Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, January 18, 1865, Image 4

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. ■ w,’ ■ ; :• r. ■ it : not the leaky ■ . ■ 'i , ; 7,1 '' ~ ' “i **£ »• r ; . •:• r' ■ . 11-.*I 1 -.* they .'uc*:’ to r 'op cH*Bf‘rtion. - | lc j r c •••:; m- : N• w, v/a r t .ve no especial . - < , ; :.»i 4*r;.>:;Ui*r*K •** i »?-w . • ; «: v, Ll it, v. . Rai •v'l ■' T!;*' r ami * i«! ,b --f. *; • : •- ( L* <?M-j c frail !• : cn O v * Y-.i-i ■ ll I -iDUv C;i-y- I r s r ■ * >•■*«:• t *■' ’‘• : f- 4 'Ml'W.'iillW i.'.'! trrt j i • : Sl' ‘ ’ AtR • ;■': 4 oLSiTipiiun v. lit b • . Tin' o:a’:npiioh law I ~,)',y b»Mor, < . ’v-' • -.ij. •: \ • ' wily «a * the . * omnl to run dry. . a nit&l&tiYe ; * anno* ■v ;; ,-in igmv aiuj <leae<£ti9& i votoi>n vnf in*. • ‘' r * •v'ittcd' by xxur.j inre,a , ■ .or Yi'ai'in! .icD-ym j - V .1 il m ■ «’•• • ; - : <i :'il' >• >••'•■- j ; ; • ... •. ;■ - .a.;: id ,-.i ! 'vVlvv'*"> ’ iv - ■ 1,1 !..■ as tiv.-.-;re | . i ■ ■ . ' •. # :l 01 .ho AtB,V 0 , . <vc,- bn? displayed a series of blunders , Doit Doneisosj to the Ifi-t” u:i --- ".p-vn Nashville, unparalleled ' . ; -• of any country. ; uon-em to f-ay that these fail . tof th fact that the material o'. ■ V -st'. ' a ainiy was not i-'juL to that of the ._rmy or Virginia, tor they are the brethren ot j 11... - ,a« m»n —sons 6f tire same sir's. It has all grown out <>t the fact that the Western ar my Las generally been under command of i-i --'impettmt genwaU, and that when a compejer • re was placed iu command he was soon re moved . Seeing, as he must, the blunders of too past, w-- sincerely hope the President, will pines n command o! the Army of the Wtst sente General ■■ Lo will not only be acceptable i the troops, but one whose experience and abil , v? id rentier him a match for the best them ■ y may m a! c to parade, i ..yinsr tirii., we mean no disparagement to the brave and gallant Hoed, whose conduct on many a well fought field Las placed hi. oi? tmottg the foremost on the list of brave men, I>ul ir reunite- something more than coirc '■ '..• ..c.i'e u. tb st rate commanding General C<uiiibrj>oki»K!«"-: RrrwKEX Gex. Kilpatuk axd Gt-s. VfnnKum.—Tbc Northern pape;. - - p ri.iish the following correspondence between O'v r-l Kilpatrick, of the Yankee array, ard Ger i.-UY'-celer. of the Confederate army, during Sherman's march through Georgia : I ROM OESEBAL KU.I’ATUIC'K. Hr.\ y: autkrs Catai.rv Command, ) Kind's Bkedoj.. Gborcia, Tuesday December 11!, ISC I. I ' .V/ii'Yi• Gmem! Wheeler, 1 irmnanding Gamlry | i,up, C. &■ A . Your communications of December .Itli .!: i i?’i iiave just been received. In refer i enco to the depredations committed by my I command while marching through your coun -1 will simply say that the same com j plrlntf have been made by the citizens of | ('■ u.rgia apiainst officers and men of your com i -•?-mi, and call your attention to Go verm-r Brown’s message da that subject. If you | cannot control your own men while they "are | f.nsoag fhe-ir ffiends, you cannot expect me to ! TT'-vcnt my men from committing depredn j ti<-upon the!;' known enemies—a people ’ alio haze betrayed them in the past, an-.l ! lor whom they have now no sympathy, j Do no' mider'-'timd by this that 1 have allowed 1 : v men : 'commit epredations along my lino \oi ...on.'!!, bitchh s not been the case. A:i cider ha.- been Issued io my command, ! auihoHzing and instructing my ofiicers tv . sli" :! upon tbo spot any soldier who »b.i>l !•«. I■: urlit committing any outrage. War is ter ••! ’ • p- ople of Georgia are now L< this in all f!s force* Had tin. 1 ■■ is, and ;c< : O.rolina, ever known and ■ X tic- r u-c of Georgia know and ft., i - . :•!•- of would ever have struck ci-d v. :d. sos Sumter. I am willing am! \ ' ... i know iv.v Government aisvov, I but. iu'ca. ic :-r,!-.r at once into any fair ex - ■ i prisoners. I will consult with Mu .u,’ i .- tnu'inun on the sv.hjact, and g-vc i. :n -DrCt-ljn at tae earliest possible mo . . r ■., (itnifal, for your kind at -1 : ;,don io ■ . “ <,f my oiticera, and for retufSitw I lo me a -■•.■!, highly prized, I . -. ttully, Y cur ohodient servant. • J. Kilpatrick, Du. I ; . 'i and United States Army. J'UOM i i’jN’KHA!.■ WHKEbER. J b'.AIHC'AP.TERS CAVAI.IiV CORPS, I '...iKin'iii, IfecombM- 15, I SOI. ( j Gen .1 Kdjiairick, uommanddingCavalry, i•• u■’ Array: , General: 'four letter of yesterday was ; ■ 1 to (Icy. * «sur<.' yon Captain Horntmi ’ ;u•• .1 iecr u .'every attention which c:i'i “• ::>.".veii upon wounded soldier. 1 ani i , . • 'o ini.-rni you . .it ho was doing wcl! i 1 1 • • last accounts , ui’. ‘c ' c c inuiKiucemeut of tiiis sail war,' 1 >"• u ! u Mi'.i." ; exertions to maintain in m\ |t • i I ;(•:* of chivalry and true sohliiu • • ty ■ 't'l:..'y have been taught to deipl; : " IN' cowardly instincts which indue.- -•ii hi, abuse, and rob defence i■; ivoiiii u mid childron. You mi" to old associations, and promif. • uti ••,. kiui.aess to Captain llornton ; c-;:.. i.• . sic, for : !:■• sake of thezo old i" - for yc ■ own sake, and lip- t’ ... ,'ie r, tiiiitinu where military honor ; : : ;i, i& it U'U will offer some prote ! !" 'i '■■■ t ■v- .dio; ji.-coRP-n-ily left defencele"". •: Ifivui ~c tl:.i inert; v ol' a brutal * I . ni.'.i tj. i ’ ’ i:u; not only will other advantage< ■ ->"i;will stand before ■ ■ -M-ic > pi.'ii' l ; more cuyiiihle light, j; ; coin ! :i.i . .;i. ■il (• :y, that the iiisfory of m> • ' ■ v hit bn.voiH, can toll of, atrouilic:; : < < ju u> iin iv v.iiy and hourly coiiimUUd b> v*">i in • i;-. -pcUfuliy, General, yoiu i tih.'.itC'Ul r-f.-'/.iatj J. W. WiresT-RB, Major General, ! J. s»A. fiii i" y • and I'm-: Con.';- obhvi t: Arriioumrs —U'i morning of the ldlh November las . : itGnU.e'i •.. . n-eeived by the Press agent at i' i ;I, "Oi .'r-enatobia, Mi.s., giving Slier : ; ■' :. •• ; ... as laid down in » tbic.'V' ' i" rof 'i '• i. This dispatch was* submil *"'* *<' tbc • •• ••■•iethmary powers’’ for approval . ...las usually are. But Sfcdos . ■ ' • ' h > ks, pronounced it a canard and . '• i ’u le- it he trauemitted to the Press days tvev a dispatch came from Gen. ;; • rt .. i.tatemeht of tho Chicago ' > .'Mi .g for troops to defend Macor.! • . a.ii who occupies a good position at . .-id who is usually very cautiouv I'. 'meiils, says, iu a piivato leltu Guv. i* !'•, that "up to (he ITtli the War ■ D'. ’ .. ' ’a. ied firmly that Sherman wc. a-- ;< ■. > :in Ala. * What a showieg • • v.-v !• -n Silt'. in:;ii left Alianta on the i (A November. Then ho had actual!'. ’• . ' arch ;lv<s days in the ilirectioi- •' ■ v die. before the authorities iu hi. ■ ,or a! !•....• tiie auUMii'ics at Richmond, ti'- :i ho w moving stuili and n<... ■ Y::e :t: 'tier lies between Keddon, How- ! • ;, ' :» ,;?•! V, heeler. The Government, or i 'auies M iieoler; the Kxamin mvs up idem When our authorities an; o ;> in : e°u b aiudhaud, what are we to ex ...alar, uu'l r such cir iunstanceo. ■ ■ i siiouid g:’.‘ s thr(>ugh the countrv ; in:.".-.., .-tcAcVn Ai.i. 'is me Cue by ahighCot. . : r-rtc officia’. t hat Bhei man’s retreat from.M ta would i'O more disastrous than that of Nspclcon from Moscow, ■/—To which party.' ■ -iu iirtivV: —As we ion these lines gte.l ,• [■ • -I '-S louil.t and louder in the ■ out i. . tiiry come from the • to,, otvn x diant ’ o.iS, Jed by a •• C. . .1 viiO ha;, with bis ip word. ' i ,(®c ‘ poa the tablote of tame; i he Veterans of a hundred •v 1/r • ■ a tirsi time, in aterrii-e war • •/ .. . ' it--, irsK-.ul upon to battle for : of their otvil beloved State, _• • -i : . , won in other States ■ at - toy v i ldo in the defence of t. :;i. an 1 we know • - • : will .bid them. we! I ' heme, — iiiiiu- 1 { UfoUiii-ln. . i - i ; ’ •• v. ho. •• few months ago j •«i vf(tn ;■> the iV-nkca at Nash- ; ti;.J ( b- IT '-e, in i • - Iv. V, lie name ■ At;, but as the Naihvilie j :•! information Lo be conjectured. Capt. ! • o.' f-u rroited,at Soia.a, ve ! ■S.. ... • , • htrM. »•:•.> c. iia. i. .. ■ ;-•;r.'b rof ftpnlkr.Kwis ' a *• v . :• •. : -sod. at ■ • -'.i- if •• ). : • •:v. \. . of J cage V.'avnt', of the ! - t xhtni-ys}: i: -jod on order j n !oh »o: . .’ii-i i-eain;! i ■-’V •. ;e uot tlieiiLtived ‘ ' ‘ - :ie. or .it; nioiir are fcuovij ■ t' > '-t '■ ■ . -t- i 100. -, -. attw ihe iiis-i.-,oippi. OV nG i Hi Ulv i ! ii il S. .:u fii.Wi. n inti nx i ir iii-: ifx.iiKKiT vv Til is to?' st-.'.i % \ Genkkai. ÜBI’.IRS. No 1 1 Soldiers furlong -"l. '.,hod.'':l ra their re torn hum;*. ■ rer" ■' to 1; ii J • *s‘ eorclling i i.;ci-r. si re.piked by i agr::Yi IT, General ! On; - No. ■ ;!. 1 1- ■•v, 1 i ?it Guir far • ( ■l"* . .'voliing < hi’ets ntjd ; i. C- 1" U". '• : • ’ - .a with -V- ! • ! • ' e-ilpres.- the; > !• p.c.d pari iity up.-.n the face of all ir VG -'C crfi'Uijo "rs r- fniduugbs v,it; ve ■iien re 'OT.niond "1 under Para ;i (.. !:K. 11 •' •’!. Ks- G;.- a will not o. onxi'sd fuitherex . m v ..f.yi •■!' r a pei'sc.aul examination In- -. . rbV board of the officer or soldier eeriii'c-l " : e iucapacif'.ted fo.' duty. Where. (, : ' ; '•,* I will , cell on th<i KnrolibW < ■'■ . r f il>c county, who will make the < • in p< rson, or t’li'onvh a ,-üboi' lined'', ami rsp-'rt *o thdioard tsofthecsi . will bo em }K.e:p, ifie i ;'c.aies of neonnnendatiep. 1.. ; ! ■ ip:*f!pe.te.'l # IY=r activo duty i ! n L-iem of tp • i'*"v:c—. up-'n evidence of •, divV.diiif. nr-.y be tr.'.'.i ferred by the • r.iS '.'V : - 1 . ay or denar!ment v-Ti! fit!:. Vi- ■ - 1 1 ;: 1 1 • " tire.' pre ! • ,e.<t for v,'h:"i : :*.* v .!. i- fitted. : ~;! Examining J', uds 1,. retiring or rc i I"’.'' ’ nb’cdsoldie'T.wlll j ro ,.v ,i,. r <fit- dec.'p.e c-t ts, : r di-ability with the yjew to their transfer uudei ties order. IV. Persons holdioz cppoiiitwenta asChap j i 'irili miisferV iu the Provisional ..ray , ; .•!• a; ctidels in the , ,D :• • . : , v ill veiiort without ;■' • o.i i . :: - r. ! ■ thi ; r nre-'ent as , rt’gniix*!.'. ii duty aa ’ by n liat iwithmily they * ..ii : r _':. I A::v hint.' ehange in their ■> Ggnii.ent will in " .• bo reported by | them. V. Plans for hospital hu’Mir::; will he sub i m'ttiHl ti ron .ii Medic >.l Diieetor for the ap - j-!»roval ot tb;; gurgoon General Vi. <' jtnie'u.; l .. •- of and departments, and i ! fi-. im nf s’ e (.' n'-o',;pt lluieau. will not jtv (.;nplr,y. ■ of ii I. in Lind service, : ,!. . ulii"!; -ol v i iefi v!’ 1 1 );.•!,! n r ponsihto j t!mf t *.e.i bet vv; ito and IT yar? are not em i ployed therein nnies•• ii. 'y are exempt or de ; t-.iled because ofdisahiTiry. , i Vii. ’J " prevent the !< - from a nd! s a ,ise of an -1 iumis iii the .-m-.'v: . :■• fivy and other private j Mdi.m.iG will to-'h I by iarpectOl'K of lie’ll | traiispurtulion iu tin-ir it•. j• ciions. They will j di«p<v<fi of tii- .;e ; r-t! with conttigious dis I »-.(> •. ... p.r. so ; 1 1.-,- j'.-ngrapU 925, Arnav : il“vi;l.'tions. 't hose otberv/ unlit far pres i;i. s n ioe w•!i fie roust.e o;l out by the ifi- I vm'hu or, a- lie.'" may efect, sect from, the ; livid t. i 1.,* n ■••• nit and witli the pilbiie animals i ■ ludiu:: <!'! ■■ ■" ar 1 n | fired to send ' Yoiu t eir cm>i; ■ l ; > ll• 1 animals not mustered ! into !!"• o" "".'. J;i- p■ ■ !o! ; will report all I ca'i 1 io which thin order is violated. VIT) Generals cmnurunling armies-and de , pivituMiis viil .' ‘ii*.’" c 'oip'iny commanders ; i : .l'ui 'u descriptive lists to soldiers sent to hfsi'itais. IX fiiek or wound-l soldiers in hospitals m;y he jnitl, as lmretoforo, fntr months pay, j if up ,u roei-lpls •eiojwrtcd by ailida -1 '.'iu: but company coitimanders will provide ::,.MU i,Uli de - ihi'Tvt! ii: ' before leave ; Musk- f-.i.imands, ii itd>e poeniblei if of fiaiMvise, I li-ey will,* r-oou there ;fter as piaeticjlhie, yr. 1 Ruidi ’i ;iu i! - * :r un in chaiiie of i ' 'e!i the : dierfi nmv he in ; ;. .A;’• ’• fi" i .fi dtiring the \r ..ell'' :•! ■- t| he •fii'.'d, with ihe prices Hens';-' I. ii- io -■ id's, upon tfh’ch aiii'>'.al f.yil'c».'. ats mi v nii't;: acoruuts are ifi'iii'.'.. aI. IVmotd. of Hu;: of fifty dollars, ...d .'. ed l.y t!.e iu-t of’ :gi uj proved lie--- cnib s' 11, i ii, wii! n;* , pd'i to p 'l-suns bet well sey.'ilic..n ami jifly. ;,ears siiljeef. to • 'i It v, iii he iiie.ji 'J to ill :() not il ibh? to re! vice wl," other Or- aonny lor tin* nuu i v Miuis fioue i'uii"'iv, Smi'leiaiis oi • jirivsi'.-fi A ; who enter the geo'era! nei vice :i*;:i tie' i:- ni; 1 tin t'O i' ' * aiviVr; anil • •’.! i•-■*•:;;sy b p-ii t upon t .icli j >. 1 *, 1 •• 1- : t'e.-f-l'Rtiilg duty i'X I a • i’.:v jii-ifer . ill he under the ron ! .1 ■■ ! ' .ii*' • ■ aof Aiitihs or Mili- I ! !' : -I* T‘ >' viP n'-f he Miibjcct jto >.ti V,; flenl If f )iHV.*.:*Vui:rsl«r.-*. ' i• i 1a" - • *." e t:. * 1 Is '.si.."* ~fa, eoi'pa ; ; Ufi.'ili! * > (Ht'.fgO t’a* duties i: e Of'!' , i : fi • '. .*. !!' * Chief tj.'avtCr « t ■ . •* I• •" " ' il viiici: 'l ci'ips or liivi 'ine e. -v !'•• v.*-H tiesigu:*. l :1 a •l Cl • eefi'i'or e.n Asa . up < I I'd"'-vmastei' •M i-cii MU le il .' ay teeep ; iI , i.,1 whitfil event the a.t aof ■.*•« *. ftin :• n asa'gned will * iv ~:n i",'••• :.U*:l to 'the yulrteiinabler Gen* c, :11. - P,y c.i'der ! '-'•! i | ;' A. ... I. General, i :;;i ii! : II; D. Ci vv. A. A . 1 :l (.\:-'.*l,lSA I'.l-KXf.'iN CuOKr. .-.V’UlOXl'll urn i= •••!*! i! "-:ia i • ally li.nfi*) !>y the vu piv.ur* ' : i of N." ?i '!r. . upon.' petitions rf'.v I'.ciA Os h'.'lt at*; COt'p'.U : ro:i K : .'livi •• i'a m h hi.; <.i •• i:r> ifi-'RVi('i{ v i 1. la i.a-'H of jiimgioSs. i: u-Dhaiv. it wgs (1:-C!d.!*.l C it a. Colli i a 'fill t.l . -.fry ii,.* mail is a civil <.- -iv •>!' i!;o Goijf'k: Lt- SUle* ,<u 1 is. ►i*:->i,*r,>i-,; e-o'iiipt t'.'Oiti service Z. VV vs -I'. -'! Y'lia.v - t ■it one eia. inp! f.otn Coni#! - ra<V -ervich »a tt bonded farmer 5- not i; fiolfi to dufy e.s a as--*aiber oi'ifi.e II iic (Tii; id ; t' Gouer-?.' power to icposoripi cHiz ' nil Hie bonded f- (Kier is in the' service of the Uoftfed a,to States. Al'Al.Jl'.VnoN I'llii I.X r i'UIX Hi :M CONVBDERATK SVe VIC'S I. Iu the mi.:! i- o: MficGo dson, petition or, win? wa • X''". f fa bhw' : . 'i'(U), pi*:or to act o ITHi ot !Y*b . Im>l. ai:d oi .the eg- rs be!OK: r- : : nr-eiiinent, w.-.t to' ’> •( ! ■> .} M’nong ]!i.- -; J.',;s >rvcs le ':;e in rof lias.*i !. 1 5; t lilt* j'l'fi ; wfi... n iio the p.ct ui 17t!i !•.fieri! i -e i. *• a; 1 e:c,re iu; be - .'.le fie ■ e . s <;■.!, ;*:H .1* :.• .i to f;ii:i > i iii he Keel;;: c uui'd. el tin t-> be . -eil svili; *l,: N'C-ni -T ID In the k■;■(! r of ..J-vc-ph ,f Cox. a sr-l die.!’ C • ii i li: : : S:. 15" t.'. iv, iv'.uer t 1: vs. c: I'.!' ji !*e rvlpascd n;>r;n '■it of! 'a' ■' -<- evi •; il'-'-bih i.i.i liability ii he !,-'; ■■ a :fi r i-.: •: ■). -t In Me i! to [ictriirch, that file peti ’V.T'X ha i he n e-upiovn! for hnviiiir n :.uD :it i. • i:i He ... \ pilfii- the ait cf Ath : .1.■ ..ry I.*::;:. sbU V. -.a employed ia : to a •u: ! > :• 1; .i since the fi 1 ■ *!' .Ml', in a I'.'-i ( X' inpdob. ihoil'dl uhtlj it! - -I,; *i' ■' ' : , a... ~f C. ' • ■ ' '■ :lIM-t a ■.*: , f i; :. 1-fiu ;•■ ,>y. .!. e .iMr:ii.jyg I eve!. Is ( * - "> i;-! .a peti : . ~ .. Mm <MX . j(t ; M, , 1 , .• . ,;e !■ ! - aoai toed io . .■. e ,<ioU,yr h-r f ; :fi Ito fi •'•u ; :* it'on v -ho it ivioe of the Coir derate ..Vi. c • «.-t fdi.iia' bis disbi.Hge upon an sift ti t: tp a ch il ptiiciipf .the State, not mou th". ■ and in the comiitutfon of the State. Wheth t 1 i: the oui.o be onecr< ate 1 by the , .Also,- that iso who has : ivoi: •• uicj-j-'d us a a otiteor in the Confe.Je i ta'e rervice, beicmes a private without formal enrollment. 7. In ihe ma* - :-r of P. J. Sinclair, that the act of 17th Ifebi ;ary, lSiii, exempt : nt< one ed itor ior each n-i-w-sivper, does not apply to one who v’.;. travelled'before ho became an editor. 8. la the matter of Matthew Jolmstoh. that the petitioner, who had been enrolled as a eon.eiipy, ir not eaiiiled to exemption for hav ing been a contractin' to drive-a mail coach. Seme cf the K them .press .intimate that • " c :-i ' . for !:•• failure of. the fVUmir:' n pvi'. p: u... I'i vie/ ».he.l •!« 1 ..f hen IViiming tc.h. six cm-1 pur; ott.gur? bnrsy on b mril t I’c-rter says in his guBS uir- C : i «' I:;’ " i <•--I 1- where t!ie ec i b"'r Lpr-c-.-m-•, a .; £?. • .ne ird all a gr ret (listrust fit lli. ru A--' a= vnbsi'ijuent i -.'ii;.' ;. •. •_ t v . .• > v. •( sorvice, and i a-' luted l<; kill i.ioro <!• nr ci.-n t!im fhoso of ih* enemy. Th ■ husband of Belle Boyd bus been »rnt to Fort Ohlaware. , \t"i o * I iv-r "living prioes lur n**gr--,>s '-ere ob-, ’ " ■ a fi* * :.'-.ii-.s «•{ C. V. Walker i Cos. ou j '-’d *> 'MI M- iiO.i) : .» b.u twenty year* i ■••• *•►=*. :t bov i-!ev>"j veu’t. od. NX 300; a T *■!*".' *i v. kiv uii. NX.'JiXi: a girl thirteen 1 > ' ■ ' a >il ut:ifs»-tn years old. j bmu two "ir.f-'.Mto Nfi a woman thirty-five P-xv - o', i, arid tw.i ur-MI chil.ircn, a lytv.’vwlc.ur yeair o’u ~ tfiWO.' ‘ih-.- -.-el'.Mwiiig pikes for negroes were ob- { ' and a 1 the Market House Tuesday : i'V Mifiner, Keen ,‘c Cos.. : Bovfourtevii years “id, bd.O'i »; giil e gbtrea v<* rs old, 4,500: ; cir! vightevu ye,vs old. 85jmi(); girl twenty, > us ol.!. >1,000; w man mit f y eight vents “Id, r2,0o0; man thirty live, ali i l'is wile for ' ty fire years old uasouml, >2 050; boy ten 1 years ~id. man ioity-nre. his wife; i toy ifiie years or r.ue. a;,d son ton years | ! old. 55.1 toy. man and wife, and daughter; seven years old, Sfi.SiiO; woman forty-two years old. intirn;. 51 -100; man twenty five wars old, -1 025; inati i .yenty eight v-*uis oifi. s>:>,ioo. By A. Wilson : '. and, Peggy. Nam at. I Chii<- li.ina. >i-).ot)o;*Aiu'on, Piggy. Jack, Aaron aid Doll, 512,1 to;' lfi’iy and Kite, 5i, 950; Sally and Jitnaiy, i.3.:i00; Tout, Kf-ey and Pi k, 57.750; May and a small boy Ueuvy, SI. 500; James and Sue S9 250: Wiliiam. Hannah, Jim mie. Harriet. F.fivy and Itottv. 510,000; Dinah, Biddy and Joe, $6.3*0;, l’icy, Mingo. Robert ami .Margaret, Sll.luO; big Pe ter, forty-live years old. $2,900; Maria twenty years old, *4,070: I'intrlea. Dinah. Will, Phi iir.t, Abhy, Cbliiry find Abpy, Sty.OuO; Johp gnu Cyrus, eightt»ftn and nineteen years old, >!i :><,•;>: Dinah sixty years old, $400; Sam, Ila ehel, Moriiuia, Patsey and Hannah, $6,600; Pat Tom, Afy, Richard and Flanders, 050; -silvia seventy five years old, $100; Ga brie!, D.ipbney, Biisibeth, piedcvicl:, Andrew ami Mary, S'j'ooo; Indiana and Harriet, $5, 550; Ilenry and Ellis, SS.OoO By H. I Russel! & Cos. : Negro man sixty years old. $60;); womitr, ijity years old, $2,000; boy sixteen years old, ST.2.jO: woman and three children, §8 615; womau thirty-two veins old, amt child, $4,500. By V/. A. Uaiusey & Cos.: Woman twenty eight years old, $2,200; hoy fourteen years old, s:>,<i2s: man twenty-two, and woman eighteen years old. $8375; woman twenty years old, $4,550. 1011 E tti.V MARK.UTB. Liverpool rofion Market-Dec. 22. The sales of wo lays amounted to twenty thousand bales, including twenty thousand to speculators and exporters. The market closed iinnand advancing. Breadstuff* toe tpiiet, hut steady. Ptovi sioss are dull. Petroleum closed firm. Liverpool Money Market-Dec. 22. Consuls Closed at .SOaSfi.l for money. Amer ican stocks arc steady. HaU'iali Market—.fan. 6. 15 won ?8 per to: Beeswax 6,00 per to; Beans 30,00 per bush; Candles 13,00 per to; Corn SIOO per bid; Coffee 25,00 per pound; flour 250,00 per bbl; Dry Hides 5.00 per pound; Green Hides i 00 per pound, Lard 10,00 per pound; .Syrup 15,00 per ga’; Pork -5,00 per pound; Peas 20, D0 pt-v bosh; Sugars 10 a 15,00 per povuid; Tallow 5,50 pet pound; Rice 1,00 per pound; Salt 50,00 per bus!;. —Prupvus PI OTIC F IPO gtKg’S’OKt f-:_.y K» * TtooTtot. to i'A'i; rf'Tifi axiTTuT:-: u iTottk. " Ali pciStoiu iinl 'ht'uvi t*.) tii'c oV' «prry llart«fleM, 1-itf* ol'Oto'.'fi’ orpu G Hiiity, dyct;to-'v*i!,;ir»'. .p«iuestt’il' lo Uit.ko im iiiptliate ;)ivymci:t,anti iho t bavir.gc.M’iiiiii against aaitl Mia H-. Yviii imtojeiit l ii* in 'w.thiu tJio tjme i»rwcrihecll»y law, propel j sucsn-il, U. (:.■• j.ay {r t. ii(soN> JOUN Q. 11 li I SFIELD, ■!• 1 w 49 At*-.i Hireral-orn. •jvroTicst J 1 kl ’U'-tOi! t » the KTate of Honiaiiiiii Ho's, i. ip ot j; ....v- i ou'.itv, ifeCx.:i'iP4l, are required lo nuke ha* • 1 ,‘\ <•> )>t ; Pl ii tl:o;c iiuvi.itf da !iik ni'r! Ls •IU. are j;<*’ i'”«f'•> the s me. tluiv within tbe 1 i.A' '■ '!;•!! KKT Wt'IIIIKS. AdluU'l '-nlor, nJofit J. t T-> J>r. K. .1. P.ilirv-r. 11.-ii.luki'-.i T. 1. Smith, A'ld Ma wto-Ja*;* ' • Siaii , J-ih-.J (i.tli«r e»:tl his wii- (u-jrgiaV. 'D' l, v. i*.. jc/i.icß iu .lo M -te of Texas, an I t«» M n >ail.e i a’io-jf Kini iiC’ ehihircu or h*h 3. aal u prCi at tlives. who re* -. -I. in ! 1:p vS;:F.m* of T..s ! pj:i. i'Pt ie It-, ivhy L-.i tmtt four months ifthr l!»r» date there* i, l-l, ii n •', * of Ord nary, of Burke •: l -i 3 he :•} iit/iii 1 !*-• nt oroinimiSMioiiorsi to *»i»iriiiu«e the : " a) MOV b .‘TV 4t>* - hvs. w. Palmcr. iig iat_ o’J'l.'fcl 'J<> DKLUOIi i aNUC KDltoriS. ;.Ka’ii?t *1 S UaHh’. f Urcen? couaty, (Ja., deceased, 1., rci ct in - accoui.i c J ihtvr demands; id all p.rscns lii <l li «I l >I wi i link • r ay meet lo lit untersign • i H ■ !g h Xitil. N N'‘ V K. V ATTI.S. t ' t v..l Min x f liat’le ll '-cM V *>TiV % •ii Ail i* I -.-ns ii.K-hle.i lothe ) ate of George P. Gro.on, •sdc* of ' >'■ »fitlco”ni , dcceeacfU required to niakeimn.tH fiat • ravsnarl lathe unieislsu-al ; ami tiiorc hav i’ tl.i.i:- acafD.-il s:. q <* I Se. use A lo p-Vdeut them, duly a'U.dl «i, vvitl.iit-;|i‘.- time piescrl'.wd hv law. # KUdS.N GIIEIC.N. (IceT.-tovl Admii.istrat.rK. L 3 . Ml •”..*.on* hidrMed to ilte Instate of .l.nathau Wood, I:* < 1 Columbia ( oun'v, deceit, tal, will make immert ate pay m-nl lo Un- UiKleteh, tie j, and lli-r-t: in v'.ng claims :•}. v. ns; ftvgl lUalewll! p:eaoatlLcm, duly altedled, wilh.n the lime i»ro i rtl.- U hy Jaw. T. H. W(»»>L». dec 31 *. w j Adnt f. THE .BAPTIST BAJWEB, ’ l*rislASi|ED E\ tOtfV »• TU !>UAV,-iT ALtottoTA, QA. • sio-ißga Met it. t, Hl'i’ElMiy Kiev. DAVfo:*' ASD .1A Si, N, ELIiS. K.NOL'JSSHiO AKI» AlilißifiSS •I A*». NM KLLB, _fi - 1 10 I A sjtsl * A a>;U3i €.ro:cr& Oafecr ?furiae Machines tV WTftl) /» moniSM, (to: O, for whicl. liberal prices will be \t Apply to . GA.fLA'T. u, .-.0 ; y (i IA-fiw.lT WANTED. * 61'I I t t ION, hy v Lr.fiv of this city v.-e!l q.'alUled to iX t.m:i 1! « French who. er not *. ,01. eu ii rejiulrwl. A line addressed lo Miss A J S. wiiUa: | r. ly :i-te.»lc<; ik-fi;,'.v* LOST OH MISPAUL A FOU ii ns it CKN r Ik CEUTiFCTE. tamed by tie Con* states Pq.Gaitary if Oi>: Gl-r, dumber SHIS, and » f (d Alan h *2flh. lUO. for bHvvec Hundred l>o*lars, in Divor of ur’iiyrdgnrd. Alt persons ::r.i c utiolii.d ngi! .fit tra cing lor Hi 0 anpiicatiou v/iil h~'ih:c^ j '“Di’-i * ° 4 6W2 PUBiJr SAf K, ViftLL : '‘ldontJieflrfitTffffiSDAV in February rext, » V i-.t ,* ! : !*.:fk hiJ:C in i- mr.y, Oa.,U> Hip ldglioft bid* r,(r> ’’ / r • vitjndreil . i-uiofLard. more or l-aa belong* i :'ii t.; the tost-i ■ t Orawiord d* RJ, tin'. j*i:u:e wheceou G *' ‘ rr* :- I r - .:ed, JoS*iii e fb'/ier, WaUin and Glbiun ' «ii ;m. Oil A KLH 5 a CItAWFUKJ> jmSTHI-.v-:* K.\V. SiOE WA^TEdT i A ' 1 I.lh- BE-T MAG E wanted hilm iii -.tcly. or if wi!! • het.-i -u iu si.i .ller ij.iandll-s; IMr v-hich ih* l ighctt lavhtfi pviC! will be pi.ill. J. V. GJ.AIUv, jaiiT Ui.vlw-2' At the L'v.-er Market, t ’.ISr FO.Vs P AII-Ml\l•sTlViV'rOit Y S.\Ue7 VV L’to- be s*.!fi ill Api liat;, tool :,., da county, mi the. flr-t VT ! I EuD.'to id Felipia-y, the Xegroets the csiile of -lot u ii-ji.t, il ie es t i. tii iru * iii lISIOND HU.vr, /.tli 1 fir. LINCOLN luitKKIFFV, SivLK. \\ I».L ■ - - ■ Ml . re the CVnrt M- a- • fi ,or In l.iacolaton, It .-la cvuti-y. or. the li ifUE-l’U in fehruary • •ext, v. 1.1. “ ii-nat h i,-*o« sale Hoy nauud AiVHO*. ..: ut tureV: .ev.-ui', a-, levied on -sfii-i properly • !••(-.- "f MM. e .- 1 : I. .! r’ll r, 1 irl-'e I li fa is. -1 froT.- 11.1. dinary Court ri slid countv in lay r of il I ~ " li-i.ri.v-. V,-. A tfutihy-and Mfchue: B.Snial e.-, 'tci • Itor, r i'.St. .-uiatiev, fi-j’J. Vrope iv p-.'riled ■ u ay •\Dt!.■>.!«'! .< vr;;ix Si HALB. ryiu. ii-9«.-; : ' •>-.r m a the city oi *t £M£ ■’> on Us T- • 'j r..-6i-> is J mua-v u x*. under • faun -f of in. hu-.v-a eaii.ty, with ir. i . . h »r- of vft.e, c;ur to/ o f n.alc plavc i.aincu Al)- und crehito; .»f deeea.-cd. Terms cash. nov2a#w4s- SAttaH KILEV,/.dm’r. FOeiPO.Vr O AU.tIi\<BTItATORB’ SALE. * Woodstock, Ni.v. Mlh. 1864 ritHSiijofßr-s’Be. Omtinif*. A;, advertlwd b» as to 7R h r T>Y virtue of a order fr. m rne C*tnn of Ordin »ry of Ogle rex', within th-; lug ; bond of s -le. ;h; foibwine nc,iroee, U wit; i nr.a'womati about SI tears old, ar.d her threecbii i!r s, WSiliam. a iuv 5 yeais c Id: Jiallot'a. a girl S year.- o <!, and Charles, a boy i yea,- Id. Said as the pr-petty of the Honor children of John p Latimer, late of said county, dtoeai ed, Tor the benefit of said minors. I’AiiITHA U. LATIMER, decls 6vr'.l (ioardian AbvuVis rfiAi Dili sale. — T>Y Virtue otan order frcin the Court -f Ordinary of L)n on Abner f. Ham Ic: r sided it the ttmo of death c-.ulaiulng widr-v'sD -wer) Te-m- nssa, decLd 6-eSI ALLXA.NDEIt .JOiINSTON, Adm'r. 1 proper UOTlw 3 X-i] •i- "* M ' %> e f t *mj<r y- ryrvrK Ol' okoitGlA. GOLUMHI v COUVfV VV.. uc. TANARUS, : -u -o^rlctteni of guardians*.;;'rl :ao :.:.h property of Lafayette and l George B. Ma«radcr':« . . . . | T}•.**'*• to cite and acinarush nil. ur.d angular { • if nny L T hile. wl.v V'*l-i T3l.'ps* J.-'nlU u\ bo gr. n'ic-l. '* | < .v-m ura - r.’.Y hfihc* v : eitV.iai -»m.\ a* c.*ie-‘ o. ± v . r.Ura. G. -5 t'u *. y l:- i>o vi..' - . i-.. i._ l . y . y T , fS * | /1 kv t.h'iA. tt *fc.t..N L ' .ni i. \T V/ . . Sirs. FU.v.,:. ; «• *. .;• 1,.' rfi.vis O, Out i l-*n :-”. Io 3 -r letter? of nap. '.n • h the of Jchri ; T. Iraeof Ss>ia county, de: eased. 3 Thcfi. 1 , ure thereto;e, to cTr ami \>h ail peraoa? con* | car; e;i to show 1 ;ny |*-.*: i. .- . why «dd letters , shc-uM not to gratae-, ;> : Onay-r. t > lw Iw'.A } iu and for BA.d county, « n the. H-.: Monday in Fe.-ruiy I ’ Giver under it;y l:atd. at .f- ’ «?ro-PfsVoro% lumber 21 -U 1< C -J - Ls Gi- N ICS L. K LNG, ! _J-t. 2 Iwl • OTdbtary. ! OTAI'C OF Ui-.VKvi \Tb57 fi'A'.'v'.'■'~TTFi7 wii-: c.Oiiiii-js.! .It C. . t :. lo in- f rLet'.ersc*. ' Oiiatdiai! btp ortbv* r.rop :;y I>. Conti, a minor, of i.r4c iuii y: T»«e art therif.'ic, »c p';« ?«.- -'i-Hi. aB ai'd stneatar ; tlwkiuiircd and iV.-..;« *>' ta Me* and appear »t i..y . ::. * ou ■ r : y. \- -■ :-'eSra*jVv a. vt, lo Hi* - 'M IS,*, il' sny li .- .wofiv i uas -hciM n-.*t l*e ' nr..;*; 1. D;vcn m.niv )n*nl :,*.,*. off..' ' ' r,>, .-See in All- ' tbi.- -ifidoy ol Javuicv. i:*o. J"'*i'to.vl i'.W '!) 1.. KOA'Ut Ordinary. CTATB Ot 0 E(")KG .A, lilC'i ' *Ci’. : l''t: UNT i . P \tliwt", « nil:,in U. We.Uie.T.t.oo .npifiies to me for Letter* ..twnumtetmiHm on tlio estx.* of Jolm IL WVachers. Sd.-e I ate of s-AMI c- unty. <Li*~aved. ']! -<•- -re ti.eiefor.: I * i- ■ .cl a!:o.n> :• !iand,.innnlaitbe hir.fir,--! and c«.o. s . ■: ,1 -.-a-, .I,> a,„i M ~,y office, on > i .".fvre let* first Aiotilir.- c, Ft-bitv-ry m-tt, lo - soow cause, n any !!.(•) loco, wi.y - li t l.eticra .slioulfl not t-e era-ited. * (tlvc.-under my hand .out offi a v.a'ie.lur", at office In A» gtirla, 2d day ol Janu.ry. lt*'-4. . , DAVID L. UOATH, Ordinary. I .!'»■” . .iwl ifi'i ; 1 B Os (lEOitGIA. rul.UMti] A'cTitTvrfT I* Vhevees, K •• . I'nrliarn. ,o, tin: c.Of -ifin- ' 1 atham > t '- e '- r ‘“ { .l, "i'l'i M: *oi-.i: for letters of <li :..:s they have, why gold let Ip: : -' • v ! nut i-? a to tin; sal< t'fe'fehAiy ofitWTTfi'toTT’"' " :nA " riS*wl n. v; SHl^(.lix.Ord'.naiv. JT7\7tf7~m7;:;7rfi7777! a.'v: ~ V.M'i.-re- M. I.jVi, .. .1. '. Jl.-M ■ .... |(„ 1..,,..- :~f ad niiiiielßiV.os culie kUta:....... . I'. iby.i-r. la*c ..-'.id -.-..nn ’• liioso :i:*r ne t h".re, to t-hOM-.d p.*f Ish at), ami singu'ar thr? k-udruil mUf «• i'm.-j • r .Tiki tkv ..vd, cj he :itt j AUpcnrut my cidce v/ithia U.c tiiue pivs-. iIA :by luvr. tt> s»how can?(•, it any they have vhy taid lett ■ - - sl./mld not be ».;l. Given u: oor my Suadan.’orti lal -irfi-aluie ;*t vitl:e l:i Ai ]>:» ii.f l tli day of Le i-f*i tlccS l w v.. MtlEl.l>*. Ol’tlinary. A : j: ”( <:•; TANARUS.;; f.:. i COUNTY. kJ Whereas, V- »•• Lhi’.t• :•}»;•. : e- »o ;. !.*r 3 ;tcrs o{ aUmin siialiou on the estate of J.T. Mo ,\.rd, lute ot sai-t cxmh'v, d<?cca?tu. Tiifse arctliercfß'ie, to cite and admoni****., ail rfi! s insular the kitidrcd and cred|‘•:*’•> f.f said (!e> eT;eu, so In* a*ul nwcur at my ulitce, within the tkihe i‘vesci-ib?d 1 v law, to show cause, IV any t'hoy have, why ..niKl not 1.-eerantod. Given iuv.Kt n.y ItD.i'l ai.«l o.llcial *,.vure at otftcclnAp pltrsg.tM' Mhdsiv ofL». inter, 3*-.ii. dr? Siv.-rq '■ . V> . Sj! I rl.i'S, Oi tV-icwy. S3T Vl’ts Ov'cKilfii.t'V, ('• :ifir .u Ki.v . 7 IMS V'- herca w , Mary Z. mjr.'T ani>li - ; .to n-.- f. r I*. tiers of rd lii;n!s:iaU ’U on »lit: v.s::i!e ot -I .Hi*i M . B.'.k late Ot :;.:.icOUU- are therefore t*» •»e r ;.l r. hm.»,?.-»> ail ami fringuiar the* kindred and cretf t h of -.t •! t«■ -t -.1, to l e a".tl ar>J»oar at uiyottl e, within the time . .1 bv lav/, to Khow eau.-c, if any th«v hau*. why s.ud !e te - T '"::*!’d • grunted. Gi’.vii utnlur my Jifitoifi am; • h .. Amture :.t oUlceln/.p*'ip *. h day o: {FCi-Htini. t. • j. decs 1 *rt o • *-y. v Sh 1 > I.f» - ()rtHnm v. 8- - Hil 4. COLUMBIA to'uY'MY. Whereas, T. li. Woal ;.pi#:e> to nu* tor .ett<rs of adndn* onlueesTiteof Joualhtiu Wo\ la’oof county, Those are therefore, to cite and adauHiiEh. nil,at and singular tlie kindred and cre.iitors of said and cot - ..l to and appear at my office within the time to ee*‘r;icd hy ii-w. to sho'-.v cau.-.e, if any they bn re, why said I, ei lers net be grunted. Given under my Innd and cfUeial Dip'aatui’e, at ciUce. in Ap pling tuts ut day of December, *d* 4. ■ (leoG -1 \vso VV. \V. SIT I ELDS, Ordinary. jZTaT IC OFT: ICOH ti I A..« »>LU M* < i~A O’ l' Ml. O vVJ.'T. rs. U Sc at applies ru i.. p.r e iof admin* iKtiFt-ou willi tlm wl'l cm: vd outlie oi Will \:mi h oat*, late ts said ceuutv, deeba-.ed : These are therefore to cite UL-d admonibh all And wuaw'Kt the kimlred auJ -, ; -.i;-*:< ..f xvl (lev.i •*■'., , . Iva, ■! u r . r -.rut niyoitlee. (vlilni! ihe . .- CW ue, ii ai.y they l.uve, wiiysuifi leti.,M-:, . at'en under ii.y i -mrl ii’iil ciUe:.'.: ..Rtatun-, i-.t '.nice in Ap. phi'h. ill n.t itjvy o: fi.ui,'. .. iaf,i. “V" VT. W. SHIKLDS. O.vliniry. ta’t -Vi'K»F<:i:.;C<aij.-:uu: i ccic'ntvT * C? U'hv M*.i. 11. I-. . It ~,e lor ; of udminia tr.i: on :..o e.-tui • ct.l.iM ■ c.*;t, Jaitci uni.t , «!.*. cell- - j T.l.* r« tbcrv'orevalid nlrh nil, nn.! -inunlar the Wti'..ired and c:<xli ors oi. ;h! a; and. to be and ni* at ay office, within ik'- -ime prewrib-.d by Itw, to .-h -w came, If utu they have, why s lid L -U -.-r- (hooid ndtbegfiui!e(t.' at 01!icein Ap _.Lco 1--.i V v/. SHI MI,IIS. Ordinary. CTA'i'BoFtiKjiii'jiA v7iLKiM »~;:'sTi. ’ Wti.aeus. Tvi- i" . .1 M'v.vr> i'm.'U. to >/,■* for lettc.-i ol inLei'M-,oil iile Ifi of \V:f:'.;',*.! m. ikar.l,, late ot 'i'heee aie ilier. l.'K- lo -i:- : afimo:i':-h, -.11 . Hingular the ktlKlre.l anil cralil.* -es . ..! u-■ .■ ,t to he aiifi ■niloe wi bin U *t* 1„ •, 1. -i i.v I 1 . • «ny 11.0 V he.'O, why said 1..-: I rjr aieaul. Giv.-n U.'dc 11-.*- 1.-.I •■: . :! s'anat-,.-..' at office it V. a»!mi,ii:.t let Bay ol 1 • r. 1-..14 * (lccOtwW ti. il. XOBMAX - .Ordinary. (ja’AfiroifiGEblitllA. OGtofiTHORI'E I.v VVhcrea?, Ullev tv re. ..-.r 1,.“h i I Ii! ofi.ifi.-l. iii-ii lie WjuU u. «o:;“.e K-'-fieof C 2 Kieli-'. tvlmore, 'ltieauu'rvllKre'o-1,1 cite at.-! aJn.M.hli, all and a'.ncu’ar the klridrvt and 1 01. nd 'I -.-I, to he and 1 I'-!)'offer. '-.iti..n Ihe Up... j. - r. - - .... 1 ev, t-.'sH- .- t 0,,.,, j. any they tevc, wi.vfAta L.l.onld .i-t - til- »|| mnler myll ami off. ~; . mm.'miv Iliis 6ih day of Dec. 111 he-. ISM. L. G. .fii!.;'toih“a;-' <’ce".' l ' ii'J Ordli ty. fifi'lße: 1: icoif 1 a,*111;:. to ; ; : ,"ii;T'*>f i-i'-.Yx j\ . •'•••Hi -id...' ;nh i- ' 1 in, 18't. t\ hereas VI L'.a-.i'i S. H,.|V,,1.| 1 ... a . tlie K.ire ..i Ma rv tioiy lid, iate of.-■■;! con:, v it- .. i.y j- to to n th v eti the 'Cllrli:! ihi.-to, ehiri- , 1 11,. UI- :h •1 he has full! adiilillls I>U-:I 11,~t t.- . ,1 -to, :... 1 jual s to bed's ci.uvgod t'i. r.i :ai.! tiu.-.t. 'l'tiest are tia'i-.ilore lo cH . . -. toll ai!, shieu’.ii the I.'iiifirefi an.l eie-i’ii.-is ~fl ,n ;, ... ;,t„ t e-val uaiiear at rile '■=:!.< .-. to. e . to, ...- -p.,.#. -, :i any they • .vi,.- TANARUS,• •?, IS |,i a-.: k ,*,. n. ; ~-od, and to. - - ,-i ' nr..-.- ... ti : 1-. .... • Giv.-n. IM-.J-ii.M.: ail.! ..ill toil -to-a luie 'las M.‘ti .lav' ol Fovi-inl.e!-, is«)t. to. to. ' rtetot 6v. u Old n,ii y Ctat ETiFTTFORTii—imb i ,(7:7)T77Yfv7 Ifi '.l i.oiv* M-s. K. .1 ,1.1, 0:1 I ■ toi , fov !,-:lei-a of ad ml irtiatlon ontbe ifie'.ate of A. 2.. Johi..'io:i, !a'.-ol sad county, deveased. These are therefore to eit* and aduionl.-.h, al) and slap-., r, Ihe kiuilrol amt omliii.r:; ni'sa'nt .Ito- veil, to i,e r.n.f appeal at my offite within tud time pcc.-e, by law, l.i show . ause,i uni’ they imve, why said lette.s .-iauu.; hot he efi-u.itu.l. Given v.iulr-r ray ami offi. i:4 fai.alurc al offico in Al> pin,a. this 1'.,;1i day of licet l.i, er. fiet*’ : W. W.«!tIKI,I)S, Ocdlna-y. jjTS K6st o i .to g ii: rxto VO l ‘ s' 'l l . * lIK Whciva-*, it'.:-nr: L. JL•*.«.»■ .-• ai’i-'ifs for 1-altcrn of a»l --ntinisfiH iori 011 the estate of vVililrim M-igloton, lato of cald county, deoeufe 1. These are. 'lie:.’fore, to 'he. ■•• A a naoulab a*J per.-ons con* to show C-MIH . il it. > li:;:. iti\V, wJ},' sod 1- t *t-r; pho'il t l».‘ gretiLed n: ti: • i * ;.-: • O;«1*.-. lo ko h. il m tflid -or Subic .util. <•». th.-i . * .V h- rVk.u .y, I.4HS Given under my hand ut oili'e In • *•»«-, *'*oc\ tuber •2-d. 1354. KUUK.MI’jJ L. K'k.i. I mil 4wl. Ordinary. of Jq’.Hi Miog, UUpi said ecui.ty deceased. These are therefore tc cite and admonish and singular the they have, why said leiters shoulfi uol ImanaiUid. j™ 1 (s?(;;,qj-y, uopi Rfikiir ut-t-i Grceii It. Tt.-.j:. m -i.. :• i-i.- oVbteon hun dredd .liars, 1 i the piyme.i.t of v.-.-U and «hi V to he nitde-lo tr..> r. id Gr-.i--: 11. TANARUS:. -r,i •. i.i.i ! -., 1i to I liyteir.v .1 11,y J||.iito firm y 1 v *,'■-• pi” et.II, itiieesuii icy ~.',!. thi? '., . M;h. i 'to. The cos,lll'.!- and Ol th.e a- ive lxfii-l is H to. • head-l Henrv E Hu. t iitoi lata day : to- .;i i IV- reel! JI l'i .uni!, i .-I’ll aCiTtalD lot 01 l .i.h. I y.ilhev -a-.ili li; -, l„.:U!l,ei> I tlierean. situated hi Hu* ei'y if Gi ,-i( .. r. : r.hl r.;. i.ty. ! a::<1 bounded on to- K •.to, i.v o-.j.itoe of .to !,,, K. /. mnier man,rut 1 , t-1.: I i-y pru;,: - -- 1 ■ L. 1.v,,;, on ti.e POUh by llro.ij Mr-. .u on He tv< .I to fil'd lily, (Uhl width now oe ut! dby tui.i 'i h nei .- tl ~, « Grocery, Ii '.■:>.■ sum of e':;-!:i»a i.rcfi; •,] o> \ <,i,.k Stoll g.m '1 Utojifi.r.ips-'n I, hi lo . Heavy S. Hunt Eevn huud.e.i 'oljr.; IL >:•.!„ •. o cito ii -.f.'r in proa.i.. duo alt Wi- •'-toll-1.1h.. • r U.e ~j ; , J,. i (i ~/ ,jm Into :• . h'.M , It: it -n; ,- E Itotol • ,7-. o* 'a- y . . ..■ .1, ■. jo, ii: 1 - idioiei.i til!,- to fee - I'll ll to the , ■:!!. e-n 11. to; i..;,-,:,. fr mo tkafie c-r o !,.( in c,, Tine.-. r.r--u ton, pavir.en*, i' -.iifi pron'i.l: .ry mil-, ny e i„ u-een U s „ - ; ar.,-,to'),, day ar pa;l e .laddera; Ilf,.- ti,-. purrliecrr, ,", t > ■ aw, J Grocery. Ui n li-:fi o .. . .. . )! R. liUh't'. hidden, tsaled an l.i- .r.;;r«i impr- =•■■... or f our! or Ordinary, Pi :; i»aa 'teiw, l?iu._ T)ie pei .tiNn «.»f Orecn H. in- cV.;i» ihu * ,e ' ry 11. Him. f t .'jiU c-u tity,*.!].! in liv. -,- {.#'.>,l tor till,- 1-r a lot. det.-rilii.ii in „ f. li -v. of a o -J-v ..le-.b, i r .. , , ' V de;S4iy.fO EUGEI-aL.S I. KINI}, Ordinary. TWO MONTHS IXOTIOMs." l^iiSS .... , A. T HOBLIDAY. Aitiii'r novla BW4, up boois non with the v. aj annexed. ~~ ceased. Thit 12tji Dereißbeiylß«4. ' -■* .■ v> * decif j-pIK R, TOUKG. ddui'r, _ Two months after data or the firt rcgoAr term of ihe to the* estate of StaHl'wdlkinLtoU^’SgleUiorpe T U ID CHRONICLE -ft SENTINEL JO® PRINTING OFFICE <r Is one of tlie * Largest in the Confederacy * . WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE in Tins BEST , AT SHORT NOTICE, AND ON ELo a.sonabl©' Terms, * Book Printing, Pamphlets, Sermons, Addresses, Catalogues, Reports, JOB WORK Os, EVERY DESCRIPTION, Sncli 0.7-4 Posters, Handbills, Concert Bills, Auction Bills, Programmes for Concerts and Exhibitions, Circulars, Envelopes, Druggists’ Labels, Blanks, Bill-Heads, EXECUTED PROMPTTsY, NEATLY, AND ON TDK BY THE USE OF S'; SAM ’ AND TUB BEST OP POWER PRESSES, sll kinds of iror?£ n«td by Rook li! kind s os work used by Mimnfndtirw t AW kinds of* work iisod bj Banks, PI kinds of work used by Insnraiico kU kinds of work used by Railroad ,11! kinds of work «sed by Sieaßiboat Cosipaait iii kinds of work used by Jotei Stock lil kinds of work used by Merchant:-, kinds of work used by ffeebanics, Ul kinds of work used by Lawyers. .•US kinds of work used by frareliiog Exbibif?r<?jA Jll liißds of work used l»y Pateat Wkins feders, *•! a«d oi work used by i’rofossioaaS He a, &e.. Can and will bo -fnra:ihtlH»<l H.S' CICIOB AND CHEAP AS AT ANY OFFICE IN THE eONIWRACr. !• l --""B»—!»gi»rorwf ioi ,ojos. ixamx.i r » U mM tr .,.^ H h All E €lll fAM If i €AS ALL Who will favor us with ■ • ALL IN WANT OF. Any Kind of Printing, -A.EV3 UKTVT-11'1313 TO OhSIX,L. QUAKTEIiffIASTER’S BLANK BO KS ALL KINDS OF PiILVTINQ <IPABTERMASTER’S BLANKS. OYh?iv KS of enr * description Dr * a / ad PmmpUy printed, on -esjoiuhle term, ai ths ofltee of the (IHROIfIOLK * 'iK.VTISICf, ALL KINDS OF PRINTING lPf^a t ’the T 0 l g&^^^ o Tl^.g l i Eaft&a- ARMY PRINTING. By-laws and .Constitu tions of Societies,’ Pi luting: from Stereo typed Plates, Court Dockets, Briefs, Blank Bills and Notes, Bills of Ll uling, Bank Checks, Business. Cards, Direction Cards, Yisiting Cards, Labels, Bills of Fare, Fancy Job Printing, Printing iu Colors, Bronze Printing, &e. CHANGE BILLS, IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED VAX llif HAD AT THIS OFFICE, i WRAPPING PAPER. A FEW IIUNDRED . Otl) NE WSP APER¥,r' SUITABLE FOR WRAPPING PAPKh! * For Sale at This Office!