Pike County journal. (Zebulon, GA.) 1888-1904, January 22, 1889, Image 2

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THE JOURNAL. ■ rime.I every Tbm •»». ZEilUl/MI. UA. IAN. » 22 , IMHO. eniKF i.i:k. Kioto* tho Pcapienss. Suh/trrlption One Hollar per annum. Kuiersitst Zeliul.m pustuains s* matter. Official Paper of Pike. Editorial Etchings. TUK editor of the Middle (Jeoryia Ar gtu is a bright Alex. Ills expressions instead of being the result of Investiga tion are notoriously tbe offspring of what is known in ihe animal kingdom as in stinct. v ——————— It hi given out that Dr. A. G. Ilaygood Is to reply in Harper’s Magazine to th* Northern charges of neglect at the South to educate the Negro. Tlie better plan 'Would be todht northern cranks and idi ots say what they please and pay not the slightest attention to them. Oxe of onr exchanges makes a wager (hat liters is a rat in its office that can £lI. more paste than any other rat in Geor Kt, Has and makes the childish boast that it, Si the money to back it Probably tbe liter has made a rise on the 14 eggs lie His been advertising. • — rrr* --------- Zkiiulox can not afford to stand still in tlils year of grace. With every man “toting his own skillet,” very little will be accomplished, but If ja# will all come together, pull tofcetfier, work together, each helping th* other and all helping the community, there Is no' telling what can be accomplished. Our citizens ought to come together and talk over matters. Plenty of Work is at hand M be done. 4 \ , The most sickening stnlf to be found Id the newspapers it in reference to Mr, and Mrs. Harrison. The people of this country don't care anything about tbe smart things that Benjamin said when be wee a boy, nor do they care who combs Mrs. Harrison's hair or fixes up her Sun day clothes. We bad much rather read a respectable patent medicine advertise ment. ■’»* if The account of the msnner in which some of our firmer* hare made farming pay, which appeared in Tux Journal of the 7 th insk, is attracting ottentlon in Texas aa well as other states. Afr. J. M. ,Slade informs us that he is in receipt of a letter from an old Goorgian, who has Mernmsi to the iand now on tho market anil ex .presing a desire' to oorno back to Georgia. .Give them a half chance and they always 'return to their first love. Foil many reasons wo think Griffin — imthe tnos. suitable location for Htgierlrasntal farm. Kither of the lo ■Ties now pull.pg for it Would make# R>d location, but we Incline to the opin Kn tlmt GrUfin has advanUges that many other places do not enjoy. H’e would whoop for it ourselves, hut for tho fact that our flr*$ and greatest need is good roads. Until we get them wo can do without auything else, and then wo will l«j in a position to get anything in the way of an snterpriso that we call for. rr ritt’t.’M run Lit aoioa. -»-rii.t*T week wegave it as our opinion that it was the duty of l’lko county to work her public roads, calling special at tention to the Mitchell hill. We need good roads. It is said that the roads are in a much worse condition today ’than they were fifty years ago. This is a bad *hpwing~it is a sign-that shows the ab cenoo ofawrpgJ-csslve spirit. Tbe peo ^^^Vintyare * 73 u'Vmt feeling, able to to improve great *‘” any ” • v 1 . We w ould remark, HI 'if v ltiou of improving our is by no means one that HKmus ifbufc beautiful and comfortable itis necessary to tlie advance t of our best interests. We see no lasou why Bike should not take hold of is important matter in earnest and at nice. At least she should keep pace [with the balance of the State, On this Lnnt tho Atlanta Cunjutiition of last Fri words: ”l‘«s JopaxiA urges in trenchant terms Ihe tapruvcmeni ot the public roadsu t Bike county. Tat Jocss At. tnjlbtnhy Ueciares that it is Un . I vryint duly of the comity to put the public hish «iv< lcsdinr to her iHiunty seat in as g«i<> ■Siiu-i; m U Jcuian.k"! by w agoners amt t ravel Vws svauraliy, who sre bviiv* constsutty brought KcUrn capttol ofouc ot the largest amt most itn Bpnsnt Bu the counties is generally In the state. iu The favor press of tlmmgh- utithing ^■yctmcniUry «tstc convict* on the great public ^■uujbtsreH. ^Ato. k lied In ten in ttlo years, union, a system would ot pub. neons St every poillL slfiuvlmg ttlo tarnirr* to market. 'ence proves the truthfullneas of *« declaration. That whleh w# jpb ■Mtict the authorities in Floyd comity, of Pike and is that al ■Ksgii from it ther© k. as wiil be Rcen by the recent Issue of the road* of Floyd reuntj are Ljoice 1 convenience of it* peotile. iu llwtu awl sppreve j tbey iiftve bv*”.: built and ■i Icrsnsl much more do tbe t>e<>p»lc ami legal lnnum*** a year to the county hard surface yt» inter HSBfci mol viiyj- FOB CONGRESS. Some Probabilities for tbe Contest to be Fought Nest it A Rrllllant Campaign rmsliel-lnlsnil l>| Tilts In t*respect ell Orer the Stein —A Peep leto tbe Future. Following is an article from the Sun day Constitution, which we reprint for our readers: For congress I It s ei.rly to begin tit# next campaign, s it not ? A nd yet it is already under way, and such day deielo; s new features in wiiat promises to tie t he mo<t interesting se ries of congressional con.ests ever to ugh: in Georgia. It's a pity that tbe scramble has begtm ■0 soon—uimo.it before the e citement of the last elections lias puieted, but the . arly gotiv resetonal bird is net uni ke tlie other of established reputation, and the worm of pub ic fovor is already under his watchful eye. Nor is it sti ange that the congres icnal v>t shouid bate begun to boil so early, villi tlie next guiierua oriul camps gn nder way in advance. Ur. Blount bus .11 honorable ambition to become gover nor and a careful olis rve, could not do oiherwi e then no.e that lie ties been ttg r ng to su eeed Governor t.ordon. ini of tins feature of the | r. raised political tourn niieM m ifiliO. v.e will talk uext ju nday. bu I ce it to ray just here that with lilount a p octic il certainty for ihe jubeinaloriul race, and an open field for i hose who have l.een waiting to succeed .lint as onrtgieitnsaii from the six:h, ihe emigre Sviral ismia gn in th:>t district l*,uii as soon as notice of Bio nt'» mot o.cents urek tnngi >le form. It was n oppor.unitv fo the ien ers of the sixth that had long been wsi ed for, con .0 it. .utilit y they los. no time in improving With tbe onitejt in the sixth begun an impetus was turuugliout gi *11 to numerous other embiyo I 00m 1 ti e state, ami before the recenriy elected inemliers are sworn in for thoir new terra >. they bn I themselves involved for tbe next cum piign. all nrie U. course the ilistingu »hml g mtn wl»t> are boing promine tl ■•• i.i c.i s ed in connect.on with ihe next cam gai n, cannot be ton i sr d as candi dates: n the Ftsral cons ruction of the term. Some are. and some are not. but it w ill lie demon<trated that totuo very from -ound pieces latter oi timber wid mute, ialize the class. As it now appears, every con;reoman elect, with one prob Me oxte lion, will have to run tlin gauntlet of strem o is opposition, ion it if they that a 1 o they or will. for re-elec and seems FIRST DISTRICT, Tli* exception (* I uf us E. Lester, of f *'■ ftnn ah. who will flffih \ begin his on March 4 th next, fir t term r–SF* V ef si r vice as con »~ra> iflnlr f gressuinn from the; \ first. Colonel Lester po seises sn element of strength An his »- following iu H int is IfiM called the ''country coun v?>a *'f /his djs I makes . him the str.-nge 1 "VV n man in tlie district. ' He is pro ably tlie RUFUS r. LVSTKR. on V ti an in tbe di. t.ri t whose mdivitluaUty several will >,t*i--t th the | ol.ticnl hi s'lliiy of of »-h..rcouii iee of the di trict to ( hat ha it. He did not sc k Ui* place, but h s n min tion wa« the 10m romise of the itler contest between G. rdon anti Nor ta ked by sine.tor nblu y sn I unre 0rt . u „ )at Col [tt( . r uUi ktfe , tll , , ear* of tlie first f. r a long time. SECOND PIBTRICT. In the tecond district "e h ive been printii ed a repetition of the light of two vests ago between t ongressm n Torn.-r end Capt .in J. H. Gue rr. when the former was noati n ted liy a tract io I \ of a vote. Uuerrv los; ( alho n 00 in - ty by 11 and Baker bv 14 vote*, and Turner’s failure to o.trrv either would |/^V I / I have detea ed h m 1 (-new's friends r-jg to. have never quit work, and we nt y li W' loot to the timl dasli'etivern huso «T two favorite* next •Ulna. Turner’s TURNER. claim tii.it he is trooper h.m ever, and usee i t t»it ho can .0 ert omo any opposition. By Col. 'ha Boh w y of Hit gossip hell, of Thom s. is spok n Vi o’ didate, i s aproba and Colonel lo can of 4e»9.x-< j John D. Harrid . l eca ur lias been suggestei. As yet v Gu rry it the only man who has given troub’e, orrnRT. 1 he is iuvni-r any ser o s an 1 a ed to tho miu io for rnoreo it next time. There ha e been vague rumors that Conacre f man ’Turner would iva h i-.t or tit.' governorship re t lime, but it Is more likely tli t he will prefer to me sure strenph v.i h His old opponent. THIRD DISTRAT. It ap-ears that Jim D ri'iee the p p i* Inr prisulent pro t m of tlie senate, i' siaing JudgeCrmp’s str. ngthin tie third. with a v.ew of measuring a r m s v»i;h the man who has repre ente.1 the district t i ht yca:s. This is I i vi ay a friend of DuBree’s talksabout it. "The , i a. Fbn' river r-igs Mu ought he dis: riot hr Vkt and divides Mm on eo-. ntv, Dtu’ree liv \ ing in the caste n part of the county. There are twenty four nominal ng cPiir. voles in tbe coun Me* ef the district to the cast of the river, and twelve on the < liter side. Crisp and Cook were Kith elected from Sumter cot ntv. an i between them have repre rented tite (fi-tri t etghtven y oars. is a streng feeling on our side of tho river to unite on some man trout that division of the dis trict, as the weste a part has always had t he repyesentati e, m aui w«J think Dn- man lage to to re of the < tron.ost influ cnees in the di tri t: and more than that, he is a power in himself. We are going to make hi u the ‘wirograes’ candidate, and we are going to tie t him.” That is the wav it looks to a DePree man. but (hisp s supporters say lie will ri.n ue t time the strongest r cc he lias ever ••Crisp made. wi l “Why,' the said on i the of th.-m. home e s eiker o' elected ne <.t time, if the de;nocr;tsr gain control of < ongress. and his long service term to make him a mo: e use ful member/' FOURTH DISTRICT. T m Giimes ; nd Henry R, Ilarri have been ettled u, on as at lend two of the congressional entries til; in t the r the to next irth. And it may le that they will h .re it a) I t> theme ve«. | With Harris frem Kcri wether, and Grimes from Mus cogee, the same old '% ' shove and below U he mountai t" i'ght il be made. Co!. *" I Harris has bee’ P‘ eteral times in OTUMT-S. congress, and is now third assistant got.ma ter genera at Wa h ng o 1. it is laid th t he lias constantly had his « « on Grime-’ scat, 1 and that his friends have laid m art • very I tine wires in tho di til t. £ “But," a id a Co lumbus man, “there wii! be several can- i didates from a ove j ths mount in. and g iliMV of ni l sj.lit district that T part tbe counties all o pieces I the he below mountain sre solid henry r. Harris. for Grimes, snd hit record has attracts! to him a suptsii t w liich lie lias never had. He will h ive a much easier time defeating Harris than he did two years ago." Preadent R. H. Jack of the State on. Farmers All ance. is in a fair wav to tarry the bnnn rof Heard conn y 1 1 this contest, if he does there w ill be ) inter esting in devel p ments the Fourth. The ai . lianee is strong B er in this dis trict th in in any F ■-’i W other in the state an 1 ex-Fen.itor Jackson is prob ably alliance tlie sirong I / 5 a est man in the i t ite, llis S', < an lidacy would J badly the in erfere G 5 with prom r‘ Vxv i support of Y others, and would have a JACKSON tend n:v to cre In the district, and in ate the po.itical disorders cha os uni ed alliance would lie more than apt to hoi 1 ti e key to the situatio i. Alvin i r eman. of Cowela, 1 nd Krar.k HI ilev, of Troup, are strong probability s si candidates. r 1 rrn mgTRiCT, Judge ;.t wi.i’t. Hu e Dor. ey and Fm rnett Womack at* pra tica certainties, and ttx-Gnv. Mc. anivl a strong i gore in background. siutna.k did That more than any other man in the district to notnina e Stewart two yt-a.s ago, over 1 Hanimond. th re it no doubt. m bad :* C i v served ui.d r toUdtor. Judge Stowart «s ■in l took p acti at Sa charge of h i race, WM ’•si. . o.-tiuik »>> 1 ran ‘IS diduto for re election \ ass dicitor before the his - legislature. Tiie be storv of Stewart sTEWART. ing Te.ul f om bis sup urt by to lowing the light of a ptoati e of Rockd le coun -•diSaaew tv’s future sympathy / that county having / gR an against active Womack, candidate is "J well jud known. for If Wo the e was us k Ite did not say so, whereas the story Hi goes, hei'or the got famous d. And so ra t now they sav that he is g ing" to make the | race himself, with Newton county as a nttole. s and phen m ins! popularity t DOR R V. draw ou It apg'ear that rind^o Kttfe Dt r ev, of Atlnn a. is to l e Fulton a candidate. Kavette al o claims lout and both nil! lie bit wiiho.it a contest, if lie w. uts them. Ue is related to half to Doug’a* county, lived and practiced law inClaytou.and knows nearly ev ery Til body in Henry, it, he would cn mrm L ter sup] the ort race which w ith a w o od altno t in SKA s: re his noraina . tion. His strength mnC ' as n In Atlanta, other parts as wel. of wvi ^ the him district the mokes for most miriablo oppone it M'DAMRt.. of Judge Walton Stew art. As to Gov. McDaniel, s four votes nr.' w aitiug tor him. and while he will piobnblv 10 le friends an outspoken think that can didn o. i o ne of hi* be raa bo called in o settle acon ict. a* when lie w-as nonti ateii for the ; overn o ship. Nor is there a better man in the district. If this picture does not ’o k like Em mett Womack it is not the fault of the ar i t Notice was given in advance that it was tbe hardest face to transfer that ever came to Atlan ta. and success was not guaranteed. congressional But as a probability ho does not-ta don his face. He is a man of won- ’x. derfully a tractive a qualities, and is al ways the center of a* wdrich , crowd in = any happen be. A he i to He knows every man, woman and . child in his circuit, . -a and can repi at thv ten co i nvand i enta WOMACK backward. He is a “hustle:" of the water, and if he makes tlie race he will make things hot. SIXTH D i TRICT. AV ith Blount out of the way Sn congrca-ional race, there will be ffw---—scramble for his \x ** wa< never f jpf w itnessed in that di - I trict Of those prominently ed sucored m him -nil. j i tj app sirs that Boh ner Harriett of Forsyth. of Bib’v, k |a|Eob - Whitfield of Bald Sf^ Wl:e w n lead in the list ■ his pro able will atc'rt nt ) the "Wht with the str. hacki: g of hi i horn I countjr, and things change between twr.v ami t an, we may look to tho si.rih to furnish th most brilliant con- I- --- test in the state. Bartlett ha t away rf JfcSfrj *«» of hitting s mare -wS from the : boulder, Yew, : 7 and a in< re aggros- ' > •» >>} sive fighter the leg's never ' came to a t'l-e, if Be dot had «a n blessedness*tSJK a woman, s n- aiH gl« tjgZJS would log abandon- s n e hare been m ed. for though his *<i , ail eery wo ds 1 •; <1 men they could not offset hi . charms as SERVER. a woman. He is modest to a fault ha a way of making tbe wo ld love him. an 1 hia ability ii|of an < rder th.it in uree promotion Whit .cid is a tuan of strung -character, and can hold h.s own in debate Wth an/ mm in Gcoiga He is the strongest nun in Paid win county, or" and his long servue as soli i of his circuit hi made him a power in the district. Wi i’c non ■ of the three are outs; o in candidate*, it is not d nied t! at cucutust n ;ets whiclt m iy simply bring any of them no the ,a e. means that they are ail eflg< r for the fra, ithasbe.n a on* Ume rince inen* hxis th e i a In th© tU \ru Vgj ih“ on * promised Will m ike up it) e .citement wlia has W*en lost dur ing the lie uent Coi. w Ik ui ©; H o' .. m>uii! „ W«Vey i f l u? 1 errO.l, (’ol.w. SC A. Hurt an I Col WIIITFJJXD. (oxinc't Tn >n w {!! the race, deeidedlv rho gl. none of loom seem be as in n as th pme t a tc hee l of the lint,nee co . mii.ea of lhe striate—Mr. Bartlett. With «n oral as re t ENTH M .n I,T What about the < Id 8e\0;*!h? t l,ments I not as ... eager to retire »v It is rejstried throe that dMing- two |L \ or hedg ntlemenm Wt-gti. . 3 . sf? \ tri the di-trii t arc to Xi'C' A have him do ;o. The d , - sj9 K£.eW5 teSoV'^cds “t .\£:is >WfW '/ tar, can ge. over ctra«5T\ more g ound in lies tint ’ th-m an. mm in Georgia. Appearances arc di-c.-ti c if he ti not quiet iv in tbe race. It is safe to p.a e him a. entry No. fl. . m Then u» there war horsa is ihj fa- of / /irie.’ff’tS. the district -Dr, I’cl- I tfsjfi, ton -the very an- W nouncement of (*• ^ % w*»3se name as a Iksl – possible can. Unto' " r spread diatriot throtgh Ukewildflnt. iljo SJk–rf /K jL, jef, . Every bo Iv wan tv to Aq-Vj- r gp ’’J' know: Will he run ? ; sent* say he will, ■ *• *** , and others that ho madpox. will not. Tito masterly man yr with which ho cvnducted the , light for flic cause of common school educarinn in the la t legis atme and hD able 'defense of iheedtuaio at Ine iwttott of the state, s»s*e• «->-»■ >;»t; wdllib hit caB 5 to tra uenrtous advan 5sT.“; x. to n Oku the r.-. 00 . H, on y reply «h n a.-k- 25 t% e d con erni g the •• s^ , ^tr fc no telling in w nat iu ght \ hayp. Ulie n twp does y . ar .' 1 Oder not FELTON, M-t'tu to gr vv less vigorous in debate a 1 he end grows older, and is ns fiery., as stiong on the stum > as 1 e was ten year ago. It sts-ms as if he can be p a id as en No. 8. EIGHTH DISTRICT. In the eighth distinct it looks as if Congressman Car un * iU not Have as mm easv n rncc n time Us fie had Ins . It s sit d that Jt dg*.; '!om ] aws n. of Futnam is read . at anv mo ment. to throw down the gauntlet, r.nd that Boa, hank C« l ih| 1 \ of Wilkes. »» C ^ /,0 This rt>ati - v would 10 ( *° Uk©wi;© umfetfa : / YAW ' U1 ” »»o test. -t in Ka t »• * h of con tho - J 1 three gen't emeu. CARLTON I owi rs» the ui elves havo earnest back rs. and th.> jr.o in conflict would create an escWcment cal ula'ed to disturb tho hai mon/y of the district. Judge law son's admirers have Icen trying to g-1 ■ him to 11 ake the ti race for congress f r a long tin a, but without success. He K-gctwv i> intensely Jornos- a K M,# it/Ti. tic. is iver'.-eit® pvb hil^lvw \ lie life, and says ^ l i'erivo-1 m ire com - ( fort in the quiet en joyment of the plea s- LAWSON. ures of home thau from anything else. Frank Coitey bay never cam the that lie would vnako rat e, nor that he would not, so there's nt harm benefit n giving of him the the doubt and roba placing -i ity. hint as a j v. If he i n era the race lie w 11 go in to win. tn 1 if he wins he w 11 ' ha*., make a congressman of w hich the state \e’ w ill 1« in proud. legisla- Hu. service the ture was of a cha ac- 1 tv r vv. ter that besne iks rro motion, and his abthtv as a lawyer puts him in the ranks of the foremost of ih - Geovi 1 liar. He stands elote to the peo ple eg his district and c oser to the peo ole of Wilkes. With a faculty of draw ing men close to him and of winning ad miration whore er he is known, he is a leader in whatever ho mw'ertakcs. an 1 h.-n never failed to mt-rii any confidence placed in him. NINTH r iSTRLT. Congressman All n Candler, of tho ninth, is hardly ready to red re as ret. and if is more than probable that he can ^**5 mi he reded on to fur nish his part of the \ amusement in the ninth for tlie next j-A contest in tha* cis trict. Of the con jStSjck JT pressmen recently mirr re-elected he wav the A?, only one who had HKvdiM any regular opposition election: at S4A th* ■M^^^dLkctt. and tho Rev. lhad o: in !« mu) inr uuotner mi next time. . icuett is in OI1<! ,n: ' n > 01 r f PI ’ , 10 8 “«* . lnil L° ••a.npa.gne* . m ' and ,, liar a til - #• 111 -Mtingatthe f,. "'*? ,, e,l “ “ f ! mounts. ole. tie t> im a __ in n infer of th* ‘ JJt. cm Jones or- J s der. ant is a V \ a I o n po’i i ci n. ami hav- PICKETT. ng two work years more congressional to supplement his Ar t as a candi a'e. he mav be relied i n to become a promi nent factor in the next race. There is another man in tbe district, f om Gwin lett county, whose entr nee into the congressional A'------ M arena will be ihe sig » « | . ^ «] to- a deei «<t 'LT d,i \**. * V' 0 w T « 7. “• \ Wfv V> U was elec.,ed t> th. la t L* c mdrates ," and bus f'WLX / r c f , i 0 „ * „ with un the \ /« y soldier , . elem, m of , l„s i > him ^“"riS^fch one of tbfmo* ruSet < smith. bin cistrict. H » nam 1 wWiiiua T. .Smith, of Buford. < ui mv when ?cven ecn ) * r« of U^c. a» l uuide one of tlie best l ( ‘ r > tloveU Ui b « b igvide. In ■* ^ d !t> itte *^ aT , nrG f 40 . bill, d did { u i V e.ernn h a ir.o e than any other mail III the leg S ature to Hc< l! 8 Wgisla f le ih a ready lie went t peaker to an ” ‘ a ; .* or. <*••»* °/ fcr « he " ar an! ) th f* u " Ul ™ rt^n toVZf tmuTm «ha feras k^it^Towhich rf - v ™ s of ^ ' if ^ r ® n “'. r * >*»••» ».« ^d» br f»>J the 1» beiatm • «• c of a umtt m tu-ntial M 1 1 r -1 l;™ 1 > < of tic n a h d. tnct. ‘^ h U„!r e h« Ih>( n prominenflr m n.io <d an 1 it will not I o syr .risi «it’ll g to see i.lm iu the midst oft e ght, a mountain backing that will stand him like the phalanx of of a Bom n legion, TEXItl DISTRICT. 0*0. svtHSS T , , w fe, ^ Q 3 rttrjT . In ifeV—^ I iiflic. and . tu^e * J. toj4s “ |\ ^ f '' K , 0: 'i 11 w YffXT lua / be katixts. for his friends con aid r him so, an 1 ti.at amounts to the ante thing. it is certain tlut the fa mom heavv v. eight <> the tenth has made up his min! I* t not to relto «Kh his c: -eat for then xt frw \ years, at least, with- •* out a fl ht ail he will go into tho con test backed by one ^ of the beat records ir V' ever utodo b, av G e orgi 1 c.< ngress- 1 / Hiyti xll'*, t \/ Wa s n is pro or tiomtelyas sm II as watto-. !,'r.‘t "tSZ intvr aniL <tffe fi pera natfiur<as-t of the distrh t wo ii in tho nature of rare nail liked by allwhu kno.v xsMm h.m, andh* e utat ion is known far 1 nd w i ic as being one of the bert to it ns he no doubt will. While Mr. Hinea i« on* of tho strongest im*n in h:t> tlituict, mi can h'art l to tho fight with some of the strongest in 'nonces in tlie district to he p him. He made a record in the % iegislotur.! marie d he him is making judge, that a a record fully as judge that eus IS* tains his reputa "t ' 'S|jc tion. Barnes, Jl Watson 1 - 11 in.-.-, appear to ApEy bo tbe three that lUN S will make up tbo figiL-b* This covert the whole field, and if anylodv has bei n mitteri. there is plen ty of time for his fro nds lotr thirn out. If anybody has be 11 p! need into a con test and rioR t wan t *0 stay tiiere, ti er ’s plriitv of time to pull out. music has start In tho meantime, the ed, let the dan e begin. Howili.. Clark A dm in i*tm t or’ a if* By rirtaeof an order from tho court ot ordi nary of Tike county, Lcorgtm will he ^oI<l on , the flrft Tucstiay in February, next, between the legal hours of sale, 48 uores, more or le»», off North F.a*t corner of lot number M, nml is acres, more ->r loss, off West end “onthhnlf of lot iUmtior U> in scivmtl Wstrict nt Bike coun ty. SoM tor pisrjnwe of paying nutebtcdiicas ami di.-lri bn tion among the heirs of t\ . M. Kendrick, -ieceased. Term- e:i-b. Jan. I. IW, W. V. Kksbhick. A-lm'l-. VV. M. Headrick. Holier of Adminteirato'-'» Sale. Ity virtue of an order from the court of ordi nary of Bike county, ((*., will 1* sold before the court house door of said county w ithin the legal hours ot sale on ihe drst Tuesday in Feb rintrv, ls-». tlie follow ing property, town s East half id lot No. £23 in sth district of Bike county, Ga., as the property of J. A. Conner, deceased. Terms: cue-halt cash, balance October, i, JSSS. This .Jan. 1, 1889. S. J. HALE, Administrator of estate of .J. A. Conner, dec'd. GHOHOIA-Pikk CorvTY. Agreeable to an order o! tlie court of ordinary Bike county, wifi be sold at auction at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in March, next, within the legal hours of sale the following property, to wit: Forty acres of land in the Third District of originally Monroe, now Bike, county belonging to the estate ofJ. B. limit, deceased. Said land bounded ns fol tows: East, by 3. T. Blaekmatt; South, ...... liy J. L. Crawley ; North. by Sherrod Sm» et. ah: w est, hy other land of said estate. Terms, cash, .RUIN O. hunt. Executor. This ,1 ami ary 12, LS8SL EDS Builder and Contractor ZEHVLOy, GA. All work executed promptly ami in tlie THE ZEBULON EXCELSIOR ACADEMY. Spiflag Tui'm t 1888, THEEXEKClbKSOF TI 1 E SCHOOL BEGIN JAN. 14 , 1 W >9 AND CONTINUE TWENTY-TWO WEEKS. HATES OF TUITION •First and second year class per month $ 1 . 20 , Third.to sixth li if it - lUtOy Higher, classes 4 < r 2.B )) Incidental fee H - >*0 Music «< 5 3:00 f I •See cireular—apply to Principal. charge. / ’nstructionB iu French, Elocution and Caliathcnirs jfiren free of Ko deduction m«do for Absence except inc*«eaof contioncd Bicknem.. No hcIiooI can li .-1 .£** i**rt*gul»f patronagf* Send throujehout the term bj? all means. Would it be any worse 1 the teacher* lo cloi–e scijool in the mirlnt of aae»»ion than for the people to withdraw their iiatroquunf;?? oAreiit«ons impracti-* There is mutual obligation to teach amt to send until unavoidable < render it Cflble ^ mmt buBin««* the obiifOition. demands, What would be alhaeato thought to of close a teacher the Mchofb,irw«m whljo wonid d«or»? allow slight social or or temporary diwipUne Irregular AttendimRC in ac–rcely worth anything to the child. We ainfv ay>roper tlairWh.,**. p rogrm* nml the dcvelo,«n.aat ot ehsracmr. “r u -.......... ^ not ° n,> - “ B Ml8 “ »<**'* t<! ‘ ch<,r ' PATRONIZE HOME INDDSTRY! Osiorn h. Wolcott GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Manufacturers of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND WAGONS. FINE VEHICLES MADETO SPECIAL ORDER. Repairing done neatly, substantially and with dispatch. Homo-made wagons war ranted. A car load of Tennessee Waps Just Received. Best hand made harness always on hand. We can suit you. Don't lose your money by investing in worthless vehicles and machine made harness. Dealers iu Rough and Dressed Lumber, K'”r <■'”■•“»' —a-•» -“W -ri-ww want. Manufacturers, also, of FnlUlllUW ENGINES _ AND _ _ ^ BOILEBS, ___ ___ . ’ V 0 SAW . TTT Tor MlJLiaS, XT T a OVPTTP D i JtvU JT IllLl T T T Q O T U’A’RTWT AOJn maobimert.au. manner of castings. C irry a full line of Pijx) and Pip© Fittings and engine Fixtures. Can make or repair anything Irom a Baby’s Cradle to a Locomotive Here’s Tenr Cflianee, a -TO DO A GOOD THING- 1 W r OR SEBULOK --AND QUITE THK BBOBKR THING For Pike County! --SURSCRIBE FOR THE PIKE COUNTY JOURNAL. ■ pa ■ I WK COM E among you with good will toward vout county, it* government, iu instution ot indnstrv learning and worship— with a strong faith and hope in the fnture of Zebulon. It ia , the ambition of Tbe JoraxAl to aid in elevating Zebulon to a point where it will be pointed to with the greatest pride. Now, our interests arc mutual, and in asking yon to Invest the small #m „( 0!lg *oi.t.aa a year ta aa enterprise working for the interests above mentioned, we feel that we are performing an honorable duty-a duty that we owe to ourteive* ant to our county. “THERE IS A TIDE IN THE AFFAIRS OF MEN WHICH, IF TAKEN A' THE FLOOD, WILL LEAD TO FORTUNE.AND TO FAME.” ENCOURAGE HOME ENTERPRISE.