Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, April 18, 1839, Image 3

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il is 1101 at all unlikely that many a fieW will pre sent a barren surface this year, or be overgrown with thistles ami briars, because of tic planting, instead ot the buds and sprouts of the mulberry, ol the buds and sprouts of other trees, whiah don’t choose to allow themselves to be multiplied in that particular way. It is not long since that a neophyte in the science of arboriculture, in this city, purchased a line lot of shrubs purporting to be the genuine morus multicaulis which, on being examined by Mr. Thorburn, proved to be lilacs! Now, lilacs are beautiful in their season, but silk-worms hare no taste for (lowers.—JV. Y. Commercial Advertiser. To oub Pat no vs.—Last Tuesday’s “Sex’* numbeced ‘‘52.” Our first volume is completed. We agreed to edit and print a weekly paper from the 17th March 1838, for the public, for the sum ol five dollars; il paid in advance, or six dollars it payment were not made until the end of the year. Header! part ot this contract has been faithfully' complied with. Has your obligation been dis charged 1 It you owe us six dollars, let us have it as soon as the mail can bring it. We want money—vve are nrvviat—slkip—uaurassi n— and ail because you will not pay us what you owe. A business which promised us a profit, has become a dead loss by your delinquency. O. course our distant subscribers can pay or not,fust — as they please; tor we shall never send a collec ted to them. The expenses of an agent would tar exceed the sum he would get by dunning.— \ our honesty, dear sir, is our only guarantee for payment. Wo think we can logically demon strate that every subscriber will pay, and that very soon; bat then logical conclusions may not bring more subslantial results than the mere pen nies ol them. However, here is our demonstra tion : All IV iiga are honest — [nothing more true ] ill honest men, who are able, pop their just debts — [thal’s equally true.] All of our bers are W1 gs. Being W/rgs, they arc honest — being honest, they will pay us. Tulkv.foiik, we shall lose none of our debts. Having thus our dues will be speedily forthcoming, wc shall to-morrow procure a large new pocket-book, and caiefully make deposited of our revenue as it comes in. It w ill not be sur plus revenue ; for it is only to pass through our hands to those we owe.— Southern Sun. Men oca—On the night of the 20th ult., a man by the name of Win. B. Harper, was shot at the Washington Hotel, Vicksburg; it is thought by Mr. Tippo, the keeper of the hotel. Mr. T. h id been intoxicated during the day, and Harper was a boarder at the house. Before the affair todk place. Harper, who lodged in the same room with Tippo, declared that he would compel Tip po to give up his arms, which he had been flourish ing before lie went to bed. Tippo it seems did so, but both being in the room together, they got into an irregular duel, and discharged pistols at each other. Harper was shot between the third and fourth ribs, and expired before any one came to the spot, and Tippo it appears was shot through the left side, a little above the ischium, (a flesh wound), but it was not known until the 21st.— Tippo is in jail awaiting bis trial, The Sentinel of the 23d says that Tippo had bean discharged after an investigation of the case before Justices Maxey and Everett—it was sup posed he acted in self-defence. (p* TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY.— The citizens of Augusta are respectfully informed that by a resolution of this Society, THE LICENSE /. A IT will be made a fuh jcci of debate at the next meeting, to ta e place on Monday evening next at Presbyterian Lecture Boom. ’ _ C i l '. SI’UUCiIS, Secretary. h- B.—All parties ate invited to take partin the debate. ap ig-ttl c J' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY—The next regular meeting of this Society will be held in the Presbyterian Lecture Jtootn on Friday Evening next. c. F. S PURGES, Sec’y. ap 18 p The Ucv. DocCJOHN IiRF.CKENI(IDG'£, will preach in the Lecture Room of the P.csby tei ian Church This Evening, at 7 A o’c ock. ap 18 (£/=■ THE AMERICAN SILK GROWER AND FARMER'S MANUAL —A monthly publication, designed to extend and encourage the growth of Silk throughout the United States. Edited by Ward Cheney and Brothers, Burlington, N. J., and puh -1 i-shed in Philadelphia, at the low price of One Dollar a year. i Kr Subscriptions received at this office. ap 9 p HIGHLY IMPORTANT. Jf o Nervous diseases, liver complaint, bilious dis eases, piles, rheumatism, consumption, coughs, colds, pain in the chest and side, ulcers, all deli cate and mercurial disea cs are successfully treated at Ur. E. A.\t>’S t like, lull ( hatham-stiCet, New- Vork. DR. WILLIAM EVANS’ ME DU INKS, Are composed of vegetable substances, which exert a spacinc action upon the lieait, give an impulse or strength to the arterial system ; t.ic h ood is quick ened and equalized in its circulation through all the vessels, whether of tuc skin, the parts situated in ternally, or the extremities ; and as ad the secre tions of the body are drawn from the blood, there is a consequent increase of every secretion, and a quickened action of the absorbent and exlialent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have tvken place is corrected, all obstructions are removed, the Mood is purified,and the body ic sum s a hca thl’ul state. These medicines after much anxious toil and re search, having been bron >bt by the proprietor to fie present st ite of perfci tio i, supersede the use of he innumerable other medicines ; and a.c so well a I iptedto the frame, that the use of them, by main t lining the body in the duo performance of its functions, and preserving the vital stream in a pure and healthy state, causes it to last many years long er tiian it otherwise would, and the mind to be come so composed and tranquil, that od age when it arrives will appear a homing, and not (as too many who have neglected their constitutions, or bad them injured by medicines ad Ministered by i •- no.ance) a source of misery and abhorrence. They are so compounded, that by strengthening and equalizing the action of the heart, liver, and other viscra, they expel the bad, acrid or morbid matter, which renders the blood impure, out of the circulation, through the excretory duets into the passage of t ie bowels, so tiiat by the brisk o> slight evacuations which may be regulated by the doses, always remembering that while the evacualinns from the bowels are kept up, tne excretions from all the other portions of the body will ako he going on in the same proportion, by which means the blood inva.iabiy becomes pii.ilied. Sicily perseverance in I lie use of the medicine will undoubtedly elfect a cure even in the most acute or obstinate diseases; but in such cases the dose may be augmented, according to the inveteracy of the disease; tire medicines being so admirably adapted to the constitution, that they mav be taken at all times In all casus of hypochondriacism, low spirits,pal pit tions of the heart, nervous irritability, nervous weakness, flour, seminal weakness, indiges tion. Joss of appetite, flatulency, heartburn, general debi ity, bodily weal ness, chlorosis or g.ecn sick ness, flatulent or hysterical faintings, hysterics headache, hiccup, sea sic ness, night-mare, gout’ rheuma ism, asthma, tic douloreaux, cramp, spas modic affections, and those who are victims to that Inost excrqtipting disorder, Gout, will find relief , from tlieirsulfeiings, by a course of Dr. William S Evans's Pills, a, _.Nausea, vomiting, pains in the side, limbs, head, • ~*vmach or bach, dimness or confusion of sight, noises in the inside, alternate flushings of heat and chilliness, tremors, watchings, agitation, anxiety lad dreams, spasms, will in every case be relieved by an occasional dose of Dr. Evans’s medicines. One of the most dangerous epochs to femalesjis at the change of life; and it is then they require a medicine which will so invigorate their circulation and thus strengthen tlier constitutions as may cna hie t om to withstand the shock. Those who h ve the rare and education of Fe * males, whether the studious or the sedentary par ■of the community, should never be without a sup •*p‘y of Dr. Evans’s PiiK which remove disorders la the head, invigorate the mind, strengthen the I body, improve tlit memory, ami einvn the imagin ation. When the nervous system has been too largely drawn upon or overstrained, nothing is better to correct and invigorate the drooping constitution than these medicines. Dr. William Evans’s Medical Olficc, 100 Chat ham street, New York, where the Doctor may be consulted. Cj' A Case of Tic Dolorcnx. ,-TTi Mrs. J. E. Johnson, wife of Capt. Joseph John son, ot Lynn, Mass., was severely afflicted for ten years with Tic Doloreux, violentpa in her head, and vomiting with a burning heat in the stomach, and unable to leave her room. She could lind no relief from the advice of several physicians, nor from medicines of any kind, until after she commen ced using Dr. Evans's medicines, of 100 Chatham street,and from that time she began to amend, and eels satisfied if she continues the medicine a few j days ongcr, will be perfectly cured, lleferenco i can he had as to the truth of the above, by calling I at Mrs. Johnson’s daughter’s store, liSit Grand st. N.Y. A REAL BLESSING TO MOTHERS. Dr. Wm. Evans’ Celebrated Soothing Syrup, for Children Cutting their Teeth. This infallible remedy lias preserved hundreds of children, when thought past recovery, from con vulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the child will recover. This preparation is so innocent,so ellicaoious, and so pleasant that no child will refuse to lot its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Syrup in the nursery where there are voungchildren ; for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup immediately gives ease by open ing tho pores an 1 healing the gums ; thereby pre venting convulsions. fevers, &c. Sold by ANTONY & HAINES, Sole agents in Augusta, J. M. & T. M. TU RNER, Savannah, P. M. COHEN Sr Co., Charleston. ap6 Consignees per South Carolina Kail Road. Hamburg, April 17, 1839. Hand & Scranton, G. T. Dortic, J. T. Wilson, R. H. & Hopkins, A. Sabal, Clarke, McTeir & Co., A. Camming, W. llattier, A. Frederick, 11. Harber, H.C. Hryson & Co. F. H. Cooke, Stovall, Simmons & Co, Baird & Rowland. Reese & Beall, T. Daw j son, J. F. Benson, Perreit & Young, Geo. Parrott, M. W Sullivan, Anderson fc Adams, H. L. Jeffers, T. Kcrnagnan. COMMERCIAL. AUGUSTA MARKET. Cotton —On the reception nf the accounts from Liverpool to the 7th of March, our market again revived ;an advance took place of at east halt a cent, per lb. on all sold; the quantity offering has not teen heavy, as most of our holders are await ing the accounts expected by the Great Western steam packet. Freights —To Savannah are now dull at 50 cts perbae; to Charleston $1 per bale is asked, and but little shippin g. New-Oaleans, April 13. Cotton. —Received since utn instant, 15,241 bales; exported 18,767 do; leaving a stock on band of 1.6,041 bales, including all on ship board not cleared. Our last review left the market in a very dull and declining situation, winch war increased by tne reception on Satuiday of advices from Liver | pool and Havre to the gel uJt, which did noi bring the expected advance in these markets. This inactivity continued until Tuesday, when a revival took place ; the sales on that day amount ed to 2000 ba cs at a decline from tiie highest point of jc. on all qualities except good and line; since however the demand has been active and the daily sales will average 3000 bales with a decided change for the better, and our market closed thinly at toe quotations below. The upward tendency is attributed to the now general belief in a very diminished supply as com pared witii last year—more especially to the evi dent favorable turn on the first March at Liver pool towards cotton, and the strong impression amongst dealers that the Great Western to leave Bristol on the 23d ult. (at which time there wouid appear ag. cat deficiency in the imports from this country) wi 1 bring satisfactory advices not only as to the price of cotton, but also as to the improved demand for both yarns and goods at .Manchester. Liverpool Glassifications. —Louisiana and .Mississippi, Ordinary 12:f alii; Middling 13j a 14; Fair 15 a 15£ ; Good fair 16 a Hi J; Good and fine 17j ; Tennessee and North Alabama,Ordinary Middling, Fair, 1a 16, extremes; Good fair Good and fine, fair crops, 15 a—. STATEMENT OF COTTON. IB3S, Oct. 1, slock on hand bales 8900 1839, April 13, received since sth 15131 “ “ 11 previously 449159 404390 473290 “ exports since sth 15767 “ “ ‘ previously 327579 346346 Leaving a ba’anr.e of stock of 126941 including all on ship board not cleared. Coffee. —The demand has rather improved, but we bear of no transactions that will authorize a change in quota'ions. Molasses. — ihe market continues active and sales are readily effected on levee as soon as and ed at 30 a3l cts pr gallon. Arrived since Satur day 1733 bbls. Sugar. —The market is dull and heavy with a very aige supply on levee, and in store bouses ; I some few sales have been made at a reduction of j former prices, we quote extremes 5a 6$ cts. Ar j rived since Saturday S4O hhds. | MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ! Savannah, April 16. ( lenred. —Brig Romulus, English, Liverpool ; brig Sea Island, Hobart, hoslon. Arrived yesterday. —.' team.,oat Georgia, Gould, Au rusta. Went to sea. —Hr. barque E iza, Trale, Liver pool; br. baique Superb, Shannen, Greenock ; hr. I brig Essequiho, Lamond Halifax; schr. New Eiv- I land, Robinson, New York. Charleston, April 17. j Arrived yesterday. —Brig <it y Son, Curtis, Ntw- York ; schrs Copper, Shannon, New-fork; Brutus, Cottrell, Ncw-tork; J. Talman, Bacon, New- Vork Cleared. —Brig Delaware, Ross, Havana. Went to sea yesterday —Schr Pecaljontas, Tale, | Mooile. : .Et-BJ-iJ ■ . - P!U1" ... . COMPLIMENT Olt ISBXEFIT ISAM.. j > 13HE ladies and gent’omcn of Augusta ami llam j I burg are respei tfully inf irmed that we intend j giving a CO MPLIMENI'ARY BALL to Mr. J. C. i Smith, to take p.ace on Thursday, the 18th April, ! at the Masonic Hall. Ladies who have been in j vited to the \ssembly Balls arc respectfully rc j quested to attend this. Tickets can be procured of j either of the undersigned, at Mr. Plant’s Book j Store, or at the door on the night of the Ball— | Price, $2. James McLaws, J. J. Cohen, | Thomas Bartlett, D. W. St. John, C. B. Martin, C. A. Greiner, James L. Wray, James Park. 1 ap 16 td : IF, SUP FLEURS COLOGNE WATER, [T were but labor lost to enumerate the wonder ful properties of this admirable article. It re j putation rapidly extending over all the known world, lias made all praise superlous, all exagge ■ ration impossible. To the ladies our recommen dation will be useless. It gives the rosy bloom of health and youth to all who make it the constant . companion of their toilet. ALSO, Farina’s Cologne Water, genuine. ; Prentiss’ do. do. I And several choice varieties of our own rnanu- 1 facture, for sale bv HAVILAND. RISLEY & Co. I april 1.5 ts Druggists, Augusta, j |V| h ; 41 - v IH!s. CHAPMAN, on che removal ot . ■ Mr- « Mrs. Egerton, on the Ist of July next, will take possession of the rooms now occupied by their school, and will continue to teach on a plan similar to that pursued by them. The Summer School will commence on Monday the Bth day of July, and continue 10 weeks, it is their design to vary their instruction to suit the change at season ; and during the summer m mlhs a potUon of each day wiil be given to needle and othertaney work. Mrs. Harris, who is already fa vorably known to many of the ladies of Augusta, will give daily instruction tc such pupils as" may desire, in Flam Sewing, Kug Work, of every vari ety, Wax Flowers and Fruit, Worsted Flowers, Cheneillc Work, Embroidery, Fancy Netting and Knitting, Pconah and Mez/atinto Painting," oral Work, Transferring Lithographic Prints, An. Tuition for the Term, 8,10 Piain Sewing, ' ft Plain and Ornamental, 10 Painting, 8 Mr. & Mrs. C. wi l commence their regular ses sion on the Ist ot Oct. next, of which due notice will be given. #P *8 trwistlstA A IEACIIER WAN TED.—A good Teacher, iL who has received a good classical education ami can give testimonials of good character, can lind employment in a private family in the neigh borhood of Augusta, by applying at this office. apl* tf_ ..-L f* l HEAT—Until the lirst of October (|***| next, the Store opposite the Ware House ■i -JuriLof Stovall At Simmons. Kent low and possession given immediately. Apply to 'A. UANFORTH. TO HIRE—A Negro man and a small girl. Ap p'y as above;) up 18-6 t MILITARV I,A. OS. IMTANTED to purchase Revolutionary Lands — T T Also, late War Lantis, situated in Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas, for which easli will be pain in proportion to value and incumbrance. Persons having such to sell wil. be pleased to leave at tiie bar ot the Olobe Hotel, the No. of the section, township and range, with the State iu which it is situated, and the degree of incumbrance, if any, where un offer cun be made. ap IS-3t TiCNDOI. I. A lIS It 11 \y As; 17. STRAVEOfrom the plantation of Aw. the subscriberon Spirit Creek,twelve jflSi miles from Augusta, aha y HORSE, 1,0111 16 'and* liigh, five years old, s j f J; 9 has a blaze in his face, two or three CfcvraairaO white feet, and his right eye injured by having the hooks cut out. It is believed he was raised in the up ■ ountry of the State and maj make his way back again. The above reward will be given for his delivery to me, or detention so that 1 can got him. W ARRENTuN HAVNIE. ap IS wtf BUWEKY Tim BALHT ‘ ' | ’ HIS well known situation is for sale, contain* " ing between thiileen and fourteen hundred acres ol land —about one hundred of it cleared. One of the best bodies of timbered land between it and Augusta, having never been cut for any use but a lew ties for the Hail Road. The Hail Road runs through it for upwards of a mile. It is adjoining Kirkpatrick’s, which is the breakfast stand for the passengers on the cars, it has also a fine chance of b ack jack wood on it, which can be turned to pro lit by sending it to Augusta. And as for health and pleasantness, canndf be surpassed by any situ ation in the whole section of country It has ex cellent well water, and mast excellent springs, and comfortable buildings, and in addition, the fever of the day, horns Mulrioaulis. in the ai.ove p operty. A bargain can be had, and possession any day given. Crop, slock of every kind, will be sold with the place. You that are fond of steam mills, here is the situation for you. I also will sel. the following lots of land lying in the diffident parts 0 f Georgia, viz i No. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. Sec. 393 41 470 3 4 200 Si 73 4 4 650 11 1 339 16 4 114 17 1 182 IT 4 228 3 2 1209 14 1 279 6 2 42 9 Irwin, 328 18 2 441 5 do 885 1 2 00 7 do •971 21 2 20 26 Early, 882 21 2 119 12 do' 877 21 2 153 7 do 13 23 2 265 16 do 910 13 15 8 Dooly, H 97 3 3 129 11 do I 29 10 3 4 ‘i Lee, 1 63 13 3 53 30 do 1 382 20 3 99 3 Appling, 1286 21 3 35 4 Carroll, 142 22 3 259 8 do 836 1 4 237 11 Heard, 1195 2 4 94 3 Habersham, 270 3 4 131 3 do E. B. LOVLESS. ap 18 w6m t•;ANTEDTO HIKE—A good Cook, Wash * » er and Ironer, fora small family, flood wages will be given. Apply at this office. ap_l7_ 3t_ Georgia Insurance At. Trust Co., J Augusta, April 17, 1839. 3 HOLDERS ol new Stock are reminded that their payments must he made equal to Fifty-Five Dollars per Share, on the 21st instant, with inter est. W.VL T. GOULD, Secretary. ap 17 3t Vt/TNE BOTTLES.—2O Hampers Wine BoT * J ties, 12,000 gross Bottle Corks, for sale by jan 19-ts HAVTLAND, IUSLV & CO. T^TOTIGE. —Came to the plantation of T. W, Davies, dee’d.. in Burke county, Georgia, a small Rrou-n Ray Mare Mule , being crooked in her hind legs. The owner is requested to come and take the said Mu c away as soon as possible, april 15 trw&wlw A. G. BARDEN. () HIRE—A young Negro woman, with an infant child, good cook, tolerable seamstress and washer. Apply at this office. april 15 ts A-—}L I D REN T—A commodious dwelling fpS* on the Sand Hills, with convenient out J2*|||„buildingB. Apply at this office, apri 15 ts I.OMHI.V PtIRTISR, Ac. (stf\ CASKS “ ABBOTT'S ” LONDON POR TER. 10 hbls Refined Cider 10 hhds prime St. 1 roix Sugar 25 bxs Bunch Raisins 15 bxs Oporto Lemons 10 bxs assorted Pickles—For sale by S. BEERS & Co. mar 20 1m ~ D i.TI‘I ie’.s Pi C IOG * FRESH supply of these saleable Pills just J\_ received, together with a large supply of D.u.'s an I Medicines, and otfered for sale by ap 10-lm THOS. J. Wit ' V At SON. Nlhli P (lU.ll l<m>A 11i.U1.1l Hill ri'tHOSE who have engaged and such as desire Silk Worm Eggs, can now he supplied by early application to T. 11. Pi.ANT, ap 10 ts Gt OSHEN BUTTER. —15 firkins superior Ca l' siren Butter, just received and for sale by 1. S. BEERS & Co. mar2l hn T)it SALE—A lirst rate second hand two ' wheeled BUGGY. For particu ars apply to mar 7 ts J. H. GUEDRON. BA ON, BACON. —1500 lbs South Carolina and Tennessee BACON tor sale low for cash by JOHN >l. COOPER & SON. ap 10 ts MORVS MULTJC AULIS. —one thousand Trees genuine Morns Multi- be had by an early applica tionto ’ A. GUMMING, mar 19 ts BEST LAMP OIL.—A supply of Bleached Winter and Fall Strained Lamp Oil, just re ceived and for sale by jai. 9 ts ANTONY Ac HAINES. f|N!N PLATE, Sheet Copper and Copper Nails I for sale by HUNGERFORD, FRISBTF. & f'o., mar 25-ts Broad-st., Opposite Planter's Hotel. < » -HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends 1 and the public in general, that he has estab j lislred himself in the FAMILY GROCERY HUSI ; NESS, in the store form rly occupied by M. Mc- I Callister. next to R. P. Spelman in Broad street, ! and would invite the attention of those who may feel disposed tc give him their patronage, lie feels i confident that he can give general satisfaction, 1 ap i6-3t Y. A. DUFFIE. lIkAIJ QUARi'KRi, BaTI'AI.LION 11. M. J Augusta, 9th April, 1839. S Oreer No. 1. J A N election will he holden on Saturday, 20th a*. _ inst., at the office of Blome, Esq., for a Captain and lirst, second, and third Lieutenants, to command the 600th District Company, (1. M. The polls will be opened at 10 o’clock, A M. and close at 2P. M. Suitable persons will be detailed to su perintend said election. SAM’L. C. WILSON. Major Commanding 76th Hattallion, G. M. ap 9 A. >V. WAI/lON A - CO. AKK now receiving ;■ large and general assort ment of SPRING HOODS, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. N. IL—Country Merchants will do well to call and examine their slock. mar 19-dttwlm Mafoßu i ; WiifslALtir A SMART active young Boy for sale—a good iv bargain if applied for soon, al JNO. S. lIUTCMINSON’S mar 20-ts Auction Store. AB's'SMi'AßSr 50.000 sr- i,avana se -20,000 genuine Principe do—.lust re ceived and for sale by W, E. & .1. U. JACKSON, fob li>-tf Auctioneers. no its ks Tim sam;. 11 WO good Sadd’c HORSES for sale on good terms. Apply to J. S. HUTCHINSON, mar 20 If t> N tUNSIGNUIINr. J UST received, 500 hampers POTATOES, the best received this season, which will be sold low by immediate application to CLARK, McTEIR k CO, mar IS Tmicss Al a KIVU, Ao. A NY orders in the Dress Making line thank -1 V fully received and neatly done—Also,by the middle of this week, any kind of Straw Work, Bleaching Bonnets, etc. etc., at Mrs. C. HOFF MAN'S Millinery store, Broad-street, Augusta. «P < Im iIIOUE NRW GOODS I GEO. 11. NO ISLE 4- Co., ARK now receiving a splendid assortment of FANCY 4- STAPLE DRY GOODS; among which are Superior changeable C. i do Paris Silks Fig’dand pV; an 1 Satins French Kmbroidciio". French Lawns and Muslim Superior Wool Dyed Cloths and Cassimercs Fancy Satin and Marseilles Vestings Irish Linens and Linen Sheetings Straw Matrasses, &c, ke.., to which the city and country trade is respectfully solicited, as they will sell either at wholesale or ret 1 . very low, opposite the Planter's Hotel. ap 2-ts AGEVC V S VvTvvallt\sl/KANCE & TRUST COVPANV. THE tinders ptied agent of the above company, will take fire risks on merchandize at d pro duce, in stores ard ware-houses, and will it Iso in sure the same against river and tnzrinc risks, be tween this place, Savannah, Charleston and North ern Ports. The terms will he the same, as adojled by the other Insurance Ollioes in the place. P. 1). WODLHOPTER. President, J. P. Henkt. directors, G. B. Gumming, G. B. Lamar. W.T. Williams, Ralph King. Francis Sorrel, Ed. Padelford. .. 1 1 . Burroughs L. Baldwin, it. Harper, Henry Roser. Dimas Ponce, R. A. Lewis. Augusta, March 22 ts N EAVGOODS. ’ SB. RoLL is now receiving at 264 Broad • street,(under the United States Hotel,) an extensive assortment of STAPLE 4- FANCY DRY GOODS , of every description, which he rc spoctfn ly requests the ladies und the public to call 1 and examine—being determined to dispose of them at the lowest cash prices. mar 2S-3m A CAlllh i rSIHE subscribers having turned their attention 1 to Cutting and Retailing Goods, beg leave to inform the public that they have returned from the northern cities with a large stock, consisting of American, British, French, and all styles of FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, both Staple and j Fancy, which they will sell for cash or approved 1 credit, as low if not a shade lower, than can be 1 purchased in any other establishment in this city. 1 Those in want wi Ido well to call and examine out Stock before purchasing elsewhere. HUNGERFORD, FUISBIE & Co. Broad-st. opposite Planter’s Hotel, mar 22 ts | iuuii slu GOODS. Cl EORGE H. NOBLE St Co. are now receiving f a splendid assortment of Rich Fancy Silks, j among which are Black and blue black Rep Silks, Blue black Gro de Roya', Splendid changeable Pou't de Soir, Light and dark Figured Silks, Plain, Gro de Paris, &c. kv. Also, Rich Satin and Sewing silk Scarfs, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, Stc. ‘ All of which will be sold at wholesale and retail on reasonable terms, opposite Planters’Hotel, mar 19 ts A SITUATION WANTED. —A young man re cently from the north, well acquainted with business, wishes a situation in some respectable mercanti e house in this city or in any part of Geor gia, either as Book-keeper or Sa esman, satisfactory references given. Apply to this office march 1 ts GREATCENTRAL & MAIL icOUTE, DAILY BETWEEN THE NOitmlf'SOUTH, Via the Chesapeake Bay Steam Boats and the Portsmouth and. Roanoke Rail Road By an arrangement entered into between the Portsmouth and Roanoke Bail Road Company, and the Maryland and V irginia Steam Boat Company, there will be, on and after the Ist day of April, 1839, A DAILY Mail AND PASSENGER LINE between Baltimore and Weldon, N. C., (at which latter place commences the Wi mington and Halifax Railroad Line, running daily to Charleston, S. through between Baltimore anil Weldon, (by Steamboat 180 miles, and Railroad 80 miles,) in twenty-one hours daily —being several hours less time, and at much less expense than by any other route —with but one change of baggage —without the loss of one moment’s sleep,and without travel ling by Railroad after dark. Os the safety of the Bay Line of Steamboats, it will be sufficient to satisfy the public to state the remarkable fact, that in twenty-two years running neither life nor limb lias been lost. The PORTSMOUTH I, ROANOKE RAILROAD is now in good order—lias none hut splendid new eight wheel Passenger 1 ars, to which no burthen cars are to be attached; and that Company pledges itself, that if faithful agents, careful and expe rienced engineers, actng under constant supervi sion, can make this riute acceptable to the public, then it shall be so. Office of the P. k R. R. R. Co., > Portsmouth, \ a., March 28, 1839. $ CjC Passengers from the South by the above route, will al cayi arrive in Baltimore, in time for the moining line to Philadelphia and New-York, which cannot be done by any other line. Poitsmouth, Va., April 2, 18 9. 1m .MOHI I, I~G AIA KSTON & JHATAGOH DA PACKET. ffKM Mfeah THE substantial Steam Packet Ship NEW CAS TLE. E. Murray master, leave this port for and Matagorda, (Texas,) on Sunday, the 24th ult., and continue her regular trips, leaving here the 10th and 23th, and Texas on the 3d and 17th of each month.— Passengers may depend on great punctuality. For freight of passage—rates being the same as by the Packets from New-Orleajis—apply on board, or to D. & J. B. WtLKEH, No. 11 St. Michacl-street. Berths may be secured by addressing us post paid. No Berth secured till paid for. Mobile, April 1 K 1839. 2m OFFICIAL DKAWI NG At F TH R G com; I a STATE LOTTERY, lor the Benefit of the Augusta Independent Fire Co. Class No. 15, for 1839. 1 2 3 4 5 (j 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 51 57 66 33 M 7U OS 63 50T1~23 3 62 8 28 I hereby certify that the above numbers as they stand are correct, as taken from the Managers’ Cer tificate of the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, for Monongalia,No. 2, for 1839,drawn at Alexan dria, \ a., April 13, 1839, and which determines the fate of all tickets lield in the above Lottery. A. READ, Agent. Augusta, April 17, 1539 MAMMOTH SCHEME 1 ! I $80,000!! GEORGIA STATE LOTTE 11 Y . Tu he drawn at Alexandria, D. C. April 30 th, 1839. D. S. Grkooht & Co., Managers. CAPITA L s. I - - Prize of- - $BO,OOO 1 25,000 1 20,000 1 15,000 1 10,000 1 9,000 1 8,000 1 7,500 1 7,010 2 5,000 Besides $4,000, $3,000, Ac. Ac. Tickets s3o—Halves slo—(Quarters ?5. All orders must be addressed to the undersigned, who is the State Agent and Contractor, Augusta, Georgia. nov2l A. HEAD, Agent. dj" The subscriber pulilishes monthly a Paper containing the scheme sand drawings for each month, which will he sent to any one desiring it free of charge, except postage. Address A. READ, Augusta, Geo. GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERY. To he drawn at Baltimore, Md , Wednesday, April 17, 1839. D. S. Gregory Si Co , Managers. GRAND SCHEME. 1 Prize of $15,000 - is - $15,000 1 5,000 .... 5,000 1 2,000 .... 2,000 1- - - - 1,250 1,250 I 1,100 .... 1,100 10 - --- - 1,000 .... 10,000 10 250 --- - 9,500 10 200 ... . 2,000 10 150 1,500 10 120 --- - 1,200 65 IOU - - . . 5,500 110 ...... 9() ... . 9,900 Sic., Sic., Src. 20,956 Prizes is $183,040 66 Number Lottery—l 2 Drawn Ballots. Tickets, ss—Shares in proportion. All orders sent to me, (post paid) with amount enclosed, will meet with immediate attention. CJ* Office No. 261 Broad street, under the Ma sonic Hall, D. P. RUSSELL, Agent, ap 13 JUAJIMOTII SCHEME. To comment would be wa-tc of time. This truly Magnificent and Kxtranrdinary Scheme speaks for itself. All I would say, is, call or send your orders soon. Remember the old proverb, “Pro crastination is the thief, Sic.” Recollect that lam the only authorised agent in the city of Augusta, and be very particular in addressing your letters to D. P. RUSSELL, i P. S. Bonds for the sum of $170,000 arc given by the Commissioners in Savannah for the payment of prizes. CAPITAL PHIZES. $8 0,00 0!!! i 33,000, 30,000, 1.1,000. GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT L O T T E R Y. Class No. 17, fa 1839. To he drawn in the city of Alexandria, D. C., on Saturday, Apri 2Cth, 1839. BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 Prize of $8(),0fl() - is $BO,OOO 1- - - 25,000 .... 25,000 1- - - 20;000 .... 20,000 1 . - - 15,000 - - - . 15,000 I - - - 10,000 .... 10,000 1 . . . 9,000 9,000 1- - - - 8,000 .... 8,000 1- - - 7,500 7,500 1 . . . . 7,016 .... 7,016 2 Prizes of- 5,000 are - - 10,000 3 - - - 4,000 12,000 4 - - - - 3,000 .... 12,000 5 - - - 2,500 12,500 10 - - - - 2,000 .... 20,000 20 - . . 1,500 30,000 50 .... 1,000 .... 50,000 50 .... 750 37,500 133 .... 500 .... 00,500 65 - - - - 250 16,250 65 .... 200- . . 13,000 65 - --- 150 9.750 65 .... 100 0,500 65 - - - - 80 5,300 130 00 7,800 130 ... - 50 0,500 4485 40 - - . . 179,400 27040 .... 20 ... . 640,800 32.390 Prizes amounting to - - $1,217,216 78 Number Lottery—l 3 Drawn Ballots. Whole Tickets $2O ; Halves $lO ; Quarters $5, (O' Office No. 204 Broad-street, under the Ma sonic Hall. D. P. RUSSELL, Agent, mar 21 IN LOO R MATTING, h'MBRELLAS~aii Par asols, just received and for sale by mar 22 Wm. H. CRANE. BANK OF ST. MARY'S at my office in paymentor on deposit at par. JOHN G. WINTER. Augusta, March 11. ts SIGHT CHECKS ON NEW YORK.—Sight Checks on New York,dnwn in Savannah, in sums to suit,for »a!e by jan 10 ts WRIGHT It GIBSON. TN NGLISH PEAS, BEANS, &c.—A full aud ex -14 tensive assortmentof fresh English Garden Peas, Beans, and other Seed—Just received and for sale cheap by ANTONY Ik HAINES, mar 7 ts NEW SPRING STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Nil. WHITLAW, No 207, north side Broad , street, has just received a splendid assort ment of Staple ami Fancy Dry Goods, con isting in part of the following articles —superior plain and and figured black Silks, superior plain, colored ami figured Silks, superior black and colored striped gauze Silks, Printed Muslins and Lawns, fancy Handkerchiefs and Scarfs, superior Umbrellas am) Parasols ; an assortment of Slocks, some very nar row, superior striped Johnvillc and Garnboons, for men’s wear; a large assortmentof Dutch Bolting Clot s, of the anchor brand, 4-4 am) 6-4 wide, which will be sold at reduced prices for cash. ap 13 3m PUBLIC SALES. BY W. E. * J.F.JAtKSONr THIS DAY, Will be Hold at 10 o’clock in front of our stw* 10 bills Whiskey 12 bxs Soap 14 bxs assorted Cordials 10 bxs Medoc Claret 13 qr casks Malaga Wine 10 qr casks Teneriffe Wine 12 bx? Champagne 4 bbls Pickled Beef 10 qr casks Port Wine 3 qr casks Vtadeira 7 bids Cordials 6 Cotton Matrasses 10,000 Solars 100 hampers Irish Potatoes Also —Two Horses, &c. (kc. Terms cash ap 18-It Cow Pens. lIY W. E. At .1. I T . JACKSON. THIS DAY, At 12 o’clock, M., will be sold on the wharf immediately above the Bridge, a boat load of Cow Peas, containing from 7 to BUO bushels, in lots of 2.'i bushels or more. Terms, cash on delivery. ap 18-3 t lIV \V. E. Ai .1. |l. JACKSON. THIS NIGHT, At the usual hour, will be sold, a general assort ment of seasonable Dry Goods, among which ate Broadcloths,Cassimeres, Satinets, Hose and 1 ullcl Blankets, Kentucky Jeans, Caliro, Circassian,brown ami bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, Marseilles Quilts, Silk and Cotton Shawls, blue and Mark Plaids, red and white flannels. Ticking, Cloths Hosiery, Suspenders, &c. _Term» cash. apIS NOTICE. —( n Saturday next the City Connell will appoint a person to take charge and keep in good order the CIIY CLOCK, in the mark et house for one year. The name of the applica cant, with amount of salary demanded, will be re ceived by the < lerk of Council, until Saturday morning at 9 o’clock. RICHARD F BUSH, MATHEW NELSON, S. M. THOMPSON, pp 17-2 t Market Committee. N otice.—Proposals will be received on ot bt fore Saturday next at 9 o’clock by the City Council, for furnishing fifty cords of good oak or hickory WOOD, to be delivered at the'Jail, at any time within throe months from next Saturday P. CHUMP; , MATHEW’ NELSON, It. F. BUSH. ap 17-2 t Jail Committee. NO ITCE.—Proposals will be received until Monday Evening next, for making the DRAIN which passes through the low grounds above Savage’s Hospital, two feet deeper near its source, and all below sulHciently deep to carry off the water. For farther particulars apply to either of the undersigned. JAMES HARPER, ' PHILIP CRUMP, 1 G. K. PVRIBH, 1 ap 17-td Committee on Drains. I (T/’The Constitutionalist will copy the above * till nay. J FOR SALE-N \ lICII MONT FARM. ) AaaiA THE well known farm and residence, ) TisSSfi etibracing 150 acres of Land, known as ) I'C.iigiuM MARCII\ION'/\ and formerly the rest- denee of the late John Fox, 1 It is too well known to require description.— Persons desirous of securing a situation nol equalled by any in the county, are invited to call and ex amine the premises. Posse sion can be had by Ist Juno. The price anil terms will be made known on application to HENRY B. HOLCOMBE. =>P 17- 6t A CAKD. (IHARI.ES BALVIER, Professor or Music, J grateful for the liberal patronage extended to him, informs his patrons and others, that he is about leaving the city for a few weeks, and on his return will resume the duties of his profession. Applica tions may he made at 11. Parsons’ Piano Store and at .1. A. names’ residence. ap 13-ts I'Tcuck jlHsliiis, lloiiibazines, Hoys’ Leg* horn llutM, Arc., Ac. lUST received one case French Muslin, Franck Bombazine, hlk and blue blk very fine, gen , tlemen and boy’s col’d Leghorn Hats, linen and fancy Suspenders, col'd linen Hadkfs. for gentle men, a new article, fine Leghorn Flatts for ladies, j. linen Cambric and French Lawn, printed Lawn for mourning. Ringlets and Hair Braids, silk and cot ton Hosiery, etc., ami other goods too numerous to mention, renewed by new arrivals daily, at the lowest market prices, at wholesale and retail, at Mrs. C. HOFFMAN’S Fancy Dry Goods Mill nery Store, Broad-street,. Augusta, • marls trwlm ONE IH N DHEI) ANO FIFTY MOL ' LARS REWARD. ON the night of the!Sth of April, the Jewelry store of the subscriber, was broken open and robbed of Watches and Jewelry, to the amount of about two thousand dollars, and that he suspects that one Thomas S. Mood, as circumstances are very strong against him, as he is a silversmith him self, and knew all about the establishment. The day after the rubbery was committed, he hired a horse from J. Guimarin, and slated that he was going to Columbia, 8.C., but I have discovered since that he lias gone to Texas. Me rude off from here a roan horse with a white face, two hind legs white, an obi saddle and od bridle, with a new headstall of white leather. The above reward wil be given if any person will apprehend the said Thomas S. Mood, so that he may brought to justice. 1 think lie may be apprehended in Mobile, as he has somo relatives living In that city. The said Thomas Wood, Is about 33 years old, about 3 feet 9 inches high, slim made, with a sallow complexion, and 1 think has a lump on the back part of his head, no farther marks recollected. The said Mood, had a pistol that may detect him, the butt of the pistol is marked, on the barrel, Fenlon, London, in German text. april 15 ts JULES D’AUTEL. The Montgomery Journal, Mobile Chronicle, and New Orleans Bee, will please ropy the above thice times each, and forward their accounts to me for payment. spiiinc; AND sl .MAlhim;uods. WILLIAM 11. CRANE, UAS just received bis Spring and Summer sup ply of Staple ts Fancy Uri Goods, consisting of a variety of fashionable articles, vig: Plain tig’d and plain Silks Sup Ill’ll Grode Rhine do French Muslins and Lawns English and Scotch Ginghams French, English and American Prints Fancy Hdkf’s and nett Scarfs Sup’r striped and corded Drilling Brown Linen and Grass Cloth PM, 12-4 Linen Sheeting, Irish Linen Bird’s Eye and Table Diaper Bleached and unbleached Shirting and Sheeting Furniture and Cambric Dimity Ladies white and bl’k Silk Hose Do plain and open wotk’d cotton Hose Col’d and Brown Linen Table Cloths Silk Braid and Cord, Chenelle Cord Satin fig’d blue blk llernani, for Dresses Mourning Muslins and Lawns Picnic Hadkf’s and Gloves Jackonct, Nainsook and plaid Muslins Undress’d Irish Linen, Pongee Summer Cloth Venetian Cnssimere Umbrellas and Paraso's (a large assortment) Robinct and Musquito Netting Work’d Fringe for Nets, Artificial Flowers Thread Robinet and Silk Laces and Edgings Dining and eo’d Homespun (for servants) Georgia Nankeens Palm Leaf Hoods The above, together with a variety of other ar> tides, will be sold low at No. 231, two doors above the Rail Hoad Bank. apB-tf A CARD. MRS. C. HOFFMAN respectfully informs the Ladies of Augusta, Hamburg, etc., that she has returned from New-York with a splendid as sortment of French Goods, Silks, Embroideries, English and American Straw Bonnets, Florence ami Leghorn Flats, Victoria braid Bonnets, Patterns of French Millinery, etc. etc., and hopes to receive the calls of the Ladies ami their future patronage. She also invites country merchants to call and ex amine her stock of Staple !f Fancy Goods, entirely new, before purchasing elsewhere, which she in tends to sell by wholesale and retail at very low prices, mar 2/>-Hp