Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, September 26, 1839, Image 3
. £? Doctor J. / WHSON often Ms profcs- I *ional services to the citizens of Augusta and its j Ttcimtv. He wilt bo found at the corner of Centre j and ielfair Ntieet<, at the residt*i:ce of Mi*. James F. Gardner, urst house below the Academy. ts | iff THE AMERICAN SIL& URDU EU AND FARMER'S \IAMCAL —A monlhlv publication ; designed to extend and encourage the growth of Silk 1 throughout the I cited Stales. Edited fiy Ward i Cheney and Brothers, Burlington. N. J.,and pub- j lished in Philadelphia, at the low price of Gat j Dollar a year. Kr Subscriptions received at this office. a| j BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. —The Officers ot | this Society for the ensuing year are as follow* A. J. Miller, E«q. President; )tn. L. D. Ford, j Vie* President j Rev. Jons Winter, Collector A , Treasurer: Rev, Wm. Kennedy, Associate do; M. W. Brown, Secretary. WILLIAM A. HOTCHKISS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jdcksonb rough. Striven County. Georgia, Office at the Court House. w2m A REAL IILESSING TO MOTHERS. DR W. EVANS 1 CELEBRATED SOOTHING SYRUP, for Children Culling their Teeth.- This 1 iafaliiole remedy has preserved hundreds of cfiii * dten, when thought past recovery, from convul sions As soon as the Syrup is runbed on the gums, the child will recover. The preparation is so innocent, so efficacious and so pleasant, mat no ehild will refuse to let its gums he rubbed with it When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no appearance of teeth, ene buttle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pore*. Parents should never be without the Syrup in the nursery where there are young children ; for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup immediately gives ease, by opening the pores nd healing the gums; thereby preventing convulsions, fevers, Ac. Sold only at Dr. Win. Evatu' Medical Office, 100 Chatham street, New York, where the Doctor may be consulted on all diseases of children. PROOF POSITIVE OF THE EFFICACY OP Dr. EVAN'S’ SOOTHING SYRUP.—To the Agent of Dr. Kcons’ Southing Syrup: Dear Sir —The great benefit aiforded to my suffering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painfu: dentition, must convince every feeling pa rent how essential an early application of such an invaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery ami torture. My infant, when teething, experienced . such acute suiferings, that it was attacked witq convulsions, and my wife and family si pposed that death would soon release the babe from anguish, till we procured a bottle of your Syrup: who h as «oon as applied to the gums, a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications the chi'd displayed obvious relief, and by coiuimnug in its use, 1 am glad to inform you the child has com pletely recovered. and no recurrence of that awful complaint has since occurred; the teeth are ema nating daily and the child enjoys perfect health. 1 give you my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, and will gladly give any information on this circumsti nee. VVM. JOHNSON, TONIC PILLS. —The power of Enins’ Camomile Pills aie such, that the palpitating heart, the trem ulous hand, the dizzy eye, and the Buttering mind, vanish before their effects like noxious vapors be fore the benign influence of the morning sun.— They have long been successfully used for the cure of intesmittents, together with fevers of the irregu lar nervous kind, accompanied with visceral ob structions This tonic medicine is for nervous complaints, general debility, indigestion and its consequences, or want of appetite, distension of the stomach, acid ity. unpleasant taste m tlio mouth, rumbling noise the oowels, nervous symptoms, languor, when the mind becomes irritable,desponding,thoughtful, melancholy, and dejected, ilypochundii .cism, con sumption. dimness of sight delhium, and all other nervous affections, these pills will produce a safe ami permanent cure. Evans’ Camomile Pills were first introduced into America in 1.835. EVANS’ FAMILY APERIENT PILLS are purely vegetable, composed with the strictest pre cision of science and of art; they never produce I nausea, ami arc warranted to cure the following diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, viz:— Apoplexy, Bilious Affections. Coughs, Colds, Ulcerated Sure Throats, Scarlet Fever, Asthma, Cho lera, Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidnies and Bladder, Affections peculiar to Females, and all those diseases of wl atsoever kind to which human nature is suojcct, where the stomach is affected. More conclusive proofs of the extraordinary effi cacy of Dr. Win. Evans’ celebrated Camomile and Aperient Anti-Bit oiis Pills, in alleviating afflicted I mankind. —Mr. Robert Cameron, 101 Bowery.— Disease —Chronic Dysentery, or Bloody Flux — Symptoms, unusual flatulency in the bowels, se vere griping, frequent inclination to go to stool, tu nusmus. loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fre quency of pulse, and a frequent disci.argc of a pe culiar foetid matter mixed with blood .great debility, sense of (mining hetvt, with an intolerable bearing down of the parts. Mr. Cameron is enjoying per fect health, and returns his sincere thanks for the extraordinary benefits he has received. Fold by ANTONY ic HAiNKS, Sole agents in Augusta, J. M.fs T. M. TURNER, Savannah, P. M. COHEN & Co., Charleston, SHARP & ELLS, Milledgeville, C. A. ELLS, Macon, A.VV. MARTIN, Forsyth, Ws. I!. WELLS, Druggist, Athens, MARK A. LANE, Washington july 23 ~M DISSOLUTION. —The firm of Hiincerford, ! *\w Frisdie Si Co., now doing business in the city of Augusta, (la. is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. JOHN 111 NOF.HFOKD, JUDAH FRISBIE, JOHN T. HUNGERFORU. \Volcottville,Conn. j August 24, 1839. NOTlt’E. —The subscriber having purchased all I the interest, goods, and effects, of the lirm of Hun gerford, Frisbie 6c Co., in Augusta, (la , will carry on and transact business at the old stand of Hun gerford. Frisbie & Co., and settle all claims against and collert all debts, either by note or account, due the above named firm of H. F. It Co., being duly -authorised for doing the same. JOHN HUNGERFORU. ■ Wolcottville, Conn , > August 24, 1839. 3 ts sep 12 The undersigned is the only authorised agent of John l.'ungerford ; any contracts touching the in terests of the late linn of HnngerforJ, Frisbie & Co., will not be recognised without his sanction. G H. LIVINGSTON. TEAS I powders.—For raising Buckwheat | and Batter Cakes, perfectly light and ready for baking the instant they are mixed. Sold whole sale and retail by i"n 19—ts HAVTLAND. RISLY & CO. A -OLD WATCH LOS f. —The undersigned had taken, a doullobottomed case Gold Lever Watch, m. J. Tobias & Co., Liverpool. No. 14231, with God Curb bob Chain, two strand and a • mail Seal Key from him, which lie will give a suitable reward to any person detecting it. *P- 7 t _ l '_ K. BEALL. SDTOTICE.—During mv absence for a short time i iM '•> OLIVER DA M ORTH, i, duly author- I ized to attend to any business in which 1 am in- ! „ terest-d- A. DAN FORTH. August 27, 1839. ts EWIN SNYDER having taken his brother into co-partnership,thehusiness will he con- ! tinned, at the same place, under the firm of E ,v I J. A, BNV DER. August I, 1839. 3t sep 12 j FOR SALE, a first rate Harness Horse, young, j active and gentle, and will be warranted as a i family horse. Also, a new Harouch.a superior ar- j tide, and very light, peculiarly adapted to the I horse. A oargain will be given if app ied for im- ' mediately. s. BUFORD, i **«!* _tf_ j i “At.S Prime GreenCodec * * 10 hliils. St. Croi.x <ugar. Jus* re eived, and for sa'c ;, v JOHN S. HUTCHINSON, A„.. tionecr. JOHN BRIDGES 4s Co., Drapers and Tailors, are now receiving their Fal, and Winter sup P.v of CLOTHS, CASSIMEHES, VESTINGS. 4 , '..t0 winch they would respci Bully invite the at cation of their friends and patrons. tf-scp2ii Augusta Ins. j. Banking Company. j> September 26, 1839. \ 1 TN 1 IL further notice tins Bank will te opened X; at 11 a m,an I c oseil at 12 "I ts I TNDER TAKING.— The midtrsig. i d is prt- J pared to furnish, at the .shortest notice. C OFFINS, ot any desen, lion, and mi reasonable term*. W. C. RERRViIILL, sept 20 St Just above the upper market. WAUK-llOi NK Ax!) COMMISSION lb s, N LS:«. V GUMMING continues to transact the Wa«- • house aaiU omu.ission Business in .Augusta., and will give personal attention to all commissions entrusted to his care, l otion, by the Rail-Rood. will, in al instances, be charged with drayage; all other charges as customary. tlslnov sep 26 Office Ga. It. U. and Itank’g » o. ? Athens, Sept Wth, 1839. \ riNIIF, subscribers to flic Stuck of the Georgia X Railroad and Banking Cuinpany, wi’o were Stockholders in the Middle Branch Railroad, are hereby notified that the third instalment of ■Jib per share on their stock is required by the Loi.rdof Directors of Hie Georgia itailruad and Hanking Company, to be paid at the Company's < dice al Athens or Augusta, on the second Tuesday in Oc to' er next, being the Slh day thereof. And those of -aid Stockholders who have se tiled for their stock in full by note, are hereby required to pay $1 j per share in cash, on said notes, al the same time anil place 1-y order of the Board of Directors JAS, CA.iIAK, Cashier. sapt 26 td GIa.IU.I V FEMALE C< UEtiE. rjiiiE exercises of this Institution will be rc- X sumed on the lir-t Monday in Cictolier. It is very desirable that ail who propose to become pu pils, should attend at the beginning of the session. An early regular organization of the Classes is im portant to the carrying on ol our plans, and to fair and equal competition among the members of each class. To relieve the Faculty of embarrassment in the distribution of circulars, and to faeiii late the progress of the scholar, we earnestly recommend parents and guardians to bring their children and wards at the opening of the term. To re ieve our patrons, who live distant fr mi us, of all unnecessary anxiety, we assure them t nit in case of sickness, attention kind and constant shall he rendered ; and that prompt information si .all be given to relatives, when any reasonable ground of apprehension exists. Having full confidence our selves in the healthiness of the location —a eouii <lence founded upon the expeiicnre of th e last term, and the fact that the steward’s family . with two young ladies, members of the Institution , have remained the whole summer, without inter ruption of health, webeg onr friends to discredit the exaggerated rumors of ickness and fata by that sometimes get currency in the Country. 1 at any time facis warrant alarm, we pledge ourselves to give notice. The Primary Department will go into o peti tion simultaneously with the College Tie very general satisfaction which we understand was giv en during t** session under many disadvantages, encou.uges us to hope that our luture efforts • Vill be crowned with enlarged success. G. F. PIERCE. Macon, September 26, 1839. ts A NEGRO MAN is in the jail of Waynesb jro, Burke county, who catty, his name Ju, and slates that he belongs lo Wm. Coen, oft hatl.ain county; he is live feet and three inches high, aU»ut twenty-two years old, has a scar on his left si -Is, which he states was a hum ; he stutters wnm 4* is angry or alarmed ; well made and dark coinple.o tion. JOHN A. HUBERTS, Jailor. September 26, 1839. w3t MUIIU.S MULITC.AU LIS. 4 VX V OF the genuine frees aie now offer- TtUl/vl C, l lor sue al the reduced pi ice of j fifty cents per tree; there arc some of them ten feet high, and many ot them nine feet, all produced from the hi.d planted in March last 1 also oiler a valuable settlement of Lund contain ing 50(1 acres, IDO in cultivation, all fresh ; a va- 1 riely ot the best selected fruit trees and grape vines,; on the place are comfortable t.u flings, a store house on a pub ic road, in Broom Town V.-.ilty, Chattooga county, Ga.; IDO head of hogs and other stock, a quantity of corn, wheat and oat , all will be sold i n accommodating terms, as 1 wish tore move to the west. Time will bo given for part of the purchase money if required. 1 cati say that I have fed the silk worm on the place 1 now oiler for sale, and they have done well. The mulberry can be had with the place or separate. aept 26 w4t JOHN LAMAR. ;•* The undersigned offers for sale 51100 Moms Muiticaulis frees, of one season’s tSffcvT growth—so cents cash per tree, roots , li. and branches considered one tree, or one wXi^iT^si cent per hud, for notes, ten per cent added, if engaged to be delivered in Augusta any time after the hrsl of November next. Engage ments directed here by letter, will be considered I as contracts and atti nded to It. W. GILES, i Abbeville,C. H., Sept. 26, 1839. w3t I'H,TV HOLLARS RKBAIH). 4 BSCDNDED, from Lincolnton, N. C., a man] /\ by the name of R. 11. REiMuLDS, who says he is an Englishman—lie was employed by 1 the undersigned, as the driver of a Hack, between ; Union Court House and the Limestone Springs, S. C. He was sent on the 13lh of August, with a hack and two horses to Lincolnton N. i ~to have some alterations and repairs made on the hack j ! he was furnished with $-li, to defray the expenses j of the proposed repairs and alterations. He reached Lin coin ton; delivered the hack, but, p pretending that he wished lo visit a liieiid, borrow- i ed a sadd e and saddle-bags, blanket and bridle, j an i took one of the horses which lie drove in the ; hack, and has n it been heard from since. ; The said Reynolds, is a out 5 feet 3 or 4 inches 1 high, between 2 ) and 30 years of age; stout bo.l- j ied, a lean complexion, with black hair and whisk ers, he steps short when walking. He stated that : he had been employed by Air. Lacey of .uigusta, us a trainer ol horses; he has been probably' a stage driver on the line between Raleigh and l.ol uinbia. The horse which lie took is a chesnut sorrel, switch tail, right eye out, 15 hands high, star in the forehead, high withered, crestfallen, stout bodied and compact made, 11 yoais out. The friends of honesty aie appealed to, to aid in apprehending the vil ian. Fifty Dollar. Reward, will be paid for his appreticnson so that he can be prosecuted for horse stealing—and a Reward of I S2O will he given lor the delivery of the horse at i this place. WM. MURKAt, 1 Superintendanl of the Limestone Springs Com pany. Limestone Springs, S. C., Sept. 14. 4tw V O’JTCE. —All persons interested will take no sj tier that I claim to he the owner of the ap proved contracts for the following Creek Indian Reservations, in the District of land subject io sale at Montgomery, Ala., viz: for the E. 10, 12, 2s W. 23, 12,28', VV. 11, 12, 2s, E. 3, 12,25, and E. 23,12, 28; that said approved contracts have been lost by me, excepting the two last half sections, which were < ertined to shorter 4c Scott, and 1 held' their b nd for g„od and sufficiet title' for the same, which was lost with the balance ot the approved contracts; and 1 will proceed on the eighteenth day of December next, at the town of tolmnhus, Ga., at the house of Michael N. Clark, Notary public! between the hours of ten and twelve- o’clock, to make deposition and examine evidence as to the lo*s; and that immediately thereafter 1 shad appli lo the General Land Office for patents to said lands Barnwell. S. C„ } JOHN T. WISE. September 26, 1839. $ m td AHM INISTRATOLVs A t7i . ON the first files lay in ,Dt'ember next, agree able to a.i order of the Inferior coint of Co lumbia county . while sitting fur ordinary purposes, will be sold at the court hou-e door in said county, within the lawlul hours of sale, two hundred and ninety-five acres of oak and hickory land, adjoining Clanton - raw lord and others; alsoo.ic tract of live hundred and eighty-three acre, of oak and pin.- land, adjoining Wood and C iett ; also one tract o two bundled and dlty-iiine and a half o res ol pint land,adjoining lands of Air- , t raw or and < lieu a'so thirty-seven acres, a ro 1.-, rove e I with ~ 4 n> * adjoining’amis ol lieggiv and u.lie.s; sold a.- i. property o I nati an • lieu, *. ,j ~i ni the day oi sale. WILLiAAI CLiIiTT, A itn. See*.- .b*r *9), I xtjri. fai' FAKMKUS* IIOTRL. The subscriber having opened » house JIiJU-M of pule.tainmoiit in the village of Rurk ■ trsviile. and from long rxpciience in public life . J and studious app ication to business, hop. s to share libeially of public patronage. His lai le w ill be i furnished with t!i • best the country affords, and his 1 stables with the test of provender and an atumtiva i 1 os tler. I), B. ItA.MSV. Ilnckeisvill*, Se. tcmber 26. if iTGUiI months after date, application wiM be made to the nimorahle the Inferior court of Jefferson county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for ’cave to sel: fifty acres of land, lying in Burke county, adjoining lands of John A. Parsons and others, it being the property of the late demy Wimberly, ol llnrke county, deceased; it being for the purpose of division. ANDREW J. DAVIS. In right of w ife and Guardian of minor. September 26, 1839. GUARDIAN'S SALK. \GRKEAHLK to an order of the honorable the Inferior com t of Jefferson county, will he sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at the court bouse door in Waynesboro, Butko county, a tract , of land containing three hundred amt fifteen acre*; said land lying and being in said county of Bur’-e, ami adjoining lands of Benjamin Weeks. William • I’endre and others, belonging lo the minors of James Trimble, jnn., deceased. ’ terms on the day. J AMES A. CARSWELL, Guardian. September 26,1839. EXKCIJTOR’S SALK. ON Friday, the 25th day of October next, at the late residence of James Langston, deceased, in Columbia county, between the usual hours, will be sold, the whole of the peiishahle property be longing to said estate, not disposed of by bis will, consisting of horses, cattle an I jhcep, corn, fodder, wheat and oats, one road wagon, one ' isle, one shot gun, and a variety of other articles which it would be too tedious to enumciatc. Terms made known ; al the sale. MARK J. LANGS TON, Ex’r. September 26. 1839. VLI. persons having demands against the estate of James Langston, sen., late of Columbia county, deceased, are requested to render them in duly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate are requested lo make immediate payment to MARK J. LANGSTON, Kx’r. September 26,1839. 6w OPFI GIA L L) RA WI NG O P 'J’ H B GEORbIA STATU LOTT Kit V, For the Benefit of the Augusta Independent Fire Co. Ci.ass No. 38, for 1539. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 64 132 35 37 12 1TWiTW6i~ 43 55 20 (i I hereby certify that the above numbers as they 1 stand arc correct, as taken from the Managers’ Cer ■ tim-ate of the.Rawing of toe Virginia State Lotte ry. for Monongalia Academy, < lass No. 5. for 1839, drawn ia Alexandria, Va,, September 21,1839, and which determines the fate of all tickets held in the . above Lottery. A. READ, Agent. Augusta, September 26, 1839 GEORGIA STATU 1 LOTTERY, TOR THE REISCEIT OF THE AUGUSTA INDEPENDENT FIRE COMPANY, Class No. 39, for 1839, mined by the drawing of the Virginia Stab > j DeberLottoiy. for the benefit of the town of Norfolk, Glass No. 6, for 1539. To be drawn it Alexandria, Va.. on Saturday , September 28, 1839. i D-Sk.-Garcoav & Co.. Managers, A. Read Contractor. I; £4 0, Hi! O! ! (BRAN I> SC II K M K , 1 Prize of $40,000 - -is - - $40,000 1 -- - 10,000 10000 I - - - - 6,000 ..... (s’,DIM k - - - 5,000 ...... jjjioo 1 ... - 3,600 3,000 I- - - - - 2,500 2,560 I - - - - 1,940 1,940 50 - - - - 1,000 50,000 50 - - - - 250 ..... 12,060 50 .... 200------ 16000 63 .... 150 ..... 9,460 63 100 6,300 63 85 5,040 63 - - - - 70 - 4.410 63 - - - - 60 3,780 126 50 6,300 126 - - - - 40 5,040 3,654 20 73,080 23.-136 .... 10 234,360 27.814- - Prizes, amounting to - $186,1 0 | Tickets -»|0 -Miarcs in projim linn, i 'Jj' Orders for Pickets in the above scheme, will meet w-itfi promptatteiitionlf addressed post paid) to A. REA D, Agent, Augusta, Ga. FAMILY HKDICTNKS, 1 AND I’HYMCIA Ntff l*R J»f KI TION | d lOMPETKN I' arrangements having been made, , Family Medicines and Physians’ Presciip tions can fie obtained at all hours of tin; night; 1 and on Cue Sal.bala, so far as immediate necessity | may demand, at Apothecary Hall, No. 232, Broad j street. ANTONY «t HAINES, aug 30 j Jj - Phore is a night bull at the door. FIKIS-PHOOF WAR |< HOUSE, E subscribers continue to transact a general !| jj Commis\ion Business Motion consigned to j llietn by the Rail-Road prompt y attended 10. No t charge for drayage—other charges will he as cos- ‘j ’j tomary. Grateful for past favors, they solicit a ' i continuance of public patronage, j 8. K 5 ICELAND i: SON. , Augusta, September 12, 1839. trwßiu TO RENT, two comfortable Houses 'fast and Lots on Broad street, opposite .Meigs’ ihgfcdj vv are house. —Possession given on the Ist of i ctohernext Also, for sale, a vacant lot at the ‘•'and Hills, con i tabling eight or ten acres, near a fine spring of ! water, and a fine view of the city of Augusta.— j Apply to A. I. HUNTINGTON <v.-80N.ortu the j subscriber. BENJAMIN SIMS. j sept 19 if REES A BFALL’S FI Hi; I'BOOF WAHKIIOISF. r E still continue the above business in ail its T f brunches. Cotton consigned to us by rail road will be drayed from the depot to the ware house free of charge to the owners. RE EG A- BEALL. P. S. We are at home and have been during the sickness, and shall remain here, ready lo attend to ;uiy business entrusted to our care R. & I!. September 19, 1839. 5t NOTICE. ON the 22d and 23d days of October next, there will in- between fifty and one Hundred Town Lots sold at auction, at the Stone Mountain, in Do K:;lb county, Ga. The sale will be positive and without reserve. Also will be offered for sale, at the same time and place, the Tavern belonging to the subscriber, together with his Stables, Horse Lot, orn Cribs, Garden, Kitchens, and some other out buildings! with about two and a half acres of L.-.n.1, attached to the same. Good payments wi Ihe given on the sale of the property A. J HINSON. September 19. 1839. Wl LLIAM c, WAY, OFFERS his services to his friends either as Agent,or in the Commission business, after the first flay f October next, on which day his pre sent engagement with Messrs. James Anderson A Go , will expire. He would prefer the Agency of some large Dry Goods Establishment, either in Au 9i*ta,or in any other < ity where bis friends intei - st slmu’.l best demand. Should any of hi* friends ' c disposed to engage him, they can confei with him at the store ol James Anderson oc t 0., No. 26 > ’ .(road Street, Augusta, Georgia sept 19 til. .MONII A 11 ‘ 1.l io. id i * »i*ort i-i/’F Q;» i & i mxjroes roll sale in ii am nr no. i | ri'HIE subscriber loti Petersburg. Va. on Hie 3d i inst. with an-uiusim large number of Ne -1 groes lor sale, in tbr inwu of Ham or.;;, waere lie i expects to arrive on or before the nrM of etoher. i when he will oiler then for sale ,n the most rra- } i soiiable terms, lie Hitters himself to say that | j from the mannei in which his Negroes were bought, ■ 1 he will he enabled to se-1 them to his customers on as goo I terms as they possibly eon hi I c bought in any of the Virginia market- The lot consists of every deseilption of servants, tor ah purposes. — [ House servants, held hands, and ever* other des- 1 eription. BENJAMIN DAMS. ; sept 13 ts i \vi;xri-i iv nohhiitsitkiVAKt). 15 \NAVVAV front the subscriber, ou the 11th i 5 duly,a negro hoy uarned li/nvr .-, ID or 20 t years of age. about '>\ feet high, stout built, ;uul very dark complexion. Me was rai-cit near Edge- I held District, s. i'., and may have made Bis way ! j liack to the above place, or perhaps to < ’bar.eston I or Savannah; but he i, supposed to he lurking j about Augusta or tlie Sand llihs. The above re-j ward will he paid for his delivery to me, or his be- j iug lo Igedin anv jail so that I get him again, a tig (0 trwtf .1 AS. W. CLARK. 1 IIAIIM) A IKMV LAND'S ITTiK-IMIUOI’ >V A It KIiOIISE. riNiiK irdersignod will continue the Ware- I }| House and I'ontrnission inisines'.i. at their old | stand, where the same care and attention to hnsi- i ness will he bestowed as heretofore, and their j charges snrli as arc consi lered customary with re- ! gular houses, -u the same line of business. BAIRD .k ROWLAND. ! Augusta, Aug 31 wt\ T A C \KU. rfNIIK subscribers having turned their attention P to Cutting and llttniling tiunits. beg leave lu ! inform the public that they have returned from the I northern cities with a large slock, consisting of | American. British. Trench, and all styles of i FASHIONALK J)Ki HOODS, hotu Staple and j , Fancy, which they will sell for cash or approved i credit, as low if not a shade lower, than can te : purchased in any other establishment in this city, 'hose in want will do well to call and examine our stock before min basing elsewhere. HUNtiICUI'TiRO, FUISHI E & t o, B uad-st. opposite the ruins of Planters’ Hotel. . trtar 33 ts \DM IM ST It \ TOR’S NOTH' H.—Ton i months I alter date I will apply to the Honorable the I nferior (,'ourl of lUehpioml county, when sitting for ordinary pur|Kiscs, for leave to sc-11 the land i aid slaves belonging to the estate of the late ' r, ?. Robert Malone, for the bcnciit of liis heirs and creditors. • Juy 20,1830. T). W. ST. JOHN. i f INI IK subscriber having taken the A drninistra-1 R tion of the estate of the late .Mr Rohet l Malone j ask of those indebted to the estate to make pay ment, and thoce to whom the estate is indebted, to , present their claims, as it is his purpose to close the a.fairs of the estate with lbs least possible delay. July 17, 1839 I). W. ST, .MIIX. \DMINIS PRATOH’S NOTICE—Four months after date, application will hr made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, Mcor-gia, for leave to sell lot No. 7. in the .M District of Mer iwether county, (originally in Troilo county,) be longing to the estate of Reading Wood, deceased. SAMUEL HALE, Administrator. August Hi, 18311. CIirCKASAWA i Cilli. LA Vl*. subscriber oflers for sale a tract of Land | situate in the 3d District. Halter counly.en ■ bodying an area of fifteen hundred acres, which comprises every variety of the most, superior -oil. The tract is furnished with slight improvements, and can he enlarged in its geographies l dimensions to any desirable extent. As an additional consid eration to a purchase, reasonable terms and a pro traete I credit are olfered. For more miscellaneous informatk n, applicants can address Hie subscriber, at Athens. K. G. BALDWIN. July tn-tt Ml>»■ SCt sclios <o. \r LA TAS TE will commence giving les out B # on the Piano Forte and Spanish Guitar early in the fall. From his long experience in teaching the theory and practice of music, he as ures thjie who may patronise him that they will save no reason to regret placing their daug'it"r» hnder Ins care. smlf july 31 rjNI.ME BILLS ON NEW-VOHK, drawn m Savannah, for sale by aug 20 ts WRIGHT & GIBSON. (T OSIIF.N HOT TEH. —10 kegs Goshen Rutter, B just received and for sale ■.v aug 15 1. S. BEERS Co, | 1 BORGIA NANKEENS. —dust received, five B B cases heavy Georgia Nankeens, aug 19 (it A. SIBLEY. PRINTING INK.—A supply of Pri' ting Ink July Hi J just received by T. 11. PLANT. SUMMER QUILTS. —A new and beautiful al lude ju-t received, and lor s.-. le by ap 30 W. B. ft ,1. U. JACKSON. VJ AT HASSES 20 superior Moss Shi reuses -T I just received and for side by may Hi W. E & .1 U, J \( KSON, U UM.M EH. QLI L I'S, —A lew more of extra size n just received and for sale by June 10 ts W. E. &J. I r . .1 i KSON. MIGHT CHECKS (IN NEW 7OR K—Sight M Checks on New York, dr iwn in Savannah, in - jins to suit.for sae by jan 10 ts ■ WEIGHT fc GIBSON. 1 \ r 7INEGAR.—30 hbls. superior White Wine [ \ V Vinegar, just received and for sale by j tune s W. E. A J. U. JACKSON. UjTI.NE BOTTLES. —20 Hampers Wine Uot t les, 12,000 gross Bottle Corks, for sale by j jan 111-ts UAVTLaNL), kISLV a-, CO. % -J ONONGAIIELA WIIISKEV —10 hbls si j i'. f I p'-rior Munoiigaliela Wiiiskey, just rt eei red and for sale by W. E. <v J. U. JACKSON, Auctioneers, i flay 16 1 NEW, speedy, and eH'eetiial euro for the . I I Gonorrhma, Gleets, Strictures, Arc. Just re ; eei ved and for sale by ANTONV k HAINES, Agents, I . nay 16 Augusta. I'UST RECEIVED and for sale, 10 bales Cotton Osnaburgs 5 eases superior Irish Linen-. By .1 *IIN S. lU.'TCHINSON, Auctioneer. i nay 10 |<T <AA IK)/.. CO dMON IT MBLERB, just re « |}M I ceived and for -ale by may n W. E k J. U. JACKSON. SNOB SALE. —I second hand pedlurs’ Wagon " and Harness, nearly new. Also, I good Harness Horse. Apply to JOII.v M. II ETC HINSON jnly 21 ts Pi I*US P i'*, - . Ifwx BOXES PIPES', lust received and for Itl 1 sale by jane 27 ts W. E. tk.l. U. JACKSON. j riTHE iiii-lersigned continues to transact a genera’ ’ I r.iCTOHAGK ASU OMMISSKjS Ill's)- j Nfe'-S’-S, and solicit- a continuance of patronage JOHN C. HOLCOMBE. Charleston,S C.,August 10, 1839. swim ; A VALUABLE CARRIAGE DRIVER, Who 1 , % can l>e recommended in the big icst li rrns lor ' honesty , sobriety and industry, and who is also a Barbel and g.-od House Servant, for sale by ANTONY .v HAINES, Jn | v_9__ tr _ 2 :j Broad-street. N’ EW BooK.—An iHtrodoetioii to Astronomy, designed as a text hook for the students of ah- olhge. y Deni-on Olmsted. A M . Professu of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. Just r - j ceired a d for sale by> 31 J. W. k T. 8. STOY. ; if OST.—A new black silk CMHIiELLA, tvhi J g t.-e owner purchased ior M , oum i _ - j ( , i 1 I and :ie.) Puget Vi wil’- . . ... ■’ ■ r .i 1- , : t 'I-- he Brdi r wpl be rewarded , v - havin- nlt «I*;-, om-f.. h • Or run: I ii-.asroarAi uvis, / | Aike.n, August 27, 1839. y i •T A Notice is given that the morning and ■ ■ 7. alternoon trip. I rum Hamburg to Aiken, ■ —~ihas been resumed. The cars leaving . t ll burg daily, at j pint I o’clock, P, M | \V.M. UUBK.It Tut IN, Jli. j - gent Transportation. ; The t.'onstilulionalist will insert the above, j ‘, a To I!ENT,a three story brick I,in mug j on Broad st., occupied by Mrs. Faber as a | j J-lJj*.. boarding house ; also the store underneath 1 ! occupied by V.Crepu. i-’ortenm apply to j aug 21 11 sturl JOHN BONES, 1 I TO RENT, from the Ist Oct. next, a j ’■■.a S TORE, No,I ■ south-side Bio.ul-street, < ( "v(|ajg recently occupied bv the late D w. M. I [John Apply* to JAMES GARDNER, Jr. | anglb trwtf I j TD-RKN T, the Sturt- on the south »id ■■ ripi of Broad sin e!, at pre-ent iveupied by j i . L J-.f ,-'lortis A Costello; possession lu he given ’ on the Ist <b,tuber. | aug 19 ts P. MoGIUff, j 1 a S' HEN f, from the first of October I 1? ’;(B next, the two buck Stores next below G. j ' -.b-.VJ.7iil-,lt. Jessup ic Co s, occiipi 1! by .Messrs, G. j ' 11. Noble St Co., mid ITungevford, Friable Si t'o. — j For terms apply to A. N. VTiltDElll , | jnly .'J swtoct or Ll'ON P 111 GAS. .v r ,7-„;* l 01l RENT—Two eoinfortahle Dwei ling Houses, on Jackson 4 between Gnun | ,nnd l 011-iir streets Possission given 1m ! ol oetubor next. Apply to | aug 3 wlf JOHN I). GU HURON. 4 10 lll.N T, Font* Dwelling llousrsen j Cj the west side of Broad street, below the 1 resitk-lu e. two others on El- j j lis stu-,-1, and two on Telfair treet, two others on 1 ! Bridge Row, for a small grocery. Possession given | lon the first day of October next. Apply to I'. H.MANTZ.or I I aug 21 wit JOHN MQRRISUN. j I TO RENT,— Having relinquished my j ' (3 intention of keeping house, I will rent i 1 r=il.:lp . for the ensuing year, the late dwel lug I -it Dr. McWhorter, on Ellis street, near the Lower ! I Market. Attache lis a large g..rdcn, with various 1 | kinds of fruit, stables,carriage ho.ises, l<c. Apply i Ito me.or, in my temporal v absence, lo Dr. Me- I I Who,ter. J. T. 11l NGERFORD. | I sept 12 3tw 'The Constitutionclist will copy the above 3 I ' times weekly. j I .t FOR REN T.—The property ol the un-t i dersigned, on liruad, t amphcll and t un- { i. !. ..K 3 Ire blrecU, on Mclntosh Street, near the | | Pres lyterian Church, at present uceUpicd by .fir. | I clock Inn. Apply lu McKenzie & bennoch. i July 2 wtf ! N. B. The occupants of the properly for the ] y ear ensnin-; 1st 1 letol er next, will give notes pay able quarterly, and pay for the use of the. Hy drant water. p_. a Tlie subserlhir olfers for sale Ids re.- l deneo near the Tin knelt Spring. Ihe JMIL-ig-iiouse it very eommodious and in good repair—the lot of about live acres is well shaded, and lias a large garden, which is good at all seasons, with an abundant supply of the purest water. From its situation and advantages, it may Te made one of the most desirable place; in the nvi, hborhood (d' j Augusta, for a winter as well as summer residence. , 'There is also adjoining it about tlility acres of ,! wood land, a part of which would he excellent for 1 cultivation and pasturage. j Also, Five Thousand truss of Monts Multl i eaulis, seine of which ate now 9 fe.-t high and dj ] inches cireumfercnce, from single cuttings planted in February last. VV. C’aTLIN. aug Hi tl’Wlm 1 « FOR SALE OR TO RENT, [£«b»B From the Ist of October next, the two Jkfffi-jjl story dwelling House, at present occupied liy William Glover, at Ap’.ing, t.olumliia county, i with two store houses, gin house, stable, 4te. The \ lot contains two acres ; the stand good for a store ! or hoarding house. Also, for sale, a neat pleasant and hen thy Farm, j one mile alio e the Quaker -Springs, known as the j Patrick Place, containing eighty act on—forty acres | clouted and under cultivation, un which is 5 tolera- 1 1 hit- good dwelling and oti-or out buildings the j soil well adapted for the culture of potatoes, coin, and Hie Mulberry. ‘ Also, will he sold with or without the Farm, four thousand Monts Mnltieaulis trees at 61) cents [( a tree (roots included), as line as any raised in this neighborhood, and expect w ill range from h to S feet in height ny Hit- first of October next, well branched. LEON P. IT GAS. , jnly 2d ißit.Vwtf ritHK nub*? libers o/(c*r ibrsalcon ftcrominoilii j ting; terml m* clomo coni«i''nments, . r ioo pioces Cnit'jii of lidV’icnt (juulitiws. I from I lu Ij li.s, some of tin* iricst rcccul importations. 200 coils liii't* Hope •10 Culm ( ulfeft 60 Mo|:is>fs 60 bljls Nrw O] leans Mol;t?se* 10 liluls St Croix 1U bbls Ohelps’ (. lii GAKDELLE Jk 11 HIND, I | aug 23 ror.jer MHutusli and Bay st. I j I LI3I ESTONK .«!*KINGS HACKS Will commence the Ist Monday (7th) in October, t and continue <ix days. Ist day—Sweepstake for three year olds—ten en- | tries and closed, j2d day—3 mile heats—sls entrance—ficeforall. 1 j3d day—Two do do $11) do do do | Atli day—One do do $lO do do do j slh day—One do do SU) do best Sind—i free for all. J : bib day—A Post Stake—Two mile beats —$)0t) j entrance. Immediately after each regular Race, the Club j will give the Ist day >l.jfur Sweepstake, mile I 1 heats, free for all. ( j The 2d day. Sit) Tor .sweepstake, mi hi heats, free I lor 'ti 1. I I The 3d day, sID for Sweepstake, mile heats, free ■ for all. The 4th day, $d for Sweepstake, one mile out, [ free fur all. The sth day, $lO for Sweepstake, mile heats, free t only for saddle or unkept horses. For the Holts Race there are now on the ground j seven in training—at least five or six will start. t ! For the other purses, there are now three stables | j here in action, and three others that have engaged ’ i statdes, Messrs. Duncan and Henderson of Green- j | ville, and MacDonald from North Carolina —in all | lit least 370 r 10 horses. The purse- will he equal jlo last year. The Track is now in line order—is ! one of th - mo»t beautiful, mid equal for time to ( any in the state. Fine sport is anticipated. SAMI EL I* i TKRSON, Limestone Springs, S. (. / See’y and TreasV September 12, 1839; S' Btw } FALL BACKS. ! 1 I he Full Races over the Western C.ourse. at Golumbus, Ga., will commence on Tuesday , Bth j etoher next. Etntrr Day—Sweepstakes for colts and fillie-. three y ear old—s3oo subscription, half forfeit, six en- ; tries and closed. Sneon 1* Day— J C. Purse,2 mile heats, sb,(l I Tiiihd Dav — “ “ 3*• “ * i(M [ Fdi.KTii Day— Proprietors’Purse-1 mile twat-S SOT : iT .uDav— “ “ mile heats, 1 3 best in 5, 3du 1 Same day, Post Stakes, 3 years old, S2OO en-I trance, half forfeit* M. W. THWKATT. ' - s*ry 12 •' * i SALK.. ;i fiis; r..ft puli of jiwf Ceniage “ Horses. Apply at Mr. Allman's. tf-sep * JLBT RKCKI.VKD, 5 bbit. No. 1 diiadi 10 , oils ( ; () go 1 >nu lh» Nraolted llm'. —" tlg I.S BluKßiA’ L«. i a **-.m uwAT . UMP..M STOCK—A , tew sliamfciur. »alu by Um. U. CORDON. aH *W _ ts B''" 1 f L a.V.V uIL.—A supply of 'ilc'-.u-i-i it " inter and Uftil strained L.rup Oil. mat rr e-t-ived and-for sale py “M.ifL. 11 .VN'I’dNY fell AIM', S. | k' ny aboem t frnm tin state, H. I”. Ii * f /.d ,V A .Sf-I.V i-i inr ante-. tied agent. “"kb JOHN S. HUTCH IN Ufftl,.— u’;■ r.i’.ln. At*. E ply .tt’ttiia jflife. {f ju.v.: I7WJK SAI.K—A tint i.ite Ji.ini; r ' • wi.eelod /){/(.<«V, 1 ii- parfeu urn a; ply t,i» m« ► <i Ali, t.U.Uu /.V (1 AUTNKI) PitATT Vit PARIS— \ fie-n J 7 1 iiy t- ..1 11 tied Cluster Pr.n , just •e'-T-iVl*d ~1 *. for *»»» by HAVILAM). KISU ii ro. NJ»_ if IjlANi* >oit i 1,.-- -a spUindM lEnta WomiPiano l-rsrte, (.rand Action, of llii.* touch and hue for sale by CLARK, H'.-WCfKTT t. ( »>. ap H *' |\ i ;ff !M”~i!:,as ; : ;\<i rhwijhlu u-itke*» A 1 jin ! M'jvtved and lor mi!t- [iv K'ln-'d OAUDifCi.R .1 OHIK'D. rjjV KMP SKKU—A quantity if Laruc-i-ie ii U lute Turnip Seed, warranted fresh, fsu-sofc ala refuted price by julv 2 --.'Hi liill’KlNS, .UINMN(Is 1 f o « M'ifiiNfs \ ivo wim »•;. f'Hjt i'W.CKS omul i-n-it'-li Henin Bagging, ill II I l-.Ttm\>K)f Bottle? ”h! M nleirtt Wiv», for sale fey STOVALL, SUMMONS ft f>. aug 23 dw ■% r (W VIP Hl'S—l**U*r. M■■•mu r.u. T A eirnstant supply of Cotton l Istlthur.;*, from tlu; V'aocluse Kaetory, for sale a*t a reduced p'i -o by thei,-agents, CLALkK, .Me’TKltt ft *'n. mis l;> if OM'.N. —-The -.sjhseril.era have a pnii <*f wori: sI KI',U,S, tlinA-\vilt he eold a bargain j-they an- large, well luoke ami renv. rltahlv (ft at e.. sept 3 4ti II Mill' ft ItnW.L ■».»). OTICK.—The sul si-riher Ihsviag taken Into ll) eo-partuersliip with him IIKNUV n, ''Of if, the hiiium-M hsieafler will tie ei udurte l under t .»■ linn of Wll.MAvAd Si CIIANK *; Co. Aiiguft s, HKIM. W mi 11. OR ANT.. Soli'll SAI.n —A. lAm )iurate entillmi; the hu'di.-tr ta a Coi iv sc of I.ceUucs in the New h -rl: I\--t --fimned ''elun.l ColiVg*. i’or further paitlciib.r» : eppl.v at tins trdirc. ts July IS A OIStiICIiHK on thiroi-ca* lon of the death of Jf| tin* Hot. Augustin S. Clayton ilelitcri-l A 1 ullegf I liapt-l, AMnuis.ila.. aiMtre 12d June. IsM), hy tin- I lev. W hi efmi) Smith, A. Jd, ft fetccopie* just rcceivv-daia' 1 for snip ho y \V. ft'l', s. sfo".. atljj 10 2lf liroad sttoi?l>. N" l * IT ' H.— flic inlercst of Hcniiv •'r.s->t,e, in; tiic c nucpvn of O'. li. JKS N I /■> ,y Cc., ipa f [ tiom this dirlr. He is nti longer authorised to -i.' | tin- paimrnfthe linn m the lolleclimi nf duos, tor in tin* nrrkvrrj' nf airy contmcis, nor in the tran .v;- liou of any Inisiniv- whntsnever. / i iir bL'Hir.ess will he eontinned under t’.e same i;rm OKOIKIK It. .IKSSfI*. Augusta. July 1, 18'iff July 3 lit >1 I*IJ CI.AHK!. *V Co (furmcrly of Macnn, fir:; , J H AVK received hy late arrivnlKliom K-aland’ and inn now open ini; at the - hue No. loin »tl street, tup staira,) » general a .sorlinunt of brUnb and i-'tench l>ry Ooous, leiet-led and imported O'- li i l, expressly for the Southern trade, touelhnr with a general assuitnient of Ani-riean (ioods, whieli mikes the assortmentcumplt te. —Meicli.ints visit,mg Hie city art rei)iiesled to euli and ejf.ujntia i tlie stork. | (Inlet's wiUhave particular attention, and jnit up | at the shortest notice. Charleston,B.C. f Oetobcr 22, is'js if (litu. It. Ktmti rV llrinkiiic Co. j llrauth ,A Augusta. t r-a Ki'OfHTKV in swm« of live hundred doiia.-t / ami upwards, hearing mi interest of six per i cent, per MMium will, be received al this Crtn-e fur period* not less than ninety dpys, snfjert to the order of the deponiAor* on reieiviug ton day# nutiie f theirinunilinn Lu w.ifj-.diaiv nov 20 wtf J. W. WI&DK tiii bi. r.. FI is M ftnOlsis. (1 I.NI v.I'AVIK.%’S fnc (luiter Biots, H " •• Moroeeii hr .gap Pinups^ “ Walking pumps, “ “ (inning “ j ami Ladies’tint'di.l and inoroiTo Mip;xin of all I kind;. just reeeivtsl *’-d lot sale low, by j ALlllilCti ii MHoVK. j jiineS -j" i revii, KxereisCs in Air. Adinis’ ftlwel luvo i M. closed for iln* season, to be lesunied on 1i,.-. | Ni fluidity of October neat, As tin; number of j Ins pupil# for the future will be limited, uvm pa j rent-, who Ira ve entered their ebildreii w ili cotiier j upon him a very great favor by having them pn - i sent at the eornmeiiwroent of the giuitti. pi nor ions to thf -xanriruitiim aioFanaiigrjnetrf of losimi.-. i. c. i nngi!S dlOt trwtd beville Mineral Springs, known as tin; Ilia— { luoiiil Spring.*, will be Isa wtl. on the pi* ini-As. for four years, on Ilia InM day ofDutuber next. Bill-., ib is aie requested lo klVlidat tin- place on (he la-'t day of the present mouth, and point out tv lull int provenients ihcy may think desnaule, and basil in- I tlieit bids. The ivejet for tne property as it now ! rtainls.and also with ll.c inipi.nements su-rgesteJ l ) to the stockholders. A. SI.MPM , *oc’y. i September 12. 1539. wit CUlillAM Foil S VI.F. I rSHIIL subscriber oilers for sale bis Plantation in 1 f Co umbia county, lying on the road ft cu .i;,» filing to Wii#l ;, glon, 30ini)ii.f. front Augusta, well improved, and n 'H.ilthi; siliiallj-.i, a i.ood stand lor j a runout store. The livo’.icoiibiiw- S3n .crea, int) j or wbicb is wa .yl land Persons deriruiis of pur | ehasiiig, will y.|vly to tl.e sunscriber, on tin- prem i ise;,. Terms liberal. U. U. LIjUCII, aug 12 tvrjav I{K M I TLItITtS COl.Oflh F, M ATCH. ! I] T were but labor lust to enumerate the tvondei ; 0 ful properties of this admirable article, U re-. <, potation rapidly exK-ndni;! uter all the knottn world, inss uniiC all praise stiporflous, nil exaggr—- j, ration impossible. ’To tlie ladies'our recotmiun . dation will be useless. It give l , the rosy bloom of j health andyoulb to all who make it lint unnstuntt ! com pa n ion ai their toilet. ALSU, j Karina’s Cologne Water, genuine. I’rentis#’ do. do. And several choice varieties of out own man facture, fbrsale-bv HAATIANU. RISLKV & Co. j april 15 ts Brnggi.-itv, Augusta. F). noil HCKOIS, J SI'.K f)XLU JMll SCOVHHU, fkOM tl KTiC.-fCTTATiLY infornw the ladies ami gnn- H; tlviaan if Augusta, nml the country gene i rally, that, he still continue-, to carry on his luisi ness in Broad street, next door below Ur 11. Har ris’ drug stole, when- He veil! he happy ;o attend to all who may favor him with their eustuni. Alt kinds of Si Iks. Crape*. A i*..wH be hytd.irt the mini’ - f:shion'ibl' Union/, (isel'i-nien’s imp-rr-4 Scnt.rni’ . and renewed, end what-he dors ho w ill warrant to I give goiuual satufac-ti-oTi. fim aug iti , i \ JICAI.T:iV AM) UCTiliwi. trie TREAT. fllHl. sshiu-riberoffers for sale his ydaaution? I I lying in Hurke count;.-, near tlie ’ l,o»is ( in f road, twenty njilt-s from Augusta, tin,l adjouio... I lands of 14. Palmer and J. S. Blown, esq.. ( in-g eight bitudwd and -istern acre* of pine lam,— i two huiwired cle tred ami under fence ; 0 n the p ( »- j mises is a two story dwelling lions.-, ami :iLruVst every oiit-lmiiding necessary. and a varietvof (W? tries. A further description isdeeitKd umi«oe«- 1 sary, as it is pie-time i t.j person "in purchastk j without examining tlie propelty. Ten.-is may so known by enquirieg «f tie .übseriber on the piem. ise#. I'ilAltLJM f*.-UK,; , Tv-pi I u e| .ej-iii