Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1877, July 04, 1866, Image 4

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TOE WAR II El ROPE. The file* by lhe Chins contain interesting details of the war movement* on the Continent, from which we extract a* follows : Prussia. kkmakkxble dispatch from coot bismabk. The following has been sent by Count Bis mark to the Prussian representatives abroad: "I have already communicated to your Ex* rellency, at a former period, the dispatch I addressed upon the 7th of last month to the King’s embassador In Vienna, in reference to Count MensdorfTe note of April 26, upon the question ot the Elbe Duchies. I purposely se lected for that communication the form of a confidential statement, not intended to be con vcyed in copy, because experience bad taught me that a real understanding is not promoted by the exchange of documents, which are wont immediately to obtain publicity, and became it was the first wish of the King's Government still to oiler or leave open to the Vienna Cabi net the possibility of an approach. “We bad also at first cause to assume tha f this step of ours would Vie appreciated at Vi enna, and judging from his remarks to Baron Von Werther, Count Mensdorff seemed to have, perceived in it such a possibility. Indeed, the tenor of onr communication, wherever it tran spired, was looked upon as a symptom of cor - dial feeling, Increasing hopes in the preserva tion of peace. “We have waited in vain for a reply, or even for a mere expression of the Emperor’s Ambas sador upon the subject. “We are forced, on the contrary, to con sider the declaration delivered by the Austrian Government at the Federal Diet ut Frankfort on»tho-Maine, on June 1, as the answer to our conciliatory overtures. In that declaration, after a retrospective statement at variance with facts and offensive to Prussia, Austria hands over to the Diet the decision upon the Schlec wig-Ilolstein question, and at the same time gives notice ol an act of sovereingty in Holstein —vis., the Convocation of the E-Rates—which she is not entitled to undertake single-handed, from the moment when she released herself from the Uastien Treaty, by reference to the Diet, and thereby substituted the old relation of the co possession for the recent geographical division. “We have already protested at Vienna against this unjustifiable and one-sided act, as against the equally unjustifiable disposal of our rights by handing them over to the Diet, and reserve to us *o take further steps. “But tiist I cannot refrain from declaring • j this proceeding of the Austrian Government, we are unable to perceive anything but the intention of a direct provocation, and the de sire to forcibly to brtng about a breach and war. “All our information agrees that the deter mination to make war upon Prussia is firmly settled at Vienna. “I may confidently acquaint your Excellen cy, by his Majesty’s desire, that, at the time when we addressed the conciliatory communi cation above mentioned to Vienna, the King, actuated by the duty of preserving peace as long as possible, readily listened to a proposal for direct understanding made from au impar tial quarter at Vienna, und first communicated to his Majesty, without the participation of tho Ministry, in order to ascertain whether his Majesty the Emperor of Austria was still actu ated by the wish of maintaining peace. The proposal was to treat the Schleswig-Holstein and the Federal Deform questions in common (solidarisch), and by this connection to facili tate tho solution of both. Tho negotiations, supported by the most conciliatory desires on the part of the mediators have, as his Majesty informs ms, only demonstrated that a corres ponding feeling no longer exists at Vienna. They have shown, notwithstanding tho Empe ror’s theoretical love of peace, that craving for war dominates ovory other consideration throughout his entire Council, eveu among those who, to our knowledge, formerly voted against the war, and even ugainst the prepara tions aud armament, and that this craving has now also gained decisive influence over the Emperor himself. Not only was there mani fested an entire absence of all and every read iuess to outer even into confidential negotia tions, and to discuss the possibilites of an agreement, but expressions of iniluential Aus trian statesmen and couucilors ot the Emperor have been reported to the King from un au thentic source, whicli leave no doubt that the imperial Ministers desire war at any price, partly In the hope of successes in the field, partly to ride over domestic difficulties—nay, even with tho expressed intention of assisting the Austrian tianances by Prussian contribu tions, or by an “honorable” bankruptcy. “The acts of tho Austrian Government coin cide only too accuratelv with tho intention. “1 have mentioned abovo that we aro com pelled to recognize a direct provocation in the declaration delivered at the Diet. It has only one moauiDg : If the Vienna Cabinet intends to follow it up immediately with tho expressed breach, for it cannot have expected that we should tamely submit to this attack upon our rights. In another question the forced loan ordered in Venotia, which impresses a string of additional bitterness upon circum stances, shows that Austria will only make use of the extremist means towards Italy also. Corresponding with this are the reserves with which, according to the information reoeived here, she accompanied her answer to the invi tation to the Conference, and which, as wo hear, are understood by all the three Powers as equivalent to a refusal. “After the form of the invitation had, by negotiation between the inviting Powers, been expressly so drawn up that America should be able to accept it without committing herseli to anything in advance, and without being com pelied to make reserves, it is ptecisely the Ve netia Cabinet that renders all these labors futile. “behind this we can only seo the decided intention upon the part of Austria of torciug on war with Prussia, and of, at most, making use of negotiations as to the Congress to gain time by procrastination for her own not entire ly completed arrangements, but especially for those of her allies. The fact of war is a settled determination at, Vienna, the only further poim is to choose the favorable moment to begin. “this conviction is forced upon us with impera tive necessity by the most recent facts, and we consider that only an intentionally prejudiced view can come to an opposite conclusion. I'acts now speak too loudly tor gossip based solely npon conjectures, combinations, falsely interpreted statements, and empty rumors as to the warlike language of Prussia not to dwin dle iuto nothingness in the comparison. Perhaps we shall at last be believed when we soimnly protest against any option of wishing to make good our claims to the Duchies by lorce, and with disregard to the rightsol the co-possessor Now, too probably it will not be difficult to understand the real motives of the armanents by which Austria has given rise to the preseut crisis, and whose removal by means ot Con gress she hus further taken care to render im - possible by the attitude she has assumed. “We may appeal with a calm conscience to the judgment of all impartial statesmen, as to which party has displayed conciiiation and love of peace up to the latest moment. “1 respecttully request your Excellency to express yourself iu the sense of this dispatch to the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Court to which you are accredited. “Bismarck. “Berlin, dune 4.” Regarding this dispatch the Times remarks : “Such a dispatch as that just addressed by Count Btsmark to the Prussian representatives abroad bas not often been penned by a Euro pean Minister. The Prussian statesman seems now to think courtesy unnecessary in his com munications with Austria, All the pride, the bitter hostility, the almost fanatical purpose which have been necessarily repressed during long negotiations, break forth when the nego Rations may lie considered at an end.” The troops of King William have orders te occupy Kiel, Leodsburg and lttehoe -all of the important points of the Duchy of Holstein. On their eutry the K ilik Brigade under the Aus trian General Von Gabieuz will probably retire after a formal protest and cross tho Elbe into Hanover, where it will join the main army un der Marshal Benedet. The London Telegrapq regards this ousting of Austria from the Dnchy as a fair casus belli. The Princes of the royal family of Prussia have, as has been already announced, received and departed for their various commands iu the Prussian army. The Princes of the house of llapsburg have gone to their respective sta tions, as sollows : the Archduke Leopold, com manding the Eighth Army Corps, has gone to his headquarters in Auspitz, Moravia: the Archduke Ernst, commanding the Fifth Corps, for bis headquarters iu Brunn. The Archduke iUiatn. Inspector-General of Artillery, will also reside in this city. The Archduke Albeit is in command in Vernia. The King of Prus sia. it is gay, w in the command of the 1 russian army, and the Emperor of Austria will go to Prague if the war breaks out. Thus it Is not merely two nations, but almost two royal families that are meeting each other on the battle-field. Austria, RXTLT TO TUI SILTRAL POWERS. Iu this dispatch Austria declares her willing niMS to take part in the Conference, as a proof of the continuance of her conciliatory views, subject to the conditions already announced by telegraph, according to which all propositions shall be excluded from the deliberations of the Conftrouce having reference either to the terri torial aggrandisement or the increase of pewar of any of the States represented. At the same time the dispatch lavß stress upon the fact that In order to accept the invitation of the neutral Powers, the position ot Austria toward the Government of King Victor Emanuel is neither to be modified nor prejudiced by an eventual decision of the Conference relative to the Italian difficulty. In conclusion, the Austrian Government expresses surprise that the Pon tifical Government should cot have in vited to take part in d-liberations which might refer to the Italian question, since the interest of the Papacy would be effected thereby.— Apart from ail questions of legality, the tem poral sovereignty of the Pope is a fact recog nized by all the Governments, and therefore the Pope has an unquestionable right to *>e heard in all questions relating to the affairs of Italy. Fhc Austrian Army—Newspaper Correspon dents. We append a complete text of Feldzugmeis ter Benedek’s order prohibiting journalists : “I prohibit in the most formal and most ex press manner officers or other persons belong ing to the troops, military establishments, or equipages furnishing articles to the newspapers either directly or indirectly. It is equally con trary to the interests of the army that criticisms, generally ill-founded or resting upon facta im perfectly interpreted, should be permitted in newspaper correspondence or articles ; that complaints should be made in those publications of any temporary deficiency, as our adversaries may deduco therefrom the nature of (he attitude, spirit, equipment, &c., of the army. I shall in no way tolerate, either at headquarters pr with other commanders or corps, paid or un paid newspaper correspondents, either civif or military. I request the commanders to see that no one belonging to the army lends himself to supplying artie'es destined for the journals, un less he has received a mission so to oo from the Government, for I shall know how to dis cover such correspondents by all the means in my power, and sliall at once dismiss tnem without any consideration from the at my, or, in case of necessity, will eveu have them pros ecuted by the military courts.,’ ftal)—. Knilmla-ni off lie People. It was announced in the Italian papers that the King was immediately to arrive in Flor ence, and that Gen. Giafdini would also he there and a plan of war decided upon. GARIBALDI. According to a letter from Caprera, in “The Movionento” ol Genoa, Garibaldi, who was ex pected on the 6th or 7th at, Florence, bad postponed his departure from the island, and intends to await a final summons from the Government to come and take the command of the volunteers. The same day that the King of Italy left Florence for Turin, lhe steamer Toscane left Leghorn for Caprera, where she is to remain at the disposal of Garibaldi. In reply to an application to lorm a Polish Legion at Florence, Garibaldi writeß tho fol lowing letter: “1 consider the cause of Poland as that of my own country, and, in consequence, look upon the Poles as my brethren. In auy event I should be glad to have lor companion! in arms the brave sons of heroic Poland.’’ » The Milan correspondent of the Tribune writing June 3d saya : The first Sunday in June is Fourth of July. Oq it we eeiebiate tßKgiviug of the Constitution by Corlo AlbertST This event laid tho foundation of Vic tor Emanuel’s faithful adherence to their char ter of popular liberties p-ocurcd him the love of the Piedmontese, and the admiration of Lombards, Tuscans and Neapolitans. We count it a great day, and have been wont for five years to celebrate it, with especial pomp. To-uay we celebrate tho national biith by pre paration for the last struggle for national rights. The thousands which have been spent in public pomps in other years will this year go to the fuesides of the poor whose protectors are in the camps of the Miucio and Po. National salutes were tired this morning from every fort and ship and camp cl' the army and navy, and the tri colored flag waves on thousands ot par apets, masts and houses. To-night every hill top will blaze with bonfires, and from the Quadrilateral the Austrians may see the com ing fire storm glowing along the crests of the Apennines. But we shew our practical sense by saving our money, and giving it to the fam ilies of onr soldiers. So we send greeting to tho Parish Confer ence. Our Mayors address their fellow-citizens in such language as this : “This year we defer our celebration because our hoarts are in the camps of out brave sol diers, on the decks ot eur stanch ships of war. We have worked live years for the auspicious events which have come at last, and we wel come grim and gory war as a bride goes forth to greet her lord. We wait for a little to cele brate our complete unity in the streets of the, Queen of the Adriatic and on the summits of the* Corn die Alps.” And all the people say, “Amen.” Russia. Austria and Prussia. The Opinion Natioualo says that ever since the Crimean war Russia and Austria have been approaching to each other. Uuisia is getting jealous of the power that, Prussia would attain in the Baltic when in full possession of the Duchies, and the I’russo-German Consolidation scheme would touch too many Russian family relations among the minor German Courts. The journey of Queen Olga of Wurtemburg from Petersburg to Vienna, on her way home, is brought into connection with these specula tions, and the article winds up thus : “Onr readers will not be surprised that with these facts before us, we cannot avoid contem plating the possibility of an Austro-Russian alliance.” The Independence Beige is also of opinion that Russia is leaning toward Austria. The La France has heard a rumor that the Sultan has offered, in case of war, to make common cause with the Kuiporor of Austria. The same paper bas a correspondent iu Ger many who predicts that hostilities will- be be gun on the 10th June. At that date the King doni of Saxony will be completely surrounded by Prussian troops, and at the same time the Saxon army, numbering 22,000 combatants, will be quite ready. The same correspondent adds that on the ominous day already named, King William and Count Bismarck will leave Berlin for the Prussian headquarters. Kossuth has, it is said, received a great num ber of invitations from Hungarians to put himself at the head of a revolution in Hungary in case war breaks out. Franco. The thus notices the attitude of Franco : “The position of Franco is not changed by late events. France continues as before to hold aloof from the contest. She lias formed no engagements, and will preserve all her lib erty of action. Whether war breaks out or not, she will not fail to exercise French in fluence anew in favor of peace whenever an opportunity may offer. France would only i tako an active part in events if imperative cir cumstances should render it a duty for the de fence of the national honor or interests.,” MILITARY PREPARATIONS. The Berlin correspondent of the Times re ports a very strange fact as to the armaments of France. Orders, he says, have beeu is-ued by Napoleon 111. to concentrate 100,000 men at Chalons The troops are to march thither, to insure them to the fatigues of a possible campaign, and. what is even a worse sign, to leave their bearskin caps at home. The French battle costume includes a light cap, just as the Prussians are in the habit of casting aside their helmets betore confronting the enemy. He adds that the French Admirals at Cherbourg and Brest have been directed to keep their readiness for employment, it is pro pose*; ja the Mediterranean. THS COCCUS FEELING. The correspondent of the Times writes : n 90 , rae s hort time since that the relects were ordered to ascertain and com municate to the Government the true state of public feting among the populations within the«r jurisdiction. A Prefect of one of the most important departments reports that the aversion for war—to France going to war for anybody—is strong among ail classes. Mn.LitmiEvii.LE. Macon & Augusta Railroad We are gratified to learn that the contract for all the bridgiug on this road from Mayfield to Miiledgeville has been made. Mr. John T. Grant is the contractor. From the experience and known energy of this gentleman as a rail road man and an experienced bridge construc tor, we have every reason to believe that the work will now go rapidly ahead. Messrs. John Culver, A J. Lane and Dr. Cbafiin have takeD the contracts to complete the unfinished rock work near Spaita. E. D. Brown has one force of hands at work, dress ing up the road between the Eatonton road and and the river, for the superstructure, and also another force completing the deep cut known as the “dry pond cut’' —half way between Mijledgeville and Sparta, the dividing ridge between the Oconee waters and Town Creek. If the proposed moneyed arrangements be per fected. the road will be pushed through with all possible speed. —Southern Recorder' The reporied death of John Ross, the cele brated Cherokee, is denied, bnt he is danger ously ill. Proposed Southern Railroad. Speeches by Ron. fceo. A. Trecbolu, J. P. Heed and Others. In compliance with a request, the gentlemen sent as delegates, or a committee, from the Staje of South Carolina, to confer with the merchants of Cincinnati in regard to the pro ject ol obtaining direct railroad communication with the South, were received on ’Change yes terday afternoon. They were introduced to a great many of our most iniluential business men, and stated to them, io detail, all matters pertaining to the proposed work * At half past two o’clock the President of the Chamber, Tkeo. Cook, E-q, called the Chamber to order, and stated in a few words, the object of the meeting. Mr. Cock then in troduced Hoa.G. A. Trenbolm,. of Charleston, S. C., who proceeded to address the meichants, substantially as follows : mb. tbemioi.m’s speech. I beg leave, in behalf of the committees whom 1 have the honor of representing, to re turn you, Mr. President, aud gentlemeu of the Chamber of Commerce of Cincinnati, their sincere thanks for the favor of being allowed to address, and consult with you here to-day. The subject which we present to you for your consideration, is one in which I believe we all have a common interest, and one which the welfare aud prosperity of the whole people almost, I might say. ausolutelv demands. Nearly forty years ago. a distinguished citi zen of a neighboring State, a gentleman of great financial and business capacity, with a keen eye peering into the future of our great country, told, us in Somh Carolina that Cincin nati, then comparatively a small place situa ted on the banks of the Ohio, a river which he said dried up in summer anil was frozen over in winter, would at no distant day, be the Queen City and great commercial center of the West, He told us that by the construction of a railroad we would be enabled to draw closer together, in the bonds of social, political and commercial interests, two great cities, Cincin nati and Charleston ; and in obedience to these views we aro here to-day to see it the bands cannot be drawu closer, and so welded together that time nor circumstances can intercept us from the desire! end. Since the time of the arrival in this city of the delegation, whom I nave the liouor to re present, we have ascertained that your yiews iu regard to the project do not exactly har monize with those heretofore entertained by tho Committee, and had I been unaided, i would not have laid before you the views en tertained by lhe people ol South Carolina. As it is, I fed a delicacy iu presenting them to the Chamber as a body, knowing that we do not entirely agree in our views. Nevertheless, by your Kindness, I will state briefly the de tails ol the subject, which we weie sent to lay before you. Our especial scheme at present is the con struction of what is called the Blue Ridge Rail road line. This road commences at the town of Anderson, S 0., and is intended to ran through to Knoxville, Tenn,, where it will ter minate in a connection with the Knoxville & Kentucky Raiiroad. The length of this roa.l is 191 .miles, or in round numbers, for convenience sake, we will call it 200 miles. Tho condition of the route, amount of money subscribed and expended, &C., I will explain to you in a moment. Tho original estimated cost of the railroad, was $7,500,000, or about $37,500 per mile. No other road was ever built across the mountains that cost less than SGu.liOO per mile, ami hav ing a grade of not i than 70 feet to the mile. The Blue Ridge road vviii have a grade going east of 45 feet to the mile, and going west of 60 feet. These figures are plain truths, and 1 address you upon the subject as business men, or as one business man endeavoring to make a trade with another. lam neither a politician nor public speaker; I am merely a merchant, and desire to deal with you as a body, as I would with a single individual. It would be vain, if not wicked, to expect ol you to do anything contrary to your own interests, and it would be wrong in you to do that for our welfare which, as business men, would not en hance, even if it was not detrimental to your own. It would be impudent in me to ask you to do so, unless I could show you that you were making a good bargain for yourselves.— If I fail iu convincing you of this, then I should expect you to dismiss tho subject from your minds at once. The estimated cost of the undertaking, as I have already said, at the lime the origi nal surveys were made, was $7,500,000, r and the grade will be far less than that of any other railroad ever constructed over the mountains. In connection, with this, how ever, you will naturally ask, “What have your own people done toward the furtherance of the object I will tell you in a very few words. Nearly thirty years ago, when the popula tion of Cincinnati did not exceed 25,000 per sons, you burned bonfires and illuminated houses at tho prospect of this railroad communication being established. lam a.di rector of that same corporation for whom you burned bonfires thirty years ago, and am hereto talk to you on the same subject.— At that time the proposed line was called the Cincinnati, Louisville & South Carolina Rail road, and your city granted the company a charter. At that time the State of South Carolina donated to the object $1,000,000, and indorsed the bonds of the company for $2,000,000, while the people subscribed sl,- 600,000 more, and the work was commenced. Tho great financial calamities which betel the whole country iu 1537-38, however, brought the enterprise to an unexpected end. In 1851 the object was revived, and work was again commenced under the auspices of the same corporation. The States of North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia came forward at that time, and granted charters to tho incorpora tes. The people of those Slates subscribed $1,300,000, Charleston donated another sl,~ 000,000, while private subscribers through the State came foiward with $500,000. This made an aggregate of nearly $7,500,000, which the people ot the South invested in the enterprise, which would have been carried through to a successful end, had it not been for the financial crisis of 1837-38, and other difficulties which could not bo overcome. Notwithstanding the difficulties to be encountered at that time, however, the Company succeeded in construct ing thirty- four miles of the road, including masonry, tunneling, &u. Eighty per cent, ot this woik bas been done in South Carolina, fifty per cent, in Georgia, and 20 miles have been graded in Tennessee. In doing this work $8,000,000 were expended. There aro now remaining uncompleted 164 miles of the road, aud about $1,500,000 is now required to finish the work, aud the object of our visit is to solicit your aid aud co-operation in the matter, so that the great trunk line, which will connect the Sontb Atlantic coast with the Ohio may at no distant-day be a fixed tact. Cars are now running over 34 mites of this road.. The lino can be completed, as I have already said, for $4,500,000, and we are willing to sacrifice a great part of what has already been done, if vou will only como for ward and assist us. You will ask what interest Cincinnati has in this manner. I will tell you. It is neces sary for the people of the North, and those of the South, to exchange commodities. We want your manufactures and products, while you want ours. The people of the South are at present dependent on you for sustenance and resuscitation. The expense of shipping these products by the present channels is very heavy and the time occupied in the same is very lepgthy. By the construction of the rail road which we propos -, you will be brought 305 miles nearer the center of the South, and cost of transportation will be greatly reduced. All that separates you from that point at present is IC4 miles. What we propose is this. We have already expended $3,000 000, and we have 164 miles of the road to complete. Now, we want you to consider whether if we give you up one half of what we have expended, you will make ap effort to raise the ot -1 required to c plete the work. We wr ol course, give you undi vided control of this great trunk line. The speaker then referred at considerable length to the different harbors, means and way of transportation, &c., on the South At lantic coast/ In conclusion, Mr. Trenbolm requested that the Chamber appoint a committee to take the whole matter under advisement, and to corres pond with those in the South who are interest ed in the proposed enterprise. Thanking the gentlemen present for their attention, the speaker retired. important Order. War Depaktmeet, 1 »• t, Washington City, June 0. 18G6. ( Maj. Gen.T. J. Wood, Commander, Ac Vicks burg : ’ ’ f tt f, LtioQ of /I;'* Department has been called to the case of Poterwood against Treas ury Agent Harrison Johnson, pfnding in the Circuit Court o: Lowndes ci., SPss “°and to your telegram to Mr. Johnson, dated at Vicks burg 2od April, directing him to plead Gem Grant e order No. in bar of said suit. As the act ot Congressuow affords jurisdiction of such cases to the Federal Conrts. with ample means for judicial protection, it is not deemed neces sary for military authority to intervene in be half of Mr. Johnson, or in any way interfere with the action of the judicial tribunals bavin cognizances ot his case. Yon will therefore abstain from interference in the case. (Signed) Edwin M. Stanton, . Secretary ot War. The Tribune on den. iilbon. The New York Tribune publishes a card from Gen. Tiileou, which we append, accom panied by the following comments from the editor of the Tribune : “Gen.Tilison sends us a card, which we print, though he evades every accusation be supposes us to have brought against him. He says Freedmen’s Courts have not been abol ished, but he omits all reference to the order by which the negroes were remitted to State Courts in all cases where their testimony was received. He did not “prohibit” the strewing of flowers by colored women on Union graves —he only advised them to wait till their de monstration of respect should be entirely agreeable to a Rebel Mayor. He did not "sup press” the Loyal Georgian—he only assumed a censorship over it, and edited Capt. Bryant’s paper to snit Gen. Tillson. If Gea. Tillson thinks thiß a creditable record for a Commis sioner of the Freedmen’s Bureau, he is welcome to a,l the satisfaction he can derive from a circulation of the facts in our columns.” A CARD FROM GEN. TILLSON. To the Editor of the K. Y. Inbum : Sir : An article in your paper of the 13th inst., headed “The Raid upon the Bureau,” commenting on the report of Gens. Steedmsn and Fullerton, states : “It was equally ioevte able that Gen. Tilson should be praised. That officer has won his title t 6 approbation by abol ishing the Freedmen’s Courts in Georgia, con ciliating the planters, prohibiting the colored women in Augusta to strew flowers on the graves of-Cniou soldiers, and suppressing lhe Loyal Georgian, a journal published by tie freedmeu,” ~As an act of justice I ask that you publish the following : First, Freedmen’s Couris were established in this State by my persona! efforts, aud have not been abolished, but are still in operation. Second, I did not prohibit the colored wo men of Augusta from strewing flowers on the graves of the Union soldiers, but merely ad vised them to accept a very kind and concilia tory proposition f;om tho Mayor of this city to postpone the ceremony one week, when he would open the gates oi (he cemeteiy, place the police force at thfcir disposal, and do every thing in his power to aid them. Third : I have not suppressed the Loyal Georgian, that paper being issued as usual. I simply prevented the editor from publishing a threatening letter which he had addressed me, and which, if published, whouid have led to violence. I have in my possession copies of the Loyal Georgian of the 9th and 16th inst. The first contains ineultiDg remarks about myse f, aad the latter contains an article calling upon the colored people of this city to come forward with their sl, $5 and $lO as a present to the editor, which are not found in the latter copies of the same issue of that paper. The false and malicious attacks made upon myself, in the Loyal Georgian were occasioned by the fact that the editor had been officially reported to mo as engaged in obtaining money from tho colored people under false pretenses, and that, in the legitimate performance of my duty, I was compelled to interfere aad protect them against him, thereby cuttmg off a large portion o£ his income. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Dauh Tillson. Brevet Major. Gen. Comd. aud Asst Comr, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Aban doned Lands, Office Act. Asst. Commissioner, State of Georgia, Augusta, Ga., June 16, 1866. Crop Prospects. ‘ ' The Wheat Crop. —The monthly report from the Department of Agriculture at Washington has been published. The apprehensions of a scarcity of crops which might threaten con sumption, or warrant extraordinary prices, are groundless, as is proven from an actual analy sis of a statistical return, with duo regard to the usual average product and the present losses of each State. The prospect on the Ist of June was for seven-tenths of a crop, with favorable weather, and absence from casualties bofore harvesting. The indications point to th&ee-fourtbs of an average crop of wheat. In Ohio and Indiana it appears to have suffered most from winter killing. A product of three fourths per cent, crop of winter wheat in Indiana is sufficiently discouraging. An increase of four-tenths of Che average growth of Spring wheat will afford some relief, and ought to bring up the average to one.half a crop. Ohio is reported at 4-10 for winter with 2 1-2-10 less of spring wh“at than usual. There is a very little prospect foi winter wheat in Indiana, and not quite as large an increase in spring wheat, which will give about the samo rdualt half an avorogo crop. Illinois, now our greatest wheat growing State promises 7-10 of a crop of winter wheat. As the spring wheat, which is, in the main, de pendence tor a crop in portions of the State, is nearly as good as usual, at least three-fourths of a crop of that should be expected in this State. In Wisconsin winter wheat is reported at 6} tenth, with 1J more spring wheat than usual, which should secure three-fourths of an aver age crop for this State. In lowa the appearance of winter wheat is 9 1-10 ; spring 10 2 14 ; breadth of the latter sown 12J This should give at least an aver age crop in lowa. In Pennsylvania the wheat crop is eight tenths. In Missouri the prospect for a full crop of wheat is reported with one half-tenth, or 5 per cent, more than the usual breadth ol' spring wheat, and is looking nearly as well as usual. Kentucky is reported at five and two-thirds Os a tenth. Michigan at seven and one-half of a tenth. Minnesota, ten and fiveoeights of a tenth for winter, and nine-tenths for spring wheat. Kansas fourteen-seventeenths of a tenth for winter, and twelve-eighteenths for spring. In New England, except Massachusetts, a full growth of spring wheat is sown, looking better than an average in Maine, and a fraction , lower than an average in other States.- Win ter wheat, where it is grown at all, has suffers od to the extent of 1 and 2-10ths, in Vermont three-tenths. New Jersey is placed on the samo list with New York and Pennsylvania, at 8-lUths, and Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia w,ll each average about six-tenths. The section wost'of the Mississippi, compris ing Minnesota, lowa, Missouri and Kansas, taken together, promise more than an average crop of wheat. The Canadians and the Fenian Prisoner. Under the above caption the New Yofk Herald of Friday gets off the following chal acteristic piece of jargon : It appears from the dispatches from Canada that the government there has decided not te try the Fenian prisoners until the excitemect subsides. It is well that the Canadian authori ties have come to this conclusion. There wi)s great danger that in the ha9te to exercise their vengeance the Fenian prisoners would have a hasty trial and be executed immediately. Tlk world has seen so much of British vengeance in India, and more recently in Jam rica, that everybody expected that some such rash aqt would be committed with the Fenian prison ers. Had such been the caße nothing would have prevented a difficulty with this country. • But now the Canadians Lave decided to post pone action for a short time, they will htve an opportunity to look at the subject in all its bearings, and we trust that the magnanim iy of our government in saving Canada from ca> ture will induce the authorities there to treu with leniency auy of our citizens, natnraliztd or otherwise, who are prisoners in their hand; They will find this policy the best in the lorn; rnn. Recent events show very plainly that ifany difficnlty arises with the United States, Can ad i is at our mercy and powerless to protect her self. Tbe above Is just so much arrant nonsense. The Fenians will be hanged, so the HeraM may as well keep quiet. The Canadian author ities tail to recognise any “magnanimity onth) part of the American Government in saving Canada from capture,” but, on the contrary, lay the Fenian crime at the door of Mr. Seward and the Herald pets, who have secretly and openly connived at our plunder and devasta tion, but who are too far off and closely hedged, unfortunately, to be reached by a Canadian rope. It matters nought to Canadians wheth er the marauders in our possession “be Amer ican citizens, or otherwise.’ 7jus tice will be the same, and “difficulties with the United States’ 7 will boos secondary considers, tion. If Mr. Seward will try experiments, bis dupes must suffer, and upon his head will be the blood of the "American citizens" about to be hanged throughout Canada. The Ottawa Times Bays : Col. Booker, who commanded at the battle of Ridgeway, arrived in town yesterday, for the purpose of obtaining an investigation into his conduct, and we hope he will be able to absolve himself from blarn*. It is a difficult matter, with troops new to maintain that stern discipline which loans part of the soldier’s profession, to prevent some confusion when retreat is necessary, or even simply expedient. It is now said that the “Vision”—a little ves sel which started off on a voyage to Europe last year, and was reported lost —was not actually lost at sea; but that her captain put into some obscure port on the Nova Scotian coast, while his wife collected large sums of money from the companies with whom tbe v iyager had in sured his life.■—■Jipnireoj Ttkgruph, Premium Tobacco Sale. The St. Louis Republican oi the Itith con. tains an account of a great sale day in tobacco~ doin, trom which we extract as follows : Some lime since there was advertised a pros posed sale of tobacco, the growth of Missouri and Illinois, at the warehouse of Christian Peper, corner of Twelfth and Market streets, St. l ( ouis, to come off on the 10th inst. At the same time several premiums for varieties ad judged to be the best among the competing par cels entered. There was offered on the finest hogshead of manufacturing leaf, in weight not less than 500 lbs. gross, one solid silver water pitcher. On the second best manufacturing hogshead, not less in weight than 700 lbs. gross, one silver medallion tea set. On the best strip ing hogshead, not less in weight than 1,400 lbs. gross, one silver coffee urn, one silver cream pitcher and sugar bowl. On the finest cutting hogshead, not less in weight than 700 lbs. gross, one silver salver, one silver pickle castor, one silver butter dish. And on the best prized hogs head, one solid silver ladle. It was required that the tobacco should be of the growth of 1565. The committees having been appointed, they set about examining the samples, of which 170 hogsheads were broken, and awarded the prizes ad follows: To John Jacob Detweiler, of Franklin coun ty, Mo., the prize of a silver pitcher for the finest hogshead of manufacturing tobacco, To Allen & Wormack, of Callaway county, Mo., the prize of a silver medallion tea set for the sefond best manufacturing hogshead. To Parker & Hall, of Howard county, Mo., silver collee urn and silver cream pitcher and sugar-bowl, for the finest shipping hogshead.' To F. Nefl, Callaway county, Mo., silver sal ver, pickle castor and butter dish, for the finest cutting hogshead. To Guy & Wilson, of Pike county, Mo., a silver ladle for the best prized hogshead. The awards having been announced, the sales opened. The hogshead which took the first premium, weighing, ,pet, 660 pounds, brought $555 a hundred, and was purchased by Turner, Van Horn & Cos., of Illinois. That which took the second, weighing 400 lbs. not, brought $215 per hundred, and was bought by Mr. Roddy, of St. Louis. There was put up a package weigh ing 246 lbs., raised by Jas. M. Ming, ot Franklin county, and which was purchased by Geo. W. Rucker, for $6Ol per hundred. Mr. Jacob Detweiler, was awarded the first premium. His crop of six hogsheads was grown in Franklin county, on four acres. What the growth of those four acres brought may be seen in the following statement. HDD. POUNDS NET. PRICK PER 100 LIIS. TOTAL. 1 660 $555 00 $3,663 00 , 2 260 153 00 397 80 3 780 131 00 1,201 80 4 270 81 00 218 70 6 630 132 00 198 40 6 1,090 21 00 2,190 90 Total, $7,690 00 If any one will take the trouble to divide this snug sum by 4, to represent the acres cultivated, he will find the average produce of each acre, to be $1,925 30, Pretty fair farming this! But Franklin county, where this cultivator lives, happens to be one of the very best, probably the very best tobacco-growing sections of the State. In the annexed account of sales, it will be seen that the highest price paid was $6Ol per hundred. One hogshead brought $601; one $555; one $285 ; two $215; one $200; one $185; one $175; one $172; one $160; two slsl ; one $153, two slsl ; fifteen between SIOO and $141; fourteen between SSO and SIOO, and thirty-five over S2O. The sum of the sales, averaged, show the price per hogshead to be s6l 24. Cost of Getting to Washington. It appears from statistics that the mileage paid to the representatives of the Thirty-eighth Congress for two years, amounted to nearly two millions of dollars, ($1,887,996 69 ) Reverdy Johnson, of Baltimore. Maryland, re ceived $6,067 20; J. Mcßride, Representative from OregOD, $12,531 20. Between these are all sorts of amounts. The Michigan Congress men received, on an average, about $1,050 each. This inequality of salaries, for that is what under the present system the mileages amount to, is worse than that of representa tion, and we should suppose the members themselves would be anxious to ‘‘equaliza the bounties.” For instance, the Oregon man drew at least $16,000 as compensation for his two years of service (allowing him $2,000 trav eling expenses) while Reverdy Johnson re ceived only $6,067. It costs tho Treasury, according to this statement, $53,719 to trans port the California Congressmen—one of whom is McDougail. The country will hardly be able to see how it gets its money's worth out of that operation. If the salaries of the mem bers should be increased from three to five thousand dollars, and their actual legitimate traveling expenses paid, it would be money in the pockets of the Government, as well as in those of merabere residing this Bide of tho Rocky Mountains —Detroit Post. An Irishman was summoned for refusing to pay a doctor’s bill, when he was asked why he relused. “What for should I pay 1” said Fad dy; “sure ho didn’t give me anything but some emetics, and me niver a one could I keep on my stomach at all!” Elihu E. Washburn, of 111,, who has just been re-nominated for Congress, is now serving his twelfth term. Important to Planters. 'T'HE RICHMOND FACTORY IS NOW prepared to manufacture WOOL for Planters as formerly, w.tli plain and twilled Ulot.h, at 80 cents a yard for the Plain, and 88>$ cents per yard for the twilled. Wool Carded into Polls At 15 Centra pound. All packages should have the owner’s name p’ainlv raarkod on the same, and all instructions, <fcc sent to Fleming & Rowland, Agents in Augusta. CHARGES FOR MANUFACTURING Payable on Delivery of Goods. A. JOHNSTON President Richmond Factory * .je6—d*w2m Choice Wheat Wanted, The subscribers will pay the highest market price. CLARK & MARTIN, Office at J M Clark *& Sons, j<3o__iwd«fewlm 278 Broad St. McKenzie’s 10,000 RECEIPTS. The most valuable book (secular) ever published. It treats of Agi iculture, Angling, Bees, B eaching. Book-Keeping. Brewing (i. e. beer-making), Cot ton culture. Crotcheting, Carving, CHOLERA, Chemistry, Cosmetics, (that is. something to make boys and giris look pretty) Diseases of the Bowels, Stomach, Brain, all kinds of Fevers—typhoid. billiouß, intermittent, &c, &c—the Dairy, Dentistry, Dyeing, Distillation. TELLS HOW TO MAKE Old Bourbon Whisky, all kinds of Brandy, Champagnes Wines of all sorts »rom Grapes, Bernes, Ac., Fish-culture Farriery, ail sorts of Cooker ?, Flower-Gardening Fire-works Gas mgtres, Gilding Olaas, Health, Inks. Mezzotints, Pickling Poisons and their antidotes, PETROLEUM, (the new oil business that is miking ao many fortunes in every direction,) Proof reading, Poitery, Preserving, Photography, Pyrotechnics, Tor>acco-cuUure, Tanning, Trees, Telegraphing, Varnishes. Vegetable-gardening, Weights and mcasares. Everybody, male antffemale, who des'res to canry on any business, needs this book indispensable. Price $ l per copy. sSo''d by agents only. Send $4 to Dr. WM. HAUSER & SON, Spier’s Turnout, Jefferson County, and get a copy by mail, postage paid. i*r. HAUsJCR A SON are sole Agents for tne State ot Georgia, and they want active agents to canva c a every neigh borhood in Georgia. A liberal conymssion allowed. Agent can make from SIOO to SSOO a month. iel—dlm&w2m Rock Factory, WARRE.I COUJNTY, GA. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE OUR TERMS for Carding Woo', will be fifteen cents per lb. For manufacturing wool in plain Kerseys, twenty-five cents per vard ;in Jeans forty cents per yard ; cash on delivery. Cot ton Yarns, O-naburgs, Kerseys, and Jeans always on hand, and for sale at market rates. D. A. JEWELL, le7—d6L&w3m Proprietor. Dennis’ Sarsaparilla. The purest and the best, it keep? the Liv<r, the Bowels, and the Blood healthy. Those who wish a better article, ttnd it if you can. elO—3tw3s Georgia, burke county. In the Superior Court of said County : May Term, 1865. Present, His Honor, James S. Hook. Judge. M ELVINA FULCHER. ) vs v Libel for Divorce. VALENTINE FULCHER. ) It appearing to the Court that the Defendant in the above gt&ted cause does not reside in the county of Burke, and it further appfaring that he does not reside in the Mate of Georgia, on motion of A. M. Rodg-rs. counsel for the Plaintiff, It is ordered, that service be perfected by the publication of thi a order .n the Chronicle & Sentinel, a public gazette of this Stale, once a month for frmr months, prior to the next term. 1 do her*by certify the foregoing to be a true extract from tt e Minutes of slid Cour t. In witnrfcs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official signature, this 21at day of June, A.D. ISM. , , EpGENE A. GARLICK.D.C. je34—w?7 Gmlarn Supr, Cotirt, b, C. SCBSTITITE FOR PEtUVIU CMSO. BATOH’S l?aw bone Super-phosphate oflirne BAUGH & SONS, MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS 20 South Delaware Avenue, Phil, ri.is valuable MANURE has been before the agricultural public, under one name, for twelve years past and ter for vigor of action and permanence in effect is well c stab listed. Before the war it was introduced to some extent in the Southern States, anl wa3 found to be highly adapted to Cotton, Tobacco and all Crops. A:.d as a perfect subrUtute for Peruvian Guano—afforded at css thm one half the cost-it has been adopted by agricul turists of known intelligence and discrimination. It is war ranted not to exhaust the soil, hut on the contrary permv ntntiy to improve it. The sales now amount to many thou sand tons annually, audthc facilities for ils manufacture are extensive and complete. Pamphlet describing its distinctive claims may he had on application to the undersigned agent of the manufacturers ton. whom the manure may at all time, be obtaine® J- 0. Mathewson, Augusta, QBXEH4L AQKKT FOR GKOIltvlA. Mill Furnishing: Ware. rgIUE undersigned would respectfully inform jhisold cus 15. tomers and the Millers in general, that he is now pre pared to furnish the best quality of FRENCH BURR, BSOPUS & COLOGNE MILL STONES, Bolting Cloth. Smut Machines, Bolting, Wire Cloth, Mill Picks, arid anv other article required in a good grist and flouring mill. Orders solicited and punctually attended to WM. BRENNER, apl6lywl7 109 liroa street. Angus* • Ga. Cotton Gins. Combination oi Skill and Practical Experience The undersigned having com pletertAhcir Shops are now ready to reefiye orders for COTTON GINS. They flatter themselves ill t thdr Gins will compare favorably with those of any o'her establishment., our M r. M; sesy having been employed with Mr. Samuel Grlsw< Id in the business from l*o»hooj thereby securing a combination cf kill and prac ical cxnerieooe We will srard no pains in fclriving to give satisfaction, as cur success depends on the merit cfour Girs, Our Works are convenient to Macon, (3 miles distart) on the Central Kai read, and easy of accts*. REPAIRING DONE WITH DISPATCH. Gina'fcntby rail to Macon for repairs will be to our Shop by us and returned to Macon. Orders addressed to us at Macon will re ceive prompt attention, and as we do, not expect to have Travel ng Agents, persons intenaing to purchase of us will please said in t h :ir orders as early «s practicable. w e would s-y to the former patrons of Mr, Griswold that, in consequence of adva cod age, he has given up the Aiauntacture of Gins en tirely, and na“ kindle extended to us all of his experience and advice. We respectfully ask a share of patronage. MASSEY & JOHNSON. Bibb County, Ga , May s!b, ISGG. my24—d3t &wlm Cane Mills and Suga r EVAPORATORS. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF ’ * CANE MILLS manufactured by the Clark Sorgho Machine Company, and Cook’s SUGAR EVADORATOKS. Samples of Svrup and Sugar made by these Machines to be seen at our office. J'ftmphtet* mailed free. To secire these Machines ior this season, orders must be sent in earlv. mySl—dlaw&w6t* BONES, BROWN & CO. Tm Heal Strengthening Tonic. (LOT a WHISKSY PREPARATION.) HOOFLANDS GERMAN BITTERS WILL (JURE DEBILITY ! DEBILITY ! Ke.>ulting from any cause whatever -t I*UOBI RATION OP THE SYSTEM INDUCED BY SEVERE HARDSHIPS, EXPOSURES, FEVERS, OH Diseases of Camp Rife. OOLDIK.ES, CITIZENS, MALE OR FEMALE, Adult or Youth, will find this Bitters a Bure Tonic, not de pen ent oq bad liquors tor their almost miraculous effect. O DYSPEPSIA, Ami Uiseaseas resulting from disorders of tho liver and diges tive orgaLs, are cured by HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERB. This Bitters has-performed more cures, gives better satisfac f len, lias more testimony, hsn more respectable people to vouch for it, than any other article in the market. O We defy anv one to contradict this ascertion, and wiil nay SI,OOO to aiv one who will j,reduce acertifleite published by us that is hot genuine. iloofianil’s German Bitters Will cure every case of CHRONIC OK NERVOUS DEBILITY, AND DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS. . Jp Observe the rollowingsymptoms. resulting from disorders of he Digestive Organs : Const ip it ion, inward piles, fullness of blood to the head, acid ltv or the stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust f r food, fullness or weight in the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or flut'.eringattlie pit of the stomach, swim ming O' the head, hurried and difficult breath ing, fluttering at the heart, choking or euf focatmg sensations when in a lying posture, dimness ofv sion, dots or webs before tne sight, fe ver and dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, ye lowne.ss of ihe sti* and e»e.i nalnin the side, back,, chest, limbs, subtle i flu lies of heat, burning in the flesh, eon stunt imaginations of evii, and great depression of spirits. H, REMEMBER, That this Litters is not alcoholic, contains no rumor wh’sbcy, and cannot ma«e drunkai ds, but Ton'c Is the word. READ WHO SAYS SO. [From ltev W D Seigfricd, Pastor of Twelfth Baptist Church. Philadelphia.] Gentlemen : I have recently been shoring under the dis- Irts.inn effects ot indigestion, accompanied by a prostration of the rervous system, js upierous remedies were recommended by friends, and someof them tested, but rrithout relief. Your Hoofiand’s German liiiterswcre recommended by persons who had tiied them, and whose favorable mention of these Litters induced me to try them. I must confess that I had an aver s onto Patent Medicines trom the -thousand and one- quack •isilters whose on y aim seems lobe to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the c immunity in a sly way,and the ten. dency of which, 1 tear, is to make many a confirmed drunkard upon learning thatyonrswas really a medicinal pret aration! 1 took it with liappy effect. Its action, not only upon the stomach, but upon the nervous system, wa? prompt a«d grati fying. I teei that I have derived great anl permanent benefit horn the use oi a few bottle-. Very respectfully yours, W. D. SiioraikD, No. 254 Sliackamaxon street. -A. I From the llcv E D Fcndai', Amidant Editor Christian Chronicle, Phil ace phia.] I have derived decided benefit* from the use of Hoofland’s German Biiteis, and feel it my privilege to recoir,menu them as a most valuable tonic to all who are suffering fro ; general dcblity or from di eises arising from derangement of the liv er. Yours truly, E. and, Fesdall. From Rev 1) Merrge, Pastor the Pasayunk Baptist Church Pni adelphia.) From the many respec able recommendations given to I)r. Hoofland’s German Bltiers. I was induced to give them a trial Alter using several beetles 1 found th*m to be a good remedy for debility, and a moat excellent tonic for the stomach. 1). Mecrioe^ From Rev William .Smith, formerly Pastor of the Vincen town and Millville (N. J.) liaptist Chi relies.! Having used In my family a number of bottles of your Hoof lana s German Bit.strs I. have to say ♦ bat I regard them as m ex' eilent medicine, specially adapted to remove the diseases tl uyare recommended for. They strengthen and invigorate the system when debilitated, and are useful in disorders of the liver, loss of appetite, etc. 1 have also recommended them to several of my friends, who have tried them, anoTfound them greatly b-neficial in the restoration of health. Yours truiy, Wm Smitti, 966 Hutchinson street, Philadelphia, IST [From the Rev Joseph H Kennard. Pastor of the Tenth Bap tist Church ] I have been frequently requested to connect my name with comm ndations ot different Kinds of medicines, but regarding the practice a* out of my appropriate sphere, 1 have in all cases declined: butwi|h a clear proof in various instances, nd particularly in my own family, of the usefulness oi Dr. HooflaadN German Bitters,! depart for once from'my usual course, to express my full convictiou that, for general debit ty ot the sys em, and especially for liver complaint, it is a 9afc and valuable preparation,fcln fome cases,it may fail, but usu ally. 1 doubt not.it will be very beneficial to those who suffer f cm the above causes Youre, very respectfully, J. H. Kennabd, Eighth, pclow Coates street. Philadelphia. Dec. 24, 1864. Rev. J S. Herman, of the German Reformed Church, Kntz to wn. Berks county, Pa., was cured of Dyspepsia of twenty years* standing. A. M. Spangler, Editor of the Guitarist, No. 25 North Sixth street,, payst hi- Bitters was recommended to him by a medl »-ai friend, and six bottles cured him of complete prostration of the nervous system. Rev Thos. Winter, D. D. Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church : Rev- Levi G. Beck Past or of the Baptis’ Church, Pemi»erton, N. J , formerly of the North Bantist <’hurcb, Phila., at pre sent Pas'or of the Baptist Church. Chester. Ph ; la. These gentlemen exoreas in the strongest terms their favor ble opiuion of this Bitters. -..1L., jars ee that the signature of “O. M Jackson” is on tho wrapper of each bottle. garsould -ourneirest Druggist not have the article, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offered in its place, but send to us, and we will for ward, serureiv packs-d, by expre*a Principal office and Manufactory! No. 681 Asch fcTBXKT, PniLADXLPnrA. Pa. JONES A EVANS. Successors to C. M. Jackson A Cos . Proprietors. For sale b 7 Wm.H. Tutt, Augusta, Ga., and other Drug gists. mhlO 6md&wT Ayer’s Sarsaparilla * TS A. CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF THE J- choice root, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effectual antidote for di ß euses Sarsapa'illa is reputed to cure Such a remedy is eureiv wanted Dy those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove, as 1 hi.- has. of immense service to this large c ass ot our afflicted fellow-citizens. H-w completely this compound will do It has been proven bv experiment on many of the worst cases to be found in the following complaints : scrotum. Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, Skin Diseases, Dimples, Pustules. Bio'chee, Eruptions, St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Suit Kheom, Scald Mead, Ring worm. ,kc. hyphilis or Venereal Disease is expei'ed from the system by the prolonged are o’ tnis Sarsaparilla, and the patient is left in comparative n, aith. Female Diseases are canted by Scrofula iifsthe Blood, and are : fiea scon cured by this Extract of Sarsaparilla. Do not disca-d this lava uable medicine because yon have beer, imposed upon by something pretending to be Sarsaparilla while it Woe not. W hen you hate need Ayer’s—then, and not ti*l then, wi.lyo" know the virtues ofSarsaparida. For minute particulua of the diseases i: cures, wc reter you to AVer's Amerlcsn Almanac, which the agent below named will fumnh gratis to all who call for it Ak Bit’s CATHARTIC PILLS. for the cure of flostive ness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Irdigest'on. Dysentery Fonl Stomach, Headache, Plies. Khenma’.ism. Heartburn’Arising from Dhordered Stomach, pain, or Morbid lection of the Be,Weis, Flatulency, Does ol Appetite, Diver Complaint Dropsy. tV orms, Gout, Neuralgia, and tor a Dinner Pill They are sugar orated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best Aperient in the world for ad the purposes of a family physic, 1-repatea by J, O. AYEK A 00., Lowell, Mass . and sold by all Druggists, myl7_2md«w Lfgal Hdvertisemeßts, STATE OF GEORGIA,RiCHMONDCOUNTY. Whereas, Margaret Scanlon, Administratrix on the estate or Ti moth* Scanlon, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Bumrsnon : These are,therefore, to kite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on or before the tiist Monday in January next to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should’not be granted. Given under my handand official signature,at office in Au gusta, this sth day of June. 1866. je6—26w24 DAVID L. ROATH Ordinary. Georgia, Lincoln county. Pleasant F. Burgess haviDg applied to be appoieted Guardian of the persons ard property ot Martha and Thomas Spires, minors under fourteen years cf age, residents of sad county, this is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear a» the 'Term of the Court of Ordinary to be held next alter ike expiration of thirty days from the first publication ot this notice and show cause it they can why sa : d Pie vaunt F. Burgess s >ou and not be entrusted with the Gurdianship of the person and property of Martha and Thomas ?* plies. Witness my Laud and off!dal signature. B. F. TATOM, Ordinary my3l f w 24 Lincoln county. fiTATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, El lea Brogvn applies to me for Letters ot Ad ministration on the Estate or Martin Brogan, late ot said county, deceas ’d. , . . , These are therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in July next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bt granted. . Given under nny hand and official signature, at office in Au gusta, 2his soth day of May, 1566. mySl—4w24 DAVID L. ROATH. Ordinary. 425 TATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY— Whereas, Sarah K. McCorkle, Adraiuistratlx on the es tate of Elizabeth Skinner, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismisbion, These are therc r ore, to oite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, on or be tore the first Monday in August next, to show cause. If any they have, why said Letters should not be grauted. Given under my t and and official i ignature, at office in Au gusta, this sth day ot February, 1866, teb6 -26w»J DAVID L. UOATK Qrd’y. Georgia, elbekt county— To all whom it may concern—Fraudi M. Games, having iu proper form, applied to me for letters of Administration de bo .is non, on the estate of Robert T. Gaines, late of said c<3uu ty: This is to cite all and singular, the creditors ar.d next of kin of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and t > show cause, if any t. cy caa, why taid tetters should m t be granted to said Francis M. Gaines on Robert T. Gaines’ estate. Give i under my hand and official signature, Mav 14th, 1566. my2o 4w2i W. H. EDWARDS, Ord’y. Ak*TATE OF GEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY. C** Wher. as, Obadian G. CooelaD, Administrator of the Estate ofFealbton A. r>ea!s. deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of ea and county for Letters Diemissory : These are therefore to cite and require all persons concerned to sh tw cause against the granting of the discharge of a«id Administrator, aid issuing to him Letters Dismi-sory, at the Court of Ordinaly to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in Decemb?r next. Given unuer my hand at office in Greeueshoro, May 23d ISG6. EUGExNIUS L, KING. Ordinary. my27—fmw23 TATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas. Mlomon L. Bussrrrd. Jr., applies to me for letters of Adnib i-tration with the will annexed on the Estate of Solomon L G*»sford, la*e of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday lq July next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, tk s 23d d \y of May, 1866. • DAVID L. ROATH, my 24 -4w24 Ordinary. TATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Flmiri oy Carter and John b. Carter apply to me fox Letters of Admiiust ration on the Estate of Charles Carter, l&t.e ot said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and s'ngular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, te be and appear at my office, ot) or oefore the first. Monday in July next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be grant ed. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 23d day of May, 1866. DAVID L ROATH, ruy24—4w24 Ordinary. Georgia, greene bounty. Whereas, the estate of Sarah Asbury, late of said county dec ated is uurepr»ent* and, these are therefore to cite and rc qn re ail persons corcerned to show cause, if any. the. have, why the'dministration of said estate should not be vested in the4)lerk of the Superior Court, or in some othe r fl: and proper person, at the Court of Ordinary to bo held m and for said county, on the tint Monday iu July next, Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, May 80th, 1866. EUGUiNIUS L. KtbG, .iel lmw24 Ordinary. ESTATE CF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. O* Whereas, Michae l Dow applies to nte for letters of administration i-n the Estate of Thomas Dow, late of said comity, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the the kindred and creditors of said Deceased, to bs and appear at my office on or before the ffr:t Monday in July nsxt, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grauted. Given under my hand and official signature, at efflee in Au gust a, this Ist day of June, 1566. jel 4w24 DAVID L. ROATH, Ordinary. Georgia, Lincoln county. To all whom it may concern—John Bolder having in proper form applied to me for letters of administration de bohia non with tne will annexed of Eary Farrar, de coa-ed, late of sakl county: this is to cite all s : ngu*ar the creditors and next of kin. of Maiy Farrar, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cruse, if any tlieycxn, why letters of administration de bonis non with the will annexed, iould not ba granted to John Bohler on Alary Farrar’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, May BTth, 1866. Je7 6w25 B, F. TATUM, Ord’y Georgia, green county— Whereas, Wll'iam A. Colclough applies for Letters of Administration de bonis non, on the eetate of Burnett Moore. SSr., deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and require all persons con cerned to show cau«e, if anr they have, why said Letters should uot be granted at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said on the first Monday in Avgust next. Given under ray hand at office in Greenesboro, June 22, 1866. EUGENICS L. KING, K 24 4w27 Ordinary. Georgia, greene county. Two months after date, to wit: At the next September Term of the Court of Ordmary of said county, to be neld on the first Monday in September next, application will be m-.de to sa.d Court to sell all the land belonging to the estate of Jiobcrt F, Ciutchtield, deceased, fer the benefit of the heirs ana creditors. MAKT'A-J. CRUTCHFIELD, Juue 23,1666. Adm’x of Rt bt. F, Crutchfield. jc-24-Sw BORGIA, ELBERT COUNTY. To all whom it may concern.—William T. Norman having in proper applied io me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Tolison Norman, late ot said county, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the credi tor and next ot kin of said ceceased, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause if any they can.why permanent administration should not be grant ed to said William T Norman on Tolison Norman’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature. 20th June, 1866. je24—4w27 ■ W. H. EDWARDS, Ordinary. OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Frank H. Miller. Administrator on the Esta “i Solomon Tobey, deceased applies t"» me for Letters Dlsmsslon. *i heseare therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of smu deceased, to be and appear a my office, on or before the first a* onday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be grauted. Givap undsr my hand and offieial signature at office in Au gusta, this Bth day of January, 1866. )an9 26wlam 3 DAVID c. ROATH. Ordinary. 4^TATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Jacob Kauffer. administrator on the Estate of David Kauffer, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismis sion: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ann appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August n*xt, to allow cruise, if any iheyhave, why said letters should not be granted. Given linger my hand and official signature, at office in Au gusta. this 3th day of January, 1866 Jar:9 26wiam3 I). L. ROATH, Ord‘narv. UTATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY, kj Whereas. Michael O’Neal, guardian of Ullen Maher, 0 w Ellen Hastings.) miner, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they hare, why said Letters should notbe granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Au gusta, this 3d day of October, 1865. DAVID L. ROATH, octß 2Gw lam4l Ordinary. Cl TATE OF GEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY. H Whereas, Eliza A Barham, administratrix of the estate ot I'aling B, Barham, deceased petitions the Court of Ordina ry of said county for letters dismissory: These are therefore to cite and require all persons concern ed t ) shaw cause, if any they have, why said lettcre should not be granted at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for suid county on the fln:t Monday in June next. Given under my hand at, office in Greenesboro. November 9th, 1566. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ordinary v i. 4 2Gwlau. 48 TATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY Whereas, WilliamT Gold and William Hunter Exec utors of Henry C. Gould,'deceased, apply to me for Letters of Dismission: These arc therefore to cite and admonish, all andstngular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie and aDDear at my office, on or before the first Monay in July next to show granted fany lbey haV °’ Wl ‘ y 6aid Letter3 should not he Otven’ttndermy hand and official signature,at.offlce n Au gusta, this 4th day of December, 1865. , . DAVID L. ROATH, Ord'y. decs SBwlamW Georgia, gkekne county. X Whereas. Wi.ey G. Johnson, administrator de boat, non with the will annexed, of the e»tnte ot Memory W ate,. ham deceased, petitions tor letters tlismlsoory from said There are the-to cite and require all persons corcerned to show cause against the granting of the discharge of said ad mmistrator and issuing to h s m letters dismissory, at the Oabrt ot Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Mon day in Augos: next. ,rH iv £?-* untier ro y hand at offlce in Oreeneeboro. January ICt.h 1806 EUGENIUS L. K/ng, ]anl2 26wlam 4 Ordinary, OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Edward Benin and John T. Smith. Executors of WiUiam buminerall, deceased, apply to me for letters of Di-mistion: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred andcredit. rs of said deceased, to e and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he gran tel, Given underpay hand and official -ignature at offlce, in An gasta, this Bth day of J.nuaiy. 1866. j«n9 26w1am.3 DAVID L. ROATH, Ordinary. tJ TATE OF GE iP.OIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. ’ IJ Whereas (Charlotte M. D.'viea and J unes'B. Aalksi Ad mmiHrators on the Estate of William W. Davies leceasad apply to me for Letters of Dismission: 1 ' These arc the-efore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in August next to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at offlce in An. gusta, this Bih '..ay of January. 1866. jan926wl»m 8 DAVID L. ROATH,Ordinary. OTAI E OF GEORGIA, LINCOLN COUNTY H Whereas. Dennis Paschal. Senr. Execu’or of the Estate ol .lerem:ah Gre«Lam, represents to the conit In his petition duly Sled and ent, red on record, that he has fully administered and fcstut ncoording to the will of Jeremiah Oresham • This is. there’ore to cite ali person t con rented, kindred and credit or? to show cause if any they can. way .ala Executor should Let »e d.sehirgek from Li- exec torahiD, and receive letters of dismi«s!on,on the flr.t Monuay in-net temher, 1860 tebls 56wlami) H, F. TAT'»M, Ordinary. Cl EOKGIA. GREENE COUNTY. “ f 'Whereas. James W . Jackson,.administotor o’ the estate or J.ese W . Onampion, decetsed, petitions the Court of ordl. nary of said county, for letters dismissory rotn said estate : i nese are therefore to cite and require all persons concerned to Show cause against the granting of fhs cischarge of Eaid ad mmtrtra.or, ana issuing to him letters oismtssory, at the Court or Or.mary to be held in and for said county on the first Mon. day in Oc'ob r next, i .ivcn under my hard at office in Greeneaboro, March Dth. ,£6 ‘ llnM , EUGENIUB ± KINO, mhlo 26wlam’2 Ordinary, M'NEOKGIA, GREENE CoH*NTY. W Whereas William A Lorry, administrator de bonis non witn the •will anneved, of the estate of John de c -ased, petitions the Oou»t of Ordinary ol said county’ for tetters dismissory from Eaid estate: * These are tfcerefo e t > cite ana require a.l persona concerned to show cau« again-tt he granting of the coac h *rge of said ad iniListrator, ana issuing tnnim ietthm dismissory, at the Court of Grdinanr to be held in and for said county, on the first Mon Say in October next ‘ iven under my hind at office Greenesboro, March 9th, EUGANIUd L. KING, mhlO 16wlaml2 Ordinary. Notice. Ar plication will be mide to the Court of Ordinary of Elbert County. Ga ,at the Atet regular term after the xpire t onof two months from lh a for leave to sell all the l*nds belonging to Uj** of M. 11. Maxwelh late of uai<> I county.debated, lor the benefit of the heirs sn i creditors of I said dec seed. THOS. MAX WELL, I June 6th, 1866, JOEL BOND, I jeiß—Bw26 A Cmn. I Legal Advertisement*. Cy J q NA ' R , Y ' W’HMOND COUNTY, May Timothy O Mnrnhy.Atl- SS WlllLm M fhißinz 'o this Court lifeline exe yip to dec 3 e\ <,irt In hit Ur m » ml for till™ Willtnm M on Fenwl-lnsuS tartlT,,” >»*»“*!»< to sa J ty ot Kt-hnnnd, amt Mate ot i i'ecri. i 6 hnl.l' VLt 4n *l 1 u t *’. C °.'i 11 ,' lot belonging to (ion. Kano- 1, M. the sum : f three hundred dollars'^ t. rest from Ist Ju'y, 1865. and it appeal, VI »SL e, i \T rl i h 4 the said Timothy 6. Mar, by, McGee, deceased, has paid said sums of pr nctnnl *LS liSHIP toJcatrh »’ 4 '*rr. Administrator of tho M rterexsed. and that he Ce trea at order reqaWni SSt “ Carr, r.dmr.U'rr'orasa or end, tom: k lltrs »ndtr Bdttnn.i'. -« is Oiderro. tlia-.al: vers,nr mtrr.sleL show c-S Iran.' th«y have, wt'hla thre? leoßtlu from the Otoe 0 f thl,'order whv .he Mid .ioaeph p. Ca r, a, minintrat r aa afore«Sd should rot execute titles t 0 Timo liy c. Murphy, Admii is trator of said Philip McGee, decessed.rrdcr said bond Ard it Is further ordered, that this order t e pubihliedinth C hrocic ! e 4 Sentinel once a mon*h *"or th'ee months myKS—oamSmw3l UAYID L. KOATH, Ordinary. Georgia, hurke county. In Burke Superor Cour>, May Tfrm,lS66. Present, His Honor James S. Hook, Judge. MELYINA FULCHER, et. a!„ ) By rent friend, Ac, vs. > Bill for Re'ief *r VALENTINE J'ULCHER. J tor ue iel, ao. It appearing to the Court th ,t ths Defendant in the above staled cHU.eeoes not reside m the county or Burke and it further appea-ing that he dors ne t i ealde in the Mate of Geor gm. on mot-oaof A M Rodgers. p aintifTs •olicitor. rt isordVr ed, that service be perfected bv the puMicilion ot thin order in the Chronicle & sentinel, a pub’ic gatstte of this Nate, once a moiitHNor four inontna, prior to tne ucxi term. I do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true extract from the minutes of said Court. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my kanu and official Signature this 2ltt day o'June, a. U.isii6 . , , EUGENE A. UARLICK. D. C. 1 e24 —l ßmlani Supr. Court B. C. Felix G. C. Peek and others 1 Rill for account, discovery , „ vi - , > and distribution, in Taliaferro Ebenezer J Swain and o'hers.) superior Court, in Kouiiv February Term, lIC6. h 3 itappeering to the Court that Ebenezer J. Swam and Au gustus S. Royston, two of the If efendaots iu the above stated case, do not resid ein this Slate, that said Swain resides in the State of Alabama, aud said Royster in (he state ut Tennessee On motion erde-ed that sail Defendants be and appear at the nextteiju of this Court, to be held on the fourth Monday cf Augurt next, to answer said Bill, and tli,t service of raid Bill be perfected on add Defendants by a publication of this order in the Chronicle & Sentinel, a public Gazette of thia State, once a mouth for tour month.:, immediately after the adjournment of this Court. •I certify the above andforegoing to be a true transcript from the Minutes cf Taliaferro superior Court. mh4 4mwlamll J. I>. IIAMMACK, Clerk t«TATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. 59 Whereas, George T. Barne.-. Administrator on the estate ot John rs. spencer, applies to me for letters i t Dumlsslou- These are, therefore.io cite and admonish, alland singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in November next.toshow cause,if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Givenundermyhandand official signature,at office In Augusta, this 56ih day of Apiil. 1666. apU6 lSwlaml'J DAVID L. UOATII, Ordinary. CSTATK OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY- ~~ JS Whereas. Germain i. Ifortlc and Wiliam E Jackson is of Thomas Snowden, apply to mj fur’ Letters oi Dismission: These are therefore, to cite ttud admonish, all and singular the kindred aud creditors of sard deceased, to b.* and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in November next, ro show cause, if any they have, »hy said Letters slrould not! be granted. . (liven »ndcr my hand an and official signature, at office in Au. gusla, this 25th day of April, 1-6 C. ap26 2(iwlamlil DAVID L. KOATH,Ord’y, LINCOLN COUNTY. JW To ail wirom It mly concern :—XA illiam D. Tutt and Robert. H, Fleming having iu proper form applied to me for Sermaneut letters of administration on the estate of Richard I. Tompkins, late of said county, this is to cite an i.ml slngu. lar the creditors and next ot km ot Richard F. Tompkins to be and appear at my office within tne time allowed bv law, and show cause. It'any thev can, why permanent aimini tra tion should *ot be granted to Yvilliam 1). Tu t and Robert H Fleming on Richard R. ‘Tompkins* Bbtate. Witness my hand and official signature. April 57.1666. „ , B. F. TATUM. mayd 4w Ordinary. ELLEN K. EVANS. 1 vs. . > Divorce. hevm ROBERT C. EVArtS,) The sheriff having returned thattlie Defcndsnlifinot to l>e found, *nd it Icing shown that he is not a resident of the State, Ordered, Th«t service be perfected by publishing a copy of this oTder in one of the public gazetti'Bjof August*, nice a m< nth for four mouths, previous to the r oxt term of this court. 1, Lafayette McLaws, Clerk Superior (.’ouit of Richmond county, do certify that the foregoing h a true copy trom the minutes of the Superior Court ot Kidinicnd county, April Term, 1866. LAFAYETTE MoLAWS, Clerk, [l. b J __ p2O m4m pEORGIA, TALIAFERRO COUNTY— Whereas, Mrs. Rebecca Kemp lias made application to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Lewis Kemp, late of said county, deceased : These arc, theretore, to ci’c all pc-sons interested, to lie and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the Hist Monday in August next, to Bbow caifte, if any they have, why said letters hould not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this June 25th, 1866 J. D. HAMMACK, Jt2S-4w2S % Ordinary. STAT OF GEORGIA, LINCOLN COUNTY Notice is hereby given to all persons having demands aguinet John Peed, late of said county, deceased, tQ present tt e*n to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by taw, so as to show their character and amount And, all per sons indebted to Fmd deceased, are hereby required to ak Immediate payment to me. B. F. BENTLEY myl 22 Acministrato of John P Georgia, greene county—notice two months after date, to-wit: pt the September term 1866, of the Cou.t of Oidinary cf said county, application will be made to B>»id Court for an order to Bell the real estate f24i seres) belonging to ths Estate of Thompson Malone, late of said county, deceased. JOSEPH H. MALONE. Adm’r, June 12,1866. LAURA MALONE Adm’x, jel 7 8w26 of Thomps on Ma’oue, dec’d. GEORGIA, ELBEKT COUNTY— VIT Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary cf paid county, at the firs 1 , regular term, after the expiration of two months, from this notice, for leave to ecu the lands belonging to Joan E. Fortson, a person incompetent to manage his affairs. RICHARD FORToON, my2o 8w22 Guardian Os John E. Fortson. Georgia, elbekt county— Application will be made to the Court, of Ordinrry of said county, at the first regular term, alter the expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell all D e lands be longing to the estate r-f william Morris, late of said county deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said deceased, my2o 8w22 RUFUo J. MOKRIB, Ad’mr. Georgia, Richmond count t. All persons indebted to the f sta:e of Augustine Fred erick, late of Richmond County, deccated, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are notified to present them in terms of the law. MARY ANN FREDERICK., mayS’’—ld&Gw24 Administratrix. miOTICE. Two months after date, to wit, at the August term of the Court of Ordinary of TalUfcro county, application will be made to said Court for leave to sell the lauds belonging to the estate of G. W. Fallen, deceased. J. J. MOORE. May lJth, 1866. [mvl3—Bw2lJ Administrator. I%TOTICE. Two months after date, to wit, at the August Term of tne Court of Ordinary ot Taliaferro ebunty, application will be made to said Oouit for leave to tell the lands belonging to the estate of Amos Stewart, deceased. JOHN EVaNS, May 11th, 1866. IroylS—Bw2l] Administrator, dt bonis non. NOIIOS. Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Elbert County, Ga., at »te first regular term after tlie cxpira tic nos two months horn this notice ior leave to sell all the lands belonging to tho estate of Thoa. B. Bnflard. late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the bei sand creditors of said < ecea»ed, JOHN W. BULLARD. June Cth, 1866. Adm’r. Jel3—Bw26 HAT OTIC E 1 All persons indebted to the estate of John K. Jackson late of Richmond count?, deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment and those having claims against said estate are required to presnet the sune, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. WILLIAM E, JACKSON. Je6 —6w25 Administrator. 1 I%[OTIOE- Two months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to s»*U the ical 'estate of belonging to the estate oi Edward J. Buckmas ter late of said county, deceased AMANDA BUCKMASTER, e6—Bw 25 Administratrix. Georgia, Richmond ooun « y. All persons having claims against Mrs. Nancy M. 1 homas, late of said c jumy, dee ease 1, are notdie i to present them In terms of the law, and iliose indebted are notified to make payment to WM. M. TiiuMAb, Executor. Jel—6w24 mroTicE. Two months after dale, to wit, at the Angust Term of the Court ot Ordinary of Taliaferro count y, application wiil be made to said Court for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of feussn Gneacfn. decked. May 11th 1866. DELILA MEADOWS, myl3—Bw2l Administratrix. mjOTIUE. Two months after date application will bfe made to the ucurt of Ordinary of Lincoln county for 10. Ave to tell the real e tate belonging to the estate of John Reed late of said county, deceased. B. F. BENTLE Adm’r May 14th, 1866. mylC-8w22 Notice. Application will be made to the Court, of Ordinary of Elbert County, Georgia, at the first regular le*m after the fx- Firation of two months from this notice for ieave to sell all Ihe lands be s OLgiDg to the Estate of Josepn Rulliam, late ct said county, deceased for the teueht of the heirs and creditors of said deceased JObERH B. PULLIAM, June 6th 1865. Adm’r will annexed. Jelß-8w26 I%[OTICE. iffi Two months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary ot Richmond Conuty for leave to sell the real is'ate, Ac., of Philip McGee, late of Richmond coucty, deceased. TIMOTHY C. MURPHY, je2o—Bw27 Administrator. A PPLICATION WILL BtS MADE TO THE of Ofil.nary ot Vlbert county, Georgia, n the firet regular term the expiration of two months from this no tice, fir to seli ail the lands belong iig to the e-tateof Barden Rucker, late of said county, d. for the benefit of 1 ann c edltora - BURTON KUCKER, ap2bßwl9 Executor. PPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THE Court of Ordinary of E!b?rt county, Oeorgia, ut the first regular term after the exnir.tion ’of two months frt.m this no tice. for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Geoige Gaines, la e of suid county, deceaseJ, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. „„ JOHN G. DEADWYLEK. 20th June ’BO6. FRaNUIS GaUIES. Je2B-8w27 Scriven Sheriff’s Sale. WILL RE SOLD AT PUBLIC OUTCRT rn the first Tuesdav in JUDY r - elt ’ v/jiage of > ours of sale, before Court Howe . a Bylvania, in sa'd county, the J* j eiS iy; n ., tractol land.eontoiningavehenljed « tlt and being m said count* and a Bprjroa< deeeat. (i. McCayto theeastJondsofes at o’ , 0 tbe and to the west, U.nUs of Jamfo « conat’et *o the North, the . ivloin* line 01 Borte ana* ItlK of . , flai i raid land levied o. I hy mete aw. of rad toU nty ter costs, facias Issued horn tbe »“P erl ” r ,~r r L-.wtm. • iu case of Tnornaa OrOES vs. w Hl ; llsTi Deatity Sheriff H. C. ‘ myßl-4wi3 ‘ khbhikf’h hale. K A f/>r/> she Court Bouse door in the cdy of WILL s-n'l ii Teene rouaty. oa the first To- 5 lay in Oreearaboro. r< * , toDrs 0 f -ale, a tract ts lind < on- JULY next. m „ Tg or , whcrcon Uiatng adjoining G. H. tew, 11 J. M . cn 8B the property of Jesse Dangs cokand ctfiei|. * oremeSuoenor Court in favor ot ton. Jesse I/mgaen and Wm. G. Lang.ton Jo S°,id'e2 f ,n by roiueit of plain,iff and df n. ant “ d jell-4«4 7 J ’ U ENGLISH. Kheriff. EXECUTOR’S »Aiin WTI T he sold at the door of the Oomt House, in Eller, ton. Elbert county, 03 the first Tuesday in July next, h-irfh! hours, a tratt of lardia Hart county, nn the ““7,55 ifthe Savannah nver—joining lands of Joel S.-Toracr, tee iiteOf KkhardJ.D. Dumtt deceased, containing » B j} ild one half acres more or less C sn.lo as the property of Joseph Rucker, hue of Elbert county, greased for the peuefit of the devises, by leave of the Court of (inlinarV of said COUUty, Ordinary BU;EKT M KUCK t WM M. HASDKTT. i 41 ra ’ »y2O WdwS