Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, September 05, 1839, Image 2

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1 "I","" - - I'H lU)N ICL K AND SKNTI.\KL. I&MI sT V . THt usd v v morning, September 6 J'OU GOVERNOR, CIIA II LES noi t H i; It T v , of t laiik oor.vrr. d/Mri consequence oPtlir indisposition of sev eral of ilic wcirkmon employed in ibis office our 'daily paper will be discontinued until furthe r no *licf. Honnl ol Ilcnllh. VVmix i:muT, fieptember 4, 12 m. The Honnl report four deaths in town during The Intel twenty-four hours—-three from fever and one from paralysis, nnd three deallm front fever 'in the country. No cases of raesnl origin lifive terminated fa t-.illv, hut yield wordily to mnflterfllmirlnienl. Published by order of the Hard. A. GUMMING, Mayor. Samif.i. M. Tnomi*son, Secretary. Matou’b Offii'k, f Charleston, Aug. 3<'th, 1839. S ■^i» Iho (Tty Council of this place, gov erned by the accounts that have reached them of i ’l'" prevailing malady in Augusta, and being de. in any manner in their power, to manifest ftfpeir respect and sympathy for the corporation anil citizens of that city, have instructed me to convey to yon this expression of their feelings, and respectfully to lender to yon, if necessary the services of two or more Physicians. This oiler is made under the impression, prevailing here, that several of ynrtr Physicians have them selves boon attacked hy the disease, and (lint lit re may he a deficiency of medical men to at tend ta those of your population who are sick' mid particularly to tho poor. If the services of wny of our Physicians would he acceptable, they will Its most promptly and cordially alforded—and it would give im great pleasure to render assist, mice to our sister city. Several of our Physl. wans, amongst them experienced II capital prac titioners, have expressed u willingness nnd even a desire to go. Tho only question therefore, is whether their services are needed, nnd upon that point 1 will thank you In inform me ns soon ns possible. I would also thank you to acquaint me what is the character of the epidemic with which Augusta is ulllicted, and whether it is considered to ho contagions, or of such a nature ns would render its transmission by the rail road, dangerous to tho inhabitants of Charleston. An early an swer will oblige run. I am Sir. very respectfully, Your obedient servant, 11, U. PIN CRN 13 V, Mayor of Charleston, linn. A. Cummino, Mayor of Augusta. Matron's Omen, f Atmcsta, August 31,1839. S TSj b, —Your favor of 30lh Inst, is received.— Please accept from me the thanks ol the citizens »f Augusta for the expression, through you, ol the sympathy of the corporate authorities anil citi zens of'Charleston.— We feel peculiarly obliged ftr the oiler of (ho services of two or more ol'yiUtr eminent Physicians; but will, for tho present, de cline the acceptance of their services, so prompt, ly and kindly offered. Should future circum stances, not lli'w anticipated, seem to demand the services of your medical gentlemen, they would he thankfully accepted, Sumo of our Physicians have been affected by the prevailing epidemic, but are now, 1 am happy to say, all convalescent, nnd will soon return to the discharge of their professional duties. With reference to your question concerning the character of tho prevailing sickness of Augus ts, I will, to-morrow, send yon the opinions of •ur medical gentlemen ; hut for the present will content myself hy slating that the disease, hy our Physicians, is culled cniii'r.s/irr bilious fiver. I 1 is not considered contagions, and 1 am fully per. snnded that tho citizens of Charleston need no fool the slightest apprehension respeeting the transmission of any disease from Augusta to that city. I have the honor, sir, to be Your obedient servant, A. CU.MMtNCf, Mayor. Hon. 11. L. Pi sck vi t, Mayor of Uhirleston. M iron's Omen, } Ai'Ol'sta, September I, 1839. y 11. 1,. Pi nck x ky, Esq., Mayor of Chin lesion. Sin : —Enclosed you have the opinion of Dr. M. Antony, an eminent Physician of our city, in regard to the. character and origin of the epidemic now prevailing in Augusta—substantially the other gentlemen of the profession concur in the opinion therein expressed. Respectfully yours, A. CUM MING, Mayor. Acne sta, September Ist, 1839. compliance with your request, ac? roinpanying the letter from bis Honor the Mayo,, of Charleston, this morning referred to mo, I am happy in being able to stale unequivocally, that tho disease by which our city has been alllicted during the last month, is not eontof'.ous t nor is it in any way susceptible of communication from one person to another, hy contact, clothing, or any of the media by which contagion may be communicated. Nor is there the least reason to believe that there is an emanation from the body, whereby a similar disease may bo produced in another person. This is a decision, sanctioned, «o far as 1 have reason to believe, by every intel ligent member of tba Medical profession in lb c city, and is founded on the substantial basis of the constant character of the same disease, ns i t fias from time to time appeared under the observa tion of intelligent physicians, in different places and ihc minute and constant observation of Us character during its present prevalence hero. thus decision should be sufficient to quiet the apprehensions which may exist in the minds of cm “inuoiiy of Charleston, or any V'sce. Hut rumor has spread tar and uric the gratuitous falsehood Uiat Yillow FtvCr I mi l i / conliigltilm epidemic exists in Augusta, it may not be improper, in order that truth, with its w holesome In tiring may obUiin amongst ourfriends in I harleston ns wi ll as elsewhere, 16 ( tale in connexion with the above, without resting the truth on its bare announcement, that, so far as I have been able to learn, no cane nf Ycl/nw I’evir has originated in Augusta during the whole sea son ; that the disease hy which onr community have been visited is the same in its general char acter with the fivers which formerly afflicted our city lr hr-tiMiual recurrence in autumn; the same w ith thal which prevailed in iiarnwell District, S. C., the hi,l season, and other districts in (ieor gia and elsewhere—that its occurrence at this sea son, after years of almost tin paralleled health i • fairly and properly attributable to a predisposition more or leas general through llte countiy, arises from a summer Ol unusual heat, followed hy the cool esttiVly breezes of approaching autumn. 'I Ifcho causes have introduced a fever, the general character of which is primarily, hijluinnmlnrij InLnus Jr.vcr, As the season has progressed, the general character of the fever has become more s mply inflammatory, or the ordinary fehrilerymp l nun of fever prn luecd Itijr c ild. All these eases have been found of easy control. A modifying e m.e has however, operated with great power on a small portion of the (lily in a line of a few hun dred yards directly leeward of the (rash-wharf a collection ol putrescent filths deposited in the river, occupy mg, above water, a space of a iptar ler, or half acre. In the line of the easlw ardly an I northeastwardly winds which prevailed stead ily for two or three weeks over this wharf, a corr salerahle number ol eases were so modified as to r mler them highly iftngenius aVid in some in stil rices niieotilridahle, hy the superoihiilioti of congestive symptoms. These ruses, in order to characterise their diUcreiiee are properly denomi nated, “crmgrxf/ ve rums nf hi Hulls finer, 1 ’ This is llte ordinary type of those eases of bilious fever which causes death earlier than the seventh or eighth day, wherever it prevails, Thu symptoms which mark litis type of disease come on sooner or later, according to the greater or less intensity ol llte causes, the modifying tnlluenee of the hab it ami temperament of the individual attacked iVe. To these eases, the mortality has been eonflnedv As strange exaggerations have gone abroad, relative to llte mortality of the diseases, and which are lull the legitimate fruits of an uiiwar r.intaVe panic which has existed, I will lake the liberty of adding, in Justine to truth, ns well ns to tlio character of the medical profession here, thal according to the best estimates [ have been able to make, the mortality, from the beginning of the disease this season, to the ‘Jfillt of August, did not exceed one in twenty-four or twenty-live eases; I mid that the rate of mortality litis so decreased, ( that, from the beginning to the present time, (Ist i September,) the proportion of mortality to rs-so■ < 'cries noes not, at most, exceed one in fifty cases. 1 This opinion is concurred in hy my professional J brethren, so far as I have been aide to consult | them mi this subject. It is also proper to add \ that the panic to which the people have yielded, * has been a cause of not only increase in the num ber of eases, but of mortality ; by the physical influence of fright, and a lamentable privation of nursing. The local causes nf the alarming part of the epidemic having been corrected, there is now no reason to apprehend any further predisposing c inse in the atmosphere of Augusta, and no eases ol the congestive lever will probably heneelorlli occur, unless excited on predispositions already j created. This opinion is founded on observation of the eases of this fever which lure occurred within the last four or five days, and the general change in tho constitution of the atmosphere. Very respect fully, M. ANTONY, M. D. Jits Honor A. Ci mmixii, Mayor of Augusta. SvTfitiut, August 31, is;;;). 7b h s Honor A. Ciimilling. Mni/or, ('. .1. Sin:—Having understood from a variety of sources, both public.ami private, that your city was sorely alllieli d with disease of an aggrava ted form and malignant type —and that four of your Physicians were either dead or dying,! while lire residue, were completely worn out and overcome by the onerous duties that devalu'd on them, from the paucity of their number, in com parison with the number of patients daily accru ing ; the disease assumed all the character istics of *• Yellow Fever;" was in the highest de gree intractable and mortal; hence 1 resolved, of my own accord, at the first impulse, to 'isit you immediately, and render sull'ering humanity, all the aid in my power, in co-operation, with the j Medical ability, for which your city is reputed. 1 abandoned the few patients 1 bad in Charleston, for thal field, in which, 1 flattered myself, 1 could bo more eminently servieable, and now sir, pre sent myself to your consideration. What little talent 1 have, whatever tact in administration or skill in my profession, 1 respectfully lender them, in eo-operation with your eminent sanatory mea sures, otid the Medical talent of this city, in re lieving, mollifying, or arresting to the best of my feeble abilities, whatever evil may exist. My services, sir, are at your command, such as they arc, I freely oiler them, in behalf of the in digent and sull'ering, in the hope, sir, that if my services can be of any possible avail to you, and through you. to the citizens of Augusta, that I may prove, the feeble instrument of Divine Pro vidence, of rendering sonic good ; and with as- ! suranccs of my best wishes, that the scourge which is now afflicting your city, together with the panic that has driven away your Merchants and Tradesmen and Families, may speedily pass away, and the pleasing aspect of health and pros perity return to cheer your domicil. You will accept, sir, for yourself, my congratulation, that while one anil another of your acquaintances may have fallen, that you have been restored to your friends and health. With sentiment* of profound respect, 1 am your Honor's most obedient, And very humble servant, SAMFHL HANDLEY, M. D. M iron's OrniT,, £ Arm sta, August 31, Is ’,!). S tin:—Your note of this date is received, in which you have so gencroully pile red your pro- ) I fc‘Monal services to the citizens ol Aigusta, which arc accepted with the rordialily and res pect to which they urc go justly i ntitlcd. A. GUMMING, Mayor. 'J'o Szrt n. l.s voi.rv, M. 1 ) I Tu J fin Finn, A. Cummins', Mayor. Sin, —In reply to your interrogatories 1 have the honour to inform you that in the several eases of disease that I have seen in your city, there is not in my humble opinion, the least vestige erf “Mellow Fever,” As fur as my observation ettends, (lie eases an num. the aspect of HrLicSis fverfllltent Fever assu ming in the hit ter .stages lire Typhoid Typo—and here and there I have seen a ease of Hilious In' tennittent Fever. •Jo, J he eharueleristic (Jiflerenee in these diseases are, that the Remittent form of Fever never en tirely (rasses ofiTtnti' resolution—but alternately remits and recurs iguin. Whereas -in Bilious Intermittent Fever, there »ro cmtpMv and entire intermissions, and is a disease i ni generis influen ced in some 'unaccountable manner bv periodici ty, •Now,the \el low Fever presents one uninterrup ted paroxysm from beginning to end, anil never passes ofl until it terminates either I»y resolution or a cold surface with cold clammy sweats exu ding in largo drops and Ilyppoeratic eouDlcnaner; the former is uniformly a favourable issue—the latter beyond all doubt will terminate fatally. 1 hesitate not to believe, that your diseases arc wholly free of all manner of contagion and am decidedly of the opinion that the most powerful exciting causes producing the disease to so great an extent as it has already done, is the unaccoun table fear that has pervaded your population— while local causes only, have operated remotely in generating the epidemic. Very Respectfully,&c, SAMUEL LANGLEY, M. D. DaUif.n Mon tv, —'Idle Milledgeville Federal Union of Tuesday, says:—The Hills of the Da rien Hank and branches, we learn from iimpies lionahle authority, will no! he received at the Gent rid Hank in payment of debts diip. that insti tution, the Board ol Directors having resolved and 111 -Untried lire officers not. to receive them in pay ment after the first day of this month. Persons having remittances to make for renew als at the ( enlral Hank, should avoid the delay which will accrue from their forwarding the hills ol the Darien Hank to pay their reductions, &c. at the Central Hank. The number of deaths in (he city of Mobile, from the 30lh July to the 30th August, were 130. The Southern Recorder of Tuesday says that the cotton crops in (his Slate, so for as wo aro informed, are good. In the southern portion »f ihe State they are very fine. On the sea Islands’ we understand, tb,.„. aVfi | iet ,er prospects for a crop than for several seasons past. The corn crop is pretty fair throughout the State—in the upper parts of the Stale it is most luxuriant. The farmers throughout the Slate, we understand, are preparing to supply themselves and llv-emutry witli pork, to a much greater ex tent than has been the case for a great many years. This is well; let us make all wo can for ourselves, lip'jilv all nui money to the payment of our debts; let the mer chants he sparing hi their foreign purchases, and one and all ol ns Irugal and economical, in our expenses, and old Georgia will straighten her hack, dishurthened Iron) Ihe load that now temporarily oppresses her, and once more walk erect as she ever did. So may it Lie. A Laxo Nosh and no Mistake.—Within a lew tildes ot \\ ilsonlown there lives a merry colder, whose nose is so very long that when he takes ■ null he is obliged to tonin' fuiwiti il three ftiterti In reach ih /mini. Dkmostm km a n E 1.00.i r:\ir.— A correspon dent ot the Hentincl, Writing from Madison coun ty, gives a glowing account of a speech made hv one Gen. (i. \V, Terrell, a loco loco orator, in reply to Reuben Davis, Esq., which ho says en tirely demolished Mr. Davis and the whole whig party. Ilegi-os the following#* his peroration, lie is speaking ol Gen, Jackson, and concludes thus ; “ When the monumental marble erected to per petuate the memory ol tyrants and despots, shall I have mouldered into dust, and their very names shall have been obliterated from the recollection ot men lorever—his name shall continue to he honored and revered as long us a Republic shall have existence, or liberty itself has a votary among the sous ot men. Through the portals ot everlas ting lame, the star ol his political existence has made its exit from the stage of action, and taken its stand in the highest point of the political fir mament. there to shine while time shall last, searing the eyeballs ot envy which continually glare with malignant hostility upon his t'iumph anl career. Vca its brightness shall endure, and its lustre increase until final discord shall wreck the spheres. And even then, when the last loud, lingering trump shall sound the warning knell of ! departing lime—in the plenitude of my gratitude I have been tempted to imagine that the lofty cen otaph, erected to perpetuate bis name and bis deeds, will constitute the last fragment of earthly matter 1 1 1 3 shall be leil to tloat on the bosom of eternity's waves.” I hat s a pretty considerable of a grand flour ish. Fids General Terrel must be the same man who was employed to prosecute a negro in this -"hate charged with killing another negro named Daniel ; his speech ran in this wise. ‘ Gentle men ot the Jury—Daniel is no more—no more shall Daniel pluck the snowy cotton boll, or plough the strait furrough—no more shall Daniel ‘‘liven the negro quarters of Saturday nights with the recital of his coon hunts, or sing jaw bone at the corn shucking. No gentlemen he lies buried in the bill side with olie foot sticking out. and the i/'g tut poiuliu" up In Ihe blue arched vault oj Ilutve y / / /—1 ickfbuvg Whig, O BITE ARY. Died, on Tuesday morning, the 4th inst. after a short il ness. Mrs, Sar xii \x m.t in, relict of the late Josi ih \\ alien. and -istei of the late Governor Clark of tins State, in the 7iJ year of her age. Site bad ! eea an exemplary mem 1 cr of the Paptist ("lunch for about tbirtv-tive years, and contempla ted her approaching dissolution, w ith that tranquil resignation and peace of mind, which evinced her prepaiation for a change of words she retained her senses to the bi-t moment of her existence, and aware that her end was approaching sice expressed her willingness to depart, in the ai’l asssurance that she was about to cuter up,.a higher enjoy ments than the present world e. ild possibly allind her. Her children and grand children, and those who know her in life, will b g retain an affection ate remembrance of her worth. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. CiiAßi.rsTOX, Sept. I. Arrive / i/rs/er nty —Ship ( olumbii.nna. Miller, Hi.stou ; l ine - ip I a l ave tc, Flic ry. New York; sclir New England, Ihvmall, New York j schr j Nimrod, Sewell. Baltimore. I (Cs* We arc autlid.'Ued to announce Mr, JOirS I j C. SN'EA D, as a candidate for the offices of C lerk ot ! the Superior and Inferior court* of Richmond | county, at the election to he held on the first Mon dry in January next. ang 19 X.j* We are authorised to announce GAREV F. PARISH, Esq., as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Richmond county, at the approaching election in Januaay next. ang 19 'jo THE VOTERS OF RICHMOND COI NTY. i’r.i.r.ow citizens ; — J oiler myself as a candi date for the office of Sherilf of Richmond county, at the ensuing election, and respectfully Holrcit y our support, aug 17 IJENJ. BRANTLY. (& NOTICE. —The Rail Road Passenger Tram between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave as follows: new Aim. Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a tt. “ “ Summerville, “ - - S .'lO “ “ Oeorges’, - “ - 10 00 “ “ Kranchvillo, “ - 1I 00 “ “ Midway, -“-II 30 m. ‘ “ IHackviiTe, - -100 p. m. “ <■< Aiken, - - “ - 300 Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400 DOWNWARD. Not to leave Hamburg before C 00 a. m. “ “ Aiken, - “ - - 730 “ “ lilackvilio, “ - ■ 930 “ “ Midway, “ - - 10 30 “ “ Branchville, “ - - 11 00 “ “ (jeorges’, “ - - 12 00 m. “ “ Summerville,“ - - 2 OOp. m. Arrive at Charleston not before 300 Distance —13Uniilca. Fare Through—slo 00. Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 20 minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and not longer than 0 minutes for wood and water at any station. To stop for passengers, when a white f rig is hoisted, at cither of the above stations; and also at Sincaths, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. ()., Rives’, (Irahams, Willeston, Windsor, Johnsons, and Marsh’s T. U. Passengers up will breakfast at Woodstock and dine at Blackvillc; down, will breakfast at. Aiken and dine at Summerville. may 21 (I j-JIENEVOLEN I' SOCIETY, for the benefit of the Sick Poor of Augusta anil its vicinity. — The Visiting Committees for the ensuing month ate as follows: Division No 1. —P. 11. Mantz, Demetrius Bland, Mrs. K. Meredith, Mrs. Chas Jones. Division No. 2. —Win. E Jackson, Oliver Dan forth, Mrs. Winter, Mrs. Taliaferro. Division No 3. —Porter Flemming, J. 11. Hart, Mrs. Whit ock, Mis. Hart. Any member of the committees may obtain funds by calling on A J. Miller,at his office on Campbell street. aug 20 H M. BROWN. Sec’y. (TJ" BENEVOLENT SOCIETY—In conse quence of the absence of some of the above com mittee—the President has appointed the following persons as assistants : , Division No. 1. —Andrew McLean, Cyrus Pike Wm. Thompson, Mrs. Elizabeth Moody. Division No. 2. —(ieorge Cook, J. P. Colvin, W. W. Hob, Fanil. B. Wilson, Mrs. Eliz. Cole, Mrs. Arch. Hoggs. Division No, 3—R. W. Collier, Solomon Knee land,Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Hertyhill M. M. BROWN, Sec’y. N. B. Ist Division extends from Centre street down to East Roundly street and vicicnity. 2d Division extends from Centre street up to Campbell street and vicinity. 3d Division from Campbell street to West Roundly street. ang 2S A REAL DRESSING TO MOTHERS. Dlt ir. WANS’ CELEBRATED SOOTHING ST UUP. for Children Culling their Teeth.- ’J liis infal able remedy has preserved hundreds of chi - (Iren-, when thought past recovery. Loin convul sions As soon as the Syrup is nibbed on the gums, the child will recover. The preparation is so innocent, su efficacious and so pleasant, that no child wi 1 rrfu r to let its gums he rubbed Mill) it V\ lion infants are at the age of four months, though there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Syrup in t lie nursery where there are young children; fur if a child wakes in the night with pain in li c gums, the Syrup immediately gives ease, by opening the pores nd healing the gums; thereby preventing convulsions, fevers, &r. Sold only at Dr. It-m. Keans' Medical Office, 100 < hatham street, New York, where the Doctor maybe consulted on all diseases of children. PROOF POSITIVE OK THE EFFICACY OK Dr. K VANS' SOOTHING SY UUP.—To the Agent of Dr. Kra is' Sullnng Syrup: Dear Sir—i'ho great benefit afforded to my suffering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in n case of protracted and painfu. dentition, must convince every feeling pa rent how essential an early application of such an invaluable medicine is to relievo infant misery and torture. My infant, when teething, experienced such acute sufferings, that it was attacked witq convulsions, and my wife and family supposed that death would soon release the babe from anguish, till we procured a bottle of your Syrup; which as soon as applied to the gums, a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications the child displayed obvious relief, and by continuing in its use, I am giml to inform you the child has com pletely recoi ned, and no recurrence of that awful complaint lias since occurred ; the teetli are ema nating daily and the child enjoys perfect health. I give you my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, andwiil gladly give any information on this cireumsti nee. WM. JOHNSON. TONIC PILLS. —Tiie ppwerof Evans' Camomile Pills are such, that the palpitating heart, the trem ulous hand, the dizzy eye, and the fluttering mind, vanish before their effects like noxious vapors be fore the benign influence of the morning sun.— They have long horn successfully used for the cure of intesmiltents, together with fevers of the irregu lar nervous kind, accompanied with visceral ob structions. This tonic medicine is for nervous complaints, general debility, indigestion and its consequences, or want of appetite, distension of the stomach, acid ity, unpleasant taste in the mouth, rumbling noise in the bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, when the mind becomes irritable.desponding, thoughtful, melancholy, and dejected. Hypochondriacism, con sumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous affections, these pills will produce a safe and permanent cure. Frans' Camomile Pills were first introduced into America in IS3A. TT.I.VN’ FAMILY APERIENT PILLS are purely vegetable, composed with the strictest pre cision of science end of art; they never produce nausea, and are warranted to cure the following diseases which arise fiotu impurities of tiie Mood, vizi— Apopluy, Unions Affections, Coughs, Colds, Ulcerated Sore Throats. Scarlet Eccer, Asthma, Cho lera, Liver Complaints, Diseases if the Kidnies and Bladder, Affections peculiar to Females, a d all those diseases of wl atsoever kind to which human nature is subject, where tiie stomach is affected. More conclusive proofs of the extraordinary effi cacy of Dr. Wm. Evans' celebrated Camomile and Aperient Anli-Bihovs mils, in alleviating aJJliiTcd mankind. —Mr. Robert Cameron, 101 Bowery.— Disease —Chronic Dysentery, or Bloody Flux — Symptom?, unusual flatulency In tire bowels, sc* verc griping, frequent inclination to go to stool, Ui nusmus, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fre quency of pulse, and a frequent discharge of a pe culiar fa'ttd matter mixed with Mood great debility, sense of burning beat, w ith an intoleiahlc bearing down of the parts. Mr. Cameron is enjoying per fect health, and returns his sincere thanks for tiie extraordinary benefits lie lias received. Sold by ANTON\ & HAINES, Sole agents in Augusta, J. M. Sc T. M. IT RNEII, Savannah, I’. M. COHEN & Co.. Charleston. SHARP A ELLS, Millcdgevillc, C. ELLS. Macon, \.\V. MARTIN. Forsyth, Wm. li. WELLS, Druggist, Athens, M ARK A. L AN E, Washington July 33 A”'EAST POWDERS.—For raising Buckwheat g and Batter Cake?, perfectly light and ready tor baking the instant t>y arc mixed. Sold whole sale and retail by 1 jan 19-ts HAMLAND, RISLY & CO. I CD’ frt .T. p. ALLEN, offers Lis professional J ! services to tiro citizens of Augusta and its vicinity in tire practice Cf Lis profession—lie may be found at the store of Ur. A. Cunningham. sept 6 ts Cj* Dr. CARTER resumes his professional du ; tics. sept -1 CD’ 1' ■ JOII A' MIRLE V having prepared him self for the botanic Practice by three years study 1 and experience, and, having failed in no single in stance to relieve his patient, confidently oilers his 1 service 4 to the public us a Physician. He may bo \ found at the Hichmond Hotel, or at tire Medical store of the late Dr Griffith. sept 3 ts Dr. 13. L’ROY ANTONY, (of Hamburg, j S. C.,) feels it his duty at this time (when the Phy sicians as well as othercitizens are suffering indis criminately from Ihe prevailing fever) to oiler his professional services to the pour of Augusta, such only .vs are not able to pay. All calls left at the Augusta end of the bridge wi/h Mr. H. Frazer, or his assistant Mr. Oakman, will he promptly attended to. ang 30 3t CT}' Doctor J. ,/. I i'll. SOX offers his profes sional services to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity. He will be found at the corner of Centre and Telfair streets, at the residence of Mr. James Gardner, first house below the Academy. aug 17 'tf sK?* Dr. WM 11. 110 HURT has returned to this city and offers his prtfossional services ta such as wish to employ him When not engaged otherwise, he may he found at the office of Dr. Dugas. August 29 1 wd cr T Dr. W. EWING JOHNSTON, offers his professional services to the inhabitants of Augusta, and its vicinity. He can he found at the residence of Mr. Adam Johnston, on Green-street. ts aug 28 , j ’TO THE POOR. —We are requested to stale hy Mr. ichaf.l miriian, of the Cornuco pia that from and alter to-day, the poor of the city cm he supplied, gratuitously, with good wholes We SOI P hy sending to his establishment at any time after eleven o’clock. Those not able to send, by requesting tbeir physician to leave notice at his es- j tahlishment will be also supplied by iiim. August 28 (Xj- Tin: AMERICAS SILK GROWER AM 3 FARMER’S MANUAL —A monthly publication designed to extend and encourage the growth of Silk throughout the United Stales. Edited by Ward Cheney and brothers, Burlington, N. J., and pub lished in Philadelphia, at the low price of One Dollar a year. iKr Subscriptions received at this office. aj BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. —The Officers of this Society for the ensuing year arc as follows A. J. Miller, Esq. President; Dr. L, D. Ford, Vice President; Lev. John Winter, Collector St Treasurer i Rev. Wm. Kennedy, Associate do; ( M. M. Brown, Secretary. r uuilv medicines, AM) PHYSICIANS’ I’tiEHCRI ‘TIONS. ft OM PET ENT arrangements having been made, J Family Medicines and Physians’ Prcscrip tious can be obtained at all hours of the night; | and on the Sabbath, so far as immediate necessity , may demand, at Apothecary Hall, No. 23,2, Broad street. ANTONY it HAINES, aug 30 Cl)’ 1 here is a night hell at the door. THOMAS DAWSON’S FI It JE PROOF W A UK if O US 13. i HE proprietor returns his thanks to his patrons, » and takes this method to reassure them of his determination to use his efforts to pronlote their interest, and that of ail others who may favor him with their custom, lie will attend strictly to the business of a Commission Merchant ; lie will par lieu arly attend lu the interest of the planter; he will not buy cotton for speculation directly or in directly—on this his patrons may icly. The Agents of the Georgia Railroad Will re ceive and forward at each deposit, Cotton and a 1 other at tides, free of chaige. It would he advi- ( sable for the planter who sends his cotton to the. I Railroad, to have his name marked on the hales, and to whonuunsigned, and also take a receipt from the Agent. All Cotton consigned to Thomas Dawson, will he taken from the Railroad deposit at Augusta, to his Fire Proof v\ archousc, without any charge for dray ago. Also, goods consigned to him, and or dered sent hy the Railroad, will bo received and forwarded at twenty-hve cents a package. All oiders for Rugging, Groceries, Ac., will lie forwarded at the lowest market prices.; having no groceries of his own, he will matte the best and cheapo t selections for his customers. Augusta, Ga., August 29. (f A CARD. r|NHE subscribers having turned their attention 2 to Cutting anil Retailing Goods, beg leave to iniurm the public that they have returned from the northern cities with a large stock, consisting of American, British, French, and all styles cf FASIIIUXALE DRY ROODS, both Staple and Fancy, which they will sell for cash or approved credit, as low it not a shade lower, than can he purchased in any other establishment in this city. ’i hose in want will do well to call and examine our stock belore purchasing elsewhere. hungerford, eh is hie & Co. Broad-st. opposite the ruins of Planters’ Hotel, mar 22 ts MILES’ COMPOUND EXTRACT OF TOMATO PILLS, The celebrated substitute for Calomel, the original and only genuine Tomato Pill. Tl RPIN, D’AN'l IGN \(’ & Co., Druggists, Au gusta, having boon appointed hy the proprietor of j the above valuable medicine, wholesale Agents, have just received a supply and are prepared to i furnish it at the lowest Eastern prices. By reference to the newspapers of the past few , years, it will be seen that this is the article that I has been so much landed by men of science. The nostrums sold in this country, under the name of Tomato Pills, were got up long since the ; original and genuine article was discovered. sep 2 ws6 VOOLD WATCH LOST.—The undersigned had taken, a doul 1c bottomed case Gold Lever 1 Watch, M. J. Tobias Sc Co., Liverpool, No. 14231, with GoM Curb Fob Chain, two strand and a small Seal Key from him, which lie will give a ; suitable reward to any person detecting it. ap 27 ts E. B. BEALL. \T OTICE.—During mv absence for a short time Mr. OLIVER DAXFORTH, is duly author* ! ized to attend to any business in which 1 am in>- terested. A. DANFORTH. August 27. 1839. ts ' I FOR SALE OH TO RENT, £1 From Cue Ist of October next, the two 1 -i—lbU story dwelling House, at present occupied hy William Glover, at Apling, Columbia couutv, ! willl t"o store houses, gin house, stable, Ac. The lot contains two acres ; the stand good for a store or boarding house. ADo, for sale, a neat p’casant and hca’thv Farm, one mile above the Quaker Springs, known as the Tatri< k Place.containing eighty acres—forty acres cleared and under cultivation, on which is a tolera ble good dwelling and other out buildings ; the soil we): adapted for the culture of potatoes corn and the ' u'berry. Also, will be sold with or without the Finn four thousand Moms Mnltioaulis trees at 50 cents’ a tree (roots included), as fine as anv raised in this neighbor ood, and expect will nngc'from 5 to S feet in height uy the first ot Cetobcr next, well branched. L|j N P. ! Ft; \8 Mv*) dStAwtf T7' R '■ALE—Seven excellent Road Wagon I' and Gear. Apply to J. & 1). MORRIS N 1 j»ly 17 4tw 1 HVARCIIOtSR AM) COMMISSION B uusin i :ss. m : ' STOVALL, SIM UONS, & CO. AUGUSTA. || ri'IHK publicme informed, tlint we continue tc B R transact the above business, at our Fire Pun I Ware II nine. V W e pledge ourselves not to be interested in an v I manner whatever, in the purchase of Cotton, except I for order, vvliicb is legitimately, the business of» H Commission Merchant, and which is done bynijß others, when an opportunity offers. i. Orders for Goods, will meet prompt attention,-R Our frieiuN, Stovall k Hamlen,continue the (in.K eery, and Hamlen, Robinson & Co.,the Dry Go. ; H business, and are now receiving their fall supply I 1 Goods bought of them, will he free from thcusuill Charge of Co missions for purchasing, and will pB warranted to give as much satisfaction, as toqual.B ity and price, as those purchased by any other lions' HI in the city. Cotton sent us by Rail Road, will bo taken from Hi tbc Hepoi to our Ware House, and no charge will Bn be made for drayage. Cotton sent by Rail Rod, should be bramleiH j and acebtnpanied by written instructions to t*i 1 Agent of the Company, stating, to whom it is con HI signed in Augusta; it being the duty of said A gent ESB (as the Company advertises,) to receive and for I ward all Cotton and ,Goods free of charge A„„ HH other Agent is useless, ° lleing yet blessed with health, and our usual en H ergies and capacities for business, we are now if our posts, prepared to serve customers, whose or I ders and interests shall tie strictly adhered to STOVALL, SIM ,jOATS kCO H sept fi w A frw ■’jjjOTTCE—All persons indebted to the E'hk'H'T (!t Oavirf Langston, late of Columbia countv » 1 deceased, are requested to make immediate pay.'";. • mcnt,and those having demands against the Estate HI 1 to render them in properly attested, within the’ lime prescribed by law. JAM US LANGSTON, AdmT. September 5, 1539 6tw GUARDIAN’S SALE. t ' ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Dccem- |V -' y * her next, agreeably to an order of the Into- I rior Court of burke County, when sitting for ordi- t miry purposes,at the Court House door in Waynes- I borough, in said county, the one-half interest in I-s' 30U acres of Land, lyi.g in said county, adjoinin'' t John Conner and Amos G. Whitehead. Alsu, the • half interest in a Negro Girl, named Lucy, about I 10 years ui age. Sold as the property of Sarah ■ Lews, ninor heii of llczekiali Lewis, deceased. JOHN RuDGEUS-j Guardian. September 5,1539. w td a I OUR moiihts alter date, application will be | -h made to Hie Honorable the Inferior Court of burke county,for nave to sell a Negro Loy belong ing to ti.e Estate ol peter Applewhite, deceased JOHN APPLEWHITE, Adtn’r. % September 5. ib’bl) i.’GLR months alter date, application will be k -B. made to the honorable the Justices of the in- I. i . uor C oi; .1 ui Bui kc Gounty, when sitting for or- S. duaiiy purposes, lor leave to sell igfiu acres of h Lund, hi Hall cum ty, and IUU acres of Land in ILi l ulumbia county , belonging to the minor and heirs ot William Lovell, lute ol Burke county, deceased. H PzVVrNE LOVEIE, Guardian. KC Sept mberfi, 1839 ~ i G-UR months alter date, application will be b made to the Honorable the Justices of the In leriur Court ol liurke county, When silling for or dinary purposes, for leave to sob the Negroes be longing to the Estate ol John He Loath, deceased. JESSE P. GREEN,Adm’r. . i | September 5, 1539 f | ! ONI.N. —The subscribers have a pair of wort ■ S PEERS, that will be sold a bargain ; they I arc large, well broke and remarkably gent c. I sept 3 4t & ROWLAND. 1 UJ ANTE!) TO HIRE —Two good held hands till t .e Ist of January next, to work about 7 miles from town. Apply lo A. READ, sept 3 ts s j*CR SALE, a first rate pair of young Carriage ft Horses, Apply at Air. Allman’s, N^TOTICE. — The subscriber informs bis friends i.N nod the pTtblie generally, that bis Mi 1 is in operation daily, Where can be had fresh Meal and Grist at all times. JAMES MACLL, Broad street, above the new market. sep2 _ It* m&m afauai, OR / ANTi-IIALSAMIC GON’ORR [REAL SOLUTION, II arrant a] In cure in Five Jhji/n. 7 HIS inromparali'e and invaluable remedy str S long known, and used with sucli uiiparrall'cled success in Hi ■ Canadas for lb - last 30 yeais, ap pears to need no panegyric. Us operation upon Hie human system is such that it invariably nets like a charm, lor the relief and radical cure of a certain common and disagreeable ‘dlls the lies!) is heir to.” This prize obtains its own name from the certain success which has attended it through all of its trying circumstances, namely, “live days,”—tin same success which followed it in a Northern 1 ti ludc still obtains in a more Southern. '1 lie fin la or recipe was obtained at great expense, inlr uc and hazard by )| Clicveres, from the eclebr Indian Chief Wabekothb, or Great Moon, whilst he, with others was pursuing the lucrative Kur bu siness in the North-west with the Indians. — U abenoshe prized highly and use it with invariable success throughout his two tribes. Us known and valued virtues have already enriched to an aimo i incredible extent the children of this warlike princi ' not only by actual sale of the article itself to in dividuals, but by parting with copies Os his receipt at enormous prices to the Chief of every tribe ol Indians in America, with a solemn promise to the Great Spirit, never to divulge the “art of its com position until he sleeps with his fathers,” although Ircc to use it in their respective tribes, which places it in the hands of every Indian who rely with, 1 may say, religious confidence on its cura ble powers. Relow is a copy of the translation as near as it can be anglisized of the deed given by Wabonoslie, to .11. Clievcret, when he purchased the original recipe, and bad twice assisted the Chief himself through the tedious manipulatory process of manufacture. I-ew white men would credit the length of time which is consumed in preparing the article for im mediate use. translation. “I, U abenoshe. Chief of the nations Ottowa and Chippewa, for the love and good feeling which I have for my white friend M. Cheveret, (for he has done many good things for me and my people,) I give to him my greatest cure for the bad sickness which my children have had sent among them as a punishment by the Great Spirit, and hope that in' lii. hands it may do much good, and make him very rich.” Signed WABINOSHEjhis V. mark. 'Witness API’AHO, hi# X mark. EVERETT LAYMAN, IIILEAM MCAKIE. J. 11. ROY, R. 0. DUPUIS, J. S. CARDINAL. I his Medicine,T warrrnt by tins publication,un’-r der a penalty of $.7,000, not to contain one parti ce ol roirosier preparation. It Is purely regula ble in its essences. Us first and prominent virtue i- lo sul.due every vestige of incarnation, and then acts mildly and copiously as a diuretic; thereby holding within itself, every requisite virtue, for the subduction of this loathsome malady—and ev ery regular graduate in medicine, wi I sustain the assertion, that copious diuresis and reduction of in llalion, are the only two things necessary to effect a sound and radical cure. The most peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,” is in this, that wherever it alone has been used to affect a cure, none of those tenacious and disagree able consequences which almost invariably results from .the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been known to obtain such as stricture, hernia, hunior alis, incontinence), and a swarm of other of the most loathsome, perplexing, and disagreeable dis eases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and treatment of Gonorrhoea. Those affected are requested to call and try for themselves. It the prescriptions are we 1 foTow ed and fail to cure, the money will in every case be returned. ou ran do what you please and eat what you p'case. To be had at Antony Sc Haines, No. 232, Rrond street, who air the only authorised Agents in Au gusta. All orders addressed to them, will I*' promptly attended to. aug 29