Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, July 06, 1839, Image 1

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Cljnmicle & Sentinel WILLIAM E. JONES &Co “ ” “ " ' ' AUGUSTA, GA., SATURDAY MORNING. JULY 6, 1839. VOL. R.-NO. 335. PUBLISHED DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, On Broad street. TeR n s : ally paper. Ten Dollars per annum,in advance Tri-weekly paper, at six dollars in advance,or seven at the end of the year. Weekly paper, Three Dollars in advance, or Four at he end of the year. ~ L-i™" «11 HE article published below, concerning the new and popular doctrine advanced by the illustrious Goelicke of Germany, cannot fail of ex citing a deep and thrilling interest throughout our country. Q £)£}£) E} [Translated from the German.] LOUIS OKFON GUELICKE, of Germany, The Greatest of Human Benefactors. Citizens of North and South America, To Louis Offon Goelicke, M. D., of Germany, [Europe,] belongs the imperishable honor of adding a new and precious doctrine to the science of medi cine—a doctrine which, though vehemently opposed ny many of the faculty, (of which he is a valuable member,) he proves to be as well founded in truth as any doctrine of Holy Writ —a doctrine, upon the verity of which are suspended the lives of millions of our race, and which he boldly challenges his op posers to refute, viz: Consumption is a disease al ways occasioned by a disordered state of Vis Vita; (or Life Principle) of the human body: Qj'often secretly lurking in the system for years before there is the least complaint of the Lungs ,/T—and which may be as certainly, though not so quickly, cured, as a commonco.dora simple headache. An invaluably precious doctrine this, as it imparts an important lesson to the apparently healthy of both sexes, teaching them that this insidious foe may be an unobserved inmate of their “ clayey houses” even while they imagine themselves secure from its attacks, teaching them that the great secret in the art of preserving health is to pluck out the disease when in the blade, and not wait till the fall grown ear. This illustrious benefactor of man is also entitled to youi unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, for the invention of his matchless Sanative, —whose healing liat may justly claim for it such a title, since it has so signally triumphed over our great common enemy, Consumption, both in the lirst and last stages, —a medicine which has thoroughly tilled the vacuum in the Materia Mediea, and thereby proved itself the fj' Conqueror of Phy sicians —a medicine, for which all mankind will have abundant cause to bless the beneficent hand of a kind Providence, —a medicine, whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly pourtray , cd even by s )me of our clergy, in their pastoral • visits to tee sick chamber ; by which means they • ot%n become the happy instruments of changing dc ; spending into hope, sickness into health, and sad ness of friends into joyfulness. £} q n n g GOELICKE'S MATCHLESS SANATIVE, i A medicine of more value to man than the vast mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of our globe,—a medicine, which is obtained equally from the vegatable, animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a three-fold power,—a medicine, which, though designed as a remedy for consump tion solely, Is possessed of n. 3 ...iprinus influence over many diseases of the human system,—a medi cine, which begins to be valued by physicians, who are daily witnessing its astonishing cures ot many whom they had icsigncd to the grasp of the Insa tiable Grave. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for children, a half-drop; and for infants, a quarter drop; the directions explaining the manner of ta king a half or a quarter drop. Price —Three and one-third rix dollars* ($2,50) p t half o nee. German coin, value 75 cents. «eQ Q Q A certificate from three members of the Medical Profession in Germany, in Europe. We, the undersigned, practitioners of medicine in Germany, are well aware that, by our course, we may forfeit the friendship of some of the facul ty, but not of its benevolent members, who are un influenced by se lish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expression of our opinion, either of (the soundness or unsoundness of Dr. Goeliek’s new doctrine, we are happy to say that we deem his 8a native too valuable not to be generally known—for what our eyes behold and our cars hear, we must believe, c W# .hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Offon ifeiii-.frjjfr'at came i,»>■>«■ tlie hiagman public,as : tte Robert J?>V firnim | e fif mC ’ We ,leld ,lim in the nqP.;>rJiel abaso im ! eV an<l °P en| y pronouncing him (o I ,hgjf u ,, ,J ) n, Stol l an '? 1:110 Prince of quacks. But, oi.< lJ anil fur’ll J Uch sai< ? al)out the Sanative, against it ositv merpi , e . were ‘hdueed, from motives of curi- UDdii a nnm l'’ to '? ake trial ‘is reputed virtues we niw i Jer . °f°ur most hopeless patients; and IBbcnsc „ d r m ,:. toU ‘' boun ' le » duty (even at the HRe.liricv t ' ln f erest ) publicly to acknowledge fitter foo -V r i 1 curinf = nut only consumption, but believe ! t U i ,na a ' lles ’ wllicl > we have heretofore • lllcuia ‘ lk ' Our contem|it for the Uuin n,', U °/ I,w mc( licinc was at once swallowed re*l k. * "i ter aston *sbment at these unexpected doMrir,Vi ’ as amends for our abuse of him, we MiS'i i n con less to the world, that we believe slew ■,!! nlanthropist, who docs honor to the proses- HfcH. t 0 OUI e °untry, which gavcijgn birth, of Sr .. leoent adoption of this medilmie into some tmS, 'Ol'opean hospitals, is a sufficient guaranty forms all promises. It needed not our l:i }, fur wherever it is used it i> its own best HERMAN E C.MULLER, m. o. ■ m :m Walter van gault, m. d. MB ADOLPHUS WERNER, m. d. , jmMmany, December 10, 188b‘. W fa »IJBBJP. ears by the following information given to ° r ’ Rowland, that the much talked of Sanative is indeed what it professes to effectual and valuable medicine, worthy the of every consumptive person, and " e WF generally. I *Bp HEESB SANATIVE.— David S. How- General American Agent for this mighty (invented by the immortal Goelicke of great pleasure In publishing the fol- B|H£hly important letter from iv-pectahle New-York, which he has received, edg l ' B h fcany others of a similar character —also very e ren . Jiing intelligence from several of his Agents, seen belov —which, together with the oStite from three eminent German physicians, s, N° lErever establish the character of the Sanative without a parallel in the history of medi- Testimony No.- 1. L "H. F. Sherwood, Esq., of Ncw-York. £} n ps' ( ). _ New-\ ork, Oct. 9,1537. s tb’ji Dr- ?^Mand, —Sir: About the middle of to July )»**> noticed in a newspaper the n) a; itdvorti Matchless Sanative, for which 1 P‘ rCe ‘!r«Liu,rp.ager>t, and which professed ( J mv wife was iv for consumption. this dreadful disease, w asting away with • ;Vw"< daily and our family physician to health without si.Adeavonng to restore her kepthou'e, and asked him i\ stepped over to Ins •, ii w taking this any objections to ' lirrfectlv willing Mrs. SbeWeplted that “he was *' mv othenp** , Viw: she take thator my oin*‘r * Wibut hc thought % it c oU ld do her no good, as he, lungs were rapidly Ac ” Bi‘m “|» d «° h"man means could save \ ' i" ■ - 110 an »tive, being recommended by i mee physicians who had used it in their practice, ■ s ecu ududed to give it a trial. I sent and pm cliastd a phial which she commenced taking three tunes a day, giving a free indulgence to her appe tite accorduig to the directions, By pursuing this I comse, she siidercd considerably for the first eight or ten days, but was shortly able to eat and drink freely, without the last inconvenience. ' . . Wlt ’ ,in f° ur wt ' el ' s from her lirst using the med- I icine, her leehle health and wasted form began to I P ,°" , I lew ' s fre'gth,and she has been gaining from day to day until the present moment, to the utter astonishment of our family physician and friends.— Nieis now enjoying a comfortable (though notper e't state ol health, is able to be about house and attend church. Mrs. Sherwood and myself are both fully of opinion, and so are all who know her remarkable case, taat she owes her live to the Sanative alone; and as there are probably many consumptive per sons in the United States, who have not yet heard of this medicine, measures ought speedily to be adopted to have it more general y known. A number of persons in our neighborhood, I un derstand, are taking it for other serious complaints with very great benefit. ’ I think of going to the South, with my family sometime this fail, and in case I do, I will proclaim the virtues of the Sanative in that quarter; for al though some of the physicians here are activelyop posed to it, 1 do sincerely believe it saved my wife i trom an opening grave. j II you think this letter will serve the public good, you are at liberty to publish it. Respectfully, &c. 11. F. SHERWOOD. Testimony No. 2. One person in our village, who was considered by Ins physician to he in a Consumption, has taken the Sanative, and is now well. Another person, subject to epileptic fits, has been greatly benefitted by a short course of this medicine. There can be noqueslion but this medicine has performed won derful cures in a host of cases, and that ills worthy 1 ol general attention.— Brunswick Adcertiser. ' Testimony No. 3. . RR M.V ICI (LESS SAN ATIVE.—By an article m our paper to-day, it will be seen that this medi cine has lost none of its virtues by' crossing the At lantic for it appears to tie working similar cures in America to those which have astonished Europe. —Boston Morning Post. O’For ,side by BENJAMIN HALL, Agent, at the Post-Office. fcP Radical Cure oMlcrmnor Rupture, by I>r, Chase’s Improved Surgeons’ Trusses. subscriber liasopened an office,atthe Drug JL store of Messrs. J.Robertson &Co., fertile treatment ol Hernia or Rupture, by means of these ustly celebrated instruments. He has now used them for nearly a year, and, did not delicai y forbid, he could name several persons who have been radi ciiliy cured, ol tiiis truly distressing and dangerous affection, by the use of these Trusses,besides manv others who arc in a fairway of being entirely re lieved. The following is the language of the com nntlceol the Philadelphia Medical Society on the Radical Cure of Hernia. “ The instruments of Dr. Chase have effected the permanent and accurate retention of the in testines in every case of Hernia observed by the committee, without material inconvenience to the patient, and often under trials more severe than are usually ventured upon by those who wearother trusses; trials that would be imprudent with any “ The committee arc mducetT'Try !oregoin 6 conclusions to recommend, in strong terms, the in struments of Dr. Chase to the confidence of the profession, as the best known means of me chanical retention in hernia, and as furnishing the 1 highest chances of radical cure.” The fol owing is from the Southern Medical and Southern Journal, published in our own city. . “All must admit of the radical cure of hernia, ' and that Dr. Chase’s Trusses are decidedly the best yet invented to elfect the object.” Persons from a distance can have the instruments applied, upon application at the office, ami all ne cessary information given to enable them to adjust j , it themselves. The poor, who are laboring under this afflicting complaint, will he treated gratuitous lyupon presenting a certificate, from some responsi ble person, of their pecuniary disability. ’ The instruments arc of all sizes, ami applicable to every variety of reducible rupture. ] _feb2o F. M. ROBERTSON, M. P. r PROSPECTUS s For publishing in the City of Macon,a Daily Morn- j 1 ing Newspaper, to commence on Monday, the ' second of September, 1839, entitled the MACON DAILY ADVERTISER. r _ The subscribers, ever anxious to advance the in .,—Ms of Macon, and to contribute their mite to /I the amusemenland instruction of her citizens, ysc to publish a small Daii.y paper, bearing the F. T ' ‘ J ‘Wind to commence at the time specified, t '■ extended to it will warrant its aiiW|‘l* er P er ' o( '- They well kmnvF S‘eat expense, labor and 1 trouble attending hut feel con ; lidont a paper of the kind ifeiSentially necessary to I tlieg owing importance ot Macon, and the sunound ingcountry; they arc satisfied the'Cornmercial por ; tion of our citizens desire a daily medium of com* | municatioii wit.h the public; that their facilities are cramped, and her impoi tance greatly underrated, for the want of such a print; and that they will not suffer the unde taking to perish for the want of suf ficient patronage at their hands. The Macon Daii.y Advertiser is published with a view to the Commercial interest of Macon, and Internal Improvements, generally. It will also lend its aid to advance and encourage the Mechani- j cal, Agricultural and Manufacturing interests of the | State. In short, no labor will he spared, on our part, to render it a welcome visiter not only to the Merchant, the Farmer, and the Mechanic, but io the Literary, Miscellaneous and General reader, j It will otherwise constitute a channel of useful | knowledge and general information. All the Commercial intelligence of importance, botli Domestic and Foreign, will be summed up, under the proper head, so as to afford our .Mercan- j tile patrons every description of News, which they can desire, at the earliest moment. A correct Re view of all the important .Markets, and of our own, ! shall appear weekly'. Arrangements will also be made that will enable ( ns to furnish a correct Shipping List daily, contain- ; ing the Arrivals, Clearances, Departures, Ike., of j vessels at and from the ports of Savannah, Charles- j ton, New-Y»rk, &c. &c., together with the Arrivals J at, and Departures from, this place. (jj“ In addition to other matters, a daily report of | the Receipts of Cotton in our Market, shall appear. ! City News,—Under this head all matters and [ occurrences of interest, of every character, relating 1 to, or transpiring within the city, wid be faith- I fully recorded. To Advertisers, both of the city and country, ] we shall reserve a large portion of our sheet. On 1 them wo shall depend mainly for support, and pledge ! ourselves to keep an eye single to their interests as well as our own. terms: For subscription, per annum, - - - $8 00 For subscription, lor six months, - - 500 For subscription, for one month, - - -1 00 To be paid invariably on the delivery of the first number. Single copies, 12 1-2 cents, (reorders from a , distance must come post-paid, or they will not re ceive attention. No paper will besent to any per son residing out of tbe city, unless the Cash accom pany the order, or a responsih’e city reference is I given, (Jj* All advertising accounts must be set tled monthly. PENDLETON A HANLEITER. une 15 "' ’ NEW VOLUME FOR 1839. tiik new-yohk spirit op the TIMES. .1 Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Litera ture and the Stage. William T. Porter, Editor. Published every Saturday in the City of New-York, and Embellished with very large Imperial Quarto | Engravings on Steel, of distinguished Horses, Eminent Alters, ,yc. The Nii,th Volume oTthia periodical commenced on the-.MI! ut March, 1339. 1, „ now one ol the ve ry largest weekly papers m America eonsiaimg ol iwclv. immense quarto pages instead ol eiglu, as I ,'! l , e .l’, r ' “ el " v,,1,1111e W 'H I'e illnsirated t.y ; SEVEN SUPEKIt ENGRAVINGS of the most I costly description on STEEL PLATES of the lar | gest size ; two of the series were published in the first number oil he volutin—one being a Pitney Por tra.iof AUGUSTA, the he,nmi„| celebrated danseuse, in Hie clmracierot La Sylphide.-ihe other a|l orirnit ol Air Stkvkns famous BLAt K MAUI A ce ehraled aslhehesi f our Mile mare ol her day at the North anil the conqueror of Tnflein the great Iwenty Mile race on Long Island, Portraits of John I.asj;o,m U k,„l Mimjo, ando( Imported Mo na a cn. will follow black Maria, and oilier subjects both s porting and Theatrical, will be selected to ! continue the senes, w hich will ihus form a bcauli at and interesting Gallery of Engravings. The Engravings will be the largest ever given in an A j uioricnn nei'iodirnl, those already publkshM being, ; one ol thirteen inches by fifteen, and the other four -1 teen by eighteen. They will be all elaborately and | richly (unshed, and printed on a largo line sheet, to | accompany the paper ( are will I e taken that they I are so secured lor transmission by the mails that | they may reach their destination without injury, j and be suitable (or training The body ol tbe paper I "I 8 ;* v ' 'll l ,e illustrated by fine Wand Ekngravingb | of Racing and Sporting ( tips Designs of Celebrated r ao C o.' lrE . es ; a, " ; ! ;i, ' 1,!1 (5 J0 * Horses, on the plan °* K Lie in Eondon," which the Kace Cup annexed is a specimen 1 i Ibe“>Pm I t of tub I'imes" will continue to be primarily and essentially devoted m the American and English PI I UP. tinder ibis general h ad will he embraced i complete American Racing Calendai lortho current year, and lull reports ol the New warkei, Doncaslr, Epsom, Ascot, Good wood, Ltv t rpool and tdicster Race Meetings in England, and see . others as inay he interesting from l ie el.amclei ol the horses engaged or other circumstances A Etst of i heINNING HOUSES of the piece- I 1 "® -y, e: ' 1 r | " l ‘ Published, arranged in four Dis tiiiil I aides,—One ol four Mile Winners one of Ihree, one of I wo, and orient One Mile Winners f hese tables show at a glance the winner of eveiv race ol the last year, bis Age, Color, Pedigree and Owner, ibo Prize won; the Weight carried the lime made,and the Homes Beaten by him,together with the date and place ol the race and a reference to the page of the preceding volume where the race was originally published. Tin first, or table of Pour Mil Winners appeared in the 2d number, and it com p-iscs all the foregoing particulars of the Pour Mile races ran in America,during ilieycnr 1838- These tables are compiled wnb mfiiile care and labour and at grout expense; they arc of constant prac iical ijm*, and increase in value every year A Li*t ol English II liming Horses for ihe same year willnl so bo published m the volume, arranged in the En glish lortn. A 1 able of American Trotting Horses, with the Age, Color, Owner. Time made, Weitrht carried, Horses Lcalen, Ac. &c. will ho published in tins volume, and m addition there will he published an abstract ol every Great Trolling Perli.rrnance in A mertca l«rseveral years back, with especial reference 1,18 llme l""- 18 This 01,8 raci has been compo-ed 1 £ nilWesYWig' tfii Ol.vy v owvp.ctc I ,ev\U d«. mirtn i can Trolling ever alimpted. A Table of American Stallions in I lie usual form will also appear in an early number of the volume, and wid be (bund con venieni for breeders ns disignanng the age, color, pedigree owner, place and price of standing, of near ly every distinguished stallion in America These arc bin the leading features ol ih 3 Turf, department ol i lie paper, ol which (he others can on ly lie enumerated in brief . They comprise a com* pHe record of all Importations and all Sales of Flood Stock —Sweepstakes, Racing and 'J’rutting Matches, I and Racing appointments,— Essays on breeding and ; trading.— Tedigreet* and Peifbrmances ol Disliii- I gmshed Horses, —with nil the current News and 1 On Diis in sporting i ircles, both at home and nomad j ond to complete the Sporting Department, full de j tails, original and sole* ted will he given upon all | manly pastimes, as Hunting, Meaning, Fishing, j Vaiciiing and Routing, Tedcstnan and oilier Athletic i and manly sports. There is only room thus casually ! to notice these subjects, which are favourite themes, ! and will ever be enieriotin g ai length, j Another pint of lhe design of the paper will em j hi ace an Agricultural JJrpartment, designed tr- pro i mote the interest and minister to the instruction ot i Breeders of fine Cuttle, Sheep <J*c. The next prominent Department is the 'Theatrical 1 cal page, constantly devoted to original criticisms of ; the Drama, and notices of the New York Theatres, —Green Boom intelligent, derived from an exten sive tin Ulrica) correspondence maintained vvnheve.y city in the Union and by which the paper is already I favorably known and w idely circulated in I heatn j cal circles. The lluglish Stage.,]\n\\ so blended I with our own by a community ol actors and of plays : will receive such a no’ice as to keep the render constantly apprised of-any new or amusing incident 1 it may iu ni*h- Again, selections will be const; ntly made from the 1 Periodicals o' tin* country and of Englan ,and ilius ' pc formed a lively and elegant literary di par ment I <>cc p-mg several pages And here the design of i the Editor will be to select such articles only as nit | witty and light spirited and inlore.»tirig,sMclj articles i for example,ns he has Ib rneily culled from the Pick* wick papers, the. 1 r/hm;-I*l ash Correspondence , Major Gahngan s Uemniisceuccs , and the like. Ihe Knglifeh Magazines, all of which of any celvbrity are regulaly received, will furnish a lull supply of such | mutter. In the last place, an effort will he made In give 1 the paper character as an amusing, piqiiante journal by devoting much room Jo remarks upon the inci- I den's ol the Day, the Hossip ol the Town, Humo . rous Toltce Reports, and such witticism* us i fall within the observation of the Editor This por- ' t ion of i he paper will he aided by numerous selections | f not occupying much room, but sure to be amusing' from English newspapers, «f w hich a very large sup ply is received ui the ollicc, including a good many not taken by a .y other establishment, and only seen in this country by numerate chance. For all these vared depariments ample loom is secured by the immense size ol the present sheet which lor beauty of typographical execution and general elegance of arrangement, is secured to none in tbe Union. No local agents being employed by the Proprietors I gentlemen, wishing ilia paper can order it through their Post in >sters, or remit by mail A numb' rol Files from the commencement of the volume will bo preserved fr r New Subscribers. 'I his course is adopt* d, a« the valuable Statistical Tablk of the paper nearly ail appear in the eirly part of I he year Subscribers wishing extra copies of the large Engra vings w ill be supplied ut one dollar oa< h. Terms For one year’s Subscription in ad\ once I §lo—ForSjx Month's do in advance, ss—For Ad- ' vertisingOne Square(B2 lines; first insertions, ss j Every subsequent in eriion, § 1 THE HCKM' (Oll.V PLASTER. WARRANTED to euro, without iueouven fence. all Corns whatever. The following is all llie proprietor, n widow, w ho (Irperuls on Ihe sale ol this article for support, will present; C KtlTl FICATE. We, Ihe subscribers, do certify, that we have known ilv Burn. Guru (Master to cure and erudiete a great number of t orus. liliaslteeu used with the ritual perlrct success tiy ourselves anti friends many years, ano tbe proprietor is a widow. (Signed/ John Mono, ,lr, ira Higgins, Benjamin ! Bryan, I .eland Rue. Arch Henson, Lew n Running, | Lemuel Lynch, John Motley, jr. For sale by AN lONV’ h/. HAINES, No. 232 i Broad street. A ugntta april 2 i A. Z. UANTA’S New Cabinet Furniture AVare-llonse. Ao. 236,//road street, a few doorsubove the Post- Office Corner. llEsubscriber lenders his sineere j| thanks and acknowledgements tor the liberal patronage herelolorc bestowed, tS-»»259! nnd dal,cr,i himself, by close applioa- I f l' tt lion, mid utiremilling exertions (or (lie ft | I accommodation of bis customers, that 1 ho will he entitled to a share ol iheir future support lie does not scruple to assert that he now has on hann the largest and best assort mem ol Furniture, ever ejliiluted in Augusta; and tliinks he can, w ith confidence, challengecompari son with the best Withothei articles hcenntner ates the following, viz: Splendid Sideboards, Hook-cases, elegant fancy and plain Wardrobes superior Egyptian marl le-top dressing liureaus' plain do., I‘ier tables, various patterns,card, dining’ work and centre Tables; Sofas.sofa-bedileads; ma hogany rockers; French and hull French, and Gre emu Chairs; bird’s-eye, curl-nniple, hoi, aim Hush anal do ; I isno Stools; (lltoinans, Itressing-tabtea Looking-glasses of every description, VA nidow blinds, and transparencies. Parlor-tables, Wash stands, Counting-house desks, & r The above are warranted to he of the best mate rials and workmanship, winch lie is determined to sell at a small advance. A.Z HANTA.. N. B.—Country pooplcuro requested to call and examine for themselves. N. H—Upholstering in all its branches, done with great dispatch, and on the most n nsonahlo terms; and also constantly on hand, a large ass orlniem ol hair and moss Mat trasses fcl>2 tpt , S"-«’0-V A- lOi OTI licit S. Cabinet', ( hair and Sofa Ware-room, Hroad street, opposite Gould, Hulkley St Co. The subscribers have removed from thcir former location to the large and commodious store of Mr. W. Ncl- GS£|£SKg| n son - now oiler for sale a well assorted 1 . . , 3 ,tocli of articles in the above line, principally of their own manufacture, made from Vie latest and most approved New York patterns xyhtcli consist in part of the following— marble top’ sideboards, mahogany do., pier, card,centre, dt mg, tea, work, and other tables, dressing bureaus with marble and mahogany tops, secretaries and book cases, sofas, ottomans, marble top withstands writing desks, footstools, mahogany, curl and birds eye maple bedstead*; also, live doz. excellent ma hogany French, half French and Grecian chairs and a variety of fancy, cane, rush, and wood scat do. I hankful for past patronage, they solicit a continuance of the same at their new store, where they will continue to sell at unusually low prices ml warrant the goods equal to any april 2G ’ tCAR Itl AC ES. "V f LRKR ', r & nt the old stand formerly occupied by Maj. Jesse I hompson, corner of Kllis and Mein .• „ . ; osl * s , tref ;ts, arc now receiving an on tire new stock of Carriages from the best manufac tires at the North, of the 1 .test and most approved style consisting of Coaches, Coachces, standing and h-xtension I’op Barouches, Chariotccs,Buggies” Sulkies Wagons, Sic., together with a large and well selected assortment of Harness, all of which they will dispose of on the most liberal terms Or nf Vn’ri lU ’- V dese,i P tion of Carriages of their own ot No. them manufacture thankfully received and promptly executed. Their friends and the public stock SPeCt<Ully invitcdto CHII and examine their I j'Rcpairing in all its branches faithfully exe cuted and with despatch ts „ov 1 ' Cl ANO K T ICS . | n PARSONS, 295 Hroad street, keeps at all • times for sale, a large stock of PIANO FORTES, from the best hui dors in the country.— Tho stock generally consists of about thirty to forty instruments, comprising all the qualities. These instruments, are selected with great care, and are recommended with confidence. Persons wishing to purchase can do as well at this establishment as at any of the northern manufactories. A guaranty, as to quality and durability, is fur nished in every instance. Also, a well selected stock of sheet MUSIC, Pre ceptors. <Stc., together with Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Accordions, and most of the small articles usually kept in a Music Store, march 5 ts musical notice. FoIIN PCIIELLAS Professor of Music, induced by the great encouragement which he has re ceived as a Teacher of the Pia .o Forte, both at the Academy of Mr. and Mrs. Egerton, as well as tho Ladies and Gentlemen and public iu general, who have so handsomely pationiscd him since his arrival in Augusta, he tenders his greatful acknowledg ments to them, hoping a continuance of their favor, purposing to continue the same vocation, during the summer, pledging himself Horn bis expe rienced method to convey instruction to bis pu pils to perform in a superior manner in a short time, and hopes by assiduity and attention to merit their approbation. He will likewise attend to tuning and repairing Piano Fortes, and satisfactory references given on application at Mr. A. Z. Banta’s New Furniture Warehouse, No. 236, Broad-street, whoie all orders will he punctually attended to. may 8 ts OOK AND JOB PHINTINC OFFICE On Campbell, one door from Vroad-street. rpilK subscribers have purchased the extensive JL an, l we R selected assortment of Printing ma terials from Mr. B. Bluntly, and having made sueh additions as will enable them to do all kinds of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, in a superior manner ami with despatch, oiler them selves to the public for a share of its patronage. I hoy have also on hand a large and general as sortment of Blanks, which are printed on paper of superior quality, and it is their intention always to keep on hand all the different forms in general use S. S. BROWNE, W. 11. CUSIINEY, JAMES MeUAFFERTY, Augusta, January 25, 1839. ts FIIHE subscriber has disposed of his Book and 1 Joh_(Tintingestablishment, to Messrs. Brown Cuslmey, McCalFerty, takes pleasure in recom mending them to his late patrons and the public, as young men of industrious habits, well skilled in their profession, and worthy of the patronage and confidence of the public. B. BHANTLY. January 25, 1839. ts TtTICTOR LA TASTE, Professor of Music, hav- T in g permanently located in Augusta, respect fully tenders his servies as Teacher of the PIANO FORTE and GUITAR. REFERENCES. I Milledgeville. Avgusta. Hon. VV. V. Hanseli,, W. It. Tiksi.p.v, Esq. 1 Col. S. Rockwell, Rev. A. B. Eoncstrelt, L L. Harris, Esq. T. H. Plant, Esq. R. K. Hines, Esq. W. T. Thompson, Esq. ' QO’ A Card left at Mr. Plant’s Bookstore, or at 1 the office of the Augusta Mirror, will meet with ' prompt attention. feb (8-ts ! I AAA NOTICE.—'J hesuhseriher has reniov I i ed his 1 Hlicc to the second story of McKenzie A Bennoeh’s corner. He will ai'en I punctually tot he business of his profession, in the 1 hunts ol I i Richmond county, Georgia, and Edgefiel- and 1 Barnwell districts.B. C. act in riy,l IAMF.s T GRAA ***"'' ' ' G - OB( ' 1A KAIL HOAD. ~„C' I :' NGr 01 Horn—o n ami after the 30th inst. u MfL’r" 1 ,eavc An «“»‘« »t « o’clock, A-AL.daily.ioi VV anenton i and, except Sundays foi ( rawfonlvilleand Jefferson Hall. i Returning, leave Jefferson Hall at 7 o’clock Warrenton at SI o’clock AM ~,,,1 I'us.a a, half-past I o p! M ™ “ Au * __Augusta, Dee. 26th, 1838. GBOHMA RAII..HOAD notice* Hctween Augusta and Jcffcrson-Hall-cotton *1 *»»l"-a.filS -WMSWWSS SSKls.l^- ception of merchandize, until it is forwarded „ „ RICHARD PETERS Jr fcngm*e*t Sup’t of Transportation. To THIS IM' * ,O , WC(I o^iiirStag^Liles' form them, that hci s running a 7Ja//pIL/ne,fBun duys excepted,) of J ■ lW "M nu n- FOUR HORSE POST COACHES, from the Georgia Kail-Hesd to Athens Ga via Greensboro’, Salem, and Watkinsville. ’ ’’ MAIL AEHA EG EVENTS I' rorn Augusta to Spring Place! (ia davs'Tfi . Ue " Sta ’ J ! fond . Bys ’ Wednesdays, and Fri -10 p «t. M,,and arr,v<; at Athens same day, at davs ea at m" 8 ’ T T dayS> T,l "' sdi, y s and Satur at Ip. i. ’ amVC at ( ’“'nesvillesame day l.cavc Gainesyille, via Canton, Cassville Adairs villc I chota Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays p M wLre’ , nn ,' VC at s ' ,ri "« Waw next day at 8 i. m. where it intersects a Line of Four-Horse Post Coaches, for Nashville, Tenn., via Ross’ Landing and also a Line of Stages for Kncxville, Ten., ia’ Athens Tenn. ’ ACCOMMODATION LINE Leave Augusta,Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- U) V p.’m! A ' M-,a " d arrive at Athens same day by davs°\TlO t !; e " 9 ’T"? <la 3, »nd Satur by lVe, m. M ,andarnvc at Augusta next day Stage Office at the bar of the F.aglc (St Phenix Ho jin n lgUSta,alKl attl ‘ <: Uai| - Ko »d Hotel, Athens. II AT STOKE.-A. n. MALLORY having ■ I connected limiaell wnh one ol the large? rnanulaciiiriiig houses at the North vvillmtmur Witllorv A t"n""'-n " n,kr,llß firln of A «• enahle A 5 It \i ( 1 r, '“'; ril '! rn,ll S'’nienls will X & M OH "l" ly their customer, on he inoHl Bceommodniing terms. They are m w reeving their Fall and Winter supply of Gent mm sHu s, Caps. Ac also, a large assortment o( ■ Bonnets, ol the latest style and superior I 11 call and examine their assoruriMit | If A. K ft!ALLOWy te Co. PORTRAIT PAINTING.—MR. |i. HEADDEN respectfully announces (hat he has returned to Augusta and has taken the room formerly occu pied by him at the Masonic Hall, where he will re main but a few weeks and will he happy to wait upon Ladies and Gentlemen, who may wish to ex amine specimens or have their likenesses taken. J heConstitutionalist v/.1l copy three times an 15 ts T/EAST POWDERS.—For raising Buckwheat t and Hatter Cukes, perfectly light and ready lor baking the instant they are mixed. Bold whole sale and retail hy i ail l!Mf HAVILANI), RISLY&CO. PERFUMERY, Sic.—An extensive assortment ol the best Odorous Waters, Extracts, Fancy ■* oapsi. Cosmetics, Hair Oils, Tooth and Hair Brushes i and every variety of articles suitable for *''? J ? l,ct 1 Nursery, constantly on hand, ami for sale cheat) hy ANTONY & HAINES "my Hi ts siLlt tv OHM EUGL r|IHK subscriber has made arrangements to re -1 cciyc, and will now; akc orders for Silk fVorm Eggs of several of the most approved va rieties. ’I hey are to he procured from a person of undoubted reputation and experience in Silk grow ing, and will he accompanied with certified cocoons I of the same, ready tor delivery in properseason this 3 P r,11 (?- T. H. PLANT. (TV-Trees and Cuttings {in the best possible or der) for sale. sch M-ts H TO THE PUBLIC; N : WILSON tenders his thanl's to the pub • 11 »«r the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended on his STAGE LINKS, and would respect lujjy inform them that he is running a LINE OF SI AGES frm Douhic-wells, on the Georgia Uni- Hoad to Washington, via Hay-Town, three times a week, leaving I ouhle-weils, on Mondays, Wed nesdays, and Fridays, after the arrival of the cars from Augusta, and arriving at Washington, same days, at 6 o’clock, i». yi. Returning —Leaves Washington on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 2 o’clock, a. m,, arid arrives at Double-wells in time to take the cars for Augusta. ts march 13 IBfI.NE BOTTLES, —20 Hampers Wine Hot * y lies, 12,000 gross Hotlle folks, for sale hy jan 111-ts HAVILANI), lUSLV & CO. HEST LAMP O!L.—A supply of Bleached W inter and fall Strained Lamp Oil just re ceived and for sale hy J an _? *f ANTONY & HAINES. I,K SLEFLEUIIS COLOGNE WATER* fl were hut labor lost to enumerate the wonder ful properties of this admirable article. It re putation rapidly extending over all the known world, has made all praise superllous, all exagge ration impossible. To the ladies our recommen dation will he useless. It gives the rosy bloom ol health and youth to all who make it the constant companion of their toilet, AI.SO, Farina’s Cologne Water, genuine. Prentiss’ do. do. And several choice varieties of our own man farturc, for sale hy HAVILANI), RISLKY & Co. _ a P nl l; * ,r Druggists, Augflsta. In accordance with the oMensihle views «I the Southern Convention. HI II KCT I M I*o It T A HON. rpHOMAS I. WRAY Ik SON have just received J by the Governor Troup, and are now opening a large assmtment of CHEMICALS othei DRUGS, from the Laboratory of Man,lev, Weaver A f o. (one of the first houses in England,) which will he sold m a state of the Utmost purity. These with their former supply on hand constitutes a large and very complete assortment, consisting of almost even' article in the Drug line usually kept in this market nr /-< irders will lie thankfully received ami attend ed to with despatch, on the most accommodating ferms. ts oct 17 j’L'ST RECEIVED imTTor ial«, 10 liales Cotton Osnahnrgs 5 cases superior Irish Linens By JOHN*. HGTCHINSION.AuetWer. J may 10 i • i v_y « v_/ • * a *^*~**~~~ : —r !■ nm |,7|—7. -| iL, L || t *_r_iLijii r,:.::: —njd___»j^r l N !■; X A ill P L £ D M A M M OTII SCH EM E ! 1 1 ’HK following details of a Srhcmc of a Lottery, ■* to lie drawn in December next, warrants- us to declare it to lie UNPARALLELED in the history of Lotteries. PRIZES to the amount have never before been olleied to the public. It is true there are mam blanks, but on the other hand, the ex tremely low charge ( f *2O pci ticket —the lulue ond Number of the Capitals, and the revival ol the good old custom, of warranting that every PRIZE SHAM. HE DRAWN AND SOI.D, will* We BTC sure, give universal satisfaction, and especially to the Six Hundred Prize Holders. To those disposed to adventure we recommend early application being mode to us for tit kets when the Prizes are all sold, blanks only remain the first buyers have the best chance. We, thcie fore, emphatically say— DELAY NOT. 1 hut at once i emit and/rimsniit to us your orders, which shall always receive our immediate attention. Letters to he addressed to,and applications made to SVLVKSTER A t o-. IM* Uroudway, Now- V*>ifc , CO” Observe the Number, 166. *OO,OO O 1) tl LIARS! $*100,000! $25,000! Six of $20,01)0 ! Two of $15,000! Three of $ 10,000! Grand Heal Estate and Hank Stork Lottery, of Pro perty situated in New-Orleans. The richest and most magnificent Scheme ever pre sented to the public, in this or atrip other country. Tickets only 20 Dollar.. Authorised by an act of the Legislative Assem bly of Florida, and under the the direction of the Commissioners, acting under the same. To te drawn at JAPE SOM'ILLE, FLORIDA, DEC EM HER Ist, 1839. Schmidt <V, Hamilton 'Managers. SiLI ESPER ,y Co., Vu. 156 Broadway, .New York, Sole Agents. • N o Combination Number* !I 100,000 Pickets,fcom No. I upwards in succession Kxtiact fiom the laws of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida. Chap. 761.—N0. 22.—Whereas the Court House ol Duval county, is in an unfinished state, and there are yet due and owing upon the same, mo nies, which it is believed will impose too burden some a tax upon tiic people of Duva'i and whereas, it is desirable to pay those said sums and complete said building; as well for the greater convenience of the administration of justice, as for the double purpose ol an Academy, for which purpose In part, the said building, when completed, is designed, l hewlore— Sr.c. I. lie it enacted by the (iovemor and Le gislative Council of the Territory of Florida, '1 hat it shall and may he lawful for Joseph It. Lancaster. Isaiah I). Hart and William .1. Mills, or any two of them under the direction of the county comt of ./oval county, to raise such sum or sums of money by Lottery, in such Scheme or Schemes as they may deem appropriate and advisable : Provided that the said persons shall bind themselves in such manner as the said court shall direct, well ami tru ly to conduct such Lottery in good faith, and to au propnalc the proceeds to the object above stated Passed, Feh. 7th, 1*34 -Approved, Fel. 11th, bL ‘ ar "'K 'Lite the 28th of Fcl.rua rj’ LSaj t.ieaboye nanicd Joseph 1). Lamaslrr, Isaiah I), lari and William .1, Mills did, for certain considerations, in confer,inity to the said Lrgisla i,sslK" u,ll ° SCI MIDT ft HAMILI ON all their Right and Interest, and the Lx tract from the valuation of Ceorge I'nnipmninw vricr and Jacob Do Cordova, both of tile city ofc New Orleans, made and sworn to on the 19th day of April, 1839.■ “ lhat the said Heorge Philip Manou vricr and Ja - cob C. Cordova, appraise and conscientiously and honestly value the property known under the name and appelation of “ Hanks’ Arcade,” in the ( ity of New Orleans, at Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, and “The property known under the appelation of “City Hotei.” or Uisinir’s Hotel,” in the said, City of New Orleans, at Four Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars. ■ The Deeds of the Property and the Stock trans ferred in trust to the I ominissioners appointed by the said act of the Legislature of Florida, for the security of the prizeholdcrs. SPLUNDID,SCHEME ;!! I Prize—The Arcade—2B6 feet, 5 in ches, 4 lines on Magazine street;, lb) feel, 11 inches on Natchez st. 125 feet 6 inches on Oravier street. Hen ted at about *37,000 per au num—Valued at 700,000 1 do City Hotel— 102 feet on Common stieet; 146 feet, 6 Inches on Camp st.—Rented at 25,000—\ a.ued at 500,000 1 do Dwelling Mouse, (adjoining the Arcade) No. 16, 24 feet, 7 inches front on Natchez street, Rented at *l2O0 —Valued at 20,000 1 do Dwelling House, (adjoining the Arcade) No. 18, 23 feet front on Natchez street—Rented at 1200. Vahied at 20,000 1 do Dwelling House, (adjoining the Arcade) No. 20, 23 feet front on Natchez street. Rented at *l2OO. Valued at 20,000 1 do Dwelling House— No, 23, North east corner of Hasin and C ustom house st; 40 feet front on Hasin, and 40 Iceton Franklin street, by 127 feet deep in Custom-house st. Rented at *l5OO. Valued at 20 000 1 do Dwelling House —No. 20,South- ’ west corner of Hasin and Custom house street; 32 feet, 7 inches on Hasin, 32 feet 7 inches on Frank lin, 427 feet, inches deep in front ol Custom-house street. — Rented at 1500, Valued at 2u 000 1 do Dwelling House— No. 339, 24 ’ feet, 8 inches on Royal street, by 127 feet, II inches deep. Rented at *lOOO Valued at 15 000 1 do 250 shares Canal Hank Stock *lOO each 25"o00 Ido 200 do Commercial do do 20 COO 1 do 150 do Mechanics & Traders’do l.ajoCO- Ido |OO do City Hank do 10,00 Ido 100 do do do to’oo. Ido 100 do do do 10,!}. 1 do 50 do Kxchange Hank do its, Ido 50 do do. do. do 5 000 I do 25 do Has Light Hank do 2 500 Ido 25 do do. do. do 2.500 I do 15 do Mechanics ’St Traders do LoTO Ido 15 do do do do IgjQO 20 do each 10 shares of the Louisiana State Bank, *lOO each, each Prize*looo 20 OCO 10 do each 2 shares of *lOO each,each Prize ’ $2OO, of the Has light Hank 2 COO 200 do each 1 share of *lOO, of the Bank of Louisiana 20,000 200 do each 1 share of *lOO, of the N. (t. ’ Hank, 20 COO 150 do each I share of *lOOO, of the Union ’ Hank of Florida, jg 800 *' R,ZES ~ * 1,500,000. Tickets *2o—No Shares. The whole of the Tickets, with their numbers as also those containing the Prizes, will be examined) and sia’cd by the Commissioners appointed undir the Ait previously to their being put into the wheels. (ne wheel will contain the whole of the Numbers the other will contain the Six Hundred Prizes, and the first 000 Numbers, that shall I u . drawn out, will be entitled to such Piizes as may I e drawn tt it' number, and the fortunate holders of such i r ; /e« will have such property transferred n. them immediately after the d rawing, uniucumber'd and without any Deduction 1 iur*