Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, February 20, 1838, Image 4

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A tEXciIF.R M ASTKD FOll the present visit, lu lake charge of I’leosan Urov* Academy,in Unrim county, iueniy-*ev mi miles below Augusts F!e*t*uisl be well comp* leal to teach the various branches «l an Knglisl education : on* who unfldrstand* Latin, Greek, mu Franck language*, w ould he preferred Any |*r»..i •pplyiar will (is expected la come well recommend ad m a Teacher, and lor hi*fltoral«. Such a pemoi aao b«»a a good salary Any fufson wishing li lake charge of said Academy, can apply to the Mil) aenhor, peraonally, or by letter odd reused Mr'him n Friar'* Poad* Host Office, Burke county. jam iO 6nl3nv Ifi L~r. POWELL O~NK~ THOIIN AN H DOLLASM BB WARD. Whereas il ha. been rof*rlcd tint ibero i. an outer bar opposite the eniradee in tin yon of Brunswick, in Georgia, sonio mnhs'ris lanes from that surveyed by three commission or* of the Nsvy in 1H36, and having less write apon it; the above reward i* offered to any person who will discover any such bar so situated us u oaassa hindrance to ships cnlering the port. And w hereas il has boon also currently reporlci that there is a bar across the inner channel of Og laihurpe bay, opposite the city of Brunswick, huv lag only the depth ol sin or night feel of water or it at low lido; a reward of five lliinilreil I >ol Hart will be paid to any person who shall dtactive ■sadh bar, or snv bar so sittinled, which Imu no OB abundant depth of water upon il (ortho i>ns Mga of merchant ships of the first class up to tin lawn. The inner bar above alluded to is probably tin on* described in the following extracts. )«t. From Iho (»( ninU* roiiimiMHhifmrH John O Polbill, Hugh Lawson and .Moves Furl Eiqra. **rirlwoen Brandy point in Ibis island, anil Den nis's billy on the Brunswick shore, ilmrc is mi in nerhar, upon which there is about twelve loot in <*W Water, and ns the tide rises ten (ret, il givis \hr same depth i ( water that we find oil tbo outer bar, with this advantage, that the but loin being soft mud,creates no damage to ships, mill limy bo vary easily deepened Bit were necessary. But no such necessity exists, us uny ship I lint crosses Ike miter bur can run aval I Ins at high water and find the best anchorage near the bluff along the whole extent id the town, in (root twenty lo for ty foci water at the lowest linn* id tide. I his wo ascertained from careful soundings m low water, and niter having finished the soundings for our salvos, ascertained that Stockton's roputl and dia grams confirmed onr own survey. ltd, From the report of the comtnisitionnni of the navy, made snbseijiienlly to the hisl; “A shoal id soil mud, close lo and below the town, on which but twelve feel can be found at low water, seems m ilulieate some other point in tbs harbor as u more suitable position lura navy yard. We believe Blythe Island, on the opposite shore,to lie the most eligible.” Any persons making the above discoveries, will please give information of the smite lo the Kosiilent ug.ut nfllio llrouswiek companies, a -d I In* rew ard sh II bo paid in each case to the lit si s i ccsidul applicant TIIOS G G A UV , (.eiicral Agt. Brunsw ii k l amil and Laud t.'ompunies. Feb H 81 :it PEIVDLMTON FEMALE AfA OEM V . ON 1C Thousand Dollars will be guarani, i d by the trustees to a teacher w ho w ill lake charge of the remit lo Academy at this place; provided that satisfactory lesion unal.i of cliaraciur and ijiml sficaliuiisnrc produced. The teacher will ha required to In rompelent lo ksach all the elementary and higher bmnelies ol English gdueniion, and also the t frnanienlal brancli es; and lor that purpose a gentleman and bis wile qualified to instruct in those separate department* ol education would be pretend; otherwise the principal will be required to procure u sui'uldc us siaiaat r.iih the necessary quulificnliotiH. The Ai'iitleinv is finely l«.'Ul-i*d in a pleaamit v il lage mono olthe moatftnin <liHtrirln in onr Hlaio* | with u rlinidle iih fmoiisiiny inMio world, and willi oilier advunia .sh niiNiirpntHod l»y any Hinmiio’i i.i the mule; the Hunciy i«iim higli df«r»v, moral, in* letulligriil, m trial and rolined, and the country fenoraily m n kigh atato of improvement. Th« academy lot in well improvml and adopted for the arroiiiinodulioii of the leoehur and Ijih |»u piU Them in a large two nlory hriek house, afford ing 7eoinfiirtnhle loom*, nil ol ilioni hut ou« with fire plnreN. iniondcd an a dwelling liouve 1"r Iho teacher and Ins family, and I 1 «ny crimintif’ftiWMl or knowloriifo offk',.,, Rut this sniri |kn A*t‘* ’ . •TTuTrliBSPWfn consist «d two apartments with limit fire places, with a beaiinlut yard inclosed in front ami mi cicelluul garden ... the tear ol the bouse, and cominaudiug an extensive turn splendid view ol the mountains, distant about .Id miles. I‘roiKisals will he received and cmisuleiod mini the 1 Jili of March, when a sclcrlion will he made from the most worthy. The il is expect, d will go into operation on the Ist of April: and par ents tud guardians disposed lo niilriiniso it, are re qnoaleil to wait uiilillhal period, and they limy be assured that no effort* will be spnied by us to render the School worthy oftlcir su|iporl. By order ol the Trustees- KUBT A MAXWELL, J O LEWIS, K B BICNMi.V, F IF SV M M ICS, J V All AN KLIN, Feb? w3t 31 Trustees. PENDLETON At ADli.nV. yayUK rendlulor Academy coiiiiucuced on the | Ist ol .lauuary under the care of the llcv. J. |„ Kciiiicdy; mid the trustees lake pleasure in recommending Inns lo the public us a teacher well qualified lor the important trust confided to him. IF) is n graduate »l the Carolina cnl ledge, an excellaul classical c.'id malliemalicul scholar, and possesses a high reputation ns a tench or acquired by u considerable i x|H'lin 1 ICC in tins part of the country ... . , TUs fine advantages which ibis Academy pos sosse* in point of location in n small, relirud.qitiet, oounlrv village, free from the vices, the dissipoiiun wad temptations of crowded towns, in the midst id a moral, intelligent and virnuuis community,exer cising a salutary influence and control on llie ebar arter and conductol the youth render it il in the opinion of the Board the best location in the stale for an institution of learning, and entitle it to a lihatal share of public patninagb. (,'omforlnble honnliug can he had m the village and vicinity on reasonable terms; an I every facility es iniorcoiimc and coimumiicalion with the Irionds and parents ol the students, can he enjoyed by an axeellent and well conducted stage passing through the Tillage three limes u week. By order ol the Board. F K HFGEII, UOlff A MAXWELL, K IV SYMMB, SAM’L CllEllllY, .1 G CALHOUN, J V Sll AiVKLIN) Feb 1 31w3l Trustees. NOTICE TO RAIL ROAI> GONTR.U'* toiis. WESTERN anil Atlantic Kail Rond. Extending trom a point near Decatur, n DcKalb county Georgia, lu the Tennessee river between Dallas and Boss'landing, and embraein • duiinnee ol one bun (red and lorlv tulles. SEALED PROPOSALS For the execution of the grading and masonry ot certain portions of the rail road above meutioneil HBibrsemg a distance not exceeding eight mile southwest ward ol the Ghatlahoochee river, mi fourteen mile* northwestward of the same; sis. of about twenty miles,including the traverse of It. F.luwah river and ils valley, in all about forty milei willi be received nt the office ol the commissi.u cm, in Manells,Cobb county,Georgia, between tb second and i-eventh ol April next, during vvhic lime engineers will bn in atinidiince lo point on the various localities at which the tvorkol eonsirui lion is to he carried on, and to explain, by lb aid of plan* and profiles of the route, thu naliir and extent of ih>* work. Much deep cutting an filling, and several extensive viaducts of timin' will be reqniicd in conn >xion vvnh t lie road lono tjon. The amount ot Kxcuvntioua and Lmliaid meins on those porl’ons .1 the ro id olfered lor cm tmcls, as qbove, will he about two a,id a lin millions ol cubic yards. The work will be divide, into sections, ouch about one mile in b-oglh. itlanl for proposals; w ill ho m reudni'es lor the use. llio*e vvlio are dispose I to engage in me vvo.k; m« for the concluding of con.r.ieu on sacn nnipusnl us are acceptable to the hoard ..i UoiimimMoiiu' The work provided lor hve.unlnxeis will bv is. Inenced on or about the first d May next. The country traversed by the Kail Bond, i« H vntnd and rolling, midis rcgnr.le-1 ns on* of t most healthy portions ol /lie lulled »'<*s. I climate is favorable lor field operations uuruig bin mer and w inter. By order oftha Board Coniniies.oncrs, t>. H. i.ONU, t’hiefF.n'gr. W. & A Kail Ko d. CtssvjHe, January SO, 1838 j » w-ti ON THE UIV ER.- 300 1 1.copers red In Potatoes, lor wile low it taken Iron) t Wharf, by JOHN «’(JSKEKV. THU LmVXDKSVI* I.L ACAUUMT . hi |iy AN opened on the firm Monday of iha pres x- W cm month, under the Yupcririu-miuuce of e- Mr. Jno. N. Young, where pup.l- will he instrnc ,li led in llio (/reek mill Itoinnn L.'in;'li:i;',c« ami all id llic brunches ol' English literature Usitloly taught in hi Academies. d Mr. Young in s graduate of Oxfdrd College, in Oliiu, though n native ofthis district. The Trun in loenof (lie Institution foci themselves lolly authoris b- ml to recommend him (in being well qualified In nl discharge the dmieiln which he tins cngnged. lie linn not been long enough Irom College to beeoinc rusly ill the Aanguanes, and pari of that lime lie r* him lieen employed in leaching, and‘has given bill ‘ snlisfacliun ns to Inn quid ilb-anons The Trustees nlsu have the salikfiiclion lo aiinonnee lo (he public s that they have engaged Mn. Aiuiaiiam Cunning ilam to leach the lower brunches, ami cun with prdpriety recommend him as a first rate English r j likelier,having tried him two years previously. The general supervision of the School will de volve upon the principal teacher Ms Young, who ( l together with the Trustee*, will one every exertion lo manage the Seined with that kind ol method and discipline whieh will iillord lo III.) students hulh v " moral and intellectual advutnogen. [' Lowndesville is sitiialed IH miles west of Ahho villi- village, and near the Double bridges on Hdp r j ky River, on n high, dry and sandy ridge, xviifi "* ! ggod water and is perfectly i eulthy. There being *" no slagmiiit waters, or sluggish streams lor some lc miles disiunl, il is therefore out ol llie reoeh oflne noxious cflluvia which is so deslruetive lo health in 10 many other places. Two of iho Trustees have practised physic lor m.ny years in tl e neighbor * hood, and can sjieiiK knowingly of (he superior healllilulllcss ol the place, l.o\vmlesv die is more over silualeJ alinii live miles distant from several *' valualde mineral springs, w Inch have recently been *’ purchased by a euinpany who expert lo have pre -1 parnimns in lor the-reception of visitors * I lie ensuing summer; which w ill allord a valuable r retreat lor a lew weeks,to anv whose eonslit litions L ‘ may rci| ore n. Coud bonding eftn he had m (he " village and in llie Vieig'lihorhooa, at quite conven [| lent distances, on reasonable terms. * JOHN (i, CALDWELL, A. I! A lIMILD, K. IIIJMT, HAMSTER ALLEN, ' UAL C. COERY, ■ J. s. ALLEN, .s.J. MIACELEOUD, Will, I’ASUIAI,, JAME.V CO.SPIiK, MATTHEW VOIJNIS. jan 84 wlt El # a htlot!s;tS?na A(Milcuiy. 1 f B JIF cxcrci.siß ol* ihi.s iriHiimiion will roeom » iiipiicu on Itio Monday in January, 1838 j The liruncliuH ol education usually tong lit in oilier academic*, will Im; (might in this institution, and I hindenlH wlm wikli lo filler college, may ho pre -1 pared here lor admission. Tim priccH ol tuition and board are as low line ti.x in any oilier academy in 1 the same Minimi ol eounlry. KuekorsviJle, near which tins academy is ail anted, ix olio ul llie must llouriwhiiig and Imaliliy low ns in llie upjmr country. There arc eiglil dry good slon s in the village, and Move good hoarding Ihmim s. '1 ho academic building' lbr llie male school is new, rommodiony, and fur islied wnli a large ami w II toned bell. A largs building I t a lemalc academy will have been lin islied before Christina*, and is expected to go into njwratioii the Ist of January ensn ng. Hot ii I hose buildings ore not more than a quartern! a mile Irom Iwo large rhurchw, w here liieic is regular preach ing. A tVabhaili si bool was kepi llie pr senl year, under llie Mipenriloiidunee ol the Keetor, and w ill recommence uh soon as the weather will permit.— 1 lie Keetor is in the habit offending du iy a portion ol the scriptures to the students, followed by a lew (jliesiion* and remarks on the most interesting parts feint. lively exertion w ill he made to proserve I lie mor als of the pupils, mid no student who is not person ally known, will be admitted, without a eoitilicalo ol good moral character, Irom his last loader, or someone winds known to the parlies or toucher. Dr. Keene's ehnrreier ns a lendmr of long experi ence and ability is well Established, and is favorably known in Carolina; hut for the mitisluetion oflhosc however, who do not know him nitliis IS tale, the following euriilieftta is annexed. HFOIOIM) n \ Ki»#si> , , . -- uuaiuus to nave an investigation* I He was prOCfledin** •*- •• ....... ..I*, WiW. WHITE, H IM. A. DECK, I’. ALEXANDER, A. HaMMOND, Jan A. Ci. ark, Sec’y. TruSstecs. i Rnckcr.ville, Elbert co, Cii.,Den 14, 1H',17. The undersigned hereby crruly flint they hove been personally acquainted with Dr. E Ueeseiuany years; that he in on excellent classical scholar, ami eminently qualified for the instruction of youth,botli by experience uml education. M. Waddki., Patrick Nodj.e, Waudy Thomi'son. Abbeville, S. C., Del. 10, 1831. (.lee ‘23 HW w:im OR mislaid, on llie Wlh inst., a common Ni/.ed Leather Pocket Hook, conlaming notes a» well as lean reeallrcl, ns lid lows—One on J hutnns D- Ivey,ol Jullorsun eounlry, lortvvo hundred and ten dollars; one on J. Palmer of Richmond county, for one hundred Will ninety dollars; one on David Pal. liter liir one hundred dollars; one on Peter Lamar ■ ol Lincoln cuimiy, for four hundred and twenty seven dollars; I wo on James Jennings; both together ■ amounting to two bundled and eiglil dollars; and several other smaller notes which Ido not now re member, together with scrip ol Rank Stock ol llie Uiirion Ihinh, llnmch nt Augusta lo the amount of I thirty shares. Also a number ol other papers oj - value to mo. Any imfornmlion in relation to the s above will ho thankfully received, besides a liberal leward n ill he given for the Rook and ns contents oct)DO—if—&4 THOMAS J. JENMNHS. • I OST tv u Certificates ol stock in llie Dnr.en 11 l i hunk; one No (ill, for (weiiiy shares, dated '* Slhtl Jlan h IHitli, signed by K S Rees, cashier; ‘ llie oilier No 737 tor ten shares, dated 1 Mlti May IHJ7, and also signed by E M Rees, raslm r Rolli *' ol said certificates arc in my name. They were *’ hist sometime since together wilh a pocket hook. 11 The object of this advertisement is lo comply with the tonus required by the hunk to procure new p cenifiiaies. TUOS J J ENNINI.S, v Jan I VI ttflm “ ""TWENTY D01.1.A Its KKAVAKO. 1, RAN ANV \Y from Iho ~ JSf ,pianlatmn of J. W. li my. fia. J dec'll, in Columbia coumy, a ffrJ bout the Ist December, a JVo / gro man, by the name of Lkw / ,8 ' “tout iwenty cight year, o' age, ol a yellow i omplexioii Inn not a miiliillo, stout and square huill, mid still ter* very badly. He is supposed to be lurking ahold _ llie city of Augusta, ns helms a wife here Tin ■. above reward will tie given lor his apprehension am confinement in any safe jail, or delivery to , ISAAC U.W/SAY, jan 13 d&wtf 10 Columbia county. t. AiUtl Reward. l S 1 OST on Tuesday ryoning i:\st,rithor in Angus I JI J ta, or ou tin* \N rightshoro’ road, x\ it Inn mile* of AtiguaUi,a Ki*cl Mnrorco I*(H'KKT lK »OK,rou laming 310 in hilln, llu» l»m ks rocollerl 1 • ; ed. # rho name of ihe subscriber is wriiti'n inside the l ‘ N ( Pocket Hook. The above reward w ill be given loi **' : thedelive’.y oftlu* Pocket Hook and Money lo Mr .V. I.otie, nt the Globe Iloltd, or to llie Kubaenhor ir 11,1 Craw lonlvillc. PUDS. J WKLHUHN. uno 30 ■ l. r >3 if n; - he Law i\olicr. h undersigned have lormcd a Co-parliiershi| nt H for the praelieo of Law. They will altem r the Courts of franklin, Hall, Habersham and Ua in' bun, and lo nil business enirn-ted to the r care n re the Cherokee Clrellll, in Ihe Circuit Court of tin ,u l i Hulled Mates lor the Heorgi.i District. Their otßei ' r . !is in Clarksville, Habersham county it- RICHARD \V //aREUSIIAM. h- 1 RAKNAUI) E. HABERS/7AM. m- Dee If. wHt BV4 nil' 1 -T -ai, Law \ohcr. iks W,,1, v a sox —(l it* of (leor'rin*) iii 1I AS removeii to the City of New Oil ana, fu mi, i ** -d- the pu.'pottu ofdev oiiug hm*»elf lo the pnic ils j lice of KAv\ . ia. Kt»l*Kiiix.NCTjS—Col. T. t Foster, Colqueli mi- Midi *V LVhol., A H. i h ipjHill,//on NV (’. Daw 1 pon, /ion. John P. King. Mai K H Head, Augiu h>. ui, Cieo ; J/iller Uipley vV f.*o Charleston, S. the \ Jan -1 bin *2 » | TO RENT ffl And imm« note posNCssion given, ava j -U uahle Uiver Plantation, 3 miles bt i ivy Augusta and Hamburg, on tiie Caro’ina sale < Ih« rixer, containing about 13) nme* of loi “• ' irounds ol a superior qu dii v, in II *he »irM ol Jni ncKi. 1 lie greater part ol ihih land is ol aru i«ti j u lu\ml and iviningla* h«>d. i'orn a.M foJuer cm (bi> Imj hud on llie place. For term* apply to C/MHLES LAM AR, f>bi 3'T,vJl milrc 1k»!ow Hamhu/^ , I K. V.* J. (11LL, . 1 attuu.vjes at law, fi Moticello mid Eaten ton, Georgia, ' 1 LL practice In i lie several courts of thecoun- II * w ties of Jasper, Jones, Morgan, Fulnatn, Uald u win, Units, Henry, Newton, Monroe, Wallos, and in the Federal Court lor the district ol Gaorgia. i, REFERENCES, i- Aiuuila. —A. 5 4iT. W. Miller; Webster, I’ar i- mnlee At Co I llarrfTblti), Rirley, cjr Co. o Macon. —Foe <fe N ikbit, If wiry G. Lamar, Charles e J. McDonald. e Savannah. —Berrien and Cuyler.G. B. Lamar, Jo e soph W. Jacks On. II Chattel lon —James 1.. Feligruc, Weed i \ Fannin, s C. At G, 11 Kelsey At J/slsleud. c The Charleston Cfthrier und Mercury, and New i- York Courier end Enquirer will the above li twice a week ftfr’C morn bn and forward their accounts li to tin* o/lice. nov 17 wfnn 85‘J TFV DOU-ARS REWARD! BROKE Jail in Burke county on Friday night ( liiHt, n prisoner who was confined in the Jml I of, aid county, by the iiriino of John Sullivan, ! about "ft ’feet lb incheshigh, light haired,small beard, light complexion, thin vissged, and about 22 year'; old, cue of bin front upper leeih deltlivc: a down ciiHt look when spoken to. Also, a negro belong , ‘lirfc to AS Mellon bl thin county, by the name ol ' Salem, about 15 yeanc old, very dark nkhi | The above reward will he given for 'the appro ” bernioll of the hbove limned John Sulliran , Jan 80 84 John A ROBERTS, Jailor. COLUMBIA BHERIFF»B sale. ON the first Tuesday in .March next, will be sold at C'idiiiubiu Court House, bet ween ihe usual hours of sale : A Tract of bond containing City-five acres, more 1 or less, on Sweet Water Creek, adj irnirtf; Win. D. Stanford and others; to salisly three li. f.s. from the Justices’ Court of district George W. Culpepper vs. John Harness anil Janus Culpepper, la-vied on mid returned to me by a < 'unstable Jan. :io uictiauu //. joaen, sh ir. (el) I w Id Bfi U AUK E N Ml IJ HI I r’s"sA L li. W' 11,1, bo sold on the first I’ucsday in ,1/areh next, within the usual hours of sale, at the Court House in Uurreillon: Fifty tores of I,and or the waters of Rocky Com fort Greek; levied on as lb) prop--ly ol William Fi bs to satisfy two li. bis. from a Justices’ Court, in favor of Sherwood Allen vs. said William lillis; ad joining H’m C. Hruniiain and others. i,ovy made anil returned to rite by a Constable. Jan B‘J JliU/CMIA/f I’FU/i’YMAN, Sh’lT. fid) I will 2fi SCHI YEN SII KIUFF’S SAI 7e7~ A >,N the first Tuesday in March nekl, will be sold vJ' before (be Court House in Jnrksonboro’: A negro girl by the nan e of Fimbiy, levied on ns the piope ty ol James Thomas losnlisfy lour cxorai lions from a Jusliees’ Court, in luvor of iWathuw II ipkius. Levy made and renamed to mo by a Constable. JACOB BRYAN, Sh’fl’. Jon. 29 [feb 1 wtd 86 ■ EFFERSON SHERIFFS SALE.- v * 11 ill be sold, on the lir.-t Tuesday in Mareli next, at the market bouse in I lie town of Louisville, between the usual hours of sale, (bo following pro perty lo wit: the interest of K L Knight in a Tract of I.mill j in J< Corson county, adjoining lands of Mrs. Stinson Hudson and others. Levied on to satisfy a fi. fit. in favor ofT. A H Jones, vs. F- I. Knight, property pointed out by J Darrel, fid. 5. ms Wtd R J FARMER, Slilf, COLUWIUA MIEKf y F »S SALE. ON the first Tuesday in April next) will be sold at Colimiliia Court House between the usual hours ol sale the following properly, lo wit;— One Buggy, one bay Horse, one mahogany Side board, I dinning aud ten Table, one Secretary, one caudle stand, two large mirrors, I mantle clock, 1 dozen chairs, 4 curtain bedsteads, beds, and form lure; lo satisfy a mortgage from Columbia Interior Court. James J. W. Burroughs ngauist George Tlcomes. iVouorly pointed out in said mortgage. Jan. JO RICHARD 11. JUNES, Sl/lf. (eb 1 wtd 86 WILL be sold on the lOlli of March ' ol (be plantation .all the nrooos. ing lo Arnoa ll am that lue bill hey belong milted to a Core-.Vueekased, late of Burke eoun- I ty; consisting ol five horses; cattle, sloek bogs; ! ,om and fodder; plan.nthm tools, bouse bold ! mid kili-boii furniture; six thousand pounds of seed ; rollon; one horse curl; oho bag cotton. Ate. [ Terms at sale. E G KIRKLAND, Ailrnr. j Jun 2‘.i 2'Jwtd with the will nnneied. HV virtue of a decree in Chancery, in the Supe rior Court of Columbia county, w herein Sim mon • rim lord, ndu imstralur with the H ill annex i (i il Jessey Winfrey, deceased, is complainant,and l James Cartledge,administrator on Ihe estate of Ad j am Walker, deceased, and others are defendants, | will be sold,in Columbia Court House, on the first | Tuesday m March next, between the usual hours of I sale, eleven negroes, consisting of men, women and children. In wit, Wallace, Argylc, Dorab, Sally, I’atsy, Mary,young Fanny, Jinny, Mtlly and child Julia, and David, n buy. Sold ns the property of the estate ol Mrs. Julia Wood, deceased. Terms 1 cash. GABRIEL JONES, adm'r. ( Jon 4 wld 2 Os Julia Wood, deceased; A ORE EARLE to an order of the Honorable . the inferior Court of Richmond comity, when silling for ordinary purposes, will be sold on tbo first Tuesday in March next, between the usual hours of sale, al the market bouse in the cily of Augusta, five negroe slaves, viz . Sandy, Isaac, John, Elbert, and Mary, a woman. Also, 200acres of Land, belonging to the estate of Rebecca Burch, ; late of said county,deceased. Terms on the day ' of sale. L. II BURCH, adm'r. 1 Jan 4 wld 2 a GREE.MIL E to nn order of the honorable the iV Inferior Court of Scriven county, w ill be sole ' before the court house door in Jacksonhoro', be- I tween the usual hours of sale, mis thousand acre. ’ of pine Land, in said county. Also, two hundred 1 acres hammock Land, lying in the same county, he 1 longing to the minor heirs ot John Black, deceased F sold for the benefit of said heirs. MARY BLACK, Guard’ll. ‘ Fob sth, 1838 wtd 33 i’ AGREEABLE to an order of the Interior com of Burke eo. w hile silling for ordinary purpose will be sold on ike first Tuesday ill April next, u e the court house door in the town of Waynesboro , between ill* usual hours of sale, Four Ini mire, i- nm's of I,Mild, more or less, adjoining lands o >■ Dr B B Miller vnd A Duke, belonging to the eslal . -of Jonathan Johns, deceased, sold for the benefit o rs the heirs mid creditors of the said deceased, i, Terms ol sale on the day. I- Jan 26 21 wtd JEStSE JOHNS, Admr. it —— - ie %*7ILI. HE SOLI) on the first Tuesday i i) 2* April next, al the Court House door in |b town of ThomasviJle, Thomas county, within lb usual hours of sole, viz- Lot ok Land No 305 in lb 17tb District, formerly Earley,now Thomas county containing Two Hundred mid Fifty Acre more or less; sold by an order of the c inn of ofdir s- ary when silling for ordinary purposes in Collin ■» bin county; sold for the benefit of the heirs an i- creditors of Edward W ado, deceased, late ol C( I- lumliiii county. Terms on tbo day of sale, e Jan 18 13;w ld ROB'l BOLi’ON, Adm’r. f- ILL bo sold on live first Tuesday in Male n V T next, between ihe usual hours of sale, r mo Market boiue in I lie city of Augusta, by virtu ol an order ol the Honorable Interior Court c Columbia county when silling for ordinary purpi ses, eighty two acies, more ot less of Fine Lund, i 1J Richmoiul eonnly, five miles above Augusta, ad 1 joining lands ol James G. Stallings, Benjamin I, ILarren and others, it being a pnrlot I He real eslut 11 of \\ 1 1 limn V hitconib, deceased, and to be sold fi IC ' the pur; ose of distribution among the heirs of sui e deceased. 'Forms made known at the sale. GABRIEL JONES, Trustee, For the heirs of Win Whitcomb, deceases dor 26 wtd 201 EXECITOII’S KALE. UJ IL Lbo sold on Thursday ihe 10th day < Mnich next at the Into residence of Williai Bowers, deceased, late of Lincoln county, the pn pony ol the said deceased, consisting of corn, fin li dor, Ac. House hold and Kitchen furniture, uu v’ other aniclts. JOSHUA D.vNIEL, Admr. i g . Jan 23 18;wld VU.Ml.MS’l'lt ATO II S SALE. ILL be so d at the lino residence ol Janu v » M. I’map deceased, in Columbia county, o il- Wednesday the 7 1 li day of March next, Ihe crop i >e- corn, fodder and peas; the stock of hogs, rank id mules and horses; household and kitchen furnitun w pismatum tools, At. Terms on the day. Also, n. In Augusta, on lliel'Mli March next, at the wan i h house ol Itaird and Rowland, the Crop of Cot in ten of Forty-four lings. Terms Jri the da' ■B Bio hADMINISTRATOR. Jim 25 20:td lEOKOlColumbia county. . WREHEAS William Yarborough,adminurtra ' (or on the estate of Jamet Y'arborough, de ceased applies (or lidtcrs Dismissory, These are therefor to rile and admonish all and 1 lingular the kindred and creditors of said dec’d to be md a|ifiearat tny'offic i wilhm the lithe prescribed >y law, to shewcause, .f any they have, why said - letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, if. Appling, thia s 15th day of Sept., 1837. sept 18 inGt GABRIEL JONES,clerk. Georgia, Jlurke county: i, \\/ UEREAS George S Morris applies (or lel w» tors of ndminisirntion on the estate ul Mar s' .garth SI arp,'lfiJcol stud county, dec'd. e These are tin reffre to cite and admonish all and s singular, the kindred and creditors t/f the said de -9 ceased, to file their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, in my office, t to shew cb'fse \Vhy said letters should not be grant ■ ed. Given under rny hand' and eehl at office, thia 30th Jan. 1637. T 11 BLOJJNT.fe Cl’k. l’ jeb 2 ’fr'SUd 27 5 Georgia, Ilurke’county: " %*/HEKEA-S, David '1 inly applies for Letters ■ •» o( Adnim.straiiun, with the will annexed, on the Estate of Thomas Gabard, like o( said county,deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and ■singular the kindred an creditors of said deceased ffi file their objections (if rmy they have) in my of fice Xvithin the lime prescriOed by law, to shew I cause why 'said letters should not be granted. Given tinder my hand at o*fllCe, in Waynesboro', this 30th Jannniy, 1838. e job 2 tVSOd Til BLOUNT, 1) Clk’. Georgia, Uurkc county. 1 HEREAS Sarah Ann Rogers applies f„r * v letters of administration on the estate of Na than Rogr is,deceased. 'J'hesenro therefore to cite and admonish all and .'ingiilar the kindred and creditors of said di ceased to ho and appear at my office w ithin the time pre scribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, i why said letters should not be granted. . Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro' litis 25. h dav of January, 1838. Jan 29 23wtd TJI IJLOUNT, Dccniv. Georgia, Sen veil count yt HEKEAS William M'dure applies (or let • • lets of administration on the estate ot .Luke ! Mizgalcs, deceased, 'i bese are then fore to cite and admonish all and singular Iho kindred and creditors of Iho said de ceased, to he and appear at my office within ttic time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they fene, why said letters should i(Bt, He granted. Given tinder my hand at office, in Jacksonboro’ this 25th day of January 1838-. Jan 29 23wtd JOSHUA PERRY, Clk. Georgia, Utirke couiityi ' HEKEAS Elizabeth BiW applies for letters of administration on the estate of Nothin Bird, deceased, 'J hose bre ihoreforo to cite and admonish nil and sigutur the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the lia c pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should nut be granted. Given under my band, at Waynesboro’, this 22d day! of January, 1838. T II H LOU NT, D CVk. Jan 2C w3od 21 Georgia, Utirke county: W Samuel Dowse, applies for let » » ters of adminislatiun on the estate of John 11. W lii/rliead, (let.'easccl. These are therefore to cite and admonish all ibid singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be, and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to file their objections,if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro’, Ibis 22d day of January, 1838. jan 28 w3od T. If. BLOUNT, D Cl'k. Georgia, Uurkc county: i — 1 VL HEKEASiLiVrs.—<»■ j[ 0 ” * pb.ii > <• .itooro applies for letters of culminislralion on he estate ot Joint Haws deceased. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ol said dec’d to be and appear at my office, within the time prescrib ed by law,to show cause* il any they have, why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand, at Waynesboro’, this 22d day ol January, 1838. TII BLOUNT, I) Cl'k. jan 26 w3Ud Georgia, .leflerstm County. WIiEREAH Muses Brinson, jr. ap| lies ti mo lor letters of Administration de bonus non on the estate ol Wm. Strettman late hi said county, deceased, o t ’1 bese lire therefor o cite and admonish all and singular the bindred and creditors of said deceased to life their objections (if any they have) in my office within the time prescribed by law Given under my band at office, in Louisville, this 16th day of Jan 1838. E IIOTHWELL, IdivvSOds Clerk C. O. Georgia, Uurkc county: \\l HEKEAS, EG Kirkland applies for letters \ • of administration on the estate of Adroit //am, deceased, with the will annexed. (These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular lie kindred and creditors of said dec’d to be and appear at my office, within the lime piescrib cd by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not beg. anted, s Given under my hand, at Waynesboro, this 22d , day of January, 1833. Tll BLOUNT, Dcco B c. , Jan 26 2lwtd Georgia, Uurkc County. WHEREAS James Grubbs Administrator of the estate of Wm. Bryant, deceased, applies d tome for letters of dismission. !>• These arc therefor to cite and admonish all and ■s singular the kin Ired and creditors of said dee'd to d be and appear at any office, within the time prcscrib s- ed by law, to shew couse,if any they liave, why d said letters should not be grated. Given under my band at office in Waynesboro, this 221 day of January 1838. Jan 26 21mGm T H BLOUNT, kcobc, »t Georgia, Uurkc county: is, \\/ HEKEAS Edmund Garliek applies for let at » w ters of administration debonis non on the o, estate of Wm. DeWoll, deceased. -cl These are therefore incite and admonish all and ol singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, te to he and appear at my office within the time pro of scrilicd by law, to shew cause if any they have, w hy said letters should nut be granted. Given under my baud at office, in Waynesboro’ this 27tb day of January 1838. Jan 3Jj 21 ,T 11 BLOUNT, i> cco B c in he Georgia, Jefferson county, he I » HEKEAS Elizabeth I’ool applies for lel he ters of Administration on the estate and efi ly, foots of Samuel I’ool, late of said county, deceased, es These are therefore l . cite and admonish all and it- singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, in- to be and appear at my office within the lime pro ltd scribed by law, to file their objections, if any they o- hove, to shew cause why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at Louisville, this ICtI - Jun 1838. E BOTH WELL, di 14:w 30ds Clerk C. O. " U - \\7 ILL be sold, at public outcry, on Monday of It the ;9th February next, between the usual O’ hours of sale, at the Court House in Canton, Chero > n kee county, Geo. lhetra,-t of Land, cuiilaining lfi( <1- acres, known as lot 7(1. in the 14th Disl of the 2<i IL Nee in Cherokee county, belonging to the estate ol he Airs Hannah Lungslreel, late of Richmond county lor deceased. Said lot is about 6 miles irom Cantor 'id on the main rood along the Hightower river, ant being at the foot ol the mountain, offers a most de sirable site for a country sture and home of Enter tl- taimnonl. 'J’cnns of sale i cash, the remaining 1 in cqua payments at 6 and 12 months, secured by notei payable in Atigtisia, with interest fre m date, and by °» a mortgage on the lot. ‘"t At the same Uffic and place, and upon the saint ro ’ terms, Lot 1192. oist. 19, sect. 3, Cherokee conn •“* ty, containing 40 acres oak and hickory upland. “ d W. W. J/AN/V, ExT. dec 22 wBt 299 The Standard of Union will publish the abovi ~ weekly till the day ot sale and forward its account jo W. AV .Alntitt, Augusta, lor seltlcmem. ics I /.L he sold on the 2(lth day of Frbrunn I VV next, at the plantation of the late Hear ’ Byne, of Uu.'.e couiny, the perishable properly be ’ longing to the Estate of G. IV. 11. Byne, late o re . Bnrko county, deceased ; Com, Fodder, Horses lt _ Cows, Hogs, Sheep, Household and Kitchen Fnrni tare, together with a number of other ■ ’ Terms on the day of sale. jan 11-wid 8 W. W. HUGHES,ndm’r. lV H n Utkes ihi/niatliod tokSirm tha patrons 0 f the Wesleyan Nmsion C ZSS’,,& ~eW «**c generally, lh..t k hit* O br , it that tf< !* lo W( > ‘|.dure, and taken charge of '.."’ s ltulo "’M'-ely i established at Williams < Cf° vmid, nul«3| w Wutkinsville, in Clark m 'count J his ileter/^ )t g on j, lls no| p rt . ri induced by a %«1 Wesleyan Mansion; I, 11 f? 1 ’ m „A rti ’* >eC I'- 11 W l -'“eti sustained beyond 1 .‘ e °. Ita r^netor: but by a clobber- “ j ate etlfiVrVin, tbai Academy, undet . tls prcsenlVudeilt «rtnlL lfn!iji tho subscrihet will be abhVdo a largemilm ount 0 f rood, with “ . more pfeusurViJ profit t«hi lnse n; than he has ® - lieen able to Munroo.wiiie new institution J w ill consist u l%b ranches %, e >>arale houses, one 1 ? ,r T2siflßiW!l A competent * employed, m conduct the >, tentale branch,direction of the principal , ■, teacher ; but the jßvqed classes i n that brunch , ,- will make their recital, < to the principal: The s ,vvo Academies are local at a short distance from ( each othvr, and the tenchei dwelling cemrally be- ( tweenllietn : and it is belief that such measures * hav«-been adopted *ftt will sore the advantages, without rtredistulvanlages, of Vixed «e.*~All s 111!) principal Vicos, mid fashtoi\ ;*«Wjfc B 0 I, o) town and village schools, areV* tlt^l,.| u< i j ed from this establishment. Thevaoemy is fur- 1 nished with on extensive Chemtcol.Miilosophical 1 1 and Astronomical apparatus, together th a nura- ! 1 berol large and elegant maps, and otlK facilities for the promotion of education. In vieWithelo / cality of farmers Academy situated as it in one of the most pleasant and healthful seclronVo; ie U p ' , country, together with its olhoi advantages, lh, u i*. senber does not hesitate to promise to pupils, Ur. ger amount of benefit limn he hs» bees able here, lore to give them. EveryptWflulioti that » prudeiiy forethought Ims suggested, Ims been taken, to thro r around the morals ol pupils the strongest and most . effectual safeguards. All the branches (both solid and ortiamentaU of a liberal and extensive educa | lion, util no taught in this institution, and at inodc | rate prices Hoarding may be bad at the Academy mid within the distance of one mile from it, in the , most respectable families, for eight dollars, or less, per month. I‘ergons wishing timber information, will please address to thesubsenber. at Ins present residence. uulrl Christmas-, and after thru lime, at Williams’ Cross Roads, Clark county. The Academy is ex pected to open on the first Monday in January next; and it is very desirable tbai pupils, designed Ibr this school,should IVc present at the commencement of the year. Their advancement, as Weil as our con venience, would thereby he promoted. JESSE C. FAULETT. Dec 13 291 m3m Georgia, Jefferson County: //II RE A.S', Wm, Jeffers applies for Letters y ¥ of Administration do bones nun on the estate of Rich ird .Spires, deceased. 7'hesc are t herefore, to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ul said deceased to be and appear ul my ollico within the time pre scribed by law, to file their objections if any llicy have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, at office, in Lnursvil e.lliis sth day of Eeb 1838. EBENU. HOT//WELL, Feb 8 3/ld Clerk. Georgia, Scriven County; »/i/ 11KREAS, Elijah Oliver applies for Letters * * of Administration on the i.slate of Jacob Oliver, deceased, Ul kids county. These are tboreloro to cite uaa admonish all nnd sing ilnr the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at n.j office within the lime prescri bed by law, to file their objections, if any they have, to shew cause way said letters should not be granted. Given under my band, at office, in Jacksonboro’. this stb day of February, 1838. JOSHUA FERRY, c c. o. s. c. Feb 9 30d 33 Georgia, Scrlvdrt Comity: ...» luv.—-- * %'MT nIIIaREAS, William Greene applies for Let ters ol Administration on the Estate of John W. Bryan, det vised, of this county. These are therelore to die and allmoH’fih til! liHtl singular the heirs ami creditors of said deceased, to be mid appear at my office within the lime prescri bed by law, to file their objections it any they have to shew cause why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Jacksonboro’, this slh day of February, 1833. JOSHUA FERRY, c c o s c. Feb 9 30J _9 GEORGIA,) By the Uourl of Ordinary for Burke count;/ y said County. WHEREAS John S'axon, Administrator of Joint S. Kenner, deceased, late of said conn ty, have petitioned said court for letters diSinisssory suiting that ho has fully administered said estate these are therelore la cite and admonish nil con cerned, to heund appear before said cdurl on the first Monday in May next, and then and there shew cause why said lelleis should nut be granted. Hy olderof the court. Ti If. BLOUNT, httiouc nov 10 Cni 201 GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary, Scriven county. > September Term 1837. UPON application of .Alexander F. Hopson,admi nistrator dc boms non,of the esitflb Green I) Feared dec’d., staling that lit lias fully administered suid estate and praying citation for lelcrs dismissory, it is on motion ordered, tiiat the clerk do issuea cita tion requiring all persons to shew cause why the same shall not be granted—and that the same be published once a month lbrsi» months. A true extract Irom the minutes, this 12th day of September, 1837. JOSHUA /’ERFY, cl'k. nov. 4 m6m 259 GEORGIA,) By the Court of Ordinary ol said - Burke county. J County. , "ttriIEREAS Allen S B I’rior executor of Ed » ▼ tiitmd Prior, deceased, late of said county 1 I has petitioned (or letters dismissory, staling that • he Ims fully administered said estate These are therelore to eite and admonish nil con ' rented to be nnd appear before sahl court on the first Monday in May next, ami then and there shew cause , why said letters should not be granted. Hy order of the court. T II BLOUNT i> c c o a c nov 10 wfim 2(54 GEORGIA, > By tlid Court of Ordinary lurke county: $ Burke county. E ftft / 11IIR EAS Benjamin Mobley,Robert F. El m listen, and Thomas T. Elliston, Executors 1 if Robert Elliston, dec'd , late of Burke county, • ms petitioned l life tlourt for letters dismissory. “ These are therefore to cite and admonish all per *» tons interested so file I heir objections in the Clerk’s , ffice by the first Monday in March next, why said ' otters should not bo granted. By order oftho court; T. 11. BLOUNT, D. sept 15,1837 mfit 218 GEORGIA,) Hy the Court Ordinary lor sunj .. Burke enmity, $ Count" p. •VK/HEREAS A'afall Smith Administratrix, 1. W W ami Allen S H Prior, Administrator ol d James J Smith, deceased, late of said county, have 1, petitioned said court for letters dismissory, staling ;- that they have fully administered said estate, y '1 bene are therefore to cite and admonish all con e corned to heund appear before said court on the firs Monday in Mav next, and then ond there show j, cause why said letters shall not be granted. Hi order of the court T 1! BLOUNT, dc co „ c _ nov 10 wdm 9P4 it POUR months nfler dale upplicalion will hi ). •*- made to the Honorable the Inferior Court o 10 Burke county, when silting lor ordinary purposes j for leave to sell as 1 1 fie re if and personal properly o //enry Utley, late of Burse comity, deceased. l, WILLIAM UTLEY, ) . , , GREEN UTLEY, \ A dm rs. d WO I 331 mlm ’ month* after date, applicalioi7wilTl) r- ft- made to the Honorable Inferior Court of JefTet sou county, when sitting lor Ordinary purpose, lb si leave to Sell the Real Estate of tlic’late Aatlmi ;s Brassed, dec’d of said count v y NATHAN HRASSTL.ndm’r. jan 4 ntdt 2 With the will annexed, te >■ months afterdate application will bemad ft- to the honorable the Justices of the Infcrio Court of .Scriven county, while sitting for ordinar purposes, for leave to sell the Lands belonging u ■ e the Estate of John M. Roberts, deceased, late o 11 saul county. STEPHEN MlLES,adm’r DELIA ROBERTS,adm’rx. ~ Feb sth* 1838 4tm 33 ry pOl Rinonllis afterdate,application will be niaih e- ft. to the honorable the inferior court of Columbii ol county while silting Ibr ordinary purposes,for leave ti is. sell the real estate of the late Elbert B Dana of sail ti- county deceased, lor the benefit of the heirs am creditors. , ALFRED J DUNN, Adm'r. \ no '’ 12 td 363 EMANCIPATION. THIS celebrated English Racer >'R&l and splendiu Stallion will occupy *},y™ "TtkUowlon’s Stand, at VV. Hampton's Wood-lands Estate, five mdea below VT J*’4! Columbia, under the direction of Mr J. Geiger, and be let to Mares t $75 the season, 3120 to insure, and one dollar to lig groom; the money to be paid in advance. The eason will commence on the first of February, and ml tha Ist o( July. Extensive rye and grass paa ures provided lor Mures, and separate lots for such , is may have young loals, and mares well fed at fifty 1 :enls per day. Every cure will be taken to guard [gainst accidents, but no responsibility, should they accur. Emancipation, so named under the great excite ment aboul the emancipation of the Roman Catholics wits bred bv Mr. Kiddle, and was footed in- 1847.. He w s got by Whisker, town brother to WHale- Itone, &c.) sire ofTlte Colonel and Memaon, winners of the St Lcger. His dam was got by Ardrossan, one of the best sons of the famous John Bull; his g dam.Ladv Eliza, by Whitworth; hisg.g.dara, X Y Z’sdam, by Spadille, out of Sylvia, by Youug Marshe, Ac. My reference to the 7th vol page 101 of the T. K. and S. Magazine, his extended pedi gree maybe iedn, as also his performances on the turt, which latter are but little inferior to any homo ever imported into this country, i/eis a beautiful bay, with blacklegs, mane and tail,sixteen hand* high, of great length, and commanding figuru. His none is large, with muscles well defined; his ac lion goon, and accompanied by indication* of un- * co .imoti power. His stock are considered very, promising; bis oldest were two years old last spring; of these, some few were trained last season, and two of them have been winners, viz., AiigeSr, who won the Chillington stakes, August sth, beating a. Sfield office others, at Wolverhampton; and Cedi' t Nnsation, winner of a slake at lledncaferd, October I bpallWg tlirco others. >• Black servants sent w ith Marcs, no charge 1 W™ mtple; having no accommodations for win to ; persot\,, t i, e 8 ., 0 t, they must board elsewhere. 5 janfl) wla H IIICKOKY j ()IIN< — - THIS celebrated racer and llto t’.'rli bred Horse, has left this>dl4ce a sf* , ' ot '-'is stand i.t La Grange, ’i'roup Xm ibis State, where be wilt v J r<tnaiSf.£, r the Spring season.(Only,* S> under c\-harge, as lie will make bias i appearance on the Tml ,gain this fall, when life will have bad time to reci,.or from an injury sus tained in one of his feet, wbcaon bis way hence to Columbia. His terms w ill bo StdO the season, paya ble within the season ; $lOO insurance, payable ay -1 ushal, ami $1 to the Groom. As a racer, it is not known that bo lias any superior—in point of breed ing be has but few equals—be traces through the, most fashionable and approved crosses to the.Md cub indro, the ancestress of Basccmbe, and. a host, of other highly distinguished on the Turf and in i the Stud. His color is u rich chestnut, and bis form unites beauty and strength to a degree-. His pedtgr- W and performances will bo published at length it.y hand bil s. Mures that may bo sent to him wil! bo well taken ■, care of at the usual hues and terms. HERRING & JETER, I.a Grange, Troup counti, Geo. DO-The Columbus Enquirer, Standard Macon Telegraph, and Montgomery Jo'urttaT will'; publish the above once ti W'eekfor C. weeks and l fet’-' ward llieir accounts to us for payment jnn 17 wfit 13 Ucorffia Kali MADDUX ADAM & CO. beg leave to inform" the merchants and planters that the rail rood K. to Wnrrenton will be in operation la a, few days anti % that they will attend to receiving and forwarding any. V Goods or Cot on consigned to them. 'J’ltey beg to -. ■ assure all those who may favor them, with their*' 1 commands that every exertion will be used or>iMii»*i ' Cieoi’gia I'emale College* SCOTTSUORO’ GEORGIA fTJHG Spring term of this Institution, 1833 wrIPJ A open oh Monday, January Bth.. ft is desira ble that ill! students should be p-ssefiC* ateUie so inutioH of classes, on the first day if the terra? Th#' 1 government of the Institution is s'xict, but salutary’ bcitg by written laws and const tuition-,-.which nro rigidly enlbrced, after the manner of the republican- Stale Governments of this country,. A pamphlet, , containing hints on Female Education, .our system t of instruction, discipline, &c , will shortly hr pnb lished, and sent to all who may feel inlcrcsWff* enough to apply for it, by letter to tile-Faircipal. 'J’lte boors lor instruction arc front day light till* ■ nine o’clock P. M. (summer and winter ) reserving , | four hours for meals ami recreation. On Sat Or - are engaged only till noon.- The Ly ceum. (a literary and scientific -Society,) of which - the Princtdal i’s ex officio. President) maels every . ( iSatufdny evening. 'This society has- been estnb- * . lished but n lew months, and has already proven it- ’ I self to be immensely improving to r.h» young ladies; Wo pledge ourselves to impart irvone year’s time ’ to any young lady, who possesses n good muußand who can read fluently, a handsome handwriting,u i a correct knowledge of Grammar, Arithmetic,Geog— 1 raplty and spelling. A married gentleman, from South Carolina,, i. engaged in llie drawing and painting, diapartment. His work will coihpare with any artist's- in the Southern Stales. Besides the above branches, he > will teach portrait and minature painting,gilding,:. bfUllzilig, siiiaUing, transferring prints, fancy works with pcrfiralcd paper, <fcc. Ac. Itv (he musical 4 -’ deparin.erit. instruction will be given,otuhe piano, j guitar, and flageolet. Lectures every night on hu->* • man and comparative Physiology, - Botany, Aitrdit-' omy, Chemistry, Ac. Ac. Exertions are I'diig m idoto have a’clergynwimf- I tacliH'! to the institution, which will he effected wi',’,l as liltledelay ns possible. lE© have*. library . of 800 vulninos—an herbarium of 2 WO' species'6C . plants,collected by the Principal, in tie State of. Soulli Carolina—optical instruments —Chemical ap* 1 puralus, maps, globes, Ac. 7’lte young laities are requested to dress plainly ' —not to wear jewels of any sort, and not. to attend 1 balls and parties. No store accounts without tho c sanction of parents or guardians. Such as have r accounts will be required to tegister all their ex penses in a book they will keep for the purpose Pnt:ons will receive a minute report of their chilr - then's progress in theirsludies. Hoard can bo bad in the village. We solicit the patronage of our -Southern frrcndsv I and pledge ourselves to labor to deserve it. We not s only invite but would be flattered by the visits of all who may be disposed to attend our lectures, re citations, Ac. on any day or hour during the week, L. LATASTK. s ANiVA M. LATASTE, d dec 27 wISJAmSm 302 Principals. TO UUAT OWNERS AND PATKUONS Navigating Savamth and Broad riven i an act. of the General Assembly of the state' “ 13 of Georgia, assented to the 26th December, ?836;> it is made he duly of the inferior courts of the sev b oral counties of said slate, bordering on, or which I navigable waters pass through, to cause to be pub r lished, the provisions of the several acts of the ge f ntfal assembly, regulating boat owners,their agent* and patrouns, navigating said waters. ). By the albresaut acts every boot navigating titer ,1 Savannah Or Broad rivers, are requirrd to have tv \ white piiiruon,with n Bill of Lading ready prepared y to exhibit to any white person, who may wish to examine the contents of the boat under their charge, showing the name ot said palroon and consignee a i the cargo aboard of said boat, and furthermore fei - bids any boat ow ner,their agent or patruotqto permit >e any boat band being a slave; to put tm board of their if boat, any corn, cotton, peas,slock ot any kind, poul s, try or other articles in which by law lliey are lorbid _>i to trudick, except the same is exhibited in the hill of lading of the owner ol said boat or his agent,and un der his or their direction entered, making it penal • again't every offender of the aforesaid acts. Therefore,all concerned will lake notice, that the -- acts of which the ibregoing is extracted will lie en forced against offenders who may be taken in Gift county of Lincoln. • m ‘ I.ewis Parks, W. 15. Cantelow, John Moss, Stephen Stovali, Peter Lamar, le M , Judges of Inferior court or noY 23 278 o 4'' OT; BROWN of Brown’s Ferry, tooklrom llie f , f Indians one head guard' t him with “Win Flour noy August 22; 1834,” w orked in it with gold beads also, one full jew elled double-camd homing w atclJ with gold guard chain and key—the watch lilw three letters on the front case—the owner, or any of | e his relations can get it by describing letters and pror ia II g properly. If no applinatioh be made 11 four , 0 months, the watch will be sold and the proceeds di ,l vided among the troops,—application to be made lr> i the editor of the Columbus Herald for the chain, and lor the Watch to Col. Brown. The Columbus Herald will copy the above ami orward the account to Col Brown, nov 27—tf277