Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, November 22, 1865, Image 3

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W/r . . .YEW KHMUir Uailroad between Pneb'a and tbe CUy of Mexico will be comnloletl by flic Ist of May, 18f»G. Oyer 4,000 .’abbrera are employed on i!j<: railroad from Vera Crr.z to Mexico. Tho Free Will BipMsf. General Conference of MVtuo has fatwal a resolution prohibiting tho ovd'nation of minifiLcrj who uao tobacco. Tw.» men in Michigan who 3*l to Canada alter bring drafted, and return'd rinco tba wi', Lav.' barn iri and by Court Marti*’, found R >i l ty of fieiwrtioo, and sentenced to cocfioe rnont at hard labor for three months, to be dishonorably discharged, to be forever do priv :d of c itizenship, and the sentence to be pub'iahed in at lest tao papers printed near ist their homes. Cmlor the rtc. nl pressure of tho money market the govetnmetitlus lost sl7 000,000 of live per cent deposit* ia the sub treasury. That is one it*; >i why Mr, McCulloch put a op to tb : funding of the compound interest YSom,! the Canadian, upprtbcnstvjr of the Ken ans, are calling for a pat port syfti t'ui, like tha* wiiL which they found so muett? isuit last year '“•j 1 1 r<* me 100,000 ekeletocs of Larses and ‘■attiu killed during the w?;r in thShenandoah Valley collected at a Ooue factory near Win ch* st- r. Mj :r Oeu* ral D, Webster and Lewis Wal l »cw have both resigned their pasitior.s in the army. Tue Chicago papers state that an attempt vr i: made n lew uighta since lo destroy an en tile b< useboitl i>y blowing np a dwelling with a large t oiped r. The irir’rurnent was thrown t’trough .v window into the parlor, wiih a slow u '.’ch attached, wi" uo it exploded, making a complete wreck of ihe building and its furui lure. Tho eery root was moved from its poai tion by the force of the explosion ; but, sir' vnge to iny, the imnates escaped with their live . The reason assigned for thiß act ot vandalism i« that the house was of the clues de rninat and “fast,” and waa inhabited by a wriol. Mmolinski, the ngent. of the Polish erai-\i , s, '• purchased ir ibeir name extensive ■6 of laud in Freesfbne and Anderson cotin i; '.i, in Texas. Thcso will be divided into lots i I fifty acres each, and sol j to tbo suttlei.s ut two r’oll .rfl pet sere, payable in (err years '! ho first batch oi emigrant, is expected to ar il ve m January r:*-xl. Great hopes are- cdtvr tain and in Texas of the b, n;frc nt infiussMa df t-o b< tilers upon (ho development ot the ug ri ultnrul toh nrors cf the con itry. A bill wa« introduced ia the i'ennossee Log i luture on Nov 7ill, authorising the governor to soil and convey tho Hermitage property, * boloti ring to the State oi Tontfhsfcee, except t vo cron otioloeii g tbo grave oi Andrew Jack - son, provided that, tho estate shall bo divided iul(- lots, and sold at public unction to the hi ;!.'.i.*rt bidder; payment to be mado in the li.i: di' <-f the State On the payment of the pur, ’ ate money, Ihe governor is authorized to , o tii • putcha-pr a good and sufficient deed in coo name of the State of Tennessee. V b’ ofher of Mrs. Stephen A Douglas has v. cb'on a terse letter to the New York H 'rald, in w hich ho debits that his sister ever heid a tii .nry p srnit toj purchus*, baa never pur c.i t.-.i and for herscll or others, dir°etlyj)r indi n-ctly, any property whatever in the' South ; ha- never he'd any gnch by any method of tru.ii ,er, tohigtirncut or trust, aud haH cover < u been approached with any eolfcltation or r- <pi Ht Id do th j same by any person what iV' a:. I has never been iu any way conpec ed withai y person or class of persons engaged,’ t.ny .noti trariKaclions T ki’utsbiirg [’a, has another terrible pofsi *a* : o. A Mrs Lewis is under arrest,* -d witii mixing strychnine in brandy and admin filtering it to three of her children, all of whom died in a very short time afterwards, Joshua Watson, of Sripio, Laporto courtly, lud., raised this year 1,100 bushels of cran berries on a ton acre marsh ; cost of gathering and marketing, SIOO ; net profit $4,600 Five regim-mts ot British troops are about to be cent to Upper Canada, to guard against Fenian demonstrations. I’ink, buff, mauve and green Ntaich is now undo, taiil by its aid any delicate fabric way bo colored as well as stiffened. Connecticut-owns probably not less than sl2 000,000. Os the $3,000,000 ot new bonds not taxable, authorized by the last session of the I.legislature, about $1,300,000 have been sold. I'lie Honolulu Advertiser of the 30th Sep bur In r, publisheß the names of ninety-five uhaling vessels, mostly American, which have been destroyed by tho Shenandoah. Thirty thvoe had been bouded or burned. The United St” tes stoumer Saranac was in quest of the puiatcen. Kecently several young mon discovered near Vincennes, lnd., an old leather sack, par tially filled with gold and silver, which upon investigation, proved to be a rich haul, indeed —am unting to seven thousand doilais in gold and three hundred in silver. Tho treas ure was found near an Old sycamore tree, and is supposed to have been buried there by a man named Jones, who was sent to tho peni tentiary from that county ten or twelve years ago for robbery. A letter from i irazil sta'es that in leas than thee wt iks Prof more than three hundred i\ V ; jpecicß of fish in the region of « An immense number of speiinaflU department of natural history hayr ~-l!ectod. • In- wa/' the three allied South America ‘s, Brcxil,* Uruguay and tho Argonoratiou, and Paraguay threat ens to bii\ i'duratiou. Paraguay is de termined, tl. >is said can man all her homo deti uces and rend 100,000 nen into the field besides Tue Oregon Statesman estimates the over land em gi '->V- to that Slate this year at 10,- 000, ue.vtV sos whom will settle in tho Wil lamette Vy jr. An npjf gttou to establish a national bank at New C fhs, with a capital of one million dollars,,• fc» en granted. V fan) several ladies, residing ia Golum bia, S. <1 have been supported for some months by thoirservants, formerly their slaves. The ladies were lotmeriy wealthy, but lost every thing by the war, and now these servants take this commendable way of showiug their affec - tion and veneration for their late owners. It isr. .ted that tho-e ladies never knew what they were to have on their table, but that through the care and attention of these servants they have never suffered. Government has received from Charleston, S. C., a quantity of letters written in the Spring of 18(31, by Postmasters of places South cf Charleston, containing niouey «Kd postage stamps, but all seized at that city by the Comcderates. The stamps being useless to them, were allowed to accumulate there. Gov ernment has also received $8,400 for postage | due lioin Charleston before the war. A French "cargo, recently received at New! Orleaus, paid $5,000 in gold as duties the total assessed value of property in Wis cousin is $157,410 298; and the State tax levied tor this year is $904,871. The extraordinary advance in the price ot paper has compelled the Memphis dailies to raise iheir subscription to $lO per annum. ine Bu:k Albertou has arrived at tho Sand wich Islands bom Chiua. with a cargo of two hundred and fifty Coolies, including over foGy women. They were bound to labor for five years, at four dollars per month, clothing \ themselves Their other necessaries were to be provided for by their masters, who were also to take care of them in Case* of sickness. The charge ct procuring Coolies on these terms is eighiy dollars each. During the war niuo per cent, of the soldiers admitted to the Federal hospital died. lu the -Fngli.m army in the Crimea the proportion was titty per cent Highwaymen are very plenty in the vicinity of Ctncigo. Ad spatch from Jacksou, Miss., states that the bill to c-stabiiish special equity in cases where colored people are concerned as estab- | lisued by Provisional Governor Sharkey, pass and the House over the Governor's veto and • will pais the Senate. it is said Geu. McClellan will soon return ! lrcm Kuropei . A decision has been rendered by the Supreme 1 Court in the case of Father Cummings, the Catholic prhst of Pike Counts, Mo., who was lined live uuudred dollars for preaohirg with out taxing the test oath. The sen euce was afiirmed, thus deciding in favor of the con stitutionality of the provision imposing the onh. • Texas merchants lately have made large purchases in New Orleans. STATE 11 EM* The Legislature of Georgia assembles at Mille<!<n vilic on the iLst Monday in Decem ber, v.vfjL is the Th ThqAwntral Hoad is now receiving their bills at parity payment of passage and freight. 'J Herald reports that in no time'C' l years has there be *n a greater ooui meiciai A activity in Savannah than f revails now. "f ',} trsda of the city 13 now on a sound bads —fiii exebang* of the staple products cf th « Slate for greenbacks ami mercb .ndiee. The following post offices have been re-op-en od in Georgia, and appointments of Portmis terg made: Warrentor, Warren county : James'Jr dy Po-tmaster, vice W W, Padgett. B ar Creek, Henry county : Thomas McMahon I'»tmaater, vice F. M. Street. Social Circle, Walton < osnty : A M. Colton Postmaster, vice Job;. 13. Davis. Milner, Pika county : re r.p --d Aj; * \7. J, Hovro Kingetoa, Cass county : f *LL Anderson Postmaster, vice N. H. Eddy, } away. .Writer in the Macon Teleg-aph £..ys oil , 1 l»e< u discovered ia the water of one of the y In that city. * Steps are being taken in Macon, Georgia, to pur; huge a steam firo eogire. ihe following named eentlcmen are spoken of as Hucc<rssor3 to Gov. Jenkins on tlieSupre me B ach. Judge H VV rren. Judge H. Y T . Johnson, JudgeS. L. Harris, R. H. Clark. It has been announced far and wide that J W. Duncan of Atlanta, had negotiated a lo*n oftme hnridred thousand dollars, iu behalf of 'he Provisional Government of Georgia. This is a canard. Mr. Duncan did nut negotiate this loan, and had no authority to negotiate it Tho Rev. Wm J. Saesnett, D. D. died at his cowotry rotulaaom ucai ttparta, Georgia, on N T -ve ab* r3. His death will prove a great and irreparable loss, and will be regiei,tod by all who knew him. A National Dank is to be located at Co’um bus, Ga., capital one hundred thcunand dol lars. 'lho property of the } .gle manufacturing company will be sold to the highest bidder D, cumber.l4, at auction. The citiz.-iiS ot Atiisns are getting up a Na tlcnai Bank. A store bouse near post office in Thom isville, owned by Thomas Paine tilled with cotton, a store owned by 11. M Cbastaine hilled with goods, and one owned by H. Qiiuu, and a sta ble owned by Col. Mclntyre, were burned, Oc tober 20. Loss $20,000. Savannah appears to be infested with th ievtw. mcj.-pyc.ketß, aud burglars. ri. Spimy, the commatider of thesteam- lately suck ia the Savannah 1 ■ fi*ty miles from Savannah, left on Saturday Tttrvember 11, with flats and a number of hands, for Ihe scene of tho disas ter, With tho purposo of removing tho cargo and raising tho atoamsr, if The Sav annah lies in the iurmodiate channel of the river, and is a serious impediment to the pro gress of steamers and flats bound up and down the stream. Large qu intPioa of cotton is arriving at S:*vt>nuah by wagon trziius. In South Western Georgia there is a band of scouudrcld prowling through tho country in that vicinity and destroying fences aud other property Preparations have now been completed to have a chain gang of the idle negroes found in Columbus. All colored people, who have no visible means of support, arc to have a ball and cb»t«* attached to them, and to work at leveling the fortifications around the city, the -cily »o_feod them the while, ic is the deter -111 filiation of both the civil and the military authorities that no iddiera, who only can exist by pilfering and robbery, will be allowed to teinain in tho c;ty, unless they can be forced to earn their bread. There was a destructive fire in Macon Octo ber 4 Several frame buildings- on cotton avenue between Cherry w and Popular, oc cupied as a grocery by H. M. Lindsay, win destroyed together with the adjoining brick tenements—occupied by Geo. It. Barker, as a general grocery and produce and dry goods store, aud by Jas. Graybiil as a cotton picker. Mr. Lindsay lost $2,000 No insurance. The goods in both tho other building were mostly saved. Work of an incendiary. Message of tub Goiveknok of MmiQuai The ol Gov. Fletcher, of Missouri, has been delivered to the Legislature. Annexed ia a synopsis ot the same : The total receipts of tbe heasury for the year ending Ir’eptember 30tb, amounted to $2,463,901, and tbe total expenditures to 1,- 854,601, leaving a balance of 609,247, about five-sixths of which ia in Union military bonds and other issues of the State. Tho totai bonded debt ot the State exclusive of tho bonds loaned to railroads, ia $602,000 $402,000 of which matured in 1862 and 1863, and $260,000 of these bonds have been ex changed for now twenty year bonds, and those takeii up have been cancelled. The total amount; of State bonds issued to railroads, in cluding bends guaranteed by the State, amount to $23,700,000, on which the unpaid interest to next January, will amount to $3,315,000, or $1,307,000 per annum. The Governor recommends that measures be adopted for the payment of this interest as speedily as possible ; also, th it which may ac crue hereafter. The total war debt of the State amounts to a little over $7,000,000, for the payment of which the Governor confident ly hopes Congress will provide. 'Flic Governor treats the railroad question at considerable length. He congratulates the citato on the complecton of the Pacific road r.ud recommends the sale of the south was'; branch and fron Mountain roads, so that private en terprise may finish the former to the south west corner of the Slate, and connect with a system of roads in Kentucky, and thence to Galveston, Texas, and the latter to Columbus, Kt.ntu ky, to Connect with the Mississippi road by Mobile a*ad New Orleans. Tbe Gov enor thinks the roads Cta be sold to parties who will cariy out this plan. The establishment of au Agricultural Col lege aud Military Schools, and additional flip to the State University aud other institutions are recommended. The Governor some changes iu the new constitution, the most important of which are, that no Union soldier honorably discharg ed from the service shall bo required to take the oath of loyalty, except as provided iu tho 13 h section ; that trustees and all officers of corpyva’ion iu which neither the United States, this State, nor any county, city or town there of, is interested as a stockholder, creditor, aud contributor ; also, alt teachers in schools not endorsed or superintended by the United States, this State, nor any county, cily or town thereof, shall be exempt from tho require ments of the second article. The question of tbe right of tho people to make laws requiring ecclesiastical functiona ries to take the oath of layalty, being before ihe United States Supreme Court, the Gover - nor makes no suggestion regarding the con stitutional requitemenis relating thereto. The E kctiox—Official Returns t f th? Election held la he county of Richmond oa Wednesday last, Nov. 15,1565. CANDIDATE 5. For Govebnob, i Obas-I Jenkins 901 Ml 42 24{994 J: sE B own g j Scauerng « 4 Fur Congress. Jno Miiedae 73S 2? f0 19 Stir Jas D M.itlhewi 164 8 4 S 179 Garnett Andrews 9 4 ,3 SSetHeslEg 3 S 5 Fort State Senator. WmGibttn 789 19 4S 20 971 J - SuapUton 77 6 11 95 Scattering 2 8 & Fos RjpaKSENTAT Ts, Cla'.So-ue Stead* 797 S 35 27 60 Geo T -arnfs* 6ad 9 80 fi 719 L D LRllerstedt £*> IS 20 is ti 9 sc itte ing 2 5 7 Na returns from the Bridge District. * Ekc.ed n- The planters in Texas nave adopted a plan to get the freedmen to pick cotton with suc cess. they pay for the cotton picked daring ihe day each evening. This is an important fact, as a great deal of the cotton fields ia Tex as remain unpicked. | The Russian army will be reduced to the ex- , tent of 50,000 men, and will then be 600,000 j Strobg. . j The Governors of North„Carolina Tand Ten- j nessce offer all the aid ia their power to pro- i mote the interest of education. Gen. Paeid has arrived and succeeds Fnl- j lerton commissioner of freedmen’s affairs in Louisiana . BY TELEGRAPH IHSPITC9LS TO THE ASSOCIATED PBt>S. About fourteen hundred bales of cotton passed Cairo for various points November 14. A New York dispatch of November 14, says 1 McPhcrsen will not enter the of those 1 elected to Congressloy the late rebel 3tates. on the rolls of tho next House. The persona' property-of Gov Wise, of Vo., has been condemned for confiscation. There are still about five thousand sick and wounded ia the various government hospitals. Gen. A.gur, ol Y»., has order for b’dieg the whipping of negroes in that State. It is thought Gen. Ingraham will be elected Sergeant at Arms of the next Hr.ass. Mastering out of the a- tvebed reserve troops in the District of Columbia has commenced. Gen. Logan Las refused the mission to Ja pan. It is now thought Holden is elected Gov error of North Carolina by a small majority. A large number of pardon seekers arc in Wa-hingtcn je;:. Baker vouches for the correctness of tbo statement that Mis Wirz endeavored to poison her husband. Gen. Steele reports sffalrs along the line of the Rio Grande unchanged. Out army will soon bo withdrawn. Gen. Grant has sent to the War Department a ist of offiers to be mustered out. t'ecrolary Seward has s -ut important dis patches to our minister la England. A large number of naval officers are being muitcre'i cut. Ne.v York dates of November 14, report no additional cases of cholera on tho steamer Atlanta. Gen. Grant and staff are at piesent in New Y(f.k. 'lhe Confederate ram Merriniic has been raised. The American Union Society has held a largo meeting in Now York “to aid the resto ration of the Union upon tho basies of freedom, industry, education and Christian morality.” Tho report of the Secretary of the Navy, will contain a full history of the naval opera tions of the war. The estimates for the Navy Department the next year are S28,000,0(;0. The attempt of’some of the Ensiish marines to arrest deseitera in Maine has caused a disturbance. Troops have been sent thither. Washington L. Lane, Editor of tho Phila delphia Lodger is dead, The Legialatureof Missouri hes oetitioned tho President for the pardon of &U Union soldiers in confinement, no matter what their cffence, on the ground that all Southern soldiers have boon pardoned. Colton iu St. Louis, November 14, was sell ing at 41a44c. per pound. The great sale of Government stock still continues at Springfield, Id. % Hon. Preston King, Collector at New York, in a tit of insanity, drowned himself, Novem ber 13. At New York, November 14, thirteen hundred and ninety-lorn- bales of captured Mobile cot ton was sold at auction on government account at a 59c; strict middling brought 48£ a 49c,; offonug of 50 bales Sea Island cotton was with drawn, only one bid having been had, namely 50c. The President is busy preparing his annual message. The Secretary of the Treasury will show how a portion of the public debt may be iunded, and ask authority to do it. It is rumored that the l’resideut will soon issue a proclamation of peace .and restoration of the Southern States to the Union. Rumors of the troublesou the Canadian bor der are not oredited in Washington. Two hundred and fifty acres of ground at Sandy Hook are to be used for cholera hos pital purposes. Several iron clads and steamers have been ordered to prepare for sea at once. Dispatcher from Canada rtate that the gov - eminent is taking all necessary precautions to guard against the Fenian movement. Dr Tyng’s church, Stuyvesant Place, New York, was burned November 14. Loss SBOO - UOO—insurance $75,000. Hill’s woolen mills. Lord’s saw mIU«. umroi piujjcny ax w esc lux ion. Me., was burned November 14. Loss SIOO,OOO. Gov. Andrew is in Washington settling the Massachusetts war debt There is great indignation felt in Washing ton over Spainattack on Chili. the residents of one parish iu Louisiana have met in Convention and re-established slavery by formal enactments and resolutions. Gen Kilpatrick has three months leave to visit Europe before he goes to Chili. Tho Governor of South Carolina addressed a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury asking that the State have tho privilege of assuming the direct tax levied by Congress, and the same may be paid in South Carolina bonds. He alleges that the State is much impoverish ed, and canuot meet the tax immediately. No action has been taken on the letter by the Sec retary of tho Treasury. A large meeting has been held in Boston in favor of the Northern Pacific Railroad. The British Government has ordered all re strictions on American vessels of war to be re moved. « Paris letters say the French troops are cer tainly to be withdrawn from Mexico. Gen. Fish and Chaplain French, both cf FreedmcD’s Bureau, aie delivering speeches at the North, on condition of lreedmen at the South. 'They state niat among that class that there was much suffering in Kentucky, Ala bama and Georgia, and unless immediate as sistance was given, 50,000 would die in those States alone, during the coming winter, of cold and starvation. Tne condition of the negroes in Tennessee is represented as better than in other Stales. Advices from Rio Jeneiro to October 12, via England, confirm the capture of Uruguay by the allies. Tne Paraguayans surrendered un conditionally, and 6,000 wore made prisoners. Ttieir General has been brought to Rio Janeiro. It has been decided by .the Second Comp troller that matured and unpaid installments of bounty descended to heirs in foreign coun tries the same as pay. An extra see >ion of the Indiana Legislature commenced November 12. The Government, in order to preserve the neutrality of the United States with respect to those engaged ia tho existing war in Mexico, will sufler no armed parties to pass our fron tier, or permit any arms or munitions of war to be 6ent to their belligerents. This, however, does not prevent individuals from passing with arms for personal protection. Chiei Justice Chase, it is said, complains that be has been misrepresented in the publication of the synopsis of the correspondence between the President aud himself, relative to the trial of Mr. Davis, and it is not imorobable that full copies of the correspondence will be laid before the public. All the property in the hands of the Freed men’s Buieau, in Northern Mississippi, has been restored to the owner*; but the restora tion does not affect unexpired leases, or invali date the right of the government to seize and confiscate the same property, by duo process of law; nor does it recognure the right of the owner to claim damages or back rents. Tho poll tax on freedmen, ar.d those who employed them ; established by General Banks in Lousiana, and copied in Mississippi, has been abolished in the latter State. Major General Sickles will be ordered to re lieve M*j >r General Gilmore, in the Depart ment of South Carolina It appears frem the U. S. hreasurv monthly statement for October, that- the amount on de posit fereoinwus €34 954,000, and the total amount on deposit was nearly $100,000,000. Amount or. deposit in National Banks is nearly S3O 000,000, and the available binds in the late insurrectionary States is $716,000 The total receipts of Internal Revenue glace the Ist of July are $129,000,365. Secretary McCulloch, a few days ago, stated that the systematic reduction of the public lehr will be commenced long before the year 1810 : as before that time the Treasury will j have the lunds te redeem and cancel a large portion of tne outstanding debt, amounting to cue thousand millions, including the 7-30s which will be maturing ia the coarse of three years, and not including four hundred and fifty millions of greenbacks and fractional cur rency, which may all be done without aDy special legislation by Congress. There is the highest authority for stating that this is the policy of the Secretary. The Board of Common Council at Washing r0’a1.... Tarver's. .. Bridge Put House BeTAtr.... Cl y Hal .. ton have passed a reio’utlon, nearly anani niou-dy. that in the event any bill be introduc ed in Coogrces for the admission of the color e<! men rs 'Wh’ n to the right of suffrage, the Mayor b ■ authorized to call the Council to gether, for the purpose oa taking into consid e a lion mcastir f . holding ■» special election, to asc---rta : n the sentiment oi the eople on tin sill je -t. The Aldermen have cot yet acted on the resulnt’cn. Tha Secretary of War has notified the Quar termasK-r G ’ .a! th-.f officer o of the veteran reserveccr s muttered out under General Or ders No. 155, who he'd commisssions Mirch 3d, 1865 shall receive ex ra three month’s pay, authorized by act of Co- gre?3 March 31,1865. An rfficer in the old army, who went South and joined the army at the outbreak of the war, C;. !■ and or- the IV s dent and asked lor par don. Tin- Presiden' ! n f crm* and him that be had not yet pardoned officers who had gone over to the South and taken up arms against the North He did not know what he nright do in future, but for the present be held tneir cases under advisement. Sir Frederick Bruce, British Minister, will be selected as umpire by a joint c )mmi?s''on to adjust the Claims between tLo United States aud the Coiumbi >n Govcrnruint. . New gold notes of the denomination of one thou:-and dollars are in circulation in New York. . A Washington diepa'ch states that the Presldeu' informed au ex Coufelerate General that was Eot his present intention to pardon any more Southma, civil or military leaders Chief Justice Chase is expected in Washing ton, w hen to.:'ething definite iu regard to Mr. Davis’ trial will be announced. Among the emigrants that arrived in New York on the 1 ;st~sti amor there were a con siderable number who went South ; most of •hese had selected their destinations before leaving Europe. The Strothn n Mills, Asondale, Del., were burned November 13. Work of an incendiary. Loss about $50,000 Letters from Jamaica gives additional par ticulars of the cause of the Ineuirectiou in that I-land. The writer states that the negroes of the parish of St. Thomas has become greatiy iu arrears with tt'C-i; Gavernment taxes, the payment of which v*as finally peremtoriiy de manded by the euthoritiea aud aa armed force to protect the tax collector ordered thither. In the meantime the negroes apfeuled to the courts, the decisions of which were against them. Oa the third, these decisions being rendered directing that the taxes uust be paid, the negroes set fire to the court-house, and commenced a furious attack on the whites, during which two ot the Judgts aul other persons were killed. This was followed up by other outrages, till every whit« person.and every colored person known to be ia sympathy with tho authorities were driven out cf the parish. Gov. Parsons in his speech in New York said that at the time the Confederacy collapsed the crop of Alabama was jaet in a condition to be plowed and hoed for the first time ; the black people, believing they were free, were determined to test the question of their freed don. Knowing no way to do tills except by quitting work and seeing whether their mas ters dared order them back, they abandoned their fields. The consequence was the crop suffered just at the turning point ; and besides, drouth ot unexampled severity set in. The State is now left wiih )es3 than hall a crop of corn, while less than oue-fifth ot a ciop of small grains for breadstuffs was raised. If the same ratio of indigence exists among the black population tin t exists among the whites, it is manifest there are seventy live thousand peo ple in Alabama who may suffer for food be fore March. No cotton to any extent was planted, and tLo quantity produced will be insignificant. Gen. Canby, of La, has issued an order turn ing over to the New Orleans authorities all sanitary regulations that have been held by the military since sixty-two; also resigning all control over the Sta'e levees, or the work on them, the collection of tax, and keeping them repaired, etc ; also withdrawing Provqpt Mar shals in the parishes, except in certain cases; also shopping charity issues of rations to per sons unconnected with the army. ucu. ** .».,* »« i uneven Gen. Fullenton, as Uai*a of EVeedmena Bureau of Louisiana. It is said that the Governor of Louisaua will soon issue his proclamation calling a special session of the Legislature on the grrund that the gravest interest that the State demand the presence of a Senatorial delegate in Congress. Washington dispatch state that recent de velopments show that tho Consuls of Great Britain at certaiD points in the South were during the war doing all in their power to assist the Confederates ; and that the British Government knew of their acts, and held cor respondence with them in regard to the mat ter. Washington dispatches state that the Presi dent will not fill immediately the offices of collector and assistant of the Post of New York. Rev. Dr. Colaskson, of Bishop of Nebraska, was consecrated at Chicago, November 15. The alarm in regard to Fenian movements in Canada has subsided. It is rumored that the Mexican General Ortega and five of Iris principal oficers have been executed, Washington dispatches say Gen. Lougtreet will not be pardoned, It is rumored in Washington that the British Government has made some deuiaad ou ours in regard to the Fenian movement. The money offerrd for the arrest of Mr Davi3 has been paid over to Gen. Wilson and Ills party. In a speech ia New York, Gov. Parsons, of Alabama, said that at ths collapse cf the war there were 143,000 white persons receiving State support, and that unless they have re lief 50,000 whites and blacks mast perish of starvation before spring. The Biilhh Government h«3 a spj in Wash ington watching the Penian movement. Since the execution ot Wirz there is said to be a growing trepidation on the part of Win der, Duncan and Gee, his Confederates at Andeivonviiie, and now confined in Old Capitol prison. “President Johnson told non John Covode a few days since that there seemed to be al most insurmountable difficulties in the way of the trial of Jeff. Davis for treason. He would not have him tried by a military commission, and there seemed to be no way of bringing him to trial before a civil court.” Before the execution, Wirz informed the Government officiials where his records and books can be found. Gregg x Co’s distillery, Peoria, 111., has been burned. Loss SIIO,OOO. Insured $48,000 At !as> accounts the rebels in Hayti still held the town ot Cape Haytien, and exchan ed fire with the besiegers daily. The English were drawn into the troubles by indignities offered to their Consul. Notwithstanding the reductions, the army stilt numbers 180,000. Hon. Judah P. Benjamin, writes that he in tends to practice law iu London or Liverpool. A number cf colored regiments are soon to be mustered out. Certificate s cf indebtedness to the amount of one million eight hundred and fifty-four thous and dollars ware Issued by the Treasury durin ing tho week ending November 11. Washington dispatches state that James Due an and Cant. Richard B. Winder now con fined in tbe Old Capitol prison, charged with ■ruel treatment towards Union prisoners at Andersonvilie. will scon bo brought to trial. No new cases of cholera have appeared in New York harbor. Favorable reports are re ceived from those sick on the steamer Atlanta. AU tbe Federal colored troops have left the Rio Grande. Private telegrams from a prominet gentle man iu Mississippi, says the arrest ff Capt. Peak, of the Freedmen’s Bureau, by a Sheriff was greatly regretted by Gov. Humphreys, al though he refused to interfere, at the request of Col. Thomas General Aster had furnishe i a _guard for his Capture, but the Sheriff antici pated its arrival and set him free. The Captain is now in discharge of his duties. Geii. Conway does not speak encouragingly of the spirit which animates the majority of Louisianians. Ir has been ascertained that daring the war the Navy has lest about 1,406 men killed and 1 638 wounded, cut of 75,000 sailors and ma rines. The Ohio and Mississippi railroad have com menced suit against the Indiana and Cincinnati Railroad Company, for damages amounting to over a million dollars, for breaking a contract existing between the two roads, whereby tl»e latter used the track of the former from Cio cinuati to Lawrencwille. Gen. K ; 'pafri n k has leave of absence a yea* to visit Europe. A Washington d : spa*ch to the New Yori Herald says a telegram to the Freedmen’s Bu eau from a late prominent officer of ihe armr who is passing down the Mississippi and U[ White riv?rs, says negro soldiers are stil killed when discharged and turned back int< th» country It is su Rested by kudimr politicians ir Washington that an amendment sanctioning tho Union and ignoring the debt for othei than the Union be added to the Constitution ot the United States, aud Southern States be com pelled to adopt it before entering. Horace Greely is in Washington oa a vicit to the President. Advict-s received In Washington show that Union candidates generally in the South are defeated. ’’’The Vermont Legislature adjourned Novem ber 16. FOREIGN NEWS Gen. Kjualer has been appointed Papal min ister. A vents of persons going from this country to Ireland still continues. It has been decided that Sehieawig' be inecr porated in Germany, and that the confederation pay all expenses of tbe late Danish war. There is no official announcement copcern tag Ministerial arrangements, though Claren den is certain to be Minister. The cholera is still at work at Damascus. Horm, and Aleppo. The m wtality at Samaro has been estimated at 20 OhO, and at Jaffa 2,- 000. The malady lingers in Berrute, but has iost its epidemical form. The Consul at Park says there ia no longer any doubt that the cholera has commenced its ravages in that city. Reports from Florence to the same de partment represent that the cholera has great ly diminished in the coathern and Eastern parts of Italy. It is on tbe decline in Jeruse lem, and also abating at Barcelona. The British Parliament has been further prorogued until the 231 inst. The London Times says tho present cabinet is complete with the exception of a siDgle officer, that of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Bombay, India, advices of October 18, state cotton goods lower. American securities at last accounts were a trifle lower. A reduction of 30,000,090 francs in the French army and navy estimate is said to have been decided upon. Russia has j. lined the Sanitary Conference at Constantinople. The Austrian Govermru ut had issued an of ficial intimation which indicates a fixed reso lution to adopt, as far as possible, the free (rude policy. The Bey of Tunis has granted a general am nesty to all persons implicated in tbe late rev olution. Other- measures of clemency and progress have been propcs* and to the Bey. Advices from Conshmtiople say that anew course has been adopted to investigate the phys ical resources of the Empire, with a view to their development. The conversion of Turkish consoliditics had already amounted to nearly £9,000,00Q sterling. The quarrel in Japan between tbe Tycoon and the Prince of Nagote has been settled, and a plot to murder the former has been discovered. Senor Parks’ negotiations with Japan had been well received. Election returns iu Italy show the position of parties in the Haiti iu Parliament as fol lows ; Moderates, 286 ; Constitutional, 101 ; clerical right, 9 ; doubtful, 46. It is stated that a few fresh case3 of cholera had occurred at Oporto, Portugal. The London papers say the new ministry will be iu tavor of reform. It is thought in England that President Johnson and .Cabinet have no intention of pressing, Jo a general controversy, the claim of the government in regard to the Alabama. Burnors relative to tbo insurrectiod in Al geria are much exaggerated. ~COMM^Rn^T7r OUll CO-UMKiiCtAL tUSFuHI'. AcousrA, November 19, 1865. THE OOTTON MARKET. The offering stock at warehouses yesterday was held at very full prices, and but little was sold We quote good middlings 433 ; mid dlings 40c a4l. Sales from wagons above 300 bales at from 25 to 28 in gold. THE MONEY MARKET. Sales yesterday of about sls 000 at 148a149. Bills on the North at sight par, half per cent discount. ' We quote broker’s rates : BUYING. BEILINS. Gold 147 149a160 Silver 145 148 Georgia State Bonds 75 80 Georgia State Coupons 70 85 Georgia Railroad Bonds 76 80 Georgia Railroad Bills 90 95 Central R R Bonds 80 85 Central Railroad Notes 90 95 AUGUSTA MARKET— OCTOBER 14- EEPORTED FOR CHRONICLE ft S2NTIMEL BY J. O. MATHEWSON. Cotton —With small offerings and light re ceipts, continues unsettled. Sales yesterday 43c. for strict middling, 45c for good mid dlings—from waggons 27c.a28e. Large lots would not bring quotations, Cotton Goods—- Without .change in price, have been very active, and our mills have sold a week ahead ot Hi-uaiifacturcs. 4 4 sheetings, 83c; 7 8 sheetings, 28c; Omaburgs, 28*306, yarns, $3,50 to $4,00. Grain— Small arrivals, corn advanced to $1,60a1,75. Wheat, none in market, with a good demand for seed. Flour—Few arrivals, City Mills without stock, ha: caused a better feeling ; super $15.t16 ; extta family SIB,OO. Bacon - Large arrivals, both by river and from the west, has caused considerable decline. Forced sales of shoulders at 227, holders aro asking 25c. but they are neglected, also, rib bed sides nominally 280. while clear 6ides are in good demand at 29a30j. Lard—Reached 45c - , but under heavy arrivals has declinad to 36a40c. in kegs, 33a35c.,in bbls. Liquors—Fine whiskies are stagnant, while common meets ready sales at $2,75a3,00. Case liquors in full supply. Bagging— Light stock. Gunny 40e. Rope— -20a25c. Sugars—ln better supply, for good grades —with a large demand for common at 20a22c; “C” 24a26c; crushed 28a39c, Molasses—ln demand with very little in market; good de mand also for syrups ; sorghum 50aO'Oc. Cof fee—Dull; Rio 35i38c. Candles—3sc. But ter-good supply, and declined to 35a50, ac cording to quality. Cheese —Q liet—Western Reserve 26a 28c; State aud English dairy 30a33c. Mackerel—Kits No. 1, $4,50, No. 2, $4,25 ; half barrels No. 2, sls ; ba iels s24a 30. Soap— 17a20c. Sterch—lfialSc. Soda — 18a20c. Apples—Market overstocked with North Caroiin i— $3,00 to 5,00 per bushel. Po tatoes— $7aS per bbl. Outens--s7>!B per bbl. Tgbaccj—Stock much reduced with no fine sound offering ; prices range from 20c. to SI.OO. Salt— Liverpool in good demand at $8 00 per sack. Virginia 3e4c. per lb. Nai’s—Good demand at $12.00a16 00. Lime —ss 00a7.00 at only a retail demand. Money—Continues tight and will remain so until we have the advantages cf a National Bank. Gold —sl 48 to $1 50. Bank bills in demand. Also, all first class bonds. Georgia State bonds—Coupons off selling aa 75a80e. Exchange upon New York advanced to 1-2 prem. Freight— Oa steamers 2c ; but contracts can be made at a much less rate, and as soon as the river becomes in good boating order again, will decline fully 50 per cent. Liverpool bait has been brought up at SI.OO per sack. tIYCTVr.AT! aMAKHJBT— NOV. 10. KEPOETLD FOR CHRONICLE ft SENTINEL BY G. W. PHILLIPS. The provision market during the week past has been unsettled and prices have fluctua tei considerably ; the holders of old stock, iu or der to clear their houses for new operation, forced prices down till a demand sprang up at the reduced figures, and, with tho light stock on hand prioss improved. Mess Pork during the week declined to S3O, but rallied again with some sales at $32 in small lots. The mrktf closes quiet at s3l 'or choice cU*', thcu.u it is gecera'ly held a hde higher N«w mess is offered at $32 50 Prime me sis dull and uach -nged. Rumps exhausted. Bulk meats, old in light demand and sup ply, and are nominally held at 15 and 17$ , loose for ehouldes and sides Bacon has advanced, and is also in light -apply. I quote the closing asking prices at 17, 19, and fill to 22c. for shoulders sides and lear si.i 6, packer. Hogs, the receipts have continued light, rud thure on the spot have been readily ta ken at from sll to 11,50 gross for good to first clefs, or 13 50 to 14 net, while sales for the uture are difficult to make at these prices, or *ven at a shade lower. Packeraare generally holding off, with a‘ view of lower prices, or, vh*m matters are more settled, so that they nay sec tb°ir way more clearly, to pay cur •enz market prices, even though they be 'richer, while feeders prefer to hold back, and teed their cheap corn and take their chances ! of the future. Green Meats have been in fair demand ail he week, closing si 12, 15, and 17Jc for shoulders, rides and hams ; new bulk shoulders, fifteen days in salt, pkd Lard has de dined somewhat this week, and closes quiet at 25c for whole heg in new tierces, and 27c for j kettle rendered, and in kegs 27 and 29c There is as yet no quantity of head or gut ard beincmade, tho price talked of is 24 to 241 c. Greases— owiDg to the want of stock »re without price. Whiskey, firm at 2,30 for new and 2,32 for old. Expoits of the week were 780 tierces lard, 6-45 kegs do, 964 hdds hulk and bacon, 145 tierces 1521 bblspoik, 60 boxes and 40,000 lbs loose meats. Freights have again advanced to $lO5, SIOO, 95a. and 90c. per lb, ail rail to Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, at 6c less by rail and water. * TOB Y( CO UI’OrATIOXS- Lcuistitxe, November 10. Hollands Empress $1 16al 50 ; Cf." L. Hol land's and Holland’s Indian Qfleen at $1 10al 35 ; bright Virginia lbs $1 lOal 20 medium bright 90ea$I ; common Virginia 60a70c ; damaged out of condition 30a60c.. Fair bright Ky and Mo. lbs slai 20 ; medium 75a80c ; common 56a75 ; damaged 30a40. Navy lb, choice 68i700 ; good navy 65a70c ; common Goa6s Wbvy half. lb. fine 70a72 ; medium 68i72c. Black sweet half lb 68a72c. Long lO’s 70a73e;-4»kort do 68a700. Atlanta, November 14. ' Common, 40 to 50-cents per pound ; Medi um, 50 to 75 cents per pound ; Prissie, $1 to $1 50. COTTON QUOTATIONS Montgomery Ala., November 15 Cotton market dull. No transaction. Roue, November 16 Cotton market dull. Prices 30a37c accord ing to quality. Columbus, November 16 Cotton market extremely dull. Quotations nominal. Middling 38a40c; good middling 42a 43c. Abbeiiviixw, S. C. November 17. Prices receding. Ordinary to middling 23 a 25c per lb. La Grange, November 17. The prices of cotton rauge from 35 to 38c per lb. Atlanta, November 17. Cotton market very quiet. Transactions few. There is a reluctance both on the part of buyers and sellers. There is not much on the market and little coming in. The ontside fig ures may be placed at from 33 to 38 cents. SPECIAL NOTICES. AQUA da MAGNOLIA. A toilet delight! The ladies’ treasu-e ani gentleman's bo'Mi! The “sweetest t ning’’ and hugest quantity. M anutac tured from the rich Southern Magno la. Used for; bathing the face and person, to reader the siln soft and fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, 4c. It overcome 3 the unpleasant odor of perapiratifln. It remove< redness, tan, blotches, Ac. It cures ricivoui headaihe and allays inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. Itvieids a lubdued and lasting perfume. It cures motquito bites and stings of Injects. It contains no material in]ur,oue to the skin. Patron z)d by Actresses and Opera Singers. It Is what eve ry lady should have. Fold < very where. Try the Magnolia Water onoe and you will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toi'et Water afterwards. DKMAS BARNES ft Cos„ Props. Exclusive Agents, N. Y novlO s>weow47* S-T—lß6o-X. DHAKE’J PLANTATION BIT TIC KM. Thsv purity, strensthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. Tney overcome effects ord'ssipation and late hours. They strengthen the system ani enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and i-termitter.t fever 1 . They purify the breath and acifi'y ofthe stomach. They cpre Dyspepsia andConst’patian. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus- They cure Liver Complaint and Nerveu) Heidache. They are the bejt.B'Uers in the world. They make the weak strong, and are exfcus' ed nature’s great restorer. They are mate of pure ‘-t Croix Rum, thecelebrated Call say a Bark rootß and herbs,and are t 'ken with the pleasure of a beverage witheut regard to age cr time of day. Particularly reeom m ncied to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Bold by all Gro ere, Druggists, Ho ela and Sal«ons. Only genuine when Cork is covered by our private U. S. Stamp. Beware of countorf its and r fil'ed bottles. P. H. DRAKE ft CO., 21 Park Row, New York, novld lydHaw* SIMON SNYDER. TANNER & CURRIER. DEALER IN LEATHER, HIDES AND OIE, No, 222 Main St,, Cincinnati, Ohio, PAYS ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO Consignments of all kinds of Hides and Skins. oet'29 ' ?/.w46 MESSRS. FOWLER & WELLS, PHRENOLOGISTS; 269 BROADWAY, SKW YORK. PUBLISH THE PHP.ENOLOGIO&L JOURNAL AND LIFE ILLUSTRATED at *2 a yq,ar. rtagl- Nw. 20 cents New vols. commence in Jam'ry and July. Agents wanted. octl7 4dft4w44 STATE OF GEORGIA, GREENE. COUNTY. Wheieos E-iza A Parham, administrator or the estate of Paling P, Parh on. dece.s -d i-etitioas tbe Caurt ot Ordina ry of said county for letters dLmiisory: These are therefore to c : .to and require all persons conorn ed 11 thaw cause, if any they have, why said lettirs should not bj grant dat iha Court of Urinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in June nfxt. Given under my hand at office ia Gr»eneeb)ro, November 9th, 165. EUGENICS L. KING, Ordinary. EOVI4 S6wl*jl4B TfaTOTICE. ' lq| Two months after date, to-w.t: on the Ist Monday In feortiary, 185», application will be mate to the Court of ordi nary of Greme coctrtfcior leave to sell the Ileal Estate in said coun y, belonging to t£e estate of James M. Daviaon, late oi sai4 county deceased. jk A K.G A.K.BT D noy*l 8w47 JAMES DAVISON, Admr. ]\°F. x'y days after date application will b*i Court cf Ordinary of Elbert county, Ga . tor leave to s«i a 1 ’he land belonging to the estate cf Savannah /. Al.xander. Jf Cyjßtr IT.ENCHARD. Admr. -gnt Lb* s ltd u£da® tne totod®f g December, at W teelate t&denco ot Lambeth Hopkins deceased liennn ks’ mil'.) Bu-ke ciua'y, all the 9 rishahU prop erty belonging to sail ertate. consisting of h-rs;s mutes, hog), eh ep, CitUef cam, fodder, peas, potatoes. Dlougbp and all other things usually oind oa a plan at ion. R «.* « SERBS; novlT 6w!9 Ix:cutrix of Lambeth Hopkins, deceased. 'rVomonths after date app’ica'ion will be made to the <■ urt of Ordinary tit Kihm on’ cointy tor leave to sell the I«l?*dpsra- nai y oro.ertyottoe Estate of Will*- Booinson, Ualy ' ‘maObIQE WILKINSON, Exemtor, COTTON AT ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ON Wednesday, the O’hof Decerneer next, at the late reel dci ca ot Cra-wiord M. Istri ;fclnad, deceased, :n Madison aty seventy-five (76) bag* ot cotton; a so, s«ek, produce. a «»TioSy a k vrtfib) sola far bpeiiv. The other .nrke day. W’, A. WHITE, novll 6 v47* tl. (Aumintotratorf. Sewed Brogans. Just received one thousand pair Sewed BrogAn*,** superior article, which we effer to .he trace at low prices. DAVIDHON * CO. novU3U2w<7 SIC Broad street. Pegged Brogans. Ten cases best waxed Brorane, t cither with a large assort ment ot Men’e Boo:! and Sh.-es, iust received bv DA VI OH ON & CO. novll M&:*47 210 broad street. WESTERN FOUNDRY. ESTABLISHED 1826. A. B. IIOLABIRD & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Portable and Stationary Steam Engines end Boilers, Clemens’ Patent Circular Saw Mills, Reed’d Pateut Corn and Flour Mills, Mill Gearing and Castings of every description. 331,335 and 339 West Front Street. BrrWXEN’SKITH AND BOSS STREETS, CINCINNATI, OHIO. |3f- Circulars met on apelicatiaa. oct2» Mw46 Mill Furnishing Ware. T||k unterslpied would respectfully Inform hit old cus tomers un,; tbe.Millers in general that be Is uqjt pre pared to furn sb the best quality of French, burr. Ksopu. and celoiue mill st tits, boiling do o, sinuVmac 'ncs, belling win doth, mill picks, and any other anlcles required ia a go:d grist and flouring mill. O.ders solicited and punctually attended to. WM. BRENNEIt, novll B2w4S 100 Broad Btregt, Augusta Qa. ARTIFiCIAL LEGS. Weston's Metalie Artificial Legs, f TWO LEUB IN ONE. \ou can take uff the jroyr and pu r on a V ' STUB. IT 1» the oaly Art,trial Leg the n-rty wearing cm take apait and put together, or take off hi 1 too', aud substitute a Stub. Cork-lined, covered with flesh colored leather, with rubber Joint and witnaut cat gut cord i or spiral spring]. It is self adjusting, m.tfees no nols \ is cheaper end lighter, and will last lougtr than the wooden lrgs, and is worn with tose and com fort. The measure can be sent and the leg returned by express, thereby raring Ihs time and expense of coming to New York to be fitted Vrioc-4100, 6139. A fit guaranteed at your home. Send for a pamphlet. J. W. WESTON, Patentee O®oe and Salesroom, No. 70S Broadway, New Yo M. MARKET, Library Association Rooms, it the Ag. for thtsi celebruted legj. rovic 2twd4 v44wy IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. GTUAT SALE OF WATCHES, CHAINS.DIAMOND BINUS.s&c. One Million Dollais’ worth! To be disposed of a*. One Dollar! W 1 .bout reg >r<t to value! Not to be paid for unt 1 you know what you are to rec lve ! Splen did List of irtirko! All to be sold at one . DolianEaoh!! SCO Mus'cV boxes : : : $M to SteO eaeb 160 Musical boxes with bells and castlnets 20 J .. 60j .. 60) Silver teapsts and effiu urns : 90 .. 60.. 100 SilT.-i chatting dishes : ; : 8) .. 10J .. liOO silver ice pitchers : : : ; 20 .. 60 .. 2600 S lver syrup cups with salvers : :20 .. 60 .. 6),’0 Sliver giblets and drinking cups ; 6.. f0 .. buoo --liver ca -lor.! : : : ; : : 16-.. 60 .. 2000 Silver fruit, card and cake baskets : 20 .. to .. *oi od’i ;n Silver tea spoons : : : : 10 .. 20 dtz. 10000 •* “ table spoors and forks -20 .. 40.. 260 Gents’ gold hanti jg c ise Wttch -s - 60 .. 160 each i_26 oLadies’g»ld and enameled hunting case watchei : : : : : : 88 .. 70 .. 600 Gents' hunting case silver watches t 5 .. 70 .. 200 Diamond rings : : : : : 60 .. 100 .. stoo gold vest *nd neck chains : : : 4.. SO .. 800 ioldoval band brucele s : : : 4.. 8.. 1000 Jit and gold bracelets : : : 6 .. 10 .. 2000 chatelaine chains and guard chains - 6.. 20.. 7003 Soil! aire and gold broodies : : : 4...10 .. - tCOO coral, opal and emerald hooches : : 4.. 8.. 8000 dOßalc Jet, lava and flnentineear drops 4 .. 8 .. 7600 Coral, opal and emerald.c-ar diops : 4.. 6.. 4000 California dismon-i breas-. pins : 2,50 .. 10 .. 8100Goldfoo and vert wa'ch keys : 2 80 B.. 4000 Fob and vest tibboa slides : : 8.. 10 .. 60 0 Sets solitaire sleeve buttons, studs, &c 3., 8.. >OOO Gold thlmbler, pencils, Ac : : 4 .. 6.. 100. K) xinuture locke s : : : 2.60.. 10.. 400 ) “ locke s, magic spring : 10 .. 20 8000 Gold toothpicks, crosses, &a : 2 .. 8 .. 1000 Plain gold rings : : : : 4.. 10 .. FOOO Ch iiea go and rings : : : 4.. 11 .. ICOOO Btone set and signet ringß : 9,60.. 10., 10000Cslltorma ijlaniondrings : : 2.. 10.. 7ao Sets ladies’ Jewelry—let and gold : 5.. 16.. #coo “ *• cameo, peril, opal and o.her stones : 1 : 4.. 16 .. 10000 Gold pens, Eilver extentlon holders and pen.dla : : : : 4.. 10 .. Ifooo Gold pens and gold mounted holders 6.. 10.. 6000 •* ** extension hoi .era 16 . . »26 .. 6000 Ladles’gilt and jet buckn 8 : : : 6.. 16.. tOO3 “ ■’ . hair bars and balls 6.. 10 .. AKKANDALE & CG , Mumifac urers’ Agents, No. 107 Broadway, New York, Announce that all est he above list of goods will be iold for O«>A llollwx onria. Ia consequence ofthe g-eat sUgnailon of trade in the man ufacturing a stricts of England, through the w„r, having cut oil tpe supply of cotton ala ge qouutky of valuable jeweliy, originally intended for the Anglian ma ktt, has been sent iff for sale in th a countiy. an,, min-t be soldai any sacrifice ! Un der these circum ta.e s. AKRANDaL-c A. CD., acting as agents lor the principal European uunutacturers, have re olv ed upon a great Gift Appointment to be divined according t» the following regulations: Certificates of ihe various articles are put into envelopes In discr.rnlna ely, sealed up, and wlrtn ordered, are taken out wLhout regard to choice, and sent by mail thus showing ro lavoiitif m On reedpt of the certificate-, you wil, see what you are to have, anahheu ll is at your option to send the dol lar aud lake the article or not. Lurchas rs may thus obtain a g Id water, diamond ting, orany set ol Jewelry on our list lot <Jfae Dollar. SEND 28 CENTS FOR CERTIFICATE. In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for torwardlng the certificates, paying postage an t doing the business, 26 eta. cash, which must be encl.sed when toe certificate Is sent ior. certlacates will be sent or *i eleven Tor #2, thirty for 96, » xty-five for *;0 one hundred or *l6. * WHAT THE “BREib” BAY OF US. Gee XT Gii'x Distbibdtiox —a rare opportunity is offered for obtaining watches chains, dltmond rings silverware etc., oy Mestra. Arre idale & to ,at No. I*7 Broad ay. They have an Immense stock if articles, varying In v lue. and ah are of fered at one dollar each. The distribution is veiy fair y dote —you agree to take a certificate of ace tali arTcle, enclosed In an envalope and ai e not required your dollar uniesi you a:e satisfied wbb tke article, wliicn will Cert inly be w rth more than ti at amount, md may be *SO or (100. An excel lent mode Ihisot Investing a dollar.—Sunday Tinus, N Y city. Febm .ry 19,18«8. Messrs. Arrandale ft Cos. have g nqrne oipersonally known to us, and we bcieve them to be every way worthy of public confidence —N Y Bcoitisn American Jour, June 11. ’64 We have mrpect.d ai the odVeof Arrandale ft Co’s Agin cy lor Europem manufaciu lug jewellers, a large a eortm nt oi larMonabie aud valuable jewelry ot the uewes: patterns, Wc also not ced a large quantity of plate, ena unrteistard that the wb de of he e newly impo led artic es are to be dis posed of on a nivel pri cipie. giviiu gr at advance i to buy ers, and affording exa ns,v- empl ym nc u> agents.' We know (he firm in questi -n o* be very respectable an j i homughly wor thy of public confidence and rec umend our friends to road their advertisement N Y Albion, t-ept -iuber 3, iß6t. tiy Messrs arrandale ft Co.’s arrangement, the advantages mrsi b’ on the side ol tie customer, lor he tins eve y thing to gain and com ara ivtly to lose He kno*B what be wili get for his dollar befo-“i,a:*.d, and he need not tend it If h* is not sarkfled N Y Wcekl N ws, Aug 0, M, Euplotmzkt fob i adies lhe mo-t eligible and profitable employment we have heard if for ladles its the s; le of certifi cates lor the Great Gift Distribution of A lrnnaale ft Cos. A la dy of our acquaintance has been f ,1 in this way .not only in filling her own purse brt a so In doirg a good lu n to those to whom she cold ite certifier es. as will be by our advertising columns. Gentlemen can also be thus engaged N Y buna ay Mecurc, August 14,18 U. la our colum s tne read r v,i l find an a'.’v8 rt lscmentof Ar raudale & t)o’e Gift Distribution ot watches, iewelry and ill verware. I payment of that advertijtm nt we received sev eral sets of thejewelry advertised, aud wo are wa- anted in saying that, beta in finish snd qiali y, they exceeded our ex pectations They turned out to Le ju-t win t they ha been represented.—True Democrat, (a,ew,stown), mug 17, )364 ibe British whig of Kmgst.n, c. W., fays, Nov. 2?th, 13C4, one ot cur lady sub.-c.ri’oers b came an age t for Arr* .- dale & Cos., and by request brought some twen y articles ie t as prices for her i gincy, to this office for insp ctlon, and with out he.-itutlon we can s’atc that ea h ind a'l of the article! weie worth treble the amount of cost to the recipients, and some cf tc em six times We have teeq some very pretty specimens of table and tea spoons, gold wetebes. la.i s’ chaits. pins, hnocebeis, ttc.. whlcb have been sent by Arrandale ft Cos. to th s p.ace for *1 eaco—Angelica Ktnorter, N. Y. State, Feb 15, ’65. AUENTs —We want agents in every leglment, and la eveiy town and county In me c-untiv, and i> ose acting aa s ch be allowed 10 cents on evc-y certificate order-.a by them, provided their remittance amoi uls to one dollar. zg-nL will cuTcct2scents for ev,ryc-rlocate, and remit 11 cents to us, either in cash or posirge itamps. , arrandale ft co., ncvlT4wdl»w*4w4B )67 Broadway.». Y . $1 Gold and Silver $1 W A. TO H EH. bet-/rilver ware, diamond setsa-id tings. English a'lver eru etet/idJ butter coolers, dinner and te* service pianos, sew ing machines, veau bains, bracelets, lockets, gold penebs, seU of jewe ry, 4c.. ft:. Worth One Million Dollars, TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EACH, WITH OUT REGARD TO VALUE, AND NOT TO BE I’AID FOR UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TO RECEIVE. SAMUEL C. RICKARDS & CO., ESTABLISHED 1847. Tbe largest manufacturer and o:igi-ators of the distribution. conducted fur years on strictly honorable prme plea, and to the entire satisfaction of aU wuo patronise us. offer the usual. Catalogue of ricb and Valuable Articles ONE DOLLAR EACH -7.5 piano fortes, each * *s^2. 16* sewing machkes, each 10* to 150 8 0 fine gold chronometer watches, each , 2TO 8 0 fine gold. English lever watch,sl . 160 QOO ladto’ gold enameled B jou wi cats 100 200 solid silver-hunting levei wte.hca *Co\ bo I CM 200 silver dinner seta l ° IJU) aUver tf* 9€’B * >w 10 IMJ S/d* Er-zlh h -fiver cruet s ands 2oto 80 “ A^lihT goods will be sold for one dollar each, fp of all the variout arl c'.-a, stating wha; eath on# ian have are fi r t put into enve.opes, >ealeu up, and iniitd; and w en otd*r and, are taken out without legard to choice, and’sent by mail. Uius giving all a fair chance. On receipt of the cert.firate you cm see wndycu can have, and then It la a* vour option to S :n<i one dol ar and take the artic e or not. One c -rcfl'.ate may obtain you ag -id wa'ca, service .of sil ver plate, or any o h -r vainab-e ankle. V THERE WILL BE NO BLANKn. O-e Btale lem elot e c'-niaiaing an ord r lor o- eof Ithe vs s able articles on our list, will be sent to an? sddess en rtcelpt Oflftcenu «for *IOO 13 for 2.00, £0 with premium for §5 00 100 with premium s lver Lusting rate *ls W FMec“ satisfaction guarxit- ed in ah <ases Goods not pleasing the tastes or laney of our customers will be ex Ct A^e^3 t and°o f ih'e!s will be allowed 10 cento on each certlll Agents -and om lde< j not ; H3 , than nx a e ordered ;uttofV« f ) UJrtUwllect2scent)fo: eachce tifisate u 4 remit 15 ceats each to us. “““ *«»«»“■ <s.%S£Sf£. < %h.