Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, July 09, 1839, Image 3

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MAIL ARRANT.KMKNT. Posr c)FFirE - Augusta. (,■„. y ■ 0 n ... June z7, ls;j9. < ;,; 'W ! oru !!"’ !"? at U l 'trill Aiall WmmMm t^SSu^-, “r - 1,11 - U r t t( ,i,, .spar,a, Milled ■■E'i f. a S:;, 1 ! ; "“1 cMe jHBMH, f i°'n tin- W est : ,y Tuesday <. j a. m. -til. .11., a;,,! arrive .same Ww H CI 7 . ''"-lavs, Tiiurs-dai < ’ P - M - a " 1 -nvr same days at'.j HHI. "‘J >und«V»tat'J r 1 ;; lu '‘‘ U '=•) ». K»i- WW ir’/r 1 ,u 3 •«* - KH - lii^ *«•■'!■ k. i>. m t 0 1 ?. ,M Charleston before 700 a m « „ Summerville, “. . s 3(J ' M - r t/:: :: S? Ic : jfg M.: :; e ,. ... v^“v jSjK Arrive at Hamburg’not before I q O ° O V K downward. .f t 0 ave Hamburg before * l ' u A - M - „ Aiken, 7 30 „ Hiackville .< - • 930 “ “ Midway --10 30 “ “ - - 11 00 ficorgy 4-t 12 (i 0 m. . ville,“ - - 2 00e. n. An ive at Cbafr* -toll not before 300 Instance—|Jf36 miles. Fare Through—slo 00. speed 2O miles an hour. To remain 20 mi ? u for breakfast and dinner, and not 5 minutes for wood and water at any Tilutio: f Toip for passengers, whan a white flag is hols tit either of the above ? Onions; and also at Sines, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. 0., 1 UiveGrahams, Willcston, Windsor, Johnsons, - I ami sh’s T. O. I l*sigers up will breakfast at Woodstock and I dinciiaekvillc ; down, will breakfast at Aiken I amle at Summerville. may-21 f RESIDENT DENTIST..— Dr. Monroe s 1 opong rooms, sceond[door from Broad treet. on ilrtn-sl., opposite the Constitutionalist oli,cc :h 13 IST, on Saturday evening, the 29th ult., in his city, a large sized plain double cased (. .ever W atch, made by G. Lethcrland, Lon d4o. 923 d, with a plain ribbon fob chain, and a pi Seal and Key attached. The finder will re c a liberal reward by returning it to the sub s?rat the Richmond Hotel. y 2 6t IFSCP, r T A pn> .>■• * .;.3dk It) RENT, iron 1 iio 1. i..... . I infiQ next, that commodious Dwelling House on Reynolds street, formerly the residence Mrs. .smelt. Fir terras apply to BEXJ. HAI.L, 11 the Post Office. CHARLES HALL. July 2 ts ) tIOUK' AND STATION All V. su iscrihers are prepared to olfcr on the •V most favorable terns, a ve.y comprehensive sSk of Books, S'alionary, and every other artic e auopriately’ connected with their lino of busi es. Their SCHOOL HOOKS are of the most p u' ir order. Witht achers and hca Is of families, tr works of Olney. Co/s slock, Kirkham, an) Jetton, have acquired a Jistmgui lied reputation ivston s Treatise on li >o/r keeping, is now in its Mil edition, and is in a fairway to gain a mono py of appro'atio 1. Preston's Interest Table at ight per cent., is just out of press, and the author trs» is now at the s.iutli. pic Ifcs himself to forfeit o edolarfor each an 1 every error amounting to r,"p"mill that shall be foun 1 in the who e work ROBINS 'N, P t.V i'T & Lo. July 6 trwtf 63 Wail-street, New Voik. A SITUATION WANTHD.—A young man re cent y from the north, wed acquainted with business, wishes a situation in some respectable mercanti e bouse in this city or in any part ofC.eoi gia, either as Book-keeper or “-a esman, satisfactory references given. Apply to this office. march I ts BAGGING. —20 pieces heavy Dundee Bagging forsale by- G iRDELLE & RUIN'D. Jluy 6 y SUMMER QUILTS. —A few more of extra size just received and for sale by June 10 ts W. K. &J.U. J VIvSON, SIGHT CHECKS ON NEW YORK.—Sight Cheeks on New York, dr iwn in Savannah, in sums to suit,for sale by janUl ts WRIGHT & GIBSON. “WTINEGAR. —30 bbls. superior White Wine V Vinegar, just received and for sale by June s w. e. & j. u. Jackson. qaa DO/,. COMMON TUMBLERS, just re iij 1 IJI ceived and for sale by j rmey If W. E & j. U. JACKSON. B ACON. BACON.—ISOOO lbs South Carolina and Tennessee BACON for sale low for cash t, y JOHN M. COOPER & SON. ap 10 J* BUTTEB.—IS tubs first quality May jw I Butter, just received and for sale by june 6 1m I.S. BEERS & Co. ]NOR SALE —A first rate second hand two ' wheeled BUGGY. For particu'ars apply to mar 7 ts J. B. GUEDKON._ riCET— T. E. KEITH is my duly author ised agent during my absence from this city. 1. A. 11 IDLER. Augusta, May 29, 1539. ts 1 ALCINED PLASTER PARIS.—A fresh sup ) ply Calcined Plaster Paris, just received and for sale by HAVILANI), RISL) it CO. jan 19 tf_ EMONS. —30 boxes Lemons, in handsome or- J dcr, for sale by W. E. Sc J. U. JACKSON, may- 28 Auctioneers. -JJIANO FORTE. —Asplendid Rose Wood Piano Forte, Grand Action, of line touch and tone .■ir sale by CLARK, RACKETT &. Co. ■ ap_22 _ ts 4T \TU ASSES 20 superior Moss MBrasses, ?.▼ i j ,lst received and for sa cby W may 16 W. E & J. U. JACKSON. B 4 NEW, speeds-, and effectual cure for the | tV. Gonorrhcea, Gleets, Strictures, &c. Just re ived and for sale by ANTONY & HAINES, Agents, ay 16 Augusta. k SUPPLY of FRESH CONGRESS WATER, sfl-\ just received and for sale by H mav 16 ANTONY & HAINES. I, y DIMMER QUILTS. —A new and beautiful ar- j S tide iu>t received, and for sale by ® p3 U W. E. &J. U. JACKSON. _ ritTislfl TUIIMI* SEEDS, Ac. ■ W HOLES A LF. AND RETAIL. Hr A RGK WHITE FLAT DUTCH TURNIP I i Globe do "* Do Norfolk do Puiple Top Ruta Baga do j^B Diumbead Cabbage f Hergen or Great American Cabbage \ r Cape Savoy i Ws )0 Red Dutch, for pickling m,g i 'range t arrot In lilac I. Fall Radish Bite and Ted Turnip RadDh B and White Clover Seed Vine or French Clover tee 1 ] iubscriuer* have lat eived the a’ tve \ v es Garden Seeds, ail of which they WAH j ( be FREsil AND GENUINE, and k hem for sale at reason a! h prhes. t ANTONY & HAINES, B « a No. 239 Broad-street f N n _ ' A uEY is my du'y autior •JriC’K.—' iy abse...e fr> 1 the city i i»e,l agcc y F. SPEARS. M 1 )i — ' Tttstikty' thC “‘ !iMUity ° r ’‘"S’' s! bairel, l£l D’ANTIGNAC & HILL. - J| |y <) .1,11 - e _ , mr- *'t ulatlo \\ oman, 24years 1 ~ |i " ‘ .■& amstress. Fi r terms apply to j ’ M. l,f ( a # t V/ ED, CAMPKIELD. c: , ‘ • "Jt (dr two v.iiiu.'.i- 1.u5.1 Haims. F... . |V (J,i #, 1 /y to either of the ,-tc amboat agents. A t / 1 /\I.K ER, or ED. CAMPEIELD. ( i f 3tw* ' CARRIAGE DRIVER, Who A site recommended in the hig lest terms so. a ■tV and industry, and who is also k good House Servant, for sale by a f r i ANTONV >V HAINES, j ts 232 Broad*streat / .%! EmE A L XNIStR LI C T lON. yadtE Lectures in tire Medical Ii stitute of the /city of 1 auisvi le will commence on the Ist vlonday of November, and terminate on tne Ist of I *" Jkd m ' ll Conn, ill. D. on Anatomy. (1I , les Caldwell, M. D, on the Institutes of P. i^d'Uie, Ac. J Vg .in E. Cooke, M. D. on Theory and Practice I ts/nedicir.e. j/ ,f JosuuA B. Flint, M. D. on Surgery. 1 Henry Miller, M. D. on Obstetrics and Dis- ' eases of Women and ■ hildren. ! Charles W. Short, M. D. on Materia Mcdica and Medical Botany. Lensford P. Yandell, M. D. on Chtmistry and Pharmacy. The apartments for the prosecution of Pra tical Anatomy will he opened early in Oitober, under the direction of Dr. Donne, the Demonstrator. — Ihe extensive College edifice erected within the last year will he in a state of complete Imish be fore the commencement of the course. Comforta ll,i Boarding, including lodging, lights,fuel &c. may he had at convenient distance from ihe Col lege, at an average rate of $1 per w ek. The Tickets to each Professor’s course is $l5: Matri culation and l.ibrary Tickets $5: Grad ration fee sio: Disserting I'ickct, which may be taken or not at option, $lO. Tire Faculty will receive at par the paper of solvent Banks of the States in which pupils respectively reside. By order of the Faculty. C. W. SHORT, Dean. Louisville, Ky. July 9 wst FOB N U.ld, ONE of the most desirable settlem mls in tire Cherokee country, containing live hundred ac.cs of land, one hundred in cultivation, a well selected variety of fruit trees and grape vine-.. There is 4,C00 Moms Multicaulis which can Ire had with tire or sep irate, 80,000 cuttings, and 100,000 eggs of the silk, and mulberry does well here. This p ace is situated in Broomtown val cy, Chattooga county, Ga., on a public road, with com fortable buildings, a go id store-house, a good stand for business, ami is a well situated settlement. — Possession can Ire had at any time. July 9 w4t JriHN LAMAR. __ N' OTICE. —in consequence of unit iieaiin or our teacher, our Bchool Iras been discontin ued ; but we are anxious to procure the services of some gentleman, well qualified for teaching, for the remainder of the year, l iberal wages will be given. Nr n ■ need apply unless well recom mence I. Vve wish the school to commence as JOHN T. Mc.MEL, J vS. KITSP tTHICK, J BIN EMERSON. Euckhead, Morgan county, July 9 w2t THUNDERING SPRING. rjIHE proprietors of this natural curiosity, res |_ pectfu ly inform their friends, and the travel ling puirlic generally, that they arc prepared to ac commodate all who may favor them with a call. The very sho.t periol which has intervened since their purchase, added to a scarcity of materials, lias rendeied it dillicult to irnpiovc as extensively as they desired ; yet they know themselves willing to devote their undivided attention to promole the comfort and convenience of visitors and travellers Tlie water combines high medicinal qualities, containing strong impregnations of Sa tpetre, Mag nesia. See., ascertained fr om a partial analysis. \\ e deem it unnecessary to append to this notice, a list of certificates relative to cures elfccti d by using the water, as the doubts of the sceptica would not he removed, and those who would believe, may credit the assertion, as such can be proved at any time. Several cases of violent Rheumatism have r ecu en tirely relieved ; aso Tetter Scald-head, running Ulcers. &c. Individuals laboring under Dyspepsia, will experience great relief from the use of the water, it is known to he highly efficacious in re lieving a:l cutaneous diseases. It is due to ourselves and for the information of the public at large, to state at least some of the mineral properties of the water; and also the na ture of some of the diseases which have been cured at tins place. We are aware of the prejudices gen erally engendered by vaunting advertisements of 1 ike character. The location of the spring in Upson county, is in a healthy region ncar'y surrounded by large hills on the north side of the Fine Mountain. A consid erab e quantity of game abounds in the woods ad jacent, for the delight of sportsmen ; and flint Hi ver is sufficiently contiguous to afford amusement to the angler. Families desiring it,can find ample seclusion from dusty streets and miasmatic regions of the lower counties, at the Thundering Spiing,* where no pains will be spared on the part of the proprietors, to render their visit agreeable. Gaming and other irregularities will he prohib ited. Good order will he strictly enforced. Afflicted persons will have a sepaiate table pre pared if desired, where they can have all the atten tion paid them they may require The Bar will he supplied with choice Liquors of various kinds awl attended by an efficient bar keeper rates of board. Persons per day, $1 00 Persons per week, 6 60 Four weeks and longer (per week) 550 Families stationary, per month, “ 500 Children and servants half price. Horse per day, 75 Horse per week, $3 00 Horse per month, 12 00 Individuals wishing to remain one week or lon ger, will please to make it known at tiie bar. JOHN L. COCHRAN, A. J. AIcAFEE. Upson County, Ga., June 11 w3m * For the in formation of those who are unacquain ted with the origin of the somewhat p rtentons ap pellation of this place, it is perhaps due to ot serve’ that the great similarity between t lip noise occa sioned by the spring and the rumbling of distant thunder, suggested the name. LAND POH SALE. 1 OFFER for sale upon accommodating terms, the following lots of Land, and also forewarn i ah'persons from trespassing in any manner what- j ever upon either of said lots of land, either by j cutting, splitting, or hewing any timber or timbers, thereof, upon the penalty ol the law. Lot No. 2S in 12th dis. ad see. Cherokee .166 aces j Lot No 269 in 27th dis. 2d sec. do. 160 do. j Lot No. 526 in 19th dis. 3d sec. do. 40 do. j Lot No. 267 in Ist dis 3d sec. do. 40 do. j Lot No 52 in Ist dis. 3d sec. do. 40 do. | Lot No. 419 in Ist dis. 3d sec. do. 40. do. 1 All the titles to the above lots of Land, arc in disputable. The subscriber lives eight miles be low VVaynesboio, Burke county, immediate y on the stage road, from Augusta to the Central Rail road. june JOwrlm STEPHEN CORKER. MANSION iioim;, (1 cinesville, Georgia. riNHIS commodious and conifortah’e eslahiish- I ment is now open for tie reception of sum mer and transient visitors.-—lt lias nude gone con siderable improvement and additions since the ast season, among whirl) is a spurious and elegant Sa loon for the accom odalion of the i oung and the Gay.' The Village allbrds both .wale and f emale . ciiools of the highe t order. Young Ladies can have every advantage de-Ted for prosecuting their studies, in Mu ic, the Ornamental and substantial branches of Education. It is deemed needless to say any tiling of the character of the il age as a summer Retreat, or of Min . ’on Horse as a comfortable a' ode, the 1 character of both being too wc-fl fnoWD to make 1 .... ary. JIM HEN THtIRNTON Proprietor. y i’iie i barges at the Mansion Hoi «e wi ! 1 not exceed in the general those made at Athens and ( the Vadison Springs. July 1 i 4 OOLD WATCH LOST.—The undersigned 4 \ had, u dun, lebottomed case hold ..u vti VVaich, iM. J. Tobias & Co., Liverpool, No. 14231. with God tiurb Fob Chain, two strand and a small Seal Key from him, which he will give a suitable reward to any person detecting it. ap27 ts fi. B. BEALL. NOTICE. —C. /., BRA V TON, is my duly au thorised agent during my absence from the city. .lime 2U ts P. A. SCRANTON. PINK SHOES. Gi ENTLEMEN’S line C.aiter Boots. I “ " Morocco Brogan Pumps, “ •* Walking Pumps, “ “ Dancing “ and Ladies’fine kid and morocco Slippers of all kinds, jnst received and for sale low, by ALDRICH 4t SHOVE. juncS ts TO THE PUBLIC. HN. WlLBoN,respe< tfully informs thepub • lie, that he has established a new line of tOUH HOKSK POST COACHKS. fiom Athens to Clarkesville, via Hellicon Springs and Madison Springs, and Carnesville, thicc times a week. LEAVES ATHENS, Tuesdays, ■y at 2 o’clock A. M. Tm rsdays, vA’ arrive atClarks- Saturuays, J ville, at SP. M. LEAVES CLARKESVILLE, Mondays -y at 2o’clock, A, M. Wednesdays, ?- and arrive at Athens Fridays, ,) at 8 P. ill. may 18 3mtrw THE LIMESTONE AND CIIALY aBEATE SPRINGS, Spartanburg Dis trict, S. C. ninety-live miles fromCharlcs ton, and fifty from Greenville. The undersigned has the pleasure to inform the public, that the elegant and extensive accommoda tions prepared fur the recepthn of visitors at this place, will be entirely finished by the Kith of June next. From three to four hundred persons can be accommoda ed—comfortable and airy rooms arc prepared for familcs in the large brick building,oi if preferred, line apartments will be assigned to them in the different Cottages. There is an abundant supply of Ice, Wines, &c. on hand. Amusements of every kind will he with in the reach of visitors. The country around the Springs admits of a variety of excursions, on horse Lack or in carriages. The Limestone Spring is a highly medicinal water. In add lion to Lime, there is found Magne sia and Epsom Salts in it; and the great quantity of Carbonic acid gas, constantly escaping from the Spring, renders the water very light. To Dyspc i. tics, ai d persons laboring under liver comp aints,or of constipated habits,experience enables us to say that this water is inva uab e. If any visitor labor ing under any of these diseases has ever visited the place, and not been beuelittcd, it is to us un known. There are two line Chalybeate Springs, one rising out of the Limestone Quarry, and the other a short distance below it. In addition to Iron, they are supposed by many to contain oilier active ingredients, since they have been discovered,they have been found to he very benelicial to many weak and debilitated persons. The grounds about the Springs are beautifully laid out, and atl'ord many line and delightful walks. Several intelligent and respectable gentlemen have settled permanently at the Springs, and con stitute at ail times a delightful society. They have made their sett.ements with a two-fold object, health and the education of their children. For this latter purpose they have established two ex cellent schools—a Ma e Academy, under the di rection of Mr. lioosa and a Female Academy un der the care of Miss Williams. Both schools merit every encouragement—they arc wc I conducted, and imparting to their -e-pective pupils, sound and good education. Families visiting the Springs, will have the opportunity of placing their chi then in these excellent schoo s. Mr. Saunier, wil teach Music during tlie summer months, his qualifications are equal to any instruction which may be required. V competent instructor or instructress in Dancing, is expected, and wil be certainly in attendance to nstruct all who may desire it, These are some of the inducements which are pre sented to the public, to favor the Limestone Spring' with their patronage. When it is remembered that this establishment owes its f nndation to the liberal ity and patriotism of many gentlemen who have advanced large sums of money for the purpose of presenting to Hie people of South Carolina and Georgia, a place of health and relaxation, almost at their own doors, it ii to he hoped that it will not languish, decline and die for the want of patronage. The thousands expended in Northern travelling may be saved, and the people of the seaboard and the mountains may enjoy all the mutual benefit of travel and inter oursc. To the religious public the undersigned would say, (hat gaming and all such gross irregularities as would be offensive to them, are prohibited at this establishment. Arrangements are in p.ogress for having divine service on every sabbath, which wc hope and believe willbesuccessful. Persons can be as private, secluded and retired as they please. For Dyspeptics and invalids a separate table will be prepared, where they can have every accommo dalion they may require. The universally admitted salubrity of the cli mate, together with the immense mineral produc tions of the neignborhood, will open a licldforspec illation and amusement for leisure travellers. in addition to the above inducements, wc have six arrivals and departures of mails, each week. — Accommodation Stages to Greenville, twice a week, and after the Ist of July there will be a Hack to Tnion,on every Wednesday, to mee t the Columbia stage. Tosportsmen it may be ionic inducement to know that we have one of the most beautiful race tracks In the State, where there will he a numberof horses in training from the first of July,until the commence ment of the races on the first T uesday in October Rates of Hoarding, as follovts: Persons per day, $1 12$ Do do week, 7 00 For less time than four weeks, C .70 F'our weeks and longer, 6 00 Fami ies stationary per month, fi 00 Children an 1 Servants half price Horses per day, 0 62^ Do per week 3 fio Do per month, 300 The Stockho ders in the Company are reminded : to assemble on the 4th July, at the Springs, where i a Dinner will be prepared, and an Oration delivered by some distinguished gentleman. The public are | invited. WM. 'll KRAY, Agent, L. S. Co- j j Spartanburg, April 2(5. wtA j BELLEVUE FOR SALE. j k GREAT BARGAIN—The subscriber oilers ’ for sale his plantation in Columbia county, i containing6l7 anes more or less,of oak and hick- j ory lands, about twemy three miles from the city j of Augusta, adjoining lands of Judge Luke, Wm. | H. Luke, George W. Tooles, Culhrath St Duns. It is considered by ail the neighbors to possess the • best i prings of water of any in the neuhborhoo 1 or elsewhere in the county, the water being perfectly pure, eold and refreshing, and as fur health not to be surpassed I y any situation in the county; as a summer’s residence, it is as pleasant as any would I desire, being free from mosquitos, sand-dies, and I I other insects, that disturb the iC't at night; it has | a good one story frame dwelling, 10 feel try 20. with , ; two shed rooms with brick foundation, and kib hen I I underneath, situated on an elevated and airy situa -1 tiun ; also, a nearly new gin-house an I running ' geer. with all other necessary out bui dings, toge ther with a line peach and app e orchard. There is somewhat more than haif the land cleared, the greater part of which is in cu.tiration ; the soil and climate is well ca ciliated for the produce of corn and cotton, nr any other produce, and none better suited for the cu ture of the Morns .Vluiti caulis, or any other spec es of the mulberry, as about one half of the land is of louse grey soil, and the other ha sos the mulatto soil. Possession to he giv<:n on the l ist day of January. My terms are $lO per acre, to be paid in three equal annual instalments w ith notes and approved endorsers, if not pail when die to draw interest from date.— 1 Tit es indisputa le. Those persons desi ous of j pureirasiiE'. will all on the snbsciibcr at his resi dence on Green-street. u rust a or on his o.erseer > r. John Brisioc on the pantation, who will con- j duct them over the premises, june 17 wit AVM. H. OAKMAN { N'OTICE. —The interest of Henry Jr.asue, the comcin of U. u. JESSUP Jr Co., ceases om tins date. He is no longer authorised to use ic name ol the linn in Hie collection of dues, nor i the making of any contracts, nor in the transac ion ol any business whatsoever. Cjr’The business will be continued under the ime firm. GEOUGE K. JESSUP. 1 AllTiisin. July 1, 1839. july 3 (wm , a one Hundred Dollar .Note on the Plan- t A tors’ and Mechanics Hank of Columbus, be- - veen the Unit M States Hotel and Bennoch’s cox cr, ’1 lie tinder will be liberally rewarded by I aving it »t this oißce. ts July 8 Ft IGHT CHIU US (IN NE\V-Yi)RK,forsalcby “ Wm. M. U’ANTIGNAC, Agent for Western insurance Sr Trust Co. July 2 tit Columbus, Ua. INSURANCE COMPANY OF COLUM- ; ill A, :s. c. INHE above Institution has been successfully ‘ conducted foi several years in the town of olumbia, S. C. A considerable poition of its vpital is invested in Hank stock, the re -1 in good ' 'at unities. All established claims for property ' ist, insured by this Company, or any of its agents, ill he pi om ptiy paid as heretofore, and the same romptness will he adhered to in future, which muld entitle it to ashare of public patronage. ANDREW WALLACE, President. Columbia, June 8, 1839. The subscriber having been appointed Agent lor ,‘ic aliove ( ompany,is now ptepaied to take Fire i .isks on Buildings, Merchandise and Household ' ,Furniture. He will also make Insurance on Life. * >ll losses wil l be promptly adjusted and paid. The ties ol premium will be the same as charged by , (tier offices. He solicits a share of public patron ge. J. (i. DUNLAP. ' June 21 ts NOTICE TO BintDEHS AND CONTRAC TORS. —The subscribers are prepared to fur ish Window Caps, Sills, Door Sills and all other Granite that is wanted, at established northern rices. N. B. We will furnish Window Sills and Caps at dels, per superficial foot, which is only 20 cts lore per foot than Sand stone, and much more du able. We will furnish stone for Fronts, viz. ’rants,Caps, Ac., at $1 15 cts per super, ft., just vhat it is sold for in Boston, and other principal itics. Heed not the idle report that has been cir culated that the (leorgia Granite is so high priced hat no one can afford to use it. We will sell it at Quincy prices without any deception, jan l«-tf ‘ CHIPMAN & HEAD. (Lj“’l’he Constitutionalist will copy the above. SILK WORM EGOS RECEIVED. riNHOSK who have engaged and such as desire J| Silk Worm Eggs y can ) ’>w be supplied by arly application to T. 11. PhANT. ap 10 ts TO THE FACULTY AND HEADS OF FAMILIES. DU. MILES’ COMPOUND EXTRACT OK TOMATO —a substitute for Calomel, and does not belong to the family of quack medicines; for the reason that the component parts are made known to the faculty, or any one else that may wish to know, by any of the agents keeping them for sale. Since this discoveiy so long and anx iously looked for, some one in almost the extreme Noitb has advertised a Tomato Pill, purporting to be made from the stalk, a thing.not more absurd than for one to nlfer meal from the corn stalk, to say nothing of the difficulty of raising Hie Tomato so far North. Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the Tomato Pills (proper) for the great benefits of which, he holds himself hound, and in honor pledg ed to prove by their use, that they arc all that they profess to be. and will do for otheis what they have done for such as mav have used them; as tills is a vegetable of great use, and value, it will doubt era be valuable Information to families to know that the Yellow arc just doubly as valuable as the lied Tomato, and produces twice as much • of the hapatinc, or active piinriple.and when used as a daily vegetable will be found to keep the system in much better condition than the other kind; many will reeo'eit with what trembling anxiety calomel has been given to children, and how they tlfen wished for a substitute. It has long been known that the Tomato contained ea tbaitic principles, but not until of late was it aseeitaincd that they contained a'lerative and diu retic properties. The Faculty embrace and use the preparation most cheerfully, for tiro reason that they know what it is Were it a patent mystery, they would he bound to reject the medicine, as they justly do the one thousand and one cure-alls of the day. If you wish to cleanse the system with a mild, sa e anti-bilious medicine, use the I umato Pill, of which a supply, we learn, will soon be in this city. We all know something about this, june 18 if TO THE AFFLICTED. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS PREMIUM. riNHE Proprietor of Hie Virginia Sampson, or J $l,OOO Premium Vegetable, for Hie euro of Syphilis and Scrofula, will be in town for a few days. Should there be any old and unmanageable, cases, or recent ones, either of Syphilis or Seiofula, the person may rest assured that they may be re lived in a very short lime- Any servant under forty years- of age, with Scrofu'a, will be bought, if such is willing to change owners. A letter directed to the Proprietor of the Samp son, to the tai£ of Messrs. Antony & Haines, or Haviland, Ristey St t o . with the person’s address, wi'l he regarded as confidential, and attended to. june 18 ts WILLIAM C. WAV, OFFERS his services to his friends either in Agent, or in the Commission business, after the first day of October next, on which day his pre sent engagements wall Messrs. James Anderson St to. will expire, lie would prefer the agency-of some large Dry Goods Establishment,either in Au gusta, or in any other city where Ids friends inter est shou d best demand. Should any of bis friends be disposed to engage him, they can confer with him at Hie store of James Anderson & to., No. 2tio Broad Street, Augusts,Georgia, may IS 3 m * j "T^TOTICE —The subscribers intending to close In their business in this city by the Ist October ! next, offer for sale their extensive and well assort | ed stock of Dry Goods, together with store fixtures I and furniture in one lot on liberal terms; and until j t such a purchaser is found their goods will be offer- ! ; ed by wholesale or retail at vciy reduced prices j | for Cash or approved paper only. AI! persons having claims against the concern j | are requested to present them for sett'ernent, and | those indebted will be required to make payment 1 j with the least possible delliy. Apply to JAMES ANDERSEN,* CO. j June 1 No. 2C4) Broad-Street. j NEW SPRING STAPLE AND FANCY DRY HOODS. 11. VVril I LAW, No. 207, north side Broad ! In • street, has just received a splendid assort-’ ment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, consisting in j part of the following articles —superior plain and and figured Mark silks, superior plain, colored and figured Silks, superior filaak, and colored striped gauze Silks, Printed Muslin# and Lawns, fancy Handkerchiefs and 'carfs, superior Umbrellas and Parasols; an assortment of Stocks, some very nar row, superior striped John-ville and Gamboons, for men’s wear; a large assortment of Dutch Bolting | Clot s, of the anchor brand, 4-4 and 0-4 wide ! which will be sold at reduced prices for cash. 4-4 Plaid Linen, and 84 Bobinctfor mosquito-nets i _»PI3 3m I AGENCY SA VANNAH I NS LUANGEA TRUST COMPANY. f 11HE undent gned a'rent of the above company, | will take lire risks on merchandize ai d pro duce, in stores a- d ware-houses, and will ~Po in- 1 sure the same against river and mrrinc risks, I e- • tween this place, Savannah, Charleston and North- | ern Port*. The terms will be the same, as adopted by the other Insurance Offices in the place. P. D. WOOLIkIPTUR. President, J. P. Henry. UIHEtHjRS, G. B. Gumming, G. B. Lamar. \\ .J. Williams, Ralph King.. Francis sorrel, Ed. I adejfordi J. 11. Bur.ougfis L. Bal lwin. H, Harper, Henry Boscr. Dimas Ponce, R. A. Lewis. Augusta, March 2? PIPES PIPES A AA BOXES PIPr.S. just received and for I. llil sale by june 27 ts VV. E. St J, li. JACKSON. lOST. —A new black silk UIU DuKLI.A , which A the owner purchased for bis uwn use. The head is split and tied together with a string, and his name marked, though indistinctly, upon the top. The tinder will be rewaided by leaving it at this office, ts june 20 GEORGIA It All, ROAR. On and after th. Ist of July, the Mail Train of Passenger t ars will leave Augusta at 6 o’clock, P. M., and arrive in Greensboro* at 2 o’clock, A. M. Returning leave Greensboro, at 9 o’clock, I*. M. and arrive in Augusta,at 5 o'clock, .4. >l. The accommodation line will leave Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at u o’clock. A. M. lieturning leaves Greensboro, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1 o’clock, A ill.— Stages for Athens, Columbus, and Macon, leave Greensboro, in connection w ith the mail train. Office Georgia Kail Hoad & Hk’g Co. } jnl.v 2 Augusta, June 30, JS39. 3 RAlloH O A I) NOTICE. mmm* The Georgia RaiMioad and Hanking Company are now prepared to forward produce and merchan dize daily, between Augusta and Greensboro, at lie following rates: Merchandize 40 cents per hundred pounds. Colton, $1 50 per bale. C. I. Baldwin, Agent for the Company, will at tend to receiving and forwarding without chaige. Freights for the way stations will he forwarded on Mondays, Wednesdays,and Fridays. UICIIAIID PETERS, Jr. June 21 Snp. (ieo. It. It. k It. t'o._ MOKE Jin,U( ATI,IS. 5,000 TREKS, 3,000 ROOTS, 150,000 CUTTINGS, OF THE Genuine Moms Multicaulis, all grown in this Slah during the past i/enr, still forsalt <IX T. 11. PLANT. law 8 ts HU9IPIIUEYS, CLAUKE & Co. (Formerly of Macon, Georgia. J HAVE received by late arrivals from England and are now opening at the stove No. 10 Pearl street, (up stairs,) a general assortment of British and French Dry Goods, selected am! imported do reel, expressly for the Southern trade, together with a general assortment of American Goods, which makes the assortment complete.—Merchants visiting the city are requested to call and examine the stuck. Orders will have particular attention, and put up at the shortest notice. Charleston, S. ('..October 22, IS3S ts NEW IT.itlK-. r INI IF. YOUNG LADY’S HOME, by Mrs 1 Louisa C. Tuthiil. Isabella, or Sicily, a Pilgrimage, by Henry T Tuckctman. Ilistorii al Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George ill., to which is added re marks on Party, ami an appendix, lirst series, by Henry Lord Brougham, F. 1,, s.kc. Adam Huff, and other men of character, by Douglas Jcrrold. Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, No. 13 and 14, Just received by june 32 ts T. H. PLANT A CARD. EjAHE sulecribers having turned their attention g to Culling and llelailing Goods, leg leave to inform the public that they have ret rued from the northern chics with a huge stock, cons sling of American, Kiitish, French, and all styles us FAS mo MALE HUY GOODS, both S.aple and Fancy, which they will sc 1 for cash or approved credit, as low it not a shade lower, than cun be purchased in any other establishment in this lily. Those in want will do well to call and examine our stuck before pur basing elsewhere. HUNGERFi i(D, FhISI,Hi & Co. H oad-st. opposite the ruins of Planters’ Hotel, mar 22 ts | Mi O RENT —A commodious dwelling 1 on the Sand Hills, with convenient out 1 buildings. Apply at this office, apri 15 ts CHEAP DllY GOODS. TITHE subscriber intending to make a change in 4 his business In the T I will sell his slmk of Maple and Fancy Dry Goods at reduced prices Those Who wish bargains for cash, w ill do well to [ call and look at bi» assortment. may 80' diirwawtf Vs. H. CRANE. I fililE subscribers have received per recent arri i vals, wiiieb they oiler low for cash or city ac ccptancc, a large lot of Dry Goods among which arc, 600 pieces Calico, various qua Hies 200 doz i otton llandkcn liiefs 30 pieces While Linen Drill 25 do Brown do 80 do Colored Muslin 40 do ITue Jeans 35 do Furniture Dimity 100 do Pantaloon Stiipes 50 do Silk Handkerchiefs 60 do Plaid Muslin 150 do/ Madras Tlitkfs 50 pieces Swi-s Muslin 60 iloz 110-iery 200 doz Shirt 1 ollars ALSO, Ldoths, Silk and Cotton Shawls, Bosoms, Capes, Muslin Collars, Brown ai d Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, tastings, Caamirc.*, colored Cambrics, Bead Bags, Brown Drills, Buckram, kc. kc. may U) w. e. k J, u. JACKSON. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE AUGUSTA) INDEPENDENT FIRE COMPANY, Class No, 28, for 1839, To be determined by the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, for the lionet; t of the town of Norfolk, ( lass No. 4, for 1839. ' To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday July 13, 1839. ’ D.S. Gregory k Cu.,Managers, A. Read, Contractor. #40,000!! SIIAXI) SC II K .31 K . 1 Prize of $40,000 - -is - - *40,000 1 ■ - - 12,000 .... . . 120QO • - - * - 6,W0 6,000 1 - - - Moo 6,000 1 * * - - 3 .000 3,000 1- - - 2,500 - - - . 2,501' 1- - - - 2.000 2,000 1- - - -1769 n<9 1- - - - 1,600 ..... -1,600 I --- - 1,500 1 500 2 - - - - 1,250 ...... 2,50 b 2 • - - - 1,200 .... . . 2,400 | 20 -- - - 1,000 ..... 20,001 20 ... - 500 .... - . 14,000 20 - - - - 400 8.000 z,(> .... 300 12,01 0 50 - - - -200 ..... )0,o(i0 100 - - - - 150 - - - • - is‘oo( K 0 - - - - 100---- - 10,0(0 64 - - - - 90 5,760 64 - SO ..... . 5,|-,0 64 - - - - 75 4,80 b 64 - - - - 70 4,4 64 65 ..... . 4,ifi. j 64 - - - - (! ) 384 ' 64 - - - - 59 3 2(l( 61---- 4 f ; - - - 256 I 128 - - - - 30 3,841 us - - - - 25 3,200 5.056 .---- 20 ... . . ]0i.12( .... 10 282^24 j 24,412 - - Prizes.amounting to - *5895 Ticket* %2 I 'Shares in proponimi. (QeOrders for Tickets in the above scherrte. will meet with prompt attention if addressed .postpaid t” A. READ,Agent, Augusta, r, u . % ■"■MPI'U.... 1 V. .JJj'A. .1L .LIL _I I 'll' A-*- 1 IL g?!* 1 !* *** ■ *? PUIU.IC SAl.fciS Ocmulgee Hank Hill* *1 , nhlic tale. li\ Wi I'jt tV Jm i J V. it OiVy THIS DAY, At 10 o’clock precisely, will Lc sold in front of our stoic, without reserve, of protested hills m the v.rmulgec Hat k. t erm-cash, or the notes of the Banks of nit* '' ' '' • 'Hill (i' 1 111 ill a. July 9 i*k w. o. tv.;, t . j>. THIS DAY, At 10 o’clock, will I e sold in front of our store/ HO boxes Pipes 12 baskets Champagne 10 boxes Soap 12 boxes superior Cordials 14 boxes Claret Wine It) (jr tasks Malaga Wine ft qr iasbs Cognac D tardy 12 bbls Monongnhcla Whiskey S qr casks Tencriffe Wine 10,000 M lorida Sogars 1 chest Carpenters’ Tools. Also S’nn't'v other articles. ■* U *J ® Terms cash. BY W. i:. A J. ts. JAC KSON, THIS NIGHT, At the usual he ur will he sold a general assort-' ment ol Stupe i nd fancy Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery. Sic. Ac. J u '. ,r ® Terms cash S MOIUIS WULTICAULIH. The subscriber expects to be furnish ed with one million of eyes or buds of the genuine Chinese or Mums Multicau- Us Mulberry from \ irginia, by the first of December next, which he wi I sell at a rent and a half an eye. They will be packed in saw dust, sand, or old tan bark,and delivered in Augusta free’ of expense to ptirchaseis. The gentleman sending litem, binds himself to count and pack up nunc but mature buds. Individuals wishing to purchase wil make early application to HOWARD P. CLAYTON. Athens (In., May (I. w -2 m A I’LACIIKR WAN FED, to take charge of Ki 2'V okee Academy, in ohimhi i county. None I.til one competent to teach the classics need apply Apply at this office. ts June 26 nouns jh i/nt Ai Lis. The subscriber wi'l be fninished'Xvitli Tjj'V' v MILLIONS of thegenuine Chines* if 1 "* or Morns Multienulis. grown from trees eeSX&mt i m polled from Hie Jurden lies Tlantes. of Doris, in ls;tb, wliich w.ll be sold lower than any now ollercd. They will be packed in sutli a man ner that they may be transported to any part of the O.S. with safety, and will be delivered in Augusta, free of expense to purclia ers. All buds will he warranted to be mature and a genuine article. Individuals wishing to purchase, will make app ication to W. E. REARING.. Athens June 11 tlstl) • It ICIIAItO F. I,YON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT L. 4 W , Having permanently cstal.lislied himself at Lint union, Lincoln county, Georgia, will faithfully attend to any business entrusted to his care. He will regulary practice in the following Courts of the Northern Circuit, and Columbia, of the Middle* ircuitt Jaliafeno, Libert, f mein, and Wilkes, Hancock, / arren.N.C. Madison, Og cthoi'ie, Columbia, JM. CL l.incolnton, June 17, IMbf). w2m I,AM) FOR NATE. r INI IE subscriber oilers for sale lie plantation 3 whereon he now resides, situated on the Martintown or liver road, about seven miles fiorn Augusta, well impiuvcd, containing a new dwel ling house, lb. feet square, well ..nished, both pa pci. d and painted, cmbraciug night rooms, indepen dent nf the garret, with all tie* essar) out buildings I in goo I repair. I time is attached lo saiAdwel ing | about 2nd acres, more or lens, of oak and hickory land. Aso his place adjoining it.containing about" bnl) acres, of which there is in i onnexion u ith the ( lust tract, some 30U acres cleared j tbeic is aso ] attached to the latter place a cornfo,table dwelling house, with all necessary out buildings, and a good ; spring of water. The situation is healtbv, and would allbrd a pleasant summer retreat; or oiler strong indue* nn nts to any one desirous of making a pei manenl residence. Terms cash. July 3 DAVID dun ri. ) cj The ( onstitutionalist and Edgefield Advcr j riser are requested to give lie above two insertions ei!* li, and forward their account* te the subscriber.! PROSPECTUS oi' THE " SO 1/ TII I; 11 NSI I. K (4110 W E Jt', AND AGRICULTURAL RLGJSTEK To be published Monthly at Athens, Georgia, BY A I.BON CHASE. BY the solicitation of several blends who feel a deep interest in the sucevs of the Milk busi ness at the South, we hare been imbued to pro pose the estabiishnicnt of a small periodica, mainly devoted to that subject. The experiment of rais ing the food and rearing the worm iir-Hns climate having been lanly tried, and that trial having fu) y demonstrated the feasibility of the undertaking pub ic attention is becoming every day mote a.ive’ to it; and loml anticipations are already iudti'ged of the time when our abandoned ami worn out plan ’ tut ion a shall again be cultivated, and better than ever reward Use labor bestowed upon them To him who has a. patriotic attachment for the -oil on Winch he was born and nurtured, and who looks upon the tide of emigration that is ever setting from the old to the new States, as not only a drain upon onr wealth, but destructive to the deiig- tsof social intercourse and the growth of car y friend ships, any scheme which shall find to lessen such emigration, i nd plant our people more contented y and lirmly amid the scenes of their childhood will be favorably regarded. An Iwe arc fully persua. ded that the production of silk, if generally enga ged in, will do more than any thingoise c Ldo to increase our wealth and preserve out population. Kntei tabling these views, wopra, ose to lend our feeble aid in the dissemination of practical infor-. mation on this subject coulidontJy believing that an Intel igent community neeu only have suitable fact-pre.-cnted for their consideration, to satisfy H-eiii that the toad to wealth is as open to them here, as in any of the fertile regions o. the West We are aware that several va,liable and ably, conducted publications exist at the North, devoted to the interests o Hie Milk Culture, and that we shall bring but little practical information to the lisk we have imposed upon ourself. Hut it seems to us that a work wlndi should record Hie results of Southern experience, wluch should contain in formation adopted to the peculiarities of our soil andchrnale. and which should at the same time include a selection fiom Hie most valuable attic es in the Northern pciiodicals, with an account of all new improvements in the mode of constructing cocooneries, fixtures, reels, Ac. in Europe and America, would bo found eminently useful. With these feelings we commend our enterprise to the patronage of the public, promising that no efforts shall be spared on our part, to render it a work both interostMiganil luwfuJ. It may be proper here to remark, that although the silk culture j, the primary objei t we hope to aid, we design to introduce other articles cornice- ■ ted with Agr culture generally, with a view to disseminate such valuable information asmay meet the wants and advance the interests of practical farmers. 1 , Terms. Tl.o Soother* Silk Ghowkh axd Ai.un dutch Ai. Register, will he issued about *" ' it c Inst of every month, and each number wiU , contain S royal quarto pages- printed on good pa perand air type it will be afforded at the low rate of ONE DOLLAR per year, in order that all who choose may be able to obtain it. Eleven co l’.i’"s W| H furnished for $10; and a similar reduc tion made for larger subscriptions. In consequence of. the extremely low price at which the woik is offered, we cannot affoid to open accounts—all who subscribe,, therefore, will be expected to pay in advance;and should it noUie commenced, the subscription money will be refun <b d Holders of subscription papers arc dejired to send m the names id the subscribers obtained, Ic fore the first of Mrptemlt r next, as soon after wiiie a? arrangements can te.jnade, it is pjopowi, . jmtnence the publication nine 20 \