Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, July 20, 1839, Image 3

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1 COM MERCIAL. Latest dates from Liverpool, June 14 Latest dates from Havre June 10 Coffee , —The demand is fair, and prices steady. Sales of 909 a 1,000 tags R io, r. tll 11 j. 2 a 300 Laguira at 12 and aboutoOO St Domingo at lOiJ and some very prime, at cents per lb. all on time. J Cotton. —The demand is increasing, r.n 1 prices continue nearly steady. Sales of 359 a 400 bales Upland, Louisiai a and Virginia at 10 a cents, and a small parcel of fine Mobile, at cents, on time. Flour. —Flour has further declined in price and the demand has become quite limited; sales for shipment and home use at $5 87 k, early in the week, later at $0 70. Fresh ground $6, and Bran dywine $G 20 per bbl. Yesterday some sales on Broad-street and on the Schuylkill at $0 62j. A lot, part Sour Flour, sold at $5 50. i The Commercial List states the Inspection of Flifcv and Meal during the last quarter, to have • Os Wheat Flour 100, 179 bbls. superfine. Do do 10,871 bbls fine. Do do 2,569 bbls middling and con demned. Provisions. —Prices are lower for most articles upder this head. Sales of 300 bids. Mess and Prime Pork on terms not reported. Small parcels of Mess have been taken at $l9, and Prime $lO 25 per bbl. . .Bacon—Sales of good Hams at 12 cents—Sides a 10J, and Shoulders 9 cents. About 50 hhds. in ferior Bacon, assorted, sold at 10 cents. S Spirits. —Brandy and Gin are in limited request. N. E. Rum—Sales at 39 a 40 cents, with a fairdo ■mand. Whiskey is dull. Sales at 37 cents in bbls. 'And 33$ a 36 in hhds., showing a decline, p; Sugars. —Prices are without change. Sales of i|so hods. St. Croix at 9 a 9} cents; 90 Porto Rico i «n ! Fernandina at 7|; 30« do. Cuba l2O do. N. j Orle ins on tern s id reporte and Trinidad in box, at IIJ for White and 7£ cents for Brown—all * : on time. • —" - —■■■ " K& respectfully informs his friends _ that,during the continuance of moonlight evenings, the Hampton Course House will be kept open until 10 o’clock. ts July 18 Parties of gentlemen can be supplied with pri vate rooms. Kr The citizens of Summervil c arc particu larly requested to attend a meeting to be held at the Academy, at 4 o’clock, on Saturday, to receive and consider the report of a Committee appointed at a former meeting. 2t July' 19 , Qrjf THE AMERICAN SILK GROWER AND FARMER’S MANUAL —A monthly publication designed to extend and encourage the growth of Silk throughout tiie Uniticd States. Edited by Ward ft Cheney and Brothers, Burlington, N. J.,and pub ic Ijihed in Philadelphia, at the low price of One f Dollar a year. iKT Subscriptions reccivcd’at this office. aj | EVANS’ FAMILY VEGETABLE APERIENT AN LT-BILIOUS PILLS. Being composed t)f ingredients which exert a | specific action upon the heart, give an impulse or t-strength to the arteral system ; the blood is quick liCned and equalized in its circulation through all Kthe vessels, whether of the skin, the parts situated ||i:iternally, or the extremities; and as all the se weretwns of the body are drawn from the blood Bthesje is a consequent increase of every secretion. |fand a quickened action of the absorbent and exha- Blaut or discharging vessels; any morbid action ■ which may have taken place is removed, all ob ■ structions are overcome, the blood is purified, and ■ the body resumes a healthful state. The circula ■ tion, that important function, was not known to ■ the great Celsus, Galen, or Hippocrates ; therefore, ■ their deficiency of knowledge led them to extract ■ the vital lluid as a curvative means; but upon the ■ principles of the circulation of the blood, the prac- Btice of bleeding is proved to be fallacious. It has been left to the directors of this society ■to bring forward Dr. Wm. Evans’ Medicines,found- Bed upon the important knowledge imparted to the ■ world by the discovery of the circulation of the ■ blood. Evan’s Family Vegetable Aperient Anti-Bilious ■ Pills, are sold in boxes of Twenty-five cents each. THESE MEDICINES ■ after much anxious toil and research, having been ■ brought by the Directors to their present state of ■ perfection, supersede the use of the innumerable ■ other medicines; are so well adapted to the frame, I that the use of them, by preserving the vital strength ■in a pure and healthy state, and consequently ■ maintaining the body in the due performances of ■ its functions, cause it to last many years longer ■ than it otherwise would ; and the mind to become ■ so composed and tranquil that old age when it ar ■ rives, will appear a blessing and not (as to many I who have neglected their constitutions, or had I them injured by medicines administered by igno- I ranc e) a source of misery and abhorrence. “Even from the body’s purity, the mind Receives a secret sympathetic aid.” , A pamphlet with general directions for taking I the Pills, always given in at the store of the agent. I DR. WILLIAM EVANS’ SOOTHING SYRUP, FOB CHILDREN TEETHING. To Mothers and Nurses. —The passage of the I Teeth through the gums produces troublesome and dangerous symptoms. It is known by mothers that there is great irritation in the mouth and gums I during this process. The gums swell, the secre- I tiomjind sa iva is increased, the child is seized with I frequent and sudden fits of crying, watchings, I starting in the sleep, and spasms of peculiar parts; j the child shrieks with extreme vioence, and f thrusts its fingers into its mouth, if these pre ? cursory symptoms are not speedily alleviated. I spasmodic convulsions universally supervene, and ( some cause the dissolution of the infant. Mothers who have their little babes afflicted with these r distressing symptoms should apply DR. WM f EVANS’ CELEURA 1 ED SOOTHING SYRUP, which has preserved hundreds of infants when thought past recovery, from being suddenly at tacked with the fatal malady,convulsions. Sold by ANTONY & HAINES, Sole agents in Augusta, J. M.& T. M. TURNER, Savannah, P. M. COHEN & Co., Charleston. SHARP 2k ELLS, Milledgeville, C. A. ELLS, Macon, A.W. MARTIN,Forsyth, BENJAMIN P. POORE, Athens, MARK A. LANE,Washington. June 7 GREAT ARRI V A L ! Fifteen Bushels, or 270,000 boxes of PETERS’ PILLS. The subscribers have made arrangements with Dr. Peters, of New York, to be supplied by the quantity- with his Pills. All dealers can now be supplied at factory prices. Os all the Pills we have any knowledge of, these are the most va ua blc. In no instance have they failed to accomplish every thing they promised, ;.nd thousands who for years have been lingering with some chronic or ob stinate disease, nsw add their testimony in behalf of this valuable medicine. One great quality of his Vegetable Pills is, that they have the alternative principle combined with their cathartic, or operative qualities, so that they not only cleanse the stomach and bowels by purg- but they regulate the liver,change the morbid wflc ret ions, strengthen the digestive organs, purify the blood, invigorate! he circulation, and give tone and energy to the neivous system. They have ne rival in curing and preventing Bilious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver- Complaints, Sick Head-ache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Piles, Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heart-burn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Hab itual Costiveuess, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases .>f Torpor of the Bowels, where a Cathartic or an Aperient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their oper ation,producing neither nausea,griping nordebiiity. Dr. Peters has sold more than live millions of boxes of these celebrated Pips, in the I . States, the Cana das, Texas, Mexico and the West Indies, since Jan. 1535. All persons who have used the Genuine Peters Vegetable Pills, recommend them in terms of the mo nqualified praise, which is proof pos itive of their extraordinary and beneficial effects, these justly celebrated Pills are for sale by THOMAS BARRETT la Co., and HAVILAND; RI9LEY & Co., Agents. 1 ;uue 6 Ls MOTIVE. —The Kail Ro, ol Passenger Trs i arleston and I!ami ur 8> will leave a 4 v UPWARD. I) ~ t° leave Charleston before 700 a.m. „ “ Summerville, “ - -S 30 „ “ Georges’, - “ . ui 00 (J Branchville, “ - 11 00 J » .< ““‘W; -“ * I' 30m, , .. Blackvi,le, - “ . I OOr. m. s * • ‘ Alken . - -“ - 300 Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400 downward. > Not to leave Hamburg before 600 a.m. “ Aiken, - “ . . 730 . “ “ Blaekville, “ - . 930 “ Midway, “ - - 10 30 . ( “ Branchville, “•-11 00 ; “ “ Georges’, “ . . 12 00 m. “ Summerville,“ - - 2 OOe. m. Arrive at Charleston not before 300 Distance— 13(imiles. KareThrough—slo 00. Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 20 . minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and not longer than 0 minutes for wood and water at any station. J To stop for passengers, when a white flag is hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also at Sineatlis, VVoodstock, liiabinet’s, 41 mile T. 0., Hives , Grahams, Willeston, W indsor, Johnsons, ’ and Marsh’s T. O. ! Passengers up will breakfast at Woodstock and dine at Blaekville 5 down, will breakfast at Aiken ■ and dine at Summerville. may 21 (LT BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, for the benefit of the Sick Poor of Augusta and its vicinity. J he Visiting Committees for the ensuing month aie as follows: Division No. I.—Mr. A. McLanc, Mr. C. Pike, Mrs. Smith, Hiss Marshall. Division No. 2—Dr. B Harris, Hr. Wm. Tutt, ’ Mrs. Trembly, Mrs. Cole. Division No. 3.—Mr. J. Gasilin, Mr. M. Wilcox, ' Mrs. Berryhill, Mrs. MeKinnie. Any member of the committees may obtain funds by calling on the President, (W. W. Holt, Esq.) at - his office, Cumming’s Piaza. s j‘ mc ‘ 2i c. K. STUnr.ES, Secretary. J JhoTTTsiL TO RENT, from the Ist of October IKHI ncxt ’ t,lat commodious Dwelling House isjUJjkon Reynolds street, formerly the residence of Mrs. Smelt. Far terms apply to HEN.T. HALL at the Post Office. CHARLES HALL. July 2 aTO REV I—A commodious dwelling on the Sand Hills,with convenient out buildings. Apply at this office, april 15 ts JfedL TO RENT, from the first cf October Kill next, Store No. 248 Broad street, at pre- J««gyP_ e sent occupied by the Bank of Millcdge ville. Apply to JAS. GARDNER, Jr? \ J ul y ls If 1 X OST.—a new black silk UMBRELLA, which H i the owner purchased for his own use. The head is split and tied together with a string, and his name marked, though indistinctly, upon the top. [he finder will be rewarded by leavin" it at . thM If _ June 29 SALE—A Certificate entitling the holder to a Course of Lectures in the New York Re formed Medical College. Tor further particulars apply at this office. ts July IS lARD.— 10 bbis. prime Lard, just received and A for sale cheap by SPEARS & WHITE July 16 6t PRINTING INK.—A supply of Printing Ink July 16J just received by T. 11. PLANT. Cl ANAL FLOUR, for sale by J_ july 10 GAHDELLE & RHIND. NEW MUSIC.—Just received by II PARSONS, a well assorted stock of New and Fashiona ble Music for the Piano Forte and Guitar. July L> 6t BAGGING AND ROPE. —134 pieces Bagging, IUO eoils Rope, for sale low if taken from the Railroad Depot at Hamburg. July 11 ts GAHDELLE & RHIND. NOTICE. C. L. BRAY TON, is my duly au thorised agent duiing my absence from the city, JuneJß ts P. A. SCRANTON. 16 AGGING.—2OO pieces heavy Dundee Bagging J for sale by GaKDELLE & RHIND. Jluy 6 if PIPES, PIPES. A BOXES PIPES, just received and for IUII sale by June 27 ts _W. E. & J. V. JACKSON, ona DO/,. COMMON TUMBLERS, jusTre' (DUU ceived and for sale by may 14 _ W. E & J. U. JACKSON. BACON, BACON.—IoOOO lbs South Carolina and Tennessee BACON for sale low for cash By JOHN .VI. COOPER & SON. a P ts INOR SALE —A first rate second hand two wheeled BUGGY. For particu'ars apply to mar 7 ts j. r. GUEDRON. NOTICE. — T. F. KEITH is my duly author ised agent during my absence from this city. 1. A. HIBLER. Augusta, May 29, 1839. ts CN ALCINED PLASTER PAIUS.—A J ply Calcined Plaster Paris, just received and for sale by 11AVJLAND, RISLV&CO. Jan 19 ts lEMONS. —30 boxes Lemons, in handsome or- A der, fsr sale by VV. E. & J. U. JACKSON, Auctioneers. PIANO FORTE. —Asplendid Rose Wood Piano Forte, Grand Action, of line touch and tone for sale by CLARK, RACKETT ft Co. a P 22 ts flk/J ATRASSh-S—2o superior Muss Matrasses I.T L just received and for sale bv may 1C W. E & J U. JACKSON. 4 NEW, speedy, and effectual cure for tire A. Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Strictures, &c. Just re ceived and for sale by ANTONY & HAINES, Agents, may 1G Augusta. A SUPPLY of FRESH CONGRESS WATER, just received and for sale by may 16 ANTONY & HAINES. NOTICE. PXNO RENT, OR FOR SALE—The large house 8 on the corner of Ellis and Washington str’ts, has just undergone a thorough repairand additional rooms added to it. The house now contains 17 rooms, well adapted for a laige family or boarding Louse, as the rooms are so constructed by moveable partitions as to throw two or more rooms together without expense. ALSO —J he House on Washington street ad joining it. Also, two houses on Green st. opposite the City Hall. The house and lot would be sold a bargain where the subs~riber lives; it is a large I brick houne, 3 stoiics high, the internal part well arranged for a large family, and the workmanship is done in the very best manner, and every conve - nience a family could wish, and all in complete order. The principle reason I offer it for sa c is, that it is altogether now, too spacious for my fami ly. ALSO—'n exce'lect close Carriage and good span of gentle family Horses, which will be sold a gica‘ bargain, as 1 have no use for them. Also, a lot of well made Northern Wagons and Carts. HENRY MEALING. Mr. John Morrison is my duly authorized Agent during my absence. H. M. july 13 swCt HEALS* II UR RESTORATIVE. INHIS valuable discovery is now introduced to the citizens of Augusta, with the fullest confidence and assurance that it will elfectthe ob jectof its app Ration, viz : A COMPLETE RES TORATION OF THE HAIR upon the heads of those who have lost the same, anJ have thereby become bald or partially so. Numerous certificates might he given to show j how successfully this compou iu nas been applied, never having f illed in a single instance.) Its virtues have been fully and satisfactorily j tested. The heads of those that were entirely , bald, have been by the application of this restora tive, covered with a luxuriant'growth of beautiful hair. None need despair whether old or young, of hav- ! ing their hair restored. For sale by ROBERT CARTER, Druggist, Broad st. and at y T. 11. PLANT’S Bookstore. ! Where certificates of its successful application Le seer. June 2! swtf j B BOOKS, HOOKS.—Stevens’Travels in Egypt, Arabia, Petrie, and the Holy Land; and also Oroece, Tinker, Russia and Poland. A fresh sup ply for sale by .1. \V. & ’l'. S. STOY, j»’y 20, No. 247 Broad street. \DMINIS IRa I’t IK’S NOTICE. —Four months afterdate I will apply to the Honorable the Interior Court of Richmond county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land and slaves belonging to the estate of the late Vr. Hr. Robert Malone, for the benelit of his heirs and creditors. Ju’y 20, 1539. D. W. ST. JOM ”, lIBRAHY NOTICK.—From this date the time A l°r the delivery )f books will be from half past 7 o’clock until 9 o’clock, P. M., and on Sa turday from 3 o’clock until o o’clock. Notice is also given that hereafter a more rigid enforcement of the rule for return of books will be enacted. Judy 2D ts CHARLES E. MIiSTIN, Librarian. IT'OU MIRK—A young Negro Woman, accus t tinod to house work. For particulars en quire at this office. 31 July 20 A GAUD. J. T. ANDREWS 4- BROTHERS, New-York, ANDREWS .y BROTHERS, Acw-Orleans, E. L. ANDREWS ts Co., Mobile, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. TI/’K tender our services to onr friends and the » I public as Commission Merchants, assuring them that whatever business they may entrust to our charge shall be proferly attended to. We shall be prepared at all times to grant facili ties on consignments. J. I. Andrews, is the resident partner in New York. Z. Andrews, “ “ “ N. Orleans. K. i.. Andrews, “ “ Mobile. J u ! .v 1> lb'39. 2w July 1(5 NEW BOORS. REALITIES OF LIFK: Sketches designed for the improvement of the head and heart; by a Philanthropist. * Characters of Schiller, by Sirs. Ellet. Precaution—a Novel, by the authorof the “Spy,” &c.; new edition, revised by the author. Francia’s Keign of Terror; being a sequel to Letters on Paraguay; by J. P. and M.P. Robertson. The Barber of Paris—a Novel, by Paulde Kock, authorof” Good F’cllow,” Ac. Pocket Lacon, comprising nearly one thousand extracts from the best authors, selected by John Taylor; “ A work that, dip where the reader may, he will find a fund of knowledge ; and which he may continue to peruse, lay down, and take up at pleasure, without breaking the thread or interrupt ing the chain of reasoning.” Sketches by r lioz, No. 9. Lady Chevely, or the Woman of Honor; a new version of Chevely, or the Man of Honor. July \r> Just received by T. 11. PLANT. FLODOAIiDO HO WARD’S IMPROVED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OE SARSAPARILLA. INOK the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Chronic ; Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dis eases, White Swellings, Obstinate Eruptions of the Skin, Ulcerous Sores, Pains in the Hones, (icncral Debility, and all diseases requiring the aid of al terative medicines. This Extract is prepared from an improved for mula sanctioned[by sclent fie Physicians and Phar maceutists, and is decidedly one as the most active, efficacious, and convenient preparations in use. (XT/ 1 Mercury is added only when regularly pre scribed., CD It should be used, where circumstances will ad mit,undorthe guidance*™! direction ofa physician. Carefully’ prepared by FLODOARDO HOWARD. The following Select Medicines and miscellane ous articles are also prepared and sold as above : Howard’s Tonic Mixture, a cure for fever and ague. Howard’s Compound ofSarsaparilla.Cubebs, and Copaiba, for the cure of Gonorrhiea, Gleets, stric tures, kc. Howard’s Vermifuge, a safe and clFcc tual worm-destroying medicine. Howard’s Compound Kreosote Tooth Ache Drops. Howard’s < (impound Syrup of Carrageen, a safe, simple, agreeable, and effectual remedy for coughs, colds, asthmas, &c. Howard’s Compound Kreosote Tooth Wash, for arresting and preventing decay in teeth, and for diseases of the gums; an agreeable and pleasant wash for preserving them in a Healthy condition. The subscribers have Just received a supply of the above medicines, &c. which they oiler lor sale at manufacturer’s prices. ANTONY & HAINES, Agents, July 11 232 Hroad street. PERFUMERY. HOWARD’S Chemical Shaving Compound Howard’s Improved ChemiMl Chloride Soap Howard’s Superior Toilet Soap Howard’s Chemical Essence of Soap, for re moving grease,paint, tar, &c. from wearing apparel. Howard’s Chiystal Cement, for mending broken glass, China, earthen ware, &c. Howard’s Magnolia Extract, a delicate and delicious perfume for the toilet Howard’s Superior Cologne Water Howard’s Florida Water Howard’s Lavender Water Howard’s Superior Tooth Powder * Howard’s Indeliible Ink Just received and for sale bv ANTi/NY & HAINES, Agents, July 11 No 232 Broad st. fllllE following is a list of Defaulters at Regi | nientaj Review by Battalion, on the Mb June last, with lines attached to their respective names. Augusta Artillery Guards. I N Raiford 600 D L Holliday 5 00 J H Campbell 000 W J Mealing 500 Capt. Starnes, for not appearing at < ourt Martial with list of defaulters, lined $4O 00. 600th District. E B Beall 3 00 Harney Megan 300 T M Simmons 3 00 A J Miller 300 S S Urown 300 Ali Mallory 300 TCaven 3 00 Jas McDowell 3 00 J D Catlin 3 00 K F Malpass 300 J D Crane 3 00 t. Pollock 3 00 L Catlin 300 Win Phil ip 300 Di olvin 3 00 Charles Robinson 3 00 DC Dugas 3 00 P McGuire 300 J Garrett 300 WASaudiford 300 R D Hamlen 3 00 C S Smalley 300 B K Hill 300 P D Woolhopler 300 L W Hooker 3 00 398 th District. Thos Scrutchins, Capt. JP Seize 300 bOO C Joes 300 R Y Harris 3 00 R Ives 300 G Wyman 3 00 E Foster 300 id Comstock 3 00 H Knccland 300 D Smith 3 00 Cl ,11 Thew 300 G Sweet 300 M r Griffin 300 C Rowers 3 00 Wiley W Barron 300 J J Jones 3 00 C S Clark 300 j B Walton 3 00 H Clark 300 i Mr Holfman 3 00 Tll Metcalf 300 E A Glascock 3 00 J S Winter 3 00 IJ F MoK ionic 3 00 T Richards 300 I Benj Douglass 3 00 M Wilkinson 300 | D Mixer 3 00 J Hunch 3 00 Jas Davis 3 00 AG Willis 300 122nd District. 11 A Atkinson 3 00 Charles McCoy 300 Sami Anderson 3OU F Morgan 300 Wm Abbott 3 00 R Norris 3 00 John Daily 3 00 11 R Philpot 3 00 E Bustin 3 00 A Piquet 300 RB Glover 300 JCPreval 300 J3i Guieu 300 Robt Rutherford 300 If Hackle 3 OO a Smith 300 ML Hammond 300 A Seymore 300 Mr Higgins 3 00 M R Wooderd 300 Adam Johnston 300 H N Wilson 300 1 Lewis Lovett 3 00 H Gardner 300 jWm Lewis 3 00 Wm Berry 300 120//i District J N Harden 3 00 NS King 3 00 IJ M Dye 500 Elisha Allen 300 | P Mahoney 3 00 T Wyatt 3 00 ; J Gardner 3 OO J C Lcitner 3 00 Wm Lark 3 00 Sami Hones 3 00 IP S Homan 300 John Carter M D 300 iWm Sendersme 300 Sami II Peck 300 I Jaa B Walker 3 00 R Grant 300 jJM Adams 3 00 T C Ware 3 00 I A Gardelle 3 00 J Elmore 3 00 j J Dunn 3 OO A Hubbard 300 M Hodges 3 OO Win Higgins 3 00 George Galphin 300 L liullcnger 300 G M Lamar 3 CO Jas Brown 3 00 j K Hale 3 00 Jas Hope 3 00 iJ J Clayton 3 00 M Patterson 300 I M Garrett 3 OO 0 Home 300 JAS. W. CLARK, Clerk. Iyim. *V^? cr,ber having taken the Admmistra- | ■ ‘,1"? 01 tlu 'f sl >»<;ul the late Mr Robert Malone, | ■ i,SK ' f t * l ® B ® indebted to the estate to make pay- 1 ment, and those to whom the estate is indebted, to present then claims, as is his purpose to close * Iltdav " lS of tlle Pstil le with the least possible _ J HJy |?» 1539 ■ I), w. st. iii'iN. 1 I V ul " l: - —-Tile interest of Henry Jessu7 ‘ f “ the concern of G. R. JESSUP * Co. ceases 1 (join this date. He is no longer authorised’to use the name of the firm in the collection of dues nor in the making of any contracts, nor in the transae- I . tionot any business whatsoever, f Cj (lie business will lie continued under the i . sane linn. GEORGE U. JESSUP •Augusta, July I, j u |y 3 ‘ | 1 ASI 1 LAI lON WANT ICO.—A young man re-I ' D*. cel »tly from the north, well acquainted with business, wishes a situation in some respectable I nicicanti'e bouse in this city or in any part oftieoi 1 gia, either as Book-keeper or Sa esman,satisfactory * rehrcnces given. Apply to this office, inarch 1 ISSURAJICIS COMPANY OF COM >l. i 111 A, S. C. rjIHK above Institution has been successfully 1 Jr conducted for several years in the town of Columbia, S. C. A considerable portion of its capital is invested in Hank stock, the rest i„ good securities. All established claims lor property : los:, insured by this Company, or any of its agents', 1 will be promptly paid as heretofore, and tluTsamc promptness will be adhered to in future, which should entitle it to a share of public patronage ANDREW WA I, LACK, President. Columbia, June S, 183t>. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above < onipany, is now prepared to lake Lire Jjisks on Buildings, Merchandise and Household . Furniture. Hewillalso make Insurance on Life. All losses will be promptly adjusted and paid. The rates of premium will be the same as charged by other oflices. He solicits a share of public patron > a S e - J. G. DUNLAP. June 24 t s Notick to builders and contrac tors.—The subscribers are prepared to fur ’ nish Window Caps, Sills, Door Sills and all other Granite that is wanted, at established northern 1 prices. 1 N. 1L We will furnish Window Sills and Caps at > 9.5 cis. per superficial foot, which is only 20 cts ' more per foot than Sand stone, and much more du rable. We will furnish stone for Fronts, viz. Fronts,Caps, Ac., at $1 15 cts per super, ft., just what it is sold for in Boston, and ether principal cities. Heed not the idle report that lias been cir culated that the Georgia Granite is so high priced that no one can afford to use it. We will sell it at , Quincy prices without any deception. jan 16-ts CHIPMAN & HEAD. (X_/* The Constitutionalist will copy the above. TO THE FACULTY AND HEADS OF FAMILIES. DR. MILES’ COMPOUND EXTRACT OF TOMATO—a substitute for Calomel, and does not belong to the family of quack medicines; for the reason that the component pails are made known to the faculty, or any one else that may ■wish to know, by any of the agents keeping them , fur sale. Since this discovery so long and anx iously looked for, some one in almost the extreme North has advertised a Tomato Pill, purporting to bo made from the stalk, a thing not more absurd than for one to offer meal from the corn- stalk, to say nothing of the difficulty of raising She Tomato so far North. Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the Tomato Pills (proper) for the 'fpea.t benefits of which, he holds himself hound, and In honor pledg -1 cd to prove by their use, that they are all that they profess to be, and will do for otlu-is what they have done for such as mav have used them ; as this is a vegetable of great use, and value, it will doubtless be valuable information to families to know that the Yellow are just doubly as valuable as tlie Red Tomato, and produces twice ns much , of the hapatine, or active principle,and when used , as a daily vegetable will be found to keep the system in much better condition than the other kind; many will recollect with what trembling anxiety calomel has been given to children, a-nd I how they then wished for a substitute. It has long been known that the Tomato contained ca r thartic principles, but not until of late was it ascertained that they contained alterative and diu retic properties. The Faculty embrace and use the preparation most cheerfully, for the reason that they know what it is Were it a patent mystery, they would be hound lo reject the medicine, as they justly do the one thousand and one cure-alls of the day. If you wish to cleanse the system with a mild, sa.e anti-bilious medicine, use the Tomato Pill, of which a supply, we learn, will soon he in this city. We all know something about this. June 18 ts TO THE AFFLICTED. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS VREMIUM. riNHE Proprietor of the Virginia Sampson, or 1 $l,OOO Premium Vegetable, for the cure of Syphilis and Scrofula, will be in town for a few days. Should there be any old and unmanageable cases, or recent ones, either of Syphilis or Scrofula, the person may rest assured that they may be re lived in a very stioit time. Any servant under forty years of age, with Scrofula, will be bought, if such is willing lo change owners. A letter directed to the Proprietor of the Samp son, to the care of Messrs. Antony & Haines, or Ilaviland, Rislcy & Co., with the person’s address, wid be regarded as confidential, and attended to. June IS ts WILLIAM C. WAY, OFFERS his services to his friends either as Agent, or in the Commission business, after the first diy if October next, on which day his pre sent engagements with Messrs. James Anderson & Co. will expire. He would prefer the agency of some large Dry Goods Establishment,either in Au gusta, or in any other city where Lis friends inter est should best demand. Should any of his friends be disposed to engage him, they can confer with him at the store of James Anderson &. Co., No. 200 Broad Street, Augusta,Georgia. may IH 3m* NOTICE —The subscribers intending to close their business in this city by the Ist October next,offcr for sale their extensive and well assort ed stock of Dry Goods, together with store fixtures and furniture in one lot on liberal terms; and until such a purebstst-r is found their goods will be offer ed by wholesale or retail at very reduced juices for Cash or approved paper only. Al! persons having claims against the concern are requested to present them for settlement, and those indebted will be required to make payment with the least possible delay. Apply to JAMES ANDERSON,* CO. June I No. 260 Broad-Street. NEW SPRING STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Nil. WriITLAW, No. 207, north side Broad • street, has just received a splendid assort ment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, consisting in part of the following aitides—superior plain and and figured black Silks, superior plain, colored and figured Silks, superior black and colored striped gauze Silks, Printed Muslins and Lawns, fancy Handkerchiefs and Scarfs, superior Umbrellas and Parasols; an assortment of Stocks, some very nar row, superior striped Johnville and Gamboons,for men’s wear; a large assortment of Dutch Bolting Cloths, of the anchor brand, 4-4 and 6-4 wide, which will be sold at reduced prices for cash. 4-4 Plaid Linen, and 84 Bobinctfor musquito nets, ap 13 3m AGENCY SAVANNAIIINSUiTa^CiT* TRUST COMPANY. THE undersigned agent of the above company, will take fire risks on merchandize and pro duce. in stores ard ware-houses, and will also in sure the same against river and marine risks, be tween this place, Savannah, Charleston and North ern Ports. The terms will be the same, as adopted by the other insurance Offices in the place. P. I). WOOLHOPTKR. President, J. P. Hf.mkv. DIRECTORS, O. B. Gumming, G. B. Lamar. i W.T. Williams, Ralph King. Francis Sorrel, Kd. Padelford. J. 11. Burroughs L. Baldwin. H. Harper, Henry Roscr. Dimas Ponce, R. A. Lewis. Avgusta, Marc!t 22 ts V *oivc V^" A '' 1 1(1 tn!:c charge of Kl- i I hut mm ° 1,1 olumhii coimty. None I a ; M ,iy w * ch lhecl %; i ™i^ yi ' V had'tV " Altll I,nsl ’-—The undersigned s'“? <'lali>. ... mti’mi 1 «ni?u 1 -y f,om hlm . which he will give a | S “an 07 re .f' t 0 an y person detecting it! ? P I'., is. BKALL. PINE SHOES. ; i IKN fLEMEN’S line Gaiter Hoots. „ “ Morocco Brogan Pumps, „ -1 Walking Pumps, I ,in ® ki ‘| 11,1(1 morocco Slippers of all i mnds, jnst received and for sale low, by I _ juw>B ALDRICH & SHOVE. HUMPHREYS, CLARKE A Co. (Formerly as Alaron, Georgia.) HAVK received by late arrivals from England and are now opening at the store No. Hi Pearl i Mind, stairs,) a general assortment of llritish and 1- rench Dry floods, selected and imported di- Hit expressly for the Southern trade, together ™ !iV l K r ne, ' l J assortment of American tioods, win, h makes the assortment complete.—Merchants the stock * C C '*“' * ru lUl l u °sted to call and examine Orders will have particular attention,and put up at live shortest notice. 1 Charleston, 8. C.,October 22, IS3B ts new hooks. rpilK YOUNfI LADY’S HOME, by Mrs I. Louisa C. Tuthill. Isabella, or Sicily, a Pilgrimage, by Henry T. lucketman. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished m the time of George 111., to which is added re marks ou Party, ami an appendix, first series, by Henry Lord Brougham,!’. U. S.&c. Adam Bull*, and other men of character, bv Douglas Jcrrold. Life and Adventures of Nicholas Kicklchy, No. 13 and It, Just received by J» ne 2‘ 2 ts T. H. PLANT A CARD. rpilK subscribers having turned their attention M. to Gutting unit Retailing (lands, beg leave to inform the public that they have returned from (ho northern cities with a laige stock, consisting of American, Hiitish, Drench, and all styles of I‘ASIIIOiWAJjh Did GOODS, both Staple mid rancy, which they will sell for cash or approved credit, as low it not a shade lower, than can he purchased in any other establishment in this city Those in want will Jo well to call and examine our stock before pun basing e'sewlicve. HUNGEUFOHI), FIIIShIE & Co. It oad-st. opposite the ruins of Planters’Hotel, mar 22 CHEAP DRY GOODS. TDK subscriber intending to make a change in his business in the fall, will sell his stock of Staple and fancy Dry floods at reduced prices.— I hose who wish bargains for cash, will do well to call and look at his assortment. may 30 dlrwawtf W. H.CRANE. rpilK subscribers have received per recent arri -1 vals, which they offer low foreash or city ac eeptance, a large lot of Dry (foods, among which arc, COO pieces Calico, various qualities 200 doz Cotton Handkerchiefs 30 pieces White Linen Drill 25 do Drown do 85 do Colored Muslin 40 do Dine Jeans 35 do Furniture Dimity 100 do Pantaloon Stripes 50 do Silk Handkerchiefs 60 do Plaid Muslin 150 doz Madras Hdkfs 50 pieces Swiss Muslin 60 doz Hosiery 200 doz Shirt (tollers AI.SO, Cloths, Silk and Cotton Shawls, Dosoms, Capes, Muslin Collars, Drown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Hastings, Casmire s, colored ( ambries, Dead Dags, Brown Drills, Buckram, &c. Sic. may 10 W. E. & J. LI. JACKSON. FRESH TURNIP SEEDS, Ac. WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL. I A KGE WHITE FLAT DUTCH TURNIP i Do Globe do Do Norfolk do Yellow Purple Top Huta Haga do ALSO, Large DiurnheadCabbage Do Uergen or Great American Cabbage Do Capo Savoy Do Red Dutch, for pickling Long Orange Carrot Large Black Fall While and Bed Turnip Radish Red and White Clover Seed Lucerne or French Clover Seed Blue Grass do Herds Grass do The suhscriocrs have lately received the above variety of Carden Seeds, all of which they WAII BANT TO HE FRESH AND GENUINE, and ofler them for sale at reasonable prices. ANTONY & HA/NES, June 28 No. 232 Broad-street. OFFICIAL DRAWING OP THE GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, For the Benefit of the Augusta Independent Fire Co. Class No. 28, for 1839. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 72 7 470 30 36 46 34 1 741iF76~9 19 I hereby certify that the above numbers as they stand are correct, as taken from the Managers’Cer tificate of the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, for Norfolk, ( lass No. 4, for 1839, drawn at Alexandria, Va., July 13th, 1539, and which de termines the fate of all tickets held in the aboveLo ttcry. A. READ, Agent. Augusta, July 17, 1839 DRAWS THIS HAY. GEORGIA STATE L O T T E II Y, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE i AUGUSTA INDEPENDENT FIRE COMPANY, Class No. 2D, fur 1839, To be determined by the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, for the bcnel.l of the town of Leesburg, Class No. 4, for 1839. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, July 20, 1839. D. S. Gregory & Co., Managers, A. Read, Contractor. $30,000!! GRAND SCHEME. 1 Prize of $30,000 - - is - - $30,000 1 • - - 10,000 10,000 1 ... - 8,000 8,000 1- - - 5,000 5,000 1 ... - 4,000 4,000 1 ... - 3,120 3,120 30 ... - 1,500 45,000 50 .... 500 25,000 50 - - - - 400 20,000 ’ 50 .... 300 15,000 100 .... 200 20,f OO 65 - 100 6,500 65 - - - - 80 5,200 , 65 - - - - 50 3,250 65 - - - - 40 2,600 130 --- - 30 3,900 4 680 - - - - -20 ---- - 93,600 - - - - 10 270,400 32,390 - - Prizes,amounting to - $570,570 Ticket* «110--Slinres in proportion. Ifj' Orders for Tickets in the above scheme, will meet with prompt attention if addressed (postpaid) j to A. READ, Agent, Augusta, G*. 9 ~ '.!..U.>aH| PUBLIC tsALES. JOHN S. 11l Tl 111NNON, THIS DAY, " ‘ !1 be sold in r ‘ unt of my store at half paB t \n o’clock, small Catty-all, Dorse and Harness aU new, the Horse works well rn harness and sound, sold for no fault ' . . -'lso, a bhrw ;OT,necWcut( ’ nions ( this ycars crO P) 1 “ Cordial U) coils Hope K' baskets Champagne !{0 boxes Cordials 5 bhls Flour 50,000 Segars 10 doz Corn Brooms, &c.- (> brass Clocks _ Terms cash STOCK OF KBAUV .MADE ILOTHI.Vo Foil SACK, rjNHE subscriber being desirous to close the old A business of King St Hart, offers for sale the en tire stock of Ready Made t on hand’,. " ? nsis,ll 'B (,t ? i<ood assortment of artlolcs tisu.ll lj kept in that line. To persons wishing to commence this business, the present opportunity should not lie suffered to pass. The Store is well situated, and has been occupied for several years past as a Cl, thing Store, and Manufacturing Shop. I will sell the whole stock low with liberal indul genee. Persons wishing to purchase are desired to call and examine the Stock soon. VJ Also, the Store can be obtained for another y p:ir - JAMKS 11. HART, Surviving Partner of King & liar?. . July d2w \\ -' N I ED—A VV ifc. from Id to 25, by a gen » f tleman of this city, who is neither hand some or homely—rich, nor very poor—good charac ter, in a fair business, and of good family; he is over 20 and under JO years of age, who has been a bachelor long enough to think and know his condi tion will be bettered'hy matrimony ; and who owes his living single this long, not to inclination but to excessive timidity. So much for himself. The young lady must be good looking, and well edu cated—her knowledge of music not important—of good family—domestic in her habits —and neither romantic nor affected. \\ idows need not apply unless they are rich, nor must they be over 3.1 years of age. Any young lady wishing to form a matrimonial engagement, may rest assured that all communications directed to the subscriber through i lie Editors of this paper, will meet with prompt attention ; she can state when and where she* wishes an interview. None need'apply unless they arc serious, as any disposition on the part of ladies (or gentlemen assuming a lady’s name) to quiz, will either he exposed or severe y chastened by the writer. All communications addressed to Theodore, through the Editors, will he attended to. _ July IS If THEODORE. A VALUABLE CARRIAGE DRIVER, Who can he recommended in the big lest terms for honesty, sobriety and industry, and who is also a Barber and good House Servant, for sale by ANTONY A HAINES, July 9 ts 232 Bruad-strect. GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. The Passenger Train, carrying the great mail between New York and New (leleans, leaves Au gusta every day at G v. m., and arrives at Giccns boro at I a. m. Leaves Greensboro at 9 p m., and arrives at Augusta at a. m., in lime for the Charleston cars. Stages run in connection with this train from Greensboro for New Or,cans, (two daily lines) via Indian Springs,Columbus, Montgomery and Mobile; for New Orleans, tri-week'y, via Clinton, Macon, and Pensacola ; for West Point and Wetumpka, via Barnesville, tri-weekly; for Home,tri-weekly,via Covington, Decatur and Marietta ; for Nashville and Knoxville, Tennessee, tri-weekly, via Athens, Gainesville and Cassville; for Washington, Wi kes county, fri-wcekly, from Double Weils ; for New Orleans, daily, from Warrenton, via Sparta, Mil ledgeville, Macon and Columbus; forMiiledgeville, . tii-weekly, via Greensboro and Eatonlon. Connecting with these lines are branch stage lines to Tallahassee, Columbus, Miss., Tuscaloo a, Newnan, Coweta county, Ga., and Clarksville, Ha bersham county, Sir. An accommodation Day’ Passenger Train leaves- Augusta on Monday*, Wednesdays and Fridays, at I G o’clock, A. M., and Greensboro on Tuesdays, i Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7, a. m. Fare on the Rail-Road to Greensboro $4 25. Office Georgia Rail Road & Bk’g Co July 12 Augusta, June 30, 1539. y GEORGIA KAIL.KOAD- Freight is now conveyed on the Georgia Rail- Koad, between Augusta and Greensboro, at the following rates: Merchandize, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs. Cotton, $1 60 per bale. C. I. Baldwin, Agent for the Company, t' Greensboro, will receive aud forward freight with oui charge. Merchandize for the- way stations will be for warded from Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays,, and Fridays, RICHARD PETERS, Jr. Sup,. Transportation Geo. R. U. June 30, 1839 July 12 I NOR RENT OR SALE.—A comfortable two story dwelling house, with al necessary out buildings, in the upper part of the city, at present occupied by Mr. Dugas. For terms apply to _ July 10 sw4t THQB. BARRETT. A .NEW ARTICLE—White Sulphur Spring Water, direct from the springs. For sale by July 10 sw-ft ROBERT CARTER. fiNURNIP SEED.—A quantity of Large Flat JL While Turnip Seed, warranted fresh, lor sale at a reduced price by July 2-swtf HOPKINS, JENNINGS & Co VC A D EMY OF RICHMOND COUNTY.—Ac bording to a resolution of the Board of Trus tees, on the 6th July, 1839 the election of an Eng lish Teacher in this institution, for the ensuing year, is postponed until the second Saturday in August next. By order of the President, HENRY ROBERT, July 15 trwtd Clerk and Steward. | kUPoNT’o POWDER. — The subscribers will f keep constantly on baud a supply of this Powder, and now oiler for sale 500 kegs F F ¥ 30 1 kegs F F F Ride Powder 20 kegs “ Eagle,” in canisters GARDELLE & RHIND, > July 2 trwlm corner Mclntosh and Bay st NOTICE. —The subscribers have this day en / terod into co-partnership under Hie firm of • GARDELLE $ RHIND, for the transaction of a General Commission Business in this place. A. GARDELLE, JAMES RHIND. Augusta, Ga., July 1, 1539. trwlm fINHE subscribers offer lor sale, I 40 bags prime Kio Coffee 30 bags Cuba do 50 hbds Windward Island Molasses 40 bbls New Orleans do 25 bbls Phelps’ Gin 10 casks Rice 60 bbls Canal Flour 10- hbds St. Croix Sugar . GARDELLE & RHIND, July 2 trwlm corner Mclntosh and Bays V V 1.1 AIILK I‘llOl‘i.RT V I i fit HE subscriber offers for sale, on the rnostrea i J- souable terms, that well known and fashion i able watering place, the HELICON SPRINGS, i situated four and a half miles from Athens, Ga. — i Attached to the Springs are two tracts of land, i containing together seven hundred acres of land, , on one of which are erected two excellent saw i mills, both now in operation. One of these mills i will cut from 1500 to 2000 feet of lumber per day, for which a ready market can be had at lair prices, i Either tract will be sold separate from the other. Persons desirous of purchasing such pfoperty arc requested to call and examine lor themselves. 1 The land is mostly in the woods, ot a good ) quality—that which is cleared is fresh and in cul- Nation. JOH-V JACKSny. Athens, G»„ July 10, OS9. w-itrwtf