Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, May 04, 1839, Image 1

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I WILLIAM E. JONES & Co. AUGUSTA, Ga. SATURDAY MAY 4, 1839. ~ Vox lII—No 50 Xil«C (HIIOMCIiE AND Sr.MINEL PUBLISHED, DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, At iVo. Broad-street. terms: Daily paper, Ten Dollars per annum, in advance. paper, at Six Dollars in advance or Seven at the end of the year. Weekly pap:r, Three Dohars in advance,or Four at tiie end of year. ! I =» .Oil tv>Nl(JnK AM) St.N’IINKL. AUtiUSTA. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 3. We have suggested to our Charleston neigh bors, before they attempt their magnificent project of taking cotton trout the very doors ol New Or leans and Mobile, that they had better first make arrangements to get the cotton raised the valley of the Savannah river. 13y recurring to the monthly shipments ol cotton Irom Augusta and Hamburg, from Ist October 1838, to Ist May 1839, we find them to he as follows: To Savannah 117,597 bags. To Charlestpn by boats, 3589 hags. « « “ R.R. 11036 “ 14,625 “ Balance in favor of Savannah 102,972 “ It may be true that a larger p oportion of the proceeds arising from the first sales of this cotton j in this market, finds its way to Charleston for in vestment in goods, than ol the cotton itselr, ow ing to the inertness of Savannah, whose people, vve are so. ry to say. with some exceptions, are wanting in energy, enterprise and perseveram e. But Charleston still cannot be said either directly or indirectly to command to a very great extent, the eolton of Georgia w hich seeks a market here, nor can she ever command it entirely as she anti cipates. It is equally reasonable to suppose that if the cotton of Alabama, ever seeks an outlet upon the Atlantic, that Charleston will be no more able to command it than she does that of || Georgia. p. s. Since the above was written, the Charleston Mercury of yesterday morning has come to hand, containing a well tempered artu e in relation to the project of concentrating the cot ton of Western Georgia and Eastern Alabama upon the Atlantic coast of Georgia and South Carolina. It is divested of much of that mag niloquent rhodomontade which made Charleston to engross every hag of Cotton raised on this side of the Black Warrior—and speaks in a modified proper tone of other places. We shall copy it to-morrow with pleasure. We have alluded before, to the sisterly affec tion o ’the City of Augusta towards the institu tions and prosperity ol Macon. 1 h;s has exci ted Hie ire of the « hronicle & Sentinel, which dentes the facts we have stated, and calls for proof. We refer it to the course of the banks ol that city towards the institutions of this. If there is not in that city a settled jealousy of, and hostility towards the growing prosperity of Macon, why their persevering efforts to prostrate our credit, cripple our energies, and thwart our enterprise ! Wliy do thev continue to discredit the bills ol the Monroe Rail Road Bank, and throw out in sinu itions against the hills of our other Banks! Wu.n grounds have they for it! It the Editor of the Chronicle & Sentinel wants further proof, we refer him to every respectable Lawyer and Merchant in the up-country. Whether the individuals who circulated the false reports are respectable or not, is not material, so far as relates to the mischief done.— Macon TJegraph. Well, the Editor of the Telegraph has gotten himself out of the scrape, much belter than we had any idea he could, llecha ged that letter writers and Bank agents, from Augusta, had circulated rumors throughout Georgia, Alabama, &c. that all the banks in Macon were broke. We denied j the charge, called for names and proofs. The Editor very gravely refers us to all the lawyers and merchants in the up-country ! Instead of producing his proof, he tells us we ran find it 1 y a peregrination throughout the country and appli cation to lawyers and merchants! We give it up —we are outgeneralled and discomfited, and kno k under. The Telegraph hears off_thc palm of victory, and we must quiet ourselves under defeat in the best manner we can. (jj=-Those of our readers who have any idea of visiting the up country, (and we hope they an many) are referred to the adve Useinent of Mr. John Jackson, of Athens, who it will he seen has opened a new Hotel in that place, to bcconnected with the Helicon Springs, a pleasant and fa.h imable retreat w II known to all visitors to uppn Georgia. Mr. Jackson has long experience am jll means, perseverance and accommodation— and we can venture to assert that those who palron’ze him will not be permitted to go aw.-.y hungered or thirsty, while there is a pig or u tu.k y railed in the backwoods, or a bottle o wine to be found on this s.dc of the Atlantic. The foilowing gentlemen were yesterday ap pointed Delegates to the State Rights Convention J from Richmond county, to be held in MilUdge ville on Monday next, to nominate a candidate so: Governor, viz : Charles J. Jenkins. Henry Mealing, Thomas W. Miller, and James T. Gray. In our paper to-day will be found a number of extracts from the militia laws of the State, pub lished by order of Major Wilson, for the informa t ion of those who are subject to militia duty. Wiikvt Crop— The Albany Daily Adverti ser says : • Such accounts as we have seen from the west, and from Pennsylvania, speaks of tin appearance of the coming wheat crop, as very fa vorable. That the season, upon the whole, has not lieen unfavorable to agriculture, and that the prospects, thus far, arc as good as usual.—Every l>odv is glad to hear such news. HANK REPORTS. Bank of Ha wkinsvi lle, 5 Aphil 13th, 1839. 5 To his Excellency Gkoiige K. Gilmeh, Gov. S.r —You will herewith receive a statement shewing the condition ol this Bank, on Monday tnc Ist instant. I have the honor to be \ our obedient servant, JOHN KAWLS, President. Statement showing the Condition of the Bank of Hawkinsville, on Monday, Apr,/ Ist. 1839. 1)k. Capital Stock, 200,1 00 Bank Notes in circulation, 216,139 Unclaimed dividends, 681 43 Due other Banks, 76,164 69 Ueposiles, 13,659 79 Do Certificates, 1,541 97 $507,076 88 Cash on hand, viz; Ch. In go d and silver, 36,341 85 Current hills of other Banks of Georgia & Snuth-Carolina. 23,473 Uncurrent bills of Georgia and other Banks, 664 60,478 85 Dills ot Exchange discounted, running considered good, 131,592 72 Bills ol Exch. suspen ded. considered good, 11,081 36 142,674 08 Notes discounted run ning, considered t good, 82,870 87 Notesdiscounlcd sus . pended, considered good, 23,629 66 Notes dis. susp. con. bad 151 “ “ “ con. doubtful, 3,083 62 119,735 15 Bills and Notes in suit cons, good, 82 752 74 “ “ doubtful, 15,092 63 97,845 38 Due by other Banks, 597 99 Protest Account. 129 John Dclafield, Agent, 5,396 31 ! Profit and loss, 12 504 56 | Real estate and other property, 28,616 56 Hawkinsville Bank Stock, 39 200 $507,076 82 Georgia, Pulaski County: Personally appeared before me, George W. Hines, a Notary Public in and for the county aforesaid, John Kawls, President, and J. Beavans, Cashier of the Bank of Hawkinsville, who being duly sworn, t to the best of their knowl edge the above is a true statement ot the condi tion of said Bank, according to the books, and that the annexed is a correct list of its stockhold ers. JOHN RAWLS, President. J. BEAVANS, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of April, 1839. GEO. W. HINES, Not. Pub. List nfSlovkhnldcrs of the Bunk of Hawk 'nsville. NAVIES. SHAKES. AMOUNT. James A. Everett, 419 41,900 John Rawls, 402 40,200 Hartwell 11. Tarver. 402 40.200 Stone Washburn & Co. 150 15,000 Bank of Hawkinsville, 392 39,200 Scott Cray, HlO 10,000 Robert Collins, 60 5.000 J. J. Callin, 15 1,5, 0 Jos. Tooke, guard. M, Callin, 15 1.500 David B. Halstcd, 10 1,000 N. W. Collier, 10 1,000 Bryan W. Collier, 10 1.000 Janie-O. Jelks, 10 1,000 William Godfrey, 15 1,500 2000 $200,000 Farmer’s Bank of Chattahoochee. } Cot, 1 Macs, April 19 h, 1839. 5 To his Excellency JG. R. Gilmeh, Governor of Georgia: S r —ln compliance with the requisitions of the Legislature, I have now the honor of transmitting to your Excellency, the statement of this Bank, as made up on Monday the Ist day of April, inst.; and have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, J. S. CALHOUN, President. Exhibit of the Farmers’ Bank of Chattahoochee, on Monday, Apr.l l si, 1839. Da. To Capital Stock, 295,525 00 “ Notes issued, old emission, 322,000 “ do burnt and on hand, 315,590 '• do in circulation, 6,410 do new emission, 814,000 '* do on hand, 800,855 “ do in circulation, 13.145 “ Amount due to other banks, 37.652 96 “ Undivided profits. 32.521 26 “ Uncancellcd 1 ‘hecks on lime, 3 040 83 “ Orders on Attorneys, 30.774 85 “ Individual depositee, 17.940 10 #437,010 Ch. By notes discounted running to maturity, 32,735 11 “ Notes past due not in suit, 134.428 28 “ do in suit, 121.720 45 348,883 84 “ Bills of Exchange runninglo maturity 1,838 88 “ Bills of Exc. past due not in suit, 649 79 “ do do in suit, 62.231 72 64,720 39 “ Premium paid for charter 15,000 “ Ain’t due by other B'ka. 2,890 41 Cash, viz : Bank certificate, 5,000 Note* of other B'ks in Ga. 602 Specie change, 13 36 5.515 36 $437,010 j Os (lie Not 's an<l Bills discounted £26.1)30 11 is considered to be doubtful, but a part of which will probably be collected. ■ List of Stockholders in the Farmer's Bank of 1 Chattahoochee. f Names. mo. shakes, p’n, in. amount. Bass, Chas, L, 300 100 30,000 Calhoun, Jus. S. 449 do 44.900 Calhoun & Bass, 706 do 70,600 Cary, Edward 100 do 10,000 Evans, Thus. C. 123 do 12,500 * Evans, M. R. 115 do 12,500 Gibson, Patrick 60 do 5,000 Green, Thomas sr. 100 60 6,000 Iverson, Robert 50 100 5,000 Kilburn, J. K. 40 do 4,000 * Koockogy, Samuel 50 do 5,000 * Lamar, G. B. 100 do 10,000 * McGehee. Nathan, 250 do 25,0 t 0 f | Molyneux, E..jr. 300 do 30,000 ■ Ross, George W. 150 do 15,000 * , Voting, W in. P. 100 do 10,0( 0 - Forleited, 5 6 25 3000 $295,525 Grotto ia, Muscogee County. Personally appeared before me James S. Cal houn, President, and David Hudson, Cashier of the Farmer's Bank oft hattahooche, who being ' duly swot n, depose and say, that the foregoing statement exhibits a just and true report of this Bank, to the best of tlieir knowledge and belief. J. S. CALHOUN, President. D. HUDSON, Cashier. I Bank op Dabie-', 7 April 20th, It-; 9. 5 Sin :—ln compliance with the requisnioiis of the Legislature, 1 have now the honor to hand you the semi-annual returns of the Bank of Da rien. Although it is with much regret that our returns are made to your excellency under the unpleasant slate of a suspension of specie pay ments, a condition to which we have bet n driven by force of circumstances, unexpected and be j yond our control, still it is gratifying to us to fur nish you with a statement widen exhibits the in stitution in a perfectly safe and solvent state. Our specie and specie funds, it is true have been very j much redu ed. still our cash liabilities have also I been decreased in a large proportion ; and it is the determination of the board of Directors, to use eve ry exertion in their power to resume specie pay j merits at the ca best day practicable. ■ 1 have the honor to be, Your Excellency’s ob't serv'r. ALEXANDER MITCHEI L, Prcs’f. . To his Excellency Gkoiihe R. Gil s eh, Governor of Georg a, Milledgevi lie. Consol’dated llepnrt of the Stale and condition of the Bank of Darien and of its Branches, on Monday, the Ist day of April, 1839. Du. ! To Bank Notes issued, 1.109,863 Amount on hand, 668.870 In circulation, 440,993 00 “ Capital tStock paid in, 651 050 Amount redeemed, 211,5i0 439,540 “ Dividends unclaimed, 2.156 78 t “ Deposits, 32,139 19 “ Due to other Banks, 106,044 49 “ Certificates payable in New York, 6.000 “ Checks on time, 69,804 02 “ Balance reserved fund after deduct ing all losses, depreciation of real estate, and expenses to date, 27,082 87 $1,113,760 35 Gb. By Specie in gold, 28 951 59 Do in silver, 25 222 02 54.173 Cl Bills of other Banks, 10,769 64,942 61 “ Due by other Banks, 24 346 43 “ “ by Agents and Branches, 66,163 04 Exchange, deducting all bad, 170 576 49 « Notes, “ “ “ 670,376 19 “ Real estate, deducting depreciation, 92 624 73 “ Slocks of other Banks, 23,851 75 “ Protest account, 879 11 $1,113,760 35 Banii of Darien, April 20th, 1839. ALEXANDER MITCHELL, Pres’t. EBEN. S. REES, Cashier. , Statement of B ’lls of Exchange and of Motes , U ncounted at the Bank of Darien and its | Branches—showing amount considered had. duuhful, and good — also, amount in su,l, under protest, and running to maturity, on the first Monday in April, 1939. Am’l. of Exchange dis., $186,176 49 , Ain't considered bad, 15,600 00 “ cotisid. doubt ful, 3 500 00 “ “ good 167,076 49 l7O 576 49 186,176 49 Am'tinsuit, 44,188 09 Under protest, 3,000 Running to maturity, 138,988 40 186.176 49 Ain't of not-s dis., $728.964 87 Consid. bad, 58,588 63 i Am't Consid. i doubtful, 41 573 40 I “ ** good 628 802 79 670,376 19 728 963 87 Amount in suit, 231,635 66 Under protest, 73,467 57 Running to maturity, 423.861 64 728 964 87 ! Bask nr Darien, April 20th. 1839. ALEXANDER MITCH EL, Prcs’l. EBEN. S. REES, Cashier, List of Ind’v’dual Stockholders of the Bank of Darien, on Monday, the I st April, 1839. NAMES. SHAKES. PAID IN. j Atkinson, George, estate, 4 260 | Atwood, Henry 15 975 | Andrews, Asst. Cashier 111 7.215 i Andrew. Low & Co. 95 6.175 Beal. Elias & Co. 21 1,366 j Bostwick, Ami 10 650 | Bowen, Horatio 22 1 430 Bugg. Sarah Ann 100 6,500 Cessna. K. Green 15 975 Cooke, A. U. 25 1,6i5 Champion, J. H. 15 975 Collier, John 6 3!H> Dean, Benjamin 8 520 DeLmnoitu, Jacob, jr. 13 1,170 ply. Charles 15 975 Flournoy, J. J. 45 2,925 Field, J. I). 15 975 Fort, William 5 325 Green, A. H. 25 1,(525 Gibson, Patrick, estate (!8 4,420 Harris, S. L. W. 11 715 Hand, U. E. 4 2(10 Harris, S. L. W„ Cashier G7 4,355 Jennings, Thomas J. 10 050 Jackson, R. J 5. 50 3,250 King, R. & W. & Co. 30 3,000 Kenan, M. J. 10 050 King, William 8 620 King, Ralph 2 130 King, Roswell, jr. 2 130 King, R. & W, 6 325 King, Thomas, Cashier 15 975 Liddle, James 15 975 McKee, W. B. 20 1,100 McConnel, Ely 15 972 Mitchel, Alexander 17 1,105 Mitchell, Henry 10 050 McDonald, J. C. 15 975 Mure. E. L. 2 130 Mure, M. W. 2 130 Mure, J. W. 3J 195 Mclntosh County Academy, 14 910 Nicola, Alex. Y. 20 1,300 Palmer, Samuel 25 1 055 Parkman. S. B. 31 2,015 Poe, William 63 4,095 Patrick, A. P. 16 1,040 Penficld, Josiah. estate 65 4,225 Roll I.other 15 975 Rogers, George T. 15 976 Stubbs, Thomas 15. 10 650 Sneed, A. H. 15 325 Street. Samuel M. 142 9,230 Shackelford, F. R. 15 975 Troup, James 68 4,420 Taylor. Hugh, estate 48 3,120 Taylor, Thomas 75 4,875 Wofford, W. B. 15 975 Woolsey. W. W. 20 l.a-0' Williams Rutherford, executor 15 975 Walton, Robert 100 0 500 Wood, Jacob 15 975 Williams R. F. 4 260 Yonge, Ph. R. 14 910 Individual Stockholder*,. >,.761 115 514 Central B’nk. (State of Ga.,) 5 000 325 000- Owned by the Bank,* 3,239 210,535 Number of Shares and’am r t ft).000 661 050 * 15 Shaics belonging to the Hank, not included, in the name of Thomas King, Cashier, among the individual stockholders: ALEXANDER MITCHEL, Pres’L EbEN. S. REEtB, Cashier. G count a, Mclntosh county: Alexander Mitchel, President, and Ehenezer S. Rees, Cashier of the Bank of Darien, being duly sworn, say, that the returns herewith’ made, contain, tolhe best of their knowledge and belief, a true exhibit of the state and condition of the saul Bank, on Monday the Ist day of April, 1839, as required by the Legislature. ALEXANDER MITCHEL, Prcs’t. EBEN. 8. REES. Cashier. Sworn to before me. April 20th, 1839. SAMUEL PALMER. ,r. ~ e. w. r. Bsss——ss——————e— msssstsss^msssssss MARINE INTULLHiEJNCb. Ciiabi.eston, May 2. Arrived yesterday —Brig (iranite, llodgden, N. York; scar K izaheth, Kills, npa lac hi cob*. U'ent to sea yesterday —Hrig Emetine, Dentil, Kingston; U L brig Lawrence, Cobb, New \ork; line hrig Gen. Piucaney, Ford, Baltimore: B. tracts From the Militia Laws ut the Mate ol Georgia. Prince's Digest, Page 690, 20. Section 19. The following forfeitures.pains, and penalties shall be incurred for delinquencies, to wit; Majoi General or by a tonne., or com manding olbtcr of a regiment Jailing to appear at muster, or on any other necessary occasion armed and uniformed us the law directs ; for fail ing to take an oath, to summon any court or board, or failing to order a regimental or battalion mus ter ; to repoit delinquent officers ; to make returns of bis regiment; shall for each and every such of fence or neglect, forfeit and pay a sum not exceed ing one hundred and lorty dollars j for failing to call into service any militia Jegaliy detached from his regiment, six liinidied d-ibats: by Lieutenant Colonel or Major for failing to appear at muster, or on any other necessary occasion, armed and uni fuimed as above ; for failing to take an oath, to at tend any court or board, to give notice of any reg iment or battalion muster, to report delinquencies or make any return, he shall forfeit and pay for each offence and neglect,a sum not exi ceding six ty dollars; for failing to call forth his battalion, with due despatch, or any detachment of men, oi officers that may he required from time to time by the commanding ollicer of his regiment, or the commander in chief of the slate, throe hundred dollars. By a captain for fai ing to appeal at mus ter. or on any other necessary occasion, armed, and uniformed as the liw directs; for failin t tike an oath,attend any court or hoard, to enrol ms men, and take an account ol the r arms, accoutrements, and ammunition ; to appoint or draft non-commis sioned officers as directed by this act; to give no tice of regimental, battalion, and company rm.s ters ; to cause his roll to be called, and bis compa ny to be exercised; to examine bis company and report delinquences and defaulters ; or to ma. can , return as dire* ted by this act, shall forfeit and. pay so. each and every such offence, and neglect, a sum not exceeding foity dollars ; for foiling to can so th such odicers and men as may from time to time he leg lly called for from hw company or failing on so iccasions to repair to the place of rendezvous, I c «h 1 forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding one 1 ui. ,cd and twenty do lors; by a subaltern officer fur failing to ap, ear at rnust'T, or on any other ne cessary occasion, armed and as Hie aw directs; for fai ing t, lake an oacn, so attend a y court, for each and every such offence be shal for feit and pay at the discretion of the comt of inqui ry, a sum not exceeding twenty, dollais;, for failing to repair to ti e p ace of rendezvous, when ordered upon any i all from the commander in chief he sba I forfeit and pay » sum not exceeding om hun dro I dollais. By a non-commissioned officer or mush ian.for refusing or neglecting to act as such, after having been legally d.ailed o. taught to give due notice to their respective sqna.sol a I mus ters, anil to such oi them as they are order d to summon to lourts of inquiiy ; so, foi ing to att-nd any muster or < ourts of inquiry when ordered; for foiling to appear properly armed and a coutred. at aforesaid musters, he shall forfeit and pay a sum r.ot exceeding twenty-live dollais. foe each and i every such oli'eni e at the diseietion of a court of inquiry ; for failing to repair to his rendezvous when legally drafted and ordered upon any call from t’ e commander in chief, a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars; by a private soldier fur fail ing to attend any mu-ter when lega ty waned thereto, or failing to attend by the time appoii ted, (which, for aH muste s held throughout t ,e state, shall be by eleven o’clock in the morning ■ armed and accoutred as ibis act directs, shall forfeit an I pay for each offence a sum not exceeding twmty dollars, at the discretion of the Court of Inquiry. * | * * * And that the fines ami penalties I incurred by minors and apprentices, for the breach I a«.l neg cct of their duty in any partieu ar service i i/y law required of them, shall be paid by the pa , rent, guardian, or master. Prince’s Digest, Page 688. l->. Sec. 13 Heads as follows. “Until arms and equipments of the description required by the militia law ol the I niled Slates,can he procured in this state, by any mode which Hie Legislature may hereafter point out, cve.y non-commissioned onicer or private in the militia of the line, shall stand hound to appear at all musters or on all other necessary occasions, armed,equipped and piovided with a fire-lock, in good order,and a cartridge box or shut pouch. Prince’s Digest, Pape 603, Act 1831. 81. Sec. 22— latter clause.—Vol inteer courts of inquiry, shall he held within ti only days after each muster, or on the next muster day, to he com posed of at least three of Hie commissioned or breveted officers of said company, and the officer highest in rank shall preside, and may have a clerk, who. shall keep a record of their proeedings, and receive the lines that any delinquent may volunta rily pay within feu days after each court, wituout cost, and at the expiration of ten days, he shall issue executions against all persons on whom lines may lave been assessed, who have failed to pay the same, and shall be atlowid to charge twenty-live cents cost for issuing the same,directed to any con stable within the bounds of said company, to exe cute and return, signed by himself and counter signed by the presiding officer of said court, and the fund thereby created, shall by the direction of the officers, be applied to the of said company, Sic. a c. The Some—Page GCO. 01. Sec. 3. The twenty-second section of the before recited Act, sha 1 he amended ao follows, to wit; That there shall he company courts of inqui ry of every description, ordered by the command ing officer of companies within twenty days after each muster, or on the next muster day, to be com posed of at east three of the commissioned or bre vetted officers of said company, under the same rules and regu ations as pointed oui for volunteer companies, in said section, and the commanding officers of said companies, of every description, shall be allowed to stay the issuing of execution ' against'any delinquent upon his making affidavit, statii g the facts before any officer ant mrised to administer the same, within ten days after the sitting of said company courts, and the command- i iug officer of said company shall lay the same be fore the next company court of inquiry, who may upon the merits of said affidavit, remit or confirm the same, and order it collected. Prince’s Digest, Page 698. 36. Sec. 3ti Reads thus—-When any comrnis. eianed, non-commissioned officer or private, lias been regulaily lined for misconduct, or neglect of duly, and no goods and chattels can he found whereon to levy the said line, that then it shall he law ul to imprison the said delinquent uue day for each dollar, to the amount of his line; and it shall he the duty of the keeper of such jail to rc aeive such offender or defiinlter, and to keep him or them in dore custody for the term in such war rant expressed, and until such offender or default - ei shall have satished such keeper for his fees on ids conhncmenl, Prodded, No jailor shall detain such person or persons more than one day for Ids fees. Prince’s Digest, Page 689. 19. Stc. 18 Reads tints—ls any by-standcp shall interrupt, molest, or insult, any olli er or soldier while on doty at any muster, or shall he guilty of like conduct before any court or hoard, the commanding officer at su< h muster or court, or hoard, may coniine him or them where such of fence shall'oi may happen, fur a term not cxi eed t mg one day, nor less than six hours, during which time they shall not he allowed to drink any spirit uous liquors ; and if any non-commissioned officer or soldier shall behave h inself disobediently, or mntim nsly, when on duty, or before any court or hoard directed by this art to bo held, or shall leave the ranks without permission, or refuse to fall tl e;cin. when ordcicd at any muster whatever,or shall appe nm parade drunk,or shall quarrel him self, or promote any qi arrel among Ids fellow sol diers, such non-commissioned fther or soldier so offending, shall he disarmed and tom ned for the day, by order of the commanding ollieer present, and shall moreover he lined at the discretion of the court of inquiry, in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, nor loss dollars, to he appropria ted as other lines imposed by thi. act. Prince’s Digest, Page 606. DO. Sec. 2. The lilteenth section of the before recited act shall he amended as follows, to wit: That it shal l lie the duty o. the commanding offi cers of companies of every description to muster their respective companies four times in each year, as near the centre of their company district, as a majority in said company, liable to bear arms, may determine. Dawson's Compilation, Page 286. lie it enacted Ac., i liatfiom and after the pass ing of this act, when any district company in the city ot Augusta shall neglect to elect officers,on an clci tion being duly ordered, in the manner prescrib ed by law, or in ca.-es wheresnch company or com panies-may heretofore, and when no suitable per son offers to accept a brevet, Hi* commanding offi cer of the regiment, or of Hie battalion: shall foi thwith proceed toenrol Hie men subject to mili tary duly in sueli company, and to draw sergeants and corporals in the manner now provided by law; and the persons who may he diawn as sergeants shall ai t as officers of su -h company, and do the duty of Captains and subalterns therein until such olfkcis arc regularly elected, or breveted for wan: of election, the sergeants in all instances to rank m command, in Hie order in which they arc. 2d. And be it further enacted, that when any person shad he diawn as a s rgeant in Hie manner set forth in the preceding section, he shall not he a lowed to resign such office for the space of one year from the time of Ids being diawn under the penalty of I sty dollars: Provided, that if such s rgeant shall atan.i time during ‘lie year of his service o n any vo unt r oumpai r t said city or the company, aim actual)} uo uuty therein for two years, lie shall he exempt the foregoing penalty. 3d And be it further enacted, that in case any resignation, such as is prohibited in the foregoing seit.on, th ■ ofli cr commanding tee battalion,or In his absence Hie officer of the icg ment. shall forth with order a Coo. tof inquiry, to consist of live or more commissioned offh ers of the city, to which court the person shall be summoned at least five days before its silting, by a notice in writing served by some stall’ officer of the regiment; and such court when assembled shall he sworn, as is no., provided by law, for the members of regimental and battalion courts of inquiry : and if the tine prescribed in the | recei i, g section, I e assessed it sha 1 he cnfoiced by an execution signed by khe ! senior officer of thecourtand se ved by the provost j marshal of the regiment in the so in and manner 'in » hich other mi itaryexec ti.. sa enowmfoic d. 4lh And be it fa.lni renacted, that when any, I company shall he organised as is herein before pio ! vided the commanding officer of the battalion, oi in \ his absence v the officer; us the regiment,shal issue ord< r- to the sergeants of company for the number of rmisteis now prescribed by law, and it shal he his duty to sec that atsueli musters, such companies are pioperly drilled ; fur which purpo e he shall he authorised to attend and command in person, cr to detail some suitab e officer from some one of the vo unteer companies of said city, who shall command, and shall have fur the time being. ■| the powers vested by law in a commissioned C a- of icompat : ui.i. ;ci.d he it furt.wr enacted, tint ill defaulters at 'in h musters shall he tried by a cuu. t of inquiry, d ta-e Iby the «'ommand ; ng officer of the battalion * or regiment from the company officers of the city of whom not less t an three shall form a board, and all executions issuing from such court, slia I'tic sign-- ed by the officer presiding, and served by the provost marshal of the r, giment (but tee act 1 535 below, repealed.) t>th And be it further cnactrd, that any person who shall alter the passing of till* act, aitually seive lor six successive years in any volunteer company, or the fne company in said city, either in the character of an officer or private, shall be ex* empt lor life from further militia duty in this state, except in case of « ar, insunection, and invasion. Mh. And be it further enacted, That all captains of district companies, in said city, shall, dining their continuance in office, be exempt f,om duly as jurors, in all courts holdcn in said city. (signed,) IItUV HUDSON, Speaker of the House of Jtepresi ntatives. THOMAS STOCK, President of the Senate. Assented to December 2(lth, IS2S. JOHN FORSYTH, Governor; Prince ’s Digest, Page 601. oi. I'rom and alter the pas age of this act, all aliens residing or at anytime lining withrn the stale of Georgia, shall be exempt from the per formance of all ordinary and other military duty", except patiol duty, alarm duty, and duties required, fur the suppression of insurrection, invasion, or con flagrntion, 76. Sec. 2. Every alien claiming the exemption as aforesa d, shall, before he is enti ed to the same,, make oath before tl e Judge of the r uperior or Jus tice of the Inferior ourt of this state, or Justice of the peace, that he is an alien, and that it is not his intention to become a ei i/en of the United Slates ; which oath he shall piesent to the clerk of the Superior couit of the county in which he re sides or may be, who shall nlv in his office the said oath, and register t e name of the said alien in a book for that purpose, and shall furnish the said alien with a eertiiu ate under his ifand,' and the seal ol the said court of such registry being made, lor which eeitiucate the said clerk sha 1 be ounce 1 in receive the sum of three dollars. lAb ll< Nr>j.El> AW) lII’TV DOL LARS reward. Stole i:n from the store of the subscriber, off the nignt of the MU, a large ot of jewelry of c.ery disc Option, among the articles were the lol» watches— -1 god Music Watch, No. 35 Fine silver, do do 11391 English silver do do 16903 Swrss do do mark’d M. U. S. in the cate, do do do No. 19631 brass Eng ish with cap “ 4945 Fine silver watch do 3367 do do simul do 1061 Silver Swiss do 322 incase dm dii ' d 6 SSbsT French gold do 6096 in case Sir vet Swiss do 2D in ease English silver do 629 Shver Swiss do 7UO “ F'lemh do 163 in case “ “ do 71.JU French gold do 1669 Silver L’Epinc do 1359 S brass English do 6945' Silver watch do- 3S incase Swiss silver watch, No. 6346 Si.ver watch No. 33 in case English mdsilvcrwatehdo 2112 Lever sirver eases do 9r93 Silver ease Swiss do 163 in case Silver L’Epinc do 3939 Music box,shell, Silver English watch do 341171 Silver watch do bail Patent Lever, number not recollected. Watch repairers arc requested to be on their guard to detect any of the above described watches. The above icward will he paid for any informa tion which may lead to the detection and convic tion of the thief and recoveiy of the property, ap 10-trwtf- 3f, J. I>. D’AUi EL. (J j" The I olumbia South Carolina Telosoope will publish the above one time and send their oill to the subscriber. NOTICE. —All persons indebted to the estate o John Hatlield, deceased, ate of Richmond county, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate are requested to render them in within the time pro scribed by law. JESSE KENT, March 6. 6w Administrator. A,,,, j TO BENT, until the lint of October TMiii'D next, a House and Lot on the Sand Hills, 1 ill trig I.; owned and occupied by Mrs. C. S. Mae lean. Possession will he given on the Ist of June. 'I he situat on is desirable, ihe House comn.odious, and in excellent order, with a good garden, and a well of water convenient j a part ol the furniture now in the house, wil remain if desired. F'u terms apply to Mrs. C. S. Maclean, or to JOHN MOORE, ap 25 sw2w IKON AND it it Ass I TMJNIUIY. fIHIK Subscriber has now in opeiation his new ■ Fumace, and is prepared to receive orders for Castings of al descriptions, and hopes from punc tuality and attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. 11 is Furnace is situated in Con cord street, next), to the corner of llasell street, the stand furmerlv occupied-by Rossis. Eason te I loi terer. . JACKSON MORTIMER. Charleston, April 26 sw2w NOTICE —All persons indebted to the estate of Walton Knigi t, deceased, arc requested to make payment to the subscriber, and nli persons holding claims against said estate are herely re quested to present them du.y attested within the time prescribed by law. April I, 1639. 6t P. JL MANTZ, Adm’r ITTwiTtAS S. MOOD sxaa Has taken a window at B Mr. O. Dans rlh's, a few /CefT doors below Join Guima fj.X . rin’s.beow the bridge Hank ( 'j* is No. 127 Broad -T eet. who e > 1 JuK he will punctually attendito SH'- r( 'l ia ' l '' n - '-'H kinds of Jcw elry in the best manner.— Watches, Clocks and Musical Boxes repaired and warranted. He hopes from his Ion; experience in business to have a share of public patronage, apr 30 w2m T. S. MOOD; U> Koiut Ar Minikin*; Co. > Branch at Augusta. j nEPOSITEr in sums of live hundred dollars and upwards, heaiing an interest of six pee cent, per annum will he received at this ( ffiea, for periods not less thanninety days, subject to,the orderof th- deposit irs on rc--eiving ten days notice of their intention to withdraw, nov 20 wtf J. W. WILDE, Cashier. fINIIE HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY J New Capital nf $300,000 —■ fficc No. 54 Wall street, New tork. This Company continues to in sure against loss and damage by Fife, and the ha zards of Inland Navigation. DIRECTORS. R. Havens, President, Cornelius W. Lawrence, Najah Taylor, Win. Couch, J. Phillips Phenix, John Morrison, David Lee, Caleb O. Halsled, Win. W. Todd, Jehiel Jaggar, Moses Allen, R. L. Woolley Micali Baldwin, Joseph Otis, Fanning .Tucker, > ergs I). Benjamin, John Rankin, John D. Wolfe. G. B. Vamum, LEWIS PHlLLlPS.Secretary. The subscriber is prepared to take Fire and i.ive risks, as Agent of the above ompahy,at the eur-i rent rates of premium J VMES R. BISHOP, Agent nov 21 6mw of th* H. ipt. Co.