Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, October 04, 1865, Image 3

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KEAY* M ';>! V-Y fvw? conrOy b A' >rn t hut crc i.« reprc- ; Wilted in tbe to ite C •' To* ie Dm at ; .t of A”- 1 any Cos, Va , thirt < n in.: er i« c -r.;. cf eoldler?. The peoplb of some cf too cov.m:. * in Yir- j ginii? •'e rr nz'':'l t r po . ty. York llot u: . c w. J to over- i flowincr. It !.i c- 1 :' • ’ : ablj ba the <h i t.i ~e c . c i licans. More good* vreru «M i N v ' -.k during j tbe tnoutb ending ; r 12, ;r: over be- | loro known. Win. 11. per of O.cirr tii. k"nested' thecffice<: Obin Slat . uur. If tbe Cabin- ‘ia »-• o •mill !. i l ie bin' and there wi : l It bt-: if • r ii . . Tbe “con-druoiion corps' o. tub United Slated i= to bo hr- 1 : Tbe fain u.i A ! ibam.i g riiia Gatewood, it In Mexico. Toe leiii)' t«eo rifiary v.lll toon be glv n tip to tie civ l nit in.. I. ». •Some Ui inip . liut• . - * i«‘ • “a ' n Me tir o are re; ■ ■ , t! Toe churchm in K«.r.tu ; ky ar- len trr ken up by-political« it< u- < >■<. A New Yv>ik yi. >• shOoO cam- ; ages from u (tint ■;- - . *'S b.«r to Bea cb under ur.ja . •’> Bi plats a • i ">n i • •’ • : qtiont (ban agr.-eable in Chari ton. , nth t w'-Dt-a. ‘There a and around M*r , U Tbe net can. of the Richmond ond Dan vll: c liittread tor the '■'•o if.i ■? ■ < and wi ie $ (10,000 Tuo St.’ Mcicb. • ■ ate making an or ganiz-ul t,ffnt to impottot: ft in Form';*. Waebii gton letter-wrii 1 crowded wilk . u.i• ■ ■ r,. i-• b r’.i « oil as gen tlemen. Three eoldit r.i, j-u -wed to- , cine pato* at INaahville, jump.-d ; n b-’.’k rixty fculh»gb into them ,u: and i. t! S tine oi ti.e :•. - mb,.-.,. <ihlivee are dem kuding that tl. ir : ou.a of 1 inr be icriuocd j from thi: t«*<: to > ■ i The military pr. • ; i \ ’■ i ’»> wt ■■■- tiaries of tbe Nori'i b ..c *. .. ..nd are being disci.ui •<!. , Many of the Kouihv.n I£U.l-cnrl• have pur chased utock a! t. . ice- ■ L t ' of engines au.l ca . Oil huH been di•••<>• and ;u Ciiero’. e and Ht. Clair couuti* : j , A'- m Six tboiH.tßi' ■>■ '■ ' I» *fß b n >bippid from • w * to Ureal Britain. •CauHo, cit tie di.- . in;.- • « There aas a In avy a cci oi an carl! 'ju-.lai ut Porto ilie i tiep .■* 1 Hi t whole In land was utiaken- A wiTifM who tee'ifi -1 i'ecei,..iy I- foie the military conn:.l.-vi'tn at l-e LvU ri, »• w 'eying tbe eteumbeat Lnmei , ; .uml ‘ut L-i wiit t > Richmond witti two of and e guii v jt •, i .and had en interview w i S U !'>;•. j -m*n ond JDavis, and that licij i.;. p. cd if een,.,.ini-vis Js&OOOO in gold io. : et i- -oi at St. liuuiri, and the i:;e Sica! d 1 p >t at L ,ai;-.viU«S‘ The tcgalai army ot t: l >.!e iS , • C"!i faion forty three «>i ;*.H afins, e.n-1 i. la understood that t ■ i .. i..vv>is an increase of forty Kg in ’iit h of the ii:.-. (Jen Sterling l’. ice, when I ant heard from was la Mexico. The iwtw It'D e- ut f. tctirii. .! • urr is < *r culatiug. 'i’i.B f • •.t ;■ u ir 4 an thi; old tens, and ifi •••; u.• t. au tho • 1 .fi t ff taint blip i Upon, imt iOf L.‘ t v.od.ifik.n la ad us V/abhii g on, vfith s.u-.iory ohiiniK-y, and it eLip’a rigging o, i-ifi;* f * do, -.v.ui li.r.oa ton. in pill, iu lour | ’ tiio Buck id ol A 'Ctl Color, imd I lio i 'lire ton l.» m large psit. Ley Bie prinlid on i uik i oto j) p» r, i iid prom.-es to be more tiunfi in i. an iiio j r ■ cuneocy. It is • aid tic- F I it Av iiuo liuit-l has ctoured $175 000 curing tint ; i t\v, .voiitouinn. The United hint*.a L"'s couftn< ; r.ccd confiscating !<*«»;••« riy In .at /■ large amount of valniiid-'' j«« porly in Aieuigonteiy hau already ben libtd.-ed. t Heavy rrfi»f. d< h:.. ..real damage i,av?fali«i in HOUM'UK fiOC“ < ' *■ n :r«>. Gan. Sheri lan has returned from 1\ xis lo iNew Gricicns. Thousand* oi' ft* e colored i c-ple aro cop iryfgiiting iiiand ntoui'.d tbo igrgo lowdb in Eatit Temieryt'C. A Pm.k A to ho orgairz- 4 at C!»al tnnooga. Si v<.'’tl ut- a ltd tuo m.ti'g Clc©ted ; In this vioir.ily . . fnv "}' Judge I.:■ rttui e. J ik s the gronud that that Btißu Bov<-i t- 1 «•*! i. in ibo. I. liion. The Tciiiiu tfu-1.. . o. uo.v iu ew:sic-u at Ni iihviii©. Tennessee has !:<•( n <• -'tiiid into eight H-ter ual K venue (J. i!< t lu' D: trcte. Several vessels 1;. v. itv. ..i.v been wrecked liy slouns clt Capo Cod, imd u i.uuil- r ol livt-^i lost. r It is understood lint Gov. Perry, ol South C*tolini , ,'»ill be a candidate for ‘ the U. S Senate. A line of steamers between Charleston and Baltimore is iaik<d of. Gen. Saxton has dotormmod -to reside in Charleston he ouf'< r. Tlio touago on the " dorn rivcis i.s now larger than ever befoie K ..wit. k|The Clarksville,- Team sue, Chronicle has been suppressed a si t ■ < taken t>« h aJr villo to be tried for treason. t Tho Onnt \VY, .rn U .i-vay of Canada* is constructing a boat to le y trams accoos the Detroit river. During tho «t,t l. gliding w< ‘ ■ r 23, at the Port of New, tie. :na:. r‘ i-ntmv ninounteil ie> *5,002 ;>O, is a. a iho lU tries ol S 2 757,226, ■ te.-' v •■i* 2 ■ •»'«'. -I he .export n enrono . i>! t.vr.i: *> < (•"e.'nco atiiontd $3,704,473, agamsi •.■•.1." si tv.tun v.aek last year. The -«•>:i <1 • « i ■ .ac.o amounts •to $60,012, uaiii: .. 1 285,f>51 same • wtek last your, riu: custom t <• th<* vve-k are $2,- 99d,8i:i The number or ou. vat p -sciigeiv arrived during during the \\- oL e c -'<>3. A company f.uen ! •, ie, ; i.i New Yor k City to import a uuu.Kt < • onmeki to this , couutry. o bn teed for t*-iGsp' v:alien ou the Western p ains next t-mutticr. The Charleston pn;;cre e y I- tt the loss ol tons of the District ic.-.nida in that 'sa e will cause great; .convenience I’U-l'ni’ich liti gation. Ibo Moravian brought the news of the a- aih <Jcneral 0. L. L. Jatl. 11H •'• Latum», formerly a promiuent General in A ge m, turd latterly Coi«>mar.>:er hi Ob’,cl ot Uui Innl at my. lu 1860 j,« was («*iV d* vl by h:- tor Emanuel’s troop". •C■ ■ ' rdo and sine, then lived in lie was bom at Nl tnte«, belt. (>, 1806, nl v. : - -theroloro nearly 4io years of age at the time ol hi ' -t-b. At the minor courts ol G 1 many there i re vails a great dr al of nut . dis sat is tac tion, since the conclu -ton ci ti «: G u U in treaty. All the plots aud counter \>. - : Piordten and I3eust, the Uavsra'i ri-d b. x u lv, unere, have jirovod to beau inter ia uro. It id said that tb« Papal mthorties hare de cided to "hold « gland coniine mcraii-, u <1 the martyrdom<f St Peter, next year, oa ibe eighteen hundredth anniversary of that event. France, Spain and Sur ;u;.i arc in council endeavoring to fix u.i the tern petal r.tYitrs of the Pope. It la qvi lent Franr w uts to give up the protection of Italy to Victor t.maniu i The Anti Catholic party l ava carried the day in Spain. Tho church property is 1-' he «o!d and tj>e orecced? civ n i-.> common schools. The new debt oi iho 1* •mto w jturanteod by Victor Emanuel. *• The French army at present consists i>f over 400,000 men. The government of Italy supports new with large turns tiie excavation of Ponieeli, wb<eh promts-, s to be by far in re \ eav-a of an cient treasures than the exe.u a.:ion of liar -a - ianeum. Pompeiibad irga i-:b oie.u aud the antiquarians hop- a V t n. vn. tr. .•. $ of ti classical literature will be luxnulu to light again. In Austria f'Teryib’.iig is t■ ti'• 1 ; n sur ,une The n'ew Cabinet it no'. yet i-. able to p.-.b lish a program.'. The lmpe; i-il treasury is empty, and uo one knows he-.v Count i.arish manages to defray the expenses. A gentleman by the name x»f Perer. is en gaged iu excavating Scluut, on? e* v * V.-..-r Grecian colonies iu Italy, lie has already ’or warded to the Royal Museums some treasures of exquisite Grecian At Hogaen is, in Swoh n, re eral petroleum ■wells have Been discovcy.-d. <*ad wealthy com panies have been organized to wotk them In Norway flour is now ux;n : >:nctured out of codfish; it is vety nutritious and peculiarly pdopted for ioug sear.pages. Latest News B'xr a-EX.Eca-B.^v.i’K. KBOtl YABIOCS fcOCUCES. A Mias Highland, a teacher in Ilmniba), Mo., has been arrested for following her pro f.on withoat taking the oath. Pjj a er Miller, tlie Catholic clergyman who . :irn . ted at Jtlf-reoa City, Me., lor officia img without taking the oath has liven arrested - eond time on another change or like nature. Sail first time ten thousand dollars. Second tunc, five thousand. A little speck of war has appeared in Mor a county, Ky. A man named Williams, uidi about fifty followers, baß arrested the United States Collector of Internal Bevenue, :u>d compelled him to desist from his business, bl-has also arrested every man who Las it;ought, a suit a- tiie:t rebel, and compell ed them to withdraw them. A company of United fetateg forces attempted, without eue . ,to drive this gang from the county. More troops have gone to the scene of action. Gen. 1i bin Lop*.s to capture the patty. The week cn the California end of the Pacif ic railroad is being pushed forward rapidly. The government sale ol 4,500 bales of up land citon and 3,500 bales ol sea island, an ::i>unfed to take place in New York, Sept. 25, \va postponed. ilcnrj Ward Beecher has come out in favor of colored tulliage, and thinks Iris party will succeed. l Vrher McKennor, of New York, who has just r'-turned lroui Europe, takes strong ,• rounds H'.-ainst the l’Vntnu movement. He .-rated that it waa creating gnat trouble in h b.u-J, and that some young men had bcea t. aii.'poited in consequence ol it, and he earn estly advisctl tbo members of his congregation to i ;.ve nothing to do with the movement. Powder dealers and manufacturers now : am that free trade with the South should be ;; and u.( ni. The collector who has the mat t.i ia cimige will Boon decide. Iq [j. adi nitg a distinguished Sou.heruer Ibc other day, tbe President told [him to go home and urge Ihe election cf meu to Con : n-, who would take tbe oath prescribed by ],. ,- ’ It was of no use, the President raid, to , end m-n to Congress who would not take the oath. A li T, c of steamer :is to be established bo i w- ’ u No. to k, and St. Navarvo France. One obj ct of Cm. Howard’s visit to Itich njoud is to ameliorate the condilioa of tbo Li cks the coralDg winter, '1 he polit e il excitement iu Virginia, is great. A number oi the Congressional candidates who cannot or will not take tbe oath are with drawing- Common council of Fredericksburg Va., ! -we passed rcroiutlons expressing a willing ness to bind Virginia to tbo Union, and to i iti)( Or- the President. -■ At a public meeting held ia Richmond oa Saturday evening, Mr. Pendleton, one of the Coimre.'Ldotia! candidates who can’t swaller the oath, said he thought it was a wretched policy on ike part oi the Southern States, ilmir (X-stence depending on an early admis - sionto Congress, to send to Washington a del cg-ttion whose chief qualification consisted in a | . ivdinc-DS to sybmit to any terms a conqueror may impose. To submit is not the right woid—-that is inevitable perhaps, but to court •wd fcciicit a continuation of a policy which excludes from the National Legislature almost (. very man who has really any qualification for .- uch a at any time, especially at such a time as this, is foolish in the extieme. Tim New Yoik Tribune’s special says that I''fa mis Smith of Alexandria, Virginia, former iy a participant ia tbe war, who has ia'.cly re ceived bis pardon fiom tuo President, has de livcred a lorg and elaborafe argument before Judge Underwood of tbe Uuitid States Court of viig n':, mi4ci v ring to prove h’s prtsest eligibility to practice iaw Ijefore any Cos nr fin the lluion without taking the ,oiminary oath prescribed by law, t.o thrf effect that he had sympathised with or aided the enemies! of tbo United States. Mr. BiaPh asserts that ho can’t conrcientioußly take the prescribed oath, and argues that tbe President removed ail the penalties of bis apostacy. Judge Chandler, United States District Attorney for Vneinia, in his reply assumed that tuq Courts i- vo decided hm claim to practice bvf'Qie it, as id try tii u i. proper. The policy pursued by the Secretary Qf the i'Kxi-u.y shows be intends to employ females in tbe place ol males where he can. Tbe planters on the Eastern shore of Mary laud have applied*to the Fieedmcn’s Bureau for 1 -a borer?. Gov. Bramlette thinks that he can carry out die President’s plans and wishes in Kentucky. The hotel at Skowhegtn, Maine, has been burned. Lore $15,000. The latest advices from Mexico give accounts of-tev.ral mccemes or the part of tho Libeals. Mataniornß was being besieged by them. Tho tram on which Gen. Grant was gouig iioivi Indianapolis to Cincinnati Isept '2B, was intentionally thrown from the track. No one was injured. The train on which Gen. bher pj was riding -ever tho Ohio and Michigan railroad was thrown from the track on the t one day. No one injured. Our Consul to Liverpool recommends an ex port duty ou cotton. He says foreign impor tations will be enormous. Judge Underwood cf tho U. S. District Court in Virginia has decided that ail lawyers must take the path prescribed by Congress before they can practice in U. S. courts. It is said the counsels for defence in St. Louis Unit, burning trial will make application for Mr Davis to testify.- A Washington dispatch rays recently ad dressee by some citizens of Cbarlotteville, Va., to President Johnson, prompted by the difti culities which surround them in relation to the epproachiner Congressional election, appeal to him for counsel and advice as to their proper e urso. Being wholly uninformed as to whether the test oath will probably be repealed or modified bo us lo admit Southern mem bers, they have thought it possible ha might enlighten them. The President does not know a-; to ybat action Congress will take ou th oath any us >t» tbap any other citizen. O:drill similar to those given the command vr ct the Department of North Carolina, rela tive to the mustering cut of colored troops, !,.-ve been issued to the commanders of the 1> partments of Virginia, Florida, and Arkan sas . The Treasury regulation prohibiting the i-tiipment of arms and ammnnitiou to the South has been rescinded so far as to allow the sale of shot gnus and pswijer, and blasting powifer, under cetlain regulation^, General Filiow is iu Washington seeking a I pardon. Geu. Howard, of tho Freedmen’s Bureau is on an inspection tour in Virginia. Only three pardons were granted by the President, Sept. 20. Gov Bradford’s attention has been called to the complaints of the abuse of trpedmen in Lower Maryland - ] Dean Richmond the great wire-pulling New >,ork politician bs had a private interview wi-h Hie Prheident. Throe old colored persons have applied for the pardon of their tonaet masters—a man named Williams of Virginia. Tw nty-tinee more regimeuts and batteries were ordered to bo mustered out September 27 th. The closing sales of Government horses and mutes ,vill take place, during the coming month, iu New York, Pennsylvania, Baltimore, Missouri, and Washington City. It is expect* 1 ;-d {hat at C-iis series of tales all the surplus Government anlmala will be disposed of. a Washington dispatch says that it is nn -1 der stood thaithe National Intelligeucer wi 1 i be the official organ. The Treat nary Department has commenced y-irk upon it? annual reports. Au officer writing from North Carolina says S if the troops are withdrawn from that State ihat there will be trouble between the whites and blacks before Spring. _ The rebuilding of the burnt distr.ct, Rich mond, has commenced in good earnest. Com. Wru Radford has been appointed Com maedant of the Washington Navy Yard. Gen. Howard of Freedman's Bureau, will return from Virginia to Washington jn a tew days. One hundred and twentv five pardons, prin ' tepidly us the twenty thousand dollar class were granted during four days ending Sept j tember 27. I Twenty-five planters are said to be under arreet at Vick-burg, a’l thargod with either maltreating or killing their 'ormer s ayes. Advices from Tex .a say that buahwhackers are committing outrages in that State. Tbe colored sold Dis aid citiz-cs in Mem ; phis have hid several disturbances and street fights lately. i The Feniana are ho’dirtg large and enthusi ! astic meetings iu Otiio. Gvn. A. j; Smith will soon make a report ot what he sew and heard iu h?§ Red river trip. [Certain cotton speculating effifills will be chown up in a bid light Guerillas are again c -mmitting outrages in Middle Tennessee. A'ii the prUoueiS of war in the Missouri De partment have been released. Western dispatches elate that tho weather contiaues very wet. Gen. Sherman is now cn a tour of inspection through the Northwest. 'i be question as to whether the National Bank stock can be taxed by States will soon come up in the New Yoik courts Meetings in Virginia in favor of getting up petitions in favor tis Mr. Davis, have been prohibited. The stables of Wheelers Hotel at Washing ton Hollow, N. Y., were burned Sept. 26. Over twenty valuable horses killed. Three boys ia the building at the time were also burned to death. The gairtson r.t Washington is now only, about two thousand men. Gen. Bmier chief detective of tho war de partment is severely id. Thirty-eight prisoners still remain in the old capitol prison, Washington. The appointment of internal revenue officers for Texas has commenced. The Long Island Railroad slaughter will be made a subject for the consideration of the next grand jury of Q mens County, New York. A grand Jury in Kentucky has indicted Major General Fulmer, and Brigadier General Brisbane, for interfering with tho slave laws of Kentucky, by abduction and otherwise. The regulations suder which gunpowder, shot, and pureussdon caps, for sporting ’pur poses, may ho s-ut South, have been decided on at the New Y’ork Custom house, and many permits to make shipments of these articles have been issued to powder merchants and manufacturers of that city. The maximum amount ot ammunition which may be sent to any one person in the South, is 500 pounds of powder, 5,000 pounds ot shot, and 100 000 caps. Nearly all tbe orders are small, compris ing from live to twenty kega of powder, with shot and cups lor if. No danger is apprehend ed from the shipment of these iavoi ses. Tbe shot is all of tho kind kuown as birding. No buckshot will, for the present, be permitted to go. Gen. Shield of Oregon, has arrived in Wash ington. The election for Convention candidates fn North Carolina is reported to have passed off very quietly. GEN. HANCOCK ON MEXICO. General Hancock, in Hie recent speeclito the Odd Fellows at Baltimore, said the ppweUof the Government, as shown in the lato contest, is a star in our cscutheon whose rays extend sufficiently far to give light even to London and Paris. The Rio Grande is but a short dis tance inconparison, and I firmly believe, from my own knowledge of the country and expe rience therein, that the Emperor of the French will be glad to vacate Mexico if he is allowed time to do hd with honor. We paid soma millions to get out of that country after cap turing its capital, and it ia thought it will not cost France less than it cost us, and every day’s delay will add to the expense without the chance for compensation, for I consider it as certain as fate that the continued occupa tion of that, country by a foreign force, which entered it in hostility to cur interests and pre judices, will certaudy lead to war. It, is now, however, the time tor Us to cultivate the arts of peace, and bind up the wounds made by the late rebellion. We may defer the day of ret ribution until we are strong again, without re sting under the imputation of fear. Tbe Em peror of the French wont, to Mexico when it wr,j convenient, for him. We can defer meet ing him there until it to convenient ffi? usj but it rpay not be necessary, ami in such case wo shall jjave dpce enough, in our day for tho honor of the country's arna? LA IE FOREIGN NEWS. 7he Atlantic cable company ate raising mo ney to commence work with the coming year. 'ihe London Daily News says tint no time will '*'st. In giving a check to Fenianiam, Jho Government programZ? “" il aouQ an ‘ pOtfUCiifi.. Tho London Times has an editorial strongly denouncing the continued wanton ana vindic tive depredations of the Shenandoah, and shet iog iu the indignation of America against her. It says Capt Waddell is acting ou his own re Fponsibility, arul unless he can clearly show he had no knowledge of what was known to everybody else, he has no claim to mercy. The Times adds that England bits done all in - ternational law requires, and suggests that he might, under circumstances go further, and that British war ships should be instructed to treat the Shenandoah as ary other pirate and assist tho Undcu States in stopping her out rages. It trusts that insfrnct'Ofts co this effect will be sent to the British Commaader in Pacific. The Times publishes a lei,ter from Ex-Sec retary Benjamin denying that the Confederate Government treated Federal prisoners with cruelty, and vindicating Jeff. Davis toota the .charge of inhumanity. Mr. Benjamin sttys the chief cause of suffering was - the course of the Federal Government relative to the exchange of prisoners. The Times, the-following day, published a letter from a Federal naval officer, denying Mr. Benjamin’s statement in toto. Tho Lord Liulenant oi Ireland has asked for an increase cf the constabulary and mili tary force of the country. ‘•The Irish People” a weekly Fenian Journ al has been sin-pressed, and twelve persons found in the office arrested. A large ihiiish licet ij now hovering off the Irish co ,st. A Freedman’s Aid Association has been or gaoized in England. Ail messages relating to Fenianiam are no! aUnc-ed to go over the wires iu Ireland. t The Fenian excitement qp the increase throughout Ireland, anil a large’ number of arrests are being made. It is reported that another plot against Na poleon's life had heen discovered COMMExCuiaL AUGUSTA SIAUKKT—OUT, 3. Report. Since my last respects, we have to reporta quiet maiket generally. Cgitjjl— Has hceu brisk, and is now held firm, in anticipation of lower rate's of freight per river. Middlings 34. Fair'36 Cotton Goods. Are off from highest point. 4 4 Bro. Sheeting, 30c. ti Shirtings 26c , for Augusta’s, Montour’s lc less, with quiet mar ket. Yarns §3,oofor Nos 5, 10,’ per bunch. Gbain.—Small quantities of new corn are placed at f 1,00 Wheat quiet, but eecd will be wanted at large prices. Flour is quiet, with a retail demand only at slp a 10 for su per. Extras, §l7. Family $lB to S2O. Bac jn.—Bacon very active Clear sides 30c; Ribbed sides 28. Canvas Hams 32 a 35c. Shoulders at 27c. Lard 35a38c, with good de mand at 33:. Family parcles 35c. Liquors. —-Are in full supply for higher grades. Common whiskey is scarce, and would meet ready sale a $2,75e. Bagging.—ln fair demand a 32 a 35c. Green leaf rope 20c.' Groceries &c —New Orleans sugar, 20 a 22; yellow “C,” 23i25e. ; crushed 28a30c., with large sales the past week; syrups in de mand; no stock ; coffee, 3Ga3Bj , for liio ; can dh’s. 35c.; butter, 3Sa4oe., choice 45c.; cheese, carce and iu good demand, 30 a -35 c ; for Eng lish dairy ; mackerel, kits, No 1, $4 50 ; No. 2, S4 ; bbis. $33 a $35 ; Soap, 18c. ; soda, 18r. ; lime, $lO per bill ; onions, $7 a 8 ; potatoes, (i a 8 ; rice.srna'd lots of in ferior sold at 16 a 17c.; salt, slo*l2 per sk. for Liverpool, with good demand ; nails, in de mand ; Nj. 6 a sl6 Canned Fruits, Pickles, ire.—Are in very good demand, without stock, at paying rates. Money -Gold very little for sale 42a44 There his been considerable activity in Bank i B l's, Southern Railroad and State Bonds, ! which have met full prices. Freights — Arc lower on tie river, and with I high water prospects, will recede yet further ; ; cotton per steamer $5,00 to SB,OO ; domes ! tics $4 00 ami $5.00 Freights 2c per lb; 50 I per cent, off up the river. BY TELEGRAPH #.SSOCIiTE*> PRESS 81-PiT€H£s. LATER FROM EUROPE. Tho Cattle plagut? was oa the increase in London. Ei-Confederate Secretary Benjamin intends to join the English bar. LATER FROM ST. DOMINGO. Tae death peuaity for political uflYus has been abolished. The U. S steamer Merieldette arrived there and Baluted the Fur Dcm ngo flag. Business is reviving. S'iILL LATER FROM EUROPE. The cotton market was excited and prices ruled from ene-Lalt to three- fourths higher. Tiio sales of American fur rho week was 180,- COO bales. l>e sales on Friday reached 20,- 000 bales. The market closed with a still up ward tendency. The arreut of Fenians continued. LATE WASHINGTON NEWS. Tbe official statement of the public debt, shows a decrease of twelve and a half millions sinc.2 tbe 31st August. The Treasury Department has given notice that it will give in exchange for certificates of indebtedness, compound iutcKSt and Treasury notes, 34 pe r ceilt t we!i iy years bonds at three percent premium, that is to sav one hundred dollars of bonds for each hundred and time dollars in certificates and notes. NORTHERN FANATICISM Rev. Dr. Wilson, formerly tbo pastor of St Mark’s Episcopal Church, iu Philadelphia, who went South at tho beginning of tho war, re-ap ppared ou Sunday, assisting in the, communion service; creating intense sensation, many of the congregation leaving the church. COMMERCIALI - Lett >n Market—gep!. 20. Market etit! We heard of 20 b des being sold at 31 verbs. All grades Lave slightly ad vanced. The limits are 25 to 31 evats. — Sun. I’ricen of Bouilierii fc’tooliß—Sfpt. 23. Tennessee sixes 83. Missouri sixes vGJ. North Carolina sixes Louisiana sixes 7j. Boston Wool Market—Sect. 25* * The Commercial Bulletin, reports the sales of wool a? very heavy. The sales of one house alone for tho v «nk foot up some 000,000 lbs.; of another. 650,000 lbs. ; of another; 400,000 Jbs ; of another. 278,000 the; and several others upwards ot 100 000 ’ lbs, each, footing up a erand aggregate of about 2,000,000 lbs, all domestic staples, and almost the entire amount taken for actual consumption. Wilmington Market—gopt. 25. We note tbo sale of a small lot crude tur pentine at $3,50, and tar $5,50. No transac tions ia spirits or rosin.- Jourml Fif’.ai:el»i Matters in A>»v Tonic-Sppt. 2!. The regular stock market couth ue3 to ex hibit a strong upward tendency. r lho outside interest increases for the moment. Government stocks are neglected, but hold their own steadi ly. The gold interest bonds are all firm except 10 40s, which are \ lower ; 7 30s she w an im provement., with tmt a moderate business, each issue being l bettor, biate stocks are more active. Virginia 0.? were £ better ; North Carolina (is h The money aiavkt t is moderate active, but the supply increased more rapidly t han the demand. Ihe General rate on call was 5 per cent , and many ot the brokers could not loan their balances at this rate, more commercial paper offering, and there Lining lass disposition to discount at the range of ti to Iff per cent. Ace. York Pry Go.-ds Ma he) Sept 27- la the dry goods trade the downward move ment ia domestic cotton fabrics baa been ar rested for the time being, and the turn is now ... fu-u.-.r of the seller. .Standard advanced to 3Gc. a rise ot 5c per yard irom the lowest point, Bleached gooeg and prints are rdpo up, but net bo much j so is brown goods. More business is doing at the improvement, but the demand is fir from very active or gen eral. The trade is now going through the usual full which invariably occurs between the early aryl late demand, and a large business is confidently anticipated in October. TLe South has taken an enormous amount of goods and the demand from ihat quarter has been beyond the expectations of the most san guine. Manufacturers are engaged on orders and are hugely sold ahead of their produc tions. Inic-rc ga fabrics lets is doing, and prces arc not fully up to the highest point, but there is no pressure to sell. Slocks are light, any marked improvement in the demand would probably cause a rise iu prices, especial ly on seasonable and desirable styles of dress goods. Cbiehsnnti Market.— fepf. £7. Cotton, Iho market has ruled rather easier, aud closed vvi-rtk at- 41 a 42c. fur middling. Cotton yarns a fair demand and steady mar ked-, at our last quotations Found yarns, cue. ana dozen do. 20, 25 and 40c, for seven, six and live hundred. Rice, the market has been steady at 11a 11 Je. lor llangoon, and 12c for Gordinas. Tobacco, the best grades of leaf and manu facturered are ecarps aud in demand at very full rates. Fine, bright manufactured, pounds advanced to :?1 15 a 1 30. No other changes. We quote ; , Ohio seed leaf, Fillers, per lb. 1 a 4c. Me dium wrappers, (3 a 10c. Fine wrappers 16 a a 20c. Sulcciioi s 25c. Mason County, common lug&dj a 80. ; me dium 81 a 12c. ; good leaf 13 a 14'.; Fine Leaf Id a 2oc. ; Hi lections, bright a ov. ; Manufactured, 6’s B’s aud 10’s (daik) (15 a 75c. ; s’s B’s aud 10’e Qight) 80 a £1 ; Bright Founds SO asl ; Fine Bright Founds 8115a 1 bOo. ; Keniusky Six-twist (old) 20 a 45c. ; Charleston Couuu -.tiara> 1— £7. Cotton. —There has beon irceivcd in Char leston fiom September 21;st to 27th one hun dred and seventy-six bales oT Sea Island Cotton (part of which accidentally omitted in previous receipts, but ia now added \ and two thousand and fitly nine baies of Upland Cotton. The market has been active throughout the week, and had, we a good stock ou sale the transactions would have been large. Some three hundred bales have changed hands at from 32 a34 cents tor 01 dinary to good ordinary ; 36 a 38 cents for middling to strict middling, and several small sales have taken place of what was classified as good middling cotton at 39 cents per lb. The market -closes firm, with considerable ecqmry. We quote as follow : Ordinary to good ordinary 32 a 34c. ; middling to strict middling 36 a 38c. ; good middling 39c Some small parcels of Sea Island have been disposed of at 55a65 cents pier lb, as in quality. The stock of cotton on hand September 27, is Sea Island 195 bales ; upland 2,593. Uagton Shoe .Market. There is no abatement in the desire to pur chase Boots and Khces, but goods are so scarce that buyers make very little headway, and eorne of them, having succeeded in placing or ders for future delivery, have retired frem the field. Having Fid against each other for small lots for immediate ueo, until prices have been forced up to extreme figures, they deem it bet ter policy, tor the picscnt, to cease to con tend. Manufacturers have all large orders ahead, and frtm present appearances, it is net proba ble theie will be any jet up in bnsiDe s for several weeks to come. —Commercial B '\XhUr. Liverpool Colton Market ?ept, 16. Sales, 25,000 bales. The market closed buoyant, with an advance of Jd The Manchester market still tends upwards. The cholera is increasing alarmingly at Marseilles. The weekly returns of the Bank of France show a decrease in cash cf 450,0C0 francs. ADVANCES MADE CTN r OGTTON And Produce, THTS NEW YORK Security asd Warehouse €o., No. 20 Pine Street, New York, WITH A CASH CAPITAL, OF One INilillion Dollars WILL RECEIVE i:OV6I«*>IE*TS OF CtfTTOX av , «&e. t n-d accept timt nr sight Unto or two-t'-iinls mvV t v.i'hp, at fbipain* port wten a'C>mp«r iv) t y t>i,l of U ! ttfnt i>c • at »i l rtciitfe •.hr p.-ooeny oa anlval. Any other in o-raatiaacan b• ti t ;yad at.-s ni UieCompany TMt -nt ltuli nia ow.i-.. a ,1 man g-* by actiye business m n, trli h, anile , ty the capital invest*.,', ea-iruitees entire ivty ,nd cjpa i me: in tiij -,s,os u of lneicUani is; eo. s.-u.O to tUem. KEsnnEuCKS is sit Tim;. : NATION a L lie N K Os' THE IvEi'UtLIC, HANK. OF aMLiUCA. J UEHO JKE CB ANF, Pr r s t F. J. OOOSN, Scc’v. s:pt«o SwiiSw $25 A Drii. AGEVTs wanted to so i anew and wonderful S3 WING M.ACHINX. the O'ly clirnp one lie linid. Address a iaW A (JLoliK, liiddcfud .Vaine s-URd is- 41 S9O 4 M-ir-TIT A GEXTB w. nted f'rs x e’direly new nrUcies, ‘last rut. Addresi O. T. GAK.KV, Ci y Building, Hlddeford, Maine. k-*.'plSO-13w4l STATE OF OEOHUIA, lUCHSIONI) COUNTT. Whereas, Agatha, liiqa-t applies t) me for l.etters ot Administration on the Estate of Antoine i'icquet, late ot said county, dece is and. These are therefore, loci’ e and adr&onish all, aud singula the kindred and creditors of sai-.i deceased, to be and appear at my odiie, on or beferetthe first Monday in Ni vember neat, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not U granted. (liven under nry hand aud official signature, at office iu Au gust;,, this 2 J day of October, ItSM. cctalwil DAVID L. ROATH. Ordtnar STATE OF OK -KOI i.TilOtt >iU.iD um.Aii. Wherf-a’, Au-e, Scninitt, applies to me i>r Leitirs ol a- man trst.on on the Estate of Auto ne Sc i mit‘„ late of said county These are the cfore to cite and admonish, a’l and singular, the kindred an 1 e-. dik'rsof said dec-used, to be and appear at my office, ou or before the ti>t Monday in NoVtii.l. r next to show cause, if any they have, why said .etters should not be granted. Given under my hand and offi id signature at office in Au gusta, this 2d city oi O-tbher, 1865. DAVID L. EDA TII, OCt3 Ordinary. fcLji T ' TE"aW™ils. K[ . i UN j i>il" \i k . {J9 Wheeas, Bslth zir Meyer appiicf t - me lt<r lepers of Admn itra ion de boms r.ou on ihe Estate cf James 1> Mever. l te -f said coiu’y. creeasrd. hcsearetlicire'orc to cite Mid ;dmon'eh, nil and sirgilar, the kindred raid c edit m of s l i decea-eo, to he en-l appear a! my office, on or before the » onday in November next, io show cause, il any they have, v liy tu and L.tiers thou and not be gra, ted ' Given md.r my hand and ( ffieiat ci“nature at office in Au - grata, this 2d Uayoi Octobe-, lu',s DAVID 1.. It OATH Ordinary. CCi3 }w4l STATE OF GEORGIA. RIOUMON I) i. ULiNTt. Whereas, Miehacl O’Ned, guardim of ‘lien Vrher ( i w Eilen Ha-lings) in*uor, applies lo me for Loiters ol Dismission These are thereforo, to cite and admonish ail, and singula, the kindred andfiiuipls or said minor, t> be anluppearat my office, on or befor*! the first Monday in Decemhe- nest, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at offic; in Au' gusta, this 3a day of October, 1865. DAVID L. ROATH, Odd 2Gw lamit Ordinary. S~ TATeTF OIORUIA. Kt TIMO.-O) OoUikTY. Where-s. Fiances E O Mo g m aoplies tj me for'etters o ; administration on thaestaiSof Fredrick T. Morgan, la c of sai i c u iv% deceased. These are tlicr fore to cite and admonish all, and singula, the kindred and crcditcs of sa-jl di-ccr-sad, to be and appear ill my office, on or before the ttr.-t Mrn.kluv in No, ember next, to show cause, if any they have, why said le'ters should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature, at office iu Au gusta, this 2d day of October, 1805. CO3 4-ull DAVID L. ROATH. Ordinary. £3TATE OF CKOKiUi, «IGIIMDNW GDTTNTY. C? Whereas, N■' cniiah K Butler applies t.o me for letters off.dminWra iin on ihe e.-latc of Maiv oink, la‘e rs caV county, deceased, These arc. therefore, tp cite and a ’lnomsh all and singular the kindredantt credit vs of said deceased, to lie and appear >-• my office, on or before the first Monday m N..vouit-- r to show cause, if any Uicy have, why said 'titers should Vmi b; granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at ifflee in Augusta, tins 2i d.ty oi Uctobvr. 18(55. 008 4wli DAVfOL ROATH; Ordinary, TuOuSTii SfitD SiOltK. TStISE eubfcriber will cpm 'he v e Store between the M. first and Uftre-ith oi Oc cb -rlnx', situat'd on Washing ton street, one door from h; cor e- of llroad, in tbe rear oi Ihe Burke iiou-e, where he cxpec s to o itn a full assorim-n 1 cf French, En g ieh, (ieiman and /. rn.nic.iu Gades Seed, wer ramed the crop cf 18--5. O. FEMBLE sep2f ' fifi *2 win CommMoners S-*le of land, BJV vrtueolan order f-oin tlie Superior Ocurt of Eibert Sf 9 county a; Ihe September Ie:ill -rh-i. The nnderbigned wiussb at public outc-y, a* Ibe door cf the co-ut house in Klberton, on Hie tus’ ’l ues ay in November next, and uiug Iht legal hour. ■ f oiici if - i-ales. o true; 1 l;d in said counn ~n B avordam c.-eck. kn >'"n : s Uie Kucher and Matin mid 'me, j lining lands of E'.izab th Blink well, the elate of Ti slv W. Krc'terd'-ceasid, and L. 11. O. Martin, contain!; g eighty acres more or 1e.3. bale for ihe purpose of partition. Teims, a credit ct cnc 1 ear, With propers e rily. KOBEttT llhSl’Kß, ) JOHN H .iON - * > Commissioners. ■IJIOMAS J. BOWMAN,S rpDfi tw(, Kfi3(IS£NE OIL, VlfE areww r-nl nstdl-fc’ <r m the rofl :erp, a fine ar * W -tide o' HUS','Sbiv iv OIL ii tin 0 ins, ol' five gallone each— aui übic for s lament i: tie e.pntrv. 1) iViOSON & OO , mp'.Sl 1 J&-2 741 VO Ur-nfl s.-eet. ~ MAURUbiL (jrtULL, YOUKG’S GBE VF PHYSIOLOGIC,iL, WORK. OK every one Ha ow i D c’.or —ls ’hr a l*riv-te Instnictoi far Marri <1 Persons or t'e s) about !o inarrv, botfi Male and Female 1» everj tbl s the lOirs ology and re la.ionaof ou-S-aual system, aid the prortu tiou - r preven tion of r-ffipri: g Indad n* all »>e tuw dire ,verf.-s > ever be fore y'iV.:i In Lie E g.irh la«jiu go by VS n SOU NO. M. 1). 'lhiß is r-al y a vaiu idle and lulen'siing work, tt is wntte in plain laaguaste f r the gn.eml italer. arid is i-lnUrated trim upwards ot engr-avingg. All young mar ried people, i r these c'-nl. mplatim mairiige, ami having the least impediment to ma rie* life, should real tuis bo-k. J di-closes secrets that tv.r. one should be a- q -aiati and with. SUll it is a book that m istb * lacked up, and not let. lie abut* the house. It will bo sent to any one on the receipt of Filly Cents. Address Dr. Wm. CODivGl iho. 416 Spruce H , above Fou ill. Philadelphia, i tad vs vl I FBI)IT FOR LIIS SiiUTli. ! 1365-6 Georgia Nursery. 1865-6 WE (ff :', for F an 1 tvinior p'auting, fine, large am well grown Tie,S of the caoic.'tt va ieLles of Apple, Pear, Poach, Plum, Cherry, Apricot, Nectarine, Quince, &c. ALSO, Grape Vine?, Strawberry Plants, etc,, etc. A;< which have been canf-illv te a t-.d tyre, and are de nlv ri.c-mnnended. We can airo 3 ipp’y tli 1 m :;t rate and beautiful Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and i 1 towering i’lants; such ns lISSES, CAM MS MAAS, KV Kit GHEE AS, CLiMllEltS, Ere. Su'table for Gird ”i j . <t m -lr ier, &c., &c. A few hundred Fru 1 Tre-s a, extra siz fori dine Hate bear ing Can he oht. 1 u-d on re auu'de I< rm 1 Ear!y orders are so liciicd, as the Fall is Ihe host line to Ir u-ipla t. CW~ Deßerin’iye-itid Frioed Cat logues, with direcUons for nbnting, lemarss 0-1 varieties, &» , .-ent i«k a I who enclose a kilo-stamp. Addre-a D. REDMOND, S:ps tld'awic.fwliT Augusta, Ua. WHEAT AM>" C<7kN Wanted at Market Prices JAY ESTES & CLARK, aug32 8d&3w36 WIiEAT~ANI) CORN~ Ground for Toll at the Mill of ESTES <& CLARK. aug-22 8d&3w36 Impoitimt to School Teachers- ASSISTANCE IY I*CRCHASING * Jit x: r r 15 00iv h . TEACII KHM desiring ars stance In <o r ->[t-'ing their school) w'l! fin , it to iti air I leteof to address the under signed immediate y. lie retires Itstl e Üb-r .l putdiaherr, Sheldon At < '0 , wli 1 offer u-” q tailed advantages to S :\ithern teachers. We will m-sist a’l teach r. and on such terms as will he tatiafae oty, no-matter how limited their means. *GKO. O. CONNER, Atlanta ««». sopl -.'Jtveil' r-,.t I7 JAMES A. JO.nEi'-. v 7. u. AiDUitELL JONES & MORRELL, General CoiiiKiission Merchaats, 216 BROAD ST. AUGUSTA, GA. ®‘*7'E take p'eaatre in inform’r.g rur friends and he pub-. »1 liegeneraliy that we have f rmpd as) artnership for chi tranaactioa ot a General Comnrfcen 1! aiiieef. Will give tljelr pera'na attention t»the storage Ind ra’e ol tot on and all prodne* raise! on the farm Com giitaents of we-tem prodffc and good; of rye y Uescr-plion solicited Prom .t attention will ue given to the receiving and iurva and ingifg ods. KEr FKENcES—John Daviaon, rjohn & Thus A 13nne=. Josiah Sibley A sons, B R Warren, Thos S Metcalf, Hon J P king, W E Jacsson. 6md*26w3B COPABTNERSIIIP NoTICE The und'Tfi'gned, hv.-ier asv>c'.a’ed wi h him in bueinrsi h.s son EUO ibi E H. WAL I'Klt, the firm will hereal ter he known as GEORGE H. - aL ILR tr b<> '*. The new firm will eoitinue to receive and forward prompt ly, allm»rchandize ani produce co: filed toiheir care, and they hope the patronise so liberally txUnded to the Old house, wi.i hs continued to the new firm GEORGE H. WALTER. Oraageburg Sept-mher 11th, 1366. si p 16 lmd Staw mrotficE. _vj *lwctmonths afrer dale, to wit, at ‘he term, 13u of the Gcu-i of Ordinary o' tt e c unty t (.reen-, - lata. of Georg a. A potlcatton wlh t)e made to s.W co irt f< r leave to s il ail thsr-aal estate, con-.istirig 0 ’ two hu dreFand .lity nert# of lassd wore or leae, (26t'> h.-longtnv to w>e esta'e of Gwln AI 'ibod deceased. W. L. STRAIN. sepUiSSivAl Execuor. CHRONICLE & SENTINEL JOB PRIMTIK O OFFICE Is one oi the Largest iu the Country. WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE, „ 15 TUB Miurarßii, AT SHORT NOTICE, AND ON H-easonabl© ‘.Perms, Book Friuting, 1 By-Laws and Constitu- Pamplilets, lions ol Societies, Sermons, Printing from Stereo addresses, typed Plates, Catalogues, - Court Dockets, * Reports, Briefs, &e. . JOB WORK’ OF SDYERY DESCRIPTION, . - Sucli as Posters, Blank Bills and Notes, Handbills, Bills of Lading, Concert Bills, Bank Checks, Auction Bills, Business Cards, Programmes for Concerts direction Cards, and Exhibitions, Visiting Cards, Circulars, Labels, Envelopes, . Bills of fare, Druggists’ Labels, fancy Job Printing, Blanks, * Printing in Colors, Sill-Heads, Bronze Printing, &e. EXECUTj&D PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND ON THE T* O WEST TCESZULdr gßto BY THU USB Os STEAM - « AND Tll jS BEST OF POWER PttBSSBS, ill kinds of work used by Book Publishers, ill kinds of work used by Manufacturers, ill kinds of work used by ill kinds of work used by insurance Coiupoides,, ill kinds of work used by ftaiiroad Compap.ies, 111 kinds of work used by Sie&siboai Ml kinds of work used by Joint Slock (‘osagwinicK, 111 kinds of work used by Merehanis, ill kinds of work used by Mechanics, 111 kinds of work used by Lawyers, 111 kinds of work used by TraYeliisjg Exhibitions, ill kinds of wo?k used by Patent Medicme Leaders, 111 kind of work used by Professional Men, &c M Can and will be furnished as GOOD ,AND CHEAP IAS AT AAY OFFICE IA TO 14 COI.YTkv.3 v js vaLh uno-rw.'faMnni WE ARB CERT AIS W E CAS PLEASE ALL Who will favor US with TKBIK I* ALL IN W i,NT OF Any Kind of Printing I3ST O TO O^T;x. fc