Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, April 05, 1865, Image 4

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(§! n -0; -7. ; a tractof t t *iy ■ * ” ( in audition, ino xir appit: xit ot inn i/Jto ; Ikielby, of Nugland. A letter in the St. Loafs republican eayaj three dilapidated plied* are that i“ left o. thf* oi ce ttrO'i)ero".-i little village of Baatport, Governor Slurphy, ot.Arkar 1 ar, u&s t*.-uacl [ an abolition proclamation to- X .raoia.nary j musion of the Legislature at •.1 uo '- A 1,1 • w ' j tho proposed am ad.aeut to the Constitution The stein wheel steamboat Eclipse, in the | Vanlteo Ctovermut-D service, while lying at j cJolmsorjvilio, on the iermesss river, recently exploded one of her bi. livrs, i.•• tally killing twenty-seven soldiers, including the t-teris, tva-i Beriousiy scalding lovouty oignt Others, the majority of whom, if is thought, will die from the Injuries sustained by the explosion The euiforers wore mostly soldiers belonging to the ninth Indiana ballory, cn rouicior ludiauap.dis Indiana, to be mustered out, their term of se.r elxty f|ve men on board, only seventeen o. whom escaped. Altogether there was on 9 hun dred and sixty souls on boa.d. The wreck immediately took tire. Ibe Yankee House committee for ike Dis trict of Columbia, have, by an investigation, ■ascertained that, recently, seventy, persons, bailed out &ud*Boi>i to s/ii ituite brokers Five or six ot tiiotn v* .re clri.r; ■ : with gland larce nies, and tbo ten..- ..d* with L> ivied offences. The number ol hogs packed in Cincinnati is estimated, upon packer.) returns at 633,000, he ing a deficiency, as computed w Mi laat season, of 32,000 head At Chicago the packing foots up 750,000, sgaingt 901,000 last year, being- a lading off of about 150,000. The falling off in the wholi* West will la!) iittle-short ol 700,000 head. In the number shipped East there is al uo u large deficiency. A letter received in New York from Mexico, states that Ex Senator (5 win’s scheme iot the aulynization of the Northern Stales ol Mexico, has failed, owing so its being his design to in troduce ip the country colonist? ,:o num bers ot South! ru men, to. Which ihi,ximillian ob jected. A number of Confederate pi' oners and guerrillas are being fried by a mditevy court in Loxiugtion, Kentucky. Eight oi (, ■ men, among whom was you? >" Findley have been. tried and sentenced''to go north.of the Ohio river to remain durin,.; i ie war. Mrs. Judge Mon 1... - .ho \v .- if in . ai nati, for aiding rebel soldiers, ha. tv ,1 ■ at under guard to her relatives near Lexington, • under an obligation to remain there during the. war. A latoJlemplvs Bulktiu says: It is repor ted, upon authority worthy of consideration that the cotton trade will be closed in this tie department within twenty days by order of President Lincoln, and bo reopened upon nm-,- prinoiples after his proposed visit aouiii and West, which is looked lor soon after the 4Ui of March. The Vicksburg Herald gives the particulars ol a most horrible murder committed by two negroes about sixty miles abov»> v; vs Du g. The fiends wentxo «he House of Mr. Garritv, called him to the door and shot him, and tueo eutered the house and niutdered ids wife ;i-. two children, and shot lire reoia.uing 1 if through the shoulder, and left her tor ' fi.j- f They,then plundered the house, set it on ti. and left, ihe little girl, though severely wounded, manag- dto drag hor father, who was not quite dead, out ot the burning lieu bho then tried to’drag her moth or out, but was severely burned iu (ho attempt, and had to del sist. She sal by Iter falL- r until dayndit when In .xp> -J, ..atishe Tim, made her way to a neighbor nod : ’*fed her tad stoic A dispatch !u,m VY ish-h, l 0 tho Ci-- I nati Commerci-M V in ' v• • have lurned over u.' !ha“ Jvii' u* ’.-'mi against whom th* vi. ov , live, for viai.iug -L:■ . \ ined purpose .••aima- Lkici- ',-. . I gnrajhuvday’. * „■ couiai, ted ic' t.\ I F>h eXt ' UUK i= e of tbigro troops was rv-fle ! The vi.irnro of C.reiovni.t . una'iad 11,:.: yoar uttwer six mill ions >. ,1 ons. A resolution is before the M ; ‘ s our : 1 . 1 turn toauthorize (ho &'v, n;or io 'is ■'• commissioner- ;u . tl w ;iVc'u,. , , a... : V by Oaugresß on the part oi , ' I 1 •; and oho to be appointed bv t> > v.-..’/ ' ' ■ aofc, in Ktecti&a • • the Mississippi at some' V.T V ' f n ! the Ohio anj pi s»ss|ila>i river. During the * - tho Edited States Scnaio. fu.-, T o-' '■*'? ' Chief Jus lice Tail, v Sue. i'■ ' : ■ Wttde seized tho o*. man '-s’- cal spleen at the dead iui ' 1 tbe measure vehement] v ThreoFedoral iron cl 'd - 1 n - . | tioaed at the mouth of iT. ; V:v ' ’hi ;• - any attempt at a raid down that si - Mississippi which tho Ocmfcii) . 1 . making. Brig. Gen. Robert?, commandn.<r h,. trict of West Tennessee' h«-.ulo,i:t • phis, has directed the hi. t of c.oi p- s struct his pickets 011 the dith v-o r vis Isis the city, all persons applying to come . for any pw'pv?so whatever, excoot trade in cotton, that they vyitl •h. a’low under any circuandiurces, u> a 0 ’ war; also perstms pass’iig cu: w; . cbe , lowed to return ih • ...vr. . . : who hove icrmiti u ti., u e in co:t . Mrs. Vast Alst, of Brooklyn, N. Y., went f. bleep last Cht isUmasiik i*t and j ry lyth. She Com dainV! m h . stiff. She is forty nine years of aV" aiisi ; facts of her long sleep are well a A correspondent of the St. Le*uis D asserts that, although no -■ : - . ' ever been uikeu from the a; 1 . \•' by human agei cv it • southwest cornet of v. c < ' duds its way to : induction, vast qua , ' *' However, until tu; t fc eon and property. 11 J ■• 1' ,ui be of very little '-eu.d; to ' ‘ ■ Geu. Dodge, at S: L n i O . -... discharge ol all .inmate---t - prison, and has sent- ai 1 ;it ail-v, to y. to lie scut through the jebo! : : w all rebel women convictfd of di:. , u ~ are to sent Souih. Tho New York Times sav? “it is r take a stroll on the picl: ; t lines of the"'.!. :; than t« walk alone tin ugh the New York after nigh.; ill.” the pr-Tc. missioned of the same city in their last V nual report, say : Uu * c i :v 0 f the civ aed world, not the t' =• . ,j c; , ( 1 man life eo lightly p, u and and -übi-oi->,l'to - 1 great hazards from viek-a-V in New Y.- k j and Brooklyn.” So it wt<w\ j ?ucm from 1. c statements of its own Journals nud *,(*■• ial- i that New Teak is a pretty hard n 1 ■ i,. v l vO Ml lIVC * ifOH > HKBV - Hoi® l ;committee fox the L.s ia have by an investigation, j , ‘tlh.i recently, seventy persons, j * ' “ i--: .f that .District, have ~..& . r ( i ; a -i 1 . sabstifx’o brokers. u with trivial utlencca. ' t. HU.'"--'" • imp-*ted by • v gave birsb t« a j • .••a tfco smallest I ,j j jnd in the world, be , . ..i-pp- 1- - .n height, and only! /’. > It! .ds. T#> mother of j ' ’’ t /, ~iv seventy-five poundß. ■ t , w : n ' gegsion at Springfield for j 1 j of small arms, &c., Lave de l ‘. t«, educe the calibre of Bmall arms from ‘ i t ' a:u j ii.ty-four to fifty, which I .V i.., of the * ball J <>;<*-:-.ird, ti; .-i making *Q important , t \ -'yr c ,f?n tiie ammunition and reducing 1 di. necessary to be carried by the sol dier. o commencement of tho New York Medi cal Coilego for women was. aeldirated at the At-ioumum, Broadway. Fifteen youDg ladiee, .. 0 ! - undergone tbe usual con 3of stviy to befit a man to practice medicine, received ,lieir ineuici) diplomas from the hands ol tho hi iy President of the institute. A '■ >v/ci- Canada journal says: Ise Couiat m lyaciiiiho sfat-s that the number of C* • adians who have enlisted since the beginning of the war is placed at 43,00®. Os this nma c v 25,000 weie French Canadians, no h-ss than 11,000 of v/hom have died on the battle field. ■> Tlu> tr ! A ol Cnjit. Kennedy, of the rouisiaua ' regin> it, charged with being a spy, and wiih being ooucerned in the late hotel burning in New Yt-rk, la , come to an end, although no 1 d-c. sion in the case has been given as yet. I ii< war; U'i and in New York by v th© same milita- I ry ecu vt that, condemned Capt. Beall to be changed. I For some time past Nashville has beeh af flicted by a gang of desperadoes, whose bold deeds huve alarmed many citizens, and in some parts of the city it ia unsafe to venture #ut af ter dark. Those cut throats lurk in alleys, and attack people passing, often inflicting jpor j t il wounds in thei, efforts to rob their victim. A let.- 1 from Dr. Mackey, from New Y<3rk, , e.-timates the cost of the Wilmington expedt j i aat upwards of .320,000.000. j There is a great infmdatkm, at Nashville caused by the rapid rise iu the Tennessee. Ik’vch damage hs.s been done lo property. Ihe fleet that carried Gen. A J Smith’s j etw from Eastport, down the Tennessee and " • ij'j if was one of the largest ever collect e! on the western waters, it numbered ilfty ! ox lileamers.aud the list us before embraces Urn ; uncq of miipy ’Sff the finest on the rivers, j ibe sight-when £O6 entire fleet vras anchored | sf Cairo, is described by a conespond) nt as being one of tiie most imposing ever seen at that point. Tho Pennsylvannia Democratic State Con vention has renounced the last years’ ticket. If denounced the emancipation amendment iu very strong tetuis. * . Base Slanders Rltdthd.— When a public proas whose appropriate business is to discuss j in eu ami measures with diguity and truth, is I pi-.:-aUnted to the louse purposes of low perso j na: abuse, unmitigated falsehood aud vile cal. uirrny, it becomes a proper object of tho con j .. iojifc of all honest uptight men. These re | marks are suggested by the course pursued by | i o Albany Patriot, which from week to week ! Looms wife the most rookless abuse aud ground ' - • ch .’.rgen against the Executive of Iho I .Scat '. When its slanders and charges are j shown to be utterly fatae, thp Editor tries to | got but by either a reiteration of !he falsehood, i or the puolicaiioQ of another for the next is | sv. Wo lately exposed a number of vile ; slanders aud showed that they had not one ; particle.of truth to sustain them., Pastend cf i u manly retraction ho disposes of the j by s lying we ure better posted ou the Govern . H'l tll pi’.i-tILAI ifi-i.- ...» lu. MM «nt ttjen pciitivo fuels ocher charges iu which • • fit .io k not one word of truth. He aiA-.Ttit that Gov. Brown on his own bc | :• purriiiG, ! :kco buttilreil bales of cotton ' • ■■ i five or six weeks ago. j ' :••*■••• 'unc ; false and call upiui him ter ; 1- '(• IP ns-ajia tjsat ihe Governor . ipiioiq Auic-ricus one qumlred and fifty I'aff-K »A-.t mil ami iiiteadeW to ship them toEu r on 1: i own account on the brig Ada. This we pronounce utterly false and call on him for ifio proof, lie further asserts the ■ Governor now lias in Europe several hundred of accredited lOiltKaccount. This j is eve •’ v. ;• i fiihm : ho ha- not a bale tl*ere aecv'i; hies if. After making these a iu-e asks us if ho has not cotton ; ■ .-IorU: or Savannah? Wo an s • either place; the- whole efatomeni is false from beginning to cud. Hh the Confed ; ■ lector oi pool;, county; (his is ! ; •-; tvt.T. iu and paid all his tax in D--- 5 ; i o’ itti: ten Ire under protest iiff tao treasury can be • •»•:. as bes < ati.-.fled he was over •k . -.* eff'or This man says the Bov as-peculated in land, pogroms, an 1 fobact-o, ciari?:;.; the wa# We prenourtee tbo h tn.i-.t iukaul L-lse. He has bought an ! -i. neitivr land negroes or tobacco since the 'vai began. Wo L.-.c dismiss tiro writer for (be Fal lot. We do not know who the Editor b• J.h future, wo shall pay no attention to nis ia bea k - rdons, until he sustain some of his (ju-ni'.-.UH *ih Etc accessary evidence.— J(*//(>( bir.ville Union. i, tu . Bit i-KißiiTiox.—Oa Saturday night, ;,i •*. ii, ;t k.i : itucii WaJites, a Womb*? of .w.v.’.glfis's le e s baliary, stabbed and killed :■ a! ih.j tv. bn-ii vs at tho Post Commandant's ui:i; >' • name oi' Isssc Hart, and was in -y -'-no of tk<> sentinels. The !' i: ;ar as we could learn, are abotu iv.iev.v: it t ppeats teat Waites had at dio ‘.;i the Adjutant of Col. Maury’s •V.iniemi that morning, for which he was plac • ! uuil-. !.* airesl. and cent to the office of the t'oimiiat'.da .t of he Post. After remaining n toffice a*fcw moments he was ordered to be token to'viie Provost Guardhouse. While ■ j the v. >y h.' :-!;oke from tho guard but was fic-d.y caught and brought back, Lieut Wel ch cd ire order and'wroto one send : t«> .. Cantu ot Correction. This - r.aul \ r it;; shoulder, and remarked: “be jvu a o to send me to the Camp ot Ccrrecric id" “Yes,’’replied the Lieutenant. •\Cs ii,” said be, vffia can get away from the h * 1 Intend to do is." . “Yes,” re : ••-•d the ineutt-aant* “but i shall try and pro ven i'.r.v" With that he quickly replied ; • •< : !i dictir-r,“ and snatched up his knife b t >.U>-n away f om him tfed was . ; on .. . desk ; ur.d, some says, made a h • tuv Lieutenant, lie then started out of < <t. .- w.... out he met Jssao Hart, who was e ' ;? totally uncouffious of what had ocour ••; a d Waites. without the slightest provo - um, stabbed him twice. Lieut. Weller u gave v. order to "shoot that man.” One o‘ the sentinels lowered ids gun and shot him, .c in pas.-ing through Lis head, killing him instantly —3l bile Tribune. dir ckadk Kcnkisg.—ln connection with the clc.-ing of the port of Wilmington, the fol , . -ides of the blockade running aie In 1862, 1863 and 1864, no fewer than 111 its: ewers were built on the Clyde 1' r .lie . .vo of runnihg the blockade of the Conled •••: : c p - .e. Os tne whole 111 steamtjrs, 76 -ithar beta captured or destroyed, leav ’*■; the cl->e of 1864, 29 stlUrunning, while cj :: -tr way cut The number lua •* '• viose of 1864 was iarg-y thin at V ■ ■ - u ' iml in the annals of the block ■ r ige number of <’ ips made by a - e runner does not exceed hve, so that • ; - must be realized per voyage 7 ‘- * -- ■ -cuiiar branen of adventure at r . n.ivr. Most of the blockade run- L... • -me Witchers, in which capacity they' l-'.v ; "vtcable. It may be added that dm* the large number of blockade 7 -artu or destroyed, move new steam ' -!U , oa Clyde in 1864 to supply ■ 1 than est :or in 1862 or 1863, s ow - v v t uio not at &ii utSJi€fiitfc?Q— wavy -:UvW storms occurred in Virginiair CQ'-IWXJ. SE\V« nUItUHV A number of boys were trifling with a bomb shall at Union town, Aiab .m->. on Sunday last, when it exphd'd. kilih.g the son of a Mr. Merlin, and w ur.ding. two other white boys and three ..,givs- One A the negioes it is thought will dir'. A duel iook piece near Chattahoochee, Feb ‘loth, k-.w ten aMr She Don of Alabama, mu Mr. su' ckleford ot Georgia. Two fires. Shelton hit •: th- fao». Ska3kieford escaped unhurt M' . Robert .1 dwi rih, recJutiy at his p ace a e h-jjt d'-.-?- from Columbus. Ga , became ■ty w':»’ .•■ . . ).ad. seizing a- loaded run *.y ■-.h’l.-l *ck !-v n .ro -with it when tfr-' : ••*- !..-•■ and ,<>inehow, and its <>m :»l A I wo - and- abdomen, dud a. . ti- .judii ids body kij «(! hkn almost i:g...e.iy. "si m* ti.» r< ; i.-utioß.af the Virf ftla ScC*b « lW . u litor reports ikom information obtain«<* .Aid the relaras es tbe unmisision .-•■s o* e. rev June, that 7,588 ska-es have es cm eti t > irien aMnced from the bv en. Or this number, t)*t re were 2 475 miu’t ■«•;. reeu eighteen and forty live years el agfit ■ r ’d of all other ages 5,063. F*i& thousaiid »n grows are reported to be in uti l 'found Washington a*ty, to a very con.' do a ’ il"j (•■ u Sam Junes has assumed command of U D tuicc of Florida,, with heftdqurfrters at -TaPa i»?'«ee. Geo. Mfller still retains com u -''d ot ibe Resscves. Lt is .at- 1 ’hat the two commissiosers, Messrs, i *.h, :r -1 and Lehman, appointed to see alia, A’ *; Ihin a prisoneis in the North, have re jir-ted— .he Fedeial Government refusing .. .ision to pass U<e l'oes. Their cm asking permission was nd* even answered 7 .:i Carolina railroad company has declared > uoddend of twodty five per cent. M,i) will cootii j;.e to the State Sinking Fund Ibe '-iii of vs .-5750.000. Th la-un) 61 L- 1 is H. Kenan, Esq , Secreta ry of tbe Mi)ledgevilte, was destioy . and by fire oir Wednesday night Feb, -22. iogetl«-r wile iieari. oi.his furniture. iLv poM office at Fruit Hill, Edgefield Dis trict, S C been discontinued. Ge t n>" Alien, of Louisiana, has written his bo material message, in which he advo cates Jfic arming of the negroes, and manifests a atroti'l? belief iu .an early Fti-aeh iutirven ticn. Mr W ii Wash, rrf Richmond, has invented and put in operation tv maciiiite which turns out twelve thousand percussion gut, caps per A M‘,H o(!-wt in Aiab,uni, has recently con tiibuteii sIOU.OOO. to be equally divided be t.ivi eti two soidier’s orphan institutions pro p dto b i titaitiisht'd in that Slate. 61 :yj. Gen W.-ui Jones has assumed lhe com -111 ani of tiie District ot Florida. Gen. Mi Ter -ti l tetains . omuiaud of the resetvves. ihe Govorno" ot Alabama offers $1,000,000 of State of Alabama bonds for sale. These bonds wi’l be of the denomination ol SI,OOO, dated Ist ol February, 1865, redeemable t wenty years ■allot-da..t. a.i'i six per cent, interest pay id es* uk-annually, with coupons attached, ■or lie: payment of the interest Sealed propo sibs will b l tv- tvtd to the 24T, day of March, the Gov. mo: v- serving the light to re ject atl 01 fjij bidp which may not be sstislac ■ ory. Fo pt.yiiisih'*,uid be endorsed ‘-‘Bids for 14 iids,and addressed ‘-Executive • De pstfluent of Alabama.’' A Miss Duff, e, daughter of the former posh master at, Blount Springs, Ala., has been ar ■ n.-sted and brought be tore Commissioner Owens in Mobile Oh the charge of forging four per c.'iH bonds and transfers. The Commissioner hound her over to tho next term of the Oon- Irde'. u! Stilt CM Court in the sum of $5,000 Mr J W Young has commenced matuifac -1 un-ig iuiir pins in Eufauhi. tlm machine is one.of-own iuveufion. The “Spirit’’says, • el> ns are • qua! to any ,foreign importation. A exchanged prisoner from Alton, Illinois, 1 ‘ " "IT" «.in»*Ao r atleiHi.tiritt to- esc--, o by playing the dead man was nailed up <5.:rJ ciobe m u Coffin ai-M threatened with ’■ rut’ lr ; was afterwards released -a ... a tad t wiser inip^.”* ' I • : "Ouinios of Grierokee, DeKalb, Mar- , s, , , Liudcidaie, LSwrejice, Morgan, Madi ■ on. l-'i- uk iu and Jackson, AKbama, wero ovt-i run by the armies of tho enemy, during , the year 1864, and remained in the possessvm of the enemy for such length -of time, as to p. everr the ctsitivafipn and gathering of the y Crops Gov. Watts h.-w ordaß-d that the oolieefiou ot taxes for 1864 be suspended m those counties The small pox is said to he ragbag among the negroes at, Plaquemitie. La. The Raleigh Progress notices the fact that Hickory shad are set Png at $8 a piece in that market an out market vet y iirerior white shad haw been so ii at S4O a piece. IJeCan’ly two solcfiets were brought before if -j H S. Hbb, Judge of the Criminal Court o: M.‘juig>mery county, Ala., to receive son -1 cci . The fiist, V.’fn, B Warren of the first Georgia Battalion <4 Sharpshooters, cojtsvicted of t .: ctitj- • ol bigamy, was sentenced to three .:eHts .fiMj-iw ment hi the penitentiary. Yhe pnrata L. C. Porlc.ot the 63d Alabama r, ten ruiltyof the murdCr of George L -pv-ioo. • 13 sentenced to -bu hung ina Friday live 6is! day ©f ties March. ■II t. Jo.i.-i I' -Gitu-ke. JFudgto of tine Pataula district , !\iis decided far as| 1,-.; ties of D-.e. 14, !Bfi3, passed By the legisla - - tine of that Stato, holds justices of the peace -S - military duty, it is unconstitutional. Influexos op tub Amkbicah Wak in Iksu. —The Liverpool l imes says the merchants and trad;.s of Bombay have reaped a golden har vest in consequence of the war in this coun try. thiough the impetus it has given to the ot on trade in India. Immense fortunes have be araid o by evevv one largely engaged in ihe wink of producing and stimulating the ■growing ot' cotton. Miliiouares abound.— Cu-iks with small salaries have had their for tunes swelled out to gigantic proportions. E\«n tire ryots, the poorest and most depress ed of the agricultural laborers in Hiadostan, Lave partaken so freely of this auriterious manna that they now rejoice in every comfort and luxury the East can supply. Erery person however remotely concerned with ootton, has made money enough to satisfy .the miser’s ut most avarice. But there have been drawbacks • this otherwise glowing picture". The price • other articles has correspondingly increased, T value of property, of houses, of lodings, of neces-ail-s of life, lias mote than kept ■ urtyh this sudden shower of the precious i ; . is. Persons with fixed incomes now find ’»: -■•ossible to live in the city which has lus ' :: o: this extraordinary change andthe I Governor of Bombay, uufer the fear of being dt ?erted by his auxiiarics, was compelled, m ? b defence, to increase their stipends, lest t ey should he overwhelmed and crushed by ■ tin. plethora of gx o»i luck to the comparative 1 a . Cotton has been so remunerative under i ii • >v stimulant: of high “price that the culti ti'v -i. o? grain, rice and other edibles has in i comparative negleofed, and the anomaly -,-ed of starvation following iu the . ~ke of this sudden ap.d unlocked for pros perity. IfiTAi.LRCCPA'TuT.— The fashionable remedy for headache at present in Paris is Metaliero p.ithy, which in Prance niraas a copper sauce p.rn—the original machine employed—applied to the head. A noted physician cured Mrs. Dos x*he M adache Ly this meaLs, and wrote all abont it to the faculty; and the' faculty, Drs. Tiousseau and Tardieu at the head, write very learnedly about Metalleropathy and its efficacy in certain diseases* especially headache. Mrs. D.. (aforesaid) who was subject to fright ful headaches, as soon as she found the sauce va infallible, had a band of copper made, and puts it on every time she is threatened with an attack, and is invariably cared. It appears that this cure with the hard name has been practiced from time immemorial by the women of Auvergne, who wear as their nation al head dress a thin copper band, more or 1«S decorated, and given, as a reason for not fall ing in with the new faDgled modes of decora ting them&lves, that their metallic ornament has the virtue of preventing Ckem from palps in the bead. Os course, the experience of peas ants could not be accepted unless under high sanction, which fee late letters « the faculty of medicine accerd it. OFFICIAL ORDERS rUBLISILWJ GKATH ,'S.R THE H&NEKIT OF TUE OOMBOHTI'. ’i RHAfU EY D,.PA :TMS>-T.*C. S A , / March 13. 1865. ( Donaly s to the y. Patriotic citlSi-as in ass parts t»i uie c.meny having expressed a desire to tn .k. ooutribu tions of money »nd> Government seeurit>o- :u aid of the T-‘tusury ; nod ladies, animat, and by the noblest seaflments ot ut’u.'biO' B’ to th oiuse of theii Offering c-dimry. li .vi m otte ed taeir plate anaj iweis, the Cosn f r >1 he 1-. ted< rate si.ansadopted on,the 13-,h lustant ute following resolittious : No. 162-Jtint resolution providing for to nations to the Treasury 01 tho Confederate states. WheSfctis, mauy patriotic cltizeus have ex pressed their tlesirqgko contribute by donations •< money, jewels, gold und siiver plate, r.nd public secuMes t, the relief of the 1 reasttry; Therefore,. Resolved by the Confess of the Confederate States of America, That phe Secretary of the Treasury be, and is hereby authorized to re ceive all such donations, and to publish in the daily papers a list of the donations received <iud the names of the donors. Section 2. That the said contributions shall consist di csrtific ates 01 indebtedness, fully is bued by Dulmrsiug officers of the Government and the parties holding the same are willing to give a pin, but unable to give the wlio it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the- Treas ury to receive the proportion offered, if not less than on« mcity, and to return the othei moi - ty in oevtifioates ol indabaedness, receivable in r> u.u.1 1 o. taxes. aiection 3. To render the said public secutitles so.douated available to the Treasuiy, tht .Se cretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to redeem (he same before inability, and of any m#neyß in the Treasury not otherwise ap propriated. Approved March 13, 1865. Tne attention of Hie public is called to the*e resolutions, and those desirous of making contribuiious of mo- ey and securities or ci - tified olaims against the Government, are res pectfully informed that will be received by the Treasurer at Rielfbiond and by the As sistant Treasurers and l’ay Despositaries here inafter enumerated. Regulations in relation to plate and'jewelry h re not been adopted yet, and will foirn the subject of a future notice. G. A. Teknholm, Secretary of I’rcasury. Treasury notice in relation torecerpt of six per cent. certificates of indebtedness for taxes imposed by act of Congress, approved March 11, 1865 Notice is hereby given that according to the provisions el the third section of act of Congress of March 11,1865, a copy of which is here to attached, one moiety of the taxes levied by said act (excepting the tax forthe increased pay oi soldiers) may be paid ih six per cent. Oertificatts ol indebtneas issued under four- 1 teenth secUota of act of 17th February, 1865. G. A, Then holm, Secretai y of .reasury. Sections 1 hat the taxes ou property lor the year eighteen Lundred and sixtv-five im-’ pose! by this act, shall bo assessed as on the day of the passage of this act, and be due and collected on the first day of June next, or as soon thereafter as practicable. The additional taxes on protits lor Ure year eighteen hundred aud sixty .live shall bo assessed aud collected according to provisions of existing laws in re gard to the assessment aud collection of taxes on incomes and all the taxes imposed by this act us well as the taxes on incomes aqd profits and the specific taxes aud taxes ou sales shall be payable iu Confederate Treasury notes of the new issue, or in tho Certificates of Indebt ed uess authorized by au act entitled “an act to reduce the currency and to authorize anew issue of notes and bonds,” approved February 17th, 1864, at par, without any allowance for -interest; Provided, That at least one half of :jiid tmcoM chaff Jja Ic-DT in ’l’.m.ui y n.0.-a a* aforesaid; and provided luther, That the tax lor the iuovefcieti pay of soidieis shall be paid in Confederate Treasury notes ot then »issue only; and it ia hereby enacted teat the Cert* ficatea of Indebtedness authoriz 'd by he so u act of February 17, L 864, may be i mi fix debts conti acted prior to the passage of *a : aat and the agent of the treasury for the t'rans- Mississippi Department be, aud he is hereby authorized to issue under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasu ry, the Certificates' of Indebtedc t provided for iqsnida tof February 17, 1864, Im rioiits contracted prior or subsequent to the ■ of said act iu the Trans-Mississippi Depaarmout and that all the ceitificuks above-mentioned shall be received in payment of said taxes In like manner aud to the same extent as the cer tificates eriginafly authorized by the said act of 17th of February, 1864, subject to the pro viso above mentioned. Two cotton sellers named Johnson and White, were hung recently by some .Confeder ate guerillas near Memphis. : _ CUMjjtjli iICIAL. ColiuiibuH iHarliet—March 19. Sp£Cxk—Gold $55 to $57; Silvers4s to 50; Sterling Exchange sso„to $55 for one.' C.ORFKDSRATH AS® STATE SICCRITIES —Goafed &’ate Bonds—no market—may be quoted nom-, dually as follows :- 8 per cent, long date 7ac* to 80c; short dates 70c to 75; 4 per cent 40c; 6 percents 40c to 40; non tar.. 80c to 7,30’s 35: . Georgia Treasury Notes Hi, 85c to 00c prem-* *lum;'6B 50c to 55c premium; Bank b3hs, lawe 1 ! $2 to $5. Cotton —Nothing doing. Nominally held at 70c to 75c per lb. Goceubiks, &c.— Bacon si; Coffee $35, Rica $2; sugar $6 to sl2; salt .*>2; retail $2 50 r To bacco $3 50 to S2O; do. smoking $5,50 ti> r sl2; lard $4; molasses cane $lO to S2O; do sorghum sl2 to $18; whiskey SSO to $75; brandy S9O to slso;_baggmg $lO per yd; soap, hard $1 50; do. solt 50c; cotton rope, scarce $8 per lb; nails' $4 to S5; meal 314 T.> S4O; fodder sl2 per hundred; oats sl2 per bush; bar iron $3 50; cand'es $0 per lb; uii, ground peas SSO to SOO, do. linseed SSO to $75; p. ; .pcr $25; dry hides $4 per lb; leather, sole sl2 ‘o sls per lb; do, upper 14 to 10; copperas $10; Hour per bbl S4OO. soda $10; starch $2 50. ‘ Grain —Wheat per buju S3O to $35; corn from wagons sl4; peas ill; uy 0 SBO to $35. Trade active. * Country Produce.—Beef $1,75; pork $2.50; mutton $2; chickens's4ao; turkeys $1,75 a 8 per pound; eggs $2,50; butter $5; potatoes, Irish ssoatio; do. sweet sl2 Tallow sß,7#; wax $4,5(7; ground peas slsal<i per oush. Ail country produce muen in demand Quickly sold. People shou and bring it in. Doicesxcs.—-Maeon sheeting $lO per yd; Co iambus do $7; Oonaburgs $5,50a6 yarns per bunqli $60*75. Retail prices are higher , in some articles con sulerab.y m 5? than we have quoted.— Columbus Sun. . Sew Orleaon Bank ftotes. Merchants are quoted at 27i@32T ; Bank of New Orleans at 400,42 J; BaDk or Louisiana at 47i@49 ; Crescent City at 62£(cp65; tend Union at 70(u 75. These ligurta are lor lota of some magnitude.. Dealers pay inside rates or les3, , for the tidling sums offered at their counters. Our are predicated on payment in legal tender notes, which command a premium 0 ., sC&J ? acl P er cent over city treasury nobs, wude tne latter are still the general medium of exchange in our local trade, and received for both sta«.e and city taxes. We notice that 3 per cent discount is allowed on the latter for 1b64, ii paid .before the Ist proximo, 2 per cent if before the Ist of May, and 1 per cent if paid before the Ist of June.—A. O. Times, J/arcA 11. Negro gale#. At a recent auction sale in Columbus; a wo man and thru - children were sold for $6,260 ; a woman $2,000 ; a woman and three children $5,260 ; a boy forty years old $2,600 ; a girl twenty six years old and child, $3,675 ; a girl thirty years old $1,450 ; a man, wife and fam ily $6,700. ’ Auction I s rice of iotockji# At a recent auction sale in Columbus, the annexed prices were obtained : five shares Columbus Bank stock $l2O per share; Mobile & Gq^rdßailroad stock $l5O per share; six teen jhares Macon & Western Railroad stock s4svjter share. 'CirAtiom worn •« . - M»> re l EOr (r .OK---1... <*. i Cj: I: • 'OU f’V H ‘ • 1- KVKji -P! : ■.- - -r ■»! a-'iciuts rxiie.i! or- ;n.- t—'-eit . t >'.irs i mni-. u. late code. . . U* - -ii : Ti - -r -tj. 1 -. .0 <i-.t :i!id -Eisii ai.. and singular tlte-kiadvM ai, ; .1.- • .I'., to • - (appear at my olHc. wl'to: 'lie ime r- - :>j : :-iw, to muse. If iey tiaw, w):y s»ld '• : - -uid n t tie gr i :ed, GiVii.- ur-d -my Snijd -ii.d .... signulur*-, at office udp plimr. liiis -J-2ji (lav ol >'a-'-u, ISOS. u ,VV. iiiUHI.DS, (b-'f 4?713 Ordmaty. ST* i* oi - < j rio.-uix XThicu •fix u obum'A 7 Wnereas. Th, masSwetDy applies t" in.- f r L'.:reia ot aamiuistiatio-, on the Eu.ite ot ~ n • . ijagte-, lar- oi said ecu ty. «terea-.od These arc. rherefore to site iinl adm.Oi.tsh all, nd.sinpJur, the alnd-edaug creditors of said desei»ed,io be and appear at my ol)l&; on Arvo ,e Hie first Monday in April i,exi.n> show cause, if any Abey ftthc. vby said sliouid uoi be gr nted. wOtveamider my bandana ot>mai signature, ar otliee in An %usta. this Ist day oi nacr,, iSSa mm 4wlu DaVID L. lioATH, Oriliua.y. Cl TATE OT GEOKOIA, iUUilAluWt) UutMl. L? « hereas, Catheri a Lane applies to me for Letters oi Ad minlstraiiou on tLie Kstate of" i’> unis Lane, late of said ceun ty, deceas-d. * These are therefore, to cite and admonish ait, and singular the kin,red and o-t-dhoi's of said decerned, to Is? mad appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in April next, to show c.uufc-, if any they have, why said LutUru 51..,u1d not bt granted. O.Vcn under my hand and offleia! signature, at odloe iu Au gusta, this Ist day ot March, tss}. mhi4wio DAVLD L. ROAT’tl, Ordinary. TreThTc>misTciuctiA, iuoti>K>*iL col a it . jo Whereas, Jenmia i,. Z. olieu .nd Sarah K. McUorkie apply lo mg for Letters ol admtnisrr.tion on t.e e;tule ol Lii/ Skinner, late of said county, deceased: „ These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and ere'itois of said deceased, to be ami appeara: my office on or before the first Mu&uay in April next, lo shew cause, if ary they have, why said muenj should not be grant ed. Given under my hand and official signature'at office in Au gusta, this Ist day ot March, IStio. mill lw 10 DAVID L UO ATH. Ord’y. I'A ; IE OF G LOKGIA, KiCHMOi'D OOtJMTY. t* IV hereas, Michael May applies to me lor Letters ol ad ministration on ihe Estate oi Thomas May, late or said coun ty, deceased. , hese itre therefore to cite and lonish, all and singular the. kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to he and appear at my office, ou or before the first Monday in April next, t& show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be giaitted. Given under my hand and official signature at office it, su Ist day of March, laeJ. ndii 4w u DAVID L. UOATti, Urdiutny. ST'vfifoF UEOKGIA, K tJUMdAIfoOUKVI". Whereas, Uauatoid a. Duncan applies to me lor Letters ol Administration on the estate of Usoige VV. L. iwiggs, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, incite and admonish all, aud-singulai the- kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office,on or bclore Die first Monday inAurll next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. , Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Au gusta tills <at day of March, iSiiS. Uihl4wiU DAVID L. KOATH, Ordinary. Ct TAT J OF GEOUGiA, LI JAM (4 A DGOUN TI. ij Whereas, John O Galvin applies to me for Letters oi td unnistiuti-'u on the Ifisiat ot Vi nit in Mol ny Jnle ot said coun y, decease.: These are t„. ■sere, .o ~-.te ant: .uimonh.h, all anil singular the kindred and e,-u.,-..t u.l ca eu, to uC and appear at my office on or be;o»e u. ursi M. aaiay in April next, lo show cause, if any they haive. why said tetterssnuuld not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Au gusla, this Ist day Ol Maicn, JitiS. mnl4wj.O DA ' iDL. KOATH Ordina y,. .Dl'AliiOr ÜBOUGiA, K JUMONGO.-DATA, io Wfiereaa,-<#eroinuifi L. Z. Glieit :md l-arau K Me urkle lo me ior Letters ot anmiiiietrutlon or. the cst:..e of n liliam ski.mer fiUeofsaid eoui.ty. (lecoutoci. Tfie3e are tfieiefore to eite uud admonie., alt aud eiiigul-i.Uie kindred aud creditors of saul decaaoed, to be -.iud - ppeur a? lay office, ou or before the first Mouday <iu /jipni ueit, ~to show cause, if any they have, why said ffwicra should not be grunted. liiveotuuiler my hand aud offlei Msualure, at office in Au gusta, : his Ist day of ofl ch, ids.:. David ItOATii, Ordiaary, mhl . 4"'io OF G KOKUX A, itlOlifvlOiND oOUKITf; gy Wne.e a, Wil iam H. JB rre t applies to me for Loiters otadanuis'rauou cu the Estate of Ldmond ii, Ulusscoeir, late of said cog ty. deceasedt These are to cite and admonish, all aud singular the kindred and ereiittors of'said deceased, to oe aud appear at my office, on or btf re the first Monday iu April next, to bhow cause, if any they have. why. said letters thotud to. be granted. Uiveu under my hand aud official signature, at my office iu Augusta, tnis i, day of match. ISUS. DAVID L. ROATH. K)h3 4.yU' ' (Irdinary re TATE OF HjfiUitGlA, WILKES OwUNTY. jj C LEEK’S OfKIOE iKTXIUOII Coubt, Feiruixj 25th, 1886. Ah persons interested aie hereby not Bed that John VV‘. iieard, of the i«4th Dist. G. M , tolls be.ore O, L. Locker aud i.- iac A. Diclien, Free holders of said District, us anestray oue vety i aik bay mar , about five or Mxyears u.d, with a oh iu left knee, vaiued by saidG. E. Booker and Isaa: A. Dicken at one thou, anu doi ats. The owner ol said Estray isrequit ed tj come forw ru, pay cfiaiges aud take tuid mate away, oi ths wit be dealkwi.n as ihe law- dheets, A true extract tromthe Estiay Lo.k. feh2C tiwsi G. G HOIiMAI.C.I.C. reT.iTE V F GEORGIaT WILKES LGUNXI jo Olesk’s Orriou iNrXßioit Loubt, Febiua y 23d. 1865. Aii person,, mle.csted ate hereby notifieu that A. J. Paschal of the 177th Distiict tolls before T. ft. Strother and LLvil Oampbeli, Free holders of said Distiict, assM cstr..y, a JJ own Horse Aluie, supposed to be Id yens out, ,t 4 haudb nigh, ti oi mane and tail, valued by said T. ri. E trot her aud D. oam>bc.i ai six hundred dolluts. Theowuc. ..Id vuia, ,» ruqtti.-ea to c mu torwaid, pay charges ami .avo said a ‘.ay, or he will be - dealt with as Iho law directs. A true extract from the Estray J.. k. iebsotiwi) ’ G. G. NGKMrI. i . reT..TE OF GEORGIA, OOLUmBIa OwUN'i 7. M Whereas, jjrs Nauey ouipepper, Adiniutstu-.irix on the estate ot Vv. tv. mipepper, aoteased, sppliea loihe for ie.- t. is of dismission: These are, therefore, to cite aud aduwnish all, and u ngular :i* kindled anu creditors of said to be and appehi at my office, wii iiln ti.p. ’ iiire preseffhed by law, andsiiow cause, if any • nm- nave, whj a., and ießtersSwould not be granted to the ea'ic nveli uml i ; hand and official signature, at office, In Aj) piiug, this a . unj ot February, jS64. feba4 2.w9 vv. W. SHlELDS,Ordinary, f t OitCl A, MOrAtANTjOUNTYT’ - ' 'v he. us, Mrs. it. .n Lamiius »nd Tiurddeus A. Akrldge apply t me r r infers cd anmlmstration ou the estate of U. W. ikridgii, rh e f sard c. unty, decreed : » These arc therefore to cite aria adinornsu .J 1 and singular tht samlrc-tf and creditors of said deceased, to bc and appear at my office on ... cvfore Sic lii.-v Monday in .May next, to show cause, it any they nave, why said letters should not be grant ed. Given my hand at office- in Madison, this Uth dry ol M.rcil, lbus. , GEO L. bIOVALL, mb .2 4... . Dep. Ortliu .rv. GD 7AjfE OF, GEORGIA, OOLEi'iiuRLE lOUX\Ty“ Kcv t nlviu 11. fcsteel, Executor on the estate of. Eark.itri’. Kent, deceased, makes application for letters oi fi tnussion from said executorsnip: These are therefore to cite and,sh all and singular the kindred and trieuuaof said decerned to be aud appear at my offic -. within the lime prescribed by law,to show cause, if ;my they nave, why said letters snouiu nol be granted. U iveu Under my hand and official signature, tnis 16th day ol Mareir, 4866. A. G. EiIALKELFuRi), mh.l3 2dw. 2 Orc'cuary* re TATE OF GEORG IaToG LETIiOR I'E c'UUrVi 1. jo Whereas Jam-u F. u'Keiley, ndninisttator on tne t state oi James O’Kel.ey , deeeased, m ines a.plication lor nldismission from arid auministration: ■Uieee are theretore to cite and a.tmonh u ail and singulai and creditors of. aid deceased to be and appear atTfty office wrthin tire time prescribed by i„w to show'cause, if any they have, why stud lexers snoii.d not be giante.l sail: applicant. Given under my hand and official signal, are at office iu Lex ington, tiiDTSiluiuy of March, td»h. imiiS 2d«7ij E. O, uHaGKEL)'’ORD. Otiiuury. TATE OF' GEORGIA, GGLE i’ilOl.c w Loti aj a . : ‘ Whereas, Aired J . Stewart, aduiiplet.stoi bn the Estate or Thomas A. hie wart, deceased, nuke* appapu.oii for h.tteis of dismission .r .m sjfid administration. These are theiil’ore'to cite and auntoifish, ail and singular thexiudreu and creditors ol said deaeaseu, lo be and appear tu my office wi.iiin the time prescribed by raw to snot, (cause, if any they have, why b&hi Letters should not be grant Given under my hand and official signature this iJth nay oi March, Jat>6. . iuhii 26W12 E. O. SHACKELFORD, Ordinary OK 57 gilTmo kg ancoTln t y '* Whereas, James >v, Walker and Joseph Lemm uda ;:p. piy for letters of administration, with wu m.»H xou, upon the Estate of Jonathan Walker, kite of con at), dooessea : These are therefore to cite and adfnonisli all and singular, lire kindred and creditors of said.deceased, to be and appear at my office On or Leiore the hrst Aiouuuy in .uny, to show came, It any Lfifty have, why said let ters should not be grant cu. Given under my hand ami official signature, this U>in uuj oi MarOi, 1865, Go,u. L. MUVArj.: ," mhl7 4wi2 -Oem Oraii.a:?. STATE OF GEORGIA, COLUMBIA COUfiTTYT Whereas, J.J. Morris applies tome : .r letters of guard lauship of the persons a .and property ol JUaiyAnna Adtcaptola and A bert Burt .n Wilk u-son. These are theretore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors oi said min -rs, to be ana upipear at rny office within the time prescribed lr> law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given unucr my hand and official signal ure, at office in Appling, tins ad day of T ebruary, r -|p-■ fob 16 6iv7 H.-dmary. . rei’ATE OF GEORGIA, GREEN OoUfi T i. . wo month* r*ter date to wit, at the n xt AprS , teim ot the Gourt of Ordina yoi said county, app cut.-a will t-r mace to sell a portion of the slaves, be:ongjjg .o tne estate ol sJesse B. Battle, deceased, forthe benefit or the ciedtiMs cl autesta"®. TiiU 3,st day of January, 1265. NaNUV L. BATTLE, Admiuistratrlx ot Jesses. Buttle utctaicd, feb 3- Kwo NOTIOL iwaiS'ffOjkS AM Jt- £.!■.* b'M'Oj *. mjOTXOE TO OEBTOKS A.UV ( U.-.mTOHS. Jm state of OiorgiA, Qreaie c mnty—js it* u Hereby yiv en iw ait per-oiin-haV n?demand) last tin. .a'-le ct U taoi o. Suilth,ili=ow*f.e<i, to renucr iu un accrual ot t:.eJr de.- mauds an i ml {.ersona indebted to aaid estate will make pay ment to je X.AVJ£XIa A. Ii ;i. mills Gw’t. AM'niof Wm.ti Smiltu Uec’il, NOTPSEi “ Ail persona Indebted to the Estate of William J*. B«a’e, iate of ffichiiloint county, deceased, are required to make im. mediate payment o the underaijjned, aadthosq having claims against saiu ideate are uotilled to present them, duly attested, . within law. feb33 6Wl>' ' ABdiJbTtJj it, HOBEKTS, Ea’r "tvroTXOE. X 6 Ai'. persona indebted to the estate of Rev. Wm. Single t i. !at<ro£ Oreene county, deceased, are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned • and those having claims-ag inst said estate are hereby notified to present the -■.mA duly attested witninthettmeprescribed bylaw, * . R«BERT L RHODES, Alim mist rat or. T WO MONTHS NOTICES.' ■ vq — TANARUS, ——— ' " A-a X77J months after date application will be made to the Honorable oourtof Ordinary of Uo-umbia county for leave to sell the negroes belonging to the Estate of James L Griffin, deceased. This 2ist day of ifehinary, 1865. lib3s Bwß X . T. ORIEFiy. Adrr’r. -\TOTICK. Xt '( w v) months after date application will be madeto the Court of Ordinary of Columbia county, for leave to sell a Legro girl, the property of Alary E. Whi.e, mi- E ®/v,o„ fi W.C. WOKREX.L, feb 1 Sw6 Guardian. O _ ioC 7 : id - ’0 months after date application will be made to the Xl noraa.e the Court of Ordinary es Richmond county, for to sen one negro slave named bam, belonging to the es tate ot John G. Rees, late qf s*id county, deceased. ME WHA® HICKS, mhfil 3wlß Adm r. " ~ HHHHIFF’B SALE. T "'WTILL be sqld on the first Tuesday !n May mert 8 cep.a " Jum the pcopeilv «f Miss Alary K. by. h' J “' ldis t eu. /ath, 1*65. jx xse 3. morrxss, fiKf swlQ Sheriff cotuodda oounty. ! _L iri Xu - CHRONICLE & CENTIME JOB PRINTING OFFICE Is one ot tiie Largest In the Confederacy.. WE ARE PREFAIIED TO EX^ptJTE IN THE 33 JESS IST Tk/KJ&. .TVTINT 3S 3E3L, # AT SHORT NOTICE, AND ON Book Printing, By-Laws and Constilu i'amphlvts, tions oi Societies, Sermons, Printing from Stereo- Addresses, ’ typed Plates, Catalogues, Court Dockets, Reports, Briefs, &c. JOB WORK OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, Biach. as Posters, Blank Bills and Soles, Handbills, Bills of Lading, Concert Bills, ' Bank Checks, Auction Bills, Business Cards, Programmes for Concerts Direction Cards, and Exhibitions, Visiting Cards, Circulars Labels, Envelopes, Bills of Fare, Druggists’ Labels. Fancy Job Printing,, Blanks, .. Printing in Colors,, .Bill-Heads, . Bronze Printing, &c. EXECUTED PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND ON THE LOWESST tesrmis. BY 'THIS USE OF STEAM 1 AND THE BEST OF <J»OWER PRESSES, .til kinds of work used by Book Publishers, sil kind of work used by Manufacturers, ill kinds oi work used fey Banks, 11! kinds of work used by Insurance Companies, Mi kinds of work used by Railroad Companies, iU kinds of work used by Sieamboat Companies, All kinds of vrork used by Joint Stock Companies, ill kinds of work used by MercMhiits, til kinds of work used by Mechanics, kinds of work used by Lawyers, \l\ kinds of workusedby Travelling Exhibitions, '■■U kinds of wo k used by Patent Medicine Dealers, Ah kind of work used by Professional Men, &c., Can. and will be frtrrdslied AS GOOD AND CHEAP AS AT AM OFFICE 121 THE CONFEDERACY. WE ,4 RE CERTAII «4 S CAM PLEASE ALL Who will favor us with I?K3CIHS7TFB. “.■PROIWAOB!.' • ALL IN WANT OF Any Kind of Printing, INVITED TO ADMiAISTRATRIX’B SALE. fX . muance or an order from the Court of Ordinarv n f i E! oln eounty, will be sold before the Court Ho iTeald county, on the flrn Tuesday In May nSt 1 wa- 1 awful hours of sate, the following^property^“irttnSi acres of Band, more or Jess, in said rvinSTi .T 11, *'“7 “ Dry Fork Cieek, adiolning Cv ’wnn.Sf A snmore. E J £,ons and the in?- <*^2Sb«SSS. “Temsonthedlyofik Creditora of8(11461 ' mh!B €wia MaHALIA L. CAVJER, Admx. ADMI.X|STRATOR’S .sale. T? Y pliS U i e ,? f wiU and testament of Ezekiel E. ~f.:,^“;,l at ® 0 j Orfce ue County, deceased, will be sold at P'V 1 5_ a ?i? tl 2^j ) Sj ore sh e Court House door In Greensboro. *nesday in April nest, all that Tr act of Lard . to-'-Iu J ll , county, oathe road lsading from Greensboro M Willis ferry, adjoining lands ol Jehu Cunningham, John b. Jackson and oiners, known as the “Moody Tract,” con tpirungsity or eighty acres, more or lest. Bald Tract of L'c.a rs situated within one and a half miles es Greensboro, and has on it a great deal of Pine and Oak wood. Terms vrelve mentis ccoet with approved security. JOSXAH DAVIB, AAm'r. De Bonis Mac, will annened. ttb U pfEctbel S. Park, dteeaMi. WRAPPING PAPER. A FEW HUNDRED OLD NEWSPAPERS, SUITABLE FDR Wtl jPFu e PirU( at This Office. ADMIMSTRATO’RS hack. before the Court Hou»e doortn tbs etty of Oreenedjoro, on tRe first Tußsdaj In Mat oeitfea iouowing property to-wit: 7 Laud, situated In Greene county, ftmr allM south of Greenesboro, o which there is about three hudoff acres In cultivation and one hundred in woods, well timbered. There is aao a splendid orchard on the place, with a dwaUffa*'