The Telegraph. (Darien, Ga.) 1833-18??, February 05, 1835, Image 1

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V©l. If. THE TKCEORAPII IS PL'HUSIIED EVERT THUUS i)AT, AT UARIKS, Mc’ISTOSH CO. UKO. j IIY 3M. ;?X OA J£.DSR. ANM edited uv Tiro TERMS.—Three Dollars per annum, J payable in advance. Av . TisHviESTs.—First insertion, per square, seventy-fire cents, an J for each sub sequent successive insertion, thirty seven rind a half cents— but monthly advertise ments seventy-five cents per square for each insertion, —no advertisement being'consid ered less than a square, and each person’s property advertised by Sheriff, Marshal, or Tax-Collector being estimated as a square. Advertisements, unless limited bv law or the advertiser, continued until ordered to be -topped, and charged accordingly. Sates of land and negroes, by adrninistra tors,-Executors, or Guardians, are required bv latv, to be held on the first Tuesday in the Month, between the hours often in the fore tt.and three o’clock in the afternoon, at the court house of the county in which the prop -rty is situate. Notices of the sales of iand must be given in a public gazette SiX I’ V days, and negroes FOli l’Y days pre viotls to the d.ay of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must be given in like manner,‘FOßTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of au estate mist be published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, must be published FOUR MONTHS. N cicc for leave to sell Negroes must he publ s md for FOUR MONTHS, before any or ‘ absolute can be made by Court. Letters of Dismission from an estate must be published six months. Letters of business or containing com-j Tminicatious must, to receive attention, be post fniid. • ll'l_ ■ I lIM II I ‘my ‘ ...II “I■! ■“"—"It". I liividwttl No. 2 s ?. Ban!: of Darien , Dec. 1, 1834-. fjpHE Heard of Directors of tfiis Bank have JL this day declared a Dividend of.H per f'eut, out of the profits of the last six months, on the capital stock paid in, which will be dtiti and payable to the respective stockhol-; ik-rs or their order on and after the first of j January 1835. EBENEZEU S. ItKES. Cashier. The Savannah Georgian, the Miners Re c.order Aurar a, the Milledgeville Journal, and Macon Telegraph, will give the above lour insertioi.. dec. 4—c—22 Brought to .Darien Jail , ON the 26th IV'cember last, a Negro Fel low who says bis name is IIICiU'OSD ; anti that he runaway from James Hughs, of i Ni.utli Carolina, hut who has since removed to Alabama, on the 4th • f Febuary lust, he hod n his possession a pass signed Lewis i Cl u-k.ot Abbeville Diet. S. Carolina, but ac kni?fledgt s that he obtained it from a school be. hr.d he was in the act of getting another when apprehended The said negro is a beui 5 I -et 9 inches high, between 30 and 25 \ ears of age, and light complected C. F. II VZZ \UD, Jailer. jan 8 - 26 THOmS, merchant tailor. ‘B'.XFORMs his friends aNo customers, that ■dl e lias taken Charles T- I hotnas into copartnership, and that the buKvess will be co hif't'd under the name and fi.-! of J'HOMAS & SON, jfct the old sand, n this city, where they’ are novvopene g a very handsome und extensive •r,s . -lit of goods usually.called for iu their Sit i of bii.sitiess—consisting af clothing rea-! d\ made, and a large assortment of goods for rale without making or made to order by first j.sit ‘voikmc/r i he latest fashions just received, and any gentleman who favors them with their cus tom may depend on having their Clothes in ii 9 good style as can be obtained in any oth er city although much larger than Darien. N. T- & S. r.ov 13-19 A LL persons the late firm of A Mm. Fraser St Cos. urv informed tliat ‘Benjamin Green, Esq. AUoVi.t v at Law, is authorized to collect the i,. ‘ ,r>; <-f Raid, c.cjn tees n, jan B—tf-i-'iC IFEBKUAHY 5, Georgia— AFintosh County. i \W I,KRBAS Charles W Thorpe applies ‘JNr lor letters of Administration with the will annexed, on the Estate of Aarrmel R. .I. Thorpe, late of sard county deceased These are therefore to cite mid admonish all and smj>-.!(t? the kindred and creditors of I saßl deceased, to he and appear ; niy office ) within thirty days from date, to shew cause | if any exist why letters of administration should not be granted the applicant in terms ! of the law. Given under my hand at office this se venth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty.five. H. \V. VROUDFOOT, c. c. o. Jan 8—26 For Sale on Consignment. Rh<—i\ed by late arrivals from New York. MEN’S Beef and Prime Beef in Harris, Mess and Prime Fork in do. Flour superfine in whole & half do. Mackcrt i No. 1, 2 & 3, in whole fk half do. Piaster of Pons, (ground) in casks, llav of good quality. A pplv to 11 VUES & MITCH EL, dec 18—24 nov 2~—21 FOil SALE, L and Lot, No. 245, 6 District,3d Section I ass County, (this is an improved lot) Good titles will be given. Enquire it this office. aug. 28—8 BANK OF DARIEN, September “23d 1834. ON motion, It was resolved, that a further reduction of 30 per cent, be required on the debts due to this Bank, for the ensu ing year, pay able as follows. 10 per cent on j the first day of January, 10 per cent on the j first day of March, ami 10 per cent on the first day oi May, and that the Cashier give i the necessary notice thereof. Extract from the Minutes, EBEX. S. REES, Cd,-.7, | sept 25—ET Notice. IpOL’R MONTHS after date, ap[ dication will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of.VPJntosh ; county, sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real and personal property belonging to the estate of Ferdinand Oneai late ol said county deceased. ‘CHARLES GNEAL, Administrator. jan 6-25 Notice 9 months us . ■ <!.. - .pplicsitinn will be made to the lusi -.os of the Inferior ; Court of Glynn County, while sitting'ns a | Court of Ordinary, lor leave to sell all the personal property belonging to the Estate ol Nathaniel Bell, latent’ Glynn County deceas ed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate. U. I)ART, Executor. sept 22—12 j - Executors Sale. IX, 7 ’ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Y t March next, at the late residence of John Todd deceased a stock of cuttle, con sisting of cows, steers, calves, &,c, likewise 2 large breeding sows, being the last of the perishable estate of John Toot), deceased Sold for the benifit of the heirs and credi tors. Terms of sale cash. E. B. BAKER. 2 ~ T. KING. $ Senior*. jan. 22—29, Administrators Sale. ON the first Tuesday in February next, wiil he sold, by order ol the Honorable the ow*t nfOrrlm i v thr ll# r*..itty of Mi-Irt. tosh, all the real Estate of the late Theodore Dodge, for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors. JOHN 13. GAUDRY. Administrator. dec. 4—22 Notice. JAOUR months af er date application will be made to tiie Court ot Ordinary of Glynn county for leave to sell a part of the property belonging to the estate of Job T Carter late us said county deceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors 6’ M JJUILVETT, Atlm’lor. • jan 22-iJ? Fill C.ITE AC A DEMY. arUIS school will be Opened in Dar ien, on the fin >t Mor fay in No vember next, Uf> . evt. q care and superiritendau :e. irMr C S Dm,; a graduate ol PrilV l Hon College.— Phis gentleman Comes furnu died with testi monials of the highest char icter, from the Rev Dr. Alexander, one of the senior pro fessors et the Theological 1 Seminary to Princeton. Under these flat, sering circum stances, expectations of the aiost sanguine nature are cherished,that Mr. 1 Ltd will prove the most acceptable Teacher, ever before offered to this community —am J should cir cumstances warrant, the service sos an ariiia hie and accomplished Lady in al 1 the branch es of a polite English Education , and in the French l anguage can be immecuialely pro cured. Every branch of Education v i 31 ho here taught, such as will prepare tire iSc holar for College ; and if desired, his edufi it ion may here, be made complete. The ral is of tui tion will be tvs usual, payable in ad tance. As the number of scholars in tit t Private Academy must of necessity be hi tiled tor the present, Parents and Guardian , dispos ed to support the Institution, are f i Hpectfu) !y invited to make early application ‘,l r tick ets of admittance f r their children,V partic ularly as many are already engaged. I Applications to be made to the si ibitcriber. li. S. REE'S, l Secretary A ‘i'icas li re. Darien, Oct. 16. 1834 DOirasHLtev ‘Fin-Plate Worker. \ UESPECTFULLY informs ihe ini ithit ants of Hie City of Darien, and it u vi cinity. that he has re-opened his work ship for the manufacture of tin ware, opposite t to Mr. Anson Kimberly’s store on the I at. where he is prepared to do all manner! of WORK in bis line—all orders received v till lie executed Avith despatch. Also glazing ‘ act 2—2nr—l3 \ 1 Siu'anuah and St. Augustine- STEAEI PaCSSET. * * u ‘ Steam Packet 4- - fll- FLORIDA, (dipt. R. a. UtL!,, will commence her egular trips on Momlav, liu 20 1 h ins . -e.-ving Savannah on that day at 6 o’clock, P. M touching at Dtirien on the morning ot he 21st. Returning, she will touch at Darien-on he evening of the 26'h, and will continue to run touching at Darien for the South on Tuesdays, and for Savannah on Ft tdays until furtheimotice. JOHN T. ROW LAND, Agent. Darien, 13 th Sept. 1834 US r OF LETTERS, I? ‘.MAININC, in the Post Office Darien, fcj Gj. 30th December, 1334 B I£ W m. S Be il 2 William ,4/ufant Robsrt Bell H/arv .'l/elrnse S M Burnett Wm B .1/Donald Moses Burges Q Louis Baker Peter Odena a v Henry Gannon Uspt Allen PSfyne Stephen Chase 5 Henry Parlow William Clark ,1/ary Finder W'm, Cunningham 2 John R Peters Affey Clark J\lr l’oncel Mrs Cogswell R 151 Henry Ryals C H Dunham g S ,3/arge Sams William Ellis Jiai v A Saha'.ta V T- Fuquay Sc Robinson Ezekiel Trice Cr C w Thorpe Philip Gieger John ‘I rote John Graves Win Trescot 2 James Gier Win Todd Hambletor. Thomas Mr Howard W William Hall Jtohert Wilson liorsce iiigoy iTotin v vo.i\,a Martin Ha'haway Charles R Williams Hannah Hugh Francis .1/ Wefkver Coni. Hazzard G it Williams ‘ JC Wheelright. ti. Itart iS'itS3n Loyd Tett lchabod I.gwis Walmsley James Lovell ‘ll Frederic A’eamans ISAAC SNOW, P. M. —l——O——'l'll. ■ v -*•.’ - -- -imr- f 11.~ r- I-T-* WANTED, A Negro man who is accustomed to farm work —for such an one, constant and liberal wages will be paid. Enquire at this office, I'ov 13—r—19 Ijig lit wood. f JAIIE subsc’iui r a ishes Mile apt for the A delivery to him al Dobov islaiid, and -it this place, a quantity ot Ligb 1 er.ri — _ *j. ■. -• a dieposeii to contract nn'Jlt r*y..s.. proposals a- an early period. “ ‘ ‘ r '- JOHN T. ROWLAND, Agent. Jan 26— 1(— 30 Hegroes. THE subscriber wishes to hire bv the year a few negro men, to he employed as ho'a’ hands, for whom fair wuges will be al lowed, and payment made as required. dOIIN T. HOWLAND, Jleent jan 26—ts—30 fkiitsstry, subscriber wishes tn inform his i triends in Darien and its.vicinity, that he has arrived, and taken rooms at the Man sion House that are convenient and sufficient ly retired for Dental operations, Ilis friends who require his professional services will find it lunch to their con fort and conven ence to apply at his room Should any. however, he so situated as to he unable to attend at his room, he will wait upon them at their residences, particularly those who live at, A a distance an immediate application a tl! be necessary, as l.e will remain but a few <); ‘. vs - E. OSBORN, . . Surgeon Dentist. j.m 29- 2t—3o m • - ■ n a.f i, ifc- —ip rrfrii ______ I Iron the A r riv Yorker ; i HE COQUEI ! E’S REVENGE A TAI K (;F (JUIt VII.LAOK. I)eat, sweet, pre t> J i-e (Ecy! Site as the very ace < i Coquettes— the lift ol all the fun and ftolic in our village! Jus. seventeen, wi-h a pair cf “eyes ol most unholy blue.” What wonder, then, that all the young men were, a n were, simultaneously attiacted by this spat kling mugikt She was ijch wrh.,l, and that is in general a tub si der-a lion 1 would fain gite a description of out tillage, hut I an a deuced bad hand at ‘describing, and moreover were I o do io in an extender; way after the most ipproved fashion, they might set me t. wn as abu i-pktn, who, having never si sen the world, thinks there ate no st one walls ou- of Jericho. S ill, any or te, who may hav T e caught even a peep Irv tin the stagecoach window at our vi Ege, will be apt to piunuunre it a pas sable sort of place to tabernacle in —,• Deep embowered in the bloomy rlu\v itii its feat-i ovtred mono* .ains, of somewhat the same hue as my uncle Tobias’ snatch wig, fa family piece of property) ns sweet, sing ing st: tarn —blue ’neath the smilling surnm ir sky as a blue-bottle, fly in the stall of a mutton merchant, or a blue bottle it self in a chemical gentlemanls bow win dow Jjttt a truce to description. I knew I would, but ne'er mind— “better luck next time.” I have neither leis ute to era se, re-white oi remodel for the amusit.nent of thee, O captious reader, (Ii tever curry favor) and as the rnetry marriage-bells are ringing in Fancy’s ear in our village, as Jane Gr ey is about to enter into a partnershio for hoiv ends antd put poses, I prithee, old gentleman, without wiping your spec tac.les, be so good as heat the plaintiff. Jane Grey Was seated at hei toilet. On tui* bide stood her wafting damsel, (just such an r he as thou lovest, bioth chuck under the chin) and on i’ other stood Inis loquacious worship, Barber Ruffs!l-*—a pallid, interesting looking young ttian, on whom Nature had played some scurvy tricks at the star-concerned hour of his birth- for instance, she had made his right eye and his left such a loving pair that, like Pyramus and Thisbe, thy>were sigh ing for a stgh of each oifm;*—b ul O! tin nose, tin* envious nose, was mm cruel by manv and g'os than toe c a k ed wall t<> ‘nr Reman Poet's io-ets. I am thus free in attempting his portrait* i\ • *i JL • | character, a-- i lion - .i. lit I would su\ end it now lat nus ; vill ige and become a man of pai ttnoudc ;. im;’finance in an important-*’ y< t •>% ; important city, so that Ueilwc-ve* of it. In that case my words will be but as ‘atet spilled on the ground. • “Do you think now tliat these white roses aie well suited? ot, what is more m ih-- point, do you think Gt-mge will ik • hem?” said the little quick eyed Coquette. ‘All George Mowbray, dost mean? —you lovers are so timid—hr—u hv, he’ll call you his angel, and his dove, and all the sweet names he can think on •‘hen he sc?s you at rayed sot ip top just like mv linger, but that’s between us ‘•You don’t bear, dost, worshipfu Maste’ I’uHall ? just round that c nrl a litne more, noodle ” ‘Y< s, my sweet lady,’ continued he voluble tongue of Annette, ‘Yf, he ‘ill think \ou divine—he told me so :>ui yesterday when lie gave me a dol f bit just to by ribands. II is so ib lli- aie-not like ’ “Tush! you voting fool! Ym ty. as bad as tnyself. Huilnl Mr lVffal! —. why w hat a fright you do make m pool headl-why your eyes must have s n.oro inve- erate squint than ustul.-T mor row I shall be Mis Mowbtay—av Mrs. Mombrav, Annei'f—and then 1t an bet* tei ifTo cl to send to -.for geivrel, tasteful Signor Italiano Di-di—e.>, sir, this is the last oppo unitv \ou shall live of carricaturing my graceful lo ks which all the young men—nsy old— say are like oiient beams of lig’ .’-and all the fiitc things in alt Aiken’s roller led edition of British Dons—why, v o i gOuti for nodgTiM you ‘’ ’ ‘ Might I humbly explain to you. ma dam—that is Miss Grey—that F- is the lasi lasion from Paiis— tlx tnhao ro pipe style; as ii is called a New s 1 k—which is so stylishly in the Ladies’ Companion, which Miss Annette and the cook love so to peruse he-he he.’ “None ofyour jabbeiing.Mr Poffall’ I-rl-an. seriously offended—von walk ing dictionary—vou-. Annette, see his worship down stairs—’Don honor, I feel m as great a rage as Achilles— “ ‘Achilles’ wrath togreece the dirtful—* Annette, finish my hair—Good morn ing. Mi Ptiffail (Exit M. p. ff ? ju with a theatrical flourish.) While this interesting scene was pas sing, another of vital impoitanc; to mir heroine was also enacting. Yt gods! rani- be the lily handed, senimemal George Mowbray, who is closeted, as I may sav, but two hours before the eventiul time appointed for his mar riage with our Village Belle?— can it be he who now bolds a tete-a-tete with her bitterest enemv, Miss Henrietta Bidding, the yellow faced maiden-iho wealthy—the shrivering-and-the om nipotent?—nay, be not surprised. lor it is e*en so.—George Mowbray is bui a hypoctite, as many such there be—ami would sell all his sentiment for less than a couple of shares in the funds.- Miss Henrietta, “Oh fame! oh w, man kind!”— Miss Heniietta, the tkh-tho wise—has piomised, after many i t t u . sals, marry Mas et Gcoige Mowbiay io hold, “all fo’ spiie,” a common purse “ith him—and lie, the graceless, cold hearted lellow, is to give up the hand I went say ihe heart—of pretty Jane Grey, for so many bags of gold; so many pounds of passable flesh and blood, and some yards of yellow parch ment. Bu the conditions are hard; bn. to spi'e poor, unsuspecing Jane Gift has Miss Henrietta pu’ Mr. M wl lray in posgi ssiort of the golden nu t, and he has agreed ; hut of that anon. &