Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, September 05, 1839, Image 3

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■I B \R. MONROE, DENTIST, will be absent for S' ■JI / a short time on professional business. |l aug 31 _ ■ Bta V KVfV-MV - l)Obl..>>ih l. .. KBs ) \NAWAY from the subscriber, on the 11th ■ ilia July, a negro hoy named Glascow, 19 or 20 K ■tears of age, about :>$ feet high, stout built, and ■■cry ilarlt complexion. He was raised near Edgc f lie Id District. S. ('., and may have made his way I bark to the above place, or perhaps to ( har'eslon f 0* Savannah j but he is supposed to hb lurking p. flout Augusta or the Sand Hills. The above re ward "'ill bo paid for his delivery to me, or ids be ing lodged in any jail so that 1 get him again. Hwtiugll) trwtf .lAS. \\ r . CLARK. BAIL If A ROWLAND S 1 IItIWROOF | WAIiMIIOI’Si:. ri'd IE undersigned will continue the Ware-I J[ House and Commission ntisineSs, at their old itand, where the same care and attention to bttsi fe ne s will be bestowed as heretofore, and their such as arc considered customary with ic- houses,in. the same line of business. KS HAIRD &. HOWLAND. KjS Augusta, Aug 31 wtN ■NOR SALE. — 1 second hand .pedlars’ Wagon .; and Harness, nearly new. HBwAlso, I goon Harness Horse. Apply to JOHN S. HUTCHINSON il l PI PUS, PIPES. '■'sa n/-|| BOXES PIPES. just received and for rail lIP sale by pH June 87 ts W. E. & J. U. JACKSON. mUK undersigned continues to transart a general I FACTORAGE AND OMMISSIOA BUSI NESS, and solicits a continuance of patronage John g. hollo;vibe. yJCharleston, S. C., August 19, 1839. swim ('I KEEN’S PATENT STRAW Cl TTEIL— H Just received and for sale, half a dozen Green’s twenty-four bladed Patent Straw Cutters ■ aug 9 3tw by P. FLEMING A, Cm pr / v BAGS Prune Green Coffee 10 hhds. St. CroiX Sugar. Just received, and for sale by JOHN S. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer. may 10 SI PUATION WAN PIT), by a young man who lias had some experience 'in business, and pos sesses a competent knowledge ol book-keeping and Accounts. Good references can be given.— j Any person wishing sneh an assistant will make application to Mr. Robert Lambert. aug I t f|VIE Exercises in Mr. Adims’ Sehool have 81. closed for ihc season, to be resumed on the Ist .Monday of October next. As the number of bis pupils for the future will be limited, those pa rents who have entered their children will confer upon him a very great lavor by having them pre l. sent at the commencement ol the qnailei. pievions I to the examination and arrangement of lessons, He. k a ug 23 d lOt trwtd HHVLTIIb’IVING BimORAGR. m IE undersigned have received a supply of | | Water from the White Sui.nmm i-rniNo ■[Greenbriercounty, Va. The high reputation which Ktho water o this spring has a quirt'd, in the l»e- HKt lent loti and cure <f disc rse<, has long rendered Han object of peculiar interest to the pn die. Ex ■ffensive experience bw demonstrated, that it may ■'be transported to any distance, and kept in barrels ■or bottles fur any desired length oi time, without (■the slightest deterioration of its medicinal virtues Bdlefficiency. TURPIN, D’AN’I IGN AC H i 0. ■f gjuly 12 S'vfit I THE TRUE .i>»•: divine. I » t XI'EN IVELY used in Europe, never before introduced into America, an idle cure ■and a delightful preventive ol'Chapped Hands and Lips, He. I'liis elegant article gives a d dtcacy ol fragrance and that natural hea infill appearance to tin skin no other preparation of t e kind has been l ( i,o .n to produce. It immediately removes PIM PL/'.-b 1 and other dis igreeable UUCPL’IOSS. pie- BliUISftS from turning Idack,cures BUR A N i i SC.iLßty, alleviating pain, and preventing b,i<ter*. it is also exceedingly useful tor .S DHL II UK A STS. So invaluable is this compound for eve. v inconvenience to which the skin is liable, t!i none who have proved its benefits will ever wi ngiy be without it. 5.,1,1 i n Glasses at 2.» and 50 rents each, with i fa: particulars, and directions lonise. Korsaleby JIOUER I' GARTER, Druggist, Rroad si. and at T. IT. PLANT’S bool store. Where certificates of Us suecc-.d'nl application . ybe seen, june dj swtf_ ({G ALS’ mm UESTOUATIVE. rPt ililS valuable di rovery is now introduce.l to B the citizens of Augusta, with the fullest confidence ami assurance tnat il will effect the ob ject o I its application . viz: .1 I OULKTERLS TO RATIOS OF TUB OMR upon the heads ol ■ those who have lost Hie same, and have thereby become bald or partially so. Numerous certificates might be given to show how successfully this compound ins been applied, never having failed in a single instance.) Its virtues have been tally and sali-.f' ctoEly tested The heads of these that were entirely bald have been by the application o this restora tive, covered with a luxuriant growth of beaulilul ,1J None need despair whether old or young, of hav ing their hair restored. Korsaleby B ROBERT CARTER, Druggist, Bioad st. and at T. 11. PLANT’S Bookstore. «-iVherc certificates of its successful application Iffv be seen. _ _ June 21 swtf HOOK AND JOB PitlN rnmiMl-street, one dim from Broad, and im mcliiitehj opposite Afosrf. Millers' Law Office. . , -, || Esubscribers beg leave to return their thanks J to their friends and the public, for the liberal natronave bestowed on them, and hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of nast favors. Their materials arc such as will en able them to execute every description of Printing, anil from practical knowledge ol the business, be lieve they can give general satisfaction. They have just completed the following assort ment of LA W BLANKS, he. to which they would invite theattention of Attorneys and public officers, embracing the most approved forms in general use, among which are the following s Claim bonds, Garnishments and Bonds, Executor’s Bonds, Altatchmonts. Letters Testamentary, Letters Dismissory, Letters of Guardianship, Letters of Admin’n, Declarations in Assumpsit. Dec in Trover, Guardian’s and Administrator’s Bonds, Executor’s and Administrator’s Deeds, Bills of Sale, Lan I Deeds, Mortgages, Sheriff’s Titles, Sheriff's Executions, City Sheriff’s Executions, Magistrates Summons, Magistrates Execution, Magistrates La. Sas. Sheriff's Ca. Sas.. Jury Summons, jury Subpoenas, Witnesses Summons, Commissions for Deposition, Peace Warrants, Insolvent Debtor’s Notices, Insolv’tdo, Bonds, Forthcoming Bonds. ( i. Ka. against Bail, Witness Summons for City Court, Short Process, Declarations U. S. Court, Recogniz nccs, Apprentices’ Indentures, Marriage Licenses, Bil s ol Lading, Bills of Exchange, Bank Checks, Notes of Hand, Bank and general Powers of Attorney, ■ Notary’s Notecs, Protests, Georgia & Carolina Rail Road Deceits. &e. r-'T Tltders from the country, for Blanks or 4 Printinz ot any kind, promptly attended to. * UR iWNE, CUSHNEV tc .Me, AFKERTY. August Hi, IbSff. AJU.MINISTR ATUIX’n SALE. i GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court of Richmond minty, when silting fororlinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tin -day in No vember next, at the lower market house, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, all that lot of land with the d welling home and other improvements thereon, in the city ol Augusta, con taming 41 feet 3 inches front on E ID-strect and running back the same width 132 feel to a ot be longing to the estate (f Graves, and bounded on the north and cast of Grave-' lot, south by E lis street and west by a lot be onging to the e-t-.te f Michael Kincliley. deceased The same being the prooert' of t ie estate of Michael K inch ey. I cen-- c<i. and sold for the benefit of the heirs and <;.edi tors of -aid estate. \|-o at the same time and place and on the same account, will be sold 'Ten Shaics of the capita Itock of the Bank of Augusta. , ANN KIN CULLY, Adm x. August 26, 1830. 1 0 PIHV.—The Inferior Court of Richmond -IN county, and tho Court of Ordinary, will he adjourned from the l-t Monday in September. to ' 3d Monday in ( ( tuher. All suitors, Jurors, Wit nesses ami all persons infested, will take due no tice. JAS. McLAWS, Cierk. aug 28 -it FTIOBACCO AND I’LOUR. .Inst received on ll Consignment, a lot of superior Tobacco and !■ lour, which we will sell low, on lime. aug 24 5t RUBS & BEAU,, i’ ■ C ■■ : '■; v.,'! i py this 5 times. \T EW BOOKS. — \ Diary in America, with rc -INI marks on its Institutions, &e., by Captain Marrynt, just received and for sq'e bv aug2ii' Ht T. M. PLANT. a ... i TO RENT,a throe story brick hulking D on Broad st., occupied by Mrs. Faber as a boarding bouse ; also the store underneath occupied by V.Crepu. For terms apply to aug2l 11 slot I .101 IN If INES. ji_(t T’<) RENT, from the ]st Oct. next, a f ft STORE, No. 21(1 south-side Uroad-strcet, |agg3ffl recently occupied by the late 0 W. St. John. Apply to JAMES GARDNER, Jr. aug 16 trwtf ji--_a TO RENT, the Store on the south side ffl of liroad street, at present occupied by . .Moms & Costello ; possession to he given on the Ist October. aug 19 ts P.McGRAN. V\ T ANTED.—A good Cook, Washer and Iron » er. To one possessing the necessary qual ifications, good wages will be given. Apply at this Office. Jt aug 22 A LE. —Wanted to arrange with a house in this J\_ city, for the sale of one of the very best brands of North River Ale. Address with refer ences, It. T. & Co., New York City Post Office, aug 22 2w f INI ME HILLS ON NKW-VORK, drawn in J[ Savannah, for sale by aug 20 ts \V I! 10 11T A GIBSON. tTT OSHEN HOTTER.—ID kegs Goshen Butter, \ W just received and for sale by aug 15 I. S. BRERS & Co. | < EoIIGIA NANKEENS. —Just received, live N B eases heavy Georgia Nankeens. aug Ilf O't A. SIBLEY. B‘RON8 ‘RON STEAMBOAT i o.MPAW STOCK—A few shares for sale by Wli. IE GORDON, aug 17 ts H EST LAMP OIL.—A supply of Bleached g Si Winter and Fall Strained Lamp oil, just re ceived and for sale by aug 15 ts AN £( IN V& !l MNER. T k t 1 RING my absence from the state, R. V. 0 y CLARKSON is my authorised agent. aiigS JOHN S. HO PC FI IN SON. rgRO HIRE.— Three good House servants. Ap g ply at this office. ts July 27 S J AWKINSVTLLE, MONROE RAIL-ROAD, E I and OCMCLGEE MONEY taken at par for goods by (July 25-1 in] E. I). COOKE. RENTING INK,—A supply of Printing Ink July ICJ just received by T. 11. PLANT. T.NOR SALE —\ first rate second hand two wheeled BUGGY. For particu ars apply to mar 7 ts J. B. GUEDRON. £ \ ALCINED PL ASTEII'PARIS.—A fresh sup- J ply Calcined Plaster Paris, just received and for sale'by 11AVTLANIJ, IUSLY & CO. jan If) (f SUMMER QUILTS. —A new and beautiful ar ■ tide just received, and for sale by ap 30 ' W. B. &J. U. JACKSON. PIANO FORTE. —Asplendid Hose Wood Piano Forte, Grand A. Lion, of line touch and tone for sale by CLARK, RACKETT Sr Co. ap 2 1 i r .20 superior Moss M Untunes J.V a just received and for sa eby may 16 W. E & J. U. JACKSON. CJUMMUK QUILTS. —-A few more of extra size I f just received and for sale by june 10 If W. E, &J. U. JACKSON. * I LGH T CHECKS o'; NEVV YORK.—Sight ( 7 Chocks on New Vork,dnVvn in Savannah, in j sums to suit.for sain by jan 10 o' WRIGHT & GIBSON. j VINEGAR. —30 hbls. superior White Wine Viucg ir, just received and for sale by June 8 W. E. fc J. U. JACKSON. BOPPLES.—2O Hampers \\ ino I it- V ? ties, 12,000 gross Bottle Corks, for sale by jan lil-tf MAVILAND, RISLV & CO. &4J ONONG.UIELA WHISKEY —10 bids si 1 peiior Munengabcla Whiskey, just r« ccivcdand for sale by W. E. A .1. U. JACKSON, Auctioneers, may 16 L NEW, speedy, and elfectuai cure for the J\ Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Strictures, &c. Just re ceived and for sale by ANTONY & HAINES, Agents, may 16 Augusta. JUST BECEI V ED. and for sale, 10 hales Cotton Osnaburgs 5 cases superior Irish Linens By JOHN S. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer, may 10 C)oa DO/,. COMMON TUMBLERS, just re <9} > j) ccivcd and for sale by may 1 I W. E N .). U. J VCKSON. JUST RECEIVED, 5 bids. No. 1 Shad, it) r| bftls do do 1500 lbs Smoked Beef, aug 6 I. S BEERS & Co. SOST. —A new black silk UMBRELLA, which i the owner purchased for his own use. The head is split and tied together with a string, and his name marked, though indistinctly, upon the top. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. ts junc 29 TITHE subs fibers offer for sale on aceommoda- Jl ting terms, the close consignments, 500 pieces Colton Bagging, of different qualities, weighing from I to 1.; lbs, some of the most recent importations. 200 coils Ba'e Rope 40 bags Cuba Colt'ee 50 I)lids Cuba Molasses 50 bids New Orleans Molasses 10 hhds St Croix Sugar 10 bbls Phelps’ Gin GARDELLE h RHINO, aug 23 corner Mclntosh and Bay st. Mlisle school. LA TASTE will commence giving les orn ? , on the Piano Forte and Spanish Guitar early in the fall. From his long experience in teaching the theory and practice of music, he as- ; urcs those who may patronise him that they will save no reason to regret placing their daughter* Tmdcr his care. smtf July 31 PI BLIC TF'. f AT WHITE OAK CA.III* (IHOUND. rgTHE subscriber having made additional im jj provements 1 1 his Public Tent at the above pla rendering it more commodious, will lc pre pared to alfotd the best accommodations ti tho«o ! visiting the < amp Meetingat White Hals, ( o umbia ' county.commeri' ing on Mondiy evening, s< pi. g ( ] 5 and full assurances are given that order, regularity an I de -orum will be the indispensable regu ations ! of the tent. WILLIAM DOYLE, N. li. — Mr. Jesse Clark will run vehicles from the i .'amp ground to the Rail-Roa I, for the convey ance of passengers, and personally superintend the same. Stables and ots are erected for the accom- j modation of horses, and furnished with provenden Richmond county, August 22. wlttrwtd SUJ’I'I-il HOUSE ON THE GEORGIA R AH,-HOAD FOR SAUK. n _J| The undcr-igned having rem wed from .'{ ' ' ' sell his large Hotel in Craw- L g-M-fordOHc, situated at the Georgia liai- Road iiepjt, on accommodating terms. After No- I vember next, t is will be the Tipper House fertile d >s tending laily train, an I will be continued per manently as su h. For further particu ars apply I to J. F. Mims, resi ling on t e spot. 1 aug 23trw2rn 11. B, THOMPSON. I • I Office Transportation, Aiken, August 27, 15.'!!).5 ,?1 ’"I Notice is Riven that the morning ami k. afternoon trip, from Hamburg to Aiken, —..-Elias been resumed. The ears leaving Hamburg daily, at A past 4 o’clock, I’, M. \V ,n. UOHKit I SON, .In. Agent Transportation. The Constitutionalist will insert the above. I! \ GOING AM) AAINE. r* A PIECES good Scotch Hemp Bagging, ♦> 4 Fi F 15 boxes of Bottles old Madeira llhie, for sale by STOV ALL, SIMMONS & Co. ang 23 4w ¥TAUCLUSE OSN \Bl RGS —I’m. 1; reduced. V A constant supply of CottOnOshalnirgs, from the Vanclnse Factor;, for sale at a reduced price by their agents, CLARK K, McTKI'R ir Co. bug 15 11 NT OTIC K. —The subscriber having taken into co-partnership with him lIKNRA O. COOK, the business hereafter will he conducted under the firm of WILLIAM 11. CRANK & Co. Augusts, 1S3I). Wit. 11. CRANK. I. ’SOIt SALK —A Certificate entitling the holder _ do a Course of Lectures in the New York Re funned .Medical College. For further particulars apply at ibis office. ts July is IA Dl CATION. —The time of his vacation being ended, Hie exercises of Mr. Mahoney’s school, will commence on Monday the 29th instant. He solicitsa share of public patronage, and feels thank ful for that already given him. ts July 27 CTj’The Constitutionalist will please give the above two insertions. CO-I*A MTMIHSIIII* NOTICE. E B Nll Id subscriber has this day taken into copart- I nership, Mr. A. 7. MASSING ALU, and the business will from this time be conducted under the style and firm of .S'. BUFORD .S' CO., and the sub scriber would lake this method to return his sincere thanks to his friends and former customers for the patronage that has been so liberally bestowed on him. and he would most respectfully solicit a share for the linn. S. BUFORD. .y Ily 29, is:!!). ts PINE SHOES. 4 t ENTLEMKN’S line Gaiter Bonis. 4 Si H “ •* Morocco Brogan Pumps, “ Vt Walking Pumps, “ " Dancing “ and Ladies’fine kid and morocco Slippers of all kinds, just received fil'd for sale lOw, by ALDRICH & SHOVE. juneS ts PORTRAIT PAIN PING.—MR. B. HEADDEN respectfully aunoimces that he has returned to Augusta and lias taken the room formerly occu - pied by him at the Masonic Hall, where he will re main'but a few weeks and will be happy to wail upon Ladies and Gentlemen, who may wish to ex amine specimens nr have their likenesses taken. Thel'onstitntionaUst will copy three times an 1.0 ts JVT o I'H'F. —The subscriber desiring lu wind up 1n( bis business in this city, between now and the first oft etober, requests all persons having de mands against him to present them for payment, and tlibso indebted to him to come forward and make payment. B. L. NKHR. ang !) 2w CQ" The Constitutionalist will please copy the above for two weeks. JAW NOTICK.— The subscriber has removed jj his ( llice to the second story of McKenzie k Bennoeh’s corner. He will attend punctually to Iho business of his profession, in the Courts of Rich mond county, Georgia, and Edgefield and Barnwell districts, S. C. oct 10 [ 1 yr] JAMKS T, GRAY. r aNI I !•: subscribers offer for sale, 8 40 bags prime Rio Coffee 30 bags Cuba do 50 hlid.-i Windward Island Molasses 40 Mils New Orleans do 2.1 bbls Phelps’ Gin 10 casks Rice 50 bids Canal Flour 10 hlids St. Croix Sugar GARDKLLK & RHINO, July 2 trwlm comer Mclntosh and Bay ,st. I.E SUPEI.EUftg COLOGNE WATER. P T were I.nt labor lost to enumerate the wouder j| ful properties'of this admirable article. It re putation rapidly exlending over all the known world, has made all praise supordons, all exagge ration impossible. To the ladies our recommen dation will be useless. It gives the rosy bloom ol heliilli and youth to all who make it the constant companion of their toilet. AI.SO, Farina’s Cologne Water, genuine. Prentiss’ do. do. And several choice varieties of oUr own man factum, for sole by I I AVI LAND, RISLKY & Co. april 15 If Druggists, Augusta. I’UESII TUllMI" NEEDS, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. : r ARC K VVHITK FLAT DUTCH TURNIP 1 S 4 Do Globe do Do Norfolk do Yellow Purple Top Ruta Baga do ALSO, 1,1 igc Dmmbcad Cabbage Do Bergen or Great American Cabbage Do Cape Savoy Do Red Dutch, for pickling Long Orange Carrot Large Black Fall Radish White and Red Turnip Radish Red and White Clover Seed Lucerne or French Clover Seed Blue Grass do Herds Grass do The subscribers have lately received the above variety of Garden Seeds, all of which they WAR RANT TO UK FRKSI’I AND GKNUINK, and offer them for sale at reasonable prices. ANTONY & HAINES, June 28 No. 232 Broad-street. subscribers have received per recent arri vals, winch they oiler low for cash or city ac ceptancc, a large lot of Dry floods, among which are, 600 pieces Calico, various qualities 200 doz Cotton Handkerchiefs 30 pieces While Linen Drill 25 do Brown do 85 do Colored Miislin 40 do Blue Jeans 35 do Furniture Dimity 100 do Pantaloon Stripes 50 do Silk Handkerchiefs 60 do Plaid Muslin 150 doz Madras Hrtkfs 50 pieces Swiss Muslin 60 doz Hosiery 200 doz Shirt 1 ,‘ollars a, Moths, Silk and Cotton Shawls, Bosoms, Capes, Muslin Collars, Brown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Bastings, Casmireis, colored 1 ambries, Bea 1 Bags, Brown Drills, Buckram, &c. kr. may U) W. k. k J. r. ,1 \; kson. J f AT STORE —A. B. MALLORY having a ■ conneeied liiinsell wnh one ol the largo-t mniiiilaclniing houses at tlie Norlh will in Ininrn j conduct Hie linsiness under tlie firm of A. it. ! Mallory A t o. Their irescni arrangements will . ■ enable A . It. M ‘V, 1 o, to snpe ly their eusloineri on I ihe most, neeobirnmlmiiig linns. They lire in w rceiviiig He ir Full mid A inter supply of Gentle men s ! Los, (,'aps, iVr . ulro, a large assortlnelll d( l adies Bounds, of the sivle arid superior qnaniy. Those wis dug to purebn-e nrlleies m j ilieir hue,either nl w bob,sale or retail,urn solicited l . call and examine their assortment <>'•' 2 If \ I! M UXORY & Co, MI SK AI. NOTICE. XOHN PCII EI.I,AS Professor of Music, induced 99 by the great encouragement which be lias re ceived as a Te teller of 1 lit- Pia .0 Forte, both at (bo Academy nl Mr. and Mrs. well as the La lie and Gentlemen and public in general, who have -ohand-omely patronised dm since his arrival 1,1 sugnsta, he tenders his greatful aekiiow'eib'r 'l e.nls to them, hoping a continuance of (heir favor ■ P" r l K, sing to continue the same vocation, dinin ' summer, pledgin' bim-elf f ;oln , lis lemrcd method to convey instruction to his pu pils to perform in a superior mahner in 1 short . S by as iduity and attention to mm it tbdr approbation. He wid likewise attend to til lag and repairing Piano Fortes, and satisfactory 1 ).! *"■ : riven on a;.p icationat Mr. \./. p.,, ,,■' I 1 1 ,. 1 ' r 'V ■ u ■Use. No. Broad- i rc , • j v, 'h ,, ' < ' all orders wi ibe punctually attended to. ’ j Humphreys, n.ARKr. & to (Formerly (if Macon, Georgia.) UAVK received by lute arrivals from England and aiv now open in"; a I llio store No. 1U I'oarl \ street, (up stairs,) a general assortment rtf British and French Dry Hoods, selected and imported di rect, expressly for the Southern trade, together with a general assortment of American Hoods, which makes the assortment complete. —Merchants visiting the city tiro requested to call and examine the Stock. Orders will have particular attention, and put up at the shortest notice. Charleston, s, C.,October 22,1838 ts "I'll I'.. The interest of llrxitv .lessee, in i X tlie concern of (•’, li. JESSUP d Co,, ceases Dorn this date. He is no longer authorised to use the name of the firm in the collection of dues, nor in the making of any contracts, nor in the transac tion of any loudness whatsoever. Cfj The business will he continued under the same firm. GEORGE U. JESSUP. Augusta, July 1, ISII9. July 3 V SITUA I’ll\N WANTED.—A young man re cently I ron Hu‘ north, well acquainted with business, wishes t situation in some respectable mercantile house U this city er in any part ofHeoi gia, either as Book-keeper or Sii esman,satisfactory references given. Apply to this ollicc. march 1 ts fIIHE subscriber having taken the Admmistra | tion of the estate of the late Mr Itohei t Malone ask of those indebted to the estate to make pay ment, and those to whom the estate is indebted, to pis sent their claims, as it is his purpose to close the allairs of the estate with the least possible delay. July 17, 1839 __ D. W. ST. JOHN. lAsiiitAM i: roJip.vw or com u. in \, s. t. PIA HE above Institution lias been successfully | conducted for several years in the town of Columbia. 8. D. A considerable portion of ils capitai. is invested in llapk stock. Die rest in good securities. All established claims for property lost,insured by Ibis Company,or any of its agents, will be promptly paid as heretofore, and Die same promptness wi I be adhered to in future, which should entitle it to a share of public patronage. AN Dll RW WALLACE, President. Columbia, June 8, 1839. The sn 1 scriber having been appointed Agent for the above Company, is now prepared lo take Fire Disks on Buildings, Moreliandise and Household Furniture 110 will also make Insurance on Life. All losses will be promptly adjusted and paid. The rates of premium will be Die same as charged by other olficcs. He solicits a share of public patron age. J.G. UUJNLAP. June 24 ts .MOIV BOOKS. SKETCHES (IF LONDON, by the author of “ Random Recollections of the Lords and Commons,” ” The Great Metropolis,” “ Bench and Bar,” etc., etc. Charles V incent, or the Two Clerks •, a talc of common ial life. A Voice lo Youth, addressed to young men and young ladies, by Rev. .1. M. Austin Tortesa. Die Usurer, by N. P. V\ ill is. John Smith’s Letters, with ‘ Pieters’ to match — containing icasons why John Smivh slioii/d not change his name ; Miss Dc/iby Smith’s juvenile spiiil; together the only authentic history extant of Die late War in our Disputed Territory. Also, a fresh sopp yof Steel Pens Just receiv ed and for sale by J. VV. & T. 8. STOY, jii Iv 27 247 Broad st. N'OTICE TO BUILDERS AN 1 1) CONTRAC TORS,—The subscribers are prepared to fur nish Window Caps, Sills, Door Sills and all other Granite that is wanted, at established northern prices. N. li. We will furnish WimlOfv Sills and Caps at Oo cts, per superficial foiVt, which is only 20 els more per fool than Sahd stone, and much more du rable. We will furbish stone for Fronts, viz. Fronts. Caps. Ac, a1 81 loots per super, ft., Just what it issold for in Boston, and other principal cities. Heed not Die idle report that has been eii- I culated that the Georgia Hranitc is so high priced ] that no one can alford to use it. We will sell it at Quincy prices without any deer; Don. jan Ki-ti ‘ Cl 11 I’M AN & HEAD. (Q-'Tbe Constitutionalist will copy the above. TO i JIB FA( n.TV AND HEADS OF T V 111 11, U s. "SMI. MILES’ COMPOUND EXTRACT OF (1 pTO oATO —a substitute for Calomel, and ■ does not belong lo Dio family of quack medicines; fer Die reason Dial the component parts are made known lo the faculty, or any one else that may wish to know, by any of Die agents keeping them for sale. Since this discovery so long and anx iously looked for, some one in almost Hu; extreme North lias advertised a Tomato Pill, purporting to be made from Die stalk, a thing nut more absurd than for one to oiler ircal from the corn stalk, to sac nothing of Hie dilliculty of raising the Tomato so far North. Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of Dio Tomato Dills (proper) for the great benefits of which, lie holds himself hound, and in honor pledg ed tu prove by their use, that they are a I that they profess to be, and will do for ol.beis what they have done for such us mav have used Diem; as this is a vegetable of great use. and value, it will 1 doubtless be valuable information to families to | know that Die V ellow are ju-l doubly as valuable I as the Red Tomato, and produces twice as much I of the liapatine, or active principle,and when used [ as a daily vegetable will he found to keep the System in much better condition than the other kind ; many will recollect with what trembling anxiety calomel lias been given to children, and bow tin y then wished for a substitute. It lias long been known that the Tomato contained ca thartic principles, but not until of late was it a jeertained that they contained alterative and din relic properties. The Faculty embrace and use the preparation most cheerfully, for the reason that they know what it is Were it a patent mystery, j they would be bound to reject the medicine, as they justly do the one thousand and one cure-alls of the day. II you wish to cleanse the system with a mild, sa.e anti-bilious medicine, use the Tomato Pill, of which a. supply, we learn, will soon be in Ibis city. We all know sorm ibing about Diis. jure IS ts TO THK AFFIJOTi:iI. OS’K THOUSAND HOLLA US PREMIUM. fVtllE Proprietor of the Virginia Sampson, or B >Bl,OOO Premium Ve i table, for the cure of Syphilis and Scrofula, will be in town for a few days. Should there be any old mid unmanageable cases, or recent ones, either of S, phi lis or Sei ofula, the person may rest assured Dial they may be re lived in a very short time. Any servant under forty years of age, with Scrofula, will be bought, if such is willing lo change owners. A letter directed to the Proprietor of tlie Samp son. lo Die care of Me srs. Antony ic Haines, or Haviland. Risley Sr Co . with Hie person’s address, will be regarded a- confidential, and alp iided to. June IS If In Recordsmen with (he ostensible views of (lie Southern < on ven I ion. 1) I U I) C T I 31 I’ OItT A T lON. rniIO.MVS I. WRAY Sr SON havojust received B by the Governor Troup, and are now opening, a large assortment of CHEMICA LS and otbci DRUGS, from the Laboratory of Marnier, Wearer Co. ( one of Die first houses in England,’ which will be sold in n -fate of the utmost purify. The-e with their former supply cu band constitutes a large and i very complete a sort merit eon. islirigofalmostevery article in the Drug line usually kept in this market, (VI Uders will e think fully received mid all end ed to with despatch, on the most accommodating terms If oet 17 ARITiCV SAV\V\\rll\sfiF ASCII & TRUST COMPANY. raXHE under* ■/ned agent of the above company, g will take lire risk, on mcrcbaiidizeai d pro duce. in stores ard ware-houses, and will übo in sui the same a;ainst river and marine risks, be tween this place, Savannah, Charleston and North en • Us. The terms will be the same, as ado; ted by the other Insurance Olficcs in the place. P. D. WO. iLIIOPTER, President, J, P. Hkniiv. muf.eroits, H. li. f umming, (■-, R. f.amar. W • I ■ Wilfimm, Itniph King. Fiatici- '•oriel, Ed. Dadelford. J. 11. Riinooglis L Bal lwin. H. U ;■ r. Henry If . or. Dimas i-onc It A. Leu is. Augusta, March 22 ts OFFICIAL DRAWING OF THE GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, For I Hr Benefit of Hie Augusta Independent Five Co. Class No. 38, ron 1 S3f>. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 910 II 12 13 11 7 51 0 15 a! 5 43 54 63 U §S 8 10 -11 1 hereby certify that the above numbers as they stand are eorreet, as taken from tlie Managers’Cer (ifieatc of the drawing of the Virginia State Lotte ry. for Petersburg, ( lass No. 0, for 1839, drawn in Alexahdtin, \a , August 31st, 1839, and which de termines the fate of all tickets held in theabove l.oittery. A. HEAD, Agent. Augusta, September 6, 1839 OEORGI \ STATE li OTT K 11Y, FOU THE BENEFIT OF THE AUGUSTA INDEPENDENT FIRE COMPANY. Class No. 30, for 1839, IlcteVirjined by the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, for the benefit of the Town of Leesburg, Class No. 5, for 1839. To he drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, September 7, 1839. D.R. Gtegouv & Co.,Managers, A. Re At Contractor. $3 5,394!! fi It A X I) SCHEME’. 1 Prize of $35,294 - .in - - $35,291 1- - - 11,701 -11 ’704 I - - - - ----- 0,(100 1- - .5,000 ------- oyioo 1- - - - 3,000 - k . - 3,000 ■1 - - - 2,500 2,500 1- - - - 3,001 2,301 50 ... - 1,000 - ... - .50,000 50 - - - - 250 - - - - - J 2,500 50 ----200 10.000 03 - - - - 150 - ... - 9,150 03 - ... - 100 0.300 03 - - - . SO 5,010 03 - - - - 70 ----- . .4,110 03 .... 00 ---- - 3,780 )20 - - - - 50 ----- - 0.300 ]2O - - - - - 40 - - - - - - 5,040 1 3,654 - - ... 20 - - - - - 73,080 23,480 ---- 10 234,300 27,814- - Prizes,amounting to - $lBO,lBO Tii lie(s'*ll) •Mnircs iit |iio|>orlMill. [Jj < Inlets for Tickets i n the above scheme, will meet with prompt attention it adAversed (post /•.lii/j In A. R EA 0, Agent, Augusta, (sa. u 4 ’l4) RENT, from the first of (Metier [ pj next, (he two Iniclc Stores next below (1. . r. fl- a , 11. Jessup .V Co s, 1,, i npi d bj Messrs, ft. 11. Noble \ Co.-, ami Hutigerford, Fr/sble A Co. — For terms apply in A. N. VERDER.Y, July 29 swtoct or LEON I’ DUGAS. rt UFONT’S BLASTING POWDER—4ookegs f Just received and fur sale by aug 23 GARDELLE <V RHINO, 1 DISCOURSE <m the occasion of the death of the I lon. Augustin S. Clayton delivered in 101 lege Chapel, Athens, (la., on the 12d June, 1839, by the liev. Whi eford Smith, A. M ,a few copies just received and for sale by J. W. &T. R. RTOY, aug 10 247 Bitiad street. E. lioidicuiis, SILK DYER AND SCOURER, FROM PARIS, 5 5 ESFECTFI L 1,4 informs the ladies and gen r 15, tlemen of Augusta, and the country gene- I rally, that he still continues (0 carry on his Imsi m ■in Broad street, next door below Dr. 11. Har ris’ drug stole, where lie will he happy to attend to . all '.Vim may favor him with their custom. All k inds el Silks, Crapes. Ac., wi 1 he Dyed. in Ihr most J'l.AiiO/mhlr Colors, (leutlemen’s apparel Scoured and renewed, and what ho does he will warrant tu give general satisfaction. Cm anglC * \ A 1.1 ABLE CARRIAGE DRIV ER, Who 1 4 call he recommended in (he big test terms for ( honesiy, sobriety and industry, and who is also 1 a Harbor and good (louse Servant, for sale by AN lON \ <v HAINES, | July 9 ti 2■: Broad-slreet. ; i-A HOOK.—An introduction to Astronomy, I designed as a text l ook for the Students ol ) ale College, by Denison Olmsted, A. M., Frofessm ol Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. Just re ceived a- d for sale by July 31 J. Wi 8 T. s. STOY; GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. k 11 iVereharils and olhers forwarding goods by the Georgia Rail-Road, are pailieularly requested to have Ihr wivir of the owner mill Ihr place of drslino- /ion marked in lull on each package ; also the name | ol the Depot; and to Jill the receipts in oil ca n's to | correspond with !hc marks. The observance of ihe above rules is desired, to prevent diilienlties that have occurred ill forward ing goods intended for diiieient persons, hearing the same min k. aug 5 (D rier. Tn aNspoiuation, J) At ken, July 2.9, 1539. jj Reduction of Freight on Rnil-Road, tlue fouith less than customary, on all up freight from Charleston to Aiken and Hamburg, when eipial to a ear load, (say 5900 lbs. weight, or 300 I feet measurement,} hum this date to Inst Septem ber next. WM. ROBERTSON, Jn. Agent Transportation. (jJj’The Constitutionalist will insert the above. <5 j; OR G I \ RA J 1.. R<» A l)i mm Freight is now conveyed on the Georgia Rail- Road, between Augusta and Greensboro-, at the following rates: Merchandize, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs. Cotton, $1 iA) per hale. C. I Baldwin, Agent for the Colnpany, I Greensboro, will receive and forward freight with out charge. Mr rehumlize for the way stations will he for ■ warded from Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. RICHARD PETERS, Jr. Sup. Transportation Geo. R. R. June 30, 1839, July 12 GEORGIA RAIL HO A I). 1 The Passenger Train, carrying the great mail between New Vork and New Orleans, leaves An* I gusla every day at oe. m., ami arrives at Grccns , - hmo at 1 a. m. Leaves Greensboro at 9 p m., allu I arrives at Angus.a at Aj a. m., in time for the . ( harlestr.n cars. Stage l run in eonneetion with this train from . Green;,hmo for New (»i cane, (two daily lines) via . Indian Springs,Columbus. > ontgomery and \lobil«-; for New Orleans, tii-wcek'y, via Clinton, Macon, and Pen'aeo'ii ; for We-1 Point and Wbtnmpka, vi 1 ■ Bnrnesvillo ti i-weekly ; for Romo, tri-weekly, via Covington. Decatur illtd Marietta , fdi 1 Nashville , and Knhxvi'le, Tennessee, Iri-weekly, via Athens, - Gainesville and Ca- "villc; for Washington, Wi ke - county, tn-tvfcekly, frhm Double Wells; for New - (’rlentts, daily, fro 11 , Warren ton, via Sparta, Alil - ledtrevil '-, Macoh and Chliimhus 5 fr. - Vfidedgeville. 1 tii-weekly, via Greensboro and Eatonton. Couneclitig with these lines are branch stage j lines to Tallahassee, Columbus, Miss., Tlisenloo a. Ncwnan, Coweta county, Ga , and Clarksville, Ha i bcrstiam county. &c. An accoiTimod itinn Day Passenger Train leaves Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 0 o'clock, A. .1., an 1 (Geen.horo on Tuesdays, Thuts.’ iy ■ an I Saturdays, at 7. ,\. in. Fare oil the Rail-Road lo G ret ns horn $ I 25. Gliicc Georgia Rail Load 8 lil-’gl'o / July 12 Augusta, June 30, 1839. < Geo. 11. itctid & Itaukihg hd-l Branch at Augusta. i < Dl' POSIT I',? In sums of five bundled dollars and upwards, hearing an interest of six per cent, per annum win he received at this Office, for periods not le-s than ninety days, subject to thg order ol the depositors on receiving ten day* notice ( theirintcnlion'fo withdraw novSO wlf ,1. W. WILDE Cashier. >o i i< i; to ( itiiinfous. f jj> lIK subscriber requests ail persons to whom 3 he is lawfully and justly indebted, either hy note, endorsement, or otherwise, to present the same legally to Messrs. A. J. &T. M Miller, or to the subscriber, at Augusta,Georgia, on or before the first of Octobernext. The object of the under* signed is to ascertain who he is lawfully and juitly indebted to, mid to obtain their consent to the sub* seriber's eonimeneing business on hisown account, and in his own name, for a term of years, nt?b ex ceeding ten years, and the profits arising out of Itiit business during that period, or before, if he can re alise an amount sufficient to pay off all the said claims against him, that the same will be honora bly-delivered up for that purpose, but the same shall not he demanded until the expiration of ten years, unless at the wishes of the undeisigned, to have the same settled previous to the time agreed upon by said creditors. It is needless here to state the reason why the subscriber wishes to do busi ness in his own name, has sufficient causes has leis him now to )hc present course, of endeavoring to pay all his la wful debts, as he should justly do, and not nil w himself again to be deceived in busi ness, as this community well knows to have taken place to the serious injury of the subscriber, while acting as agent for others. WM. C. WAY. Augusta. Georgia, July, 1539. Qj - The Charleston Courier, Augusta Sentinel; and Constitutionalist, and the New York Courier and Enquirer, will please give the above two inser tions neck ly for three months, and forward theif bills for payment to the subscriber at Augusta, G». aug 2 ‘ stvilm W. C. WAY. nniMuiimv and silk clltuke* /Htfi'Tlf WARD CM KNEY &. BROTHERS; and MASON SHAW, have now grow iug, in the most flourishing condition, in * Augusta. Georgia, adjoining the llamp ton Race Course, ahoii't SO,(100 Morin MiillirauVs Tree*, which they offer for sale in loti to suit pun I users. For further information enqui ry may be made of Messrs, ( limeys, at theircocoon ery in Burlington, New .ler ey, or of Mason Shaw, at the Cagle and I’hotnlx Hotel in Augusta. Having had several years experience in cultiva ting Hie iiiArus miiltieaulis from buds,cuttings, tel they will furnish each purchaser with printed in stun linns of the best and most approved manner of planting and cultivating the tiees, the kind of soil most suitable for growing the same ; and also for rearing ll c silk worms and reeling the silk. They will also have for sale, Silk Worm Eggs of the most esteemed varieties, from moths selected with great i are for their health, strength and perfection, angp w&trwtf Cj'The Charleston Courier, Savannah Georgian, Columbia Telescope, and Athens Whig, will copy Hie above once n week for three months and send their bills to this office for payment. I’liU/'Pd KUV. HOWA 11 P’S Chemical Shaving Compound Howard’s Improved Chemical Chloride Soap Howard’s Superior Toilet Soap How ard’s Chemical Essence of Soap,for re* moving grease, paint,t nr, Xre from wearing apparel. Howard's Cement, for mending broken glass, China, earthenware, 4tc. Howard’s Magnolia Extract, a delicate ana delicious perfume for Hie toilet Howard’s Superior Cologne Water Howard’s Elorida Water Howard’s l.avcnder Water Howard’s Superior Tooth Powder Howard’s Indellihle Ink Just received and for sale by , ANTONY It HAINES, Agents, July 11 No 233 Broad et. . A. MANTA’S New Cnhinel I'multure AVrtrfc-tlouac; • N 0.23G, Hi'oud street , a few doorsahoi9e the Post -1 1 Office Curlier. I TMKHijbfirrioer lender** Ills gincer^ I p Jl tbnnkn and acknovvlrdgrmonlß for tbe i) | lilwrul patronage hereiolnre bestowed; kuiiM*!!,by clone nppbca ar,,l unretuiiiing exertions for the i) • I' H£/ il m eoinrnod/ihon of Ins cuttlomers, ihnt r j * " he w.JI ho entitled to a share of their ) future support Uo does inn Bern file to assert, that ho now lias n:j linmf the largest mid host assort i iiicni of Fnruiime, ever rtliihiird in Augusta; and iliinliH In* run. wiili ronfiiJenee, cbailerifeecompari | non wit li (ho bi*M Williolher ariicks lie crninier * yic.s the following, viz: Splendid Sideboard*; liiiol.-ciiitHH, •‘legrinl liiney and plain Wardrobe*, 1 aupnnor Cqyptinti marl le-fop dh*Mdbg bureau*', plain do., I’icr lableH, various ptar.i urn*, card, dining; work nnd centre Tames; Sofas. Hola-bedslendh; ma hogany fuckers, French and hall French, and Gre cian <-fiairs; bird Vcye, mrl-maplc, box, and flush Ki :-t do ; Stools; Ollonmns, I>n ssing-tables, l«ooking*gliiKS( s of evory description, \\ inflow blinds, and I ranspanuch s. INirlor-tnblo®, ni.(.*, <a»iiining-nniiBc desks,<vc Ac. Tbe above are warranted In he ol the best mnt«- > rials and workmanship,which lie is determined it* -I sell at a small advance. A.Z KANTA.. • N. K. Country peoplcare requested to cal land , 1 examine for iheniHelve*. N H.—Unholuteriiig lh all its branches, done , wiibgrcrtl dispatch, rtud'o n tho most r» asonable forms; and also constantly on hand, a large ass r orlhiont of hair ntid moss Mniiraasca wh2 j ..... . . - - SILCOX Sr lißOrilEßS, Cabinet; u II Chair and Sofa Ware-room, Broad I* 3 ! street, opposite Gould, liulldcy & Co. '•'•••* subscribers have removed from former location to the large v and commodious store of Mr. W. Nel son, now oiler for sale a well assorted 6.t'-S.-f~g vis took of articles in the above line; principally of their own manufacture, made from JI if latest and most approved New York patterns, 1 which eon- iin pint of the following—marble top sideboards, mahogany do., pier, card,centre, di mg, tea, work, and other tables, dressihg bureaus with marble and mahogany lops, secretaries and book cases, solas, ottomans, marble top washstands; writing di -l.s. footstools, mahogany, curl and birds r-ye maple bedsteads-, also, live doz. excellent ma hogany Ereneli, half french and Grecian chair*, and a variety of fancy, cane, rush, and wood seat do. Thankful for past patronage, they solicit a. continuance of the same at their new store, where - j they will continue to sell at unusually low prices, ej ml warlant the goods equal to any april 26 /TTtT* CIA H lVlA<ilEsi 1 (4 M 11H EBERT ie ROLL, at the old i stand formerly occupied by Maj. Jesse \i 'i) 4S I humpson,corner of Ellis and Mclto i lusli streets, are now receiving an en- Hr- new stock of Carriages from the best manufac mesattliu North, of the I test and most approved ’ style, consisting of Coaches, Coachecs, Standing and Extension Top Barouches, Chariotees,Buggies Sulkie-, Wagons, &e., together with a large and well elected assortment of Harness, all of which' they will dispose of on the most liberal terms. Or dei'v for iin v description of Carriages of their own of Vo.l'ieni manufacture thankfully received and promptly executed. Their friends and the public are respeet.'ll)j- iil'. itc'd to call and cxamiiid theif stock , . il in all its branches faithfully exe cuted and with despatch ts nov 1 IMA 1<) I’ OU T ES. [ I J 213 Broad street, keeps at 111 . times for tale, a large sto' k of VIAKO I Oil IT,. s', from the best hni ders in the eouutry. —• Tho slock generally consists of about thirty to forty instruments, comprising all the qualities. These 1 in di ument;, aro selected with great rate, and are' i. recommended with confidence. Persons wishing to pn.-ehase ran do as well at this establishment a* at any of Hie northern manufactories. ■s A guaranty, as to quaiity and durability, is fur i nished in every instance. • Also, u well selected stock nf sheet Mi SIC. Pre re p us, K.C., together with Guitars, Violins,*! lutesj Ai co.dions. i.ttd most of the small articles \saallj kept in a Music Store, march ■!> If