Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1877, December 05, 1866, Image 1

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OLD ftEKIES, VOL. IAXV. (Chronicle & Sentinel IIKMiV MOOKK, .V. It. WIUOIIT. TERMS OF -I lis< RIFTIO.N. A UOt'MTA, <- A : Wn.WXSBAT MOKXIX6, bid BXBEg '• President Johnson Impartial Suffrage The Washington letter-writers have at last meoeeded in ascertaining the true position of the President upon the que-tion of reconstruction and the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment. !-’• »r some weeks past the reporters of the Northern republican journals have been, from time to time, predicting that the Pr-tideat would yield to what they are pleased to call the judgment of the great masses of the .Northern States, and accede to the plan proposed by the late Congrc and that hi* would, in his forthcoming Message, advise the South to accept the amendment as tii only mode by which the l.'niun can be restored. , . J Tie, President, it seems, has had repeated ' interview , with leading Republicans and Democrats of the .North, who advi e him to yield his opposition to the I'ongre-sional plan, and boldly throw himself forward iu rcoomnw ndiri-r the South to accept the’ terms offered. It has been said that the Prc.-ident’s popularity at the South would enable him to carry the Southern States in favor of the amendment, were he lo take/, I>o!d ground for it. lie is also reported to have had several lengthy interviews with leading Southern gent'emen, in which the propriety of such a course has been freely discussed, and that they have yielded their assent to such action, provided no further termS are to be exacted prior to the admission of Southern representatives in Congress. It now seems that these prognostics of the Press reporters have no foundation in fact, and that Judge Chase and General Grant have recently been in consultation with the President, in which the whole matter of compromise and reconstruction Las been fully investigated—and that the re.- ult, of their action has been to induce the President to offer to Congress a compromise noon which, it is asserted, the South can bo brought to stand. It is insisted now that, in accordance with this arrangement, the Presid mfc will advise a settlement of the vexed questions now in dispute between the North and South, by the adoption on the part of the South of what is call 4 impartial suffrage, in return for whi h the North will advise a general amnesty and pardon for all who were engaged in, or assisted the South in, the late civil war. This arrangement is to be perfected by and through the m ans of amendments to the Constitution ; and it is claimed that if the restriction as to suffrage is made to apply equally to all the States, the South will not object to it. There are several reasons why we can not, believe the President will give his assent to this plan of reconstruction, fore most among which is the fact that the question of suffrage is one that, under our system of government, belongs exclusively to the States. President Johnson will falsity his whole Lie by accepting such a plan of compromise or settlement. If the j rights of the different States upon this j most important question of suffrage is to ' be withdrawn from them and given to the Federal Government, a blow is given to ; the institutions of this country, from the, effect of which we will never recover. The objection of President Johnson to the. con- | gressional plan of reconstruction was that it sought, to deprive the Southern States ot the regulation of a question with which • they were alone interested —to wit: the 1 , elective franchise. The objection is not removed by making the regulation by the Federal Government oneof equal force and effect throughout the entire Union. The constitutional objection still remains, and even with greater force; for if it be uncon stitutional to interfere with this domestic regulation in ten of the States, hew much tinre is it so when applied to all the States? tint we are not disposed to enter into the I argument of this question now. It will be 1 time enough to meet it when it is pressed upon us. Wo do not believe that there j is any more truth in the statement that J the President favors “impartial suffrage and universal amnesty” than there was in the previous reports of his having yielded hi., opposition to the amendments pro- j posed by Congress. AA o of the South are not iu a condi tion to take any active part in the great light which is now being made by the Pres- j ident and conservative men of the North and West on one side, and the Radical de- j structionists on the other. Rut wo are j none the less interested in the settlement of i the question involved iu this controversy. Ihe future of this country depends, in a | large degree, upon the speedy and proper adjustment of the present exciting questions, j We have been impoverished by the war, and we need the assistance of foreign ca pital and foreign labor, to restore to our unhap- ! py section, a portion even of our former prosperity. The longer these old sores are kept open, the more difficult will i: become to heal them. The interests of both see- ■ tions alike demand* that the present anoma lous condition of our affairs should have a , speedy solution. Ourin lustryis paralyzed; our people disheartened: our trade de pressed : our commerce destroyed, and our farms neglected on aeeouut of the political clouds which hang over and threaten us. The great manufacturing, commercial, and i financial interests of the North, are also suffering trom tlve same cause. The price of gold and of government securities will continue to fluctuate so long as the political condition of the country is unsettled and threatening. The value of our national currency will continue uncertain, and our people distrustful of its ultimate redemp tion so long as the two sections are arrayed in seeming hostility to each other. Every interest in every section of this great country would be promoted and advanced by the speedy and just settlement of all matters of disagreement between the 'North and the South. We trust that the approaching Congress may be able to adopt some rea sonable. liberal and just plan of restora tion. We of the South have nothing more to offer. \\ e have kept our faith in every particular since the surrender of the Con federate armies. AA e have submitted to the emancipation of our slaves by force, and without compensation. W o have an nulled our ordinances of secession. We have repudiated our war debt. We have submitted cheerfully to the laws of the l nited States. \\ e have promptly paid our share of the taxes imposed upon us, by a legislative body in which we were denied representation. We have enacted wise liberal and humane laws for the protection ot the freedtnen, and have freely accorded to them fair and impartial participation in ail civil rights. We have borne true faith and allegiance towards the L nited States Government, and have conformed our ac tion iu all things to the rule of the Federal Government. We can do no more. AA e have no compromises to offer. We have already been deprived by force of every thing which a free people holds dear, ex cept our honor. We are too poor to part with this. We are not disposed to be defiant: neither are we willing to become supplicants at the foot-stool of Power. If we cannot be permitted to enter the Union as equals, we shall have to remain in our present condition, unpleasant, ruinous and distressing as it is. We hope that the good sense of the North ern people will lead them to adopt a wise. conciliatory and magnanimous course to wards us. A truly great and brave people cannot lie oppressive and insulting in their conduct towards those who are subj. ot to their power. While it is too true that we 1 cannot prevent the infliction of injury upon US by the dominant power, it is also equally true that honor forbids that we should becopic a party to cur own shame and dis honor. To our own people we would say,,be firm ; in your determination to abide in good faith the terms of your surrender. Go to : work manfully and resolutely in rebuilding your lost fortunes and restoring your former , comforts. You have a mighty work before yon. It is one which challenges your ut most exertion.-. There i : no time now for j despondency and gloom. You have a fer tile soil, a salubrious climate, and magnifi ' cent mineral re sou re-/. *1 im-e you must bend to the promotion of your future pros perity. Look not too much to the Federal Government for relief, but, like men re solved to succeed, take time by the fore lock. And now, while the whole North i aroused and excited upon the question of your future relations to the Federal Gov ernment, lay the foundation of your future fortune and prosperity broad and deep in the natural resources of your favored soo th n. The Cotton < rops. According to the National Intel! i./enerr, the latest i- •wspaper estimate# qOantitylfci c it ton needed for the general consumption of Kurope this season —that is, from the. first of .September, 1806, to 1 September, 1 SOT— allow fifteen hundred f thousand bales as the product of the United States for the pre uit season. Rut this quantity cannot lie furnished hy this | country. It the East India supply should fall below the estimate, as now appears probable, the price of cotton must advance. The American holders of the article are, I therefore, advised, by some who are ■ familiar with the cotton trade, not to sell at present. Our planters are, however, 1 for the most part, compelled to sell as soon as their crop is ready for market. It is probable that the present price will be 1 maintained, even if no great advance takes place. No large sums of money are going South for the movement ot the cotton crop. This is accounted for by the supposition that the ciop is barely sufficient to meet the Southern demand for Northern goods, im ported and domestic, and to pay for com modities clready obtained this season upon I credit. ! There are no good grounds for the belief ; expressed in some of the Eastern papers j that the cotton crops of the next and future j seasons will be very large So far as this calculation is based upon the supposition that the labor of freedmen maybe better ! relied-upon, it will prove fallacious, as the : most experienced planters arc now con : vinced. Then, again, there will he no i adequate increase of the amount of capital employed in cotton-planting. We learn j from private and authentic sources that : Northern men who embarked in planting in Mississippi and other Southwestern States the past season, are quite discour aged, have lost money, and have no inten tion of continuing the experiment another season. Then, again, the relations of the cotton-growing States with the Federal Government are not improving. The legis lation of Congress at the ensuing session may render them worse. There is no cer tainty even that they xviil repeal the op pressive tax on cotton, which is a premium upon foreign competition with our own cotton-growers. The gross receipts of the New Orleans Custom House, since the Ist of January, on the tax of two cents on cotton, up to the 30th of J une, and of three cents per pound since that date, amount to 51,831,50S Off. The Radicals, says the New York Ex press, ought to blush with shame for thus levying this burdensome tax upon a people whom they will not permit to be repre sented in the councils of’the nation. Speech ol’ Karl Derby on American Affairs. The speech of Earl Derby at the Lord Mayor’s banquet in London, already refer red to by telegraph, contained the follow ing: “With regard to that great country, our natural friend, our relation I may call it, that great Republic across the Atlantic, the storm of war has indeed ceased there, but the surface, nay, I may say the interior of society, is still ruffled and agitated. Yet I cannot but believe that that great and powerful nation, which lias made such glo rious efforts for the purpose of keeping down the burden of debt which that war lias entailed on its national finances —which is making such efforts to recover its finan cial position—l cannot but believe that a country so deeply interested in the science of self government will as speedily know how to compose the agitation which at present prevails, and exhibit to the world at no distant period the gratifying prospect of a great, proud and a prosperous commu nity. I may he permitted to say, if, in the course of that dreadful war which has so long devastated that country, any questions may have arisen between that and our country which have produced the slightest amount of unpleasant feeling. I have a con fident expectation that the two Govern ments, approaching these questions in a spirit of mutual forbearance, and kind con ciliation, will arrive at such a solution of those questions as not only to remove all remnants of bitterness, but place on a bet ter foundation than evoy our relations with that great country, to which we are bound by so many t ies of interest and •regard Win. 1. Prime, Esq. This gentleman is being freely discussed in our community, and many harsh things are being said of him. The origin of this discussion is a controversy between Air. Prime, as President of the “ Associated Press." and4'. 11. Craig. Esq., late Gen j i rai Agent of the same Association—now President of a joint stock News Company. Our acquaintance with Mr. Prime dates back twenty three years. We have known him as a classmate and as a college-elium— : a genial friend, and a scrupulously honor able and candid man. Air. Prime, during his college course, was distinguished as a Latinist. In later years, he is knowu by the public as the senior editor of the Jut 'ii 0 i if (ornate at, of New York city, and by his travels in Egypt—being the author of “ Boat-Life on the Nile.” Puviug the war he was, which is of a rare occurrence, an active Conservative, opposing openly and manfully the extreme measures of both sides. His course during those stormy periods, as one might have expected, did not command much support. He was condemned as being too timid at the South, while at the North he wa§ thrice arrested and once incarcerated in Fort Lafayette. We kuow him well, and we know him to be a high toned honorable gentleman, incapable of a dishonorable action ; an ac complished man, an able editor of a com mercial journal which has’no superior. The Associated Press. The Press of Augusta consider them selves legally and honor bound by the terms of agreement with the "Associated Press.” They have, therefore, not ac cepted the reports of the “News Associa tion," having lull confidence in the “Re ports' as telegraphed by the old Associa tion both with reference to reliability and fair dealing. The disappearance of two merchants doing business in Boston in different, lines of trade, with liabilities behind them ol one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, is announced, and creates no little stir among the busiuess men of that city. An investigation into their stock in trade shows that what they have left as assets is nine pairs of boots and two hhopskirts. LKTTEK FROM jiILLEDGEYILLE. From Oar Special Correspondent. AIILLEIKjEVILLE. Nov. 25, 1866. The business of the session is progres: ing slowly. The great number of private and local bills which crowd the caliendur, are of no importance except to the immedi ate locality or the particular individual named in the caption, fine, on reading the aptions, a- they appear in rt ports of the daily proceedings is struck with the great number of relief bills; and the question is i asked, "What do they mean?" To give a detailed account of all these would encum ber the reports, and render tlurn too voluminous for publication. They are, many of them, of too trivial a character to demand notice at all, but that otherwise the report would be incomplete. Ilow strange is it that the constituent of any man fill insist, fir instance, upon his Representative presenting a bill to allow him to peddle without a license; to prac tice medicine without a diploma; to make a f ,n> sole of a married woman. Ac., &c.. when it i remembered that the United States Revenue Law declares that no one ■.hall be licensed to peddle who is not a discharged soldier of the ledral army; that there is a medical board before whom applicants to practice medicine must go for license ; that the Code points out the mode of making a fa.a- sole, of a married woman, Cos., Ac. II ail the-u tilings were properly thought of’, much valuable time, and, conse quently, much money would he saved to the country, and the Legislature would be much more dignified and partake more of the character of a law-making assembly. I am led to these reflections by the fact that 25 days of the 40 allowed for a session by the Constitution have passed, and but two or three bills of general importance have been acted upon. And out of the 300 or 400 bills introduced into the House alone, probably not one-tenth will ever become laws, and the country will probably be better oft’ if they do not. Rut fifteen •Jays now remain, in which the important legislation of the country must be enacted. 'ihe policy of this Legislature is to give State Aid to all Railroads, on certain con ditions, which members think ample secu rity against loss or damage. What effect this action of the General Assembly is to have on the market value of State securi ties is yet to be seen. Reasoning of States as we would of individuals, we should think the credit of the State will not be improved by endorsing Railroad bonds, while the justice of making Railroads, al ready built by private enterprise, a. party to an endorsement to build competing lines, may be doubted. As, however, the policy is inaugurated, those who arc opposed to it must submit with as good a grace as possible. “The thing is done, and there’s an end on it”—for the present. The debate on State aid, on the bill to appropriate money to bury the Confederate dead, and on the bill “to enforce the ob servance of the Lord’s day” was participa ted in by nearly the same speakers—-and having given most of them a notice on one or other of these questions, I trust they will not consider themselves slighted, if I say but little of them in this letter. Never having given Air. Dußose, who is known here as the speaking member from Hancock, more than a passing notice. I shall be excused for noticing him as the advocate of the bill last mentioned above, which provides that no steamboat or rail road shall run on the Sabbath, ior the pur pose of transporting freight or passengers. Air. I>. set out with the proposition, that the Bible is true —that we profess to be a Christian people—ihat we should obey the command which says “ Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” God only knows, said he, how much we j of the United States have suffered, be-j cause we have ignored the claims of re- j ligion—disregarded the precepts of the bible. 110 was not to be frightened from his advocacy of this bill by taunts of Puri tanism, of Connecticut blue laws. The State had prohibited working on farms and in work-shops—this was right, why then should not soulless corporations be pro hibited from working on the Sabbath, j If you punish individuals for violating the Sabbath, why allow these associ- j ations of capital to violate it with ini- j punity? Gentlemen say, “let the Rail roads manage this matter for themselves; they are now consulting on the propriety of discontinuing Sunday trains.” Well, said Mr. D. let us pass this bill, and help the Railroads to consummate what gentlemen say they are consulting about doing them selves. That other States do not have such a law is no excuse for us let j Georgia speak and soon the either States 1 will follow her example. When you, who ! oppose this bill, see wc have the power to | pass it, you propose to compromise the matter, by passing a resolution, requesting the various Railroad Companies to do, voluntarily, what pc have the power to do, and which our duty as Christians should prompt us to do. He should boldly 7 and fearlessly advocate this measure without . regard to consequences. He had hid the j misfortune since being a member of this j House, of being on the weak side so often, j that being in a minority had no terrors for | him —ho had rather bo right, than De in j the majority. The above skeleton of Air. D.’s remarks j does him but feeble justice. He is a ready j debater, a forcible speaker—never yield- j big a point or giving up a case till he has ' exhausted the argument. Having cn- , joyed extraordinary opportunities of he- | coming acquainted with constitutional law, j ho is a most useful and very influential member of the Judiciary Committee. His j opinions on constitutional questions .before ! that committee, probably, being held as ! second only to those of its accomplished chairman, Alajor Aloscs, of Aluscogee. After some remarks by Air. J. B. Jones, ofßurke, in opposition to the bill, the sub stitute of Air. Russell was agreed to and passed. L. C. Important Decision.— A firm in Phila delphia. having failed and made an assign ment to preferred creditors, the assignee refuses to pay the government claim for taxes, although he has some $50,000 worth of property in his possession, on the ground that the government claim cannot supercede preferred creditors. Collector Sioanaker submitted the following propo sition for the decision of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : Does the govern ment claim for taxes owing and due before failure, as shown by the sworn return presented to the Assessor, and returned by him far collection supercede preferred creditors, and if not so would the collec tor be justifiable in proceeding to distrain property in the hands of the assignee ? The following reply was received from Deputy Commissioner llarlan: If the tax against the firm alluded to was due at the date of their assignment there is a lien upon the property assigned in favor of the United States : the claim ot the Govern ment takes precedence over all others, and should be enforced by distraint if necessary. Counterfeits. — A new ls.-ue of coun terfeit notes of the denomination of fifty's are in circulation. Tne notes are exceeding ly well executed : the imitation of the lathe work. which is considered to be the be e 1 protection against successful imitation, i being engraved with skill. The vignette of ' General Spinner is accurate, and the green color used is said to be the best ever seen upon a counterfeit These notes may be best detected by observing the letters of the words: " Receivable for ail United States stamps, at the bottom of the notes, the outlines being quite imperfect, especially in the words “ States stamps.” AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1806. The Associated Press—its Relations y, ith the Press of Other titles. Inquiries which frequently reach us from i conductors of’ . '-'/papers and others out of the eit v, render proper a statement of f sojjsue facts coocennatr thc; ‘inunirements ot thf? A~ / •iiit'jJ JV’.'a for the coli- *tioii, re* tiou "f foreign and There has been no "breach” in the As sociation. It still consists of the Times. B f, Tribune, World, Journal of Com merce, Sue and Express, as it has for many years. Until a few weeks pastMr. 1). li. Craig was the General Agent, who attended to the details of its business in this city—engaging correspondents, re ceiving dispatches, making and distributing copies of them, making up the accounts, collecting the bills, Ac., Ac. A lortnighl ago or thereabouts the Association dis missed Air. Craig and employedAlr. Simon ton in his place. This is the only change of any kind tlfht has taken place in the affairs of the Association. The primary object of the Association is to collect by telegraph the news from all quarters which the journals composing it require in common—and to share the labor . and expense of collecting it equally among them. Having thus procured it tor tliem • selves, they have also furnished copies of it to newspapers in other cities throughout the country—at such rates and under such | regulations as seemed necessary and proper. 1 This, of course, they continue to do. Air. Craig, being no longer in the employ j of the Association, proposes to collect news I i for himself, at this point, and furnish copies \ of it to newspapers out of’ the city, on his . ; own account, and for his own profit. He! has. eil’couffic, a perfect right to do this —ii : he do it honestly and fairly. But he has been : ; doing everything in his power to retain j : control of the machinery of the Associa- j i tion, its clerks, agents, correspondents, j I Ac., and has been giving assurances on | these and other points to newspapers at a j j distance, in order to detach them from tire J J Association and induce them to procure j their news from him instead. He promises j great reductions of expenses, participation j in profits, Ac., Ac., as inducements. The journals to whom they are offered will nat- | uraily inqui:e into the means he may have j for fulfilling them before they render them- j solves dependent upon him for their supply j of news. The Associated Press must procure this news for their own use at all events, ! whether they sell it again or not. They can share the cost with those who take it from them. Air. Oraig cannot, lie procures it solely for sale—paying no por tion of the expense himself. lie must gee back all it costs, with his own profit beside. He says lie has established news agencies which are to supply merchants, hankers, speculators and others with the news in advance of the newspapers, and that their | payments will lessen the cost to the Press. All we need say on this point is that the Associated Press can do precisely the same thing, under much more favorable eireum- i stances and wil li a certainty of distancing j competition. The Association, moreover, j has contracts with the Telegraph Company ! having four or five years to run, by which j very large reductions of the cost of tele- j graphing are secured, and which the Com- j pany is precluded from extending to Air. j Craig or to any private dealer in telegraphic \ news. Under these circumstances journals out j of New York can judge for themselves whether they will best consult their interests by continuing their relations with the As sociated Press or by severing them and placing themselves in the bands of its re cent Agent.. —New York Times. Arrest of Express Robbers. It will be remembered that a band of • land pirates robbed tlio Express car on the Louisville A Nashville Railroad, a I short time since. Their success was, how ever, short-lived —the robbers having been traced up arid arrested. This prompt detection is due, in a measure, to an admirable detective sys- i tern, under control of the old Express Companies, by which the arrest and pun- j j ishinent of thieves is made as certain as fate. Wc find the following account of | I their arrest in the Nashville Banna • of j the 17th: We are able to announce that all but one j ! of ths hand engaged in the recent robbery 1 on the Irjntsvttfc and Nuslivilnritaihorad, j are now in tho hands of justice. Lute last Thursday night, after a long ! and diligent search, a party of citizens, i living in the neighborhood of Franklin, I Ky., succeeded in tracing a white man j named John Calvert, and a negro, Rob Hoy, to their place of concealment. The arrest was effected without any difficulty whatever. Yesterday evening the rascals were sent to Louisville, to join their accomplices. The negro was formerly a slave of Air. Hoy, who owned the mill where the rob bery was planned, and is as villainous looking a specimen of the African race as could be found in the country. He is fully six feet high, and as muscular as lie is malicious. His white companion, Calvert, is a rath er quiet, ordinary looking man, and, up to the time of the robbery, bore a tolerably good character. Only one ol" the band is now at large, and his capture is hourly expected. Captain Harris and his party came down as far as Rowling Green, yesterday, on the train, lie stated that a person well ac quainted with the circumstances of the outrage, and the names of its perpetrators, had offered to bet §I,OOO to §IOO that the men already airested would be convicted when tried, so positive is the’proof of their guilt. . —«ras». A Beautiful Extract. The following eloquent passage we clip from the address of Col. Alanlove, of the Vicksburg Herald, before the Mississippi State Press Association, recently convened in Jackson: “Tiie Southern Cross no longer gleams out ’mid the wild light of battle; the sword of the vanquished is sheathed, and the .land is gloomy with the harmless se pulchre* of our martyred dead. Rut when years- Upon years have passed away —when the list'of the present generation sleep with j their fathers, and new forms throng the J old familiar places—when faction shall j have hushed, and justice holds the scales . then, then, as bright as day, and as free j from blemish and stain, will stand forth in bright relief upon the scroll .of historic i fame, the record ol’ the South, ucarcr to the hearts of her children now in the hour j of sorrow, than when, on the march to vie- \ tory, she won the admiration of the world, j Pilgrims from other lauds shall tread, with reverent step, above the spot where mould- j ers the dust of our loved and lost; while i those who are to follow us wiil cheerish as household gods, the names of those who. j carving a way through the fiery path of war have written their names where they can never die. The principle for which so many laid down their hies may not be : recognized until their names have grown , feeble on the tongue of friendship, and j been dropped, like dead silence, from the ear of the world. But it will struggle back from t'm hollow bosom that once uled lor it and ascend the heights of government And when the faithful historian shall descend into the vaults of the dead past iu quest of traditions of liberty, lie will j then discover, to whom the world is in- ’ debted for their perpetuation. Xop.tii Carolina and the Constitu tional Amendment. —The Legislature of North Carolina met on Tuesday last, and the Alessage of Governor Worth was sent in and read. The Governor takes strong I ground against the Constitutional Amend ment. After alluding to the anomalous j and distressing political situation of the Southern States, he says : “How long this unnatural condition of our relations is to continue, it seems, we shall be allowed to have no share in deter mining. No time has been set, and no . conditions proposed on which it may be terminated. In the meantime, I trust, we shall meet events as they arise with a reasonable and manly fortitude, ready at I a ll times to fulfil! our duties as patriotic ! citizens, but under no circumstances will ing to sacrifice the honor and rights of the State, as a member of the Union, not in the sense of the advocates of secession, hut as taught by Iredell and Alarshall, and Store and Kent'and Webster, and in which moderate men everywhere, North and South, before the war. were supposed to concur.- Anxious as I was to avert the late war. and have at all times been to compose our troubles on the basis of the Union, as our fathers framed it. I can per eeive in this proposed amendment nothing calculated to perpetuate the Union; but ten dency seems to me better suited to sectional alienation and es traneement. and I have therefore no hesi tation iu recommending that it be not rati fied." . „ A rival magazine to the Atlantic Monthly is to be published soon, in Boston and New York, under the management of Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, the famous poetess and writer. FKOII KASIimION AND SEIY YOKK. Special io tic W estern Press. New York, November 22.— The lE lune publishes a lit est of diplomatic cor respondence bet won Air. Seward and AI. Drouvn de L 1 fuy, on the subject of cer tain favors show to Confederates bv Alaximilian. Aloit the first-of July, 1865. Air. Corwin was dc-irous of sending im portant dispatebts from Alexieo to the United States Gov.-r.mient; Colonel Don Erique A. Alejii, thin about to visit this country, offered to jo the bearer, but his ! offer was only parthlly accepted, for Air. Corwin feared that ike officers of Alaxiwil ian’s government would not hesitate to violate the sanctity fffen of embassadorial : correspondence, in til hands of any pri vate person,, in orders to know the state secrets of this goverrfliout. He therefore ; sent his dispatches b/ private opportunity to Vera Cruz, and they were put into Don Mejia’s hands after he had gone on board the steamer. Ru? thj| events which hap pened justified All. ( irwin’s fears. Don Erique had uftu seized, his papers all taken from him and opened. Not finding the expected, dispatches of the United States AlimAer he was released : after a few days imprisonment, and his papers returned to'him. Among them was i’ound a bundle of .otters belonging to some other _ traveler, but accidentally mixed with his at ike examining rooms of the Custom-house. In this bundle were the following letter- . from Duke Gwyn, showing that lie stodjiigli in the estima tion of both tii, Ini] dial and French Gov- j ernments, and that e: was about to ob- : tain large tracts of la A and that his sor, was to have enfftrof« the largest gold mine in the world. But Air. Gwyn did not confine himself to Es own prospects but speaks of Air. J ohnsoi’s succession to the Presidency in no flatte.ing terms. Col. Alejia promptly Awarded these dispatches to Air., Romero, the Alexiean Alinister, who sent them t> Air. Seward through our embassy at Paris. They were transmitted' to the French Govern ment as containing full proofs of the com plicity_ of that Government rith some of the principal leaders of the reiiellion. Air. Bigelow, in representing the case to the French Government, said: By these letters it appears, First—That Dr. Wm, Gwyti and family, though citizens of the United States, are disloyal to its Government. Second—That they are engaged in ob taining from Alaximilian, Emperor of Alexieo, grants of mineral lards in the States of that republic adjoininj the Uni ted States, and that Dr. Gwyn is to be the chief directing agent in working these mines. Third —That a large *aece3sion of capitalists and emigrants into these States from_ parties _in rebellion against the United States is expected. Fourth—That they assure die said Alax imijian and the Emperor of France that their contemplated proec-ediigs will tend at once to promote the projects of Alaxi rnilian in Alexieo and inure to the injury of the United States. Fifth—That they claim to have tho patronage of the Emperor of the French, with assurances of military aid. In reply to these intimations that France and Alaxilmiiian were violating the principles of international enmity, M. de L’lluys answered with considerable sharp ness. We shall always ho ready, sir, to respond frankly to demands for explanations com ing to us from an allied nation, when they are inspired by a conciliatory spirit, pre sented in an amicable tone, and based upon authentic documents or positive facts, but I must add that the Emperor is resolved to reject all interpositions whicl may come to us in a communicatory tone ajout vague allegations and based upon documents of a dubious character, for you wiil understand, sir, that it is not for me to 'enlighten you concerning the speculations of such or such person who has emigrated to Alexieo ; but what I know of the intention of the Alexi ean Government enables me to say to you that it proposes to let the emigrants from the Southern States enter upon its terri tory only individually. They will receive such help as humanity requires, but will be immediately dispersed through the pro vinces of the Empire and bound b abstain in their conduct from everything which might awaken the just susceptibility off neighboring nations. Air. Seward afterwards opposed the ac tion A Ms. Big«Kw in the nj’.-foiv The French government has received from Gen. Castelnau a telgram corroborat ing the intelligence of the Emperor Alaxi inilian’s firm intention to remain at the headquarters in Alexieo, even after the re turn of all the French troops. On the 18 th of October last, at a moment in which tho health of tho Empress was in an alarming situation, the Emperor of Mexi co sent a telegraphic message to Miramar, declaring that although suffering in his dearest affections, he could not possibly abandon even for a moment the post of honor in which he had been placed by the desires and confidence of the Mexican peo ple. He consequently addressed the most pressing recommendations that the atten dants on the Empress Carlotta should ob serve strictly tho instructions of Her Majesty’s physicians. From the Courier Italiano , of Florence, November 9 : Air. Gladstone found the Pope calm as usual. They did not speak on politics till near the ciose of the conver sation. His Holiness complained of the Austrian government. While admitting that the events in Germany had rendered it unable to assist the Holy See; that most excused the conduct ol'the Vienna Cabinet. Mr. Gladstone congratulated him upon the arrival of the Antibes legion at Rome. He said to this terrestial legion, “What matters it to me wliat may happen? Be lieve mo, that when the French have gone I shall be none the less protected, seeing that the legions which defend the church arc never wanting,” and His Holiness raised his eyes to heaven. Air. Gladstone turned the conversation upon Italy, and he asked what truth there might be in the preliminaries for negotia tions with tho Government of Florence, mentioned in the papers. This is what the Pope answered : Ido not read the journals, and on this subject I know nothing what ever. All I kuow is that when I die I shall not leave to my successor the sacred and inviolable heritage of, Saint Peter. The conversation respecting Italy having ceased, Ireland was spoken of, and the Pope warm ly recommended to Air. G. his well beloved iiock,then smiling he added: If I am obliged as some say, to leave Rome, even although Ireland be distant from the centre of Chris tianity, I would not perhaps disdain to take up my abode there (Malta,) a place almost altogether commercial. In conclusion, he said lio_ would go wherever Providence determined; that great Providence which never failed to judge men who were eternal. The following paragraph contains the substance of the appeal issued by the as sembled Fenians of this city : To the men of Irish birth, and all lovers of republican institutions everywhere : Countrymen, friends and brothers : Ev ery item of information reaching us from Ireland proves it to be certain beyond all question, that our countrymen at home are determined on war to the knife, and that this very year the final struggle of our people with the foreigner will lie soon in augurated. The oppressed will meet the oppressors foot to foot to battle for the very existence of'our _ race, and of our nationality. The issue is potent; either we must succeed iu this our final struggle, and take our place among the nations of the earth, or be defeated and scattered broadcast as a people dispersed, pointed at only with the finger of scorn, and ready to do battle for every country but our own, advocates of universal liberty, but especial ly of liberty in Ireland. ' \Ye have’resolved to do all in our power to sustain those of our kindred who keep garrison at home. That the struggle now so imminent may be short and effective, we appeal to all your kindred and American men and « omen, and to the lovers of free dom everywhere, to give what oar brothers require. That no one_ claiming to have Irish blood in his veins may have any longer an excuse for not contributing in proportion to his means, a committee of gentlemen, properly accredited, will call upon all Fenians from whom aid is expected, that a permanent record ot those who will do their duty to Ireland at so important a i-risis as this may be_ kept for the future for the purpose, as well a- tuoao who by their non-action wish it to be recorded as their opinion that our race at last is conquered. The committee instructed to collect arms, war material, and money for the use of the Irish Republican army will hand in their lists weekly at the Central office, No. 19 Chatham street, in this city. In the name of liberty, justice and humanity, we appeal to all in behalf of a but noble minded people to subscribe liberally and at once. It is stated in official circles in Wash ington that Louis Napoleon has notified the government that he cannot possibly withdraw his troops from Mexico before spring. Under the arrangements pre viously made one detachment should have been withdrawn in November, but so far there appears to have been no preparation made for an embarkation. FROAI WASHINGTON. Washington. November 25. —Alany of the W ashington correspondents are specu lating as to what will he the contents of the President s forthcoming annual message, and some of them broadly assert that he will make terms with Congress on the res toration policy, in view of the result of the recent ifitate elections. This, too, is mere speculation, an l it were, therefore, better to wait, for positive information, for the message itself. 1 1 will be remembered that in ihe many speeches which the President made in his late trip, North and West, he said lie had no new policy to announce, and that his future would be best indicated by his past course. Washington, November 2.5. —A com mittee lias been dispatched North by the eading Radicals here, to collect money to defray the expeuses attending the formal ceremonies ol‘ welcoming hack the Radical members of Congress, and giving them a banquet next Saturday. Washington, November 25.—Another negro regiment, the 107th, from Kentucky, lately encamped on the Virginia side of the Potomac, has been mustered out of service, and the men are about to leave for Louis ville, Kentucky.. Washington, November 25. —Official dispatches, which have reached Alinister Romero, from Alexieo, state, that Colonel ilufali Garcia has been appointed Military Governor of Puebla, and has established his government at Taeopocableaux, and issued a proclamation to the people of the State, calling on them to take up arms against the invaders. Governor Garcia reports that the French have lost the whole of Puebla, keeping only the lino of the main road from Vera Cruz to the City of Alexieo. Washington, November 25. —Nothing definite has yet been received by the Gov ernment in relation to the claims upon Great Britain for damages to commerce, caused by the Alabama or other Confed erate privateers. The correspondence be tween the two Governments is still in progress. It is a fact, however, that the present British Alinistry is more disposed than the former one to give due and fair consideration to the entire subject. Washington, November 26.—Our Con sul at Trieste, reports the entire cessation of cholera at that place. It is not true as stated in some of tlie Northern papers, that Jacob Thompson lias obtained from President Johnson per mission to return home. No visitors were admitted to audience with the President to-day. He is closely applying himself to his forthcoming mes sage. It is no secret that he will adhere to his former position, respecting the full restoration of the Southern States. Hon. O. N. Roberts, Senator from Tex as, arrived last night. lie reports the material interest of Texas flourishing, and tho people generally in good spirits. The steamer Rhode Island, the flag-ship of the Atlantic squadron, sails to-day from Hampton Roads, to visit, stations on the Southern coast. The Revenue from imports during the past year foot up two hundred millions of dollars. It is estimated that the amount this year will be one hundred and seventy five millions, but that the receipts will fall short. The probability is that the press will be furnished with copies of the President’s message in advance of its delivery. Washington, November 28, noon. —A report prevails that a collision actually oc curred between United States and French troops. There is nothing reliable, how ever. Sheridan dispatched the troops on • ■ •* ■' s'p 'pP t Snerman is intrusted with large discre tionary powers, and his original instructions comprehended a project for a joint French and United States protectorate, pending the popular vote for Juarez or Alaximilian. A special dispatch published in the Washington Post, which the Government received from Sheridan, wherein he men tions the rumor of the occupation of Alexi ean soil by American troops, is discredited by the Government. The reports arc no doubt exaggerated. John Surratt.— The New York Her aid (not the best authority) has a report per Atlantic Cable that John 11. Surratt, the accomplice of Booth in the murder of Air. Lincoln, was discovered serving in the Papal service under the name of John Watson. He was, so the story goes, ar rested upon the demand of Air. King, our Alinister to Rome, hut subsequently man aged to elude the guard, leaped over a precipice, and escaped into Victor Emanu el’s dominions, the authorities of which country arc endeavoring to recapture him. This story may be true; but it is, to say the least, very improbable. There are probably more Americans visiting Rome than almost any city on the European con tinent, and it is very unlikely that Surratt would place himself in a position where he l would always be liable to be recognized by people from the United States. The Alabama Claims. —The State De partment sent out in the steamer which i sailed from New York on the 23d, import • ant dispatches to Alinister Adams. Beyond i the fact that they related to the Alabama 1 claims, outsiders do not pretend to know their contents ; but it is stated with confi deuce that Secretary Seward and President Johnson, in a conference held at the for , mer’s residence on Alonday evening last, felt assured that the British Government had made an offer for the settlement ot those claims which will he entirely satisfac tory to this Government. The Secretary of State, since August last, lias sent out by every steamer additional lists of claims for damages sustained by the Americans from 1 tho rebel cruiser Alabama. Facts of Progress. —Our railroads cost a larger sum than lias ever been ex pended in any one century on the means ot i transportation. We have 36,000 miles of I railway, which have cost $1,330,000,000. i In Europe there are 30,000, which cost the I enormous sum of $3,500,000,000. The j construction of railways in an old, closely ! settled country is, of course, more expen sive than in anew, while European roads are more solidly and permanently built. But the saving in the transportation of freight and passengers amounts in | each hemisphere to $500,000,000 per an- I num. The telegraphic lines in this coun try are estimated at 90,000 miles jn length, I and those in Europe at 60,000. So that . the New World decidedly leads the old in its facilities of communication. 1 National Banks. —No new banks have ■ recently been organized, the whole number now in operation being 1,658, with an aggregate circulation of $297,065,059, of ; which notes amounting to $978,955 were issued during the past week by the Acting Comptroller. Notes valued at $12,100 were redeemed. Treasurer Spinner has in possession United States bonds amounting to $340,291,400 as securities for circulating I notes of national banks, and bond-, \ alued at $39,423,950 as securities for deposits of public moneys in designated public de positories. Total securities he1d,5379,715,- i 350. The First Cotton Ship for Liver.- pool — Valuable Cargo. —Alessrs. \V ild er a: Fullarton yesterday cleared the American ship Ellen Hood, Capt. Pennell, for Liverpool, with a cargo consisting of 2.818 bales of Upland cotton, value $454,- • 662 23. weighing 1,314,492 pounds, and 234 bales of Sea Island cotton,, value $60,- 871 S6. weighing 75,210 pounds. Total value, $515,554 09. Total weight, 1,389,- 702 pounds. This ship is the first to clear for Liverpool front this port this season, with a cargo of the staple. She sails this morning from A enus Point. —Savannah Republican, 24th. Selected Telegrams, FROM WASHIAGTOA. New York, November 23. —A Herald’s : Washington special says : The investiga tion which ’is going on by the llctrench : ment Committee has developed facts which implicate parties occupying high and in • flueutial positions under the Government, iu tne cotton frauds. A great deal of fraud, more than was at first supposed, Mias been practiced upon the Government and citizens of the South, by the cotton agents. It appears that these agents were in the habit of’confiscating large quantities ; of cotton in the name of the Government, : and after it luul remained in their hands a ; short time, they turned it over to outside : parties, who sold it and divided the pro : coeds with tho agents. Another game which was resorted to ; extensively by these men, was to release the cotton upon payment of a handsome sum. Wc had a report here that prominent Radicals had a meeting in Philadelphia, on the 20th instant, at which articles of impeachment against the President were prepared. They arc to be submitted to a i caucus of Republican members of Congress on the Saturday prior to the meeting of : Congress. The names oftlie parties attending the caucus in Philadelphia will be furnish ed in due time. Washington, Nov. 22. —The following i items of appropriation have just been offi cially compiled from the acts passed at the late session of Congress: Pensions, §17,940,000; deficiency for 1 sundry civil expenses, $4,804,514 46; na val service for the year ending .Line 3.0, ; 1807, $18,904,667 50; Post-office depart | ment for the year ending June, 1867, sl,- j 947,955; Military academy for tho year | ending June 30, 1867, $301,457; fortifi cations and other works of defence, sl,- 540,000 ; completion of public works, $3,- I 698,047 91 ; army for theyear ending Juno 30. 1867, $38,003,241 83.’ The legislative, executive and judicial expenses for the year ending June 30,1806, were $25,430,450 89; consular and diplo matic expeuses for the year ending June 30,1867, $4,778,535 45; sundry civil ex penses for the year ending June 30,1867, $7,074,126 76 ; deficiencies for the year ending June 30, 1867, $5,151,576; mis cellaneous, $12,705,635 00. Total, $155,- 881,181 16. Presbyterian Church South. Alempiiis, November 22. —In the Pres byterian general assembly in session iu this city, the committee appointed at the last session to consider the relation of the church to the freedmen, submitted an ela borate and lengthy report, which elicited a protracted discussion, and was made the, official order of the day for 10 o’clock, A. AL, to-morrow. Among those who participated in the discussion of the subject to-day were the Revs. Dr. Baird, Atkinson, and Alexander of Virginia, Dr. Adger of South Carolina, and Dr. Palmer of New Orleans. Though unwilling to acknowledge a so cial equality, the disposition of the church seems to be to receive the freedmen eccle siastically as brothers and co-laborers in one faith. A separate religious organiza tion was enacted but strongly opposed by the leading members of the assembly. Another Philadelphia Sensation Report. Philadelphia, November 23.—The Bulletin publishes a Washington dispatch which states that the President, after ma ture deliberation, has decided to abandon his opposition to Congress. He will set forth fuliy in his message the reasons in ducing him to take this step. Letters have been addressed to leading Republican Senators and Representatives in regard to the matter. Learn a Trade. Why is it that the proportion of youug men in this country who turn out badly is so much larger than it used to be ? Every moralists, and, in fact, every close observer, knows that the proportion of shiftless, good-for-nothing young men has largely increased within the last few years, par ticularly in this and other large cities, but those who discuss tho subject seem to he at a loss for the true explanation. In our judgment the question is one of very easy I solution. Wc attribute it to the spirit of I false pride which induces parents to put I their boys in stores and offices rather than ! apprentice them to good trades. Iu this ! city, at the .present tiuic, Aucrch-::! • Link ers,'insurance men, and others of this class, : are,overrun with applications from parents who want situations for their boys; but manufacturers find it almost impossible to get apprentices. It was not so in former times. Fifty years ago —much later, in sact —parents generally regarded a trade as something essential in the preparation of tlieir boys for the battle of life. Even men whose circumstances did not require them to do manual work', made it a point to have their hoys learn trades, in order to give them practical ideas about business, to make them industrious, and also to furnish them something to fall back upon in case of adversity. 1 low is it now ? Me chanics and laboring men, even, have too generally imbibed the idea that they ought to place their boys a peg above the drud gery of manual labor. They seem to think that they are not doing justice to them unless they place them in positions where they can wear “hobby” clothes and keep their hands white. There never was a greater mistake. Look at the leading men of our country, from the President down, and you will see that, as a rule, it is the men who learn trades in their youth who have become the foremost if! every branch of progress and enterprise. The boy who is placed in a store or office usually gets his head full of vanity and self-conceit be fore he has been long in his position. He acquires an inordinate love of dress, and soon becomes so puffed up in his own estimation that practical com mon sense can find no lodgment in his brain. His aim is to dress as well and live as high as those with whom he comes in contact, and he is quite likely to go from habits of extravagance to habits ofdissipa j tion. Wc do not wish to be understood as j saying that this is the road which all boys J travel who do not learn trades. We simply I say that such is the tendency, and it re | quires a boy of good mind, fortified by j good, early training, to resist the tcuipta- I tion. The hoy who is put to a trade, on j the other hand, gives vanity but little j chance to get hold of him. IL - acquires | practical ideas about business ; his habits j are moulded by frugality and economy, and ; he lays the foundation of a good, useful and industrious citizen. The idea that | manual labor is not “respectable,” is one | of the most absurd things in . this age of j absurdities. No person with a thimble-full | of brains will say anything of the kind, | and those silly creatures who do say so are ! generally the degeuerate sons of hard-work ing mechanics. Every boy, whether rich or poor, high or low, ought to learn a trade —not that he should always work at it, but that he may have it as reserve capital, to gether with its influence in forming his character. — N. Y. Sun. Captain Carlsen, of the Swedish bark Ostindica, which arrived yesterday, reports that on the 13th inst., three hundred miles Northeast of Nassau, he saw a bark, waterlogged. She was American built, with white scroll work on her bow painted black. No uamo was seen on stern or side. Her main and mizen-topmast and flying jibboon were gone. The foremast was still standing, but sails cut away. Forward house was evidently carried away, I all boats gone, and decks lifted, with | hatches bursted open. It appeared as if j the vessel had been but a short time at I sea. A large portion of her studding rig i ring and sails had been cut away, leading I the Captain to the opinion that she had been boarded and relieved of her crew i and portion of sails and rigging. Asa. i heavy sea was running, Capt. C. was una | ble to board her. —Savannah Advertiser. j T"£ Pacific Railroad.—The work on ! the California end of the Western Pacific ; Railroad is pushed as rapidly as possible. Twelve thousand Chinamen are employed ! on the road bed, and ten thousand more will be set at work next spring. The track j is now finished to within sixteen miles of ! the summit of the Sierra Nevada, having i reached an altitude equal to the summit of Mount Washington. Some of the struc tures are of unequalled size and grandeur. - The culvert at Cannon Creek is described as very massive, twenty-eight feet in height and fifty-four feet in breadth. : Distinguished Visitor—Ex-Lieut, j Gen. Longstreet arrived in this city on i Thursday night and is stopping at the ( Chewaliu House. Our city band paid him I their respects in the way of a serenade on j the night of his arrival, to which he re sponded in person by cordially receiving them and acknowledging the compliment. 1 The General is looking well_ and is closely | eyed with pride and affection by our citi zens when he is on the streets. Long may he live to enjoy the honors and affections of a people for whom he so gallantly and j nobly fought. —Eufaula News. Dispatches from various parts of Wis consin and Minnesota, state that there was | a considerable fall of snow on the 21st inst., averaging two inches. At Lake Ci t ty, j Wenona and St. Paul there was good | sleighing last evening. NEW SERIES, VOL. XXV. NO. 50. (iEOKSIA LEGISLATURE. RKroRTF.n FDR the chronicle and sentinel. SENATE. Saturday, November 24. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment, ! and was opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Yarborough. | A message was received from His Excel lency tho Governor, in reference to employ ing convicts on the work to be done on the Western & Atlantic Railroad. The mes sage covers communications from Alaj. C. 'Wallace, Superintendent W. AA. R. R , and from Col._ Frobel. State Engineer. The message,, with documents, were refer red to the Committee on the Penitentiary. House resolution of thanks to Rev. E. \Y. Warren, of Alacou, for his Fast-Day sermon before the General Assembly, was agreed to. Resolution providing for supplying coun ties wi<h lost books was passed. .Mr. Butler introduced a bill to authorize the Governor to issue new bonds of the tftate in lieu of such bonds as matured dur ing the war, and were no: paid. Air. Daley: A memorial from AY. AT. Edwards and Y. De Loan, in relation to a turnpike from Jonks’ Bridge to Savannah. Referred to Committee on Internal Im provements. Air. Strozier: A bill to allow farmers and planters to transport, during, the year 1867. for their own use. free of charge, 500 bushels of corn and 2,000 pounds of pork or bacon. Also, a bill to change the time ofholding the County Courts of Dougherty, Worth and Baker counties. Also, a bill to incorporate the. Albany A Atlantic Railroad Company to run from Dawson, Terrell county, to “No. 7,” on the Atlantic & Gulf Railroad. Air. Casey: A bill for the relief of Justen Ileath, of Burke county. Air. Owens : A bill to repeal the act re quiring a specific taxon liquors sold within the State. Also, a bill to allow the Central Rail road Company to change its line of road track on certain conditions. Also, a bill to require tho creditors of an insolvent bank to present their claims j within a limited time. Air. C. 11. Smith : A hill to remit the ! tax or. liquors for the first quarter of 1866. The bill to incorporate the People’s Sav- I ing Bank of Dalton. Passed. Bill to change the name of the Planters’ j Association of Georgia. Passed. Bill to require costs in suits at law to be j paid in advance. Referred. Rill to legalize certain sales of land by ! J ulia A. Burnside. Passed. Bill to incorporate the Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad Company. Passed. The Governor returned without his sig- j nature a resolution donating to certain counties lost books. Air. J. F. Johnson, from a joint com mitteej madea report on the books of Jared I. Whitaker, late Commissary of the State. The report compliments Col. Whitaker, and recommends that his books be deposit ed in the office of Secretary of State. A resolution to that effect was adopted. Air. Gresham introduced a bill repealing all laws ou the statute books of the State forbidding aliens holding real estate in G eorgia. Air. Kenan : A bill to make it a capital offence for convicts to excite insurrection. 'Jliie bill to exempt from taxation for ten years capital employed in the manu facture of cotton and wool was after some discussion, recommitted. Senate adjourned till Alonday morning. IICUSE. Saturday, November 24. reconsiderations. Air. Aloses moved to reconsider bill, lost yesterday, to extend State aid to tho Air Line Railroad —Messrs. Alorris, Harde man and Boynton spoke in favor of j the motion, and the vote stood yeas 79; ■ nays 42. Alotion prevailed, and the bill j was taken up and put upon its passage, i It passed by yeas 71. Nays 3. BILLS ON PASSAGE. To amend Act making uniform the rules for the collection of costs. Passed. For relief of Frederick Cox and Harrison Rogers. Referred. To grant the North, South and East commons of Columbus to said city. Lost. j To enforce the observance of Lord’s | day. After speeches in favor of the bill by Messrs., 1 lußose, Pottle, J. B. Jones and Render in favor of the JAIL-gnd Messrs Barnes, Glenn, Russell, of Muscogee, Adams and Gross in opposition the vote was taken on a motion to postpone in definitely, and resulted in yeas 64 and nays 66 —after various propositions to amend were lost, as also a motion to postpone for the .present, Air. Pottle moved the previous question on the passage of the bill, which resulted in yeas 66 ; nays 68. Some dis cussion sprung up on these amendments— participation by some oftlie speakers men tioned above, and also by Mr. Hardeman in opposition to the bill, and Mr. Baker in favor of it. Under parliamentary usage and law, the Speaker voted nay, saying ho deemed the bill impolitic; so the bill was lost. Air. Hill, Chairman of the Special Com mittee on the Governor’s message, relative to the business of Col. J. I. Whitaker, Commissary General during tho war, recommended that the papers connected with Col. Whitaker’s papers be deposited in the Secretary of State’s office, among other archives of the State. The report was agreed to. Air. Adams, Chairman of Finance Com mittee, reported a bill for the relief of Alessrs. Barnes, & Cos., to pay for public printing done hy them in 1864 and ’65. A resolution for the benefit of maimed soldiers, and appointing a committee to examine Dr. Byrd’s invention of artificial limbs, was adopted. Adjourned to 3 o’clock this afternoon. Alonday, November 26. senate. Senate met at 10 o’clock a. m. Prayer by Rev. L. Pierce, I). D. Air. Casey rfioved to reconsider the ac j tion of the Senate in rejecting tho bill to | define and prescribe the liabilities of stock holders of banks in this State. Carried, t The Senate took up as the special order the bill to provide for Georgia a system of common school education. | The bill was taken up by sections, and pending its consideration the Scnatq ad ’ journed. HOUSE—-AFTERNOON SESSION. | Saturday, November 24. i lie afternoon session was spent in read* ; ing bills a second time. Alonday, November 26. House met and journal read. Prayer by Rev. Lovie Pierce. BILLS INTRODUCED. Air. Bennett: To regulate punishment | of crimes less than felonies. Air. AlcComb: To compensate the clerks of the Adjutant and Inspector General. Air. Williams : To make permanent the 1 county site of Bulloch county, at States- I boro. . j I Mr. Doddson :To amend .sections 2.114, I ]5, ’l6, ’l7, ’lB, ’l9, and ’2O of the Code. ; ! Air. Harrison :To amend certain sections \ j of the Code. (To compel persons in certain I cases to pay jail fees in advance. ) : Air. Durham: To make it a misdemeanor I to maltreat or misuse a horse or other ani- ; i ilia!. Air. Hand: To reduce Sheriff’s bonds in Baker county. Also, to amend the oath of retail liquor 1 dealers. Mr. Watkins: To change the line be tween V, orth and Colquitt counties. Air. Green: For relief of Anderson Look. Air. Hill: For relief of certain persons. , Also, to point out the rules of evidence in establishing lost papers. Air. Mitchell: To alter and amend sec tion 63 of the Code, and section 1,337. | Air. Morris offered a resolution which was adopted, appointing a committee to 1 examine certain maps prepared by the Sec ; retary of State. Air. Hudson : To amend the charter of Hamilton in Harris county. | Air. Fraser :To authorize J. A. Stan ; field to settle with a minor ward. Air. Baker: To make valid the issue of 1 scrip by Lowndes county. 1 Also, to change the line between Echols and Lowndes. AJr. Dixon: To compensate the Ordinary of Alacon county for administering the amnestvjjath. Air. Bush : To chnnge time of holding the County Court in Aliller county. Air. Moses : To allow the Southern k Western Alarine and Accident Insurance Company, of New Orleans to establish branches in Georgia. Also, to amend the Penal Code. Also, to amend section 3,530 of the Code. Also, to amend the mode of establishing lost papers. Also, To enable the city of Columbus to establish a public school in said city Mr. Barnes: To amend charter of Au gusta and Summerville railroad. Also, to alter charter of Christ Church, and change the name of the same. Also, to compensate AY. AY. Alontgom- ; ery for certain services. Also, to incorporate AA’ashington Fire Company No. ], of Augusta. Also, to enable married women to re nounce their right of dower. ■ „'V SO ’ *° aluen( l charter of Savings Bank ! of Augusta. Mr. Shaw: To define the amount of resistance which will justify arresting offl cers m killing persons accused of crime. Mi. Stanfield: To allow 11. Denmark to . practice medicine and charge for the same. Humph: 10 amend the County ; Court Act. Mr. Picket: A resolution instructing the ! -Finance Committee to inquire into the i payment of G eneral 11. C. Wayne’s salary Adopted. | -'lr. Weaver: To amend section 4,447 i of the Code. Mr. Morrell-: To remit tax for 1806 of Effingham county. | Mr. Hill: To incorporate Kellogg Gold ; Mining Company. Mr. McCord : To extend State aid to , the Augusta and Macon Railroad Cornpa ! ny. Mitchell: To authorize Mitchell and Thomas counties, to issue bonds for { stock in the Florida and South Georgia Railroad Company. A resolution to allow- the introduction of i :u> new matter after next Wednesday, ! adopted. THIRD READINGS. To pay civil officers, during ‘6l 2’3 and i ’4. Lost. To authorize Administrators to perfect | titles to land in certain cases. Passed, j To give a lien upon the growing crops to persons who furnish planters on the faith of the crop, with stock provisions Ac. This lien is .prior to all liens except for rent of land. j Te punish persons who cut off the ears of hogs when slaughtering them with the inient to conceal the mark. The chairman of the Finance Commit tee reported. The general appropriation bill and the revenue or tax bill which were read first time. 1 To reorganize the fire department of Savannah. Mr. llussell, of Chatham offered a sub stitute accompanied with a memorial and a lengthy list of petitioners for the passage of the bill. A counter memorial was also read. Seats on the floor were tendered to lions. G. N. Lester, John P. King, and Gen. Sorrell. House adjourned to 3 o'clock, p. m. L. C. Monday, November 26. SENATE. The Senate met at 3 o’clock P. M. i A seat on the floor was tendered to 1 lon. George F. Lester of Cobb county, during his stay at the capital. The rest of the afternoon was spent in reading bills a first and second time. Tuesday, -November 27. The Senate met at f 0 o’clock A. M. Prayer by the Rev. J. E. Brooks. The bill to provide a system of common school education which was passed on yes terday, was reconsidered by a vote of IS to 12. Mr. O. I‘. Beall introduced a bill to in corporate the Lewis Manufacturing and Mining Company. Also, a bill to exempt factory employees from road duty. Mr. Casey : A bill to change the time of holding the semi-annual sessions of the County Courts of Columbia counsy. Mr. Gresham : A bill to incorporate the Rutherford Mining Company. Mr. \an Dusen: A bill to provide for the appointment of a Judge in case the presiding Judge is a party interested in the pending suit. Mr. W. R. Ball: A bill to authorize the owners of land lying on Middle river, in the county of Burke, to remove the ob structions from the same. Also, a bill for the relief of James 11. Holland, of Jackson county. Also, a resolution providing for the dis tribution of the laws and journals. Mr. Butler: A bill to provide for the re organization of the Deaf and Dumb Asy lum, and for locating the same in Macon. Mr. Ezzard; A bill to incorporate the Middle River Mining Company. Mr- Grisham: A bill to define and fix the time wh in the late war closed. The time fixed is June 1, 1865. Mr. Parris: A bill to authorize the con finement of convicts in the jails of the counties. " Mr. Strickland:, A bill to allow the Or dinaries of this State to issue letters of ad irrittisiraiUjir,~i»rnrmiarrsTfrp;Tct'. — Mr. Owens: A bill to amend an act in corporating a permanent board of education in Savannah. The bill to allow the Masonic Fraternity to raise by lottery money for building a Widows’ and Orphans’ Home in Atlanta was taken up, and occupied the remainder of the morning. HOUSE —AFTERNOON SESSION. Monday, November 26. THIRD READINGS. To incorporate Chestatee Blooming and Mining Company. Passed. For the relief of maimed and indigent soldiers—(includes as beneficiaries of the bounty of the State all who were Confed erate soldiers, and who are now citizens of the State.) Passed. To extend State aid to the Wills Valley Railroad. Lost. To change the line between Lee and Terrell. Passed. To amend the Act prescribing the rela j tion between parent and c-hiid, among per ! sons of color. Passed. To amend 2519th section of the Code. Passed. To amend the laws of this State relative ■ to the issuing of garnishments. Passed. | For the relief of 11. J. G. Williams. i Passed. i To incorporate town of Euharlee. ! To change sections 4249 and 4250 of the Code (punishing rape with death.) i Passed. i To authorize Magistrates to change the place of holding Justices Courts and election precincts. Tabled for the present. To incorporate Pogue Shoals .Manufac turing Company. Passed. To provide maimed soldiers with trans portation, going to and returning from the place where they are furnished with artifi cial limbs. Passed. Adjourned. Tuesday, November 27. RECONSIDERATIONS. Mr. Barnes moved to reconsider the hill passed yesterday to regulate the relation of parent and child among persons of color.— Motion prevailed. .Mr. Wicker moved to reconsider the bill lost yesterday to aid in the completion of Wills Valley Railroad. Motion prevailed. Mr. Shaw, of Stewart, moved to recon sider the hill lost yesterday, defining the duty of persons owning adjoining lands.— Motion lost. SPECIAL ORDER OF THE DAY —BILLS ON PASSAGE. To extend aid to the Griffin, Savannah and North Alabama Railroad. Lost.— Yeas 62, Nays 74. REGULAR ORDER—BILLS ON PASSAGE. To pay Messrs. Seago, Palmer & Cos. for 6,080 bushels of porn furnlslmd by them for the poor of Georgia in May, 1865. Passed. To explain the third section of an Act regulating the relation of parent and child among persons of color. Passed. ■ To promote the Agricultural interests of the State. (To authorize the State Road to transport lime for agricultural purposes, over said read free of charge.) Indefinitely postponed. To amend 3883d section of the Code. Re ferred. Concerning publishing citation for letters of administration, &c. Lost. To authorize Rev. W. B. McCann to practice medicine and charge for the same. Postponed for present. To amend an act incorporating the town of Americus. Passed. To locate the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. Lost. To change the time of holding the Supe rior Courts of Macon county. Passed. To allow all physicians who have prac ticed medicine four years, to practice with out license and charge and collect for the same. Lost. It will be seen, that the House this morn ing refused State Aid to the Savannah, Griffin A: North Alabama Railroad. This is receding from the position taken and the policy inaugurated by the House on the Macon & Brunswick and on the Air Line Eailroad. This making flsh of one and flesh of another, is very distasteful to the friends of the defeated measures. They bear their defeat with considerable chagrin and mortification. An effort will be made to-morrow morning to reconsider the bill— and no doubt it will be successful. _ Its reconsideration will, by no means, be. indi cative of final success. The bill to aid the Wills Valley R. R., lost yesterday, was re considered this morning, and the mover wished it laid on the table for the present. The far remote and almost inaccessible county of Bade —I believe you have to pass through a portion of Tennessee to get to it —deserves the aid of the State, as much as any other locality. The immense beds of coal and iron beneath its soil needs soma mode of transportation—an outlet to the outside world, from which it is now com pletely shut out by its Southern Mountain boundary. The road runs but twenty seven miles, as I am informed through