Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1866, February 14, 1866, Image 4

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TO THE MEMORY OF OCR BELOVED DEAD. OOL. B. r. DILL. A ■wake, my mournful range ! A noble teek. thy saddened Lyre Invokes! Prepare no jeyful pielude to tby strains ; Mo festal eymphonine, no mna.'o wreathe*, From bade and bower* of gayly flowered Bet twin# more cyprwi bonghg amid the dead, Tb* withered blackening ones, that eret so long Have dangled round tby silver crested harp, A»d dnan »od dried the fountain of tby gong. Bright, pare white Spring had seen her veet- AU with gpeckgof precldEa blood 1 Maternal Snncmer, kind, forgetting all Her joy* of richest fruits and flowers, had stooped To drape with mos* a thousand new made graves; Autumn, in woe unutterable, beheld Hla forest* proud In gold and crimson robe*, Bow their grand crests beneath the spoiler’s axe. Winter, uniympatbizing, banked high up HHI pile* of snow, a*d flung to stinging hail, J) Laughing to («e the hardy veteran fait— Aad th ( i froa year to year! nigh carnival Wat this thou keptat, Oh Death! Unsatisfied Wm H, thou deemed all thla carnage wild, Too groat to «n!t thy dainty palate’s taste f Band ting at the faeet so hugely spread ; To* watch* 1 with sharpening appetite, —When Peace, long scared away, came tremb ling hack, And and ltd! And Hope peeped up her beau teous head, When dull Dcepalr, that chilled the maiden’s heart, t.*4 frert the wifely tear, began to thaw, Aid life were moved in prayer for no more grave*, When brown-cheeked youths and grey haired men— Vetting the fire* within their eyes, It a dlek of ttar* end sobbing sighs, Forgo*, tbo old defiant air— Aa they kaelt with tho home ones In prayer, la eut'a a sacred hour—your mission sped ; V *aa ir.oraph of a moment’s space ;no more ; Tan bora a Chruitiau to the quiet land, Ann ifaaven wen all the glory I Thro’ weal and woe, thro’ every form of 111 TVs «’«r hec eritd to Heaven from any orb, Whir!) God has planted In the Heaven's blue •p- .ce; ffcra’ tortnous wayj, wnore bristling foes de* fled, Aa4 hold, beleaguering war planted the flames Aed roped a burning whirlwind in its track ; *£ 'on as tbe sun, sh-ady as polar star, Mighty tn right, and right In his oloar course, Ms stiava ei honor e holm to breast the storm ! Me? pw; jwl, cor yielded once till vanquished Hop*, •*7«t j i to clasp her phantom loves—van ished 1 Aad all wiw night—nor yothas broke the mom. Almict before onr loving lips had framed 'ale welcome, welcome home, onr hands had felt Vlte dear familiar grasp; or eyes had looked Their world of meaning treasures In a glanoe, The! menage cavno. But not too soon 1 Tia«p;. .* ready—clothed In faith in Christ, OubDmely rising from ft* shell of clay, Went out forever to Its promised joy. There 1* a grief that vlelda to lighter mood, When words of love inspiring comfort breath* Aeeti.s? guoi* whose nil absorbing woo Btit thlrstd, an., thlnrts the more as oonnsel Mud, Unheeded fall* upon the listless car, tjn tlmo has oron?*ht his box of Lethean balms, Or bound the tendrllla of the bleeding heart la wreathe* of uA but plee-.nt memories. Moaning is profUlew where death has been ; On? tears, like morning mists, but shroud The eapnrplwd splendor of his going forth. In Elratfood’n tfleat shades, where art and na ture vie. To win the soul from grief, they buried him— Del col bis excellence. The lips that said, “Oh Mag to tn« of Heaven” ara singing it !■ aag«: i«d. The gentle, kindly heart, That glowed with human tenderness, bounds _ y«L Thtiiler! and energized by heavonly sonnds, M Ttkooa handa that nobly did their duo, are now FraparM for uae on mere extended planes, That own no aonflaee bnt eternity. The gari ',nds yrorn entwired around his tomb, •y lovely maidens' hands will gather dews, Aad in the solt ilghl of the lambent moon. Nightly, with pearly tears will damp the yel low clay, The twiakiln- gTafis, an early visitant, Xlhe iowly nuns bxaldo the dying couoh, Will hide tha roughness of the new turned sod, With coverlid enwove of greenest sprigs, The rio!«t me k, leaving her moeey seat Hmi4o tbe fountaia'a brim, dove-eyed Wll vetch In tearful pity n»-ar Ms head. The sweat wild rose from every tunoful leaf, ■ill shed its perfume on the humming air ; ■Hature, from her abundant etorec, will tend The wi'd forgot me-note and daieee white. And these entice th' warblers from tbs groves, Aaon, kind hands will rear the marble shaft, And richer pi ante replace those timid ones ; And rose lipped shells within whose mystic depth An ever murmuring ocean rausio dwolls. Will make this burial place a fairy laud. Oh, why is If that tiao but binds more strong The chains that link us to the baried ones f Beet me the dead dla not; nor do they sleep, These lovely thing* with which we load their tombs Are gifts which senl has brought to sonl—the oue, SMll l-ound by mortal ligaments, seeking By every act of human kindliness To come iato the Eden it has lest. The margin of the tomb is where nature ■ore nearly reaeeerfs her primal joys. Ah, death 1 tbou art an usher then at last 1 Bn cold ; bnt kind—austere bnt friendly still; Tired of the thorn crown, and the bleeding path; ffcw pouting of the soul beneath its weight Ton heard, and gently ope’d the door—when lo ! Art angels waiting with the rose crown there 1 •t*te irtm Th« Atlanta CcmmsrnlalCollsg* will open ta rvg'ilar aaaalon at Atlanta, Ga., on the sth February with a fall and sol# corps of profe*- •N. fh* numbsr of entrant** into tbe port of RawennaS ili«> ending Dcoember 80. 1855, 1* *64 vrwl*. with » tonaga of 100,- •61 ton* and a crew cf 5,01? men. Tha clear #arw in ihe tame period hgre been 265 reeeeU. mt 9C.83C ton* and crew* of 4,017 men. Two bnlcttere of Macon, Georgia, named Waah Barfield and Mr. Prldgao, fought with botcher knl*ea, recently In that city. The people of Colnntbru, Ga„ propote ratg tog lubaoriptione for tbe purpose of erecting a gaenumeiU to the memory of the Confederate •Ac*:* and prlrate*. from that ctty, who fell in A* l*t* bloody strcggie. Mr. flam Christian hag eerered hfg connec ••» wtaksth* Macon Jonrna! and Messenger. The Barrack building in Sarannah barely ••aped being bnrne>l, a tew daye ago. A woman wae stabbed In a bar room In f»venaah. on tbe evening of Jaauery 28. fobcio* items. Dr Gumming’* “Last Morning Cry” has jnet ta»Fl»u*tl it flies 1867 as the year w'ben tka prcphegfea rnacnt, an! thing* termtlal «M. Th# wife of a German surgeon died rwratlt hi Pert*. When flrtend* came to condole with tte h» waa fcnad to be hnatly aagaged dteect ftMf SUV • fJapjia! pasta ant In An*M* has been |% 8m been decided by the Court of Qnsan'g gktl la DnbHa, that a clergyman of the •bant of Erg aog o*e legally marry hbrwelf. la the year 1854, England obtained 1584,- AB Sai#*o< cotton. aed ia 1866 tbit •mount •Miierraeed bo 8,106.000 halt a Ite eoaroa Ana which she procured, tbe rotten were India. Chtu l.ypt, B rani I, Weal ladiea, Smyrna and ■•ditarraaeM Oarlott* Empre* of >fe*leo. oorne* in vmr'f 10,600.006 es francs uniat the will of hm eatW. tha let* K egos the Beldns The King of Daly hue decorated JtaMTv Irrtttr la-la* to h-mor Paul. Ia I.sgla»l, a bm named Singer wee «ec- Aaewd to Are year*' pan a! fervitui!# for krxtal i ft triad rg a bona WASHINGTON HEVfB, Distillers arc endeavoring to have the tax on wnlskey reduced. There is at present in the District of Colum bia 60,000 whites and 50,000 negroes. The Twenty-Fifth army corps, composed of United States colored troops by direction Cf the Secretary of War, has been discontinued ae an organization, and the troops composing it will be mustered out of service under or ders from the commanding General. . Fashionable ladies at the Washington re ceptions allow their hair to fall behind its full leDgth, without fetter or bond of any kind. General Grant has refused to accept “Wash ington's Text Book,” stolen by raiders in Virginia, but said he would hold it In trust until the owners should appear. Gen. She.-idaa bar beta ordered by the Government to make a diligent investigation into the Bagdad matter, and punish the offen ders. William Evarts, an eminent lawyer has been •mployed’by the Government to assist in the trial of Mr. Davis’ Ho is to -have SIO,OOO for it. O’Connor and Pagh areconnsyl for Mr. D. Maj Gen Granger is a candidate for the New York collectorsbip. **- Gen Thomas is in Washington on official business. Sheridan and Meade have been or dered to meet him there. The records of the Treasury Department * shows that from March, 1863 up to August, 18C5 abandoned and captured cotton to the amount of $5,744,C00, was seized in Mississippi. • For the fiscal year ending June, 1865, the Mint and branch Mints of the United states coined $32,819,248,64 in gold, silver and cop. per ooins. Rumors are again rife in Washington, to the effect that the Hon. Jefferson Davia will be speedily brought to trial before a military commission. Secretary Seward and Son have returned to duty at the State Department. Over $125,000 in coupons of tho seven thirty loan, has already been redeemed, Ten thousand dollars have been appropriat ed by Congress, to dclray the exercises of the Reconstruction Committee. Seventy propositions have been made since tho present session of Congress began to amend the Constitution of the United States. The mileage of Mr. Goodwin, the delegate from Arizona, reaches tho respectable sum of S7OOO. General Howard has received a very encour aging communication from General Tillsou, Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen’s Bu reau for the District of Georgia. Major General Thomas has told the recon struction Committee that if the troops were wholly withdrawn from his department, the agents of the Freedmen’s Bureau and all other loyal men would be compelled to leave. Gen. Fisk, Assistant Commissioner of Freedmen of Tennessee, will also appear before the Com mittee. Mr. Raymond, January 29, made a speech two hours long in favor of the President’s poli cy. At the Dead Letter Office in Washington a letter was recently received containing a check for eight thousand dollars in coin. The owner was found. A man who threatened to kill Senator Wil son in Washington, has been arrested and sent to a lunatie asylum. Washington society Is lively, notwithstand ing the inclement weather. Our relations with Great Britain still continue to be of the most friendly nature. The First lowa and Third Regiments have been mustered out. Several companies of the regular troops have been ordered to report to General Terry at Richmond. Certificates of indebtedness to the amount of $290,000 were issued by the Treasury during week ending February 3. It is said that if lien. Grant is made a full General, Sherman and Sheridan will be ad vanced to tho grade of Lieutenant Generals, and f*t lia ft full &Gm!raS Gen. Grant has given $5,000 toward the construction of anew Methodist Church in Washington, and Gen Howard has given SI,OOO toward tho support of the new Congregational Church. The negro vote in Washington will be about 12,000, the white 7,000, Senator Wilson is about to introduce a bill for the organization ofta uniform militia sys tem. All enrollments are to be made for six years. One hundred and fifty clerks were to have been discharged from tho Treasury Depart ment. A delegation from the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole Indians, had an interview with the President January 31st. The Senate military Committee will report adversely to ceding the Harper’s Ferry prop ertv to West, Virginia. Gov. Aiken of South Carolina has been be fore the Special Committee of tho House on Freedmen’s affairs. General Howard, at the close of Gov. Aiken’s testimony, introduced negro witnesses who established many facts which the Governor attempted to disprove. President Johnson is to be called as a wit ness in the Baker-Cobb case. General Hatch has testified [before .the .Re construction Committee. The President has expressed his fixed deter mination to veto the negro suffrage bill. Mrs. Robert E. Lee is bringing upon the President the influence of many of the leading men of Virginia and the South, to secure the restoration to her of * the Arlington Height property. Tne President refuses to interfere with Gen. Terry’s recent order annulling the vagrant law passed by the Virginia Legislature. The President contradicts the report, that Governor Pierpont, ot Virginia, was to be re moved. General Pope, of the Western Department, it is said, advises the release of the boat burn erns. Semmes has laid before the President an elaborate in which he claims the priviledge of a Sherman—Johnston parole. The Reconstruction Committee have sun poenaed Parson Brownlow to testify as to af fairs in Tennessee} invreference to reconstruc tion. Liquor is sold at one thousand one hundred places in Washington. The President, it is said, has deferred issuing the’ formal proclamation declaring the restora tion! of the Uuion until the opinions of Gens. Grant, Sherman, Meade, Thomas, Sheridan, Sickles, and others could be obtained relative to the submission of the Southern States to the' Constitutional authorities. •fcGeu. J. S. Preston, late of the Confederate States army , and four other South Caro linians, were pardoned January 31. The pardon business, though carried on quietly, is daily becoming more brisk.* General Schenck favors the reduction of the army to ~50,000, and if possible to a lower standard than that. The Secretary of the Treasury has decided tbat half the United States notes that have been ••punched,’’ will in no case be redeemed by the .designated desposttories of the United States. The Secretary of War has directed the-re moval of the armaments of certain batteries on the Eastern coast of Maine. Senator Stockton, of New Jersey, has been declared to be legally entitled to his seat in the Senate. II has been proposed, in Congress, that there shall be a national census taken in 1856. Lieutenant General Grant has issued an or der announcing the organization of a perma nent arttlery board, to which questions rela ting to the artillery service may be referred to bv the Secretary of War or the General-in- Chief. direction of the President of the United State*, hhe twenty-fifth aimy corps iiss been discontinued as an organisation. MB Air A KT.TTS. Matamcras 1* considered in danger, and French mea-of-war hare oeen ordered thither with forces A* sesthqnrttf was felt throughout Mat 100. Tea awry 1, and waa also aevorely sett la Scuta Aa*fV* we. tfca 15th, oaclllatiag from eavt to WW«t. The dantraeticn of the o!fy of Csracscng by an eerthonake Is oonfirtn*fl. Mhi Itoiwcro called tbe attention of Sew •fd te • project of Southern men for eetztaf Mexico and establishlr.g a colony therein tfexteu paper* ara fllla.l with aroocnw of me*manta of troops la pursuit of guerrillas, j takj tbs ta( oqr3 In tha Mountain*. I NEWS gCMMABV. Nebraska Teritory has organized its Legis- - lature by the election of Denocratic officers in both brioches. H. H. Honcre of Chicago, ba3 bought fifteen sixteenths of the Holmon oil farm at Pit Hole Pa., for $ 1,600,000. The grand jury of Mercer county, New Jer sey, has “presented” the students of Prinoeton College for their lawless conduct. , President Juarez has officially pronounced El Paso del Nort the capital ot ths Mexican Republic. Gdczales and Pellicer, murderers of Otero, are in New York, and are to be hanged 9th of March. The Memphis and Ohio Railroad has been completed to Brownsville. Avery destructive conflagration occurred in Philadelphia, Jauuary 30. X block of stores on Water and Delaware streets, was burned. The Petroleum refinery of James Charters, of Newark, N. J , was destroyed by fire Janu ary 30 th. The notorious Jack Shepherd his again es caped from Sing-Sing, N. Y. Nino Confederate Generals from Tennessee were killed during the war. Laura Keene is about to build a theatre in New York. A destructive tornado occurred at Geneva, Nevada, on the Bth Jauuary. Josph McCrea, who 'keeps a faro bank in Zanesville, had some $64,500, stolen from him not long since. The money was taken from under his pillow while he was asleep in his room at the American Hotel. The city of Covington, Ky., has been thricß ndictcd as a common nuisance. The Kentucky Legislature has repealed the expatriation law of that State, and bas admit ted confederates to the polls. Hon. Richmond M has been ap pointed Chief Justice of North Caroliua. Iu the House of tho Virginia Legislature, the committee reported against the payment of the claim for steamers seized by order of Governor Latcher, in 1861. In Illinois the farmers forty miles from Chicago find ifcecomrmy to cart their grain with oxen to that city instead of sending it by rail. Many soldiers who have been mustered out of the service remain in Louisiana, to work at cotton planting. Two young Indies came very near being poisoned to death, at Nashville, on 31st Janu ary from chewing polk root. Grant and Butler entertain such bitter feel ings toward each other that they oannot meet socially. Wall street is quite idle while it awaits the action of Congress upon the great subjects of finance and currency, internal taxation and ta riff. . A tel rible fire occurred on Bennehaff Run Penn., on January 31st. 11,000 barrels of crude oil were destroyed 1 The total loss is estimated at SIOO,OOO. The system of drawing fire engines by horses has been adopted at Louisville, Ky. The masses of Tennessee denounce thtftetter of Brownlow as a gross misrepresentation. A suit is in peocess to recover a stolen au tograph of Gen. Washington. Masked balls at the Operations©, in New York, are to be commenced at an early day. There are twenty one editors in the lowa Legislature. The frequent finding of human limbs in the streets and alleys of Chicago, is exciting con siderable sensation. One hundred and twenty five lives were lost in the explosion of the steamer Miami on the Arkansas river. The Post office, Lamberton house, Stand ford’s Theatre, and a now Masonic building at Franklin, Pena., were destroyed by fire Feb ruary 1. James Oates andL P Roy, boih distinguished theatrie’s, are reported aa having died at Cin cinnati, January 30th. The Cumberland hospital at Nashville, was burned cn February 1, Thomas Parker, who, Illlio panoxysm, occasioned ths £:S, iWs consuraod by the flames. General John W. Geary, who commanded a division in General Sherman’s army, is a can didate for the Governorship of Pennsylvania. Major General Thomas L. Crittenden has been appointed State treasurer of Kentucky. Duriug the year 1865 about 125,000,000 let ters passed through the Post-Office of the City of New York. James Whalen, one of the oldest residents of Buffalo, died in that city, aged 102 years. Pieire Carme, the ceieliated French Ijillard ■ player, recently, made a run of 528 points, without a push shot, in a game played by him in Richmond, Va. The Missouri Senate has voted to make ha bitual intomperance for one year a good cause for divorces. The correspondence of Chicago amounts to seventeen millions of letters annually, which is more than St. Louis, Cleveland, Cincinnati or Baltimore can boast. The population of Chattanooga is about 8,200, exclusive of the troops stationed there, who number 3,200. The population before the war was only 4,600. General Weitzel has arrested some of the United States troops concerned in the attack on Bagdad, and is mounting heavy guns at Brown ville. Gardner, the photographer, is getting out a superb Photographic Sketch Book of the War, in two large volumes. The work is considered the finest collection ever published. Illinois will have a State soldiers monument. Much cotton will be raised in Tennessee this year. Ice has formed upon the Niagara river above the falls, and people can cross upon it. The Sheriff of Henry county, Tennessee, was murdered a few days ago by a man whom he attempted to arrest. Eleven marauders have recently been cap tured, and given over to theciyii authorities at Sau Antonio, Texas. The garrisons of colored troops in Missis sippi are being removed from the interior as rapidly as possible. The Friends of Philadelphia have contribut ed $125,000 in aid of the Institute for colored youth. Some of the women of Kansas have memo rialized the Legislature of thaVState for the right of suffrage. Seaver, of Portsmouth, accomplished the feat in that city, last week, of walking one hundred miles in one hundred hours without sleep. The Private secretary of the governor of lowa is misaiDg with 25,000 in Skate bonds which don’t belong to him. The Greenwood plantation belonging to Geu. Braxton Bragg, has been confiscated by the United States Court in Alabama. A. B. Wells, lata Private tieretary of ex- General Detective Baker, is in the lock up at Chicago for stealing overcoats. General Dolatield, Superintendent of tbe Military Academy at West Point, insists that upon the guns, which were captured from the Confederates and sent to the Academy, no in scription shall ba placed to indicate ,that they are trophies of war. Hon Gr«m Clay Smith has been requested by a resolution offered ia the Kentucky Legis lature, to resign his seat in Congress. Two wealthy gentlemen of Lynchburg con template the erection, in that city, of a splen did hotel building. Judge Dwindle, in San Francisco, has decided that a fine imposed in a crimuai Court cannot be paid in greenbacks, at face value. The Manassas Railroad between Strasburg aud Harrisonburg, Ya., is to be rebuilt. The Imperialists are fortifying Matamcras, and have mounted guns to command the American camp at Brownrville. It is proposed to hare a copy of every pnb ic document printed by Congress sent to each school in the United Slates. A committee has been formed at Lebanon, Term., to rafae funds for the relief of Mr*. Hatton, relkd of Brigadier Geeerel Robert Hatton, wbe wet kilted ta the battle of Seven Pines before RiehwmA It Is reported that Colonel o'lf*hen«y la about to vixlt Perl* In ecu far with John Mitchel In ml *tfoss to en immediate movement on Ireland. J P. A. &«rta of Sew Orlesss mt robbed of 1116.666 tn tact south. Majcr-Qenvfnl J. {I. Wflaso has rerirned M* e *tanstae’os In fhs ermy and accepted tbe Northers agrw-y ev enpcrfnteedeecT es tbs N'atec*! Kifrwi flompaey. Tha Rector of it. Lasarn* Church, at Mem phis. Teen , eckacwMgp* the raoatpt of ova? him thousand doiler* te buOd • cathedral is honor of Btefcoga Pott mi Otey and other* of i the Confederate dead. I NEW'B SUMMARY. . - There are 750.097 barrels of flour stored In New York City, and 11,000,000 bushels of A persistent New Yorker has spent five weeks, writing the President’s messarge on a space twenty-two by twenty-nine inches. A gentleman of Bouthern Illinois says he cleared $15,000 on his cotton crop last season. The wheat yield of Minnesota is said to be unprecedented, it averag twenty-seven bushels to the acre, and the entire crop being estimated twelve million bushels. A Justice of the peace in Martinsville, Ind, has decided that flour is a legal tender in payment. A suit has been commenced against A S Mercer, by one of the disappointed female emigrants to Washington Territory. Frawley won the billiard match at Cleve land Ohio, January 24, ‘for the championship of the State of Ohio by two points. In 1862 there were 992 murders committed in the United States, and only 98 executions; 36 murders were committed on Christmas day. Measures have been instituted to start'a woolen factory at Utica, Michigan, with a capital of SBOO,OOO. A gentleman in New Bedford, his wife and one of his <j|sldren, were poisoned rscently from eating’ partridges. It is supposed the bird had fed upon laurel berries,’ which made portions of its flesh poisonous. Judge Russell, of New York, has sentenced Nolan, an old offender, to twenty years im prisonment. The prospects of the termination of the Pa raguayan war are good. The New York Herald .says John Morrissey has become a Wall street millionaire. A letter from the Island of Curacoa says that the ex-Emperor Soulouque of Hayti, with his family and suite, had arrived there, where he proposes to fix his permanent residence, having been banished from his place of exile in Jamaica. The Iron Association of Pittsburg, Pa , have resolved to reduce the wagos of artisans from twelve to twenty per cent on the first of Feb raury. Champlain is frozen over so that they h ave sleigh rides across 6 from Burlington to Piattsburg. The Collector of the Seoond District of Ken tucky, has seized the Nelson county distilleries, for failure to take license, and make the re turns required by law. Dr. Sayer, of New York, in a communication to the Board of Health, declares cholera to be portable, not infectious, and says it is induced mainly by dejection of persons attacked with it. There are five hundred and eighty political prisoners at the Dry Tortugas. There is great excitement in New York over what is catted a Fenian Privateer. The Sampson county, N. C., Court arrested a negro on the charge of drawing a pistol on a white man, and sentenced him to be sold into servitude. Major Wyckersham of the Freed man’s Bureau of that district has ordered the arrest of the Court. Only four Indiana regiments remain in the ervice. Judge Strong died In receipt of more than SB,OOO per annum for hie works. In three years Daniel Webster’s works paid $25,000. Kent’s Commentaries have yielded to their author and his heirs SIBO,OOO, and Webster’s Dictionary also at least SIBO,OOO. Some of the Montgomery, Ala., schools have suspended exercises, until the first of March, on account of the spread of small pox in that city. The order issued by one Onpt Hartman, 40th U. S. O. TANARUS., closing an eating saloon at Steven son, Ala., because the proprietor refused to let negroes set at the table with tho whites, has been set aside by Gen. Thomas. Considerable attention is being given in North Carolina to the culture of peanuts. Six thousand four hundred baskets of oyster? were recently shipped from Norfolk Va., t 0 New Haven, Conn. Au ice boat raoo came off on Hudson river last week. Four boat* ware entered, one f'Twhloh made eight miles In seven minutes. Theatrical receipts in Chicago, last year amounted to $550,0G0. The debt of Maximilian’s Empire is SBO,OOO. The conduct of the agent of the Freedmen’s Bureau at Chattanooga is to be investigated by order of Gen Fish. The Alabama House of delegates unanimous ly passed a resolution on the 29tb, praying the release of Mr. Davis. The St. Louis Gothue stock-mart is to be converted into a grand museum. The people of Sedalia, Mo., are making pre - paration for the erection of a woolen mill in Hannibal. Ihe United States Supreme Court has sus tained the position of the government in con doming as a prize the British ship Admiral, which was captured in December, 1862, about thirty miles off Tybee Islands, while standing in for tne port of Savannah. The registry law of Maryland excludes 60 000 of the 95,000 legal voterß of that State. Pittsburgh, Pa , is well deserving of its mm, de plume, the Birmingham of America. Its substantial growth is indicated bjr the fact that seven years ago the city had but five banks, now it has twenty, with a capital pf $25,000,- 000. The 21st Illinois, whose first Colonel was General Grant, has just returned home from New Orleans. Only fifty men and two officers of the original regiment, are left. The work on the street railway In Nashville, is progressing finely. The prospects for a fine wheat crop this year in Tennessee, is cheering. Tho celebrated English stallion, Learning ton, and the thorough bred mares, Jarusalem and Lady Moments, have been imported by Mr. Cameron, ot New York, for General Buford, late of tho Coufedetate States army, at the cost for the former of - $22,000, and the lattter, five hundred guineas each. she Commission of agriculture, recently re ceived nine different varieties of wheat from Glasgow, Scotland. Col. T. B. Ray, late Adjutant General to General Hardee, has bought an interest in the Selma, (Ala ) Messenger, and will take one of the chairs editorial. It is satd that Mr. Frederick A. Conklin*, will bo appointed to the Now York collectorship. Ex-Governor Holden has resumed the edi torial conduct of tho Raleigh Standard. A sleighing party of young folks came near freezing to death recently, between South Bsnd, Ind, and Niles, Michigan. They were out ail night in a terrible storm. Major-General Thomas has been before the reconstruction committee. He assented that if the troops were wholly withdrawn from his department, the agents of the Freedmen’s Bureau and all other loyal men wo*M fc« cot*-; pelled to leave. The United States troops who had occupied Bagdad,.for the protection of American in terests have been withdrawn, the com mander of the French fleet having protested agains t their presence .there. Fighting with the Apache Indians in Arizo na, continues. A movement has been inaugurated in Texas to provide a homestead for Gen. John B Hood, of the Confederate army, in that State, which he claims as his home. Jno. Woods, ot Boston, has accepted the challenge of W M Davis, of Californa, to fight for the championship of America and 2,000. Ferty-one superintendents of the Fieedmen’s Bureau have been appointed In Kentucky by Gen. Fisk. Formerly, we sent 20,000 tons of rice to Europe; but. since the war, Europe sends heavily to us. The crop was everywhere lighter than usual last year. North Carolina, whose annual product usad to exceed .200,- 000, casks, ra!§*d but 7,000. Mary Belle*, a young lady of eighteen years of ege'committed enfold* la Louisville, on the 23d. Diiapptdcted love ve the cause. Show tt»*nae hare mede ell the reeds fn Oregon Impaaaable. Tbe rote hi Texet «*!****•■ te Etafc Ooavenacm was quit? pmalf Meta es ft* fel ega’e* eboeen are LOjiMMeftrst. Five murder*, mm eommlttti M Infltntp alia, on the Sad, ta tha «p«et es twenty fbar hours. The greater porMoe df the tew* es Parmce* Mich., w*e dcatroyed by i?« oa the lsfh alt. Gen. Buell, has lotted eed leased a farm ta Kentncky, the toss at wfttsk tefelHhta evidence of MsttaoiraMt led. Tkelmme Is for tarty yean. The Rev. Mr. Kentam, rtAtisfif from » ftaerai ct Deafer, Ata.. wee robbed «f u§ (old w»toh «sd lee&U-m doQBR THE GREAT SI,OOO PRIZE STORY. ' ■« - ■ ■ THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD Will commence, on the 6th of January, the publication of the story of American Society, entitled iIHOIK CHOICE OR» PITRE GOLD, BY MARGARET LEE. A young New York lady, her first effort as a Novelist, and who carries off the prize from a host of competitors. ORIGINAL STORIES AND POEMS By AMERICAN WRITERB will, in the mean while, BB GIVEN REGULARLY. THE Y. Y. Weekly Herald IS THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST Interesting Newspaper ever published. AS A FAMILY JOURNAL It has no rival. Tt pays particular attention to Religious, Literary, Scientiflo, Musical, The atrical and Art Matters. IT HAS CORRESPONDENTS IN ALL THE EUROPEAN CAPITALS. GIVES TELEGRAPHIC NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, PUBLISHES THE MOST RELIABLE MAR KET REPORTS. There is, in short, no class or interest in the country that doeß not find itself represented in its columns. The i\ T ew York [Weekly Herald CIRCULATES ALL OVER THE UNION. For advertisers there is no more advantage* ous medium. For the public generally, no snch organ of information. Only Two Dollars a Year in ■ Advance. ONE COPY TWO DOLLARS THREE COPIES FIVE DOLLARS FIVE COPIES EIGHT DOLLARS TEN COPIES FIFTEEN DOLLARS Any larger number addretasd to names of eubeerfkers One Dollar «and Flftp Cents each, Aa extra oopy wdll be sent to every Club of Te*. Twenty eeptae ta one addrew, one yeeA Twenty-iv# Dollsrs, a*f any stager *tn*)»r at rmt prise. A* extra ewpy *H!I be seat to Club* of Twenty. Theeerfta* fette the W«*- fy Herald the eietpeta pOWtatam fa the we try. Epaafei** eeflta ewkby mall. Pattsge fta* Ceeta pet oe*f *ta thra* tamitau, addmb mw roM wwmlt mbbu.iv warn toif oita. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT, GREAT SALE OF WATCHES, CHAINS. DIAMOND R'NGS, Ae. One mil ion Do.lars’ worth ! To be disposed- of at One Dol lar each! Without rfgartlio Value! Not to be paid for un til you slow wua* you are t ' receive ! Spltnd’.d list cl arti cles ! Ail to be sold Lt One Dollar each ! 803 musical boxes : : : S3O to s’so each 150 “ •* with be v ßsnd csstlnets ?C0 .. 600 .. WK) silver teapot? and coffee urns : : 20 .. 60 .. 60) ,4 chafing d'shes : : i 80 HO .. ICjU •' ice pitchers : : : 50 .. 60 .. 5000 " grblets and drinking caps : 6.. 60 .. 8000 41 catcr3 : : : J 8 .. 60 . 2000 44 fruit,card andc k? baskets : 20 .. 50 .. 6030 dozen silver tea spoons : : : : 30 .. 50 do*. 100’'0 44 "• table spoon* and forks : 20.. 40 .. 250gents*’ gold hunting case watches : 60 .. 150 each 260 iadiefe’ gold ana enameled hunting ea?e watch 8 : : : : 85 .. 70 .. 600 gen’s’ hunting care silver watches : 6 ..» 7t) .. 20) diamond rlrgs : : : : 50.. 100.. gold vest and neck chains : ; ; 4.. 80 .. 8000 gold oval band bracelets : , :4 .. 8.. 50<0 Jet andgo’d bracelets r : ; 5.. 10 .. 2000 chatelainechains and gua:d chains : 5.. 20 .. 7voo so itaire and gold brooches : : 4 .. 10 .. s*oo coral. opal and emerald bro;ches : : 4., 8.. 6000 Mosaic, Jet, luxa and flsreatine ear drops 4.. 8.. 7600 coral,opal and emerald ear drops : 4 .. 6.. 40.0 California diamond pins : : 2.50 .. 30 .. 8600 gold fob and vest watch keys : 35) .. 8.. 4003 fob aDd vest ribbon sides : : 8 .. 10 .. SCOO sets solitaire sleeve t u tous> studs, Ac 8 .. 8 .. 8000 gold thlmbks, pencil* Ac. : : 4.. 1.. 10.00 miniature lockets : * : 3.60.. 10.. 4 r oo •• lockets, magic spring : 10 .. 20 .. 80-.0 gold tooth picks, crosses &c : : 2.. 8.. fc’OO plain gold riDgi : : : : 4.. 10 .. 6030 chased goldrnigs , : : 4.. 11 10003 stone set and signet rings - : 2.60 .. 10 .. i6oCoCa'ifomia diamond rings : : 2 .. 10 .. 7500 sets ladies* jewelry—jrt and gold : 5.. i5 .. 60.0 ** ** cameo pearl, opal and other stones : : : : : 4 .. 15 .. 10C00 gold pens, silver extension holders and pencils : : : ; : 4 .. 50 .. 10000 gold pens and gold mounted holders 6 . 10 .. 6000 “ ** extension holder* : 15 .. 25 .. 5000 ladles’ gilt and Jet buckies : : 5.. Isl .. SCO) hair bars and balls : 5 .. 10 .. AUK AW DALE & CO., Manufacturers’ Agents. 80. 167 Broadway, New Ysik Announce that all of the above list of goods will bs sold ter One Dollar each. In consequence of ihs great stagnation cf trade In the mim- Districts of Ergard, through »he war, haviu* cut eff the supply cf cotton, a large quantity of valuable jewelery, originally intended for the kngluh market, has been 6jnt off for sale in this country, and mutt be fold at any taer flje ! Ui - dvr these circumstSEces, Arrandale & Cos., a:ting as agents for the principal European manu acturers, have r»c. lved upon a gre t Gilt Apportionment to divided accord'rg to the ol lowing reguliii 10 s: Cer\iflcateß ot the various uttlcles are put into envelopes m discrimina ely, fcealed up, and when ordered, are taken out without rtgard to choice, and eenl by mail, thus showiug no favoritism. On receipt of the certificate, you wll see what you are. to reoeive, and then it is at your option to send the dollar and take the article or uot. Purchasers mar thus ob tain a go«d wa’ch, diamond ring, cr any set of J ewelry tn our llso for One Dollar, SEND 25 CEXTS FOR CERTIFICATE. In all transactions by mi’l, we sha 1 charge for forwarding the Certificates, paying pottage and dob g the business, 25 c«n’s each which must Ik- enclosed wnen the certificate is sent te.r. Five aertifleates will be sent for $1 eleven for $2, thhty for $5, sixty.five for $)0, one hundred for sls. WHAT THE •‘PRESa” SAY OF US. Guy al. Gift Distribution.—A rare opportunity is effe-ed for obt inieg watches chains, diamond rings, silverware, etc , by Messrs. Arran dale & Cos, at No. 167 Bioadway. They have an immeoie sicck of articles, varying in value, and all are offered at one dollar each. The distribution is yery fairly done —you.fcgreeto take a certificate of a certain article, eociosed in an envelope, and are n't required to pay your dollar unless you are satibfltd with the anic-le, which wi',l certainly be worth moie than that amount, and m±y be SSO or SOO An excel lent mode th»s of inventing a doliar.—Sunday Times, N. 3. Oitv, February 19, 3865. Messrs. A>rar.da!e A Cos. have long been pcreonslly known to us, and we be ieve them to be every way worthy of public confidence.—N. Y. Sctttbh eme ican Journal, June 11, ’64. We have inspected, at the office of Arrandale fc Co.’s Agen cy tor European Manufacturing jewelers, a large asfoitroent of fashionable and valuable jewelry of the newest pattern*.— We also not.’ced a large quantity ol silver plate, and understand that the whole of these tewly imported articles are ts be dis posed of on a nov. I g ving great advantages to buy ers, and affording extensive employment to agem*. We know the firm in quest! n to be vtr? resp- ctable and thoiuuglily wor thy of public confidence, and iccommeud our friends to re»(! their advertisement —ft. Y. Albion, cber 8,18‘.4. By Messra. Arrandale & Co.’s arrangem- nt., the advant&g‘B must be on the side o the customer, for he lias eve y thing to gain and nothing comparatively to lose. He knows what he will get lot his dollar beforehand, and he need not seid it if he is not satisfied.—N. Y. Weekly News, Aug. 6, 2865, Employment for Ladies —The most eligible and profita ble employment we ave heard of fm ladies is the sale of cer tificates for the Grea k Gift Dittr.butlon of Arranoa’e & Co,— A lady of our atquuin'ance bes been very successful in thi* way, not only in filling her own pur?e, but also in doing a good turn to }hose 10 whom she sold the certlfiCAtes, as will be seen by our adverting columns. Gentlemen can algo be thus engaged.—N. Y Sunday Mercury. August 14.1554. In our columns the reader will find au advertisement of Ar randale & Co.’s Girt Distiibu’ion of watches, jeweliy and sil ver ware. In payment of that advertisemer t,we received sev eral sets of t v e jewelry advertised. rind we a* e warranted m saying that, both in finish and quality, they exceedjour expec tations. They turned out to be just what they h.d been rep resented—True Democrat, (Le wit town) Aug 17 1865. AGJSN fS.—We want ag nts in every regiment, and in eve ry town fnd coxnty in the country, and thc*e acting as such will be allowed 10 c*nts on every certificate ordered by them, provided their remittance amount to one dollar. Agents will collect cents for every ceTtiflcat‘% and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or postage stamps. AKKANDALE & CO.. febl4t 3awA4w7 167 Broadway, N. Y. Mill Furnishing Ware. THw undersigned would respectfully Inform hlioidctm tomers anti the Millers in general, that uj i* now pre pared to furn'sb the best quxlrty of French.burr. Esopusead cologne mill stones. bolting clolh, smut machines, belting- wire cieth, mid picks, and any other articles required in a good gut ana flouring mill. Oidsre solicited and punctually attended to. Wli. BRENNER, novlS 6Sw4B ICO Broad street, Augusta Q>. WESTERN FOUNDRY. ESTABLISHED 1836. A. B. HOLAJ3IKD & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Clemens’ Patent Circular Saw Mills, Reed’s Patent Corn and Flour Mills, Mill Gearing and Castings of every description. 331,335 and 339 West Front Street, BBTWEBX SMITH AND BOSS STREETS, CINCINNATI, OHIO. tr Circulars sent on application. oct£9 6tw4fl SIMOJN SJN if HER. TANNER & CURRIER. DEALER IN LEATHER, HIDES AND OIL, No. 222 Main St,, Cincinnati, Ohio, PAYB ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO Consignments of all kinds of Hides and Skins. octs* r«w« JOB PRINTING or , EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED Promptly, Neatly AND AT LOW RATES AT THIS OFFICE. BOOK BINDING IN ANY STYLE, Neatly and Promptly Executed AT THE OFFICE OF THE-' CHRONICLE & SENTINEL Job Printing and bookbinding executed at very low pricesat tbe CkrpKide & Sentinel office. Business men who desire to save money have their Job Printing done at the Chronicle & Sentirbl office. Printing is executed at lower rates at the Chronicle £ Senline office than at fany other office in the city. If you wish Job Printing done neat, quick, and cheap, call at the Chronicle & Sentinel office. Printing is executed at lower rates at the Chronicle & Sentinel •ffic® than at any other office in the city Blank Books, of all kinds, ruled in any manner desired, and bound in tke best style at thi U&B»»inel (JBe(. A dollar eared is a dollar gained —and many a dollar can be *ayed by haring your Job Printing exe cuted at the Ct»fi*L*>£**TlNll office * CITATIONS FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. _ GKOKQIi. T/-LIAB EKRU COl NTY— W herers, John Evans applies to mef>r letters cf r.d mration cn the estate of Johnaf, Coldc ough la e of said county deceased: iherefo»e, toc’te a’lan-1 singular, the kindred of she dt-cjasrd to appear a’ the regu r terra of . , f f Td I ;M V rounty. outhc flr»t .M .veayia Snatch Bhoald not bs graded ,.?J T s?.. unc ' er my hied at office In Ciawfo-dvne. Jannaty 15th. 16«, J. j). H A MAI AC K, OrdlayV - 4w4 Georgia, gkkkih cucnty. Where.B, mtp B RoMnsrn, Gu-rdiin ot Biter.A. i-ara, row B’tsy A-Dawscu kdi fi T ed hisaoplication in wri ting, getting hir’t! tls full t' : .cherae of the dut'es of Ms trust and praying for letter cfDisim-sion from .*a'd guar ianGrp* i heae are tbereforcs ocit* and require all persons concura edtoshow causeway s%id Guardian should notOcdischargeJe and leiters of dismiesion granted to h'm at the uri u r Ord’b rer ? to be held in and for sail county, on thi first Sondav m- Man h next. * J u Givvn under my hand at office In Grcenesboro. January uAw s ** * JCUGENIUb L. KING. ian!4 6w4 Ordinary. 4S.EOKGIA GRKKNft COUNT*. ' Wheross. Jarcca W. * infield, applies for the Guar dianship of tbe rereon and property rs Piunk L. Florence, orphan ueder 14 v«rs cr sgo, of Frank L. Fk recce dectared These are therefore to cite »nd require all persons concerned to show cause why Letter* ot ?or the p rson and property of said orphan rhou'd not be granted to taid James w, Winfield, at the Court or Oroary to be held in and for nU ceurty on the first Monday in mxt. Given under my band at (files in Oreenes>boro, January £jf*r a EUGaNIUb L. Kl G. . 4wfl Orel ilary. OKCKGI 4l7GRJCSN E < JOUHTY. Whereas, ls*ac A, William* applies for the guardianship the and property of Euaiice L. Bowden, otphai, un der 14 years of a*e, of Kobait O. Bowden, deceased . These are therefore to cite and require all persons concerned to show cause, wi hin the tin ep.-eei rlbed by law, w : y letters of kiuardiinahip for the person ard property of said orphan should rot be granted to said Isaac A. Wffl.ams. Glvvn under my hand at Office In Gref reaboro, January sd. 1666. JkUGANIUSL KING. l&n-l 4<v3 Ordioary, MT4 EOKGIA, GRKENE COUNTY. " Wr Whereas, James 11. Mapp aipiles f r the Guardianship or the person and property of Ida Johnson, orphan oiKicchen Johmoa, deceased. These are therefore to cite and require all persons cone rned to show cause, if any they have, why said letters samldnot be granted to said Jan g 8 H. Mapp at the Court of Ordinary to beheld in and for said county, oa theflret Monday in Februa ry next. Given under my hand at office In Oreenesboro, January AUGENIUSS L. KlNG,Ordinary, •I* dß 4WB jjpl GfiioHGIA.T ALIAFEivRO i OUJN'IT. Whereas Rylveater Stewart applb s to me tor letters of ftumiDst ration de bputs non upon the estate of Stephen KiJias ton, mte of said county deceased: ‘Jiesa aret hereforeto cite aid summons the kindred tnd cr dr.ors of nai l dece. sed, to b* and appear at the Court vs Gr dmc-rj to be held on the first Monday m Ftbruaiv nex% to show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granteu. G.venunder my hand and official nignature, this January J.D.IiAMMAUK, lar-S I- 3 Or.lir.ftrV. ORkKNK (JOUNTI. “ IV lier*#*, IVriUm w. Brooks applie? forlthe Guardian ship of the p operty ot Wiliam Henry Lupo, minor child ot James ti. Lup« Th $e are therefore to cite and requite all persons concern ed to show cause, (if any the> l.avt) within the time prescri bed by law, why letters of guardianship for the properly of said minor should not be g-anUd to-said William W Brooks. G.ven under my hand at office In January 3d. 18JS „ EUGENIUS L. KING. Jans 4wS _ Ordinary. Georgia. iLBERT oourty. “ Potica la hereby xlTtn to all rcrsOEs concerned, that on the 6th flay of Decemb.r, 18f5, Wllli»n J. Moire; late of Elhert cottnty, depart, and this life Inter"i.r and no person has applied for adminUtrsti.n on the cita'e cf sod v liilam J. M 0 ire, and In terms or the las* admln strtalon will be \ csted In the*, lerklof th. Sut sriox Coat, or some oihrr fit and prop, er perron, thirty days alter the publication of tilts citation, uu. lea.some valid objection i« made to ifits appointment. Given umlei my hand and offl.ial slirnature, this tCih day Os Deoemher, A. D. 186!. *. n. EDWARDS Jan 6 6w3 Drdtinry of Elbert county and ex officio Oik (fil'ATt OK GKOKUIA. COLJMBIA COUNTY. N* Whereu, M. Ilolsomtake lias made opplicaiion to ms tor letter jof administration de tMits non on theetUteof ft, cram Uclsombake late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to summon ail pe.-Fons interested to be and appear at my office within the l ira prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they Lave, why sail letlirs should net be granted. Given under my hand end official signature, at office in Ap pling, tl is 25th day of December, 1865. dcc-19 6w2 W. W. SHIELDS, Ordina-y. eorgia, Taliaferro county. W Whereas, James J. Moore of said county, makes appli- to me for the Qurgianship of J. W, Fallen, miner of G. . W. Farltr,decensi.d: These are therefore to cite and summons the next of kin of raid minor, to he and appearat the Court of Ordinary for Feb ruary, 1666, to show eaute, if any they have, why said Guar dianship should not be granlcd. .■.l 4iv H u P dcr my official signature at office in Crewfordville this 29ih day of December, 1866. J. D. HAMMACK, Cecil 6w2 Ordinary, State op geiikqja, Columbia county. “ W bcre3s, Tbvmas H. Warkins applies io n:e for letters of Guardianship cf the persoss and property of the minors of Robert Clark: These are thnefore to cite ar,d admorlsh all and sintularthe kijared and creditors of raid minors to be sod epp.aratmy : office within the time pr< scribed by late, to sliov cause, if any they have why said letters ebould not be granted. J Given uadtrmy hand acd official signatu-e, at office in nn. pliug, thl* s«th day of December, 1865. v deeut 6w2 • W. W. SHlELDS,Ordinary. C TATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. V . j»“6fhas, Frederick C. Berber apnlles to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Th mas Gardner, late of said county, deoeasvd. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear a.t my offlee, on or before the flret Monday iit March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not br t granted. Given under ns? hand and official signature, at offlee in Au gusta, this iOlh day of January, J 856. ja ugl 4w7 DAVID L. ROATH. Ordinary. TATE OF GEOROIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Wi'lliam G. Whidby applies tome for Let-’ tors of Administration wi h the will auuexed on the eetat®- of Thomas J. Walton, lxte of said county, deceased. Theseare, cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. v * Given under.myhandandofficial signature, at ofliceln An gusta, this 80th day of January, 1866. lan3) 4w7 DAVID L. ROATH, Ordinal lORGIA, TALIAFERRO OOtiJNt'V . xjl Whereas Mis. Jane H. Meadows app icsto me for let ters of administration pa the estate of Thomas E. Meadows, late rs said county, deceased: These a.e tbe*e!orc to cite the kindred and creditors of said deceased to appear at the regular term of the Court of Ordina ry for sad county on the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they hare, why said letters should noi be grant ed. Given under my hand and official signature, this January 20th, 1866. J.D. H.MiIAitJC, jan22 4wß Ordinary. Georgia, ©keen e ounty— tv hereas. James E. Kennedy applies for Leiters of Ad ministration on the estate ot A t ia-oa, deccas <1: There are therefore, to c'te and require all perrons concerned to show cause, if any they have, why raid letters should not be granted at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for ea«l county on Ihe first Monday in March next,. Given under my hand at office in < .reenerboro’, January 22-L 1866. EUGENiUS L. KltVO, iar,24 4w6 ■ On irarv NOTICE^ TO DEBTORS AMP CEDITORS. mTOTIOE. i W All persons indebted to tha Estate of Antoine Picquet, late of Richmond county, deceased, will make immediate pay ment to the undersigned: and those having cairns against Bald Estate are hereby notified to present tmm, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. decßo«w2 CAROLINE DOUBET, Adm'x, CJTaTE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNT*— “ All persons having demands against the late Col Win su. Ilight. of said county, deceased, are hereby n rifled and required to present thtm properly sites’»d to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law; and all persons indebted to said deceased aiehereby required to n ake immediate pay ment to. Joseph p. cakk, sun.’/ jan2o 6w5 ]%roTIC£- ~ I*l Is hereby given that application has been made to the i-ourt of Ordinary, of Richmond county, for leave to sell atltcft real estate belonging to the estate of Anna bbewrrwke, late of said county, deceased. JOHN T. SHE A MAKE, ja2o 6wfl A^ministrdor. N- Q.j jTTjjT ' ' Sixty dsys aPer date application w.ll be made to Ihe Court of Orel! ary cfTa iafcrro county tor leave to sell the la-ills belonging to the eeta eor Mrs. bus n Greisou, dec used. fcbl6w7 DELILA MEADOWS. Admx. TWO MONTHS NOTICES." ~ mTOTIOE. ' ~ lw Two months afterdate application will be made to the Dourt of Ordinary ot Ki-hmonu county for leave to rell the real and personal cro-erty ot the Estate of William Koiinson, ate of said county, decea.-ed nov.7 8W43 MAURICE ft ILKINSON, Kxecu'cr. mroTicx'. I* Two months after date application will be made totthe Oourt of Ordinary ot Richmond county for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of ft l’.lUm H. T Walker,, late ot saik couniy, deceased. ADAM JOHNSTON, oct2Tßw4s Admin 6trator. mroTiCE, - 1* sixty days after date application wilt b- made to the court of Ordinary of Taliaferro, for leave to sell the real estate of John Perkin e, late of Ta iaferro count», dec’d. nov3 8w46 GILBERT KENT, LxT. Georgia green* couni y- Two months after date, to-wit. at the February term, 1866, of the Court of Ordinary, of said county, spplicat'on will be made to said Court for leave to sell all the real estate of Fiederick C. Fuller deceased. DULLER Adm’x Os Frederick C. Fuller d-c’d. November 24,1864, *’ Y,-V N Two months after date, application will bemjdeto the Court of Ordinary, of Taliaferro county, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate cf Esau Eliing.on Ute of said county, deceased. AMOS ItL . L , det9 Bwsl Admml-.trator. ]\ °Two S months after date application will be made to ;¥.« l^%S^ 1 Gf eSfc^»?^es^te D ‘c y f Tb °^ S %T I,te ° f Admr. EXECUTOR’S SALES. == EXISCLTOR’S SALE. *a r IU. s>e V’M bes >re ihe :onrt Wodbo door, In the town •W of Orawfordri 1 !*. T*H«f»ro 'Vc n*v.' n tie first Tur d*y)n Mured next, wfth : «i ttcl-fil hour? of si!e, un'eran orner of the Court if Oidl-vry es «1d eonnty One trect of l,nd In mil county, te’.on*tn« to the «*t»te of John Pe-kiri, t iat* cf a»M eoonty doveeed. c*»tß!etn* mbont ninety See tern more of }m, »and) Tt»tn* ’snd* cf 4. H. Sttphene, jeaea Ed**, i>> Vert Seol m* tth'-rj. Si Id foe the rn'P'**ef dirtrltnt'on »»•»« the l:-*»t* r eot deewvid. 1 mil .-ash. • GILCBKT X »*T, WnlTtf* tie ntor- MARJ|IA f flß GUTdX vomvfrs Mitf wiT«ietoo»c*L ho*k, Map VfVryvavMVvWn Dj<?<rr_B tn«»Privete Ir.rtrnc»cr • P *-* »*»-« « r»»w«*vtv*-!t k) *i»rry, Ootn Mitie fe?r*!Wßo. larvwytKna ee*MV*»a the ph.i olcvy and re k.M«ferMW*«aMi. *MtM ynenrV'm or preven- SaifvfWtV'* !Ml«4 Mail ara a*w <Ma v*ne« fere* be • t>. » yavalaaoW **aeeW<»« Wrfk. It le written a»M iar*ae*» t r ihe *e»« r%i ywiar, arrt :# io iMrated Wrta wmmS e«e aaaftw! eavrawaia. Ailycun* *M aaupM. .* them e r*rmv»ta« MrrM*e. at and hae_ * the hlhWlliani- M-Itaa uW. *OOI4 read tut* be. a. It faemamhi* w*fy eaaahuatd ta wtjnalnwd with. •MU aw • law* taw a m ta wmad up.rna an* .etle abc-Jtihf wtl! haaeattahaf CM cm tha receipt of Fifty