Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1877, October 17, 1866, Image 2

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(Chronicle ft Sentinel. WKMKSBAI MOBSIHB,WfWII «*• Keller. We publish to-day aqpther article fron. our correspondent at Buckhead, on t l important subject. The speech allu'l ' in the close of his letter failed to reach m. We would be obliged to our correspondent for the name of the “merchant, not a thousand miles from Augn-ta, ",io sc tied his own indebtedness at five or ten cents on the dollar, and then brought suft | against his debtors for,the full amount due j tin, If we cm get l*is name, we promise that to the extent of our circulation, we will ventilate the transaction. Our correspondent does not seem to like the position we' occupy on this question. We have not a.s yet decided upon any plan of relief. We have invited discussion on the question, in the hope that.it lead to some practical measure. '* e simply stated in noticing our correspon- , dent s former communication that we were j not then prepared to favor a .State Con vention. We are still of the opinion that such a convention could afford no relief , which could not be legitimately acted upon j by the Legislature. The provision against the passage of | laws, impairing the obligations of contracts j is found in the tenth section of the 3d j article of the Constitution of the United States. Neither a State Legislature or a State Convention could violate this plain provision of the Federal Constitution. We dp not pretend to say that the present stay law is unconstitutional. On the con trary. we believe that it does not conflict with either the letter or spirit of the State Constitution or that of the United ; r W<> ar ■- • r “ 1 that our Supremo c urt will u-stain the .- tit law when- | , i-r a . u.vo.vii • . vtfo for, !« prop- 1 rly b". uht bd>e i ..... ' .....fo V ‘ 5 -v»n- Weuaon unis-sit w*o U - ade fe appear over this question than tne Legislature. Upon this point we invite the opinions of those who have given to the subject care ful reflection. We arc in favor of extend ing to the debtor class all the relief that can lie legally and constitutionally obtained. Our warmest sympathies are with the peo ple in this their hour of trouble. We be lieve that a great deal can he done towards relieving the country by voluntary and in dividual action. In this connection we commend to the careful consideration of our people the communication in another column, signed “F. We would be glad to have county meet- j jngs held in every section of the State, to promote harmony and accord in the settle ment of ante helium contracts. In each county a system could he agreed upon which very few would dare to violate. The vox populi is still strong, and not to be rudely tampered with. If a schedule ot settlements should be adopted, in each county, by a respectable majority of the people, very few would he found with suffi cient temerity to oppose such a plan. Public sentiineut will inevitably enforce whatever scale may be agreed upon in the different localities. Hut, if these voluntary plans for the adjustment of the 4 present indebted ness of the country should fail, the Legislature might afford a temporary remedy by postponing tho collection of the lirst payment required to be made under 1 the present stay law until the Ist of January, ISGS. We only throw out the foregoing as tl,o result of reflections of our own mind upon the subject, without committing ourselves to any particular Mode or method of relief. We desire to examine the subject a little more closely before we adopt any particular lino of policy. We a grin invihy temperate and fair dis cussion of the subject, and offer the use of our columns to all who l’eel sufficient in terest, in the matter to lay their thoughts before the people. U ■.location —-11,mv It Is HiLuiUO !! It.! •*. Imu Uui (he qiMstion of restora tion I 'opim-m-il by it : O ngo-ssioi o! » -piriii'oii. t .rpimi live the Kx-Vi ■•> Prt-i --,!ent o'' the r bo I (onv-teracy. Kin cue ' • mmi, y* wors- when ui.parfonuvl p live* la ii they are not permitted to enjoy them. In mem! of abusing tiiv Nationai Government, they should be grateful for Us magnanimi ty and the safety of their unworthy necks. --Mew York Times. It is not very surprising that the public mind at the North exhibits a high degree of exasporation against the youth, when we find such journals as tho Now York Times giving publicity to such statements as we present above. We would like very much to Imve the Times inform us how it is that the Congressional aspirations of .Mr. Ste phens have complicated the question of restoration. Is the State of Georgia ex cluded from representation in the Federal Legislature, because of the character ofits representatives elect? Would representa tives he admitted to their seats in Decem ber next, if they could take the test oath? The Times knows that they would not, yet it distinctly states that tho return of such members as Senator Stephens has retarded the restoration of the Union. We shall not quarrel with the Times about the very elegant epithets it uses in describing Southern officers. Admiral Seuimes' friends do not feel in the least discomposed by anything which the “little villiau" may say of him. Tlis name and fame are high above the mean and malig nant efforts of .Raymond to blacken and defame, lie has asked from the Federal Government no position, and we doubt from our knowledge of the man if he could be induced to accept one if tendered. The object of the Times is very distinctly un derstood by our people. It is to prejudice the Northern mind against the restoration of the Union unless the South accepts the proposed amendment to the Constitution, which, in one of its provisions disqualifies Senator Stephens and Admiral Setumes, from ever holding office under the United States Government. While ueither Jthe South nor its dia tinguished citizens are disposed to abuse the National Government, we are very sure that none of us feel in any degree grateful for the way in which we have been treated. The magnanimity of the Federal Government we entirely fail to perceive or appreciate. Perhaps if the little “villain would point out some act of magnanimity on the part of the Gov ernment we might be induced to become properly grateful. The fit) Tax on Cotton. A few days since we were informed by a gentleman of this city," who is connected with our municipal organisation, that re ports were in circulation in the interior to the effect that cotton sold here was taxed one dollar per bale by the city. He also informed us that the city had annulled the tax of'6s, which did levy one dollar a bale upon cotton sold here. M e tirade the statement in our paper that there was no tax levied now upon cotton bfttught to market, upon the information thus re ceived. . . . ’ We learu, however, upon inquiring ot the City Treasurer, that the city tax ordi nance of 1666 levies a tax ot one-lourth ot one per cent, upon the gross amount ot cotton f lies mad«in the city. This is col lected from the warehousemen, who are re quired to make returns of the whole amount of their gross sales. Thus it will be seen that wo wore strictly correct in the statement that the taxon cotton had beeu abolished. Mew ere not advised of the tax on sales until yesterday. The questiou as to who should paj this tax oa sales is a matter to be decided by the warehousemen and tbeir patrons. M e think that it is so small that our merchants would best consult their own interests by agreeing among themselves not to include this tax on sales in their list of charges to the planters. However light the charge may be, planters will not feel that they are under any obligations to aid the city govern ment in the way of taxes, and the con tinuance of the charges for city taxes in their account sales, will perhaps cause many es them to seek other markets for jtheir crops. In regard to the statement of the War renton Clipper, that some planters have beeu charged a city tax, while oth^have not. we would say that this impression has j doubtless been made from returns on cot- ’ ton stored in 3 SCO, aud recently sold, j Such cotton is subject to the city tax of $1 ! a bale, while that stored this year is not j Then again, the tax on cotton sold from ■ wagons—if paid at all, Is paid by the buy er ; hence the impression has been made that some planters are male to pay a city tax while others are not. The impression made on us by the article in the ( Upper, j was that some parties when buying cotton in the country have spread the report about , a city tax. in order to get a reduction in ; j the price ; and it was to expose them, that • we called on the £ Upper for their names. . The public needs no assurance from us , that the cotton factors of Augusta are I above practicing any imposition upon ; their customers, or resorting to any dis ! reputable devices to secure business. No city in America has a more honorable or high-toned class of business men than the cotton factors of Augusta. Troubles ln the May of Impeachment. The recent elections have not, in our j opinion, been of a character to embolden j the Radicals in their impeachment designs. We doubt very much whether they will attempt such an extreme measure, now that tho returns from Pennsylvania and Ohio, the'r strong holds, show that there have been decided Conservative gains upon the popular vote of last year. Ii these great middle States should have rolled up an increased majority in their favor, we believe it was their intention to ! proceed early after the opening of the next session of Congress to the enactment of the most Radical and destructive measures. We hope and believe that these plans have been dislodged by the recent Conservative gains in the .States where elections have The J misrule Joimial, spe king nfthe ! j matter *<4 the it. ikals hav< two-third ; yfth unbelt of C ,cli House of (jfougfiS? j a* ‘Mr We-tbc fait newer to get up 1 ■an impeachment J ; U- TVa font if they j,-t< r.j .- on it. V • .ve the will, the desire to impeach him —a desire in 1 flamed into passion. The only question in j j regard to the matter is a question of 1 daring, a question of moral courage, a j question of nerve. There are some things j | from which the most infuriated of men and monsters will shrink. I'eroeity and fear are often yoke-fellows. If, as the Albany Argus says, an im peachment be successfully prosecuted, the office of President will become vacant, the weak kneed Foster would give place to the Ohio tiger, Abide, and the Government be conducted by caucus dictation. In sueli hands it would be managed for vengeance and plunder. Difference in political opinion would constitute grounds for a dis tinction in rights, and the hand of power would soon measure out the punishment fur unbelievers. The physical power exists, and the will to exercise it clearly manifests itself. Rut there is one material difficulty in the way of carrying out the design. The iui peachers must agree and report a cause of impeachment which will stand the test ol legal scrutiny and satisfy the judicial sense of the word. It will be conceded that an impeachment will not lie for mere errors of o; inion, even if the standard of opinion could be agreed upon, bucli an attempt would arouse the sympathy.and justice of the people and consign its authors to mer ited oblivion. Neither party rage, thirst for vengeance, nor lust for spoils, has dis covered an impeachable act in the life of the President. He keeps within the Con stitution and laws, enforcing both, and violating neither. Henceno impeachment will be undertaken. Is the Senate an impartial tribunal ? Can the radicals in it, on organizing a court, swear that they have neither formed nor expressed an opinion ? Will they ven ture to sit and try where they cannot do so ? Will they venture to go into caucus to agree upon an impeachment or judg ment ? This would soon be exposed, and M'iUcr those jim .-aged to the four wind?, and place them out of the reach of politi cal resurrection. Their will is good, but jibe hazard istoogreai. 1 hey oannot by j hi a? close eyes ami cars everywhere : open, p r withstand the searching logl ol : eouc-ii - uMriodfu! of the k*v«, scrutiny of the press, or the honest criti cisms of common sense and honest people. Such a trial, whatever may be its result, would bring the death agony upon them and their party. The consequences are too fearful and the difficulties too numer ous for tin m to dare to venture upon such an act, when their motives are too appa rent to be concealed, and too monstrous to ! be defended. liar: ail’s Cherokee Liiml Sale. Attorney General Stanberry has pub lished a lengthy opinion on the late sale of Cherokee lauds by Secretary Harlan, just before he retired from office, in which Mr. Stanberry shows the sale to be in violation of the terms of the treaty, and lie directs the Secretary of the Interior to notify the Emigrant Company that the contract will not be carried into execution. The law originally passed, in- reference to the sale of these lands, provided that they should not bo sold for less than SBOO,OOO cash. On the 27th of July, 1866, an amendment was made, providing that such of the lands as are not occupied by # actual settlers might be sold at not less i than $1 per acre. Mr. Harlan sold the lands on a credit, at $1 an acre, payable in annual instalments, with interest at five per cent, per annum, in sums which will extend through about nine years. This, it is argued, is not equivalent to $1 per aero, as the interest is below the legal rates, and is in violation of the law requiring the sale to be for cash, and also in the fact that no exception or reservation in any where stated concerning the lands in the hands of actual settlers. The Attorney General, therefore, feels bound to declare the sale illegal and void. It is stated that the Indians paid $500,- 000 in gold for these lands in 1835, equal to nearly $9. <0,000;' and it is further stated that Mr. Harlan is interested in the Emi gration Society to whom he sold the lands. Radical TiOvt* for the Negroes. The Louisville Journal says in com menting upon the protestations of their peculiar love for tlm negro by the Radi cals that because the Southern States, in the exercise of their free discretion, will not give the negro the right of suffrage, the Radicals propose to take from him the right of representat ion! They would con sole him for the deprivation of a right that he has not, by depriving him of a right that he has. The Radicals befriend tlie negro with a vengeance. They back him, as Prince Hal and Poins backed Fal staff. by showing him their backs. “Call you that backing of your friends? A plague upon such backing !“ \ To the Radicals the negro has been a 1 profitable servant, but they ineteout to him the hard measure which Christ ap plied to the unprofitable servant, taking away from him that hath not even that which he hath ; and, if not seasonably checked in their mad career, they will ere long finish the scriptural measure, by cast ing him into outer darkness. The negro is not a saint or a demigod, but he deser ves better treatment than this, espeeially frorn his particular friend-. He, however, is likely never to receive. Tire Cholera in Memphis.--The sta tistics of the cholera in Memphis, from the Ist of September to the sth of October inclusive, show the following results : Total white eases. 551 “ deaths, 322 “ black cases, £23 “ deaths, 530 This shows the total number eases re ported to be 1,174, of whom 826 had died. This is a fearful mortality. The mortality among the negroes was terribly fearful, 1 less than one hundred of those who were attacked having survived. Hard Times is Alabama. -The Sher iff of the large and wealthy county of Cal houn. recently resigned because he could ( not collect fees enough to pay the expenses of his office. The office has formerly been worth in that c*uuty between twoaud three thousand dollars a year. [communicated, j Relief to the People. Messrs. Editors : As you have opened , your columns for discussion of the great j and vital question heading this article. I | send this short communication in favor of j Relief. In your editorial comment on my article, favoring a convention, you say you • do not feel just now willing to endorse my j views of the propriety or nec s.-utv of a ! convention on this subject. Now, it is well ' known that this question was not made i an issue in the election of the members of : the Legislature, only in a few counties. Consequently, having no instructions, they did not feel free to act, and even had they acted, must have done so without knowing the views or wishes of their constituent-. This is a great question, ri-ing far above all others —paramount to every other issue before our people. As to national politics, | of course every man must feel a deep j concern for the success of President John ! son’s reconstruction policy ; but, it is clear 1 to rny mind, the least we do or say the better, for the present, more than to give I our hearty approval to the President’s 1 patriotic and magnanimous efforts to save the country from ruin. On this cause is suspended the temporal , salvation of our race and color, blood and ' kindred, in this country. To emancipate a man’s negroes, thus destroying three fourths his wealth; to blot out every dollar he had on earth in the way of money, is indeed a serious matter; but when you deprive him of home, and all that is desirable in life, turn him out a 1 cor, penniless bankrupt in the world, i this, I say, is a thousand times of more vital concern. The great masses of our people are in volved —hopelessly involved — and without j relief must be reduced to financial ruin. | Should the present laws remain in force, j in a tew jo- nths more t .an half the lands ] in t> rgia will b lr ,Ofht t > the block j aid . riiieed for a.me pHtauee- -frem ' ten cents to • ne dollar nfer »••'> —jiai yei j the debts remain unpaid This U nothing more tor less than a contest between - landed aristocracy and the people. With out relief we will present the si and and sor rowful spectacle to the civilized world of mankind —a nation, turned houseless, homeless wanderers on tho earth. Great God ! where is the man to rejoice at such a sight? A poor, conquered, vanquished, poverty-stricken people, tied hand and foot, and prostrate on the earth, with no possessions but a pitiful ownership in the soil; and yet, that to be torn way —the last vestage of hope to be blasted forever. High Heaven, in all thy majesty, forbid! Open the eyes of our people to the vast j importance of this question oi “Relief to the People!” You remark that the “people themselves can do much towards extending the relief demanded,” and furthermore “that you can hardly believe that any considerable num ber of the people of Georgia are less I generous to their debtors, who are their j ; neighbors and friends, than the great body ! | of our Northern creditors, who have al- j ready accepted settlements from their j j Souihern debtors at a rate corresponding with their real present ability to pay.” Now on this supposition you are labor- ] ing under a mistake at least iu regard to merchants in the interior, in our country towns and villages. In the large cities this may be true, but I suppose the credit system has never been extended to such a runious extent as in tho country. To in stance one case of an extensive merchant not a thousand miles from Augusta, whom ! I am well informed settled his debts in New York at five cents in the dollar, and at the first term of the Superior Court brought one hundred aud twenty-five cases to suit, thus seeking to collect the last i dime which would sell out not less than ! fifty families. This is only one of a thou | sand cases of tho same stamp now going on i in all portions of the State. Millions of nogotiable paper lias been bought up during the war by shy locks with Confederate money at a mere nominal value, who have turned their backs, and refused to take the currency with which these claims were purchased : thi-, traftc ha.-; been carried to al! I have visited quit' ' uumbt v of .a.until • •.<> 1 addressed the pec J civilization, and have been informed that j the indebtedness in some counties was I double the amount of the value of the ! property, ] n others there is more in suit j than the tax receiver has taken in for the I present year. With these facts staring us in the face, it is a matter of astonishment that the | masses should be moved on the subject, j Compromising and compounding debts ] cannot give relief, it wffl sever do it; j thousands may compound but it .will only leave the more for old Grab who has no. soul nor heart, to sympathize for a distress ed, unfortunate and suffering people. While 1 only favor entire abolishment of laws for collection of .ft II debts made dur ing and prior to the war as y; hist resort —■ yet of two evils ehoose the latter —“a wip ing out and new beginning” if we cannot have a just and equitable settlement of'tliis vexed question. Messrs. Editors, I in close a copy of rny remarks before the Legislature last winter—will you give it an insertion : ?T, W. J. Buck Head, Ga., Oct. 10 1866. [communicated. ] Troubles In Henry County Georgia. McDonough, Ga., October Sth, 1866. After- adjournment of the morning ses sion of the County Court, of Henry county, Ga., to-day a meeting of the citizens of said county was called, and organized by calling Elijah Foster, to the Chair, and A. M. Camp Dell requested to act as Secretary. On motion, the Chairman requested Col. Geo. M. Nolan, to explain the ob jects of the meeting, which he did in a clear, concise and forcible manner. It was then moved tiyit a Committee of thirteen be appointed to report matters for the consideration of the meeting, which Committee consisted of the following citizens: Col. Geo. M. Nolan, Chairman. A. IV. Turner, Archibald Brown, Robert M. IValker, Henry C. Merritt, John Johnson, ('her, TANARUS, Zachry, Levi 11. Turner, Lewis Coleman, Smith ll. Griffin. E. Cayle, Wm- R. Henry and Benj. N, McKnighb The Committee then retired, and after a few moments deliberation, reported through tbeir Chairman the following preamble and resolutions : Whereas, For months past reports have ! occasionally reached our county, that as ! citizens we were charged with disloyalty anJ lawlessness, tlm our opposition to ' the Bureau of Freedmeij, Ac., was open and hostile : that night-hawks or jay hawks literally swarm within our borders : that the press in some parte of the country, and a prominent ..ournnl in the city of New \ork, has published that three hundred or ganized jay kawkers infest the county: that it is impossible for public offenders and violators of the law to be brought to justice, that the Courts and Juries are alike, slow and unreliable in tbe administration of the law : And whereas, a detachment of l nited States soldiers are now quartered iu our county : their appearance among us j is doubtless attributable to the above or ! similar reports. And whereas, longer silence on cur part, or a failure to express 1 ourselves would be great injustice to us as a county; therefore, iu public meeting be it Pc.*oh-c ! Ist, That as a county we have been terribly misrepresented, that morally, ' daily 'and politically : we have nothing to fear in comparison with- nr sister eoun~ , ties of Georgia : and certainly nothing to j tear from any section, North or South, that ' would thus wantonly traduce u-. | Jt, - ■.l Cud, That'he citizens of Hen ry. are law abiding, and that the Courts and .1 urias are ready in e, - ry ease to measure out justice with an even hauu, without re ! gard to position, person, or color , that we ; indignantly repell the reported change which slings our honor and pride, tfiat, ! impartial juries cannot be obtained in j Memy county. Recoil ed 3<i. That v e suppose it is in j consequence of such aspersi-ds upon 'the integrity and impartiality of Jurots of the eoantv, that the Commanding o-ficer of said deindWent here iu pursuance of orders, has. after making some arrests, forwarded I the prisoners to distant posts without a , days notice to said prisoners, arid without ; specification of the offenses where withal they are charged; and this too, when the ! civil authorities had expressed in writing j to said Commander a perfect readiness and willingness to take cognizance of the eas es, and fully investigate said charges. But it is due to state that said Commander, Capt. Lord, has courteously proposed to ! • 1 forward the said communication of the j civil authorities to Gen. Tillson. Resolved ith. That, so far as we know and believe, even the occasional ditiicul- : ties which have occurred between the ; whites and blacks, have been magnified ; ; yea, shamefully misrepresented by evil, j designing persons, and by none more so Uian by the Agent of the* Bureau at this i place, lie, doubtless, having thought it i necessary thus highly to color (and per- ! haps to manufacture reports, in order to' 1 establish, as a fixed fact, vhe necessity of an j agency here, aud al-o, by his apnarent j fidelity and promptness,’ to secure to ' ! himself that agency or appointment. ! Resolved oth, Until thi- date we have ! foreborne a public expression of opinion of ; this agent, because it was unpleasant so to j do. We now declare, as our cool and set- j tied opinion, that a large proportion of the ! trouble which has occurred in the countv, is directly traroable to him and his indis cretion—that we believe, from having i known him for years (many of us)—that . he is morally and intellectually, utterly disqualified for the position he Folds. We, i : therefore, respectfully recommend to the j ! proper authorities his eafiy removal, and the appointment of Quinces It. Nolan, Or- 1 dinary of said county, or any other gen- j tleman of h< ne-ty or intelligence, as his successor, believing that such action would j j be as oil poured upon the troubled waters, ; l ami would restore perfect peace and i ; quiet. Resolved C>th Though in this, as in other counties, there have been occasional acts of violence, yet such action on the part of any man, or set of men, we heartily condemn, and trust ere long, by honest endeavor and stern enforcement of the law, to prevent the perpetration of such offences. Resolved 7th, That the authorities con trolling the same are requested most re spectfully to return tothis comity any citi zen that lias or may be arrested under any | charge cognizable by the Courts, in order i that tho loyal rights of defendants, and the j constitutional guarantees vouchsafed to I them may be observed, and wq believe I that the law will be as fully vindicated in ! this as in any county in Georgia, or any : where else. ’ • Resolved ( ith, It is stated that the citizens of Ilenry county recommended the agent i : here for said appointment, but we have la bored in vain to find a single man who j signed said recommendation. | Resolved 9th, That the proceedings of this ! meeting be published in the Atlanta Intel ; ligeneer and Savannah Herald, and that | the Griffin and Augusta papers be request- I etl *• .->[>; . and that a . ; f tin :u '■ I fbrwardc’d to Gen. Bavis ' ison. '• 1 v reading tin r--iut.ti.ins seriaton^, they v n u-!y adopted by tho . m urtitcii war. cotuph-ed a 'urge I imp' er of the citizen tof Henry county. Ei jah Fo-t£r. Ch um. I A. M. Campbell, cseeietary. [COMMUNICATED.] brand Jury of Warren County. In order that the action of the Grand Jury of Warren county in their general presentments may he made public, and es pecially that clause which is a. recommen dation to the next General Assembly rior j action, in order that the relentless hand of j creditors may be stayed, is the object of this communication. It is not to be presumed by their action in this respect, that owing to the short crop of nearly every tiling, they are in favor of the repudiation of tho en tire debts of the people, but it is known that a majority of this body, and of the j people of the country are in favo - of some measure of relief. The short crop of near | ly everything is not the sting which pro j duces the greatest pain in the i While it is admitted that the short crop j will prevent many collections, and will be | keenly felt by the farmers, it is readily and | generally admitted by all those who have | no claims to adjust, that there are a class ! of debts the payment of which is a great j hardship. I. allude to the debts of our j brave men who enlisted in the war, and | the debts of the families of those who per ished in it. It is generally the ease that a few men in all the counties hold all the claims upon the people—which claims were not solvent at the times they were created, j except upon the basis of slave property, j Now when the whole fabric is broken j down, and the few men surviving the wreck come stumbling home, exhausted with fa j tigue and hardship, and before they can fully realize their penniless condition, and before the disconsolate widow and orphan can fully realize their delusion in the vain j hope of the return of their long lost hus band and father, they arc stung by the ap proach of these money-seekers, who had no share in the exposure, and whose unho ly ambition is to prey upon and devour them, and drive them to and fro in the land without anything except a name. Os late, a few of these money servers are assuiiiiu;* the appearan being satisfied, inu.. theirvi t. i -1 r.-.r. Saying, th. _ if the; will ; r.n every thing, they can go free—thi.- , Monition is made in vie-r of tin f t stop tho sting of the asp. A rigid test oi’ magnanimity and for bearance is brought to bear withs ul! force upon our people, and it is with pride we ; witness such manifestations as are exhibit- I ed by our much esteemed fellow-citizen, Dr. Hubert, He is a Christian gentleman, whose example is worthy of imitation. Who will be next in example. Let propositions be made by those holding claims, and let them bo exceedingly liberal. Let the fetters of bondage be unloosed and let every man have the chance of a white man. Let every man foci that lie is a freeman. Let no man have cause of complaint. Let everything bo done in harmony, Let all the scaling and compounding be done without the court house and by the parties thoiJlgelves, face to face, with perfect good will one towards another. Lot a day bo set apart for this purpose, and every one go to work in earnest. Appeal no longer to lawyers and to the Legislature for relief— ' | relieve yourselves, and bring to bear in full | force the application of the following lines ! and all will yet be well with our people : 7'eaeh me to feel another*’ woe, l To hide the faults I see, j a'hat mercy, I, to other shows j That ’Mercy show to me. Barnett, Ga., October li, 1366, Slander! Slander! “Gen. Wright, of Georgia, sn vs lie was j on the Committee that drafted the resolu j tions in the Johnson Philadelphia Conven : tiou in favor of duly rewarding the Union I Soldiers, and that he took care to have them j so worded as not to commit the Govern | meat; for, if the South ever gets into pow j or again, all pensions to Union Soldiers ! shall be cut off unless the Confederate Sol diers are put on the same footing.” r We clip the above f-o.u the editorial columns of the /Standard. We have often : thought that paper, under the baneful in fluence of its senior editor, was, with reck less indifference to both truth and results, giving «/(Vor/uZsanction to the mischievous falsehoods of the Radical presses and ora tors in their bitter warfare against the j honor and interests of the South. It requires no denial of the above from i the gallant gentleman to whom it was at tributed, to prove to us that it was totally false. An acquaintance with Gen. Wright in the trying ordeal of the past few years enables us to endorse him as the verv type of honor and truthfulness. His conduct as a gentleman and officer was such as would convince anyone that deception was not an clement in his nature. His course, unlike his slanderer, has been such as not to deceive Northern citizens or soldiers, du ring the war, or since its termination. Gen. Wright, through the columns of the Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel, of which he is an editor, thus refers to this j matter: -The above statement we ilud in the ' Troy Daf;/ Times of the 22nd. It is per haps useless to deny a statement so aUs urd, 1 for a denial here is unnecessary, as indeed : it is anywhere that the character of the [ Troy Tones is known. We have no idea ! that one who is base enough to perpetrate ) such a slander will have the manliness to j publish a denial of irs truth, and, ifhe did, would be sure to invent some other canard equally r-usciuevous. General Wright I never wrote a line that could be tortured into any such sentiment. Hr- does not ex- I pect to cut off the Union soldiers from their ; pensions, nor has he any hope that Con i federate soldiers will ever be allowed anv 1 place in the pension list.” It thus appears that the Standard has given edit’- rial sanction to the base slander of the Troy 27/.:.Me can well under stand why these Radical papers publish such a wilful falsehood upon our leading citizens, for such is the capital by which they arc attempting, and tie tear with too much success, to freak uowo the Adminis tration of President Johnson and the ci torts of the Conservatives i-j restore th-; T uioa upon honorable and constitutional j grounds, but we cannot appreciate what truthful and honest ajntive a A orthCaroli nian. who has held high civil po4Pou and : has yet higher aspirations, nay even con soit’itiouslv desires to be respected among his feliow-meil, can hate to f, lve P?^ Clt - v ’• to tl:c statements cfthesWßuse witnesses • against our own people, the rer !r, dnttyrts < which prompt such conduct must be BT.'j- - fascinating, but alas what have we to say of the in ■ which conceives it.— II it n imjton Daily Joo:r.i:d. Fred. Douglas is said to _he about • !to commence the publication of a j miscegenation paper in Alexandria, Vir- : - ginia, with a white man for a foreman. Rev. Peter Cartwright writes that he has spent sixty-two years as a regular itinerant preacher, and during that period received but two years salary. I Aid lo the Southern Poor. An association was formed in Lexington. Kentucky, on the 3d inst., for the relief of the suffering people of the South. Rev. Dr. Rambaut and Rev. Dr. N. M. Craw ford, both known an 1 honored as patriotic and disiingushed Georgians, were on the committee for preparing a constitution and bylaws for the society. Dr. Crawford, now a resident of Georgetown. Ky., is alto one of the Directors of the society. It is called the Kentucky Baptist Association for the Relief of the South. It is pro posed to solicit contributions of provisions, clothing and money, to be distributed through such neighborhoods in the South as are most destitute. The President in his address referred to a letter Lorn Ex- Gov. Brown of Georgia, setting forth the great destitution of large districts of the ; State, in which, without relief, the people j must starve. This is a noble movement, and increases | the claim of the Kentucky people to the ! admiration and latitude of the people of' the f*mth, in whose behalf they have al ready made heroic sacrifices. * Georgia. A writer in the Macon Telegraph do- j scribes a visit to a cave in Randolph i county, of considerable size and interest. j Messrs. Elaln Christian and James P. ; Sawtell, propose publishing a weekly news- j paper at Cuthbert, Ga., to be called The j Appeal. A correspondent of the Macon Telegraph, j writing frou! Baker county, says that the negroes arelso busy forming Loyal Leagues , that they jeglect the crop, and think it hard to pick 25 lbs. of cotton a day. Tiiey are nSt only idle, but impudent and law less ; lie gives two instances of white men who were shot by negroes in two days, i One was in the act of civing a necro * ! The yithcr <-. c incurred near tho ame r.l-H'v -hot at >n t;ri O'.'ii j house, the ball bitting a little negro boy, 1 who was striding near. At liic auction Kiie oi rc:u estate chat took place recently in theNorthernsuburbs of the city of Atlanta, thirty-nine lots were sold for an aggregate of $12,000. being something more than four hundred dollars per acre. The interest manifested in the gold regions of Georgia, is bringing to light some interesting deposits. Our friend Troup Taylor, who seems to be pretty good on the gold scent, lias struck a vein 'of ex ceeding richness in Paulding county. We congratulate our friend on liis golden dreams, which we are persuaded are not all dreams. The Bainbridge Argus , of the Cth inst., announces, that an arrange ment has been effected with a firm in New Orleans, by which through bills of lading can bo signed from an points on the Chattahoochee, and also from any landing on the Flint river, as high as Bain bridge, for cotton at $4 50 per bale, and return freights to the same points at $1 75 per barrel. The arrangement is to go in to effect the middle of this month. The Atlanta Opera house is being push i ed forward with surprising rapidity, and the Directors are determined that it shall be opened os New Year's night. Col. Slaughter of the Savannah and Memphis railroad lias recently visited Cuthbert, to engage an engineer to sur vey the route. He also obtained subscrip tions to the Stock to the amount of sever al thousand dollars. He found the cotton crop of Randolph county excellent, and the planter) in goo-1 condition. Coosa & Tenmessei* Rivers Rail road. —Tlu Rome Courier says that this road, extending from Gadsden to Gunter’s Landing, a distance of thirty-three miles, and which was nearly all graded before the war, has recently been put. in way of early completion in the following manner: A Pennsylvania Company agrees to complete tile road within two years—and arc to receive the State bonds appropriated to this road, amounting to about $400,000 —and the al run < -motions if public ! -• ! donated by me General Gowran.-nn, and 1 to die ■"•.■•'Vi.M SIX) - hri Nr a v.-Mints thev hiv u-.ina 'v to -tr>ce , .■ the road when eompleto-l. Thi- a trii, gen! uit was ral.iL i by die l*u- *■ : 1 rsville on u,.. 20tu of September. Meeting in Randolph. —A large meet ing of citizens was recently held in Cuth bert, Randolph county, in which resolu tions-were adopted instructing their Sen ator and Representative to use their best efforts to abolish the county courts. They declared it to be the duty of the next Leg islature to devise some means of relief for the people, and failing to do this to call a convention. They deem it the duty of the Legislature to stop the collection of debts until tlio people can meet in convention. They ask the co-operation of other coun ties. Tiie Famine In Flight— Sad Sights In the CitlCß-‘*CpawlHijf” from the Rural Dis tricts to Die, There are sights to be witnessed in Cal cutta which would lead the stranger to be lieve that the city was perishing of famine and pestilence. Since the. famine has been allowed to attain such hideous proportions in the rural districts, it is inundating the capital. All who can craw! from the inte rior, from the afflicted sub-division of Je hanabad, in the rich country of Hoogloi and the misery of what was once the flour j ishing indigo district of Nuddea, as well as from the 15 ore wretched Midnapore and distant Orissa, flock to the clarities of Calcutta. They would receive food at their own homes, but they hear that they will get more in Calcutta, and clothes as well, ai ;6 so at the present moment no less than two and firty famine stricken wretches a day seek ; ' ie unnochutturs or Bengalee feeding houses ol the native quarter of Calcutta. So late as the Oil; of J uly last the Bengal Government a second time refuse'! to encourage the formation of j a public relief committee, and soon again i retired to the bills. But the city was being so crowded with j paupers, a pestilence was so imminent, i that the municipal commissioner, Mr. i Stuart 1 logg, and one or two merchants or- I ganized a committee, and on Monday last j a public meeting of all classes was held in the town hall to raise subscriptions. Judges, merchants, barristers, chaplains, and zem indars urged the claims of the starving, and eulogized the charity of the native gentlemen, who had already done so much, with an eloquence hardly required, but quite justified. Official reports were read, giving statistics which, completed to date, show that at twenty-two places 17,475 poor arc daily fed, in addition to the sick in the hospitals, and as this number is ineieasing by about two hundred and fifty a day, it may be said that twenty thousand starve lings are :m charity daily in Calcutta. A sum of £150,000 is required to grapple with the misery, and of this, within four days of the meeting being held,; more than one-half has been subscribed. ; Got, Geary Congratulates Himself, a Philadelphia, October 10. —Forney s ; Press publishes a speech made by General | Geary, in honor of the Radical victory in j this Suite, in winch ho says: It perma . nently establishes these tacts 1 That the j government of the United States is vested j in the American people and their Repre- . : sentatives in Congress assembled, and not ,in a corrupt Executive: that cruel and.re- i , vengeful traitors, defeated in battle, shall ■ ! not be restored to citizenship to rule the ! country they attempted to destroy; that j j when our forefathers declared men capable : of self government they expelled the here sy of human slaverv, and pledged equal; political rights to all their successors; that hereafter citizens represented in the State and national legislatures must be clothed with the rights of citizenship; that all the agencies ofthe government, civil and mili tary. must be pcTsereringlv and sternly ex ercised to protect, vindicate and, if needs he, avenge our oppressed brothers in the South against savage persecutions of Rebels, who are still so impertiwut and defiant that even A. Johnson fears to par don them. Having fortified these great truth.- again#!. J] future dangers, it is for us of Pennsylvania to c aintaii? the forward position we have so proudly and gloriously assumed. ■ Manly Fibmxes-.- A Virginia writer states tic/ 'ten- Grant has written a letter . , V ~ * ■ iu whieii he says ' L> Ui , L. mv. ” -tea ConfL-d --among other things, that an j erate officers and soldiers paroled, eann.j. * tried for treason or molested, so long as ’!*:• "bteryc- their obligations. Good for Gen. Grant, and just the sentiment to be expected from a brave man. < Rev. J. Knowles, a former minister of the Methodist Church, and at one time the editor of the Journal and Mexsenyer ‘ M i in. was ordained a Deacon in the ' Prote. -ont Episcopal Church in Atlanta, . on la#f Sabbath. Impeachment and Removal of the Pres- j Idcnt—Some Plain Tulk from General ' Stecdaian. General Steedman made a speech at ' Toledo, Ohio, on Monday night last, from j which wo make the subjoined extracts. After showing that the President was carrying out the policy of Mr. Lincoln, and of true restoration of peace and Union, he proceeded: . For ddtng that they propose to impeach Andrew Johuson, and remove him from office, and put one of their own men in his place Well, now, I don't want to tight with anybody. 1 have had fighting ! enough myself, and I suppose you have. Still I have no objection to a little fighting. 1 If the men who did not fight in the last war choose to have a little shindy among themselves —we will hold their hats ; but if they suppose that the American people will quiety look on while a faction deposes the President of the United States, and take possession of the Government with an armed mob, I say to them here that they are mistaken. [Cheers.] And they had better not attempt it. [Applause.] For while we do not want any trouble while we prefer peace—not a painted peace, but a real bona fide peace—while we do not want to discuss war with any body, it Mr. Ashley supposes that bv coining here and throwing his head back as he did in 1801. and talking about war, he is going to frighten any body, I say to him lie is very much mistaken. [Ap plause.] While we do not wanj to fight, we will never permit them to organize armed mobs, start to Washington, and take possession of the Government, that they may telegraph all over the country that a loyal and patriotic Government has deposed Andrew Johnson. They won’t be i permitted to do it. [Cheers.] The President is the Tribune of the whole people. He represents the whole | people, and he is doing his duty faithfully . and constitutionally. He is laboring to restore peace and harmony to the country, ; and to maintain the Government, as we I ourselves eofltended we had left it when the war ended. We hold that the Govern ■ i has preserved it —that it needed no •ii: teal doctrine to be applied to it—that i the army was discharged the Union preserved, (applause,) and all that necessary was for loyal men to put nachinery Sf government in motion, e gtate governments in the South, wore obstructed by the presence of the military, were there, ready for the people to resume their work under them, and to put the machinery in motion, just as it was | before the war, or else if that were not so, then indeed the war was a failure, then indeed the rebellion was a success. If the rebels succeded in destroying the government of the States, the rebellion was a .success, and the war was a failure, and every man here ought to have voted for the Chicago platform. Novo, Ido not believe it is the intention of the people of this country—the masses who are following the lead of these fiery men--to engage in ■any such unholy work as attempting to take possession of the Government. I know that distinguished Massachusetts General, Benjamin F. Butler, [laughter,] | says he is going to march from Massachus- I etts t# Washington wi*h his militia. Well, now, lie didn't hurt anybody during i the war, and I have no idea that he will hurt anybody now. [Laughter.] If he marches i and there is any fighting going on, I war i rant you he will march in the rear of his I column. [Laughter.] I have searched that gentleman’smilitary record in vain to find a place where he led a column. He never i did lead it any where. Perhaps he thinks as lie didn’t make any reputation in the | last war, it is necessary for him to get up i another one, in order to redeem himself. I | Laughter.] No doubt General Butler liad a good many fierce people to deal with i during the war ; no doubt he was provoked 1 a good deal during his administration at j New Orleans, and goaded to say a great many things that do not look well on paper. I do not like to comment on any thing done by a Union General, but I am bound to say that, throughout the war that General was remarkable only for his severity to women and children. [Cries of “Spoons.”] He was very fierce to defence less people. That required no courage. People who were within our lines, and whose .rofceetors were gone—he was very harsh to them. It is true, their protectors had no right to go, and they deserved, per haps, all they got, but no brave man would take an advantage of that kind against women and children ; and Gon. Butler is the only man that ever did it. I under stand he complimented me in his speech to-day. He says ho approves some things that t said lie approves of my proposi tion to give the negroes the ballot, who had fought, as well as I had. Well I can’t return the compliment about the fighting, for every negro that I saw in the army fought better than Butler did. [Cheers.] T wtiß Wi 1 >inO- rn qjfl norrrnno Knf T ‘ have never the time in my l:je when ; i y.r offered *; negro to a white man, fbr.uy thing. ; \ • •filaUti'O. j 1 have iie vOA oeen ;V. tha* ? •' have •'Ou.-V'. to give t!m negro 10 bounty and the wite man i only SIOO. I'JM) Southern Relief Fai. Tlia bril liant Inauguration-—An Immense Throng of People. Our St. Louis exchanges, of the 4th inst., are filled with glowing accounts of the successful inauguration on the preced ing evening of the great Southern Relief Fair, and devote a largo portion of their space to descriptive defails of its grand teatures, and the rich and lavish donations which have been sent by the generous from all parts of the Union. To give an idea of the manner in which the fair is patronized we copy from the two leading papers of opposite politics. The Radical organ (the Democrat) says: The Southern Relief Fair, for which ex tensive preparations have for many weeks been making, opened yesterday, and on last evening was visited by immense crowds, The friends of the enterprise have achieved a success that cannot fall short of the expectations of the most sanguine of them. On its initiation the object of Southern relief was carefully pre served from being .embarrassed with any thing like political demonstrations, and to this fact is due the great and generous out pouring of the wealth of St. Louis on the occasion. Last evening every street passenger car going south was crowded on both the Fourth and Fifth street lines, while streams of carriages were flowing and pedestrians in unwonted numbers were moving in the same direction. The mammoth building at Fifth street and Chouteau avenue, fitted and decorated as stated in our paper yes- ! terday, was soou surrounded by a mass of vehicles, and a swaying multitude striving to gain ingress through the two entrances on Sixth street. The Republican commences its long four column description as follows : Nothing in the history of St. Louis can compare with rhe grand signal triumph of' this great enterprise. ‘ It in weakness, with a thousand bad prejudices j to battle against. Although its objects wepe the highest and holiest known in the j language of earth—the suooqf gs helpless j widows uuu orphans made such by tlm i events of a terrible war—yet many shrank j from its liberal and open espousal, while i another attempted to cast odium upop the j whole project because the effort, wus in : favor of a people that were, lately in arms j against the Government. The latter, how- j ever, compose a lean minority oi A "I'oat j hearted people, and the magnificent popu- j lar demonstration of last night is a terrible | rebuke to the whole race of political and] social Pharisees. ! The whole community seemed intent j upon being present at the inauguration of i the great festival. The passers on every ■ avenue leading to the locality of the Fair, ; all seemed going in one direction, and. for hours the anxious multitude clustered in j the front and upon the steps of the fair i building, and struggled for admission with !in its portals. Many ladies, with their i escorts, became discouraged at theccntinu . fid pressure, and, although provided with tickets, abandoned their purpose of enter ! ing for the time, and retired from the j i crowd. We cannot estimate numbers, but ; feel sura that two buildings like the im- i j moose one occupied by the l aw, could have , i been well filled, if' the entrance to each had : ! been easily acsessible. The moral influence i !of this Fair is its grandest feature. For above its mere charity—the succor it can bring to the helpless and homeless—will he its reuniting power upon the whole mass I of the people who may contribute toward its success. Better and more powerful : than a thousand sermons upon Christian ! charity will be the practical lessons of love i and forbearance drawn from this noble enterprise. Families that have been sepa rated. for years by political feuds, have already struck hands in peace over this j altar dedicated to God and humanity. It' will prove to be the scene and occasion of a • glorious reunion of thousands of hearts , that have been estranged or embittered by j the painful events Os the ia.se five years. Let every one go, see for yourself, contrite 1 i ute his mite to a glorious cause, bask j ; aw hue in the light of beautify, gaze upon] the untold splendors of this brilliant palace, and then go home a wiser ami a better ; mao. A Herald Canard N ailed. —There is uotone word of truth in the special tele gram nuu2 elr Orleans to the New York >/".j I -> ' stating that the Picaitt. ad cWed'eJ::- ™ favoring the constitutional amenumen... The Picayune is a thorough supporter of the President’s policy of restoration. The total receipts of the American Board ' for the year ending September 1, were near • $420,OoO; more than SIOO,OOO less than : last. Reply of the People of New Orleans to j Gov. Wells. There was, a large meeting of the mo:t intelligent and respected people of New Orleans hold at the Olympic Theatre on the 9th insjt, for the purpose of correcting the mistatemeut made in the letter of j Governor Wells to T. 11. Jones, in relation to the present condition of public sentiin ent i in that city. The following address pro- j pared and submitted to the meeting by a j committee appointed for that purpose, 1 gives a clear and full account of the pro- j sent condition of affairs there, and must tell with damaging effect upon the unfair, ; partizan and prejudiced letter of the Gov ■ ernor: r TO THE PEOPLE OF TtlE EXITED STATES. The statement in an official letter of his Excellency Gov. Wells, to T. 11. Jones, Esq., evidently written for publication, ! are of such a startling and extraordinary j character, and cast such unsparing obloquy ; on the good people of Louisiana, by repre- j senting them as inimical to the constitu- ! tion and laws of the United States, and as being fatally bent upon undermining the very foundation on which the great Gov ernment rests, tlwt they N require to be noticed and answered. The charge that Northern citizens are persecuted in their social intercourse and business avocations, is known to have no foundation whatever in truth. Northern capital is needed, and it is constantly in vited within the limits of out State, and the numerous citizens hailing from the dif ferent States North feel a sense of perfect security in cur midst, both in person and property, nor need they have any recourse for protection to the courts any more than j our own citizens, for the plain reason that j it they have recourse to limitation such is also the necessary result of commercial rela- i tions in all countries and at all times, As j to the record of crime and offences, we i challenge any city of the United States, North or South, to compare statistics, for no where is there less crime daily commit ted than in New Orleans, when numbers of population are kept in view. It is the imperative duty of the people of Louisiana to refute these asperatious by reference to incontrovertible facts. In the first place, wc assert it as an undeniable fact, that the distinction be tween Union men and secessionists has been entirely obliterated. We are all con stitutional Union citizens, desirous to restore and revive the happy days of the Kepublic, when it was an fconSr indeed to say, “I, too, am an American citizen.” This is the feeling, and these are the senti ments of the vast majority of the people of Louisiana. There is an insignificant mi nority of wild and restless agitators and revolutionists who lately attempted, with unparalleled impudence, to subvert both the State and municipal governments, by the instrumentality of certain individuals who bad been members of a convention that had long ceased to exist, and who were encouraged in their deluded course by misguided freedmen, surreptitiously brought from the neighboring parishes. The riot and consequent bloodshed was commenced by this class of persons, and they alone are responsible for the dreadful calamity flowing from it. Ail the state ments that have boon so industriously fabricated and circulated, that innocent and law-abiding people were deliberately murdered, is utterly false, and those who made them know that it is so. Heretofore riots for very many years have been unknown in New Orleans, and were it not for the riots, originating from the attempt to resuscitate the Convention of 1864 —riots which were confined to the immediate vicinity of the Mechanics’ In stitute, and were quoded by the police of the city in less than two hours—we would not have on record for very many years one instance of bloodshed and riots in our streets to offset the fearful massacre of poor unoffending negroes in New York city, besides Philadelphia and Boston riots. This naturally suggests the question of the military, an increase of which is de manded by the Governor. If the object of having troops quartered in the State bo to maintain order and tranquility, and to protect the freedmen or so-called Union men, all we have to say is that an increase of troops is wholly unnecessary ; indeed, if there were not a single company of sol diers in our midst, the result would be the same, as the people are not disposed in the least to let law-breakers and evil-disposed persons interfere with public order, and the courts are fully able and willing to enforce the law, preserve public tranquility and protect all and every one in the full en joyment of life, liberty and property, without regard to color or nationality. Should the troops now here be continued, or even increased, wc shall continue to ex tend to them the amenities and civilities to which they are entitled, and which are always extended to them with pleasure the -amc time in the <pn ion committee, their presence is m. > .... •.■es'-vry the city and -’,<Ute an Unities U ing fd.rt.o~ dahwy capable of] reservin'' order and pro tecting the inhabitant* colored and white, in all their rights. In support of which we refer to th.: fact that within tl: ; < eighteen months, the aggregate value of the property of the city of New Orleans has neaiay doubled the value it had before the unfortunate civil war, and the rents have greatly increased—in some cases doubled during the same period. Even-handed justice is administered to all men, without regard to color or race; and the Judges, most of whom are of the Governor’s own selection, arc men of integrity, ability, and impartiality. If men disaffected to the union are in office, it is generally, the fault of the Governor, as he made his own selections, with which the people had very little to say, nor were they consulted ; hence his Excellency has not any one to blame but himself if' un worthy men arc in office. The free colored man has always been a competent witness in our courts, no matter whether the parties litigant were white or otherwise ; they have always had the same capacity of acquiring, holding, and disposing of all kinds of property, as persons of the Caucasian race. All the slaves ha«iug been emancipated, they, by the operation of law, become morally and legally entitled to. the same rights, privi leges and protection as though they had been born free. And we refer to the fact that the most friendly relations exist be tween the free colored people and their former masters —so much so that if the elective franchise was conferred on the colored men to-morrow, we are of opinion they would most all vote for their former . masters in preference to Gov. Wells or his j co-operators. The Governor’s appeal to Congress to ] invade our vested rights in reference to { franchise is par tcularly objectionable, and ' in no wise authorized by the powers vested in the Executive. If the inhabitants wish anew constitution, they are competent to frame it in their own time, without flic intervention of Congress. Your committee are unable to account for his Excellency’s attack on President Johnson, except it be tor the President’s good sense in refusing to confer on bis Excellency the appointment of a Military ; Governor of Louisiana. The Governor ! knows full well that the President's hu mane, intelligent, patriotic and conciliatory course has the entire approbation of a vast majority of the citizens of Louisiana. Unjust as it ispo be taxed without rep resent' tion. they cannot consent to pur chase the right with the sacrifice of their honor, Sledge-Hammer Preaching. ! The most popular of English preachers i is the celebrated Dr. Spurgeon—celeora i tod because of the homely and forcible wav 'he has of*approaching f ho understanding |of his congregation. The following pas | sage occurred in one of his recent discours j es : A certain tyrant sent for one of his sub ] jects, and said to him : ‘‘What is your employment?” lie said: ‘J am a | blacksmith.” “Go home and make me a j chain of such a length. ” He went home ; j it occupied him several months, utd he j had no wages ail the time he was making j it. Then he brought it to the Monarch, and he said : “'Go make it twice as long.” ] He brought it up again, and the monarch j said : “Go make it longer still.” Each I time he brought it. there was nothing but : the command to make it longer still. And j when he brought it up at last, the nion j areli said : “Take it, and bind him hand j and foot with it, and east him ; in a furnace of fire.” These are the wages for making the chain. Here is a meditation for you to-night, ye servants of the devil. Your master the devil, is tell ing you to make a chain. Home have been fifty years welding the links of the chain ; and he says : “Go make it lon ger.” Next Sabbath morning, you will open that shop of yours, and puil another link ; next Sabbath, you wiil be drunk, and put another link ;. next Monday, veu will do a dishonest action ; and so vou will i keep on making fresh links to this “chain : an ! whenyouhave lived twenty years mcr* the devil will say ; “Morelinksonstill.” j And then, at last, it will be ; “Take him. and bind him hand and foot, and cast him I into a furnace of fire.” “For the wage-. oPsin is .Lath." There is a subject for your meditation. Ido not think it will be ■ sweet ; but if God makes it profitable, it will do you good. You must have strong medicine sometimes, when the disease is bad. God apply it to your hearts. A division of the Sons of Temperance i was organized at Wintervilie. the six mile station, this side of Athens, on Wednesday evemng. The following are the officers elected for the present quarter • L S Fittard, W. P.; E. F. MeMannaman,' } A-; W ' 11. S.; John \\ inter, I. ft., VV esley .Johnson, TANARUS.: Jno R. Tuck, C.; A. C. Christian, A. (.'. The proclamation of President Johnson relame to. the blockade, was looked upon j »s an electioneering dodge. The Second Roman Catholic Plenary • Council. This eminent body of Roman Catholic I divines assembled in Baltimore on Sunday last. The Gazette says that the procession, j Ac., of prelates, which is a marked feature 1 of the occasion, attracted to the vicinity of the church an immense concourse of pco- j pie. The streets and sidewalks were dense ly packed, while the windows of the dwell ings in the neighborhood and every ; available spot where a view could be ob tained were crowded with ladies and gen tlemen. It was estimated that some twen ty thousand people were congregated out side of the edifice. The congregation num bered at least two thousand persons. At half past nine o'clock all the Most Reverend and Right Reverend Prelates assembled in the upper halls of the Arch bishop's residence, the other members of : the Synod meeting in the basement of the j South wing. Everything being arranged, j the clergy proceeded to the large had, I where the Most Reverend President of the | Council, having put incense into thecenser, j and kneeling without his mitre, intoned the j hymn I ent Creator , all present kneeling . and uncovering. At the end of the first verse the procession was formed in the fol lowing order : The censer-bearer with thurible, and on his right hand the third master of ceremo nies ; ecclesiastics in white surplices, seventy-four in number ; four monks ; theologians, priests, vicars general and priests of higher rank, numbering one hun dred and twent .--two ; superiors or religous orders and communities}; two mitred ab bots ; thirty-eight bishops, in the order of their rank, walking two and two : seven archbishops, including the Most Rev. Mar tin John Spaulding, D. I)., President of the Council, apostolic delegate. Preceding the archbishop was the subdeacon, vested I in tunic bearing the archbisuopal cross ; accolyte choristers, Very llev. W. B. Coskery, 1). I)., Vicar General, and Revs. James Gibbsons and Thomas Foley, secre taries. Following were chaplains bearing books, caudles, Ac. The procession moved to Franklin street, and then making a .counter movement, passed along Charles street to Mel jerv, to ’.Cathedral, and then into • the*church. The magnificent ap pearance of thefeanonical robes and vest ments of the bishops and clergy formed a grand spectacle never witnessed here on any previous oocasion. The procession was Hanked on both sides and in front and rear bv the members of the Young Catholics’ Friend Society, who acted as a guard of honor. When the first portion entered the Cathedral, the congregation rose to their feet, the organ playing the grand march from Mozart’s o#era of Titus. When all were seated, Poutificial High Mass was celebrated, the Most Rev. J. B. Purcell, j of Cincinnati, officiating. The singing, under the direction of Professor Gegan, was truly grand, the choir being increased for the occasion by the addition of several distinguished amateurs from other cities. The Most Rev. J. MeCloskey, Arch bishop of New York, then delivered an eloquent sermon, taking for his text the following selections from the Psalms: “Glorious things are said of Thee, oh, God ; the dwelling in thee is, as it were, of all rejoicing.”* Then followed the chanting of psalms, prayers, and the litany of the saints, and the singing of the hymn biii Creator. Archbishop Spalding, after tlicse ceremo nies, delivered an address in latin to the assembled Archbishops and Briests. At the conclusion of the ceremonies the procession reformed and returned to the Archbishop’s residence in the same order ! as mentioned before. The following are the names of the offi cers of the Council: Promoter—Right Rev. P. N. Lynch, I). D., Bishop of Charleston, Assistant—The Very llev. Wm. O’Hara, I). ])., Vicar General of Philadelphia. Chancellor —Rev. Thomas Foley, D. D., of Baltimore. Secretaries —The llev. James A. Cor coran, 1). 1)., Vicar General of Charleston, S. C. ; the Rev. James Keogh, I). D., of Philadelphia; Rev. 'Thomas A. Becker, D. I)., of Richmond, Va. Notaries—Very llev. F. J. Pabosh, I). I)., of Cincinnati ; Very llev. F. S. Villarrasa, 0. 8. I)., of California; Very Rev. M. Heiss, D. D., of Milwaukee; Rev. M. Accolti, S. J., of California; llev. W. Wayrich, 0. S. S. 11., of Baltimore; llev. J. J. Foley, 1). I)., of Baltimore ; llev. P. J. Ryan, of St. Louis; Rev. A. Slier wood Healey, of Boston. Masters of Ceremonies —Rev. Francis McNeirry, of New York; llev. S. Ferte, of Baltimore. _ There were vespers at the Cathedral last night, and a sermon preached by the Right llev. I‘. N. Lynch, Bishop of Charleston, his subject being “The mira culous existence of the Church.” There will be vespers and a sermon every night during the sittings of the Council, except on Thursdays and Sa'.-.rJav.-, it: -tg '.ous Suuunarj. Bishop ; -ok-vso writes to the London Tmu.* defending h;s hymn book ii - not j containing the name of Christ. I The pastoral relations existing between ; Rev. R 0. 'Rdl. -I ;i, • 'ii Ci’U-ra! Pres | byterian Church of Atlanta has been 1 dissolved. Mr. Mallard has accepted 'a call from the Presbyterian street Church, New Orleans, and will, in a few weeks, leave for his new charge. The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions convened at Pittsfield, Mass., on Tuesday afternoon. Over two thousand persons were present from abroad. Thirteen members were reported deceased during the past year. The Treasurer re ported the total income for the past year at $446,942 41; balance now in the treas ury, $6,666 97. President Iliekock, of Union College, preached the introductory sermon on the “Divine Idea of Christian Life.” At the recent Convention held in Rich mond, the pastor of Ebenezer Chapel bap tized forty-eight rejoicing converts. The Convention, which lasted eight days, was one of the most remarkable ever held on this continent. The whole of the first day was spent in prayer and exhortation, from ! sunrise to near midnight. Such prayers, j singing and speaking was seldom heard; so ! say all who were privileged to attend. The Secretary of the English Church j Missionary Society says that “-the number of the communicants gathered from among the heathes, in connection with the mis sions of that Society, \ as, in 1845, over nine thousand ; now the number is twenty six thousand. This increase exhibits a far larger proportion, it is feared, than that of the increase of zeal in the Church at home. ’ ’ The largest .Protestant congregation in Boston, if not in the whole country, wor ships at the Tremont Temple. On Sun day morning the house, which seats 2,800 persons, was packed. Not less than 3,000 souls were present. At half-past one o’clock the Sabbath school, numbering 700, convened. The Baptists in England have secured a location, and building for establishing a theological school in England for the pur pose of training young men for the minis-, try. It is near the residence of the late Sir Bobert Peel. The Russian Ambassador at the Court ; oi' Victor Emunu 1 has given $6,000 to the i Waldear.iau Educational Establishment, as j a token of gratitude for the spiritual bene- I fit he received while attending the Walden* , sian worship ::: that city. The Amc fi : Ohri. states that in Peru. tnl. there are two Metho dist churches - ■•■ on : poorer, which the poo- i pie of the town eaii "the. Calico Methodist j Church”—-or* The:- which they call “the Silk Methodist Church.” Prof. 1). H. Selph, of Danville, Ky,, l proposes to establish an institution for the I education of orphan girls, an 1 the datigh- i ters of poor Baptist ministers; arm to do I this be asks for $25,000 to begin with. The University of the couth—under the the auspices of Bishop Quintard —has opened at Winchester with five professors, j lour,tutors, and nearly a hundred students. 1 It embraces a Divinity School. Tea. —Mr. M. Jftncs, of Liberty county, 1 South. The editor of the Cultivator says: "Our correspondent has favored us with a sample of the tea prepared by him. In appearance, fragrance and flavor, it pre cisely resembles a fine article of Chinese Black Tea. If our plantations can pro duce tea as finely flavored as this, with as little trouble a- Mr. Jon:-; state 1 is requir ed in the process, it is the most profitable crop we can grow. In conversation with him. another point was elicited, to wit: that when tea is raised in localities near the coast, when the plants are once es tablished, nearly all the laborcomes during the healthy seasons of the year, and after .rui1,..,-Inc. the nlantev/>_ ‘-.1-,, „..,i —i <= , - -- -fnru...,^ s^uu most of the summer m a more health'- ycality. ’ ’ s \nsit to Jefferson Davis —The V 0- Picayune makes the following extract from a letter from a nephew of Mr. Davis written to a fiend, and dated Newport, September 1 3th, uit : to ' m" 2 W ‘ th J i° u ’ Icalne directly and thi r . Mon T roe i thence to New York mv in'Jo-h’d” - ' J remained two "days with ffiG.lr tn l’ i OU “ d i 1!IU bravo in spirit but “7 ir ' body, and not at all hopeful of a siL.eijj re *°ase, Never wus I more im pressed with the dignity of his character than during the few hours I passed with him in prison. Calm, brave, and firm in ■ his convictions of the rectitude of his past conduct, he asks only for the opportunity of a public trial to justify himself before the world. This, I fear, will never lie ac corded him. The only thing then left him wall be to vindicate himself and the people he represented, through the medium of a publication of the history of our struggle. “Mrs. IDavis is living comfortably in the Fort with one u/ her children. Peasant Lire in Prussia. The Prussian tier. act. as a rule, wo~hs a* iiaiu a;, .ue nearer, oil. u hauler, when greedy to save, and the living and outward appearance is not very diitirent. 'The laborer wants his coat an ! all his garments m the same cut as the peasant and the landlord, and if the material is of rougher I cloth oi mixed material, and if the finer Wedding coat, reserved for church-going omy, does not remain in the newest fashion, there is in a .eruiati laborer no class look. No more wnl you meet in his countenance tlm bonne took and unintelligent stare which you encounter twenty miles out of London m the agricultural population; nor have 1 6r heard or seen (icrnian laborers begging the largess, as English will, when you go in autumn to the seaside and stroll along a country road, where men are : Investing. Most, people, if not burdened with large families ot children, manage to save money for times of sickness, or, if preserved therefrom, to give the children an easier start. Doctoring is contracted for by the landlord, and costs nothing t* the laborer. There are i\o poor fates or unions in the country. The family tics are very close, ami protect aged, infirm or orphan relations from want, these being often still ot use at hocie to look after the smaii children and prepare meals when tin wile is out earning wages, 'i he landlord will keep those who have no other sup port ; lie cannot drive them from his estate. Many laborers arc born and die on the same estate, and good landlords will have lew changes. The more exacting and worse-paying landlord will get more notices t -0 . quit, and as a necessary consequence will have a less efficient staff of laborers. All removals arc made on the same day, twice a year, in spring and autumn, the landlords sending their wagons to fetch their new laborer with lus family and goods from their previous place of abode, generally not many miles distant. The diet ot the laborers consists generally of a soup of milk and Hour, or meal or groats for breakfast: a variety of ste-.vs, pudding, and dishes of potatoes peas, flour, buck wheat, dried fruit, etc., for dinner; and salt meat three times a week, and boiled potatoes and herring for supper; brown bread forming a considerable accompani ment at all meals. Fresh mutton and beef are rare, and when obtained from the killing at the nmns : on, it is consumed boiled. The fare is not rich, but it is pro during strong tnen and women, with flesh on their bones and healthy complexions, as any one can see passing across the country. Cromwell's involution of the Hump Parliament. The 20tli, 1053, is the date of this me morable event. The parliament by which Charles I. had been met and overcome, had dwindled down by various purgations to about fifty-three members, who aimed at becoming a sort of mild oligarchy for the administration of the commonwealth. They were deliberating on a bill for the fu ture representation, in which they should have a permanent place, when Cromwell resolved to make an end of them. It was the last incident m the natural series of a revolution, placing military power above all other. _ Cromwell, having ordered a company of musketeers to follow him, entered the House in “plain black clothes and worsted stockings,” and, sitting down, listened for a while to their proceedings. Hearing at length the question put, that the bill do pass, lie rose, put off bis hat, and began to speak. In the course of his address lie told them of their self-seeking and delays of justice, till at length Sir Peter Went worth interrupted himwitha remonstrance against such language. Then, blazing up, he said, “we have had enough of this ; I will put an end to your prating.” Stepping into the floor of the House, and clapping on his hat, he commenced a violent harangue, which he occasionally emphasized by stamping w.tli bis feet, and which came mainly to this : “It is not fit you should sit here any longer—you have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately. You shall now give place to. better men.” “Call them in !” he ex claimed, and his officer Harrison and a file of soldiers entered the House. Then pro ceeding : “You are no parliament ? Sonic of you are drunkards” —bending astern eye upon Mr. Chaloner ; “some of you are a word expressive of a worse immorality, and he looked at Henry Martin and Sir Peter Wentworth; “living in open i contempt of God’s commandment . Some l of you are corrupt, unjust persons ; how i canyou.be a parliament for God’s people ? | Depart I say, and let us have done with j you. Go !” lie lifted his mace from the table aud gave it to a musketeer, to be taken away. He caused Harrison to give his hand to Speaker Lenthal and lead him down from the chair. The members, cowed by his violence and the sight of his armed men, moved gloomily out of the house. “It is the Lnr<] rhat hath-causer! - •* ’ he said, “T have sou. • fat IJc wo tin rather slay me than pat imi upon doing this work.” Sir Hairy Vane ventured a r, t: ivostranc" 'Dp Harry Vane.” exclaimed the lord Ci ueral “the Lori! iß liver me from Sir Harry Vane!” When all-had gone out, he csuie out. too, .t.id locked the door, from that time he was master of the three kingdoms for about five and half years. Turnips. “Sow turnips; don’t neglect it. Five j hundred bushels of turnips are equal to . three hundred and fifty bushels of com ■ when fed to stock.”— [Exchange. Not quite. One hundred pounds of tur- I nips contain from ninety-one to ninety-two per cent, of water, while new Indian corn contains but eighteen percent., leaving in the case of turnips eight or nine pounds in the hundred of dry nutritive matter, and in that of corn, eighty-two. Quite a dif ference. For feeding stock, fifty-two pounds of corn, according to the experi ments of Petri, and filly-nine according to those of Rou-sengait, are equal to one hundred pounds of good meadow bay ; while different cx;,„, orients show trial it takes from three to six hundred pounds of . turnips to afford the same nourishment for animals. The turnip, it has thus been proved by experiment, owimr to its large percentage of water possesses small cont i parative nutritive value. But in auother i point ol view the turnip crop is very im portant. There are tew if any crops from ! which can be derived so much nourishment peracre. If it takes according to the va rieties of corn and turnips selected, or (lie species of animals to which they are fed, from six to ton bushels of turnips to equal in nutritive value one bushel oi'com, an acre of turnips prepared and cultivated properly, will feed considerably more stock than an acre of corn, and a further advan tage of the turnip crop is that after a drought or other casualty by which tiie corn and forage crops are cut off, there i still time to prepare the ground, and if stable and lot manure is not to bo obtained, its place can be fully supplied by guano and super phosphate of lime used together, thus, with proper preparation of the 'oil, several hundred bushels of turnips can be made a sure thing, on loamy or sandy loamy lands. Upon stair clays there is con siderably more difficulty, but there are very lew plantations on which there is not a good deal of soil that can be made to pro duce goes ‘Krnins ; and further, stock arc found to thrive bliter if they are fed a poi tion of’grten food during the winter than if confined entirely to dry forage. Indeed, w ih the addition of a little straw, they can be not only withered, but. fattened on tur nips. Many fail to raise good crops of turnips, but of lute years we are getting more and more into the opinion thaQif the requisite care, skill and manure be applied, it is a very sure crop.— Southern Culti vator. Gathering Cotton—Suggestions to Planters. A planter ot Limestone county*, Ala., communicates the following to the Hunts ; ville Independent : . Now, Mr. Editor, that the cotton crop j ls cbt snort, it would be well for the plan ter to consider how to turn it to the mo.l great care and expedition ior th-* dews and atmosphere injur .j* ev ,r* v ',,,*7- i.r.a, altt jit ope:;-:—it Isea.ln ■•ami ’.via away the oils which gloss and strength :i it. and gives it the rich cream color and I designate? a good article. From the time it opens waste and deterioration begin. » A g i|t° drou S }lt liiG plant is stunted and i the bolls so near the ground that when it i rains the clay and dirt is spattered upon a :‘d stains it. And again, it should be ; ginned early, and with great care, \Yo ■ shou.u get the best machinery to separate the lint from the seed, trash and dirt, ; without breaking it. It is more important to do it carefully than rapidly; better to use gins that will do it well, picking two bales per diem rather than four V ' IJT M small crop as this tho , e js abundant uor to save it, if it can be made available. ■ Another question it is be-t to gather while ti e weather is good and house it, j and delay ginning, which may be done m bad weather?. This isowing to tin: amout :of crop produced, as a general rule cut I undoubtedly if' it can be ginned as it is i gathered, it is most economical ior fevcral reasons : its quality is better ; it dete riorates less : it will soil for more ; is . Ut cf the way ; debts are paid, interest saved. The planter can sum up profit ami loss, and decide whether to continue the busi ness, and if so, has more time to prepare for the nest crop. Now. wiiiio every planter knows all; this, and is preparing for it, yet it may be well to stimulate by timely no tice: therefore Ft. every resource be , brought into requisition to secure labor to gather and save all the cotton made. The new system will require all our energies and ingenuity to make available the only material we have. Planter. Reports from the West indicate that the damage from the late floods t as not been as serious as was anticipated. It is thought that the chief effect will be on the quality of the crop, and a large amount of damaged corn may be looked lor in the market.