Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, February 22, 1865, Image 4

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' . '■■■-'■> « :n v ; M-rsafa eUpakfloas lathe treaty e,i ;ts with the (iherok -c tiutiun of Indiana wits considered and passer].' House resolution lor the r<~- oiotmeiw of a joint committee of five merVi:! of tbe House and of tho Hoo to prepare an ad dress to the peojdc of tie U. {••derate &tat«s ; assuring them <f the urviU-.ratn* d' c mi na tion of CoogrtPi to aonti • \ V! “”‘ Is< eryy. tie o.ruggle /or lad pent* ace, etc., was concurred in. nf The bill to authorize the coDKd.uation ot companies, battalions and ntgsDietits, ttas ui ther considered. • HOME- JAN. IS. Tbe House took up the bill to provide for laying a specie export duty on cotion and to bacco. The question was, on the motion of Mr. Mar shall, oi Kvr;t i-ry, to :vomwi the trill, with instructions to report a bill fuzing'nil the cot ton and tobacco in tho country on Government account. It was adopted : yeas Ui, nay, 31. The Military Committee reported back the Senate joint resolutions of than! • to General Stand VYatie and Colonel G-re>. and their efii cere and men, for brilliant achievements in the .Indian Territory. AUo. the Senate joint resolution of thanks to Brigadier Gemual John H. Williams, and the officers und men under his command, for the brilliant victory gained by them at on the 2d of October, 1864, with an amend ment making it move comprehensive. Iteth of which were unanimously adopted. The House passed a Senate bill to regulate the pay of lieutenants of the navy while com manding on shore, giving them the same pay as when on board ship. The Chair announced the following as tire Special Cominitl con the {exchange ol Prison ers : Messrs, illaishall, of Kentucky : Perkins, of Louisiana; Gilmer, of North Carolina; Clark, of Missouri; and Kuu.- ten, of Virginia. A series of patriotic resolutions adopted by the Texas Legislature, were introduced, and ordered to be spread upon the Journal. BKKATE-—JAN. 20. The Committee on Finance reported a bill extending tbe jurisdiction of the St te Collector of Mississippi over Eastern Louisiana, which was considered and passed. The same committee also reported back, with amendment, House Lilt to authorize the estab lishment of an office of deposit in connection with the Treasury. 'The amendment was agreed to and the bill was parsed. The Committee on Military Affairs reported the lollowing bill, which was passed : A Bill to amend tho not entitled “ All act to organize forces to serve during the war,” approved February 17th, 1864. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That so much of the fifth , Hu r;iion of said act as provides that the persons mentioned therein shajl not bo required to per form military service crut of the Mate in which they resale, fre suspended until tho second Monday after the meeting of. the next session of Congress. Thm consideration of the Senate bill to “pro vide for the reorganization of companies, bat talions and regiments in certain cases,” was resumed, but without taking definite action, Senate adjourned. HOUSE—JAN. 20. A resolution was offered to allow tho agents of tire tax in kind rations in addition to their pay and allowances. Referred. A resolution was introduced that the privi lege of the writ of- habeas corpus ought not to be suspended except in extreme cases. 'The resolution was lost-. 1 war then referred to the Judiciary Commit!.. •. Tho following were referred : Resolution to increase the bounty of enlisted men of- the murine corps ; assigning to the navy a portion of the tax in kind; bill for increasing the rank anil pay of Judge Advocate;-; increasing the nay of free negroes impressed into the govern ment service ; exempting from tax it ion certain districts of Slir*isM.ppi*devas cm! by th ene my ; paying to tbe wives and families of sol diers in "captivity the pay now ; tier due tdem; to discharge from tho -• ■ ■ all versons over the age of 46 n.ud iJI m: lx - . tho re serves. Too Committee on CL 1 for auditing and paving clai; « Bureau iu the Trans-Mi • it. Also, from tho same r: for the auditing and pay mm.. of < V proper;;, authenticated. Ordered • 1 ,-•••* ••• A resolution was adopted iuidxucltng the Committee on Ways ami ; V;i:m to report a hill requiring the receipt of four ] < > < nt. cwtifi catos in payment of t rxrs du: in 1 sU, though not tendered until subsequent to J--n. 1, 1865. The House passed the Senate bill to extend the time 1 r allowing the President to take State .Reserves from oue State to another for a limited period—yeas 03, nays 10. 7low Shall Ivh I'lld the Army?—The first should be, to stop tho ii-q.-ressment ol fotnl at prices beltiw tho market value. Let the Gov'.ernmeat continue to ■be a preferred customer, trtt let* it pay the value of the products it requires. Look at tho impress incut priors quotudln (sis number, and teU.uH if production cau be'kept up at any such rates? iremember, tot), that oi iaio they are seldom paid for, even in currency, but in certificates of quarternmsters. Ac., tor which the planter is often glad to get half the face i,f them in the currency, depreeiafed as it is tills tue “just compensation ’ conttinpiC.icd in the Constitu tor, in the case of priv tie properi-y taken for public uses The next thing ct >n!d be to send back eve. rv farmer that is d-ndied for light duty, and encourage him to is. ike all the food possible, by paj’tog'the led v ue ot b. A third way te iucres ß e the supply of provisions is, instead of impressing more bones, to dis mount about twothircs of tie’ cavalry, bend, therefore, their horses back into 'he torn-Helds. Jn this way, the hoi-, will m.ike, instead of consuming food. A cavalry ii-aivo will con sume about as much as cefeu men. On the farm, they would enable thirty or forty addi tional acres to be worked, and increase in stead .■ * It the present suicidal plan of supplies is persisted in—li mere sen-bole counsels do not speedily prevail— and cure is not taken to pro tect the producer, both iro.n jy.dage by the troops, and in ids undoubted v to the full maiket value of bis probuo. p-oduetion will continue to diminish, until u- thing is beyond what is of aV.einte poisons! necessity to the grower. We shall soon be desti*iife of ! dour, meat, corn, salt, i.nd the upshot will be j a choice between starvation, ml iug . ion, sub- : miss on and expatriation-—all ot a lb tie wise forethought, cou.n nave been, mid can buH be, avoided. Keen now it is rumored that Mother more sivVepmg order is on: ter *?, a _ -,f of horses, than which a move tue Impressmen t « uUI U[)lefs , | suicidal meas> >* k- into the army, and be to put all the.negi- ... , feed the people with (.-on. ’• ''. . .1 most considerable product n, ‘ j- ’ lata years. , •.,, I We tpmk earnestly. If (his war f>: lUu< - j pendetice fails; if, with our magnificent 1.- sources in money, menus and gallant hearts, ; with which tbe contest commenced, our coun- j try is subjugated, aud we endure a national , extinction, suicide will-be the manner of our j political death. Our though critical, is I far from desperate, if. by a Fabian policy, cur armies are saved, aud if. iu ever-, possi de way, ; the growth of food and the production of stores j is properly encouraged, 'ihis war cannot be j kept up without food. Even the scmciiy. to a certain degree, of the single article oi nit for a j very short time, would compel us,if it could I n o,‘ otherwise be obtained, to make terms with the eu cn 'y- or cut our way out of the country. A Boldi-k r ’ 8 entire v»ges more, ihau supp'. v his 1 -y wii 1 salt aud .. - '.ry medicinea at present rates. Ao:.: . m l uliiva ior. Dahlia? are like .‘he most beautiful women I without i.itelWiuac’y. They strike you with astonish inert bv their exterior splendor, but ure miserably destitute of those properties , which distinguish and ren 'v. aavatee loss i in■ - posing flowers. Had nat-ir • given the nr- j graneeol the rA or e.iyto te daMia, it , would have boon the st m taniu «£»««* the garden: but, war, D" S' scent, it is like « fine | woman without mind. 1 \ pT?-. ! NORTHERN NEW’S. . iicuu-E, Feb 11. A special to the twister from ben.tohia, the 11th..hays; , VIRTe Memphis papers of the Hh and been received. , The Herald's Washington special says that those in a position to know regard the resuit of the peace negotiation as very far from a to tal failure. The Washington Chronicle says the only con }] >; o n to honorable peace has been declined by the Rebel Commissioners— that condition being the restoration of the Federal Union and obe dience to the laws cf Congress. The Times special says Lincoln assured the Commissioners that if tbe South would return to the Union under the Constitution, they would ire treated with the utmost liberality, but without that recognition, the war must and would go on. Neither side yielded a hairs breadth. Lincoln and Seward returned to Washing ton and the result of the conference was laid before the Cabinet, who endorsed Lincoln's course, and arc unanimous in the determination that the war must continue. The Commercial’s Washington special snyz, it is asserted that Lincoln will issue a procla mation, showing the result of the peace nego tiation, and urging the people to fill up tire . ranks for a more vigorous prosecution of the war. Gold at New York on the 6th was 213. Northern papers, including the evening edi tion of the Baltimore American, of the Sth received. v The Yankees admit considerable loss in the battle of Hatober’s Run, but claim that the Confederates lost heavily. The object o? the movement not developed lion. H. S. Foote arrived in New *York on Tuesday, still in custody. His destination is reported to be a military destination. lie re fuses to take the oath, and expveses a dzsire to emigrate to Sonora. Major Henry Gilmer was captured .near Mooriield recently. Site Government of Brazil has issued a de • cree excluding the Shenandoah from the ports of the Empire. Seward's answer in the case of the Florida had not been received. Burley, the Lake Erie raider, has been sur rendered to the United States by the Canadian authorities. T lie Memphis Bulletin of the 10th says that G B Davis who was identified at Newark, Ohio; as the Keeper of the Military prisiou at Ander sonville, Ga., and confessed that he was bearer of despatches from Richmond to Canada, has been sentenced to bo hung on Johnson's Is land, on the 17 th of February. Major Gen. Pope ha3 been assigned to the command of the Military Division of Missouri, with headquarters at St. Louis. - A New York telegram says that forty thous and persons whose names had been enrolled lor the dralt iu that city cannot be found. Orders have been received\from Washing ton to organize a force iu each Congressional District in Kentucky to exterminate the guer illa bands. Nows from Northern Mexico gives rise to many speculations ns to the intentions of N» poleon, and are a cause of much uneasiness. A. Nashville correspondent says Thomas’ army is being mounted for rapid movements through Alabama. Selma, Columbus and Mobile are mentioned as the principal objective points. The Republican cautions its readers against being sanguine of early peace. The London Times denies having encouraged any . . ~ England’s intervention iu Ameri can affair*'.. It does not think such a move ment war ever entertained a moment by the government, and it would lie a fatal step. Parliament meets on the 7th February. MORE ABOUT BLAIR'S*MISSION. Richmond, Feb. 10. Mr. Benjamin in the course of his speech yesterday, stated what passed In tire interview between the President and Mr. Biair. The President gave him a letter as follows : Sir : I put down now in writing what I have said to you in words. lam ready to confer for peace. If I had any assurance that any commissioners would be sent to meet und treat with ours I would send commissioners for the purpose of devising peace for our two countries. Tho answer of President Lincoln to this note was as lollows : As yon have shown to mo a note brougb with you from Richmond, you may say to Da vis that 1 will see auy informal agents to secure peace to our one country. Mr. Benjamin smd that he believed that when Mr. Blair first came to Richmond he had hoped it war. nn opening for some arrangement which might load to ultimate peace. Had tbe enemy been of the game mind be still believed there might have been gome little ground upon which they could have settled the question. llenjaftin advocated'the immediate ment of negro volunteers to reinforce our ar mies aud was loudly applauded by the meeting. CONGRESSIONAL. Richmond. Feb. 10. The House adopted a joint resolution to ad journ hie die on the ‘2Bth and concurred in the Senate resolutions of thanks to Mr. Lancaster, owner of the English Yacht Deer Hound. Mr Barksdale submitted a bill providing for tho employment of negro troops. A mo tion to reject the bill was lost—yeas 21, nays 53. Tbe bill was then referred. The Tax Dill was further discussed until the adjournment. In the Senate the House resolution to ad journ on the >iU was rejected by a tie vote. During the debate Messrs. Wigfall and Max well expressed unqualified opposition to the employment of negro troops. Subs.quently Mr. Oldham introduced a bill providing for the raising of 200,000 negro troops. Ink bill was referred to tbe Committee on Mditary affairs, The House exemption was debated as amend ed. Before final action was taken the Senate resolved itself into secret seesiou. GALLANT EXPLOIT IN FLORIDA. ' Macon, Feb. 14, A special to tbe Columbus Enquirer (luted Meridian via, Fia., Feb. 11th, says information has bc,u received from Lake City, stating that C .pt, Dickinson captured eighty-five prisoners, including 0113 Colonel, three Captain*, one Lieutenant, ten wagons, sixty horses, arms, Ac. Tae enemy lost five killed., including one adju t'.ar. an ! four wounded including one Colonel. Oar loss nothing. From North Carolina.— The tories have again appeared in force in Western North Car olina. The Home Guaxd has been driven back by them. .WBTHRPSSEWI. '] | *phe total cost of the ttij ’ bie lor ft" Capitol at Wai-bmab n, and f.,rcutt- ; na;it is $1,778,555. x eftit*; see- ,t’v if. f place near Nashville between a . Jam--* Simpson and Mr James stmts, neighbors f many years standing, but who had Vo me difficulty f’bottt what reports differ, on the Randolph road three miles no-th of Memphis. The^t capons used were shot guns —at twenty paces. After stepping off the re qni»:d distance tinned and fired simultaneous ly, with fat;;) .fleet io both.. Tho first named received four buckshot, and the second twenty four, causing death to ensue to both almost instantly. General Grant, u is slated, will portly re - move his headquarters to V»'cn. as a more central point than tea present station, and- whence he can observe and oirect the movements of all the Yankee armies, both east and west, with greater facility. In case this alteration is made, General Meade will probably Cccupy the Lieutenant General’s present headquarters at Cedar Point, and Gen enerai Parke will be located by General Meade. General Butler has made a real, ranting speech to the people of Lowell, lie says he is at, home on a letter from General Grant, “but no word cf Fort Fisher or word of Wilmington was os-iged as the reason for’ his removal. ‘ What the line reason was, he had not re ceived permission to divulge ” Oi the twelve ''evolutionary patriots living on the Ist of January, 1863, but five surviv ed to welcome tho last new year. Lemuel Cook resides at Clarendon, N. 1., end does not know his age; Samuel Downing resides at Edinburg, Saratoga county, N. Y., and is nine ty-eight jears old ; William Ilatchins resides at Penobscot, Me.; and is one hundred years old; Alexander Marcnev resides at Yates, Or leans county, N. Y , and is ninety-four years old; James Burhaia lives isl and i© one hundred years of age. The latest installment of 100,000 Springfield mnskete was shipped from Colt’s armory, Hart ford, on the l<(lh ult The company icceived over §2,000,000 lor making thepy, They de clined to duplicate the contract at the prices received for this lot, and are going into the nis toi manufactory more extensively than before. The debt of Vermont am ,nuts to $1,048,845, or $5,21 ior each person in tho State. The uC-bt is principally (unded, and is payable in 1?71, 1874 and 1897. Trading Cotton’ With the Enemy.— ln tho House of Rr-precntativoa, January 24, the following debate took place on the transactions of the Cotton Baiean in the Trans-Mississippi Department: The Speaker announced as the unfinished lm bluets of the morning the joint resolution, sub mitted by Mr. Branch, of Texas, providing for the appointment of three commissioners, who shall not be liable to military duty, to inves- Jgate and examine ; nto the proceedings and transactions of the cotton bureau, and the conduct of the military antborities therewith of the Trans-Mississippi Department, and to report the result of tbeir investigations to the Si eretary of the Treasury by tho meeting- of tho Congress. Mr™batKh explained tl:e reason and scope of his resolution. He said that there bad been great frauds committed in the cotton bureau, lie charged it upon no particular person Lint it was ivefl known, and it was an undeniable fact, that many persons who, at the time of becoming connected with the cotton bureau were poor, have now their hundreds of thous ands of doilais in Europe. M.. Caro!!, of Arkansas, said he could tes tify that a very corrupt traffic in cotton was carried on in the Trans Mississippi Depart ment, It was causing great dissatisfaction among the people—alienating many men who would otherwise be friendiy to us. The agents there hud openly trafficked with the enemy.— They had paid gold to get wegons to trans port cotton to the enemy, and the matter had grown to be >lll evil of great magnitude, and was causing great 4lisiatisfaetion and dtluorul - izutlon with the army and people. Mr. Baylor, of Tex is. said that there had been a vast deal of comiption in that depart - ment. He did not say who had stolen cotton, but. bo did know a great deal of it had been stolen. He had never known a single instance where a high official bail ev. r been published by tho government for delinquency in office.— It. was this that was , making cotton agents, quartermasters uud commissaries steal. They felt no responsibility. They were growing rich by fraud .its! peculation. Ho knew of au instance last summer where he had mot ’along the Mississippi one ol these cotton agecst., travelling with his wife find baby in a epieiuled ambulance, drawn by some six or eight mag nificent horses, and provisioned with wines, liquors, cigars, sardiuce, and other like luxuries —obtained through trafficking with the enemy —while our sick and wounded soldiers, bail, few miles off, were being transported from the field in os carte ! Such was but a single case of the conduct of these officials. It was caust ic g great demoralisation in th army. It should be corrected. Tbet e was men who Lad been figuring in th’s tsarUo that should be liung. , Mr. Gray, of Louisiana, did not tteak tbs re solution went far enough. This I mule in cot ton has become au cm mints evil. It should be broken, up. Mr. Gray proceeded to speak at considerable longth, giving what he had seen of this traffic with the enemy while ho was with tho army in Louisiana, exhibiting au amount of fraud and corruption that would shock the country- He had seen one of the enemy’s vessels laying in the Mississippi river for mote than a week, loading by the conni vance of ourmjjitary authorities with cotton for New Orleans This cotton had been car ried away, and /he va-vel returned with a car go of liquors, and candies, and sardines-, which were bought up by our officers. T his conduct had caused to wide spread dissatisfaction that oue or two regimen's io his command— s brave men as ever lived- lad fhrowo down their arms iu consequence of the illicit traffic bet wen their officers and tho Yankees. He wished a rigid, searching investigation to be made in the matter. Mr. Dupre, Louisiana, made an even moro .etarilieg expose of this" cotton traffic. He re cti and some of the corruptions he knew of it, arid challenged the attention of the House by his disclosures of the frauds that had been ' practiced in it by the agents and officials of the government. lie hoped Congress would investigate (he matter. The resolution was passed. FROM SOUTH VL.YifA.U V. Our latest news from North Alabama, is that Logan’s corps occupies Huntsville anil the ad jacent aoun try. Col., of Jackson county, and Capt. Johnson, of Madison county, burnt the railroad bridge over Paint Rock river, about the 16th, or 18th, of January. The ene my are reported to have burnt every house iu Gunteraville. but six. We have confirmation, also, ot the intelligence, that in retaliation for, Capt, Johnson’s guerrillas having killed four of thejr men, the Yankees bad burnt every house in Vienna, near Paint Rock river, but a church and a widow’s house, and eyery residence and omhouae, of every description, irom Vienna to within four miles of Huntsville. FORKIGX ITEMS, The Talks Patrie criticises severely Mr. Se ward’s letter romsieg to allow the money rais ed in England for tbe Confederate prisoners at the Norlh to be spent iu their behalf. The winter this year has been so severe in France as to freeze the Loire and Seine, and make good skating upon them. The Emperor has skated on one of the lakes in the Bote du Boulogne, and his example has rendered the recreation the order of tlie day as long as the ice last. The Empress did not trust helself on the slippery steel. It Is stated that nlDe hundred and seven fe male enfylojees are going to India to assist in the English telegraph department. Ricaio Sate. At a late auction sale in Columbus the an nexed prices were obtained; a negro woman and two children $5,000; a boy twenty-five years old $3 000: a woman thirty five years old and infant $2.075; n pul twenty years old $3,740: a woman forty five years oid SI,OOO. LOST OU MISLAID. AFOCR PER CENT OJTRTIi'CTE, issued by the Con. f. derate States Depositary r.f tbs Ci v, Number 5013, .i»ted March 36th. 1:6 1. lor Eleven Hundred Dollar--, in favor of the undersigned. All parsers are e utianei agiinst tra ding for the Mniloate,M application will be male t> r a dupli cate of the same. JOHS WEBB, pud }w3 NOTICF '*"HTOaS AND CREDITORS -V-OTICE I peri-0r.9 liideb edto the of Rev. Wm. Slagle u • , la*eor q uoae cv.iuty, dn'Oßee 1, are required to m**** iiamediute payment to the undprdiriied ; and Ihore having claims Just sV.d e*t4A>• are notified to the duly attested within LheWnie prescribed by law, ROBEKT L lIbOPKS, feblu 6x3 % Adnrpbmat-.*. AT Ol ICE jLi AI person* Indebted to the estate rs Rev. ▼w. Single to. efGreene county, deceased willra ke imrnedi»te jay lutiit to tne utd-T-ugn'd, ard th r g<j having claim* against B‘H • tuale brenctflod to present w thin the tiait; pre c.ibed by law, properly utle&ted. R. L.V-HODES, feb It} €\?7* . Administrator. ■vroiitiK. 11 1 indebted to the Estate of Thomas W. J<i ler, iidfc r,f 1 ciumb'ii county, deceased, are required to m’ke pay* ment to the undcr-igu a a r a thn»e h'\ing claims 1 'Lid care hereby notified to present tt-e same duly at esteJ, within the time : rucilbtd t»v law. l iiA.NK 11. MILLER, • Janl4 6di6w4 Executor. ■\TOTiCE 10 PKii'fuUSAi.i) UK ll Georgia, OreAeCounty.—Ail persons having demands ! against the estate oi en Sans rl, dccea-ed, (a freo person of co’* ur * li-rcby notified to render in an account ot su’d de nt ‘i.ds aocordi-K to law, hnd ail ; ndebted to said deceased, will make taymjLt to the under - igaed. JEShE Y. El ERCE, Administrator, Janls 6w3 of ben SaDfo and, deceased. ItJ OTIOE TO DEBTORS AND f, REDIT(fRB, Ll persona indebted to tne estate ot ham.iel T. Hums late of Wilkes rennty deceased, are request;d t make im , medi.ite p yment, those having claims against said estate, v/.1l pr sent tlit-m within the lime prescribed uy law, property attested, to the undersign and forpaymenr. I’flOS. E. SMITH, Administrator jan CT 6 5 With the will anneinl. IVTOTICE. „ , i.l All persons indebted, to the Estate of Beniamin Holt, ltetc of R ci mond County, deceased, are required to makeini liuidia e jayment; und tbo.-e having cla ms against said Ee t;vte are not.tied to present the s me, within the time prescribed by law 6 w'o ROBERT’ WIGGINS. Administrator. ISI Dr. E. J. Palmer, Benjamin T. L Smith, and hi* wife Janette Sinito, James J Gainer and his wife Georgia V. Gainer, who resides b 1 the State of Texas, and to M;* fsallie Palmer and her children or their legal lepres atatives, who re side in the State ot Mississippi. You ire hereby notified that four month* ftfthf the date thereof, 1 tJu'i apply to the Coutt of Ordinary, of Burke countv. for the appointment of commissioners to distribute the estate (lani i xcepttd) of B-uiJamln Pulmer, late of said county decceased. GEGRGK K. PALMER, Ex’r. nov 6 lbw 46* byS. W. Palmer, Ag- nt otTceT ah peiaopa indebted »o two e.statj- t»fO. T. Bay lisa, late of Columbia county deceased, will make ItpQiedlate |.ay ment tD the undew gut J, aud tliosu-ha . lug claims against tald es rate are notltl and tn present them witblu to e time prescribed by Uw, property attested. 1 g.J. HAY LfSS, Jan 31 S)A Notice All I'eramslnrteU.d 'o tLe Estate of W. J. Eutianks, late of Columbia county, de. e-sed, will make Immediate payment t the undersigned, and those having cMms ag l"st said es tate, at?, notified io ir< sent them properly «ttesb and, within the line presc fbed bylaw. L. J. EIBAhiKS, fcblCnfi Executrix, TkJOTIoi. i_x All persons Indebted to the Estate of I*. McCTord of Columbia • 0., deceaseds will ui&kfe immediate payment *othe uu-'ers gaed. aril t* ose having claim* ag inst said estate are notified to present them vi.hlu the time prescribed tv law, propei iy attested. W’A'l DU NX, ftblfiwt) a U mi u lit rat or, Notice to dzstorsam) crfdit^rs All p “sons indeb’ed to ti e estate of William Evlwar’s late of Oglethorpe county deceased, are requir and to make lm m. (Hate payment, and those having demands against the estate of sal l dec.a(ed are requested to present their claim*, properly attested wiitinu the time, pr-scribed by law. Lex ington , 25th danuaiy, 1665. _ GEORGE R. McC * 1.1-, JOHM G. M . ED VAUDS, j tn 31 fiwfi Executors. CITATIONS, FOR LETTERS DISniSSORY. tot'i'ATE Op GEORGIA, K^CH()ND"OOUST f . Whereas, Anna L. * sguon, adihinlstiatrix. on the Es'att c? Edwin A. Waguon, deceased, applies to me for Letters ol Di?niis.'ion. are tLerefoxe, to clt.e and adze on *sh all, and singular the Limited and creditors of sUd deceaa°d. to be and appear at my oiflci* on or before the first Monday In March next, to show cause, if any tuey have, why trald Letters eliould not be grant ed Given under my hand and official signature, at. office In Au gusta, this day of August, 166-L aug4 twlaiusa DA V ID L. ROATH, Ordinary. OTATE Os GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Wh Tea?, James Caw lev, Administrator de bonis non on the E-state oi Robert J. Roe, deceased, applies to nm for Let ters <T Dismission : These ate therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors es said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday !n March next, to efi -w cause, if any they have, why ijald Letters sho/plu not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office In Au gnsia, tin* 2d day of August, 1664. DAVID L. ROATH, Ord’y. August 4,1804. tfmlamft* fiSTATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Samuel B. Ciafk v Adfi;inlstrator on the Estate of Robeit E, Clark, deoeiued, applies to ipe for Letters of Dis mission : These arc therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tu bq and appear at my office, on or before'the first Monday in Ma ch next, to show cau-e, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office tn Au gusta, this 2d day or August, 1864. DAVID L. ROATH, Ord’y. August 4.1864. flinlam-Si STATE OF EGKGIA OGLETHORPE COUNTY, gj William Edwards, administrator with the will annexed (hi the emic of John Ellis, late of said county deceased, hav ing shown to the. Court oi Ordlnaty of said county, a its Sep Uunb-r term, 1804, that he had iu!ly sett'ed up and out the estate of ehid deceased, and Is therefore ready to he discharged from said tru* ; These are, therefore, to c'te and admonl li all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to show cause, if any they have, withiu the time prescribed by law, why said atl miiilstrat zr should hut be dismissed and fully discharged from said trust. «iivth under my hand and official signature, this Sth day c Scpt.-.mb r, 38-0. K. C. SiMCKELFORD, f.;*pl2*2«’-/Unift7 __ Ordinary. / I FORGI A. GREENE COUNTY. Os \V ii .rctes, ''ynihi i Srnit!, Executrix, «nd Jautes W Smith, iux<-CLlor l i he fiat will and teshguent of ivbeoowr cte a\. petition tho «jourL of said county lor a discharge irom ! K.>d cxectoriship. j Ti. - ■Sf therefore, to c-lte arid require all persons concerned r o - V.-.V Q.i'if • igah sl the gmutiag of the dscha’ge cf raui ii;: eutilx uud L'.-vun i and issuing i.e ters of Dismis.ri.-n to | ti i a* the C.uirto Ordinary to be held in and for said tqun ! iy. uv. i l :.-llr-4* Me iday 1l March next. Given under i.«£ hand at office in Giecuesboro’, August 9th, 1 _ _ EUGENJI7B L- RING, Oldbury. O p TE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUN fY. I V'hfv-.i'y Lnvjrcnoe D er*t c-% on tbe !*■ M e i Tbemad Tarn, deceased. vP I es to me for Lp ters et DRmlialOii J iu'ee • re tl erf foro, to dte ami aduonbb e.’.l, ard singular the kindred utnl uk.'.'uo-s ( ,f said deceased, t beau 3 appear at my office, ou or i.efore ihe first Manjay in’April next to • how e, li a«-y the) why a. hi Intteri yhould not he granted. Given under n.y h ind ami laj sUaatqr., at olo? j iu au* gusm, this svji day of BeptemLin, 1- DAVID L. ROATH, sep 7'26w1&iu37 Oidinaiy. f ATE OF GEORGIA, RTOII MOND COUNTY. *.*> Whereas-Joac-ph if. bp.*ara, guardian of Catherlnq E. bp ears, minor (uow of age) applies to il§ fur Lottery oidismU tikiq. in* Fw are tl\u , ehore, to cite and admonish nil, and singular the kintir. cl and l.iei.ds of snld minor, t.) be and appear at my ofile-*, on or before the first Monday in November next, to shew Cifiine, If any ih y have, why snd Let’ers ehcuii not bo Given und? r mv hand and official at office ip Au fcU..ta, this Cth dav ul cepie?nber, 1864. DAVID T. ROATH, ’ sepT 2C\7lams7 Oidinary. TAT!■; Ol GEORGIA-, RICHMOND COUNTY, 7** \yh Tfias, B:-nrird Blgip n and Uemy A. Btgnon, Exec* ut -r? of Ad plus G.iide’.le, deceased, appliy to me for ltUese Os Dismissiori. Thesf arc ther fore to cit% and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at »av office, on or before tbe fir t Monday in May next, ‘o show ctiu-.e, ir any they have, why said letteis should not be grant ed. . Given und-r my hand and official signature, at office In Au gusta, this 7th day of October. 1864. cciß s'fiwlamU • • iiAVID L. ROA»ni, Ordinary. STATE OF Whereas, li. Y. B dten, * dnlli tstralor on the eeta’e of R. M. Bo tor, deceußed. applies to the for 1 utters ofOinmisyioa : 'J iiese arc thax f :re to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred acredttora of den eased, to beand appear at my office, within the rim? pre-. ribi-d by law,to show causa, if any they nave, why -aid letters should not be wanted tho eaiit. Given under my kand and official signature, at office in Ap pling, this 4th day of October, 1664. oct’7 '26*yliiii.4L W. W. SHlEl.D3,|Or4iaarr. Lnr%W SHKRIFF’d B\bK. WILIj be sola ti.Jure the Court House (1 >or In Llncolnton. Lincoln county, on the hr®t TUE'*l>A Y iu February next, w Vt hffi the u.-ual h uraot &aV a Negro Boy named A a RON .«!■?•> years of age, levied or, asthe property of the Kstate of Mtchae' Smalley, d r c’(l. by virtue < t fl fa l • ?ued from the Ordinary Cqurt of said county In fav r of B J Tatom, Ordinary, vs. W. a. Guntjy and Michael 8.-Smalley* L'seuotovs of M. hnulley, d«d*d. Property- pointed cut by plaiu’ift L. C. COLEMAN. dee.BU4wl Sheriff. OtJ\BOlAX‘g n\LK. Y virtue • fan oi.Rr fr< m tne Court ot Ordinary rs Ogle > inorpc c ULty. will be sold before the Court House do'-r In Lexington it- said county, on the first Tuesday In February next, withia tne legal hours of s*le, the foil *wing negrqe*, to wn : A nr, a woman about HC years old, ana her three chll drrm a b<>yd years old; Malinda a girl 8 year* old, and Chariea, a bny t year ojd. Sold as the pr perty of the m«nor children of Jolui P Latimer, late of t a!d county, dece» • ed, for the benefit of said minors. ri T A BIT HA O. LATIMER, dec 15 6w5l Gqardtao, * 8,. ~ AuMIVaTRATOR’-i 811.8. \ virtue or au oraer trom the Court rs Ordinary of Ltn* ,r«° , sold on the first Tuesday In Februa* ry, 18C6, at the Court House Door in aaid county, between the legal hours of B ile, the trac s os LND in said county where- OTi Abner P. Hamrick r sided at the time of death, oc&tainTnx widow’lDower ) wJ *« t 10 ecji» ftgsi alsxaNder jonysTos, xamv. PUBLIC SALE. W , - L A^-hn»'j'!i, he^stTPESDAT ln Dsbmary next, and r if.’.L' lu , mW »d-«»ly,G»,. t 0 the highest bid i- e to thk&iM..r,? r , ed ?. w of Land more or less, belong. e r I eter Crawford whprmn iKkd ’ HV&fJ}* WatsDß and Gita n C4ARLKS A CRAWFORD^ PUSTPO.\(B IAUMiMSTKATOB'S SALK. W ‘ county, on ihc «rat estate of Jota H fit HMONP HARRIS, Ada r, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK. A G &? °"* c . r of tte Ho»or»bie Inferior L/0u i «Lorpe county. will be gold ln the ihe t *wn of Lezln^:oa, o* t v e first Tues&dy in f ebruarriUxt rr >E r/ ty * 185aCTea <* Land; Si tiSrStSoi county, adloinlEg T. O. Young. G W. Young, and. others; one negr • woman n&cheL M years o,d. belonging to tte esiate of Mary Yf ung, decc«ißod y® lT *©W* and Hetty, 22 years old, 8 and Kit 4 years eld, belong ing to the estate of Giles Yonng. deceased. Sold for dlstritra* tlon amoag the legatees, Tsrms on the day. janUfiwS U. YG^UG,4J?ia , r, ] CITATIONS *a* iJTTS’ H <l» A -‘5 2 • > STATE OfOSOMH. WILKFS COUNTY. benn-. Jihn H. ‘Va»o- njip; 'ctp-sof a:'., mini**ration entbe estate cf xY. J. Athuoru >a.e o' said conn ty. dece sed These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo*he and apv-; • at in ( ffi.e within *fce ’ime pfeecrit-cd 3> 1 n*- r , to -i.i w uiuie, if auv tbev have, whv sail : efttrs* *b ul. noi i . gianU-.:. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in \V aklilucton, tius Februan" 9th, lSto w C G. NORMAN, Ordinary ieb 14 7 State of georoi Richmond goun vy. U hereu3. George Davis ;ulminis:..a-or « n rite ( date o‘ David W. Tinlty, deceased, applies o me for 'cits.a • i disu.D- Tbe*c are,therefor®,to cite and admonish, ail ar.d f’ngusar the kindred and crcif.t rsof said tu l*e vd ipi-ear at my office, on or before the firsn ’••on’ y in ■•punar next, to show cause, if any they have, why s.'.i Lcttc-: si’.uuld not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office In Au gusta, this Bth dav of Febrv;'- . P ‘‘\ ifeo IS 2C\vlam7 DAVID L. UP A Til, Ordinary STATE OF GEORGIA, < OLUMBIA «'O r NTY. Wl#ea3, J. J. McTri? appV-rs f me r letters of guard ians! ip of the persons ■» and proper yo; a-a; y Anna Adccaptoir* and a be r t Burt n Wilk sen. * These are therefore to cite amftdmoui h all, and ringnlar the kindred and creditors ot said min -is, u* be and upy.’ir at my office within the time pres riltcd bv law, to show cause, if any thev have, why said kriurs slit u\l >u>t ! ranted. Given under my hand and ct*:e> \ signatnrc-.wut o(lice in Appling, this 2(1 dav ot teb uary. 1J65. \Y. W. Mil ELDS, fob 16 6w7 • a OF GEORGI A OGLi'.TIIOIUVE ( OiTN't Y : W hereas, William H. Paulnpp to ir. ■ tor letters of a« min Istr.dlon on the estate of Jo. u W. Pad, Ute of said county drcea: ed These are therefore, to cite nr.d mlmosish r.ll and sin.rti- Dr the kindred and creditors of &aUI devpa.-d 'o be and ni • pear at my cfilc-» wit*-ln the pro -criV-d by taw, to sfli -W ciuee, if any they have, v*Lv sail let ers should not be gran! ed. *. • Given under my Land and (>ffic'al * ynaturo,rids 18 h day i of January, 1865. • hi. C. SiiACL EL FOKl>, glar.2l 4w4 * Ordi. mv. C 4 EO RGIA, G REE NECOU NT Y. S' Whereas. Mrs. Margaret W. c-.r’ton an.l Travis C. (’:it ton apply fi r letters of administration on the estate of Juba T. Carlton, late es said county, deceased. These, are therefore, to cite and admonish *ll persons con cerned to show cause, f auy they have, why said letters should not be grauted, at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and lor said county, ou the (first Monday in February next. a * Given under my hand, at office in 81st, 1864. EUGENIUSL, RING, Jhii2 4wl Ordinary. OTATE OF GEORGIA WILIvKS COUNTY. PI Whereas, Johnson Norman applies to me for letters of dministration on the EaUte of Elijah Norman, ’art- (•! said county, deceased. Those are therefore tt cite ari.l admomsh, all aid sincular the kindred and of Bald docea-’t'd, to be find appear at my office within ihe ti * e presorted by Ww, to sh -w if any they have, why aiifi let cr? tUtould nut be grot t‘ ri. Qlvoi u and r my .hard and official slgua ure at clTlctrin * iu-hlngton. this ii3d day of January, 1865 jan 27 4wfi G.G. NORMAN, Ordinary. CJTATEOF GEOROI V WILKES COUNT Y, n Wherea-, M riaL Trii-lrit ap 1 lea to mo for letters ci aomimrtratl n with iho will auiiexed on the es.ato of Ann Triplett, late of said county, These are therefore to c,te and admonish, a 1 ) and'slngul r the kindred and er dii-ors f said dcocaeca'i, tu bo ?vul apn-’ar at my offi e wlt'-.i-a the time by aw, to .-how- cause, : fan’- they h ’Vs, whv said let?* rs should not. begs. ut< and. under mv hard and ot!i:-ial sienaUne at office in Wasrffngton. this V-3d day of Januarv. 18G5 Ln 27 iwff (j. r K \n. o^iinw* ATE OF GEORGIA, OGLETIIORPJS COUNTY: W Wh-veaa, G oige w. i.'uuniMgliam ami t l zabeili O. Fief man applies t) me for lt‘t rs ot admlnistnition on the ea tate of John S. Fieern r. late ol srdd county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and a-lvionith all and singular the kindred and triends of said deceased tube and appear at. my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Wdnesi my h_nd and official signature, this 31st day 1 Janua-y, 1805. E. U. toiIAUKELFORD, leb2 4wo Ordinary STATE OF GE UIGIA, OGLETHORPE COUNTY. Whereas, Holley D. Fleeman implies to me tor letorsof administration <‘e bonis n -n up -n the •tate ot '1 hum :s Flee man. late of sud county, deeeaaed. These are tlreruforc to c.te a\ul admonish all and singular the kindred and uredithra of sa-d deceased to be and appear at my office wit hin tho time pi escribed by l av to &liow caiue ff any they have, why said barters should pot be gruuLefi sr.iii applicant. Witness my hand and official signature r.t office In Lexing ton, this 81st day of January, JB*> >. leb'2 6 w, 6 E. C. M! ACKELFORD, Odinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, OGLFTKORFE COUNTY. Whereas, llolley D. Fi . iu ui nppiies to me for letters of administration upon the Eat ate oi Jaiuus i*. Ficon an, late of euhi county, deceased, Thewe art* therefore to cite and admonish, all an.l singular ttu* kindred and creditors ot said (h e, to I.e at.ri appear ut my office within the time prescribed by Uw t.» -huu cauae, if any they have, why ?.*nl Letiem .should m>t he grant ed. Witness my hand and official s’grurtare this ; ’..-V day ot J .nuuiy, lufio. fel)2 4w6 E. O. SRAOKELFORD, Ordinary. STATE. OF GEORGIA, OOLlf VlB! \ COUNTY Whereas, the e.t de of James i\ RurnH !e is un epresent ed. 'l’tiese are therefore to cite, and admonish, ail and : hn-o’ar t!u kindred and creditors nf naid de- to -be undue,‘Sn'r.t .. odlce wi,hin the inue in,scribed bv j-iw .to shove .a. if any they Lavs, why 1-v.t,era rl'i n should ud. lie granted to Cieorge w. Gray, do kof Saju.lor Court of said c,.r my. Given under my hand and ’oSh-a.l at cilice in Ajipling, this 24;h it ,y ol Ja juarv, in fl. feb 1 (I*6 W. W.MUSLIX?, Ot,ltn«ry. CTATEOKOKOKGU. l;t'.Ul«o,M> UCXTV, 'u Where-*®, Marga et ‘canon applic.-t to rro tor Letters ion * n the E t.U.* of Tl MO t'rtY s.;AT4 . LON late of s .id con ty deeded These areth-ncf ro. tod e at (l i.d u mush, all and siDg’riar tho kb dred hi.(l creditors ■ f deceased, to be arid ap - nr a» my office, on or b- fre the fist Monday in Marc'.: tux, show cause, if s-ny they have, whv said Mteis . h a'u not be granted uiven under my and offi rial sTnature, at my cffice-in Augusta, this day of J a-uary 18b5. • DAVID 1.. KOtTiT. Lb 1 4*B ~ Ordinary. STATE OK O OKU; RIOIIMONt* Oor.N'l V 'Whereas Martha A. Uuiu-l apples t. > no- f..r lvt-rs of guardianship for Wiliam 8.-lieesley a.d Jihn E. L’* rm n *is of Solomon Bets'cy : '1 hese are therefore tocite and admonbdi all and singular the kindred and friends of said minor.--, to be* and apn.-ar at my office on or be fire the first Monday in M m<: . nc.\{ to show cause if any they have v. hy tuiu letters thocld not t<? granted. Given under my hand and ciDutal signature, at office in An gusta, this :,h,t day or Janu rv, j-l:-5. lch 1 DA YID L. ROATII, Oul’y. OTATE OF GEORG’I *, TALI A FEKuO OOUNTY. IO Where*a, John kv-i.s his m-u e -ij.-ricrtiou t.. i:w r,, r > ; .j. ter* •! udi i. r.- ration do bonis mm on Ut - c t •:.•. f Arc. , ba’d Grc.-ham, of said e .r.rty decv;' •!. 'fheec are ther-.P’t°.'OHi'.-nnion ; P c ’-on- int r. •! to b» and appear at my effi e wit Mai ■ rime pr |. V : ; w, io .h-wcatt« if<v.y ii: o y have, why. id lett r. i 1 not be grant'd. Given under my land at office iu uaWord-.V’c. l i-i.Jr, S-ith, IBfifl j>a 8t Wi _ Jn. jt y. STATE OF GEORGIA. T X.TAFEKi!fJC;>tjxTV. Hccrens J.KWS.II bUjj.vsn ~.L . m ~,f . •of letters of .1- i . « the ,v .t<s ,i Uccn rtewart, late of cooii - - < Tlieacarc Id-umni; ,i: ! io: rn, .•.•:>, r- tn pear at my rifle.,,’/! t-tn ti • ti,- i,.. cause if any tl.rvl.ave, v.lo -i ,’lm ,» ; . , t .. ed. Given under my cfftc at r, wfindvii:Kic.r.i 261 h, )8(.6. jan 8.6yfl _ _J. Dl_H; MMA.( rctli i-y. ST *’l E or OKOItOCA.t OLtJitBlA «’O(IS>TY Wbereac. R.utly a j,!t. - to me for ic-Rcrs of Xjua pel <be prr<i, and pr , y 0f.1i., j, ,v burn ; ' Tl >» «' thpr ’ t’. rile a- I •.•l.l: ( h ;,:i, a.„l sine,liar I the klndna ands .ttiiouo. s , .'. tn i. „ ... mv oiflee within lhe time j.r. a. in dI , t . V, any they have, vh> -aid 1.1 ~•. ii.mi.i ' " ’ under my hand amt oUkial si-iedure ai • r : u An plinv, 'h;9 241 h day ofjoi.naiy. if,,-.. , . . • \V. W.SllfEl.D !. ■l“ n 6wl ' Ordinary. TWO MONTHS NOTICES. IWOTTUE. ' r_ It 'I wo months ’afar date api'lltation will to tn-'- ,n the Court of Ordinary or Oohiiabi* ceonty f'r leave to sell a Legro girl, the p:r deity c.f Mary K v.i -°- OTATE OK O -OSC.U, QUEEN C HI fl TY. (3 .• WO (S’jqtho after date to wit. ;.t the n it. April. Kjvn of the ciou tot Ordii.a yof s.ia county, appllentl-m wtil be nnwietoswll a portion of the slaves, hemna ngtothe r-,t .te ot ~few 8. Bdtre, flawed. forUie Vneflt ..f the oi editors rs a># estate. lir:s hist flay a J muarv, iat>s. -NaNoY K. u*t T,E. Adminlatratrte of Jesse 8. Buttle flvccased feb 3 ;jwG titotice. IT Two months after date or the first yegular term of the Co.lit or ordinary of Oglethorpe county thereafter, applha tion will be made to sold t;ourt for ca'eto sell t i.e the Ksta’.e of Giles Young late ot said county de cer.sed. Thtt 12th December, Idl'd. JOHN It. YOUNG, deelS Bwsl Adrn’r de boni i non with the v/!ll annexed Notice, ~ Two months aftu'date or the first reeutnr term of the Court of Ordinary of ‘ glrtheipn cor nty tlrareafter. implication will he made t« said Court for 'cave tn sell the lands amine gioea be'ongingto the Est teof Mary Young, latent raid coun ty, deceased. TUla 12ih December, lbdt. decliawil JOHN U. YOt'KO, Adm'r. TROTH'S. IT Two months after date or the regular term nl t> « OourtofOrdinaryotOj’et-orpe county tliereafleropi.lleatlnn will be made to —..u vourt ■ f Ordinary ’or leave 1 , s-ii t; undivided Che half of a tract of land in Elbert county Oa be longing to the estate of William ti. w i kin.-, late ol Oglethorpe county, deceased. Tula 12th Dec, 1864. 8 ** decls BwtH WM. li. BHIOHTWELI., Ex’r. JJ-OTI«S. “ Twomontis after date application will be made tn the oborabie. ourt of Ordinary of Cos umhia county for leave to sell the land and negroes of the Esiate of Jena’ ban Wood <!*o«3 8w62 T.H. Wlrti). A ( h„>. NOTICE. All persons Indebted to the Estate of James h. Giiffln, late of Columbia County, deceased, are requested to make lmmedtste payment to the undersigned, and those having Chktnu against said ertste, will present them within the time 1 presc ibedbylaw, properly atteatej. to the nndcvbme.l for payment. F.T.OKIFFIS, rcbß 6wT Adaiit.i-tiator.’ STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. \A here&s, Hemjaroln F. Hall i c.minlstrTtor oq the Es tate of EiJrabeth WaehlngtoD, deceased, applies U* me ler lexers cf dismlFgton. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said <1 ce H?d, to be and a; pear »t my office, on or before the first Monday ln St pteniber next, to show cause, if any they have, wiysaid Utters should not be granted. Given under my kind and official signature at office in Au gusta, this 7th day of February, IS6-5. DAYiOL. KOATH, feb S ?6w latnT Urdlnary.. OTATE OF GEORGIA, R7CITMOND COUNTY. >3 "Wliereoa, Jacks.u u&ddox. Administrator on the -Estate of Lydia Crawford, Alias I -yoia Ruck, and ceased, applies ‘o me for letters of di-mlss on. 'ilrese are therefore, io c:tc and admonieh ah and rlngala:, the kindred and creditors o' said deceased to be and at my office, oh or before ihe first Monday In September ne-t, to show cause, if any they hare, why*ai'd letters should not Le granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office ir An I guata, this 7th day of February, I£G5. «- Aa “ VAVIQL. ROATH, feb 83Gw l«hi J rp ji£: CHRONICLE T SENTINEL vrijMS & MdiM kIM for Jc IvJci. Is one ot th.© Largest fi Ike Cenlcderacy. SVE. ARE PBKPARED- TO EXECUTE IN TEE SPSS’S* n^^-misrjEnEt, AT ' • SHORT NOTICE, AND OX FL e> asonabl© Terms, Book Printing, By-Laws and Constitu- Pamphlets, lions ot Societies," Sermons, Printing from Stereo- Addresses,- typed Plates, . Catalogues, Conrt Pockets, Reports, - Briefs, fie. OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, Such, as Posters, Blank Rills and Notes, Haiulbilisy * Bills of Lading, Concert Bills, ‘ Bank Cliecks, Auction Bills, Business Cards, Programmes for Concerts Direction Cards, and Exhibitions, Visiting Cards, Circulars.' Labels, Envelopes, Bills of Fare, Druggists’ Labels, Fancy Job Printing, Blanks, hinting in Colors,, Bill-Ileads,- Bronze Printing, &c. EXECUTED,PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND ON TIIR . , XlO'W r MSe s l? THHI %/Efß . BY THE USE OF STEAM AND THE BEST IIF PtWill PR ESSES, Ml .Hinds- of work used by Book Psibliskcrs, i! kind ,of work si.sed !>y MiuiHfac^urers, HI kinds ol work used By Banks, ril kiads of work w ed by Lisiiraiiee Conipauics, HI kinds of work used by Railroad CaQipaufes, -ill kindi of work used by Stesmboai Coßipaiiie^, :V)1 kinds of work used by Joint Stock Companies Ui kinds -of work used by Sercliasis, Hi kinds of work used by Mechanics, ill-kinds of work used by Lawyers, 111 kinds of work used by Travelling FUkibiikMLv, iii kinds of wo: si used by riiUciit MvCfeine Dealers, 111 kind of work used by Profession, S Men, &c M Can and will be furnished ii GOOD AID CHEAP AS AX ANY OFFICE IN TOE CONFEDERACY, fc*rvMrto..i». WE ARB CERTAIN WE CAM PIEABIAU . Who will favor us with . - ' r"*’’ F m.Oi:^AGE3. —— C 3—. ALL IN WANT OF Any Kind of Printing, INX r ITSD TO CALL. WRAPPING PAPER. A FEW HUNDRED . OLD NEWSPAPERS, SUTABLK FOR WUAPPISU J’AFLK. at This OSScp. BLANKS. PAYMASTER’S BLANKS of every deecnption, neatly red Promptly printed, on rensonable Urma, at the office of the a setJttvel ALL KINDS OF PRINTING USED by Profesrfonal mOT. exec at the Office oi the CHRONICLE 4 &KJkTiNEL, JOB PRINTING. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION >■ ia£OUTBD PromDtlv, Neatly AHD AT LOW RATES, * AT THIS OFFICE. OUrDAANCE department MAVKf DEPARTMENT BLANKS et «mr* -- wrms. if the offlseVt