Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, August 31, 1839, Image 3

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If Tl 11. MONROE, DENTIST, will be absent for i r a short time on professional business. |,N I'll moths after date, appicattcn will be made to die lloaorab e, toe Inferior ourt of Taliafer.o county, w.ien sitting for ordinary purpo- 1 ses, lor leave to sell the real estate of Thus. J. I Shackelford, deceased, for the benent of the heirs ; and creditors of said deceased. LLOYD U'. SHACKELFORD, Adm’r. aug 21 j T\V KVf-'IV nOLLA lIS if BW A HO, I) VNAWAY from the subscriber, oti the lltli J, July, a negro boy named Gl'isciw, 19 or 20 years of age, about 3$ feet high, stout built, and very dark complexion. He was raised near Kdge lield District, S. t,., and may have made his w.y back to the above place, or perhaps to 1 bar rsion or Savannah ; but he is supposed to be lurkin I about Au gusta or the Sand Oil s, .t he a ove re| ward will be paid for lii' delivery to me. or his be ing io Iged igjfany .jail so that I get him a gain aug 10 frwtf J AS. VV. CL A UK. \\ VItUEN IIEUIFF’S SALC. "VM/ILL be sold at the Court House door in * * VVarrcntoii, Warren county, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following pro perty viz: one hundred and sixty-Lve acres ol at Land, second quality, more or less, and tlie ttand- T ing crop. Levied on as the prupertv of Thomas Cooper, to satisfy sundry li fas issued from the Su perior Court of Warren county, in favor of Ran dolph Ivy and others, vs. said Cooper. Said Land is adjoining lands of Tims. Dyer and others. Pro pertv pointed out by plainlilf’s attorney. August 31. ISB9 James HALL, Pep. Sh’ff. UAIHU A ROWLAND'S FIAE-I*HOOF W VKFIIOUSF. f INHE nrdersigned will continue tbe A\ arc’- ll House and Commission i.mines*. at their old stand, where the same care and attention to busi ness will be bestowed as heretofore, and their charges such as are considered customary with re gular houses, in the same line of business. BAIRD A ROWLAND. Augusta, Aug 31 wtV 171 OR SALK. —1 second hand pedlars’ Wagon _ and Harness, nearly new. Also I giod Harness Horse. Apply to JOHN S. HUTCHINSON July 24 ___ if _____ PiPKs, IMM>. 4( wl BOXES PH*ICS. just received and for 11 M f sale by June 27 ts W. I. I J ACKSON. undersigned continues to transact a general I FACfOUAOK AND O OMISSION BUSI NESS, and solicits a continuance of paLonagc J U N C. HOL O■' BIC. Charleston, 8 C., August 19, lt>39. swim (J RKICVS PATENT STRAW CUTTER— JT Just received and fir sale, half a dozen Green’s Iwentv-four bl nlcd Patent Straw Cutters aug 9 Btw by I’. FLEMING Co. f* HAGS Prime Green Codec ,y • f 10 hbds. st. Croix 'Ugar. Just received, and for sa c by JOHN S. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer, may 10 81 U VTION WAN IVD, by a young man who has had some experience in business, and pos sesses a competent knowlede of book-keeping and Accounts. Good references can be given.— Any person wishing sn li an assistant will make •application to Mr. Robert Lambert. aug 14 wit* fIIHE Exorcises in Mr. Adims’ School have closed for i lie season, to be resume a on the Ist don lay of October next As the number of his pupils for the future will be limited, those pa | rents w,o have entered their children wil confer upon him a very great favor by having them pre sent at the commencement of the quaitei. p.cvious to the ex nnin itiou and anangcmeiu of lessons. 4cc. aug 28 dlOt t. wtd HEVLTH DIVING JUEVEUaGE. undersigned have received a supply o) §_ AVater from the White Sui.hhur iciunc; Greenbrier county, va. The bigli reputation which j the water o this spring has a quired, in the pre vent ion and ''me if dise’sec, has king rendered an object of peculiar interest to the pimlic. Ex tensive experience has demonstrated, that it may be Iran ported to any distance, and kept in barrels or bottles for any desired length of time, without the slightest deterioration of its medicinal virtues or efficiency. TURPIN, D’ANTIGNAI k to. July 12 _ swCt TIIK TRUE POII *DE DIVINE. A KN'l v ELY used in Europe, never before introduced into America, an inf.d iblc cure and a delightful preventive of Chapped Hands and Lips, JXc. I'his elegant article gives a delicacy of fragrance and that natural lica tnfnl appearance to the skin no other preparation of t ie kind has been kno nto pro luce. It immediately removes PIM PLES and other disagreeable KIIUPI lONS, pie vents Bd'JISKS from turningi lack,cures BU/iNS and SCALDS, alleviating pain, and preventing blisters, it is also exceedingly useful for SOUK BUKASI'S. So invaluable is this compound for every inconvenience to which the skin is liab.e, that n ine who have proved its benefits will ever wiling he without it Sold in Glasses at 23 and 30 cents each, with full particulars, and directions for use. Forsale by ROBERT CARTER, Druggist, Broad «t. and at T. If. PLANT’S Bookstore. Where certificates of its successful application I may be seen. June 21 swtf HEALS’ ll\lil lIESTOKA FIVE. rpHIS valuable discovery is now introduced to Jf the citizens of Augusta, with the fullest confidence and assurance that it will elfect the ob jertof its application viz ; A < O -iPLKI'K RKS TOUAJ'Iox nw i J{K lIAIIi upon the heads of those woo have lost the same, out Imsc thereby become bald or partially so. Numerous certificates might be given to show how successfully this compound nas been applied, never having f tiled in a single instance.) Us virtues have been fully and satisfactorily tested. The heads of those that were entirely bald, have been by the application of this restora- ‘ tive, covered with a luxuriant growth of heautifu- | hair. None need despair whether old or young, of hav- 1 ing their hair restored. For sale by RuHEIIT CARTER, Druggist, Broad st. and at I T. H. PLAN T’S Bookstore. Where certificates of its successful app'ication may be seen. June 21 swtf BoOK AND .10,8 PUFVT-VG, On Campbell street, one door from Broad, and im mediately opposite Messrs. Milters' Lnv Office. f 4 HE subs gibers beg leave io return their man! a • to their friends and the public, for the iiberal patronage bestowed on them, and hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of past favors. Their materials are such as will en able them to execute every description of Printing, j and from practical knowledge of the business, be- I lieve t icy can give general satisfaction They have just comol ted the following assort- [ ment of LA IV BLANKS, &c. to which they won d j invite the attention of .ttorneys and public officers, ! embracing toe mo t appro.ed forms in general use, j among which are the following : Cla m oon is Garnishments and Bonds, Executor’s Bonds, Atlatchments, Letters est ime.itary, Letters I usmissory, Le tersof Gnardia ship, i.etlrs of Admin’n, Declarations in Assumpsit. Dec in Trover, Guardian’s and .Administrator’s Bonds, Executor’s and Administrator’s Deeds, Bills of Sale, Land Dee Is, Mortgages, Sheriff’s Titles, Sheriffs Executions, City sheriffs Executions, Magistrates Summons, Magistrates Executio i, Magistrates Ca, Sas. Sheriffs Ca. Sas..Jury Summons, Jury Subpoenas, Witnesses Summons, < o n Missions for Deposition, peace Warrants, Insolvent Debtor’s Notices, Insnlv’tdo Bonds, Forthcoming Bonds, < i. Fa. against bail, Witness Summons for City Court. Short Process, Declarations U. S. Court, llecogniz nces, App.entices’ In ienturcs, A arriage Licences, Bil -of Lading, Bills of Exchange. Bank Checks. Notes of Hand, Bank and general Powers of Attorney, Notary’s Not ces. Protests. Georgia k Carolina Kail It iad Receits. Sen. fCj’ ( Tders Horn the count.y, fur blanks or , Printing of any ind, promptly att. tided io. BR VVli'E, CUSiLVEV & Me AFFERTY. August IS, 183 P, NOTICE. —The Inferior Court of Richmond county, and the Court of Ordinary, will be adjourned from the Ist Monday in September, to 3d Monday in ( rtober. All Suitors, Jurors, W it nesses and all persons intested, will take due no tice, JAS. aicLAWS, C.erk. aug2S It rir iHACCo AND FLOUR. Just received on I Consignment, a lot of superior Tobacco and Flour, which we will sell low, on Unit'. aug 24 5t REES fc lIKALI.. CfJ' I be Constitutionalist will copy this 5 times, NEW BOOKS.—A Diary in America, with re marks on its Institutions, Sic,, by Captain Marry at, just received and for sa e by _ aug 2(5 3t T. H. PLANT. a i TO RENT,a three story briek bni'ding Ffrfl on Broad st , occupied by Mrs. Faber as a JlllljjP,boarding house; also the store underneath occupied by V. Crcpu. For terms apnly to aug2l tlstort JOHN B INKS. n i TO RENT, from the Ist Oct next, a I | STORE, N 0.241 south-side Brood- tied, recently occupied by the late I) W. St John Apply to JAMES GARDNER, Jr. aug'lC trw ts at n TO RENT, the Store on the south side fSffif of Broad street, at present occupied by . .3 Morris & Costello; possession to be given on the Ist Catcher. aug 19 ts P. McGRAN. U r ANTED. —A good Cook. Washer and Iron cr. To one possessing the necessary qual ifications, good wages will be given. Apply at this Office. 3t a ng 22 A LE.—Wanted to arrange with a house in this _l city, for the sale of one of the very best brands of North River Ale. Address with refer ences, It. T. St Co., New York City Post t tluo. aug 22 2w fJNIME BILLS ON NEW-UiRK, drawn in I Savannah, for sale by aug 20 ts WRIGHT A GIBSON. (NOBHEN BUTTER.—IO kegs Goshen Butter, H just received and for sale In aug Id J, S,'BEERS & Co. EORGIA NANKEENS. —Just received, five A % eases heavy Georgia Nankeens, aug 19 (it A. SIBLEY. IRON STEAMBOAT < OMPANV STOCK—A few shares for sale by Wm. 11. UoRDON. aug 17 ts rH EST LAMP OIL.—A supply of Blenched 9 Winter and Fall Strained Lamp t il, just re ceived and for sale by aug 15 ts ANTONY & HAINES. DURING my absence from the state, li. V. CLARKSON is my aut orised agent, aug S JOHN S. UU fCIUNSON. r|V) IMRE. —Three good House servants. Ap. J ply at this office. ts ju-y i7 UAWKINSVTLLE, MONROE HAIL-ROAD, . and OCMULGEE MONE\ taken at par for goods by | July 20-1 in j E I). COOKE, ■ J'UN LTNG INK.—A supply of Printing Ink L j'lly I6j just received by T. IJ. PLANT. )U SALE —\ first rate second hand two wheeled lIUGGY. For particu ars apply to mar? ts J. H. GUEDRO.N. (IALCINED PLASTER PARIS.—A fresh sup- J ply Calcined Plaster Paris, just received ami for sale by lIAVILAND. RISLY& CO, !?>' If SUMMER QUILTS. —A new and beautiful ar ■ tide ju>t received, and for sale by ap 30 W. K. &J, G. JACKSON. TJIANO FORTE.—A splendid Rose Wood Piano ■ Forte, Grand Action, of hue touch and tone for sale by CLARK, RACKET !’& Co. ap 22 ts MATRASSES —20 superior Moss Mitrasses just received and for sa c by may lb W. E & J. U. JACKSON. SUMMER QUILTS. —A few more of extra size just received and for sale by June ID ts W. E.,& J. U. JAi’KSON. SIGHT CHECKS ON NEW YORK.—Sight Checks on New York.drrwn in Savannah, in sums to suit,for sale by jan 10 ts WRIGHT & GIBSON. T7TNE6AR. —30 bbls. superior While Wine j Vinegar, just received and for sale by june S VV. E. & J. U. JACKSON. SHRINE BOTTLES. —20 Hampers Wine Bot * T ties, 12,000 gross Hutile Coiks, for saleby jan 19—ts lIAVILAND, RISLV <fc CO. MONoNGaHELA WHISKEY—4O bbls si perior Monongabela Whiskey, just n ceivedand for sale by \V. E. J. U. JACKSON, Auctioneers, may 16 A NEW, speedy, and effectual cure for the J\_ Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Strictures, &c. Just re ceived and for sale by ANTONY ii HAINES, Agents, may 16 Augusta. J UST’ RECEIVED and for sale, 10 bales Cotton (Jsna urgs 5 cases superior Irish Linens By J )11N S. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer, may 10 Q/r A DOZ COMMON TUMBLERS, Just re O* *4 f ceived and for sale by may 14 W. K & J, U. .JACKSON. J UST RECEIVED, 6 bbls. No. 1 Shad, 10 J bids do do 1500 lbs Smoked Beef. aug 5 I. S BEER j A Co. lOST. —A new black silk UMBRELLA, which Jt e owner purchased for bis own use. The head is split and lied together with a string, and his name marked, though indistinctly, upon’ the top. he finder will he rewarded by leaving it at this office. ts june 29 fiIHE subs fibers oiler for sale on accommoda- J. ting terms, t e close consignments, [ 500 pi n ecs Cotton Bagging, of different qualities, weighing from I to 1J 1-s, some of the most recent importations. 200 coils Ba'e Rope 40 bags Cuba Coffee .00 hbds Cu ia Molasses 50 bins New Orleans Molasses 10 hhds St Croix Sogar 10 bbls Phelps' Gin GARDELLE & RHINI), aug 23 corner M ffntosh and Bay st. MUBIC SCHOOL. ~\f LA TASTE will commence giving les.ons f , on the Piano Forte and Spanish Guitar early in the fall. From his long experience in teaching the theory and practice of music, he as ures tlro-e who may patronise him that they will save no reason to regret placing their daughters linder his care. smtf July 31 PUBLIC TENT AT WHITE OAK CAM I* UIIOU.M). | ! f|NII7, subscriber having made additional irn- 1 1. p overnents to his Public Tent at the above i 1 pla c, rendering it mare commodious, will l.e p,c- ! pared to afford the best accommodations to those 1 visiting the ' amp Meetingat White t ak, Co'umbia 1 co ml v. common ing on .Mon liy evening Sept, 2d, 1 an 1 fu 1 assurances are given that order, regularity and decorum will be the in lispensable regn atlons of the tent. WILLI \ d DOYLE. N. IL—Mr. Jesse Clark will run vehi es from the Camp ground to the Rail-Hoa 1, fortlmconvey ance of pisscngers, and person illy superintend tiic " same. St aides and ots are erected for the accom modation of horses, an 1 furnished with provender, , Richmond county, Augu-'t 22. wltt. wtd SUPPER HOUSE ON THE O EORGIA KAII..KOAI) Fill! SALE. I s 1 JEi-A 3he undersigned having removed f,- 0m I [ : j!j the state will sell his I irgo Ilotel in Craw- i |Tg|:~|B ( '.-dvilie, situated at theGcorgii Ba'i - ; Road pt, on ac'-oimnad .ting ter as. After so- ! i v-n ■ r t is wiii tie th- upper Mouse fir the i >!;•* -a I ng dai.y train, and wide conli iu-.i per manently as suffi. For fn ther particu an apply i I to J. F. Mims, residing on the spot. ‘ I j aug 23(rw.2m 11. B. THOMPSON. > OnitE Transportation, I Aikon, August 27, 1539.3 "• ''"“a Notice is given that the morning an 1 | 1 arternuoa tiip. from Lambing to Aiken, j -- .(ms been resunv,«l. The cars leaving Hamburg daily, at 4 past to clock, I’, M. Win. RuBEKTSON, Jr. Agent Transportation. itV The Constitutionalist will insert the above. B *«.(.'ln<: am) him:. fT / \ I \ I’l ECKS good S< otch Hemp Bagging, t/T w I * lj boxes ol Bottles vhl Madeira I Vine, for sale hy 8 IMVALL, SIMMONS & ( 0. ang 23 4w \Y AUCLUSE CSNABURGB —I’ricf. reduced. A constant supply of CottonDsnatunga, fiotn the \ auclusc Factory, for sale at a reduced price by their agents, - CLARKE, .hcTEIU Kt 0. a«gJ_o ts __ 'j^'OTlCT-L—The subscriber having taken into i,A co-partnership with him HENRY n. COOK, the business hereafter will be conducted undet the linn of WILLIAM II CHANIO & Co. Augusts, is:«c Wm. 11. CRANE. INOR SALE—A Certificate entitling the holder to a Course of Lectures in the Now York Re formed Me lira! College. For fuither particulars apply at this otHoe. ts July is IN DUCATION. —The time of his vacation being "j ended, theexerciscs of Mr. Mahoney’s school, will commence on Monday the 29th instant He solicitsa shareof public patronage, and feels thank ful for that already given him. ts July 27 The Constitutionalist wid please give the above two insertions. < O-TA VTN KUSH 11* NOTH E. j 41 ’HE subscriber has this day taken intocopart • nership, Mr. A. 1.. MASSKSGALti,md the business will from this time he conducted under the styie and firm of .S’. BUFOUD ft CO., and the sub scriber would tube this method to return his sincere thanks to his friends and former customers for the patronage that has been so liberally bestowed on him, and be would most respectful y solicit a share for the firm. S. BUFORD. July 29, IS3D. ts FINE SHOES. I 1 ENTLKMEN’S Lite Gaiter Roots V)f “ •' Morocco Brogan Pumps, “ •* Walking Pumps, “ “ Lancing “ and Ladies’ kid and morocco Slippers of all kinds, just received and for sale low, by ALDRICH fc SHOVE, juneS ts PORTRAIT PAINTING.—MR. B. HEADDKN respectfully announces that he has returned to Augusta and has taken the room formerly occu pied by him ut the Masonic Hall, where he will re main but a few weeks and will be happy to wait upon Ladies and Jcntlemen. who may wish to ex amine specimens or have their likenesses taken. Thei’onstitiitionalist will copy three times an 15 ts O TICE.— he subscriber desiring to wind up i xl _ his business in this city, between now and •he first ol 1 cto ‘Or. req icsts all persons having de mands again.-t him to present them (or payment, and those indebted to him to tome forward and make payment. B. L. NEIIR. ang 9 2w j /■ The Constitutionalist will please copy the above Tor two weeks. I AW NOTICE.— The subscriber has removed i his ( Rice to the second story of McKenzie A Itennoeli’s corner. He will attend punctua ly to the business ol his profession,m the( onrtsof liieh mord cuuntr, Georgia, and Ldgelield and Barnwell districts,S. C. oct 10 ( lyr] JAMES T. QRAX PINHE subscribers oiler for sale, ID hags prime Rio Col Tee 30 bags Cuba do 60 hb is Windward Island Molasses •1(1 bids No.v Orleans do 26 bids Phelps’ Gin 10 casks Rice 60 bids Canal Flour 10 Hhds St. Croix Sugar GAKDELLE <fe RHIND, July 2 trwlm corner Mclntosh and Bay st. IiESKFTI.IHIItS ( Oi.ORM: AVATEK. JT were but labor lost to enumerate the wonder ful properties of this admirable article. It re putation rapidly exlending over all the known world, has made all praise supcrllons, all exagge ration impossible. To the ladies our recommen dation will he useless. It gives the rosy bloom ol health and youth to all who make it the constant companion of their toilet. A I.SO, Farina’s Cologne Water, genuine. Prentiss’ do. do. And icveral choice varieties of our own man facture, for sale by HAVTLAND, RISI.EY & Co. april 16 ts Druggists, Augusta. Eit EMI TU ti Nil* NEEDS, Ate. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Large white flat dutch turnip Do (Hole do Do Norfolk do Yellow Purple Top Ruta Baga do Alsu, 1 , ige Dtumliead Cabbage Ho Bergen or (Heat American Cabbage Do Cape Savoy Do Red Dutch, for pickling Long (/range Carrot Large Black Fall Radish While and Bed Turnip Radish Red and White Clover Seed Lucerne or French Clover Seed Blue Grass <jj Herds Grass do The suhscriners have lately received the above variety of Garden Seeds, all of which they WAR BANT TO BE FRESH AND GENUINE, and olTer them lor sale at reasonable prices. ANTONY k HAINES, June 2S No. 232 Broad-street. riNHE subscribers have received per recent arri- JL vals, which they oiler low for cash or city ac ceptancc, a large lot of Dry Goods, among which, are, 6.10 pieces Calico, various qualities 200 doz ■ otton Handkerchiefs 30 pieces White Linen Drill • 26 do Brown do 8.6 do Colored Muslin •10 do Bue Jeans 3.6 do Furniture Dimity 100 do Pantaloon stripes 60 do Silk Handkerchiefs 60 do Plaid Muslin 160 doz Madras IlnUfs 60 pieces Swiss Muslin 60 doz Hosiery 200 doz Shirt 1 'oilers also, j Cloths, Silk and Cotton Shawls. Bosoms, Canes Muslin Collars, Brown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Lastings, CasTiire s, colored ambries, Bead Bags, Brown Drills, Buckram, See. &c, may 10 W. E. Se J. H. JA KSON. IjAT n TORE —A. 11. MAU.OUV having ■ » connecled uiiiisell will one of the largo,” mnnulaeitiring hou-esal ,he North will in future I oiklik-i Hie lui.-liii-MB under ihe firm id A. It. Mallory A4: o. I'lnir, resell I urrangeiuoiils will enable A. R. M At ( o. In sup ly their cu.sliimere on 1 lie most aecomrnoda ing I. rrng. 'J hey are in w reciting th jr hull inier supply ntGenlle nieit’H Hals, Gaps. Ac , also, a large assortment ol Ladies Bonnets, ol ihe laltsi style and superior quality. Those wis mg to purcha-e artieiea in their line,either hi whoiesaleor retail,are solicited t call and examinetheir assortment (»nt 2 I T t. BwA I. LORY St ( ;o. Mi SICAL NOTH E, JOHN PCII ELI, \S Professor of Music, induced hy the great encouragement which he has re ceived as a I e icher ol he Pia ,0 Forte, both at the Academy of Mr. and Mrs. Egei ton. as well as the Ladies and 1 icntlemen and puMii in general who have so handsomely pationised him «incc his arrival in Augusta, he tenders his greatful aeknow edg ments to them, hoping a continuance of then favor purposing to continue the same vocation, during the summer, pledging himself f, o in his’ expe rienced method to convey instruction to his pu pils to perform in a supe.ior manner in a short time and hopes :,y as-i luity and attention tome it , their ipp.o t -I-,. lie wi 1 likewise attend to j tuioii r. and ep drin/Piano Fortes. md satisf ictorr reference* givi 0, a; p i ation at M:. A. Z ’si New Furniture Warehouse, No. 236, Broad-street 1 whore all orders will he punctually attended to ’ 1 may 8 If , HUMPHREYS, CLARKE A Co ("Formerly of Macon, (ieorgia.) nA\ K received by late arrivalsfiom England and are now opening at the store No. 10Pearl ; street, (up stairs,) a general assortment of British I and f rent li Dry Hoods, selected and imported di ' rei t, expressly for the Southern trade, together | with a general assortment of American Hoods, i which makes the assortmenteomplete. —Merchants I visiting the city are requested to call and examine I the stock. Orders will have particular attention, and pnt up at the shortest notice. Chariest C., October 2d, IS3B ts NfoTlt li.—The interest of Hp.mbt Jcuur, in the concern of !• li JFSSL'F .y Co., ceases tiom this date. He is no longer authorised to , the name of the hrm in the collection of dues, nor in the making of any contracts, nor in the transac- , lion of any business whatsoever. (Lj' 'The business will be continued under the I same firm GEORGE R. JESBUP. Augusta, July 1, 185!). July 3 VSI IT A I’lON WANTED.—A young man re cently from the north, well acquainted with I business, wishes a situation in some respectable niercanti'e house in this city or in any parlofHeoi | gia, either as Itook-koeper or >'a esnuui,satisfactory I references given. Apply to this ullice. march I ts fWNHR subscriber having taken the Administra -1 tion of the estate of the late Mr Ilohcrl Malone i ask of those indebted to the estate to make pay- 1 ment, and those to whom the estate is indebted, to j present their claims, as it is his purpose to cdose I the allairs of the estate with the least possible dclav. July IT, 1830 I). W, ST. JOHN. INSURANCE COHIVWV OF EOLUM HIA, W. t . 11HE above Institution has been successfully conducted for several years in the town of Columbia. 8. C. A considerable poition of its capital is invested in Hank stock, the rest in good securities. All established chiims for property lost, insured by this Company, or any of its agents, will le promptly paid as heretofore, and the same promptness wl 1 be adhered to in future, which should entit e it to a share of public patronage. ANDREW WALLACE, President. Columbia, June 8, 1839. The so sciiher having been appointed Agent for the above ornpapy, is now prepared to take Eire Disks on Bui dings, Merchandise and Household Furniture lie will also make Insurance on Life. All losses wilt lie promptly adjusted'and paid. The rates of premium will be the same as charged by ot !, er offices. He solicits a share of public patron age. j, H. DUNLAP. June 21 ts NEW BOOKS. Sketches he London, by the author of “ Random RecoJlections of the Lords and Commons,” “ The Hrcat Metropolis,” “ Bench and Jlar,” etc., etc. Charles \ inrent, or the Two Clerks j a talc of commercial life. A Voice to Vouth, addressed to young men and young ladies, by Dev. J. M. Austin Tortcsa, the Esmer, by N. P. \v illis. John Smith’s Letters, with ‘ Pieters’ to match — containing icasons why John Smith should not change bis name; Miss I ehhy Smith’s juvenile spi lit; together wl.h the only aiilhenlie history extant ol toe late War in our Disputed Territory. Also, a fresh supp yof Steel Pens Jnsl receiv ed and for sale by .1. \\. ir T. S. STOY, July 2? 247 Brood st. TKTOTICB Tu BUILDERS AND CONTRA!- JJn 'TORS. —The sob. crihcrs are prepared to fur nish Window taps. Sills, Door Sills and all other Granite that is wanted, at established northern prices. N. B. We will furnish Window Sills and Caps at 9- r )cts. per superficial foot, which is only 20 cts more per foot than Sand stone, and much more du rable. We will furnish stone for Fronts, viz. Flouts. Caps, .X c., at $1 Diets per super. If, Just what it is sold for in Boston, and other principal cities. Hoed not the idle report that lias been cir culated that the Georgia Granite is so high priced that no one can adord to use it. We will sell it at Quincy prices without any deception. Jan H>-tf Cl 11 I’M AN & MEAD. tCjf*The Constitutionalist will copy the above. TO THE I’At lir.TV AM) HEADS OF FAMILIES. nil. MILKS’ COMPOUND EXTRACT OK TO n A TO —a substitute for Calomel, and docs not belong to the fami y of quack medicines; for the reason that the component parts are made known to the faculty, oi any one else that may wish to know, by any of the agents keeping them for sale, ‘■ioce this discovery so long and anx iously looked for, some one in almost the extreme North has advertised a 'Tomato pill, purpoi ting to he made from the stalk, a thing not more absurd than for one tu oiler meal from the corn stalk, to say nothing of the difficulty of raising the Tomato so far North. Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the Tomato Pills (proper) for the great benefits of which, he holds himself round, and in honor pledg ed to prove by their use, that they arc all that they profess to tie. and will do for othcis what they have done for such as mav have n;ed them: as this is a vegetable of great use, and value, it will doubters be valuable information tu families to know that the Yellow are just doubly as valuable as the lied Tomato, and produces twiee as inueh of the hapatine, or active principle, and when used as a daily vegetable will he found to keep the system in much better condition than the other kind ; many will reeol'ei t with what tiemhling anxiety calomel has been given to children, and how they then wished for a substitute. It has long been known that the Tomato contained ca tha tic principles, hut not until of late was it arce.tained that they contained iterative and diu retic properties. The Faculty embrace and use the preparation most cheerfully, for the reason that they know what it is Were it apit nt mystery, they would be hound to reject Die they justly do t ie one thousand and one cure-alls of the day. If you wish to cleanse the system with a mild, sa e anti-hilious medicine. use the 1 oinnto Pill, of which a supply, we learn, will soon he in this city. We all know something about this, pine IS t s TO TUB AFFLICTED. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS PREMIUM. f|THE Proprietor of the Virginia Sampson, or 1 $l,OOO Premium Vegetable, for the rote of Syphilis and Scrofula, will he in town for a few days. Should there he any old and unmanageable eases, or recent ones, either of Sj philisor ScTofula, the person may rest assured that they may be re lived in a very short time. Any seivaut under forty years of age, with Seioin a. will he bought, it such is willing to change owners A letter directed to the Proprietor of the Samp son, to the rare of Messrs. Antony N. Haines, or Maviland, Risley & Co,, with the person’s address wi I he regarded as gonlidculial, and attended to June IS t s lit accoitinned with Hut ostensible v j,, MN ol the Southern Eonventitin. D I It EC T I M |» olt T ATION. riIHO.MAS l, WRAY & SON have just received J. by the Governor Troup, and are now opening mires' ofUKAIifALS and other miUC.S, from the Laboratory of Marnier, Weaver A Co. (one ol the last houses in England,* which will he sold in a state of the utmost purity. These with their former supply on hand constitutes a large and very complete assortment, consisting of a boost every article in the Drug line usually kept in this market r, . W,ll ; ,, L th “ ,kfu "^“ i *ed- e l to with despatch, on the most accommodating tcr,ns ts Set 17 AtiENCY S\V \ VV kill V*n;i<A.\t;E A TRUST CtM.PANY. riNIIE under* gned agent of the above company, S will take lire risks on merchandizeai d pro- 1 duee. m stores a- d ware-houses, and wiT nl>o in sure the same against river and mi rinc risks be tween this place. Savannah, ( liaiTeston and Norlh ern Ports. The terms will he the same, as ado: led by the other Insurance offices in the place. i P. D. WODLIIoFTEH. President, J. P. Henry. PIBECToas. G. fl. Enmming, H. H. Lamar. 1\ . T • Willi,.ms, H |p|, King. E.antis vo.rel, Ed. hnlelforj, J. ii. i.ur.ouglis L. Baldwin. '• Harper, Henrv Roser. Dimag Pouc R A. Lewis. , Augusta, March 3S w OFF IC IA L DU AVVI NO O F 1' H E GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, (■or the llcnelit ol the Augusta Independent Fire Co. Ci.ass No. "4, for IS3D. 1 8 8 1 6 li 7 8 9 10 II 12 19 -is tit 66 39" 9 t.» is 3 63 61 21 1 hereby certify that the above numbers as they stand are eorrei t, as taken from the Managers' Cer tiorate ol the draw hi)'of the \ irginia State Lotte | ry, tor Richmond, t lass No. 8, tor 1839, drawn in ! Alexandria, \ a., Aligns! 21th, 1839, and which de i teriiinics the fate of all tickets held in theahove | Lottery. A. READ, Agent. Augusta, August C 9, lS3!) TICKET NOS. 1> IS »>*J Is a pri/e of Two Thousand Dollars, sold by me in Hi* above Lottery. The holder of the above piixe is invited to call and receive the cash. A. READ. \ DRAWS TII I * l> \V . GEORGIA STATE L O T T E U Y, FOB THE BENEFIT or THE AUGUSTA INDEPENDENT IT RE COMPANY, 1 Class No. 3fi, for 1839, | Determined by the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, for the benefit of the Town of Petersburg, Class No. 6, for 1839. j I o be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, August 31, 1539. D.S.Gregory & Co.. Managers, A. Read Contractor. ; $40,0 00! ! i I G li A \ I) sc HE ME, 1 Prize of 540,000 - - is - - if 10,000 1 • - - 12.000 12 000 1- - - 6,840 6,840 1- - - 3.000 3,000 . 5 ... - 2,000 In/JCO 1 5 - - - - 1,600 - 7,600 6 --- - 1,260 6,260 > 6 - - - -1.200 - ..... 6,000 ' 40 ... - 600- 20,000 60 ... • 200 ...... 10,000 260 .... 160 37.600 64 ..... 100 6.400 64 .... 76 4,810 61---- 60 3,840 64 .... 6() 3.200 1 64 - 30 1,920 I 6,604 - -..- 20 110,080 f 28,224 .... 10 282,340 34 412 - - Prizes,amounting to - f 670,570 Ticket* «lit .sliares in pro port ion. (fj" Ordcis for Tickets in the above scheme, will meet wit n prompt attention if addressed (postpaid) to A . READ, Agent, Augusta, Ga. Duponts blasting powder—4ookegs just received and fur sale by aug 23 GARDELLE a RHIND. V DISCOURSE on the occasion of the death of the Hon. Augustin S. Clayton delivered in college Chapel. Athens,Ga.. on the I2d June, 1539. by the Rev. \\ hi 'lord Smith, A. M ,a few copies just received and for sale by J. W. U T. S. STOY, aug 10 347 Broad street. E. BOURGEOIS, SI LA' I) I Alt AND SCOURER. FROM PARIS, UESPECTTT LLV informs the Indies and gen , tlcmcn of Augusta, and the country gene rally, that he stiil continues to carry on tils iiusi ness in llruad street, next door below Dr It. Har ris’ drug stole, where he will he happy to attend to ail who may favor him with their custom. All k bids of Si Iks Crapes, A e., wi I he Dyed . u the most fashionable C nlors, Gentlemen’s app rel Scoured and renewed, and what he does he wiil warrant to give geneial satisfaction. 6m aug Hi A VALUABLE CARRIAGE DRIVER, Who ) can he recommended in tho big lest terms for I honesty, sobriety and industry, and who is also ; a barber and good House Servant, for sale by ‘ ANTONY .v HAINES, July 9 ts 232 BroadrStrcet. NEW BOOK,—An introduction to Astronomy, designed as a text look for the Students of ale College, by Hem on <don ted, A M., Professor | of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. Just re ceivod a d for sale by jmy 31 ‘ JV- T GEORGIA RAIL RAMIL Merchants and others forwarding goods tiv tiie Georgia Rail-Road, are partimTally requested to have the name of. the owner anil the place ufdeslina lion marked in full on each package ; also the name nt tile Depot; aw! to fill the receipts in all cases to correspond with the nun Its. I he observance ol Hie above rules is desbed, to prevent dilficulties that have occurred in forward iug goods intended tor ditlerent persons, healing the same mark. aUj , 5 Office Tr vnsportation, / Aiken,July 29, 1539. 5 Reduction ol Freight on Ritii-Hoiul, Dne fourth 'ess than customary, on all up freight from Charleston to Aiken and Ilamliurg, when equal to a car load, (say 6900 lbs. weight, or 300 feet measurement,) from this date to t.rst Septem ber next. VVM. ROBERTSON, Jh. Agent Transportation. C Tj’ Ihe Constitutionalist will insert the above. G EOIIGI \ It AIL. no A I). | Freight is now conveyed on the Georgia Rail- j j Road, between Augusta and Greensboro, at the ! ( following rates : Merchandize, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs Cotton. $1 60 per bale. C. I Baldwin, Agent for tbc Company, t i Greensboro, will receive and forward freight with | ou charge. Merchandize for the way stations will he for warded from Augusta ou Mondays, Wednesdays j and Fridays. " J ' ’ RICHARD PETERS, J r , h . Sup. Transportation Geo. R. R. | June 30, 1839 July 1 2 GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. Mmmi Ihe Passenger train, carrying the great mail : between New York and New Orleans, leaves ui gusta every day at 6 v. si., and arrives at Greens j boio at 1 a. m. L* avos Greensboro at 9»> «., aim I ; at Augus a at 4£ a. si., in time for the | ( harleston cars. I j Stages run in connection with this train from ! Greensboro for New Or.cans, |.lwo daily lints) via Indian springs, Columbus. ■ untgoinervnnd - obile; I for New Or e-ins. tn-week'y. via Clinton, Macon’ and Pensaco a ; lor West I oinl and Wetumpka, via Barnesvilie tri-we< kly ; for Rome, tri-week y via | Covington, Decatur and Marietta ; for Na hviile and Knoxvilc, Tennessee, tri-weekly, via Athens. Gainesville and Cassviile; for Washington, Wi kes ; county, tri-weekly, from Double Wells ; for New Orleans, daily, fro n Warren ton, via s part a, nil ! ledgeville, bacon ami Columbus; forMiiledgeville, tii-week y, via (.leensboro and Eatonton. I Connecting with the e lines are branch stage j lines to Tal ahassec, Columbus, Miss,, T'u caloo a, I Newnan, ( oweta county, Ga . and Clarksville, iia-’ bersham county, &r. An accommodation Day Passenger 'Train leaves Augusta on 'oinlays, Wednesdays and Frida» .at I 6 o chi. k, A. m., an I Gii*- n.'hoio on I tiesd.iis I hu.sdays an.' Saturdays, at 7. a m. Faie on the Rail-Road to Greensboro $4 26. Office Georgia Kail Road k Blt’g Co. "J July 12 Augusta, June 30, 1839. < LLT-/ NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS. Yulituble Colton iUnniilhcD ry and Slpye Operatives, for sale. U/’H-L bis SOU),on the 2d .Monday in De cember next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. on the I" "list’s, the following property, belonging to the Saluda Manufacturing Company, viz : Ihe Mil,l, LANDS,situate on both sides of the Saluda River, at Heard’s f alls, It mi el from to lumbla, S. ( .. contain ini' ISO acres; the iftip.ove ments, consisting of Cotton Mill, Saw Mill lilack sinilh and Machine Shop, Hotel, store and V. are* house, boarding Houses for Whites, and I abins for the .Neurons.Xc. Sc. and the Machinery, con.tiling of HS3s Spmdles, and 04 Looms, at.d alt the A p; ut tenances pertaining thereto, will be sold in one lot on a credit of one, two, three and four years, tha interest on the whole amount to he paid, the paymenls to he secured hy Pond, Martgagr, and (ersona' senility, Hie Chatter of lmurpoialion to he transferred to ti.e purchaser or puichasets of the property. Also, 04 Slat es on a credit of ninety days, for r»otes with approved endorsers, 1 earing mu test payable at the oliice of the ( otnpany, in Columbia, SC. A propfily combining the advantages this possesses, is rarely ollered to the public. It is lo cated ill a heu'thy region, with an immense water power, and hue sites for other Mills. There is an supply of the finest Granite on the premises, and Lib h Pine limb jr in abundance ; it is at the head of the Cotton market, where the raw material,can he obtained wither,! the heavy ex penses ol transportation, insurance, receiving and forwarding commissions, wharfage. C.c It has hitherto met a market fur its piodu<t«, almost ex clusively at home. Ihe Y ill is hi ill on ll c most approved plan, of granite, x 0(» feet hy Id, four slo n ■- high, and is now hut half tilled wilh machinery. I he Machineiy is of the very best description and lini'li. | he slaves are trained to the operations ol the Mill. The Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston Hail Hoad, is expected to 1 e completed to Columbia, in the course of a year, whit h will greatly ('.militate the transportation and delivery, ol its manufactured goods. 1). KWART, President aug 30 wldt Saluda Manufacturing Co. MlLllEltltV AND SILK CLLTUUIO. Gk WARD CHKNKV &. BROTHERS, and MASON SHAW, have now grow- WT l 'W* n the most flourishing condition, in l Augusta. Georgia, adjoining the Hump ton Race ( on;sc, about SO,(’00 Mortis Multicaulii I'reei, which they oilier far sale in IoH to suit piirchiisers. Tor further inhumation enqtti. ry may he made of Messrs. < heneys, at their cocoon ery in Burlington, New Jersey, or of Ma-oii Shaw, at the Kagle and Phoenix • totvl in Augusta. Having !<ad several years experience in nfuva ting the morus multieaulis from httds.entlings, Nc. they will furnish each purt hater wilh printed in structions of the best and most approved manner of planting and cultivating the t ecs, the kind of soil most suitable lot growing the same ; and also for rearing the silk worms and tee ing the silk. I hey will also have for sale, bilk Worm Eggs of tho most esteemed varieties, from mollis si hu ted with great . are sot their health, strength and perlci lion. aug9 w&trv. ts Cj’The Charleston Courier, Savannah i li oigian, Columbia Telescope, and Athens Whig, will copy the above once a week for thiee months and send their hills lo this oliice for payment. A GOLD WATCH LOST. —The undersigned had taken, a .lon. le bottomed case I Join Lever Watch, M. J. Tobias Hi Co., Liverpool. No. 14-31, with Gobi Cnrh Tub Chain, two sit;.ml and a. smi I Seal Key from him, whit It he will give a suitable reward lo any person detecting it. ap 27 ts E. B. UK ALL. N r OT It'll —During my absence fora short time Mr. i/I.IVEU DA \I'()H i 11. is duly author ized to attend to any business in which 1 am in terest'd. ’ A. DANFORITI. August 27, 1839. ts A. Z. UANTA’S New Cabinet I’Tintittiie V/are-lloiise. j No.'l'M, It road sin ft, a Inr ilouTsuhovt lln /’os.'- OJjit t Corner. —THE sitherriher lenders his slrirete | thunks, null (. r tlto ItASv lihernl finlri.unge here*n|i.r* In slowed, and Hitlers Inniselt, l.y close opj.lien* I lion, mid min milling oxen mis fur the j Vwlf 1 ni eoinnimiiil in iol his I'lisii iiiers. I • he will be ent it led to a shiire ol their (mure support He (hies noi sernple Hi iiKseit. thr.t he now Inis on linnii the largest iiml bent assort mntii ol I' ur lime, ever exhihiieil in Augnsln; rnd thinks he can, with non fit li in e. clini.erige ei tnpttri* soil wilh the best WilliolltCi nrliel-.s hi elirn.e", ales the ii bowing, viz: Splendid Sill, hmithi, Rook-eases, elegant funny ntnl plum Umiirohie, siipnrinr I gypinin marl letup dressing Rminn, plain do., Pier tables, \ minus pall* n.s,. a id. iliing, i work ultd centre 7 -ihlns; So/iis.sofn-l edsH cds; ma hogany foikers, frrnnli nnd ItnJl French, arm (.m* nino Chairs; bird Wye. niiij inopli. box, m n Hr: |( I do I I’lntio Moots; Cllumuiis, l)resi,ing-li.hlos, 1. iiking-ghissi s ol every ilesnriplioti, \t iudi vv blinilk, and iraiis[i'trniinies, Parlnr-uthles, Wash' sluo Is. Coiililing-lii'iise desks, An. An. Tito ahovn are warratdi nlo he ol the hi si tr u'.e rials and Workmanship, which he is d. 'eiimi ento i soil til a small advance. A.Z lIA AT A.. i >< H-—Cornu ry oeopli arc requested to laland examine for themselves. A II —I pho|.vlerit,g in all its hrnnehi s done wilh great dispati h. nnd on the mosl r. asonahls terms; and also euiislaiitly on hainl, a largi ass ortment of hair and moss Mr.)trasses (, ! g SILCOX * BROTHERS, < abir et, • iutir and Sofa Ware-room, broad r_| street, opposite Goliid, IJu kley&Co. 7 lie subscriber;. have removed f tlielc former location lo the large /MIL ami corniiiodions stoic of Mr. W. hel- Egs£^rr-L.. son - "ow oiler for sate a well assoitcJ kUW.I4-■,rlffSiistock of articles in the al.uvc I no, pi incipady of their own manufaeture, mtuie frot.l )he latest and most approved New York patterns which consist in part of the following— marble top sideboard!, mahogany do., pier, card,centre, dt mg, tea, work, and other, dressing bureaus with marble and mahogany tops, secretmies and book cases, sofas, ottomans, marble top washstanils, writing desks, footstools, mahogany, curl and hinls ey e map e bedsteads ; also, live do/,, excel ent ma hogany French, half French and Grecian chair*,, and a variety of fancy, cane, rush, and wood seat do. i hanbfnl lor past patronage, they solicit a I continuance of the same at their new store, where •hey wi 1 continue to sell at unusually low prices' j nd warrant the goods equal to aay apt i 2»> ’ CAHHIACI.sT Ht.'LHKRT & ROLL, at the old rttWBB ?,V l,i(l btrmerly occupied by Maj. Jesse 1 liompson, corner of Kills atid Mcla .. tosh streets, are now receiving an en tire new stock ol Carnages from the best nianufac nrr s at the North, of t ie 1 test amt most approved style, consisting of l oaches, Coai hees, Standing V"1 fop barouches. Chariotecs. bttg<'ics Sulkies, Wagons, kc., together w ilh a well selected assortment of Harness, all of which l.tey will dispose of on the most liberal terms, ( t dersfor any description of Carriages of their own ot sort tom inanufacture thankfully icceivcd and promptly executed. Their friends and the public an- respectably invited to call and examine their stock jjj’Rcpairing in all its branches faithfully exe cuted and with despatch ts nov t I* i A N<> voit r ui. broad , for . s: \ le - ;l !•» "i* stock of lit \U rnd I hS, from the best buiHers in the coiuit v I ho stoca generally consists of about thirty to lorlv instruments, comprising all the qualities'. Thoso instillments are selected with ,'teat cate, and are recommended with conlidonce. Persons vvidiing to i’u,chase can do as well at this establishment as at any ul the northern manufactories. A guaranty, ns to quality end durability, is fur nish d m every instance. ADo,a well selected stock of sheet 'HSU'. Prc ccplors. *c,, together with Guitars, Violins, Fhilcs Accordions, and most of the small articles usual'G in a Music Store, niarrh b if