Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, September 05, 1839, Image 4

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. \o' li\ IS til \lllv > ,N( »TJ< i. —-fruui rmiitl.s niter dale I will npply t > tl e Honorable the Tnlfhior Court us Kicbrmmd county, when sitting to. or Jinn y j oitpoM tor leave to sell the* land mil slaves iMSit'iigi'.g in t!iC* estate ol t!»c lal»* ’ r. U. Donut Mnjii -jlbi tiii beaelit of lu> htii's and rrcdituis, Ju y '.i 1 D. V f.'rorri ( • liiinl.m county : A rein aid 1 1* ;„'m* applies fnrlrt \ V tors of Admii i-t jation on tlie estate of Sa rah Wood, (a minor)decen>ed. These are t ici-efo.e to < iu* and admonish all m*d singular, the kinc red and r* red i tors of said dec cased, to l>e and appear at rny oilier* vs it!.in the lime pro ne ri bed by law, to si unv rau e, it any they have. Why sai l letters should not ho granted. Given under my hand at mtirc, this 10th day of August, ISL'L GAliltl J.L .1 ' i,N KS, I I'Mk. GrorsiiG .Icflcrwon mum y : UJ HLIIKAS Samuel W. Dobbins, administra tor on the estate of W illiam llaltey, de ceased, applies lor letters di-mi * ory ; These' me therefu:e to c ite* and adnmnMi all and ‘singular, the kindred and eiediloiol -aid d”fea ul, to be and appear at my office* within tin- time pre scribed by law, to show eansp, il any they have, why said letters should not lie pouted. Give n under my ■ and at o/lire in Louisville, t Gis Slid March, I*>.?!#. hIHKNEZKU Vi Ml WKI.L, Clerk. march 2.1 (•VnrgGi, lluriic count) : 11 rifKKK\S Havid I I irkinson applies for * f letters of a iminislr.ili m on tl»c estate of Samuel Mush, l. These are therefore t » «it»• and admonish all ap t singular the kindled and credit- ;•* of said deceased, to lie and appear at my olliee, within Hie lime? pro •crii>edhy law, to show cause, if any they have, why Raid leltern ahonld not be granted. Given undei mv hand, at ofli c, in Waynesboro, 4his 22.1 Ju y, ISM. T. 11. iILUI’NT, Clerk, julyjo f.ccMpin, llvirliC* muni t ' %7"lI!•:K HAS David C. Dickinson applies for ff letters of adrnini-tration on the e-tale of Nathan liii'-h, dereasml. Those arc* therefore to rite and admonish nil nwd singular. Hie kindred and creditors of raid deceased, to he and appear al rny olliee within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause*, if any they have, why said letters should not be grante I. (■ivcm under mv hand tl ell VV i vnesboro, this 22d July, IsM. I’, ii. JILOCA l\i lerk. July 2/» (Jmrgia, IDirKe county ; Henry A. Paris applies for letters ff of u Iminislraliun on the estate of VV illi.un Stoho,deceased. These are therefore to c ite*and ndmonMi all and singular, tin* kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the lime pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be (ranted. Given under my hand, at oilier in Waynesboro, this 22d July, ISM. juiy I i T, IT. DLOI NT, ( lc t-emuia, Hurke eoiiul> : 11T II Kit KAS Josiah Lewis applies for letters of ff administration <h' bonis non, on Hie estate of Gray S lloberts, dec eased. These are there fore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, . to he and appearal rny ofliee, within tiro time pre scribed by law, to show eause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. (vivrn under mv hand at ofliee, in Waynesboro, this 22d July, ISM. T, li. HLOUNT, Clerk, july 23 tic'orgiu, Ihirke count v* mm/’IIKUK.\S Kdward G. Kirkland applies for If letters of administration on the estate of Jesse Coleman, deceased. These are therefore to cite, summon and admonish all and singular The kindred and creditors ol the said deceased, t*» bo and appear at my olliee within the time proscribed by law, I • shew ev .■><*, if any Urey have, why said letters shall no* oe granted. Given under mv hand at olliee, in W aynesboro, this 22d July, HS3U. T. il. liLOl Nl‘ Clerk. __july 2:> Georgia, Ilurl.e enmity : WJ HKRKAS William 11. Wright applies for TI letters of adiniiiislr.ilio.i. do hums non, on the estate of Halt Junes, deceased. These are therefore to rile amt admonish, all ami singular, the kimlieil -ml creditors of the said de ceased, to tile their objections, (if any they have,) at my olliee, according o law. (iiveu miller inv haul, ul otllrr, in Waynesboro, this 2‘il July, 1839. T. 11. BLOUNT, Clerk. July 2. r > Georgia, Kin he comil y : miriIKHKAS I’. Cieclt npplifs for litters Vs of administration on the estate of Sarah Ann Look,deceased. These are therefore to cite mid admonish all and lingular, the kindred and eiediloi sol the said deceas ed, to tile their objections, (if any they have) at my olliee, according to law. (iiven under inv hand at olliee, in Waynesboro, this22d July, 1839. T. 11. lIL.OUN I', tJerk, july a.> (ktirsln, (tin he eoiiui s : % - 1 - . 1 11’« r.t 1 • |... . i..n.,...n -i indie, for le Him s of administration on the estate ol John I 10l- Jiman, deceased. These are therefore to ei e and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors id said de ceased, to lie and appear at my olliee « illim Iho time prescribed by law, to show cause, il any they have, why said lelteis should not he graiilt d. (■lien miller mv hand at ollire, in Waynesboro, this a2d July, 1839. T. 11. HUH \ i, I Jerk, july a • (•eoruia, lliirhe eoinily: \\t iii.'.tr.\s Uionias ii Blount applies for let* I | tors of adinnii-lialioii. with (he will annex ed, of Alexander 1’ 1 .ewii, deceased. These are therefore Sa cite and admonish all and singular, the kinlrod and creditors of said dec eased, to he and appear at my o liee mlliiii the tune pre- ] scribed by law, to show eause, if any they have, why said letters -.11011111 not 1 e granted. (liven under my hand at oilier in \V ayiioshoro, this aad July, isjii. T. 11. bLUUX I',' i lerk. july 8 1 fieorgin, JeHeraou county: . • lIKIIKA- John W . \levinder and W illiam * % S. Alexander, iidmmisU itors ol estate ol Daniel Alexander, deceased, apply for letters dis missory: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to tile their objections, if any they have, in my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause why said letters of administration should no! be granted. (liven under mv hand at olliee in Louisville, this 29ih of May, Ism'. may 29 KHKMI/Xll UOTIIWKU .Clerk. Georgia, Jefferson county : WH KIIKAS John R. Cook, administrator on the estate of James 11. Cook, deceased, ap plies for letters dismissory ; These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and eiediloi s of said deceased, to be and appear at my olliee within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if aiy they have, why said letters should not te granted ; (•iven under my hand at olliee in Louisville, this 23d March; 1539. EBKNEZEII BOTHWELL, Clerk. march ?3 Georgia,.l.iueoln county : WHEREAS Wiley and Van Mien Collars, administrators of the estate of Tims. Floranee, deceased, applies for letters dismissory ; These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and Wd singular, the kindred and creditors of raid de based, to be and appear at my olii e with the time prescribed by law, to show eause, if any thev have! why said letters shou dnot tie granted. siiy»n under my hand at olliee, in Lincolnian ' ms itbdayof March, IS3<). „ , ~ HUGH HENDERSON, (’. C. 0. ■Utch U. 1539. ’ K GV: . 1 . 1 Kcrivon county, wll,\c’.nil, I"’ court of for leave to soil tl„. W"l"ios, deceased,late of stud county.* * °°l er > June li, IS39.'"'" U '“' ‘■ O °l , ER, Kxccutor. IJIOUU months uiu M & AU , . made to the honoraMr h‘ 1 “ “ v * 1 ‘ • lurobia county, while sittiug ‘il'' ' °' (or cave l, sell al! the land lc 1 ''7 *• Fuller,deceased. UW H I , nm May 21, 1539. ‘ '‘ L, A,| 1M . ; , (il l MIT-1) Tr, (111 , / Milleilgcville, 291 h May, IS:-.U. 5 VftrilCftl: \S l.> an Act 111 till' General Asst rn- T I ts- ii( rn-. siwti-, [hi id tin- vl'itli Dei iml i i | I *.)*% rntiilol Hit “ Art lo provide for the rail ol :i i Con\rnti<tii lu : ,<• i.urnt rr <*l tin j AsMMntily of the* of*it*oigi.'». :m-l lor other pm ■ pue 11»< • i«• ill n:ufic*ii.’ - it is provided That it *ha) I he* the duty ol Lxrfl vm y the <.overnor, to gi v< j pi.'- j ily fit the ;ilte;uli. fi. .iiicl arm-ndnunla in sub in tin -1 it.isi I’.iion, in leU-renrc* to the reduction o i toe /tomi! roi mem r < omjjO'dng the (if oeral As ! r,( in «Iy ; and fin* first Mon Jay in ( etoher, next a! l< i t ici mg o) .lid ((invention, he shall fix for thi i iti.;< at ion, hy the people, of •mch amendments, as lei at ion . or new sin ieie-i, as they m ay make for th< objects of i < diidlioo and equali/ation of hie (lencra \i (in tly only; and if ulihed hy a majority ol tin vofei t w ho v t* on the ijneMion of ‘ Ratification, or 1 it li A i ini vrio j,’ then, and in that event, lh< alte;ation so hy them made and ratified, shall hi i hi tiding on tin* {*eop'e of this State, and not other wi in.'—-And where the delegates oi the people o tin- late, a<- omi hli-d in f ion vent ion under the pro i \ itions of the he foie recited Act, have agreed to and ( lared fhr following to he aflerationx an amendment id i 1 if ('on Mi tut ion of this Mate,tom h in.: lac* Kepiecnfalives pl the people in llie (tcneia A -emitly there of, to wit; “ I nr. ('on*, cm ion assembled under the art “t I provide foj the call of a Convention to reduce tin mini n ol Uiofienera As.emhly of the State n i (Rorgh, },nd i',,i other jurposos therein named,’ i pa- (J the ’Jliih day of December, 1838, having met j m d *i the Ihoehifriation of the (lovcrhor, On Mon day the O’Ui day of May, I SUM, propose as the I’m a I if so l of lli.-ir deliberations, the Mowing, to l*< j iimeiulmen's lo t!»e Constitution of the State o J t lem i.i und pr/ sent itie . due to his Kw Hem v th( | (/OV' i nor of 1 hi* ■ l ie t hat public ily may he given to said alterations and nmciKirnents, according tc the sixth sen ion . f the Act under which the ton venlioii asm mUed ; Amendment# to the Constitution of the State e Georgia. The I louse of Representatives shall hr compose-! of niernheis from all the Counties whic h now areo 1 heivaflcr muy he included within this State,necord i mt; to their respective numbers of free white per- M/ns, and including three-fifths of all the people o 1 color* • to he ascertained hy an actual enumeralioi | to ho made from lime to time, at intervals of ever i years, as now hy law provided. Hath county shal Ihe • untied to onu member. Kaeh counly having j rejcesenlal sve population, as above spi*cilied, of si> ! thousand persons, sh ill he entitled to one additiona mernhei ; and each county having such icprc*di lative pojmjlnimu of twelve thousand persons, nliu! he entitled to two additional members; hut IK county shall have more than three members. The number of members of which the House ol Representatives will he composed, according to the aforesaid ratio, and the last census, ftha.ll not here after he in« leased, except when a ne v couiuy i created; and it shall he the duty oi the Legislature, at Iheir session lo he holden n M \i after the enumer | alion provided forhy law,so to regulate the ratio ol I i epic nitat ion as to pre vent such increase. ( Ihe Representatives shad he chosen annually on ■ the Inst Moml iy of t >clo er, until such day of elec -1 I ion sha 11 he a tiered hy la w. lln Si;n \ t v, shall consist of forty-six members, ( elected annually, on the first Monday in October, j until such day of election shall he altered hy law ; and shall he composed of one member from each of the lorty-six Senatorial Districts following: 1 ( halham and Ftlinghurn. X.’ Scrivcn and Rnrke. U Richmond and Columbia, d l.incoln and Wilkes. • r > Flhort and Madison. (> Ilahcisliam ami Lumpkin. 7 Union and Rabun. 8 Forsyth and Halt. M Jackson and Franklin, lit (’lark and (Ig’elhorpe. I I (Ireeiio and I utnam. 12 Taliaferro and Warren. U Hancock and Baldwin. 1 I Washington and Jefferson. )•> Fmamiel and .Montgomery. 1 1» Liberty and Bryan. 17 Tamall and Bulloch. Fs Mclntosh and (ilynn. FJ Camden and Wayne. 20 Ware and Lowndes. Ii I eMair and Appling. 2 2 Laurens and \\ ilkinson. ‘23 Pulaski and Twiggs. 2 I Bibb and Crawford. 2) Jones and Jaspev. XMJ Hulls and Monroe. ‘27 i. winnett and Walton. X?S He Kalb and 11 entry, v!) Newton and Morgan. 3d Uilmer and Murray. 31 Cass and Cherokee, 32 Col»h and Campbell 33 Coweta and l ayette. 3 I Meriwether and Talbot. 3 » pike and Upson. 3t» Houston and ' aeon. 37 Dooly and Irwin. 3S I homas and I Vcatur. ill! Baker and Farly. d() Lee und Sumter. •11 Randolph and Stewart. •12 Muscogee and Marion, i A 3 Harris and Pronp ■ *ll Heard and Cai roll. ■I * Paulding and Floyd. 4li Chattooga, Walker and Dado, i And whenever luirealter the Legislature shall ■ lay oiP ami establish a new county, it shall hr i added to the most contiguous Senatorial District | having the smallest representative population. •lAtii-x i\i. wavne, I’le- idint of the Convention. [ Attest: l.i t u N L \ T i -rr, Secreliuy of the Convention. I Ihovelorr, in umturmitN with the provisions ot - the he to ft- Toi-ileil Vet, ilo heiety yi\*e puiiUeilv tu I tie ■•■une. unit enjoin each voter tor memheis ol Hn> General \ssembly of tliis state, on the rlav llircin ! speeinerl, to wit: on tin- lust Monday in\tetohei ! next, to tive his vote of “ Rali/lcatii «,” or “ Ni Uutifiralion” as proviilotl in said Act; and that the presidin)- odieers certify the same to this De j partmeut, aeeovdliijily. j . >-'-o . <iiven under ray hadd and seal of tin J L.. S. < Executive I’epaitment; at the rapitol in Milled}c\ ille, t his the day and yea first above written. (.KOKEE U.tiILAIEU. Hy the (lovernor: John 11.,S. E. I). 2t jnne 11 Seri mi Superior Court, April Term, ISJi». j Present, his Honor John Silly, Judge. E, .s E. liross, i es. Hill for Oiseovery . Me vtilen ( ice exeut. and Wila Ktnbra. ) IT l*ttN motion ol eonnsel for complainant, it i; ordered that Jesse Embra, who, as appears !hy the oath ol'one of complainants, resides in Ken tneky.lio mule patty defendant, and the said hi. be perfected on him by a publication of this rub once a month for four months in one of the eazctli ■ of this state. A true extract from the minutes, this ISth June JOSHUA PERUV. Clerk, j _ *uiy 3 ___ atm P months alter date, application will hi made to the homnah e the Justices of tin Inferior routt, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estate of William former late of Scrivcn counly, deceased, for the benefit o i his heirs. t.EOROE COOPER, Executor. May 11, I Slip. months after date application will hi made to tin- honorable the Inferior court o Taliaferro county, when sitting as a court of Ordi nary, for leave lo sell the Negroes belonging tc Mi -cs Euphrasia and Martha Holliday, orphans ol | Owen Holliday, deceased. 'JOHN M. ANTHONY,Guardian. May Iy H K months after date, application writ be made to the Inlet ior court of Scrivcn county, white silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the lands belonging lo die estate of John William son, late ol Scrivcn county,deceased. JAMES \\ . IiIi’TLES, Administrator. l-t, 1839. 4in 11 OU R n tb after date application will be * made to the lumoia', le the Jnstiios of the ]n '"cioi court of Scrivcn comity, when sitting for or ; dinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the real estate of l laiborn Forehand, of Scrivon countv de , ceased, lying, Iveiug and situate in the eount’r of m-nvenaloiesaid, and firongh which the < urinl Fail Hoad passes, for the henelit of the heiis to S; ‘M:yltls3o UAVmUUin;K - A,,mi ' liStra '- - • • ( le f | il Kt* ff'Rl celebrity of ibis n*ir i % a 1 <otnpo t)l 5 Bitinn,fs(MM‘iiilly in ihf* Norilr n H'lri*, b* vva s I In- proprietor 1 1 ui hti le n«» il in Kfiy ni y thing in ii» f. I i\».r: lor it hnw h< rn ncniily r undid tu i',tlmt ii i*. beyond all comp’tMhi.n ili • in si n medv tor -x (. tcrnal f>lminik ilntl litih f*\i*r Son dwoveri'd. Indue J I henpe* (I mid rcrlain'y »>l i* s opi ra i nm, A \ have th** appears nee ofrni ruck s; as nlrern, 'vio/iiom, M , cornu, liver hops. ehilhkiioH, v\ hiu? Nweilmf'S hi an, , ’ piles,s(ild« r nnd snake biles. \r. dir., imiiMlinlety jJ. yuild to it a HUpnrriiinmn inllucne*. Thu*, il prop fi f*rly applied n will remove an inveterate corn < r break mid heal nhi-ein frvo days, wii' allay and ( j pi rferlly euro an uh cr in Iwow c i r..s, n/:d I lie inoht ‘ drsperate rnsoM)! white swelling ihs/iranbe ima lj’ giml have been dr.'iroyed by ii m i *fs thnu two months, hi iho biles of p». Mir.nii« reptiks its olli ,f racy is indy surprising,nnd il appoed in liinf, ns l “ power.* ol iiiir.irii'in arc so w ondcinil Ibal i hi* y will I, 1 ni onn; am* I the poison and I lion prevent it from perva nng lie* syHl' in Ji j« like vise greatly snpe rior to any modirim? heretofore rlmcovend lor iho M *. ehnhdbmk nnd limbs of homo —lor t -tiers, ring "I worms, chapped lijh—and in tdsirl, («»r every exlei ml bodily evil that inny lull io the lot ol rnnn or d, beast. • ■ The proprietor haw received * least a ibommid :, l i!frf (icaics, nnd other donimcnis, in lavor nl Ins ,f ‘ “ •'■‘pie ific Oin in lit,” upwards *.j a liurnln d of ol which w *rn v n nn by respc l iable in- mb era ol’ the n* Mudnnl lin Lily 10 Albany, July 9lh, 18 7. 4 To Dr. Harrison. Sir -I ns your Specific Oinimonf m my prficiirr, and cordially n coininend n u-> nnnosi rfti<’K‘i'l mine 'J dv Ibr Tniimrs, Hleem Wblrc Sv\eilings, Scrolnl i, Uli''iir/nrlic I'aioN, (lifipped I’m c, I .ip* arid liund-: ■d and for g.-neral external com bn.ln. 1 write I b/s n aii he ret jm si ol yonr agent here, who I urn is ties me 1- with (he article, nnd am ploa md tu have it in my i- power to award honor (o im nl. of KUFUB K. REACH, >l. D. J* Rrooklyn, N. V , Oil. <lO, 1838. Dear Sir—.My daughter,a gi I ol lourinn, was { .-ndly allhrleil wim tlieeompl not that physicians J. lern.ed a scald head ; and I Pared, indepe dcnl ol ( 'l evi r\ other c\ l l, ihui she would be bald in come tjiience Uy i In? rccommendniion, however, of the Uevornid Mr Fermi, I applied your onitiin nt lolhe . n f Die 1 1 ■<! pari: and I thank Uod I bat iny child is 0 now wninel’y rccovenil from ihe disease, and is gelling In r tinii ns fust as can be expected The cure was ellicied in lather liMi limn tvv«> nionllis*; c> during which lime I us* d five dollars worth ol oint menl ; I bad sjicnl upwards ol a hundred dollars s daring the previouHXlm-e years, without any bcmdU ? > whatever. M \UY fIOW A HD. d I hereby substantiate the truth ol ibe above statement. " ( HRISTOIMIHH HOWARD I know the above siapemeni to hi coirrci, and I enn add from experience that 44 Harrison’s Specific Omtiiiont,” is on excellent medicine lor external , complaints.* ; Matthew periun. 1 lioalon, .Inn. 7, 1H37. Dpm Sir.—l Tinvr In rpoiinst of v’>" In forward mo, two hundred boxen of Ointment, t)y iho most iimnPiliale ronvoyiuice, and w itliunt regard In llm pxpeiiße of ciirringp, an I am <|iiiln mil, and much m wanl ol il.—Vou know my pslimation of ynor I valimhlo discovery, und tliurcfiiro I shall only add, tnnt flintier (Xperienoo has increased my enllmsi asm nnd estaldished me in ihenpinion, ifml il is su perior lo any remedy eilanl for exiernul diseases. Kespeclfully yours, CiIAIU.ES P. EMEUSON, M. D. New Orleans, Warrh 20lh, 1838. Dr. Harrison Sir—The virtues of your Specific Ointment, have been long known lo me,as I have used none oilier in my nil hen xlensive practice (or several years, and il Veil think il wound he to your advantage, 1 can tarnish you with twentyceriifiemes ol important mires w hit ti il tins effected under my own imnie dmle inspection ; llie lasi lining one id' a severe and uppaienlty perpelual nicer, in the hack of a poor woman, Mary Ihixter vvln) resides in 216 Id vision s' reel, w huh il ei oopteuUy hen led in i went y onednys .My present elnet olipuU in wriliea p, you, is ’o team wdm is your p.m liorised a vein in l his i ily, for,being in want •f a supply ol your oii.i imnl.nnd Hie person Air. Boyle, lri>ni w hom I used lopnrelmse il, having hnlid .mil gone mil of hnsi ness, lam fearful if I porehn.sein random, that i mav he imposed on hv a eonnlerleit Vour olmdient serran., I.DU Alii) IIAAD-liV, V.. D. I n cmimli. Alignd ‘.I, I8.)7. Dr Ilarriann. Sir, —1 li ivr no hesilai ion in stnl'i:g, in reply p, your note, llml your " Npeeilio (Iminieni" is only npii.l In Ihe mapnih el llic » nil.. I'm yvloeli you le e inmeiid il I 'prilify iny eemfieaie I>y ilm W or«l nnijoriiy, as il is my maxim In give no opinion in medical matters whore 1 have hnl no expmieoe. In sprains, h rmses, in 11 an on .1 loes ern.ilions w bil lows, pil) s, <A'e., il IS in utnvcirtin I'l l ipe I have id vi asm) it on Ihe leg ol a hoy w lneh lad ht en leu,a, l.y luimlder, and ihe evraeii. mil | lie poison, and ultimate cure wa« ho rupnl, ihut my paiieht was Us well us ever in a week ; and has rein lined so lo this day 11 Yours respectfully, 0 iII'.NRV JACOBS, .11. D. Extract of a letter from Dr. J. W. Sanders, of Louisville, Ivy. October 8, 1837. “ lam prepared lo say, llml for liheimmlic Bains, nnd the Sore lireiisisof females, Harrison's Specific Ointment has no superior, it indeed n has any cipial if in 100 whole eaialogno of exic. iinl leedmi.'es, as 0 known und prescnlnd in ih s i iuiiiry." 1 Extract ol a letter (rom Or I’oiir, of Eiica N V Uamd July 28, 1839. ’’ || Harrison’s Specific On Iment ’ is, m my opinion, a most important discovery ; and is parlieulnriy elli -1 eieiil in serolnlns, lib ers,sere legs, eruptions, and U'emiral (iiiHv .rd complaints. I sneak of its minis from an experience ol linn years.” il New Orleans, January dill, 1337 u . I Ins w ill certily th II my line and neek were a'- mosi mil in ly eovt red by an enormous rnißworm'• and linn ahor the trial of a variety „f inelfeelieil remedies, 1 was coin plotely eared „| ~ , wo „ muinlis, by the use id Harris,m’s tipenlie o, m . nciit-" EDti.VR EOsSSKT. Eor sale, wind,sale and retail, l>y Haviland Itrs hy & Co., Thomas Harrell A C u , Nelson Carer Antony A 11 lines,and I homos 1 Wray A Soli —’ Kotatl price, ell cents per box, wall full ilireeivms June 5 | y DANDRUFF AM) BALDNESS. OEDRIDt; E’S HA I M OE COI.DBI HI \ - dandruff and baldness.—'ihe ar le Hide named illmye is a ehemieal comliiimlion ol s sneli mgredieiilg as have proved ihemsolves eUiea emus in lissisimp the na.mal growth ol the hiiiiiim i>, hair, and removing i\II oh.srn les to its perfect ilevel opetnent In eonnnenninx tins article lo ihe par "lar notice ol a disecniing public, the proprietor Is hut reeapimlalmg iho oil express, d e ol the many humlred, who have successfully le-ied IV its ellieaey and wonderful qnaluies -this com s, pound having a.-qmred lor ilselt a oharaeler lor sm r. gular merit and xalne. Ii is ox-d by ladies and d goiillcmen generally, to keep Ihe nmisl sml beam,lul, and the head free from Dandruff, which " l , ll " sl ferteetly , and thus prewnis H.ildncss, antiun—Observe that each Imtileof It e gen nine Balsam of Columbia has a splendid eii"rved 11 " riff per, on which is represented ihe Fail*ol Niaga ** ra, Ac. tor sale hv o ANTONY & HAINES. 5.,|,. W, u >' "PHI 2 232 Broad-street. ESSENCE OF TYRE, For changing Ked or Gray or any light colored II ur loa beautiful Brown or Hiaek. lj Warranted superior lo any offered. . r IIIU.S celebrated Grecian Dye will change Red I or Gray Hair, to Brown or Black. Jtisdoiie with soeli surprising lin dilv and neenraey, ihai Hs presence cannot I e delceied. The shade iuuv be iefi al Brown,or may bo made perfeulvjet Black e al ihe pleasure ol the user A great number of gentlemen, who have gray - hair in purl, or entirely, are in the constant habit hi il using this article, aal are never suspected of Ivin - - gray. .Many bachelor* and widowers have made ,1' their fortunes in matrimony by useu I ili sdve it 1 is warranted lupemrlo any made in ihe wor’d I, and IS sold al ahonl half Ihe priet oft he Cirnnei I’ Dor sale by AN TONY a HAINES, An ; • | Breiad-slriel, Vngnsta. „ J!rl j ' LI COll 1 • V-K M■ • S* on i,’i;i ikir in: L’amOuu. ff ” I! I'. sabr.-riber Las the p'eas ure.d announcing lo ihe (wizens o.i ih<-1 Stums, that he has p, n hased, for a X ’ ry ln-g. stun mid from toe m i 1 verier, (he celcliraled hr. Magnin, cl Paris, I e recipe ardii li! for making dm astonishing modi* rum I nt;l die appearance of the - Limina ( nr- i ,1, ,1, ’ (about three years since,) il was ibought that j i lie complaints, w In.-h H speedily ox. n on cs, were . beyond Ihe r.acbol human rem ily ns (or upwards | ol n ibmisiiiul ymrt;. they hail baffled (lie wisdom i arni ingi nn ly ol ttemo-i prolound physicians in [ nil pans ol Hie xxnrhl. Tina I 'ontial, hirvvi ver, to ■ i In-meat ndvaniage of the human nun,mum proved i,,. f to b Ibe do "I r lurr Bil tig ioi ghl lor; and 1 accordingly, not* iihgtnndirgll e brief peri il of ila esiiiii'iii c, it liii-rcqnhcdacfi-l rity hi grout. tlial it U eagerly inquired for throughout die civiliz-d gl,,he. hr Magnin soon finding dial Ihe demmnl I vv no ho vast as O render a supply impossible, dis posed 111 the reeipe ni:d rigid ol sale, under oblige r ittg of gi-ercey | for Kngiand, tho I nited Slates, •and olhei countries,only preserving Franco and Italy for hhw-cif. Thus bs lira pog i se.sed liiIIIRI-II ol Ihe in*. )lu . ole secrel ; Mid IIoXX hastens logivelh- inhabitants ol his line cl agency the henefi gos hi«speculation. |-1 e i on)ini he Lucine," or. in Knglish, “ihe fne: a i ordinl,” ii-a general irmgornlor of ihe human frame! In nil tho x anoils pages ol languor, In-v.lnih-, ur.d ih-hilnalion ; il is ir;i unlhiling reme dy ; as ii i* equally ii« prdvinre to imparl cheerful* i ness mid - eci-ioii lo lie mind, ns In all Ii and \ igor to il,p body liin the pei nli ,r which ns lehriiy is basrd, ia the, lacilnyand eertaiaiy with XX hieh II r,! lores Ihe virile poxx rs xx hen they have he. n ih-si nix ed I-y d im ate. lime, reck less nebs or any | ~f ihe numerous cau.'is which terminate in the pro'll alien <1 (hose lone.ions ■ in common with the generality of really good medicines, ibis I o.dinl r-nli ns m-iliing of a reef, in rial nr di Klerimis mil are, among i In- many ingre dients xx p inch compose it; bn! is, at Ihe same I into, so simple, yet so I Hieucious, that w hile il can reno -1 vote the pies.need energies of a giant, an infant 1 may use tt.not only with impunity, but vv ad- I vantage. The usages of society are (inforlnnarely sm-h, I thiil, notwiihsinr.ding ihe h. re (its xvhieh would be sore to result from ii, weentmol eider into an analy sis id this ine limable Cordial here, or publish many Jol iln.dociimeoiswlii. il have been received, as vouchers of I lie blessings il has conferred on num bers of despairing individuals. Unit is w esnuol forbear remarking—dial n Iris been demonstrated ' that there is genreely ever, il any such lliing at all. ns iininral barrenness,or ns natural imbecility ol , 1 1,,- procroant I unci ions, hi eit her sett: and therefore, ill ,1 Ih, seevils lire die t-fleels of nriilicial causis, and may he speedily subdued mid removed by the use in “ l.e < ordml i!e l.nenie.” The l.neina Cordial is also i n indubitable cure liir ihe (dent, and ihe Fluor Mima, obstructed, dilli cnlr, nr painlul Menslruaiinn ; also, for die rueiin linenet ol Urine,or the involnniary diseiiarge there ot It is likewise an invaluable and unrivalled medic ine in eases of Chronic, Eruptions oflheskiu, and in die dropsical affections ol the aged. Mas/ imp riant lo Ihr American Public. Thu Uniled Slates proprietor of the celebrated “ l.neina Cordial,” or - Llixirof Love,” begs lo lay before the community, ihe billowing certificate, which lie has received I rem the inventor, die illus triotis Ur. Magnin.of Pads r " fhi i ia In cerlily,lhiii i have disposed of the j iccipe for nicking the “Luena Cordial," or I - Klixir of Love,” and also ihe right lo sell it I throughout tho I niltd Slab s of North America, lo John Winters Uoldervvell, M I>. My reasons j for so doing is. dial die demands I < me fertile above j Cordial, of which lam the inven or, are so mime j rous, dud I am unable lo supply all the orders from France ihil falx alone; and have therefore dispo sed of the privileges vouchsafed in this, and oilier certificates of a like nature in order lo generalise die henertlg ol my discovery throughout die world. Given under my hand at Pari-,on das nineteen)h day of January, in the year of our Lord, c.ghleen hundred and dnriv eight. I.iiAS FL MAGNIN. Gaspa d Dclh.c } Witnesses. William Merrill, ) j\::l.c:rlpl In Iheahovc . As you rcqut-sled me lo siale the number of hot ; lies ol’ lie- '■ l.neina Cordial,” which 1 have already I sold, I have relcm-d lo my hooka, and find il hi ex- I eeed four handled diou.-nnd ; w Idle die orders now- ! nil hand cannot lie supplied in less than three ( m -nibs. 1-linn an immense number es testimonials from the iTvpilai* larnhy, touching the vinnes of die Cordial, I have in parlii iiiur selei n d the follow mg, i j w Inch may he of nselo yim. Vou w ill also find a j j -iniiliei d othec cl Ii si importance nielo.'-e-l. ‘I iii.s I i -i. taedia-c c< il lie..mis Irom a body ol emitl of Ibo i j dii, si medical praelhioiiers in Fianee 1 To I>i. AI ighin. ii.xcuha d die Liieiua Cordial, nr i F.lixir of I .ove lit-'pei’.lcd and Honor. I !Sir: —VVp have all ia a i v oid;, ol cares, levied die n madi d,le eff. els of I yoargical i.lima,-, erv, and luuc :i. i,il l U-. 1 i.,r die I pin pose of he., i■, ia evidence In 11 1 ••• I c:s „U(f ler-d* j oniig you the honor which is your duo The I “ Lucia;. Co dun m our, au him hide I rem 1-. !.:, ih pics’t uuai ol ihe Pm, ane- ! icais, and Aruficial Harrcn. s ; and d.en ,i nm-i prove a I ■ to thu human race VVe ea also hear ex i.leuce i liallhcrr is mailing in ii of i mei eiui-d or delcierieus iinitire ; and nishorl.ii n i. s one ol ihe non c I in ■■! n mai di.-covei ies ol a..y age N't id-, ha-hogs of udm.ration nml r.apee.l xxo re main, dear sir, year obed cut serxains, Jossolin llossud, j .(.am lllane, Higisimmd do la Marline, I Uobert >ievenson, Adrien Ue. rniul, j L-.uis Ouisean, Uchive Aii.dt, | Pieiae Ualleii Lxtruciol i- leltor from ih.! eli-hruled l ulleyrand hi Ur .'lag an, I am now until:’ wrong side of eiglifv,nnd yet i could he mi my honor or ouih if ne.'o.'saiy, ih it a hoi Ile or two of your Cordial ot Love has maiio me , Kiel as vigorous as a hoy of five mid twenty, I dunk you have discovered die “ Ivhxir of 1.i1e," , xvbi.-h the uicby migts have been so long in quest id ; an. that (pardon my oltieioL-sm-Bs,; you should liave named it accordingly. From Iho eminent Dr. Dcvigney, of Hrussels. t-’eloher 3, Id(i7. To Dr Magnin:—My dear friend—l am most grand.-d at die unprecedented popularilv ol your ; *• Lue’ii i Cordial," and am able lo cear lestimony to i ils surprising virtue. 1 had a patient recently, i I M a gentleman ol fortune, who had lor! several years abandoned himself in the vortex of j dissipation ; and was only reclaimed from il nl length I>y the tiller prostration of all his virileener- I ges. Ile xx as, indeed, reduced m the lust extremity I ’ .d debility and l istelessliess, lor, if an oeeasional i flash of excitement xvanmd his system, the roue Hon xx as almost inline .hale, an.l Ihe result perleel - prostration. 1 had apple d all die usual nostrums in such eases ; but, as 1 had aiilicipmed, without slides; and when I saw dm “Lucid Cordial” advertised, 1 must confess dun ext n the great wee-hl ‘ of your name did not gee me much hope m it,°at least so tar us regarded Ihe ease in hand. I felt bound lo irx n.howev. r.and xxus toon satisfied ol 1 jlsetiieuey; for Indore a bottle xx as expended, my pattern gave evidence ol the reluming eluslieily ol Ins system ; and he is now, having used four bullies, as w ell is ever. Tho number es documents, such ns the above xxhich have been received bv Mr. Vlagnin, since die first appearance ot " Le ( unhid de Limine,” xxould J lid a volume us largo as the lliblo. I Ins higldy impor ant medicine is for gale by John W niters Hoblerwell, .No. idu Liberty streei, New -1 York; Charles It Pylor, No, 70 Cln-slnul-st. Pbila dolplua; and in li.dinnore by Kuberisit Atkinson, ■ John .M. l,atuque, and G. U. ’Pyh r; in Washing ton City by foiling W a kins and Charles 'toil; m Georgetown bx U AI l.iiuhneuin; in Richmond by John 11. I’Uslice; in Petersburg by Kraggs i I homas and Dupuy, lio'ter A Jones: and in Nor i folk by .M. A. I'iinius and I!. Kmers.iu; and by John W oodly. No lio Poydras st New Orleans II can also he Ibnnd at all die principal Drug 1 Stums in South Carolina, and in Augusta, by Have ! land Kis Icy A Co, Thomas Barrett A Co., and Nelson Curler. Price, $3 per bottle, with full di- I i reel ions. June 4 ly ’ OTlCK.—Ninety days after date, aj i 1 will he made to the Mechanic?' bank lo re i i new ;ei tilic.ite ol Stock No. till, issued on the I Jth I , August, I'M. lor oh .- cuvs: also, Certificate No ' ->••’) issued on the flh I'eei ail or, |S3 l. for 7 s ! i ; ol ' tlie capital stock es sai I Hunk, the same bavin • I been lost or mislaid. At the same time applie d lion will be made lo the Lon Steamboat t om mih ol Gooi-gu, to renexv t citilicuto of thei-'t .c-‘ il.i s .e l Oith May, IS3A. for live sharesalso ' l ertim utc No. 07, issued “Ist January, |S;-;o hxe shares ol their capital stock, the Came bavin* been M'-l or tniskuj. L. d Wfi.s | i-.. ' June 20, 1539. ' ni3 ' t “- i -HESE Pills archolbngrr among thoseof doubt- 1 I ful utility. They have passed away from the 1 hundreds arc daily launched upon the tide of 1 experiment, and now stand before the public as 1 high in reputation, and as extensively employed in all parts of the United Stales, the Cdnlt’das, Texas Mexico, and the West Indies,-as any medicine that has ever been prepared for the iclief ol suffering I man. '1 hey have been introduced wherever it was found possible to carry them j and there are but I lew towns that do nut contain some remarkable ) evidences of tlu ii goed eifects. The certificates ; that have been presented to the proptietor exceed twenty thousand! upwards of live hundred of which are from regular practising physicians, who are the most competent judges of their merits. (Turn have Inc cures performed by this medidill been the subject of editorial comment, in virion newspapers and journals; and it may with truth he asserted that no medicine of the kin 1 has ever re ceived testimonials of greater value thin are at tached to this. They arc in general use as a family medicine I and there are thousand; of families who declare they . are neverfatislied until they have a supply always on hand. They have no rival in curing and preventing IHI ions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Diver Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Piles, Cholic, Female i hstructions, Heartburn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach and Towels, Incipient Diarrhn-a,Flatulence,Habitu al Costivpness, J.oss of Appetite, lilotohedor Sallow Complexion, and in cases of torpor of the bowels, where a cathartic or aperient is needed They are exceedingly mild in their operatloh, producing neither nausea, griping no debility. 'l'hefollowing was forwarded to Dr. Peters, by a highly icspeetable PlantCl of Wake County, .No Ca ,March 3ff, 1838: Hr. Peters—Dear Sir, —By requestof your agent, Mr. Harrison, 1 send you a few lines respecting the almost miraculous eifects of your pil's; and 1 would a-J, that you may make use ol them, in connection with my name, in any manner you deem proper, 1 speak of their merits from experience,ns I and my family have taken upwards of thirty boxes in three years; and so great are the benefits we have receiv ed from them in general, that 1 would rather pur chase them at ton dollars a box than have my house without them. 1 will not enumerate the afflictions they have relieved ns of; bull can assure you they were many, and of very opposite natures, which i has fully proved to mo that your medicine is a sim ple purilier of the system, and therefore equally the enemy-of every disease. I will mention one case. 1 have a sister who had been for a lung pe riod severely afflicted with dropsy in the chest and was brought by it to the very verge of the gra\ c. She was attended by the most eminent physicians that money could procure; but all their efforts to restore her to health,or even to mitigate HeV suffer ings were fruitless ; and accordingly, we all consid ered her immediate death as inevitable. Hy good fortune, however, ns she was in this situation, ex pecting every day to be her last, your pills were introduced into my family, and so speedy and pal pable were their effects that three doses visibly re lieved her, and in loss than three months she was . perfectly restored to health. This case, I and all who were witness of it, (but more especially the sulfering party,) considered to be the next thing to .miraculous; and yet 1 could mention many more of an equally desperate nature, in which your pills were equally successful in rescuing the patients from the jaws of death. Need I add that the popu larity of your medicine amounts to enthusiasm in this section of the country ? Rut this I presume you know from the immense quantity you dispose of 1 may mention, however, that notwithstanding its general use,l never heard an individual complain of its effects. My residence is Untiles from Ral eigh, on the road to Fayetteville. I am, with sen timents of regard, your oh’t servant. A. (i. BANKS. To Dr. Peters, —Sir—For upward" of fifteen months, I have been cinelly afflicted with Fever and Ague; and during the time could find nothing— though i had apple d to every thing that gave me any thing like permanent relief. At length, how ever,your pills were recommended to me, by one of our best phj sedans, and i am most grateful ami | happy in being aide to add, that 1 had scarcely-used . two boxes when i found that l icy hadrestoied me , to perfect health, binee then, various members of j my family have used them wi i equal success— i and cun-cqnently 1 led it my duty to apprise you ! ol the laid, and to request of you to pub Tli this certificate, es lam anxious to add my oublic testi i inonvt i the n'rnost miraculous virtues of your un ! medicine, ft- 1 : '-dliillv yours, ' Tfl IC<:DORK JAMES. Augusta, fia., r,b 10, T 30. I ommunieatioD roi eba d from the eminent Dr. J. M. Irwin ot Florence, tleorgta : 1ir..1. p. Peters—My Dear ir—On the night of the ! Ith hut., I was called in great haste in the ' ol a lei ow ci.izcu, (JMr. Dee,) where!found 1 his son la'ding muter a most alarming attack of >yn niche J ran . is (Ci p and ap; men i' v he : yond the aid of rein ay, Hy the greatest good f'ur , tune, however, 1 had in my pocket a broken box of your pi 1 s—lour oi \ him I administero I, with I such immediate happy cifect that in a few minutes my patient was at ease, at i out of danger, 'ibis j case, in connection with my name is at your sor . vine—and I have the pleasure to bo able to inform j you that your inestimable medicine is in such great •aver with the faculty here, that I believe there is not one ol them who does nut use it in iris private practice. Yours most resp’y. March 13, 1839. j'. ID IRWIN, 31. D. Extract from a letter written by Dr. Francis llo g.ut.ol Providence, R. D, Dec. 17, 1 S3S.—Peters’ ; pills are an excellent aperient and cathartic medi- I cine, those effects being produced by the dilferenccs , ol the quantily taken, and are decidedly superior to Dee’s, Hrandreth’s or Morrison’s Pills. Extract liom a letter by Dr. Hopson of Bangor, ; > Jan - "■ 1839 They are a peculiarly mild, yet efficient purgative medicine, and produce little' if any,griping or nausea. I have prescribed llicm with much success in sick headache and slight bil lions lever. ° Extract of a letter by Dr. Joseph Williams of Burlington, \ t. ( July 9, 1837.—1 cordially recom mend Peters’ Pills as a mildly effective, and in no case dangerous, family medicine. They are pecu liarly mffuential in costiveness and all the usual j diseases of the digestive organs. Extract of a letter from Dr. Edw Smith of Mon tical, I.i ~ Sept. 27, 183 ti.—I neverknev a single patent medicine that I could pul the least conli dence in but Dr. Peters’ Vegetable Pills, which are really a valuable discovery. I have no hesitation m having it known that 1 use them extensively in my practice, for all complaints, (and they are not a lew) which have their source in the in purity of the blood Extract of a letter fiom Dr. Dye of Quebec D. 0., March 6, 1837.—F0r bilious fevers, sick head ache, torpidity ol the bowels, arid enlargement of tbe spleen, Dr. Peters’Pills are an excellent medi cine. I Extract of a letter from Dr Gurney of New Or- I | leans, Da.,Oct. 9,1837.-1 have received much as sistance m my practice—especially in jaundice and yellow lever, from the use of Peters’ Pills. 1 D re- 1 * ° n 811 ave,a S e > I prescribe 100 boxes in Extract of a letter from Dr. Prichard of Hudson, Ju -’ e J > tB3b. — 1 was aware that Dr. Peters wasoneof the best chemists in the Lnitcd Stales ami lelt assured that he would someday (from his intimate knowledge of the properties of herbs and t ugs j produce an efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge that Ins Vegetable Pills fu I v respond to my expectations. They are indeed a superior, and reflect credit alike upon the Chemist the Physician, and the Philosopher ’ | Extractor a tetter from Dr. Waines of ('incin'. nati, I-eh. 2, 1838.—V our Pills arc the mildest in t.ieu operations, and yet most powerlul in their of- 1 sects, ot any tliai 1 have ever met with in a practice ot eight and twenty years. Their action on the evidenUyVery surprisi nj, m P U1 ‘ es of the blood, is a U .‘ U, ' r . fro ' n Pr - Bcott of Baltimore Cl. 1,1 ->')■—i am in the daily habit of prescri •mgt'cm, (Peters’Pills) and they in nea ". ~ ~, ; ‘■‘V ■' v:rd m.v purpose. I have discarded othci favor. m SU, " eof thcmv *o- good ones, in thetr Charlotte, N. C, Jnn 1 ISI7 ear Sir—l I ave made frcquem’nseof your Tills m me incipient stage of bilious fever, and ohsti u-t. constipati m ol the bowels; uls ... in thp cn . -of tbe "Ui.mcl. head-ache, ccncral debility, and in all i ascs hav efound them to ce very effective. J D. BOYD, M D. Mecki.enbvski. co., Vn. Feb.' 7, 1837 B Having us Dr. Peters’Fills in my practice in l| tlie last twelve months, 1 take pleasure in givi f? my testimony of their good elf'ccts in cases of dys- I f pepsia, sick head-ache, bilious fevers, and other ll diseases, produced by inactivity of the liver. The Wr are a safe and mild aperient, being the best article k of the kind I ever used. fl GEORGE C. SCOTT M. 1\ fl These much approved and justly celebrated Pills are sold whole ale and retail, at New York prices, i>* by Ha viland Kisley & Co., Thomas Barrett Sr t 0., B| and Nelson Carter, and by all the principal Drug gi-ts throughout the United States, the Canadas, Texas,Mexico and the West Indies. Retail Price, 60 cents per box, wholesale price, $-1 per dozen. • 1 («C)nn CHALLENGE. The genuine ftl vv) Ft J French Pil's against nil the QUACK flr .NUNTRMiJS of tho age —lor ilie enre of t ' l * * * * ♦ Im Tiie French Pills arc applicable in all eases, ImifHß either sex, (warranted free from Mercury,; and , pus I sesirs great advantages over the llalsams arid nl| IB 1 quid mcdieines, by neing entirely free From smell, i.nd consequently do not cffeci ihe brcnlh, thereby preventing the possibility of dhcuveiy while usiia' ih m Besides this important ndvnnloge. thov never disagree vvnli the siomiich. and in I lie first., .si ages of tho disease they usually effect a cine in a (bw days wi li little regard to oiol orexposme. In lie most obstinate stages of the disease, they are equally certain, having cured many after 'evefv olher remedy li c J ftuloil. In short they have Been so universally successful that the proprietor elinf lenges nay one to produce a remedy of equal ref. tainly, under albrfeilure of Three Hundred Dollars Haiiiusbukc, Dec. It), 183 ft. Dr.Valior —DenrSjr: About a mom li ago, I sent to you for ilrce boxes of your French Pills, and feel ram It onliged to you for funiishing mo with a medi- cine so fffcctunl and so pleasant to use. When I sent for your 1 ills 1 had been troubled with i| ln disease for nearly 6 months, and had tried a great many medicines vvi hunt any effect. During the first six weeks 1 was under a Physician of tlii.s place, lint filming little or no chance of beingcured by him, I h 11. lino, and a few days after visited Philadelphia, where I bought a > ancly of advi rlisoil specific jnltnusl ettough to slock art apothecary shop, and allot this J look with Ihe same success ns In- fore, 1 'living that v* ** *d smell of tho balsai’n he- hind Them,'which I iliinlt I can smell to this day Not knowing what to resort to next, and seeing your French Pit's advertised in the Public Ledger, I d. -termini d to try them, mid nrn only sorry 1 did rfot goi them sooner, ns it might have saved me fury dollars and have cun d me long ago. My object ia writing to you at present, is to procure some (if tho medicine for two of my fronds, who are in the same kind of a scrape. You w ill therefore .please send by the bearers.x boxes, and oblige, Yours respectfully, H R, P. B.—ifit will he any advantage, you may pub lisli the above, with the initials. The ge mine French Fills are for sale in Augusta, by Hnvdund Kislcy & Co., Thomas Harrell N Go , ami hy .’>< Don Curler. Price, Sd 00 per box, with (nl) direelions, June 6. Iv PILES, HAEHORRIIbibs, &c. fl PRICK 81. —NO CURE NO PA\. fl MAY’S LIN I.Hi; NT. B No Fiction,—This extraordinary eliefnleal com- H position the result of science and the invention nfa fl celebrated medical man, the introduction of which B to thn public was invested with the solemnity of 8 B death-hod bequest, lias since gain d a reputation H unparalleled, fully sustaining tbu correctness of tli4 B laineiiieti Dr. Dudley's lust conlssion that “ lef H bared not die without giving lo posterity the bene- H lit oi his know ledge onlbis subject,” and he there lore beipiontlied lo bis frietid and altemlunt. tSclu- flj laon Hay's, the secte! ot lbs discovery ll is now used in the principal hospitals, and the private pr.aetieo tn our country, first and most cer tainly tortile cure ut ihe Piles, and also so exten . ively and cdb-ctually' as lo bafile credulity, unless vvbere its cltec is are witnessed. Externally in ilia lollowing complaints: lor Dropsy —Creating extraordinary absorption gt.onee. A I Stoe/h'ags—Reducing lit-in in a few hours. Ji'iriuaihsui, cine or < iiroifiegivingqiiick ease. Non- Throat —l'-y cancers iih-crs or colds. Croup, and Whooping Cough— Externally, and ovei tiieehest. AJI iiruisi r Sjimi'ix riml Earns —< uringln a few hum's Stilus and Ulcers —Vv nether beat! or long •standing, and fever sores. iis operations upon n(lulls and children in redu cing mo- swellings, and loosening cough- ami lightness of l lie chest by relaxation ol tin purls, has been surprising beyond conceptn-ii —1 no eomiimn ri ll ark of those who ImVo used I; tn il.o Pots, is ‘* li acts like a eliarni ” Jill - . I T-geS-—Flic price ®1 is reliitld'efl to Any Jiorson who will use a bottle of Hay s l.inimeni, lo the Files, and rettir.-i the empty buttle without being cured. These are the positive ord- r» ol the prupriu lur to the Agents ; and out ol many tlumsa-d sold not olio Ims lurn un.MiQrcs.slu!. Me might, insert eertifi.-mes HI unjr length, luit |>rifcr that those who sell the article, should exhibit ilr* original to«rs. \i liu.v Noun can be genuine without a splenot,l engraved wra| per, on which is my name and also thatnj Ihe Agents ' _ 1 SOLOMON Hay 8. i y) EDI FUID-I, (fee—Ail ciiniilry papers who wib insert the above 12 months, and suntl m e nutn , to the ifgetits shall be entitled tonne dozen of the Lineament. Sold wholesale and retail by ( O.YISTOHK & Ho, Sole Agents, 2 Fletcher street, neai Maiden Law* one door below Read street, N w York, and by ooF Druggist m every town in ilm Union. For sale by ANTONY At HAINES, 232 Broad reel, A tgu-ta mar St) jj V 1- E- a German physician of much * ' note, having devoted his allenlio . (or soinO years to the cure and removal of Iho ct uses of NER yotJs AND SIHK DEAD ACHE, lm s the sat is l.ictton to make known, that he has a remedy which l>y rcn-.ovttig the causes cures effeetually and penna iu-illly this distressing complaint. There are many families who have considered Siek Headache ueon sliiutional incurable laiitily complaint- Dr. S, as sures them that they are mistaken, ai d labouring umler distress which they might not only alleviate, bm actually eradicated by Hie use of bis remedy. It Is the result oi scu-iinfie research, and is entirely ot a dineront cbaiacler trom advertiseu patent medi cines, and is not unpleasant to the taste. ll La dacii k, sr l< Ol; nervous Hie extraordinary reputation that Ur. Siiohn’s remedy for Ibis ilistrcssiiig eumpuint is every day gaming is eenaiiily a malt -mi mucli nstonisluneut. 1 bat sum tell sullermg should have existed forages vMilmul any discovery of an effectual preventiv i or j cure,is iruly a subject of much regret but Dr ’ S : ,h ,t P ubli .' : ihaf«a«ha r. rnedy has been v 1 tiled us will convince the most credulous 'J’he [ .T'noiples on wht.-h it acts a*i simple and plain It is an a milled fact that this complaint, whether called Melt Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim arily Irom tin? stomach—those who think they have the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this nrgaa, the stomach, is the first cause, that th-sys tem has become vitiated or debilitated. Enough tho a,,d liial Ull| y "'rough the same chum,el i M they expects rest ,rat,on ol the natural and Rul ny bindi -ns ol the system. Tins object, Dr ;SH,n s ts eminently calculated to attain. J .0 rttlh ol Ibis position cannot be controverted, and the sooner sutkrers with the headache become coiivineed olit, the sootier will their sutlering end ~ i restorntiun ol health, Dr. Spohn pledges Ins / rr fe.sMomn reputation on this fad. T„e remedy f may be had ot apothecaries generally throughout the United Stales. ° For sale by ANTONY & HAINES, No. 232 Broad-street, Augusta. mar 05 HOOK AM) J()H J'HINTJNH \v J ■ 'UIOMPSi N respectfully informs hi r V ■ mends and tho public generally that he ts prepared to execute every variety of ROOK A.\ DJUII TRIA TL\ O’, with neatness and despatch His assortment ol materials is equal in extent or quality to any in the city, and from his thorough acquamtnce with the business, be hopes to be able 0 give general satisfaction lo those who may favo lurn with a share of their patronage. To those who have heretofore patronized him, lit begs leave to return his most grateful acknowledge i-uiit- 1 01 pa flavors; and he hopes by stiictat t-nlion lo i.incss -and constant efforts to please to merit a continuance of their patronage (Sj PAW li LAp KS, of every kind, kept con slantl y printedto or shortcon fc b 13 t