Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, July 27, 1839, Image 3

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COMMERCIAL. La eat date*from Liverpool, July 4 Latest dates from Havre, June 10 Liverpool, July 3. Cotton —The sues on Thursday last were 1500 hags; Friday, 1500; Saturday, 1500; Monday, 1600; Tuesday. 1200, and to-day, 1500. The demand since last week Ims been extremely limited. Jn pikes a decline of gd to jd per 15. has tal.en place in all descriptions ; and the mar.,et closed with a prevailing dulness. The week’s imports amount to 35,522 ba^s. July 4. The sales to-day are 1000 bags at yesterday’s prices. The market dull. marine intelligence. Savannah, July 25. Cleared— Brig Philura, Sherman, Mew York. Charleston, July 25. Cleared— Schr Comet, Brown, Turks Island; schr Empire, SouthwicU, .St Auguline. KP A meeting of the AUGUSTA JUNTO will be he held This Evening, at 8 o’clock, at the Presbyterian Lecture Room. Punctual attendance is requested. July 27 (O' THE AMERICAN SILK CROWER A.\l) FARMER'S MANUAL —A monthly publication designed toextend and encourage the growth of Silk throughout the United States. Edited by Ward Cheney and Brothers, Burlington, N. J., and pub- i fished in Philadelphia, at the low price of One ! Dollar a year. {Kr Subscriptions received at this office. a; A REAL BLESSING TO MOTHERS. DR W. EVANS’ CELEBRATED SOOTHING SYRUP, for Children Cutting their Teeth. This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds of chii- I dren, when thought past recovery, from convul- ‘r sions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the I gums, the child will recover. The preparation is so innocent, so efficacious and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums he rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though i there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Syrup in the nursery where there are young children; lor if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup immediately gives case, by opening the pores and healing the gums: thereby preventing convulsions, fevers, &c. Sold only at Dr. Win. Evans’ Medical Office, 100 Chatham street, Now York, where the Doctor may- be consulted on all diseases of children. PROOF POSITIVE OF THE EFFICACY OF , Dr. EVANS’ SOOTHING SYRUP—To the Agent of Dr. Evans ’ Soothing Syrup : Dear Sir —The great benefit afforded to my sullering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling pa rent how essential an early application of such an invaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery and torture. My infant, when teething, experienced such acute sufferings, that it was attacked with convulsions, and my wife and family supposed that death would soon release the babe from anguish, till we procured a bottle of your Syrnp; whi has soon as applied to the gums, a wonderful change was produced, and after a lew applications the child displayed obvious relief, and by continuing in its use, 1 am glad to inform you the child lias com pletely recovered, and no recurrence of that awful complaint has since occurred ; the teeth are ema jf mating daily and the child enjoys perfect health. J give you my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, and will gladly give any information on this circumsti ncc. WM, JOHNSON. TONIC PILLS. —The power of Evans’ Camomile Pills aie such, that the palpitating heart,the trem ulous hand, the dizzy eye, and the fluttering mind, vanish before their effects like noxious vapors be fore the benign influence' of the mo ning sun.— They have long been successfully used for the cure of intesmitttnts, together with fevers of the irregu lar nervous khid, accompanied with visceral ob structions. This tonic medicine is for nervous complaints, general debility, indigestion and its consequences, as want of eppelite, distension of the stomach, acid ity. unpleasant taste in the mouth, rumbling noise in the bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, when the mind becomes irritable,desponding.thoughtful, melancholy, and dejected, ilypochondiiacism, con sumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous affi-ctions, these pills will produce a safe and permanent cure. Evans’ Camomile Pills were first introduced into America in 1835. EVANS' FAMILY APStIIENT PILLS are j purely vegetable, composed with the strictest pre- j cision of science and of art; they never produce 1 nausea, and arc warranted to iurc the following I diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, i viz:— Apopl xy, Bilious Affections, Coughs, Colds, ! Ulcerated Sore Throats, Scarlet Fever, Asthma, Cho- i lei a, Liter Ci mplaints, Diseases if tie Kidnics and j Bladder, Affections peculiar to Females, a ;d all I tlio«e tis wl atsoever kind to which human nature is subject, where the stomach is affected. More conclusive proofs of the extraordinary effi. caey of. Dr. Wm. Evans’ celebrat' d Camomile and j Aperient Anti-liil i,us Pills, in alleviating afflicted | mankind. —Mr. Robert Cameron, lill Bowery.— } Disease—Chronic Dysentery, or Bloody Flux— I Symptoms, unusual flatulency in the bowels, sc- \ /vere griping, frequent inclination to go to stool, tu- | nusmus, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fre- | quency of pulse, and a frequent discharge of a pc- i cuhar foetid matter mixed with blood, great debility, \ sense of burning heat, with an intoleiable bearing j down of the parts. Mr. Cameron is enjoying per- i feet health, and returns his sincere thanks for the I extraordinary benefits he has received. Sold by ANTONY & HAINES, Sole agents in Augusta, J. M.& T. M. TURNER,Savannah, I*. M. COHEN & Co., Charleston. SHARP tv, ELLS, Millcdgeville, ,C. A. ELLS, Macon, A. W. MARTIN,Forsyth, Wm. H. WELLS, Druggist, Athens, ( MARK A. LANK, Washington. July 23 GREAT ARRIVAL! Fifteen Bushels, or 870,000 boxes of PETERS’ PILES. The subscribers have made arrangements with Dr. Peters, of New York, to he supplied by the quantity with his Pills, All dealers can now he supplied at factory prices. Os all the Pills we have any knowledge of, these are the most valua ble in no instance have they failed to accomplish every thing they promised, and thousands who for years have been lingering with some chronic or ob stinate disease, nsw add their testimony in behalf of this valuable medicine. One great quality of his Vegetable Pills is, that they have the alternative principle combined with their cathartic, or operative qualities, so that they not only cleanse the stomach and towels by purg ing, but they regulate the liver,change the morbid secretions, strengthen the digeilive organs, purify the blood, invigorate! he circulation, and give tone and energy to the nei vous system. They have no rival in curing and preventing Bilious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver 14. Complaints, Sick Head-ache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Piles, Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heart-bum, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Hab itual Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases ■if Torpor of the Bowels, where a Cathartic or an Aperient is needed. They are exccedingy mild in their oper ation. producing neither nausea, griping nor debility'. Dr. Peters has sold more than five millions of boxes i of these celebrated I'll s, in the U. States, the Cana das, Texas, Mexico and the West Indies, since Jan 1835. All persons who have used the Genuine Peters Vegetable PAD, recommend them in terms of the mo-t unqualified praise, which is proof pos itive of their extraordinary and i enelicial elfects these justly celebrated Pills are for sale by TIK»MAS BARRETT k Co., and I HAVILANI), RISLEY A Co., Agents, june G 2m j | XyZESWEXT DENTIST..~Vt. Mvxroe’s I operating rooms, second .lour from llroad tied, on . icliitosn-st., opposite the Constitutionalist office march 1J respectfully informs iiis friends that, during the continuance of moonlight evenings, the Hampton Course House will he kept open until i o'clock. ts July 1S I’artics of gentlemen can be supplied with pri vatc rooms. v K A(f /U A. Iht Kail i{u.itl I'atscngcr J'riun i between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave ns I ollows; ! UPWARD. Net to leave Charleston before 7 00 a ti. “ Summerville, “ - .8 30 “ C.eorges’, - “ - )0 00 “ Branchviile, “ - uOO “ Midway, - “ . 11 30 m. “ BlacUville, - “ -100 p. m. “ Aiken, - - “ . 300 Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400 DOWNWARD. Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. m. “ Aiken, - “ . . 730 “ lilackville, “ - . 930 “ Midway, “ - .10 30 “ Branchviile, “ - - H 00 “ Georges’, “ . . 12 00 m. “ Summerville,“ . - 2 OOp. ji. Arrive at Charleston not before 300 Distance—l3o miles. Fare Through—slo 00. Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 120 minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and not longer than 5 minutes for wood and water at any station. To stop for passengers, when a white flag is hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also at Sincaths, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. ()., Hives’, Grahams, Wilieston, Windsor, Johnsons, and Marsh’s T. O. Passengers up will breakfast at Woodstock and dine at lllackville j down, will breakfast at Aiken and dine at Summerville. may 21 03' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, fortho icZfit 0/ the Side Poor of Augusta and its vicinity. 1 he V isiting Committees for the ensuing month aie as follows: Division No. I.—ffm. Thompson, Wm. 11. Oak man, Mrs. Mantz, and Mrs. Leon. Division No. 2,—Kev. C. W. Key, Mr. J. M Newby, Mrs. J. W. Stoy, Miss E. Morrison. Division No. 3. —Robert McCallister, Jas. Pan ton, Mrs. E. Heard, Mrs J. C. Snead. Any member of the committees may obtain funds by calling on the President, (W. W. Holt, Esq.) at his office, Cumming’s Piaza. july 21 C. F. SPURGES. Secretary. DURING my absence from the city, DAVID YOUNG is my duly authorised agent. July 26,1839. tf_ JAS. M. DYE. JAMES’ NEW NOVEL—The Gentleman of the Old School—just received by July 26 4t T, H. PLANT. I NOUN D, during the month of June, a “well mounted BELT PISTOL , which the owner can have by applying at this office, identifving the property and pa}’ing for this advcrtisemei t july 20 3t HAVVKINSVILLE, MONROE RAIL-ROAD, and OCMULGEE MONEY taken at par for goods by [july 25-1 in] E. D. COOKE. HIRE, by the month or year, a Negro Man JL a Rood house servant, of steady habits. En ■ quire at this office. trwSt july 22 SILK WORM EGGS , warranted to hatch this summer . —A few ounces Silk Worm warranted to hatch this summer, fur sale by Dt ju'y 23 J. C. LEITNER. 15 IHE —fresh supply just received and for sale 1) jwly 22] by GARDELLE Jit RUIN’D. BAGGING. 300 pieces Light Ragging, just re ceived and for sale bv _J U| Y 22 GARDELLE & RUIN’D. PRINTING INK.—A supply of Printing Ink July I6J just received by T. H. PLANT. j IANAL FLOUR, for sale bv jufy ltf GARDELLE & RHIND. BAGGING AND ROPE. —134 pieces Bagging. UK) coils Rope, for sale low if taken from the Railroad Depot at Hamburg. July M ts GARDELLE & RHIND. ‘VfOTICE.—C. L. BRAXTON, is my dulyau -Ln thorised agent during my absence from the city. June 29 ts p. A. SCRANTON. BAGGING.— 200 pieces heavy Dundee Hag-w for sale by G.tRDELLE & RHIND. * jluy ll BA 1 ON, BACON.—IoOOO lbs South Carolina and Tennessee BACON for sale low for cash j hy JOHN M. COOPER Jit SON. j JPj° __ tt_ ]Nf)R SALE—A first rate second hand two rvlicelcd BUGGY. For particu ars apply to mar7 ts J. B. GUKDKON. | “VyoiK-E. T. F. KEITH is my duly author is ls eu agent during my absence from this city. 1. A. HIBLER. Augusta, May 29,1539. ts Cl ALL IN ED PL AS! ER PARlS.—Afresh sup y ply Calcined Plaster Paris, just received and for sale by HAVTLAND, RISLY it CO. Jan 19 ts LEMONS. —SO boxes Lemons, in handsome or der, fir sale by VV. E. it J. U. JACKSON, may 2S Auctioneers. PIANOFORTE. —Asplendid Rose Wood Piano forte, Grand Action, of fine touch and tone for sale by CLARK, RACKETT it Co. a P - 3 ts MATRASSES —20 superior Moss Matrasses just received and for sale by ma y 16 VV. E &J. U. JACKSON. A NEW’, speedy, and effectual cure for the aV. Uonorrlnea, Gleets, Strictures, &c. Just re ceived and for sale by ANTONY St HAINES, Agents, may 1G Augusta. A SUPPLY of FRESH CONGRESS WATER just received and for sale by may 16 ANTONY & HAINES. SUMMER QUILTS—A new and beautiful ar. tide just received, and for sale by a P 30 VV. E. St J. U. JACKSON. pine shoes. G1 EN PLEMEN’S fine Gaiter Roots. T “ Morocco Brogan Pumps, Walking Pumps, “ Dancing “ and Ladies’ fine kid and morocco Slippers of all kinds, just received and for sale low, by ALDRICH it SHOVE. _june S ts CHEAP DRY GOODS. riNHE subscriber intending to make a change in X his business in the fall, will sell his stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods at reduced prices Those who wish bargains for cash, will do well to cull and look at his assortment, may 30 dtrwawtf VV. H. CRANE. WANTED— A Wife, from 1C to 2.7, bv a gen* Human of this city, who is neither hand some or homely—rich, nor very poor—good charac ter, in a fair business, and of good family; he is over 20 and under 30 years of age, who has been a bachelor long enough to think and know his condi tion will be bettered by matrimony ; and who owes his living single this long, not to inclination but to excessive timidity. So much for himself. The ' young lady must he good looking, and well edu cated—her knowledge of music not important— of good family—domestic in her habits—and neither romantic nor affected. Widows need not apply unless they are rich, nor must they be over 35 years of age. Any young lady wishing to form a matrimonial engagement, may rest assured that all communications directed to the subscriber through (ho Editors of this paper, will meet with prompt attention; she can state when and where she wishes an interview. None need apply unless thev are serious, as any disposition on the part of ladies (or gentlemen assuming a lady’s name; to quiz, will either be exposed or severe y chastened by the writer. All communications addressed to Theodore, through the Editors, will be attended to. ■July 13 ts THEODORE. ° I U DL CATION.—The lime of hh vacation being 1 I Bi ended, the exercises of Mr. Mahoney’s school E "‘ii commence on Monday the 29tn instant He | a sha ''eof public patronage, and feels thank si xul lor that already given him. ts ju’y 27 ■J' 1 •>'* Constitutionalist will please give* the ’ above two insertions. | HIKE,— fhreegood House servants. Ap- JL ply at this ollico. ts ju v 27 , NEW HOOKS. W k I-1 CUES til- LONDON, by the author of j U7 “ Handom Recollections of the Lords and ’ j Commons,” <■ The Great Metropolis,” ” Dench and - j liar,”etc., etc. ( harles \ invent, or the Two Clerks ; a tale of ( commercial life. A Voice to Vouth, addressed to voung men and young ladies, by Rev. .1 M. Austin. Toitesa, the Usurer, by N. P. \\ diis. Smith’s Letters, with • Pieters’ to match — I containing reasons why John Smith should not | change his name; Miss Debby Smith’s juvenile | spiiil; together wi.h the only authentic history | extant of the late War in our Disputed Territory, j Also, a fresh supp'y of Steel Pens Just receiv ed and for sale by J. W. &T. S. STOY, July 27 247 Broadst. !?OR SALK.— I second hand pedlars’ Wago and Harness, nearly new. Also, 1 good Harness Horse. Apply to JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. July 24 ts j K ost. —A new black lilk UMBRELLA, which t Jlj the owner purchased for his own use. The y head is split and tied together with a string, and his name marked, though indistinctly, upon the s top. The tinder will he rewarded by leaving it at t this office. ts June 29 ” HI UK, for three or six months, ’ fl_ Two Negro 'len, j Two Negro Women, One Negro Girl, accustomed to waiting in the house. Apply to A. DAN FORTH. - J ll !>L 22 fit 1 ROOKS, ROOKS.—Stevens’Travels in Kgypt , 1 9 Arabia, Petrie, and tiie Holy Land ; and also Greece, Turkov, Russia and Poland. A fresh sup ply for sale by J. W. & T. S. STOY, July 20 No. 2*17 Broad street. IIHHARY NOTICK.—From this date the time J for the delivery )f books will be from half • past 7 o’clock until 9 o’clock, P. M., and on Sa turday from 3 o’clock until 5 o’clock. 3 Notice is also given that hereafter a more rigid t cnlorcemcnt of the rule for return of books will be enacted. July 20 ts CHARLES Id. MUSTIN, Librarian ) 1 VALUABLE CARRIAGE DRIVER, Who 7 V can be recommended in the liig rest terms for honesty, sobriety and industry, and who is also a Barber and good House Servant, for sale by ANTONY <V HAINES, July 9 ts 232 Broad-street. 1 s -'kE—A Certificate entitling the holder 8 to a Course of Lectures in the New York Ro ■. | formed Medical College. For further particulars apply at this office. ts July IS fINHK subscribers offer for sale, 1 40 bags prime Rio Coffee ’ 30 bags Cuba do 50 hhds Windward Island Molasses 40 bids New Orleans do 25 bbls Phelps’ Gin 10 casks Rice 50 bbls Canal Flour - 10 hhds St. Croix Sugar ' GARDKLLE & RHINO, , July 2 trwlm corner Mclntosh and Bay st. MTO RENT, from the Ist of October next, that commodious Dwelling House on Reynolds street, formerly the residence of Mrs. Smelt. Ftr terms apply to BKNJ. HALL, ! at the Post Office. CHARLES HALL. 2 MTO RENT, from the first cf October ■ next, Store No. 248 Uroad street, at pre sent occupied by the Rank of Milledgc ville. Apply to JAS. GARDNER,.Ir. july 15 ts Mfor sale or to rent, From the Ist of October next, the two .-Story dwelling House, at present occupied by William Glover, at Apling, Columbia county, with two store houses, gin house, stable, &c. The . lot contains two acres ; the stand good for a store ? or hoarding house. Also, for sale, a neat pleasant and healthy Farm, j one mile above the Quaker Springs, known as the j , Patrick Place,containing eighty acres—forty acres j | c’eared and under cultivation, on which is a tolera- i | ble good dwelling and other out buildings ; the | soil well adapted for the culture of potatoes, corn, i 1 and the Mulberry. 1 Also, will be sold with or without the Farm, ! four thousand Morus Multicaulis trees at 50 cents a tree (roots included), as line as any raised in this i neighbor,rood, and expert will range from sto S feet i * n height oy the first of October next, well branched. July 25 LEON P. DUGAS. | A CARD. J. I. ANDREWS 4- BROTHERS , New-York, \ ANDREWS Sf BROTHERS. Netv-Orleans, '| K. L. ANDREWS Co., Mobile, COM ill ISSIUN M MUCH ANTS. WE tender our services to our friends and the public as Commission Merchants, assuring them that whatever business they may entrust to our charge shall le proferly attended to. We shall he prepared at all times to grant facili- ! ties on consignments. J. I. Andrews, is the resident partner in New York. ; I /,. Andrews, “ “ “ N. Orleans. 1 K. i-. Andrews, “ “ Mobile, j July 1, 1839. 2w july 16 FLODOAKDO IK>WARD’S IMPROVED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. | BNOR the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Chronic I’ Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dis eases, White Swellings, Obstinate Eruptions of the Skin, Ulcerous Sores, Pains in the Bones, General Debility, and all diseases requiring the aid of al terative medicines. This Extract is prepared from an improved for mula sanctioned by scientific Physicians and Phar maceutists, and is decidedly one as the most active, efficacious, and convenient preparations in use. Xj’Merrury is added only when regularly pre scribed.„Tl) It should be used, where circumstances will ad mit, mjder the guidance and direction of a physician. Carefully prepared by FLODOARDO HOWARD. 1 The following Select Medicines and miscellanea ous articles are also prepared and sold as above .- Howard’s Tonic Mixture, a cure for fever and ague. Howard’s Compound ofSarsaparilla,Cubcbs, and Copaiba, for the cure of Gonorrhiea, Gleets, Slide tures, kc. Howard’s Vermifuge, a safe and effec tual worm-destroying medicine. Howard’s Compound Kreosote Tooth Ache Drops. Howard’s Compound Syrup of Carrageen, a safe, simple, agreealde, and effectual remedy for coughs, colds, asthmas, &c. Howard’s Compound Kreosote Tooth Wash, for arresting and preventing decay in teeth, and for diseases of the gums ; an agreeable and pleasant wash for preserving them in a healthy condition. i The subscribers have just received a supply of ! the above medicines, &c. which they offer for sale | at manufacturer’s prices. ANTONY & HAINES, Agents, July 11 232 Broad street | STOCK OF RE lltV MADE CLOTHING I FOR SAKE. rgNHE subscriber being desirous to close the old A business of King & Hart,offers for sale the entire stock of Ready Made lothing, now on hand, which, cons sting of a good assortment of articles usually kept in that line. To persons wishing to commence this business, the present opportunity should not be suffered to pass. The Store is well situated, and has been occupied for several years past as a Clothing Store, and Manufacturing Shop I will sell the who’e stock low with liberal indul gence. Persons wishing to purchase are desired to ealand examine the Stock soon. yCj Also, the Store can be obtained for another )e»r* JAMES B. HART, Surviving Partner of King & Hart, july 18 d2w £ VTuriCE,—The interest of Heurv Jessuf, in . AN ' ,le concern of U. H. JESSUP * Co., ceases I hom tins date, ilc is no lo*ger authorised to u-w i the name ol the firm in the collection of tines, nor [ \ m the making ol any t ontracts, nor in the transac- < tion ol any business whatsoever, ' . CllJr * * ,f business will be continued under the same firm GEORGE R. JESSUP. Augusta, July 1, 1539. July 3 4 Sill VriON WANTED.—A young man rt ccntly I rum the north, well acquainted with business, wishes a situation in some respectable ' mere.inti ehouse in this city or in any part ol'Geot I gia, cither as Book-keeper or Sa esman,satisfactory references, given. Apply to this office, march I ts rpHK subscriber having taken the Administra- I tion of the estate of the kite Mr Robert Malone ask of those indebted to the estate to make pay ment. and those to whom the estate is indebted,’to present their claims, as it is his purpose to close tlie allaire of the estate with the least possible delay. July r. 1839 D. W. ST. JOHN. I.WLIUMK COMPANY OF COLUM IHA, S.C. THE above Institution has been successfully conducted for several years in the town of j Columbia, S. C. A considerable portion of its I capital is invested in Hank stock, the rest in good securities. All established claims for property [ lost,insured by this Company,or any of its agents, will be promptly paid as heretofore, and the same promptness will be adhered to in future, which 1 should entitle it to asharc of piublic patronage. ANDREW WALLACE, President. Col umbia, June S, LS39. *1 be subscriber having been appointed Agent for the aliove ( ompany, is now prepared to take Eire 1 Risks on Buildings, Merchandise and Household furniture, lit- will also make Insurance on Life. ! All In sscs wilt be promptly adjusted and paid. The rates of premium will be the same as charged by I other offices. He solicits a share of public patron age- J. G. DUNLAP. I J llnt ~ 24 ts PERFUMERY. H( IWARD’S Chemical Shaving Compound Howard's Improved Chemical Chloride Soap Howard’s Superior Toilet Soap Howard’s Chemical Essence of Soap, for re moval g grease, paint, tar, See. from wearing apparel. Howard s Chrystal Cement, for mending broke a glass, China, earthenware, Btc. Howard’s Magnolia Extract, a delicate and delicii ms perfume for the toilet Howard’s Superior Cologne Water Howard’s Florida Water Howard’s Lavender Water Hoi card’s Superior Tooth Powder Howard’s Indellible Ink | Just, r cccivcd and for sale by ANTONY & HAINES, Agents, | jul) ’JI No 232 Broad sf. Nr* ’ *' ICK T 0 BUILDERS AND CONTRAC TORS.—-The subscribers arc prepared to fur i ntsh Window Caps, Sills, Door Sills and all other j Grani to that is wanted, at established northern prices.. j N. B. We will furnish Window Sills and Caps at 9o cts.. per superficial foot, which is only 20 cts 1 more per foot than Sand stone, and much more du rable. We will furnish stone fur Fronts, viz. | Fron ts, Caps. Ac., at $1 loots per super, ft., just I what it is sold for in Boston, and other principal ,1 citie i. Heed not the idle report that lias been cir ] eulaued that the Georgia Granite is so high priced that noone can afford to use it. We will sell it at • Quincy prices without any deception. jiji lb'-tf CHI PM AN & HEAD. (JIT The Constitutionalist will copy the above. TO THE FACULTY AND lIEADSOF FAMILIES. DR. MILES’ COMPOUND EXTRACT OF I TOMATO—a substitute for Calomel, and | docs not belong to the family of quack medicines; j for the reason that the component parts are made known to the faculty, or any one else that may wish to know, by any of the agents keeping them for sale. Since this discovery so long and anx iously looked for, some one in almost the extreme North has advertised a Tomato Pill, purporting to be made from the stalk, a thing not more absurd than for one to offer meal from the corn stalk, to say nothing of the difficulty of raising the Tomato so far North. Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the Tomato Pills (proper) for the great benefits of which, he holds himself bound, and in honor pledg ed to prove by their use, that they are ail that they profess to be. and will do for otheis what they j | have done for such as may have used them ;as I I this is a vegetable of great use, and value, it will | I doubters be valuable information to families to j know that the Yellow are just -oubly as valuable j as the Rod Tomato, and produces I wire as much | of tlie hapatine, or active principle, and when used j as a daily vegetable will he found to keep the { system in rnueli better condition than the other i kind; many will recollect with what trembling anxiety calomel has been given to children, and i how they then wished for a substitute. It lias j long been known that tlie Tomato contained ca thartic principles, but not until of late was it ascertained that they contained alterative and diu retic properties. Ihe Faculty embrace and use jt ,he preparation most cheerfully, for the reason that j they know what it is Were it a patent mystery, i they would be bound to reject the medicine, ns they I i justly do the one thousand and one cure-alls of the j day. If you wish to cleanse tlie system with a I I mild, sa e anti-bilious medicine, use the I omalo , Pill, of which a supply, we learn, will soon be in j this city. We all know something about this. I june IS_ t s TO THE AFFLICTED. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS PREMIUM. FIN HE Proprietor of the Virginia Sampson, or 0 $l,OOO Premium Vegetable, fur tlie cure oft Syphilis ami Scrofula, will be in town for a few days. Should there be any old and unmanageable cases, or recent ones, either of Syphilis or Scrofula, the person may rest assured that they may be re lived in a very short time, i Any servant under forty years of age, with Scrofn'a, will be bought, if such is willing to change owners. A letter directed to the Proprietor of the Samp son, to the care of Messrs. Antony Jk Haines, or Haviland, Risley & Co., with the person’s address, will he regarded as confidential, and attended to. _ June IS t s WILLIAM C. WAY, OFFERS his services to his friends either as Agent, or in the Commission business, after the first day of October next, on which day liis pre sent engagements with Messrs. James Anderson & Co. will expire. He would prefer the agency of some large Dry Goods Establishment,cither in Au gusta, or in any other city where his friends inter est should best demand. Should any of his friends be disposed to engage him, they can confer withhim at the store of James Anderson fk Co., No. 260 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. ; ma y 1S 3m* ! 'VTOTICE—'The subscribers intending to close 1 i INI their business in this city by the Ist October next, oiler for sale their extensive and well assort | ed stock of Dry Goods, together with store fixtures and furniture in one lot on liberal terms; and until such a purchaser is found their goods will be offer ed hy wholesale or retail at very reduced prices for Cash or approved paper only. Al! persons having claims against the concern i are requested to present them for sett'ement, and thn,e indebted will be required to make payment Ij with the least possible delay. Apply to JAMES ANDERSON, <fe CO. j |,ne * No. 260 Broad-Street. j I AGENCY SAVANNAIIINSUItANCE & I j TRUST COMPANY. THE undersigned agent of the aliove company, will take lire risks on merchandize and pro duce, in stores a: d ware-houses, and will also in sure the same against river and marine risks, be tween this place, Savannah, Charleston and North ern Ports. Xhe terms will be the same, as ado; ted by the other Insurance Offices in the place. P. D. WOOLHUPTEH. President, J. p. Henry. DIRECTORS, G. B. Gumming, G. B. Lamar. W. 1. Williams, Ralph King. Francis Sorrel, Ed. Padelford. J. U. burroughs L. Baldwin. H. Harper, Henry Roser. Dimas Ponce, R. A. Lewis. Augusta, March 22 *j 4 .OLD WATCH LOST.—Tht undersigned. * had taken, a dun. le butu mod case Oulu never . l ii C V -Jl , , übias&t o ’ Liverpool, No. 14231, With God turb lob Chain, two strand anil a sma 1 Seal Key from him, which he will give a suitable reward to any person delecting it. “I*' 7 tr B. BEALL. U NEW DOOMS. KALI I IKs (H' LIFEi Sketches designed for i . the improvement of the head and heart; bv a Philanthropist. I Characters of Schiller, by Mrs. Eliot. Precaution—a Novel, by the author of the “Spy,” I [ ** e, » " e ' v etlition, revised by the author. ! brancia’n Reign of Tenor; being a sequel to Letters on Paraguay ; by .1. I>. and M I’. Uobeitson. Ihe Barber ol Baris—a Novel, by I’auldc Lock, author of -‘Good Fellow.” Ac. Pocket Lacon. comptising nearly one thousand extiai ts from the best authors, selected by John j I aylor; “ A work that, dip where the leader may, I be will lind a fund of knowledge ; and which he ! may continue to peruse, lay down, and take up at 1 pleasure, without breaking the thiead or interrupt- 1 mg the chain of reasoning.” Sketches by lloz, No. 9, Lady Chevcly, or the Woman of Honor; a new version of Chevcly, or the Man of Honor. I,W L> Just recciled by I . 11. PLANT. HI ,H I’ll i! is, CLARKE & Co. (Funnel'ly of iMacon, Georgia,J HAVE received by late arrivals from England and are now opening at the store No. Id Pearl i st reet,(up stairs,) a general assortment of British and !• tench Dry Goods, selected and imported di j reel, expressly for the Southern trade, together i with a general assortment of American floods, , "’ hteli makes the assortment complete,—Merchants \ isiting the city are requested to call and examine ; the stock. | Orders will have particular attention, and put up at the shortest notice. j Charleston, S. C., October 22,1338 ts j new books. I rpilE YOUNG LADY’S HOME, bv Mrs. ■ J. Louisa C. Tuthill. | Isabella, or Sicily, a Pilgrimage, by Henry T. I Puckerman. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who nourished I in the time of George 111., to which is added re marks on Parti, and an appendix, first, scries, by Henry Lord Brougham, F. it. S. &c. Adam Bull', and oilier men of character, by Douglas Jcrrold. Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nirkleby, No. 13 and 14, Just received bv Jh'tP 22 ts T. H. PLANT A CARD. THE subscribers having turned their attention to Culling and Retailing Goods, beg leave to inform the public that they have returned from the northern cities with a large stock, consisting of American, British, French, and all styles’ of FASH JON AIE DRY GOODS, both Staple and fancy, which they will sell for cash or approved j credit, as low it not a shade lower, than can be I purchased in any other establishment in this city. I 1 hose in want will do well to call and examine | our stock before purchasing elsewhere. HUNGEUFORD, FKISBIE & Co. Broad-st. opposite the ruins of Planters’ Hotel. 1 mar 22 tl - ! j nnHK subscribers have received per recent arri j A vals, which they oiler low for cash or city ac reptance, a large lot of Dry Goods, among which arc, 600 pieces Calico, various qualities 200 doz Cotton Handkerchiefs 30 pieces White Linen Drill 20 do Brown do SO do Colored Muslin 40 do Blue Jeans 30 do Furniture Dimity 100 do Pantaloon Stripes 00 do Silk Handkerchiefs 60 do Plaid Mu.'liu 100 doz Madras Hitkfs 00 pieces Swiss Muslin 60 doz Hosiery 200 doz. Shirt t ollars ALSO, Cloths, Silk and Cotion Shawls, Rosoms, Capes, Muslin Collars, llrow'n and Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Castings, Casmiro s, colored < ambries, | Bead Bags, Brown Drills, Buckram, &c. &c. W. K. & J. IT. JA KSON. FRESH TUIINII* SEEDS, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. | lARGE WHITE FLAT DUTCH TURNIP 4 Do Globe do Do Noifolk do | Yellow Purple Tup Ruta Baga do ALSO, I Large Diumliead Cabbage I i Do Bergen or Great American Cabbage Do Cape Savoy I Do Red Dutch, for pickling I Long Orange Carrot j Large Black Fall Radish ] White and Red Turnip Radish Red and White Clover Seed Lucerne or French Clover Seed Blue Grass do Herds Grass do The subscribers have lately received the above variety of Garden Seeds, all of which they WAB KANT TO BE FRESH AND GENUINE, and offer them for sale at reasonable prices. ANTONY & HAINES, I June -8 No, 232 Broad-street. | OFFICIAL DRAW I NO O F TH E GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, For the Benefit of the Augusta Independent Fire Co. Class No. 29, eor 1539. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I 24 77 44 32 33 89 35 30 39 72 46 76 76 I hereby certify that the above numbers as they j *f»nd are correct, as taken from the Managers’ Cer tilieate of the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery for Leesburg, ( lass No. 4, for 1839, drawn at Alexandria, Va., July 20th, 1539, and which de termines the fate of all tickets held in the aboveLo ttcry. A. READ, Agent. ugnsta, July 25, 1839 DRAWS this H A 1 . GEORGIA STATE LOTTE RY, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE AUGUSTA INDEPENDENT FIRE COMPANY, Class No. 30, for 1839, To be determined by the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, for the benefit of the town of Wcllsburg, Class No. 4, for 1839. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday July 27, 1839. I). S. Gregory & Co.,Managers, A. Read, Contractor. 830,000!! uRASID SCI! EM E . 1 Prize of $30,000 - - is - - $30,000 1- - - 8,000 8,000 1 * - - - 4,000 4,000 1- - - 3,000 3,000 1- - - - 2,600 2.600 1- - - -1.017 1,017 100 - - - - 1,000 100,000 10 .... 600 5,000 20 - - - - 300 6,000 84 - - - -200 16,000 63 - - - - 80 6,040 63 --- - 60 3,780 126 - - - - 60 6,300 126 - - - - 40 6,040 3.780 20 75,600 23,436 i - - - 10 234,360 26,814- - Prizes,amounting to - $606,437 Ticket* ** |0 •share* in proportion. Orders for Tickets in the above scheme, will meet with prompt attention if addressed (post paid) to A. HEAD, Agent, Augusta, tia. PUBLIC SALES. Estate Sale. n V JOHN s. 11l TCHINSON. On the first Tuesday in August next, „ ' , « tht ' Lower Market House, hr m.l of the Adnnni,.riatm«,the so lowing property bo m nng to the estate of Thomas . House and lot on toe Sand Hills, -..mated oast oi u.c i\rs« nai. I Negro Woman and child. 30 shares Georgia Hai.raad and Banking Com pany stock. * .!■) do Georgia Insurance and Trust Company stock. r J M Terms rash, GEORGIA It AI Hi IttldUv The Passenger Crain, carry 1m the great mail between New York and New Orleans, leaves Au gusta every day at 6 e. m., and arrives at Greens boro at 1 a. m. Leaves Greensboro- at'9 r M.,an l arrives at Augua a at 4J a. m., in time for the ( harlcston ears. Stages run in connection with this train from Greensboro for New Or cans, (two daily lines) via Indian Springs,Columbus, A ontgomeryand .Mobile; for New Orleans, tri-week'y. via Clinton, Macon, and Pensacola ; lor Rest Point and Wetumpka, via Barnesville, tri-weekly ; (or Home, tri-week 1 }’, via Covington, Decatur and Marietta; for Nashville and Knoxville, Tennessee, tri-weekly, via Athens, Gainesville and Cassville; for Washington, Wi kes county, tri-weekly, front Double Wells; for New Orleans, daily, Irom Warrcnton, via Sparta, i\|il ledgcvillc, Macon and Columbus ; for MiUcdgevillt. tii-wcekly, via Greensboro and Eatunton. I onnccling with those lines are branrh stag, lines to Tallahassee, Columbus, Miss., Tuscaloo a, Ncwnan, Coweta county, Ga., and Clarksville, Ha bersham county, &c. An accommodation Day Passenger Train leaves Augusta on Mondays, WednMdays and Fridays, at 6 o'clock, a. m., and Greensboro on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7, a. m. bare on the Rail-Hoad to Greensboro v 1 25. Office Georgia Kail Hoad & BkV Co. / jlily 12 Augusta, June 31), 1.A39. y G EOR(JIA U AI LsftOAU. mmm '■ ‘eight is now conveyed on the Georgia Hal 1- Road, between Augusta and Greensboro, at tin following rates : Morchandi/e, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs. Cotton, $1 60 per bale. C. 1. Baldwin, Agent for the Company, t Greensboro, will receive and forward freight with out charge. Merchandize for the way stations will be for warded from Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. RICHARD PETERS, Jr. Sup. Transportation Geo. R. R, ] June 30, 1839. July 12 | OX id HUNDRED DOliluUU UK WARD. £' Runaway from McPhcrsonville, Beaufort District, S. C.,on the ifltfi inst.. a mulatto-boy named Charles, the property of the subseriber. — Charles is between 16 and 17 years of age, about 5 feet in height, stout, and well made, lias short brown curling hair, with keen dark brown eyes, i m bis upper lip be has a dark, oblong, nat ural mark, easily perceived upon c-losq ofcsei ration. He reads well, speaks quickly and is remarkably intelligent. Among other apparel, he carried o!E with him a blue cotton twilled frock coat, and a 1 fur cap. lie has free relations in Savannah and in the interior of Georgia, and-was last heard of iir Barnwell Village, S. C.,on his way, it is believed, to Augusta, and thence to Savannoh. One bundled i dollars will he paid for his recovery and proof to ] conviction of his having been harbored or afforded j facilities of escape by any person, while, black, or colored, or twenty-live dollars for his safe dc.ivery j to me,or to the Jail in Savannah, so that 1 gel him. W. H. VVIGG; | july 25 PocotaUgo PostOtfice, S. C. The Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel will publish | the above daily for two weeks —and after that ; lime, once a week until forbid, and send their bills to this office for payment. —Savannah Republican MTO RENT, from the first day of Oeti ber next, two comfortable dwcling houses .opposite Meigs’ Warehouse, Broad street., apply to A. I. III! N (TNGTUN A SON, July 20 sw6t orto BENJAMIN si ■ s. IjNOR (HUE, a smart active Boy, about tw.ue years of age Enquire of j’i'y 19 swit Rtu ;n,r carper. PjtUKMP SEED. —A (|iiantily of Large fiat X V\ bite Turnip Seed, warranted fresh, for sale at a reduced price by july 2-swtf HOPE INS, JENNINGS .t Co Ar-xtA. 1 REN I', from Ist uetooer next, v. fpjjgß comfortable dwelling, upper end of Ell s at present occupied by S. S. Brown. Apply to the Executors of John Fox, deceased. J ll v 25 sw-lt NOTICE. V¥Y ( RENT, OK FOR SALE—The large house X. on the comer of Ellis and Washington str’ts, lias just undergone a thorough repair and additional rooms added to it. The house now contains 17 rooms, well adapted for a large family or boarding house, as the rooms are so constructed hy moveable partitions as to throw two or more rooms together without ex|iense. ALSO —The House on Washington street ad joining it. Also, two houses on Green si. opposite the City Hall. The house and lot. would be sold a bargain where the subs ribor lives;ills a large brick houne, 3 stoiies high', the internal part we.l arranged for a large family, and the workmanship is done in the very best manner, and every conve nience a family could wish, and a 1 in complete order. The principle reason I oiler it for sac is, that it is altogether now, too spacious for my fami ly- ALSO—An excelled close Carriage and good span of gentle family Horses, which will be sold a grca' bargain, as I have no use for them. Also, a. lot of well made Northern Wagons aad ( arts HENRY MEALING. Mr. John Morrison is my duly authorized Agent during rny absence. H. M. july 13 sw6t THE TRUE POMADE DIVINE. XTENSIVKLY used in Europe, never before Xa introduced into America, an infallible cure and a delightful preventive of Chapped Hands and Lips, &c. This elegant article gives a delicacy of fragrance and that natural healthful appearance to the skin no other preparation of the kind has been known to produce. It immediately removes Wits- PLES and other disagreeable ERUPTIONS, pre vents RRUISESftom turning black,cures BURNS and SCALDS; alleviating pain, and preventing blisters, it is also exceedingly useful for SORE BREASTS. So invaluable is this compound for every inconvenience to which the skin is liable, that none who have proved its benefits will ever willingly be without it. Sold in Glassss at 25 and 50 cents each, with full particulars, and directions for use. For sale by ROBERT CARTER, Druggist, Broad st. and at T. 11. PLANT’S Bookstore. Where certificates of its successful application may be seen, june 21 swtf MEALS’ HAIR RESTORATIVE. riYHlft valuable-discovery is now introduced to X the citizens of Augusta, with the fullest confidence and assurance that it will effect the ob ject of its application, viz : A COMPLETE RE2* TORATION OF THE HAIR upon the L Raafls of those who have lost the same, and have thereby become bald or partially so. Numerou-rcertifirates might he given to show how successfully this compotindnas been applied, never having failed in a single instance.) Its virtues have been fully and satisfactorily tested. The heads of those that were entirely bald, have been by the applieation of this restora tive, covered with a luxuriant growth of beautiful hair. None need despair whether old or young, of hav ing their bait restored. For sale by ROBERT CARTER, Druggist, Broad st. and at y T. H. PLANT S Booksiore. Where certificate? of its successful app Ratios, be seeu. june 21 swtf