Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, January 11, 1865, Image 4

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6!kc.;!‘;c ,V ICiL'-u.., . i ■ ■ t-oon ti !«** -in iv- . V. nwfch.X to the C11.2-D, | bat It lieruk tomck tag 1 for b misbcbar 1 A rii’t'-Vn • r who undertook to create’ ft disturbance rec.?at!y, nrul who refused to j wee; by the unrd. , • . t order hade trees in the city. The 2no c,t ;.'t,v*‘i 1 All. : :.l\ at- ::d;» those \v!lO cttbei mutilat t » I >wn. TV joMlcs . ift itSlosvi'l, unJer any < iicurr. 1- ••• . t ,U; and. irC-iiees. <j • i -4erly, •; : • .vi h tb-Mfownar.;, and per forming 11. ir fiisioniary.dufiut'. One store wi • ii mi th • North has . 'Jim imveu:< • a and tvAntieth army corps are qttirtcvcii in tin: city. The Foiitltviilh • nienl.t -.which r. ■ t-!i fieia the t-aytflinah river to the plank road u'ilpatrick'H corps is idationid on tlie Savan li'' tl <ft Uft :i * <l. Dm jpg the part week all tha troop?, in and around the oily v.-en reviewed, by (Jen. Sher man. Our informant • ays they were in a line condition. , A at many won it ,‘diocr, q • - blanket vnd other necessary article The horses ami n,i.: in the Cf ■arterinasler depart nr tid r.:sd '» ilic wti:- io 0 :nn» were in tiie tit i (and order. f l he cavairy liOT.\.i had a nort of “worn out" look about tlic-ru. liitt health o! rtn rmiu.’s atmy i lcporte-.l to he excellent—but a little sickness was preva lent. in the ranks. Some few Ji;;ht draft \ t Id have come up to the wharf. No tirrriy stores h ive as yet peer; received in (! ciiy, and but..mail quan tity of sutler's ueosl.r. From tlie conver ation of ttie officers ae well as the men, our informant inferred that it was Nherinan's intention to remain ill the oily until ts’-'O in tiro harbor were removed c;iouf'i; to allow him to bring stores and goods loth • city to replenish Ids amrau rithall tilings needed. All li re in he pro. Ided with a pass from someone cd tlie leading general olli< ers. and ire leport that our pontoon hrfdgo was hut partiall y bun iucorrei L It was »am - plelely dwtrojod. The Vaukecs are bnildiflg •anew pmc . ’ ii': c from a point near the Fkchatige. *j !:■' ctiuiciic on : ■ are v;. 11 tilled with ’ adic On wed; tlays however. but few of them are Keen on the streets. A majority ol t he male population have remained in the city. The families oi most of lli.-so who have left ftUU.n'!.udn. A majority of the chiv. in have previ.-i aei for some time, but-thei a carcity > wood, •and much still’, ’in/ it is tlared will he experi - cncnd for want of fuel. (i#i. Stuuman h’ : nnounced that he will soon open the Js ivaniiah .•rad Gulf Ihiilroi'.d and haul wood to tho city. A grca! natty of the negroes which went to ■U»a city with Sherman's army have already run away- 0.. h./eimaut iiiatts tuirl the road by which in 1- U tin city, was lift'd with thpm. Our pici.yi iin'-i i o atewl tiiiriy-iiiiliS iron Use < i-■ (>isv*'n!!s > ■.. i » iiiiU’S of til.' city. Ibili our pitkii - nil l fcouD are very vigilant, an<l no one i alkrtveu to go into th city without a j . from the commanding j <JenVi:il >;•> ’s a! low?! to uny nut’ per to :-o toward.’ the city. Alt females who j ere caught go.a ID\v;i:ua the city, arc trior oughly tuAu ht and. lint lew it any female;". <sr families have left the city since the . ‘ ai; atk>n lyv Gen. Sber lifan. Anew. par. rha auy !■. or. started. It in printed at the loaner oi'il e of the “Daily News * lunah Daiiy fjovai Ot'orgian" jniV' l.v M. Summers «•»<■(. A. > M. The !•; -‘to 'cf the .• hoet is •Bede. 1 1 rem no eded, and disenthrall^ 1 . ‘-The Ii just and shall he it (rved !’’ ' a },; slid no:' ac o aan vs that the “Loy- ! “new h, ; oiioui of evoy thing;" at 1 •iveeei’H'r • ; *O-,U*aU..t uippliod off il), ri! {; v: • : i ■■ . ■ «:• -.Vibers received: ; .•dverti.:. ’ nte ins wed at rates corresponding i with tl.-> yah :el other commodities, in the j cite. The j. o, : A the si:: 'of tin' late “N, ws.” ] 't he pe.oii. .to r ..nt!o:n:r's that lie will keep j IJUristm.i*. bn* tern t ■ will not have a turkey : to enjoy on that day. 5 n :ind not iho e of the military authorities. ! j[f> ;; e> sin for freedom in the broadest rynse j •■f the . ord, is opposed to Northern “Copper- j iicadi; m,” <■ ! i. i’ <i: V bettei to deal gently j a,ith - ■ i.e:ny :,.■•! > 1 tin m inlo t's. - light j path by peivu.iaun t'n.d by ioree. lie also j • : idople Icv t.. a Slk saeiu Ih* ; ll' aUp n the soldiers to behave Ib-’nsJur and eiW’llt no j iicls of violence. lie also say. The will net up’mldstho persecn- I lion of auy elas.'. however oi i . eiionable their j sentiments n. -.jdmv been—and dial! act upon ; From the •Loyal Georgian' we cull the an- ; i.exixl items : Shcriiwn •‘bar shown him If to he the | nnind oi ti.. .. r tv. . h.s is the j The “Lora", t: Vs : < I. j ‘The pastors c! iV.e I:i-lep?t,j,' a j ]\ . .Yil Meiiiodts'. I ’ ! ' u - •• e that there will j A emir. Pi...! to. i• in Savannah on a visit tothm. Si Tip m. 1-L‘ Foster is also in jhe city cn a visit, , ’ r.< — .t.* .sonthe! r- , r c qoan rs cou:e And the in re- j > Is tt a , y t ..e . ‘to reflect seriously upo" the- po- 1 sition of affairs," aad think", that the best way ii nov w he blinded by prejudice, bu; • , look at m&t<« s as they leaky exist. It i stated that a meeting of the ciiizenscf Savannah is contemplated to adopt measure? for operate State action on the tart of (ieor -ion to exl-ttng affairs. A committee has been formed to distribute f : 0. * ' the needy -e«idfent of the city. A ,idler who was misbehaving him-Pli war hot Chri ;trn i-night. '1 lie bait after passiu »! rough I.U leg struck an Irish woman name,’ 1 ridget O'Reilly, and killed her. One or two of the Insurance companies in | ;• v.Uicah are considering the project of c-s --tabSiulrir.g n National Bank for tho issuing of greenbacks. The Custom House and Post Office arc being c : e:m -d out, preparatory to the commence ment of business. Adams Express company have opened ac office fqj business on tho corner of Dayton and Bay streets. • «Oue rich feature in tlie columns of tho ‘'Georgian” is a quantity of Confederate official advertisements calling upon the citizens to rady to defend Savannah, also other Confeder ate notices, also prospectuses of several reli gious Confederaten ewspapers, and other mat t. which reminds of days gone by. The pub li, her says be shall till out with the?e adver tisements until his friends futnisb him wit! npw ones. One Northern firm have already spread them elves oilpaper—Messrs. Marsh & Brother. They have taken Lire store No IC3 Congress street ami occupy a full column iu telling what they have ta sell, and invite tho people to call look ahd buy. . • The Georgian .comments upon the advice given the citizens of the Savannah by the edi tor of the Republican in his farewell remarks, and says they are 1 "decidedly mild for a fire eater. ’’ Here are Ihe remarks referred to. TO TUB CITIZUKS Os SAVANNAH, By the fortunes of war we to day pass under the authority of the Federal military forces. The evacuation of Savannah by the Gouiedcrate army, which took place lust night left tho gates to tlie city open, and General Sherman, with his army, will no doubt to day lake possession. The Mayor and • Common Council leave under flag of truce this morning for the head quarters of Gen. Sherman to offer the surren der of tho city and ask teims of capitulation by which private property and citizens may be respected. \V r e desire to counsel obedience and al! proj, r respect on tlie part ot our citizens, and In \pres» lira belief that their property and ' arsons will l>e respected by our military' ruler. The tear expressed by many that General Sherman will the order of expulsion from our homes, which he enforced against the citizens of Atlanta, we think to be without foundation". He assigned his reason in that easts as a military necessity. It was a question of food. He could not supply his army mill the cHb.'.eiUi with food, and he staled that be must l;a\*o 1«H and sob; tv nutation. But in our case, food can he abun danliy supplied for. both army and citizens. We would not be understood as even intima ting that we are,to be fed at. the cost of the Federal Government, but that ftfiai can be easily obtained, in all probability, by all who can alibi'd to pay in (he Federal currency. !i, behooves all to keep within their houses until ('.t'i. i'hevman will have organised a provost sj-ffauj atld sticjr police as. will insuu sy.fety to persons as well as property. Get. our conduct be such as to win Hie admi ration 'of a nuilgKiinimous too, and give no ground for .complaint hr harsh treatment on the part of him wild will for an indefinite period hold possession of our city. in our city there are, as’in other oonreeu ' aitics,:»large propotiou of poor and needy families, who,'in the present situation of affiiis brought aliout by tlw privations ot war! will he thrown upon the bounty of their more, ioviunate neighbors. Deal v.ith them k ; nd T i- a'i’ r your Ji’nianthropy and benevt'lence and let the hearth.of the unfortunate not be deserfed by your friendly aid. A, citizens meeting was held In Savannah Pec. 27. Tho following account of the proceed i ;1 -« is ia]a n from the Loyal Georgian : rur.uant to the rail pf Mayor Arnold, a huge meeting of inliiifk'-ial citizens, was held al the Masonic Hull, at 12 o'clock to-day. for the purpose of taking into consideration matters relating to the present and future w.-lfai 'of tho city. On motion, Dr. Arnold was unanimously called to the Chair, [and wi dr, :. ■ I the ineetiAg an follows : l 'el!ow-f‘iti:,.'iis of Savannah—At the request of the Aldermen of the city of Savannah, tun! a lava number of citizens, t have convene,;i you together this (lay, to give expression to yt.-ur views and sentimonts in the trying state of affairs in which you are placed. *lt is for us no longer a crisis—the crisis is passed and it is for you to decide upon the particular line of action each and all ol' you may determine to pursue. Our action is to be. determined by ; our situation, we have no authority or now or to speak for others outside of our limits lint we are the Ridges of our own situation, and can speak for ourselves and ought so to do, by all the considerations tis prudence, am! I will say common sense and humanity, to mitigate, if we can, the effects of' the heavy blew which has fallen upon us. Our city contains 20,000 inhabitants, without food, wi I - fuel, without any place of refuge, cut ( If from all connection with the country. The b art sickens •>; the picture thus presented vnd it is our duty to mitigate as we cannot avert the terrible sufferings by ail means which reason and common sense may dictate, regardless of all abstract view 3 . I have weighed the matter anxiously, and have nr rived at the positive conclusion, that there i.- but one course to pursue, but it is not my province as calling a meeting, to say more a"' present. When the city was taken, through me. us Chief Magistrate, you asked for protec lion, you all kuow that it was granted io you ami we all fell deeply indebted to Jlriff. Gen G ary for his conduct as commandant <U ilff city. 1 lying convened you and expressed t : re. - - part my views, it remains for you to nj j ; oiul a ehaii mail tor the Meeting. A. S. Haitiidge and Robert Erwin, wove | apppointed* Secretaries. . ! J he I. llowiiu; weia appointed a comniitho ! a report resolutions expessivo of tile mending, i (.' : < ..)• Hock well. Aid. Lippinan, Dr. Willis, 1 Vl. '• •••••• 'a. Martin Dugan, J. G. Mills. ! VV D. Weed, Alu. f.iehlison. Aid. OT'vrne, ; .s i ’after a brief ifbseuco reported the follow- ! ing resolutions : Wis . , by the fortunes of war*, and the j tinvndor -.-i the city by the city authorities, | Ji.ii ac.uab has pa-.-cd once move- under the; aull'.i -r'.ty ;U the Euited States: am* whereas, I we believe that ti e interests of the city will he j b■■t s:b rved mill “promoted bv a full and I in e e:.; .. ?ion of out views in relation to our ! ; iv.-* ut condition. We, therefore, the people i o’bavannah. in full meeting assembled do; hereby. 1. Ki.-ehvi, T!:at we accept the position.! v.i.l in the language of the President of the | Failed Slates, -seek to have peace by laying down ooi inn.-: and submitting to the national * auih >r;i ,• iimier the Constitution, leaving a'"l i ; si:,>ii; which remain to be adjusted by the pe.n. cable means of legislative Loufcrence and votes. 1 2. Unsolved. That laying aside all differences, 1 ami burying by-gones on the grave of the ■t : v..* will in - our best- endeavors omo . !u ; to bib-.g luck the prosperity turd c,m in. nn we ci,ce er-iojed. ...•* *• P* ed, ’J‘! • >*• do not nut ourselves *'' ' : a c mqusred city, asking ' ; ! 1 S' 1 ’' Iwel - 1 ‘be ii 1 iv'.’e ’•• !■ lv, kges coniaiued iu t|re • ! s-e ol u.e Ik, -ideut of • L'elo'r"'- ‘ * U '■‘ l bgislulicn of o - *- io a people situated as j v. are, and while we owe a strict obedience I a- our part to the laws ot the United States, I w? ask the protection ever our person.’, liv S : acn property recogniz-d by those law-. '. Rea t( illy reque t H • ■ y, the Goi call a • >nv< n ti iof tla- p-opleof G<‘. r,;i by any cossti t iooal ia his power, to give th-'tn ant : unity of vt/ling upon the < u sti< a who: her thjpy wish the war between the two! . sections of country to continue Re Ived. •. : Sherman h:v .ctr p’ac.'d as m .Raiy-coscman V-r of this ..... .. g Gen. Graiy. who Las. by Lis ur i tire ' s-t :. (fit tlemun, and ; is uci.'mm k'.cd j,-, to our citizens, done nil ia his power to .■. €'. t theta trem '. >u t and ixjury. it is the • ••i-ao. .de. .•>cta ip t esc at that he be allow ! t-d to nniain in hi.; pi'isent position, and ibr the reasons above stated, ihe thanks of. the nitiz-nsare hereby tendered to him and the . rili ers under h's command. | (i. Rvs-olved. That au appeal copy of these ] resolutions be sent to the President c f the Uni ed .Stabs, the Gi veruor of Georgia, Gen eral Sherman, and the Mayors of Augusta, Co lumbus, -Vac, n and Atlanta. V IMOt l- VAS A !10\ UV VUE Filf aIDK.NT. Vt’j.ereas, It has been made known to me that Bennett G. Barley, an Acting Master in tire Navy of the Confederate States, is now un der arrest in me of the British North American Provinces on an application made by th • Gov ernment ol the United States for the delivery to that Government of ihe said ilennett G. Burley, under the Treaty known as the Extia dition Treaty, now in force between the United Stales arid Great Britain. m And Whereas, It has been represented to me that the said demand for tho extradition of said lßnnett G. Burley is based oh tlie charge that the ijjiid Burley is a Qigitive from justice, accused of having committed the crimes of rob fiery and piracy within the jurisdiction of the United States. And Whereas it has further been made known to rue that Urn accusations and cha'ges made agaiust the raid Bennett G. Barley arc based soleley on the acts and conduct <1 said Burley in an enterprise or expedition made or atompted in the month ot September last (1SII4) iov Ihe capture of the steamer Michigan, au armed vessel of Hie United States, naviga ting (he bakes on the boundary line between •ho United States and Use said British North American Provinces, ami for the release of numerous citizens of the Confederate Btates. held as prisoners of war by the United States, at a certain I-land called .Johnson's Jsland. And Whereas, the said enterprise or expe dition for the capture of said armed steamer Michigan and for tlie release of the said pris oners on Johnson’s Island, was a proper and legitimate belligerent operation, undertaken during the pending jiublic war between the two Confederacies known respectively as the Confedi rate States of America and the United States of AmcrUa ; which operation was or dered, directed and sustained by the authority •if the Government of tho Confederate bta f es, and confided to its commissioned ctiicers, for ex-cullon, among which cfi'mcrs is the said Bennett G Burley, Now, therefore, I, Jefferson Dayis, President of the Confederate Shrtes of America, do here by declare and make known to all whom it may concern, that t' l e expedition aforesaid, undertaken In the jponfSi of September last, for the capture of the armed steamer Mtctdgan, a vessel ot war of the United States, and for , Ihe release of the prisoners of war, citizens 01, tho Confederate L-taftis pf jjpld pup-" live by tho Vuited Statps of America at John son's Island, was :v belligerent expedition or dered and undertaken itudoi tlje authority ol (he Confederate States ol' America, against the I i "ited States of America, and that tho Gov ernment of the Confederate States of America a ;-nm; g the ycspopsibility of answering for the f -.ud conduct of any of its cßlcew engaged in said expedition, aiu! especially of the said Bennett G. Burley, an Acting Master in the. Navy of the Confederate Staff'S. Aod I do further make known to all whom it may concern, that in the. onVis and instruc tions given to the officers engaged in said expedition, they wore specially directed and cep lined to "abstain from violating any of the laws and regulations ol the Canadian or Brit ish authorities in relation to neutrality, ’’ ard Ihe combination necessary to. eff.-ct the purpose of said expedition "must be made by ConlcdCvate soldiers and such assistance as they might yyuu may) draw trom the e;ie mv’s cc-unti v,” In testimony whereof I have signed this manifesto and direted tho sinpe to be sealed with the seat of ttie Depaitment ol State of the Confederate Stabs of America, ai <1 to bo made public Done at the city of Ri.-hmopd on this 21th day of December, 1801 - fSigned] JaFimnsox Davis. By tlie Presliient J P. Benjamin, Secretary of Stale. The Wau Footixu ok Raii.koads.—The Presi dents of the railroads in Virginia liavugee p vied a sivfliwuesjt rplatiya to flip P"p( iisegpf Cwndueting tiipni 'at war pricig, in which we uni s inn valie.iblo ititistiis. In the mailer •of wage!) paid to their employe®', it appears ibat lift" average, advance of eight hn.odrrf) per cent on pease I'aiiv hum b"cn fanud qe ecssary, except in n< gio bite, tv!* ; ch l.- g been advanced ab .ut loitr liufi*i!rf>, per cent. Iu oiln-i pypprires, the advance , lias been much gi eater: and in Midi turn to this, the great scireily ol 1 -.her. the high pi ic“ cf oils, tallow elc., a”d tl c daily deterioration ot ths roa ! obinpry, la;lo be contended wilh In the de > preriatron of their properly from these and | similar causes, one if the principal companies ‘ of tiie State estimate tlu-ir annual loss at. 5700.- | 000, and in firs do not include the losses of bridges, machinery and railroad, caused by* the j contending annus, which is over $' 000,- j 1)00 K**t «iUista!;ding this fact, t! 0 tells are j only ten times, and the fires only five times what they Were before the war. Reducing the fare to an article of indi: pensable necessity to railroad companies, it is shown that where a passenver who paid four dollars before the War and twenty dollars now, might now pay his fare fiu two pounds of tallow- or its value in money, in the mutter of the surplus rev enues am! the large dividends declared, this pamphlet says that it is fiom the impossibility ofA spending this su'plus in making proper | rcpaiis (o the loads and stick—tie material i ibr repairs not being in the country—and | that a»l Ibis must inevitably be mei by the 1 stockholders at soma iutme day. 'i lie I‘rcti : dint, in view ol these facts, deprecate hostile legi latiou. State or Oonfulera'e, aud says: “Eri m these fai ls, it, follows that unlegs our railroads are sustained by enlightened and lib eral legislation ami action of cur public au thoriliis, tbalo and Confederate, instead of being m.tie, lyjfhout defence or advocacy, tlir *oj lof constant :* in * nbud i!e!j’’nci:il.ioii mil ol boslile cia.-s legishitioo, th*y ir.evita ti'y must be brokt n down, and he lost to the connivy and to me tuilitgry operations, for all hisiory and (xuciieuee proves that their tiii-niptel inaiij'.ei'.iuice anu crerilGou bv Guvcrment i Hilda's will inevitably only ha-dec, with greatly increased expense, their final ruin. They are now in the control and management..of those whose personal interest in their maintenance and efficiency is far greater, and ( whose justice, liberality, aud patriotism are ceitainly no less than those of auy Government officer,’’ i— wm Nisbet's Command.—Annexed is a list of the casualties in Nisbet’s command, Brown’s Brig ade, L:eut Col. R B. Nisbet commanding from Dec. j to Dec. 23 : Adams' Oattallion M Fitzpatrick, Cos A, arm severe; R Hern, missing. Hospital Battalion—P I> Uarvy, CoB, head mortally; N Daniel, Cos B. aim slight. Hawley’s Battalion. Clemen’s Company—J B Claik. killed; Corporal S H Batley, in head severe. Adams's Battalion—R W Parr, Cos A. killed; ,D W Brooks, Cos A, arm severe; J W Huff Cos a. foveijuger off; W Bhickbern, Cos A. shoulder slight; W Seagravea, Cos A, captured; Lieut Morris. B, head slight. ’ ; Hospital Battalion—J M M Floyd, Cos A. ! liide anti should r slight; II D Spangle, Cos A, j thigh severe; j\S Morris, Co’ A, !e<r severe:! Wl Hasty, foat severe; J Me Fa Lien, cm 0,1 Rilled; J Ga’laher, Cos B, both thighs ampu ; tated. A man was arrested in Baltimore a tew days I drive for cursing Lincoln. ’ i ahe Clneit nl l people appear to be much alarm®! about Confederate plotter iu their uiidsl. they fear they .vill do much mischief. ■ Two drunken Yankee cfliceis, lately, at A icksburg, uu-L-rt-k to reproduce the tr idi exploits ot Mike Fink-shooting a tin I cup off a man’s heal. One volunteeied to do the shooting, the other to support the cup. i The result was (he same as that of Mike’s last performance in that way—the ball hitting a low inches too low. Memphis is : Tanning with tr.'-ops \.Lo e des*. nation is supposed to oe * Joriuth. V* lie fi'.. eg theuservcii of ee Charlesloa, Ma.-s, water wo ks a few days’, the pump would ne t end au exaudoatiou prov a that the pipe was completely fi led with eels. The next day the trouble again, aud on the two occasions over 2500 pounds of eels were removed. Gen. Dana is conscripting the citizens of West Tennessee, and forcing th m into the Yaukte army. The abolitionists of Tennessee are making another effort to tis their politic il status, so that il will meet the favor of their masters in Washington, and receive the recognition ol the State as a pmt of the .abolition Union. The scheme of holding a preliminary State conven tion to lorm a ticket to lie run for a constitu tional convention, originated in East Tonnes see, and the other division fell in with the suggestion . Chicago has just c nil pie ted anew census total, ICO, 353, aga’ns 109,200 in 1800. The total valuation of property is $48,733,- 782 against *157,053,512 in 1800. The population of the British North Ameri can‘Provinces that are uniting is b”t littlp short of 3,(100,000. The Gqt'qqlic religion ia held by considerably wore than two filths of the number. Colonel Cyrus Hamlin, eldest son of the Vice-i’resident.has been promoted to the rank of brigadier general. Colonel llainliu wap one ol the first officers in the army to offer his services to command nt gro troops. General Burnside has appeared before the War Committee icspecting (he (h-terslmrg dis aster. It ia understood that ho testified that his plans were so completely elm aged by General Meade just before Ihe assault that he was unable to carry out his designs. A free school for female negroes was re cently opened in Baltimore, ip the leetjste room of the fiet'e! Church, Saratoga street, under tlie auspices of the American Missionary Association. Asa mark of esteem for Lin coln, the aulVor of the jirqclqmation pf eman cipation, and the deep interest h > has mani fested ia the welijit'ol the "colored people,’’ the ’‘parents and fr'enffs" of the children who attend this school decided to gall it the "Lin coln School," The Fenians—lrish nationalists they call themselves—are to have a grand convention at Cincinnati on the 17th of January. They want to get together a fund of SI,OOO 000, and the ffenmmr everywhere are quay muffing col lections therefor. In the Supreme Court at Cincinnati, a few days ago, in an action brought by a negro man, named Johti J. Taylor, against Charles Lyle and Joseph A- bavyjvr, lor illegally re jecting his vote at tjie Ijjst election, the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff. A competent authority calculates that be tween §l2p.ffo|) and S}sß,fJoff yearly is ex pended u) New Y ork upon tffo ryiigious music . of its churches. Six powder mills exploded near Wilmington, Del. JL)ep, 15, killing ten jgei) and wounding several others. William M. Stewart, sou in-law of Gov. Foote, hag been elected U. S Senator frpui Nevada. The trial of Mrs. Ilutcliiriv for presenting a sword to Harry Gilmer, the Confederate dra goon, is concluded ip Baltimore.' The proof was positive against 1 or. A Yankee journal says she is a handsome lady, aud was an object of sincere pity as she stood in court surround ed liy her little children.' Her sent or po is five years confinement, in the State l’cnifi nthuy, but the probability is that the sentence will Ire mitigated An order has hern Issued by Stanton stuping .the draft in Kentucky. lie is afraid of the feeling of the State. The Federal postal revenue for ttie year ending June 30ili, was §l2 433,253 78, and (fie exp-, intituies lor the same period, sl2 01f t -78!> 20. This shows tin .-rpeiiditure ol $200,- 532 ‘l2 over receipts, while the average annual excess ot expenditures from ISfiT to 18(14, has been $5,743,725 82. The Memphis 4'g«s predicts thqt theie will be a heavy cotton trade in (hat seetun (lr's* year. The. blockade has been removed. The Canadian authorities have ye-arrested two of the tit. Albans raiders. The Bosion and Cincinnati journals are pub lishing in full the list of taxpayers, and j the amount they pay under the special revenue law. The publication lias developed the fact that wealthy men, who spend over six I lions and dollars per annum iff thpiy household ex. pmwf*, "fib 0 no ineoqie "over six thousand dollars.” The .publication creates' a great hubbub, but mostly among those who have sin ister motive-: for concealing their wealth. GET TIIE BEST! Ihe undersigned has just received, direct (rom tlie m tffiifiYclurcrs, ffufftiier let cf the genuine Sea r fallctti STVLOTnIIKTO TOBA.CCO, Which is by lai* the best Smykiffg Tobacco made in the Confederacy. Half pound pa. pers and (hie Hundred pound Cases-Sold only by (he Case, Alt orders from a distance proftiptly attended to, • A. 11. KttTtTIAM, Tin .< Airnr.l |.|. 111. Miimiiadurw. , ~~tjTk igptlst haN Mil?, PUBLISHED EVEItY S -TURDAY.-AT AUOUSTA, O \ 810 PER VIC AH. EDITED BY KEY. A. DAYTON AND .IAS, N. ELLS. ENCLOSE iiO AND ADDUESS .I AS. K. ELLS', its c 4 lO 'A-.'.aM Aligusia, (xro cr & Kak( i r Mrii iaa- i^lachines HAWED G>l \«!IHSFS, AO. ft>r which liberal priefß will l*e tivea. JL ppiy to (J* A I’l-A’T. . WANTED. A M's I \ilOX, l.y a Lady <>? this city well qualified to t»Hcti the French Knjjlish The l*c.-t lef er dcc.s even i requirt *1 A line add ret* ed to .Miss A •» s. will he \.n inptly aMcudetl *,(». der2s 2d&lw* V ' i.nnuA tHm^iuFF , s~sTi>r L ILL he ** ‘ld h; lore *!.e < • urt \U use and >or iu Liacolnton. » Li e-oiucoun y. on the li. tTUE haV i » l'ehruarv next, wiiipii I.’ e u.ual ii ura o* s-a!,- a t;rt» royLauud A A l.u.'i, iiui.ijt tve t- ;v- \ :-.i i * «>f If/ief! on in*, p:-. jhi ty t'l the Mull.i«* o'ltei'!.-, .'*• i ’tl f>y .irtve 1 li la iS irom th* ihtliiu.ry <*ou.t cl .ii»l Cwitlity va !av r ofii t Tato:i’, Q tliu iry, vs. W a Oanby at»d Michael 11. S.ial’ev, hsecutcro c’ .U. tm.tliey, tlcc’d. l’rct*e ly p'»intc<l •ut by dC; 0 4wl jihfitf. .., ~ , vL' »»1 •ST livm X~B~*HAL V~ V\ be :*oklat the Lower Market Hous«\ in the ci«y oi ’ ’ a on-the firs Tuesday in .1 miary n xt. under an order «•! »i*e romt •l" Ordinary of UieiiißOi and c-junty, with in the legal heura of bale, one neg o f male slave i.anicd A L> ELIA L, al*out years old. Sold as the property of the EritaLi of liiiry, deceased, for the benefit oft eholrs aud creditors ofsaid Terms ca«h. noviiJiJwiS SAKAH KILET, Ad.Tt’x. POSII»OXLD VD>ll\l»TttAToßß SALK. Woodstock, Nov. 26th, 1884 Hf'HK Suie of Eng-ne. (’astingp. &c., advertised bv us to X take place on the £9th lust. is * erebv postpoced Ir.defl nitely J. J DANIEL. > WM . T. DANIEL,; Adni'rs. nov-30 Cw4S , F. G. (J. DECK. ) Gl \ H DTv\’S"aA LK. BV virtue of ordrr fn m the Court of Ordinary of Ogle thorpe c nnty. will be sold before the Court Ho*ise door in Lexinirton, v: said county, on 1 lie first TueFday in February next, wit run tlie If gal hours of 3®le, the following negrooe, t' - wi: : Ani\ a wrman about ?Z> >ca-.s old. and her threechil dr. u, William, a aud Charles, a boy l ytiir M S >!d as the pr perty* of the ui’nor children of John P Latimer, late of said county, dcceat ed, lor the benefit of said nnDOrs. TACITUA 0. LATIMER, decls Swsl Guardian, ABMI Vs l JIA IOKV- hTETT “ 7 BY virtue oiau order from the Court « f Ordinary of Lin coln county, will be sold on the Tuesday in Februa ry, IS&3. at the Court Hou-e Door in *aid county, between the hours of ale, the trac* of L ' ND in said county w» ere on Abner P. U«urici r =.drd at the t ; me of de.»th, oemtainiog 29-* acres rno.e or 1-ss. aoje-inint? La?■: of Mopcnef, Haruht. j Jo* i r ir.iuci i'.d ctheia. i'lll* name Bold subject to the vhtow’s U' Ver ) ie ins cash, dC(IS aLEaANDEH JOIIN-STON. Airr/r, SALK. pu:’*r.iar«v of an order ir in the Court of UM.naryof Liu. €• ;uooautv. *v *i- tie* la bifore the Court House door in ud i'/ on Cr*t'lues-day in Janu iynext, between i : i.->uTfl of sa.u the bqiowing property to-wit : 2 ' r» a*i Lewlj i;•> ut v }eais bid, soid as thß proper ty*;:;* to thee-;t*te oi Will am H, Norman, deceased, uie of i. i om county, for the benefit of the heirs and credit* o»£ of Terms on day of sale. &, McMULLAN, Adm*r Mrir»W4} GW* ajiflTM*, i CITATIONS r . X -* *V* * 'y-' • *ll e-frr. C •. h?r v-.-.s, Lav'r :;t J. }l »*• ’.cs for lector? of ad*;l u: on Inc E.-iut. cf o.l‘- of said couu* tv, - octMiscd. ' . , , TANARUS: use f.r ■ to tlcro. to cite and admon.Va all, and slo^a'ar • r.:v oSlce wiihni lie ti e ;tc c: e : show cause, ii ar’v ;i:e; have .ny mu! lct«e- -i'- '••-la riot be granted. G wn; my •' au> ' ll 1 *1 »t effl c iu Aj»- oii k- t* i-‘ .‘ill day of l - der6 4w5-) U w. Or '.matv• CT v\ E OFGFO iuilTToTLr I-'la ( • »rN i'Y. * .Vl.vW-A’tr-* V ■■ J>r Ltuiso. ad'H-U --«:..'10u eh tLeebUte of J i . Me i rj, lute of sand . county, and and TV-.?r aTctl'.crefv »e. ;o e.te a: and admoois:., nH aud fiiigtilnr ti. kii dud a in. cred :ors» «-i 'i.i' . e«r.t?r. .to Do .a..i appear at i \ office, ‘.::an the iicor n.: c v iav. to stew cause, • . s&houic n< beg O .*.*a u. u.e; u.x a .-.u v iud.-al s-cv»~;v.u: al efflee iu /p .-It: a in- e;r»Cav ol D « ....g, U-M •dc- S ixVod r* . XV . SrUeL ? S, OuVu:\7V. fiiT‘TK OF'GEOBGIA, COLUiIBIATiiuNTY Wlit-'i• a", Mary Zt t .t;.; . .t >mef r 1 tters of ad ;r..i is'T.t'iv-n on the estate ol Julia M. i>ug<, late or said coun ty, dee-used * These are therefore to cite ami admonish ail and singular the kindred and cr.ulite rs of said deevased, to be anil appear at my oiiive, within the time presciifnd l>y law, to show cause, il anv they have, wliv said !e lerssiion!d not be mted. Given ut.der my hand aud odi.ial signature at urilice iu / p piiis&lhis 5 h day oi December. dtcS4«iO • W.W SHIELDS' " ifi'aiy. Si' at,’, oi) kfuuiii, r uLi’ninilT' uunta. Whereas, T I*. Wo and applies to me tor utters of aJm'n ixtraHon on the es.ate of Joii.vthau W late of s,.ii county, deceased ; These are therefore, to cite ar.d adinoui.' al!,a*dsin2u’ar the kindred and ere.;hors of said and w . ; ed tc» be and appear at my office within the time •r-os.-ribed bv law, t > show cause, if any thev have, vhy said i a itcnssiinulu not bfgrauted. Given under my h n > and uib jlil denature, at ofllce, iu Ap plin-: this i t day ul Deambcr. Wl. dccti 4w50 W. •■V.SHIIIUiS, Ordinary. ff-TATK lit UE.IUUIX, CHLI’MIUA COLAiV. S Whereas. H Seett . iu me for A- ters almln istrrtior.wilh. tlie will umexul on the estate or W'iliiiuu foot', late iTsaiii Cin’l.te, ilecex oil : These are thrrefoiv to elte ami uemohMi all, and siV'ieslai the kilulled arid .■ ■ 1 11 ■,I > of decea id, 1 1 !„■ ij ,1 u’et'ear at my office, wilhinthe tim.- j.r, s; rii.til t, v law,show carte, il any they have, w hy said 1,-Uars ..|,.,i:„i ;,..t I e an.i.ud. lit.on under ii.y i.amt and official sitnalut-i, at office in Ap pling. this Ist day ui Dreeiuher, l .’.'.i. (ledHwog TV. V,'. SHIELDS. Ordinary. iDTATEOF OEOIUaIA. (WNUUAOOIiNTvT" K 5 Whereas. 11. ecott a; idles to me for lo'tei.s of adminis ti dion on the estate of John • colt, late of atid These are tbere'ore to ei’e and adiadnish all, and ringu'ar ti e kindred and on di ora o: said dec iv il. to Lb anil appear nl my ofilee, wltnin ttie lime proacrUiei) hy law, to show cause, il anv they liaye, wti oaid i, tiers smiiffil not be grant ed. Given under my band ami ultn lal sigtaiure, at office in Ap pling, this Ltday of Dec. lain r, trail. deLiifwoJ W w. HHIKLDS. Ordinal v. UTAiE 11 F OE'JUCIA WILK.ES O -CNTV. Ll Whereas, Tlo mis J li .went applies to me for letters ol aiffiiiniitiatjnniin the Estate oTWilliam 11. Heard,, late ol These aietherefore to elf. and admonish, nil and singular Ihr kindred and es ditors of said diveased, to U- and appeal al tin office veil hill the time prescribed b'v 1 ,w. to , lunv came, if any they have, why said I .otters should not be granted. Given under iuv llill.d and official ...isliatiue ia office in Washington, l! is Ist day of Dec. ISM. decs rwso G. G, NUffilAff. Ordinary. avm&oFaSbimTm l .'ktookFeTThTStv: — 1.1 whereas, (Iticv art", i.| plies tome for letters of Ad ministration dc bonis n n on the Estate of Em klcl S'. Gilmore, These are there r ots. to cite and admonish, all andsngu'.nr the ku.diyi! amt eveditors of said deceused, to be and appear a' luy office, within the lime proseiilie t liv law, to show eause, it any they have, why said Letters should not la' granted. Given under my hand aud offlml signature ihis 0: Ii day ol D _LC, iSUACKKLKOKh, UTA’I'E Oi CIEOUiUA7o«I.ETHi)KrE'GOUKTi'. ‘ 13 CourtofOidmiry f r said enmity November'*'e.ui, 18f4. Wbartus Williams. Howard Executor on the Estate ut Ma ry Howard, late of said county deceased, by petition sli -wst thet'ouit at thisresu'ar term if tlie Gum, Hut lie has fully adminisleiciUhe estetoofsaid decease t, and prays to hfdis charged from said trust, , ' < ' These nee thot’ol'pre to (die an.i admonish all, and singular the li-imlt.d and creditors of ...aid deceased, to he and appear nl liiy.d,ire within Ihr time pro er'died l.y law to show any they have, why said ExemP r slioSlu not be discharged, and letters of dl Illusion graded to him. Given under ray hand and official signature llils SOtlr day oi November. 1864. li. O, SLLA' KELFOUD. decs Owiy ordinary G'GVi'S "t' GffUfKilTroUUuMltTA GtdUNTYT K) Whore'S, M's. F. Johnston cpplies to me.for letters ol ndmi ist rat lull oil the Estate of A. A., Johistou, late ot sad "’These are therefore ‘to dte and admonish, all and sina and .r. the kind ml unci cmlitors of s:\ul tl.Ttq\;'c i' ; , to b? av-vt uppvur ut my within th.- time l.y luw, to show cause, i anv they novy. whul Ivifers shoulil not. be svaiite<l. Given rauU rmv h:uut nru! olUwal signature at oUlce in Ap pliug. this 10th tlay of Dcctiuher, -804. W. W.SIUSU'H*. Ordira-y. gri BOiiuf.i, ‘inkfis wvlntvt , k.. lihoi'.g’s app’ios lar leltera imfuslia ioii on the. estate of William of Thole are, iluWorc,to cite, and a-lnurutsh all persons cou coined, to show ciuse, ifp.-'y they have, why s-tid idlers sluy and 1 not b> gmnlcil at ihe 1' ni.t.of Grdinarvto be hcht in a’" l , tor saul count v on the fir.-t .MONDAVin Fehtuey, 186 V. Given under my hand at ollloe in •.•ro<wshoro\ !>ct*'".:iber 2.1. IS** 1. 4a. KiISG, jml 4wi. , OriUn.uv. Lt’fATß OF GfftHtUlA', OGLETHOnPE GoDNTV, n Whereas, i'enn t Aims. Ovorgc K. Sims and t'haries W f-ima apply To me lor It tiers . f mlir-inisiration on the estate of John Mms, late of said county (!e( ca*eil. Tliese ar** therefore to cite am! admonish all and .singular, ti e k inilreil ami creditors of t-aiil ii vi ascU, to i j;n:d appear at m> office within the time pvesciihej by law, to show cause,lt any thev have, sat'd tetii ii- .Jumld not be *jraWe;l. Given under niy iaml and old. ia! signal are. this ‘Jf>i!i day ol December Idol. W. G. yHAG'v.tfit.l-OHD, dec 2D 4»'l _ ? Ordlnnry. ton % GUaifiNJC (’OUM’V -Ho it kr own, Hm.t 1, Henry K. Hunt, of s id c- unly - ml SLa' ii a- hfed uni ) Green 11, Thompson, abo ot .aid county, c hun dred dullars, f r the pwimn.t of v Ireh veil uml tru y V’ be made to the s iddr. irc 11. Th,mps.». ai.d Ids hcfva, 1! nyrelfa- and my heirs firm y by 'tlms- pre.eid :, as witnesselh mv hand mat: tal, this J.f. !oi].. luV.h The c-m.'iiti n oi the c,:: ”.e bcii»' irtiids, that the said Henry E liu. t ee.lto sell to sa'.il vircen 11. i'l - nip sou a Ceilalu lot o- pt.icjl ol land, t Ki-ihc. with-th« thereon, situated In tlie c.i-y » f Ui\ei,Ciber.) and said comdy, and bcunde 1 on tV-* K-.t h by p»Miu. j‘s of Joipi b\ Jtiumiir nnn. i lithe L t.*4iiy a ol said \\ois* v E. Hunt, on ‘be Suii'li by llmnd Mr.-er, hi and Off L «• West by Main filled id said (tty. am) whies is now occu)i.d t-v st-i-1 Tliompsun as a Grocery*, t r the sum of cigli ecu hundred dilars of which said Given 11, Ti.omi.S'U p id to said Usury L. Hunt seven hundred dollars in cad', and mad. hiujc,-. in premiss ry n ,te dueattwe vem i Ills 1 r tffe lc.minii'g ilcen hui dud dol lars Kuvv If lie s tun nry E Hunt sliall oouv'tv amt ms nv or catfse to t... r.rwvej :mi ii-surtiL p v BO «d andMiffi.-icnt t i 01 mcio mK ti .ul ■; t it lie -cor, fr o fc. c.’l . ipo tgage or o'ln r in; vtni ranee, upon the pujmeutof said promi-aory not' uy s f.Ureei; 11 » given ’ey him as afo-es i.l this nay as part »n*>dem.i- n for the purchase i fnaiiMsit and Grocery, tlnu this Bond to be v. id, i-ls.- to rotmiin In Three. Signed, scaled and delivered in pr- sem-e ’V JLb 141 • I l ' s ! , Vm G' : LLG. f t ief>np Court ofOrJinar\, fTsf-KMiiRB, I£Cl. ThCpoiili m oi ouch •». 1 In mp <uii showi mto the Gour« t1i.,1 He .ry K. Hunt. < fsi-itl comity, oi.! i’i life, s ; «n a (trl.ain boml tor Hi!e f r a h-t, Oenenbcd i;i mul whkh boi.U is fully H *t. forth in said pcliihm ; ami if. app..Mnmr Huit. «s*.*. t-i it! Gn-cn II Thoni. s »> h is pan! fully for . .t.d h », mu; wi.-ius ati '>rdcr Do John G. I\oit/ law.a.tii.mifiJGdor cf .said Henry H. Hunt, to kw to ~'i.muT t-aal bond It is onio ctl liy tin-' oath, th it not e- of Green If. Thomp. son's itppaci I>nbe * ivcn to ail p. . ns Intended, by putilicu ti« nos a copy ol said |.Hi iom r’s :ml '.t tl.if, order, duly cctifif and, in the Chronicle & S .0 so thirty i-a notice to interciial non res pi i«t»c-»’ tne -'d b <rlc.n duvs n ticetn v-i'-P H ta the aamini.-i-al r miisatlaw of the Ueif:i:.e i.’reEdiitk in t; is Mu**\ » » they may show ca n c, it tli- y cat'. wi \ this Gou t sS»o iM not. dir c*. sai l John G. H Itzclaw, admiiti.Viat r as aforesaid, to du tke title under said bond, ut tb : ‘ ourt of Ordinary of s id county, to be hel • ou the second M<*mUv i.-i rv ne.kt. A tru j* x'rtc! IV iu th-* mii.ute.i f Grecue (Jourt c-t Ordi nary. 1) Minbcr Te:m. 18:'-4 This si. I» <:.. UejS EL T OE M US E ut MG, Ordinary. NOTH; Iff _T£ S l Sli-CKSSiSTffrt ft ,KJ OT tl: E Tt»'DVf!T'uiw'AM) VnLi'D. IdN ' - 13 AU peiumm liHff-hlcd t.i ti.e ts'altt of nmv Hart llel.i, Ute ofUgli-t' orpt- cminty, den a,- .1 ii vlniio nci). l: i m . mediate, payment, an : tlm.*e l.avinj? :i>;aiiot saiti c- tate. will pr. scat til iu \v li.iu the Una j»iescribed by law, t-iopei v aticsud, to the undersigned so.- iu» »m-,;t. JOtuN U. il li I SKI ELD, Adinmlscratora. indebted to the Estate ot Beniamin Ho i lute olltuhliclnd Colli,tv, live. km(l, nr-• quirt.l to Riakeim media e payuu-nt; nr.d those liftving eta m.s ngatiis' said tis- Cite are 1 r.t fled torn,-cut tiie s me. duty attest -d. w.Uun the •’me prescribed by law hWiiw.-o won BUT WLi'HXS, AdiWniatrator. N (J I > Dr. E. J, Palmer, Ibn jimbi 'i‘ L r nuth vid bhs ! Wit'e.j melte Siii’t lii.ucs J <j *i:,i-r Imi liiswirp t.eargia v". Gamer, wr.o resblcj in die Dt-te ot I’, x is, and 1o M-»_Siiihe '<•« ie -h'-T.iby Tioli’t-it that Pur tWths elthr th id ite there-f, fffh.i apply to ’ll Court fl Go! iwry. mZ lturke county, lor the of c.'i.i.i.ismoners. to .'VrtL'.-tl c estate (1 Old txcept.o) of B ‘.ijjinin f.-iiimr, late of cud ■, junta deccea-cd. QE'JitGE It. p LUEit.Ex'r nov Stew 46* 1-yS. W..p a i mer , AK TVTOTI K 'll) DEBIOU; «I>ill,' lililfoTif i.l Notice i< hereby given to a 1 p*;.s >i»B havi-»g clUms against J.: se S 11 itt.Km i-*r.t Gn miu emntv, da., <l.'(wt! to ren in a*i account * f tiie r dc'u.i:;tU ; ad all o ~ • ’ delt dt > said G. cease iwil in ;!;,j ». :t - r;i . fi ?. u> ■... , ed. This l)uc. 15di, 1851. _ :G -- DaTTl.e'^ •e-7 6w.W -oIMS' li.iU|.; li'-f-'J ■ \'i>ri' -1 Ail mi ■ ■ ’.si:,l ,tc, ... . rate cf I-ill,to . . . ■ . -j makeiniineJial*-luiyn* :11 it!. -.n.*!.*. ;].» ,1 ; j, y. M:*;dn in- u*’:,ior-t .i.i*l !• l lie, :,i. n, i.n ,1 .2, Citey fttlc.t <l. :ii ■ liii.e viiacrti.i .1 by aw. ... ELLKN lilfEN. dCC’-3li_.vl AdmUiUiat.ix. Ttr i/rr'l. .1 All persons'.iicd to iho. JC.-tate or J natl.nn Wood lVe r l r*. nuptial counlv, it. „<I, vyill ;ui .*nail r.i-'lit to t!.e uipMr. lyne nni! those h-.ivipi; y ; ~: i r , o ...m E-talo w;*: ptesent Uieio, duiy utleyied, with.n tt.r'- jt.i-. mo s rinedbylaw. T. h. w6l»l>, docl, 6w03 Artin’r. TWO MOfITHS WOTIiES XS Hxty days after date appl calten will to made to the C°u»w of Ordinary of 1 kes county, tor leave to sell the ... „ . A. T HOLLIDAV. Adm'r novlSßw4i de bonis no-, with ij, will VOTICE. ” JS Two months after Oat* or the reenlar term of the Court oi- 1 irdmary of i Jx'.ethorpe comity thtr. after, aopll. ». lion will be made to wild court for-cave to ,ell (he reern-s belongimr to the Ksl ate of Giles Vouri«. late cf said county, dw ceuaed. shit lilta December, 1804. 3 dec.o fiwSl Adm r de bdois non with the will annexed \ T OTW£. ~ 11 Two months after date or the Erst re.-ular term of the Vbbrfof Ordinary of Oglethorpe cor. nty thereafter, application will be made to said Court for leave to the lards and r.c eroes be’omdng to the Est teof Jlary Young, late of said coun ty, deceased. Tula lSth Deccniber, 18W u jOIi.N K. YOUNG, A.un'r ■iJ'oTFFt: —-i— --* Io .“oOnths otter date or the first rceuhir term rfthe G^artoK nuoary otOg\U orj.-i county the;eaf:erbpp';rr,* l( ,n will bsmods to Sard ’curt r GidMiafv 'or Dave » «Ctt? 1 bau.r.Jid pro half Of*.rue- of land in Eibert county, to be’ ri V !:t • ’■ " H- w 1 a in.,, iate of Oglethorna OjUU >. d-.Cr e;jd. ihni 12th Dec , 1804, deni3 awhl WM. B. BRIGHTWELD, Ex’r. Nutice. .eJw omon L tl ‘ ??*!,' iate application will be made to the lill ih? bind ™?j2 fordica p , . of Colum'»ia county for leave to and negroes of the Estate of Jonathan Wood. . aW -- T.H. WOOD,Adm’r, ALL KI.YDs OF PRI.VTIXG THS 1 CHRONICLE i SENTINEL 303 .PRINTING. OFFICE Is one o± tlie Largest in the Confederacy WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE I» 711S 3E3E3SIT MIA-igWEM, AT - SHORT NOTICE, A.M) ON 2EH o asonablo Temia ? Book rrinting, PampliletS} Sermons, Mdresses, Catalogues, Reports, JOB WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Such, as Posters, Handbills, Concert Bills, • Auction Bills, Programmes for Concerts and Exhibitions, Circulars, Envelopes, Druggists’ Labels, Blanks, Bill-Heads, EXECUTED PROMPTLY, NEATLY. i * ’ AND OS TUB lowest BY.THS 038 OF E'.S.tiM ‘ , AND TRS BEST 111 kinds of work used by Book I Ilk li nY ifi, 113 kind ; ol work used by Manufiiclurcr*, Ml kinds of work used by Banks, I!1 kinds of work used by Insurance Contrumifs, .11! kinds of work used by finUroad Companies. 1H kinds of work used by Steamboat Companh.'^ All kinds of work used by Joint Slock Com pa sirs, Hi kinds of work used by Merchants, PS kinds of work used'by Mechanics, US kinds of work used by Lawyers, HI kinds of work used by Travelling Exhibition*. 11l kinds of wo k used by Patent Medicine Dealers, MI kind of work used by Professional Men, ’ - Can. and will be furnished AS GOOD AND CHEAP as at m office is the cmemmv. Wl! ARE CERTAIN WE CAW FISAS BALL Who will favor us with X— A-THOM. <nhHT? ALL IN WANT OF Any Kind, of Printing, ARE INCITED to ORDNANCE BLANK BOOKS. a “'vi’i? un<1 ’ brinl.yl or not printed, as deeirrd W ti;e cftlr.- —•— I AKSJ BLANK BOOKS. - cf ,Xz,YS aod style*. Ruled end BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, IUPSiC, AC B O BENTIN^L tyie ’ “ ,toe offlce Ct UHRONICDi A ALL KINDS OF PBINTIRO STSED by Mechanice. aeatly and promptly executed at the •J Office ol thecaßOSlOL* ASENTINBB ALL KINDS OF PRINTING U (OVAMMt»SWef(MSBRvinVbSAMFI’M MUT. J By-Laws and Constitu tions oi Societies," Printing from Stereo* typed Plates, Court Pockets, ■ Briefs, &c\ Blank Bills and notes, Bills of Lading, Bank Cheeks, Business Cards, Direction Cards, Visiting Cards, 9 Labels,* Bills of Fare, Fancy Job Printing, Printing -in Colors, Bronze Printing, &c. CHANGE BULLS,- IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED, CAN BE HAD AT THIS OFFICE. WRAPPING PAPER. A FEW HUNDRED OLD NEWSPAPERS, SLIT ABLE FOR WRAPPING PAPER. For Sale at Thig Office*