Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, August 06, 1839, Image 3

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„ a TO RENT, the Store under the ('.lobe i. Hotel. Enquire of (’. &U. IVES, aug 6 ts i TO RENT, from the first of Ortober fSseD next, the two brick Stores next below C. -B ; til R. Jessup & Co's, occupi d by Messrs. G. H. Noble & Co., and Hungerford, Frisbie tk Co. — * For terms apply to A. N. VERDEUY, July 29 swtoct or EICON P DUGAS. MFOR REN T—Two comfortable Dwel ling Houses, on Jackson, between Green and Telfair streets Possession given Ist of October next. Apply to aag 8 wtf JOHN B. GUEDRON. n ; ,a TO RENT, from the first day of Orfo fpa|n bernext, two comfortable dwelling houses I it; jig ill y| nnposite Meigs’ Warehouse, Rroad street. For terms, apply to A. E HUNTING TON & SON, swlit or to BENJAMIN SEMs! Jt 7 1 TO RENT, from Ist October next, a nSSjI ttotnfortablc dwelling, upper end of Ellis (r’i-’iSH street, at present occupied by S. S, Brown, Apply to the Executors of John Fox, deceased. July 20 sw4t FOR RENT. —The property of the un »»b»| dersigned, on Broad, Campbell and Cen ! > U tie Streets, on Mclntosh Street, near the Presbyterian Church, at present occupied by Mr. Stockton. Apply to . ‘ McKenzie & bennoch. r July 2 wtf ' N. B. The occupants of the property for the ( year ensuing Ist October next, will give notes pay able quarterly, and pay for the use of the Hy drant water. NOTICE. LA TO RENT, OR FOR SAEE, the large ®|B«jl house on the corner of Ellis and Washing. B :!: hi ton sts.; it has just undergone a thorough repairand additional rooms added toil. The house now contains seventeen rooms, well adapted for a large family or boarding house, as the rooms arc so constructed try moveable partitions as to throw two or more rooms together without expense. ALSO—The House on Washington street ad joining it. Also, two houses on Green st. opposite the City Hall. The house and lot would be sold a bargain where the subscriber lives; it is a large brick bonne, 3 stoiics high, the internal part well arranged for a large family, and the workmanship is done in the very best manner, and every conve nience a family could wish, and all in complete order. Tire principle reason I olfcr it for sale is, that it is altogether now, too spacious fur my fami ly. ALSO—An excellent close Carriage and good span of gentle family Horses, which will bo sold a grea' bargain, as I have no use for them. Also, a lot of well made Northern Wagons and Carts HENRY MEALING. Mr. John Morrison is my- duly 1 authorized Agent during my absence. H. M. July 13 swGt CERTIFICATE OF DEPOBITE LOST.—A 1 persons are forewarned from trading for a Certificate of Depositc, dated Macon, 21st March, 1539, from the Cashier of the Branch Bank of the State of Georgia at Macon, payable to my order,for the sum of one hundred and forty-six dollars and twenty-live cents. Said certificate having been mailed to me, but never came to hand. JOSEPH B. RAMSAY. August 3, 1839. sw4t FOR SALE, cheap, an elegantSofa,almost new; 1 set of Dining Tables; 2 sets Brasses; 1 line Bureau with a glass ; an excellent Guitar, ■with double sounding board and patent keys; 1 Work Table; 1 Maple Bedstead and Maple Chairs; 1 pair elegant Mantel Lamps. Apply at this office, aug 3 trw3t* ZEPHYR WORSTED and CRENELLE CORD- Received at C. HOFFMAN’S Fancy Dry Goods and Millinery Store, v 1 case, 00 lbs Zephyr Worsted, assorted, I 100 pieces large Cbeuellc Cord, do 100 pieces small do do do Which it offered for sale at wholesale and retail on very accommodating terms. tnvOt-July 29 I NOR HIRE, a smart active Boy, about twelve ’ years of ago Enquire of July 19 swdt ROBERT CARTER.^ ]MOR SALE —Seven excellent Road Wagons ’ and Gear. Apply to J. &D. MORRISON, july 17 4tw NOTICE. —The undersigned having soil out his entire stock of Dry Goods to Mr. L. ROLL, who will continue the business at the same stand, No. 254 Broad-street, very thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, solicits a share of the same to bis successor. The notes and book accounts are le/t in the hands of Mr. L. Roll, who is duly authorised to collect the same, aug 3 trwGt S. B. ROLL. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. t StHE subscriber offers for sale, on the most rea * sonable terms, that well known and fashion able watering place, the HELICON SPRINGS, situated four and a half miles from Athens, Ga. — Attached to the Springs are two tracts of land, containing together seven hundred acres of land, on one of which are erected two excellent saw mills, both now in operation. One of these mills will cut from 1500 to 2000 feet of lumber per day, for which a ready market can be had at lair prices. Either tract will be sold separate from the other. Persons desirous of purchasing such property arc requested to call and examine for themselves. The land is mostly in the woods, of a good quality—that which is cleared is fresh and in cul tivation. JOHN JACKSON. Athens, Ga., July 10, 1839. w&trwtf BEALS’ HAIR RESTORATIVE. 11II1S valuable discovery is now introduced to the citizens of Augusta, with the fullest confidence and assurance that it will effect the ob jectof its application, viz : A COMPLETE RES TORATION OF THE HAIR upon the heads of who have lost the same, and have thereby become bald or partially so. Numerous certificates might be given to show how successfully' this compoundnas been applied, never having failed in a single instance.) Its virtues have been fully and satisf a ctorily tested. The heads of those that were entirely bald, have been by the application of this restora tive, covered with a luxuriant growth of beautiful hair. None need despair whether old or young, of hav ing their hair restored. For sale by ROBERT CARTER, Druggist, Broad st. and at y T. H. PLANT’S Bookstore. Where certificates of its successful application may- be seen. June 21 swtf DIVIDEND No. I. Office Augusta Ins. k Bk’g Co.) July 11, 1839. y mHE Board of Directors have tins day declared X a Dividend of Five Dollars per share, out of I the profits of this Company, for the past Isix T"|T months, which will he paid to the Stockholders%n I and after the first of August next. K July 13 w3t ROBERT WALTON, Cashier. \ Geo. R. Road & Banking Co. f Branch at Augusta. f B TkEPOSITET in sums of five hundred dollars I 3J and upwards, hearing an interest of six per : “ cent, per annum will be received at this Office ■ for periods not less than ninety days, subject to the Wdcrof the depositors on receiving ten days notice of theirintention to withdraw nov 20 wtf J. W. WILDE, Cashier. ROW ELTON ACADEMY, 4 THE citizens of Powelton have again employed for Rector of the Institution, Mr. John S. In gush am, a graduate of Brown University. 'The citizens of tills village are unanimous in employing i Mr. Ingraham for the second year, and confidently recommend his services to the public. Instruction will be given by the Rector in all the branches usu ally taught in academies and colleges. Instruction will also be given by a Northern Lady in the orna mental branches. The Academic year will com on the first Monday in January. Board and j goo 1 accommodations can he obtained in the most respectable families on reasonable terms The su- | per or health of Powelton, and its other well known advantages, induce the belief that the public will 1 con'inue a liberal patronage. For the citizens of Powelton, decO wtf CHARLES M. IRWIN, j- The Standard of Union will please inseit the ibove, conspicuously, until otherwise directed 1 >nd forward their account to Powelton. I f C l «ibT F “- 40 ' fcccivcil ami for 3 GARPELLE & RHINO. r HIRE,—. i hrco good House servant;. Ap i ply at tins Office. ts juy 27 Tl U v absence from the city, DAVID InU-or il’a" my d . ul > - authorised agent. J ' U JAS, M. DYE. H A Z™, LLR , MONTKOB bail-road, - Il|J OL ' l LI 'EE Money taken at par lor I " lluus b >~ [July 25-lm] K 1). COOKE. I J fresh supply just received and for sale July 22, hy GARDKLLE & RHIND. ■J AGCIXt;—3OO pieces Light Bagging, justre -19 ceivcd and for sale by 22 GARPELLE & RHIND. PKIN I ING INK.—A supply of Printing Ink July I ‘’i just received by T. H. PLANT. (1 ANAL FLOUR, for sale by July lo OARDELLE & RHIND. II A(i(ilXii AND HOPE.—I 34 pieces Ragging. * 100 coils Hope, for sale low if taken from the Railroad Depot at Hamburg. July 11 ts t, VRDKLLE & RHIND. ■\T OTICE.— ('.I.. DRAYTON, is my duly au i N thoriseil agent during rny absence from the til.v- June 29 ts P. A. SCRANTON. I> AGGING.—2OO pieces lieavy Dundee Ragging I for sale by GARDELLE & RHIND. | Jluy 6 ts Tl ACON. BACON. —10000 lbs South Carolina 1 J and Tennessee BACON for sale low for rash by JOHN M. COOPER & SON. np 10 tt INOR SALE —A first rate second band two wheeled BUGGY. For particulars apply to mar 7 ts J. H. CUEDRON. (CALCINED PLASTER PARIS.—-Afresh sup- J plv Calcined Plaster Paris, just received and for sale by IIAVILAND, HISLY r & CO. jan 19 ts TjIANO FORTE. —A splendid Hose Wood Piano .1, Forte, Grand Action, of line touch and tone for sale by CLARK, RACKETT & Co. ap 22 ts MATRASSES —20 superior Moss Matrasses just received and for sale by may Pi W. E & J. U. JACKSON. A SUPPLY of FRESH CONGRESS WATER, il just received and for sale by may 10 ANTONY & HAINES. SUMMER QUILTS—A new and beautiful ar • tide just received, and for sale by «P 30 W. E. & J. U. JACKSON. EW BOOK.—An introduction to Astronomy, i_N designed as a text book for the Students of V ale College, by Denison Olmsted, A. M., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. Just re ceived and for sale by July 31 J. w. & T. S. STOY. J UST RECEIVED, 5 bbls. No. 1 Shad, 10 j bbls do do 1500 lbs Smoked Beef. wig 5 L S. BEERS & Co. I NOR SALE. —1 second hand pedlars’ Wagon ’ and Harness, nearly new. Also, 1 good Harness Horse. Apply to JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. ; July 24 ts A NEW, speedy, and effectual cure for the J\_ Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Strictures, &c. Just re ceived and for sale by' ANTONY & HAINES, Agents, may Hi Augusta. MCUIV Tit AL IIOTHI.: This splendid and spacious new Brick , Hotel, situated on Front Street, imme diately over the Rail Road Bank, in Athens, will be opened in a few weeks for the reception of Boarders and Visitors. To those who have hereto fore favored the proprietor with their patronage, he deems it only necessary to announce his return to Athens, and his intention to keep the Central Hotel, in connexion with that pleasant and fashionable watering place the Helicon Springs, which has un dergone considerable improvement since the last season ; by this arrangement visitors can spend their time either in Town, or at the quiet retreat which the Springs always affords to the invalid or visitor of pleasure. To this important advantage which his establishment presents over any' other either in Town or country, he will add his personal exertions to render his Hotel and Watering place all that his friends can desire. The Hotel is new, commodious, and situated in a central position in Athens,and when furnished in handsome style, will possess decided advantages over any'other similar establishment in the place. Athens, Ga. May 3 ts ' JOHN J VCKSON. JttOltUS JUULTICAUJLIS. The subscriber will he furnished with ser TEN MILLIONS ofthegenuineChinese 1 or Morns Multicaulis, grown from trees from the Jardcn des Plantes,of Paris, in 183 G, which will be sold lower than any now offered. They will he packed in such a man ner that they may' be transported to any part of the U. S. with safety, and will be delivered in Augusta, free of expense to purchasers. All buds will bo warranted to be mature and a genuine article. Individuals wishing to purchase, will make application to W. K. HEARING. Athens, June 11 tistl) NEW- YORK, (183 BROADWAY—SEMINA RY EOU YOUNG LADIES—MRS. COLE\ begs to call the attention of Parents and Guardians to her Establishment, which is situated in the up per part of the city of New-Vork, in a line healthy situation. The strictest attention is bestowed on the reli gious and moral education of the young Ladies com mitted to her care, together with a parental solici tude for their comfort and happiness. The ordinary course of instruction is combined with all the higher branches necessary to a polite education, in which Mrs Coley is assisted by the most approved masters and teachers. The French Language is made use of as the me dium of conversation. Mrs. Coley has been kindly'permitted to give the following references : —M. 11. McAllister, Esq. Mayor of Savannah, John E. Ward, Esq. District Attorney for the Stale of Georgia, lit. Rev. Bishop Onderdonk, Rev. Dr. Berrian, Rev. Dr. Lycll,Rev. Lewis P. VV. Balch, Rev. Dr. Phillips, Rev. Ers kine Mason, J. Kearny Rodgers, M. D., Richard J. Tucker, Esq , George Lawrie, Esq., John Lawrie, Esq., Robert Hogan, Esq, Stephen Cambreleng, Esq., Charles Edwards, Esq, Redwood Fisher, Esq., Lloyd W. Wells, Esq., H. Wreaks, Esq.. John S. Bartlett, Esq., New York; Ut. Rev. Bishop Bowen,Geo. Y. Davis, Jos. Lawton, R. F. Henry, A. S. Wilmington, Esqrs. Charleston, So. Ca. June 21 13tw CHICK A SAWATC HIE LAND. FB7HE subscriber oilers for sale a tract of Land | JL situate in the 3d District, Baker county, em : bodying an area of fifteen hundred acres, which I comprises every variety of the most superior soil. The tract is furnished with slight improvements, and can be enlarged in its geographical dimensions to any desirable extent. As an additional consid eration to a purchase, reasonable terms and a pro tracted credit are offered. For more miscellaneous information, applicants can address the subscriber, at Athens. F. G. BALDWIN. j Hy 22 m tt ItICIIAKD F. LYON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW HAVING permanently established himself at Lincolnton, Lincoln county, Georgia, will j faithfully attend to any business entrusted to his care. He will regularly practice in the following Courts of the Northern Circuit, and Columbia of the Middle Circuit: Taliaferro, Elbert, Lincoln, and Wilkes, Hancock, Warren, N.C, | Madison, Oglethorpe, Columbia, M. C. Lincolnton, June 17, 1839. w2m I AW. —The undersigned has resumed the prac A tire of the Law. He will faithfully am ! punctually attend to any business in bis profession | that may be confided to his care and management j in the Cherokee circuit and the counties of Hall and Habersham of the Western. His office is at Oalohncga, Lumpkin county. MILTON H. GATH RIGHT. June 10 trw6tiw2m CHEAP DRV ROODS. Pllfin subscriber intending to make a change in I. his business in the fail, will sv II his stock ol Staple anil Fancy Dry Roods at reduced pi ices.— Those who wish bargains for cash, will do well to call and look at his assortment. _ may 30 dirwawtf W. lI.CRANE. jj lull ARY NOTICE. —From this date the time S A for the delivery )f books will be from half pa l 7_o'clock until !) o’clock, P. M., and on Sa turday from If o’clock until 5 o’clock. Notice is also given that hereafter a more rigid enforcement of the rule for return of books will bo enacted. July o,i CHARLES E. MUSTIN, Librarian CO-PAf’.TNRUSH 11* NOTH'E. r JUIE subscriber has this dav taken into copart nership, Mr. .1. L. MA SSESGALK, and the business will from this time he conducted under the stylo and firm of 8. BUFORD CO.,and tho sub scriber would take this method lo return his sincere thanks to his friends and former customers for the patronage that has been so liberally bestowed on him, and ho would most respectfully solicit a share for the firm. S. BUFORD. July 21), 1839. ts FINE SHOES. Gt ENTLEMEN’S fine Oaiter Boots 5 “ •* Morocco Brogan Pumps, “ •* Walking Pumps, “ “ Dancing “ and Ladies’fine kid and morocco Slippers of all kinds, just received and for sale low, by ALDRICH A SHOVE. June 8 ts HUMPH KEYS, CLARKE A- Co. (Formerly of Macon, Georgia.J HAVE received by late arrivals from England and are now opening at the store No. 10 Pearl street, (up stairs,) a general assortment of British and French Dry (foods, selected and imported di rect, expressly for the Southern trade, together with a general assortment of American (foods, w hich makes the assortment complete.—Merchants visiting the city are requested to call and examine the stock. Orders will have particular attention,and put up at the shortest notice. Charleston, S. C., October 22,1838 ts f BN HE subscribers oiler for sale, X 40 hags prime Rio Coffee 30 bags Cuba do 50 hluls Windward Island Molasses 40 hhls New Orleans do 25 hhls Phelps’ Gin 10 casks Rico 50 bids Canal Flour 10 hluls St. Croix Sugar GARDELLE A, 111 I INI), July 2 trwlm corner Mclntosh and Bay si. NEW BOOKS. SKEICHES OF’ LONDON, by the author of “ Random Recollections of the Lords and Commons,” 11 The Great Metropolis,” “ Bench and Bar,” etc., etc. Charles \ ipront, or the Two Clerics; a talc of commercial life. A \ oicc to Youth, addressed to young men and young ladies, by Rev. J. M. Austin. Tortesa, the Usurer, by N. P. Willis. John Smith’s Letters, with * Pieters’ to match — containing reasons why John Smith should not change his name ; Miss Debby Smith’s juvenile spirit; together wi.h the only authentic history extant ol the late War in our Disputed Territory. Also, a fresh supply of Steel Pens. Just receiv ed and for sale by J. W. 4c T. S. STOY, July 27 __ 247 Broad st. NEW BOOKS. SB KALTTIES OF’ L11 ’E: Sketches designed for !_■ the improvement of the head and heart; by a Philanthropist. Characters of Schiller, by Mrs. Ellet. Precaution—a Novel, by the autliorof the “Spy,” &c.; new edition, revised by the author. FTancia’s Reign of Terror; being a sequel lo Letters on Paraguay ; by J. P. and M. P. Robertson. The Barber of Paris—a Novel, by Paul do Kock, author of “ Good Fellow,” Ac. Pocket Laron, comprising nearly one thousand extracts from the best authors, selected hj’ John Taylor: “ A work that, dip where the reader may, he will find a fund of knowledge ; arid which lie may continue to peruse, lay down, and take up at pleasure, without breaking the thread or interrupt ing the chain of reasoning.” Sketches by Boz, No. 9. Lady Chevcly, or the Woman of Honor; a new version of Chevcly, or the Man of Honor. July 15 Just received by T. 11. PLANT. FRESH TURNIP SEEDS, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. [ARGE WHITE FLAT DUTCH TURNIP I A Do Globe do Do Norfolk do Yellow Purple Top Ruta Baga do ALSO, Large Drumhead Cabbage Do Bergen or Great American Cabbage Do Cape Savoy Do Red Dutch, for pickling Long Orange Carrot Large Black Fall Radish White and Red Turnip Radish Red and White Clover Seed Lucerne or French Clover Seed Blue Grass do Herds Grass do The subscribers have lately received the above variety of Garden Seeds, all of which they WAR RANT TO BE FRESH AND GENUINE, and offer them for sale at reasonable prices. ANTONY Ik HAINES, June 28 No. 232 Broad-strccl. ' FIUIE subscribers have received per recent arri- i X vals, which they offer low for cash or city ar ( ceptance, a large lot of Dry Goods, among which are, 600 pieces Calico, various qualities 200 doz Gotten Handkerchiefs 30 pieces White Linen Drill 25 do Brown do 85 do Colored Muslin 40 do Blue Jeans 35 do furniture Dimity 100 do Pantaloon Stripes 50 do Silk Handkerchiefs CO do Plaid Muslin 150 doz Madras Hdkfs 50 pieces Swiss Muslin 60 doz Hosiery 200 doz Shirt Collars ALSO, Cloths, Silk and Cotton Shawls, Bosoms, Capes, Muslin Collars, Brown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Hastings, Casmirets, colored Cambrics, Bead Bags, Brown Drills, Buckram, Ac. & c . may 10 W. E, A J. H. JACKSON. ELODOARDO HOWARD’S IMPROVED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. I .NOR the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Chronic _ Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dis eases, White Swellings, Obstinate Eruptions of the Skin, Ulcerous Sores, Pains in the Bones, General Debility, and all diseases requiring the aid of al terative medicines. This Extract is prepared from an improved for mula sanctioned by scientific Physicians and Phar maceutists, and is decidedly one as the most active, efficacious, and convenient preparations in use. Qfj’Mercury is added only when regularly pre scribed.^TD It should lie used, where circumstances will ad mit, under the guidance and direction of a physician. Carefully prepared by FLODOARDO HOWARD, The following Select Medicines and miscellane ous articles are also prepared and sold as above : Howard’s Tonic Mixture, a cure for fever and ague. Howard’s Compound of Sarsaparilla, Cubebs, and Copaiba, for the cure of Gonorrhrea, Gleets, Stric tures, Ac. Howard’s Vermifuge, a safe and eli’ec tual worm-destroying medicine. Howard’s Compound Krcosotc Tooth Ache Drops. Howard’s Compound Syrup of Carrageen, asafe, simple, agreeable, and elfectual remedy for coughs colds, asthmas, Ac. Howard’s Compound Kreosote Tooth Wash, for arresting ami preventing decay in teeth, and ter diseases of the gums ; an agreeable and pleasant wash for preserving them in a healthy condition, The subscribers have just received a supply of the above medicines, Ac. which they oiler for salt at manufacturer’s prices. ANTONY A HAINES, Agents, J ul Jll 232 Broad street. 'IV , ' 1110 lntoir? *of Henry Jr.ssnp, h» i Xl he concern of U. 11. JESSUP * Co., ceases fom this date, lie nno longer authorised to use | ic name of the him in the collection of dues, nor j in the making of any contracts, nor in the transac- j tionofany business whatsoever, '—-JI business will he continued under the I same linn GEORGE R. JESSUP. Augusta, July 1, 1839. July 3. ' \SI 1I A 1 lON WAN TED.—A young ccntiy Irom the north, well acquainted.with business, wishes a situation in sonic respeuttible mcrcanti e house in tins city or in any part ofGeoi gia, cither as Book-keeper or Sa esman,satisfactory references given. Apply to this ollicc. march ! rs ri'tlll. subscriber having taken the Admmistra |, tion of the estate of the late Mr Robert Malone ask ot those indebted to the estate m make pay. ment, and tliose to whom the estate is. indebted, to present their claims, as it is his purpose-to close the affairs of the estate with the least- possible delay. ’ July 17, 1839 I). W. ST. JOHN. INSURANCE COifANV OF COBinMU IMA, N. < . mi IE above Ixstitcmon lias been successfully E conducted for sav.cral years in the town iif Columbia, s. t. A considerable portion of its capital is invested: ih Bank stock, the rest in good securities. Alt established claims for property lost, insured by hliisCompnny, or.any of its agents, will be promptly paid as heretofore, and the- same promptness wU’.l bo- adhered. to, a.i future, which sliouill entitle a share of public patronage AN DllE\V W A I.I.ACE, President. Columbia, Juno 3, 1839. I lie subscriber; having been appointed A gent for the above- 1 'oinpany, is now prepared to take Eire Bisks ob Buildings, Merchandise ami Household I‘urnitute-. Howiill'aiso make.-Insurance an Life. All losses will ho promptly adjusted tnulpaid. The rates of premium will ho the same-as charged hy other offices,. 110-sciicits a share of public patron age. J; U. DUNLAP. June - i if PERFUMERY. HOWARD* Chemical Sharing Coin pound Howard’s Improved Chemical Chloride Soap 111-ward's Superior Toilet Soap 11 eward>Che m re a 1 Essence of Soap,for rc moving'grease. paint, tar, &c. from wearing apparel. Howard's Chrystal Cement, for mending broken glass; China, earthenware, ftp. I low a id’s Magnolia Extract, a delicate and delicious perfume for the toilet Howard’s Superior Cologne Water Howard’s- Florida Water Howard's 11avender Water Howard's Superi-ur Tooth Powder Howard’s Ih-dfdlißto Ink ‘ Just received and by ANTONY tit HAINES, Agents, July 11 No 332 Broad st. Notice, to builders and contuac- Tcdl S,—The subscribers arc prepared to fur nish Window Caps, Sills, Door Sills and all other Granite that is wanted, at established northern prices. N. If. We will furnish Window Sills and Caps at 9o cts. per superficial foot, which is only 30 cts mure per foot than Sand stone, and much more du rable. We will’ furnish stone for Fronts, viz. Fronts, Caps,&c, r at $1 15 cts per super, ft., just what it is sold for in Boston, ami other principal cities. Heed not the idle report that has been cir culated that the Georgia Granite is so high-priced that no one can afford to use it. We will sclPital Quincy prices without any deception, jan Ui-tf ‘ CMIPMAN & HEAD. 03=The Constitutionalist will copy the above. TO TJIH FACULTY AND lIFAIWOF FA 9111,1 FS. Dll. MILES’ COMPOUND EXTRACT OF TOMATO —a substitute for Calomel, and does not belong to the family of quack medicines; for the reason that the component parts arc made known to the faculty, or any one else that may wisli to know, by any of the agents kcepingitheni for sale. Since this discovery so long and anx iously looked for, some one in almost the extreme North lias advertised a Tomato Pill, mmiorting to be made from the stalk, a thing not ™re absurd than for one to offer meal from the corn stalk, to say nothing of tbe dUlicalry of raising the Tomato so far North. Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor ofdlie Tomato Pills (proper) for tlio great- benefits of which, lie holds himself bound, and in honor pledg ed to prove by then use, that they are ail that they profess to lie, arid will do for ot.lreis whirt-thcy have done for such as mav have used* them; as this is a vegetable of great use, and value, it will doubtless be valuable information to families to know that the Yellow are just doubly as valuable as the lied Tomato, and. produces twice as much of the hapatine,9r active principle, and when used as a daily vegetable will be found to keep the system in mush better condition than, the other kind ; many' will’ recollect with whatdrembUng anxiety calomel has been given to children, and how they them wished for a substitute. It has long been known that the Tomato contained ca thartic principles, but not until of late was it ascertained that they contained alterative, and diu retic properties. Tire. Faculty embrace and use tlie preparation mostiehaerfully, for the reason that they know whiifiCis- Were* it a. pa tent mystery, they would be bound to reject the medicine, as they justly do tha one thousand and one cure-alls of the •lay. If you wisli to cleanso the system with a mild, sa.e anti.bilions medicine; use the Tomato - Pill, of which a supply, we learn, will soon,be in this city. Wo ali know something about this, june » ______ •ts TO- Til R AUFLK TFIK ONK THOUSAND DOLLARS I'RLMTUM: riNHE Proprietor of the Virginia Sampson, or J. 'f>l,i)t)o Premium Vegetable, for the cure of Syphilis and Scrofula, will be in town for a few days. Should(thfci-ebeanyu.hl and unmanagi-able eases, or recenfones, cither of Kyphiilsor Scrofula, the perssmmay rest assured that they may he re lived in a; very short time. Any' servant 1 under forty years of age, witli Scrofula, will he bought, if such is willing to change owners. A letter directed to the Proprietor of the Samp son, to Site care of Messrs. Antony & Haines, or 1 lav Hand, Risley & f'o., with the person’t-adStcss, will lie regarded 'a* coßlidtnt ial, and-atteimfid to. june ts WILLIAM C. WAV, OFFERS Ids services to his friends either as Agent; or in the Commission business, after the first day of' Oeluher next, mi which day his pre sent engagements with Messrs. James Anderson Sc Co. will expire. He would prefer the agency of some largo Dry. Goods Establishment,either in Au gusta, or In any other-city where his friends inter est should best demand. Should any of (Os friends he disposed to-engage him, they can confer withhim at the store of James Anderson Sc Co., No. 2tio Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. mit y Bm* "VTOTICE—The subscribers intending to close J.N their business in this city by the Ist October next,offer for sale their extensive and well assort ed stock of Dry Goods, together with store fixtures and furniture in one lot on liberal terms , and until such a purchaser is found their goods will he offer ed by wholesale or retail at very reduced prices for Cash or approved paper only. All persons having; claims against, the concern are requested to present them for settlement, and those indebted will be required to make payment with tbe leant possible delay. Apply to JAMES ANDERSON,AGO. J unc I No/20'0 Broad-Street. AUB.tCV SAVA N N A Isl NS 1/ If A NEK A TRUST COMPANY-. rpiiE nndbrsigneffiagcnt-of the above company, 8 will take lire risks on merchandize and pro duce, in stores ai d ware-houses, and will also in sure the same against river and marine risks, be tween thisplace, Savannah, Charleston and North ern Ports. The terms will be the same, as adopted by tire otlierlßSuiance Offices in the place. P. D. WOOLHOPTER. President, S. p, Henry, DIRECTORS, f/. B. Camming, G. B. Lamar. VV.T. Williams, Ralph King. Francis Sorrel, Ed. I’lidolfonl. > J. il. Burroughs 1.. Baldwin. H. Harper, Henry Roscr, Dimas Ponce, K.A. Lewis. Augusta, Match 22 tl I’OK NEW.YORK, 'SV CHARLESTONIAN!) NORFOLK. l~"‘' New-York on Monday , , ‘"“'"’afternoon, 12th August, at i> o clock, touching at Charleston and Norfolk. Cure from Savannah to Charleston, $ 5 I>o <1“ do Norfolk, 30 |J° do do New York, 35 l-o do Charleston to Norfolk, 25 1)0 d.o do New-York, 30 I he Savannah will leave Charleston on the af ternoon o( the 13th, immediately after the arrival ol the cars from the west. hue passage apply to K. C. Wamhorsia on hoard, Qr ™ CullKN & KOSDICK. Savannah, August) 3, Ix3ft 1,1 Georgia it ah, road. Merchants anil others forwarding (*onda hv the (icorpia Uail-Koad, are paiticnlady requested to h.iNc the name of the owner amt the place of destinei tion marked in lull on each package ; also the name ol the Depot; and to fill the receipts in all eases to correspond with the marks. I he observance of ihe above rules is desired, to prevent,difficulties that have occurred in forward in££Oud» intended for different persons, bearing the .same mark. aut , r> Office Tr a NsrontATitm, V Aiken,July 29, 1539. 5 Reduction of Freight on It nil-Rond, Ona-fourth. lass than customary, on all up freight from ( harloston to Aiken and Hamburg, when cipial to a car load, (say 5000 lbs. weight, or 300 feet measurement,l from this date to first Septem ber next. W.M. UOBKKTSON, ,la. kgent Transportation. _ dCj’ Tins Constitutionalist will insert the above. GE O RG I A K A I R/- UOA I) . ijjLiaguaa Freight is now emveyad on the Georgia Hail- Road, between Augusta and Greensboro, at the following rates: Merchandize, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs. Cotton, $1 50 per bale. C. I. Hai.uwin, Agent for the Company, I Greensboro, will receive and forward freight with out charge. Mercinmdize for the way stations will he for warded . from Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. RICHARD PUT HRS, Jr. Sop. Transportation Geo. It. 11. June 30, IS.'lfl. } u ly jo GEORGIA It All, ROAD. The Passenger'Train, carrying the great mail between New York ami New Orleans, leaves Au gusta every day at 0 p. m,, and arrives at Greens boro at la. m. Leaves Greensboro at!) em., and arrives at Augusta at 4,( a. m.,. in time for the Charleston cars. Stages run hr. connection' with this train from Greensboro for New Orleans, (two daily lines) via Indian Springs, Columbus, Montgomery and Mobiles for New Orleans, tri-weekly, via Cllutou, Macon, and Pensacola j for West Point and Wetumpka, via Bartlesville, tri-weekly; for Horne,tri-weekly,via 'Covington, Decatur and Marietta; for Nashville and Knoxville, Tennessee, tri-weekly, via Athens, Gainesville and Cassville; for Washington, Wilkes county, tri-weekly, from Double Wells; for New ■Orleans, daily, from Warrenton, via Sparta, IMil ledgcville, Macon and Columbus ;.forMulcdgevillc, tii-weekly, via Greensboro and Eatonton. Connecting with these lines are branch stage lines to Tallahassee, Columbus, Miss., Tusealoo a, Newnan, Coweta county, Ga., and Clarksville, Ha bersham county, ike. An accommodation Day Passenger Tram leaves Augusta un Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 o’clock, a. m., and Greensboro on Tuesdays, Thursdays-and Saturdays-, ali7, a. m. Fare on the Hail-Huad to Greensboro $4 25. Office Georgia Rail Road It HU’g Co. ) July 12 Augusta, June 30, 1X39. 5 (INK HUNDRED DOGEARS REWARD. Runaway from McPhcrsonvillo, Beaufort District, N. C., on the lOtl: ApSrßft iust.. a mulatto boy named Charles the property of the subscriber.— V Charles is between 16 and 17 years TJ of age, about 5 feet in height, stout and well made, lias short brown curling hair, with keen dark brown eyes. On his upper lip he lias a dark, oblong, nat ural mark, easily perceived upon close observation. He reads well, speaks quickly and is remarkably intelligent. Among other apparel, he carried off with him a blue cotton twilled frock coat, and a fur cap. He lias free relations in Savannah and in the interior of Georgia, and was last heard of in Barnwell Village, S. C., on his way, it is believed, to Augusta, and thence to Savannah. One hundred dollars will he paid for his recovery and proof to con viction ofiliis having been harbored or afforded facilities of escape by any person, white, black, or colored, or twenty-live dollars for his safe delivery to me.or to the Jail in Savannah,so that I get bun. W. H. WIGG* jitly 25 Pocotaligo Post Office, S. C. The Augusta Chronicle amfScntinel will publish the above dkily for two' weeks—and after that lime; once a week until forbid, and send their hills to this office for payment. —Savannah lieputillcnn DRAWING EXPECTED T O - l?l O It ROW. GEORGIA STATE LOTTE RT, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE AUGUSTA' INDEPENDENT FIRE COMPANY, Class No. 31, for 1839, To be determined by the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, for the benefit of Monongalia Academy, CUss-Noi 4, for 1830. ! To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday August. 3, 1839. D.S.Gitnooßy & Co.,Managers, A. Read, Contractor. S 3 5,3 94!! 78 Number Lottery—l 2 Drawn Ballots. ORAN D S C H E IV* E . 1 Prize of $35,294 - .Ls - . $35 294 | • ajM 11,764 v - - . . 6,000 ..... 6 „ 00 1- - - 5,000 ...... 6 000 I - - - - 3,000 .... . .3 000 I - - - - 2,600 2,500 I’ - - - - 2,301 2,361 50 1,000 ...... 60,000 •*0 - - - - ?-50 ..... J 2,000 50 - - - -200 10,000 53 - - - -150 9,450 53 - - - - 100 6,300 *B' - - - - SO - 6,040 53 - - - - 70 4,410 63 - - - - 60 - .... . 3,780 126 - - - - 50 - - - - . 6,300 126 - - - - 40- 6,040 3,554 - -- -- 20-.... 73,080 I 23,435 ... - 10 ..... 234,360 27,814'- - Prizes,amounting to - $186,180 Tickets fMII 'Miures in proportion. (Sj' Orders for Tickets in the above scheme, will meet with prompt attention if addressed (postpaid) to A. READ, Agent, Augusta, Ga. "*■■■ ~ 1—,—,,,, PUBLIC SALES. Mi ras MtiUirauhs. nv JOHN S. HI TCIIINSON. IHIS DAY, Will be sold at the lower market, between the fi. S lTj;u 1 C ,I .!cxt Cd C, ' dor,l ' d “*? W*'* thr * * _ *\ aug o ICstatc Sale, nv JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. Tills WAY, U ill be sold at the Lower Market House b v order id the Administrator,tlio so lowing property be o "f '"K 1 of Thomas (.handle,’, dec’d of the Awn",|. U 0 U ’ C S “'' ,n "*> * Ulutc ' ! 1 Negro Woman an.! rhild. panyl'tork. r,POl ‘ gh lUlirowl aml ~ankin S tW sto2^!lo C,t '° rßia IllSUrancc aml Trnst Company 8 hi Terms rash. Postponed S,rt*. 11 vw * J '-- A V. JACKSON. IN HUSK purl ions of the tract of land neat the . head waters of Rac’r Creek, the sale of which was postponed on the-first Tuesday in last month namely, rots No; 2,3, 4 and 5, will he sold to t ic highest bidder, at the tower Market House, in the edy of Augusta, on the first Tuesday of this month, being the hth hist. The terms will he made *r»i & t t£ k 6mi. p ' m ottht * WM. HARPER, Adm’r. JAMES BRYSON, auguat 1 td per Att’y 11. r. ILN (NO’I'TON 111 \ Kits I.OOK 01 T.—Will he J sold at auction, 15!) hales Cotton, he’ongiii" to the esrate of A. Moncrief,at T. Dawson’s ware house, i n Tuesday ,6tli of August, at 12 o’clock. _ aug 1 td. ADM J NINTH A TOR’S Sll, K. ON the first Tuesday in. August’ nest,’wall he sold, agreeably to an order of the Justices of tlie lai trior Court of Richmond, when sitting as a court of ordinary, at the Market House in the city ul Augusta, within the usual hours of sale, a lot of Hand with i the improvements thereon, ncarthc- Arsenal, on the. Sand 1 i ills,and ancgio woman and child. Also —2o shares of-the stock of.the Georgia Rail Road and Hanking Company, and 30 shares Georgia Insurance and Trust Company, belonging to the , estate of I honras M. Chandler, deccascd.. Terms at said-, !■'. M. UOHERTSON, Administrator.- May 10, 1889. CITY HHMIIIPNSAUK. ON the HrsfTiresday in August next, will He sold at the lower market house in the city of - one dray and harness, levied on as the property of Joseph Doctor, a free man of color.— I Win. 11. Oaliman vs. said Doctor. Also, the following property, to- wit; one see* . retaiy ami book-case one cow and calf and year- I ling calf, a small lot ot multicaulis trees in the , ground, and one saddle and bridle, Sparks’ Life of Washington, lour clocks, saddle, bridle ami martin ! gale, and one other lot of multicaulis now in thr, , ground. Levied on as the property of Calhoun &. . Heard. J, *S. Hones, vs. Call) dim & Heard. — ’ Properly pointed mu by defendants. I . .i M| y 2li > 1839 - K. MARTIN, Sheriff. 1 CITY SJlKttll T SALK. ON the first Tuesday in August next, within • the usual sale hours, at .the. lower market" ’ house, in the city of Augusta, will he sold the following articles :■ —two mantle clocks, nine glass jus with tops, cord inis, candles, starch, lot of codec, ’ (-rackets, i cask Malaga wine, also bottles, wine, , jugs, do. decanters, also lots of sundries, &.e. &c. all levied on as the property of Jacob P. Lewis. ’ Thus. J. Walton-, Sic., vs. J. P. Lewis. Property pointed out liy defendant. Cash orv delivery. - 1 K. MARTIN, rib Hl'. C. A. t j _ July 12, 183!). td , STOCK ottlic (.’KOUGIA I VSU R A NCK AM) TRUST COMPANY. rffNHKRK will be sold', at public outcry,on Tucs- - | day, the first day of October next, between the hours of ten, A. n., and two, p. m., at the mar i kel house in the city of Augusta, one hundred and . j fifty shares of the capital Stock of the Georgia In i’, , siiiancc and Trust Company, pledged by the late s , Jacob Moisc to the Hank of the State of Georgia, J j so secure the payment of borrowed money; this • s sale being to obtain-payment of the balance due on ■ i j the debt thus secured, and to close the transaction. „ JOHN PHINIZY, President n of the Hraneli of the Rank of the State of Georgia, at Augusta. , July 80,1839. swtd L POSTPONES* ‘GUARDIAN'S SALE^T j 4 GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable In , J\ forrw Court of Kielimond county, will be sold , on the first Tuesday in Septinehcr next,at the Court House door, Floyd county, a lot of land lying aml I being in said county, containing 160 acres in loth , District, and 4th Section, drawn hy tltb orphans of i Lot Williams. Terms made kliown:on the dav of r sale. / July 8,188 g, P. 11. MANTZ, Guardian. • GUARDIAN’S SALK. AGREEABLE. to an order of the Inferior Court , of Richmond County, will be sold on tiie first 1 Tuesday in September next, at the Court Rouse 1 Door in Talbot county, a lot of land lying and bc s ing in said County, containing two hundred and two and a half acres. In Kith District, in the Countv of Muscogee, as No. 259, drawn by the Orphans o‘s Jeremiah Luther. Terms cash, july 3, 1839. P. 11. MANTZ, Guardian. GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL REPOSITORY,. .J,, J V- , L.V- > * " - l ~'" r? g- A* 1 , IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, » Cornerof Junes and Gumming streets, first corner above the ruins of the Planters’ Hotel. The subscribers oiler for sale a large and extent ._ siveassortment of Agricultural Implements, com-, prising all that is required to stock the most oxten sive plantations; Ploughs, Wood’s patent, Freeborn, Davis’, Howard’s, double mould board, Ac.; Culti vators, for corn and cotton ; Harrows of all kinds and sizes; Wheat Fans; Watkins’ patent and Dutch Cylindrical Straw Cutters, of different.sizes ; Corn, Shellers; Corn and Cob Crackers ;,Thrashing Ma chines, Horse Powers; Turning. Lathes, Tyre Heeding Machines, Brc. Our IRON and BRASS- FOUNDRY is now in, complete operation ; having a large stock of mate rials, and first rate- workmen, we are able to fur nish all kinds of,Castings, Sre. of a superior quality 1 at short notice. ROBERT PHILIP &. -SON. j July 31 trw4w i Til K TRI K I'D MADE DIVIN K. IN XTENSIVELY used in Europe, never before- J introduced into America, an infaliblc cure and a delightful preventive of Chapped Hands and Lips, &c. Tills elegant article gives a delicacy of fragrance ami that natural healthful appearance to the skin no other preparation of the kind has been known to produce. It immediately removes PIM PLES and other disagreeable ERUPTIONS, pre vents BRUISES froin-turningblack, ctires BLI+tNS and SCALDS, alleviating pain, and preventing blisters, it is also exceedingly useful for SQliJi • BREASTS. So invaluable is this i mmiii—lTTT i' every inconvenience to which the skin is liable,, that none who have provedils bonelits will ever’ willingly ho without it. Sold in (.lassos at 25. and 50 cents each, with full particulars, and directions foruse. For sale bv ROBERT CARTER, Drupgirt, Broad st. and at T. 11. PLANT’S Bookstore. Where certificates of its successful Application may be seen. June 2] swtf