Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, August 08, 1839, Image 3

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MA!M.\E intelmgexeeT ... ■ , CHARLESTON, Au„. 7. Yor'-!‘(M f S,^"- v - C L ‘‘ns Ashloy, .Morris, N. i'’ t' 111 ’ V a:thew, »- N - Voik- ' L ‘" c 1 ■“ ul „ l * r( ' ana, i>l-. i laUclphia; schr Sea- TCtVm V , i! ,aJe, »* hil ‘i sclu-Caleti Nicholas, How, Portsmouth, N. jj. Cleared— Solu- Kliza Ann, Handy, Now Orleans. (C? THE AMERICAN SILK GROWER AND fARMER S MANUAL —A monthly publication ! designed to extend and encourage the growth of Silk j throughout the United States. Edited by Ward Cheney and Brothers, Burlington, N. d.,and pub- ! lished in Philadelphia, at the low price of One | a year. Subscriptions received at this office. a; CJ AUGUSTA ITIEATRK.—Tiie subscriber having again become the lessee of the Augusta 1 hcatre, lias the honor most respectfully to inform the ladies and gentlemen of Augusta, that ho will commence his dramatic season early in October next It is his intention to present a company, possessing the highest order of histronic talent. . Ihe management of the theatre, will devolve per- F sonally upon the lessee, and every exertion will be made to merit a continuance of the patronage, which was so liberally bestowed during his former management. WILLIAM C. FORBES. all S* 4 dGt&trwlm ffj* NOTICE. — The Rail Road Passenger Tram, between Charleston ami Hamburg, will leave as follows: UPWARD. Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a m. “ Summerville, “ - -8 30 “ “ Georges’, - “ - 10 00 “ “ Branchvillc, *• - 11 00 “ “ Midway, - “ - 11 30 m. ‘ “ Blackvillc, - “ - Ioop. m. “ “ Aiken, - - “ - 300 Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400 DOWNWARD. Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a.m. “ “ Aiken, - “ - - 730 “ “ Blackville, “ - . 930 “ “ Midway, “ - - 10 30 “ “ Hranchville, “ - - II 00 “ “ Georges’, “ - - 12 00 in. “ “ Summerville,“ - - 2 OOp. m. Arrive at Charleston not before 300 Distance—lodmiles. Fare Through—slo 00. Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 20 minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and'not lunger than 3 minutes for wuud and water at any station. To stop for passengers, when a white flag is hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also at Sincaths, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. 0., Rives’, Grahams, Willeston, Winlsor, Johnsons, and Marsh’s T. O. Passengers up will breakfast at Woodstock and dineat Blackville; down, will breakfast at Aiken and dine at Summerville. may 21 A REAL BLESSING TO MOTHERS. DR IV. EVANS’ CELEBRATED SOOTHING SYRUP, for Children Cutting their Teeth.— This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds of chil dren, when thought past recovery, from convul sions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the child will recover. The preparation is so innocent, so efficacious and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Syrup L in the nursery where there are young children; for ” if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup immediately gives case, by opening the pores urn! healing the gums; thereby -preventing convulsions, fevers, ire. Sold only at Dr. Wm. Evans’ Medical Office, 100 Chatham street, New York, where the Doctor may be consulted on all diseases of children. PROOF POSITIVE OF TIIE EFFICACY OF Dr. EVANS’ SOOTHING SYRUP.—To the Agent of Dr. Evans ’ Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir—The great benefit afforded to my suffering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling pa rent how essential an early application of such an invaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery and torture. My infant, when teething, experienced such acute sufferings, that it was attacked witq convulsions, and my wife and family supposed that death would soon release the babe from anguish, 1 till we procured a bottle of your Syrnp ; which as soon as applied to the gums, a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications the child displayed obvious relief, and by continuing in its use, I am glad to inform you the child has com pletely recovered, and no recurrence of that awful complaint has since occurred; the teeth are ema nating daily and the child enjoys perfect health. 1 give you my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, andwill gladly give any information on this circumst; nee. WM. JOHNSON. TONIC PILLS. —The power of Evans ’ Camomile Pills are such, that the palpitating heart, the trem ulous hand, the dizzy eye, and the fluttering mind, vanish before their effects like noxious vapors be fore the benign influence of the morning sun,— They have long been successfully used for the cure of intesmittents, together with fevers of the irregu lar nervous kind, accompanied witli visceral ob structions. This tonic medicine is for nervous complaints, general debility, indigestion and its consequences, as want of eppetite, distension of thestornacb, acid k ity, unpleasant taste in the mouth, rumbling noise r j n Jhc bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, when the mind becomes irritable, desponding, thoughtful, melancholy, and dejected. Hypochondriaeism, con sumption,’dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous affections, these pills will produce a safe and permanent cure. Evans' Camomile Pills were first introduced into America in 1830. EVANS’ FAMILY APERIENT PILLS arc puiely vegetable, composed with the strictest pre cision of science and of art; they never produce nausea, and arc warranted to cure the following diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, V i z; —Apoplexy, Bilious Affections, Coughs, Colds, Ulcerated Sore Throats, Scarlet Fever, Asthma, Cho lera, Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidnies and Plodder, Affections peculiar to Females, and all those diseases of whatsoever kind to which human nature is subject, where the stomach is affected. More conclusive proofs of the extraordinary effi raeu of Dr. Wm. Evans ’ celebrated Camomile and Aperient Anti-Bilious Pills,in alleviating afflicted mankind.— Mr. Robert Cameron, 101 Bowery.— Disease—Chronic Dysentery, or Bloody Flujf— ' Symptoms, unusual flatulency in the bowels, se vere griping, frequent inclination to go to tu nusmus loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fre uuenev of pulse, and a frequent discharge of a pe culiar foetid matter mixed with blood, great debility, sense of burning heat, with an intolerable bearing down of the parts. Mr. Cameron is enjoying per- ; feet health, and returns his sincere thanks for the extraordinary benelits he has received. Sold by ANTONY & HAINES, Sole agents in Augusta, J. M.& T. M. TCRNK.R, Savannah, p. M. COHEN & Co.. Charleston. SHARP * ELLS, Millcdgcville, C. A. ELLS, Macon, A. W. M A RTIN, Korsytil, Wm. B. WELLS, Druggist, Athens, MARK A. LANE, Washington. - BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, fir the benefit \ Vilie Sick Poor of Augusta and its vicinity. The Visiting Committees for the ensuing month ate j aS n’S No. 1.-Wm. Thompson, Wm. H. Oak sire Mantz, and Mrs. Leon. n,a f' Anl \o 2,-Bev. C. W. Key, Mr. J. M. v %'* Airs* J. W. Stoy, Miss E. Morrison. New-*,- . RolMtrt VJcCalllster, .las. Pan- Heard, Mrs J.C. Snead, torn Mrs- ■" { , committees may obtain funds 1V - Ks ' l)a ' hi. ¥ “hIUGES, July 24 . ■ i TEACHER WANTED. Wanted r...A,»u.- •*"*- Teacher at the County nine Academy; to one who is capable a moderate salary will bo n l '' ll ' Apply at this office. It augS Oiler..— The subscriber having t. ken into 111 co-partnership with hi;n MKMtV O. COOK, the business hereafter will be conducted under the Him of WILLIAM 11. CRANK (s Co. _ AugustB, 1539. Wm. H. GRANT. I fe' m - v n ltscnce Horn the state, 11. U. 3 F CLARKSON is mv authorised agent. a «gB JOHN S. 11l rCHINSON. (t! HA COFFEE, 40 bags just received and for J sale by ; Jfog3 GARDELLE fc RMIND. IIIUK.— I hree good House servants. Ap- J|. ply at this office. ts July £7 ■JIUIUNC my absence from the city, DAVID _S * V DUNG is my duly authorised agent. July 26,1839. ts JAS. M. DYE. UAWKINSVI I.T.K, MON HO K RAIL-ROAD, . and OCMULGEE MONEY' taken at par for goods by [July 25-lm] E. D. COOKE. TJ ICE.—A fresh supply just received and for sale I Jut July 22] by GARDELLE & RHIND. BAGGING. —300 pieces Light Bagging, just re ceived and for sale by july -'2 GARDELLE & RHIND. PRIN TING INK.—A supply of Printing Ink july 16] just received by 'T. 11. PLANT. (''l ANAL FLOUR, fur sale by _J July 16 GARDELLE & RHIND. J JAGGING AND ROPE. —134 pieces Ragging, J 100 coils Rope, for sale low if taken from the Railroad Depot at Hamburg. July 11 ts GARDELLE & RHIND. OTICE. —C. L. DRAYTON, is my duly au thorised agent during my absence from the city. June 29 ts P. A. SCRANTON. BAGGING. —200 pieces heavy Dundee Bagging for sale by GARDELLE & RHIND. . jiuyc ts BACON, BACON. —15000 lbs South Carolina and Tennessee BACON for sale low for cash hy JOHN M. COOPER & SON. ap 10 tt IT* OR SALE—A first rate second hand two wheeled BUGGY. Eor particulars apple to mac7__ ts J. B. GUEDRON. ( ''CALCINED PLASTER PARlS.—Afresh sup- J ply Calcined Plaster Paris, just received and for sale by HAVTLANDj KiSLY & CO. jan 19 f • r ts PIANOFORTE. —A splendid Rose Wood Piano Forte, Grand Action, of fine touch and tone for sale by CLARK, RACKET’!’ & Co. ap 22 ts MATRASSES —20 superior Moss Matrasses just received atijir sale bv ___ may 16 J* K & J. U. JACKSON. V SUPPLY of FRESH CONGRESS WATER, just received and for sale bv may 16 ANTON Y & HAINES. SUMMER QUILTS. —A new and beautify! ar ■ tide just received, and for sale by : ap 30 W. E. & J. U. JACKSON. N'EW BOOK. —An introduction to AstrorjViy, designed as a text book for the Students of Y ale College, by Denison Olmsted, A. M., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. , Just re ceived and for sale by JulyS I _ JT.w. & T. ft STOY. J UST RECEIVED, 6 bbls. No. 1 Shad, 10 bbls do do 1500 lbs Smoked Beef. augs • „ I. S. BEERS & Co. ]T*OR SALE. —1 second hand pedlars’ Wagon _ and Harness, nearly new. Also, 1 good Harness Horse. Apply to JOHN S. HUTCHINSON, july 24 ts ANEW, speedy, and effectual cure for the Gonorrhoea,Gleets,Strictures, &c. Just re ceived and for sale by ANTONY & HAINES, Agents, may 16 Augusta. [OST. —A new black silk UMBRELLA, which J the owner purchased for his own use. The head is split and tied together with a sfring, and his name marked, though indistinctly, upon the top. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. ts June 2!) 17I0R SALE—A Certificate entitling the holder _ to a Course of Lectures in the New York Re formed Medical College. For further particulars apply at this ollice. ts july 18 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. m Runaway from McPhcrsonville, tBfa(£ Beaufort District, S. C.,on the 10th inst.. a mulatto boy named Charles, the property of the subscriber,— QIUW Charles is between 16 and 17 years tINW of age, about 5 feet in height, stout and well made, has short brown ' curling hair, with keen dark brown eyes. On his upper lip lie lias a dark, oblong, nat ural mark, easily perceived upon close observation. He reads well, speaks quickly and is remarkably intelligent. Among other apparel, lie carried olf with him a blue cotton twilled frock coat, and a fur cap. Ho has free relations in Savannah and in the interior of Georgia, and was last heard of in Barnwell Village, S. C,, on his is believed, to Augusta, and thence to Savannah. One hundred dollars will be paid for his recovery and proof to conviction of his having been harbored or afforded facilities of escape by any person, white, black, or colored, or twenty-live dollars for his safe delivery to me, or to the Jail in Savannah, so that I get him. W. H. WIGGi july 25 Pocotaligo Post Office, S. C. The Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel will publish the above daily for two weeks—and after that lime, once a week until forbid, and send their bills to this office for payment. —Savannah Republican M CENTRAL HOTEL. I his splendid and spacious new Brirk Hotel, situated on Front Street, imme diately over Hie Rail Road Bank, in Athens, will be opened in a few weeks for the reception of Boarders and Visitors. To those who have hereto fore favored the proprietor with their patronage, he deems it only necessary to announce his return to Athens, and his intention to keep the Central Hotel, in connexion with that pleasant and fashionable watering place the Helicon Springs, which lias un dergone considerable improvement since the last season; by this arrangement visitors can spend theii time either in Town, or at the quiet retreat which the Springs'always affords to the invalid or visitor of pleasure. To this important advantage which his establishment presents over any other either in Town or country, be will add his personal exertions to render his Hotel and Watering place all that his friends can desire. The Hotel is new, commodious, and situated in a central position in Athens,and when furnished in handsome style, will possess decided advantages over any other similar establishment in the place. _ Athens, Ga. May 3 ts JOHN JACKSON. 1 w 3,ORUS *'’*'Ticai;lis. Thc subscriber will be furnished with T£ * MILLIONS of the genuine Chinese Jl or Nlorus Multicaulis, grown from trees imported from the Jar den des Plantes of Paris, in LS36, which will be sold lower than anv now offered. They will be packed in such a man ner that they maybe transported to any part of the U. S. with safety, and will be delivered in Augusta free of expense to purcha-ers. All buds will be warranted to be mature and a | genuine article. Individuals wishing to purchase will make application to W. E. GEARING,' ’ Athens, June 11 tlstO LAW NOTICE, rjTlilE undersigned having united in the practic I. ol she LAW,offer their service* to the public ; They will attend the courts of Muscogee, .Marion Stewart, Randolph, Early, Baker, Lee and s umler J 1 of liieChaliahooeheeCircuit; Houston,ol the Flint Circuit; and Twiggs, Pulaski, Lowndes, Thomas Decatur and Dooly, of the Southern Circuit. LV siness entrusted to theircare will meet with prompl | attention- 1 heir office is in Americas, Sumter ! county, where one of them mav always be found when not absent onbusiiiese. LOTT WARREN, 1 oct 10 wtf WM H CRAWFORD H j VfOTICE. -J.i.l'j TaYLOR, is my July au la thoiiseii agent dining mv al sence from the State. aug 78t WM. WOODBURY, Jr. <fe Co. TO KKNT. the Store under the (.lobe Hotel. Enquire of C. &R. IN KS. . -Mill-. au;6 _ ts fi UfCA I'lON.—The time of his vacation being K J ended, the exercises ol Mr. Mahoney’s school, will commence on Monday the 29th instant. He ! solicits a share of public patronage, and feels thank ful for that already given him. ts July 27 C3' The Constitutionalist will please give the above two insertions. 4 OOl.l) WATCH HOST.—The undersigned j. ». Hail taken, a donL lehottomed case Gold Lever ' Watch, M. J. Tobias & Co., Liverpool, No. 14231, with Hold Curb Fob Chain, two strand and a j small Seal Key from him, which he will give a suitable reward to anv person detecting it. ap 27 ts E. B. BEALL, A V ALUABLE CARRIAGE DRIVER, Who j IV can he recommended in the big lest terms for j honesty, sobriety and industry, and who is also i a Rather and good House Servant, for sale by ANTON V At. HAINES, jnly 9 ts 232 Broad-street. lIBRAUY NOTICE.—From this date the time | _i for the delivery )f books will be from half past 7 o’clock until 9 o’clock, P. M., and on Sa turday from 3 o’clock until 5 o’clock. ' Notice is also given that hereafter a more rigid enforcement of the rule for return of books will be enacted. July 20 CHARLES E. MUSTIN, Librarian CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. riNHE subscriber has this day taken intocopart * nership, Mr. A. L. MASSEtSCALE, and the business will from this time be conducted under the style and firm of S. BUFORD A CO., and the sub scriber would take this method to return his sincere thanks to his friends and former customers for the patronage that has been so liberally bestowed on him, and he would most respectfully solicit a share for the firm. S. BUFORD. July 29, 1539. ts FINE SHOES. (1 ENTLEMEN’S fine Gaiter Hoots. Jf “ •* Morocco Brogan Pumps, “ ,l Walking Pumps, “ “ Dancing “ and Ladies’ fine kid and morocco Slippers of all kinds, just received and for sale low, by ALDRICH & SHOVE, junefl ts HUMPHREYS, CLARKE & Co. (Formerly oj Macon, Georgia.J H AV E received by late arrivals from England and are now opening at the store No. 10 Pearl street, (up stairs,) a general assortment of British and French Dry Goods, selected and imported di rect, expressly for the Southern trade, together with a general assortment of American Goods, which makes the assortment complete.—Merchants visiting the city are requested to call and examine the stock. Orders will have particular attention, and put up at the shortest notice. Charleston, S. C., October 22,1838 ts rjNHE subscribers offer for sale, M 40 bags prime Rio Coffee 30 bags Cuba do SO hhds Windward Island Molasses 40 bhls New Orleans do 25 bbls Phelps’ Gin 10 casks Rice 50 bbls Canal Flour 10 hhds St. Croix Sugar GARDELLE & RHIND, July 2 trwlm corner Mclntosh and Bay 'st. NEW BOOKS. KETCHES OF LONDON, by the author of “ Random Recollections of the Lords and Commons,” “ The Great Metropolis,” “ Bench and Bar,” etc., etc. Charles Vipcent, or the Two Clerks ; a talc of commercial life. A Voice to Youth, addressed to young men and young ladies, by Rev. J. M. Austin Tortesa, the Usurer, by N. P. Willis. John Smith’s Letters, with ‘ Pieters’ to match — containing reasons why John Smith should not change his name ; Miss Dehhy Smith’s juvenile spirit; together wi.h the only authentic history extant of the late War in our Disputed Territory. Also, a fresh supply of Steel Pens, Just receiv ed and for sale by J. W. k T. S. STOV, July 27 _____ 247 Broad st. FRESH TURNIP SEEDS, &c. WHOLESALE AND BETA IL. lARGE WHITE FLAT DUTCH TURNIP A Do Globe do Do Norfolk do Yellow Purple Top Uuta Bags do ALSO, Large Diumhead Cabbage Do Bergen or Great American Cabbage Do Cape Savoy Do Red Dutch, for pickling Long Orange Carrot Large Black Fall Radish White and Red Turnip Radish Red and White Clover Seed Lucerne or French Clover Seed Blue Grass do Herds Grass do The subscribers-have lately received the above j variety of Garden Seeds, all of which they WAR RANT TO BE FRESiI AND GENUINE, and j offer them for sale at reasonable prices. ANTONY k HAINES, June 28 No. 232 Broad-street. fINHE subscribers have received per recent arri -1 vals, which they offer low for cash or city ac ( ceptance, a large lot of Dry Goods, among which 1 are, GOO piece s Calico, various qualities 200 doz Cotton Handkerchiefs 30 pieces White Linen Drill 25 do Brown do 85 do ColoreiLMuslin 40 do Blue Jeans 35 do Furniture Dimity 100 do Pantaloon Stripes 50 do Silk Handkerchiefs 60 do Plaid Muslin 150 doz Madras Hrtkfs 50 pieces Swiss Muslin 60 doz Hosiery 200 doz Shirt Collars ALSO, Cloths, Silk and Cotton Shawls, Bosoms, Capes, 1 1 Muslin Collars, Brown and Bleached Shirtings and j Sheetings, Castings, Casmirets, colored Cambrics, [| Bead Bags, Brown Drills, Buckram, kc. &c. may 10 W. E. k J. U. JACKSON. FLODOAKDO HOWARD’S IMPROVED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. ITtOR the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Chronic _ Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dis eases, White Swellings, Obstinate Eruptions of the Skin, Ulcerous Sores, Pains in the Bones, General Debility, and all diseases requiring the aid of al terative medicines. This Extract is prepared from an improved for mula sanctioned by scientific Physicians and Phar maceutists, and is decidedly one as the most active, , efficacious, and convenient preparations in use. QLj’Mercury is added only when regularly pie- jl 'J It should be used, where circumstances will ad- {, mit, under the guidance and direction of a physician. :! Carefully prepared by FLODOARDO HOWARD. | The following Select Medicines and rniscellane- i ous articles are also prepared and sold as above : Howard’s Tonic Mixture, a cure for fever and ague. Howard’s Compound of Sarsaparilla, Cubebs, and Copaiba, for the cure of GonorrlueE., Gleets, stric tures, kc. Howard’s Vermifuge, a safe and effec tual tyorm-destroying medicine. Howard’s Compound Kreosote Tooth Ache Drops. Howard’s Compound Syrup of Carrageen, asafc| simple, agreeable, and effectual remedy for coughs* colds, asthmas, ike. Howard’s Compound Kreosote Tooth Wash, for arresting and preventing decay in teeth, and for diseases of the gums ; an agreeable and pleasant wash for preserving them in a healthy condition. The subscribers have just received a supply of the above medicines, &c. which they offer for sale at manufacturer’s prices. ANTONY k HAINES, Agents j“ly 11 232 Broad street. "V”ofk'E.—The interest 01 Husky Jf.mcp, in i i the concern of O. R. JESSUP Co., ceases I •join l!iis date. lie is no longer authorised lo u<e | name of the firm in the collection of dues, not I m the making of any contracts, nor in ■,!*• traasac tion of any business whatsoever. I C* The business will be contioaed under the same linn GEORGE R. JESSUP ' Augusta, July 1,1889. july 3 4 *t A 1 lON U ANTED.—A young man re- j cently trun the north, well acquainted with business, wishes a situation in some respectable me ecu n tile house in this city or in any part uftleoi gta, either as Book-keeper or Sa esman,satisfactory references given. Apply to this ollice. march 1 ts rBIIIE subscriber having taken the Admmistra- JL tion of the estate of the late Mr Robert Malone ask of those indebted to the estate to make pay - ment, and those to whom the estate is indebted, to present their Haims, as it is l>is purpose to close the ailairs of the estate with the least possible delay. July 17,1889 I). W.ST.JOHN. INSURANCE COMPANY OP COLUM BIA, s. r. THE above Institution has been successfully conducted tor several years in the town of 'Columbia, S. C. A considerable portion of its 'Capital is invested in Bank stock, the rest in good securities. All established claims for property ilost, insured by this Company, or any of its agents, 'will be promptly paid as heretofore, and the same ipro mptness will be adhered to in future, which *Hio uld entitle it to a share of public patronage. ANDREW WALLACE, President. Clolumbia, June 8, 1839. ’i 'bo subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above Company, is now prepared to take Eire Ris ks on Buildings, Merchandise and Household Eui niture. He will also make Insurance on Life. All losses will be promptly adjusted and paid. The rate s of premium will be the same as charged by othc sr offices. He solicits a share of public patron age. J. G. DUNLAP, ji me 24 ts PERFUMERY. Bf OW ARD’S Chemical Shaving Compound [ Howard’s Improved Chemical Chloride Soap Howard’s Superior Toilet Soap Howard’s Chemical Essence of Soap, for rc mov inggrease,paint, tar, &e. from wearing apparel. Howard’s Chrystal Cement, for mending hrol ten glass, China, earthenware, &e. Howard’s Magnolia Extract, a delicate and deli cions perfume for the toilet Howard’s Superior Cologne Water Howard’s Florida Water Howard’s Lavender Water L Ward's Superior Tooth Powder Howard’s Indellihle Ink Just ; received and for sale by ANTONY & HAINES, Agents, j> ilyll _ No 282 Broad st. "V, fOTICE TO BUILDERS AND CONTRAC _Lv TORS. —The subscribers are prepared to fur nish Window Caps, Sills, Door Sills and all other Grai aite that is wanted, at established northern pric cs. N . B. We will furnish Window Sills and Caps at 95c ts. per superficial foot, which is only 20 eta more per foot than Sand stone, and much more du rable. We will furnish stone for Fronts, viz. Froi its,Caps,&c., at $1 15 cts per super, ft., just wha tit is sold for in Boston, ami other principal citie s. Heed not the idle report that has been cir culated that the Georgia Granite is so h igh priced that no one can afford to use it. We wiU sell it at Quii icy prices without any deception, ja n 16-ts CHIPMAN& HEAD. (L /“The Constitutionalist will copy the above. TO THE FACELTY AM) lIISAUS OF FAMILIES. EiR. MILES’ COMPOUND EXTRACT OF 1 TOMATO—a substitute for Calomel, and does not belong to the family of qua ek medicines; for the reason that the component p arts are made kno ivn lo the faculty, or any one else that may wisl i to know, by any of the agents keeping them for sale. Since this discovery so long and anx ious ,ly looked for, some one in almost the extreme Nor th has advertised a Tomato Pill, mmioi ting to be i naile from the stalk, a thing not “re absurd tha a for one to olfor meal from tl ,e corn stalk, to say nothing of the difficulty of raising the Tomato so f ar North. I )r. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the Tomato pills (proper) for the great benefits of w h ieh, he holds himself bound,: md in honor pledg ed to prove by their use, that they are all that they pi'oToss to be, ami will do for otheis what they have done for such as mav hfive used them j as Ihi 5 is a vegetable of great use , ami value, it will doi ibtless be valuable inform: ition to families to kn ow that the Yellow are jus t doubly as valuable as the Rod Tomato, and prod uces twice as much of the liapatine, or active prin ciple,and when used as a daily vegetable will bf; found to keep the system in much better condition than the other ki ad ; many will recollect with what trembling an xicty calomel has been given to children, and how they then wished for a substitute. It has long been known that the Tomato contained ca thartic principles, but not. until of late was it ascertained that they contained alterative and diu retic properties. The Fa culty embrace and use the preparation most chee rfulTy, for the reason that they know what it is VV 'ere it a patent mystery, they would he bound to reject the medicine, as they justly do the one thousan d and one cure-alls of the day. If you wish to cleanse the system with a mild, sa.e anti-bilious m odicine, use the Tomato J’ill, of which a supply, we learn, will soon be in this city. We all know something about this. .)nne IS t s TO THE AFFLICTED. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS PREMIUM. rpHE Proprietor of the Virginia Sampson, or I $l,OOO Premium Vegetable, for the cure of Syphilis and Scrofula, will he in town for a few days. Should there be any old and unmanageable cases, or recent ones,‘either of Syphilis or Scrofula, the person may rust assured that they may be re lived in a very short time. Any servant under forty years of age, with Scrofula, will bo bought, if such is willing to change owners. A letter directed to the Proprietor of the Samp son, to the care of Messrs. Antony & Haines, or Haviland, Risley &. Co., with the person’s address, will be regarded as confidential, and attended to. june 18 ts WIULIAM C. WAY, OFFERS his services to his friends cither as Agent, or i.n the Commission business, after i the first day of October next, on which day his pre sent engagements with Messrs. James Anderson & Co. will expirt:. fie would prefer the agency of some large Dry Goods Establishment,either in Au gusta, or in any other city where his friends inter est should best demand. Should any of his friends bedisposed to engage him, they can confer with him at the store of James Anderson & Co., No. 260 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia, may 18 3 TO » NOTICE —The subscribers intending to close their business in this city by the Ist October j next, olfer for sale their extensive and well assort- I «d stock of Dry Goods, together with store fixtures and furniture in one lot on liberal terms; and until i f "ch a purchaser is found their goods will be offer ed by wholesale or retail at Very reduced prices jj for Cash m approved paper only. Al! persons having claims against the concern Si requested to present them for settlement, and :-! those indebted will be required to make payment .• with the least possible delay. Apply to JAMES ANDERSON, &i. CO. i June 1 No. 260 Broad-Street. I AGENCY SAVAMVAHINSURANCE & trust company. j FBI HE undersigned agent of the above company, j I will take fire risks on merchandize and pro duce, in stores and ware-houses, and will also in sure the same against river and marine risks, be tween this place. Savannah, Charleston and North ern Ports. The terms will be the same, as adopted by the other Insurance Offices in the place. P. D. WOOLHOPTER. President, J. P. Henry. DIRECTORS, G. B. dimming, G. B. Lamar. W.T. Williams, Ralph King. Francis Sorrel, Ed. Padelford. J. 11. Burroughs L. Baldwin. H. Harper, Henry Roser. Dimas Ponce, R, A. Lewis. Augusta, March 22 ts FOU NIiW.VORK, VIA CHARLESTON AND NORFOLK. , x splendid i nftorn son, 13th August, at , > o’clock, touching at Charleston and Norfolk. Fare from Savannah to Charleston, $ 5 Do do do Norfolk, 30 Do do do New York, 35 Do do Charleston to Norfolk, 25 Do do do New-York, 30 I he Savannah will leave Charleston on the af ternoon of the 13th, immediately after the arrival if the cars from the west. hor passage apply to E. C. Wambersia on hoard, )r t 0 COHEN & KOSDICK. Savannah, August 3, 1839. td o eorgia raii. road; Merchants and others forwarding goods by the ieorgia Rail-Road, are paitieularly requested to lave the mime of the owner ami the place of deslina ion marked in full on each package ; also the name if the Depot; and to Jill the receipts in all cases to correspond with the marks. I he observance of the above rules is desired, to prevent difficulties that have occurred in forward mg goods intended for different persons, bearing the same mark. aim 5 ~ mum aa" (Helen Transportation,'/ AtKF.N,JuIy 29, 1839. Y Reduction of Freight on Hail. Road, One-fourth less than customary, on all up freight from Charleston to Aiken and Hamburg, when equal to a car load, (say 5000 lbs. weight, or 300 feet measurement,) from this date to lust Septem ber next. WM. ROBERTSON,.Ia. Agent Transportation, dj’ The Constitutionalist will insert the above. ©E (> It Cl A H AIL- R tun. Freight is now conveyed on the Georgia Rail- Road, between Augusta and Greensboro, at the following rates: Merchandize, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs. Cotton, $1 50 per bale. C. I. Hai.dwin, Agent for the Company, t Greensboro, will receive and forward freight with out charge. Merchandize for the way stations will be for warded from Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, RICHARD PETERS, Jr. Sup. Transportation Geo. R. R. June 30, 1839. July 12 GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. The Passenger Train, carrying the great mail between New York and New Orleans, leaves Au gusta every day at (i e. nr., and arrives at Greens boro at 1 a. m. Leaves Greensboro at 9p. in., and arrives at Augusta at 4J a. m., in time for the Charleston cars. Stages run in connection with this train from Greensboro for New Orleans, (two daily lines) via Indian Springs,Columbus, Montgomery and Mobile; for New Orleans, tri-weekly, via Clinton, Macon, and Pensacola; for West Point and Wetumpka, via Barnesville, tri-weekly; for Rome, tri-weekly, via Covington, Decatur and Marietta; for Nashville and Knoxville, Tennessee, tri-weekly, via Athens, Gainesville and Cassville; for Washington, Wilkes county, tri-weekly, from Double Wells; for New Orleans, daily, from Warrenton, via Sparta, Mil ledgcvillc, Macon and Columbus ; for Millcdgcvillc, tri-weekly, via Greensboro and Eatonton. Connecting with those lines are branch stage lines to Tallahassee, Columbus, Miss., Tuscaloo a, Newnan, Coweta county, Ga., and Clarksville, Ha bersham county, Ike. An accommodation Day Passenger Train leaves ! Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at I 6 o’clock, a. m., and Greensboro on Tuesdays,' Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7, a. m. Fare on the Rail-Road to Greensboro $4 25. I Office Georgia Rail Road & Bk’g Co. / July 12 Augusta, June 30, 1839. J i OFFICIAL DRAWING OF THE,! GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, For the Benefit of tire Augusta IndepemlcntFireC*.' Cr. Ass No. 31, for 1839. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 45 37 60 16 39 74 66 21 62 36 13 57 1 hereby certify that the above numbers as they stand are correct, as taken from the Managers’Cer tificate of the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, for Monongalia, Class No. 4, for 1839, drawn at Alexandria, Va., August 3d, 1839, and which de termines the fate of all tickets hold in the above Lottery. A. READ, Agent. Augusta, August 7, 1839 HALF TICKET Nos. :i7 /o*» oo The Capital Prize of THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY-FOUR DOL LARS in the above Lottery, has been returned to the Managers, in consequence of Read’s not having a purchaser for it. Try and give us a call this week, for fear another one may slip. Those who wish to see a capital prize can Jo so by calling on A. READ. GEORGIA STATE L<) TT E lIY, FOP. TIIF. BENEFIT OF THE AUGUSTA INDEPENDENT EIRE COMPANY, Class No. 32, for 1839, To be determined by the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, for the benefit of Wellsburg, Class No. 4, for 1839. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, August 10, 1839. D.S. Gregor / Ik Co.,Managers, A. Read Contractor. $30,000!! 78 Number Lottery—l 4 Drawn Ballots. GRAND SCHEME. 1 Prize of $30,000 - - is - - $30,000 1- - - 10,000 JUOOO 1- - - - 5,000 3,000 1- - -/, 3,500 3,500 I - - - - 3.000 3,000 1- - - - 2,500 2,500 1- - - - 1,996 1,995 2 - - - - 1,500 3,000 30 - - - - 1,000 -,- - - - 30,000 50 - - - - 250 12,500 75 - - - -200 15,000 76 - - - - 150 11,250 125 - - - - 125 15.625 64 ... - 100 6,400 64 --- - 90 6,760 64 - - - - 80 5,120 64 ---- 75 4,800 \ 64 - - - - 70 4,080 64 - - - - 60 3,840 64 - - - - 50 - 3,200 128 - - - - 40 5,120 128 --- - 30 3,840 5.120 20 102,400 28,224 - -- - 10 282,240 34,412 - - Prizes,amounting to - $570,570 Ticket* »l()-“SI»arcs in proportion. tfff Orders for Tickets in the above scheme, will meet with prompt attention if addressed (post paid) to A. READ, Agent, Augusta, Ga. IH I’>l.lC SALKS. HY W» £. A J. U, ,i 4CK1091. THIS DAY. At 111 o'clock, will he so'.d in front of our stme, h dr casks ( ognac Brandy 10 bids Monongahcla. VV irLkey 10 qr casks Wmc 20 boxes Pipes 12 *• Olivet Wine 5 “ Soap •> “ assorted Cordials 6 baskets Champagne , 2 bbLs Almonds _ all K Terms cash. THE LIIEHTON'K AND GXfALY- Arrr.rJk BEATK. SPRINGS, Spartanburg Dis l*g»J| trictjS. C. ninety-live miles from Charles fan, and Jifty from Greenville. The undersigned has the pleasure to inform the public, that the elegant and extensive accommoda tions prepared for the reception of visitors at this place, will her entirely finished hy the 10th of June next. From .three to four hundred persons can be accommodated—comfortable and airy rooms aie prepared for farailcsin the large brick building, ot if preferred, line apartments will be assigned to them in the different Cottages. There is an abundant supply of Ice, Wines, &c. on hand. Amusements of every kind will be with in (be reach of visitors. The country around the Springs admits of a variety of excursions, on horse back or in carriages. The Limestone Spring is a highly medicinal water, lu addition to Lime, thsre is found Magne sia and Epsom Salts in it; and 'he great quantity of Carbonic acid gas, constantly escaping from the Spring, tenders the water very light. To Dyspe A ties, and persons laboring under liver complaint3(or of constipated habits, experience enables us to say that this water is invaluable. If any vi. itor labor ing under any. of these diseases has ever visited the plica, and not been bene fitted, it is to us un known. There are two line Chalybeate Springs, one rising out of the Limestone Quarry, and the other a short distance below it. In addition to Iron, they are supposed by many to contain other active ingredients* Since ‘.hey have been discovered,they have been found to he very beneficial to many weak and debilitated persons. The grounds about the Springs are beautifully laid out, and afford many fine and delightful walks. Several intelligent and respectable gentlemen have settled permanently at the Springs, and con stitute at all times a delightful society. They have made their settlements with a twofold object, health and. the education of them children. For tius latter purpose they have established two ex cellent schools—a Male Academy, under the di rection of Mr. Roesa, and a Fcmalfe Academy un dorthe care of Miss Williams. Both schools merit every encouragement —they arc well conducted, ami imparting to their respective pupils, sound and good education. Families visiting the Springs,will have llio opportunity of placing their children in these excellent schoo.s. Mr. Saunier, will teach Music during the summer months, his qualifications are equal to any instruction which may be required. A competent instructor or instructress in Dancing, is expected, and will be certainly imiittendancc to nstruct all who may desire it, Tlreso are some of'the inducements which are pre sented to the public, to favor the Limestone Springs with their patronages When it is remembered that this establishmentowes its Inundation to the liberal ity and patriotism of many gentlemen who have advanced large sums of money for the purpose of presenting to the people of South Carolina and Georgia, a place of health and relaxation, almostat their own doors, it is to be hoped that it will not languish, decline and die for the wantof patronage. The thousands expended in Northern travelling may he saved, and the people of the seaboard and the mountains may. enjoy all the mutual benefit of travel and intercourse. To the religious public the undersigned would say, that gaming and all such gross irregularities as would be olfensive to them, are prohibited at this establishment. Arrangements arc in progress for having divine service on every sabbath, which we hope and believe willbe successful. Pers. .s can be as private, secluded and retired as they please. For Dyspeptics and invalids a separate table will | be prepared, where thay can have every-accommo dation they may require. The universally admitted salubrity of the cli mate, together with the immense mineral produc tions of the neighborhood, will open a field forspcc illation and amusement for leisure travellers. In addition to the above inducements, we have six arrivals and departures of mails, each week.— : Accommodation Stages to Greenville, twicca week, and after the Ist of July there will be a Hack to.. Union, uo every Wednesday, to meet the Columbia stage. To sportsmen it may be ; omc inducement to know that we haveone of the most beautiful race tracks in the State, where there will boa number of horses in training from the first of July, until the commence ment of the races on the First Tuesday in October Rates of Boarding, as follows: Persons per day, $1 12$ Do do week, 7 (10 For less time than four weeks, 6 60 Four weeks and longer, fi 00 Families stationary per month, 6 00 Children and Servants half price Horses per day, 0 G2s Do per wee It 360 Do per month, 309 The Stockholders in the Company are reminded to assemble on the 4th July, at the Spring*, where a Dinner will be prepared, and an Oration delivered by some distinguished gentleman. The public are invited. WM. MURRAY, Agent, L. S. CV 1 Spartanburg, April 2l>. wtA 01 lODIC A I. INSTRUCTION. riNIIK Lectures in the Medical Institute of the city of Louisville will commence on the Ist I Monday of November, ami terminate on Inc Ist of March. Jedadmh Cobb, M. I), on Anatomy. Caldwell, M. D, on the Institutes of Medicine, Ac. John E. Cooke, M. D. on Theory and Practice of Medicine. Joshua B. Flint, M. I), on Surgery. Henry Miller, M. 1). on Obstetrics and Dis eases of Women and • hildrem Charles W. Short, M. D. on Materia Medica and Medical Botany. Lunsford P. Yan bell, M. D. on Chemistry and Pharmacy. The apartments for the prosecution of Practical Anatomy will be opened early in October, under the direction of Dr. Donne, the Demonstrator. — The extensive College edifice erected within the last year will he in a state of complete finish be fore the commencement of the course. Comforta ble Boarding, including lodging, lights, fuel &c. may be had at convenient distance from the Col lege, at an average rate of $4 per week. The Tickets to each Professor’s course is $l6; Matri culation and Library Tickets $6: Graduation fee $2O: Dissecting T icket, which may be taken or not at option, $l.O. The Faculty will receive at par tire paper of solvent Banks of the States in which pupils respectively reside. Hv order of the Faculty. C. W. SHORT, Dean. Louisville, Ky. July 9, w6t LAND FOU SALE. FIN HE subscriber oilers for sale his possession in * Warren county, three miles from the flourish ing village bfWanenton, and also to the nearest point of tlie Georgia Rail-lioad. The tract consists of one thousand one hundred acres of oak and hick ory land, on Rocky Comfort creek. with good im provements, and not surpassed for health this side of the mountains, as there has not been a case of j bilious fever in my family sinccO have been living , on the place, say six years On rtie land is situatH the Monaghan Academy, which has bceu in "suc cessful operation for twelve tlfThrindi of teachers qualified to prepare students for College. Any person wishing to secure the advantages of a good school in the country, good society, a pleasant situation and line health, and all on good terms, would do well to call and examine for themselves in time. BURCH M. ROBERTS. June 12 wtf RICHARD P. LYON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW HAVING permanently established himseil at Lincolnton, Lincoln county, Georgia, will faithfully attend to any business entrusted to his care. He will regularly practice in the following Courts of the Northern Circuit, and Columbia, ot the Middle Circuit: Taliaferro, Elhert. Lincoln, and Wilkes, Hancock, Warren, N.C. Madison, Oglethorpe. Columbia, M. C. Lincolnton. June 17, |S39. w2m