil ijpprovrti A] o. i rfv.!; iaiiH.f a?id.stvfO sires r.i(« f-r l**s in said conn i . fv. (he iHiLrflTjf’Cl; ( J 36J • nu hundred and lhirfv • -i-w fiatul linveo Jeraitt a id ' uinty,'known ss tae i'-Pv.i idVe-; v.iit'Mhree .huToi ed ard forty fcoes more or *. . r Will, s on the ♦*.!■' r< {•! U|d'-nse «>-ek, U'!j'4nli!#Ai«ds r f j£. M. Booker and airils bf-.n fO ti c e-t *te ot .l.«bo W bX !:0W occupied •ril >. ** (ioij two hundredami !w- - t ( g • r J m.-ru ot 't-<; known' aa lot No. 2*26, iith 12 h*. a-rdi cottUt**. Gooipd*..*•* A* is ry<ne conisifr.? of men. women ir. and ;• r. -i. . v .*nd *r ; r?• Xluics. !Icrs**a. t*att>. Mieep rml ti••g .•' rn, F'tid-.r. Wheat :.*ni v FUn»at;yu Tools, black- To h. c’. ; - PJe* - r: «’ar-iTgea? and two ii v~. - ' K lit« Furnitnr»: and m»fe% otn-*: ank-lrs , :. • to Sale to Continue from «i*y day uu «* • r 'bi.,j r ci. JOHN GIBSON’. J Uu c77tv L- ;cl A. niT/v.g ION., . . v- . WZ'lu • W'. • • ■ ' '•-• • a‘!m' : -'■ • !■' SV i-'.e-i. r ; > : ■■■•; •!" . '■ s.inurc, ~T cR>..-»- llif- J.W.ILU- eto.-. -.!• »• vv.W. si’mci.t's. ; I > no. ii . * T !.. ;\t,- tin r -Coru i-j. :i>„l !iilmoi,i.--ti alt acit airgulartL,- 1 «uitoi.; ~t .i U.C. aset TANARUS« l.e aa4 «|H-i-ar st my v- U. jt TLt i:.c pri -.C.r. .11" lav.-, t.;. .|-.j\v . .n-.e,!( sj-v lLl ! vb> tlie...:: r.i liA-i'.uu i.i.l -IMiiJ But I-.- Vi. Cts •:■■...n .1 i.'oluu.:’!.! county, r sous i-’ a ulid nro'-tc l v.- - .li. ‘ t „id.dv : ; - '•’• V-* .-kUV. U:°* nov S 46-45 Onliasty. irN i-dViilA, T<oAr’t-iUiW ' oit'S ■ v. < t x \> 1.-uv-s Vv ui. U. l'.ieot.A uij McSitmey have r.ia.-o a:a.l.i?i!ioii to ns- r.-.r l.rticr*of Av’niiabir-.ii.m on the estate li Wi .-lie J. Overt, m, lute- 1 c '■ cwtnty. U.ieaiert. •t hese aro lie. i-.-IV.iv t.. • ituKTot Rili-oiti-ti u'!, amici scalar the Ri’htr.vt an.! i-.litorj ot icut (!.. o.i-c-.l To I'l-asd ai-fi-e.r M my oifiiv within ihe Umei.ns.TiM bv tty, to show muMt, it ut.y they hav,-. «iiv «.iiit lellsn shi.uM 1.0 lhe crante.l. M- a lu novi4w4s _ Or.niiary. IJT'AIE 0>- 0 EOKOI A, til'-ll MONO t’OI'NTV. n Wlktv»s E!l.i. '1 ai-J.ll. s ' - «>'- K* LfUert ot mb lninistiutiim on tlo E-tale ot Ceoige t*. urcen, lute ot shut en, !'he-e', the;,".riii-p, to -i*.’ amt admonish, all end a'.ngtilat the kiudnutuuil crvJ’.t. rcol mi.l C.,,, me,!, t. he apWH a, n,y (,f9O(- oil or before the iii.-t MouJuv in tothow vetiM*, h’sity tlmy have, why i.uii Jictters -ahoula u.j be Krauied. Uiven nmlermy ban.! :ma oftt. ::J signature, at offleoln A-r eosta. tliis lit day of .Novel:,her, t.--CI. iiov-r 4w40 s D.W ID L. ItOATH. OiJinars. iffioKtuX »i I- -ff.M'o.Nl> CiiUMY. W ti.i Oeorae t’eV, a, ;to me iett .roi A.i mlnlstia ion on the l-stit .1 Kii tottli I*. Tinley, lutooiwis coonty, dee?is it. The-.- sre tiifrsfim-, to d'e e-,,! mt... .-C:sh Ml, M.,1 singula- Hie hllui.e t lOi.l (T«llt..l> .-f .-i! I .iee-v, ,!, to t- amt appear ;,i myontee ..a or hei'.-re Ih- -•: N 1 - iav ir. Dee- uC-r., ... si, to Wilfiw, itaiiyUiei have. Wily said laJ-fta siieU-d hot hi Kt <V Vo/u.. -mv jvA V.\3 oill.’Hi bU.aaturo, at offii Kiu Au Hiiffta, tills ] r.t ilay Os Ko\ ontVv’. ' •j. m-Y-: \tfV> DAVID UOATH, Ordtnik.T. State ok <«K()KotA, < ul .mv. V.’L'-f. .ia, .lahu Suwtl:.t'l‘li' 1 to !T».- far Letters ot bdmlnU'i'.liou on 1 o (* (*i I.uc'h- 1 A. intwdro, late ol eulit eouutv. deciaivod : Tt.(■:-•* ufc i!t iTHsti'f* t» > it> arid adni TL'-h, nil and Vingnlartlia kindred and vie-iituis i»r :»•.:•! O.v e . .1, to l-t-ttml ui‘|»cnrat mv ofll'-e on oi !>?l*>re the li:Kt. Mui.oav n liacoaiit.-r n. \t, to show cause, il'a; y they liayi ."vritv saU k-llc-t s stumhl net bogiant- CHwn under my hand arid at oflflee’in Au cust-a. Mi is Ist day ol JSovtndHT, nov. 4w{j I>;\.VlD 1.. KOATU, Oi’tVy. j I’ATK I ly'JKOUtli /v.liu'ii MO IS l> <!■ U NT : vT n WbciVAS Kohoi’i Wi i --;in l-rs to sue Ur {fitter aOf anmmi.-fmtion on the cat do oi' l’cnjamla Hoit, of saUt county, * Tltosi* :tr • therefore to dt* and aJmoni -h all. kindred and ercJltors < f said drt’D VCd, to lu: titd appear at mv o::iee, on or U-Kie the hv t Mo; day in Decenthcr D«Tt, to snow caace, if any u»vy Imk o, why s:dd should not be my hand *rnd ofVt- > •' :d-natme,.:tt offlt.e iu Au gust-a, litis 14 «i*V ol N-tvmlu t\ *eS4'. D.yVLJ j J.. KDATU, Ordinary. novß u w j -3 LJTji'fKofiawiFi UA. liIOUWO3it)COUNT" I ft Whevoaa, Marilt:'. A Ilu.’he's appii.’. lo m.* for l.e'tera oi admir.istt;dU#n.Oii the K .ute oi » v f>S»mon lioerluy, lute of suld 'l‘heso aiv ftheirurp to e and a.lmowlMh rdl, pad singular, the Kindred :ttid erediior- of .- .t.<! uotvset’d, loi»e and nppour at my oltteechi or before iln- ti». > Mondriv du i)« c mhn ncx.l,to show cause, if any thoy UrtYn. v. t y said "rt}c*rs should not he CUveu under mv hun.lun.: oSU i .1 signature, at office in Au g«Bta, this Ist day of NovemVi-, Idfil I'M li> J,. id>V! H, OF'. Glohoi -\, r•' 1.1. •: . • r mV. Wh<*i.»as, .■>.<: ovidt Uow. l! and W'l’.llam W. Atoore tipi'ly fi v letters of admi , >:■■■ i m’O'i or. llu* y.'.tuie of .'•amuel A tio vcl!, late ot' Eii.l coni'd*,, derop and. These, are theivtore, to r'.reartd n.dmonLsh nil persona con cert.ed to-, show came, 1 any lu-'V have, why wid letters should not. ha gi.ihtcd, A lit /'o'l'i ol untiom y, so he held in and for Ba.d toutiiv, on Ihe iii and Monday <u l.»eu:nihei ncit.- * Given under my hand, at offi • in < roem-ahoro, October 24th, LUOiiNK > I KING. OCt M 4w4l __ _ Diilhiuiy. 4f 1 v‘V'»r>. v\. Wlfivas, .Vn.> and Alkn Or.,t»t apply Tor letter of admir! ‘ii'.-ii on tt;- estah- ol Kojiston A. Sc:ilti. !s*e * i .-aid i• «v, and <«r. « h These Hie, ih-ieu.i i- and ’i.h ml porsona con, tor!.ow uuv, If :t \ la , .i . why slid letters tjl.o dd not he grunt* dst th. « .<* ■( o dh.ur. U> kdil in lUfl n.i-.said .out;, tie- I • . ’dt'/.O'Vt 'iD lu t .■n.herm«\». Ujvoi under n»\ hand a» odi.oiit t -d.-..-l-oto’, OctoK r -Mth, 18»M. J -1' * • K.y Ti’,*' J.. K i AG, od 80 4w41. Ordinary. tTTATK oir'oKOK'!lT, < I ; tj.lMol 4 COUiN I V.;' ft Whole's, Th tin j". Tipio , •!.]•!■ ■i> me for l.dters of adTiii i !.rt'.Ui onV..‘ K- M .c 1 ! .. a::- V- dm ... G.o .. .and. 'J'hese are theref'*o‘ l > r If ndt-i-.G-si;, r.;j .Ghk ,lar. the kindnd nmu .1 sol . t.i-..: n\ my •.i*tt:e wid. n to. li»-• pi- r t.ed hv is .v, !o zitow ttuuje.i tiny they hav.-. wh> -ndi. : -mhi not l,t ttlmted. OJve’i under mv Ji.*nd and udh •-I Mgirdntv atolM.c in Ap pling, t‘.ls flhhday id'di lc!m r, I . • Oit < ■' 1 •. ;’v. ISTAT»i:«G k' ; :- • • • oT-NTV” “ WiK'c.tN V» i'.i! :y D.r f- r letter offtdmii.isT tlion t-!i the •••*«:•».•. ! .< i b\ ’»tllt-i v. tii-e-wed. These are there*.;. Ion.; ’ -im-w.M- :Vd. ai:d singular the kindred :-.»:d n-.d ott o' . iM -! -. and. .* ami appear at iny olUce. v in Ihe lime p*.- - riti •: *->• law, to *?hft»7 caUr.e, il UtlV tlte V luv , WI.V :! :!<t I.i*- < ’lljlS- ,t J. -t ’•» .l>.li*ed. tiiwii under my hand n-.-l ottioul at oOhoin Ap* - vtt.ri day or <»-• ~ mi** cct .NO-i iwll . WVV .SHIP’I,OS, Ordinary. f ECHO \;V M I >*u 1A N"x ;o’l A'7 V . \yiwrs W/M :fli.;l'.V,'V u.t • aj-j-iy to nn' f- rht le sj oi aduiiidstratton upon t..c ;.- iic oi'L*i» v U*im i „decCtW «d t Into of- aid -• -uidy, « 'I liOK 1 :i c* tlr.ueiQiv tv, tp.-r Hi a-.'.in--id h all. ami .-infrular the ntfdreii and ct- •1- • t .hi no t .!. i > ;\-*i ip; o aimv oIU -e. • n *:r be*>ie the II;.-'. M< mt-.-v -n Decendcv iA\t.«lu*i» and ther-: to show • o.r, 11 . »:»• they have, why V.d y K:md vDt - oi Ma«!h Oil- '-Mil day Ct Octoh-r, ISM, K W. A Iv> U 1,1 >, (.Gdh iwt4 Old;miry. / rrofimA, MouGAi-rri-i^Tt:'' VI w iu-rr.iy, Mate Jutti* XV 'll* . , s t > lll** t -r lelieM Os apudutrlvatS>n np'Ei tin- I”tutu t l‘ (.iv'rif.-e K, WHac-il, la'.e 1 1 fcjtbl ■' mnt v, •tefv.iv.eii : • TSf.i* :tt“ iliro tdrsto uiL* ’.ultviall uod;pdur tin LiViili.'.l uittl .’iediiors 1.1 <! .M I. ■ . ■ and api-uir at my ortti on c.-v hrl'oro tJ «* tirr* in JhT-.-uiM-. to shn.v Tiu.-ie, if it it y they v. i* s' liLi.f.i eliOUld liot be idl’d. Given unde.* rny h:;ud »tt odh :• ,n :,1.. b.r-n, U-u. id. .1 yo Olid- r. l-i.i, l \V. AJC 'hi j». oetiid -1 w 4-1 Oidin »i. Sr vf v. ofT;'»•:*>?;» iC\ ,«<•!,F'l»j7*;71■ k *-\>v ai y. ’ Wfteieas, S.lli;i:Urn, ay-.p: 1 ,.- •, l.i mu ho 1.-Utu Oi udnd.m stiathin T.n e-dute of V iiu- Jiiet*, lute ol (ounty, de cc i-i and. 'i'hf-so are Ihe. f lore, to r '.r - .t.«l sdn hm-I. .11, and 3ißgttlai the kindred and i ed irons .T ;7.ti<L <t« ci n <?. hi U and appi-ar ai my office wiiluij ilie time hY i.iw, to biu-vr cause, If any thty Lu\ e vvhv said li-lin* * n..*iid rn.i be Kranted. Given under my i*aim and oilb iai tiii.. 21 at da of Oaoher, lbnL oJ2;4*vil >;.(*. M! Ahj. LLFORB, Or.hry. t¥‘6f <ieor<ua7V*<’:i.i lik*'iu ; icT. : u vs r y7~~ ~ Wli* Mfirllia and. *.n r." a].p!i •;< t• mu i.n h'tejs o| Adiniusti'idioii on'thf iv. ule «'f Fruncis M. Glenn, lute of said »onnty, »U*ct-H:« and Tt.ul. 1 thetehu**' to oilo and adv':i•ni.'.li all and singular the kindred nml iriend-.nn' sud mbmi- in !»• and nppi ar at mv oiVi.-e wiilnr. I !:(• tipie pr*-.- ! bj ln-.v,10 -Imv. . :iusc, if any they nave, why s-.uu guardian .-l.ouhl m>t be discharged iVom C iven unci on my hr.ial and ofll. ial mature, thl- 17th dsiy of October, Lf.rU. E. U. MtAhLftliPOKD, cc:2c Ivv l; O .hnruy. STATE OF G EollGi A, t>ol Li lioKf’fc Od'M'i. YV SuMV-iiv Aun upbfe ; r-> Me ior letters of ad inini.' on the E.-dato ot Guot />' V«, M m ’.), iale of said county, deccit.-ud., 'J*!*are iliC’ivf.riv to c i;* and adiv.oiii.--li, all and singular theUlitdii ii aiifl < )■:• f;i.•)->* I .i:»id (Uv.-aG'd. to be and app.-’av at my eitbe wit bin in* liiee pn. Tiiv. and l.y 1•- w to show cause, if any the) !inVc*,\vhy .nil Lc<;*.t.; mould not be grant- Given under my hand u;.d . ill. ;.l S;• ..dare Utis 2lot dav of OetohVr. IrrciS. c..t-:r, l wiM l .G. Sll A( ivK i. i*) Ri hn ot ii>arv. _ Li'l’ATE oTTSIooiKTiITT M.i Al- . 77:- * c oi'R T fT. . H v hereas, AJis. AUUiici hi •! .tpi-U- t'lo me for L. ttcrsof adndnhtraiitia on Hie K-tateot Butord Bird, late ol s ill coun ty, deeea cil Them* are tlien/ove to cite, m-d ndmcnbli, it 11 and SAiyuair the kindred and credit jut. of. ;id dec.- .s-d, to i:e aiid dppMf k* my i.t’lee, within tHetim- pres.iib.--d by law,to show ruuge, if niiy they have, why .-aid l.- .L m *bouUi net wracted. Given und-r mv hani! ar.d ofiteial sum at are, at oriiee in Giuwfi'.vdvide, Get. 24 Jl, ltj*H. . i». IJAJIAJAGK, - Ordiiuoy, S i'a TE of (jeo;*g7a7 taljal' kkkF) (ount y . “ When as. 5!i?:. Lelda Meadow* rij-p’i. s t** fm* fur Letter* •■•I en to * . stale of t'-n an tr ls..n lu 4 'c of .said count y. deceased, TliMu arc* therefore, to eii»* and admonish, all and nnguJar the kindred and emtitor. I.f said dtre.iHod, 10 !•.• and appear u! my office, within the time, r i «•*it*»<l I; to shew ,-. ( n c It uiiy Hiey liave, wJiv ri;i'nl 1. -sh. .nj.J i.ot betfr.'tul.?«!.• Given unite! i T band amiuth tU ml tin* al office in CraYf Jordville, this ltfth .of October, Jt’i.f. 2ucVi 4*41 __ i. 1> HAM MAGIC, Ord’y. ijjTATK oFTTeorgia, lj v;77n * ors'i v. 1’ J“hn ii. Keu'rify hHvl'^' jipiird to Ic*ani 'iint'd Guardian oi the pers n and piopt rt yol Mvph**n..l imK itedv j minor under fourteen ye a- rfuy , res dci.f of ad . mint V, thin i. Io cite all pelsoii.s conce)n«*si to l. and appear m tie term i Gourfci Ordinary tone held mxt ai'te, th- r-xpiruimu oi thirty and »\? fr m t. e ttvT publ . v.b.i, ot GV- ooti. e and show cawe. Uaf v they ,m,wh v ia;d John it, Kut. <iv Khenhlto* be trusted w:th U*e Guardian.'nip oi ; li e i ,-r < u u.d u*', of Stephen Jam* Kenedy, * ** ‘ -i * *iy V }w. 77 y ; ’* ’• ‘L-Ur. i: E . TA 1!» .1 i >nlii.!,i y. Posiponesl iLhidiiLfratoi's Sale, berhext, If e foiiow.l.jr liegr,.rs. !>.: t*» Ihe estate or -o J . 1 “ te r; * -»■'<*»• n .ty, dec..*; s*d: <’ .Kr*A R ,- t :wau w 7i-c7 C f 1 I'Ve.mold, ami her infant ati ‘ I b'‘* 1 1 * il ‘ tOl the j;, :'.z ;;ild CrCUitOUI. - 00:1 i>S U 11 AKltlbS, *dndr. AhRIINISTA.TRf X SALE B\ vi’tue of nn order fron t he r ourt of Oolinary of JJncoin county, wili be acid before the Court House door :*i .**jid county, imtweeu the usual hours ofAiaM, on tne first. Tlf H». V in December next, the following p cpiut r. to-wit i v.6d) t'even hundrtil and fix ty time n-. **h . s'land more or o*2*lll said county, on the waters of Lit*!.? River, adjoining lands of Dennis Rascal, Willem Cov-4 and lan is be'onylnjr to •the estate of Jimerson Mabry *jt being the ft*!ne r’.ac.* v. •Jame? U Bamuels resided at the tiich • r hi* death. Tvcdl Jm prove-.i. S old &9 the property belonging to in- estate of JAX! ES late oiiHia county dfcease<l. To. ms on thed iv of ~ x[ *- A EKi.NE l»l T NN, ’ Administratrix of J.-jpes D. Samuels, dec and cc u 6w t*2 B AU.MI.MBT K V lOikV SAI F* k value ol an oidtr from ‘h*- iJor.or.d.'.H ('curl r.f Orjica ry of Green county, will t. -oM cn the Ur t TU ESDAY jn Docemiier next, before the Court Jlou-c doer at Grccaes boro, id **i*.*! county, a!i the J.ted be-ong'n,® to the estate if Bareh Southerlami »levees (. Sold for the henent oi w he heiie tuu T**c* daiu deccTe»ru. on day of _oc:t:ow«a •». .1, p i) i;T H bli L A & D. B*"* v AILMI.MHT4! V! OU XB 1 LK~ ' V virtue of in order irom ihe C.uil o! Or* i aryef L'n c lc fout’.v. will he sold ta .‘ore the Court ilcuse v'oor in aam on !jje rirst lue .J .y in Deocmlicr next. Ihe u&uaTnou* or samjbu i-Ulowing j.rretly, tc-w.i : (4dQ> Four Hundred and Eighty acre- o, LAND, more cr leei* n ka tl county ' n thew*lers Creek, pj b leg lands of Jo2.n L. J a dial, Dunn*?. > and Berii f.'n San.ueJs • also, the following NiCKOES: Jl. irv, lcvtuLv wars' old • Minty. se»- lity y ears o’d ; Cedrge Jsfi v tire yi :;r- ~fd U i;d Co-’ lumbua, twenty or.c- >;r-old--; hi a.- i Cprope*ty to the Estate m Fhibip late of fuld i-.ui.Ty, de< c&iKlfor the b* DCiit of th« heir- and creditors of said F^ale. Teima on iLe day of tale. JOSFFH M. IiILL Adni’r. oct'22 ow-Im de bo',-s non ilh the will uLnex. and. EXIT ITURMKIhK *\\TILL le so rt on the ii si. TUESDA Y in December next, f ▼ the Comt Hous- door in the city of Green county f»ur likely young 2* EGILOEs, t< wit , * tarl. ■*. 122 vear» oM: 2j: .1 nr. It; Uent'-. ’1 ’ears > Id. io n- \ c.,r.lance with theia:.t will xn 1 m* • ! of ( .bn dec?aivd JOJT2, AUM* fKONC. Kx‘r tw-afi wi -jwfeii and. rjj CIIIIONICLE & SENTINEL JOB PRINTING OFFICE Is one ol tlie Largest in tlie Confederacy WE ARE PREPARES) .TO EXECUTE # * IX TiiS BEST . AA^NTItJESRp - AT SHORT NOTICE. * AND ON 3FS. o asonatole Book Printing, Pamphlets, Sermons, Addresses, Catalogues, Reports, JOB WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Snell ns Posters, Handbills, Concert Bills, Auction Bills, Programmes for Concerts and Exhibitions, Circulars, Envelopes, Druggists’ Labels, Blanks, Bill-Heads, 1 i EXECUTED PROM PTI, Y, NEATL Y, AND ON' Tilt! "aCJaiSXUaUEiSfc BY THB USB 018 ■STEAM AND THK BEST m POWER PM.ESSEg, 111 kinds.of work used by Book Publishers, All kinds of work used by Ma»u far hirers, Ail kinds of work used by Bonks, Ail kinds of work used by Insurance Companies, All kinds of work used by Bail road Companies, All kinds of work used by Steamboat Companies, All kinds ol work used by Joint Slack Companies, AH kiuds of work used by Merchants, All kinds of w ork used by Mechanics, ill kinds of work used by Lawyers,* All kinds of work used by Travelling^Exhibition*, All kinds of work used by Patent Medicine Dealers All kind of work used by Professional Men, &<>.., * Can and will bo fuvmsked AS ' GOOD AND CHEAP . AS AT ANY OFFICE *iN TilF CO^RDERACY. Tt-'«6.n rtfiW igrtilMTiVii >t< i „ ti i - , 4 WE ARE CERTAIN WE EASE P'I,EASE AUr Who will favor us vAth THiEIIII IP* rtTV! ALL IN WANT OP Any Kind of Printing, -A.IRE - OALL. ¥ fcXei PTORb' %LE \\ at «*«b*u* onti-iy at th- Lower » f arJrct Jfou?*’ -,, " Aupaiita. on the Srf-t Tae c rt:iy in December next, the J l \ dr J n . kD I O .' WD J ft3 Advectttfp, iielonging totLe eitateof r . r.ciaclair, deceaixfl, on the Louisville loart, nix uom Augu-ta, and contab In// -2AO aer i mo*e * r k*. .cl wWi to «<•> or ISJ etres are cleureU .'and and the rcinaiurter in womb . 1 .i <Ja wie place Is a dwelling house nirg c'gl.t r->on.-,‘ blether with anew gin hciie*. r>-ven nuirro hou^i—rotir p.-r ffi tjy new, all neceasai v outbuildings, and a well <-f in-ve h»i:-! lug \.’rtt-r. 'iVrrua mart.* knc*wri day or sale. Abo on tr.b place, on the following day, 'he pubi.ah'e property to the estate, cansiitlng or latiie. hogoaih. corn ai.d tedo-r J . A. L HOLmhLAiK.i 5y .,, (1 , fr . V. W. BUISGLAIU, i Jkxecutors. novs 6w 46* ADMIWigTRATOK’S bALIL T AT ILL be (old at the Court Hou»e it. Greeiieshoro. Georgia “sou tho first Tu.aday In Decern her Dext, under an or •ier of the Cour» of Ordinary, a lot of land ir. the limits of Orceneshoro, adjoining Roulibin, Ziuimeinan ar.d othera, t op. itdniQg four acresiiior-' o lea?, bold t r the benefit or the heir.; and creditors. as the of John p late of fcaid county detM. Teniui ca.h, ‘ Jl \ oct 1< fi«42 Admini-.*nior. OJiMAN€K BLANK BOOKS. By-Laws -anti Constitu tions oi Societies," Printing from Stereo typed Plates, Court Dockets, - Briefs, &(\ Blank Bills and Notes, Bills of Lading, Bank' Checks, * Business Cards,- Direction Cards, Visiting Cards, Labels, Bills of Fare, Fancy Joh Printing, Printing in Colors, Brouzo-Printing, Ac. ] CHANGE BULLS, !N ANY QUANTITY DESIRBC, ' ll UK 1IAI) AT * THIS OFFICE WRAPPING PAP^N A FEW HUNDRED OLD NEWSPAPERS, SUTABI.K .'‘o.l H It ATT.NU VAroK For Sale at This Office *