Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, January 11, 1838, Image 4

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I-i-t ol Lrltcrx RFJHAIM.VH in (hi* I’nM Oflire ol VV, ynrsto ru', January Id, IB.'ti. A K ■Allen R ,4 Kniglt Jour Jsmrs Key I lint M A Union .loin; J i I Anderson Ilnrnoi K Aeslin Maria M Archer Vhomns l*,yell Mnrrtoi h 11 l«wii Henry William l,«ne Thru lllsmn Needham I omar tbislnvuii RcllCrrm Lester's orphan's Neal •Murkhalu r li II 1-ovell William Heal Uinicay M Hnghimi William .Murphy Ah* Him h Wilson Met'ollani Jordan Herrirn Thus M, McKee N (' IMusgravo Mr "farm*ell Eginnrdiis II .Moor .s' I, Cm ,)*»»(. MtMtey VV ilham •Chance John -Mill .Mnry Croflnn Itetmur McKlmurray James Ir Novey Janie* F' Dim* Ithinlii, 3 I* Dye Mori 111 Parsons J A Uavis Arthur J’emol Henry JHougla* I ilmon I’rtlon Richard* Uoiiii l Clieslsy C i’uinntr Hoiijnnnn E M ♦wlmri \ M Robert* John A (■’ Reihlsk John Franei* Thun Ratliff lioiijainiii ti IS Croon John II Sinrge* N I, Grillin'* heirs, Joseph, Hlurges John U William nml Arm Broil (diaries (loilliny < ioi v, nr heirs Bandilord A mo* Godfrey Mur.m biipp Joint limy It II Binith Heinarimts t.odby Mephon Frnilh John H 't tlirrii Elizabeth Milliner < hsrlns II iSlurgr» Jutin h A S Henngloii l - .lizn'-cith T ilsrmgum .Miinin Thoinpaon Mary A /lodges Nancy m Thoinpkms I’nrlin J/r riogion 11 nh;i i■! 'I inrhiH H'yley Hill Hughey,2 Teuison Job’; I low ell John (11 11 nglir-H Wm II Ihqhnrl Ann, I! -Hill iilnrihii, -Mmmil or VV Jnmri Wilaon Mury Hmtt William Wm VV m It 11 ill (iillimn Wiille Kohrrt ‘J 1 Inn nit E Jan 6 I JOSEPH JA.NRKN, P. M. Msr or i-e i re iis I I IvVIAIAIMJ 111 ihe l*ne( oilier in Louisville, .IV (In, Hue. Jl, 181(7, \ir. A I ,ovr U ni // Allen .1 W I.iinier .Mre Manila Allen .1 M Lamer Hezekinh Allen Waddle Vinson jliiiih.iv Elijah l.iivvnon Roger M II SI Ilerryhill Alexander Slurphy Wm I, llilllloli Jerenitiih J S ayiloee tirorgo Hojd Hohrrl J/i flrido 'J’hoi 1’ Slooru Jnmoa Cobh John A Moore 11...,, o'" l.'iilhonii James .V „ i. " KemtaSH ' - NOB | V ) /(|g| , , I) Nasworthy Wm JJavis Isaac I’ I' - Patterson Tima .1/ iMamlrn Jordon Phillips Aehloy Fhmrney /Volsnn Patterson Sim Slary Floyd Sim Isabella II <1 Kril l Augustus (tinman Win Uohinaon It nine K II S Mlnrvry Edward Swank I,other 11 mm lion EM Spivey bpenecr (• llogum Wm Sumner (.ntharinn Hudson Richard Sainpimn W T A'/olliday John SI Sloonr Km hurl Hudson Ejili Sjinii /Amry //intis S/i«» A/nry Street '/’hoi I lotion '1 ho* G T J Toiiiliiimmi J SI Jones Mrs .Molinda Turner J/enry I’ Jordon E W Thomas Slut I'iimiii K VV l\ ill hen Jninen li Wonlnll Tho* Orphaos Kory Wendell Warr John I, Warr Win Irwin John <•' Wol«oii S (i mu i ti e, ik mi well r. m. KflfflP Dlolrl. r■ AIIE subscriber having purchased thin drsira ■ hlo aim, in the l ily ol Jackson, iilnniril on ’I he no 1111 Mile of the Stale- House ii|iiaru, in deter mined lo remove o it in n lew (Iliya, and nature* all thoiii who may call on him I hat every attention and provision n Ini 11 he made lor ilunr iireiimiiiodn ten, which the nature ol ilia eountry will permit; and I lint lot iireon modal inns lor llovellers, horses, and bonnier*, ahull he equal lo any in the Slate,oil ol theininieililUc hank id the Mississippi river, mid ui to liir at theciri'iiiiiilniiceii ol ihe eounlry will p«vnft,hl« aiveummndiilion ihall|not he anrpaeaed by any. //e phnigei InmaciM lo k •*'.(> u good table,good hnr, furnished wnUi i+ro bevl of lignora; good eom fonnble rooiiia; I eh an wholetome hodii; nsjuiel house, free from not and noisy lalr nod (•end iry stables furnialtnil with grind ostlers, and a plcniy ofrorn nmi loddor, nml at ns’reasonable Kama ii» pmeliealile. I'roiiipl pivviwent, ut short periods, will, in nil eases,he required. To memhers oflhn I .egislanire.iind lliosnlmving Jniiiness in the eoitrls at Jiu kson, the suhsrriber will lurnish good eoinfurlnhle rooms, bolh in sum inernnd wmirr, either in his main Tine'ii Iniihling, •or in one it low yards ihstunl, which he has lately procured, and lined up lor the purpose, in their op lioii. 'J hey uni mviied in eullnnd exmnnio his ac eonimodali'illt lor lhaniselves, end it they like, try them He ik perfectly aware ol Ihe accommoda tions hitherto tiliordod in this town, and is deter mined in improve .them nndlltul I nose w ho favor him •mill their custom, shall not not go iivvnv reasonably dissulislieil. It. it. WIOHINS, JiieKsaii, Miss Sept 12. Mount Vernon. Jan 4 m3ra - MOMIOE MAI.E AM) FEMALE AFadniiirs. Anhserihor having taken vltargo el the Mule and Female AeadH.nies, at Monroe, \\ tillini i iunity, hereby gives no,tee that these in 11ilii11.His will he opened lor the reception ol pupils, mi Monday, the Blh el .lium ii v nest The Male and J'Viiiule .it parlnuinls will he conducted in separate buildings, Mlll.iled about SO rods apart, hoih under tin- dini lion of the I’nneipal, vv ho Inis been engag ed m oat lung ni lies place lor ;he hist two years. A eomiimduuis building, with a convenient \ppa mtus fount adjoining, has been prepared lor tho Mule Academy, competent assistants will be employed at the cireuiiisiunces id the school may require. Jill s S-va vu I II us hss been engaged lor Ihe Feincle department, vv hose reputation mid standing as a teacher are well known, as she has been en gaged in teaching in tins place (or several years vvilli success In the spring, us the school i nlaiges, a female lenetuvr Irom ibe norlh will he employed, who will he associated with Miss llvvs in the le aitnledepartment i he I‘iineipal will hear rcrila liens td the higher classes ol lemales til llieappaial iis mum, udjoiui g ihe mile scad, i.iy mid will dills iraio h> means ol oj'paraiss, tug Hitlerem hrmu hes •of >indy. I'uilicular pains will he taken to give ihe pupils n praeiieul know ledge ol tmlnrul philosophy, chem iolry, i‘»ironomv, and the Inghui liruMvhes of math cm.ilivs, the taking ol 'iilitndos, longiludts, vVc. To lltiserd they will bo limehi in explain from dia grams,and to illustrate, ti emseUes, by means of tho apparatus. Biui'cnts vviahing loohlmn a praelteal knuvvkalge «<’surveying heights and dislmico, ,Ve. iiruinlunn cd that n g tod compass ami chain, with plotting msliiiiin ins, and anmamale iiisirumer,t tor moaaur mg vertical and horixoitlal angles, mom tho pos session ol the Principal, who will go into the lield vvitli Ins elassus, anil make thorn lamiiiar with sur veying, jdotting and ealculnling dislnnces. l-eclures will, irom lime hi lime, be given ul night on natural philosophy, uslronoogv, Ac Ussoiis will be given on live piano, guitar, time, clarionet, Ac- Ivy Mr. tin ttk si me tv vi kk, vv hose novoi system sA'instruction and skill in Music, Imvea 1 - ready earned for him a reputation ol the first rank. 1 'muting and drawing wall also be taught in tho female department. The Principal will spare no pains lo give h s pu pils a clear know lodge of the ditferem branches of study ; hopes bvihv arrangement inmlo, to se cure all ihe ndimil.iges, without any ol Ihe disad vantages ofn mixed school. Ihe health oiThe vil lage of .Munroo is unquestioned. Hoard can bo ob tained for from Bto 10 dollars per month. Tuition thesnine as formerly dec-js -;tiw JOSEPH PRINCE, Principal I.MH' R momm slid date, iiiiphealiun will be mads to llte interior court of Jeflenon county when ,tiling for ordinary purposes, ibr leave to n il the real estate un i negroes ot Andrew E. Wells, 1 .- ceased. JUKI J IV ELI.N, Adm'iv e imv 17 vv tw u6.i “ ntwhi ioLLE^G. university or <;koH(;ia. fl V/E Kxcrna** of this ln»liiuli<>n will bo rc*nm i -1 od on Mcrndny |lih loth day of January ium, i under ita following 0 K(»A NIZ A TIO3V. Alonzo Church, P D I *n «idonf,’and Prof, of .Vocal Philosophy and Political Kronomy. Jam«* Jackson, A M.—lVofounor of'Natural Phi- Joaophy tin I Cheuua/ry Henry Jlull M. D IVofesnor of Mathematics and Astronomy. MalllnjH A. Ward. M. D. Profunsor of Natural History. William f/hriiaiin, A. M.— Professor of Gnek and Afodvrn Longu James P W.iddcl, A M. Professor of Ixjtin and IVellfSM L« tin s CiiarloN I Me f toy, A. M.— Professor of Lngi- I net ring, and ndj IVof. ofNut Plidoaophy. Geurgn VV Hchmick, A. M. Tutor in Ancient Lnngnag'-H. (J. F. Mef'ay—Secretary if Ihe Fnnnl'y, COURSE OK INSTRUCTION. The studies winch shall be pursued, and the j course of instruction which shall be given at the i f mvcmiy, are comprised under ffie following beads i ). (»nek, Laim.and french Languages 2 AMttieuwiiicH. j 8. Astron my. I 4. Natural Philosophy, • !>• Chemistry. f». Natural lietory. 7. /Rhetoric, fogic, Moral ami Mental Philosophy PnliliraJ Economy, j H. Civil Engineering. Hereafter there will he a distinct department for iiiMiriiclion in J heorelical and Pracliciil Enginrcr nig. A class will he (brined in January, of those who may desire to prepare themselves for the pro fession of the Civil l .ngire#*r. My fl resolution of the Trustees, the payments for tuition will he, in future, accommodated to the corn incneciiienl. oilhn sessions, viz: Tvve’vo dollura on Hie Intel August, and twenty-four dollura on (ho J.'Mh el January in addition to which, one dollar P**r annum will he required for the Library,and a uk i sum ho servant's fee. I or iidmiftsion into the fn simian ( lass n candj dsn* 4ii!isl have majinred a Ihoreiigh knowledge of ihe I.alin and Grcrk Grammars, with especial refer- I dice to Prosody; he must have read at least nine of 1 icero's Select Oral ions— Un* whole of Virgil—I ho whole of S'nlfmft—Jwhoand Acts in the Greek J’cs lament - J he whole of s (ineea Minoru or the (»reek header, //cinust havesfudicd Day to Algebra, thro’ Simple fq'iaiioru, er io Pofcers and Roots. He mum also have studied English Grammar, (ioogrii pby.and Anthmeijc; on which last lie is reqmicd iw-be especially accurate ASH HURV HULL, Si c/y li T. Athens, Dec. 0 [dec Id 2JL eow»Jls Cpi»« l* l ln rol.(T I'.llKln FOR BALE. 0 mile* from lljtv-faT"' ON Saturday <.■> •- •—‘ ~ ..•■hi ol Jiiniary, I will sell at rny ■ nouse I lie tract of Land I now reside on, con taining 1100 acres pine hind, more or less, dun of which h cleared and well fenced and HO acres fresh Laud. On the place is every necessary hn.hlins for private or public life—there iaspiing and well wa ter convenient. 'flie Dwelling house is minuted at (he junction of the Aiken, tMurlintovvn, Edgefield and Columbia Roads, and bus 12 rooms and I fire places. I’lie burns and stables are large nnd well arranged nnd ran stable 6u lio-ses. 7’heG eenville and Columbia lino ol stages unite add station d sets of horses hero and fix press sets—their join* expon si’s will average SHOO pur (pirnter Passengorssup here every night, and as a country location for a public, stand is as good as any in the Mate. The mismeiss clone til it is its best recommendation, ad ded to its beauty and health—and is well calcula ted lor a store and tavern. •Suited with every op portunity for speculation and (rude, and has a good market at home, Ate. &e. I will also sell 1500 bushels of Corn, 3d,000 lbs. Fodder, 100 stock Hugs, 15 Reds and A/alresses, Mousehol 1 Furni ture, I yoke of oxen and cart. Persons wishing to purchase will please call and examine for them selves. The farm will be show nto them with pleasure, and they are respectfully referred lor any information to Me sum. Vefomn & Ward, Douglass & Cununl, Robertson & Crawford, Stage and Ex press Mail contractors and their agents. Terms ol sale. — 7*ho personal property on a cre dit till Ist Dm. 1838, with note and security, and (he land 1,2 and 3 tears, with note and seeiTrily, with a morigngo of the premises Possession giv en on the 2oih of January, nr sooner, if possible. IL R. TILLMAN, Proprietor. Edgefield Dist. 8, <J. Uoo 18 wk* -2J * Notice. \ LI. persons h iving claims against the estate » I Rebecca Mircli, late of Richmond county, d censed, are hereby notified to present them to m\ duly wil4iintfieiime prescribed by law. Jan $ 1 L HUiU il, mim'r l.:m#l I’or Male, ON Sl’ I HIT CIIEE K. I F immediate application is mailo to the sub voriher he will null Ins viilimlilo uml hehhy miHi alion, eonlninitig 400 acres of Lund. 30 or -iO ot wlii.'lt is cleared, 11ml ‘JO acres in Mil ill groin. Thi re js s pond log house, kitchen, smoko llonso, stohlos, hum,negro lioiioch, and ntirist Mill, vhirli rims two pair ol utoims, on tin 1 pluco. Also,-'0 Mood ol |log., 17 hrnd of l.'nllV, Rluckmuitli and I’lainnlioii Tools, and a iminborof other unifies 100 munerons to mention. I’crsons wishing to pnrchoNO wdi phuse cull imtnedialnly and view the situation, wlmdi is located Id ■iiilco wo»t of Anenslu, - miles soulli of dm fiiurgiu Kail Rood, mid I 111) lea norih of iMumit F«mm. MATTHEW I), I{OI,.V(»N«EC. id will* 893 Itiiriit* 4'oHoii Land SALE. f |AEF. snlucrihar softer tor sule that excollent plan- I talion known as Harrow l. unJeontuniingl IdO nrros adjoining Col. Crtthhs and Air. Murphee, near Hoik Camp Creek in I’urke. Alneti the ftrgest purl is yet in the woods. The limber is,ink nnd hickory, At the ait tint ion as healthy ns any in Hnrko eonnly. I IManiers desiring mi eligible and valuable eo'lon | plunlallonniu invited to examine the premises—terms | not yet lived, but will ho liberal —applicants by kl | lor will please state their highest hid, us the sale is certain. A hires* Ihivld C. Harrow at Aldledgovillo, I or W. AlfKinh v, at Lexington, Oglethorpe county. P. t , BORROW. W. .VdvIM.EV t;ov 27 wBm 2.7 ( I'.\ Ili U, lit) I 1'.1.. AIACON. (iKORM C f | AllE subscriber respectfully informs Ins blonds 9 uitd the public in genciul, that he bus taken ’ the above mentioned establishment, which, having been recently Ihoroiiglily repaired nnd enlarged nt great expense, is now open for the reception ol 7 ru , \ filers, I’oorilers, &c. The chambers are largo and airy, the servants competent and nllenlive. If is la : !>!(• shall he ci.nstiimly supplied with every delicacy the season and market will furnish. His bar is 1 slocked with (ho choicest Wines nnd Liquors; nnd j jn order moro cfteitnnlly to make it a first rule 1 (mise, he has called to Ins aid the services o( Air I Elder, of Hullimei-. xxhesr long experience at I Lamina's City Hotel, ha* justly entitled him to the reputation nt n caterer for tho pxthlic. 7'he sub 1 scriber thcrelere hopes by Ins unremitting exertions to please, to rxcoivea liberal share ot patronage. I HORACE R. WARP. 1 dec 13 J' 891 IS It -Hood Stabling attached to the Hotel,with ' faithful and nllenlive Ostlers. E. V. A -I. HILL, Allarnirx nt Ltixv. Monthello.fioo. IV 11.1, practico m ihosev oral courts ol the conn , 9 ties of J»s|H r, .lonos, .Morgan, I’utnain, Ihild win, Ihnts. Henry, Newton, Monroe, Wallot, mn: ■ I nt tlio Federal Ciinrl for the district of Georgia. I KEEKRENCES. Atsutla. —A ■J A ’IV W. .Miller; Webster, Far < nmleeA Co, llarvilnnd, Rtdoy, ,f - Co. 1 A/uceu.—l’ooAr Nishit, Henry G. Utniar, Chttrhs 1 J. Alc/tonaid. , j SavaHHah. —Herrien and Cuylcr, G. H. Lamar, Jo i i seph W. Jackson. 1 I li’irics on—James I. IViigme, Wxicd d Fannin . , C Ai’ G. II Kelsey A- //a’sieml. n| The Clinrluslon Courier and Alerenry, and Nee I York Courier mpl Enquirer will publish the ahovi ■ m ice a week lor 6 months mid forward their account; f to tins office. , MOV 1 7 _ \vf,m 859 j*. Law Notice. I- f lA/-F. undersigned have lormcd a Co-parlnersliq it ft fertile practice of Law. *1 hey will attem the Conrls of Franklin, Hall, Habersham and Ra bun, and P all business ciuru-ted to the r care ii the Cherokee Circuit, in the Cia-uit Court of thi “ United Stauw for the Georgia District. Thoiroftiei 11 is in Clarksville, Habersham cm;.tv r KICHAKH U /I.vBERSIIAM. BARNARD E. J1 \UERS/fAM. L Dec 16 wdi '-‘I Cieoi'tfia I'rinnTi <‘nll4*gc scorrsßOKo’ Georgia. klllir, Spring term of t his Irteiilijj'on, IBDB will 'I 1. open on Monday, January Bi‘ii. 11 in desira blo that oil Nluden'M should l«* proent nl the lor- I ination ofclasses,on tbe first day of iho lerm. The government o(, ihe Institution in x rici, hut salutary —bmng by wrillen laws and constitution, which are rigidly cfdoried, after the manner of the ropublicmi f .Stale Governrneiilii ol this rouMry. A oatii|ihlet, | 1 containing hmi's mi Felonle Kdurnlien, our system . ol instruction, ili-ciplitie, Ac , will shortly he pub lished, Mini sent In nil who may ft el interested enough to apply (or it, by loiter to the I’rii r ipol. The hod" lor ii trurlnui ore (rom day light till . I nine./efcek I’ M. (summer and winter J reserving ! four hours for arid recreation. On Satur- I days, students are engaged only till noun. The Ly ei uni. (n literary mid scientific «S'oci< Iy, of which Iho I’riiicKlul is ii 'Jfuio, I’resiilent, inoeis every .Saturday livening. 'I hta society has te en estab lished but a ft w months, and has already proven il aell to be iiniaensely improving to tin young Indies. We pledge ourselves to impart in one year s tune ■ tntny young Indy, who possesses « good mind,and ! who cun road fluently, a handsome handwriting, a ! « correct knowledge ol Grammar, Arithmetic, Geog raphy and spelling A married gentleman, from South Gnrohna, is engaged in llie drawing and painting department. Ilia work will compare with any artist s in the Southern Stales besides the above branches, he will tench portrait and rainaiure painting,gilding, bronzing, smalting, transferring prints, fancy works with perforated paper, Arc. Ac. In the rnhsiral deparln.enl, instruction will he given on the piano, ’ I guitar, and flageolet, I eelures every night on hit- j man and comparative /'ltyaiol .gy, liolany, Aslron- i ’ I omy, < 'hf inislry, Ac. Are, ) Exertions are luring rn ide to have a clergyman at- i Inched to the institution, cinch will be eU'ecled with as littlcdelny ns possible, Ue haves library In( 800 vol imes—an herbarium ol 2JUO species el i j plants, eolleeled by the Principal, in lie Mute ej ! j .'•mull Garoliua— optical msirfimehts —Chemicalop- ’ I puralua, maps, globes, Are, | The young ladies are requested to dross plainly | —not to wear jew els of any sort, and not to attend J balls and parties. N» store accounts without Iho j sanction of parents or guardians, Such as have accounts will bo required to u.gisler all their cx- I penses in s -huok 'they will keep lor the purpose | Pat ons will receive u ininute report of their chil ( dreti's progress in their studies. b’oard can he had in the village, j W e soliett the patronage of our Houlhern friends, . mill pledge ourselves to labor to deserve it. We not only inuto hut would be Haltered by the visits of all whi) limy bo (JiHpoHfd to nlloiicJ our lectures, i*f!- citaUuijs, <V(:. Hi i irwy iluy or limr during llio week* Is. fs/IT.iSTE. " A NIV4 JU : ST/%, dec 2, :(||o I’nmipals. I*«ucl9osi .1 fadc 111 y. I rpnK citizens us Pownllon take much pleasure I JL ju staling to the public, that they have en . Ilm uorvK cm n't Mr. n« Hrclor ol | Hit) I’owelUui Acndumy, lor tli« next year. The [ (leullhf’ulnews nl ih»* village, unci iho high qualili* cations of the ifMtitu'ion in every department of lilernuirc, ir(luces them to expect a continuance ol that lilierul patronage which said institution has received for many years past, dec 2/ v. >i 3ri JOHN W RABUN. jliidiT’Noii Academy. j f I IF. usual exercises of this Institution for Iho I suhidiuerilyear, will be resumod on the fust Monday in January next, under the immediate supervision of Air, Wcslley Levoritt- T 10 lad of the Trustees having for the third year employed this gentleman, tl e constant increns 1 in the number ol students, llie entire satisfaction evinc ed both by the Trusireos and Students, alrord the highest ulleslnliim of his qualification to teach and the able and efficient manner in which ho Inis dis charged till the duties w Inch It tvo devolved on him, connected with his profession. A very competent Assistant has been •> ngaged for the succeeding year to conduct the F.nglish Doparl menl, which will allow Mr, Levoritt an opportune 1 ly of attending exclusively to the classical students. I’npils will he instructed in nil the branches usu ally taught in Academies in the Ibtiioil Slates, and * well qualified 10 cut >r the host requlalcd Colleges I in this country. 1 Many circumstances combine In render this an eligible situation for the education of young gentle men: A finished teacher,a healthy loca tion, cheap diving, and a number of high minded sedulous, ami worthy young men ns class males and lid low-students, are inducements that have their in lluoneo in every community' The .School (or young Indies will also h# open for their reception about Iho first oft ha your. A. E VLVS; tjoc. Hoard Tr+ts. iter So issr. wSr. -jut A fill D. rjAHE subscriber lakes this method to inform the I patrons and friends of the Wesleyan Mansion , School, ami the public generally, Hu t ho has brought that school to n dose, and taken charge ol . a new institution, lately established at Williams Cross Ruuds six miles below Wutkinsvillo, in Clark 1 county This determination Ins not been induced , by a want nl patronage to the Wesleyan Mansion ; 1 fm, in that respect, 11 lias been sustained beyond the oxpuclatimis ol its proprietor: but by a dehber -1 ato conviction, that in Farmers' Academy, under 1 Us present prudent nrrnugements, the subscriber. 1 will ho able to do 11 larger amount of good, with > more pleasure and ]>rnjil to himself, than ho lias * been able to do, in Alonroc. 'I he new institution 1 w ill consist ol two brandies in separate houses, one llir males, and llio othor lor females. A competent ‘ lemale teacher will be employed, to conduct the female branch, under the direction of the principal teacher ; but the advanced classes in that branch will make their recitations to the principal. The two Academies are located at a short distance from each other, and the teacher’s dwelling centrally Ue -1 tween them ; and it is believed that such measures r hove been adopted ms wdl w?chre the advantages, I without the disadvantages, of a mixed school. All ’ the principal vices, ond fashionable extravagancies { ot town and village schools, are etfoclually exeltul II jed from this establishment. The Academy is fur " niched with tut extensive Chemical, I’hilusophical ! and Aslronoiniual apparatus, together w,th a imm * ! her ot large and elegant maps, and other facilities b j lor the promotion of education- In view ot the lo « dity of Farmers Academy situated as it is in one ltd the most pleasant and healthful sections of the up ; country, together w it Ii us other tul vantages, the sub i scriiier riot's not hesitate to promise to pupils, a lar j ger amount of lien : til than he li"s been able horelo s : hire to give thorn. Kvery precaution that e prudent , forethought has suggested, has been taken, to throw j, { around the morals of pupils the strongest and most , 1 elVeclnal safeguards. All the branches (both solid . | and ornamental) of a liberal and extensive educa -1 | lion, will no taught in this institution, and at mode . j rate prices. Hoarding may bo hud at the Academy r and w ithin the distance of one mile from it, in the „ most respectable tiumhes, for eight dollars, or less, 1 per month. „ I‘orsons wishing Inrllier information, will please address to thesubsetliter, nt his present residence. 1 until Christmas; and after that lime, nt Williams' n ■ Cross Roads, Clark county. Tire Academy is cx , j peeled to open on the first Monday in January next; s I and it is very desirable that pupils, designed lor tins | school, should bo present at the commencement ol I the year. Their advancement, ns well ns our con -1 vciueucc, would thereby be promoted. I, JIiSSBC. PAULETT. l\v ill 891 m3m 4 JOL. I!U(JA\ N of Brown's Ferry, took Irom tbe V. Indians out* head guard Chain with “Wm Flour -- j noy August ,'J; 188-1, ” worked in it with gold beads; I- ; also, one full jewelled doul 10-emed liuntmg watch, d ! with gold guard chain ami key—the watch has i throe letters on the front case—the ownsr, or any ul j Ins relations can get it bv describing letters and prov r-| 11 g property. If no applicatiuh be made 11 four j months, the watch will be sold and the proceeds di > j vtried among the troops,—application to he made to tbe editor ol llie Columbus Herald for the bead i- chain, and tor the W atch 10 Col Brown. The Columbus //ernld will copy the above and 11, orw aril the account to Col Brown, nov 87 —tf877 l ', J To Tcnclicrv. is ' r JA LII Trustees of Fort Valley Academy wish A employ a lady of suitable qualifications to ! take charge of the t'-nmle department of said insli - tul ion liir the ensuing year. The place is quite healthy,llie state of society good. A liberal snla tp ry will be given. Addros-the Trustees, Fort Val ,j ley, Ilousti n county. dec 27 —w'Jt 302 in j IJIIIR months after dale, application will be ir “ made to the Honorable Inferior Court nf Jefler •e ! son county, when sitting lor Ordinary purpose, for leave to sell the Real*Estate of the late Aathan Brassel, dcc’d ofsa.d emmlv > I riUN BRASSEL. tdra’r. jan 4 —Mill 2 With the will annexed MT. CARMEL FEMALE ACADEMY, i In A bbnTillc S. C. t I’llE Trustees ofMt. Carmel'! emalcArademy I annoiincolo the public:, that Miss K Mc- Q i i f'«, who has had charge of Ihe Female Aca demy for five years past, will continue in Charge" oil lie same itie ensuing year. They consider I lie chancier of the institution under her charge so well established, llial n is unnecessary to say any thing in praise, tsulllco it to say, she has given gen eral satisin: lion to her employers, ns well in advan cing her pupils in education as in'fhr. improvement of their morals. They ask the continuance and patronage which has been generally given, the next ■ year, wlib a pledge that nothing shall lie wanting, j on Pie part of the Terchor or Trnslei «, to give satis | faclion. Ihe prices of tuition lobe ihe same as lias been Hoarding from 87 to $8 pet month, First l< nn will commence the first Monday in February, liy order ol the Trustees. WM T D REN NON, Sec'y dec 2 882 WtIF I'hiiomaliica Academy. I fjjMIK ol this instirmion will recom- I ■ menr* on the 2d Monday ’in January, 1838 The Irrrfnrhc.i ol education usually tone lit in other academies, will be taught in this institution, and Hludonts who wish to enter college, may be pre pared here lor admission. The prices of tuition and board arc as low here n» in any oilier academy in the same section ol country Ruckorsvillo, near which this academy is situated, is one ol the* most llourislii/ig and healthy towns in the upper co tin try. There are eight dry good stores in the village, and three gob (J hoarding houses. The acadoinio building lor tie* male scliool i* new’, commodious, and lur j uih.hed with a large and vv II toned hell. A largs building t«»ra lomale academy w ill have been fin j jflic i heloro Christ mas, and j* exoecled to go into | operation tins Ist of January ensu ng. linth those ! buildings oro not more than u quarter of a mile from two large churches, where there is regular preach ; in". A •Vabbail* school was kept the present year, 1 under the superjiilendance ol the Hector, and will recommence as soon as tha weather will permit.— The Hector i» in the habit ol’reading da Jy a portion • (»1 the scriptures to the students, followed by a tew questions and reinniks on the must interesting f>j •/; read. Kveiy exertion wib bo made to preserve the mor als of me pupils, and no student who is not person ally known, will be admitted, without n ceitificatw 1 of good moral character, from his lust teacher, or some one who is known K* the parties or teacher. Ur. Heese’s charreter us a teachnr oflong expori onco and ability is well established, and is tuygrAbty* known in Carolina; but lor the sulisl'actiuii of those, however, who do notjiijpvv him in this Mato, the follow mg certifies eIH annexed. BEDFORD HARPER, VVM Will lE, WJI.A. HECK, I’. ALEXANDER, A. HAMMOND, Jas A. Clark,Sec'y. Trusstees. KncUeraville,‘Elbert co, (Ja , Dec 11, 1837 ‘I be undersigned hereby ceriily limt they have been personally acquainted with Kr. E Keene many years; that be is on excellent classical Nebular, and eminently qualified (hr the instruction of youth,both hy expononco and education. M. Waddel, I'atrick Noble, Wadny Thomi’son. Abhcvillo. S. 0 , Ocl.tO, 1834. (dec 23 3.(0 »3m i\otice. 4 GENTLEMAN ol induslruus end moral liab na, wlro can tend) itie common brandies ol an English education, with the Latin and Creek languages, will be liberally encouraged by early ap plicafiou to VVM S DIJiVN, F S TAYLOR, EUWaUD 7MSSELL, JAMES CARTRIDGE. Columbia county, 25 miles noith of Augusta, nov 84 Wtf 285_ fclbcrton Female AcaUe my. f IVIIE exercises of this Insiilntion will commence 1. on the first of January next, under the cure of Mr and Miss Johnson, who have had charge ol ihe Academy the present year. TERMS*. Tuition of first class, composed of be ginners, in spelling, reading, writing, and children's grammar, geography, and arithmetic, 84 00 per qr. Tuition of second class, in foregoing, and English grammar, geography, arithmetic, elements ol history, and composition, and elements of astron omy, philosophy, rhetoric, geology, botany,chenn»try,and mathematics, 85 00perqr. Tuition of third class, in foregoing, and astronomy, philosophy, rhetoric, log ic, history, geciogy, composition, bot any, chemistry, mathematics comple ted, Latin, Greek, ornamental needle work, drawing, painting, and music, for which the tuition will be $l5 perqr. or 825 per term. Use of Piano, $3 (’0 per quarter, No scholat fatten for less than one quarter. A quarter will consist of eleven weeks and u term or session ol twenty-two weeks. The first quarter commences Ist of January,2d quarter 19tU March, and ends Ist Juno; second i session, or 3d quarter, commences llih June; Ith quarter commences 27th August, and ends 9th No ember. According M the usual rates of tuition oftho high er branches, herein enumerated, it would amount to 8134 per year The Trustees have settled the price of tuition of third class, at $5O per year, leaving it to the choice of the patent, orscholar, to study one or all the branches included-therein. * Anv scholar confining themselves to the studies of Ihe Ist, 2d, or 3d class, will he charged only at the rates of such class, or any scholar woy com menco with Ist or ‘2d class, and gv> on to the higher class or classes, and be charged at the rales above stated, fur the time employed in each respectively. Thus : A beginner may enter Ist class, continue 1 quarter, and he charged $4 00 ; may then commence 2d das i, and he charged 8500 per quarter, and then commence 3d class, and he charged 815 per quarter, or 835 per term, as the case may bo. In order to preserve regularity in the several classes, and procure the creates) advantages to the scholar, it is greatly desired that each pupil should commence »iili tb« beginning of a quarter, or term. Board in the village, 8800 per month. THOMAS JONES, THOMAS J. HEARD, | •? LEROY UPSHAW, 5 Y. 1., G. HARRIS, I £ dec 37—41 w ROBERT HESTER. J ? TO BOAT OWNERS AND PATKOONS .Yavitfating Savanah and Broad rivers. j) p V an act of the General Assembly of the stale 8 5 of Georgia, assented to the 30th December, 183li, it is made lie duty of the inferior courts of the sev eral counties of said slate, bordering nn, or which i navigable waters pass through, to cause to he pub lished, the provisions oftho several acts of the ge neral assembly, regulating boat owners,their agents 1 and patroons, navigating said waters. • ] By the aforesaid acts every boat navigating the ' Savannah or Bread rivers, are required to have a - | w hile pairoon,wiih a Bill of Lading ready prepared * to exhibit to any while person, who may wish to 1 i examine the contents oftho boat under their charge, I i showing the name ol said patroon and consignee at - the cargo aboard of said boat, and furthermore for bids any bo d owner,their agent or patroon,to permit any boat hand being a slave; to put on board ol th< ir boat, any corn, cotton, peas,stock ol any kind, poul try or other nnieles in which by law they are lorbid e | to trafiie.k, except the same is exhibited in the bill ot • i lading of the owner ol said boat or bis agent,and tin ; j der his or their direction entered, nialyngit penal i, j against cx - ery offender of the aforesaid acts. s Therefore,all concerned will take notice, that the d j acts if which the foregoing is extracted will he en | forced against offenders who may be taken iu the r county of Lincoln. i- Lewis Parks, o VV. B. Cantelow, d John Moss, Stephen Stovall, d Peter Lamar, Judges of Inferior court nov 28 ts 278 Law Notice. II f HE uedersigned having united in the practie I ol the LAW,offer their services to the public c> They will attend the courts of Muscogee, Marion Stewart, Randolph, Early, Baker, Lee and Sumter ot the Chattahoochee Circuit; Houston, of the Mini Circuit; and Twiggs, Pulaski, Lowndes, Thomas ■ Decatur and Dooly, of the Southern Circuit. Bu. e sine;; entrusted to their rare will meet with prompt ’ attention. Their ollice is in Americus, Snmtei r county, where one of them mav always bo found ' w hen not absent on business. LOTT WARREN, VVM U CRAWFORD, net IU 237 wy Kail Hoad. ADDL’X AHA M& CO. beg leave lo inlonn 1”X the mercbanm ami planters that the rail road to Warrenton will he,in operation in n few days and . lhat lltey will attend to receiving and forwarding any floods or Cotmn consigned to llictn. They beg lo assure all those who may lavor them with their commands that every rtertion will he used on their part to merit patronage. nov 27 3m 277 VI, I, persons having demands against the estate of Thomas S. Burke, deceased, will render them within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate, w ill take due notice. JOHN S. ROBERTS, adra'r. dre 28 xvfit 278 VCREEAIiI.E to an order from the tnfeno eouri (if fiurke county, when sitting for onli -1 nary purposes, will be sold on lhefirs*t Tuesday in ; February next, at the court-house door in Waynes j boro’, between the usual hours c f sale, one House | ami I,ot with adjacent Rots in said lowh, belonging to Hnrnilton W atson, dceoesrd, sold subject to a mortgage in favor of Joseph < lutes. JOHN NA XON, Aclm'r. nov. 10 wtc 204 Jr((iTBoii Mierili’* Sale. bo sold on the firm Tuesday in February v w next, at the Market house in the town of Louisville, between the usual hours offenlo, the fol ding property, to wit;—the undivided half of a //oiiseami Lot in the town of Louisville aforesaid, bring iho interest of .Alex. Mcrriweiher in said y>r» perly; known as the stone house formerly occupied by Kdwanl Foley; and levied on lo satisfy n fi la in favor of the? Inferior Con'l of JofTorson v k. said 3/erriwether, property pointed out by the i Inferior court. IVV \V. GREGORY, dec 20, 1837 wtd 207 Sheriff, \\7 I LL b(mold on Friday, the 15t{i of v w next, within iho usual *hours of sale, at the laic residence ©f Robert Allen, dec*d, in Columbia county, all the personal property of said deceased ’ (negroes except-:?!; consisting of corn, fodder, hogs, horses, cattle, farming utensials, household end kitchen furniture, one wagon and one baroueh, &c. Terms made Known on the day of sole. The plan tation vv'JJ bo rented at the same time. dec 23- 299 WILLIAM J. RHODES, Ex’r. Adml4»lslralo» ,, s VM7H.L be the Court House door iu Ma • 7 "Tion ( Oiinty, on the first Tuesday in I eb. njary next, part of tract of Land No. 194, 14 Dist -2<l Section now .Marion county, sold by an order ol the Honorable Inferior court of Lincoln county, while sitting for ordinary purposes. Sold fur the benefit of the heirs ami creditors. Terms at sale. SARAH SHIPP, Ex'rx. HENRY EVANS, Ex’r. Dee fi wtd 225 f Wild, bj sold on the let Tuesday in February 1838, at Humming, Forsyth coOtity, by an order of I lie Honorable, the inferior eourt of Colum bia county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, one . lot of Land, No 455 in the second district, first sec tion, now Forsyth county, ns the properly of Henry Wilkins, deceased, oftaid county. SUSANNA II iEKINS, Adm’x. nov, 23 wts 274 ILL Up sold at the court house in Waynes-) » » borough, Hurke coinin', on the first Tuesday in February next, one negro woman, Voids, and one negm boy Cuvier, belonging to die estate of A. E , HoWclay. Acid by order oftTio conn ol ordinary, of Burke county. Terms made known on the day ■dec 22—229 MATHEW JONES, adm’r._ UJ 11,1. be sold, at. public outcry, on Monday the PJlh February next, between the usual hours of sale, at the Court House in Canton, Chero kee county, Geo, ihelrftAof Land, eontuining 160 acres, known fts lot 70, in the 14th IbPt of Ae 2d Nee in Cherokee county, belonging lo the estate ol t Mrs Hannah Longslreef, late of Richmond csmity, deceased. Stud lot is about fi miles from Canton on the main road along the Hightower river, and i being at the foot ol the mountain, odors a most de sirable silo for a country store and lioiife of Enter tainment. , Terras of sale J cash, the remaining 3 in equip payments at 6 and 12 months, secured by netes payable in Augusta, with interest fre m date, and by u mortgage on the lot. At the same lime and place, and upon the same terms, Lot 1192, (list. 19, sect. 3, Cherokee coun ty, containing 40 acres oak and hickory upland. W. W. MaNjV, Ex’r. dee 22 wBt 299 The Standard of Union will publish lltc above wiekly till the day ol sale and forward its account ( to W. W. Mann, Augusta, lor settlement. WILL he sold on the first Tuesday in Mutch next, between the usual hours of sale, at 1 the Market house in the city of Anausta, by virtue ' of an order ol the Honorable Inferior Court of j Columbia county when silling for ordinary purpo ses, eighty two notes, more ot less of Fine Land, in [ Richmond county, five miles above Augusta, od ! joining lands ol James (J. fc-tall ings, Benjamin 11. Warren and others, it being a pnrtof the real estate of William Whitcomb, deceased, and to he sold for the purpose of distribution among the heirs of said i deceased. Terms made known at the sale. GABRIEL JONES, Trustee, For the heirs of Win Whitcomb, deceased, dee 20 wtd 201 ON Monday, the Ol It day of January next, will lie sold at the residence of Joshua Lazenby, | B arren county, all t he pe’sonal property of Samuel J. Lazenby, deceased, laic of said county, consist ing ol one Horse, saddle and bridle, blanket and sad dlebags; three sheets, four blankets, e K and mat trass, . three trunks, razors, shaving soap, parcel of tobacco, . &c,—terms mado known on the day of sale. AdsHUA LAZENBY, Adm’r. , nov 27 wts 277 N llie first Tuesday In February next, will bo sold before the Court House at Appling, i Columbia county, between the lawful hours of sale, i One Hundred and Eighty Five (185) Acres of I.and, , adjoining Booker Sutwnj ,Mm A . Stapler and James Sutherland ; the same being the place wheron Ro -1 hurt Shields lives, and sold agreeably to the last i will and Testament of William Shields, ofColum- I bia county, deceased. Terms mado known on thedav of sale. JAMES SHIELDS Fx’r dee 13,1837. 291 wtd j "VV/"ILL ho sold on tits first Tuesday in Fobrua- V T ry helore tbo court-house door,in Jaeksonbo ro’ between the usual hours of sale; a negro Man by the name of Bob, 21 years old, bilonging to one ol the Minor heirs of John Green, deceased,sold > agreeable to an order of the honorable the inferior court of Seriven county, for the benefit ol said mi 3 nor this 20lh day of November, 1837. TIIOS. GKEENE, guardian * GREEABLEto an order of the inf eriorcour 1 it of Burke county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, at the eourt house in the lo (Mi of W aynosboro', between the usual hours 1 of salo, one hundred acres ol Land, more nr ices, adjoi ting the lands ol Thomas Bostick and James Bell, belonging to ll.a esia'e of Thomas Mallory, 1 i dec,d. ; sold tor the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said deceased. Terms of sale on the day. ’ JNO. B. ROBINSON, Adm’r. J nov. 10 vrlf 264 A GREEABLEto an order of tbo Interior Court I il ol Burke county, when sitting for ordinary r 1 purposes, will be sold,on the first Tuesday in Feb - ’ ruary next, at the Court House door in the town of 1 j Waynesboro, between the usual hours of sale, one d I burned and twenty five acres of Land, more or less, ,- in said county, adjoining lauds ol John Wimberly d and others, belonging to the estate ol Matthew Liv ely, deceased. 'terms on the day olsaln. o MARK LIVELY, Adm’r. i- nov 27, 1837 wds 275 e 4 GRF.EABLE to an order ol the Interior Court i\. of Burke county, while sitting (for ordinary purposes, will be seld to tbo highest bidder, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours of sale, iu the town of Waynesboro, Burke county, two Negro men Dick and Sauney. ALSO Between two and three thousand acres of Land, il being part of the real estate of William Bryan, deceased, late of said county—-this laud, adjoining landsot the estate ol Stephen Devcnpart, the os Late of Ezekiel Hull and others, on the waters of Burk r head, is too well known to need description; there is r a tolerable on said land, and good dwel b ling House and other buildings necessary fora tar- r ’ met; some of thoso lands arc Iresli and in good order 11 tor Colton or Corn. The land containing the plan- s ’ tation will be sold together or in separate 'ots ; and '■ also Iho other tracts according as tbo administrator ’ may deem most to ho the interest of said estate—gen- T tleinen wishing lo purchase will do wellto call and a i xamine these lands. Sold for the benefit of the heii and creditors of said deceased. The terms of sale rush. J AMES GRUBBS, Adm’r. nov 24 wts 276 I * GREEABLE loon order of tl* inferior'emi-t ia. of Burke county, while titling tor ordinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in Feb- I ruary next, ni the courthouse in the town of Waynes Jjiiro', between the usual hours of sale, the following property: viz, one tract of land containing sixteen hundred and seventy two uerr*, more or less- also the following negroes, Fred’k, Wally, Cezar, Auto! ny, Fulwood.Joe, Jferny, Betsy, Vessey and child Nancy and child, and Martha,belonging to the es-’ mte of John T. Forth, deceased. Terms of sale on the dav. JOHN SAXON. > , . . ; ELI McCROAN, \ '■ von 10 wtd 264 V GREEABLE to on Order id' tho inferior court of B-urke county, w bile selling for ordinary pur poses, will he sold on ll.e first Tuesday in February next, at the court-house in the town o I Waynesboro' between the usurl hours of sale.ihn following pro-' party, to wit: one hundred acres of land, more* or less, on the waters of Dry Creek—also, the follow ing m-groes: A hmliam, Toby, and Adam, belong ing to Arariah Duke, late ot Burltc county, deceased - Terms of sale on the day. JOHN SAXON, Adm'r. nov 10 wt<i 264 months after date, application will % made to the Court of Ordinary of Burke coun ty, for leave to sell all the real es'at • of Thomas Kelly, dec’ll, late of said cauniy, f.r die benefit o; the heirs and creditors. CAROLIA’E KK H, F,odm'rx. stpt 13, 1837, m4t 216 months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Burko county,while silling fir ordinary (urposss, for leavo to sell Ihe Land and AVgroes belonging to the eslaia of Peter Applewhite, deceased JOHN APPLEWHITE, admr. oct 10, 1837 4lm 312 ■j^OUK months afterdate application will be mada I to the honorable Inferior Court of Burke Conn -1 " bile soiling tor ordinary purposes, fur leave to m sell a negro Woman belonging to Jonathan Johns, late of said counly deceased. Aug 21 VK _ -S®SBE JOHNS, Adm’r. months after date application w ill be mads to the honorable Inf-nor court of Columbia roimiy, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the following lots of Land, viz: No 408, in 4th district; 287, 27th district; 73 and 46, 11th district; nil /virly county, belonging to the estate of Joseph Blackslof’e, deceased. WM. P BEALL, WJf. YARBOROUGH, dec 26—301 administrators. FOU R (nerrthi! nftr'r dlhe,application will bo ir.ndo to the honorable the inferior court of Burke counly, when silting as a court or ordinaiy.ior leave to sell five hundred and ninety-six land belonging to the estate ol Rniph Peurow de ceased MARTHA PENKOW, Adra’x. nov. 7 td 261 tiNOUR months after date application will be made to tho Honorable the Inferior Court of Burko county, when silling for ordinary purposes, for leavfct-i hOT all the reel and personal properly of Henry Ur ley, late of Burke county, deceased. WILLIAM UTLEY,> - . . ' ~. . GREEN UTLEY, f A,lm re ’ dec 1 681 m4m I^HJU II months after date,application Wifi be ffmdk to the honorable the inferior court of Columbif counly whilo suing for ordinary purposes,for loavq Ip soli the real estate of the late Elbert B Dunn of st\ifl county deceased, for the benefit of the heire and creditors. ■ >i, o • . •: ALFE ED J DUNiV, Adm’r. ndv 12 rd 263 rNOUR months after date application will ho made to the Honorable tho Justices of tho In lerior Court of Columbia county, whan sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the whole es the real estate ot Elbert B Dunn, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said de ceased. ALFRED J. DUNN, adm’r. ' det IT, 183"' 242 rEORGI A, Columbia county: WREHEAS William Yarborough,administra tor on the estntexjf James Yarborough, de ceased applies for letters Dismissory, 'Fliese are therefor to cite and admonish all and lingular the kindred and creditors of said dec’d to bn uni appear at myofHci within the [time prescribed >y law, to shew cause, .f irty they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office,in Appliug, this sth day of Sept., 1337. sent 13 m6t GABRIEL JONES,clerk. G EORGIA—Sc men County. WHEREAS Steven Mills applies for lotten of Administration on the estate of Joint M. Roberts, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to lie, and appear at my office within the lime pre scribed by, to file their objections, if any they have, why said lelters should not bo granted. Given under my hand at office in Jacksonboro’, this 6th day of December, 1837. JOSHUA BERRY, c. c. o. a. c. dec l - 2 290 w3od GEORGIA,) By the Court Ordinary lb Burke county j said County. WHEREAS John- A’axon, Administrator o .lohn S. Kennor, deceased, hue of said cotm ly, have petitioned said court for letters disnftsssory stating that he has fully administered said eg/Tale these are therefore to cite and admonish nil con - corned, to be and appear before said court on the first Monday in May next, and then and there shew cause why said lelteis should not he granted. By order ol the court. T. 11. BLOUNT, d c c o » c nov 10 6m 204 \ GEOHGIA,) By the Court Ordinary lor sani | Burke county, ] Count" wk/’IIEREaS -Sarah Smith Administratrix, * T And Allen S B Briar, Administrator of James J Smith, deceased, late of said county, havo petitioned said court for letters dismissory, slating that they have fully administered said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned to be and appear before said court on the first Monday in May next, and then and there shew cause why said letters shall not. be grunted. By ■ order of the court TII BLOUNT, nee' l ! c i nov 10 wdm 264 i GEORGIA ,f By the Court of Ordinary ol said . Burke county. $ County. WHEREAS Allen S B Brior executor of Ed mund Brior, deceased, late of said county has petitioned for letters dismissory, stating that he has fully administered said estate These are therefore to rile and admonish all con cerned to he and appear before said court on the first Monday in May next, and then and there shew cause 1 why said letters should not be granted. By order > of the court. • ! T II BLOUNT d c c o n c ’ Tiny If) w6m 264 GEORGIA, f By the Court of Ordinary lurke county: \ Burko county. WHEREAS Benjamin Mobley, Robert F. El lislon, and Thomas T. Elliston, Executor* ■ if Robert Elliston, doc'd, late of Burko county, 1 ms petitioned the court for letters dismissory- Those are therefore to rile and admonish all per • ions interested fofile their objections in thoClerk’* B .dice by the first Monday in March next, why said i etters should not be granted. y By order of tho court, T. 11. BLOUNT, D. A sept 15,1837 mfit 218 GEORGIA, I By the Honorable tho Court o Burke county, j Ordinary ofsaid county. WHEREAS William Sapp, Administrator ot Richmond Hankorson, dec’d„!ateof South y Carolina, has petitioned the Honorable the Court of o Ordinary for letters dismissory from said adrainis il tmuon: These are therefore to cite and admonish c nil and every person interested, to shew cause, any they have, on or before tho first Monday in Janmrv next, why the said lelters should not be granted,tiid 1, ibe said William Supp forever released from all no i, bihty as said administrator, g By order of the Court, e T H BLOUNT, dc c o b July 29 m6m 177 .* G EORGIA,} Court of Ordinary, irrriven county. < September Term 1837. r IT BON application of Alexander F. Dopson,adrift “r U nistrator de boms- non, of the estate Green D. '■ Bo iree dec'd., staling that he has fully administered (i said estate and praying citation for leters dismissory, ,r it is on motion ordered, that tho clerk do issues rita lion requiring all persons to shew rouse why the ” same shall not be granled-sstmd that the same be 11 published once a month for six months. ' c A true extract from tho minutes, this 12th dav of September, 1837. JOSHUA FERRY, rl’k. nov. 4 m6ra 259