Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, March 01, 1865, Image 4

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•• rjf & §eiUt'*cl T *jj fc-iH-HKBS.—This gentlemen i-- , r .,,, u homo from Virginia, llartturce i by way ui Wtiiiiington. ' Ajlanta & W*3T Foist Railboai-.—The roa-t 5s now finished to East Point. It is expected that the train , > will run to Atlanta by the first iTaieh. _____ Fuse at VAldosta, Ga.—A tire occurred at Valdosta, ■Ga., Feb. 11. burning a buildin belonging to Mr. O. W. Roberta. the Post office and a cotton warehouse. Macon & Wr. u..; ■ Kaii.ho l n. -TLe Macon & Western road has its (rack laid four miles be yond Jonesboro; leaving only ten wiles to lay before reaching Fist Point, vrhen Macon wLI rgain be in communication with Atlanta. A Fiout in MuSi-wm. — it is si.-. and that a fight has taken place somi?twenty miles .roia Natchez between a Federal force of uino thous and strong and our troops. The Federahi were advancing towards Brookhaven. The result was not known. Death from Smoking.— A little boy four years old, a son of Mr. Cates, of Monticello, Fla., died suddenly a few days since, from the effects of smoking a piece of vino—supposed to be the yellow jessamine. All youthful smokers should loam a lesson from this.' Tories in North Alabama.—A party of torics and deserters captured the town of Ashville, in North Alabama, on Saturday last, killed the captain in command there and several others, burned quite a number of buildings, and liberated the negroes in the jail. From Wilkes County.—A gentleman wri ting to us from Wilkes county says that travel through Washington to Virginia, has sudden ly stopped. Soldiers who went on a few days since have returned, the route being cut off by the movements of the enemy. I rom Pensacola.— A letter has heart receiv ed in Montgomeny, Ala, from a party resid ing in the vicinity of Pensacola, which states that a Yankee force, estimated at twelve thou Band strong, had landed at that point about, two days since. It is also stated that no active operations had occurred, beyond what were evidently preparations for a movement as ear ly as the condition of the roads and the weath er would permit. Anarchy in North Alabama.— A party of deserters went recently to Limo Kiln Station, on the Alabama and Tennessee Railroad f ,; the purpose of plunder. They numbered eight persons—all women and childrcn-help «d themselves to what they pleased, end re turned to their hiding places in the mountains It is staled that these lawless deprcdatois un becoming very numerous and bold in the no tion referred to. The acts they are commutin': »re of the most atrocious order*. • — To Planters and Provision Dealers.—Tbo attention ol planters and those who s-.r. ,iy this market with wood-anil provisions is called I:--- circnl lie says ‘"hereafter no wagons and teams en gaged in hauling wood and provision to the city shall be molested by the impressing clii cer.” Gen. Fry is now the commanding officer in this section, lie will see that, this opier V-. faithfully executed. Those wishing t„ ~od wood and provisions to Augusta can feel as siired ol their teams and negroes being"un molested. They can fully rely upon wlmter er Gen. Fry tells them, will be done. Whose Fault is it ?-Our brave troops in Mississippi wore marched miles and nines }.;„•<•• foot—over the froiian ground, their feet torn and bleeding, and in many instances frost bit ten. It is now stated that seventeen thousand pairs of shoes were stowed away in b- : - point near tho lino of march. ’ Are not the things shameful f Have not cur soldi-rs suf fered enough from ine.iiup -to;.- > V 7, j t ~„t time that inefficient official-, va-i'- dirchar-I- i and men who willpcrfoi .itlMrcii , faiil.t,. ; v put in their places 1 . 1 We thick so. \ , pro sumo our barefoot, half-clad soldiers" think f0 also. Gkn. Johnston.—Both 11, u.-oa oi the Virgin ia Assembly have pass,- 1 the nra revolu tion in regard to Geu. Johnstoi:. “Resolved, That the ‘ r.iblv confiding in tho integrity rr.ii , . ;; . •, pVi-,' of the President to use etv; y ie nv , n . to advance the public stood, c l a . i • in the militrrv skill and abil . oi ' ' Joseph IT Johnston, and he via r Ids appoint ment to command would add to the efficiency of our arms and be in accordance with IF general sentiment of the peoide, i, of opinion that the assignment of General Joseph 11. Johnston to active service would promote the best luierests ot the country. - ’ It matters not how many resolutions are passed or how many iuomorials are presented n favor of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston to ihe President —if he has made up hi.-* miud not to give him a command he will not, units? he adopts a different course in future from that which he has pursued. M e trust that the President will soon see that it is the cause of civil liberty the pc: ~ are lighting for—and not to keep men in phee that they may gratify their grutlgt With the beloved leader of the first revel a tion the cause was every thing—.-. If was not taken into consideration. Tho leader of the present revolution who is desirous of be ing called second Washington should imitate his glorious example. Robtu'r Foiled in Demofolis, Ag. -Some excitement has beep caused in Demopolis. Ala. In regard to an attempted theft of tr.irty tb. > and dollars from the post quartermaster by a well known citizen of this town. The facts arc about these. For some time previous, the citi sen had been tr>i.,g to get a negre who was m the employ of the post quartermaster to steal clothing from the warehouse tel mu* • negro at the time that he would’ c -p,-- c .'< them and divide the proceeds. Alter ad vor two had elapsed, his mind turned on m,v ; oy i and be asked the negro if the captain had anv. : The negro told him ye?; tint he had - re ceived thirty thousand dollars, which w t i u . n iu the safe. He prom ded the negro to take au impression of tic* key that night. The negro i told his master about the eontcmp'l.ued theft aud his master removed the money v,.| s it ; >i( i night near the sale in wait for tho 1 ". ' Vte 1 did the same thing the follow:.* nK-kt and! caught the person violating the lew. li is on , old citfien and ho? a ~ud future? tin? iml • ly of grown daughter. ~ >E«S SUMMARY. The Mobile Register says there isofily ?.-c. lit thirty tkcusami bales of cotton stored in that city. Two convicts from the Georgia Penitentiary, j who were recently rclea-cd. have resumed 1 their old trade ct horse stealing, and have been arrested, withs. bn hot <.* la their p.-s session. A great number of their however, have mado biave soldiers. | VOKTHfcKN -NEWS It i- & 1 that when Sherman’s march , ..- « .1 t-imined upon, the W-retlrr of War informed him that the Presi ,i,->i- d“ri:ed M. II ,ok« should be appoint , second in command. Sherman replied ex ■ i-"-ii g uh prefeience for I toward; he was ! r:,"a informed that the President particularly 'F-ired the appointment of Hooker; Sherman j answe.pd that nifi lesianation was at the I’reui j di-ntV, disposal, when the Secretary • wrote to Shuman, appoint whom you please.’’ . - me men dveturers in Pittsburg are expert n-eidi " with anew process of burning coal ia <hf* manufacture of iron and glass, which con i - all it-; smoke The coal is heated in a I r ' e l'rt. and the smoke is mixed with atmos | p)i ricair at the point of .combustion by a j e uiiar draft. Thu e has been a draft ordered for a certain O noia of ; loons from Ihe Department ofVicks i*iiig. Tli- o gro militia were acting as a poli ce to aixest all who were shirking and hidin' from the draft. • Tim construction of a bridge over the Ohio, nt Be!dr, will be commenced in the spring.— Xi,. «nt- rpriso ! s undertaken by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. It js estimated that it will require two thousand and five hun dred men three years and a half to complete tl;e work.® Lieut. Col. J. 0. Nixon, of Scott’s Louisia na cavalry, and proprietor of tho suppressed New Oilcans Crescent, lias teen paroled from Ms im#rlsonmepl at Johnson’s island, where i c wtm incarcerated scon after his - capture in j',,;* j His parole does not permit lliui to enter the Confederacy; but his numerous fwilt be rt juiced to hear of his release from tho rigors of Johnson's island 'jita Louisville Journal states that Hon. A . O i’. Nicholson has gon i 'within the enemy It lines, and resumed his allegiance to the Wash ington Government. _ * The Herald says the Confederate avn.i -a nowfn the lieid and at homo now nuni ber about 170, 900. A Northern paper estimates the overland emigration tluiin;: (he past season at over 130- ',OO per. c-; The Rocky Mountain region and Pacific coast have.given homes, temporary or abiding* to this vaM migratory multitude, and yt:» so broad is tho land to be peopled that tho increase of population is hardly felt. . The main body of the emigrants have located in Colorado, Nevada, Utah, California, Idaho and Montana. Oregon, Vv'ashington, New Mex ico;. .Arizona have had comparatively few acccusions. The blockade runner Blenheim has boon cap tun and with a valuable cargo. :Our Havana correspondence states that Mr. Zuiuctta, one of the Cuban millionaires, has been sentenced to be banished from that i.-fi nd on c’: ‘ -of being implicated in the slave trade with Colonel Argueßes, who, if will bo romombered, was extradited from tli;- country a ; he;.( time ago on tho deinaadYt the Cuban authorities. * The Rhode Island House of Representative.:; passed a resolution requesting the Governor to make in . Lift’ll f • the postponement of the draft. Tho Chicago Evening Journal states’ that the! dl£ oiihe m;.,y gs G i. Thomas has bun s°ni .!■ vvn tin- unessv'? to eiigago in activ • cpevadocs In a moie vital field. The same jonn; 1 • ! a tier an immense expuli lion cl lfi.U’OO cavalry 1 seen to l;e sent to des troy ■ ’ v- 'i'-der of Hood’s army, to ojirn* tboAl 1 ;1 -i r, and to. seize and ho!<; Montgomery,'if.elraa and Mobile. M j.C-n. Clllmove and staff, sailed on TLiUt-ipy for Hdu-ii 11..-ad, Gr.u. Giilinore is appoinii-fi r • (be (••-•mm::; and of the new depart •melt of the Ec-;:Ri, which includes South Caro- U; ■ , Gec-Tgia Fmvida, and a part, if not If who!-., (iff.; -Hi Carolina. Hesupemcdt-s Gen Foster, but Con. Sherman utill remains in command of (a army hi the livid as hereto fore. . , ’ nu-kt ■ ’ •; ’..ogres• have agreed to the ioTt. re.- ;a di .1, the olc-ctoral votes of (la . of Viiginia, North Carolina, Koutk Carolina, C' ■ gia. Florida, Alabama, si-pi. ;:.a, Tex ,"., Arkansas and Tt nne - tee .shall not b« w-untedfor President and Vice President of the United States. This is placed on (hr ground that nones of thorn were iu a cor. diiion to vote on tho Bth of November isffet. I»i accordance with tho agreement with Bra - zil. ibe crew of (be Florida ha. been sent out, o.i hoard a Yankee steamer to England. Admiral Porter affirms that ho found ia of the Cape Fear so tsan Ar strong gun, with the -“broad arrow” ou it, and the name ‘"Fir VVilimm Antm"..rotig” marked in full on F trunions. As the’British Government claims the i xciusA-e right to two these guns, it. would Re inievevtii.g, cays the Admiral, to know how (hey c laic in'TO forts held by the Confederal. ; - H . i-o avers that he picked up a te!cgr:".n: from -. :■ Lee to his subordinate, saying tka i! lA-rts Fi.-'i: r and i.swell were iiot held, h wi.uai hnvuth) eve.euate ltichinond. The project of a ship canal around Niagara Kills is to be pushed’ strenuously upon th-® Northern Congress, iis esiimatetl cost is five millions. • The V. S. Pofitinr-tcr General has issued m order in ■ t! j ■ 1 ffi »at Siva u fi ; . G and pl."..vd Jus. G. Mills, of that place, i charge. It is said that Schuyler Colfax and Mrs. Ste pheu A. Douglas, tiro shortly lo be married. Brig. Gen. A. L. Cheailin is now in cm - cm and ' *•' post amid f-.-nscs of Memphis, ui .' Brig. Guv. Veacii of the pa- imrtnvKiem. Fate'a;oT.'' is from Bont-h' America state th ■' ti; ■ to ’ "•• s‘ Shyjvandoah - till e.-e iinues Ifi-r work of -destruction among Norths> merch-uitmiio Ex -Go \ It icks of Maryland died on the 13 il;. XI e New Orleans Delta says that Gen. Ster ling Price is at-Biinnam Texas with nine thoik- End' troops mostly cavalry. Magiudcr at Cam Tea, Ark., with twenty thousand men, and Kirby Smith still at Shrevejiortj the whole fortv inter his command is estimated at lhirlv eight thousand. The following have been confirmed by the Yankee Senate Brigadier Generals : John i> ens n M. i >.Alvin, P. Gilliam..). A. ■'i n. i !Vtu:c?se..\ aud J. T. Crolion, t Kentucky. , P-tied. Tolcrscn. Provost Marshal cf E:»»t Tcnnersce has, issued an order that a* ami- •• y >• " w-I hen .Tier re mbainistcri'd j. no one not at tivcly using fils influence in favc • c! rcoviag the authority of the National Government. Tit York Herald’s Washington special ; .- th-t \ ■ Vi,- I .-,'u evacuated, aud th • i fle-.-r Is engaged iu removing the obstruction-* j preparatory to an advance upon the city. Seward will remain in the Cabinet until tfcr i I'-r.rlh ot 3! irdi. notwithstanding that New ; York is doubly represented iu it. Ilon.H. S. Foote has sailed for Europe. T The governm- nt of Bogota ha? issued an ! order forb'dding the passage of troop? aero- : the Isthmus, with the exception of United ; Stats? troor-s. - _ ; I J 8 G Beale convicted at New York a-r : : beii'*ci -pv aftd T.'ke Erie Raider was to bo ! hang-1 ou.tho ISA. | The stermer. New York left fortress Monrca lon the ;o?til w;:l’ eleven lutudied prisoner? for exchange, a large p . portion being officers. Garrett., negro, preached in ihe Yankee •House of K-.-r. :tiv>-s on last Sunday by invitation nf tho Oh apiain. The maE&h c>'.re.-pf.*:->>at of the New ; York T-il-c. * that ■ covt five hutTdrt and of Shenua t’s army, art in the hospital in that c’ty | suiTdisg for want of proper neourishuicnt. | T- -i Vi?? load- wi-’a raniured i cot ; : vu readied New York ou ; the 1 - •. i Uoe bur >. ? ac d clehtv-one men were | drafted in Hc-.r.phis c-a the i;;;h. ! .Gen. Brr-:,r. ia c, rr, ut communication to , 1.-.’ c-nti lv'er-. .: a -.:it Mexican .ruove | mont of N>)>o ere. and claims that he would i upon a oeiiveniec- pretext, plant the French flag upon the west banks ot ihe Mississippi river; lu nc th-> ■ t? e importance Os support* ing ;1 -ti ; rtve*Government la Louisiana by ev cry ; > -e mean ?" The Confederate prison?:? at Camp Chase have elected Colonels W. S. Hawkins, of Tcu n-. ' -'ee. J. E. Josey. of Arkanst?, and Captain E T Smith, of Virginia. u> be imroled and c ivtu duty as CvUuUerate agents at that post. i. IVORIHEBN NEWS. A portion of Mosby’s men been cap tun- i while raiding up the Virginia valley. Northern ; v ers say that Gen. Lee is i-eua ing troops South—among others Mahone’s DV vision. The guerrilla war are is still carried pu Vig orously in iintucky. The luduns have commenced hostilities in Nebraska JuR-sburg station has been burned. The total receipts of tho Not hem Christian commission since the orgiimzatiou is ovc-r sl,- 000,000 Ov.-v one hur.dre 1 and forty rnen, nearly all SO, lu-is, v:er<s Ri led by the b uler explosion on P;, .vd tke . iociiibott Eclipse, in the Tennessee : Thursday. North Carolina 1 as been added to the de par, went of B'ccrnmn. and Ohio to that of <ts. * q, . i -.rr. 'friimne annonuces flu* arrival of i.'/.'i Conlederate prlaonetr. at Camp Doug !,<s. A.b :ut the same number are expected. ■ k v mostly lrotn Tfunessee, Georgia o n ,i ivh-h ;ma. Tht-y were c pttired in Nash- olotEicg hang in t-.ttem around .-’d forms. Alauy were without 1 shoes, or blankets. A large number, wet-i U'ont bitten, -some so badly that they could scarcely walk. W’m. B Ast.or, of New York, in paying his ' , - v acknowledges to an annual income of SB3S r ,s3i>. Ifae Albany Argus, in an editorial on the GoVmnor F< utunlues" acts out v.ith the iVfib.-wi; - 1 :.>x-tt;on: “With the expiration of G’".v'r..nm" yuu-m ’-to rn, the office of G0v (,..,.0r of the sovereign State of New \ ofk l-.a-i, 1 A proconsul of tbo Admin.*'.ration at Wa hingtou henceforth fids the Executive chair ol the State. Wit*ones ia V/.u-limgton say if iffe “slate” arr -pi'emeut o( tbo leading Republican Con ia adopted, S cr< tary Seward will be Cueivmled on ("he -Uh of March by Charles ~-c.r F’-ereiary Weils by Rear Admiral Du ‘ ‘ ... ... -« General gpae-l by Henry Win soaker Colfax, and Speaker Colfax by W. -‘ cU< - j • The overland route to California is in p£‘f u »- ston of the Indians. Mi.j. Goa. Washburn is in coininawl of the District of Vicksburg. lus.i- Gen. Morgan L. Smith is commander of the Post. No prison can leave or ship anything from Vick iiiij',- unless a passport and a permit is lifarj authorities. It ia Raid that “Hue Mur.dy,” the notorious Kentucky gnci ii s, is not Su .n, but in reality one Jerome Cbuk, a son of Hector M. Clark, ■ J Simpson cc-mi .v r , Ky•, alid cousin to-Ilon* ’Beverly 17 Clark. The Charlotte. Blelihei.n cml S'agg, all block* ade-i unners, have been captured oft Wilming ton. . At tho thno Fort Fibber was captured there were at Ntmsaif eighteen blockade »unners tak ! in.? in cargoes of aims,.ammunition, meaiernee, clothing, k j , for Wiknington. The Fed'.-rul steamer San Jacinto has beru wrecked on one o f the Bahama Islands. She is .a to;a! loss. A late Bahama paper states that aU. S. steamer has bci-n violatii g the neutrality laws by claiming and Confederate stcamor lit liter shore; the law allows. Reads on the 1 govein mo-nt to look into flic matter. Tbo California papers publish mariiag-. s, births, di voces ami d-.-u hs in regular order rids is sy>:lom;itix'i.-| the thing. Gen. Sickles has been sent to California to v.aich French movemonts iu Souox.i. A Bostqp di.-patch .says the crew of the iit,'--;'.:uei*Fl jriui <• ..nliucd in Fort Wanen have ••neeivod orders for r- lease, un . condition .of !;• .vir.g the c.mntry In ten days, but wmw un able to do so lorwant of funds. , A report v,M. < received at llavanna from Key West, that the Ideckad-i runner D -elfieh. one of Rej suoce.- >fal of die licet had been cap lured an 1 tokou into part. The eitau-'r Athmia lam Mobile Bay has arrived at New Yovk with 1000 bales or c >• j u from the Ccnlsderat-o Government, to purchase i.-l:ink-jt:<,"clv»thiiig. eio , for the rel.-c-l p>;i-.riii . !. * Ti;.- N>; ill":n C.>-;-::e s p-iy- -.d I ? the. !< • . . I 'i 1 - uac it fie, ; I :•; ; aua ll.e oth.-i hi.l/ a ctiii iu vcbeil • T : :e cißzens <"f". Ky., ar# -making me i;t to rai ■ m-i j w a U by subscrip i tiriu t-j re build*iim Galt House, j (Rorgc hmhicr, fovmerly State and | County On!:-V V if Sc Louis county, i Mis-ouri. «!••••• be;a ntijjoed bv iho Coni | u;.;-. . i;-.r.era.l "’at M- ".-••(•Ms, to banish • ;n-. at S-..-;tl!i of the 'FiO-i, iiml a fine'of SIO,OOO jon , ~ -: of tinruii!".: or coautving' at the. ; i arnii: of ci.iv ri;nu Co‘to:, while in the I mp ing to bribe | ,t Union oflioer, while in Memphis, i '• saj It appears . ■ ■ . - | t.tUb ilire ■ . ol 1 lg >1 prisoners j;• p" i; . '■■is of i. Gai-’ : <:<r.\,xX. si- - - • - •. , c:-(y pariial ex '■ in’ i • :r l ml lit ule, ilmre is m be i the'jS >, preisciited. j ;, - r ol O IFu asking that cf i t Us Jr! to a:-c-tie ; a iX.-haiico of pris -1 o-. :-i, j 'i'.u: 1 I ’ ’•■.’•i a very ; fi hloau;!':", left ;I ’. v. , In. . i; ■ i -!y repoil: and that , - I--. >.( -. • :n •-. G "i.. .leime privateer. ran of the,Gana lian Prime [ re . ':e .--I a"i alien ••-■’ -.1 I :.'j nl, ;; <? tle,- ’ -el wr it is fi ;to be die expulsion <J , • ; ■ sympaifi-z .m liom tho PrOV- * in !' ■ FT. :i(:; 'y S, Tan. _T, resolutions • iv si v cud of the . . - 1 . ndtueut for thdt purpose*, jw. •. . . i .-'id (H.-rus? J. l-'n.-.-.lty a sub • ; f, •• t r.-i -pf dby f-evrntecn to j :iiiu*a. '1 it'o I ; the duty of the ; I. ■,l -i ;iu;c to p --- : :.-h law? as will so dignify bib ;• :•*'{« '.‘..nioe icoe while laborers to settle { ill » :i<i I ! 11c>. 'J i.c 1 I ci:c'.nf New York ate I > lie . Miusii for a up uiil • i au entirps-i/.s iui.iteii bv Arcti ■in_• ii a.-- n-.-w c’pti.s'i- and by his ,uc ;■ jh - eiliii'o wiil doiibtlei-3 excel cl .. . :ii<! noitU of ti e city of irdv qf cj imojing i l.'-.j .ly I t’ e pet si i';*£ location in their part : .-f a Chit.;dS. u-.-s gunboat to protect their ship ; : ': i aye c-ccepted lao provirions ' o *r. : i..' the !-; tits dearth g lands -' for d-c ben lit of ngficul :u $ and macaanio arts,’ 7 " ; .-ti r-'-i i , :d ...hd land ;..:rin amount ing to A. 11-10,0 JO ierc-. i: e Ne-ri-wri'. I f KonJiiek' is seeking ; o' lylawiyfh- 1 --g r'afuro, ro-tlior ’ “ . T ' :: - U ’e ' lie- 1-c krai halional ■ Li-.v, It has a- [dial of i3,000 000. i b-ntr have bit iy happened on ... and K- ex irkroed in«New Jersey Si: ;t till re pi ole, still living, who regularly (ravel on the road, have held meetings to take fotue action which m y preserve their lives aud the rcaainclir of their limbs. Lincoln h«s ad 1 reseed a letter to Gen. Can by, his command-’ riu the West, shewing the Kcee-sily of bringing cut all the cotton ’possi ble, and-That iv- a financial point of view, It wag absolutely essential aim :it to furaishing cen trubaud goods in return. The Federal Cor-gress has laid a heavy tax tq •. all the tot-icco coming into the caun-* trv. The latest setvsaf'on ip Memphis was caused by a rep jri. fait! so be from antheufic sources, t at a lead mine has recently beer, discovered j between Wolf and 'fopslchatCliieTiyej-. Secretary Welles, of the federal oiavy de partment, is unable to euswee the question of the Hbuse, as to the cause of the bursting ot the Parrot guns, tie admits that five have burst during the two attacks on Fort Fifcber. and tbat me a were killed and wcund gl bv but says tire reason of the bursting cannot be ascertained until more com plete facts can be obtained. 3lr. Greeley's “History of the American Con flict" is selling, very rapidly, wholly by sub -cription. Seventy thousand copies l ave been disposed of within six months, and a German j edition will appear this month. i b ROM TKA!K9-MIS8!81PI*I A gentleman who has just returned from T ran.-; - Miss iss. ppi reports everything in that section in a most favorable condition. Gen Buckner is thoroughly and effectually' organ izing the troops in his command in the district of Louisiana, while Gen. Price is doing 'ho same with the uew troops on Bed River. The army as good a state of discipline as any army ever organized in the South. The Federals are still in possession of Little Ficck—it not b«iDg defined advisable to drive them out Gov. Allen, of Louismna,has written his gubernatorial message, in wh "ch he advocates the aiming of the negroes, and manifests a strong belief in an early French armed inter vention. A large number of Y ankee troops aro con centrating at Little Rock. Somethinkan ex pedition up Red river is intended Canby ’i sued the original order for the evac uation-of Tort Smith and Van Buren. A del egation nt the ‘-Union people’’ were sent to Washington to procure orders, to suspend, the orders,but-accomplished nothing. The primal cause of-tlje'evacuation was want of forage. Plenty 11,-4 been cut but the Confederates de stroyed it. The expedition fitting out at New Orleans is thought. l.y the authorities in the Trans-Missis sippi to be destined for Galveston,, at which port a very extensive blockade running busi ness is carried on with Havana and British West Indies and Mexico. Gold, in Shreveport, is ore for twenty. Con federate new issue is very scarce, and the im pvession prevails that the time for the redemp tion of the old has not been extended. The Mississippi river is very high and sta tionary. Red river is ovei running its banks, and all the minor glreams in Louisiana gnd Ar kansas are full. The weathfir jiak been very cold. The crops in Texas at e unprecedented—there being enough of grain in that State harvested to supply the population for four years A Government courier is just arrived from the Trans -Mississippi with dispatches of much impprt&nce, lie reports everything quiet iu that department. Gen, Price loft Missouri with 5,000 more men than bo entered the State with. He claims to nave accomplished all the objects of his mis sion, and to have harrassed the euerny sore ly. . A dispute has arisen la the newspapers at Shreveport between Gen Price and Gov. Rey nolds of Missouri, with regard to the results of the campaign. In a military point of view, everything is quiet in tlm Trans -Mississippi. The fivers are higher now than they have been for many years; but no apprehension is lelt of a laud in cursion by ihe Yankees. Blockade running between Galveston and ihe Wer-t Indies is carried on very successfully, perhaps rivalling in this respect the ports of Wilmington and Chirleston. Quite a number, ot steamers ran in and out of Galveston har bor in the course of a fortnight. The Goveriflnent stores iu Texas and at Shreveport are full of clothing and other ne cessaries. 1 The expedition fitting out at New Orleans is believed’, by high authority in the Trans-Mis sissippi, to be intended for Galveston and not for Mobile. The aiuty of the Trans-Mississippi is in ex cellent-spirits and condition. The troops are »etl supnijed with clothing, food and mum lions of wav. All that is required to satisfy Ihcin completely is, ii'w issue, and plenty of it, to } av off dues. Mr. Mold crossed the Mississippi river tho other day, direct from Texas, and represents everything in good condition on that side of the great stream. He says everything is abun dant over there, and that people scarcely feel tne war 1s going on. There are no Federal forces now at any point in Texas, and it is thought generally that it Wilt fie a long-time before they make' any demonstration upon ativ part of Texas. The Legislature of Texas has passed, a law taxing distillers of intoxicating drinks SIOOO, and dealers in them, wholesale and retail, 5250 per annum, in the shape of licenses, and live per cent, cm the amount of sales. This is to tie collected in specie or State treasury notes. The Houston pa pc is say that the sugar crop iu l'exas will cot be as large as was expected; instead of thousands of hogshead, there will be hundreds. We are sorry to hear it. The Confederates have reeenfly captured and burned two steamers at White Oak, on Arkan sas river. Three others escaped badly crip pled. They were loaded with supplies lor Fort Smith. Arkansas advices of Jan. 17th, say Shel y is blockading tbo river lilteea miles above Lit tle Rock, to prevent supplies going to Fort Smith.' A sharp fight had occurred, in which iheYaukees. were worsted. fuom EPPau g mono IA. 'iho telegi'jph line between Atlanta and West Point is nearly finished. AU North Goor-Ha is tilled wiih predatory bands of toiic-s and deserters. It, is rumored time the enemy bav» reinforced Dalton with two brigades. A movement on Rome is expected. There aie now only nine miles of track to lay t.) complete the West Point road to At lanta, three miles this siije of East Point, and six miles between there and Atlanta. Dalton is the only fortified post now occu pb-d hy. the enemy. Capt. Uatewood and his command are afford ing Ifco iohabitarita of North Georgia all the prot-.-ciina m their power. They are doing good service. Midi matter will 1 o carried weekly between Marie! ta ana Cartersville. Persons sending a mail lo Cartersville, will direct their letters to ■lniieMa. and m:bk on them “Bartow County.’’ The rn-ol route liom Marietta to Dallas, dii-g v’oualy, Georgia, have been establish ed. % Gen. B J. Hill has been authorized to raise a brigade of mounted men in Noith Alabama, and that he will make-his hca’quarters alter nately at Rome ,Ga , and Gadsden. Ala. Gen. iJs-iuKgard has aulboiized Gen. Hill to pro claira i.n amnesty and pardon to all the men improperly absent- Lem their commands, who may join fiis brigade. _ FROM FLORIDA. Recently a Yankee fo-ce came from Fernand!- nit to Callahan, the county seat of Nassau - minty, < n the railroad between Fernuadiua end Baldwin, it was not a raiding or plan* tiering party, tint one with peaceful intentions, r-nd it behaved accordingly Having reiched i Ui; ihan, they went to hunt up the Clerk of the Court and demanded of him the record of his office; stating that they wanted them for the 'purpose of setilir-g.lit-es to- property iq l?er miudina. The Clerk having produced the records, the Yankees took them and quietly left. It is reported that the enemy are advancing in force on Gair.esville. By order of Governor Milton, all Stats taxes for the present year wiil be paid in State Treasury notes or in specie. FROM SEW MEXICO. Reports have reached Santa Fe of an engacre m- nt which Col. Carson's command had with the Cumunehe and Kiowa Indians, onjhe 25th of November, at Bent’siort on Red river, about 100 miles from Fort Bascom 'lhe engagement began about eight o’clock A. H., aird lasted until sundown, about ten hours and a half.— The Indians, who numbered from 1000 to 1200 were driven from their position, 150 of their lodge? burned, and fifty of sixty of their war riors kilted and wounded by Col. Carson’s com mand, which numbered 240 effective men.— The colonel lost two soldiers killed, and ten wounded, and one Apache killed, and five Utas and Apaches wounded. A Hor.Eio. Scene—A correspondent of the Met id in ii Clarion describes a horrid scene at the battle of Franklin, Tenu., thus : That was a horrible scene, <m the night of the battle at Franklin, an artillery man. who says that about feu o’clock bis bat tery came upon the field and was ordered to a point near the enemy’s avOrlvs. With horses at full speed, the twelve pounder Napoleons, with their heavy carriages, were hurried over the bodies of the wounded and slain. Sculls and bones were crushed arid horses hoofs planted in the faces aud breasts of the helpless f illen and dead. Agonizing shrieks came up on ev ery hand. The poor wretches shrieked in vain; ac-1 then, when the trenches were reached’, what a scene! The dead and wounded fills i the ditch, and wounded soldiers at its bottom, were strangled and drowned In the blood of those who had fallen upon them! CITATIONS • VC.H -*.PULL'S*T?t fl'f SO?-- OTATE OFOtOIvO-m. W! IEKKS Col" NTT. i? WLe es.-. Jol.u H. Wil ton va to mo tar lore 3 minis*n*ion on tLe cf A. J. Atmn-ore, la’e u: s&ki touH ty. de?e beO These are therefore to cit e and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said dece-wd, to be ;u.d appear tu »:> tHi e within ’he ime prcrcriutd ly It.-, to flow t_aus£, if ► any they have, why said .* eitfcis .-heuld not !•« gtanted. Given under my hand and offleia: signature, at office in W usbiiigtou, this February 9ih, l£t>s G G. KOUM.AN, Ordiaarr. leb! 4 4w7 Si ATE OF GEOIvGIA, l OLLMIiIA MY. Whereas, J. J. Men ~ applies to me h r letters of guard ians* ip of the persons »< a rropert y oi ya- y Alltel Ad« captola and be t Burt n Wilk rseu. these are therefore to cite :>ud r.dmoi'.l-h all, ami siugv.lar the kindred a/td creditors ot said min is, to be an-l appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they Lave, why said letters shoulnoth, granted. Given uniter mv Land and official signature, at office in Appang, this -_d day cf Feb uai y, jm; , n W.W.fcHIELDS, feb 16 Gw7 <‘rdiuaiy. ST ATft O FgEOHgTa "W ILK&S I T M‘V 7 » i .herra?, Jot iiaen tsorn r-i applic- tome iVr of jNonnan, late of said comity, decease 1." These are therefore t - * c’.t • ?,l;1 r.timon'Sh, all and shinilar the kindrid and crcditois of sahl tlt d, to be eml appear at my office within the ti e ].rose rial l v !uw, to sh-w cause, if any they have, why s.iichf ers s: - ou’*t net re gra:-t. and. (Hv.n u'd rmylni and anti ufikn;.l signa nre at effice in A a-hington. 23d day o? Januaiy, !&65 Jan 27 4w5 G.v . NuKM A.N, Crdinary. STATE OF GEOKGI\ Wll/KhS < uiLhN'l Y Wherea-, M riaL Triidctt uy> iks tome for letters of uumimstraM u with the. will annexed cu tm> estate of Am 'Jriplett, late of s4d county, These are therefore to Cite and udou nlsh, ad ami vdngul r the kindred and c. di ors 1 f said dec-r sand. to 1 .* sv and • ppc-ar at my offi e wifiin tae time pres ii-. and by aw, to :h<*w cause, fan * they It vs, why said letter-, should not be gr.ittfd. Given under mv hard rod offi :ial signature at office in ■Washington, this 23d day of Janvtarv. lgkv i.u 27 4w5 G o, NnrtM AN. Or.Hnt\vy. 1 ATE OF GEORGIA, OGLETHORPE fOUNTY? V3 Whereas, Gorge vv. ( and i l /abeth' O Lleeman applies t > taz for admihistr.tion ou‘he os fate oi Job«i v *. * lecnrr. ia’e oi said c-ouutv -y lSe j • These are therefore to cite and a-lv.oidsh fflV i singular the krnured and lricnascf said dice sed lobe and appear at my offic l , Wiilim the tune prescribed l y law, to ;diow cause, if any they have, Why said l -ners c i",oald not be granted. Wttiioa* my ha ad and official signature, tins -TJ day t January, lgho. C. MiAuKFLFORD, . feo'2 4wo • Ordinary QTATE OF GE'HIGIATcHfCETiIORPE FOURTY Lj Whereas, Uoltey D* Fieeniau a plies ta mo for lot ers cf administration «ie honU lUn up m the state oi Thomas Flee • qian. lase or s.iid cojint-y, deceased. These are therefore to cite arid admonish a l ]* and singular the kindred and creditors of mid .fece.ised to be and apnear at my cfflceW.thinthe time p:escribed by law to show cause, if any,they have, why skid leilevs shouid not t-e gi-aiitcu said anplicum witnes.l my lia’id and official i .:*.dave at office in Lexing ton, this 81st day of Jam-aw. .! B*f * feb2 E. O. t HoVOKELFORD, Odinhry. STATE OF GEOUGIXTOOLETUuKr r’. G»;UaTT Whereas, Hblley I>. t k f-r 4 '.vn appiiei to me for letters of administration upon the o. James F. Fkeir ao, late of said county, deceased,- are to oHe and admonish, all and singular the kindred Arm creditors of said doct used, iu be and appear at iny office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should no* be grant ed. - t , Witness niy hand and official s:gnatavc this day o r Jinuary, „ 3eb2 4wO E. 0. t?H A<' K RT.FOHD. Ordiv.nrv. OFGEO RGI A, UOL U M 151 \ CO iJ NTV Whereas, the estate oi James l\ Burnddo i* un.epreseiit ed. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within Hie time prescribed by 1 w. to show *ause, if any they have, why Let!era *f ft dmini -tmii n should not be granted to George VV r . Gray. Cle.-k of Sup?il )r Court, of said county. Given under my hand and official signature at office, In Appling, this 24. h day of da curvy, bs-5. feb 1 <n'»’G - ”* . TV. rilllEf.T)S. OrdinnVv. LF'f aTE OF G KOKGI u i . 1 ’II.M 0.\1) • •. I Air. Where ?, Merge. c( 'ohu oh ap’diej to n e tor Letters ot admiuis'radon t u the K late ol TIMOTHY BOAR - LOx\' liteof stiJ con ty deciased. These are tlirtielLrc, to « i’e aiid aitTronish. all aiul singular the kindred and creditors« f sud deceased, to be and appear at iny office, on or b*f ret* oil &t Monday in AlaKib next, sr* show ciilst*, if .ny they, wliy said icilers ihou'u not be granted. Given under my hand and nil rial signature, at, my c dice in Augisia, thij day ofJa 1 ifG5. DAVII) L. hO ATH. feb 1 4wG • _ __ __ S' TATEOFG OK Ia; 1\IG; i ,i. oR f »«:■•/ 1 . M \ Whereas Martha A. Bachcl appriicst * m*e for leit-rs of guardianship for Wi I’ant IJ. Dees’ey aid John E. Reo'?lej’,ui!- norsbf Solomon Eecs ty : These are therefore to cite arid admonish all and singular the kindred arid friends .of said mUmv, to be and appear at.'iny office on or before .the Hud Monday, in M ><• ■. next, in show cause if any they have why. said letters should not le Given*under ray hand and official signature, at office in An gusta, this idol day of Jaau ry, lUD. .. fob i 4w5 I>AV iD L..LOA I J. Q*u v. STAT E OF~GEOItGIA , TA !.id i’-*.* HO - <ouß «1 . Where's, John kv;.ns h-,s mn- e A] p!i .• dion to meJor let ter? (<i ruin.lnistralion dc boris nnu on ill ; e-tate of Arcni ba'd Gresham, Jute of e-.ui.ty deceasul. 'l'lirse are thcref* re'orunaaoa ii en/.r. - iiLr sted to be and appear at my u ffi e wi-hta I lime pracM'Dl b>- law, to show c tuse if any lli-yhuvc, why suid letters should not be gra t r d. Given under my hand at office in Craw oi and alle,- this Jan. 25tli, 1865 jaaStGwG J I). H•M T A 'lf. Ordinary. STATEHiF GEOhOI a' T lifivL hTTifiti G .vFyT Whereas, Lawson B'cwe.r. has m dt npp) :«• at ion to m<*. ror lettcrii of atimii.irii.t i *:t J-' b »: i- ih-l tit the e.-!ate of. Offni ftewar*. lateofvfM coun y d.cea l These are rosumim u •» 1 p (?■ n • tih r--.(to be and •p --pear at icy rffir;-‘. w, bin tin lime P’(*: . ;i•*• i *.y h:w, 1;. -hoV; ctuse if any they Lave, why : i : 1 »vt- vs nhv id t. i ;.e grant. Given under my hoiul at ohl e at Crawfoidville, till? Ja . 26th, 1865. jan 8 6w6 J. D. H.*MMM 1 . CJT AT EOF GKO 1101 «.H{ i K-V s. Y Whereaa, ./trs. r. ft. nutur ’,■;•! io in.* lor leHera of ad minis* nil lon on tlie cHate of Jtmu Buber, lal r .* o'- sail e.nnitv. deceased These arc I fore, to cite and :<d!no* v. nii, nmi fiinguiar the kindred mid c:« and tors of taid and( .- -d, * i. :r \\-u ■at u.j Olffite. W’.lbin lb lime p*«*--ri. c-.y .v Gil bVov7 cause, if any they have, why sr.iJ 1 otters not be grant ed. ‘ 0 Given under my han.fc a;.J I :.l 1h .- tiv ; day of February, i BCS. ' t.. U. .*> 1 1 A.i ItEI. Fo' r I). feb I J 4wß . ();dii-.ry. State of ?i•:*'i i doiT-N,' k. ( THT’i. Wherea?, K-.:ily I>. OjUiD ucp’.iesi to Ur letters of guvdiaQbh pol the per-on and pr;verly of Jai is w Burn side. Thc-care, there fire t > ('*.■ r.dmni/ i rdl, Htii?u!.;r tlse kindred an J credit or.-id. rrd nr.n ts, t*- i- ..r.:l appear at lay office within timi pj..? n. and i 'aw, l ' ili - w c.iu-s*-, if' any t’.cv fisw, wIPF «ii : ■■ . .■■■■.'* -t Given un«Vr my’herd and o : .'oia! sign-riuic at offiC"-, in Ap p’.iiiS, lhi« 2-llh day of Junuuiy. id 5. * W. W. SHIELDS, jaa 31 6w6 Grdinarv. NOTICE • TO 9R8T91! % AN £» iDsgtSSHPk'OIfSL ■\TOTIOt: iv fll per. ens imGiri.Uj! ii! h-kCff o* It -, Wm. ?;-ia!e. toil, late of (I cei-.e <? n.-iy, <!.■" - - I, are ii to nuke Immediate pii)iiiu r .t, I-.- Hi un-Li'-i.,.:;; na-l t!.. - havius claims UK lust Mild --JV-- r. h. n-l-y - ill j I !a pr,,enl tiio saine dul/ utG.teO v/lil-ia-i u\v ' ROUEKX L Rfioirtls, feb 15 BwS* -dm ,ai,,r. .-ATOTUE iN al personsloiteb'iA »•> I’.e e-tato < r i:.-v. w.-n. Stn«li>- 1o -of t-maty ci„c - ,el w! ! m i- ■ im-Tc ili ,t- ~,v-meuttot'.ie meuttot'.ie i.u-l-r- / . and. a--i - - ~ .. ,i ; ., :u sid estaie are noMloa i-.pio 1 i11..a wih i th- Um- .-re. •crlbed by law, properly aue-.lej. n. L. rniji'i:-’, fr-b 1C 6w7 * /.dm; '\fOliYi;. " Tv .il per- -d, indebted to hr: V’, *--• - ! '?}.r---.i-,s Afi ’er late of t'.olnmb.a eouply, ti- - 1, are r, 3 -nr, tl to t- k- i, ,s! luent to the en-l reign 0 a'-i h -.i* g r? -—.jnst aaia K.-t te lrer-by nuilir-i .up- 1 ilkval lestej, within the time ;-iece:iivii by aw. trank 11 miller. TAJ OTIL'E •i-d’IiKLTiiHS aTii CRKDri iTk-Hi iv Ocorsia, (j:e-ne C only —Mlnei.--n- I, . , .-.- dem’irdv lilfplust .luerute l-r .-fii .-'-a r «!, ( , Bes color.) are \ .en*Ny notified t<> r u-A, -m ; *, ; , ; ,t o.i’r*t*rt : f in mds accorjlogt 1 law. ltd rGi'T rleblerl to deceUA, will make i.aymet.t lotLo under t :. ]. . 0 ‘ li J’’. j 'IKK* '!•], administrator, janlo 6w3 of lien <3, dpoerryd. xifoTi-;atoD!•:btoks ay\)< ,• • • :;}KS ’ •lll>r r ‘ 0 : ' G'■'-dlO h. - . ..... .... iaiY of V\ ilGca family .-eMMarC-l, ;‘.r ..-q.j. ( n-flGte P-yn-cut. a-.; il,-.- ■ tav.i.c „-..r - .-a’ wJI pr r- l.t 11.-ln w.lbl-Ui-Vtj:, i- v i.. ■■ p--„, ■,;y a*tf*ce<!, t • ihe ug;.; •.■ -i fori» . h , - > i K b, H, a m'.uoirator jaa 27 fi - 6 % \V ■ «lic %v.l! upn> x- tl. *j\roficK • ' ' Tv. To3/r. E J. P:,lir,-r. Re:.; .min T. TANARUS, Pmitb. and ii, wife Jalieltd Sm.t L-’.ik-h ./ Ii i:„ rerelL -, ; r ~1 Uviiier, vyhoreU-i! sin the M •ii . x irr m I'alniCT and tier children or-1 urk;;J to-wes nUUves' wijW side m Ihe Stale ot jribaU‘.ij,iiL ’ 'you -re hereby noiiii.d ii. .t rov.r ro- r -V.,- tho e,» thereof, 1 sh, i a .,pty n ilu -jmei CI - J ,J.*j county, Mr the app-mu/,;. of con,• estate (load .xc.vtid, o'. L , u „ . , ..,, . ;J ,. t de-ceased. uSttaG K it. v \ , r '- al ? nov S JSw4«y byVat twoAc®. l.v, AU persons indebted t - the ;.;rt, T r r „.. of O lun-b.a coonty d<cea ..- V ’:>,? 1,. ut ur.dxff g ~0, and t!„ a: 3 „ F t.te are noiii <t to present liiem within , ~ , hMS law, properly a;te?ted. -- -..hwu ».■ "VI OTI'.'E 1.1 All persons indebted 'otbe F.,‘ of\7. -I. Er,barks late t.,te. are notitifd u, ; r Scot ti; L A- , time prrtr: tbed by Jaw. “' 1 J j .TV’s' 1 Uu ' kblGw-J ' ’ lixe-airii XTOTICE. ~ Tv, All persons indebted to the Estate of P Alc-ord of 4 hXe tevr P a and ! '" J ' ‘° ’' ' F :tem ' P flh l fiill ted * \VA'liLltSl)UrVi\, >-c;BiTiistrator. TITOTICETO IiEBTOKS APID CRFDIT ,, 'Rs Sw?of b ‘ W the kigte-n,23th January, ISGS. I*7 Lex- GEORGE It. VcO *IJ Jan SI (w« U --’ K *»*A'4faa; - —Exemtora. NOTICE. • * iassfeSTig/a?-! iaw lbe - m 'l>e tun? Uv? * Properly attested, to the untterte.ed ter lkT.ftutk.WNi, Adnimiatratol*. A I) *4 liVlSTtt AT«R*B JMLS. thekbst will and ttaffcimf-f.f EztZTeY E. Urep . ne County. (ieo£ueeii, wiU W bold at u^SSp^2n or€ t^e Coart House floor iu Gree sooro, ’.fi „ 1 ueariay in April next-, ali that Aacttrf land oa tli; road leading Iron Green-.l»oro to Will la l«rry, & joining lan da ol John i; John E. Kdon aiHi o’b-rri, tu- wn hs ‘ Moodv IruJt,” cehj* taking sixty or eighty acre , lane o Kb. Tract of HaLd is situaUtd within one and ah;lf mi of Orau boro, and haa oq It a *rcai of Mne and Oik wood. Tenth, mouiha cr»iUt with approved be-antv. JU'I aH DaVIS, Adm’r. De Boms Non, will ujweted-/ feb 19 Pw** of fuze&itri E. Eark. .tu«ce*a«d COMISSAKk BLANK 300K8. RULED and bound, printed or not printed, aa defired,} j • OfiM.ofthe VUUVBIQLB * ftJSVTXftJELs ‘X' Jt± Jij CHRONICLE £ SENTINLE JOB PRINTING OFFICE # Is one of tlie Largest in (he Confederacy* •AYE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE IN THE .23EHBT T AT SHORT NOTICE, AND ON asonable ‘ Terina T Book Printing, Pampklets, Sermons, Addresses, Catalogues, Reports, JOB WORK OF ‘ EVERY.. DESCRIPTION, Such as Posters, Handbills, Concert Bills, Auction Bills, Programmes for Concerts and Exhibitions, Circulars, Envelopes, Druggists’ Labels, Blanks, Bill-Heads, ' EXECUTED- PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND ON THE iJPJES&LJXXS . BY THE- U3E OF STEAM v * AN T D THE BECT OF POWER FMISSES, 111 kimis of work used by Book Publishers, ill kind, of work used by Manufacturers, MS kinds of work used by Banks, ■l*! kinds of work used by Insurance Companies, IU kinds of work used by Kalh oad Coiupa^ii-.s, ,111 kinds of work used by Steamboat Companies^ All kinds of work used by Joint Stock I'catpaitics, 111 kinds bf work used by Merchant*. All kinds of work used by Mechanics, 111 kinds of work used by Lawyers, All kinds of work used by Travelling Exhibitions, 111 kinds of wo; k used by Patent. Medicine Dealers, ’ 111 kind of work used by Professional Men, &c Can and. will be furnished AS GOOD At© CHEAP ' « ■ AS AT ANV OFFICE IN THE CONFEDERACY. WE ARE CERTAIN WE CAM PLEASE ALL Who will favor us with ALT. IN WANT O F Any Kind of Printing, INVITE JD TO CALL. TWO MONTHS NOTICES. TVrOTIC‘S. . 11 T wo s mom bt af»er date application will bfl made to ♦he < Joint of Ordinary of Columbia county, for •leave to sell, a iho property <?f Mary Jfi. While, mi nor. >. ' ’ - ri W.O. WOBR’ELL, feb 1 3w6 GuardUn, YtTATE OF GEORGIA, GREEK COUFTT. fT? ' months afterdate, o wit, at the n xt April . Um oi thet:cu : t €>r Ordfna yof aaid county, application wtl] be made to ewii a portion of the e;&vej. heionging to the estate ot sJoasae S. Battle, deceased, forth*! beneflfr-or the creduora oi mdedi&lo. This SL§t day of January, 1833. JtaNUT J£. BATTLE, Alxukiidtxatrlx. of Joaa M. Battle deceased. feb 8 bwC LOST OR MISLAID. A FOUR PER CENT CEHTIFC'TE, laaueA by the Co*. TJL federate States Depositary of this City, Number Wl9, dated Alarch 2Cth, 1864. for Eleven Hundred Dollars, in favor of the u*.der 3 !*ned. All persons are Cautioned against tra dlaj? for the certificate, w gpphcatlVh Will be made lor a dupS cute of WBBB. »bi _ jwi By-Laws and Constitu tions ot Societies," Printing from Stereo typed Plates, Court Dockets, Briefs, &c< Blank Bills and Notes, Bills of Lading, • Bank Checks, Business Cards, Direction Cards, Vjsiting Cards, Labels, Bills of Fare, Fancy Job Printing,, Printing in Colors,, Bronze Printing, &c. 'WRAPPING PAPER." ' - . . -Au A FEW HUNDRED . • ... :ncJi OLD NEW SPA PE Rs; SIIXABLB FOR WBAPPma Pins, 1 3-t This OflSce. -■ —— « « BOOKS, PAMf HLETS, Ai bocivb UI ajtt rmm. ' at tsi orram op in ” OHRONICLB So, SENTIH-EU