Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, September 06, 1865, Image 4

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. Latest News TELEGRAPH FllOill VMIUM** SOL'IH'Kf*. A Washington dispatch pays that during the last week upwards of a dozen citizens of the | South who* had obtaim and their pardons, made j personal applications at the J-Y« edwen’B Ita- ; reau for the restoration of lands which had been taken into the custody of the bureau.— On production of the certificates of pardon, tin applicants were furnished orders upon local agents of the butcau in the Bout!) for the res toration of the property claimed, with provi siorid that the owners be made to compensate the blacks for the crops they m t-y be cultiva ting thereon or leave them in undisturbed pos session until the same are harvested. St. Leger Grenfel, a British subject con victed of ‘aiding prisoners of war to escape, has been sentenced to death, has had it com muted by the President to imprisonment for life at hard labor at the Dry Tortuga* Surveys and estimates for the lot ; Colonial Bailway have been submitted. The route re commended is via iiivcr du Loup Bay of chaleur, The cost will be about twenty live millions, or $40,000 per mile. Cave Johnson, of Tennessee, has received a special pardon. The receipts for internal revenues for six days ending August 21, amounted to $9,000,- 1)00. The rumor that Gen. Butler has resigned is gaid to he incorrect. Jbe President’s health has been much*'im proved by his late exclusion. Hon. Alfred Ely has been Btifebasnaed ns wit ness against Wertz, and net for him, as ba been stated. 8. Nicholson has been assumed ns Com mandant of the Navigation Department at. Washington. Joe Johnston, while at Fortress Monroe, was asked if ho would uot like to see ,E fit Ha re plied he did not wish to see him or h<.ar his named mentioned ever. Large quantities of cotlon arc being shipped Norilt from Memphis. Hon. llertthei V. Johnson is at present in Washington. Captain More lias completed h> work of in terment at Audersonvilio. Each grave ha.; been marked with the number and nam •, wherever the latter could bo ascertained, ana the burial spot has been neatly inclosed. The banking house of Cole, Bumner & Cos., at Lioross, Wisconsin, lost heaViiy by the Ketchum frauds, ami has been eom-pelled to suspend. The census of Chicago, just completed, gives a total of 177,956. The act of Congress forbidding, underheavy penalties, (he placing of the words “Hailed [States Mail,” «fcc., on a steamboat or other ves sel not employed in carrying llse mad, and the publishing in u newspaper, of othei wise, that uny such steamboat or vessel, not so employ ed, is Used in carrying the mails of the United folates, having been recently evaded in many instances, the Postmaster Gencial Las given instructions to Postmasters to take the neces sary steps to promptly enforce its provisions against all offenders. The steamer Traveller has been burned at Eagle Harbor, Lake Superior. Loss SIO,OOO, insurance $20,000. The amount of currency issued during - life week ending August 10 was $150,005,500, and the total issue up to that date $172,004,400. MATTERS JN SOUlli CARO LIN \. Telegraphic dispatches from New Yok give the annexed synopsis of South Carolina news : The Herald’s Chari, stort correspondence says that very little atteution has been paid by any officers to the demand of Governor Perry’s civil appointees for the surrender to them ot the superior control in the administration oi affairs,and the Palmetto State still remains under military rule. There has been no actual collsion, hut considerable disagree ment and luck.of co-operation between the civ il and military authorities. General Gilmore, who recently returned to Charh-ston from the tour through the interior, had a conference with Gov. Perry, and is represented as slat ing that the military will maintain the direc tion of affairs, until the regular Slate Govern ment in organized. Loiters in the North from Charleston say many of the candidates nominated for the convention are withdrawing their namjs Tim mechanics have nominated a ticket Ironi their own ranks. The naturalized citizens havo done tl.o same thing. A land, banking and emigration company, for the purpose ot inducing emigration to HTmth Carolina, has been fully oigmiz.d and will shoitly commence operations The agent of the company will h i located iti New York city, to receive all who come, provide lor their comfort, and make all arrang meats for their transportation to such parts of the iStato as they iuny elect for their residence. According to letters liom South Catolina published at the North, since Gov. Perry’s Greenville speech ho has become very popular among the leading secessionists of his State. A letter published in the New Yoik HeraM says the people of South Carolina take the oaths required of them without scruple, but among themselves they claim they aro eomeulaory, and consequently not binding. Nearly evciy one expresses his determination to still remain loyal to Liis State, and if she ever sees t IU to go out of the Union again, bo is determined to share her fortune, all onlhs to*tho contrary notwithetunding. They do not yet, in many in«lanc?s, givo up the idea ot slavery, they believe emancipa tion illegal, and propose, n' forced (o acknowl edge it when carried by the r* quire,! votes of States as an ainoudmeut to the Constitution, to get some kind of an arrangement by which they w iu have slaves In every thing but the uarue. Legislation may fix some nominal sum as remuneration for labor, and allow the mas ter to use what coercive measures ho may tjiiuk necessary for compelling that labor. Occasional cases ol trouble between the planter and hL liberated slaves are bought before the courts. It is difficult for (bo former to understand that, since bis laborer has become Lee, be has lost the rights ho formerly (aid of coercing him. Many of them declare that as long us they have negroes on their plantati ns they will enforce the old plantation discipline, and thou when they think they deserve it. Oc casionally, one of them stabs a negro, and is brought before the Provost Court. Postmaster General Dennison has refused to be considered a successor to Senator Sheramaa of Ohio. Gov. Andrew, of Mass , lias determined to retire at the end of his present term. lheWirz Court martial re assembled Au gust 23, or rather anew commission, embrac ing the same members, was appointed. The indictment of Witz, was modified by strikin'* out the names of Sedd-m aud L o as aceom - {dices ot \\ins. Witzs counsel protested against the new tribunal, holding that he eith er ought to be relumed or tried on tue old in dictment. They therefore refused to have anything to do with the case. The Court thru adjourned in order to give the prisoner time to prepare for his defense. An agent is in Washington to make arrange meats tor the emigration of a large number of Poles to Virginia. Only two pa-dons were granted by the President on August 23. * The Stiveyor Generals of Montana aud I)t --kot'di Tenitories reportjbe sinvoy as prir i pally made along the western border ot .Min nesota and on the li g Sioux. The lands are praised as being finely adapted to agricultural and grazing purposes. Too crowds at the White Hons-? continue, notwithstanding the President's reiusal to issue more pardons. The veteiau Reserve Corps is to be consoli dated and a large number of officers will be thus dismissed. The convention between the United S ates of American and the United States ot Colum bia, supplemental to that of September 10:b, lbfi7, has just been proclaimed. It extends for nine months the joint convention heretofore appointed for the examination and adjustment of such claims as were presented, but not hero - tofore settled. A Washington disprtch says non II V Johnson, who was lately pardoned has suc ceeded in obtaining a long private interview with the President. Whatever may be thought ot the disposition of the Southern people it is certain that all the promiuenr ruen from that section, ss well as otheis, represent a general acquiescence in the policy of the President in Regard tv the restoration of the southern States to their constitutional relations to the L nion A man named Lemos and a woman who has been livieir with him, have been arrested by (i o ral II vev’s order at Fort Wayne, Ind au t. on -uspicions that Lemos was a I'onfc ale of-) Wilkes Booth, the President’s Hri. The man and a woman, believed to be ■; «'orrc now taken with him, were in New Uv. n in May last, and an attempt was then u, aie to arrn-t them, but they escaped The v'• jr.t of their movements, as published in a v w llaven panxr, and this fact led to their j,:, ntffiention, tlweiul Hovey’siof rmant serq jr,g him a marked copy, of the Cineinnatti G;sjg z tteto: taming the article, with the nctifi a tio of Lemos’ whereabouts. Some parties t-ndeavored to get Lemos free with a suit of halteas corpus, but failed. The potatoe rot is spreading in the North west. Wet weather is the cause. i hc Postmaster General hits ordered resump tion of did v mail service from Macon to Col i; I,:, us, Atiaata. Chattanooga, and other impor tant points in Georgia by railroad. r..n. Ewell is trying to obtain the pardon i oil.) -wi e, who is quite wealthy. lie says no* liiug about his own, though his appi.cation :is own file. . , T . Ad spatch fom the Hon. J. A. Jason, ol ! ‘u a tltih, from Fort Kearney says an lu j ,) lU a War is ahead, bqt off Irom the overland ! r, ute. Gen* ral Conner is puisuiug them north , v u d Bom Fort Lirame. General Dodge goes j ijnt to Fort Larame. The Indians are stiff ! , port, si watching the overland line. No | •or troops are on the plains than are abso int-ly needed.. Monday night August 21 the>teain:r Ar g*. y No. 3, baviug on board the fceven leiir Ohio R cimeut, three hundred strong, v.e e blown asi. -re near Hatfield’s Landing, eighty M.f s below Louisville, on the Ohio river and exploded Thirty or forty of the soldiers jumped overboard, eight of whom were Uiown. 1. About a dozan persons were {...allied—two or three, it is feared, fatally. i', !v-htuoy the official vote in 108 counties iv * h N alt- Union, -41,070 ; Garrad, Opposition, ; *l-701. Neale’s majority, £lB, Two more ! counties remain to be heard lrorn, Neale is | undoubtedly elected. J he news irom Europe is very unfavorable for the crops there, and considerable damage b been an mined in consequence of the storm. I hero is no room to doubt that England, Fiaacewnd Germany, will be compelled to im p.ut le VelA' from tuis country. lathe south of Russia the crop will he short, end that country will not probably be an exporter to any <xttnt this year. Outhwaicer, Schimer & C.o’s oil refinery, Cincinnati, was'burned, August 23d. Loss s3o* 000. Tne price of coal is advancing in the New York market, strikes in the mining region is the cause. The Mercury at Mount Washington August 22, stood at 28 Ice half an iiJHi tnick. Richmond letter writers say Davis will be taken to lira: city for trial. The authorities have ordered the establish m ; t of soup bouses in the several sub districts of Viigiui.i, for the freed mcU, where they col lect in coi siderable numbeis. Ail rations, ex cept such as can be provided at their own houses, are to ho discontinued. ihe Canadian Government wili remove to Ottowu next moDth, when Parliament will close. Butinesfl in San Frapcisco is on the increase. Since the news of tho Shenandoah’s atrocities whale oil hu3 advanced thirty per cent in Northjym uiaiket-:. The Government machine shops at Norfolk, Va , have been d'seontined. The Government Commissioners to the Grand Indian Couucil has arrived at Leaven wonh. ■& The falling off in the Canadian customs the [ia-L year an compared ‘with the year previ ous is $ 117,(100. A special to New Orleans Times, dated An um 22, says the Mississippi convention'passed an ordinance declarijg the ordii.auceof seces wiop nuli and void. It repeals all thß ordi nances of the Convention of 18(51 except th'o revenue oidinaute, which the Legisfature will act upon. At an informal meeting of the del egates in their individual capacity, a memorial w,pii-seiited, expressed in eloquent terms, pribioiiing President Johnson to extend par iion to Joseph David and Governor Clark, widen was acquiesced in by all present. M<. i u Gen Wright, comjnaadingjthe Depart ment of 'Texas, had lurived at Galveston. New Orleans dates of August 22, quote cot ton at -10 a 43e. Tne woitns aro ravaging (he cotton fields on ihc TallahaUihie tiv. r. The first halo oi Texas cotton received in New Oilcans, raised in Brazos county, sold at oljy. r he p 1 aiders in the vicicity of Lynchburg have discharged all their hands. The cily authorities ol that place have passed an ovdi uauce expelling nil colored persons Who have not been three years residents iu tho place, it is hinted that the government will interfere. Gen. Fremont is at the head of an organiza tion who are about commencing iron mauu lacmre in Missouri. Lata Washington despatches say that of tho 2d,tan) applications lor pardon received it is staied that tho Dissident Las actually pardon ed less than otic hundred. Up to Aug 21, tho total receipts for (ho quarter oi internal revenue up to that date amounted lo"$! 1,970 1)22. G u. Cheatham is iu Washington trying to get. a pardon. A patent lilts just been issued to the State of fowa for 4,(i18 acres, as indemnity lor that quantity ol swamp land iu Montgomery Coun ty of that State, which his been disposal ot by the Uiiitcd States as other public land. According to Hayti advices, the rebels still hold Cape llaytien ; and it is thought they will still continue to hold it. The attempt of foreign cousins to settle matters has (Tiled. Ail accounts from St. Domingo setm to iudi cate the troubles not yet settled between Spain ami the offloads of the island. A Washington dispatch to the Philadelphia inquirer says : “It ts known that Guv. Suur key of Mississippi has failed to keep his prom ises made to President Johnson, either in letter or spirit ; and it is not improbable that his concern may come to a summaiy close before long.” * A s{ ecial to the New York Herald says Judge Loohiauo and other Georgians represent the weak ot recouHruction in Georgia as progress ing satisfactorily to the Union men. Mexico is now being devastated by guerilla warfare. Th finances of the treasury are in a good condition The Secretary can make a further issue of compound treasury notes, if required A grand reception is to be given President Johnson on his visit to Richmond. An attempt will be made iu next Congress to revive the Monroe doctrine. iho French papers talk of “Gen. Shetidan’s threatening demonstrations on Northern Mex ican l.'omier St yen Major Generals, thirty five Brevet M »j >r Generals, and forty-three Brigadier Geu erais are to be mustered out of service. Ihe pardon granted A Dudley, President of Richmond aud \ork river railroad, has been revoked !he Tribune's special notes that General Grant recently remarked that sufficient evi dence. had be. u elicited to convict Mr. Davis . eomplieiiy in President Lincoln’s assassina tion. ana the late of the conspiraio.s retriesthet ot Davis. M j >r Walsh nnl his accomplice are to be force.! to dic-gorge the colored school luud up p: opriate.l in Washington. Bounty brokers and bounty jumpers are bei; g .hummed cut ot service, and imprisoned for t: iee years at hard labor. M ax'm i a i's letter of condol nee on the death of Mr. Lincoln to the Pns dent has been re fused . IK vv seizures of whiskey have been made St Cincinnati and Indianapolis, involving s. v. r:.I million dollars. Mure fi.-hting is expected in Panama. Sterling Price has been made Major Gene ra! liy Maximilian ami empowed to rUse 30, 0 0 men. Every tbing quiet on Rio Grande. Geo. 11. Z atmoD, oi Kentucky, has been ap .P' luted Consul Ipr Denmark. The Nashvi.le stove and tin ware estiblish ment ct Me Dure, Buck & Cos., was burned A-: 28di. L -ss SOO 000. No insurance. ine Suite Department has ordered that pa ri a[ i .tiers against whom no special cha.ges are pending can obtain passports to toreign •“ouuTries on condition they do not return with out lire special permission of the President. Tilt) Shenandoah had destroyed the bark Susan Abigail, near the Gulf Anadair. to j seems the Sustn Abigail La-J San Fraacsc* papers of the 10th July, cc turning acc .ouU- ; of the collapse of the r* beilem, but Waddell ■ would not credit them a tbef camg rom Kcrt&eru pipers, art'; ••-.noonnud Uis intention ; of burning every American vc-?»t-l lie could j find. A ter and the Su. ;*n, tho pirate j went towards Befaang ltra*.t and the Aoic cceftT*. At the 100 of Lawrence Island he burned the ship G n. Wiiiiams, oi New Lon- : don, and the next morumg burned five more j ves.--ei3. ~ It is thought in Washington that Hon. A H. Stephens will be relt **• and. It is said G.m Lee wid avail himself of a recent order and leave the copfftry. Our officers on Die Rio Grande expect to see lively times before they leave toat section. Young Ketchum has been arrested in New Yoik. He hasjiiad an interview with his father, triecds and victims. The latter will mite up a statement sofl(| Pieston King and G* n. Vv'alker have gone to Europe. Gov. Moon is still in Cuba, await ing Washington orders. Magrnder is iu .Yiexi C' : The steamer Brother Jonathan f{ora Sin Francisco, for P -ctland, Oregon and Victoria, with between 200 act! 500 passengers, was to tally i.-.«t ueat Camp Linc.dD, Oregon, on the 30th- July. Only lourieen men and one wo man were saved. Among tie passengers weie !J -iig.tO'n Wilgbt and family, Lieut, Capt Ohaddock o! lha R venue Service. Geu Wright, was en take command of the Department of Columbia., Gen. Ros.ecrnns received a most eutkuY.astic welcome .in A..11 Fracciseo. Many of the bmi'heru wca in Washicgton believe that the transition from free to slave iabojsin the South wlii work better than iiist represented- Upwards of ft fly Government pensioners at the South l ave applied for the renewal oi their pensions which had been stopped by tho war, but only three have been granted New pen sion agents ate soon to be appointed in the Southi rrt Stales. Lieut. Col. Biney the paymaster of the de partment of Virginia, has been ordered to Washington to an.- wer to seine questionable transaction?, cut oi which he ir , reported to have m; tie from ddity to fifty tlfe*is uid dollar:, A Coustai.litu pie correepundent of tho N’. Y. Tribune under date of Aug. 2, states deaths from cholera amount to about six hundred per d--y. Parties have been arrested in Virginia who had committed to their charge during tho-last, day a of the yyar about SBO,OOO of Government gold. They claim they have spent most of it. The railroad between Brazos and Brownsville, Texas, is being laid. The telegraph line be tween the two places will be finished in a few days. The Pacific Warehouse in San Francisco, was destroyed by fire August 2. Loss a quar ter of a million. The operations of (he Indians tends to stop telegraphic communt* aiipa wMu California, they cut aud carry off Die wires. L is now ascertained that the extent of the abstraction of funds, combined with the for gery of gold checks by Ketchum, aggregate $4,200,000. An office, to procure white labor from Eu rope, has been opened in Mobile. Cotton ceases to come into ShrevesporL owing to the seizure by the military of nearly ai! that arrive?.. Complaints are becoming general in Louis iana in regard to the non-fulfilment of cou tuicfs made by the'freed men. Biowiisviile Texas is growing amazingly luciative. Trade . lias commenced with the Mexican rnnohercs on the Upper Rio Grande The steamrhip Francis. B. Catting cleared* from Mobile for Liveipool with a cotton cargo valued at s'lßo,ooo, being the first c into ship ped irom Mobile lor a foreign port since its aceiipaiion. t Gju. Woods has issued an order forbidding the removal oi cotton, in Alabama, from ihc planfations or warehouses for the present. Gov. Parsons of Alt, has proclaimed against cotton and horse etoaliug. and is providing for re organization and the sitting us courts. The bureau ot pinions has been organized Hou. J. WiVoa is at the head. The rooms for the cieiks will uc in the White House, if pos sible. Hereafter the vacancies in the government printing house at Washington which can he filled with women will be filh.ql with the widows and orphans af soldiers. It is suggested that military courts will soon he established iu Maryland tuprotect the rights oi fr< odmen. But eight prisoners ate now confined in the old capital prison, Washington. The rumor that President Johnson and ChiH Justice Chant have consulted in regard to Mr Davis is pronounc' and incorrect. Secretary Stauton is taking a vacation from Washington of a week ur two duration. Consular reports from Europe state that the cholera is Steadily advancing westward. ThoCre.asury Department .has f »vwarded the Fist of the seven thirty loan notes to the subscribers. Capt. Thornton A. J. whins has been ap pointed Chief of the BtireJu of Navigatidß* in the Navy Department. Gen. Wheeler has been testifying iu defence of Champ Ferguson at Nashville. Trains .of artillery continue to arrive at Brownsvijle, Texas. News from Mexico give.accounts of Imperial disa:.*ers. The recall of the Papal Nuncio, by the Pope, from Mexico caused a great e. n-jiuon among the clergymen, who are also openly opposed to the Emperor. The Union party claim that they will carry lowa this tall by thirty thousand majority. The Fisk expedition to Yellow Stone liver will not start this fall, for want of a military escort. Counterfeit collar greenbacks have made their appearance at the North. It is said that James A. Seddon and Goa. Lee’s names were stricken out ot the Were in dictment at the solicitation of Gen. Grunt. Both the cotton und corn crops iu many sections of Tennessee are unpromising. QanFons have bom placed in several sec tions of Arkansas to protect freed men- The Presidents or Superintendents' of rail— ‘reads hr the Gulf Stab are now trying to re place their worn out. rolling stock by purohas ing that used by the U S, military railroads during the war. They have no money and no credit in the general market, and are therefore trying to buy on time . Wall street New York is recovering from late defalcations." Major Gen. Mesde, accompanied by Brevet Major Gen-Web.-ter, inspector Genetal ; Col. BatcUefiler, Q. uretermaster, and Lieut. Cos!. Meade, Aid da Uarnp, are now on a miiitaiy lour of inspection through the Departments of Virginia, North Carolina, and .-South Carolina. Gov. Parsons, of Alabama, has telegraphed to tho President to au-v-md all peutions lor pardon recommended by him prior to August 22. It is not known what prompted the move ment, but it is believed to have some connec tion with the arrival iu Wa.-hir.gtou of u large number of pardon seeking Alabamians. Ic is stated iu well iuforme i circles that tho Government will arrest and hold tor trial the lsad ere o! the rebellion, and p redon all others by proclamation.. ' It is generally believed that our Government will oppose by diplomacy the aggressions oi Spain upon St Domi - go, and perhaps with string measures. A large party of Swedes have arrived in Richmond. They will settle uii tho Upper James Everything Is reported quiet throughout Virginia at present. A lame sv zuro cf whiskey has beeen made a*- Williamsburg, LI- for non payment of du ties. A remarkable forgery and robbery has'coaie to light m New York. One George Gladwin obtained $2u4,000 in railway bonds of one of Die clerks ot the St. Nicholas- Hotel on r. lour ed order, and a No. us-d a cheek tor nearly $4,000 ou a b cue >u that city with a forged iu dorremenb He was urres'ed j a New llaven Conn., aud at mice c- ntresed Ids guilt. Wiiz, keeper ot Audefsonviiie priion. has plead not^ui.ty. Gen. Grant is expected in Washington soon to attend to official badness. The number of while troops retained to con stitute the Regular Army wilt number 125,000 men. a Washington dispatch says, reports of the destitution in the Southern States are fully con firmed by the observations of the Special Pro vest Marshal of the War Department, wno has | p i returned from a brief trip through the S- uUiem States, whither he went on official business. J--bn Mitchell is now allowed to take open air < xereise at Fortress Monroe, atteaded with a quart]. • ihe statistics of Bj3ton Post Office for the fiscal year, ending June 30, 18C5. show a-stet profit all of S34B,S‘Jt) for the Govern ment-. The community at Pittsburg, Va., is much excited by the discovery of a horrid murder * also by a poisoning case —p which two persons have died. Several millions of doilar.s worth of whis kev have b-’en seized by revenue officers at Cincinnati. The Austin, Texas Inh-llmeccer give accounts of horrible viliian barharities on the lrontier. Robbers continue on public roads, and horse stealing is carried oa The Austin San An tonio llerahi et-.tes daring and fiendish depre dations; and cold blooded murders co>mmitt,ed by Indians, near Fredericksburg. Gen. Mer ritt lias taken steps towards the speedy pun bfiment of the guilty parties, detachments ol his cavahy being sent cut to scout the gwhole country, A destructive fire in l niontown, Art. f ae stroyed the entire bnsine.-s portion of the town. A call is | üblished in the Louisville paper j for a National tobacco Convention, to meet | in that city on tho second Wednesday in Sep tember. The Ct mmissionev of Intern®.! Revenue has | made the annexed decisions: That vessels are | uot regarded as merchandise within the mean ling of section ninety nine of the act of Juae‘ 30tb, 1864 Land the tax of one-eighth of one per cent, imposed by said s ction upon the salt sos merchandise is not to be assessed on the sale of vessels. In regard to dividends, ilie Commissioner has made the following de cioion : It is held by ilrs office that- all divi dends declaied by any of the institutions men tioned in section No. 120 of the excise law j-ir.cs the first day of July, 1864, are subject to the tax of five per without regard to the time when the profits upon v.hich such divi dends are based were earne t. The N. Y. Gerald’s Quebec correspondent eays Canadians have already, to a certain ex tent, miterated the proceedings which their delegates in the Datriot Commercial Conven tion said would be tho result of the non remo val by the United [States ot the reciprocity treat)-. This was nothing less than throwing open their ports along the border and en couraging smuggling. Snuggling is now carrier! on to an almost unlimited extent along the frontier, aud it is said with the knowledge of the Canadian'ministry. A correspondent des vibes the condition of the province as very unpromising. Taxes aud other burdens are so heavy, aud the crop prospect is so poor, that thousands of the inhabitants have at * etdy sold cut aud emigrated to the far West. Real estate has fallen fifteen percept, in value within the pa s t eighteen months, and it is estimated that in the city of Toronto alone there are 1,- . 300 empty tenements, Gen. Slocum has shut down by peremptory order on Gov, Sharkey’s proj -ct for focal ui ti tary organization to put down jay hawkers in Misissippi, • . * Two ’cat-goes of coolies have bean imported into Panama. A private letter says the Japanese Govern • had ceded hull an acre of land on the canal at Tide Water, for.a coal depot for the prospected California and China steamship Company. The Shanghai thorough clean ing of the city, of the Russian plague. A Fort Taramie dispatch of August 25, states that the Indians are alt moving North with great rapidiiy. Young Ketchum was -arrainged August 28. The case was postponed until Monday. Gen. Thomas has Beverly reprimanded Cos). Blucaburn and Captain Quinn, for their coward ly and uncfficeriike attack oa Gen. Wheeler, at Nashville, and promised them a court raar ‘ tial if they had not been mustered out the service. Ex-Congressman George 11. Yeatman of Ky , hits been appointed Minister to Denmark. The number of Public animals sold thus far amount to 25,000. Amount realized $4,00,- 000. THE MISSISSIPPI CONVENTION. A dispatch to N, O. Times dated Jackson ..ugust 23, says the Mississippi State Cenven tiot adopted an ordinance ratifying all -laws and official acts passed since the State’s seces sion, not repugnant to the Constitution of the United Ptates and of Mississippi prior to Janu ary, 1861, except laws concerning crimes, and acts enabling railroads to pay monies borrow ed by them; repeals all £laws authorizing the payment of dues to lftc State in Cob federate scup, and distillation of spirits on Sta e ao county ; ratifies all official acts, proceedings, judgments, decrees, &j., cl the several courts, wan aU sales made by administiatiori and olli ers acting in judicial capacity ; authorizes ex ecutors aud others to compromise with persons against whom they hold notes as to lha real value of tho property for which such notes were given ; author z»s paioi testimony to bo taken to prove whether or uot contracts con templated sjejie or currency ; ratified allmar aiages consummated since January 1861. Gov. Sharkey ' ommunicattd a telegram, from President Johnson, congratulating the convention on the progress uakiuar in paving the way to re-admission into the Un on. Ait obstacles will ba removed; says he will restore iltc writ of ‘habeas corpus and remove the troops at* he earliest moment, when the State makes sufficient progress to have entirely re turned to allegiance. Hopes the example of Mississippi will be followed by other States. Judge E. S. Fisher was nominated for Gov ernor, aud the Convention then adjourned, sine (lie. OHIO DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. The Democratic Convention assembled at Columbus, August 24, aud organized by elect ing iUifus P. Rannoy, President. The follow ing ticket was nominated : For Governor, Gen. Geo. W. Morgan ; Lieutenant Governor, William Long ; Supreme Judges, P. Van frump and Thomas M. Key ; State Treasurer, ' Wilson ; Scinarf Commissioner, H. 11. Btirny ; Board ot Public Works, O. Basil ; Clerk ol the Supreme Court, D. S Donuor. The resolutit ns oppose a consolidation of all power in the Federal Government, and main; ta.u the do’clriue of ,si; t te Rights as laid dowtl in the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 17!>S ; declared that the ordinances of seces sion being void the Southern States are still in the Union as States, and entitled .to all the re seived rights and to their due representation in Congress. They denounce all efforts to con fer the light Os suffrage, and discourage negro immigiation into the State. They compliment the soldiers on their valor and lortitude ; re paid the national debt as a national corse; demmd the exercise of the most rigid econo my ; recommended that the national taxes be col'ectc-d by the county treasurers, as far as possible ; that the militia commutation"tax be repealed ; denounced the arrest of citizens by military authority in States where the civil tribunals haye been unmolested ; declare that the cout nutd suspension of the habeas corpus since the termination of tho war. the denial ot right of trial by jury, . and interference with elections, as iu recent instances in Kentucky and Tennessee, are revolutionary violence cK lire Constitution. The last -resolution declares that, while we will .resolutely condemn all infractions of the Constitution, and while Gen. Sherman’s -acts ih April )a-t were not at once the Federal Executive,'we will nevertheless stand by President Johnson in all Caastitutional ef forts Jo restore to the State the exercise of thqir rights and powers within tho Union. — Speeches were made by General Morgan, Yal* landingham. STw Orleany Market—August 24. Cottoa sales 1,750 bales. Prices unchanged; weeks sales 15,000 bales ; weeks exports 17,000 bales; stock 90.000 bales. Sugar house mo rasses dull and drooping. Freights jto I^. *“t. L«;ui* Marker—Aegust 2S.t Receipt of cotton 94 b lies ; flour 9 to 11£ ; oats 40, new crop 55 : tobacco lugs lower; bee' steady. T t ri et—August 23. C ttoa 4S, flour without important change also wi?isky, wheat advanced 2 cents but closed witJi downward tendency; corn un changed; coffee quiet and firm; sugar 12£ to 14 cents; pork $32 SC ; sterling 9J; gold Tis, gove.nment sic-aka firm, S'*. r • - - -r* - t- 4-•£ -'* *«.-* i-a-.G *••£_'.4 itsfc.tGate 4 is- t" •- k u i t • Y.a.* OTiTS OF GEORGIA. COLUMBIA tOUfcTT. ft Wh reas the estate f T vi BiaU » m . pi-.f -t.-d: | These arc tuereturc to cito aud admouith, a.: aud siugu ai the I kindred aud creiitois of said deceased, to be and appear at my | office wi:ulu the time pres .nbed by w , re si: w cauae. if *i 7 1 they have, why saM letters ot uJmh*DtrA*ion should not he granted to the C*c.k of heper.or Couxl etf ta.u county, or so.oe other fl t aud proper poison. Given under mv hand aud official signature at office in Ap rdiug, this 7»a uar of Jury, 1865. __ . „ „ .. jj 7 6w29 W, tV HILL 'S, t ( rc*v. CITATfi OF GEORGIA. COLUMBIA COU - l'X ft Wh reas tnefttiteoi Joh, s' Young, suit presented: t hese te there!, ‘re to cite and admonish, all an 1 singular the kindred .cad ereddurs o! said deceased, to oe and appear at my office within the 1 me pre.-c.ibed by law, to show cause, ii any they have, why said letters of ad.niulsir.luou should n< t be granted to Oi-.rk O: Superior Court of sai t couacy, or acme otuer hi and pr -pet pers-.n Given ur.! rmy hand and official signature, at office in Ap p'ing, Till and iv of Juiy. ISA. j,Tow9 ' \V W. SHIELDS. Oru’y. ilO i'it'L ______ JSUSSJITtttiiv tVo'IGE. All persona indebted to the Fs'ate of Waters Dunn, ia c .of Go a mb'a c uinty dec ased. Era r. q rested to make pay ment to the undo signed, and those havli g claims against a »id Estate-ire notified ti them, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law, pyop nv .ues-e.l E.MC U CORU, } Adminlslratoia. TkTCTICE. Xs All p rsns indebted to the Estate of J. I’. McCord, lute ot Columbia Countv. de eased, are requested to make iinmedi te payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against said estate, will present them within the- time ioedby law, properly attested. y E. & Z MoCOUD, iy7«29 Administrators de boots non. CITATIONS FOii LEfTERS DISMISSOKY. CtTATE OF GEORGI A, RICHMOND COUNTY. C? VVliereas, Jouu J Clayton, ot Wiley M. i yt .11. minor, (now of nge ) appli s to me for letters of Dismission. These are thcr fore to cite and admonish a' 1 , and singular the kindred aud tr emis of said minor, to be and appear at my office, 00 or before the liret Monday in •September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said h Stirs should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signatu#, it office in Au guste., this till day of July, 1865. iy? 2iw iam y DAVID L. ROATH, Ordinary. Ct C ATE OF Gfi >RGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY, ft Whereas hbimuel N Yomg'lood, guardian of Sarah A- Bussey, (i.w Mirali a. Dmst ) applies to me for Letters oi Dismission These are therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the .kindred aud fiends ol said minor, t > be aul appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in •- cpteni! s next, to show cause, if guy they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under ray hand and official signature, at offiejin Au gust, tills 3., day of July, 1u65. - DAVID L. ROATH, jy7 SCw lam2S Ordinary.. (CT ATKOB r GEuiIUIA, RICHMOND COUNT A . ~ Whereas, Wil.iam Mackie, Administrator on the Estate of James 10, Mackie, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis mission ; Tnese are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the. kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, on or before- the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office n Au gusta, this 3d day ot April, 131i5. DAVID L. ROATH, Ord’y. April 0,1805. Omlamlo CT A T EOF GEORGIA, KiCHMON D CO U N I Y. ~ Q VUierees, George Da via administia’or 011 the estate ol David W. Tuilej, deceased, applies o me forletteia fdismls si u These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular the kuulred and credit rsof said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in r-eptember next, to show cause, If any they have, why said Letters shoqUi not be granted. Given under my hand fhd official signature, at officein Au gusta, this Bth yQt February, 1865. !V“ lo atiwli!u7 DAVID L. KOATII, Ordinary. Ct TATE OF GEORGI A, RICHMOND COUNTY. Ed Whereas Josep'i H. spears. guardian of Catherine E. Spears, minor (now of age) applies to me fir Letters of dismis sion. These are therefore, to cite and admonish alt, and singular the kindred and friends of said miner, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any ih y have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Au gusta, this sth day of (September, 1364. DAVID L. ROATH, sep7 26w1wu37 Ordinary. OTATE UF GEO'tGl 1, COLUMBIA COUNT i if} Whereas, B. F. B dton, Administrator ou me estate of R. M. Bo.tou, deceased, applies to me for Getters of Dismission: These are therefore to cite ahd admonish all and singular t.he kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at my office, wiihiu the ;irae prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the said appli cant. Given under my hand „«id official signature, at office in Ap pling, this4Uiaay of October, 1364. oct7 26wiain4i V/. W. SHIELD*. Ordinary, CtTATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNT i! [3 hereas, Beinjamiu F Had 1 dminlslrator on the Ej late of E izmeth ashingt ai, deceas-<l, applies to me for letters 1 f dismlssion- Thesea e therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred aud creditors of said dace sand, to lis aad aj pear at my office, on or before the first Monday in September next, to sho w c mse. if any they have, way said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official slguat.ure at office in Au gusta, Ulis "thdiy of February, 1865. DAVID L. ROATH, feb 8 2Gwlam7 . - Ordinal y. ST"TKOFGK )RGI A, RICHMOND 1 OUNTY v hereas, .tackson Vladdox Administrator on the Estate of Lydia Crawford, Alias t.yuia Buck, d.ceased, applies to me for letters of dismission. these »re therefore, to cite and admonish ali and singula:, the ki -aired and creditors o> said deceased, to be and appear at ««iy offici. on or before the first Monday in .September neat, to 'imow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given und -f my hand and official signature at office iu Au gusta, this 7ih day of February, 1805. DAVID L. ROATH, feb 826 w taml Ordinary. TA’I E OF GEORGIA; CoGUMB-a . OuFl'i. Whereas, Middleton F-irish, administrator on the estate of Henry Radford, deceased, appfias to me for letters of oU mi 'Siou ; These are therefore to cite and admonish ail sirtgularthe kin 'red and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not to granted the said appli canr.. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Ap pling, this 21st day ol%ebruary, 1805. W. W. SHIELDS. feb2s 26wlam9 Ordinary. OTATE OF GEORGIA, RI fill JND COUNTY. Jo a heretts, George Davis, Administrator ou the Es’ate 0 David W.Tihley,decease .applies to me for letters of dis m ssion. These are the r.fore to cite and a.lmonl-ib, a’l and singular, the kindred an 1 c-,Uitors uftaid doc» ised, to be and appear at my office, on or before the list Monday in i-eptember next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aid ofllJal signature at office in Au gusta, this 8!h -ay of February, 1865, DAVID L. ROATH, feb 9 26w lam 7 Ordinary. hi I ATE <# GEORGIA, OGLETHORI’E COUATi: Wli. reas, Calvin H. Steel, Executor on the estate ol Larkin T. Rent, deceased, makes application for fetters 01 il smissiou 1 rom said ex-catoisn.p: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and irieirtsof said decerned to be amt appear at my offlc", within the Mine prescribed by law, to show cause, if auy they have, why said letters should not tie granted. Given under my hand aud official signature, this 15th day ol March, 1805. E. O. ttIIAOKELF OKL>, mhlß 26wi2 Ordinary. a TATE OF GEORGIA, OGLE l'llOKfiS cOuim. ft Whereas, James F. O’KeUcv, ad ninistnator on the estate ot JamesO’lCchey,deeeased, makes application lor letters ol dismission from said administration: ■J hose are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he ami appear a f my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted said "**Si veuunder my hand and official signature St office in Lex ineton this 10thday ot March, 1805. mhlS 26 wU ID. C,HACK EL FORD, Odinnrv. TATE OF GEORGIA, OGLKi'HORi'E (JoOn i 1. w'hereas, a IreJ J . Stewart, administrator on the Estate ot Thomas A. Stewart, deceased, makes application for letters of disraiS3ion fr nn said administration : These are therefore to cite aud admonish, all and singular the kindred ami creditors al said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be grant- Lt Given under my hand and official signatare this 15th day oi rjTATE OF GEORGIA, COLUMBIA OOUNT k . ft Whereas, Mrs JVaney Culpepper. Administratrix on the estate ol W. W. Culpepper, deceased, applies lome for let t-rs of dismissien: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and 6ingularthe Mnd ed and creditors of said dec used, to he and appeal at my office within the time prescribed by iaw, aud show cause, if any they have, why saiu letters,-Would not be granted to the sale a *Giyen under my hand and official signature, at office, In Ap Tiling this 2 Lst day of February, 1865. P feb242iw9 W. W. SHlELDS.Ordinary. estate of Georgia Columbia county. » Whereas, ate of WFu iiu is unrepresented; j'hese are ther-fore to oise and-admotlsh all and fiaguiar 1 he. kindred end credit nos said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, lo show cause, if any they have, why said letters 0. adm lustration should not be granted toCleik of Superior Court of said county, or some cittier fir and proper nersm. G venuid-=r my hand and ffieial figaa'.ure at office, in Ap ■ uling. this 27th day of June, 1865. pll -W W SHIELDS, Jy2S6w27 * ordinary. BY virtue ot an order from Uie Hono >tbU ‘he Oourt o OrJintry of Columbia county, will be «old before the srour* H >use door at Ailing, ia ra.ti county, between the le ira' liou r s of on the Ist Tuesday lu June next, the tollay in2D'".partv, viz; Filty tbreeac-e3 or .Lat.d, sdjoinjcg lands ofOolliM Lvek nandK ox; also, two hundred aces, more or leas adjoining Un sd Ur Smith and Geo. \V. Kvane—also the following neg osa, vU: 0;d Fanny, Frances, an-' lierthiee eni d'cu, O.cCiV, Young 1 anay, and her four children. Terms on dry of aale. WIHJD, mavio 6wl'3 ndinr. ‘ AUiIUIaTHVIIOi'V HALK. 1Y miruancenf the 'ast Will and Testament of Sat ah P.o's, ‘late of Columbia county, deceased will be sohl at the late reg 'en r e jf said deceased, on We-nesdav, June 14th, the Plantation of said deceas-d. contain o« live hnndred end twe- ty acres of land, including the grow ng crop on ea‘<l f -rra whichi# in go and order Also the perishable property of said deceased, consistr g of corn, todd r, whea% horses, c e'e, bogs w gi>L«, Blacksmith and p!a'tation tool”, and alloi her ar iceau ed o-t a ia-m SaM plantation is situ ted ten nines north of Th omson, on ft. &<■ eto continue from day to day till all is told. Terms on day of sale, iromuaj o. 8. MORKISS, may 10 6w2) Adm’r with will annexed. BOOKS,i’AMIBLEIS, Ml'lC, BOISD IS A»V STYLE.* AT TH2 OFFCE OF THE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL PAYMASTER’S BLANKS. PAYMASTER'S BLANKS of every description, neatly and romptly pr uted, on reasouaole urisi, at the tffis* L, • TM] 1 CHRONICLE & SENTINEL JUO Ji I.JY. YX WA 1 l!lUUl Is one oi tlie • Largest in the Country. * **“**** * iJ * nrrsrmmmMm - ■ ayyirj. < mmm wpi =if m "WE ABE PHEFAIifeD TO EXECUTE! IN VUE BESST iV£ ikMKTEII, AT * Ql-TiT Vi>T Ni r AND ON tr Book Printing, Pamplilets, Sermons, Mdresses, Catalogues, Reports, ' . JOB - WORK? OF ■ ffwov. t|ti o h"r“i PTION - Sncli as Posters, Handbills, Concert Bills, Auction Bills, Programmes for Concerts and Exhibitions, Circulars, Envelopes, Druggists’ Labels, Blanks, Bill-Heads, • i EXECUTED PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND ON THIS IjOWESW BY 1113 UJE OF STEAM ANO THE BEST @F PHIS' PRESSES, 111 kinds of work used fey Book Publishers* ill kinds of work used by Manufacturers, 111 kinds of work used fey Banks, ill kinds of work used fey Insurance Companies, * 11! kinds of work used fey Railroad Companies, 111 kinds of work used fey Steamboat Cmn£&ii!€B, ill kinds of work used by Joint Stock f omfmnks, All kinds of work used fey Merchants, All kinds of work used fey Mechanics, 111 kinds of woak used by Lawyers, All kinds of work used fey Travelling Exli'aitisafi, All kinds of work used fey Patent Medicine Dealers, All kind of work used fey Professional Men, &c«, Can and will be furnished AS GOOD AND CHEAP SAS AT AAY OFFICE IA T TME COUNTRY.? eppßMMcMiijinwi i"l «PT’ I* I n lit *«iU!m^i%u3iatm*&*tr&e!Wxat WE ARE CERTAIN WE CAN PHASE ALL Who will favor us with TMBXH ALL IS Wt NT OF Any Kind of Printing By-Laws and Constitu* tions oi Societies, Printing from Stereo typed Plates, Court Pockets, Briefs, &(i Blank Bills and Notes, Bills of Lading, Bank Checks, Business Cards, Direction fiUJtls. Visiting Cards, JiOGulb, Bills of Fare, Fancy Job Printing, Printing iu Colors, Bronze Printing, &c.