Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, September 18, 1838, Image 4

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F- -9 r * ■ T .’ - \r •-' x (. I.UKM * It V I li«KO AIJ« f JAU I' Mi! *<Tiber, 1 “ ■•fill.** two ttilhrx Ih-luW Lie fi lurk of 1 1* • Mail Ko:i«i. in life. ne - otinu, will cpnmnii |*« • -eg.-H w .-■> --g !•» I*ih« La* 1 :ir> I • AitjriiMlo.mi l . 1 , *’|» ln»r*f ' dnnn ' Immr ab-ence Dl. ftH* i;- 1) d fate Hi? ii«’l•» I ivg : *tl »cl spin e'UB, aT|fl in «t- .»rr i AI r if’■ i*i■' • a'am oi fa mill'n.- . alien:' .n .\iil In) gi\vn i * Ln*s a who I'ivur him with ■ «» 'Mm Unit Mo d wd! be c m;dcfed up as ftr a.M this plftro by tin 2001 >( I»h lii'c r next, at which On* v.i * will i*<» iji'ilbl Ik* glad to n c< ive pa.-* wj> t-» A (; JeflV s )'i I 'all. Am. u a Un, Iv v If fy 1,1, I ~fsoi»s having CliMinds agfllllst 0 10 lull* /fc jfi, !mnl Hudson, ol Jcl/er-oii eonn y, lire re quested lo hand I i-m in properly alit nlc» J, and ill' :v indebted to sir) ih ceased nru ui i/ request*,d lo mak • immediate jnyßu-nf f•» 11 AN V »i\ Ik MiMKLN, Adiailiii’lnilor. September 7, IHUA. Cw ujrim vn: \< adi in. 'ii»«* miser.her ■ r. sjir’ inlorms Lie Liu)icy mill Henllc moil o' n . u'lii, dial li Mild bi« daughter, prop h i online; i ; -a i Ii"ol lor I In* insinn lion of yoiilli in all iln branch’® o) mi iMiglisb ediieat ion, also in Ok Lnim and tin ek Jmgna,»cn, Ornamental Nee- : file work, Drawing mi l Fainting. Ile y lone Imn iinl, .; i Seh * »)h him! Academi*. l , and inn ptodnee lehimmiiiii>: ol their good moral character, nrul nt ill. ir qaa.oi. ati ms nml Mice' > • in lo idling j They adupl the ( r i in d approved Kielhmia oj iiiMinuiiioo, i.v which '.ln* > r holms arc ina«l< lo un derstand iheir i■.-.Mis iiiill iiiii.c grcal prolificacy , i:l 1 1 1 <*i t hi mins. lhe leone chosen ho i.'je m leml issmnted un lie I, sieunil door below L Ibei i-sim l. 'I he np:iri iiienis lire f om.O'/dion i Mid lie dihy, and renio\e I bom the none- and bustle ol Ihe city Aln!e> nod I’nudi will be I on»hl in ;e j»»rnle npnilnieilfN, mid no lo » e will be received in cilher n Jiftl I men I, Ih. n e • 1 1 b•v\ ■ d I in.sli nelf d. ’I bo hirl fpiaricr w ill rimme eonl be I'rst .Monday ol ()e - I '• r next. I u-h (jn,ncr will eoiMel <-l Ivvelvi U< - Ih. I’o . nuoii w.ll bi‘ n •jniird f|imrlerly, in j ad\ Mice 'I be lefn'N W ill he, per quillcr, I or the common 1h.,;. .di Inum beM, $lO fto I or lie 1 i li r l i '. 'Mi he -, also lor the I niin mid < Lei k hoipoen * Jb CO I for (limnnenial Nicdle work, Drawing and Farid ng, t!.”> 00 1 'l'lu re Will bn i.o i \tn < ii ree, but tbn price set euimwi any braneh will melmli’ t'u p;eeidim* b» Millies ! or Inrilu r inforniM:ion, ihe pnldie are r< II rrnl lo Fcv, v v iiMiin, him, Mr. ( . Ihilty.ei Lagle A I'be *i i \ Don I, Dr M. Antony, Ur. I f) lord,, ih Joseph A. l ie, nr ol' ihe Mih eiihei M Mir,. ' \V dliattlH* bonrdiie; In me. I’IILMMI \S JOHNSON Sept 7 wow* m ( k-i;vi; oam) rou s.\ ij-:. rjTjn; sn!»>»■ riim*r idlers ibr ealo a valirible mjMle * m«*iit ol I.mid, Ivinir at the monih ol Ibjek-Kyc f ieel:, on lhe (h*oiiee river, lo I .anieiM eoinily, foil iMinne' abiojl tweiilv-li ve hundred acre*; H in the rean r pan ol inemli n iu ni t h.<l lormeriy lo Sc ab- in hincN, <h*i i used, of Hicbmon l eonniy, ( tid e.e.i.,' ... j,mr or live Imndred aeres :mAc el nil! .ml. lie ibove imnw fl Imd lies r&mm ktibly ; well, in.i l ennoNis id’ np-l md, h mmioek bind, and j i rdiii'ji •i• hi J.iindred in res river swamp, which n •Minds willi eypiess limber ol llm busi *lllj l lilV, f and is all in , ■ d a rule e h r hoes and » alile ; I here | J is ab.nil live lmn* 1 i d nere ol' f h ared I n I on lie' i lworin , mi I pdn h«>>i■ • , one a Innned > lions-, ui: h id her neee.s-ary buildings, and a \oy j » m| in i d »,( a 1 • i ij la'.l in .* si ream, Ihe s< lllimenl is w 1 11 Uaie.edaM»J li'. .several good springs. Any person w;; in pun ha.sesin h uNcitleiunui, would | 1 well io * nil soon, or i hev may lose a bargain.—• 1,. i'aymenis f an be ma le lo slid pnreli ners. . Lm. I. I i}c, J aim II ,eo / JU OS| ;S (.’I V I’ON . ; August :ii>, l>!H. S wlm vh\\r \tiom ron n \ hi:, j \ l.yT 11 Lhe ; old on Ihe 1 (M!i day ill I >efobe next, ' V till I'lanlal ien W beieon Ino v live, e •lilaili mg LI i ..eie , 1 0 cleared, simalf d in Ibn ke eonnl \ , ! on I lie wain tl Lark lamp creek. Iwenly miles ■inmi U’a and lour In m Ihe (Vi.ind Lad-lbai I. I’erMinH o ishing lo pun haso wdl do well I > call and -e. 'The crop and planialion tools will also he lm* i ale un ll»e hame cay 'J erins on Lie da’, I , d•. .HJIJ.N IhH iv. »I' r> u:: ' a. j (ah* sA LM V vnlnnhii* is oust' J nnd I.dl in < rawliml\ illr, nml n ■i J stork of LoimL. Ihe nniler. epu dhe in. l , ii nous io elo.c ilien mem.nlde husiness,idler lor s ah- lie ir let m ihe town ol ( raw lordvdle, 'l’nl- i i .1. rr »<■ only. It is vvell improve I, having m lirsl 1 rale si n. , "se and eoimlmg room, eom|i»riahle j dellmr. kiielien, iVe all nearly no w, oh go ul nm- I lei.ils.and v • 11 O'ran/pM. 11 I lit? lot is not sold la • i .re Ini' lirsl I ne-d i\ io Dceeniher, il w ill (lien he «»-e(l al | nhbe sale, and pn session given ihe /ir>l day ol January ne\(. 'J’eriu.s will he am ominuda ling, mid be made know n al tint ■ olVdo. A hi v will also stdl a good bargain in I heir stock of 1 Leu|n, whieb hive been well seleeled in New \ irk a• <1 < b irlr'Nton, and is gimenilly admiiied to ,\ be one Mil'in! the b n selected S.luek“ hi pp. jj * iuini»v. Any pars »n wi-bii gio cnpilal in, would do well lo « all ami exmrinr- I 'mn property ILN 1 I Lid A hll'KiN^ON. < ravvhMilvilli, (»a , Aiig'in! 2U, IHIW. wilt, y 1 \ I lav iim a desire to ri’iuove lo some ol ri } ’ p’kV Ilu low eonnl ies in the stale, I now i a ■ „ •i ido my poHPOHBit uoi lands in vN urn n count v, and within Iwo miles of Warren- an 1 a ipiaru r of a mile from the lieurgia Kailrutul ; there in seven hundred and r Iwenly lour an. . and about lour Immlrnl and fdtv m ihe wimi.lh, we I umb« red, and ail good for cube ( valion. I 'lo '.•-(■ ilml with to buy would do vvell to a <adl and tx..mine Lit* land. rliTEli CODY. e uug J w3ai I \ LION lAM( NAhl,. Ibe sub j H .senber oil rs tor sale his splendid plantation, in I.( ecm lie \, cental niiei one thousand six hundred ( acres o! land, all in a solid body. It eonsisiN ol | 1 lots , r > , VJ, hA, h'.l, Hh», IUI, and one otbei, numb to A now iceelle. led, in I lie third 1 Mn! rid of Lee county About ih Oiicuh are in t nil tv atimi, and hum. r eKeell-’nt fenein i, all lu sh, none of it having been cleand m o man live of mi years, and ino.a ( f it within tie- la itvvo year. 1 'l'be el ■» i d land is all *t liiefiihl quality,oak and I tiickorv land, ami is eup itde ol tnodnemg iroin U > («. H'nn pounds ol i utitin to ihe acre. 'lhe nn- i! cleared laud is all ol the saiao quality, except two lo s which are lir.-i late pine land, and tdinost eiped to Lie oak and hickory lor the product ion ol cotton. * i >n the plantation is a hist rate gai house ami gin, J ‘ (he running gear bui.l last ) car; also a comtori ode , 1 dvveilmg and ad oilier Hem ssary OMlbnddmUN tor a j planter who works '•» or ilO b 'i.d.s. IMi the land lire saw • ml line spring* of excel lent, pure \x an r and Ibe we I v\ a'.u n.-e.l a the p an', at on l.s i quid toil .most nrx in tie up*eoun>ry, lor lusbmsM, and pnnty Ibe phe «• is als 'Xcrv li.ere xxa% not a m ie < a eol m< among my m* groes Um year, leqnirin l be atle;.dance ol a pby eian. Tiie land lies on the ea tern branch ol VI. u ka tsJiw liatcine creek, Ic miles Innn Alhanv, in Maker , county, tie- hea I ol sieamboal n iv gallon on I iml liver, whieb wdl enable the purchaser lo get his erepea-' iv lo market. The terms vvd! be m ule to Bud Lie purchaser Ln.pine .. I the wnbseriber, in Athen®, nr of ihe editor ol the ( hrouieie A?"( >u mu I. i .lu::e7 irw.Vw:! ' ll \ULI>i < Melv I M.l. i . V\b li'it S\Mi. Ihe snbsenb. roll, rs t! 4 1 r sale bis lends n v olu nbia mMiU*x,eon- Itnmsi; hi ue:* s, if' wluca m cit'tivaimn, 1\ mg mi bulbMih sol I - creek, on vvhteli stream j toe re are i \\ > go -u m nts, |v\o and a half miles noribofWn .tsbero, uiu! imimdialely in Lie \i fMiuiv ol i'j'* .> \ mines \ I'ntber desi npte nis deemed no 1 , ei e arv. ns lie* pun ba-er would be I ex,veted to view ill l prenns* -. \ good bai 'aiii nml terms m y iil .NUN N\ I s I'K I.N . mig ]S "M i 1.1. persons are loiewariied gainst milling lor a note given i’V my w.ll I * J t. li.-klos, tll licar r, fur seventeen Imndred dollars, about Lie lib of May 'in*, as dm consideration I r which said note bus faded, aad I am detenu 'i» ; it »i to pay said note md. ;-•> eom.ti *bv law Ihe aw. note, i.s made payable a the Vonnner ml Hank of Al won. (o , sulm lime iu De -anhor next i:\o> u. ri.Rw r.i.i r.N Cullotlen Monroe eo A- aic JB.N, v\ ; S’" \ NO I’ll V. 1 la* n 1 it a r.-igncd having 4 r**m w i'd Ir'Mi V!ark county i“ Lme dutoa, Will ntlivid to the pfo • C 1 ct Law in Lie Sp: enor and lid.aior Vourts of Lincoln county, and Lie a t ja r, ent ooimlies -siinrustod to ia ■ will be promptly utt nded s ’ * tU'NN’INV H. M(>< IKI'. Roforeinev —lion Vliarh l‘ . ■ v. I hen A Js, ( \nyUm. Hon. 1 bomas v\ . Harris. Hen. Hdvvard llartlf*n,.Al'naid; V. .1 Jeiikiim, H \N Iravvfrd. \ J Miller. Vol. John Alilledge, \N illia.a K. Jones Augusiu Liucolmeu, Aiarcli Vi I, w(| , i.wv strncr.. 4 j •ij I. mhaving united in 1 1 m j»ra< * s <• £ ol 1 lie* L,l vV , • *;I • r (It4*ir servicen in the pnbm I I..*v W'i.'l ; i*t' u! 1 *i»• ('oiul .l nf *, Marion, Stewflrf,, ! ‘.nrly, Raker, /.<*»■ and .“•'unit t, Inllhet hatiahooebco Circuit; Houston,ol I*c I‘l .l • * Cnvuif; on«l Twiggs, Rnluski, l,owndes, '1 Ton Jh - i|: 1 r and Dooly-, ol ii - Southern Circuit. I fl umes i/tiiru.-tioii Io Hour care will no of will* prm; , 1 ;iil« ill ion 'i iitrir nfljei* 1 in Amern us, Si .t*rr (•mini y, w lino one ol them muv nlwayw ho found *\ Io n not absent onlnmincv? LOTT WARRi:.V, \VM II CiiAVVI oRD. ori in 237 vvil P AW oOTM Sj. »in iiiM •1n- M< <l, il • • ’ w t (.1 devoting In- time mi l oil -u inn in I L # prac -1 lice of the Law, will carefully nncl promptly attend •o all hisincsK 11P mated lo Ins cue Olli :o in Louisville, tin. TJUTS. li. ROLL ILL. I ting 21 w irn J The uli;n ril»i r, n Hiding 1:1 Annex nl * J ILMrict, S. C , near Bowman - f erry, on tin* I •Saviitiimli river, h ia fiiiren hundred lo two lt:on i ftaiui bushels ol Com lormle, ( onvcnieni 1 healing. Hi I .'I W 111 I i HI N I * IJAIO’L IMilli AMI LA HU. k / * / I c k. LR •> Baltimore A' < ’incmn ■ 1 Huron •M f UOO 4H 1.1.’f, prime l‘.,rk 5000 |lj.s I,rnl laird, fniMale om ficcoinuodnliii;; I' run by ISAAC .MOL ! . Juno 7 w *lll II road sire t \OTI( r. lln hiilc 1 1 ilirra li.ive loruif d a co partnership, (or On; irans'iciimi ol a mi mini il<; business, under' In- firm of Sri Jin ton o, Soil Hi. 'J In V have I uken tin* store Inlely on 11- p 1 *•<l I>y Messrs. 1‘ S. A ( 11. Al< tcnlf, and urc no ,\ in. < mng anr 11 assorted stock ol (Jio r < nr; •, f nUun Ihifffitnfi % Iron, i\c, no • 11I ly selected Willi go at ruin by Mr. A. O. I'an richc, in Ne.\v York aid other nmrkeiH. Merrlianis and i’l mlcis generally an- respectfully invited lo call and examine 111 -.11 I 'in lit mar uilenlion \vdl la- paid to lint wain ol Colton, and execution ol orders lor oinn Inoniisc .1 li. SCRAN 1 ON. A. VV SMITH. July 20, IH3'I mw IvvAwOt i O I TON OI.NS JOK MA In., ry \ 111, Miliscrilmr m mannlarlnnn:: and Inm on o hand fi tpon*rril at- lortmcoil ol (»INS, m • «• on .Mr .1. 11 tat w rig ht’m late iniprox <*d plan, nilhlld* aildi’ionnl improvement, liiat insi. ad ot lli<’ Iron RIII, or Iron l(di lin'd wit 1 1 ‘ I- 01, lie ) < ll! -i "tl the Hoinl Si rl RIII, wlin li mi l nlivimn t" » '.cry j olio, will Htirpai-r; all oilumh in point nlCurahilily Him cylinder h likewise ho « oristnielod lied. In- fi’cln salt? in v* a minting it to do I wi< e I lit? «on ie»* j ii.-'lml'v perl-mini hy tlifin, nnd Ic.-.i halde to ;o-i ■ o'lt ol order. A samplo <if onr Ci may hoHn tiai the* ware 1 li II: e , r f Hr, *l' lel • : j;! h HllV. Ol , 111 All'llisl-i, of i-l , our hop 10 1 ! amour. , oppo.silo the Carolina 11 oh I Then* from (1 on»ia \x 1- liing lo \ 'Hit lie hliop, can ! do so in fivn in 1 miles Irani ill ? ware house ol hen. j 1)a WHOti, hy meaiiHola hoal ihil i coiiHlanllj mu- , mug. Wo 1 liiilly inviic all \v Mhing to jiurelaiH.! Lins, t<» call and I'xnmoio oars Indore pur # Ills iM lt elsewhere, 11-clmg eanlidr-nt 11 • 11 1 on « 10-e cxanunalinn our < .inn \\ dl l»e loiied corisllnct'd on a more durable plan item thorn hilherio inaonlae lined 10 these part 0 Allliomdi nur • i ll s #»•<>«t. more, slill I lif y ill In* Mild as low as any in liii.s market, and Warmnlrd lo | er.orai u.s well, or mi «ale 4 and all expenses paid. <>ld Lins repaired onHmrl nolien find on reason rd>U* leraiH ; tliosa from Ceorgia in ly he Ini 1 nl the a hove naactl warehouse, an I w ill he returned Hi ere aunin All <« , in.s ho Id lo Hioho ro.siding in Lcorgia, will !»o delivered also. CALVIN WILL V, Agt til. niimlmrg, Angnsi Id w’.'m rs '!1 ()( LK I 3-; S.—Tim HohseJiher|io ( , H * side on lea.suna'dc llio lollovving good.s, .1 u.sf received 1 yt)U jiioee.vs stipor Dundee Hemp La gging , |(-(> |,|. s liphr, .• nil 11 1 *ln It Mjam lam-s Vl. j ,'U KrlllllrK) 111.. 1 lilMll|) liulo IfuJlP .0O() Him hi-hI Ragging'J v *. me 10 lilidnSf ( roix and 1 ILeo Sugar I7d ImgH prime (’offee 1 2 t hhl.s doable and single rei. l ted l*ont Sugni' 1 fit) hhl.s .h-nck’n Rye t»ili 110 hhln host. Rye W hit key < 10 hhl.s old iMonongalial.a W hiskey v 1 Id hhl.s old Apple 1 handy Id bids old iVaeli Ihantly 2 u pipes prime oM Champagne Rrandy 2 i pipes prime old Cognnm IJrundy 2 pi 1 em super I lolland (• in I li lid <dd Jamaica Rum lO (jrcasks low prieetl \N ines 21 boxes I.ihhy’s No. I Tobacco 110 boxes 1 Nitont Mould ami JSpeiin (‘aiidlcs 30 boxes No 1 Soap lit tons ton Swedes Iron, a.ssorlcd ;/<rs ■ , r » hoi (’aatings 50 kegs t til Nulls || 200UD lies 1 SpntHsli Segars (S , 15000 common Sugars N l 50 CJ..SCS-mijht Negro, and oilier (jmdily Shoos S: 5 ctiMCfl Negro Cloth o 5 bales London I >11(111 Rlankcls nl 2;‘> bis 1 and 11 brow n Sliet ling and Whirlings m 5000 Ihs Raeon sides \l-n —very superior old Port and Madeira W ine, Incct miporiulioii, Tea, Shot, Lead, Row tier, (Ac. THOAIAS DAVIS, sept 7 d2iwT.t ISO Broad street. | ’ B 11 K subscriber being about lo leave llio Stale j j ■ lor a lew wpf’kis, J\o. M. Hampton, of Lau 1 ciis county, w ill act ns his agent and attorney an il he returns. JOHN THOMAS. * Dublin, Laurens Co., Co , June 23. iw.\w 1 INCOim AT [ON. | I r V ' 11 r. Kubset iber, wit ft others, w d make nppliea j v I imii to the I.» gihlalnrcs ol Soulh Carolina and | t leorgia, at lluar ne\l regular session, lo incorporate ■ a company I»r ilic purpose of eoislnulmu: abridge, j or a boat lo be impelled by llio power ol steam or J horse, crossing the Savannah River, fit or near 1 lamlmig and Augusta, lor iheir own m e, in order to encourage the intercourse and avoid paying the extravagant lull at the picscnt bridge, in whit lieu- f n rprise ilir» eiii/eiis and ineorportilcd companies ol (leolgia, as well as South t 'iiiuliiui, may pan u-ipale n ji I'-\ RV LI /. S I fin .luinr, S <’ August 22. IH3B. w 3nC c iki:-riuKir w \iii.novsr: -'nieji S' nndeisignevl lakes this opportunity nl return ! ' mg lo> thanks m Ins Iru-i•»!» and fi generous puhhc. 1 ‘ lor Ihe liberal patronage in his husim s.s ihe l\vn | * years past, nnd soliciis « eoiuinuaiiuii in Hie storage j and t ‘omnn>siuii lie again renews Ins promise, dial he will not 1 l directly or nulm cl!y engage m tie- pen Ins' ol 1 C( lion oil spiaailatioti ; his c veil ions shall he * vela- 1 { si\elV l*o 1 the in’.cre l ol those who may confide to him their busiae-.s, RcuiunJ. Daw .on will remain nt Craw fordville until the « a s on llio Ladroa.i go to I nion Roini. I M*ven i.n'es below (• reelle-Oumd, for the | urpose ol j receiving anil iorvv aidin'* (’oilon and (ioods, vv hu ll 1 umv he c n.-igned lo the umlersigmal, clear el charge to 1 Vie plainer* and merchants ; agents at 1 oil el deposits t»u the liaiUoud will attend lo this business. thalers to; Ragging, (-roeeries, Are. will lie filled 1 at Iho lowest pi 1 es, aud lorwardcl wiHmul dei.iv. THUS. H V\V su;y.‘ .to•• fN, lih mhrr 13, IS3 . x will nissoi.i Tio ; . or < O-1* v irrMHc u * sill I* The limt of Collier v\ •rL’istlnsj day dissolved In mutual eon.seiit. I’ho hooks old the concern will he Icll with I’ W . Collier, to make s it!( meiits, vx lm W ill carry « n the Croeery 1 hnsjncss alhibool sia’id in Ids mdi\(dual nntu*'. l i>W ARD \\ . V ULLII.U, JOHN HILL. ; September 12, 13S. stwlrw 1 cur TO \ITI ST V .JAIL, oil' « tlie imh instant, a negro woman, (i Is hciselt 1 Sum? -i , min s hhe lu he g< la \\ ilha w \ utour, "l \ ' New DHeaa* ; slu* i> 30 \ cars oM, 5 icgt il.o-j imriics high, dark complected, and .-tout mud-'. 1 lie owner j is rcipieslevl to come forward, pay ex,.vines and 1 ,k. I her bom jail. l-Ll .UtHHi AN, Jail r. august 21 3vv (iron ». Hilt he < v : v. % ' Ill'll I \s J v epli Lewis applies for letters V of mbnii.fstruiioii, de bonis non, on lit • estate ol 1 inn Sharp, deceased. 1 h-’so are ihetefore to cite and adunundi all and • j ditigulur the kindred and ereilitors ol said deceased j to b.' and app-'ar at my ollice within the lime pic j s i ilkml by law, to sii \v cause, it any tin y have 11 why said lette-s should not!»«' grunt- .j i t «ivm under my hand nl olliee, in U avr.csho-., , I this 7lh dev ol tfepiembcr, L3S. T. 11. RLUC NT, Dc,v Clerk* S» ptonibor 11, I^3B ) r 4 t <H li moiillis alter due. nppliea'! a will be 1 2 made m1 he Court . I »>nhna v, of Richmond county, tor leave »o sell a I the real esinie d Sain j u.d Appleton, deceased. l-»r ihebenetil ol lon heirs jo 1 * n r;.\N. . Adiuinisbutor, tu o( Ins w Re, Aim J Lmn. m'P iu lm v» av :•< i>:mm<> ata miM v. f ji 1 Jill exercises t d11n;• msiitnlion will bo n mined 2 on the first Moil'in} m October next, and f}*» * I < ’oinnn««ioner« have (In; pin -»nr« of informing th ’ ; public that they have ag on boon able to secure Ha 1 i .-«;rvi('c*s of Mr. Aa.%oN, whon: iit«t*■»!«*l-oil ’ : 1 nvc given mu h general iiihffmtioiiiJurl* gibe p.*-f * | academic year. ' i Kor llwMiiformntion of li el ends and patiormof i ikm academy, nonce is ah > t/i\« ii, that ail 11 h • I brunches ot iemning are now taught. in it which ! constitute n thorough, U'lul, dial aecornpl.Hhcd i < (iucraiioii. Tho ije-jgn ol ibe Lccp>rH, noi mere;} { to ni'iJ e liis pupil* lamiiiar v. uli tills or lliat il parl , Ha ul of liter.nurc ors-' ioi-; <•, hut to Irani and pie -14 part* ilifin lor ilic performance ol uli ibe lr._o and ‘ .important <;tifith of Jilin ilen.e, ripail Jrou Ike 1 | iiniiiil routine oi aeadcinn* slu'.jm, diuir intention is * 1 directed to ihe nUmnmont of a manly sly It? ij. }*• tk* ; mg and ol an easy carnage and polite uddrc*o, i » the 1 means \ mg beullh, to Hie writ in:* o lelins, . 1 ilofus and hills, and, in hli.o ,to all tho.-e aecoiii* . • plisbrucnis. w Inch, iliongh g- ucrally n • jlcuiel in . j I Ik* education ol }i»nlli, are no; lc..*■e. niial l«- stic ! i rm in |;le,ih m tlio.-s.- flequinmcm- ol a wegi.tiui i and more: * lentilic. ebara» ter i in: ui. eip.m■ • of this school in mild and parental, , yet at lhe j-ame lime firm and cflieienf. lhe 1 i pupils an* ir. in I a ; moral an intellectual Icings, : and in tin* maintenance ol order, appeals arc* made to tin* • oi.r (■ n*ij< i 1 rather I l»an to tin* rod. A eorivci ate.mill of ear h r.riio ai‘eouJuM, and proficiency { is Jvf:j f, and Iran-ni!li' 'l to lie ■ parcnis (il tesahng I near! e\er v week; w hich, loL'clher will» rcvvanU, ! ! judieioiedy di.nrihuled, bus had ibebappiecl « ii• • l ; oi awakening and Keeping aLvc a spun ol enmlu ( lion, holh in regard to Mudy and d< poriim nt imoiig the pupils ol Hus academy, j At a rcei nl inn ling ol He* Hoard ol (’oinino.don , ers. ihe follow in.' n* olulioiis were adopted, lo wil - j Thai tho; eademic year shall hedmded into Iwo i MCHsiorm. '1 hat lie* fir.-l w..moii deill eoiTUiiem r on tin: find i day us Oriolmr in cadi and every year, and lermi* | mile on ho joth da/ol lo hrmiry ; end that the eeond a ■. ion s Irdi eotniii* a ’ r t* on l lie I»a li r>l 1• h j mary, mid lormniaie on the dOih dune ; nil* r v\ Imdi j llu ic shall ho a vacation «>f liinc in adde j lion lo iln.% there shall ho a no un ul one •■•*« I i during lie- (.’hn.umn llolhdayK. J hid lie* i all s ol I ill Lion hliil! !»'• a>? f. i >v. -, \iZ 1 I nr Head in f, 'polling, W riling and I led on.. , per tse-aadl fM l',r (•eogiapliv, Aritlnm I if, Grammar, and I ether tderuoniary h Uni ms, id 00 J or lhe ancieoi and inodero languages, Malli eiiiain , A.dural Philosophy, * liemiwlrv and other Kindred hraneln s Jf> 00 'J ml.on in ail eases t«> he paid in advanee .>o scholar will I >«• r. < oived lor a shorter j.'-rnul I I hail hail n session, and v\ lien enurin' lor lies j lime, il imiol he «•> c\pr. -dv staled at the hint* el * enlraoee. j Hoard iiny ln> ohlaim din re pee I aid ■fa nilies in lllns villigr at prices varying Iroia 6 to o‘‘j pi.r J numlli, w : .-hjng, li'glds, A«• ineiuded. ihe hool, , i>> I; used in tins academy are, the I Uihle, W idker's Jlielionary, Welislei’s .'‘polling 1 Kook, I iim*. Sim's l‘K«! nnd second * la-s Ih-adora the .National Header, and IMiM r’s JdoeoMon (’ollmin’s V list Pc.- -ohm, Niniih’s and I ’.nu ;-"ii s Arithmetic.-, i.’ollnirn’s >Ugehrn, MayfioiJ'dmlid, MarslialPs Hook K» t ping, and Klim’s Survoving Smilli’.-i and KiiKham's (Grammar, Pa 1 hoi ■ l>\er rises,and Plair's Jtiietoric. Woodhridge’s and Ohiey'., (leognipliv'', P.d.’oms nnd VN iiMptey's Ilia -.y, (Uiy'i* Astronomy and /'realise on (dukes, < omsloek’s ( henii.dr, and .Natural JMiilosojdiy, I nmoln and Kaion's Pnlnny, Hedge’s Lo;;i< , ( (iiuhe’is Physiology, \\ nils on Hie .hind, and He* IJaiidel uml Ilaydoii colleeliuii ol ( Imreli MtisK! ylmlrew’s fadin (.‘raiomar, Homlrieii’s (»rr.*t*K f •rmuiimr, (deck IL-ader Teslament ami ajora, j Latin Pender, Leverell.’s i.ul n Tutor, Virgil, Nal* hist, L'mmo and Hornet*, JiCVizae’s Kromdi (dam mar, with Holmar’s Kidd* s,and 'i'elemut lius. I’er order ol Ihe Hoard, I.UW/1K1) (LI K LICK, See’}. VV aynnslmro, .Inly 10, I HUS 7i.-m LOLL;*, i LL»j .iH'DU A li i \S r Vl'i'i t H UIK. I .oeluifs of this instil ntimi will continence D on lift Inst Monday in October,an«l cnilinote on tbc of Ja hruaiy, during which in.-tnielion will ho given on lhe brunches, viz : Anatomy, l>y J)i ( old). 1 11 >! imi t < *.s oi’ idetiieino and?,, { . . ~ \ Suirul I’l-a.-iii .-, piy Dr.Cnldwoll. Tilery u.-u! l*r:..-tu- ■ uI'.M.hI-j , )r C(l(jl>0 I nine, } Surgery, _ 1 * ‘ jMid wait*: v mid die dis( a-a sul ) j WHim n and Inidien, S Matcrni Alediea and >L' die.d/ j, j ;r< ;gj lolt Ho? ; n S y (lliemi.-dry ami Pharmacy, Py l\r. \ andel!. 'J’ho h e lor iheentiro I'onrso, ini*lntiii»:• 1 he Ma ineulaiaon and l.doary iiekel, is 110 Jho His* acting liekel is •Vlh, which is ojilional :i Mu' ilmJenis lo lake or dec lino. Tho Hradinlion i Tie n* lining no mlional currency, the fa mily will receive lint paper us ail solvent luniks <>l < il tin* slates in which ssiudeni.s respeelively reside, n pnyiuotil lor I In a r liekds. LLNSKOICD I‘. V ANDf’LI., M. D. tnjg7 wOl I lean <d lie'Kaenll V. LAN!>S POR SA LfeA ,- /v. Tli • suhserilier offers for sab* hi •fA<,lan(U in (■olmuhia county, silm Idon j : lhe iiciin i • >1 leading Irom Angn.s’.a hi j (’olnmhia (bunt I heise, 1 1 ll leen mile.- j above tin* former, and non- n.des below | la* r place, eon 1 aining almul (’••>() immvs, and is so sihmf(*d dial lwo desirable sell aauenhs ina> l> ' mnd( % , s bon’d I lie w hole la* 100 nuu h lor one person, with improvements on each; oilber ot wbn b will bo sold separate, should llm purcliasor d. sire it Tin* terms and land caa bo Innwvn or m’ih byap j»lvmg lo ibe overseer, on tbo premises. I rovisions can he had on tin* promises also Juno I, IMS m l lIAUMONH; I.AMAIL it us: I’uoor w vur. norsp:. f 0111 P, snbscribi rs tnko this method ol informin'/ fl lhe public Hint they will cmili en* lo irans.u I as geh'M.d I-O.M A1 !SSJ( )N HI'SI AI/ >S boil | WarelivUise*. are in eomplele repair, and limy soli cit a slum* of public favour, (baleful tor past patro nage, thev assure* their friends no exertions sball he wannng loproinoi** the inicrest <*l iheso who mav enirnsl ibeir bnsinoss Io ibcm. Their charges in future will bo like other establishment ol the Kind Lii-eral ad\ances on product* in store. Leeching and forwarding goods or cotton promptly attended to . S. KN’LKLAM/ A- (’(» atisr 31 20n swll (TIM MIV S JIHIiHV fl.f!) UA< BaN, i r-' Hl’, Fall .M. <■i i ■: of IS’ ! S will r.mimenro ov. r A tho U/; </.’.V roe/sv/;. 111 i iilmulm.. : I li\ , on Tm.-H'.iny, ilu> '.Mil d.iv ol Ofi «>!u'r m’M, 1 continue tho day ■ Knsi day, S\\, cpsiaKi s n»r . ! y ear olds spring el sub I'/ft. L,. . ; \ mi:.*, host two in threa'i to name an I clem* 13th Kop‘t*m !! or m'\i: four or more lo make a race. Already | three entries, ('oL I* Ivliuomlson, Messrs, lumnor 1 A Iverson, mi I Messrs Ibnnimnnl »V Co. *>d day, .!.(*. Purse,‘d mile In* its, S 3 A 3»1 day do 3 do do free *>oo 4th day do I do do lor M(K j fall ilny do best 3in . r > d » nil 300 The fdl campaign wile unnieneo bore ; and that all may have a fair si art, throe additional slahlos to i hose owned hero, are on their w ay to our course to commence training Our spo ling I lemis til Ain hama and Snr.ih Carolina uo ih»Ti I• •rt invilei.'also, ; to come and mea-urestrenglh wl l h tbelib orgiuns ai iheonsci, and return the fist week in April i i \i, in j ilic regular spring meeiiuf', l » test with ibcn tin | lona rub. 'I o avoid ir.eom »*nc.*iu ,'b « inn : *o come w ith slaldes. Would do w • i hi Willi'lo l Secnaury, that Kuiiahlenecouon f.-uioiis sboidd he ;n roiulinesw. .d . .1 A'v Sec’y. July 17 oi'wnl (L‘orv r ia. I Ha ke count * : ; > h/ 111. li K AS, William Kilparli i k, applies for w Lt llt'rs t*f ndiuiinsiraiMM, na llm 1 stale nl I John Kilpanriek, deceased I These are t!» relore to eito and ! i.-nisb ail nnd singdarfhc hull's and creditor .1 said deceased, t y j he and appear ai mj oilier w it Inn lhe time prc»cn l*ed bylaw, to tin* their «d>|--etinns, i( anv I hew have, l<* shew cause wav said loiters should n»*t be grimed. (hvoti under my linfid, at -• ih e, in Way m on. this 7ih day of fcn-pteinhe-, IhbS T H. 81.0 l Mb Ue|» IT rk SeplcmborT I, lni A NAVAL UlirH/AK. . fgMI 1 * F:&• tvjlty ol the Mi diral Ollogcol the ‘Slate . ■ ol 'mmiili i urolin.a nnn«iiincos,that the annual { S' nil off Ik- ( 'allege v\ ill commence on the second 1 >J• r :;* * m Novem!' r. :u usin' An Introductory j Lcctino will ha given r>n llmiday at noon, ami the j ( regular course will he rc.-mmed on ilic following morning I On Anatomy* by LK. Holbrook, M. D r On Surgery, by John Wagner, '1 i> h On li-.-i nun's ufid Practice of Physic, hy S Henry , ( i oi< 5; nn, 51 I) On Phy>inlogy, by .lames Moultrie, M D. On On.-u:■ trun, by Tb«*s. C Trioleau, M D On ( li*-nu; iry,hy t, { .Vicpard, MD. j I M . .•) i i.i ci!j( a, |»y J Icnry K Frost, M D On J An Homy and Medical Jnriapru <li nee, hy J, i . ; dding>, .M li. ia ; j /i/otriiijoii.v of Anatomy, hy 1’ nrdemati, Mb »S. JIHNKY DICKSON, Dean •*'pt. 0 m3f - * - * i K),. I i ?.. 1 1. hgi rmei oners u " h-'.-, Lund,- lor half-, in Harris county, lying di r*-ci;y upon die road from Hamilton to (Jrccnvillc, '• ii'- 1 ' Mii ln Ironi tin* forimr place, The posseusion eoiiipr - - right lninor. fi acre*, which the owner ! . WMi «.!-]>/ tenlin ii hodv or in tv\o.‘cp irate parcels, »■ to nit pnrcluihi'Ts. There are two i.ntidn-d an.; 1 >, fitly jut. cUnu-cml, of which a considerable nortion i «• i 1 ' b, Hie whole fine tanning order ntal well, l adapted t o the culture of corn, cotton, small grain, j ) Air. 'i h re is a Irani* d dwelling house on the place : well (•"ii- irnc-icil and ol goon materials,a gin house, and all other outbuildings requisite for convenience i Ihe water is excellent,and the Ki'uQiion affords i n\f'-y prospect (or the enjoyment of line health.— ti Any je-r.-on desiring further irdormation will call npon the subscriber on the premises. i- Harris count v, July 3 rn It THOMAS SMI TH r) }> 1 ItS'l'AiN'l io an order ol ihc h.inoralde tin* H .1 ii laes o( ihe Inferior Court of the county of , J( fTersoii,aitling as a < anirt of Ordinary, will be ] offered for sale, at the Court House in the town ot I ouisv'ilie, on the first Tuesday in November next, between me usual h *nr.s of sale, flu* plantation 1 ( called Oakland, belonging to the c.-.tate of Major John Fcrrien, late ofVoid county, containing about eleven hundred rrc.: of land, lying fin Rocky Com fort c. ct k, and adjoining lands of Cunninghams, Flournoy, and Holt. Conditions < I sale, one-third j cash, 11m hallauce in two animol instalments, and interest Ironi the dale.u morlglgo on tho premises, 1 and approved personal security. On tin* succeeding day, nr. the Oakland plant a lion, will ha sold, a quantity of slock, consisting of horsc>, Minion, cattle, hogs, and sheep, together with mi miry articles <>f household nrnl kitchen litr niinre. plant, lion Mmils, earn, fodder, wagons, A:c ,vr. Ik |oii"ifi' T ti. ‘•aid estate. Conditions cash. J no. MAt l‘i• HKSON JiKURIHN, j^x’r. . 18,1839 d Georgia, Kirhiuoud roimfy : NV ill tain Taller, ) Superior ('<>urf, June Term, vs j 1633. .hum s Iteeside, J- Orlando Saltrn.'Usli, | lu Kquify ; :ilrl .1 (dm McLean. J Dill lot* belief, Ac. T oppeoriiig to tin; Court that James Keeside re- ! c si<h s on of tho slate ol Heorgiu, i but Orlando , 1 >‘al I marsh resides out of Kichiuau] county, and that aid hill has net hem served on said clelend anis. It is ordered l liat said deleiidnnis appear and answer to said hill, on or heforolhe first day olihe 1 next term. Ii is further ordered that this rule be published monthly lor live months in one of tho gazettes of tho city of Augusta. A trite extract from the minutes. ! , .1 AMTS Me LA WB, Clerk July 20, 1838. ntsm K rrioullis after date application will he j 2 made to the honorable the Inferior Court ot DnrKe county, u hen sitting lor ordinary purpeßOs,lor < h i\e to sell the plantation belonging jo Ihe estate "I John .‘I. Lambert, deceased, in said county, nd- , .joining lands of John < 'ock, Mathew Jones, und o'b- ■ cts. -\is *,!i negro man belonging to said estate by i be name ol Dob. A M)i:HSbN 1, \MD TUT, ) r . GUOIKiH VV.KVANS, i x I,s - WnyneshfiM, Juno 28, 1838. K months utter date application wdi be •N made to the Justices of tho Interior Court of Richmond county, w bile sitting as a ( ’oort of Ordi nary, iiir leave to sell a tract of land belonging to Ihe oia'c of Lewis i> Rlkhlcs, dcecasin), lor the benefit oi the heirs and creditors of said deceased 1 July 31, 1838. A. W. KllOblvS, Exectiter. *1 \ {i ' R I'. >l.1■ ;.1 Irr appilCUllon will bn * m ale to ihe Icr.oruble the Interior Court ol j L'o’.nmliia county, \vhr-u sitting for ordinary purpo ses, fir leave to s II tiieuigrocs belonging to the * >t.ii<- ol 3fanton i'orter, deceased, lor the purpose *.t distribution amongst the heirs of said deceased. i\A.V \ PURTLR, Adminislranix ug» sis 30, I ol said estato. J''l R months after ditto application will be ■b n*ade to the (’onrl ol Ordinary of Dmke coun ty, for leave to isell lot No 1)5, Hih District, Merri wether county, l)(.*longiiig to James F. Drown, a inn or. ' I’.ldZA Dl/Ti I HUOWA, July IT, 1838. Cuardian of James F- JJr*\vn. nicntliK after date, application will he ■* mule to tho honorable tin* Inferior Court of Taliaferro comity, when sitting lor ordinary purpu- i ; es, for leave to sell the real estate of James Lang- j d*»n, deceased ; all persons concerned will please I ake notice. DOROTHY LAND DON, Cuurdiau, __ June Ti, 1838 4m dt iC- SO.— Alieitbc { xjiiralion nl fourmontbs %,i ironi tins date*, application \\ ill he made to ilio : Justices oi ibe 1 11 1 1 >rior Court of. Joficrson county, I sitting as a ( » »iri o) Ordinary, for leave to sell the I ii. groes belonging to I lie estate id Major John 15c r nen, late ol said county, deceasoil J ND. .M ACFHLICSON HERRILN, KxV. Juno 18,1538 h K muiitbs alter date application will be made *L t" t lie I ion ora nit* the inferior Court of Colum bia comity, when sitting li*r ordinary purposes, bo leave to si li a tract ol land in said county, contain ing Tin acre..-, more or less, adjoining lands of Ileg ge-, if Neil, and others, belonging to the estate o 1 icnry V\ iikins. St AN \Vi LKINH, Ad'jnr. June ‘JO, IS3B. L 4 Dl U nr,onlis alter date application will lie K made to the honorable the Interior •. ourl of Dike comity, w bile silling tor ordinary purpos s, lor j h'-ive to si il the real (.stale of Williutu Dryant, dv- j ceased, late of Hurko count. C. L. MATTHEWS, Administrator in right of his \rife, July 0,1833. hpDl R months alter dale application will he | “ made Io the honorable interior Court.ol Dnrke ■ county, when Mtting lorordinary purposes, for leave I |to soli all iho real ('state ol iMarU Desahay, laic (j| j said county, for tho pnrose of a division Lk-ween I the heirs ol said estate. august 11, 18aS 01-50. \V. 1-SVANS Adin’r. alii r date npuTication will be mac to tin* honorable the Interior (’onrl of I Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary pur- | pose lor have to n II six hundred acres ol land,! more or less, l.ehn. ::ng to the e.state of Denj unin T. " nil-ey, den j'.sed, Iv ing in (’■ lumbia county, on ill" little Kloke cnek, adjoining lands of Ilu-.igie 'nirl ii, and ot hers \\ .M. F. I>l. ALL, Adip.'r, i July Jfi, 1838. ■ y , - )[ ■* '-i' mhs after (Into application will be iicoie to the honor He the Inferior Conn ot i oi tint hi i county, when Mlltng for ordinary pur-| 1 o es. lur leave to sell the whole ol tho real estate j > ol Sydney C. Holland, a minor, lor the benefit ol r sai l minor. JKULMIAII CRIFFI >, July I Administrator e i Sydney 8. Holland jD'DI'K months after dale application will he made ® to the honorable inferior Court of Columbia county, whie silting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell (he real estate of Jacob J Dugg, bile of Muscogee county,deceased.' July 7 * A. I* ROBERTSON, Adm’r. i* * IgOru in,mills nl'.cr aj pliration w ill 1,0 2 mil <i> tn I lie Honorable Ihe inlerior Court ul ,i Warn n cunnly, when silling ns a Court of (Jrdi n nary, It le.ivc toseilllip I .ami ami Negroes he I i- I"' earn In the i‘.slat - nl‘ i/ampiuli Warle, Jmu nl ! .aid e itinlv, deecasOil. UUI’ilrRT I’.OI.TON, Adm’r. q jnly 12 in lia g'Ol R ir.onllis a her date npplieatiuu will |>, • l made lo I lie lonoruhle Ihe nleriur (’ourl ul i ’■> lit 11 ,1 >i :t i,unity, when s-nling |. ir ordinary pur ,r I tiir leave lo ><ell No. 3SG, in tilo i2lli dis ,l I riii <>l ill" Isi seen in, no\v I .iimpkin countr, dr.uvn I"' ihe ' ire hi as ol' U ill am l. iu rence, deeeaaed, for p die I lea, li I nl' said orphans. r. 1.1 / A lir,Tll LAW UEXCE, Ouardian. September fi, 1838. m4m ■' months aher dale applirnliini will he 1 <i inadi- to die I’ourt ol Oulinnry, liiiike connly, nr I to sell the nai , • ut ,hii„... Hirms, de ’• • -in.,..1. mid ijlmi ihe rot -into mul negroes t*l the iiiieor lairn of said James Ilnur. I'.V EIiTT f' A Pl’. Sppteiober 0, 1838. Adm r. and tnmrdian. ' Georgia. ‘ fiivon comity: HI JII.KI. ■,> Az.irmh l umas applies torletters diunissury on iho estate ol Annets, 1 ol' Soriven county, deceased : These are therefore in rile and admonish all and ; singular the kindred and creditors ol said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed hy law, to show cause iI any they have, why said letters should not ho granted. (liven under my hai.d at ntiico, in Jacksotiboro, , ibis It lit day of September, I>3B. sept lit JOSHUA PERKY, Clerk. Georgia, Jtniho county: W' JIEttBA.S Civility linnn, administratrix nn | » V thocsl ate of Moses Kunn, deceased, applies j I fir loiters of dismission from said estate. These are therefore n> one and admonish all and ; 'singular thekimlroil and creditors of said decal to ho end appear at my cilice,\vit Inn iho lime presorih j cd hy la vv,to show cause, i I any they have, why sani \ loiters should 101 ho granted. (liven undi r my hand, at office in Waynesboro, | I lies liutli .Inly, 1838. Hy order of court, atig'J Om T. it. BLOUNT, I). Clerk. j Georgia, Jefferson County: W/ HEREAS James M Linqnefiold, adminis »» Iraior on the estate of James E Wells, hue j of said rounty, doconsed, applies lor lotlors of dis- | mission from said estate. i’hese arc therefore to idle and admonish all nml j ' singular, Ih -■ kindred and creditors of said deceased to ho andappearut my odice wiihio the time pro scribed hy law, to shew cause, if any they have, I why said Idlers should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, in Louisville, this j Blli day of May, 1838 E. IiOTJIW ELL, Clerk. may 10 6ra Georgia, < olmnhia county : ■« * / II EKEAS) James L'urlhdge. administrator tie | V) v holds mm, applies (or Idlers dismissory on ! the estate of Adam Walker, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and j , singular, ilie kindred and creditors of the said de- j . cased, to tile their objections, if any they have, | within the time prescribed by law. in my office, I lo slew cause why said letters should not be grant i ed. (liven under my hand and seal at office, this : 2d day of June, JB3B. GABRIEL JOKES, Celfk. 1 Jefferson County: u a / lII.REAS William L Kennedy, Abminis. 8 V iraior i-f John Eight, tale of I his county, de ceased, applies for letieis dismissory from said ad ministration, Those are therefore to cite summon and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of ike said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, lo shew cause, if any they have, why said letters shall not. lie granted Given undermy hand at office, in Louisville, this slh June, 18. 8. June 9 EBEKEZER BOTHWELL, Clerk. Georgia, Jefferson county : \i\/ H EKE AS Sherrod Arrington, adminislrnlnr i y ♦ on the cslale ol .Joseph Eoeklian, late of said county, deceased, applies fur letters of dismis- i sion from said estate. i These are therefore to cite, summon and admon ish, ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of i said deceased, to he and appear at my office within lhe time prescrijid hy law, lo shew cause, if any , they have, why said Idlers should not he granted, i Given under my hand at office in Louisville,this , Until June, 1838 ; June US EBP.N/.ZEI! BOTHWET.L, Clerk. _ ' Georgia, Jefferson county : &.%/ J1 EH EAS Hugh Neely, administrator on the v V cslale ol James Neely, deceased, applies for Idlers dismissory from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and ; singular lhe kin Irod nml creditors ol said doe'd to ' he and appear at any office, within the time prescrib ed by iaw, to shew cause,if any they have, why said letters should net be granted. Given under my hand at office in Louisville, this 21st day of July, 1838. July 24 EH EKEZER ROTH WELL, Cl’k. Georgia, Jefler.son county : UEKEAS liryant Enllord, administrator till v V the estate of Seth Eason, IHe of tins coun ty, deceased, applies for letters dismissory from said estate. These are therefore to cilo and admonish all nml s ngnlanho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lilt their objections, if any they have, in my of fice, within the lime prescribed by law, lo shew emse wii, said letters ol dismission should nut bo granted. Given under my hand at office in Louisville, this blh July, 1838. E. HO I'UW ELL, Clerk. J•I v 7 Georgia, ( .Gambia count y : / fiLKEA.S James ('nrtlidgn, ndminislrator, V applies lor letters dismissory on 1 lie estate of Robert W. Walker deceased. These arc therefore lo cite and admonish all and ( Singular, the kindred and credilors of (he said de ceased, to file their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, in my office, in shew cause why said letters should not ho granted, j ( Given under my hand this 2d day ol June, 1838. j GABRIEL JONES, Clerk, j Georgia, Scvivea comity: Gout I ol Ordinary—Present, their honors John P. Rievi s, i’eter Reddick, Jefferson Roberts, and Gha Ics (Stewart, Es js. /iute A’/. 67. July O Hi, 1838. jjTTPON llio application of Thomas 11. Burns,ad- ‘ ministraturof VS dlium (boss, deceased, late of Seriven county, slating t hut he has fully adminis tered su'd estate, and praying citation for letters dis nnssory. It is, on motion, ordered that the C lerk do issue a citation, requiring all persons to show c inse(if any they have) why the same shall net he 1 granted ; and that the same be published once a month lor six months. A true extract from the minutes. Ju’y 10, 183 mig4 ra6m JOSHUA PERRY,CIerk. Georgia,Uurke Comity. _ Court of Ordinary, present their Honors G \V Evans, Abel Lewisand E Palmer. Krqrs. Rule Ni 67, blh March, 1833. UPON Ihe petition of Samuel Barron, executor of 1 Ahsolem Kinsey, deceased. Into ol Burke eo staling that lie has fully executed said will and set ! lied Ihe estate ol said deceased, and praying let tors j dismissory. li is therefore, on motion of counsel, j ordered that the Clerk do issue a citation, ri litrna- ' I hie to September Court next, requiring all persons ] interested then and there to show cause why the j same should not he granted : And it is further or | derod that said citation be published once a month i lilt said court. A true extract irom the mingles, j mar 20 6m T. II BLOUNT, U. Cl’k | Georgia, liitrke County. | Court ol Ordinary, present their Honors W G I.\ uus, Abel l.ew is and E Pander, Esqrs Ride Ni 6'i blh Minch, 1838 I (be application ol IVluikird Marsh and j Fielding Eryer ,praying that the Clerk do is sue a citation lor letters dismissory ns mhuinistra lors on the estate of Eiolding Fryer, deeea-ed It is-n motion of Counsel ordered, that the same do issue returnable to September term next ol this ( ourl, lo he pntdished once n month lillsaid Court i A One ex tract from the minutes. march 20 6m fII HhOI NT,u c c om. Georgia— Hinkc County. , Conn of Ordinary, present, their Honors, G W j Evans, Abel Lewis,and E Painter, Esqrs. | Rule Ni 6V, blh March, ]R3B | T PUN the petition of .Mttlford Marsh, Adminis- i Iraior of John Walls, deceased, this day filed, ! praying that a Citation may issue for letters dismis sory Irom said Auministralit n. It is on motion ordered that ihename do issue and be puldished once amentnfor six muiilha. A Into extract Irom the mi mu os. Til BEOlLNibncc o n c Mareh 20 fmi Georgia--. Burke comity* l uurt el Ordinary— present, their Honors O. W. 1 Evans, Abel Lewis, and L. Palmer, esqs. Rule M. ci., March blh, 1838. | T PON the peltlionof Elisha llaynians, executor *- > of Samuel 1 laymans, deceased, late >1 Burks county, stating that lie has fully executed the last will and testament ol said Stephen Laymans, de ceased, am) praying letters dismissory. it is there fore, on motion ol counsel, ordered, that the clerk do issue a citation requiring til he andappearal the court at September term next then and there lo shew cause why said lettersnhall not he granted, ami that said inflation be publish ed once a in.nith till said court. Atrtt; 1 extract Irom the minutes, march 21 film T// BLOUNT, I) cl’k. ■V f)TICI’. All ptrsons indchli d lo the .-stale S i Joseph Shewmake, late of Burke county 1 ‘ ll ’ci Used, are req t •sled to make payment, and those ; having demands are reqm stol to rentier them in cording t«» law. JOSEPH A. SHEW MAKE,? . , . HAI \H CARTER, i A< ‘"> >'«• 1 September 12, 1833. u ot lIAVILAND, KISLJEi A. Co. AUGUSTA, GA. \\ holtsale <nid Retail J)tnlers in Drugs, Medicines, J J cr/u.’ t ,cni Dan,is, Oils, Dye Muffs, Brushes, IV i n ion.' (i lass, <}*(,*. OH'I.K the lohowing brief catalogue of their block T Drugs, ij c. Alcohol, Aloes, Alum, Annaio, Asphaltuin J ssala'tida, Antimony, crude; Arrow Koot ’ Allspice Arsenic. Aqua Eurtis, Balsam (’opai va, Balsam fir, Bn'sam Tolu, Balsam Bern, Black Drop, Blue Vitriol, [ Borax, refined ami crude; Brimstone, Burgundy Birch, Bahcr/y Hark, Hitler Root, t amphor, Calomel, English and American, I ream Jurtar, ( imlharides, ('ochincal, Camwood, Ciihclis, I ayeiino Bepper, red and Airman d>. " ••roves, Cimiamoti Bark, t urdamon Seeds, I orrosivc >ubliam c, Castile Soap, Copperas, Congress W aier, chloride ul Lirao, Chloride of toodu, Castor (HI, best and com , Ir. «j| H , pts, and half p(« Epsom Balls, Essemi.d Oils, of alt kinds, I'.aa A/cdicinnle; My .Slone, Max Scad, Los Stilpleir, Jrlo’rs Behiso.ii:, Blu rs Charaomdo Moneli Cbalk, Ginger, race, gn ami, pare an I common, (dauber Aults, (due, i.olden Sea), (■am Myrrh, do. Arabic, do Gamboge, do Senm tiiony, rl i Gitniuc, do shell .c, do. Copal, do 'J lagucumli, Ac. I hmey, llydrioduto I’otash, I lops, Ihrhsol all kinds, “ Shakers’;” J/erulock link ; I. inghiss, Ipecac, Indigo, I Spanish h oat Mo. do. 2 rlo Carolina, : Indian s Banacea, Iceland Moss, Irish J/oss, lodine, i Jalap, Jujube Baste. Juniper Berries, Kreosole, s Bills,genuine; Lobelia, herb and seed, j > enion Syiup, superior; Ladies Slipper Root, •Logwood, suck and dop’d; Liquorice Ball, Lint, Beeches, J .oneels, ail kinds) J/ugnesia, tump, do calcined, do Henry’s, do Boiler's [ Aperieni, Vnsmrd, English nod American; Manna. Malic i Mask, Mace , Madder, Muriatic Acid ’ Morphin', Act. ami Salpb ; Mandrake Root Mnlmegs, Anlgalls, Nux Vomica, Mnrie Acid bl Vitriol. Oliva Oil, Gpimn, Osborn’s /'hdolokcn Oms Loot, I Ixalie Acid, Bnckly Ash Bark, *:“>■. Ko ' I ". Bark, Benriosh, Bepper, carl IC rley, l' .tu r ’« Caibolicon, Biperine (iumksilver. Rhubarb Boot and powder, Rosin Led I reeipiiale, Bed Sanders, Red ( balk, Su iuiii S Banacea, Mulphnto of Quinine, Starch. Scnlhdi/. Bowilers, Soda Bowder, Sloaghnui’s Billers, in quarts and pints - Sweei 08, in quails, pirns, and Itali pints. Sal f,ruins, Sal inula, -Sal Ammonia, Sail Betre Sugar Lead, ■• arsnp.uilia, root and extract; Sponge, skunk Cabbage Knot, Senna, Mpints 1 iirpenliae, in quarts and pints'; S uper l 111 1,. ,’SV.da, Turn,ric Acid, I’artur Emetic, Oimarnuls, J apioea, V erdigris, dry; (•lute Vitriol, It lute Wood Bar.*:, Voast Powders , Medicine in Vials. Aiiiiinonr*il \\ iui?, jfiiiit-'iuuii’a LJrojis, Balsam (.’opnivu, Balsam 1 loney. lin’tish Oil Udumel, Camphor, Cayenne Bepper, Calc .1 Magnesia, Ess. Beppermiiit, Ass. Cinnamon l .rs. Bergamot, Ess Eavender, Ess. Lemon, ■odl'-ey K Cordial, Jlarhotii Od, ipecac, Jalap, Jesuit s J Tops, Laudanum, ' Moore’s Essence of Lite, (Ipodoldoc, Oil I.errun, OH ( loves, Oil Cinnamon, Oil W onnsced, w J araaoric, Übnbarb, tSvvoot fc'pls. i\ ll re, fc>pls. Ji«jris, fSoliiiion ol Quinine, strong; 1 urtar Kmei.ii*, Tuslingtun’s Balsam, l>r. Knsb a Lye Wuier. Thompson's do. i bompson’s i\o. 0. Perfumery < ' logne V\ of or, every v-rrioiy, J'uncy Toilet iSoaps do Shaving do do J.avr rnler Water, Florida Water. Rose Wafer Orange Mower U atcr, Mi k ol Rosr s, livslon suhs, Fancy Pungei t Vials, 1 omutmn.Utlo o( Bose, Antique Oil, Bcnr’i Oil B , Ju,,Mll lJ (>' V 'l-L .IndiunUyo, ° 1 ” Boxes, Odoriferous Compound. ... Da nils, Oils Ac. W lute I.cad, <Jr}’; w hue Lead, in U.I pure, X O , I, and No, 2, >ed Lead, Black Lead, .Spanish Brown, eneioin Rod, English and American; ' cr.iniion, English and Chinese, Luba Red, Rose Mn k, Diop Lake, Litharge, Vcll.m Ochre,Mono Vellow.t hrome Green. Verdigris, 111 Oil, pure; Prussian Blue, Antwerp Bine, Black Drop, Lamp Black, Vandyke Broun, Terra De Sienna Turkey Ember, Spanish Whiling, Bntly Bunnco Slone, Rollon Slone,Sand Buncr Bronze, Gold Leal, Smalls, Window Glass and Pieiine Glass, all sizes Linseed Od, Eamp i >il, i.inmcratroincd, rlo do Ball ,|„ do do W inter do Trnin (>il, Aeatsloot (>,!, Copal Vann.-li,coach and fi,failure n inro Vannsh. Japan Varnish, ’ Idiuk I .oallier \ arnisb, I' ‘Slones iiiid T'ullors, Paint Mills’ Diamonds, Hosier Buris, Calcined. . Brushes. ainf, .Sa,b, and VuruUl. Brnsln «, nil sizes; (' no, ' U v • ' v"’ home, Mine, Dust,. rmnh, Ami, Scrub and While Wash Brushes, every variety; ii(r.(is (J. 11 1 encil, I».niter’s Hair, Hair Broom .. m l ',?; Misnelfuntous. .muiL. ii Kinds; (i. W . Curpenlor’s Preparations ‘V' v England Cough Syrup, (Limey’s J'eiicr Desrroycr Bowiiml’s Tonic A/ixture, ' liramlrcth’s Bills, i’eler's Bills, Evan’s Caiiimnmiki Bi Is, Beck’wilh's Pills, I ( ..ilhrghan s Pdls, Cbolca Itemed v, ■ ■ nnanerii J""ie, lleh Oiniment, Biles Ointment, ■ Jndkni s Omimenl, Hilliard’s Oil Snap ■ ( . no U lasicr, Lip Naive, W afers ■ jaiei.eralalehe.s, Friction Maicbcs Roman Lights, Shaving Boxes, mirror ’■ ■Mn»- Blacking B Sizes, Black Ink, 3 do. ■ I*« ,( l Ink, Inclolibb* li K, Topers, Tooth Powder I . canng Uax, .Simli Boxes, Jewell’s Linamenis I Haller s Bowstrings, .Syringes, all kinds I M-US.-OS, all kinds. Lamps, do, Tliermomclers do I • patiiias, I root V mis, l .mcry, Crucibles I rnio Cm, l ohflceo I •Surgeons Instruments, all kinds, Dentist do. do. f Dentist {.old and / in Foil, Specie Jars I i met ore Houles, Bi ta* t Bipes, TVipple Shells I .Nursing Rutiles Bed Bans, Eessanes,Caihetcrs I jV’ 1 , 1 ?,, roM ’ l ’ and glabb inortais I / / ill i yles, (iradunie Mo.'ihnres I < Bass Mnniels, Vledieinc Chests, &c. &c■ I// I’ileetrieal il/acbine.s. I Si r /'arehasers lor cash or approved prompt paper, wd do well to give iw a call, as we have LI line a Slock ns is kept in ibe southern country,! w inch wonre determined to sell ’ V + * A T TIIK L() WKfITr MARKET PRICES. V *■, yh'l'Y hie most popular Patent Nos- A "urn.: and Quack Medicines of the day, constantly A lam I July no ■ ~ Superior Court, April Term? 18~3S I (■rorjjiii, Lincoln county; I Nicholas (.. Barksdale, administrator of ) ~ ■ JSlilh G. Barksdale, ! Bill. H Speed, I foster & Tato,‘Cadc * Tale, John Wat- I kins, adinimsliv.ior, Ac of Henry M. W atkins. ■ deceased luxury I!, Cade, Mark S. Amhom ■ • 0,1,1 c Dowel I, 1 rancis din, William An ■ drews ! .msu.m Ha use, J. K. Kilbmn, William Bos ■ I 1 1 1 ,'V Lalmgar , John S. Vloore, Benjamin H m!m( I\, ImioiliV J\ Sniii 1 1 , Jumps N. MrLane, V ,: *«m IS. Uarpi.T, Jcs ho B Wnlton, Bovorly Barks ■ • 1 liornas Benson, IV. (T Barksdale, H : N. H B.iiksdaie, guardian ok William A Stokes ■ l tiinnah Snnib, wifoof Benjamin Sniith, (ormerly H | wile ol Mnh C. Barksdale. ■ ! ‘t'HOtduredby Ute Gonrl that (ho defendants m ■ • ho above case, arid all other creditor* of StilhG ■ ; Barksdale, deceased, appear and plead, answer nf ■ 1 "•I'JHf I<> f-mtl hill, on lhe first day of the next term ■ oMlns Cmirr, and that they file their demands ■ auanisl ibe, (ismio ol the said deceased, with die ■ C. ieriv ol ih.* t uurf, on or before the lime specified ■ it !.s lint her ordered, that a copy of this rule be I published in oneofihu gazettes of ibis stuio accor ■ ding!), lor 1 bree inoni bs before said Court. H I, Jasliaa Daniel, Clerk of the (Superior Conrlol H j Lincoln county, slate id Georgia, enrtily that di s H ; loregnnig is a trim copy taken from the minutf-s ■ ; tins loth day of June, IH3S. B i JOSHUA DANIEL, CTk.L.S.C. H Jim.. 21 3m ■ Georgia, Sortveu couuty: . H "j, II ERE AS .V) oses N. JJd nil applies f'r • V lers dismissory from the executorship (l1 Wißiam B. Dopaon, of (Jeriven cminty, deeeised H '1 hose are therefore In cite and mlmnnish all wtl sigular the kindred and c reditors of said to ho and appear at my office, within the tin e p r, H berthed by law , to show cause, it any they liiivcß whv said lettir-. should not bo granted. H Given under my hand, at office, ip Jaoksonb'ire H this null day of septemher, 1888. Wfl 1« JOSHUA I’ERRY, Cled ■