Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, November 15, 1865, Image 4

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HKHt'SIM'UMV. Trooiw are ■■■:. their to T'pp-r Canada to guard again-t Fenlra demon, g >tibn in thut peenoa.. Letters from Havana .-‘ate tbft? the slave trade lit flourishing. Tile Cup tout Oe:i«ral of Cuba is to lie resnov- I eeL Tj-jb muse* much sat fa :* • to tfc" j people. Ar. extensive cotton thieving operation oa , tiif part «--f offi Sal* have !.••.* -n fin *.»•</ out u, Mobile. The guerillas attacked a trail. r Tyra Mexico. The paa-cogent were t»:<*.n some l mil** from tt* railroad Ait otmn* art ti e K-i*n' ?. were released. Fourteen A tl .*•- were efcot. Americans not identified with the poHL v of fbe country, are not mobteed by Mexican guerilla/-'. Maximilian bar as-aoMebed a takritiioe pre fecture. The provisional fipitols .re Yen Cros At/apuisc ucd iiozaiin 7 i:e ii*tr>- T advlc* l from M-xco ate favo/vUIe to the <<iberai party, it is said Juarez ie*in a danger. A ?real. p»e - -*r.jre ie being biongh; upon the i’r* -••>» .. tp {>; .••*» t him from tnterterinf: in t'- * V-'iie case Henry Ward Beecher has had an luvt.rview with the President, and it is taiu is plea-.ed wi*b h.r policy The • •>*.'■’..» i Prut under consiri* ration too mut ter of tio: drtnrup d‘ Re to V •nerican shipping 4or!tip the war \>j vo-seh; fitted out in English pOT t« v"rnrn'*i. cor.tiactora ore being paid off I?.* ofirtlft r.tes of iroh btcih.'-s. A fifty <! >iiai coutuerfiet greenback, herd to tl< f■-*• I*. >u ci- cuiaUon hx t.i .we: i • 1'..;: .... dio-otor c»f tbe UoH e-: fe;.a i Jhnt u. t oilaticipidu, -/dorms tb<- public that • nail coin is now plenty, end can be had in any quantity without delay, in «x- . change tor fete.-n books. The dt i omiar.tions are Ou.' IV.' aid three coats Tbe coin will be ac >t tr. ice porch by exprett at toe tx pvi.< t of the Cnitt 1 F totes. Tlib ly five now National Banks Jfcas been orgauiwd in the South.;:/- Slate*, w.tb ,rn ag gi -. te < apital oi four v.ilu four hundred and seventy four thousand dollars. In iowa. ai the lato election, tbe contest was between the Republic# , and tue sol dura, who bad a Let of their own. The Democracy in *4-,. a-t UMi lufttkina- Tim i’.esi.tunl hsu, ©specs* ed his dir ppiovai of the plan for ibo colonization of the rreed men in Florida. ' ii Florence, Ala. Several person: have >- «:•» 1 (to fit by l* * ii Search of i Idden . alLaMep. A dot 1 *" t;M ft few :l »y<- r. in Mobile Oe 'i. ■/ . and C.VdotO.-l Brook, hot }■:•■■ -s • used; distance 40 Uvu u.\d Lieut. IW.iuj have to.-eu :lf 4 1 CO. • • O r» ;;g* ai- by M/Oviml’j.-i. for tbe rx»t;th**-ni swt s They are to drg eiuigralfoi. fiotn ti. - '.i, toMt , 'o. fir. - ou-le, of !.•»., is hi .-c/i! JKew *'o; k. The i< ■ li ; Os ! * orai stildisre that have hr. a burk'd at Chick ttuauga and otl/e/ brtticfields fn North Georgia, are being di-interred, in or- Jer to be .: ti' V ■.( to the conn." try at OhaUa ii-joga Aireudy 400 budfea have been d/gintei rod .viui it is tiituiybt tluit l,oT> bodies will be removed. I ho area ct the battlefield is fifteen niilcs. (lintlcuneii horn Texas repent ti.utGovernor Hamilton actuated by slmsicr motives. ie fUeeWi to call R < ■ i O’. Foil of the VOple 0» hat ir-i >•' -Too . • «md i:i: incers ,r. next coiigtf.- o. -i; , inrhcd ! ierci(jf-)T(- >b#t Vie ha 1 i.-.-ne'd n > protiumatinn to that e’icvfc, cut e ;is r-iirpi' nu ent. oi the gov OTnioeut. itKkdvin;; hie appoiatment and au thority from it, and not d»r< from the pec pie of 'f'evis, it i to ba inferred U at. ho in all tßfiui 1•- tiovernor t*y i"'-lrucfio(i. fair I>* 1;: ■ ‘he ioferenoe, tlso motive, for .kderring the CTuveuUoo con only be conjectured The receipts from levcuue Qciobcr 31, wore $1,500,000. *oc,; 'n < ijipree-n*.*. - - -■ t dtm/ih i food - ; North tjarolb a bofqre thet cstt crop is ro ’i V*h. prf o-k; i.i e-rv eriiliv in jured by tl‘4) r"itr 'enKi and.. -e ;■ which has ■irtvallevi. The or ifTftas been very limited in part* of ftu*. ;ate where there wr« military ■ p 1 i.l >rth on 4 huge »cfvl *. A shooting inai-'h at > hi, .< recentiy for i $1,000.4044 tie- o' .. up\ 4.-1 »• * j on fiuodiv aingfe birds b< tween Taylor of Jersey city and King of l'!ii:ok was v. ■» by Taylrn-, wb». scored 04 bin!.,, w*ul« ii'ng tx < j Se. At another match between the • .true parties, 50 dovtbk b ir 1* was won by fay!-,.- he scoring' SI, against 71 by King. H • .v hove bora no arracgeami'is made ue n>! the ‘riel of Jefferson Du is. it « ; .po. trom j'-rlvuti Vutelligente from North i-n lna ’hat mt -r..ore than two of the candidates lor C ' gr* » that cer,.-, if deoted, can take the ,"*«». uht-»! oath that they !'nvi< »i v*r voluntarily -.'.id' ' -fco rebellion 7 rttlrt or no coit; u baa b -en raised in Ala baa»a fob: yc. u Over •.•no L bm;- ;i Ts.Ml.trs >n couu •‘•ufpit I'rnatsurv noted buy* booi fouud i’i nuw j York city, hi the resideaee of a man named j Hohii/or. 'i hi* Tlnira in ibiag them I say**. “Thu engraving on alt oi to*. no tea is oiree tod the colon-'’ are imperfect. 7 day - light ike cheat f« observable A a giauca : but by yaelight ih-ccuuteifeitd of thv* last issue of Oftj-ceut fractional notes might be parsed if hot closely >;c mtiniaed. Tbo Imitation is ciuly ex;; ;p 1 i-‘“ t ho Go-UG-o oi Liber ty’« oountcManet'*, tlso mmV.mes-i o>' -be words •‘Uaited States'’ ov-*r h iroad, an ! t, ~v Ji; ili4'*tm.Bs with irvhi-. It the words l*lws iaus i a',. appear on the shield, :< •. >al the iiaud. 'lb'-e uou s, * hough easily detected ■vail. iii’-Vj migi-t • tfe; best ja<ige* of money after tviug c -.mph-1 and wont three* mouths. The eounte-leit oC the old fifty rent note has o muddy Iwek p.t-and ; - lie medal lion portrait oi Washington, however, is good i *-<*at -.V <*s dne a.* tha . .*eh- * •■>:«- j voted notes «ay*i wcr a in Ckch'oati Ur totn tli or more - ;ro The .1 >•; ■■ w ,-f L’! *r. ty ou th. $5 and?? 0 note,-- is raerolj u hideous i caricature, ami the general executant .3 bad. ! No month* >n years of vw and tear can tea j der there notes dangorou*. Late irvsh.ds have done damage !u hi. j Domingo it is r.aaeidii in Washington that F-eeueiaiy j McCulloch witi rteoraiueu t Ooagrest- to cub- j ptiliiti 1, tax on sales for the income tax. Humpion i-.v* -’Lorilv to he the leudo - I von* of a largo and important jieet of ora ; -.Hvdi Voss'•■:* r’-am this point it i.« said die ,■ -USfi. ,viil he i-u.-atch i-u OUr Sqn.iilDvli.. iu | different part; of the world. in reapot-tui -a uoiiinoioicatoia uom aj {Southern g.*nd rum.. *> ii- .r.)pos«d utMla : BicaHnreo ; * eetablifki-. .■ .. Uv *• u •:«. j of tbo South; Genera’, ii-sra: 1 has ’ vplied as { follow; : \uy specific plait ta To r .ex vVus, : whu-b uro not inconsistent ivlrh the freed -m or i the cnpkvde may he adapted any where, and - wdl.uOe >'ii f- y aid <n duo- ex* cud. a . but • :,u ;c by »i»ivH.. •.< hiuifd , - u ..U ! .ti ti;ue i»e posed 1 •..• r.drvi.' • lerpHs- ; wrir*: , out asim.uir - u : u . . ... u. >- :'. m-. rr-! Jv local regulation* I'trcolor#i troops - »exas hoiog sen. ViXiiti to he mustered out. Two tniilio *s of dol u> * the ,»nvunt of net ; cent fructiv-itui < mrercy ordered by the Seer*- - Ukry of the Tfetunry. to supply tb- incteuticg I vißi *.)t ai. IHifermoes hereto ou- exl* o-.g between >f Ken* j li>» has Suker, pia v between th, a. > :»!*.->tors, a'hv'i ftta . - .-8 1 wjr*.i csplained and cOcuplow? tv'vui-.ri'ation ■ > : ' u* ■ :■ . . 'O-' ‘ ’C- i tuber 2S It v**us •.••' I■’ad •uc S., r c ia* i rice foe ibe hr? 1 time in several mnnth#. ft 1 rv •<epor.od ui r d 'he re. r ,t wre •&< .uonue ; between Minister AUatns and Bari Kassel! was j gaaeraMy 4i«cuswd without ref.-rcuce to any ; a -id'U on tic; subj 'c>, Qun. Harney has successfully negotiated a : ueaty wUb the Arapahoe*, t -umujches. and. j otbofs of ibe v UdvEt of the Indian tribes. 6ev- 1 oral white captives were liberated by the lo ti .tin.. It is rumored that .?ad?re.otvi*c* 1* »bovt to .eat to the a -la yhter of t’. ■ Fan. ot Cineiua&ti. The. total present strength c: ice regular army is 43 145. A* bos eoa'inittUig papers -'elo '• rii to Oov. piv-hson. vi has bren foruu. 1 in • Inf a great ’..any Udders tri m promiuent n?. 4l t thJiStotr iiap.iviuirer U■ ru with Jacksoa’t jjt.v MceTu- U\ TELEGRAPH ASH»CUIFI> faK*» nhPtTrHM. A • lei- pm tic! <.t ia-ditu, from Baltimore call 'd on rh» !VT>ddect, Novamber 6, rat/tioning tor :b« rr'-. w aad , - ?..*-» . dr. Davis Apprshco-. -ns s Foni m '.- vaairm fa Can ada were ptoducul i-y -aarc *•.v # u*ion reports. 1 The feelii,;: a| Tcr-.oto it that the Gcm-rcmt-nt ; able to . ws;ii i->r : .r. .]•>«.* | batch*-,! h**r' r J **f°*'w , ’sre. Official teiarns rocs,-, and at VTasbu.gtoo show i tba corn ertp to be the -t ever pn. I ... this country And the irjaiice to wh*-at by wtt wc&lb&f j . cd * arbastatiors tc.k leave c-f ti e iV -i- ‘ • They -a. •. n V I recipients of the higl **'t honors. lb reb a e eat pauk In New Vy.-k city :u ! regacd to the c hoie/a. 'id.4: Pteeidenl :.:o. nrged upon the HU'hori 'ho ti.ft r*.--l». Air: '•*. th-. totimaff:: f.. f. «Rt”‘ j fiacal year to ir- ;t tticc | Begalaiiona are being jireparud for the eol -1 1e!.,1< ii o* tariff on t :u fi • 'i**r altc-i tii-» t. r *minat:on o ( the )*'cip;ocity treaty, 'ihe pto9~ j iwetr for anew treaty Joufatfoi. A Waabmjrtoa •; -hj? the expert.-/*/* for the n*-xt S«4’ v* ■ : 1 V ; $100,000,*; 0. At prt-f •:t they exieed th .tfigure. Gen. Wayne, .'.- is ml t ouaissloner of Freedmeo’c Buioau. in Ai a ama, in in Wash lcgr: l 0} :,Oi -. !: V. th* t’resld* lit G re 11-, nee! < vto.-d icbools in Mobile, which romeos fbe white inhabitants bavo determined to break up The tdearner will : r -oa sail from i New V :k with a i.-n i of foiaai* * femnt for Washington TcrTlnry. M< .;t >ru tarritu without chiaige. A rv : J juami' -.p now b* >£r rr.forced Jn N■ w York har!.->r < . vessels arriving from Havre, London, .Southampton, acd *1! other cholera p .iuts One huudrwi and fifty emigra/'-ts have left Richmond tor Liberia. Ibo l*acifi«s squadron will nom-s and of tho fol lowing russets : Phovvhattan. i'u*«.uro?a, \ tuderbiit and Manu lok, in ail carrying eixty-three gnus Claims been mad ) ior the damage done the fnrciUifc .. -<J rooms Fresi-Jont Lincoln died j The Governor of Ohio has appointed Tburs- I day November JO, as tl inksgiving day. i Pierre Sonia lvu» In - ■ nardon«d hv th« Prest j Tin rt are rumor? in Washington of a at-nar i ■:» .tmuenty lot ti. .-so reeonstroctec State* ;>dopt c:.'. - . and emaacipation and j repudiate their S‘ ite war debts, i Forty-t* ie of the insurgent in J ;neu a j e ivo e-upt-Avi oi and hung [ During i) mo dhof October the pr z * bureau of fbe Th‘as.: y Depattm u,t adjeeted i.1,860 Na e . ;;j , ii,,o: v'np over $T J 00»),000. V* <i riec/eti.:' y the Treas ir..‘ baa ovdeved ' ■ ii’. of fractional currency to be j l-'sued <DV; -a, frequent sessions on | om J.reigu adau . 4’ <- Gov ■, v i.l probt'nly lake early ift •• k.'i c. n the recent proclamation by Maxi i ’-*■■■'.i uud-metieg th<> a*,>.wstnal!on 0! cviry p/isonor takt-u by bm forces. :/i i.-o the World, dated Wasb’ngtcn, ■ • ‘ ’ - y* ti-.D ihe Comptroller of Our " : y '• j' i • !'-:! ’ iu’ attention of National - .uk: to ; . ivision of the law raqalrShg them so ii I lb ■ redemption of their notes, lie b dclerm'ned th.-.t action on the spot shall by ‘.akeu os speedily as possible. Some of the u.i&Kr ,hav« aboady taken the Idnt, ana arc '■% ' .1- it *if>t-. ■? o Washington ior cancel lation. Large tracts •:•? land iu London oonuty, Va. haw been restored to tb«r owners by the FinPdmen’s Buroa i. Official notice -v is delivered by our Minister at 1.-ou'.k ; r ■ 17/h of March, to tlso Brit : G-.f. n., oi tin. Irani;:. rodproclty, 5). :t<o i 1 {- f-t.i Ci itlill Ma j'i'i i- ... ■ »«;> a the pi vision: of the treaty, ted joint rt<soi'it*ocs of Congress, pp jirf-‘-ed J oe- .ry ' • iß'»s. The Collector of I'm tooi? and others iwe therefoie odfekvily in structed - - operatjone b? the treaty will cease on the ex relve m ■ fr( n itime of which noth* was given I-- - . .■ -'0 >' •••li'.t. ... 'i6 tbo RvC 0f vvar. - • U< - . .S'lermau has decided that tne tax upon dep'.-lv., i. n iJ-daultlnj! National Bank, oeasea ■ i ; ••i.ont tu«- banktV.iis t*» p.iy Us iiabiiit!:.-*. I-- *-> oi. 1 r tim , nut one baa faded /' «lu*k-u!i> : oi:, ' b'"i!;-.:.i iietween TJap iTH, F uri .. ri it ri th;-. FreedmfiiO • Hurr/.u la M;:,«ir-9ippi, and Col-cue) Drury, in H-Mcb Guv. .Sharkey «o'd the civil courts had inter* h t'sube'! In Peck who bad been ! sent to j til by the co art, appealing to Gen. CV.ork i.* -vo- ;■ itt hack ro l.ns'-ps to the v ■> vw; - l.a'i been withdrawn, and taking pos-eve!- c 'd the juib 'releasing Feci., and piac'ag the. county under close military SKI ' if •' . K*o. '.men's ;■ :T»Uf ou tho Vi- stem frontier ci Arkar, .? represented as unfavc.rutile. Ganw* Dovi:; and Brnt-i. :’lay ofKentuokv,' having Hued Generals Palmer and Briebic for abducting slaves, u counter suit has been h-rottglit before the Frec-lmen’s Bureau against ]K’ i’: iiud Chi e, for holding bucks to labor j without pay, in violation of th« lairs of tbo United States. ibe Mississippi Legiahiiure Mate petitioned for the par ion of .TaeOb TUompsoa. Lx-Go * .aik, of Ivtits • has declined to ad dre-ri' rim M;ii?i?sippi Legislatoro ou the ground that ho is a paroled prisoner. Ord r.i Ij- i>'on issued by lh«. Vtar Depart - ioottt, to slop all sitU* of army wagons and every thing in the line ct transport. Lion. Those direction* are received an indication that u , emergency oa\ -..0n arire .. j. a army wiigou:-; will .again be caired. 'oymasier hr- - offered theal u - vuTi '•*• cl I'csti nn; to the government cer ium fends and bsnny; :;*<o...afciy discharged or take the chance of a tiial The vi -v rebuy et tl;« if - ,i??n*y has at pi-or. for funding tho National debt at five and a b&H per vent under consider!..Jen Secmt-ivf Vi*ward is igaged n t tepariny a dvspatoh of LaH U-isseS), rogar-. ing tae ptopt'sc-.i cotamissm:; it..'.;catril in ins ii-rd-tiiipT ietlc- to M nh-tar Adams Bit adja* ilcutiou .u ■.• uT-i c’ vas i 11st the Govern- i 1- uv—a qu? 'u ir. >.> g ,>.j to have beet*, j eotuided a( several Cabinet meetiao:*. Up to Nm . nib-; J. U«s aamhvr 0/ cases cl cfcoieti. ou board -teams ip At-lauta «4 New Yoik,v-u.- tv. 1 -v fiye. Nuaibei- of death* n-no teen. * The President is sain to have iared to Mr. lie; :ir. i . T --cent inlorvlc,v, Ter the lately in rebeiUoa ought not to be si t- res unc* their former rdatloi.s *h?> h.\d Icpted ihc r-ms i'tnlioial aiaer.-i --tan ■ ■- -! provittiid to? the we-lfar . 1 . .t-u caen. iaere at presem. 10i vessels in service in o-.i u*vy :•••’••..11.g : -i the asryregatt l.iib guns. - v . U ’-i n•' cj ; t ';n*»d Lis coni-nivsioa as Major Geuoral. Tho pot : : c.d.-oi. vvi icb dv leg the nnath,. of A,': it T*v lucr-itsed at ':m rat. of *■'•••• s i.'.u .o« amca the tie*: es;*;,ac-i *v:u u ■!'. -e*. doiicg t- -*gember and Octobei hi • i hithe mu* *M has appvreatiy In s’ -aged, hi; u;sc so: ty ?ive and a T » f million louur-3 c .*mr.cuud interest notes have been ■'x.haugei tor f> 20 bonds, and the simi aai. cl iut<»rt*.«f on Tie hoc 5 • b;»s been added in the . Ihei'il biateraeul, whiG the ruaning Interest on the bends bas not c- on reiurned in previ on? smt-.r, 1 -is. ,?nri*.cr tho the s'* toud®r notes lo circulation have been re duced in amount ’<■: ,y *-■r , \ .To: i!!’.:,. A CV-.' 1 Lit. ' il -1 1 ' '*:.’ . 0 ; s mastered <v>ii iu A- Im::. » art pur..'a. dm „ '.tv nations and be omlng r»-?.T..r*o o> the :;, A re.tent order from the Wnr Depart in*, re. instructs QoacwsrruMtert in. the '• arioits ssetiva* ot 'he Sonta to be very striugect In eoliectiar uiules, Confederate Government. IV -iticgtou national mont-iaeot require* t. . ’ -f-j :c v.-vab ;L H.ev : :t. :.d Congress for this. A. ngraph line B n w it. working order from Houston to Fan Antonio. I sevias from roceu ! v r ; "vt flsial iu a - . -UiW 1 , ■ - . ' ■. ot Johttaou bus iufonacd the Goveraer of t v • •. e w’M ' : in ; r •.: c . . I*l .. .'«•• - *-t ! o-. t ..- he m > '•>'** th.* Mtato to resume U» fo» r :-ei rcGTons’ j with the Federal Gt/reramfb •. ~*.t proffi*s.-.r it all the aid oi tfc * power of 'ha G .verr /x-at in ' tfc;- premise*. I 1 ia : ! C-iropiroiler of currency, -bow# tb. fr»i ■ uM j 'iscoucts of the- NsCkr .*1 It .. ! %t ; - ' (*,- 000 Thdcin-ulati-cn v -iVi . ■ J . * tadHrldna' dep -sits ro , - - • .- .>+ tbe circolation of the State Bank* about ', ! The fcaiou heado art*'is in ”, w YoiL city ! are ti - . ;*.*r.e cf much I c-m-v. ait. .‘.j d&liy : ’ every ouv worfeing in oaii.t Since the cud of the war tbe Lwy D- part | ment baa exhibited grt at activity in fiteing rustic ior service in foreign wa/e - Ail ladiaii tribes in nolghboih or- o r F- :i i 3uUy a, a v.-precooted a-bein.- o • i ■ Government coo-.:-.. -4 ‘ A ■ ■ : l. sy --ftnaectary t*' * */dor r- s . w furu, ■ .. . '• _ . Tun cisMi i(..»*- 1 .-; t.ow /yiarg -:o ' a pat in order ami emt ready ior tea at ta ? t >■. poi sibti: t .. iiod. Th* t >nrt <f Appeals of flit .- . M load has sustained ibo const/iuti- ; y - ~,c registry lav. of tbe State. ?.n*t .. ;.e -T teoev ot the proviMon in the U -‘llama ;-f } the United, rit tea. j Colonel John O. Mahony, Ptp«id<:-nt of the | Fenians, denies that he rv*.t ..vie eUiemunl;' 1 :o U)-: cam.-epoud . • ■■ ■ ... Thy. • ■ t' f r . -.-?. ; A call bats been made for a ua* nai Coriv* a ' t»oa of Ufbacco at NT;, . ju 1 .; ! >?2<l of November, to -.t -ic-j. f .r .- j keglslution cOQOeruiag thuic interesti--.- I’rwirtwif Johnson, it *a stated, i«. ngaipd on j his message, in which Lew.;! argue n* length i . - r.d thcr ! tious. j i ».<• Nava, Court MaD.b.l i • .--lit tu .- i j W&shiugtcn. Trovloional Goveioor P« ; oi Uai-xma hue had anotecr 'U’ervit w ,v:T; ■ _ . : ! t 000 obiter of Ms v .-it i • said te be vm ab•//».- >.i>n ol FretTamu's i* .-v.i, . ,-. and that it bos caused much >:oui. •'■ the !>f.uth «ra States. The remedy, 10,. .ver # is with Congress, the Bureau having been created in pursuance of law The petition of Dick MeCL- u so- u vn u - c~ habeas corpus haw f>oen argCvd i t :.-• Uu’-t* f States Con/1, at iimucvilic. Be.xtcr and Smith argued f> r the petitioner, aad 13. S. District Attorney Harrison agaiusi Li. The argument was based upon th a act of Gougtcrs cf 1842, , » HrU«U‘.rf u tauu uOvffJiu.te , lucOanti ! .itlfcd to tho bensfit of the a.v as for tigii- i. besides, taken the amnesty oath, be v. ..g em-i Ced to the protection of Mr. liar '-on co.,' !ucled that by ‘be ac: of 17? b. n'ted Statcß Courts were oxf.v-sly prohl'.-iiT. ironi wFis of habeas corpus to per son- i*. ii* . -tody of State Courts. A Wad -,gtca '. pateh say* Hon. Jag L, Orr. Governor : < •.•' i' .s*.t:*h Carolina was j paid 1 . . ks ago, b t| , pi l th* r >bei Eebt, i 1 failed to prspar. her /uv ofF.r’j! re- gaitlou j as-, a State ’• -yd to the I.Tlo j The email lf nx h spry . ■■■■■ - "■ it ie said Glut the troops will . nhe dih - drawn from Mobile. t But few, :.l ntiy, amneeiy pan'.. . rate b : r . rantecl for several * .ya pas*, ewirg to /ho President’a time being devoted to o-d... M’.Bi nese. Applies-1 uia continue to • large numb is. Frederick W Seward has sufficiently uv ered to resume the duties of A vis !. tary ot State. Large additions are being made te .he «, r. - greasiouftl library at Washington. The Secretary of the Treasury has informed the Assistant Treasurer at Now Yoi *f ;. J:,o new gold certificates of tho denoml ation ot >■ ui. and SI.OOO will he e<- ‘ j. -v .--L soon, jhe f 20, $.50 acd c TOO notes nay ’ be ready for some tin«e. It is intended to begin the 1* no or the certili.ates to depositors shortly. lbe largo shoe ;nanuf actor * in Sontbbciro, Magfi., belonging to Mc«is. Jno. Hart & Cos., of Boston, has 'been burned. Loss SIOO,OOO. A box containing -. hen-Tal oil exploded at Wyoming Hotel N. Y , November 3; twenty two persona were injured. White’s sash factory. Glaesion’s A-’euue. Brooklyn.'N. Y., .c-giithor with sevora: a.i joining buildings were burned November 7, Loss g. :,UOO. b W Green, late F esidcut of ‘..a Cur.ncr t icut Fire lusurancp Company, Hurt./'drd, C.rnn. in a fit. oi insanity, Nwvem'u t 5. cut hL cute’s threat with ft razrr, causiirg her death :u a tew niomeufr He thru cut his own tin-T; in tv., i;;v ■■■■.■■■?..’ i her*, gash ad hie arm. He is i i'U ai.v.--, hut ‘.hurr ;'. little * rose iiis recovering. There D gienfc cxdfetuf-.nt In iHruaicc -\er i t-he Os/. ro insurrecUo- . To sc on set tlor , buai- ' ness Is entirety suspended. In ft. Thoi tag, | greei, /tragus upon piop-viy ahi ih/* were being commiUcu The insurgent a ■ too : si■ 'ug tor the f’liccs scat Against, th m was a' terlnc eaie oa Lake. Ou' «io, i . v\ - ibs r, 5 aor eral vt wer« jovernoi Parker, >.’• w ,/t - ad dressed a message to ri. g calf;ug serious attentioa to the :•« ddlahnjejit of proper precauUonaty mcasan - t ...- prevent the • trodurfion ot cholera lot -;h count-y ; recommends to prevent comrnriuicafica v- •‘h sel: pei so minf qr ura p-etst‘.n9 and property : t*. su- v..- . i.- : and that the indigent uxk have ,-r • ~kiri-vJ treatiuent Caleb Cushing’s trip to Errofe Is pcMpoo-d ' v util spring, he will the:-go for ttc Caued * . large quantities of libelled *. nte.k”; m Suites cott-T. unless tbe English G-.. ••*’.: m the merrMime admit tbe claims iu :•;<* are . miscs. Gov. Parsons, at a public sued:: i . Sew York. B<-.'v{l vhot one-fifth ot ’ ir .o'* ol AlitOao): arc oesiittte. Au oppec.i in tor their relief. The opinion is gaining ground at the North luu' the jury for Jeff Davis >us : • .-u . • ■;• dr ntid he will be exiSy ' .r,- >■!- -'J it .is under*:-■ bes , u . thoi Southern RepresenUtiv .•*. wuo ck .* , ,k“ tin ... 0 v ill he ■\ '.n i!* .'■• - .;• la :r th. com ing Congress. The World’s dispalch item *ni».i,L'..:coT s it lias the highest aut.boiTy lor . ••. i;,j* ririt (T.biuet lad nnd*; consideration, k - sever al ’»>s. tbo trial c. Mr. Davis, a<2 is * ~y • as to the course to adopt Liu •> ■ ;>< s s i* trial by Mils buy Cwtuu'-Ghf >L u , ;i, an Las favor tlr> Btodo o. s ... wiil probably be had in a i-w ■ Cotumiei rer Pvoiiins Huh promulgef T ~ .... : that a:.v person, fisv.i. < : ‘ who bed. ma.,r.fttcturu by mack n . y v . / of th« avEick-s e:..fempt from, cx-.-u-e tax b> iho 18th . 1 will . regard a man ifac to: a at id liable to take. niaani. , et'>rerg liOeUSU. '1 be report that the Fresiden- I v ;goiK»d u order euepending the operations of the Fr Mad men's Bureau >... is ci- r Gov Holden S'- Lit a ton of K. - ... v ia-iger of N. C. •.? s-fOi i>l commissioner 10 V **Lic ion. Purpose cot known. The Fcuir-ne in the District of Columbia .V' 'nbe: ab 'it 2b , '*o n-en. act It y p. u: .• -or a morfc aent < u foot The *a. .. ut-ivotuia. aims, 8 0. Ihe : >3S; : . angers or. gb >-»rd mrgsieved at tbe'r detention a: ijus.: r . ,*. n d have protesttd, .aitvasg ?k« .. . ; • -r ship ..m'eci .-- iv op*, uujvistifiu l •, i>v;r furiv thousand j ’- - • >vc- p* ' 'Ac n tn iftyiLg of the cu: aer stone of ihv Roman ' V, .• ic Asv iam it- L ckU :. N Y ’. r 5, -he her. and Cilix ?d'u da (urf*. y , and between ne N-;riLe*a. . ; y . , . n •i..:<-a of i> • cip'-ccn . . >_ n.- . cen ; <>>r ventiac in ?ni ..>.T; ' "t i’B&?II'’BNUF. BivOCu AM-Y:ON. and lot - iii-3 >- nr v c:cL Is now, coruir-.; . eeJ, I to reclaim our beloved oouotty from the iCOUrge .f civil war. and to —. ‘ ' l v xb sk./s ; j .-ace ufs 7 j ! a-- - ■ vi'h .'.great enjoyment c civil ,and. mVv • an-., wltereus owr Heaves:? Father has a ;- j iiuisg theyvisr, graciousiy vveri. 1 it... } the oulii'cUtea of soreiga, ve.-.; rj, a(i j famine, while our -r.”. f-... U-. . [ fruit? of an abuL 1.Li.l . . ~-u wbar. as. ' ri a reproach to avy p, ;. »», Si *v. thfiref 1, a. J . n •_ ■ [dent of the United State?, Jo hortby’ -'-coni j ■ji-jnd to the ; *h - • ‘.u y , | apart and observe ;ue urs* . - a j comber as a day of national ts&ns.-_ , , the Creator of univeree, for these do! na%c=' »: ' id*. an t I lo further- reoonimer .4 ■. :Ii »h- pc.-pM E'-kc if. • • . oa«! sir.e agn’ost Hia in f ; -.4r«- a: . -V- oi l ilh OB© L*-a t aid one : ' r .< !>'v» c- gu'-' ct: te lc ways !.i . : , ■ •• . ,of, I • ..•? h:■ into set ; car.:-*‘d t’m sea ot the United m o . 4-o a* '' .■[ H.-re o *he city Yvsbingtoa, this tw*-nty rk: ; ‘ - to .or, iu tbe year oi our Loid e./V ;.x’o- c-l -ud sixry-fiv and of the T : ■;•< r of *tf United states tbe nice "'gredj .isOL- v Jon VBOtt, By * !‘resident: rvEmvi; W. H Sswari,, Secretary oi' 3 ate. •; M! DENT O:-' tHE PUBLIC DIF.x ' _ ‘lctiuli -1- has promulgated a ‘. ■r ... ... ■ 1M;! as it appears • ”i “ ’ • th- !.-‘ir*-.i’ r-.turr;- J te-qJ.-itit-te • Depart vent on the 3let of Oci-.-ber. Ifc'ho I be recapitulation shows the ««'’ ■•ivioc r. ‘ ,t-: c mterest te coin sl,lOl - ’7,hbl,-Sv . -iei.*- h'-uiag interest .iu lawful v - -.-v, J! ! ',l-i.li9 787,i*1; de i ou which i•• e<.. bus ■-=! --J $1 .07.4.920,09 debt ’-.-ear -. • n erest, 1386 523 359 51 , t-vs.l amount t>.:* -- ?: ■ • H.Tok.s.,; total in.enst sl:3 te3 ; .o; ot which $67,670,340* ii- -• coin, acd $71,267, 1a,09 iu lawful mouey 1 ;:e !< ;-■ : .- , ■ t ■' >te<» in Mr.-ulatl n arc si follow; 1 , tw? years 5 oef esnr. $32,5.‘te 901 00; r-dtea ' no:; - 1 $3:092 'HO 00: -i - - w.. - r tfip oc : Com - •-'.ed I-. - t : nutes. f77 .',14: 00 • total, i C>33.7 -'.‘9,081 f«>. ' he -.v; gis the amount in the Trea«ury in cter.. .51,387 15 ; in currency, ' 5-i 'f -K-tl $68.3^5.578 69. Fraction ■ cv ( $26,007,401 00 a cent mi ? or the Oct*. Ter statement with SepsimVer ehuvi a rortuoi not iha . - Ink -iobt of $-.1 000.900 and also a reduction ,f*' - if ”i’ t n era of over f t i.OOO.uC’O, In the October statement there is also anew ;• M/xrv. /-■»•' -' . v amount cute‘andiuc* iu 5 Ite ‘ ;ii Bxv , fiuig* , .< under the ret of J ch 3, It-'5, aearly f our million and a half t;itse are pa.; able after five, and redecmabic ia tv.t iity y from SoY iuberl,. 1865, ui 0 per c at, ii -s in coin. The temporary ' in at 4 per <u ;i* is $012,728 ; at 5 per cent, $3,130,971, and at 6 per cent, *67,185, 30C. Certificates'of indebtedness, bearing ti per cent, interest. $55,905 000. fi'*' ivOJ-E * f - •)..' t- 14 ,: . .; Tb-ding journals have recently publish ed ti statement of the law governing the Ob ii; of the House cf Representatives in oinking up t he roll for tbe organisation of tbe next House, who cons!*ua that, law so as to preclude bun fompte and- or the roil aay names of Ilepre ventsu: - elected from the lately rebellious States iris eiat .ment. they have incorrectly u-ribec i i>j the Gisrk himself. li. was writ- Wli’teiaw Baid, tbe Ijibmriun o 1 tho N ■ . /, Western journal with which he is oo.ii; i; bnt there are sufficient icanoes for vd■ that it faithfully and exactly states L, and: wol tb? law on which the Clerk wilt ... .. L may th.:.--.tere be oauaijered as settled it iu teo o:gM‘!z.d.c.-:i of the Hon*j no mem* : um the late insutuxtionary States w;.' participte. - t*.-r tm- <a zat-iou, tbeir cat:-s wdl come ■:1 : re-. /ltatiou duuu credentials, and doubtless be referred iu lice course to the ' lea on FJeotiovr-. Mr. McPherson him self 11 .vv er, ii .. Published nothing on tho ’-J and uot likely to volunteer ; ■ r u of his-iatonied course in . i ■ Ir th- Senate the organisation was t“.; czufrutdinary evoalon following U-. i. -rngvirr. -i n, arid consequently the claims ci th- Sr.-aton elect froro the States lately at wai with the general goveruinent were duly (iOUbi-d: red by that body on the presentation of their ref-pet five credentials. : OREIGN NEWS. Ganihalui iad declined .he nomination to the Italian IV . Lament offered by the Queen. 3 slated that M McEde, the Papal Minis ter r, Wm, La- not resigned, bat has obtained lew.- of absence. The Papal army is reported much disorganized MEXICAN NEWS. i’ha five French officers cap!area and subso >itl_> lmc bj tbe Tdliecais, were aacilticcd aec* 'dJ/tg to Maximilian's own mevhc of -l--:n. boslce- ; . promptly ....d offi cially ..ioUfied that, as he had hoisted tbe black ilag. sl?ey w old deni with the Imperialists , .c-lid deal with them. Ite lj\io of •'Lexic".te>„ immediately adjola -- .iC .', of Mr\c ■ -i: , i t.iecb.h 1 1 Ocb>- ; r within one inch t c the level of the city. If n- rains had con i wed a few hours longe; gr-»ftt of property would have re sulted. -• tear ibcusaad laborers are employed •• froi/i V*; -Cruz to the City ol Mexico. A- lipvo:: is to be opened throughout •*:*? Li- . r. for th*; rohtf of those rendn-ed :’-*f ;uute by tin. inumiatioa of tbe past rainy season, \ . niouf- r>h.-r.i m. n*; c-ojurred in the valley < MoA-icc on th i >th of October Large ea/.v- cl wale ' r.-i .suddenly from the vtou.i*ai: whlcu, ii hey do not diminish in volt: no. will I'-.rm a considerable river. SHERIFF'S AIJ3S, ' C.J CijY.^SHKBTPF^SAI^~ sS '' L ' "(/ ’)(• . . . 1.1.1- •• nr In L,mco>.- ♦ 1 . t. Tjic ii . Oeuqrta, bttwa i the l&wta! if t .... t‘ fii A s-srt".'.'. in -.1-;* sex', two tw ■ ■ ■ sl-li u:; l- -.k’hf,l! acu-3 H) inuii lylon i -sii c .>*.nly, lev d-s property oi Jtt.c M. Can .i, t a" fo\,'-, n hg fl fM: j. H. Paris, vs, J .I.'’art -e. ' H. Ca '.»•:;,■• •■* "•'• B.“tet& Clare, vj .'. J. i m S:'cf AOiatk.’-- J. «. Oar' b 1 1 " liloa Cs'-; ili!' *au J)i C-ei.’sue*' SOC’J -ties, Geo-as - it, v.i, '--m J. <r,?,i.>ae - wcari’y «»1 K. Uewtonvi Hzdorbv, all issued froixi ter s.itei oi ■■ o . ■ . . . u ' -c- . - • 1 . edg A M urtlsOp*, *V. Si. Tyier fur t-s ve. and. J. ■ i'.t ■ ... .u.rro. . ties o-i-e .. •• i .’our. f said c"; i aty sit are a.- ,dj si;ce viii u; s?,U oto liuudr.J. -I - . - ae: sot iuir -lying id saidcoaut*. to satlify -■ 1 r , ’u error -rear? ot nW county. UnsL i • -• Wii. Ba,tl«ti<6 X#vitd«a ss the ?rope.-t> c -s ■ fir I'n o. -f t t !-*a end placeOEt hundred (ICO/am> j la id on tsthe proper: ,' of W. : . - 1 a- 'x A.v'rg ’’ not the ’".feriorCov.;t Ot e -*- ■.. ii* . ' ■*'■!• .:.• stiei.-.r vs. AV ii. iyter and M. -•!>.,,.■* - r.-y t.tfi fh..r ii f--s in my b«ads. - lie.; . • j J plii . two hur.ilreu and flfiv ' ■ -■ -■ M, .•. don '£ rte j,y ■ ' ■• os . : .. ■ v j-. y .. ri i; -“-ding *- m tat 1 -:l - .-••'urt t*i m' ’ ton* '1 nsoUr atoaduf Vi, Marv Cox n >. -J. be Co*. rad piico • i mOt n.- hi .: ; , res a ’ ■>... ." Lcvh-J o~ as the property r. .- t > . •-y i 3 i-\ in tavo? .I Jeremx--h r«*cre i VaU jil..Cr-*u »- id the Bnpcrb-.r V-rurtof . ■. Ar 1 . ti. !-,r- - .--cif privoity pointed out by tin, »iT,' Si- S ,ury :.;••* ffs, ! '. r v 1 •... a . v .tre i riiare, i ■ r- ■js. x V«o on aathe pir-peru ■ e. ■ a*ifs in u.iarotT. Iu Ceil ravs a- V.-ie. isu.un;, Uruu; Irani the f upenoi Court of £S><l , ■'reperty pt lie , j by def.i .innt, C. COUSMiN. EOv tn-i hteric L, U- .‘•A L: . i-’JRI? HO SHERI vV S l LI.. VP ;;.,L . ■ • ! ■Br t -luesdaytn L’teeraber text be* «1 for door in therotmof OT»wtorilvtiifc, i’diiartiro com It. wltiin ,o« li-g-e hour... •., *j«, tfc... taliow? .. pro- rity -«H ‘tie ot of !tnii is vlo vsaiy a ear se'dtc v , -..-i vii e, ipisit - tar Hit -at in. liaUrciwl, ad a'ijCitiiing anus of ! -. : s o • . v.. a iL.f-a, r. ior .-as. n Ito c. e oouss end lotir: :u • .and , ", > -’. ... •- ■ if ", Cl ;» .-.iorrawe uwelli.'!, hi i!f, W’ii v; 800 and ’>'hen eci.. .sir .ul-u.'w. i‘. heir.' tt«. - r "s’s ! Tn p* v .ot xvtC.e, r.ll levied ss ti.c property cf Lewis .Y.jifcU -i f: a fitaisr.od -fta* Taaafario Inferior Crt* ■ I .a 1 -: .' cf ‘ a. ■ -xs;ey, t*. LewisTmpe. 1*;op- rt> i*r*Sn*.. >1 •!■-■ ’ ■: l KoOV’So. •■ en-t*; Shn- ta T C it; ]-' FEaiiO SVLE, 'U VILLi be :..i . the U*s? Ta *2-. ; n Ucosmtier mr.\ '• V . • ;-’r •••. • 1 art flense 4 . .i" -te .■ 1 Cm* t -I!-;, w-thln gel n- rs oi se e. tve : 'wir.g prop •■rtv. t.vw.i Tw. it-'J vc "• sc-'i’ i-r land, m-.zt cr lese. ‘'x'.x' - : .'j'-...' i-ir.-ds of losetih I'rirt-n r-x i ... evieiV-ii •. i- • ..*>.■ A...r.n H H ?jj, ;t be inrthe -juuiaid Hm - 'sides on, to ssUafy a flfa iss i?d ; f . .:." T.. .if. oe . t.. in 'i -r .1 Iva ■ T. *a- ’ ’■ V\ V-. : .'Ji. V . ,'• tY r Uc. or' f1- .... i : A:-;-. U •-! -■ H ID] :U4 Cav4 **h«r ». T. O. 'D >~§V EBU’ ■' ; I ti!, e KUO 1 :.C iT TJiSDiric !!,ui er %r u s-. s' ; . ■ V >‘tse i».r oi Uhl- c. - itv * tw.we'ra -a'- is-••‘aJi : :r sv*., -v L-.a* ot u nd oanL’.airs J # : •< S: l 4 tr, and if 'ii-Ji L-’vercit : tr: ■ ■ ‘ • '>. idijr; ’-J: ." 0 PeS* ! *./ s',:3 c -duty, to - *4. ti* i 25» ia ia Le* o . - - olor t'oart ia favor cf Dennui 1 "• • *■ . i W. O. I'sech U. . - ... .; .:. . JMi ■' -r-.e,-. L. C. 5Tb ST, Sb . a‘L sSilFrs~SALj£~ j ..i-r ~ ■ ore lie Court H>)<e dxr :. b!n-y U. ' . . ii .-1.-. ■ ■ ■ r tV-e.-e : i a f-,l' the i uV:a* pro.i’riy, to l-. i. • e orie-a, rnarj eonnty. n! . . • i t.j■ e-' ic-n t-C's/ Hiii, a,* fiU'.ng -... .... ' ex - .. '••. . f. ' 4 1 . Le •• - : , ' ih.m they.p : - ' • .. . i , sat'-fv fix '• • . !>.: • •ii tin tit or ot Gi'-aon ' a : ■ - '. f ■ ■.: r*r rv: pointtu oull y sr. O'.S. vni.USfOKAil. ! die •-'■•‘.t Deputy Sh sr iff, L. O, j I*5 J nlf. ’j & 'l' -i» Tact.' anew and wond furSrtWIJKO i A t- ’Ci; * 1 eriy cbfcip cue Iketrseu. A',T«r» '•Ut.’ ‘ >rJ. Mai-.e, »i.e: - iiwt) CITATIONS FOU Oi VOMI.NI'-TUAif'J.V. S '• ” ■• >'• -- ’■*. ■ •. o' .: V ■’& .V I !*. * m ... \ •? . and r.'.ndu«« ■ S•'» r- *'*. r«* an*’ res. of \i . >-• ni•.Tradm aitonifl not Sc grafted to !>ennf sa/. •-•. • r* r» ~\.T a. Wi • "V h*-i Mil cfldal s.i- .?«e tbUxJtb day ui \ Ocu !■ 't, 19*6. •.. i-i «®4* B 1-. Ta i U M. ’nltoaTt-. Siuikovoeor. • : ..;;E'v>rv. H o' .. -i. etttrs of A1 S?i w; o V «■*, .•(» th» CS ■*a'» of r it?, tcuirv, JcoecA ß d. -w a'>„ •.. : •.■}* hilw. wL* .1. ! Gib** should no! •’ ..11' U .’ *:: t ' u OAbaarr to be hiiJ. In and ft-v «*!d O -f, ... V t?-' V 5 • "oat B.*T’. ! uidurmy i... ,»* .0 -<i Ocicbvr dk&h. 1 I*l u'.'OKMPB 1.. KXNG, Ordinary. SrAi ■ • ■ ;> .n;> . : r,\ .'> at ii -a to vris for letters of i Uuari. »*»»fclp *r M-j? '•;. John Burch, orpi'-ata ■ nd m'nora os > ~cr.t*3 Butch, <5 * -. . n r: ; : t., ■ -v, ■: •: • :wt _i. . 1 a -UVJ' V i L . Cui-.-i V 1 'rie 1 V .. : r? i<; t*sa.'- "rvr ? ?.u or Ptf.'tr U.-. in- ; '-V.ctic.rcrn ' it ti -- - 1 'own-.o r . . a,,: ii.rt at .. Aa* ! fruvm title 2'at .: icobor. !r.< i r.t.vl 9W!6 J . \ RO AT ii. Crd ior*. j ESTATE CF V. HJ-'irv. J.D I'O.’NVT. Wtereai » ■■ - for uu not A«- |ii ’r. in .ni ;.• eof •'. ..• iT.'im .4W sil c.nuty, ffoaceed -re :t ’r. >0 ci’< at..i ‘Viisoi ail itai Modular, ! the t .•• .in 1 .:o-. 0.■ •-:• .I <■ and appearnt | rn >i ,1 ... it DeetCinet .1 .‘Xt, to • :howuj " ■ >• . . tin 1 ahoulduot ,>e ; tf-arte:. sir.-. ;■ .1# r t'l 1-i 1 1 . > f r ta r ;- at office i, Aa , £tn#a .030 . ...c of t>; ... ;i , .? ... j ; ovj a ’i 1 - V- *. ii IATH, Ord.aaiy, f..- "■ > ' [ V, • f ‘ ■ -!'»!! Os ! '3 '. •-4 inn on i 1 -"itt «' Jr ii .»r - U' 0$ w.W I '• i-.i : .rt lut (O' - c.H .tin! t.d lottih, t i and >ln^titir i the iaKte'fl #nd c editom o; Mid desMMd, to ba vut tvpw ■ .1: rty , a<k., ri >r l-.i • ■ ii r»t •«'. .sv alii rabe. n<Xw > toshov. tav. e, !f ,>nv uttj -..v . -vrb\ < -1 i«t;-raaid u:t , be i, antfl. I ;Hwcn tindd* myttsad and ufflcUl ..Ajpators. at ■. fl. ’ An, this3 < day -.f October,i«t». I aevi '."45 U. T . KOA i';l, Ordinary. asr i l : • i»R«l i: l-r ’ll MONO i'OONTV— .V was, T..-ro arphr': u<? for letters of Rd !aL -1. '. i L... '.' ‘ aa.. >• ■■ y deceiifi!: Tn-s- are tb !<?!•'•-r, to -.laud . Inter :«h, aii ati.l tnrolar ■ • hnini ;l rs of salt .I’Oeitssu, okeav: a-.y ar at »:iy J 1 ’ a 'ire lh6 first iln t iny in Dec ra’i rc»x!, to si. v cans-*, if n,y ha»e, t*hi laid letters £,.» Id ua be • ■.yon u: J. - wy hand and ofadd eip-at tie a* ofl •• in Aiuu.-ta tii * 3Lst, uay '.lctobe , >B*s I.OVI twit i'.iV'li; L. . 'AT t. OrJ’v OK ÜBORtHA OOl.tjMßt > C'. UMT: . Whereas.the es at- ol WdHarattray ly u-*• ore" tulr ‘i'heae are ’ hereto! . t - cite afld ad’xor.'.st all and eing-ila Kindred an a credit re of said deceased, 0 « auii appear my offer •1m- >r: .... . • .«■■••. 10 ah • c in. '.' • they have, why said letters 0. acministratio.'. shot:id not Do «*ir».u a-d->f my hati-i itaa utuai c.pLat»re rain . ._v t Ua<. this sd dav of October, tBBt. 3 W w BHil£lJ>B, <la -ay. aOTATIt, OF GEORGIA, rtIJUMOr'W COUNTY. JSy Whereas, '£' oauie I pODs applies to me for letter.. mini;.'*ra*ion on die saute of Cornelius Barwtl. laierf said 'county, deceased. T 1 eseare,therefore,to cite and admonish, .nil and lingular *■ • . .iredand credit.- r.- and W' be and appea~ at rny office, on or before toe 3ret Monday in December .ut, toshow cause. If any they have, why said Letter* should A be ..ranted. Givii.t hand and official sicuature, at office in hngusta. this i.l d.iy of Novemher. sjsa. Uoil'iw4® IJA.VIU L B’ J'i i!; ‘.'..- ary CJTATB OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY, jo Whereas, WUila ■ii :in for letters goard''Kiora l' Thomas mtin r of TeOßn >V. Thomas, de'khseo: ' hese are t: ■. •-. or: t • "its and ai’inon ah . ■, and s"yr r thek'ndred anil(frieuds of Aaidjhdr.or, to cnl v i>cp’ at uy office, on or before the 3rtl Monday u. 1 'toyinb- ' next, to I show cauae, If any they have, why sato lettm should not he ■ granted. j hiiv.-n under my hand and official sicr.ature, at offler in Av.- j gusta, tllhiSc 'lay of Novella, ;r, JBij’ j nov i 4a46 .DAVID Ij. ROATH, Ordinary. r £■'* CORGI A TALIAFERRO COUNTY. - vfi Wierea.. W* ’■? Brjota •» iol- •> to me for left era of | a iiiiuisira i. r. i e bci ■« u . wim 1 u- Annexed, upon the J ettnieof Mrs. Asrsy Fhiks late of s»‘d county, neceati cn Tnt*. arc therefore <«• rile soft tilmsaish. t* a ktc U'i we;; ,-y. of .-said deceased, tube and appear raj \ iSJc . • .rj'.r, fin line ,• ’.criDed by- iaw, Lo ghowcan.e. if any Up'-) .1. ■■ ;>M .• . -r; sUoitM n ;ioe gran led. Giw n tinder my cm 'lit! ansriro,at offioe '.c Crawl* nlvtl!: this 51 day of N yvonoe*, iBl6. J. I>. HAh'UACK, nov-'i i',v t 8 Ordinary. C ! -1 W)RGIA, T<aUAF*RKG COUNTY. » Wt.'ivro Amop Ellington applies to me lot letters ot uruoiaiit.aiicnTppon the estate ov Esau Ell- agton. »at: of said county, decs ..c>i ; These are therefore to cite and admonish the kindred and.,creditors o' said deceased.U be and appeal :.t my Office, within the time pr.iscribed by law. to show cause, If any they have, why said letters should not’ i- granted. Given under my hand at offirein Crawtoruvile ties Isi day of November, 13f5. J■ D. lIASIMACK rcvSlwl!! Ordinary CITATIONS feOH DK > ms OISrWIdSOUY O'iATK OF GEORGIA, RICH mg IS D COUNT!* O Whereas, hficaael O'Neal, guardian of i-u-.j Usher, fiM.w EJI-*u Hastings) minor, applies to me for Letters 01 Dismission Ti.are the fc;.', to cite and admonish all, and singular the hiii,'". .. u ft.emis of said minor, t> be sad aprrarat m. , on "i lore the -• Monday in Deeembet nevt, tc sbi y they Letters s lotbt granted. Given u.»Cvr njy h .tni and off:ha liignature. at office la 4u ,testa, thisß,i dsyei'Octolr.r, Xtwift. DAVID L. ROATU, oetß S6w r.i,.:U Ordinary. (J : \ ATEoM tor GiATKiCHMOND COUNT I. jr iV '•.ercaa, Joseph 1» Burch, administrator on theEs'»U ... ij.-aaj K G re-fa, -ieoi' seu, applies to r»:e htln-. ■ , yjter,. 'M.iioTi. M;. , liter .‘fote, to eh- and adiicor.ish aii, :.'. i singular the kiadree •■'-■; creditors <;1 salt! dee .i; vd, ti> be and ,•■ • 1 al rriJi.-fi; r - fore the first Monday in March nex-., to show . ajs ■ If any they have, why said Letters should no! b<’ grant- Gi cider ny hand and offiffial signature, at office ■ Au *ufte, 1 id; 4today ot September, 1565. ■ •!,■ 5 -l wl-v I >• DA VID L. KOATIT. Ordinary. T £"OFTi iso Rtil A," iUOHWON iTt'-o UA TV •“ Wheteus, ,VUii-im Ma-.kie, Adibiulstvaiot on ,h-. it'stal.- of 1 antes G, jliufiie, ar : easod, pli. s.lo me for Le .u. -jfDli,. nisaiou 1 i’ : ,■■ - tr- ! l.arr.for-:-lo eitc and admonish, all and slnyiiar saidi ; JTi’ office.or “for-. •:> is! in November 1 ext to show cause, f my they have, why said 1 erf should not be granted. ce n Au gusta, this Ad day of April, 1565. DAVID TANARUS„ -.OATH. OrdV _Apr!l •','lb*' l r. _<im 'am i? ; TW<> MON iJS NO VIC E.<. "at ot rc a j.Y Tw!>mwfhsaftercuteapu •>» Vn will be made to j U'-ut of Ordtn .rv ot Richmond comity * <• ! -ave tv. sell tt« real oa'u - bci v ur to '.ho estate of on »f. T W aii?r. i lateo: ,a’.fc t uv.;\ decia"..di aD a * .KtHNSTi. 1 ;-' j oc!3: Bs-43 AlSmin strator. i iijb-'ricE ! i\S Jk-our•* - s wpilcatioc -wUS be mt-du to U. ir <t ■a. t-t H* m r u*l comity or l:*v eto s*-J the ••iCefoatt lent., a'ot!i‘ic-iateof oar* O. Walker iateot '■ -miy, -J. WALTiCR Jt JOHNM’ON. j oct27 Bw*J • Ad»’.nlstrai,cir. VOiICE. i"» wc srath* -.fter uate, to *>;t, he L e -sru'.-er term; i !f6 j, Co- t Ordi !avf or .• c enty 'f Ureoce. .'talc. ! VGc■>!«(■&. Apyttcat’. ' '■ inat ; t;. si'l KO:.;i for leave : to all ah ibertai -t .to. c m istti ■. a' two imndre t c.ui sixty ; .cmsflana more or 1- ! (iW) baloug'.ae »■ the esta e of S a win jilißOß deceas- -1 VY.L. STRAIN. I ge>Clßßw4l Exetu or. ; JTm hglXTkE‘iTisTUfJvjm" “ ■ A '.he am ta-m of the Court ofOrdhwyef raid cout j ty, afte' two months fron this date, I aha’.’ up ’»• fa salt; j Court f>r lev/-? to fill the land belonging t« ti: : err; it oi i Beniamin Coivard, la' eif anldoouutv. r.e: (i.t j, ! JOHN U. BShOVii.KK, LOr. een2 > whv, ! ItfcJOTJOK, Vs fr'.e cmv abt- •! ite appl’cat:-., will ;.-v .(..-• 1. ; t ! b - . t r,f Ordinary of 'i’lllaferro cooctv.f r tev. ta tei. 0:“ , - ■ - . ■ .i .' ■ ‘ -to > ». !.• t o:’ .r a. c r, Ki\ . _ —■ - NOTICE. t*i OEUTOKS A SO CSDITOBf* y ; i : ; :V “ -‘j Aiiptreovi lade '• :to theesUle of E’i**-a Kurton. !sto of Rvi-h. . >X- • ty dwoaa-d. are rwjtdrel to in&ae \it, . wo: .te payi: Ait tr the m.dcrs jfuo ; M»«i Ih S3 hiring c .aiu a.;,,.’ •- - k-c. nos ie.l 't< oretesttbe-o, mlyaUestedf ..-'i . thetis.s :ir«.nbfcd by law, ROBERT H. .‘I4Y. ;._JL _iri 11- 2xe;il!o . - jNNEii & NORRELL, yea tsl iHcrehants, lit. ,U) ST. AXTttCSTA, ul, •ftjs f •,»:•• ’’aa.-cr r. inforir.ics;our filendssnd t. . pub # v .••».'• ■ >t-w tv. • -r;eu a .<* artnensliib «:.• v. -1,-a i sou •- . (mi ... aireetiiOß lies! esc. Will rv" ff'Clr t>Br o- t ■ the titorij{3 snd sa’e tetoawu ulljr ,'u..e r.s'.sej on tlif tarr. CoDSlfnruent* c - ' * e-tem r-rvist «;• s -xa sf e’ery awOpCon elicited. !- : w ..... and i-.;r . lr.y cf eoedK. Ri.r r K'.V'f- —‘bho o*-. . .’fbr & i Ls3 A B'.r.c* J 1 f •’ y4tiV VR y> or. 'i j-„i Meteolf. Ron J I bin* V. f. ,1 . « -r. ti udVit v -. i- -P ; HTNSRSjTfP. % K COOK, late < f >be Cm or ijOTUWEU. iCO , jr%<f tael' O .a-” .-e.J.f w' .. rl. T. ttUHRHY, tor the p-irp>:e • f 0 E Alt X a (a « B 008 Jl I E 8 Ir. i their -.ri.-’y. att'v. old sued of JE. T. Mcrphey, -or. ner frc&*l a'!.' V. shLiegtr-e streOs, w r rraptue t ue s.. alt etui e ... . r.eS'Mnm'adatlw our s aU'.:- - .c •< .1 mo::.’ . v A. H. < < . > . i. .< . C.n~. i.v... ~ c-r. .it-=r MAR Hi AGE GIEDE • KOt'Afi’S iUsK 4* fHiSIOLO&tIIAI* tVOBK. Os ev=? ■ o >;:■>*— Frlvste J - s;> • • .r »v M «•.•. c Ri or t t;*e about to mam\L:lh Male oe ; r vorCc. i T r ,'U - cor " c.e he i.yr.'o’ly ,’ an • boor. - V-.t .3 r-.a o* produetlor r ;.•• .-i.. Hob .for - r ; w dloA-jrsrt-w rfv«r o fr.-- .•■»?'! 1.-' --a. t .-it iWKhlMje Wm. roryc, iI.U. Tint. ‘-.'ll ■ ' r.terv-FttJi. w ok. A; wrtTtar Is pi....-r y‘" • • 1-irr, ; •* IhuAratAd >•.>- n ; ii.y.-.I'dugg. Ai; youiijt n> II; - .rtl.a? I2iw.iXd a^TI*'. 1 *'. a.'ad ■» r ;•;< »-jo-.iu reaJ tßis b->'F Ir, he . -.-v - 'hi- . ..should r. t *r S o6iate will:, ,->*,h it --3 ■ !!%tr>,-’.s:: J tacked tip. uv. 1 not lem- .• . r loose. It ii» •c - - vi ■ o i» ; -y r-r.e c t t .-r .. '. '.-V 02? Atfdrsss VTx. JS*). Sproc-.St , jfreivit Fo tt K riil!r.3eJ?iia. st C r i “90 A MO?TH I fi'c'dlb*:. 1 fc- Six etillcrlv L.l? M-t'fj, ■ f *.v ! y-f. A■*;««•» O. GAHfcT, y > Ul- 'ng 1 id.-eforu * *ept» 18-- "i* ' T H 111 CHRONICLE 4 SENTINEL JOB PRINTING OFFICE Is one ot the Largest in the Country. WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE i a ms BEST MiXIMMISFi. AT SHORT NOTICE, AND ON Reasonable *l*ox*axiuv > Boolt Priutiug, j Pamphlets, , tenuous, I Addresses, ! Catalogues, Reports, JOB WORK or EVERY ■ DESCRIPTION, Bo.cli as Posters, Handbill s. Concert Bills, Auction Bills, Programmes for Concerts and Exhibitions, Circulars. Envelopes, Druggists 7 Labels, Blanks, Bill-Deads, EXECUTED PROMPTLY, NEATLY, ! AND on the ; 1.3 O'W3KSJB*T* *?. BY THE USE OP STEAM AKD THE best be power presskk Mi iitnds of work ase<t by Book Publisb ' Ml kinds of work nsod by Manufacturers, ill kinds of H*ork used by Banks, Ml kinds of *?>rk ased by Insurance Companies, Ml of work used by Eallro*d Conpa&ies. M! kinds of sork used by Steamboat Compank -, Mi kikds of work used by Joint Stock Compani MI kind* of work used by Merchasits, 4ii kinds of work used by M^ofeftsies t Ml kinds of work used by Lawyer** 111“ cf work need by Traveling Kihibiiktos Ml kind* of work i»yed by Patent Sledicine Dealers, MI kind of work ised by Professional Men, 4e M Gan and will be furnished. Mi GOD AMD CHEAP AS AT AMY OFFICE IH THE COUNTRY. ■?x*smmmur+*z. WE ARK CERTAIN WE CAN PLEASE AiL Who will favor us with nriiarAsncir*. .r» A*moiVA.o>j. 4U, IN W 4 NT OF Any Kind of Printing * <vs risrvxT>rn tq, I By-Laws and Gonstitn* i ‘ tions oi Societies, JL Ulilliig t-'tivivo typed Plates, Court Dockets, I Briefs, &e. | Blank Bills and Notes, : Bills 1 at Lading, ! Bank Checks, i Business Cards, i 1 | Direction Cards, Ijisitiug Cards, ! Labels. i I Bills of Pare, j Fancy Job Printing, Printing in Colors, | Bronze Printing, &c.