Chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Geo.) 1838-1838, September 26, 1839, Image 4

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<~tt trrrnrrr** s vl t:s. ON ih ■ .rt u«i'n_v n doriiipxt, ItJiclow i'i in I.>•! civs, in lu* usil mu.' ul sale, «>i. .<■ olj .ill the i In 11. r nil u. c -t in « li't <>!'i.anJ i i i.ic <ih ul kUgusia, ymg .!• 4* e own end nu tli she i»l r<Mi| hav n: a mm.ill dvw In/ lhi*n ul, (\) l.nuL g—* !■ ul uu roa.i I > ho 11 lc* 1 vvtM v 114* t nor.h md ea t not k ovn . •«] .1 V lovvn , «•.!'•» i s .10 •*, h I'ortOi s lot LPVip » oil li.iiU’i :» u i.» il l.o’n f, <t* 4 on. I 01 o nmy.i lims. o 1 it!« ly ;i M.miHia. il lii’n . :i cm m 111 m n-.v vt. *it .. Doctor. I'.u -Pity ,) •in led uit ypi tin ul’. I emu, <a*h, p i.( h i e, pay 1114 io. pa,M*.H I’ M\K IN. hPrilF. A / >1 |7 |s3\ 11 T V .'< tft! it 1 k >» Ot p Ist u«*i lay m 1 lo’irr up a ft, at Up o.v r "ur<« i. will ' p -oi l wit in t c usual s 1 iu> I,*. .1 nc/.u xi ..1 od ikipp.i yv u* 01 a;p an I >ik ly, v1 w n (in •ofLa eu. acv. n !er a niu I t/p f, 1 ur, lirlo nt ol i) n*»ion l leu*, nly ul wi'i i 11, ii* 1 ;\u u .»of hi . Weaver. vs. lui lip 1 Win : .il 1 ii crly jaunti do il ft*\ plain* li I'. Ic.iihi .iii I, . a ikh lc rri iniy «» deliveiy. 1.. A 11, MiPiul. Augu til, 1n33. s o It o 1t» o • p.* ) (• 1 1 Nhl II * M ft! *v I*ft t 11 I ' . fM ILUKwiil »p m»M it i>(i I.r outcry 01 ups- II das III.* . I I «| l \ 0. it'll l-i X t (PIHIPII I hoi.r in (Pit a 1 anil two, p m at tin mar* kct Ii » i 'i* in 1 1* iiy 01 \iiiji‘>t.i one mi in (1 ai d 1.1 l s s Iri ■** u; lu* ■ ajdia V lot l< »»* I p (<* oigin 1 1 • so aii . .n 1 in I ii pll■ .p 1 il. r « <1 y lu* 1 t # ‘ J,i o * omp Ilt ip . 1 • ol the tlp 01 Leo xia, to p.'ii p t i piv •ol ol (nro *p | money ; tl •** :'p pi /( 1 ■ l.i'ii p ynu 10l Hip 1.« nnpp line on the dpi I 1 .UM -p u.p.l in lor nip Ih. f 1 omri tt«*n. I iI.N iMIM . i'ipm Ipiil ol tin 11 a i 11 1 f In* iL» U o lliP luti 0 «ipu gi 1, at Augusta. July 30, 1S3 1 J Avhl \ M \l * Hi V io ■’> vs L..i ON lit • ..nI '1 s .l 1v in *uvt*»» or I.cxi ug ee i •»*tot .ot I 0. 1 iiii i I < oil 101 I. *% ill i*...iv. vhip nt. / 101 nil n i\ |»u po p*. w ill I . »u .11 (1.• u.t ii' • c im, 11 It 10 ui i.iy vvnli -111 |l. u .(■.;■( 11‘* o it ov I iPI »1 ran lins. i< 1 PU.I I; . . 111 >* 1 • I ' O 1., hi I p ill I i'll 1 Ul *aai.f ou .tl, ic iiti! 11 0 lu* cl I • ./I .rap.M 1 avpi, it •cm (1 alp u 11 ul .1 u nils ; mi..Hoi ill ■ cu p.lul I c •1 .* .mi 1.11 1 is. .pi 110 .nil It- 11 wiv u 1 J.IC hi , 01 ill* 11 \l is r'L' KLNCK, V.lministr. tor. Au hi •: :• I ;* 4 4 INi •A* ) l'.». ’ Ot p r<t u i>.l \ m No .'i* n *pr 11 '\t a o’pp -1 »• l . mu 1•. 1 1 i 1 111 c» i u r.i 11 ii i.iii • p / ny. vV.i Ip 1111 ■ u uum 11 pu,»uiPS t Wl I p i I 1 tli U.J.i ilOll'C ill r. IS 10 Oily, Wit 1.0 I,c aa l ,l« >11»> ol > i t*. ul)*■ h pi ul .111.1, MU i i I ‘ I t* - tLI I|m.l 101 Si ,| 1 OUlllV. i.f vi Ibe .il iu huviiih-s uu ly, al the s.l » * lime, a l 1I 01 1.111 1 0 I >.», in in .1 li I'- 1.1 . m .ill illy o> 1 ,11; t • 1.1 •c I IP •»1 liu -1111 k 11 i. ,ii ••• 1 cl. 1.1 •o. i.iiii 011 « o.inly; mi.! lu. IIP I 1. il Ul’ I.p I.MM .11 1 p«t* 11,u S u Nil lie* pp .> -U. IVhiM in.ll • k .oa 1 lon I.ip uiiy ol sa c. .1 kw ii k. ink, .ii m.iMiiaior. v 1: , 1 I ill i ft I a.N 1 U \ 1 « . . ON to* .ini . uenluv in 1 ■ cm!»t 1 •x 1 pm-Mi iiili m o.ici I.vim Hi* 1 p uiioii.iP the I. , IU. 011 IUI v-jbll II Ol.b, .V(,P|| ai.iiuk Li. 1 iiu i. t k ,iii poss, vi Ibp mid . ploip lliPiu.i.l li » .■* ■ 1 iu. 1 in -.ui puiinty. Hit* »«• ru > .p) (ill •c u 1 li* ul tiiikU.i old, ul >uuJ . onnly , iJPv vM M* 1 l >. I.IC ,*ll ,lk/S • of ili*«l 11 ol iu . «.\ 1 i* t ♦ 1 K , A lrn’x. July I ), 14JO. X a» T it a « Ul LL !u* 1 i'd .it 1 p lok l Okise id t c lk) *ll kit 1.0 il vll P 0.l IMP 1 t up di> 11 «(o bpi' ipvl. .vi 1.1 11 me iiuum.. to I 1 • |»i In*,. i.iM p .u in u..l rui Mi* li m nil ip t -p In, i nip ,11 1 ji ii* 1 •I'ij 1c mu y 114 tor o 1111 y p 1.11 j ***» lw » i.iiulip I.n d --I.c 11 .1 iidh jic.cs .» , u ui, n I lu coy :«• d. inp.o-ed, in lI • J .111 .1' .' . i ',l l. 'j» 1.1 l 1.1 Is ..| 111. Ill) ( uII <t 1 < 4111 'ih-'. nd oil) *r>. di Hip vviitm iul I,IIV *t •* p.pp .I 1 u1;i1. b1 p p'l l ol lilt* 1 atc* Ki ~u a »*un Ic.. o fk iisp I. 4 *ms 01 sale on Hit* dv. 11 r! ..iv 1\ 1 i'UN *fc!li / * 1 . 1 vi .11 c ' •xpculors. JVM-* 11. l m1... 1, \ July 2 2,1 >.iJ. \ ft 11 Ni* I' Vl' dtV s %< i * . ON lie .nst n rtu pi next, will !r u 1 it lIP uhi ump Hu .ii) antuii, he ro. pc to ii... a utui ui <0 t minx I «»»es. ly iu Xin ' 11 oiuiy, cl, , nun •• • 11 LI iu the JI jiHi.i 1 ui ,l -i* liuli. c.uiijiujx lo i p ml. u* us Jih. 1 11 1 ■.v .1 !\.*. al • ul >ll. kc eu.inty, tlccpa'Pd 1 e.mi o.» I.ip • iii t » ui '.l c .» s ..',l v. SIIKvV A!CK, I ' \l \. I I’AllTr, ~ Mn, h 30,1 . 9 \d mi mi t. v. i »<4 i N T . • * . » 1 7, I ‘ 1i.,. .p o 1 .lie 1 tc 4* iliicp of homiM Tall if* .0 cuiinly u.i al 1 d v liplJl.i oiy ul t t 1 pt 1• .1 iii 11• , 1 .*. 1s 11 dp ( •» upmMy pluii xin fto in • • ia p u 'il icci-a rI. vkiusMijiix ol o ip Ihiisp an 1 ,vt;i. 1 -ut.i vlof % ol’ 1.11. p ill . u Inc 10 t il .11 ii *n ikiiuita.c, mp. icniis made I.UU V IU I I • 1 > Ul ' I 1. . 1.» a > 1 V.vKU'\)Ul>, \»!in r. J :11 • .’ * 1 11 ,|| 11 . |«T I\ V ili* - s \ 1.l . Vr, .1 . . v »i,K lu a.l 0 lor ol’ the lion n Ip t’ »*• 1 up.ur ail lul .m tc • iiiiitv vv ik'u sll mx L» ll d. |ill I,i J *P> Whl P 'dll n (h ~im Lit, 'I.IV I 1 Ilu cr iic\l, al I In* «on I o>i p d »oi* in k’t o■" " » ui p juii k, up. ween lu* u iiiii li, ii - u• i p 1v » , ;. •• • i 1 ipi i y .111 nmiiuh V .0 1 1.11 11 , 1. i . i.m ~i land mi.• in Ipn% nd < tint; ,i,l ui viii.l.l I'tiori s, mucl air 1,. .1 I ci 1 ,s ; *1 sui 1 .Is 1 p |i.k»p ny 01 lon > (htl'P. lc ■IMS', i' .t r be,ip I ol' I.ip hci.s.— '1 p! 1n > on ilip 1* v u» '.l , th 1A il .L.kU\ 11 " U, Vdm’r, .! i ) .li. I ft • 4 \v vft». s sii. ri! i -s s \m;. 4|i '*l r 1 . Ih si. 11 p ip l p k‘uu t . on p 1. o on 1 1 ,i* j,si n 'I ■> m Hiu pi 1P si m . Ill* Co l». ..ID O 'I • OU|, V. Wl ■ tl l P .1 II I UUk ' ul’ s.t p I 1i 1 u-vi . i U l » w,l: tvvu mt ki cii an 11 »p p m ..ii. -v) u pss 4yin,x up ,11 e w 1 ' i v’c I 1 c a ij» 1 x Atoll ia. v md Ol C s CV’ ! 01 M I I ul’ UV 0 to ■ jet ih u -uh vll 1 M's ip 1 . ull inc .in upr* 0 .11. im 1 vur in at i- k I in id. I*. the t v . ■* <• k' ur n 111 .. i i ~s *. ni 1 ly itmi*' 'I 1 ud Ihc or Ip s. ynx \i luul n» k [ . ul I* 1 r« , lin i.ijx *i' up. Tile uitn-.v vip uh lo a i n ia i"iir 1 f. . u 1.l i'U • 0 .Ml o. l In* I Ml* I’ lit* 0^)1) vs I! i * t p ) * a lu ,1 vt ~vc 1 d nl ni'ivnr !p 1 p ssps k'o'i u a1 u 11 iv v I.* Nine *o vcv*l hv Jo »h .imn jdt ■ l l up' inn .« d o n.l \ \V»n | *il", •*. m I In- Ini* ul >ai I Aaii.lolp 1 I) tv..* In* ui rn a . ’1 I I'M plim 1 t'-e pr'petty ,1 ey in fvo ol t')V., ,| u I M in 1 iipr.v p i ted uni by i’plp anm,. V> . liO V \ >A vl 1.1. . 1)c.1.r. Auix '•J't 1 >»J 1. nl: #i.n v srjv n1: ft 112 u n s S \ I L 'c su’d pl» p-he oiirl iou*e fuoi.un If the it 'u • d y in (td*enb*\t in i coh - to 1, in u.i mpi .ly 1 t* Iki low mx iu, t 1 low it: lv 1 a, 11 1 til 1 to «1i mu *ui I ns ly in ,on tip vales f title ivpt * joi iii,: .n e/ua.m* Ivl-I pi Itv? p op*.tv if *•mLu •>, to u f a 1 a f.o ) Lin >»■ i v 'upc iur *orl in ia\ 0 lie 1 p nso x• u 0 01 -eai all, .pp ki >s. Ju -n L m y v>l, *u i) I<* 1 r re< >f aalmu e o ftp* . c.i t*» w ■ ers ul’ 1 I vi'tx »dj i nix *•!.'■% .Wine, aa I *i*i •<. levi 1 1 *»i it* Icp•» ct« of 'i 1m K nr. to aii'fv utif « i f vnr of- »n,p< N., i-n l i*r s‘ 0 ' Vi k 'or rnr B. T. TA \M, Deputy h riir Aiii«:, 1 * 1 sjy 1 w \ nißUft > 11. I.L t* sdi an I'ar first up** ,w in •Vtr rr f no .1 it )iv • m irk t ho mp in the 1 n 1. * ivi it* ic.r on rti iy m the le*al o.i,s «.f » I*, iu • »nx*p't id er. »ixrppa p m the lust Wil bit tun luf ii n kuij IMpul’sa.i „ un . t. lc »‘asc I. *ev .0 tmdred an 1 ►ixt\ a- ies of pia e 10 ‘ 1 " nn,< 4 , tv. on fit* w .|i»|h o** <•* ’‘ i; ‘ ,v ‘ '*' utd I,u n -x In,) u - Avo V d *n } I'Mtt. At . , „ n i*l I rch. 1 on m t - v v* > o t , t *•• ’v u . 1 c i* I. I , m< ~ Kk * v ~jj l * • ' J *--V - . X'Xfwto.. -t. L *J t UJi). | cl ACTTT’VrTf T. i MILL-CAVH (i Iron v\ ok. f’uttun and all 111 Is of M U 1,1 CA. ft . lu IIH'C" ol the Lt I .nal« lia 18 and in 1 cd in i t* .n»l nu. n 1 y “ »lit S ct£f M inv/hi ug t oii, t a y JMd | U'lid id Vt Ml dp ill I all lilt'll .** Wl I »I'-|S. *T 1- j v a 1. >mvu.nS * VO. u. VHiX -la, i a . to in Ip. , tho MPtl to i*t* five pi. in in ui hh s and PXpcb't t o d ive y y t icm f 11 .1 uve 1 i cu au.k P . I 1 .It it SCi to• Ut l.u i #.A POhVPiAt lit 0 All j «U'la j I‘ro pt t Phiiu*., wil ho piid to nil o-Ipis al - p'S, 1 itu»p XMitlPiripn. il uxnst . lu as La -so* e up'ii. u inlk'i auf the .u.k> wl the i**. av ,a< lury , ami \la d Ito •» rA V\ li,; 1A .1 , \»i c ' aiijx .1 w3rti m 1»»’ 1 '• .V '1 I 4.. /{'III! so xrri ipi oim> Lu sail* Ids I Im |:ttton. | iwi«£ m k>n 1 r .niu 11 ivei < i.htiiy on Aiu,- Icy ' 1 uiiil. iuJ ( o ia, ds ol .V. jo. Vv yoll V\ . M.nkP ami with.n two imps 01 tlit* . uvanii.di |11 v<*< 10 laming twi niy one hunum! ai res, ui ‘ wm li 1.a.1 is ihoiii Ia him . pd hp p' iijifii an I | ii:, jer iel l* p. 1 d 11. is ex client s,,i of w ,1- j 111 on I p ti.o t. i t. pipu.Mcs is a lie bill suit l. p dam now uii*ul.Mi I p,i 01 twe* m* li. ii- J (iiid :n im sinth*ao* c • 1 m of cxpelh'lit quality : o a di d hn ku.y ; tin ,p Hiiindpi xood m.p and, j well tnn pi d wUu a tjiiuiitity o ntcam-'-u t Iwl <1 Alsu w it. 1 tin* Rial wl jlp sol., a wu.»d I I.d 111 ao » tin* ‘•iiv.n ri.iti iv. 1 at l*»ny Liii.f. with a '.nt I road .niiimix f.o . tin* andlh- to the I*l ntaiiuii n t t ,i a« c lie v i' a ixo »<1 .in house a,id olln i t*c ss.iiy fur •• nitton i t 1.0 ..I ini *■ n. u it'll l fit's v\ i I p rna p I* tin? whole. Lins d • •,r.i 1r t. tel < nbe han on Livurr al p l'*rris . In-t ifiM will p 111:1 Jet, suit 1..c p 1- l a cr. li . p,ni* al lot,, aim will, if do died. H* odon j Ihppi.pp llll.llt n pjxiops. Ivp ft ow«. two wp-I men, and six t all y va.nuldp. w.>rn H. Al 11L..A. n* TIC? • 1 so’ pi belli diMiouv to crr.ovi* !u tin* I we t oilers lui hp on tin* mu t .pusmiat Ip and a. 11 mi u tniu Iphi.s his p tin* possession ol, as fol.uwt: 7 ui .e ut* an I atljmiiin f x the ImJi 11 vp.inus p't ivc. in Ktm pinly ; a .2 ■;ni* s ul o i-n land. 1 » ixuo I ordei lot a crop, rno 10l ii i'.m 1 I<11.(| o .h»ir who miy e lis tM.d lu nr- ha ea healthy phi* 1 I won <1 recom mend t . M)l i“ ; ami as tu < oiivpiiipikps t) rnai- Uel thin m iiurip 1110 o s » —any thin l*» ss» ** <an ml lip dy mn.Pt.A tin* n ’ p iiijx d-11 ix I pwnp. iu spiMPii. la|ai it . xamn <■ l e prrrn Mpt (ioui in till pint* will hp jf 1 vpn I will >Oll a ,»di tor the v\ 01 to suit port ha*ns. July -‘J w .in WIi.LI C. JKNKKNS. » * . ft M • * t > 111 I 1 f . rpnr s if si ribri respe» tfn'ly inform* hi* f.iei ds j J si* d I « pn lit MiPidl v l in lit.* Ibis tiik'Pi I p 1 1 ovpiS'.i ii li.'iipii la p y k pt 1 y Win ■ (• imps | Ibp.p h-s 1 p». s.» ip M |ft all. ns made lithe uimp , i,c pit has dr mx Iha (|. It wi Ihe plated ndci 1 t.i in super.niemle «e of his wife lud I kO.hpi and 'lull 0 hi* .wn lirrn* as hr sp :i <• I’.oiii of' c. Im in s., .k ill I t 4*n 1114* 1 v devoted m , p ! •sf li hin nl 1 e soil- its a simpof pu ip pa- ; t oinifX** WAi M. KV/r.h. M.piis i'io r PO. Anuisfxli mv.w I’. s I’m* (ire I Western Mail, the the A i into or Mo.idn. ih 1 • n •pi Am 1 stamps all ’ir ive at an 1 dcpa.ttVnm Hi is f .'oitsp | CK.NTIt k I. . Tl 1.. H Tl is s(ilcni,i(l nd spiicii n« n>-w Hi irk 11l 11011*1, din lied uii i*ro 1 Street imme < 1.1 .y ovp 11 p mil 1 md u, in Athens, will hr o, (' m a lew weeks for tin reception of hoanl. I* and \ idtois o .ho p w >o have p.t lo lui« I*4 vo.pil l •(*pioprirtoi with the! pur n nxe. he •ii'Oin it o il . neipss i.y m anno nu • his iplutvi to 1 l)v an liM 1111*1111.* 11 to ki *(, the ( out hot i \ iiieu iiipxiun will, that pp; sant an fashi unable WiilcriiL place l c* Ip lo* pniijxs uhirb has 1 11- lei'tfo <a • oii.suh lai Ip irnp.ovcmip ( mi n 1 p hi t season *, !y td> iirran pimpiU vi'ilo ran <pi nd Mini tom 4* I .pi in ruw’n. 01 at U quiet v ii h l e Spiin ,8 ulwa» s ailor s to i.c 1 v i.u m 1 vd-ilo, ol pleasure. 1 o I is impo.tiiiA adv nta.i I vvliicn his pslahlis’irm nt |».(*s,>i t' ove, any olhei ! ■ illip in own y he wih add hi* ,iPihoo»ll exp.lioiis it, lender his old md \V.«t■*»in«x pin t nit l is friPi.ds'*uu di sire The ’ old i new. o MinodioiM .n . situated in a centra po it on 11. 1 iPiM.aid vv piil’ii Mis cd n uan isom * sty ip w ill posses' I,.ride 1 adv iUa.cs over any other similar si.l lis* im nt in the , 1 t p Athens (la ay 3 if .1 i 11N J sI’KScN. \ \LI IX s s \ ft.ft . ON l!io i't uesdny in Depender next puisn mt lu n »r It 1 f.o »i the imp 10 cun. I of to* . 1 1.1 t o*t iy .vin.c Sill lex foi rliiia.y p rposes kV 111 ..p ,'uH la* lore Isp tom I Iron e »luv>i in said on tv ft' e iN(‘< ups nu to t e estate ol (auto. lu. lei, te« cast d NAN, V POItTKR, 1 ap ti> i;r kn* sa .. . VI ni.l. e suld on the r t nrs'ay in (to'ier j f next pl’uip Imp . unit uused »ur in ay 1 es nio. Ip 10 wn orde. 01 l c I. ft*. 101 ( ou.t of cou • y w ipi I nvc mnd td ir spine lau I, n all j n in/ Simeon m* 1. .lU.vey A .do ws, and ut uM's vmo one u Ip* I aid at it s oak ai d j b ku.y I nl ail 00l ix ar,ip„)p.. .Aus \|t*» iilk. ' us, l of :t tp.andut pis . v udaslhe p opp.ty it . * elcuim* v linohd in no. leims on the day of sale. vt 1 til*! v\ \LM M). (imr linn. • u y 29, I !9. •\ ft I I*«■ V V hr . v M kj • ON t e , I'St i’iips !a. in >ov*m p. next axtee- i .11, pto m orde. I o n tie. 1 iPMUk 1 oiil of ..1 iu, r.o mm 11 ly w ill 1 p Sk> dwl the i uon huos. ui. m 1 wfu.dvillp. u i up. 10 1 unity I c ; n.l' eAmxui/ 1 iic.'titeul wtn.L lhtlay d cease J I. n,m s al ru i.ty . t onsistib/ ol >in tlhai.'.iial » re*, in.MPnr .p« ; l-» l.p .old in pm tls to suit > r n hwscts. I pkm* mu e kiivwn on Icd; y ol , * e. Ail sr i* i!\S. t . a. VV. (, v V 1S .. ...Iv 1 ' II t't( I I ’.S S k • . ILL 1 su at t e unit llonsp d ..n in * Wai.p tin V a I*l 11 koiiity on the il l 'll Sl V IU CU. PI I) \t I P f» kMVJIfi pto po.'ly \,/: on*.* Iraiuii i and sixty- vp am -of .a 11 si t .ml v| t.iut, . iik i'p ui li ss .nd the t ml -1 1; crop Icved on ts i:*p propp tv of i Loin s o »,.c 1 lu sa.isfy sin d y I> is in* llum t >0 • u i ru) out'd Aatn n * oui ty in fa ur of Kun lu )ii Iv, n l olhp ' X' 'id o )pt r. nul Land '1 ij dninX 'i’ll' o t hus. .kp. md oihi ,s hu ll poiiAe out 1 y pluiiititr* altuniy. tuj. .s. «iI I>. H .1 ,\i is 1 \ I* i»p' h’d* W Vlt ft 4. N >•i «- .til * k . 1 I. 4 s Id I i pC iii i-h. use doui m War* union. \\ a 1 11 < uiii ly on he ist npsdi.v in do i , in* l. t twee l pus ,al hours us s iu* 1 ;■ to uxx mt j it), 4it lu xx it: • iic e ;r*' woman ly (he 11 me of .M it a. a,l* h years; pi pnm . a 1-7(> 'n o tl; und y. aluxl.jU. Ih y p. r** 1o il an Imu a . a I o ten ur eleven v.a s I'd; ail 1 vied opiMi as tbp 10 PllX of 1 hom.M S. j u/t* *i»*t iv *i 11'» ii. t m ikU’i, ar n ii |> * .in unit o e io fa o 01 (lark. Mr bier and t pi** \n said . ux* 1 s ; I’)* pe 1 pci, ted u 1 l*v ihp .( fru ■» 1 •I 1. K I All ri*!i UN AN. ‘!,(ri.f. \uxu t JO. IS3O VI.L peps i'-s t 1 xvl om lute ll e \rx th . I eul, of pI" 'on run ly deep' **cd w»* nde l , tu ur sen* fthci arii ini* foi paym* nt. and fhosi in i' t dto the J-teased will ma -«• i omediaic p,y mc.ii to Ji*ll N H(N | | K, August I 1 30. r 'w (>ualiiied Kve< utor. x I.L jhmsoim in.lp t d to v impon I owry . lair of \ borkt* comrx. de- pa-cd. rre leqi.ested to *owe f rxv uxJ and m ke piy m Ait aud ;d p«>,<ons hivin r *p I*lll oh'sent Ipm po,»eilx ni tl pi tic wt<d \x 1;) i|p tr*,4* pn**c.i ed x *axv, lo * sip KN Al. L WHY, Kxe utor. August 3. 1539I 5 39 H w VIJ. iiei’si.ns indebted lo the P't tc of \ M d) .bf. I te of A a rr»ft county. h*ro->s , , i re ieqnr«teJ to m;» e i nmediatp p yme t and those h *vi»)g demands tc p rs ~t t em L terms ol the 1 *xv. ULNA) 10 K 1 x KT, A lm’r JuA P. 1539. w a i 1.1, oorsous inle' t*»Mo the esf* te of \pp »*. \ '•■nn ft-Vo <'d Inf" »f hir’o mint .•* 0 rm , jd 'st dt* •- 'k 1•1 m * 1 t* •) *m • t .ft t o<r \ .m* claims vil • sc,,« t in, ||i t i s td’ t 1 i I’ > to \V •\** • !'IV | lt' f 1 v( il. Luuii. i /nriTTSTTtATcr’ s*rr. t V li.l, t sul on the rst ue-lay m vm • ' he. 11eI, uifo.t lie otiil oust ..u. ,tn the c<u ij oi wppmg ag.eeab e to an oide. 01 the i ono uii.i uuii <>i .led'. r-oii tou ty, when it>i o to v pu.pose* i > he lux, esl udder, lui ot iii . I j\o t lie ami Si venty-twe, ii. yin _ii Ins. it ioi itp() ing ti'uiitv. t o tinning U m .es oi ias the pro el}ol I e estates! t ling u Katun, late oi sa dcounty, deteased 1t .111 OI 'Hie on toe ilat S.'t AII’KW KLL. Adm’r. 1 Se,.tem e. 1.. 1: 9. i I T ,KV NA i. \\ 11.1, he-old am eiiMe to in ordor of the Imrio ah t die Ii feriur feurl of ia eon tv whi t sitting f o’ordina.} p . pu is in Hie vii g' id .ip ing on tie u - » In I pi eni ler next iin trn i of a it eltingii gto ihe estate tis ho tit ‘ undo ph. ICstj . late of said fonety, de le* sed. lying in tie,many • ;eek in said < utility. io* tinning eight hundred and seventy-six acres, inure or less adjoli iiig land-oi Isaac an s**y, Ksq . I Der li'ah .mil Vi ilium Heal) nl lithe s. Sod Co the hi ne t of I it* Leg itors of said deceased's will. iV VTHAX CIiAWKORD, ( Kxenjtors •ft I'll II Vlhlil.s, Ol t p Mill. Se, t. util I 39. I I T THK r . 1,1, t. - - 1 1 . N. "'!!,•( N tenders yf’VeT-.*'hi-thank* to I e pu lie.for , '' o *' !| ent palrona. e le -towel on 1 i Stage Lines, and would ;espee|f i||y in form f'em that' ris ,nntiia » a 1 ri-" rrm.v 'l.tx nr I'O ’U IIOIISK LOST (O H ///a.s ,iom the UK.irnin Hi I Uo'd. via Gicens om. ale . "at hi'sville, Ath ns Jefferson. (I inesvi le, V.. tu Spring l‘l ire. Mnnay comity .fin. M Ml. \RR \NfiR.MENT, i'mtn A frusta. (In to S/irf"g line Ga, I *ll iim!n«. ' uoml vs, rii t Ik 9- l-.iv'i nl (\ iVIo' A - p m. hy L#’ui\i.i .ail flond lu • icciis. uro’ a (1 l'!iv("»(Jirci)4 uo .u .» u a»s. V\ r.l es.|i» v > uiiii tin )s, <il I 0 ciol* a >1 . *hi •» rive* nl .»l ,cii» » mi* 1 oy 1• am., and ar- II v i t \ .aiiu'ft \ iiii* Uu ( t sbj :) p a. 1 eave- l. niitsv lie, uesU ys, 'hcnsd..ys an. 1 sit n ; ys, st I uIOi k .1 si tni - - d.. 1 oil an 1 Case vil o* a> j r ive l pntig IT ice. V\ dues ays. . ridays, n , .n. iiti .vs, ,ii oovlo It e si w err ■ t 1..1 tisa lin ol 10U1 . ost oaf! e* for .< 11 -1) vi|i« . 1 ci, n via .oss ; an I also a Inn 01 stages lin IxroaVi ie, teim via Aliens, erm. leave Spiing Place, .Sundays, ecsdays h.rsiays. a. «o c oti , A >i.,a dar.ivi at ; ten* I > iili in a 1 day s ..y a p .a 1. aves . inne.-t he. uesdays, Mnirsd ys, mm | 11I11.days .1 I p ~i ; a.nlai.ive t .reins u„u ! same <i:i_, s, y , p by x>< oig a haul. | Uoa to .1 c-u-iii, next i i.t halt past I. I ’clock. tv. in july 2) * A Ist: AND JLulftfe huii.u Way iex c n u. Ga, ( Ik fl AJ. M M iiiMl .'l'spr l•»11!\ in r uim* hifr if | Tic ds .ml i'.\v p i. . i!i. b "has ease lit v ! iiK./ve t ti .i>.tineii io Ati i. ..i I MvhJj.. lor • tom. o yea is. ue lesivi lo nlu ii is tha k.s 10. ib e.OxiS l re rive . Inn p i i> Imiii Is ii,l lie | >u lie. ;ii.(l hopes the smewi i l.e i cuntiii. eiJ lo i . v nreU. woii s ullcil up Mu j hoiHi in 1 I vie. .in.l in yp n» no t-xer !Mu s,o .< nmm those vvi om i\ e.m n, on rn t orn toiM.i ie .is .ooui are an . and inus. o< .\< fteA looiii" have hie plans i i ii! Ie will ;,e the U>«V the < ouiii y (..n a.ionl. -ml is « xiiiled lu*t hnc s. v 1• ik shorn duly If). I ,'J9 vv’^m Lir *\ r Trio d> Ti-., h'lyettev He. A' C Til I esia! li lnneiii wil he open afte t'*e hcsi 1. '• un-!t*. the man Yemeni ml lion ui tin* *ll se,i er. he » ous Ins been t o«- 1 y *••».:»ir» •>I and will, in a few d i\ s. :e well* tur iished a d even ellbii will be to rendefr il wo.tli\ of p.itiona .e a vv ; 111 KD.VA U) V \llim(UGfl. 3U)M S .M L U' I t I > • The sii sni e wi lb ■ 1 rnished willv V'/aiV MILLIONS ol’lhe genuine hinero- So; vlo us •iui 11 nis ir o 11 from I t-es. inipoite.. f 0111 tin J .rdea dev la ml os of a. i' in whb 1\ w 11 he so d I.OW&R than any n »vv o'loved They will o parked in 'lie a nnimie. that they rn >y ue It ans,tolled tu any par o‘ t v h. * . with vilely . an I will ;-e delivei:« d 11 .11 r»i ta of e pe* se lo pit cha er<. Ail u|s \ ill e warm ted tu c mature and a> ;en’»ine arliele Individuals to p-n liase vvi; make pplie; tion to VV. i\. MKAI.INi.. Athens, 1 one 11 t sti) PDWRIiTi N \t v»n:iu . . rilllKeiti/ensof PowolMn have employedt | for c toi of the Institution, M». John n. In | uk mi\m. a riaduatr of drown «'diversity. he 1 ( in -.ensof l i' v illaieare unanimous in employing ; Mr. Ingraham for l'ie second yeai. iiiuleon. dently l volume'd his se.vices to I epu lie. Instruction* will he .riven by the lc tor in all 1 e rane! es usu ( aliy tin irademies and colleges. Instruc tiom will also i e giv.-n by a No.thorn Lady in t eo na mental rnc es. lie Acad ini. yeai will 10m menee on the rst Mon lay in Amuary. Hoard and 1 'KTommodatiom can be ol tiinec! in the most ire special h f imilie«on eisonal le tesms The *ll - '.ioi "oaltl of. owellon and its other well 'mown ' a Ivanta es inline t .e heliel that the public will! continue a Ii patronage. *or 1..e iti/ens of I’owelton, dee 6 wtf 1 HA Lk‘ M. IKWIV. The ‘ tanda d of I nion will plea » insc• < t c a'ov < i conspi. uouslv. unli otherwise directed! and lorwam t .eii a count to i J u\velt< ij \ r O II i . —T| e«o pa luci'hi, of VhOtl’N A* I'OS HKK of »at lens istrni . dis so ve Iby o eri mown ij .iui the 1 usim ss ami lc ving the Aair Notice is l.c.c \ lo a r l P« rson< not lo .ivc« reel 11 to I •!•«: id o' • t rown. on a'rounl o the ** i l (o p toe ship, id d ail per su in ic! t to a.d Ino wi'l vii y n ake \v. yrmnt to m*. :i' no othei pci on is n n \ ntho i(d to collect. HK.VIAMiA h si Ki . August 3, wtf (1 A IN — lc p • lie is cu timed atf 11st t.u 1 i 11; tot a prmnissor i,., fc c made by Sann cl ho veli. on 0. a u I lhc tin d day of Apiil a t. pay a e iMulJunu y last Ibi due hi n I red I 0/- lars. uiiurc t fom date in favo of .1. w . Kittles, I and • y n*i en.ioi ed —the »anie liavii p!»o(n I or nii-i il \t he suh -c, 11 low om scttlemenl lias been oy ihe drawct. ill s ll.\KM>. nmrti wtf Il v\V NOTICL. 111, oedr >iiin» dlli\ m inited 10 th« r icin $ oi • lie • \ A ,nt)et ih- 1 «<ervic ► lit iln j uhlir he\ "j.i II in* tl" e. U'lft .it V/n-coy**. , Vltirini-^ 1 •1.(•11 n. Hiiiidolph Imi' ly • Dak* r, lee nd unit 1, I ,|.» • Inn vu 01 i t el'ii nil, lim n 1.«» (he I inn . • i and vvigg.N. ’no>>ki. Low Id< k, limns, iein-n nod I *ooL «•»' Ibe mdlien Hire ill. It* >n k> «' iiftii* lofiein n wnlmeeiw ih p .-mpl , ! hit. im n tun Min in ImerieiiM r I r*> in , viien om ol ••■an m.\ n.w »y he imn d \a len 11 d» eni ■ • Kuk n» i,"i i vt \ 1 e 1 ft ; .... ■■ 1 ' h■ 1? \t 11 h ml 11A i. v \ 1.-., f f|A: 1K -ii xll - have si .il cllh nici t-of 11 | nc i.t hi 1 a sw i l-i cy atlci for- 1 n - s ttliTit ut oi from 3.0 to 1.93 .1 re—,y mg ett t ii 1 101 hc-sgi > ivck Oi oukaliati'liecs li iiiiies no. Ik of . uske. 30 miles . a-t o( al ns-cc. vny (v- 0 o persons wisliing to purihasc md I* .i.i-t’ fii.nis in a ' cnlthy sciiiuti ol loutitry, „ .11c invited to v\anuni om, , * Kl-.SK i I ’.l*ATi l K, J ! N h. A. A 111 NK. L'iehe-sg» Creek. Macon 10 Ala 0 xxTm 'AM AHIiK I A.\ » l 01l s LK. I aliairs in .liTf. -on county, oile.s fur sale his r idt cmenl of kr-l quality oax an 1 hi ko y land > cousi-ting of live hundred acres, wen imp.uved with a comino lions dw llinghouse, a n g n turn e ’( n'g.o ousts, mi other ,na- 11 i tilings >vith one ho d.fd md tty acres new cloareu find under 101 r pair, adjoining and of 1.. W. r wfo d ii iniot'i 0. n-I y . and olhe.s on t e irate sos ry - ci ■; \!si, sc li'scly io ng nog ocs all to f c 11 posed ol at pu lie 0 t ly. t tin- ark. t house e in o-i v Ir on t t th -lay nf I ci vnil.M'i next. — ■ c on the ilny, J.' MKS CIMS. j i.o«is'dK ,>uv. 32, IsSb. all co-rA-TSTrsmc xorrrfc. 9 Ilia ftU i. ei (.a< t 1 „,y ia .cn intocopart- I nf.ship, An. AL. MAsSz sUAI.t.. an 1 the business wi. 1 iroin t is time . e , o.idu ted under t e -•y e ainl Imof ,v UCt UHL) A <-0 ,;.n , toe -u .- s iibci wuu 0 ta c ti ls nn-t od lo ictuin bis -nicCK’ thanks to nis f.ien Is and fo.miT 1 io-to nets loi the pa 1 roiiage t at his been so libe.Mly bestowed on ii m and .ie wou d most re • ciful y sodiit a share fort e.,111 " J«. uLfi Itlt ouly 39, 1H39. ' f Abut* >1 I.KA. R il. S Im.. . Wau r county, 3(Hh eg. 1■•39. 5 IN confo iiuly to the reij-.isitions of the loth section oi i,.e Aii.itia 1 aw. or-.eis have been i--iied lo t|;jor 1 iene al "inn for the convention ,1 tli • nel;. -ta 1, to ip-ny and non commission d 1 .iceis ( hr lulled) ami the review- of in i' tion in tin- second division of the militia, for year 1 hub In W ashington cou t on the Ist an I 2d of No rm er j m am oik on In 4th and oth ; in Till a fen on toe oth and tli; in Wairni on the ■''Hi in 1 9in ; in o 11 mlin on the Kthai.d 13th ; and 1 . i.ii'hinon on the i3t 1 and I itii. idticers, non lomnnss urn'd o ,c> r« and privates are nqnired to appear at the dii ] s and review* witii the a,ms and equipment- vxlncb the aw pres, lil es. IJ t IKL iNKWNAN, Adj t. Gen. aug 39 6lw 'Jliili undersigned having retired from meichan ( diging. wi 1 resume l'ie nractiee of law. He will practice in conn etion with laspcr M. ' ouder, Lsq They wil nractire tide thefromnf 1 Ul'i.K \ I'llOW i'-. and will be constantly found in their din e, when not absent on usinessconnected with thi'i p ofes io 1 JAMrIS I’IIOMAS. Sp 1 rta .11 lie 19 3m N[ 'TIT K. — \l'■ persons hide' bd t > John I o ige. | late of Unrkecou'ity.dc eased, aie requested ui io ne f irwird an I mike payment aid those having li man Is a.ain-t t'.e same are be eby n ti ed in pn sei 11 uni p.o authenlicateil within the time p scribed 1 y law. r.i.l VVfHJi rKN, Adn ini trator. I August 9, ISB9 «W v a 1,1 a 10.1: phopki'lY con ml . UK siihscri cr od'ers fir sa c on the most rea tc.nis. Tint veil know, and fa-him.- ible w.-tering plaie the lIEI / (J.N SI'UL\(iS • itn-.iti'd Cou and a i all miles lion. Miens, .a.— ttad.ed io t e Sp in :s are tvso tiinls of lan!, oi t dni g together seve; hnndie., ac,es of I*ml, on one of w ieh ne rreeted two exee It" t s iw • ill-, nth now in qi' .1 tion 11e of these mills ■vile d from lob to 3no feet of urn' it pei dry, for which .1 ,p ly market ean I e had t lair prices t ie, t ail will e old -e a ale .om the other. Te.s ms esi.oii 0! un losing uch pro erty are 1 qneiled to pa I and exa- ine for themselves. e land i« nost.y in the w ods. of a good q 1 alilv t l .- t .'Midi i- tieurc !is iVesh and in cu ■ fiv lion. J UN J■' KS‘ N. \thens,'la., Jll y |l* lk'39. wMrwlf j in virnt'i:.- ic mlm liavii y * • in vcl 1 mu ink • nun y •• Line lino , Vill I Ci (I • fill ;»r?| let nl Law 11. ill* 'II.CMM • •nl uI• • ri• 1•* itriN nf • lie olm c • .mi i(‘ be mM limi'c-M 1i s L|Mih«*>> c ,»roMl,» mll’l.ilm IL \ N IM* H MOOLI:. j I *lV* m «h — ,f oi ‘‘liarlij H.niub'ri} Jinn. \ • f 'ln. ton .(on liniTPi* v If.rrih »«-n. Kil wnro •1 1 n|c , illicit* ; J .)• *•»l\ 1 1 h, • W.< r-iwl rcl \ I *) Il r,*’oi Icmi Mill- (I »•. ibia.ii I - .Innc I \mui.nlii iiiiK'oliitrti, incli 4. H>‘K VII j I’.vi: fun ti\us »: 5 av \f i>. 4 s'triye.l or sioVn fom t c sub- ! V sc ile., -omtliine about the goth '*■ '»vJii..v,a daik lay At AUK a' out lo v . qJI h nds high end 1 o. 11 years old; * f ) I said mare wa- t ken or spay Iti fro N ■— '*<'* a swamp pa-tu.e,: at ing .11 olt not I's old« 1.0 jwiticuiai marks aie recollected reward of l ive I ol ars will e given for 1.-e de lve y of- id Mare lo the -uhscio er if strayed, inti If stol • a rcw.inl of w nty 0 lars, will be tv 11 for her d" ivory ai d 111:0,mation to convict ihe ihief J AS. .1. VVILSt,N’. 0 Mi c Oram h 'ng I», fit DOVKIf. rn ns valnv e tr 1 01 .-and situated in the I county of ■ ire- ne, on the come liver, seven mles from (ireenshoio ( he preset t terminus of the '’.eoi gia nil- o d ontai. ing 3'3l't 1 in n s 13 nr 13 a 1 of xv ich is wood ia d the a,an e eie .red in I the I ige. portion n a high -lateof 1 uttivalion, is now od’ered for -ale , n r-asonabe term- here is 1 ta gedwcl in r huu -e. with all ne ess-ary ont-hni di-gs on said place tugither v ith am e ummer etrenl one .idle fiom the nia .sinn called uuiit I’is a . f imi which lan he view d the and of promise flowin ' wil milk an lli n y A I irgc portion of said planthtion is low ground and of ' eat value, a d l!ie soil generally pecnlia ly a lap sed to tie rnltur of 1 otlon i' s wis nng 0 vest fn ds in noperly oft .i- kind, a.e invind lo all 0 the siib-e. i its and examine foi the 0.-e.ves GKOHGK (i MATtIr.VVs. aug 24-wlt » MAR .KS 1.. M A I’ll KW>>, Jr. 9 r I'm- .eo g* in s U ot pro Itpeor'er and Vlhens \V ig will mi . isb the a ove four times weekly, and forw-r 1 their accounts to this ollite 01 p yment. N r () "1 K "'he sti' seriher olTcrs for sale ,iis llou-e and I.ot in tie town of i~en, S. ('. , situated two bunded y.ud from the lelebrated Spri gs. he oust* is new and in good re lau'.'oit’i ing a Tiazz 1 on both si'es. a kitchen •ml w 'moke-'>ou«e. ah in good ep ir with a full view of te im lin d plain. ilso the e'urnituie with it. I'crni- made no non application lo die so seri l cron the premises T. - , . VLKS.) ike ■. . Sept. I I! i;xi;n tvu s sai k. % ILL be sold on the third Tuesday in Orto * her next on t c premise-.) 1 etween the usual boms of sale, a lot of .f ilm 1 on the Sand fills, in the village of ■ ummer vi Ic. ichmoml 0 nty. Geo ■ nbdiiingth ee acres mort or css.on n hit'll is a 1 o’nfo ta . e Twel ing i onse. Kit hen, table, farria e 1 -oi se, ai d ot'iei out Imi dings, and t'*e right an * t:l'c to oi.e-foti t • inte.pst in a v. ell of ' xeellenl wild. I emu gii g m the est bt 01 Sam uel It. 'arkrna deceased, tut 01 hat uirn -o’li.ty, eo an Iso d under a ccree in Kqi ity pis id in h Ih am : nptdo ou t .I'uni.iry twin 1>39. ,l«o 'll Mie . on 'hold an I Kit len 1 nurture of lies id lc easeil— in inirt of ah e , ofa loirs I els e'-t ds, a lunnei ami 'ea ot Me. Kc. A'o n four wheel ( arriage, and a two ’ orse 'Vagoc runs mad kno n tin d y of «a'e t'A life . AVL KT.Qun i oil "x’r. here 1 estate may I e Iriatedfu. at priv te sa’ , -i, t 'in er I. IS3O swtd V >JI M 'I'M \T t’t’s x • nr ILK 1 e su'd cfiiot c cou t Aoi'se d" u in l*aul *in;ou mt on th r-t >'iip* ny m Vovp"ilht ti \l 'ft “Ci t e law ful bo sos sdc. lo' if an ! o u in t'lo (s't.i Di t ict ti d3d >'cc !ti n ow ying in s.ii ri 111 ty. Lis 1 att' e.iii t use hior ii. he olcee conntv, {pm t esmi - day el Veen t I eg!' hou s of-ale, 1 lot of an ' •>. Ail i the I -t'i Distri t td 3d sw f . ti.-i» ol -*r i nie.iv. til sold mile ' anor’er of the Ihoor' I" t e left' io. ou I of ‘V re“ renty w'en sjiti gas 1 com it >f rdi a y "s t'.e rnl ps tateof avties s. y 11 lateof an' ncm ly de i cessed (or'he bene t if tic t'.ed'Goi's of said de le e el ’ erms at sale VS’S Me It VRV, Adm’r Scptc iher 11 :i'b •i) > 1 vis it nt »’X'' * \ 1 |.' I . (’,fA I. 1 ' to n wrier of the ono a'lc Ihe I .\ Justices ~f t'e 1 Tenor Court of t.i -o'n 1 comity.w en »i|f ng tiro din'irv pufosps. will he so it om t e pst ■•lesj y m lanui y next, at I in eol ou-e wit' it, t c'awful b,,y «of sale, | th L'sS'in Itan'. a d ’erry hel.i glp >to the e-tat'* of Jo n 'loss dcrea e‘ of said Miintv '■'old fir t 1 e hi ne t T " e heir-and creditors of said letens -1 ed. . e ms t -ale. \V W. STORKS. 'dm'r • ' c t m ei 10. D 39 • *‘M' i-T ir :v* TT i ( UK ' ATIto -n ndo of ‘ e nn uahetbr i Jnstiecs of th fnfer'or 'out of I inro'n c untv whil • if j a foro lina y it noses wil'p j so don the ist T esda in e en’ e 1 ext. at the con t ti "ire of Murrey conntv. wit "n the lawfu' j hnn s o f sole one t a-t of lan ' in siklc unfv, v 0 I .09 s’th i<T : rt ?r ei tion. , Afso xv• ’I he sol i-t t K e con t I ouse of tin o!n j enlln'v on f' erst It >s try ip 11. c m er, wit ill | l ; en na ho rs of s 'e. lof s’n II in the r<t ) di-tr't 1 o r sal 1 cei ntt ‘ old f.i. t l ,'hene to r the ! leg ' rs of tee file if Vo a " obon |ee. a el " 'i' s. walton, d.u's.' 1 Septe.-Le. 19, IS-9, i notice to c at*rrAtiisT#. Va'i Hiile » cit a .naimlacl i) aim Slave »»|.c/h.i c», lor salt;. N ILL Hi-, ,i. .on t>ie id Monday in De ' 3’ cem: eru-xl, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on the pr-mi. cs, the idUowing p.operty, belonging to tiie ; al da Man ifai bring ( umpany, viz : 1 he .MILL LAaljn,situate on I oth sides of the Niluda River. at lit aid’s i ails 3 mi e# from •o lun Lla. S. . cuntaii ing lf>9 ; tiie imp ove rturns eon i.-tin of • otton Mill m.w Mill Rlavk t.aehine ! hup. K iel -lore and War ehouse, iioa.uiiij; muses lb. W. ites and abins for i I*"' Ncgioes.-ke. \c. and (he Ma. hinery con isting i o. iff-ioci .-spindles, and 1)4 Looms, and all the Appu.- , lenances pertainin' thereto will Ik sold in one lot 1 on a credit of one, two a d sou; years, the . i- ten ft on toe whole amount to i.e ~ail annua ly, the pa > minis tube secu.ed i.y bond, Martgage, and persona set u ity te- ha.ter of Incorporation , - to c lo tie purchaser or purchasers of 1 tin p.operty. , | Abo t>4 Slaves on a credit of nil etv days, for i j Notes with approved endo.scr-, leering interest { payable at the o ,ice oi the omp.iny in Columbia, i t . A prope.ty combining the a-K antagi s this [ possesses, is rarely oiierotl to the public. It is o rated in a hea tl.y .enon, with an immense water power, and .ne sites for other .Mills, i here is an inexhausti )e supply of t e nest ilranite on the premises, and l it- h dine hn er in abundance ; L is at the head -f th Cotton market where the raw m terial ran 1 e o tained without the heavy ex penses of tr .nspoiiation insurance, receiving and forwirding eoniinis inns wharfage Ac It has hitheito met a market for its p odu. t- a.nrosl ex clnsivi ly at home. Ihe ill is built on the most approved pian. of granite, .9b fei t 1 y 46. four sto ne* nigh, and is now ul half tilled with machinery. The Machine y is■ f the very best description and hid h. The ‘ lave arc trained lo the operations of the M.ll flic Louisville, ( meinnati and Charlc ton U.iil t oad i* ex-iccl dto be completed to i olurn ia, in tee course of a year, w'.ib h will greatly f militate the transpoitatinn and delivery of its inanufa tilted good-. IL EWART. I‘resident aug 30 wldt Saluda * aiinf.icturing Co. ■ I W I.'.IJIOU.'E AMMO MISSION ~ Itl- 1 (iNM STOVALL, ‘ IM ON’S. «. CO. AIT.: STA. j f IVIE public a,e informed, that wi- co to ■ I | Iran sin t the above i usinc*s ai our t'i.e Pruuf • H'"re II me U e p.e ,ge ourso ve not to be interested in any manne. w- er i•it e puich n-e oi ( otlun. except | for order, w;iii his teg tiiiial y, the hi sini s-ol a • on.mission Men' hi. ant wliih is -a ne iy all others wberai op ■o:tui ity otfeis. i rder so 1 oud■ will meet p ompt attention. — Ouifn-nd . TovAu. a l.amie.s Ci tiiiur the Gro cery . and I amlem, omnsoN 4; Co., ihr ry Hoods lus ness an-i me uw receiving tbeii a 1 nipp ies. (.00 Is -uU'lii of t eni. w ill bo fio • from the usual charge of o mi - ion-to, por* basing, and will be i warranted to give a- mncl. - tisfai tion as to qual ity and pine bo e purchased by any other bouse in t e i ity. • 01-on Si nt us ly* Cr-il oad v> il ' e taken from .tin- o o loourHa.e un*p and no charge will I c made or Irayage | lotion cut y nail Co d shon d ‘e an’el. and a-eo-i | anied j written insti (to - lo the Agent ol tie uin. any. slating to w om il is con signed in Augu*t» t it oing th duty o Amid Agent (as the l onip-'i y ad .crlises.) to receive and for | ward a!l( otton r.nd (.nods free of eba a v- Any I other Agent is use/es... cel g yrt ; les e.l w ith ben th. and on usual tn er its n capa-itie- for nsim-ss. we are now .( nur posts, prep-n dto servi cnsfoim-is. whose or ders and hue e ts s'-al! he stm t v ad'-eri d 10. S l'( VALL, SIM ONS & CO, sept 1) w , trw 'iub.ilAN vs ' uhbs F M. I*,U(, F u a rti: ju. | IIP, proprietoi eturns hi- thanks to ' is patrons. • ai d lake this method to re assure t iem of hisdeterniin tion to u-e nisctfo.t to promote their iute.est, ai.d ihat ot all 'hers who may favor him with t eit custom Ir wi tn-i.d strictly to the of a ommissi n tlei-chant : he will par ticn arly alien- to th - inte.est o. tiie p ante. ; he I wit. not tty cotton for spe illation dire, t y o. in j directly - on tin- In p.itnns may ie y. ■ne 'gints of lie lieoiria it- il oni wi|’ re ceive and foiwaid at each deposit i otton and all other a. tie es. free of hinge. Il would t-e a.ivi- I sa-de for tie planter who sends his cotton to the I ai rood, to have hi- name miuked on t e'uies, and to Wiu-it unsigned, and alsota ea , eiptfrom the g* nt. i Ml otton con-igned to hornas Da son will e taken f omlhe Railroad depo it at -ngisti. to is | Fire t’roof, without any charge for Idr ya'c. Also, goo s co signed to him and or deied sent by the i«ai ,onl. wif be r c ived and forward d at I venty- ve cet ts a, til aiders for Ragging, Croce les f-c .wil tie so. wa.dcd at the In esi market prices; 'laving no groceiic of is own he wilt ma e the best and | che.ipe t selei lion* for hi, , ustumei s. Augusta, (la., August r!) ts <;»:om;ia VGKICTLTT KAI. UKI’OSITOKY. I '■ ”>v, ■r' t i-ft : e.r . --.r' --p v “ 1, >i v v^ IUO.\ ANP r.RASS FOUXi'liY, Cornerof Jones and Cumming streets, i.rst corner u.-uvetlii runs ul the ida,te.s utel. The sub'i-ribeis 0..e. so. sa ea laigi-and ext- n i si vc assortment ol >griculurai Impinunts. ioni -1 p. all t at is ii qni.ed lo sum k t. e most exten j sive p antaimns; . loogbs, Woo i s fiate il f rce orn, Davis , Howard’s .ion Ie laoulo ooa d »c; Cu ti -1 v.oois I'm coin ;.n ' cotton; l.a.iows of a I kin ;s j ami -IZCS; A heal , -ans, W alkin'’ patent and . uttli ! t’y mdri a t. .«■ ( utters, of dnfe.-ent ages; (on Slic.h rs; ( n.n and on Crac era; I' ing Ma li limes, tioi'sf over-; fnrniag l.aihes, Tyre ilc-din Machiiies, Ac, u: LiOM and lIIUSS F RY I- now in • ooiplote ope.atioi . ‘-avii'g -a large toe of m.-.te -1 .ia s and i.rsi rate v.orknen we an ale to fui nisli ail kia Is of i'a- tings sc. of a upci orq i I ity al short none UuiiK.. 1 1‘.,11.11’\ m N. July 31 t.wiw ;ii ng ot v. i; w.. . '•p ,K imdersi r ;n dh ve received a supply o) I \\ ate; front the hoe ui hiiur piuno tiiecn rierenu: ty. -a. nhi li reputation whirh the wate o I i ing ha-.a quired in the yrt ceat i n and c re fdie se has o g reade.ed an 01-je tol peeu .iar iir,eic-t to tin* pn lie. Kx teiisive expeiii-n**« has d m n t ated. tin t it may be Iran po.ted to any di I nee. : nd I f,d in barrels or for any length nt lime, w ithout t e «ti hi. st dele, ioration of it* me ii. ma virtue? or eHi- iency. T*. i.l’l.N, U’A.N . b.NA L o. pi y 1 1 sw (3t Til TKIJK PO.H 4DJ OIVIX . Jv X i'CN 1 KL V ii-ed iti Kuropc never before % int odu ed ii to America, an iuie < nro and a lelightfu preventive of C apped bands and I ips. \c i hi* ele'ant a tic e gives a delicacy of ■ fr ,ro .ee on I tlvit natoril lira t ful i-ppcarance to i the skin no othe preparation of t ekin'has been kco (i to produce It immcdiatcl • removes PfM -ILKS mdot e. dis '.ceahle Ei>Ul'j IOSS pte vents HUi’ISfCS bom tinning lack.cures lIi'HAS and SVaLijS a'levi titig pain and preventing bisters il is also exccedingy useful fin SOUK BRE (STS. *■'() in iluab'e is this lompound for eve.y inconven- nc o which tt»e si in is liali e, th tti me vvlio Ii tv proved its cue. ts wiil ever wiling v be without il ' s-ol- in (Masses at 45 and 60 cents each with full pa.ti ulars, and -'.Lections for use Tor sale v KObBRf CARTKK, Dru- gi t. Broad -t and at T. H. PLAVT’S Itoo store. Where re tificatcs of its successful application may be seen. June :1 swtf N’HPICK vll persons in lel-ted to the E-tate of h*avi I Langsto-i.late o,'l’oloni’da county, I deceased an- requested to make immoli-ite pay ment -n.l tho e having demands against tl;e Estate, to cnie; them in properly attested, wit,tin the lime p.csr, i' ed bv 'aw ‘•I LA GSTO.X, Vdat'r. ieptemher 6,1538 b.w N-OTICE TO BUILDERS AND CONTRAP. TtikS.—The subscribers are prepared to fur nish Window Caps, ''ills. Door Sills and all other tiianite that is wanted, at established northern ; prices. j N.H. We will furnish Window Sills »nd Caps at ■ 1)6 cts. per superficial foot, which is only go cts ]’ more per foot than ■ and stone, and much more du rable. We will furnish stone for Fronts, viz Fronts. Caps, s 0., at $1 16 cts per super, ft., just what it is sob! fur in Boston, and other principal cities Heed not the idle report that nas been cir culnted that the Georgia Granite is so high priced that noone can atford lo use it We will sell it at IJnincy prices without any deception J"» L'-tf Clil I'M AN & HEAD. lonstitntionalist will copy the above. TO Tin; AFFMI Ti l). OSE T :OUSA\I) UOU.ARS PREMIUM. FIXHK Proprietor of the iiginiu >ampson. or f I'reniinm Ve etable, for the cure of Syphilis and • croftlla, will hr in town for ~ few days. Should there he any old and unmanageable cases, or leeent ones either of syphilis or rrofula ; the per-on may rest as.uied that they may be re lived in a very short time. ‘ 1 Any servant under forty years of age. witk Srrofn a. will he bought, if such is willing to I change owners j A letter directed to the Proprietor of the ''amp son, to the care of .Me-srs. Antony & Haines, or*] Haviland Kis ley & • 0.. witli the person’s n Idress, wi l be regarded as coniidenlial, and att. nded to. jitne l> t s Si .ha A 1. .N.— The time of his vacation being i ended, theexercisis of Mr .Mationev’s school ; will commence on onday Hie 29th ir He’ j solicit a shau- of public patronage, and feels thank i ful lor that already given him. ts July 27 | ,V' !’he ion titutioiialist wi 1 please g'yv the j at ove two insertions. 311 LUFI.HV AND sTi K n i l * 777. VVAU'. GHKN'E i K I RO HKiiS, - and ASON SHAV\, have now g;ow >W' >"«: 'll the m. st flourishing condition in _JI Augusta. Geoigia adjoining t e amp ton Race t omse. a! out Sd. ( it Morns Mult icon li* free*, which they idler so sab- ii Ins to -uit pu.chaseis. I-oi further inlonn.itii.n t-oui Iry may be Hindi of Messr* In ney s. at tl-eir- orm.ii eiv in lliiilii.gturi. ,rw -.ct-sey or of ala-on -kav.*, at l 1 c 1-ag.e and bcei.ix ot •! in ugnsta i Having ’'ad several years i erii n- ein•. n tiva li- g the n orn* i; ultieanli' f.un I ii-i* cnllii-gs, tc. t will fni-nis' ea, h pun I. er with piloted in . st-in tion- ot the best and mo - approved manni rof pinning ltd tuliiv it'll. the til-, the in. of a,ul most uitahie to glowing the same: aid also foi rean gtl esi worm* md iee mg the silk. I i-v wil also hive for sale : k V'mm Iggs of (he iiio-t es’eemed va ietic,. fiw. mollis sclci tr-i> with gre-.-t arc foi tliei) e Hi, -l c glh ano nei i ■ t.en _. 'cfetr ts I o Tier, avanr.rli ’ eo. dan Cob m i ■ ’’ el *co; e. in d Vibe .s U lug will copy' f e nt ik c om e -i week n , rnonf s- and seed H'CI t-ii S to this olliie so pa.v met t. b It I I» ' TOMA m . *b|‘-'v liiiil.le discovery i* row ii l.odvi, ed to | the citizen of Aiun-ta with the fullert con. denee nd assm-am c t i.t It w i ihie, I the .;. jo* lo' its app il ; tion viz: A I O' J LE E ki:.S TORAEIOS (!E ,'UE liAlu i po- ti.e lieiais ol t ose » o have lost the same, amt have there v become n’doi pa ti-Hlv so. Numerous ce ti.,cates might ’e give: lo show how successful It t -i* compoM i n*>* ,*tn applied ncvei h ivii-.g f iled in a single nstimec.) It* viitncs have t een full* and nti.f>’i to Ry tested ! he heads of those that wen et-ii.ely tmld, have been by the applh ni on u, .hi .estora live cove ed with a luxi.ri, nt gi .wth of eautilu. hair. None n>‘ed d 'spaii whether o d oi young, of hav ing .hi'i. hail restoied. lor s.dc , y H- BERT CAT'. EH.. Drug ••*! | liioiul si. a d at T. 11. PLAN i > i.oo .si i. i Where c?i til-cates of its suc.-essful app ic- ion * may be seen. jitne 21 swtf si i i'i.u ii «*usn on ti l l-7777 . ;' LAI -i. i At I AM- H • j The node:-igned having n-m-vei ■ o |uiia|| t-c <t.te will sell bis liirgi* ! ole. i.- ,».■ • J|£HH .fjidvil e, sit-iau-d at the Ceurgi at Rout epot, on accommodating terms. Alter . u verober next t is will he the' upper Hon-e for the d--s ending dai y train, and wi I i e continue per manently as -it h For further paiti.u ais apply . to J. F. Mims, icsiding on t e spot j ng 4.A iv.4m H. H. TH MpS* N \1) lit VI Til .Tit X'. SA . 77” VGREE V LE to an oider of the Inferior f-on.-t of ichmoi.d • only, when sitting foi ordinary p .po*es, wil'be sn.d on the lust i ne-tlay in No , vernher next at the ower ma.ket house, in the i city of Aug ista within tho legai boms ot sale all toa- lot of bind wit ' t ie d veiling -in.isc i d other , improvements (lieieuii. in t e cit.y o .u/nsta con tabling 41 lees 3 inches fr.-nt on Ii lis-si;eet aid ranting Lack the same vliih lltt feet to a othe longing to the e.tutci f Gravi» and bour.ried on the nortn ami east of Grave*' lot sooth t.y Elis street a. d west by a (ot e onging to the e tatc of i Michael iviuchley. Iccea-ed (Tie s-me ..t ing 'lie property of t.e evtateof tlich *el bin h ey.dcceas e i, and sold for the hene.-.t of the heirs and c,edi tors of said estate. Also at the same time and place and on the same account ’sill be sold l en Sha-es of the capita stock of the Rank of Augusta. ANN FINCHLEY, Adm’x. August Cfi, 1539. , ».'• A KlllA Ml 7. ILL be sold on the t'T-t Tuesday io ' erem * » her next, agreeably to an ordei of the Infe rior Cou •of t uike i ouuty.wheii silting io- ordi- I nan (Ui -oses.-t the ourt t ouse our in \v yiu-s --' borough in said county, the onr-li- If im. n'st in 3l) acres o’ Land, lyi gin said • ounty adjoining. , John • uni.p and Amos v., Whitehead' Also, the" hall i ti-.r tina NT gro irl. named Lucy, a! out liiyeais of age. fold as the propel tv of'arah Lews, ninor hei, of 1 e/ekiah Lewis, deceased. JOHN RuDGEkS, Onardtan, j Setpemher 6, LS39. wtd I I 1 t -u. ji r w»» .a—•lu.arnv - m—— ■ m n——■ (T ) /WV < MALI I Mil T hi- g..0*1.1 - h Nt) * l V.MU> I he age—im -1 • ,-ti eo( The French I*l II- ar npn ic b ),. r n '| I-.<)es. I'll ei-h* r *i*i ( Annmiteil fre*-inn-, Mercim „■ and e s se* i * great imtuicilg*.*- **v * r »)■• Raison s Mid nil I q*i-*l ineb i-me- h.y '-eirig otire'y tree, tr in smi-'l, , in* i-oii-i ip** uT d . mil ettei* -.hi lireotb therchv p ev tti m g ih- piib.-d'-ility .jf dc , i>v**ry * hilf- using ih n*. i It -i -s 'lns im|ii*n ii l i.ilvni ing** upv-r i .iisn n-i-vvi I In sh m ch md in In fn.*i *tnv* sos Hi- diseit e h - u cidy til* * ine i, , ( |iivs. wu h" ti te_i in I in -,ri x n»• 1 h **i io’ *ti ne singe* us the disi’-i* , ih v » r C‘*| I-v <e ii ha - ng <-nr- *1 many .ill r evert " •»’' uni* vt, t i I ins), r- Hr t hnv ecu a- 1 m >■•- oly m ■ 1 " I '» die (ir. (.rieiiM elml -i ng - •• v im* i jir.,u)- a cm dv ot q U< - 'tain n-li-r a i nf! i:n c lirivilin uj./olrs i li.tiun til'tlG, Dee In, |t)'*H Dr V o.i r — Ilr ir *h n o m lift, og-*, Isl-lil I i y.*u‘o. ti celuu s.-i yoi r Fir-i.el. KHsjiindfee! ■ i( ,e hil to Vi*n ii l-ir win gme wit . m -di ■ I e rn* so etiei tn I i.ii so plensinn i , use. VVI K -n I 1 se ll.iryinir l!s 1 hod hi en *r*h•! | . it iy i|i di cos II r neii'ly (i unit ih>. and ha ,r• j.-*) „ gr.-n- r ' many iiiedn I esttih inl an* oi'ei-l |J, niu tin ti •S X weeks I 'MI- oinli r e Rhy . -ini „f mis p *■* . hn* fi n ing I l I-- o no • h-iui-*- *,l* ..emr enn-d iiy him. i I-ll him, mid a few iluvs *tu-r visileii ; I‘h .niiel|dii-i. wt ere I b uvh a a ieiy *d' iidu-rliaed sue* lie ialnnisi ennng tosloek an a oihu-ir sl-. p. an- lii tin* It)- with Hn*,,am;*-n as I* • f *f 1 -'Vo g I -wi e*** * i sint-F in th* ha * in he tun fern, w‘u-h Ihi . b lean - m-*H to Hus day Not i now-in* w .at to resnri -mu*j and seeing mu F-u tieli t il's ,-idv nt- il in 'lm 'Ti he I.e «er. di-mn- dlo try them and am * -nly sorry I did nt ge lh-in-o-ne* n* it rill - h have siv-d me fur l d *ll«rs mil h ivc enr* dme I -:nf ago Mv ojel i w ,ttir gto yon a pte-ei t, t- m p oco«* ol ih metliein- lor two id my (Vi n-l-. who are in Hi -nine hmi *>f 1 Herqs- Y II vll t'-O ilfure pl-.RH send hv he hearer*-- xh x *nd o -lige, Vnllft r speelliil.'y. ([ (> R - —Il it w ill i-p-.ny advantage, y.iu muv pnh b*h tin- *ita,ve. vv ih ihe initio's lln ge min*' Fren h ill-aretnr sale in Auar ■* )iv I lav dm d Kis ey A ('o., I’hoina* Rairci A.• n*l ny I i- Inr e* I’ri ", 'it 00 per lev wif tUii v.ltucUutid. joiit* ti jy