Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, August 23, 1838, Image 1

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■ qy > smmik; WILLIAM E? JOXKS. AUGUST A, AUGUST*SK, fgfcS. [Tr£-wcckly.]-V«f. IC9. Published DAILY, TUI-WUEKLY AND WEEKLY, .It .\'o. Jiioad Street, Terms.—Daily paper, Ten Dollars per annum in advance. Tri-weekly paper, at Six dollars nr mlvance orseven at die etui of the year. VieeUly paper,three dollarsiu advance, or lour at the ciitl •if tiro year. 'i ho Editors and Proprietors in tins nty have cjo.itoi the billowing regulations : 1. Altar the Ut. day ol July next no situs,-rip tionv \v 11 be recci\t*!, out ul I lit* tin i.nn. in advance t or a city rivniT s;i\c.i, unless the numube forwarded hy an »p utoi iiu- papt*r. v. Alter that iiu:o, vvu \\ill publish a us those who are one yeura nr mm * in umaiv, in order n* l?i them Know how their accounts Rtmni, ainl all tlx >BO ho published, who do not pay uptluirui rears hy ttio Ist ot Jan. will be sinken oil the subscription list, and their names, usulcn. es, and thj in .mat ih jy, pubiist «d him t ltd, the accuut will be publish.**!, paid , which will au ttwer as u receipt. 3. iNo subscription will he allowed to remain unpaid alter the Ist day ol January 13JJ, more than one year; nullho name w ill be striken oh lac lint, and pubi sho.l m a.* we, togoilier witn the amount due. 4. From and after this date, whenever a subscri ber, who is in arrears, shah ho relumed hy a poni master as having ivmued, or ivluai’s to lake his naper out ot tU« post ..iliue, his name shall be pub ha hed, together with hi, resilience, the prob.iLi• lie has removed to,and the amount due; and w hen a Mitisc.ruer himsell orders his paper discon tinued, and reij le.sts Ins aecouni to be loiwaukd, the saniH siidi oe iort iwiih Idrwardod, an 1 unless paid upwiiltiu a rear.uiiald * lime (ilie hail.lus oi the lusi.s being liken into consideration, and the dibtance ol bia iv»i .once lioiu tins place! bis name, ondliie amount due, snail ha p.nm h d dm above. j, be inseihal at Charle-1 n prices, wnJ. I ins dillon nee, I ait the li si insert on will be 7o cents, instead of do cents per hj iuic ol twelve lines. 0. Advertisementsintended for the country,should be marked ’inside’ which will ale si. u.e ihcir insertion eacli nine in the inside ol the city pup r» and Will he < harg,d at .he rut' ot mils ja r square tor the lirst Hisertion, and ho cents lor each qilent mseriion. Hint m irked ‘msidj,’ they will be placed in any pait ol the paper, alter i. e Ins t in.seition, I» su.t ihe convenience ol itic pnhh: h r, and chargee ai toe »til• •of «•> c.-nts (or the IhM in- M itKoi, and 4 oi cents lor eacli subsequent iiiscr 7. All Advertisements not limited, will he pub lish'd in every paper untd forbid, charged ac t Oidmg ta tl»e aoo\e rai. s ». t.cgal Advertisements will bo publioied us ibliOws per squ ire: Admr’s an 1 jLxccdtors sale of Land or ISegruoh, dO days, Co 00 . uo do Feraonal Property, 40 ds. 3 | Notice to Debtors and Crs, weekly, 40 ds. 3 Citation for J otters, I bO do do Uinnisory, monthly 6 mo. SUO Four month Notice, monthly, 4 mo. 4 0u Should any ol the above exceed a square, they will he charged in proportion. ‘J. From and a her lain lirst day ol Jan. IS.jO, no yearly contracts, except tor spocilic advertc - jociiis, will bu! entered imo. JO. Wo wall be responsible to ort**, r ,rs for all • 1 *• 1 , „ 1 advc“i < **vm-ii.s ordered through ours t.» • .>, . by them, ai>d if udveriisenieuis copied by us 110:11 'other papers will be clanged l>> tho ollico irom W/ii. h tiu ('equeat is made to copy, and wail receive pay ihr tins same, according 10 ihcir rates, and be responsible »ecurding to our own. 11. Advertisements sent to in from a distance, with an order to ho copied by o'her papers, must be accompanied with tho cash to the amount it is desired they should lie published 111 each paper, or a responsible relhrcm o AND SiONTINKL. X K.U.! Biiamrf* » WcilncHtlny Morning', Auyi.st22. STATE RIUHTS TICKET Full CON (HI ESS* WM. C. DAWSON, R. W. HAUERS IIAM, J. O. A El OKU. W. T. COLQUITT, E. A. NISI3ET, MARK A. COOPER. THOMAS BUTLER KINO, EDWARD J. BLACK, LOTT WARREN. The Columbus Enquirer of last pro pones the names of Robert A . Hayne, of Sou’ll Carolina, as u candidate for Prc.idenl, ami John Tyler, of Virginia as Vice P.csidenl of llie Uni ted Slates. AVc have been walling sometime to sec vvlml our neighbor over ihe way would do 10 extricate liimsell from the dilemma in which he has placed himself, and for the last few days we have been much amused at his dodgings and qu.hhlings. We nalurally enough accounted fir his original backsliding. The old Courier had been ridden too hard before he look hold ol llie bridle, to be able to bare him much of a journey. It was necessary that it should ho hitched lo somebody's crib. He tried the S ale Rights, hut not relish ing the nubbins, ho determined to procure a stand at ihe Van Huron crib, whcio he nvghr stand a chance fur the big corn. But his uncomely and shuflLng gait had tho efftcl lo put him nut of credit even with his own friends. 1 lilts the poor animal slood. However, with a little kick ing and rearing and hackii.p °l ’he cars, we see him again endeavoring lo ohu'in a place at the old crib. To our surprise wo sed ’he Kinlo R ghis ticket at the head of ils columns Dr a few days,but being disclaimed end Mead oul. and advices having arrived Irum Columbia, nr tUewhero, iho old donkey is made to have-‘anoth er kick in his gallop,” and our neighbor, sud denly overcome by conscientious scruples and an uncommon sense of political virtue, tears live ticket down from ils “towering height’'—his cdtiorial head—and places it among his adver .daemon's, at the same lime giving us a must lucid and powerful argument in defence of his coarse • The Banks of this place, we undcrs'nnd, says the Millcdgcville Recorder, have agreed to resume specie payments at the same lime with the Ua vannah banks, viz: the first of October next Wc presume hy that time there will boa general fesumpuon throughout Ihe Sla e. The Bank of Mobile has invited a Convention of Delegates Irom ell tho Banks in Alabama, In ho convened at Blount Springs, on the Inh September, for the purpose of proposing and ta king measures for a simultaneous and early re I sumption of specie payment. The resumption of the Boston Banks w as ei.ected ,on the 13th. There was no unusual demand, nor any excitement on the occasion- The Banka of Washington, Richmond and ad o! Maryland, resumed on the same day. Tho Cincinnati Banks resumed on the 7th inst. I l>v tm arrival at XVw Orleans on the Ifith, in six ; days from Tampico, wc learn that ike flhxh'au ports are to lie blockaded lor six months longer. i The new cuiinnisrl’eit $5O bills ot liio T.f S Rank of Pennsylvania have been pul in circulation in Ohio and Illinois. Persons would do well 10 ex , amino closely all notes of that denomination. ■ 1 Ii appears by a publication in the Philadelphia National Gazette, lhai on the Kith inslant, the ; graves containing the hones ot' Cii.uii.ks Tn.m i> ' 1 sox, (the t'ecrc'ary of the first American Con. I gress,) and those of his wife, were opened, and •J tho remains taken therefrom. What motive j could have prompted a deed of this kind remains , I yet to he known. ! Among the passengers i > the steam ship Great i Wes crn, which sai'ed from JV. York for Cristoi, : on the IC.h, were the commissioners of South Carolina, Arkansas ami other stales, who proceed to Europe to negotiate the loans in their respective charge. On Thursday evening la.-t, timing the thunder shower which occurred on that evening, a tree, standing in the yard attached to the premises oe , cupied by a Mr. King, was struck vv ith lightning— his wife who was standing near the tuo at the j ’ moment, was so stunned as to become entirely | Is■■n-cless. We arc pleased to learn, however,; 1 that she is convalescent. — People's Press, of yesterday, • SiOiidu. The Apalachicola Gazutoof the IGth lias the following; “We learn from a passenger on the mail boat that i great alarm exists among too poop o liv ng on the I liver hot ween this place ami ihotdm labour lice, in • c«instapieiiQO ot the r.'lugco Creek Indians, who es* ; eaped the vigilance ol oar worthy Governor somo i j three months since, having made their appearance i i in their neighborhood. V\ e also learn that Copt. Isaac Brown with a dc’.aehiiK-nt oi eleven men, made a scorn fir them a lew d iys since and came upon Ihcrn whilst engaged in destroying the tin nil tire of a Mr. Uoao, uno re aides a low miles below Uelicese. ’) here b. 111; 50 i or f: 1 "f !;‘e Indians. Cnpt li. deemed it impiuilcni Jlo attack them, noli "«>' c ‘l ,cnt| y ll| cy were left to j pursue their cuura.; id desinieiiuii am! with impunity. We won* plen.od to learn Cnpt. I.srown will probably ha\e eoniinmul in the expedition wliirli i* 10 he m ule agaiml them, as Ins milir.iry ropiilalion is such is lo inspire us wiih eoufid'rice us lo ilie result. e proximo it is useless to ask when 1 Iso people ol 11 /iichi will hrs relieved from the uiipkcisant visi tations wt ilk’hu lawless marauders, us lint is n pro h.em w inch, lions present appearances, would f.eem more difficult lo solve than was tho great I7ih i,u , : ■■!. __ Thu Cherokees. Wc oopy from Iho Western Georgian the I following item of news; “In our la-t we staled lint Gen. Scott had j central led wilii John Ross for the removal ol J the remainder of the Cherokees, and win to furnish him •■villi ibe sum of iliac bundled thousand dollars for Ibat purpose. Wo since learn that the proposition was net nocc-p cd ny Rosa, and that a was not certain that ho would contract lor their removal. Ucn. Sdcult i i as since offered hint sixty dollars per head io remove mid subsist them lor one your in Arkansas, ami Ross dnnntided ninety sX. The treaty party arc altogether opposed to Ross’ having any baud in ibuir removal.” iiio ntpiUill'OlU The Nuifdlt Herald of (lie 15'li inst. says— [iicrniiU'o ns it may seem, we can now vouch lor Iho hid, that ihe Exploring JSijlla Iron is ready for sea. anil will depar with 1 1 1c* first fair wind—to day if it should idler. Tne olli ers am all on and in line spoils, elaic wall amieipu ion • of II c peat clul triumphs. not less w* nhv of the wreab td fame than ol *• giim visaged war,” which await tlie sucees.Mul result as >cien ific research. at hie veil with greater peril am! hardship, and admining the t rut ii of (lie old adage, thin “ a had beginning will have a go.»d eliding/’ I hey lui*c a glorious prospect of success to their expo di ion. The squadron now rid. a g.Vlan’ly abreast o! Foil Monroe, in (ho following order: sloop of war Vincennes, Lieut. Wilkes, Gonnnmdiiig ihe Squadron ; ship Kclief. Lieut. Loin; ; sloop ,d <\i»r Feacot k, Lieu*. JlmLou ; hug I’orpoi-i, li'. Iviiiggo'd ; schr. Fying Fish, Passed Midslrp* man Knox, and schr. JSca G ill, p issed Mid-hip* man Herd. Tuo sehooneis uio pilot hoal (milt, ami ot ihe rise of 100 tons. The sloops of war arc nearly on the peace establishment, showing only eight guns each. i Severe Gale in the JJay—with supposed loss of fives. Capt. Pan Mi, of the steamboat Virginia, aril veil ai, on Tuesday, into mu iho editors ot the Ucicon that ihe gale on ••niurday nighi was pexeiely fell at Deal s I-land, 140 miles Ic low lidluinoio. It ctunmen idat 0 o’clock, IV • M. and (dew with all the violence of a hurricane until 12 o’clock, n pciiod of three hours, (Jd i the Camp Meeting ground about OdO sail of s»n of j • vo-sels wore at anchor, three fourths of which j , were driven asl*oio. Nine ol them wr o c.ip»i. zed, and a number of persons unsung from them are believed io have been drowned. ! Thu slimiest licos near she Camp Ground wore torn up, and me icm« mstantnnoou'dy deinoli tied. 1 Capt. Parrish an.l crew were busily employed during ilie gale in res.-mug the persons in the I v v *sscls that were capsized, mid \RCie Instrumental \ I i|, Sh Mnga number ot lives. Unc of Ins boats | j vvaH i,ib». *1 during the violence of the gale. I On the w'aj' down (be found, ho mw several i vcs-eU bullion i.M-'atds. ami others ashore. | The gale or hurrie-f JC appeared to havo passed lin a vein, as it was nut lc.*.' ncill y miles below Deal’s Island. Great credit is don lo Gas t. Par.'ish lor his praiscwnry elf iris in tho came of hniml'l’y. as the seven y of Ihe t;ale woul.i have fol y e:>'"no rail'd him from undergoing any peril in ihe pin* teciion of ihe lives and property of others lhan llloso comimUed to his charge.— Ball, dimer. From Ihe iV. V. Com. A dr. August IG. J'Toiii China. Dy the ship Roman, Gapi. Jenson, from Can lon, we ha'e a file, ol the Register lo the 3d ot ! April iitclosivc. , | The repression of Ihe opium tn’de was carried i ()n w ith groat activity, and numeiuuß seizure* are 1 | reported. In iho Register of March 27 wo find a memo- i rial to Lord Palmerston, signed by the principal j resident Uri'i.h merchants, and praying the inter-1 j position of the Rriti-h gover.unent to ohtain the 1 i ; payment of tho heavy debts owing to them by the ; ■ i Chin««e hong-merch.anu, (jtox, iM'.och 2 1 ——lt ! ■ said among toe ; f 1 Chinese that the trade of tho hong merchants is | j now at the lowest« and this they themselves ! attribute to llto cu.-tem of shi) ping oil 'goods ■~>-inr r nwr r.vaatHK.---■a*'.-- o« a,. -*• ojp»<«.i iluoogn ihcir hongs for llie ouNldo shopmen. , whch lias greatly induced their own trade, They have now consulted about establishing some new regulations, such ns thnl only one shopman shall -hip good-) through one hong ; hy linns means they hope to prevent smuggling and the (limuni. 1 non oltlie custom duties, ami also in sonic degne ■ to restore their own tiado. It seems that the Celestials wore suffering lor wont of min. in March, as h.nlly :1s wo ao- at 1 present. We find nothes of the fooyucn's vidis ■ to several temples, where he nllbrcl up public prayers lor rain—the slaughter ol animal's for bind was forbidden- and various tvrernmues (if he lilt nidist religion hail been pel tunned, lot t:,e ' same olijeet. ■ A Pelting Gazette of the Bth day of the IClh moon [:!,l January] contains a report of the eir eino-taoees of the suppression ol the insunecion ol the mountaineers —Meaoulsze—in the province ol Sze-cluion. 'J’lie Impei ini nuops pursued iliem to their concealed ictrcu s la the depths oi the mountains. I One of the Mcaoui-ze, named Noh-isze, had | the hardihood to stand on tlto top of a hill, direct ing the nperniions ofhis tribe against the imperial i mops. If,- «as brought down hy a market lull; i | the troops tin n seine 1 the hill and slaughtered the I '[ mountaineers without aic ev or number. U lieu this disaster was known the courage of i I nil the mires o z-d away, mid they hastened (o | submil. to preserve llieinscl'es from being utterly ( exterminated. The troops then marched else-! where to eul op the rebels. The Regis er of April lid conta ns an edict from ! I thn luippo, requiring llys duties on ouloriiig an I •leaving the pmi to ho paid hy the foreign ships, . I hefiro liie chop ofelenramc or of leaving is an- I plied for; mid forbidding goods to be shipped us er ’ I application for the elearamc, I A letter limn Appemnn states that the Dutch , snip Maria Freiierdta was n'. l.ieko.l hy two pir.u I leal prows, two days after leaving dial port. The j captain and male woio murdered, and thu vessel ! cairied oil' : J lie hist (hai vvns seen of the ship she was in the hands of (he pirates at the I-band of Satonda, [on the coast of Saialiruv ah. Two of the cn w, and a Cltinamu.i, wlei had escapeil from the ves sel, had arrived at Hirna. A'» c make the following beautiful extract from the aloe speech ol -Mr. Kennedy, (lie now Repre sontaiiio of Ualtimnfe, t | lo j], on dm S3d -. i..-, r Ijc hu.-y scene oi cheerlul industry which it ineidcntully brings hclorc the mind, is the heat possible answer to the political outcry against the Credit system—a system which is the anima ting spirit—die vital principle of the w h lo ; \V hui is lids formidable money power that has so disturbed the fancies of gentlemen lure, and the etjuanimi yof ihu nation ! Our laws ri cog nize no disnne ions ol rank or class amongst our citizens. We have secured lire rights of proper ry as cardinal in our social constitution. It is I well appointed dial labor, diligence and skill have i hen toward, anil that rewind lie preserved invio | table limn aggros* on. Under this prutcetioi), 1 this whole nad m of working pooplo Inis grown up I mill a marvellous power combined with mtelll ' genec and enmforl iiiicxarnphd. It is of the n- I luretl wejlih lo attain social power anil iollrl cnee: it is a valuable feature in our system that il should do so; —hut every one must icmarlt how. small is ns tendency, how inadequate us i Hurts to obtain political power. The jealousy of wealth, il)e watchfulness of its assumptions, die ('111111111)0 suspn. ions entertained against it, almost ainouni 10 a popular pro.smpiion ul us hopes for political olcvuiion, and evmi » rip II ol’rhe inilueiicc lo which it is j »si!y cniiilrtl, —says a nervous vxiiu-r—lia-, six pence.* is stm’i eii*n (to Hu: length ol sixpence) over ihe. vvlmh* ld 1I .1 I*. I I•- ' )’- ■) Ilf 111, jjtlil - osopher-- to teach him, and kings to mount guard over him—lo the lengih of sixpence * This, sir is an epimme of the money power, ft aei uoiu tales social comfort and social strength; ir maker men and slates more happy, prosperous and im pregnable Irotji vvnlioui. Would you seek lire external minutes a'ioti ol that power, you shall see il, sir, in die subdued wilderness o| our iron - 'tm; in great rivers dull hy the keels of a and sleanili ails' in our plums and valleys as liny yield rlieir Irihule lo dm labor of husbandry. You shall witness 11 die srnuk ng forges of die West, ■nid in thu swifi sliudlos of tin) erst iu the cities, towns and villages which adorn and enliven rhe ' land; in our chinches, hospitals, colleges and ' schools. You shall nolo in the quiet and sub s initial homesteads of oor people, and in the ' happy laces that gather around the fnesti'cs, I 1 such as the like may nowhere e'.-e he found. You I sh -II hear it In the carol of dm ploughman us be traces his furrow, and in the liliihe song of the - sailor hoy, at the mast -licnd, when ho plies his voyage to the rcrnoic shores of Europe or Asia; in the heavy creaking wagon, the dying slearn- | car and die rattling stage cepzb;—in shorr, sir, I you may hear ami see ilin aW the avenues where j trade and indusiry ply rlieir busy and prolituhlc | thrift, It is the secret, die miracle of lire might ol this Ang 0 Anxtricau man ! What is there to dread in il ! . , J l r»m the Da’lnporc American. j ‘ The f'nianki. 1 The annexed letter wild its oeeornpnnving ( * ii/fidsvil. came to us yesterday by mail from Khz’ | 1 ! alioih (Jiry. N. (J. We publish il, of course, a, | 1 an act ol jntjio to 1110 parlies whoso character j 1 was so seriously implicated hy the statement to * which it riders; and for the honor ol humanity we lie happy >o have It shown that the ttmernem , in quest ion was made, in error: To the t i !'B ej the It.l Utneve -Iniei'tCQU, CJuntlkmkx—Upon rny arrival 111 town this | I!ay limn rny plantation, a friend placed hmy hntjils your pa| or ol 11.0 Stir of \ugust, 183 S, couiaioiiig u siaiemenl that the sclrr. Merchunt. , of Klrzaholh Lily, A. ( "passed the passengers , on the wret kof the I'ula.-ki, heard iherr rlcspei rale cries for aid, saw them siruggling with the . waves, Ac. Ac. notwithstanding he vva- distinct- . Iv hai ed by llicin, ho refused to idler them any 1 assistance and proceeded on Ids course,” being rho owner of the scjlocne.r, and having been in Wihnmgb 11 alihe time ri (erred to, 1 beg leave to stale (bar while iherc, I conversed dailv with many i f die passengers who had been saved from the Pulaski, and 1 heard n oiling of die kind from any one of them. My vessel was lying wi Inn Iwon y leel ol the hotel where many of th«.‘ passeng. rs rc-orted daily. Sarnui i • • Lay lord was the captain command* ing the Mcrcir.. I ' l - on the voyage referred 10, rind ! upon her return ti Vni Wilniiliglon to this place, I acted as the captain, mid upon her arrival here | dUrhargad Mr. (jaybird. i I herewith annex the deposition of Mr. Rufus Robbins, the mate of Ihe Merchant on her said i voyage, unit from all I can hear, i have no hod* j lalton in pronouncing the slalomant nmdu hy I Lapr. Davis of iho schr. Henry Camcrdon, ot ! ! Philadelphia, to bo .entirely false. ! You will I,■oilier a favor by publishing the above 1 with the Mate’s affidavit,and obliyo Your obedient servant, BENJAMIN H, CHARLES, Elizabeth City, jV. C., Jiug. 13, 183%. Stale of JVoilh Caru’hm,! Elizabeth Citif, j I'nsqnutmk County. y .daq. 14, IS3B. * - r.-ieonally appealed before me, J irres M, >| 11 ■■ *' lit ilif JiiHiicrii of tho Po.ico (or I'lH-quaiauk comity, Kiifiis K. hhin ■■, who being lust duly ' . soufu, (Tcpo fill mid suiili, ill ■,! ho w us the ilium 1 on board ilui schr. Mon'lmrit of i-’i zal'Cih Citv, ' j 011 lior lull' \oyii ; ;c fitiiii Ij.ii'.iliotli City It) Wil imtigiun, A’, i'. loaded with corn—tli.ii the slur iiieiit lukfii 1 1 uni the Pliiludoljiliiu luxcliiiiige ; ih)..k ; inn! published in the re A'liPiifiui heeii shown io lii,n this* ihiv, mid ilmt ilio riuiie i; entirely latso ns ngards tho caul nohr. Mon I'ant ifiii}; bailed by the tull'erer* of Iho j 1 ol.n.Li (or niijisluin e. Ho further svveurs that they never saw the nor docs ho helicvo i «be.V "'’tit within fifty miles of the wreck of ; I In- sa -I Pulaski,—he fnilher stales that the schr. | 111-illy Hunterdon arrived at twelve j hours previous to tho arrival of tho mb. Mer chant, J;i;pus i;onm.\s, t-nvorn to before mo this l:t.h August, IS;W. JAMES M. POOL. Flood tU Winchester, Va. \v o icy rot to learn front the Virginian that the . rain ot bound iy last Coll so heavily at Wiuehi.v -i ter as to inundate iho lower ports of that town. At o clock, I*. M., houd.n ti at ,1 Water ! streets were coveted with water to the depths of | several feet, mill all the huv parts of tho (own shared tne same fate Mileh daougo was siu I tuined hy the (illimt of cellars, mid tlic 11 i idiug of tlio grounds covered several foe; hy water. Too entile amount of loss sustained hy the (own and 1 neii>hhotiihood will not he short of twenty or I iln ll y thousand dollars. We loam that Me, rs. .1 & A. Miller, M I!. Read, llepp ,v. Maehir. is] Aiipold', and Col. Ileutiie were mn i;i., tho hugest I siiiiia-i'rs, ti e dwellin',' of tin' Im or being entirely tlomictl to the depth of several liot, and the family compelled to quit ihe pieniisei. In iho comply Iho ho.ivio.t 10-sos vein sustained hy tin' washing away of dnnis, leneiint, Itav. A**, including ncii'ly all tho mill .lions on the Opeqnon, Tint of K. W. Hartoii. E.q. together with a I rge (ot of hogs, nm! about 81) Inns of hay. was earned 'll', making Ins lues alone several iho'isaml dollars. We add w ith regret that the daughter *f Mr. John W .Melhorn, a worthy mi l respeetuhlo ci li/.en of tho Conn.y. was ins'.imly killed by light, ning. ami <>'■ hers us tho f.imily sineioly liimmed •rom the shook —Haiti norc Antnicun. Merchant’s Uondw. V. e rsl'irnl that the last remaining Com! for duties has boon paid at our Custom House,— Thl , ala pci uni llitU t’loro js so largo un amount du'elhe Government (or duties lying over utipaid in some other cities in the Union, is highly eieil iiul'lc to the integrity mid piiiic.Umlily ot our Slur* chants.— t V lar/eatun Patriot. j\r.w Yniiic M.i'.rv Maiikki'.—Tho I’x I'ti’s:; of ihe 15th hist. says— U o nndi'ia'.,liil tho only loas- n somo of the new hanks nee not now doiue; business is, that the Comptroller of the Stain al Albany, is not m loadmess to give iho required facilllio< of hank nolo*, p is exceedingly to ho regretted ill it the liuamcs ol tlio comity .should ho oinharrassod ■ y any doltiy 1 r>>tn the source noticed above. Money is becoming nun li easier. Onoofnnr banka is lending pretty largo amounts at six per cent, per annum, on a pledge of Delaware mid (Tuts,m. Several of the roller hanks lire loan ing on s ocks at the smile rates. Ii is very cer tain that them is a good deal of unemployed capital in bank, as well ns among capi alrsts. Asdic sailing of the (.Ireal Weacrn approach es; there is inure lining in Exchange; Bills on l, union were sold to day al 108,1 per cent., which is a shade lower. Tin; (fii.uv Manki:t,—Our report of the m. kills in nin-ither pan of to day’s American to i eotyls the exlrnnnlimiry r/... *>i#• li have ■ i\ i* tii* value "I* (Jam wilhili tin* past week. | Wc slated ihal on Monday prices had risen to ! »»»m , ,*»!lar per hushed, hul (he dee line sinco then has ah.'.osf nwu «... r.ipid aslhc i/-o. /hr s itus wijt! made at 8(> cunts per hn.-hel. iho »«• coat niin-v which hive boon iho means of saving pails of crops that in many rases find previously been |*tveil ( N \p for lost, have doubt/c.-s had tlieir iidlucnen in reducing prices from tfiuir late cleva* ion. —Jiait Jlnwriean of the 18 h, cunuila* By this morning « mail wo received a lot - ter fnnit our <Jnri!ida uoi respondent. Ho stale-* as |he /cinci|J»il item ol juiciest Ihal the fi turn kv'mrt lliil d j ii-oners arc sentenced to ho hung on the 28 li, umi ilimt no pardon i’Mv.pCelod. A distinction was made in tho form of ihe in dieinirn'; iho Aourieans were tried tor felony the (.'ana dans were tried for high treason. lie adds t at ino>t of tho ineo uns of G«>v. Arthur arc of the most sanguinary character.— ■ . V. J'. Hera it. Uni. Andrew Marschatk, a veteran of the Uov o!ulion, (iinl the father ol the prevsjn Missis-ip| i, rlied, os we hui'ii from lint Free Trader, at hi? ie>ideMct* ul Wdhhington, Adame county, on the lOili not. Ho printed » halhnl at tin Walnut i 11 1 1Ih in 97 or ’9B. with a mn di I which he had from leuuion in 17 99. I I’lm tyi'O ho u.-cJ was a fount of ilinly pounds. I i’liis was the tirnl r\or executed in that j district, which no tv teems with newspapers, and | known hy iho name of Uol. M I was the oldest, inemlcr of the Society of Odd ! Fe lows m tho United Suites, having joined that j over \\ hieti the Frinccof Wales, since uVogf: IV. ' l» r esided in London, nior/ than fifty years a^o. — JVifw Oilcan a /’icai/inic. lild it never strike our reade s, the Ololio ! newspaper never fails to discover come fault in ev ery di.-missed tnemher of'the Uahinct, just as soon ho go s his ••walking papers,’* wldiough it may previously h ive vindicated him again i every as persion, and sworn daijy to the ioiiuaculatciiess of his virtue well iihioilio infallibility of his vvis-. dom ] Bccretary Dickerson has scarcely lueii superseded in iho Navy D parirnciil hy Mr. IhmU i ding, when the fijoho ad nils that “the dlHciplinc | and eh a meter of the Navy nro at a very lowchh;** i and r.counls for it hy saying that Lx-Seercl irv D ekerson “was too indulgent in granting leaves of absence without duo discrirniiiatiifn—in per* mining ollircr . to accept or n*jc :t a service to wliicli he had ordered them—and in various olh | er ways do lining to enforce those rigid ru'c< «»f discipline so indi-pcrn»ihl3 lo (he vital principle of every uoivico.” 'J’ ail this is true, wo have no donln—for the Whigs have been bringing for ward those charges lor years pas , —hut they were treated as ‘’Whig lies.** and Mr. Dickerson, in stead of being promptly superseded, was retainer! in the Department, to tlio manifest ruin of the Navy, and the injury of the country: Is Gen. Jnekson’a old doctrine of Iho Unify of tho Cxo culiv •, and the consequent ro-ponsibility of the President for the acts * f his Sucretary t-iill recog I nized at Washington ! Lynchburg Virginian. : My husband is all tho world to iho,*’ said a new s married little piece of honey and ether. “Is ho 1 *” raid fal Mrs. UuSlerH, screwing round in lev arm chair, “then donearch one ui his pock tis lor my silver epoona, hh they must ho in ono corner of the world somewhere.” —Jiostan ‘'carl Thoatmnsphrtro lately lias appcire*] to Ire high ly charged with eloctri'.y. (J a Thursday nig’ni here v.’pfi a hiiltiunt display of ‘ho Aurora D*> rculi.o Op Friday night mney motoofH w > -coil. — A!ex. O'oz. . -vb. - r rtatr-- ■■■ k I \\ nupondtacc of the .V. 1. Vumm.-n-iml. }' ! 'i’ouos io, (U. ('.) A oft - G. 0 Hi STEF* r.Knsosa Ukmtkxcmi to Death. , IVevious lo (he uepsrlil***. of Urn boat on Ms nr- I- day bum Niagara, I bad I,.rely limo to inform • you lliilt sixteen ol' Hu- slate prisonous hail licet) a Hint, mo iiiujr sentenced to death; tour arc Amcr -0 | leans ami twelve rillJeetJ ol tlic Queen. * | <to i’<iii.iy several pleaded •• itiliy, ami Vdiilinm . 1 Verb • was trial and ticipv.ltcd. On Saiurd iy » I William \\ ilson was tried *,.*d acquitted. Tho t ' low ui England liii* high treosoii icquircs tbit * i when a lull id indictment is found, l.lio [insoner f must lie furnished vvi.U a copy of tli« Mil, mid ■. witii a list ol all tkejury that hove been surnmnn e ‘<l to « tend, and ton days inu- t elaprc befne the - trial can bo brought on. A bill of in liniment, for high treaton liavi | boon found, at tin.' close of the we, k. again it J.i, ; Cob Uomuer, of ivnoin I have la fore spokm, I c I could not be tried foriliwith, consequently tlie i eonit doicnniiicd to adjourn over (or the eotning e ,r n days, and to po tponc lire lurllier trials until . ; Beamer’s case could tic brought on. They thero . | lore gave notice that tho planners who hud been r tried should be bnmglit up lor sen once, together C i with those wb i bad pleaded guilty. 1 : About one o'clock, the jury which had been out wall the riit.o cl Wilson, returned with a vci • diet <•( tut guilty. The Com t ihr odo.c cd the , j shorill'u) bring in thoso sixteen p.HO'irrs who 1 v,ere to be sentenced. The slorill expressed r i some doubts i I the propriety of bringing in so ! large a number at oner*. Timjndie ve,y pi. per. , I.V lemai'lied, ilia, there was nodai gcr. (liar, il (lie civil ; nee was not sufli.-ieni. a detachment ol die military wcio at band. About bull' p *t one 0 dock, dm prisoners come in upended by u in.:, u. ami civil guard, and v.ciu scaled in tho jury , box. I was favored with a very eligible seal, he ing c 1 oic hotli to tin* bench and pii* oners. I , we. snrpiiscd lo find so many <ft he piis'ii,.*!';; v. young* men—and two or throe lookcrl more desc v'mg the oidinary chastisement of a , pm on', than line heavy penalty about ti be ii'ijiulgvdtbem. Two or three were h ml cine, an 1 w nil a fV*\v exception*, nodiing unfavoia* ; j b!c* could be drawn Iroin tlicit* appearance. ( I bey were all well dressed—. Miller in a suit jof black lie bad been, yon will recollect, I a Imv student at Maysville, in <,’h d,ample [c tint * , and would probably have defended I liini.i* If, had not In.*! counsel offered, id lire outset, a plea of insanity. After the crier b d niaclo proclamation, for ‘..11 per ions lo keep silence while Ins lordship the cpi cell’s justice prononma d tin.* cciucnce ol' Mr. Justice Jones called ever llu* names o! four American i i i/.ens \v bo had been tried, under the act of the last session of die provincial parliament. ’1 lie first was l.inns Wilson Miller. Afer a brief recap; l id nion of the evidence, be asked whether be had any tiling* lossy why sentence ol death .should not lx* pronounced on hint. At er pausing* u few moments, be spoke, in a line melodious voice, in substance as follows : ‘My Loan ;—Your lordship has asked who ther 1 have any thing lo oiler why eenlencc of dea li should i.ol be pronounced against me. 1 shall with the permission of your lordship, oiler a tew remarks ; not however with a be lief that I shall be. able by any thing that I might say, to turn aside the impending fate that awaits mo ” “In reference to die statue under which 1 i have been tried, 1 am under the full conviction i that b is miconsdtii.ional, and in this opinion 1 believe 1 am su.s allied by some of the legal gentlemen now present. I am of opinion that no statue alfecing the life of an individual whether a sub ject oi not, can be considered die law of the land until it .shad have received the sanction of Ute sovereign. I know, nn lord, that under this act others have sidfercd, and I have no reason lo snppoic my pleading I its iincon.sliiiiti'malPy, vvill he tiny bur to the atvlol li.u which isu/iont iu lull I'm.ii r/ic lipi oi your lui-ilblii;>. “i am indeed, asked why sentence of death shall not be pas. e I upon me. If’ I had done a deed win ihy of death, I, would say, lei il come; bin 1 declaim to jour lordship, ihatacv cording to Hie dictu'es of my own judgment, I deseivc neither death nor bonds. ‘1 have noi been guilty of the deal!) ofany one. I have taken lion) no one that which was not my own. I came not into conn - l.y to lies ioy its form of government. 1 cairn; i.ol upon its borders with arms in my hands Voting and iiiexpciienced as I am, I was led lino the error, lor which 1 now stand convict id, by toe advice of others. Mad until and justice prevailed, I should lint now be called in Maud before your loi'dsiii 1 « in peril of my life. I nay I shall si mil convicted—but on what evidence has my conviction been obtained I Upon that oi the (cjiiu'.l Doan, who has become ini evidence of die crown to sate Ids own life True, llieie It is been sumo o her evidence against me, Irom peiato.H whom 1 believe intended to speak the Irtilli, but they Wcic in error. No doubt ihoy weie. led astray by the mate ;•«ry confusion | ul die moment. | “When 1 became sensible of my error—whim I found that il wa builer for me. to miniu to my ; lioma —1 v».m lold that die line could not be pas-. | i t), and lliiit. if I forsook my party donlh would I lie my ponton. Thus ailuaicd, what, way was dune for my escape, i “1 appeal, my lord, to ihu lancers, woollier I | did not »irc my Imhl exertions to niny (ho hand us j i he iiivi.iHrtin. [ appeal In every individual wrto |.ici(M'. ftl (ho u‘ ■•.icit ii)ii)i) tho lancer* l , It) *ay whether I <!ul not do C' o.y thing in my puw, • r to prevent ihtt death of any one, or iho loist* ol any properly. **i am liii.o, I'tToru y.uir lordship, convicted ms a felon ; hut appoa ir»g to my own cooscicnco, I ; avow in your lordship and this white court, that ' 1 cannot consider niyseil godly of h felonious : aCl—y cl if I' Hmy lain to sulfur ih’uth, ( must i i 1 hew to the mamlatu which decree* it.” Iho judge urked the oilier lliree l!to usual ■ q'twion, and nothing being said, he proceeded to (ir'inou.iec the sentence, prefacing it with some pertinent romaiks, parlicul uly addressi dto Miller. , liusanl it was apparent that Ins education should j have led linn to a d Herein course than to he louiid with a hand of individuals, and with arms, too, whose aim was to subvert the government ol a country wiih which he was not connected, and mic which was at peace widi the Untied ."Stale-, of which In. was « citizen —that the view ho had taken of the constiiniionaiiiy ho had transgressed, was not sound, and that it was as much the law if the find, a a any under which the ptovince was governed. ’ flie judge then ordered I.inns Wilson Miller, George Oocdoy, Norman Mallory and William " iteynoda, Ij ho taken to the jail whence they come, and that on Saturday the vl.j h day of August, they ho taken to the place o: exocu.ton, and ihf.c be hanged hy tho neck until they mo dead. Mr, yolicilof General Draper then moved the * Court ihai sentence ho passed upon the following persons, convicted ot high treason: Samuil i- Chandler. Benjamin Wait, Jamo* Gamble, John u Grant, M' ; ,ck Mu I adon,,! dm James Me X ally, >- George I Stick, David Taylor, .1 mes W.. '** Garret ’an Cam;), .Km Vr > .ml A- \a d . McLeod, •J■—— - ” • . ' I "' se f ,prs '""* wro BPptiMlely naked whether . tjioy h.ul any thing lo say why ilic Renter.ce of i.w i ».v should not he jirou mu'** ‘I against them. , V" ( ‘ aßo "• U-u.jamin, his counsel , 1 “M ■ -idr. on the ground . 1 , 11 " r ' *» as*idi, one of tint jury, was not n a .togernl.j.ct, 1.,-r a citizen of tint Unite.! State... , ' * ;, ' v 1 *■'.'' >rlis I roin ti e Solicitor (dcncral, I site Court decided l.’iat it w.u ruivv 100 late to i.iier|in.o that [.leu. One or two others made a . ’■"■ v * l: ' 1 u i ; “. "'.a;, the .1 uJge proceeded to ‘ his [mint’ll task. I L ' '".d t.l orn til,.*, in all probability mercy , ' ,e <’ x ended to some ..I them, but to whom , "" ollu died huevv ; that i ijc jury by whom they had been tried had recommended Roma of them to mercy, whieh rrf course Would lo represented 1 j in tin* proper quarter, j Jfo urged upon thorn n!l the importance of j prt'i ’tiu'ion IV another world, and thrn pro i iiounccd .ye I dlowing Rentence, (as ornillitig each jby iiuino " I rut yon and each t.f you be taken i to the jail fro.n whence yon canto, and that on tire 20.11 day o. tho [.resent mnnth of August, yon and r:; h of \ u be drawn on a hurdle to ill place ul exeeu'i.'i. 1 , and dut you be there hutified by iho ne< k ti.’l'il yon me dead ; and then your bodies arc lo ha quartered; and tho.i may liorl have mercy tin y on.'souls.” ho ibis li t evpi.• .-inn, tile," were peroral 0 lio je p,md d "Allien.” One of !lv bailiffs, u "to n led,ue, who •■■:o 11 close to rite, Icat-'ing on Ins 5',.11, bunt in •n<led of team, ami I «hr»uro yon tin.. soon hreatno contagious. " i - '' ■••eeiie I ptay I may never again bo e *hed to look upon— xtivn fellow beings whom an ca 11 Illy p alg ■ had li.iii'ed a I lie of three Week-1 : ‘ :i I ile'-'e n eii In 111 o ( rime of life, ninny of 1,1 m with I tio (hood ot void!, coursing in their v " n , averv: ■ 1 i, . .U, u nat moro than twenty-live, ; h-y Co 1-1’ ■■ --r s I\c n:. brsigard, d< R;ro t’3 1 at e; .1 -v .a ; hi -:rue and ml. -a i. nio the prau tic ol il.e law, ud! e o.dn.'iy d prattipt ly in tend 'o 'll bii. it. ~,i uni, d io b . care lijli-'o in I,(in.sidle ', On. 'J liO 11. POIdllU.. tor; VI Won *T TO AUGUSTA .FA It/, on I-I la- I i insleiit, u negro woman, calls bur noil’ ■ :;n, she l.el- eg .lo U illia a bey rnrnir, of Orleans ; she u do , ears old, ft fe tl three lire lies In:, 1 1 r, dark, omj dec ted, mid stout made. ’J he owner is r. queued in eenio forw a r.J, [ ay expenses and take* her Irom j id. I did .',ll tit.; AN, Jailer. mr.Mi i VI or i.;ArOM, ANl> bAl(l). - rI • 5-- fhdinaoie iV, Cnirainiiili Uncoil ” > - . -r'•f ‘1 y *l,. t.l. H j . imo Pork .’dlijU Ids I.cut hard, torsalc. on aaco.iiiTiodallng terms by ISAAC .Vlll|.-.K, •10110 7 w /111 lirond street. O . -'I he eo-j.artrersinp heretofore rx . u isling between Alan os A. I’lonrniiy nod iMi r Id' I, in I.oo'sville. r .'em.”,., i- dissolved id Alters a. I'l.t riJdNfiv, I’y his atnirnoy, It. IV. i’l.ociiNnv. Jely- td, 183 I. wtit /' *'/■-’ Urn ing a do. iro to remove to some of Cp. .**• : i : 'helow ronnlioH m the s.ale, 1 now oiler V/'-i'.- I,r H '* l ' rn - v orsii.n ol lard.s m Warren -JL " enuni v, mal will.a. t a., miles of VVnrrim- • ton, w.(l n ipinncr of a mile from ibo f'.er.rcia Knilinad ; llmre in nvui bandied end tweniy-fonr ai r. e, and about four linndn d and fitly in the woods, we I limb, r ri, and all good (or enbi vnlron. Those ilmt. vvird. to bay would do well ty» cell mid rj. mine the Ivod. i'K 1 Kit (JOUV. nm? t) wdoi r (iUSf.'-VM.J.M IbdU. fl * m" ,'T- <v hi-< ' merit, on. or 'lie f'- . 15 ! f, mnnaceineiil of its limner /.roj.rir ' *Ti! jiVmf I,l ' r ~ *""• undergone, since the Imt. v; - 'season ciH.sidci d ie icptiirs. and is now np for the rr 11 piio iol eeni|imiy. ’I ln> propitelor |>lci!i.’ch lira ell In sj lire in exertion U. r-tub r those who cell on him i oinforlnhlp. taiiinesvillo, Irlly 20. wit W. S-JI VU". I. •. vims ron .u i r.i;. '} „ 'I ho suhirii'irr n/frr.i (hr «nV his t": !7-'V ' ' nn d< i' l ( "liiiiiljui rn unty, situated 'on V'x'i' " l^'1 n,l,m n,,1 ‘l /»* ; fJ• f:.*/ Irmii Augimiii to /( , ( ••JmiiMri («.,. i llmisr, il irlcun ini7oh :zL\nlio\v llir I >:inr", and nmo miles bulovv hr l. f.f n (line, roinahim > about (».">(! arris,and in M > Milli ard lint iwo desirable h : oniems may ho r■ ■»:J<», s'loii’d Ibn whole* hr t<> imich Inr onopeiMuii, vi if, i nuprov • ■ in< r.f s no nch; rilbrr ol \\ fiicfi will hr sold Hrjifir. , il •, should Ilio puirliasor d.siro it I hr Indus and land ran ho knivvii nr seen hy ap- ln ihr ovi a sr« r, * ;i Ihr proud?.-.«*•<. I’roviMoim r m h. hod mi thr prri)lJB« s idea*. 'mi' l 1, IWS m t II VKM')N T P. L.VMAK. < *OTTON MtIV.S FOII HALF, Mjl»M»ibor is rimniifariiirimr mil hns r.n 'li hand a /'moral iisaorimem oICINS, ma.'oou Mr. .1. lloatw right's 1 ate imprnvrd j.lan, with lids ml li iouul improve moot, that uistmd of’iho iron Kib, or Iron hih Jared w ith S|*»rl f ho |<ma on thr h did Mml Uih, v\ Jim-Ii Hint In; obvious to every olio, wi<l surpass all mix is in point of durability. lh < brush rybndiT :s liKcwim/ no i on-(meted that h * feels sa'r m w rinanli n' i: In dn lu irr ibosi rvire usually perFiriikt d by them, and less buble to pat out ol order, A sample o( our < I ins may bo seen nl iho warn Ir n c f>l (Jen. Thomas Dawson, in Augumn, or fit our shoo in Luntiurg, opposite the Carolina Hntrl. Uom (imr.-ia V.ivlnng to %hil[ iba hlrp, cf.n i,n co in li \ o mmuns lr* rn 1 1 1•» wan: Ix-m eol Don. DiiWrtoii, by lui'Oiih a bunt 1 1 1*»r i cm,siauily run b'r.y. '.t o rri.picilully invito all ihuse w sling to pm chain dm.', I' l rail an I i xnnrne ours l-eluro pur rln-iniM 1 i wliiTr, |’<«•'11*;» . nnlld. r.! ou (done examination t-ur i.iiiH w ill b I, und <Ojni Mined on a more. diirah■ ■ p!au lit in tho-o hiiheMo imnufhe lured in ihrsrputs, Allhoiigh our • ins v ist marc, ; idl they will ho cold in low iih any in this irmrKel, nd warranted to ;oriorm as well, or m sale, and all expensed paid. Old CiiriN irpaired or t! ,rs nolire end on roasru ahlo lon us ; tho*o I'm in Ceorgm imy !».• Jolt ai iho a!i-vo mini d warehouse,an I will ha returned there again All i»ina hold to those lesidiug in will bo delivered thera also. CALVIN WILEY, Agent. Miiuihurg, August 10 wvim * PIKi; LAWS EOR SALK. rJ ' Jit', Kiibncri! or hoing di ti rntinod in move to A !ub .in >, ntifiin oil ora In- lands Inr »alo, lying in Pikn county ,(jeorg;n. ton iiiiics west of ilm <; () nri. Houso, in the settlement ol' I'ol .)<ni-.ilinn Uikar, two i.nli'H uliovn Willimn Moll’s mills, on Death crook. The mom ol the land in tho woods is good onk mol hickory land, ox coot a corner on one of ilm lot i, ol'cr.rellelit [lino limber, -.vithin a shorttlis l.tnon ol n flint nlcsavv iniil, Thu tract comprises lour Immlrotl mid five acres, acrording to tho ori"-,. mil survey'l hero is something near one liiiii.troil nml thirty livonrrrß cleared. all hesh, excel I tarnly live acres, which tins Icon improvid by sowing down. 'I hero is on th pro nisei a first raio now u lor pin, one ol .Mr. Kid’s i 'ant f («,.) 15;..., a com . final,ln it welling lions:', good !>!< s, good negro houses, and nil othei r.eci .-..-y outbuildings, and tho host ot all, ono urn lUgst ho heat of springs and spring houses ever i con in l. .no i. And now, to avoid m srep caenlnli relnitvi to hca’th, I would ' aay, ftotn v oral yo’.r. n.g on ;no [dice, 1 havo | cover oi j ived belter he tit!;, t -gether with tho rest | ol my Isinily, before; tin hea.thtce: place in llie 1 sett!i*i,m:;i, n !iomlil'ul etc, I; nn neg Kinnodiaiwe through ttnj land, nearly on (1: lino h o.vsrtt inn lot", 'i'he, brunch that carries 'ire gin, run pint '<»*•*• roctly t 1 r ttgli the homo In’. lamsm s if any per son vvi.-h mto buy in ll’ 3 pvt of C,a irgia, well improved, t hey do oct'.r, a: i widgivoa great bargain, and it desired, a long .-..-edit, flail noon, by tho fir - -mv'die of ( >o.obor, as I shed. 1 seh t.: ttbim .• Mery on :no f.?at Taos- J dry in . , ;en; «t tir\o. f.or.’, , >cdcr, ovts, and tilt I ' ; .- ol ato.'l; 0-11 b.l >« Slot on rraa majiu u»ausj o.t . p.-n-v-, to tint ptircnasar'i . r , , .. .v IT ALLE,N,Jr: J