Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, August 03, 1839, Image 4

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Georgia, Warren counts . Mary Ann Day,} vs. C Lib I for Divorce. Thomas Day, J XT appearing to tho Court, by the return of the Sheriff,that the defendant, Thomas Day, is not to be found in this county : is ordered by the Court that ttie defendant be and appear at the next leirn of Ibis Court, to answer the said cause; and that a ropy of this rule he publ shed in one of the public ga zettes of this state, once a month for three months, before the next term ol the Court. \ true extract from the minutes of thr Superior Court of sai l county , April Term, 1839. June 13 m3t JOHN MOURE, Clerk, Sc riven Superior Court, April Term. 1839. Present, his Honor Joint Shly, Judge. F, K. Gross, . vs. f U ill for Discovery. Mci'ullon Tollock, i nr exeat and VVila Em bra, ' IT PON motion of counsel for complainant, it is J ordered that Jesse Km bra, who, as appears by the oath of one of complainants, resides in Ken tucky, be made paily defendant, and the said hill he perfected on him hy a publication of this rule once a month for four months in one of the gazettes of this state, A true extract from the minutes, this 18th dune, 539. JOSHUA PERRY, Clerk, oily 3 3tm Tabitha "Martin, a J.ihel for Divorce. , * V, C Taliaferro Superior Court. James Marlin. J I" I appearing to the Court, hy the return of the Shenll in the above stated ease, that the de fendant. lames Martin, resides out of the limits of this county: on motion. ordered, that the said James Marlin be serve I with notice of said eause hy publication, and that be be required to appear and and answer said cause, on or before the lirst day of the next term of this Court, or the same will proceed experte. And also, ordered, that a copy of this mle be published in one of the public gazettes es ibis state,mice a month forthrei months, previ ous to the next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Taliaferro county, at March term, 1839. — This 28tb Apul, 1830. may 23-m3t CMISUKV IHtISTOW, CPk. (•eorgia, Jcllcrsou count y ! U/ lIKRKAS John K. Cook, administrator on the estate of James 11. Cook, deceased, ap plies fur letter, dismissory; The e are therefore toeile and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, il aiv they have, why sal 1 letters should not he granted ; Given under my hand at olliee tu Louisville,this 23d March; 1839. KME\K/.KR IJOTHWELE, Clerk. march 23 ———.— ■— —— v Gcorgm. Lincoln county : a m T"i|KKKAS Wiley G. l atum anil Van Allen * j Collars, administrators ol the estate of Tims. Klorancc, deceased, applies lor letters dismissory ; These are therefore tu rite and admonish all and and singular, the kindred and creditin'* of raid de ceased, to he and appear at my ollh e with the time prescribed hy law, tu show cause, if any they have' why said letters slum d not be granted. Given under my band at office, in l.inculiitun, bis 7thday of March, IS3D. HUGH HENDERSON,C. C.O. March 11,1839, Georgia, Iturkc county : U? JIKRKAS .Simeon Hell, administrator, do bonis non, on the estate ol Charles Cavan lull), deceased, apjdie.s for letters dismissory. These are llicrelorc to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and eredi tors ol said deeeasi d, to he and appear at my office, within the lime pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. (liven under my hand at olliee, in Waynesboro, Hus |B|h day ol February, 1839. feb 21 dm T. IJ.ML.OUNT, D.Clerk. Georgia, Lincoln county : nj HKItKAS Jonas Guice, administrator of the estate of Samuel Davis, deceased, petitions for letters of dismission ; These are therefore to cite, summon and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to he ami appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand id ulliec, in Lineuliituii, this 7th day of March, 1839. HUGH HENDERSON, C. C. 0. March U, 1830. Georgia, Jcllcrsou county ; \\f HKRKAS lien rah S. Carswell, administrator * y on the estate of Sterling 1). Kasun,deceased, app ies for letters dismissory from said estate; These arc therefore to rite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my olliee within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why s ii.l letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this nth day of February, 1539. ‘KBKN K/.KII 111) TIIWKIJ,, feb 9 meric. Georgia, Scrivcii county : U' HK'tKAS Jacob 11. Weds applies for letters ' of administration on the estate of I’hiletus Scott. deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Jncksunboro, this 21th May, 1839. may 21 W 11.1.1 AM K. DANIELS D.d’k. Georg in. Lincoln county : »»riIKKKAS Henley Nalley applies for letters f y of administration on the estate of Henjamm Stonstreei, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, tii ks. d e l and creditors ol said deceased, to be and a;| oar at my olliee within the time pre sen ed by law , to show cause (if any they have) why s iid letters should nut bo granted. linen under my hand at office, this -Mb July, 1539, july s ' HUGH IIKNDEItsuN, tier'll. Georgia. Iturkc county : UUMIKRKAS Janies Grubbs, Administrator of \\ William llrv'an,and Executor of Elizabeth Hrvan, di cease. 1, applies for letlcis dismissory on sail estate. These are therefore to rite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors es said deceased 10 he and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, it any they have, why said' letters should not he granted. divan undoi my baud at office, in Waynesboro, this 17lh day ol July, 1839 idly ip ■ T.H. BLOUNT,CIerk. Georgia —Hute Vi. B' i. J, j. ■, Superior Court. M ay Term, 1839. I TPON Hie petition of Henry T. Turner,stating to the court that Hamilton Haiford, on the lirst day of April, 1838, mortgaged to him a tract es land containing three hundred and three acres, sit uate. 1\ mg and being in the county of Jcllcrsou, on the wiitc.s of Muggy Gut,adjoining lands belonging to the s.,id Henry P. Tumor,.!. U. Itoslwick, Itogois and Wood, to -ccuie the payment es a promissory note es the said Hamilton llaiford, made to the s.utl Henry P Turnei. bearing date on the first day of •April, l s 3B. and payable on the lirst ol September then next following, for eight hundred and fifteen dollars and eighty-one and a quarter cents, which sum of money still remains due and unpaid. It is therelore, on motion, ordered that the said Hamil ton llaiford do pay the said sum of money, together with the accruing interest thereon and costs, on or belorc the first day ol the next term of this court; and in the event of his failing to do so, that the equilv of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises be thenceforth barred and loreclosed.— And il is further ordered, that a copy of this rule be published once t very month, in some one of Hie gazettes of Hus state, for four months, or served upon said Hamilton llaiford, or his special attor ney, at least thu c months before the next term of the said Superior Court. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Jefferson t uuntv. at Mat Term, 1839. May >,1*33. KIIKNKZKR ItUTHAA KI.U, June IS 'nit Clerk. VDMl NTBTR \ 111 It'S NO Ili I'. —! niuni __ after date 1 wilt apply t > Hie Honorable the Interior Court us Kiclur md county, when sutiii' for ordinary , rp'-ses, tor leave to sell |) 1( > i•,,,,j and slaves belonging to the estate of the late Mr. Rr. Robert Malone, for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. July 29, 1389. D. AV. ST. JOHN. {T'DIR mr.nths after date, application will i« _ made to the honorable the Interior Court of Burke County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, <>>r leave to'til all the lands belonging to the c-s -, talc of I’elcr Mathis,deceased, sold lor distribution for the 1 enehtof the heiis and legatees of said es tate, ROBERT A. ALLEN, Adia’r. Mty I th, 1838. (7801 H months aftei date, triplication will be ' made to the honorable the Inferior court ol Seriveii county, while sitting for ordinary purposes , for leave to ' ell the real estate of William Cooper derea-cd, late of said county. (jEUIUIE COOI’KR, Executor. June 12, 1839. I,Bol' It months after date application will bt ’ made to the honorable Inferior court of (o lumbia eounty, while sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the land belonging So obraliair Fuller,deceased. It. W. HELL, Adin’r. Ml} 82, 1830. I ,801, R months aftei dale, application w ill bi made to the honorable tlic Justices of the Inferioi court, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to -ell the real e lale of William Cooper laic nf Serivcn countv, deceased, lor the benefit ol his lien-. (IFORCE COOPER, Executor. May 11, 1830. __ 1.801 It months after date application will hr | made to the honorable the inferior court ol i ’I aliaferro county, when sitting as a court of Ordi nary, for leave to sell the .Negroes belonging tc Mi--!•-, Euphrasia and .Martha Holliday, orphans ol Owen Holliday, deceased. JOHN M. ANTHONY, Ouardian. May 28, 1889. I .BOCR months after date, application will be _ ma le to the Inferior court of Scriven county | while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate ol John Wnliam- I sun, late of Scriven eounty, deceased. JAMES W, KII'TEES, Administrator. Maj 16,1839. 4m I g OCR months after dale application will be j 1 made to the honorable the Justices of the ln ferioi court of Scriven county, when sitting for or i dluary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the real estaleol ClalOorn Forehand, of Scriven county, de creased, lying, being and situate m tlm county ol I Sen vi n .ilinesaid, and tliroiigb which the • entral Hail Road passes, fur the benefit of the heirs to said estate. DAVID HI JRK E, Administrator May 11, 1839. jj.Bul R months alter date application will be 3 made to the honorable the Inferior Court ol Hurke county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Negroes belonging to tin estate of A/ariali Duke, deceased. JOHN SAXON, Administrator. May 29,1839. 4m 1.801 |i months after’ date application will be ’ made to the honorable the Inferior court ol I Scriven county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, (in leave te ell the real estate of Theophilus Williams, late of said county, deceased. AIIR AM H 0 NTEH, J r., Adm’r. July 6, 1839. B .8111 I; months afterdate, application will be * made to the honorable the Inferior Court, of Hurke eounty, while sitting as u Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell all the real estate of Samuel Stur ges, late of Hurke county, deceased, NATH’I. I. STUKHES, Adin’r, de bonis non. June 28, 1839. _ I.BOUR months alter date application will be * made to the honorable the Inferior court of Lincoln county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all Hie land belonging to Charles Jennings,doeeused. E. LOCKIIART, Adin’r. July 2, 1839. B.BOHR niunllis after dale application will be * made to the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Columbia county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Robert Randolph, Esq., late of said coun tv, deceased, for the benefit of the legatees ol said estate. N. CRAWFORD, > , JUKI AH HAKRISS, \ K t June 27, 1 ( BC| iit months alter date application will be ’ made to the honorable the Inferior court of Jelfersou county, when sitting fur ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell a Negro Woman, belonging to the estate of David VV. Youngblood, deceased. July ti, 1839. I*. S. LEMLE, Adm r. I 81 ICR mouths after dale application will be ’ made to the honorable the Inferior court of Jefferson county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, lor leave to sell the Land and Negroes, be longing to the estate of Robert tlrccr, deceased. CAECEDUNA CREER,Adm’x. July (I, 1939. ■ j —— 1,80111 mouths after dale application will be ’ made to the honorable the Inferior court of Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, fur leave to sell the Lands and Negroes, be longing to the estate ol I'liomas J. W right,deceased. OWEN W. BALDWIN, Adm’r. July H, 1839 __ N’OTICE. —Three mouths alter dale, applica tion will be made to the Inferior Court of | Columbia county for my dower in the lands belong ing to the estate of Jonathan Cliell, deceased. I This is to notify all the heirs of said deceased, to show cause if any they have why said dower should not he granted. MARY CLIKTT, Widow of said Jonathan Cliett,dec’d. June It, 1839. m3t NOTICE. —Ninety days after date, application will hi' made to the Mechanics’ Hank lo re j new Certificate of Stock No. tili, issued on the 12th August, IStll, for hd shares: also, Certiticate No. | 82.1, issued on the 9th December, IS3-I, fur 7 shares of the e stock of saiil Hank, the same having 1 been lost or mislaid. At the same time appliea lion will be made to the Iron Steamboat Company I of Georgia, to icnew Certificate of their Stuck, No. ! 9, issued 2hlh May, Isllo, for live shares) also. | Certificate No. 67, issued 21st January, ISBC, for live shares of their capital stock, the same having j been lost or mislaid. K. H WEBSTER. June 20,1839. unit j Georgia, .lollersou eounty : IIa.RF.As John W. Vh v.unler and William il v S, Me Minder, administrators of estate ol Daniel Alexander, deceased, apply for letters dis -1 missory: fheseare therefore to cite and admonish all ami - singular, the k Iml red and creditors id said deceased to nit* their objections, if any they have, in my of lice within tlie time prescribed by law, to show j cause why said letters of administration should no | be granted. (liven under mv hand at office in Louisville, the 29th of Mav, Issj. j£,nin 29 EHENEZEU HOTHWELL,CIerk. (ioo rgin. Scriven coiiiity ; UIIKIt K AS Joseph \\ . Dickey applies for let ters dismissory from the estate of Josepl Dickey, of Scriven county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all am | singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased j tonic their objections, if any they have, in my of In c within the time preset ibed by law, to shew cause w hy said letters should not he granted. (liven under my hand at oitice in .lacksonboro I this Gth July, 1839. july (I ' JOSIU V PERRY, Clerk. ’ HERE VS Eli/a Holton and Alrxamu 0 } Kemp, adininislrators on thoestale of lleiibei ! Bolton, deceased, apply for letters dismissory fron j said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all am I singular, the kindred and creditoisof said deceased 1 to be and appear at my olliee within the time pro | scribed by Taw ,to show cause, if any they have why said otters should not he granted. (liven under my band at office m .lacksonboro this 4th of June,ls39. JOSHC.A PERKY, , jun« -1 t ier l ;. In Burke Superior i our I, ( 1 May Adjourned Term , 1539. s Present his Honor John Shi.y. Ansylancy Kea.-x vs. L Divorce. * William Kc-a. _> IT appearing ta the Court by the return o of the Sheriff, that the Defendant is not to b found in this county. 1 It is therefore, on motion of Mnlford 'tarsi Counsel for Libellant, ordered that the said de fondant appear at the next Term of tins Court, an then and there answer this Libel, or in <1 Tam thereof, the Court w ill proceed as in case of d«>fau o It is therefou- further ordered, that a cony of tin g rule he published in one of the gazettes of 1 1 d city of Augusta, once a month for three r uu; r. before said Court. A true extract from the mi d nules. EDWARD GAR I HE,Clerk. June 17, 1839. m3t jf fIIHE great rclebriiyof llii* unrivalled (ompo- I g hition,especially m the Northern States, leaven j’ the proprietor hut little need to nay any thing in its I I tv r: l«»r it haH g< nerally conceded lo if,that jji beyond all cornparison tin beat remedy for ex ie r nalcomplniniH that ban ever been diacovered. 1 Ind ed ihe>P<* d and certainty of it» opera* ions, l( * have Ihe appearance of miracles :aa ulcers, ’vouudu, )m t torus, fever sore*.chilblains, while spellings, biles, s ’ piles,spider and snake hue-. Ac. Ate., immediately in yield to tin MUperhurnan inflncncw. Thus, it prop erly applie d n will remove an inveterate corn or break and heal a bile in five days, will allay and e p. rfeetly cure an ulcer in two weeks, and the most a desperate chkhw)| vs bib; swelling that can be irnu s jriMtl have been destroyed by it in less than two ,• montliH. In the bites of poisonous reptiles its effi ,l' c*;ir:y is truly surprising, and if applied in time, its powers of ai imci ion are so wonderful tliatihr y will at once arrest the poison and thus prevent it from - (tervading the system It is Jikfcwi»< greatly supe ,( ‘ f nor to any medicine heretofore disojvered for tho ” chebd back and limbs of horses —lor tellers, ring *" worms, chapped bps—and in short,for every exter -0 nal bodily evil that may fall to the bit oi man or beast. The proprietor has received «*t least a thousand certificates, and other documents, in lavor of bis “ spivilic Ointm nt,” upwards of a hundred of e which were written by respectable members of the f % Medical faculty. Albany, July 9th, 1837. To Dr. Harrison. Mr -I use your Specific Ointment in my practice, and f irdiully recommend it as a most efficient reme dv lor rumors, Ulcers White Swellings, Scrofula, e Rheumatic Fains, Chopped Face, Lips and Hands: i- and for general external compbrnls. 1 write this - at ilte request of your agent here, who furnishes me ,1 wit li the article, and am pleased to have u in ray power to award honor to merit. ,f HUFFS R. BEACH. M. D. 0 Brooklyn, N. Y , Oct. 2'J, 1338. Dear Sir—My daughter,a girl of tounetn, was sadly afflicted wiln t lie complaint that physicians termed a scald head ; and I leared, independent of ( *. every other e\ l l, that she would be bald in conse d queued. By the recommendation, however, of the S Reverend Mr. Perrin, I applied your ointment to the e afflicted port; mid 1 thunk Hod that my child is now entirely recovered from the disease, and is gelling In r hair ns fast os can be expected. The i ore was effected in rather less than two months ; v during winch time I usrd five dollars worth ol’oint ,j- nicni.; I find spent upwards of a hundred dollars dining the previous three years, without any benefit whatever. MARY HOWARD. I hereby substantiate the truth o! ttie above statement. CHRISTOPHER HOWARD. C 1 know the above statement to be cot reel, and I can add from experience that “ Harrison’s Specific . Ointment,” is an excellent medicine for external complaints. MATTHEW PERRIN. Boston, Jan. 7, 1837. e Dear Sir—l have to request of von to forward 1 mo, two hundred b' xes of Ointment, by the most. i, immediate conveyance, and without regard to the s expense of carriage, as lam quite out, and much in waul of it.—You know my estimation of yonr valuable discovery, and therefore J shall only add, , that further experience lias increased mv enthusi ' asm and established mo in theopinion, that it is su • r perior to any remedy extant for external diseases. Respectfully yours, | CHARLES P. EMERSON, M. D. New Orleans, March 20th, 1838. Dr. Harrison Sir—The virtues of your Specific Ointment, hav? been long known to me,ns 1 have used none other in my rather f xtensive practice for several years, and if you think if would be to your advantage, I can furnish yon with twenty certificates of important cures which it lias effected under my own imme diate inspection ; Hie last being one of a severe and apparently perpetual nicer,in the hack of a poor woman, Mary Baxter, who resides in 216 Di vision street, which it completely healed in twenty ooedays. My present chief object in writing to you, is to learn who is authorised agent, in this city, for,being in want of a supply of yonr oint ment, and the pei>on Mr. Boyle,from whom I used to pur l lease it, having tailed and gone out of busi ness, 1 am fearful if 1 purchase at random, that 1 ; may be imposed on bv a connterleit. j. Your obedient servant, EDWARD RAMSEY, M. D. Cincinnati, August!), 1837. Dr Harrison. Sir, —1 have no hesitation in stating, in reply to yonr note, that yonr“ Specific Ointment” is truly equal to Hie majority ol the ends for which you ro • eninniend it. I qualify my certificate by the word mnjoiiiy, ns it is my maxim to give no opinion in mediei 1 matters whole 1 have had no experience. In sprains,brinses, inllanimiilions,emotions, wbit lows, piles,&c., it is m> universal recipe. 1 have 1 al-o used it on (he leg of a boy which bad been bitten by an adder, and the extraction of Hie poison, and ultimate cure was so rapid, that my patient was as wed as ever in a week ; and has remained su lo i this day. Yours respectfully, i HENRY JACOBS, M. D. Extractor a letter from Dr. J. W. Sanders, of r Louisville, Ky. October S, 1837. “ lam prepared to say, that for Rheumatic Faina, ( and the Sore Breasts oi females, Harrison’s Specific thniimni has no superior, it indeed it has any equal ’ in t;ie w hole euia'ogne of external mediei its, as 1 known and prescribed in tins country.” h Extract of a letter from Dr. Foil a, of Utica, N. Y., Dated July 28, 1831). “ Harrison’s Specific Ointment ’ is, in my opinion, n a most important discovery ; and ispanicnlaily elli cient in scrotulas, ulcers,sore legs, eruptions, and general on l ward complaints. I speak of its merits from an experience of tour years.” d t New- Orleans, January 4th, 1837. 1, This w ill certify that my face and neck were al l- mosi eiitin ly covered bv an cnonnons ringworm; . v and that after the trial of a variety of ineffectual y remedies, 1 was completely cured of it in two months, by the use ol Harrison’s specific Oiut is mcnt.” ELK*AH FOSSET. For *nlc, w holesale and retail, by llaviland Kis cy A Uo., Thomas Barrett A Co , and Nelson Car - or. Ueiml price, 30 cents jier box, with lull direc- ions. June * r » ly UAMMtI 1 r VM> ItVl.DM’s.s, „i g NLDIDDDK/S BAI M OK COLUMBIA.— j v ) DAN'Dlil KK AM) BALDNESS.—I he ar j_ dele named above is a chemical combination ot w sin'll ingredients as have proved themselves ellicß nous in assisting the iiniuml growth ol the liiniinu 0 hair, mid removing all ohstieles to its period devel opeinent. —In commending tins article to the par unilar notice ol a liisoermng public, the proprietor is bin recapitulating ihe oil expressed sentiments vt ol the many hundred, who have sueiesstully le.led ■ii its efficacy and wonderful qualities—this cum in pound having acquired (or ilsell a character lor sin gular merit and value. It is used hy ladies and ul gentlemen generally, to keep the Hair moist and d« heanlilnl, and the head tree Irom Dandruff, which e- ii does most perfoctl), ami thus prevents II ildncss. c, Shirt aution- Observe that each bonleol the gen uine Balsam ohColumliiu has a splendid engraved o. wra[ per, on wh eh is represented Ibe Kails ol .Niaga ra, Ac. Kor sale by AN TON \ A: 11A1N KS, Sole Agcqi. ~ optilS m Broadsnreet. ESSENCE OF TYRE, | Kor changing Bed or Dray or any light colored llairtoa beautiful Brown or Black. Warranted superior to any offered. f JN Ills celebrated tGrecian Dye will ehnnpe Bed 1 • or Dray Hair, lo Brown or Black, itisdoiie with such surprising laedny and accuracy, that ns presence cannot Ic deleeied Jbe shade may bo left at Brown,or may be made perleclly jet Bluok, "V n ihe pleasure oil he user 111 A great number oi son lemon, who have gray hair in part, or entirely, are in ilie eonsiaiu habit ot us using tins nr. a !e. a '.I are never siispei led of being .ray. .Manx b ieheio s auo widowers liav. made h- thoir fortunes in mairimuny by ns o i tins dye. It n- is warranted supen*rto any made in die ami is sold at abonth.iit the priceotthe l.uropeau For sale by ANTONY <fc HAINES, No. 232 Brtwd street, Augusta. a p,,| .> I,K CORDIAL DE LLCINE. OU L’KLIXIR DE L'AMOUR. rrOIR subscriber has the pleasure ol announcing I to the citizensof the U States, that he has j purchased, for a very large sum and from tne in ventor, the eclehraled Ur. Megrim, ot Parts, t, c ' recipe at d riaht for making this astonishing medi | cine Until the appearance of the - Lumna ' ! dial,' ’ (about three years since.) it was thought that ,he complaints, which it speedily overcomes, were beyond the na. hoi human remedy, as for upwards of’a thousand v.ars, they had baffled the wisdotp and ingenuity of the most profound physicians in all parts ot lli« world. This Cordial, however, to llie gionl ml vantage of the human race,soon proved itscif to be the desideratum so long sought lor; and accordingly, notwithstanding He brief pen dos its existence, it has required a celebrity so great, that ii u ea-crly inquired tor throughout the civilized globe r ’ I»r Magnin soon finding that the demand was HO vast as ;o render a supply impossible, dis nosed of the recipe and right of sale, under obliga ti,ms of secrecy, for England, the United States, and othci countries,only preserving France and I Italy fi.r himself. Thus has (he subscriber pos l sensed himself of the invaluable secret; and now ! hastens to give the in habit arils of his line of agency the benefits' of his speculation, i “I o Cordial I>n Lucine, or, in English, “the I I.ucira « orriial,” is a general mvigorator of the i human frame! In all the various cases of Inngurjr, i lassitude, and debilitation ; it is an unfailing reme ! (( v • „„ ,1 is equally its province to impart cheerful -1 „cs» and decision to the mind, as health and vigor to the body But the peculiar virtue on which its I celebrity is based, is the facility and certainly Willi wlm li it restores the virile powers when they have been destroyed by diacase.liiiie.recklessnesa.orany of the numerous causes which terminate in the nroKtrntion of ilu»se lunctions. In common with the generality of really good medicines, lldsl ordial contains nothing of a trier, curiiil or deleterious nature, among the many mgre dienla wiiichcompose it; hut is, at the same lime, so simple, yet so efficacious, that while it can reno vate the prostrated energiesof a giant, an infant may use it.not only with impunity, but wilh ad- Vi The Visages of society are unfortunately such, that, notwithstanding the benefits which would be sure to result from it, weeannotenler into an analy sis ol this inestimable Cordial here, or publish many of the documents which have been received, as vouchers ol Ihe blessings il has conferred on num bers of despairing individuals. Biilliiis wr cannot forbear remarking—that it has been demonstrated that there is scarcely ever, it any such thing at all, as natural barrenness, or as natural imbecility ol the procreant functions, in either sex ; and therefore, that those evils are the effects of artificial causes, and may be speedily subdued and removed by the use ot “ f.e Cordial do Uucine.” The Uueina Cordial is also an indubitable cure, for the Gleet, and the Fluor Alhus, obstructed, diffi cult, or painful Menstruation; also, for the incon tinence ol Urine,or the involuntary discharge;there of It IS likewise an invaluable and unrivalled mcdii inc in cases of Chronic Eruptions of iheskin, and in I lie dropsical affections of the aged. Most important to the. American Public. The United Spues proprietor ot the celebrated “ Enema Cordial," or “ Elixirof Love,” begs to lay before the community, the following certificate, which lie has received from the inventor, the illus trious L)r. Magnin, of I’aris: “ Thu i« to certify, that 1 have disposed of the ) recipe for making the Cordial, or “ Elixirof Love," and also ihe right to sell it throughout the l ulled Stales of North America, to John Winters Holderwell.M. I). My reasons I f or „o doing is, that the demands to me for the above I Cordial, ol which lam the inventor, are so mime- I runs, t hat I am unable to supply all the orders from France and Italy alone; and have therefore dispo rted of the privileges vouchsafed in this, and oilier j certificates of a like nature in order to generalise j tiie benefits of my discovery throughout the world. | * Given under my hand at Paris,on this nineteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord, c.ghleen hundred and thirty eight. I.HASTE MAGNIN. Gnspard Define, > witnesses. William Merritt,s Postscript to the above. As you requested me to stale the number of hot lies ul the “ Lncinn Cordial,” which 1 hnvoalready sold, 1 have referred to my books, and find it to ex ceed’four bundled thousand ; while ihe orders now I on hand cannot be supplied in less than three months. From an immense number ol testimonials from the regular faculty, touching the virtues of the Cordial, I have in particular selected the following, which may be of uselo you. You will also find a number of others of less importance inclosed. This immediate cert.ficaie is from a body of eight of the ablest medical practitioners in France. To Dr. Magnin, inventor of the Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love * Respected and Honored Sir ;-Wc have all in a variety ot cases, tested iho remarkable effects of your great discovery, and have assembled lor the purpose of bearing evidence to the tacts, and tend ering yon the honor which is your due. The “ l.ucina Cordial” is in our opinion, an infallible remedy for the prostration of the Procreant Func tions, and Artificial Barrenness ; and therefore must prove a blessing to the human race. We can also hear evidence l hat there is nothing in it of a mer curial or deleterious nature ; and in short, that it is one of the noblest medicinal discoveries ol any ago. With feelings of admiration and respect we re main, vicar sir, your obed’eut servants, Josselin Bossutt, 1 Jean Plane, Sigismond de la Martino, | Robert Stevenson, Adrien Decrnnd, I Louis Ouiseau, Octave Nlcolt, 1 Pierre Buffen Extract ol e letter from the elehrated Talleyrand, to Dr Magnin. I am now on the wrong side of eighty, and yet 1 could be on my honor or oath if necessary, that a bottle or two of your Cordial of Love has made me feel as vigorous as a boy of five and twenty. 1 think you nave diseoveied the ‘‘Elixir of Life,” w hich the alchyansls have been so long in quest ol; am: that (pardon my ofllciousness,) you should have named il accordingly. From the eminent Dr. Dovigney, of Brussels. October 3, 1837. To Dr. Magnin . —My dear friend—l am most gratified at the unprecedented popularity ot your “Luc na Cordial,” and am able lo Bear testimony to its surprising virtue. 1 hud a patient recently, 1 M , a gentleman oI fortune, who hud lor several years abandoned himsult in the vertex of dissipation ; and was only reclaimed from it at i iengih by the utter prostration of all his virile ener j gies. lie was,indeed,reduced tu the lust extremity of debility and t.istelessness, for, it an occasional i flash of excitement warmed his system, the ream | lion was almost iuiuudime,and the result ported I prostration. 1 had applied all the usual nostrums i in such ca.-es ; but, us 1 had anticipated, without success; ana when I saw Ihe “ Lucina Cordial” j advertised, 1 must confess that even the great weight ! of your name did not give me much hope in it, at j least so tar as regarded the case in hand. 1 fell bound lo try it,however,and was soon satisfied of ■ ns efficacy ; for before a bottle was expended, my 1 patient gave evidence of the returning elasticity ot I Ins s\ sit iu ; and he is now, h iving used four bottles, ! as well is ever. The number of documents, such as the above which have been rei etvevl bv Mr. Magnin, siticelhe j first appearance ol “ Le t (ordial de Lucille,” would lid u volume ns large as the Bible. This highly important medieinets for sale by John ! Winters Holderwell, No. 129 Liberty street, New- V.,rk ; Charles H. Tyler, No. 70 Chcstnul-st. Phila j lielphia ; ami in Baltimore by Roberts & Atkinson, j John M. Euroque, and (J. R. Tyler; in Washing lon City by Tobias 44 ai kins and Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Linlliaciini; in Richmond Ibv John H. Eusliee; in Petersburg by Braggs 1 Thomas and Dupuy, Rosser A Jones; and in Nor | folk by M. A. bunlos and B. Emerson; and by John Woodly, No 65 Poydras st New Orleans It can also be lliuiid at all the principal Drug Stores in Smith Carolina, and in Augusta, by Flavi i land Hislcy& Co, Thomas Barrett A Co., and Nelson Carter. Price, S 3 per bottle, w ith full di rections. June 4 ly Georgm, J cite Ison county : UT HKREAS Samuel W. Bobbins, administra tor on the estate of William Baltey, de ceased, applies for letters dismissory; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased ; to he ami appear at my office within the time pre j s•Titled by Taw. to show cause, if any they have, j why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office in Louisville, this 23d March, 1539. EBENEZER BOTHWELL, Clerk. ' march 23 r | THESE Pills are no longer among those of doubt- | I ful utility. They have passed away from the hundreds that are daily launched upon the tide of I experiment, and now stand before the public as high in reputation, and as extensively employed in all parts of the United States, the Canadas, Texas Mexico, and the West Indies, as any medicine that has ever been prepared for the relief of suffering man. They have been introduced wherever it Was found possible to carry them ; and there are but few towns that do not contain some remarkable evidences of their goad effects. The certificates that have been presented to the proprietor exceed twenty thousand! upwards of five hundred of which are from regular practising physicians, who are the most competent judges of their-merits. Often have the cures performed by this medicine been the subject of editorial comment, in various newspapers and journals; and it may with truth be asserted, that no medicine of the kinl has ever re ceived testimonials of greater value thin arc at tached to this. They are in general use as a family medicine and there are,thousands of families who declare they j arc never satisfied until they have a supply always on hand. They have no rival in curing and preventing Hillious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Files, Cholic, F'emale Obstructions, Heartburn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach and iiowels, incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Habitu al Costiveness, Loss of Appetite,lllotchedor Sallow Complexion, and in cases of torpor of the bowels, where a cathartic or aperient is needed They are exceedingly mild in their operation, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility. The following was forwarded to Dr. Peters, by a highly respectable Planter of Wake County, No Ca ,March 3d, 1838: Dr. Peters —Dear Sir, —By request of your agent, Mr. Harrison, I send you a few lines respecting the | almost miraculous effects of your pil's; and 1 would aad, that yoq may make use ol them, in connection with my name, in any manner you deem proper, I speak of their merits from experience, as 1 and my family have taken upwards of thirty boxes in three years; and so great arc the benefits we have receiv ed from them in general, that 1 would rather pur chase them at ten dollars abox than have my house without them. 1 will not enumerate the afflictions they have relieved ns of; but 1 can assure you they were many, and of very opposite natures, which has fully proved to me that your medicine is a sim ple purifier of the system, and therefore equally the enemy of every disease. I will mention one case. I have a sister who had been for a long pe riod severely afflicted with dropsy in the chest and was brought by it to the very verge of the grave. She was attended by the most eminent physicians , that money could procure; but all their efforts to restore her to health, or even to mitigate her suffer ings were fruitless ; and accordingly,we all consid ered her immediate death as inevitable. By good fortune, however, as she was in this situation, ex pecting every day to be her last, your pills were introduced into my family, and so speedy and pal pable were their effects that three doses visibly re j Sieved her, and in less than three months she was i perfectly restored to health. This case, I and all who were witness of it, (but more especially the suffering party,) considered to be the next thing to miraculous; and yet I could mention many more of an equally desperate nature, in which yourpills were equally successful in rescuing the patients from the jaws of death. Need 1 add that the popu larity of your medicine amounts to enthusiasm in this section of the country ? But this 1 presume you know from the immense quantity you dispose of, 1 may mention, however,that notwithstanding its general use, 1 never heard an individual complain of its effects. My residence is 12 miles from Ral eigh, on the road to Fayetteville. I am, with sen timents of regard, your ob’t servant. A. G. BANKS. To Dr. Peters, —Sir—For upwards of fifteen 1 months, 1 have been cruelly afflicted with Fever 1 and Ague; and during the time could lind nothing— | though 1 had applied to every thing that gave me j any thing like permanent relief. At length, how ■ ever, your pills were recommended to me, by one I of our best physicians, and I am most grateful and happy in being able to add,that 1 had scarcely used two boxes when I found that they had restored me jto perfect health. Since then, various members of | my family have used them with equal success— | and consequently 1 feel it my duty'to apprise you ! of the fact, and to request of you to publish this i ccrtilicate, as lam anxious to add my public testi mony to the almost miraculous virtues of your un -1 rivalled medicine. Respectfully yours, , THEODORE JAMES. , Augusta, Ga., Feb 10, 1839. Communication received from the eminent Dr. J. . H. Irwin of Florence, Georgia: Dr. J. P. Peters—My Dear Sir—On the night of , the 11th hist., 1 was called in great haste to the [■ house of a fellow ci.izen, (Mr. Lee,) where 1 found . his son laboring under a most alarming attack of Cynanche Tracnealis (Croup) and apparently be i yond the aid of remedy. By the greatest good for i tune, however, 1 had in my pocket a broken box of . your pills—four of which I administere I, with , such immediate happy effect that in a few minutes i my patient was at ease, and out of danger. This case, in connection with my name is at your ser i vice—and 1 have the pleasure to be able to inform . you that your inestimable medicine is in such great ■ favor with the faculty here, that 1 believe there is not one of them who does not use it in his private practice. Yours most resp’y. March 13, 1839. J. H. IRWIN, M. D. Extract from a letter written by Dr. F’rancis Bo gart, of Providence, R. 1., Dec. 17, 1838.—Peters’ ’ pills arc an excellent aperient and cathartic medi- I cine, those effects being produced by the differences , of the quantity taken, and are decidedly superior , to Lee’s, Brandreth’s or Morrison’s Pills. I Extract from a letter by Dr. Hopson of Bangor, ■ Me , Jan. 9, 1839. They are a peculiarly mild,y'et . efficient purgative medicine, and produce little, if , any, griping or nausea. I have prescribed them with much success in sick headache and slight bil lions fever. Extract of a letter by Dr. Joseph Williams of t Burlington, Vt., July 9, 1837.—1 cordially recom r mend Peters’ Pills as a mildly effective, and in no , case dangerous, family medicine. T hey arc pccu , Early influential in costivencss and all the usual r diseases of the digestive organs. 1 Extract of a letter from Dr. Edw. Smith of Mon t treat, U. Sept. 27,1836. —I neverknev a single • patent medicine that I could put the least conli dence in but Dr. Peters’ Vegetable Pills, which are 1 really a valuable discovery. 1 have no hesitation ■ in having it known that I use them extensively in 1 my practice,for all complaints, (and they arc not a i few) which have their sourceiu the impurity of the t blood. Extract of a letter from Dr. Dye of Quebec, L, 1 C., March 6, 1837. —For bilious fevers, sick head -1 ache, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of J the spleen, Dr. Peters’ Pills are an excellent raedi * cine. ' Extract of a letter from Dr Gurney of New Or -1 leans, La„Oct. 9, 1837.—1 have received much as > sistance in my practice—especially in jaundice and yellow fever, from the use of Peters’ Pills. I pre l sumc that, on an average, 1 prescribe 100 boxes in , a month _ Extract of a letter from Dr. Prichard of Hudson, u N. V., June 3, 1836.—1 was aware that Dr. Peters was one of the best chemists in the United States, h and lelt assured that he would some day (from his intimate knowledge of the properties of herbs and drugs) produce an efficient medicine, and 1 must a acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills fully respond ,1 to my expectations. They are indeed a superior s medicine, and reflect credit alike upon the Chemist ■. the Physician, and the Philosopher, y Extract of a letter from Dr. Waines of Cincin nati, I eb. 2,1838.—\ our Pills are the mildest in g their operations, and yet most powerful in their ef i- sects, of any that lhave ever met with in a practice d of eight and twenty years. Their action on the i- chyle, and hence on the impurities of the blood, is evidently very surprising. Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott of Baltimore, Dec. 17,1836. —1 am in the daily habit of prescri - bing them, (Peters’ Pills) and they in nearly all - eases answered my purpose. 1 have discarded other medicines, some of them very good ones, in their J favor. Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 1, 1837. Dear Sir—l have made frequent use of your Pills in the incipient stage of bi.ious fever, and obsti. natc constipation oft! e bowels; also, in the cn s largemcnt ol the sp ecu, chronic diseases of the liver, sick head-ache, general debility, and in all cases have found them to be very effective. J D. SOYD. M. D. >lecki.eisbvrg Co, Va., Fee. *, lsS7. Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in my practice so the last twelve months, 1 take pleasure in giving my testimony of their good effects in oases of dys pepsia, sick head-.idic, bilious levers, and other 1 iliseases. produced by inactivity of the liver. They I are a safe and mild aperient, being the best article of the kind 1 ever used. GEORGE C. SCOTT, M. D. These much approved and justly celebrated Pills are sold wholesale and retail, at New York prices, by Haviland Kisley & Co., Thomas Barrett Co., | and Nelson Carter, and by all the principal Drug gists throughout the United States, the Canadas, Texas,Mexico and the West Indies. Retail Price, 5U cents per box, wholesale price, $1 per dozen. June 3 ly (TV CT>GfIALI.ENGE. The genuine ,v 5 I French Pit's against all the QU AUK NOMT’HMUS of lhe ago—lor the cure of ****** The French Pills are applicable in all cases, for either sex, (warranted free from Mercury,) and ’pus sesses great advantages over the Balsams and all liquid medicines, by Peine entirely free from smell, and consequently do not effect the breath, thereby preventing the possibility of discovery while axing them. Besides Ibis important advantage, thev never disagree will) the stomach, and in the first stapes of the disease they usually effect a cure ia a few days, with little regard to idol or exposure. In the must obstinate stages of the disease, they areequnlly certain, having cured many after every other remedy In' failed. In short they have been so universally succcssliil that the proprietor chal lenges any one to prodneo a remedy of equal cer tainly, under a forfeiture ol Three Hundred Dollars. fUitaisßVHO, Dec. Hi, 1838. Dr. Valicr—Dear Sir: About a month ago, I sent to yon fort free boxes of your French Pills,and feci h ooligci! to you !or fumishirigrno with a medi cine so ctlcclual and so pleasant to use. Whew I sent for your Pills 1 had been troubled with the disease for nearly fi months, and had tried a great many medicines without any effect. During the first six weeks 1 was under a Physician of this place, but finding little or no chance of being cared by him, I left him, and a few days niter vise fed Philadelphia, where 1 bought a- ariely of advertised specifics (almost enough to stock an apothecary shop, and allot this 1 look with the same success ns bi - fore, leaving that c,*** *d smell of the balsam be hind them, which 1 think I can smell to this day Not knowing what to resort to next, and seeing voir French Pifsadvertised in the Public Ledger. [ determined to try them, and am only sorry I did wot get them sooner, as it might have saved me forty dollars and have cured me long ago. My object in writing to you ai present, is to procure some of tho medicine for (woof my friends, who are in tho same kind of a scrape. You will therefore pleas© send by the bearcrsix boxes, and oblige, Yours respectfully, [f ft. P, S.—ls it will benny advantage, you may pub lish the above, with the initials. The ge mine French Pills are (or sale in Augusta, by Haviland Risley &Uo., Thomas Barred At Co., and by Nelson Curler. Prim, $2 (HI per ho*, with full directions. jnrxi 6 ly I*l LES, II AEfllOltfillOlDN, Ac. riilCE $1 .—NO CURE NO PAY. HAY'S UNIHENT. No Fiction.— This extraordinary chemical com position the result of science and the invention of a celebrated medical men, the introduction of which to the public was invested with the solemnity of a death-bed bequest, has since gain. «Sa reputation unparalleled, milv sustaining the correctness of tho lamented Dr. Gridley’s Inst cunfsaiun that,“he dared not die without giving to posterity tho bene fit ol his knowledge on this subject,”and he there lore bequeathed to his friend and attendant, Salo mon Hays, the seeiet. of his discovery It is now used in the principal hospitals,and the f private practice in our country, first and most cer tainly for tho cure oflhe Piles, and also so exten sively and effectually as to baffle eretlulily, unless wbero its effects are witnessed. Externally in the following complaints; Fur Dropsy —Creating extraordinary absorption atjonce. A I Swellings— Reducing them in a few hours. Rheumatism, Acute or Chronic giving quick case. Sore Throat —By cancers ulcers or colds. Croup, and Whooping Cough— Externally, and over the chest. Alt Bruises. Sprains and Burns —Curing in n few hours. Sores and Ulcers —Whether liesh or long standing, and fever sores. its operations upon adults and children in redu cing rhenmtic swellings, and loosening coughs and tightness of Die chest by relaxation oil lit parts, has been surprising beyond conception—The common rctitirk of those who have used it in the Piles, is “ It acts like a charm ” THE PILES'—Tito price 81 is refunded to any person who will use a bottle of Hay s Liniment lor the Piles, and return the empty buttle without being cured. Tlteseare the positive orders oi the proprie tor to llie Agents;and out ol many thousand sold not one Ims been unsuccessful. We might insert certificates to any length, hut prefer that those who sell the article, should exhibit the original to purchasers. CAU TION - —None can be genuine without a splendid engraved wra| per, on which is my name and also that of the Agents SOLOMON HAYCS. TO EDITORS, Ac—All country papers who will insert the above 12 months, and sum! one num ber to the agents shall be entitled to one dozen of the Linenmeui. Sold wholesale and retail by COMSTOCK & Co, Sole Agents, 2 Fletcher street, near Maiden Lane, one door below Pearl street, N. w York, and by one Druggist in every town in the Union. For sale hy ANTON Yds HAINES, 232 Broad reet, A igti-ia. mar 30 1 R. E. SPOHN, a German physician of much -L 1 note, having devoted his attention lor some years in the cure and removal oflhe ctltsesofN Eli- VOUS AND SICK HEAD aCHE, has I lie satis faction to make known, that he has a remedy which hy removing the causes cures effectually and perma nently this distressing complaint There are many families who have considered Sick Headache a con stitutional incurable family complaint - Dr. S. as sures them that they ore mistaken, and labouring under distress which they might not only alleviate, but actually eradicated by tit© use of his remedy. It is Ihe result of sclent i lie research, anil is entirely ofp different chaiacter Irom advertised patent medi cines, and is not unpleasant lo the taste. HEADACHE, MUK OH NERVOUS. The extraordinary reputation that Dr. Spohn’s remedy for this distressing conipaiut is every day gaining is certainly a matter of much astonishment. That so much suffering should have existed for ages without any discovery of an effectual preventive, or cure, is truly a subject of much regret but Dr. S. now assures the public that such a remedy has been invented us will convince the most credulous. The principles on which it arts arc simple and plain. It is an a muled fact that this complaint, whether called Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim arily from the stomach—those who think they have the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this organ, the sitfnach, is the first cause, that th > sys tem has become vitiated or debilitated, ihiough the stomach, and that only through the same channel must they expects restoration of the natural and healthy functions oi the system. This object. Dr. Spohn’s remedy is eminently calculated to attain! The truth of litis position cannot he controverted and the sooner sufferers with tho headache become convinced of it, the sooner will their suffering end in restoration of health, Dr. Spohn pledges his I professional reputation on this iact. The remedy may be hud ot apothecaries generally throughout the United Stales. For sale hy ANTONY & HAINES, No. 232 Broad-street, Augusta. mar 26 HOOK AND JOB PKINTINO WT. THOMPSON respectfully informs hi • friends and the public generally, that he is prepared to execute every variety of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, with neatness and despatch His assortment of materials is equal in extent or quality to any in the city, and from his thorough acquaintacc with the business, he hopes to be ab"l» to give general satisfaction to those who may favo him with a share of their patronage. To those who have heretofore patronized him he begs leave to return his mostgrateful acknowledge, ments for past favors ; and he hopes by strict at tention to bu.incss and constant efforts to please to merit a continuance of their patronage. (XyLAG BLANKS, of every kind, kept con stantly on hand, or printed to order, on the shorte feb 13-t