Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, June 09, 1838, Image 4

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*I'IIK aiiliM ril'. i »,Ml ii i imvk lm< or lliiw jimlli > 1 lor iiihlriK non to flit? ('lmvim , t\jr. at hin rr-M Hanre, nrar Anlievill«*, Bmicnmlm roimty, N. < 'lb-; cuumo lo commence early in July. No youth will "beallowed lo remain w hose morula and deport ment nr»? not unexceptionable. Hoard, washing urul inilion at the rale of s2oo"p t annum. No va cation, except the luutitl.a of January and I'cbrunry. Application may bcnuufp, ii!l Ist July, in Augusta, may 21 vV m JOliMliCKsiiN STK AV 111) from the iid^criber, - on iho 2d in»l. a largo bay Horse, a c 7 ~~'7sV’»'ml pacer and (roller, with a Mazo \ V/s in I-ho face, whin hint! fool, r.nd long \ 1 f' JVtuprring inclined oars, were pricked t^v r --1 (o ila* led side. Information relative to the above described 110 l‘ j Will I(* ihuilklllllv re «rived by (be fdibscribcr, u;.d also a suitable reward i 1 \Vii to any | < n who will gi\c infill mat ion ad dfi, ,c(l lo him of Krwiuloii V. O Hunwell District S. C. {may I'J Irw2wj K (I. ASJII*. |\l OTK'lh lb. I rayed from the Milaicriber, on | tin 1 I'.'lh IChnmry lad, eighteen rmh « belov. Waynesboro, in Hoik ro.a light bay with him k mane mid tail, 12 or HI yours old, hunt.* in the light liind It"; any intiirmaiion rrhitivo to taid uihiiini will b thankfully rm-eivcd and liberally re wattled A loiter directed to ibc s nbacrilier ol Mill Haven I*. U. Serr. jn ro. will be Huflieie' I i donna lion. JOSIII A W. KIM HLK. aj-ril 1 r.w2m \ TIC AC 'll Nil WANTS,!), for ibc remanT ing part ol the prenciil year to lake charge ol I lie t >ak I lil! A cadi my, (klumbia < out ly, < *Vorgi:j, near ICwlmnk IVt Ollier. A gentleman vv bo can produce itihliieiory testimonials id eharaelor and qualifications, will mer| with liberal ein oimigerin nf. J»y order of the Trustee#, A i’I.AUN H, t-rv.'y. may 21 4inu / t AbTION. 'I In- public are hereby t aniioned \ J against rei citing a note drawn by hi vm I HiooVih, payable to Daniel Hoyt lor the Mini oil . r i(K) dollars, made ahoiii iH*• 17ih ol March, and 1 pnyabiolhe b.l of July. Haiti hole will not bo paal on pr<Hontauon, iih tho consideration for which tic- I note wan riven, baa laded. may 2J wit IVHSON H. HUOOKH.S. | The Hdgoficdd Advertiser is Kijir - letl to j uhh di I lbe above Iliree linicn, and chan • this oflir» . jßsq •• h - 'i A\ v A \ (loin the hollae id I Hiaillcy Kmilmumli, in<irceu couniy, \ U' April, a large hay home, .\y,?.\"ell foniM d, black niime and mil, { J pace* well; no marks rccollccicd. i Any pci.* o • finding nod delivering the aid liome to me at the Dlarde.s < ios Hoads, I’ul ! •min couuiy. shall re cum* twenty doilai'H, or any in- j lormniion res peel ing him t' ill he ihankfully re-! r-eived; hoioo pern on ma *, have nil oil his mime and mil Hiiicr In/lull. HHVHKHVH. SKA! (HITKIH may ay dtw .1 KTI’KIHSOX lIOTII.. J] A Tl I J.) vjiiderNigiK:d l.cgn h ave to return bin inoHl Min ere thank.** to hi* friemlHand \ customers, lor the liberal patronage ox- I tended towards him, wbilal. be was proprietor of this CHhibliHluu nl,and would nopectt’ully h<di:*it a « ouliniiaiiee ot Ibe h nr* lor tin* pres nt pioprietor, whom In' can eheerlully mi l eoidideuilv recoin* n»f ini to a Jiboral public V. J ('IIKUKV. Tbo Mibseriber has taken the home lormeily oc tuple I by V. J. Cherry, and known as the Jcdlonioii lb 'el; he solieii.s, and hope*.*, ny his uiiremdi iug at tent ion, to merit a liberal hlmre o( public put roinigc. JeHerNjn, May 17. wit (IKOKCK SJIAW. U VIH! S|»|<llV(-S. f jSHIK proprietor ol Warm •Springs, Mori wether " county, <M*orgn, lakes pi cash re in reluming hm thanks to his old patrons l »r ih ir v sits during Ibe w alerug reason, and wishes to make Known to them and I lit' public generally, that In* is now ready lor their reception again ilis Iml lih have boon m ule entirely new; mid .n point ol comfort, con* veuiciieo ami appeurni ee, he \enlureH the assert ion, t heie arc none to eijual ihem in the I idled Stairs.- Thu temperature of tin’* Springs is H'J degrees; soineot its mineral properties are muriate ol lime, rods, magnesia, and an abundance of‘carbonic acid gam*. Its e/licaey lor removing ehronie and eutuiic tuts diseases are so well known that ho deems it un necessary to speak ol them furlh. r. His hotel and out buildings have undergone repairs; and with much labor lie has opened a road on the lop ol the mountain, a distance ol live miles, lor carriages, w here invalids and others can enjoy the purest ol mr, and be delighted with the mount .in scenery, the elevation being several hundred feel above the »ur ruunding (eiiniry. Ilis table will be furnished ‘plen’Hiully and with every variety that din possibly be obtained, and e very cx. riiou w ill be made lo please those who may sees disjiesed to give him a call. I). C. KOSli. Meriwether eo May IK). w U l’K\ DLHTOX II Ilf II Si'll (MU,. f fill K hiibscnlKT, late principal of' i In? IVndlcleti ’ I Acadtiuy, has lalun the large and elegant bouse lately occupied by Dr. Ketse, as a boarding liens *,ami bus converted it into u Hoarding School tor young gentlemen, on tho HngliMi plan; a plan matured in that country by centum s oi experu in e, and which will be ultimately I'ound I lit* only secu rity lor complete attention to the morals and iimn uers of the pupils, while at a distance from their parents Prayers will be read every morning and evening; and when there is no eliuieli on the Sun day, there will be rervire in I he school, and instruc tions in Sacred lli.lory and (•eogrtipliy. Voting gentlemen are required to read and write, and to Know tin* multiplication table, btdore admission.— This School will be louud well adapted lo I lie sans of professional gentlemen, and lo youths of ambi tion and talent, desirous ol* attaining Ibo classics in a finished manner D ime going to College; end also to pupils desirous of s mud mathematical discipline find instruction, to lit them for merchants, eng.uixis and tho business ol life. 'I be subscriber was born and educated in Kugbind—was fur m'veral years a pupil ol the celebrated Dr V’ulpy —and rdler parsing through t'ambridgo eulleg.utc course ol mathema tics, which be pursued almost exclusively lor near ly lour yoar*, tic ontored bimself of l.ineoln's Inn, London,and practised at thoklumeeiy bar. Then* will bo room enough in the spacious bouse to ae oommwdale parents wbo may we li to spend their Miiiiiiier iiuuitbs with their sous. <•yiiumhlies, to imprexcthe carriage, and n citations oh the princi ple developed by Air Thebvall, Dr Hush, and Dr Uai ber, lor the pnrpohe ensuring an equable and good emmeiation, me prueliseil c\i*ry day. Tie ireik'h huiguige, according toils polite Kiiropoan pronuneiuti ui, and Drawing, witliout extra char ges. Hoard and tuition, tuel, washing and caudles $lOO a year often mouths, to bo paid quarterly in advance. Vacation one month ul midsummer, and one mouth nl Christmas: $l2 lor slaying* during the vacation in the summer, and sll* in ilio winter. I'u pds re< ei\udm any p« riod, and charged only Imm the lime cl admiHMon. Dancing and music •'?.» a quarter ea« ll lit n n n< . >.- 1)r Aitbou Jay, I'rolesser of Han gauges, I ’ol ('ell, N. York, ihe I lon John t' (*ai ho an, Col John H ( atiamii, ot I'cndleton. M (biiii nehauli, I'roles:.or oil he l'n*iieli H inemige, Ciuules ton, and mumber «*l the \euleiuy and Ihuversily ol Haris Col r, Ch.ermail of tho I lean! ol / rusiet s»d the I’eiulK (on Academy. Ilcv. Trapier Koith, ut Ceorgelown, NO. Col L Stone,oriitor of (ho New York Coiuuuuvial Adverlisor. U Hbioau, K* f l• of I’cudletv.n. Dr. Wax laud, Hrciideul of Hiow u Cniveisity, Rhode Island. THOMAS WAV HAND. «**} < ) \\ lu J ‘ till US HO. K| ( . | 0 ?‘ ie respeetfully m r omis his .fitctids and the iumimmity ul large, that be t»a;. iccenlly i onipb'U'd. at eonsiderublo ixpeuse, a coiouuhlunis, with large and well ventilated rooms, neatly finished, in the Milage of Anderson; a luralioii f«»r bealtli, fine water and pure air, is not surpass d by any village in lb,' up country, and having two flourishing academies, characterised for Hieir studious uihJ cnergetu habits, conducted sep arately by competent teuebers. Tie* bouse being xm 11 prepared lor die rei’eption of tmvelleis, Iran sionl or permanent boarders, his table being as well Mippliod as the utirrouu ling country will nfloni, and he* bar furnished with well sel eted wims and liquors Ilis siaMes are large and coniniodious, and will bo attended with competent ostlers. Hy all nl ion lo buaino.s.s he luqu > to meet a shai\ <»l public patron ue. ( IDiJS lOfHIHU OKH. A,l{ , ‘>r s"n ll. f So. Ha. May 2d. |B3S. wot (icorgiu, i oluiiiliia cotinly ; \\l H 1 HAS James ( art lid;* e, administrafor, ~,• , '■ t,r ! * Al'r.s di.smis.- ory on Iho cslau’ Ol Kobe ,v\ \\ < u . d( ( e , | ■•ll' A inu.n: ul.y I,; i, .. i, ~, I] ,.’ l<l " u,|i ,i: ' ; «•» a : la, •■ i ~ i j CAIiUIU. JUM'IS, 1 Kri,’ ' \\ a n m !*■ i>h i \(;s, \ .c . f JHHK pro|>ii<‘ or oi t<r. > I* iV<; B to mionu llift j;f»! .r, tlint he Ims m.'uta <*- siv«? ii(h»ruvcuu*filM (hiring llm pa.-? v\ ini*, r, wlin i* 1 will :i(J(i much to the •:<>iiifl<rf and convi'hiernM’<-»! ’ | thiMd ho nay visit tin Kr*;»!ihy, roMMinlK', aiM i doligliilul Miiiimcr region iho am* lU* [ would also mention t >r fie- honofil of*string’ r< i lhut ' | tlioruiM av« Jl "Miablished While Sulphur-Spring ’ : near Asheville, winch Hum h!«o unde gone . I extensive improve ir.enls during iho pa?d wu:(' i ( ( Persona from South < 'arolinti, < Kirolino, and Georgia, who have Ikm n in (he habit of a sojourn nt i 1 iboVirginiu Springs, ova r bad roods, may enjoy Jill lit }>• : refits of such n trip in lime ainbe, w tin mm h j 1 j labor, latijoa*. and expense; hesidr-.s all the hills !of she ciill« ren' So ithern IbmKs are taken in Hun combe lit par Thu Mnye line Irom (*re. nville, v:a | ihis place*, has ebau a <| hands within a lew mouths, | : and the pres I (in- rj t in/; proprietor promise? I » spare no lrouM»* or e\j.ense to meet nil the vantsoi , tin* traveller. The Ibinc-ombc road has in '■ r been - in iih goo I order .slum il v'.as made, as at tins lime. The proprietor tires visitors flint no troll hle or expanse will be wauling, on his part, to under this place ol pie t ure to all who may call; end lo llto invalid, be would j hfiy t the ( Inn ile of’ UuJieoriibc, vvitli the aid ,of its mineral vvatern, will bo ablo lo |rehlore 1 1 itti lo beallb, nrtb < bin disease he meant* i ble. in colicdimioii 1 would say, witli Midi u eli- I mate as Hnneombe, and llto romantic Hccnory ol its mouhtaiim and t iveiw, with audi public CHtiihliali- I inenlK ns Mat UorK, Ashovillo, Sulphur Springs, i Worm Springs, Mini ibo inlcrmedinle liolals, few 1 parts of our country can boast of superiority. , I tn;iy£B ufit J. K. PATTON. h’litiW’N Sld{l\t;S A K b in a htutv of rapid and liandson.e improve , / ni'nt Thr hotel in a three story building, H>o | f’e.ol long and JOO ii-el wide, {•oiitmmng about (50 I coniforlabJii) rooms, la Milos thr> drawing room, ball 1 mem and dining rooms, which are largo, hjileiulid and commodious, Them mo also sixteen Cabins | atlaebod to the, hotel, with /ne plan ; , e iislflicted I for (be necoiiiiiimiatinii rjf liiiuilicH. The improve mem > wore bc/'in mice the first o! January ini, and will by ready lo receive company by t lio I.mli of’Juiie next. Ilia Hole 1 (‘ompany arc | deieriuincd to give* good accommodations, and ■ charge as low or lower limn the* <«rornvill» j»rice . M. A. mooui:, may Il» vvdf President of Iho < ’ompany. v sz'iiisiis* fp* HI s < ■lablislinienl will be op(‘ii early in .f lino, 1 11 lor the reception ol company. 'J bo proprie tor flatters luiiiM-ir, be is ho well and favorably | Known lodic pul lie, be deems il unnecessary to i add nnv ihmg mom. J )J IN J ACKSO.N. May 17 w:U i.a\v iti:aCkvi i,i. i, 11<0-i.ITT / Tim snh.ieriher having removed I" Mil ■ Jcilgnvillff, would lake this ojijiorlioiiiy I SUtiMa 1:1 return tliuiil» liir formor patroHago, I "°"M Htuio Unit Ids IloiiMt! i.s now i .CggWaaßL kept t>y Ids hrnllii r .lolm N. Ale xander, lor wliom ho solleils tlio pritiooago ol Ids liicnda anil olhers, mid assures I hem lliut, every attention 1 u ill Ihi given hy the prescin oceuiinnl lo render I hem I oomfonahlt). TilOH, w. AI.IiXAKDMII. Ilavinp (alien (he l.awroncovillo llolel, I solieil a sliaro ol pnlilie patrnnagn, and promise dial I will nse my nlinosl exertions lej'ive peneial tniisliii lion lo all whonmy iiall. .lOIIJN N. AI.KXAMUKK. I.a tv ivneeville, < ill null no. March '-Li. u3m I, \ NMS roil S V 1,10. 'I 1 10 Hiiliscriber oilers for sale his I' ll * -°liiniliiu ciinnly, situnled on j o lnl, ' M r "' l lendin(! trout Augusta to li w < 'olnnilda < nnrl J louse, thirteen miles t)££?*v3fabnhov(! the forinnr, and nine miles below the Inltnr plnee, eontniidiig uhoiil G5O acres, and is so siinaled that two tlesirnhle sotllomcnls may bo made, slum'll I lie u hole he too linn h lor one person, with improvements mi eaeh; oil her of which will he sold separate, should Ilia purchaser desire it The terms and land can ho known or seen by ap plying (o iho overseer, on the premises, i'ruvtsions can lie hud on the promises also Juqo 1,1836 m' i HARMONY LAM Aft. vai,! ai!i:: i.a\(» AND :mu,s FOR ~ . HAhK. /I'llAT valuable (met ol l.and on (he S’Ch itlnhnnehee, river, ihroo mill's from (hdnosvilln, Hull county, containing ,one (honsnml acres, is now olfpred for sale <hi the piemises are a superior set of Saw and JAlcrcliaul Mills, with a waterpower not surpassed hy any in tliu snilo. 'J'» gonilomen desirous to locale in the up country., (his | lace pro si'iits many ndvanlagos. 'J’hu li -.illldness of i(« lo ein ion, i lie (erlilily of ilia soil silimle on ho.’h hunks of i he river, and the superiority of I ho mills which are now in successful oporplion, render (Ids pio.icrly the nesl (lesipildeiind vahmhlo ol nnv in Iho up country 'J’hose who wish lo make u jmrehase will do well lo call anil examine these premises, as the terms will he liberal, and if desired, likely ne groes will he taken in payment, loir further infer inalmn, please cull on.). W. Shaw, id (fuinesvillo or J. W. Jones, Athens. w it may 17 Twenty live dollars Reward. S KAN AWAY on the Uth Jan last, a negro woman named AIiISCA owned v \ for several years past liy Mr.laeot) Ihtn fort It ol this jiluee, and formerly hy Sum- A. : •sYI nel or 7'hiimiis I'antorth id \\ die sor 1 in- i'jcvvy coin county. She is nhnn Id years of nee, walks lame, parlienhdrly in her led foot; uppi f front teeth mil She is well iieij nnli l l l h) in <'olnnilda, Wilkes and l.ineoln (amn lies, anil may say she is hiring her ow n lime. It is likely she Ims a pass. Twenty five dollars will he given Idr her delivery mine in Augusta, or lor Mieli information as will haul to her recovery, march 7 J ii DUN l, \ I*. The Washington Spy will publish Iho above for Bme and forward the aeeimnl lo Jl l I). #7l NOTlCE,—dlanawny front J‘y . the suhsenher, on the Kith f . "A J last, two negro fellows, Jacob i ’■ yi'Sjr and Spencer; Jaeoh is a bright j• '• / mulatto, Mmiglil blin k hair, p.j one or more teeth out in trout, A ffLrjmipm :l very artlnl and plausible fel low, about live, or live (eel six inches high, and about 3fl yi ars of age. Speneer i.s dark eompleeled, well made, about the same height ol Jaeoh, and about 2o years of age ; they both nhseonded the same night, and iris more than prohahle they are togelhei and are lurking about some river plantation between lids and Augusta or Savannah, il is inure limn likely they w ill make for Augusta. Any person or persons apprehending said negroes,A’ delivering them side to the suhsenher, in Harnw ell Hist riel, Augusta or Sa xann.'.h jail, I will give fifty dollars, and if any per son or persons eon prove lo the eomieliun of any while man or men, for harboring or earring oil said negro, s, 1 will give one hundred dollars for the ap prehension of said person or persons, with llie negroes. J f.NMINUS J, \VO01). Speedwell I’. 0 I’lirmvg! l , ilfsl. S. C. april 13 Sixty Hollins Rewind. r KANAWA) from the planta .. ('vf lions ol John Ure.dmm mid \\ m. f ' A Uresha n, in Walton eoiiaty, (la. V , ',v I HKI I'. Negro fellows, of the f fdllowiug descriptions, viya \ (leotgo. about 3 > or art years of age, ol dark complexion, high ’L J cheek hones; o leel -.1 or IP inches '■ ill height, and when interrogated ivvr....-a.. • tuners eonsldvrably— his front ; teeth is somewhat decayed. i Joe, about 28or2‘J years of age, also dark 1 complexion, li feel ‘J lo II incites in height; of a free open countenance, and speaks nimbly w hen spoken to; no other particular marks iceolleeteJ. Neil, about 30 years of age, bus a down east look, dark complexion, and of ordinary size. The two first are the property of John (Jresham ! and the latter of Kin Uresham It is supposed ' that they will attempt to me ke their way to Augus ta, mil perhaps from that place, hy the So ('a ! Kail Korol, to t'lmrlesnm. Nixly dollars reward will bo given for their apprehension, and eoulioe r mi min any safe jail or delivery to their owners, or to !• gbert U Iksil, in Augusta. A rowunl of U3O ; will be given for cither olThenx. j Any infoiniiiiu.n about them will he thankfully received hy tlio proprielo, ■, or eonnminieiiled to All i,i Herd' JU//A (JKl'.SflAJf, 1 W ;M. (iUHSJ/AM. 5 U rtlloU county April 24 IS3B. If TW MNTV.I IU; !)Ol.i.\RS R|;lj« ra JU N Y V» VY Irom iho suhsenher Avlnle in camp, near //mnbnrg. .V l a • f'rhnn negro man mimed Prince, aped about 10 years, dark complex • ’ km, i bimkey, heavy built, about A h'r'i 8 or 10 imhes high, has several r —°f Ids upper fore ieeilt missing; and tolerably brisk spoken. f 'a.d negro was purchased from tie- workhouse 1 in Charleston. Any person who will apprehend .nil negro and deliver him to 7r. Wm. Tmnn of I i imbinor sei nn' him so that snul Turner can get him, will receive the above reward j*ur4 S. WH.UA.ttS I E'DROUGHT TO .Will's I \ .! -\H.,i«T..e c S> 22d ii n<: ;ro man,calls himself JIM, say« i lia belongs l>j Unriiiiin l.numr, of Columbia county, j On.; ho is 2fi years old, 5 feet 8 inches high, nntl iln rli eamplei t d, 'i he owner in is quested to come J forward, | ay expenses, and take Inin from jail, may 24 w3t ELI MORGAN, Jailor. ii t ({(MIGHT TO A I GESTA .1 A I 17, on sjj ilie Dth n Negro woman, calls herself Mary, says who belongs lo .In!in Sliepperd, Ttillit hnr it, K. K. she is Hi years old, 4 feet o Jtmhi s high, , has a scar on her forehead, anil light complected. The owner is requested to come forward, pay ex penses and Hike her (rom j til. may 10, injs vv3t ELI MORGAN.JniIor. DOM AlillA Nil KIMIT’S NA EE. Wild, he sold, on the first Tuesday in June, m si, at Columbia Court House, between ii ■ i.iuni boirs of wile, two lots in the town of v.'ii diisho owl'll, on the north side oflhoad street, upon vvrich thee i- a store and other houses, ad joining hi iot Mr: Emerson and others, lo satisfy llir :■ li. Ins from the Justice’s Court of Warren 1 eoniily, in (iivoi of .Mary G. I’erry, vs. Reddick ! Terry; properly levied on and relumed to me hy a Constable. ' RICHARD II JONES,Sheriff, npnl24 1 JJEECiCUSO.V NJJEHII E’S SAM-:. WILLJie sold on the first Tuesday in .Inly next, i t the market house in the town of Louisville, within iho usual horns of salt, the fol lowing properly, to wit. four hundred antes of pine laud, m ire or less, on the waters of lioggy Cut, adjoining lands of 11 (“Tumor and .1 K llosliek, levied on us the properly of Hamilton Raiford, to satisfy sundry fi lira in liivor of Robert Nwphoni; levy made Bil l returned to iriehy a constable Ainu, a negro man Anthony, about 40 years of 1 age, levied on as the property of John K Daniel, to 1 satisfy sundry fi Ins in liivor of Patrick li Connelly: properly pointed out.hy said Connelly; levy made undr elurned lo me hy a consUhle. may i li J FARMER. Sh’fT. MCIMVKAI .'-‘tS.ii.ll J •>. ISA 1.14. Vi/ 1 1.1. he sold on the first Tuesday in July next, w h -tween the iiyiiul hours of sale, before the : Court House door in.laid sonhoro, one tract of land, j containing two hundred acres, adjoining lands ol G. | 1.1. Doled Ison, Wary Mew lon, ami \\ illiam Sanders, levied on us ihs properly of William Esher, to sat i inly sundry li. (as. issued out of a Justico’s Court, in ! (avor of James Hmst, Smilli & Solomons, audoth cm. Froperly pointed out hy the plain.ills. Levy made and returned to in.: hy a constable. JACOIi BRYAN, S.S. C. May 30,1833. vvtd I'ostjmiwU Sale. WAHRM.*.' MitClllirns SALK. WILL he sold at the Court House door in VVarrcnton, Warren county, on the first J uiwday in July next, between iho usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit—four hundred j acres of pine land, more or loss, adjoining Undo j nf Reuben May, and others, on the waters ol C.'gec i choo river; and seven negroes,lo wit—Cherry, n vvo [ man, inbout twenty-six years of age; Enoch, a hoy mile years ol age; Vilct, a girl seven years of age; I Betsey, live years of age; Lewis, one year old; iMiko u niiin twenty-five or twenty-six years of ago; Louisa, twelve or thirteen years of age, all levied oa as the property of Richard Wiggins, deceased, to sitisfy a fi. la from Crawford county Superior Court, in fa vor of Enoch J. Wall vs. Richard Wiggins and others. Property pointed out hy Reuben May and Jeremiah Wilelmr, executors ol Richard Wiggins, deceased. JEREMIAH PERRYMAN, Sheriff. May 2'J, IH.’H. td WILL bo sold, ut the market house in the tow n of Louisville, on the first Tuesday in Alt ) gust next, within the usual hours of sale, three him tired and sixty-one acres of pine land, more or less, on the waters es Rocky Comfort Creek,it being tho reel estate ol the late Nathan llrnssol, deceased, and sold hy order ol the honorable Inferior Court of Jol iersou eo mly. Terms of sain on tho day. NATHAN KKASSEL,Adm'r. may 10, 1833 wit ii the will annexed. U, ILL ho sold, on the first Tuesday in July next, agreeable lo an order of the Inferior ■ Court of /lurkc county, while silting lor ordinary 1 purposes, m W .yncshonmgli, Itnrko county, one i ■ negro woman named Dafney, mid her infant child, belong lo lire estate ot Jonathan Jo,.:;",deceased, ' Into of said county, sold for Iho benefit ol the heirs and creditors ol said deceased. Terms cash npril 'J td JESSE JOHNS, AdraT. UrARIiIAJf’S SA I.SO. ON the first Tuesday in Anguit next, will be sold m iho Court. House in Columbia county, with in the legal hours id sale, and in pursuance of an order of lhe Court of Ordinary ol said comity, the undivided hull td Tut) acres of land, more or less,.in said i minty, on Iho waters id Kinker crock, bounded by lands ol Marlm, Clanton, Bastion, and others, heloiiging lo Gnzavvay lloallc, a minor, iheygg td W, It. IiEAJ.LE, Guaidirin. WILL bo soldT ilia highest bidder, vvithift the law lul In firs of sale,i n tic; first 1 uesdny in J ul v next, ut the i turl house in the town of C raw - lord villo, 111 said co /my, seventeen and a half ceres ol land, heloiigingei) the estate of C. A. Nelor.a.lnte id said county, deceased, adjoining hinds oi l hos. 11. Itormn, Kidilin Rhodes, mid others, all in the iciiodr, and cornering on Iho Georgia Rail Road, vvilbin one fourth ol n mile west id Cravvfordvillc. I'o bo sold pursuant lo an order ol the honorable the Conn us Ordinary of said comity. 'l'erms of sale on the day. JOEL E. MERCER, Adiu r. tlchonis non on I lie estate ol C. A. Nolens, dee d pnl lil A S):il IM ST It Al l >lr SS A j,K 7 WJ H.I-* I’ o sold, agreeable han order es the, V v honorable Inferior Court of Jefferson eouu ly, when silling lor ordinary purposes, on the first Tuesday in August next,within the usual hums of side, to the Ii ighcsl bidder, helorc the ('em I House do a* in the town of Marietta, Cobb county, h-t of land No 1033, in the Kith District of the 2d Nec tion formerly Cherokee emmly, now Cobb. Also, or the same day, belore tho Court House dour in llie town id Cunt in, Cherokee emmly, lot of land No. I'J I, in ilia 3d I list riel of the 2d Meet ion: caeh lot eonUiiiiiug forty acres; sold ns the teal es tate of the lute David Alexander, deceased. Terms of sale on the day. JOHN W. ALEXANDER./ A , \VM. IS. ALEXANDER, \ A(,m ls June 1,1834 Id lleorgaii,Columbia Comity : V'-i HI REAS benjamin 11. Warren and John * iMeCinr, Executors of the H ill ol William MeGnr, deceased, applies for letters Dismis&ory. 'J'heso are thereloro lo cite and admonish all and lingular tho kindred and creditors id said deceased lo he and appear at my ullieo within the time pro scribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. (liven under my hand at office, this 2 llh day of Eehmitry, 1834. CIAIIRIEL JONES, Clerk, feb 27 47 Ci'orlftti , Burke County. -a / JIEREAS James Grubbs Administrator ol v V tin’ islule wl'Wm. Rryunt,deceased, applies tome for letters of dismission. These are therefor lo cite and admonish all and smgularlho kindred and creditors of said dee d lo he and appear at any olliee. within the time presenh- . I ed hy law , lo sliewnuiM’.if any they have, why | j said letters should not be grated (Jiven under my hand at office iu Waynesboro, this 23 I il.iv of January 1838. Jan 20 21m0rn TII BEOCNT, nccon o. Georg in. Hurke county: w o J HER EAR Elijah Atmvvny, administrator on v V (he estate ol Redding C> llyrant, Into of said county,deceased, applies for lelleis disinissory. Those are therclore lo cite and admonish all and sigular the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to be and appear at my olliee, w ithin the line pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand, at Waynesboro’, this 17th day ot Feb:, 1834. T H RLOUA F, I). ( 1 k. lob 21 mfim Georgia. Burke county : t \ IIEREAS Allred Hudson applies liir letters v V ui udministration on the estate ol Matthew ’ E. Slain, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and erediH'is ol sai l do i-eased, to be anil appear at ray olliee within the lime prescribed by law. to shew cause, if any they ‘ have, vvhy said letters should not he granted 1 Given under my hand this 23d day ol .Mu’-, 1833 11in\ 26 30d T. ft. BJ.OI NT, Dep. Cl’k. Georgia, Utirke county : Ut HERE A3 William Gooodwin applies fir letters of administration on the estate of ' Mary Griffin, deeriifed. Then' ore therein-;,- to cite and admonish all and singular I (to kindred and creditors ot said deceased, 1 to be and appear ut my olliee, within the lime pro. scribed by law, lo show cause, if any they have 1 1 why said 1, iters should not be granted. (•iven under my hand ibis 23d day of May, 1833 mny 20 30d 'l.ll BLOC.NT, Dep. (Tk. Georg n, Burke Comity : Vfc/HEREAS l.itttc Berry Burch applies for If letters dismissory, on the estate of -Ahish Jenkins, deceased. I'lirsc are tlieieforc to cite and admonish all and singular I lie kindred and creditors ol said deceased, lo be and appear at my office within the lime pre- j scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said lolteis should not be granted. Given under my hand nt office, in VN ayncsboro ibis 22d day of March, 1838. mar 21) 6m T. If- BLOUNT, Dep. Clerk. | Georgia, .lufierson county: ' i HEKEAS, Patrick B Connolly, Administra j * V lor on the 1-state of Tandy C Jones, late of said courtly, deceased, applies for l.etters dis i ruissury. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and , sing dar the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the lime prescri bed by law, lo file their objections, if any they have, to shew cause way said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Louisville, tins JGlli day of March, 1838. march 16 KBEM.ZI.R rothWELL. Clk. Georgia, Jefferson county; ta / HEKEAS Ashley Phillips, administrator w V on the estate of Stephen Cotter, late ol said county, deceased, applies for letters dismissory. These arc therefore lo cite and admonish all and singular Ilia kindred and creditors of the.said de ceased, to be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed hy law, lo shew caase if any they hate, why said leitcrs should not be granted. Given under my band at office, in Louisville, this 16th day of March 1838. mar IC, EBENEZ ER IIOTII WELL, Clk Georgia, Burke county: WJJ HULAS, Joseph L. Shevvmako and Isaiah ( Carter apply for letters of adminisration on I lie os Ia to of Joseph ShewrnnUe, deceased. Tliesearo tlierelorclo cite and adnion’sh all and singular the heirs and creditors of said deceased, lo be and appear at my office within the time prescri bed by law, lo file their objections il any they have, < lo shew cause why said letters should not be granted Given innler my hand this 23d day of May, 1838 may 86 30d T. 11. BLOUNT, Dep. (Tk. Georgia, Scriven county: hA/ HEKEAS Benjamin Williamson and John V » S. Mailer apply for loiters of administration, , do bonis non, on the estate of James Huberts, do- | ceased, of Scriven county. These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and singular, the kindred rtnti creditors of the said de ceased, lo file tlieir objections, if any they have, within tlio lime prescribed by law, in my office, loshevv cause why said letters should not be grant ed Given under my bund ami seal at office, m Jacksonboro, tins 2411 i May, 1838. 30d JOSHUA PERRY, Clerk. Georgia, Jefferson County: WHEREAS James M. Linqnefield, adminis trator on the estate of James E Wells, late of said county, deceased, applies lor letters of dis mission from said estate. ■ "M* " Tliesearo therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred and credilors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pro scribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. liiven underlay hand at office,in Louisville, this Blh day of May, 1838 E. hiOTil WELL, Clerk, may 10 Cm Georgia, Elbert county : WHEREAS William Pulliam applies lo me for letters ol administration on the estate of John Hall, deceased. Those arc therefore to cite summon and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at my cilice within the lime prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any lliey have, why said letters shall not lie granted Given under my hand at office, this 25th May, 1838 [may 31] W.M. H. IN ELMS, Clerk. Georgia, Columbia county : Wll ERE AS James Curtlidge, administrator do bonis non, applies lor letters dismissory on the estate of Adam Walker, deceased. Tliesearo therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and credilors of l lie said de ceased, lo file I heir objections, if any lliey have, within llic time prescribed by law, in my office, lo show cause why said loiters should not bo grant ed. Given under my baud and seal at office, this 2d day of June, 1838. GABRIEL JONES, Clerk. Georgia— Burke county. Court of Ordinary— present, tiicir Honors G. W. Evans’, Abel Lewis, and E. Palmer, esqs. Rule M. ‘Si., :’;mv') s ih, 1838. UPON the petition of Elisha I laymans,exeCL'.'‘ >r of Samuel Hay mans, deceased, late of Burks county, staling that lie has fully executed tho last will and testament of said Stephen Hnymnns, de ceased, and praying letters dismissory. fl is there fore, on motion oi counsel, ordered, that the clerk do issue a citation requiring ail concerned, lo lie and appear at the court at September term next then and there to show cause why said letters ahall not be grained, and that said (dilution bo publish ed once a month till said court. Alruo extract from the minutes, march 21 Gun T II BLOUNT, D cl’k. if t OL. BROWN ol' Brown’s Perry, took from the ''—-'lndians one bead guard Chain with “Win Flour noy August 22; 183-1,” w orked m it with gold beads; also, one full jewelled doulle-eascd hunting watch, with gold guard chain and key—the watch lias three lellers on the front case—the owner, or any of bis relations can get it hy describing letters ami pruv ii g pioperly. ft no applicalioh be made 11 tour months, tlio watch will be sold and the proceeds di vided among tho troops, —application to be made to the editor of the Columbus Herald for tlio bead chain, and lor tho Watch lo Col. Brown. Tlie Columbus Herald will copy tlio above and forward tlie account to Col Brown, nov 27—11277 ADM IXISTU A TORS’ NOTICE. A LL persons to wham the estate of Henry Zinn, Ja deceas'd, is indebted, will render their claims within lhe time prescribed by law; and all indebted lo said| estate are requested lo make early payment to the undersigned. JANE if. ZINN, Adm’x. may 1), 1838 Gw JOHN POSTER, Adm’r. IjVOUR mi mills alter dale application will be made JL lo Justices of the Inferior Court ol Richmond county, silling as a Court of Ordinary, for leave lo sell the real and personal estate of Henry Zinn, late of. iebmond county, deceased. JANE 1). ZINN, Adm’x. may 9, 1838 4m JOHN FOSTER, AdmT. H NO If II months after date, application will bo JL' mode to the honorable Inferior Comtofßurko county, when silting for ordinary purposes, lor leave lo sell lot number three hundred and lliirly loiir, (334) in tlie sixth district, Carrol county, con tainingtwo hundred two and a hall acres. Jan 23 18w lm Win W MAUND, Admr NOUR months alter dale application will be - made lo the inferior Court of Lincoln county, i when silting lor ordinary purposes, (or leave loscll the interest of Samuel Coulter, late of said county, | deceased, in a negro man Moses,as part of the estate of said deceased. Vv ILL! AM REYNOLDS, Administrator. Lincolnton, May 19,1833 5 NOTH months afterdate application will be made JL’ to the honorable the Justices of the Interior 1 Court of Neriveu county, while sitting for ordinary I purposes, for leave lo sell the Lauds belonging to tlie Estate of John M. Roberts, deceased, late of said county. STEPHEN MILLS,adraT. DELIA ROBERTS, adm’rx. Feb sth, 1838 4tm 33 rvj OTICE. —Four months aflat date, application ill will be made to the honorable Interior Court of Lincoln county, when silling lor ordinary pur poses, fir leave lo sell a pari of tlie real estate of John Willing bam, deceased. ISAAC WILLINGHAM,) , , . NEPSON GARKETT, $ Adm lrs - March sth, 1838. mar 23 4m a .'UG R months alter dale application wilt be made tl 1 lo tlio honorable Interior court ol Columbia county, when sluing for ordinary purposes, for leave lo sell the billow ing lots ol Land, viz: No 408, in 4th district; 287, 27th district; 78 and -IG, llifi district; all Early county, belonging to tho estate of James Bluekstone, deceased. U M. PRE ALL, W M YARBOROUGH, jin 19 —18 odmVnistratiirs. months after dr.te application will lie -if made lo the lion Court of Ordinary, of tlio county of Jctlerson, for leave lo sell (595 acres of pine land in the comity of Burke, on I lie waters of Davids Bianeh, adjoining lands of John Lodge, T. I. Murdacl, and others, sold for the benefit of tlie heirs of Benjamin Brow n, deceased, minors. JAMES CROSS, Guardian. LouisMlic. May 21, 1838 . 4ni MECHANICS’ BANK, ) Augusta, JunaC, 1838 fI'HH.S Bank will b a closed on SATURDAY,the ■- ‘Jili inst. to prepare liir the semi-annual Divi dend. Persons having business with the institu tion on that day will please attend to it on the day previous. GEO. VV. LAMAR,Cashier. June 8 jG'OUR months alter date, application will Ic made to the honorable the Jnfetior Court «>1 Burke county, when setting liir ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell all the real estate belonging lu the estate of John J, Roe, deceased. A. 11. ROE, Administrator, Waynesboro, 23d March, 1838, 4m jG'OUR months after date,application will he rr.ada to the honorable the inferior court of Jcffer son county, w hen sitting as a court for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the land and negroes o Richard Hudson, deceased. march 1C HARVEY B PIPKIN, Adm’r. jjHJUR months after date,, application will be m made to the lion the Inferior Court of Elbert county, while silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the lands and negroes belonging to the estate of Abner Ward, deceased, late of said county, THO’S. JOHNSTON, Adm’r. _inay 31, 1838 m4t months, after dale, application will ha -“- made to the hon. the Inferior Court of Elbert county, while sitting (hi ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell a negro man named William, belong ing to Margaret Ann Deadwyler, a minor heir of Joseph Head wyler, jr. deceased, late of Elbert co. A LEX AND ER P. HOUSTON, Guardian, may 31. 1838 mlt Rj'OUll months alter dale, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Coutt of llnrko county, for leave to sell a part of the real estate ot Southworth Harlow, deceased. RERECCA HARLOW, Admrx. npril 26 mini MONTHS after date, application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior Court cl Richmond county, w hen silling for ordinary pur poses, liir leave to sell the real estate of 1. J. Brown, deceased. P FLEMING, Jan 18 14;w4m0 Administrator. months alter day application will ho - made to the hon the Interior Court of Burke county, while sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to Hilliard J Roe,deceased, march 20 All RUE, Adm’r B7OUR months after dale application will ho JL‘ made to the honorable Inferior Court of Burke county, when silling lor ordinary purposes, to sell the real estate of Eleazor Lewis, deceased, of said county. ELEAZEU L. COWART, Executor _may22, 1838 ra4t months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior court of Burke connty, lor leave to sell all the real estate cf George F. ticoriysrs, deceased. JANE SCONYERS, Admx. april 20 mlm Doe r. EVANS’ MEDICINE: Dyspep sia Jiud llypochoiidriiicism—lnterest ing case.—. Mr. Win- Salmon, Green st, above 3rd, Philadelphia, afflicted (or several years with the following distressing symptoms; sickness at the stomach, headache, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, impaired appetite, sometimes acid and pu trescent eructation, coldness and weakness of the extremeties, emaciation and general debility, dis turbed rest, a sense of pressure and Heat at the stomach after eating, night mare, great mental despondency, severe Hying pains in the chest, hack and sides, coativeness, involuntary sighing and weeping, languor and lassitude upon the least ex orcise. Mr Salmon had applied to the most emi nent physicians, who considered it beyond the power of medicine to restore him to health; howe ver, as his afflictions had reduced him to a very deplorable condition, and having been recommen ded by a relative of Ins to make u trial of Dr Wm. Evans' medicine, he with difficulty repaired to the ollice and procured a package, to w hich lie says, he is indebted fur his restoralion to life, health and friends. He is now enjoying all the blessings of perfect health. Evans’ Medicine or sale only by ANTONY’& HAINES, april 25 232 Broad street- Asthma, three years, standing Mr. Robert Monroe, Schuylkill afflicted with the above distressing malady. Symptoms—gre“t languor, flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous head ache, difficulty of breathing, tightness and stiiclnre across the breast, dizziness, nervous irritability and restlessness, could not lie in a horizontal position without llio sensation of impending suffocation, palpitation of the heart, distressing cough, costive ness, pain of the stomach,drowsiness, great debility ami uoSci'.'llcy ol the nervous energy. Air. R. Mon roe gave up every thought ol recovery, atm c1.:3 despair sat on the countenance of every person in terested in his existence or happiness, till by acci dent he noticed in a public paper some cures effected by Dr. Wm. Evans' Medicine in Ins complaint, w hich induced him to purchase a package of the Fills, which resulted incompletely removing overv symptom of the disease Ho wishes to say Ids nm tiveforlhis declaration is, that those afflicted with the same or any symptoms similar to those from w hich he is happily restored, may likewise receive the same inestimable benefit. Wm. EVANS t For sale by ANTONY &, HAINES, Sole agents for Augusta Ga. march 28 232 Broad street M oke conclusive proofs of the . extraordinary efficacy of Dr. IF.’./. EVANS' celebrated CAMOMILE and APERIENT ANTI BIHOXJS PILLS, in alleviating afflicted man kind. —Robert Cameron, 101 Bowery, N. Y. Dis ease, Chronic Dysentery, or Bloody Flux. Symp toms, unusual flatulency of the bowels, severe grip ing, frequent inclination to go to stool, tenesmus, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, frequency of pulse, and a frequent discharge of a foetid kind of matter mixed with blood, groat debility, sense of burning heat, with an intolerable hearing down of the parts. Mr. Cameron is enjoying perfect health, and returned his sincere thanks for (he great benefit he had received. WM. EVANS. To James Dickson, 3fi Go.nhill, Boston, Agent fur the sale of Dr. Evans’ Camomile Pills: Lowell, November 15, 1830. Dear Sir—Knowing by experience that every reference that the afflicted receive of the beneficial results of medicines, 1 cheerfully offer mine to the public, in behalf of Dr. Wm. Evans’ Camomile Pills. I have been afflicted for the last ten years, with distress in the head and chest, often so Had as to deprive mo of sleep for lluoeor four nights in succession, hut have novel - found relief by any of my friends’ proscriptions, nntil my w ife saw ibo advertisement in the paper; when she persuaded me to send for some, which I did, and obtained two boxes nnd bottles, which resulted in almost com pletely restoring mo to health, although 1 have not entirely finished them. Should you consider this any benefit to yourself, or the public, you have my cheerful permission to publish it Yours, respectfully, THOMAS K. GOODHUE,CentraI-st. The above mentioned Pills are (ir sale only by ANTONY & HAINES, mar 23 Solo Agents lor Augusta, Ga. Evans’ Camomile and Family Aperient Pills. ]IV ER complaint ten i/cars slnndijif; —Mrs. II J Browne, wife of Joseph Browne, A’orth Sixth street, near Second street, irilliamsburgii, afflicted fur tlm last ten years with the Liver Complaint, completely restored to health through the treatment of Dr. Win. Evans. Symptoms;—Habitual constipation of the bowels, total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the cpi gastric region, great, depression of spirits, languor and other symptoms of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate flow of the menses, pain in the right side; could i ol lie on her left side without an aggravation of tho pain, urine high colored, with other symptoms indicating great derangement in l ho functions of llio liver. Mrs. Brow ne was attended by throe of the first physicians, hut received hut little relief Irom their medicine, till Mr. Browne procured somu of Dr. 11 m Evans invaluable preparations, w hich effect ually relieved her Os the above distressing symp toms, with others, which it is not essential to inii mate. JOSEPH BROH7VE. To Dr. Wm. Evans. City arid county of New-York, is. Joseph Browne, of UMlinmshurgh, Long Island being duly sworn, did depose and say that the facts as srl forth in the w ithin statement, to winch ho bus subscribed Ins name,are just and into JOSEPH BROWNE, Husband of the said Hannah Brow ne. Sworn before me, this lih day ol January, 1837. PE TER PINKING, Com. of Deeds. Evans' genuine Pills for sale only by ANTONY &- HAINES apnl 13 Agentt for Augu-ia,Ga WILLIAM C. WAY Sj* E' S PI:’.CT FULLY informs his friends and all 6 0 oilier customers who heretofore patronised him, while agent for Joseph Shannon, that he is now, and has been all along, since the 10th day of October last, engaged w ith James Anderson & Co. in their Dry Goods store, next door above Turpin & D’Amignac’s Drugstore, liroad street, where he will bo found equally as attentive to the calls ot his customers, and all who may bo disposed to extend their patronage to the now establishment, as for merly, and oh ns good terms, and the assortment of Dry Goods will bo found equally as large and as choice as bcretolbre kept by tiirn in the same store. The subscriber would also inform the public that be is not an agent for Joseph Shannon, nor has he had an agency in any business, since the subscriber discontinued it on the 10th October last, as the public have also boon nolilied by bis advertisement to that effect on the 10th of October, 1837. WE G. WAY, At the store of James Anderson & Co. may 30, 1338 tl Broad st. .Augusta, Ga. BROCKET HOOK LOST, last night, be-" if tween Hamburgh and the Richmond Hotel in this place, containing twenty or thirty dollars, in tens and fives, of the Monroe Had Road, and one live dollar bill on the Georgia Rail Rond Bank, con taining, as near as lean recollect, the following pape rs : One Note on A'Fitzpatrick, payable to mo, with Benj. F Marlin, Thus. Maya and James Fitzpatrick securities, $337 50, and duo two or three years; one note on James Tathen for $2OO ; one on M Crocket ior $100; two notes on M Dean; one on John Hughes- two on Ezekiel -Stanly; one on Jessey Philips for $lOOO with a credit of four or fixe hundred, and one on myself for $2,000, and not marked paid. A liberal reward will be paid lor the return of the book [and papers to Genl. Thomas Dawson, or myself, at the Richmond Hotel. GEORGE MARTIN. Augusta, May 31, 1833. There was a bill of sale made by A. Davis, of Hamburgh, for a negro woman and child, dated 3lllh May, 1333. June 1 NEW IMPORTATION. ‘ CJ BARK, RACKET'!’, & Co. have received, by y laic arrivals, a new supply of London Lever and Duplex Watches, some of which are of a kind very seldom met with in this country. Also, nn additional supply of the now style Independent Se conds Watches, with two hour circles, two se conds, double slop and full jewelled, which can bo sold as low as the old style ol Independents, and warranted to bo pcrlect lime keepers. A largo stock of Gold Thimbles, Spectacles and Pencil Cases always on band. 2w June 2 SUMMER RETREAT FOR SALE. "" Ji Will be sold, if applied for shortly, the lot ■jwiiT and improvements at the Sand Hills, known ISggSH as the Turknett Spring Place, formerly owne 1 and occupied by Col Thomas McGran. The lot contoinins twenty five acres, a large part of wlnch is in woods, and includes Turknett’s Spring, I front which the City of Aogusta is supplied with water. On the premises is a comfortable dwelling with all other buildings necessary lor tin accom modation of a lamily. Possession can be given immediately Also —A small Lot containing between two and three acres, separate from the above by the Mil ledgevtlle Road. Apply to MayB tulh HENRY II GUMMING. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG!! A ILrROA Dy^^ The completion of this Rail-Road, (from Potcrs hurgh to Manchester, opposite Richmond,) makes the chain of rail-roads through the stale of Virgi nia continuous, with the exception of only nine miles, and adds important advantages to the inland route for Northern and Southern travelling. There arc established on it two daily trains, one ol which is in connection with the North and South Mail Line ; and a tri weekly train connecting with the “ Ilaliiax, Wilmington, and Charleston Rail Road, Stage and Steamboat Line.” Passengers from the South by the daily “Metro polilan Mail Line,” will arrive in Richmond < n (be evening after that on which they leave Raleigh, ami having the night for rest, are yet enabled, by existing arrangements, to proceed to Baltimore on the succeeding day, and thence to Philadelphia the same ui-dit, in lime for the morning boats to Now York Tune, less than three days Irora Raleigh to New York. Passengers who leave Charleston for Wilmington on Sunday or Tuesday evening, will, if they arrive in Haliliix by five o’clock nn Tuesday or Thursday evening be brought to Richmond by the tri-weekly line, in lime fortlio Wednesday or Friday morning’s cars for Washington, whereby they will reach Bal liir.oro the same evening, and can proceed to Phila delphia the same night, and arrive in New York be fore dinner on Thursday or Saturday : being loss thanfour days from Charleston to Now York. The connexion is equally good and expeditious with the extra lino from Wilmington, and with all the lines from North to South. The route through Petersburg!! and Richmond w ill be found also to be one of the best routes (rum the South to the Virginia Springs. The passen gers can arrive in Charlottesville, having only forty ibnr miles stage travelling after reaching the rail roads in Virginia, in three days from Charleston, and two days from Raleigh. . All possible arrangements are made on tins Rntl- Road for the comlbrtablo and safe transportation of passengers. Ollice ol the Richmond and Petersburg ) Rail-Road Co. May PJ, 1838. y 2m GREAT EXPEDITION lolhc NORTH, t ” ■■■■■■'» The Rail Road and Steamboat Compa -1 ‘ ; *, nics mi the great mail route to the North, ; to travellers the completion of the great chain of Rail Roads between North Caro lina and New York. Passengers coming in tho mam mail lino, or by Charleston, S. C. and Wil mington, N.C. and taking this route at the termi nation of the Petersburg Rail Road, in N. C. will reach New York 10 or 12 hours in advance of any other line. Tho following is the schedule of time, as run at present, including all stoppages : Leave Halifax at 5 rim Reach Petersburg!! 1 a tuf L-ave Petersburg U a m Reach Richmond 3i Ass Leave Richmond 4 am Reach Washington 31 r m Leave Washing’ll 4 r M Reach Baltimore fil p M Leave Baltimore 7 pm Beach Philadelphia 5 A M Leave Pbiladclp’ao am Reach New Y'ork 2pm Only one night’s rest is lost between Halifax and New Y ork, as passengers sloop in the Philadel phia bouts. Time in going from Halifax to New York, including all stoppages, less than 44 hours. Besides ibis fust line, there are other daily inde pendent lines running on llio route, so that if by any ehatice passengers fail to connect at any point, they will never be delayed more than half a day. Passengers coming to Halifax, N. C. in the Wil mington < nitnpany’s line of stages, will please apply to Mr. B. F. Halsey, the Petersburg!! Rail Rond Co’s agelib. who will afford them every facility. In case the stages are too late to connect, travellers will find an engine and cars at any tune on the Peters burgn Rail Road to carry them on. Petersburg, May 23, 1833. 1m COMUXD SVRUF OF I*l X K KOoK* I A MIE subscribers have succeeded in preparing a B. compound Syrup of Pink Root, winch will admit ol as definj.c prescription as the powdered root The dose of Pink Root, known ns one of the best vermifuges is, 10 to 20 grams, and double j that quantity in infusion is necessary to the same I effect. But tins syrup contains i concentrated decoc fion, much stronger than the i fusion, amounting tonlmost the whole virtues it t ic substance. One tcaspoonful of this ->: up contains the con centrated det-adion of 20 grams within u small fraction, which may bo considered at least, equal to tho minimi dose of Iho substance, which is 10 m giains—two teaspoonfuls 20 grains,and so on. A G slight laxative power is given by combining in tho ML virtues of rhubarb and senna. , B ft is not certain that any uniform antidote to the B occasional nervine clients of Pink Root is known, ■ but tho best antidotal power hitherto ascertained, B aristolocliia, serpentaria is combined indue proper- I tion. It should bo remembered that no vermifuge i» B uniformly successful, even when worms arektitjco t to bo present. The ofticianal infusion is 100 weSy I containing only the lea of seven and a half to fu B teen grains to the dose, which equals, (it the seler- OH lion of the root be well made) only three and a ■ quarter to seven and n half grains of tho substance. I Fortins syrup, the best specimens have been ■ select -1 with great care, and the syrup on use linn T been found to possess, in a very convenient form Bfl lc, administration to children, all the uniformity oi H power ns a vermifuge with the root in substance, or T the lull powers of it in infusion or decoction. 'lke I duso should be repeated three limes a day, or in ur cent cases every two or three hours. A cons’ant supply always nn hand st Apothecary I i Hu11,232 Broad st, ANTONY & lIALNE3 may 25