Augusta chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1837, December 28, 1837, Image 3

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I, *ir ****** m " 1 rinn i.ic __ L n!(jro \V 6\\ AN. RV \V,E*k J- *’. JACKSON. y~vN the first Tuesday n> Juntoiry next o' •j'*' 1-°"’ Oor SIX, 1.0, ,.0. Within .he usual hour, of Xni bo sold. without reserve, n Aogn. « oinan IhLut 40 yean, bf age; a good cook and doc 28 __ " Extents and .ft"** collect,on of Book,. HIT W. B. AJ. C. JACKSON. OV TUESDAY EVENING, the 26th inst. will be ° 11 Ke cntnlmrue nl the more formerly occupied dU' below Jl* -Seize ACo . Theiwst collection of .tandard and miacellnitc «,lub over offered at auction in this oily, coni -1 variety of fine Library Editions in prising a g j ( „f literature and science; — ,he v *"'r S“ l>ontical, Hiogrnphical and Standard, Hi«Wnea>, A * er f,, ru , Anml . “""family. Church. Pofiyglottand Pocket BiUm! 7V.vels Voyages, Adventures, Novels, and Roman ““ I™roc Mans of Ihe United Mulct, Blank Hooks, £ISX.i letter and Tap Paper. Prints, E "lC V s2te’iill te’fSßnttVe, atrf1 will be continued each suiciding evening. WHil all are sold. Terms ready for delivery the morning before the aale. Executor’* S»Uc. BV \V. E. A j. v, jacksoV; In conformity to nn order of Ihe Court of Ordinary «t Richmond county, will be sold, on the first HodseTn ‘tho“‘ y Cgusw! the” of the distributees and creditors of said estate, to Seven fi) Negro Slaves, Mmcd, Jim, Mail, Abra ham and Nancy. Also r’li)) Shares Eagle home four wheel Carriage with Harness,crib two horse Wagon, and oncCart. RD , VARO BUS I IN, Qualified Eq'r.oflhe Hill of Kobt H.Musgrove. dec 23 Executor’s Sales. BV \V. E, if, J. I*. JACK-SON. On the first Tuesday in January nett, at the market house in this city Between six and seven thousand acres of Pine Jaind,making tip the snidPlanlalion; on which llicre are two good mill cites, ami a saw mill now in full operation. Possession givenimmcoiatcly aftersale. IHicland will, as far as so divided As to suit llie convon.ence of purchasers. Terms Wtado known at the lime R ,a S^Sf FK J Kli I* I’jiN IV i/v, 11 j ANTOINE PIQUET, HENRY U. CUM MING, Executors Tt'iv. 7 »wtd ~ ,H Executors Sale. BV VV. K. A j. e. JACKSON. x- Will lie sold, on Monday the Bth of .Tamany next, : ht the Chester Plantation ot the late John Eox, deceased, in Edgefield District, S. C., about ONE HUNDRED SLAVES, Os ft of the estate of said deceased. A largo por sVon of them arc young, likely, and able bodied jlelcl hands. They will he sold in families. —also, — At the mme lime afl*i plaeo, 1012 acres as lying on Horse Creek, Edgefield District, near the Vanclnse Factory, and 557 acres in Barnwell Dis trict, on the waters of Boggy Gut. Terms of side of the slaves one half cash—bal ance at twelve months with interest from date, with two approved securities. PETER BCNNOCII, ANTOLVE PICQUKT, HENRI’ H. GUMMING. An gust a, Nov. 28, 1837. Executors. For Sale. AW ELL improved Farm, in Edgefield district, oS. G., containing two hundred and forty acres ’oljgood pine land, adjoining David Ardis and oth r«* seven miles from Hamburg, and three from the South Garoiina Rail Road, about seventy acres ot ♦which are cleared and under fence. There are on ‘l he premises a very comfortable new two story dwelling house, containing six good rooms with fire places, a never failing spring of pure vvatei, and all necessary outbuildings. 'The situation is pleasant, ■and unsurpassed by any, in this vicinity t for health. Apply to Samuel Glnrke, Beach Island,or James Davies, Aug id la. dec 12 2JO swfit "T^Vare-llonse&€oniiui»si«n iliisiuess. 4 CU3fJ/ING continues to transact a GENE / /V* UAL WARE-HOUSE AND COM MIS- S|ON BUSINESS, at his old stand, corner of 8? iVnshington and Reynold-strecfs. He will make Iberal ailvnnc.*s on Cotton, Ate. in store, and will al end punctually to business entrusted to his care. ;■ ««Pt 8 ?li Jailor’s Notice. I , XXT H,I, he sold, by an order of Council, on Ihe i f y y (j rs t Tuesday in December next, at the lower / market house, lit Augusta, a negro man who calls fc Jl himself Henry, to pay jail foes and expenses, if not 'f Jf previously applied for. He is 21 years old, 5 feet, E; Btsl inches high, darkeompleetcd, says he belongs to I; m John Watson, near Mobile, Ala. ELI MORGAN, Jailor. If i oct 23 wld 248 The sale of the above negro is postponed until the T first Tuesday in January next. dec. 11, 1837. £ J DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. i f fAffe, partnership cxls ing between the undersign- X ed, under the firm of IVilliam Duncan A Co., js this diy dissolved by mutual consent. The li ■ nnidations and settlements of the firm w ill lie con dueled ly WI/-LI AM 1)1 INCAN,who continues the Factorage and Commission business on his indivi -1 dual account. WILi.IAM DUNC\N, CHARLES GREEN. Savannah, Dec, 23 300 3t OQ-Tho Conslilulionalist and People s Press will •copy the nbovothree times. Groceries. ' Grocery liusincss heretofore conducted tin der the firm of Skinner A Hamilton (which was • dissolved on the 20lh inst. in consequence of the i death of Mr. Hamilton’s brother in Charleston,) • will he continued by the undersigned at the old ; stand, mid they solicit the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to the late firm of S & H. dec 23 3tw E SKINNER & Ca Notice. ■‘HP HE co-partnership heretofore existing unde 1 th c firm ofCunton $ Hamilton, was dissolved ‘on the Ist instant, in consequence of the death of Mr J R Hamilton. As it is necessary that Ihe bu siness of the late firm should ho brought to a close, •it is earnestly requested that oil persons indebted .in any way, will make payment ns early as possible, to the subscriber, surviving co-partner, who will continue the business on his own individual ac count. ELISHA CARSDA. Charleslon,Dec 19. fdee 23 3tw 300 ' The Pa vi 11 ion. FTIHIS spacious and very cam mod ions House, rc -JL ccntly occupied by Mrs. Cornfield, has been -token on a lease by the subscribers, and is now open dor I lie accommodation of transient gentlemen and iprivatc boarders. Every exertion which can lie of any avail in giving comfort and satisfaction lo those who may favor ns with their patronage, shall he made, arid we pledge ourselves to keep the estab lishment in a style not inferior to any in the South ern country „ . „ , , Attached lo the Pavilion is filled up in the best manner, a Rctloraleur at wlnch Oysters, Wild Game, or any oilier description of refreshments winch the market affords, will be served up at short notice, at any hour,and in a style lo please ilia most fastidi wostaste, . The Paviillion thus presents itself lo Hie patron age of the public, with the assurance that whatever share it may receive, shall be fully merited, hy unre milted atientioruiddcd to the very best accommoda tions. GRIFFIN EDMONDSON* Co. Dec. 22 ts 29® Constitutionalist will publish the above .until forbid. ■ liistriiniciils. GUITA RN, with plain or patent keys; w ith or without cases. Violins «1 every quality, with or without eases Bass and Side Drums, .. D Flutes, plain tipt, with one or four silver or brans keys, -I. i.«.».nv« y Patent Flutes, silver tint, in eases, a very superior article, of Firth & Hall's manufacture, Fifes, Flageolets, Clarionets, Kent Bugles, Conceit and Font Horn*, Accordiofiifi with 8., 10and FJkevn, And Mimical Box** of various sizes. AIeSO VioLn Bows and Strings, Tail, l inger Boards, ... Bridges, Serows, Mutes and Bow Hair, Guitar Siring* and Smew* —a M*o— Piano Guitar, Flute, flageolet, Clarionet and Ar rurdions Preceptors— together with on assort ment of music for the shove irslrtiimnts, I Piano and Dulcimer Hire, . , ‘ssr** drfii ©>>/«/aL OKA IW.Vu! OX- Til K Slate liOitcry. Far ihe hrnefit of the Angitrta liwlcp.'l Fire Comp’y class No 48 rn* 1837. 12 3 4 5 fi 7 8 9 10 II 12 I 25 08 38 3 _ 73 60 3U 41 67 20 »”52 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above as they stand are corr»Vt,ts taken from the Mau ii'er’s ccrtifiiate of the drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, lor the uwtj of VV heeling, class .Vo. 8, for 1837, drawn tit Alexaridifa, Va. Dec. 23. And which determines the fate of all Ttckdfs in the above Lottery. A. READ, agent. dec 27—302 GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. FOR TMK BKNEFIT OF THE Augusta Independent Fire Company. Class No. 49, for 1837. To hcdolcrmined, hy the drawing ot the Virginia State Lottery, for the benefit of the Richmond Academy, Class I), for 1837. Tohedmwnat ALEXANDRIA,Va., Saturday, Dec. 30, 1837. D S.GtiEaonr <fe Co. (successors to Yales & Mc- Intyre,) Managers. . 75 NUMBERS 15 DRAWN IJALLOTS. HIGHEST PRIZE 30,000 DOLLARS. Git AND SCHITtIK 1 Prize of *30,000 $30,000 1 6,000 6,000 I 5,000 5,000 I 4,500 4.500 1 4,000 4,000 1 3 500 3,500 1 3,000 3,000 I 2,500 2,500 1 2,250 2.250 1 1,800 1,800 1 1,750 1,750 1 1,500 1,500 1 1,200 1,200 10 500 5,000 15 250 3,750 23 200 5,000 18* 150 27,300 210 125 26,250 60 100 6,0(’0 60 90 5,400 60 60 3,6-JO 60 50 3,000 120 30 3,(00 6940 20 118,800 26550 10 265,500 33305 Prizes, arnoimtilljV lo $510,200 S YY Tickets Sin—Slmreb it) proportion. — lKrTickets in the above l.oltcry eiin bo obtained at all times hy country dealers and those whs are disposed to adventure, by sending their orders to the undersigned, who will given prompt allenlion,if ad dressed to A. READ, Conlraelorand State Agont, Augusta, Geo. dec 26 Notice. WILL he sold at the Lower Market House in city of Augnsia, on the .first Tuesday in January next, one small sorrcll horse, marked as fid lows:—small snip on Ids nose, white in his fin e, two while feet, several while spots on Ids body ami neck, supposed to he leu or twelve years old. Said horse came to my stable ouoraboiit the fourth of January last. The said horse will be sold to pay expenses, for cash, as a stray, dee 2i-298-4t E. W. COLLIER, fl XMfvaluUoii. f jMIIK copartiwruliiplieretuiore existing nnvjer the firm oI Nkinner & Hamilton, is lmb clay disHolveil by mutual concent. Tho unsettled busi ness of *oid concern will bo attended to by either one ofthc undersigned. Those having claims against the firm will please hand them in. ' KB.NR. SKIN NEB, WM. IN. HAMILTON. Augusta, Dec.2o, 1837. (dee 21) 2‘JB—w3t Just rtceliwdpar Had Rond, and for salt ltY r JOHN S. HIITCIIIN’MUX. 8 bales heavy ROSE containing 20 pr I,'f4 qr.sup. luiivy article, 2.) pr P 2-4 do do do 30 11-4 do do dd 70 10-4 do do do 50 0-4 do do do 30 8-4 do do do dec 11. Afotlcc. Bank of Auousta, Nov. 20th, 1837. rTIHE Board of Directors o( this Bank, having 1 declared a Dividend of one Dollar |cr share, from surplus profits ofthc Inst six months— the same will be paid lo the several stockholders or their orders aflef the 23nd instant. BOUT. F- POE, Cashier, ndv 42 273 The Constitutionalist will copy Ihe above. TiViMfwl to item . A Dwelling House; situated he- Mlween Gamphell street dnd the lower market, cither on Broad, KfcyiWld, Fd lis, or Grden Streets. Enquire at this Dec fi A ('ant MONS. P. GEAY, a native of Paris, reSjieelfnl ly lenders his services lo lids community, ns a Teacher of the French Language., His deep know ledge of lb* English language, ami that of the Hillcr ent syt tenia of teaching French, enable hint ttt ren der that study easy and pleasing He gives lessons either at the student’s lionsS or in seminaries. He will also open a night school as soon as six persons shall have subscribed Apply to him at Airs. Sa vage's boarding hdllse. Refer to Mr. Egerlon, (who employs him,) Mr .MeLaws, Mr. G. T. Dorlie, and Dr. L. A. Dugas, dec 4 483 wlf ’ POST OFFICE, Aujrusitn. POSTAGE will hereafter, be required in advance on all letters forwarded by Express Mail from " ,iSOfliC °- E.B. GLASCOCK. P.M. nov 17 49® ilacoii ami Lard. 20,000 ' .B.S. Prime BACONi 100 Kegs, ) 10 bis [ LfcAFLAHD. Ftir sale by MOlSfc CCtHfcN. oct II GEORGIA, Richmond county. AN election will ho held on the first Monday in January next, at tho several precincts in said county for a Justice of the Inferior <-ourt to fill the vacancy of John P. Eve, Esq. resigned. Valf.ntink Wai.keh) Adsalom Rhodes, Augustus N. Vehderv, John Nkinner, Judges of Interior courts. Rich, county. nov. 30 swtd 380 f ■ 3 O R ENT.—The store on tho nort li side of Broad X street, No 277, next ddor to Richard Allen’s at present occupied hy C Churchill. Apply to jhly 22 !7I swlf HENRY II GUMMING. An Ordinance To imitate a Tax on the Banking Inf Citationt and Insurance Companies in the city of Augnsia. Sec. Ist Bo it ordained by tho City Conned of August:!, That from and alicr the passage of this ordinance, there shall he an annexed tax of twenty five cents imposed on each hundred dollars of the capital slock paid in of any incorporated Bank, In surance and Trust Company, (or Ihe agent of any incorporate Bank or Insurance and Trust Compa ny,) and on ihe amount employed by any incorpo rated Bank, office of Discount and Depositor Insu rance apd Trust Company or their agent or agents, in this city. . , , , ... Sec. 2d And he it farther ordained, That it shall lie the duly of the President and Directors of said Banks and Brandies or offices of Discount and De posit or Insurance ami Trust C’ompony, to eauso their cashier, secretary or agent, to make returns,on oath, to the clerk of the city council, on or before the first day of February in each year, embracing in said return the amount jmid in or employed us afore said on the first day of January proceeding. iVjjc, 3d. And he it farther urdained, hat when any incorporated Bank, office of Discount and De posite. qr Insurance and Trust Company shall lie established within this oily, after the period fixed lor making returns, it shall be the duty of llie Pro sidenl and Directors of said incorporated Bunk, of fice of Discount and Dcpositc, or Insurance and 7’rust Company, to cause iheif cashier, secretary or agent, lo make return of the capital employed lo the clerk of council, who ahall assess a lax thereon, ra- | table, having reference to the lime which shall in- | tervene between Ihe period of the yesr at which | such Bank, office of Discount und Ueposito.or Insu} i rancs and Trust Company, commenced business, j and the lime when llie next annual rolurn is to be m hEC. 4lh. And he h/urther ordmned, That when the cashier, seetylnry or agent shall neglect or re fuse to make returns, or shall fail to pay said taxes, afior the returns ere made, it shall beihe duly ol the clerk and collector and Iretsnrer ol the city to pro ceed against such banking institutions u nd Insu rance and Trust Companies, in the mama r pointed out in the 3tlli and 3jib sections ol the general ordinances ol the city, tor assessing and collecting Done in Council llm I6lh day of Dn ,I»:iT. Joil.v HUM/V, .*/••>or. Glo >l. Wai kxr, • 11. IcC/Hf. ) Ts KEGB just received bv W dec 13 H.tSD i st-RAXTUX. Mad die II write. 4 FINE vonng saddle Morse for sale |- * dec til HAND * BCRA VAJN. AVaiitetl lo Purelitixte. •)A or 30Tilarfy .N’egroe*, tor which | * prices will lie paid, in cash, hy dec2o 207 wlf J. D. WOUHIBO.V. | Latlies’ (,'iotli C loakK. A superior article, (or sab- by PRICE & MALLERV, dec 20 Drapers & Tailors. .igeney. Savannah Insurance Sc Trust Co. 1 THFs undertiunwl, Agent of the »hove comp*- ny t will lake rinkn on KliipmeniH*»f Cotton or Merchandize<4rom this place to Savannah, Ghßrlos lon, and Aur ilium pur In. JNO. F. LLO\ D. dec 15 293 Lo»T ijjnsrar. A GOOD article,for sale by ■*?. • (dee 19) HAND & .S’CUANTON. 9L Li-oix Sugars. VE RY prime, for aale low by (dec 19). ;i/AN’D * SCRAYTON. l*orto EC ico i’ollce, A Splendid article, in tierces, by (deg 19] HAND A. tsCRANTON. huckwheat Flour. I t>tr HALF bbls Buckwheat FLOUR I &*) 20 quarter do do do i Received this day anil for sale bv I dec 18 295 STOVALL A HAMLEN. | Lanai Flour. I PA warranted a prime article , OU Received this day and (or sale by | dee 18 295 STOVALL A HAMI.EN. Cheese. 1 ff CASKS received’bis day and fitr sale by [ j*> dec 18—295 STOVALL AHA M LEN. i i\ew Mackerel. ) “g AA BBLaV Mnckorcl No 1 2 and 3 I 50hnlfhl)ls do cfo I Received and for «ale !»y • dec 18 295 STOV A LL & IT i MLKN. I SSa^in^. 1 IDA PIECES Hemp Bagging i For sale low by I dec 18 295 STOVALL A HAMI.EN. Ladies figured merino cloaks, F’or sale at cost, by | PRICE & MALLE It V, 1 jje’e Id 294 Drapers A Tailors. ; - <fiTVo* i k igii uunt, 1 KA nilLSliostniiUllM . IDU For sale by fi. C. BALD IVIN. Dee 15 f.t 29£ is | Bags Cuba Cotfee of the new crop tCxf’f 200 bbls Canal Flour, favorite brand i 500 kegs Nails, assorted sizes i Just received and lor sale low bv Dee 15 8t 293 A. JOHNSTON. i TOBACCO! TOBACCO!! TOBACCO!!! RECEIVING on consignment 300 boxes To bacco from good lo prime, n.v. 30 JOHN jw. COOPER A. SO C CHECKS on New York mid I'liiladelpliia al sight / or on li ue; U. S. Bank notes and Kentucky bank notes for sale by nov . 6 JOHN G. WINTER. lU liacvl nLO B h>n CraHlmiJ iS'ugnr OvF 20 do double mfiucd do 25 do extra louf do uov. S N. SMITH Ar co. X3OR Printers use, just received and for sale ’ by ANTONY A HAYNES. Oct. 31 No. 232 Broad s'rect. Uar|u-.liu<;. W11.L.1A51 11. CRANE. HAS just received a supply of Carpeting which will ba sold low—Also, Blankets Saltinetts Ar. nov 11 Alahuiiia An. Florida money. BOUGHT by the nuhscrihor, No. 197 Broad alrcet. [aept 16J K I* COOKK. per ronl premium givun lor iiol«« ot the Gun* : Irnl Bank ol Goo., alno n liberal premium for • n' les of the Insurance Bank of ColmnhuN, and Spe cie I y JOII.NG WINTER. r sept 8 207 240 Broad st. ~ Herring: and Lodli«ili. DAO bnxes LUbec Herring, raUU “ Codfish. AT. SMITH A co nov. 3. r f ool3i Ache. ( COMPOUND of Kreosote (or destroying theex- J posed nerve in tooth ache; also Dupont • Tooth Ache Ehxer fur sale at Apothecary Hull 232 Broad street. nov 14 Racwii Sides. i 4JJP |~W|4|LB.V, Prime Bacon Sides, Juifre . M OiXJCrOeetvcd and for Sale low by CLARKE, jMeTIER, ACO. Augusta, OH; 31; 1837. ! I’Vew Frilit. ' ~t XXLY BOXES new ItaisiUs . Iv/VF 10 Jars fresh A/nlrtgH Grapes, 10 bbls Orangcsjmit received, nov 6 _ N SMITH fc CO. U. S. Hank Note* FOR sale by JOHN G. WINTER, oct 7 215 240 Broad-st. I Police. fIAHE undersigned will pnreiiase unenrrentmoney Jt. and n.ay always he found at the Georgia N’late Lottery Office, No. 220 Broad street. .mg3i a. Head. Stem m) at. H. BUItLEIGH has remeved to No. 219 Broad street oct 4 233 $.1,000 AI.ABAMA BANK MITES, for sale by [dec 7] JNO G. WINTER, 240 Broad-st kUdvanecH made On f'otfou. IlßEßALadvaneesmide on Colton in store or _iou shipments made lo Savannah, Charleston,or Now York JOHN hi. WINTER. nov 6 _____ _____ U AWKINSVILLE MONEY taken ol par, (or Goods, or in payment of debts di(U the sub scribe foxig 17J E. D. COOK FI li.-Miis and eieel’. •g K / WA LBS. Baltimore Hams I ODD 10 BBLS. smoked Beef nov 7 N. SMITH A CO. Trusses- AN excellent nssqrjinent of Trusses constantly on Hand at Apothecary Hall 232 Brdad strebt. nov 14 ( It IKEt i: Ac HOIiLA^I), PKALKHS I S CLOTHING, HATS AND SHOKS. P Augusta, Junk 20. HI *pani*li Isceclies. 4 FRESH supply, constantly on hand and fer i\ sale by ANTONY A MAIN ES, nov 15 232 Broad-street. Hoarding. A FEW DAY BOARDERS can bn aeromm-j --dated by M«» CE FABER, 4044 Broad- it (south side.) _oct7 235 If Fire Irons. BRASS Andirons, Fenders, Shovel and Tongs, in oroat variety, for salr bv oct 26 F AH CLARK. Lamp Oil. OF very superior quality- -bluaclied and iir bi»*ache«l—for bolc Ly WM. HEWSON t nov 15 268 Slice and Molasses. DO HMDS. Molasses I rUf 10 (ieti'os now Rice, just received and fi.rsale !Hy STOVALL A HAMLEN I j nov 20 471 tVeic .Ha client. ■» BIH.s No I Mackurcl 25 do No 2 do 50 iln No 3 du 50 I Ho No 1 Ho 40 Ho Kih # naw Salmon Jngt received hy N. SMI'I'II «l* >O. I). ■ IT ’ tW flhockiiiir iTlnchlnet \s Machine, ol mode rat* «i/.*, new and in complete order, packed so us In he car- | •red with *il*t> |u any pail of Hie euintlry. Pan i an ) rash lot s.tb bv d* 12 HA ’ILANn, m-LEV ACG 1 lit inl» 4 .ii'itrliiijii 411 M.l .' ol the who*-jn.t received, consisting ••I 1-4 7-.4 and 3-4 widths, will be found a last ill! ami durable article, wall cn hoisted fur Red j rooms, po-sage and a lair Carpeting*, and auitabla fur winter and summer me. I _D« II 289 EDGAR At CARMICHAEL. ' a iVnv Hat-on, • A I *il MVaTirticlf, by [«Uv 13| HAND A- SCRANTON " 4niial Flour. PUCE NIX Mill braitd, warranted a vary auperi or article. Juki received by dee 13 HAM) At SCRANTO/V. .'lY’jf •Mackerel. NO. I and 2, in wliula and ball burrela, warrant ed good, by dec 13 HAND & SCRANTON. .Vnr litre. JUST rereiecd by dec 13 HAND & SCRANTON. COTTON ONX A HI 1 II CM. YARNS, &C.M f ■ 4 UKaubacriber oiler* for sale Colton Usnaburgs, -1. Shirting and cotton Varna, qftlte Saluda Man ufacturing company, S C., at laclory prices. die 22 JOHN COSAT’.RY. Jjtitnp Oil. BEST Winter Strain**! Rleechcd Lamp Oil,just recci v«h! and for sale bv dec 12 ANTOiVV & H AINES. Lookiiifi: (aliinx I'latcN, OF ditrerent sizes, for sole by ANTONY & HAINES, dec 5 232 Itroad street. Fire Wood fWlllE subscriber will deliver on tho River bank, X good upland Oah and Hickory WotiM. nt 94 per cord. \VM. J. WIGHTMAN. dec 13 201 mftf - V7T gfcH.CL.4KK have received a lew more o X • new alyla lndcp«*iidoiU Sec ond Hand Watch es, with two hour circles, two second &c AJso, a x anely of fine London Duplex Welches, W which iher invite attcn£ioft. nov 20 270 Fashionable Hals. JUST received a few eases'' and for aalc by PRICK AfMALLE/iY, dec 8 287 , 2£*H Broad atrect. LniticN Cloth Cloaks. 170 R .VALE by ' PRICE <fe MALLERY, t } rc s ‘2dS Bro a« I -street. SUPERIOR INGRAIN UAHPETTno. * supply of the above jn.t rccej'y’Cd •sortsisling ofi handsome and rich patterns, for sale by Dec II 38'J EDO AII » CARMICfI AEfc. T lllckory I ti Illil.S, now Hickory Nuts 1U For sale by N . SMITH & CO. Dc'c 11 _ 2»y Tfßrr’ilß! Winn (? PIPES TetterilTu VVinc, 010 qr eaaka do. do. Direct importation, f»r aala low. net2o N. SMITH .fc CO. To llrtircrN, Checks on the bank of Ken tucky at sight, in sums to still tilirchasera, constantly lor sale by JOHN G WINTER. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 21 24" It *- ' NEW Timolliy and Clover Slav. A FEW loads of excellent quality, tees! cured, far sale by N. 11. MOORE, July 12 J|W» rrmaior*. •j AA R USII/,. Potatoes for family use, both I IMF Kidney and Mercer equal to imported lor ,ah)by CLARKE, McTIER& CO. nov 27 1)77 FAI.I. AND WINTER DRV GOOD. WILLIAM H. CRANE, [S now receiving a handsome assortment of fan cy and staple Dry Go ids suitable lor the sea sUtt; tVbich Will be sold bilV, At Nd. 231 Broad street. net is an Wanted Id Hire. A SECOND Hand Piano Forte, for which a ireii sonabln price will he paid. Apply to Wm. 11. Orchard at Iverson's Music Store, 217 Eroud street, dec 2 , 282 JI niche*. PIKKNIX, Isieo Foco mid Lucifer Matches, of tho best maimlnelmu, just roe»iv«<l and tor saint,y ANTu/VY * UAINhS, ( |,. c |2 232 Broad street. Superior §aU.ll)Hb FOR YOUTH’S CLOTHING. SNOWDEN ife SHEAR have received this day from New York,extra quality Oxford and Steel raixt Sattiitetls, suitable far Youths Clothing. Al so, superior bine Snllinelts, Cambric Dimities and black Lace Veils, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public, nov 25 278 (trier’s Almanac FOR 1838, For sale byllta gross, dozen or single, by T II At 1 C PLAN P, Augusta, ort 20 I C PLANT 4- CO. Columbus. j. jT’K. Flournoy, ATTORNEY AT LAW. TXAVING opcmtJ an oflice, in Augusta, will at f X Icnil to any, biijiiiiesß Hiilrus<i/vl to him, with prqniplncw*. MfeoHicv in *iniai»;d on the corner of Broad and Koliuck •truolx. ocl 12 39 Klrayeil or Nlrtlm I A R() M nty wagon yesterday morning, near the ' new bridge, an iron gray Mare, six or seven years old next spring; no particular mark is recol lected but a hollow mi the loft aide of tho rump near the tail. Any person giving such information at the store of Clark A/cTier & CB., or W. J Rohinsiin, shall receive a liberal reward nov 27 swim 277 KENTUCKY JEANSTiIED FLANIVELs7&« Cnsefl Kentucky Jeans 3 bales red Flannels 2 do 9*4 IJaiflil Blankets This day received and for sale on reasonable ieNils and prices, by EDGAR <fe CARMICHAEL. Dee 11 PItOTKCTION INSURANCE COMPANV. iiiiderlgned, agents of the Frotwclion In -M surance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, are prepared to insure buildings and their contents against loss or damage by fin on the most reasona ble terms. VF. <fc J. (». CATLIN. ocl 31 dtf 2.55 Welch Flannel*. SNOWUEN & SHEAR HAVE received this day, from New York, supe rior While Welch Flannels. Albo, superior Dark Prints of the latest style, and a variety o( other articles suitable lor the fall and Winter season, to which they rcspoeifully invite the attention of the ; public. octfi 231 VTRA MAR!SKI hI.ES .tit ! I 171 ; 57 UWDEN A, .SHEAR Itave received from Ncw YoHti risitpply <tf Marseilles CJdilts some of which are of Extra size and of the most splendid i style, to which they respectfully invite the attention i of the ladies. noV 7 ISa4-Dii, Isard and llntler. «\ LBS. prime Tonnebsuo Bacon I JO barrels /jnrd 30 kegs good Butter For«ab»lowby I nov do JOHN M. COOPER FIuRI Extraact nf taraapiirillu. , a I lilt* valuable preparation of Sr rsapnrjUa, the | I most convenient and elfocttml form of using tliiaexerllentmodirine, n fn sh supply alw Inch is just received, will he eoristanlly kept lursa'e at Apoth ecary’s I lull 232 Itroad «t nov II Fnrnilnre llimitie*. ’ »\4)\VDEN SMEAR. ‘ FT A VJ, receiver) (rout A’ew York, u Urge supply 3-1, 7-8. and C l I nrniinre Dimi- * ' supply Silrayed «r Stolen. ■ Allo wti e Siihaeril,er's wagon at Appling, Col- 1 f' unihia county, Goa., a Yellow .Vnrrel HORSE shout nine years ol age, large frame, heavily built; ' rdhrr particulars not remembered. A reward ol ' Twenty Diillars <vill bo paid or his delivery, or any . inlorrnation that may be jftverl will he tltaiikhtlly re- 1 caivatl. iIIRA.If N. WILSON Augusta, June If 134 .Ifore f’arpetuix. HNOVVDE.V 4c SHEAR HAVE received thisday front Now York, large nddlltonal supplies of superior Ingrain t . ri, |, enlorsand of tiers and sphiiilid piltcras |.» J which they reaper!full) in'tlelm- alle-ili in ol the public. r on. :fi, 1837,1 * >• Ornanieiiiai Hair TO IMITATE NATURE. |\| K. QI’IRK ol New York, now at the Eftgh* i If ■ \ I’hcrni* Motel, dffim it only ncccttary to inform ibosc wauling hit aid in th • way of • f»* llnul of Hittr, that ln» rmiiioi pnilracl hit »tay «H‘- j yond the evening of tfm 3tHb inti. (.Saturday) bts j •lock of Wins and I opr it without limit, Biat iibiio con fiil puilnl. dec 26 —3l «»'H " j'iwl ~ j WHITE Sbmo body Dinner .Vtts, Brown Tuscan <h» do While Chinn Ton Setts, Elegant Gilt do tie Primed aijd Gilt Tl»,ilcllo Selts^ China and Glass Toys Tor children. —a t. so— An excellent assortment of Glass and Earthen Wnic of every kind usually kept in Crockery Stores, dec 20 fit* E HE-BTIN. I* 1C 14'F & M4M.KRY, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, n. 4 V.E received t|iia d«y a fine of Extra, Blue, Black 1 , Fancy and IBixt Broad Clot Ilf. •s CASSIMEREB. ."'tip.•black,blue,s-tri|>c«l. and f«ju\v paftcniH* villi a HUp«jfi«»r lot of list’d Velvet, ’Foilmclt ami Silk Vestings. Tho will be sold by the pattern or piece, or wiil be made to order. live 5 2.” Fancy Arliclcs. ODFEKIOR black and colM Hoikin Gloves, sup. black and rol’d doc skin Gloves, col d and white Benin Glove*, while, red pud fancy silk lldklt; plain and rutiled Linen Bosoms, black Sal* in Bosoms, black station Cravats, (extra size,) for sale by FRICK Vfc Jit A LLERI, elec 8 DrrtjVerfi ’And Tailors. Krw JHnnorimcnt OF Ready made Clothing, cdnstsling of Gldlli and (*oats hair CamblatCrdftks ; Cloth, ( am blet, am! Folersham Surlonlri and Frock Coats, with A variety df plain ; Bladk, ribbed and fancy ciil'd Cas.simerc and Cloth FunlalooHH ; with a lot of various kinds and qualities ; whicU, with their lormcr assurtincnt are oflored at reduced prions for rash, by FRICK Jk MAI.Lc,RY, deo 9 Drapers <fc Tailors, 266 Broad hi. Pall A' HV'Cer Ifry Goods. KIH.'AIt ft IIAIIMICII tlCfi ARE now receiving tt mid general assort nient of JHinple anil Fancy Dry Gnosis, Comprising every article that is now and useful in their lino, and purchased on the most favorable terms, which they olfoi to their friends and custo mers at satisfactory prices. oct |fl Fi*v*li 4aardrii Nenl. A Large ilsiwtrlmsnt of fresh English Garden Seed of illlii Vear s growth, and part expressly for this market, viz- Ea)ty Yo/k Cabbage, Largo do doi do Bergen do, DWiinhedd dd(leans of all kinds, Peas of all kinds, Beals Cortots,Ciienn.liers, Calc, IzUlttro of all kimls. Radish of all kinds; Spillage, Squashes, Turnips of all kinds, alt ol which are warranted fresh and genuine, and as such oro recommended to the public. Just received and for sale at Apothecary Hall, ANTONY & HAINES, 232 Broad si. Dec 16 2113 B. H<;nd<lcH, Arti*t, BEGS leave res|ieeifnlly to inform the citizens of Augusta, that lie tins returned to litis city, and taken the room formerly occupied hy him in the Masonic Hall, w here he intends remaining liir a few weeks, and where he, would ho happy to receive those Him may desire tils nrofeasWilal services. fcj" Till: public generally, ore invited til call and ■wi his specimens. nan 9 ts 2n| J. 11. MIKVT.IN-Of IMlIlHdcIpIlW, PORTRAIT PAINTER; RE.SPECTFULLY oilers his services in the Citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, where he has been so liberally patronised during his for mer visits, and begs of those who desire to employ him, to make early application atlhe Book Store of Messrs. T. //. * I. C. Plant, as his slay in Augusta will lis very short. dec 8 s.him)al)hk\t, a uTisT, RESPECTFULLY aimounees to the ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, llamlmrg and its vi(anity,that he Its* taken u room at the Masonic Hall, where he will be happy to w tit on such ns wish their likenesses taken, oilher in portrait or min lath re. Specimens of his painting can he seen at the room—second story— where ho invites the pub lic to call and examine lor themselves. nov 13 if 363 J 11*1 liecc i veil. |<)? HOXE.S' Hunch Raisons, i iWi) Hd half and qrhhls Buck Wheal Flour, So bbls Champaigno Cider, 30 do Philadelphia Ale, 30 boxes iSperin Candles, SO do Herrings, Together with u choice selection of Groceries forsalejiy JOHN COOKERY, dec 13 856 llroad-st. £.l kcivariU from the’ Lsfayftio course on the f) Oth instant, a hay Horse, star in the face, new hog skin saddle, plated stoops, about 5 feet high, no other marks recollected. The above reward will lie given fur any inlermation to inn in Columbia county, district No. 2, or to Air. Hihlor, Augusta, so that I get him. JOHN LAMKINS. dec 12 290 if Notice. IVsROM this day WM.C. WAY' ceases to trans act any business, as Agent, fur Joseph Shan non All (icrsons indebted to the lain agency are requested to innko payment to jpicph Shannon ,and those having demands Itfviil present them to the sumo lor settlement. Ogt 10 237 JOSEPH SHANNON. JUS'I-UKVHiVEU AN/J TbU SKU: LOW BY .MSIINH. HUTCHINSON. OIA HMDS. Porto Rico Sugars, , 100 harnls Potatoes, 20,000 Havana Cigars, choice brand 100,000 American do Also, on the river and daily expected, ~ 100 harn ls No. 3 fresh Mackerel,viß he sold i law if apidied (br soon. nov 29 , Cojmrinei’Hli ip. riMIK undersigned haying taken A. ROWLAND 1 X into rsirtiiorship, tht* IvAKEIIOUSE AND COMMISSION BUKNIESS will bjeondiietotl un der the firm ol Baird .T Howland, alter Istof Oeto \ t *. r Bb.N'J, BAIRD. ■ sept. IS i\<i(icc. UNTIL the first day of January next, the City Council will receive sealed propo-als for build ing a Tread Alill on the lot adjoining the jail lot.— For information as to the plan Are , apply to the elcrk ol the council. Reorder of the council, pass- - ,-d tho 18th Novcniher, 1»37. Upvgl t.EO SI WALKER, Cl lr. 8 II O K 8 ~ \ rAI.I* AND tVIVTim ASSORTMENT } B. \V. FORGE Ac GO. nA VE received 1000 packages Bools and Shoes J . comprising every article in the line. Allan } ra'igemer.t* being with Manufacture* direct, they 1 can bo sold as low an inthe .Vorlhern cities lor Sale, all kutds of Leather, Moroeti, Seal, aid \ Lt ring Skins. v WANTED- —stK)|VidcsGcorginlanncdlight .Vole leather, £>oo do do do Uper Is-alh erin rough. ~ov *** \ectllu Worked Papen null Cnllura at j reduced prices*. 1 .KnoniU'ii A* .Shear " HAVE rewived from Note York a au|<ptv of needle worked muslin <')»(>■•« and Collars, * which they 'till »• USt greatly rchnad price* and 1 to which they reaper (lolly ni'ilo |lm allcntem »l 0 ihs l.tdtrs. "<*• -8 f JUST ktKCKMVkh ill ilu* NO. 303 DIIOAD STREET. ANEW targe nn.l well selected flunk nl CARRIAGES. in aildHion (■> wliicli wo Hmll «»cTt week receive o'Trmli supply consisting of COACHES, U'OACHEES, (tIURIO'rtEtB JJK-KV MEAT, STANHOPE, STANDING AM) EXTENSION TOP DAROUGHB«' •HASTENS. ntJOIHES. OKiS, KUTKllft AND V. AGON’S, of nil kin.!*, with » largi issottmcnt of H,AUNESS. «1I of which are olVerrd on the most tern *. Cnll lirforr you m refuse elsewhere ■■ Orders for any description of C AUDI AGES will lie thankfully received and ixeculod in the hoAtn.iimcr And at the shortest. notice, H. S. HOADI.Y A; CO. Augusta, Geo. 11. S. & G. HOADI.V, New Haven. Conn. AUGUSTA, OCT. 30. 1837 ... , qsi 1 v * * ' • a j •• • ___ NORKOI.K OYSTEIfS IN THE SHEEE. I A FOSTER, Lapaykttic Hai.i., has this clay | • received a choice lot o( iho above nam'd Oysters, tlm first of n wbckly supply which ho will continue to receive throughout ih > anusmi. They will IvPaorved up in every variety of stylo at n mo* ment’s notice. don 16 if 231 , Sllcox & BrollKT’s, kashionham; FITRNITURK KSTAULIsII MRNTS. 3C3 IlroaJ street, Augusta, On ,and 100 King street < ’hurlrston, <V. C. miiK subscribers respectfully inform the public JL that they have taken the above More lately oc cupied by Mr. Willoy, nearly opposite Messrs. Sto vall A Niimiions, t.»r the purpose of keeping fir sale a general assortment of Cabin H Furniftirc, Chairs and Sofas, equal in materials and workmanship to any in the united States. They will also take or ders for Cnmilnre description, and Tiirnlsh it direct from I heir Manufactory in New Vork« which is under the immediate direction of one of the part ners. Desirous to pleaftff, ltu*if whole linurWill bo devoted to the various variety of patterns of the season, and be sold on the moat reasonable and ac commodating tartfcs.- N. 11.—Fancy chairs will be finished in Augusta, old chairs repainted mid regilf: also, Furniture re paired and varnished with neatness and despatch S. Ar If wonl I inviio the inhabitants of the city and country generally to call ami examine before they make their purchases. [dor 13 2'JI f’ieoi’ftin Uoiul, ON and after the2lftt of November, ilia ears con veying the western passengers will leave the depot at Augusta, evorv morning at Uo’clock A. /M for Gunby’s, *3 miles east of Warrenton—returning, leave Gunby’s at I o’clock, P. M. Fare $2, or A cents nor mile. Passantrers willconfcra favor by purchasing tl e* tickets previous to the time es ttarling. They • also requested to ntleml to Iho la ladling of tin *■ haggnue before taking their scuta in lh« cars. I o emokinc allowed on (he train. T. W. UEILF.V, imw'S Act. Sup’tr o f Tiana portal ion. 4 I, \ RGE assortment ot l.adics’ mid Mlsfces I\ Runnels, consisting of Leglloin and sane / plait®, plain straws, 7’uscan , and children’s hoods, at re dne®! I prices. Also, best Mattioni, Italian Lustring, and Gro de Paris Black'Vilks. Just received bv J 4 T. II wv vvta ro. IBOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE* U ! C> I iSroad St. ■ lIIE Slihseribera ptirehused nflUr. .loll"* I the whi*lo of Ihn Inrgn assortment of Job Type iros.os*. At. formerly nllaeheil to the ojliees .>1 lit" tiiirusta Chronielo and State Nights Sentinel, and 'itiv'ng made extensive additions tu lln* same h*( or |(>n (nun lln* North, would respectfully olliir their rervices lo the public in tlmir liniiof, husipesji, I'llejr celnhlishnletD ,toHipriaßi( v iii» lnn*6sl iiNuiiri j.tVsnt of plain and oninin.'iiiul type in thin oily, and is they nra holh practical printers, llt -y liuva tin* ■rcalem cimlidenee in their ability In exeenle o f ry. mrietyof Job I’rinting in u iiiaiiuiir mni-factory to .hose who tuny Itivnr them with thoir orders, and lupo by rliligence imd nllnutiou u» buNines to merit i share of the public patronage, W T TIIOA/PSON’, JAS. MeCAFFI UTT. oel 14 * I*. S. ThebusinoKN will ns heretofore be conduct ed under the firm of W. T. 'l’iiompson <k r . C o by whom all onlcrs from the country, for Handbills, lllnnki>, Ac. will be lliunkfully rceoived mid prompf y atfonlcd lo FRESH PALI, AND WINTER GOODS. T. Jl. WYATT U CO. HAVE reeeited ami ore now opening at No. 206, a large and general assortment t«f English French and American DRV HOODS. 'J heir stock of Fall ami Winter floods is entirely now ; and ha ving been lately selected from the norllinrn n»ark* , t« with earc ami on favorable tehns, they arc enabled to effer them at such prices ils * ill make it an in ducement tu t|...(r custnihem to call and examine before they make their purchase. _«enn m William 11. Crane ~ HAS just received from New Vurk the follow ing articles: Rest black Matteoni I.uslring, M hint* black l*ot|ll de Soje, 4-4 black Thule black blond do. /{lack watered belt Ribbons, black Mode, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Rest Rlaek Sewing Silk, ass tried do do Furniture Fringe. A 1.80 A few fine Leghorn Runnels find Palm Leaf Hoods. ,r> f 11 HE copartnership heretofore existing under the X firm of Robertson A Renodict, is this day tin solved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to llm late firm am. requested to ni tkq, iiipuetliaie payment to*j. 11. Rpberlitifi, xvuuliftrised to collect all tbooutstanding.tlobls/aiul attend t*» all the Unset tied business. J. R. KOIIKRTSO.N. “ I S. UIfiyVUDICT. Amusliii 7ih JO"J. R. UO IS Klil'SON will continue llm b'hor linemens cm bis own amount nt the old stand, mid •olicita a continuance of I lie fon.ier patronage on ended to the laic firm IW Pj'ilv 'dj . Itcmotal. THE subscribers have removed tlioir stock DnigKf Medicines, Paints, Qild, A®», to Brick building .opposite the occupied by. them since the fire, lityng «ri« d nr above* llm hy/til square, nad one -below Adna. Kowi-'V.'dH stand, ul plane they are now receiving lerge additions to their prisent stock. . .* THOMAS BARRETT A CO. sept 19 Ml j£ lo Drove vs. flllll') subscriber is authorised, nl nil limes this 1 bill, to check, nt» small preiiniidl, on the Brink of,Kentucky, payable either at the mother Bunk in Ldtifsville.or the Branch in (.cxington. J Vi WINTER, ‘ilO Broad nt. Augusta, On 11. 238 KT The CSeargit Journal nnd Standard of l.'nton, the ColumbiiH Sentinel mid Enquirer, and tlie Mo ron Messenger, v\ iII insert the above (our times eirh, and forward their accounts lo this office for payment. itlolauM**, A‘c. aOA PIECES of IIKMP HAiMfSil; 1000 Ready made Cotton Bags, superior tyfdllty, |OO pieces Light Bagging, 43 inch., for square bales, Hilda rctallingiMolosses, 10 hhfls Sugar, 10 pieceli Sacking; For tale by S. KNEELAN'O & CO. nr IgSt *-'».» *Wf( l.ailir* Cloak rinilr*. Jf.’ST received nt No 20C» Broad street, park Oreeik arid Broun ('lolha lof Eddifia Clonks Superior English I#ong Cloths, , do Kentucky .Laris mid Satlinets, .V| Blenched nnd Brown SheelingM, .Mourning »*nd Ennry Prints, , Fancy t wistrd *ilk and Cause IlaudkTs, I Artificial Flowers nnd Curls, With a variety <»l oilier desirabla gmds, all of , which will be sold low fun ash. t di r I Til WYATT <t CO. II AM III'It C ORPOTJ April 18. 1837. f ItfOTICK is given, thm pay pent of ire iglit for Merchandize by the Rail road vvdllw' roqui red at the Depository on delivery o y^Boods. All (foods not tttltofi from the TWfot, within I • Ia» ntydWur hours niternotlroofarrival and dclitory (‘ i < tfivtn, will be sent lo h rtouc * ruat., at the • ownero( coniigwei.s eiptitife. Ii r r.m *i i R •aT z. bant as NEW VA HI NUT FI’HNITL lIK WAKSI SCOOTJS, 230 Jtroa4 Street, Georgia. f iAHK subscriber I thin method of informing i. n generous public that hr liiih opened the abo\n store for Iho stile of Cabinet and /fousebold FurriU uin*; on as good fctjliA (is they Van be bought at in ihr maykVt, and made of he good materials ap'd work man-nip qm ran bn found. Srtl'aV, f'Atent Sofa Hedged*’, Sideboards, Wardrobes* Secretary and Hook Coses, Pressing Bureaus of various patterns, Pltfin Hiiremifl. Pier and Centro-fables. Curd 'rubles, Dining do. in sol and single, Teu Tobies, Work am) Dressing do. 1 MahqgwnyVCurl and Plain Maplrßcdsteds, Muhogony and Curled Maple Chairs, Cain am! Bush Seat Fancy’ 1 '«b>, looking Glasses of all sizes and pattern*;, And a number of articles too numerous to mention. Also, Mahogany of all kinds for A. Z. U would invite the ladies and gentlemen of i Augusta, and country generally, to cull and ezum ue for themselves. N. H. Uid work repaired with neatness and dis patch. . dec 2 Gr OKbIA .rr jugustj. ■- ? -■ CAPITAL, ONH MILLION of dolt. A US, Os wiiuh £(>27,000 is paid in, ami invested in Hank Stock s , tint! the balance in a course of payment, by monthly instalments. BV i lie net of Incorporation the proj»erty oteacb k b'lekbohler Is bound, to the ainoinit of bis stock, lor all eonfineis made by tbet ompffriy, wbilo lie is a Stockholder, nud lor six months nlterwdrds: wliieli makes the actual resjkuiaibity of tba Institu tion equal to 7V» Millions of nnftrirsr, 'J’be present number »•!’ Mock ladders is Two Hundred. r.\trnct from thr Tiye*. “In settling los-e s, if the r gill of tbo assured bn clear, ndwntage phall not be taken of any mero legal nbjei lion. ’ Insurance, against fire, and on I\fnrine anti In lutid navigation, may bo elferted by npplir'alioh | personally, or by letter, ut the iHire, or to any of the Company’s Agents. 'J lie terms of Insui'nnc® will in* as favorable at those of other go ul ollll*rt. On ridis taken by Agent*, losses will be paid, w hoc® I lie premiums urn received. , ' • TlldS. s. >1 PTC ALP, President. liiiiKcrbns. oirr..uel Ilnlo, Anemns Could, Amory Sibley, John M. Adams, A'oloinou Kneolhnd, William 11. Morgan, J/osrs Uoir, Juu Mislia Mantoti, Adam Johnston, William P. Hnthbone, David w. St. John, Hcujamin Warden, Jacob Moii-o Julies P. Siu-irti f/nvs ISowdre, rv.nund 11. Pock, I Andrew J. Miller, (»«t»r#e Parrott, I’d ward Pudellbrd, Francis M. Uoliertson, W M. T. GOULD, Socr^lary. AUK.VTS. “ ‘ ■ Savannah, Pmlelllihf, !• Ay, <k Co. Darien; ; ' f K VluVgo At Sons, Milleugeville, Uerseu I. llarrjß, Macon, < barles Day, ’ Columbus, , Ariluir |t. DnVis, Hamburg, C. George Pnrroif, Charleston, do Jdm C HolromW'i, New York City, 11 I bomos IS Pina »t. New Orleans, I'c aueis Gnualil, Mobile, Ala. Fielding Uradtbrd,” I Hall.more. John G Proud A. Co. Fayetteville, N. C l . Sndke Poarco, Welnmpka, Ala. A'eib B Storrs, v ’ Motilgruiery, Ala. Siitkuey A: Wilson, Jrwinton, Ala. Field Ar. J/orgdrt, Tallahns.-e, Fa, bobert .1 Iluckloy. ApiiMcliicolu, do. J Day A. Co 1k« VJ 31C •' ■■" 1T “ !*■ 1 Xolice. ON the first Saturday •» lanuary n«xl lb® ( dirndl will appoint the following olUcers for Ibe ensuing year, with the salaries annexed : (l(rk of i ’oimcil with a salary of s£oo Cx) Collector A. Treasurer, 700 00 Marshal and Capt. of (innrds, ‘itiOO 00 Deputy Marshal, 1 800 0Q Two (,’onstables,oath, fi l^ Clerk lower MarkVt, 7do 00 (’jerk tipper do fib t’U Jailor, bd Keeper of Magazine, ~yf} tjQ Street Ofßeer, , 3000 tni Iveofier of Hospital, 60t»0b b’wclvo Wotcinne® $1 per night, C iiy Surveyor, loes of ufiicoi I’onr Vemltio Masters, ... .. .. At iho sumo time, proposals will be reecivdd fiif furnishing oil, and lighting lh« city lamps for ono year. |}y order of Couueii, pnh<ud this Ifithday o I De cember, l.*S7 <;i:o. M. WALK till, ci.’k. Dec 20 7 jjyi psn-p.v» g to* i •().» -V X.TdimTl .niMBOJI Mj !i \\ i nut ucj o| niopp-Ht ‘puurs puti spooj) jo 'f.iojK u png ||l.\\ «s.»ui<in| ®/N)r>«> AJg| •Mj i ojujiuuioo oi Ifuujsjw uotfiod Xuy }( •Jllimux.l ptiu (JB.) <i( |jiv.\ op ppm.w s|ini'|bjaui *i«o.) t« spoofi jjfj jo 'j.irijs imisojd Jjoiji ’ft? A\ ‘»;«ti -■% mmj du ifntsoja jnuqo ajjqTjos(|ii« j.y.<t<io.».V j lAKPF.NTERS extract Biichu V-. ; “ “ Sarsaparilla “ 44 Sarsaparilla Cubebs and Copavin 1 14 4 Iceland Mums 44 44 BoiickcU 44 44 Liverwort ‘ 0' 44 44 Pink Hoot For salo Hy Wi»l. HEWSON. nov 10 Vyrugeen, or irish ,l!oss.' VCillvU* hiiil rnnroniunl nrliele (or making Blanc .Mange, Jellies, Soups, Ac., nnd ns aft article of diet lor consumptive pa'icnts, for children affected with scrofulous mid rirkclfy diseases, nnd Ibf invalids generally, it is recommended as superi or to Isinglass, Sag », orTnpmca, Item# highly unions, bland, nnd easy of digestion. A supply, pur tip with full directions far using it, for solo by dec 12 H AVI LAM), Rj.S'LLY & CO. Surveyor l h VompnHws A.\D UTHKR IXST l{ UM E NTS ; Foil HALF. IIT KicliardM *%' Sloy. ft l/VCII Surveyor’. Compass, urilH l»V«l», . if 6 do do do tin fi do do do do with If.vol, nonet*. nnd liall dnon'o., a vrrf .yi/nri ik arlioloj. Surveying Chain., of diflcrenl iengies arid f|o»Ji tie. Valhemallenlln.lrunient f.'ilnliiw Scales, Dividers, IVollUi'lorS; Parulej Htilos and Ivory aieulo. —ALSO,— M'rrosenpn., Magnifiers, Sfiv Ola s.’s; rif all ct tr* nnd <(il dilies, o|ilir« for viewing prints. -Uigie. Cnnierns, Tlieriuomelers, I’oeJcet Cnmpmaet, On* rn Olnsars, Tnpe .yeaedring l,ine«, l.omher Rules I’oekot Rules, ila rising Rods, mid out Slinks. Ker 'J HIV I'irc t*rool* W'arfHoHw. iscribers take thi« method of informing B the public (hat they will ct ndniif to transact i general COMMISSION BUSINESS. Their \\ areli jiwes am in complnts repair, and they ritn share of public favour. <»ratcful l*w4*aa*Mpr"rv iince,ihey assure their friemln no c\rriion» shvl He wanting to promote the interest of those who may' cnlni'ii their business to them Thsir charges <n fiiiiira willbo Idle other establishments of fhekind. Liberal advances oil produce in sroro. Receiving and Ibi waiding goads or rollon promptly attended to. S KNEEL AND Ai CO aug 31 »wlf « IliKinrND. rK’HlHsidwenlier will eonliime to Iran.arl a fj (!i;:,vi:i{.ti,co,i/,Mi.sMu.\ ihtmxms m I lie eiiy, and will tm pi.p red in mol-.e renwinnldß odvancui oil her in ensli or by nr- • i ..plane*. <>" eonwginnent. ul eotnm, if aeeo.npnn i j |be iikiiil docunieol.i and nuirocUon. fpr in ..pane* nnO ft. W '* 0T ~r * ...IT'*