Pike County journal. (Zebulon, GA.) 1888-1904, June 25, 1889, Image 1

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THE OFFICIAL ORGAN —OF— r»ir£ ^OU.I'TYJI FtnjscitirnoN, st.oo PER ANNUM. 1889 EDGAR L. ROGERS 1889 ■0-0 NEW QUARTERS, NEW GOODS! --0.0- Contemplating a non, I mate it a point last t»U to nutny stoak down. ! <tid this and can now any to my customers that in my STOCK OF GOODS WORTH f.T5,0<)0 tbeia is net any eid style rubbish or shop-worn goods, i don't boast of owning the earth, or of ecatroHng the dry goods trade of the continent, but my past record (or NOBBY STYLES and LOW FttiCKS is my pica tor patronage and leare an intelligent and critical public to make up tho verdict in my ease. 1 have tm’srgeil my store to _ Double , , the CHjPiiCi OI n H-UV' Otoe/ Ot,OI 0 L}7 in oar city—Now ocupymg two large stores—and am gratifled every day to lirae 'lie expressions of every visitor and customer as to the BEAUTY amt CONVENIENCE of my st-rss. 1 have i lie great , the room to display them and tho salesmen to arrange amt sell theta. 1 buy everything tot the cash and get all the inside (figures, and take all the discounts allowed me- and proclaim to the world thnt 1 can sell goods in most instances as cheap as other merchant* ran h ».r them. 1 cant afford to waste my time ami tax the people, patience by trying to enu.ow.te even .n pan My Array of Attractions -J- for •> tbe J Spring ♦C\3 «N>+ Season. So, just let me any thnt inh few things I have ihe -INSIDE TEA Civ l,m YARDS WINDSORS PRINTS 5 – (I All other locrchaum have to pay W. to start these goods from any market. £• remomber that 1 will save vou J or 2 cant, per yard on Calicoes. ------ 0 0 --- fr OOD M N O–OTOim I have NTuml (tie exolireive control of Strauso – Rros, and .au-hee*. ■e.Ji'oT A nii|«'l s fine clothing. These, with my other lulv ratnp-s in the clothing market*, enable mo to offer to the trade ll YT«Afltm>l.VA« V IMILC'LHE Vl S. O-- D U E o S c— "-O GOODS. —O Mj trade in all kinds of flno ilr--?s-as well as cheaper-good* U a living «vllcm» of my power ton torture! ,v<K THE I..UMKS wh.» .-..nies ail Hus Novel He. in lire* ami Trim mi.,'.- ..ml t will w .'ooient w> abide u.v.r darUhni. I bit; even thing, b.-.ets goods mentioned Hats Shoes, Trunks, Notions, Domestics, Umbre las, Pai asols, Lt (. cetera. — 0-0 ^ Give me n chance to *Uov? luy good*. Tesl THE GUO liDIK OF LOW PRICES! and I will make the small fish sw im close io die sir re. YOUHS TRULY, EDGAR L. ROGERS, p A UN ESVl LUC, G EO RGIA. N, B.— Messr-. Lewis Collier and .Mm F. ILtwavv are with van and are ever on tho lookout w»r all their trieiuto. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! Osborn k Wolcott GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Manufacturers of \ \7 W /m a" m ■,.j m Tsmm ■j imm m -■ VS s<7V. \ \ /v \ Vxv \ > \ '3a ... CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND WAGONS. FINE VEHICLES MADE TO SPECIAL ORDER. Repairing done neatly, substantially an ranted. A car load of Tennessee Wagons Just Received. Best band made iiarness always on hand. We can suit you. Don’t lose your money by investing in worthless vehicles and machine made harness. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Kvery kind of House Material e mstan ly on hand._ and cam make anything yon w nt. Mamffacturers, also, of ^SAW^nM, MILL!?FARM ^ SYRUP MACHINERY, ALL MANNER OF CASTINGS Carry a fail line of Pipe and Pipe Fittings and engine fixtures, Caa repair anything from a Baby’s Cradle to a I.oc,,i:i ,*ivo , HEADQUARTERS FOR ®afffiai©s» Bmggt©® to* WmA-C-OmNmS * ri 5 000 PLOW-EGFS AT EOTTOM PRICES! Barnesville, Ga. fik Conntn mtml VOL. 1. ZEBULON, GA., TUESDAY, JUNE 25. 1889. southern items. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM VA RIOUS POINTS IN THE SOUTH. iKm “ ,z ™* t ’ C0 ™ T0I ' WHAT ,s<!0l:,a01 _ , ‘ 01 imvobtanck is tub soi theiis statks. State offlems are moving into the new State Capitol of Georgia, in Atlanta. The md be sold. building, in all probability, will toon The Union Point and ........ TVhito I Iains railroad will soon be in operation, '1 ltd contracts have been let and work will begin at once. Zaehavins McDaniel, the oldest citizen j„ Rockingham county, Va., and it pen lil)ncr o{ thc Wlr of 1 gi 2 < died near Elk ton, Va., Tuesday, aged 102 . Tbe International majority, Typograpbieal accepted Union tho has, by a large invitation to hold its next annual meeting at Atlanta, Ga., next June. A dispatch from Savannah, Ga., says: road Subscriptions to the Americus amount now to nearly $110,000. There nmining $30,000 will bo raised next week. Frank Smith, of Smith Station, Ga., U 1, struck by lightning Tuesday instantly while standing in his store door and killed. He leaves a wife and several children. postoffice At 11 o'clock Wednesday night broken the of Waycros*, Ua,, was f;; “ ,u wbbed Of over twelve hundred dollars in currency, and thirteen regis tered packages. A middle aged negro entered Magis !n>, ° HusselU court, hi Savannah, Sat Rn ‘linsisted on tui rendering him f , «"'? l‘T n^«ed *7-it f ,K m „ mud hole In the western pan of Uaines Yille, Ga., Sunday afternoon, by Rev. Green Hunter. Numbers of people at tended and witnessed the proceedings. In Atlanta, On., on Sat unlay, attacked an I ful mil vendor cf imitation dogs was by a large bull dog, wl o thought the dogs were genuine ! lie Italian escaped but tho dogs were broken and scattered 0,1 ihe sidewa k. A lie contain pin ted Piedmont exposi tion, whi< li .whs to have been h id in Charlotte, N. in the fail, has eol lipgod on m .count (>f sonic If disiigrecmeut exposi unions the committee. any lion is held it will now require anew orgauizHtiiW— Professor Richard W. Cone, recently a teacher in ill- Nannie Low Wurthcn institute at Wrightsville, Ga., tins been adjudged a burnti«. and was taken to Stiliedg. vide Friday night. He and is a graduatedd the state nuiverait^ was a luan of unusual natural endowments. A dispatch from Birmingliaim AIt Hd road left tor Grenville, Miss., where they go to Inspect the newly putting com pU-tod extension to arrange for on through trains by July 1st. News reached Augusta, Ga., of tho burning of lire bn, n and rtables of Mr. Dunbar Lamar, at Beech Islands, ft. 0. Resides the building, eighteen mules, three oxen, several hogs, and tlneo thousand bushels of oats were consumed. It was evidently the woik of an m cemliary. A very severe wind aud rain storm vis Charlotte, N. C., Wednes lay after noon, and considerable damage The was wheat done to rati crops, < 8 ;.eci,lly also suffered corn. little d»m fruit crop no nge. Corn was blown down, and in some fields uprooted entirely. The storm only ‘f e <* “ * h ' jrt a,ne ’ b,,t Wals lernfl0 flnU ll8astruu9 ' The surveying . corps of the Columbus is within a few iiulcs of Cuth Ga. They are running a line from Richland, a point on their mam me in county, to Cuthbert. With thU for the road, soon to Duthbert be built Culhbert to Buinbr.dge, in railroad have superior advantages The Danville and East Tennessee rail company organized at Duuville, Va., Among the directors are E, Bateman and R. YT. Stuart, New bankers. The road is ready a extension of tbe Atlantic und railroad, which will be com he.ween Danville and Norfolk by 1. The case of the Mansfield Drug Co., Term., against some thirty.four Imndon which hire been on trial in the United States circuit court for the past week, was ended this morning, the jury returning Limed a verdict for $88,800, the full amount by the plaintiff company, res II. ». Pullen, Pullen of ot Carrollton i.arrouton, ua., Ga who ynw sttr® asylum. Mr. Pullen has been asueccssful { alm er, and has accumulated a nice little property. ^5^55 $tJSSrSS5fSa56Tt coaches of an excursion (ruin standing on aside track. Morris was caught be tween the coaches and tender of the en gi„e and his head was crushed to pull), £lh been inlimate nt L„n with vi W Mrs. Campbell (hamnbell several several months ago, upon which statement a bill for divorce is now pending. The total pafsenger earnings of the railroads in South Laroliua lost month as reported to the state railroad commis Gfcft 79- ci-Awiriff a dc rohree dur Sl.“ ng thc same period earnings last year tor of $2,754 The freight the month were $327,455.42, showing increase over thc earnings irom the same of sourco $.52,349,10, during the Same period Inst year '» There is a now railway war at Durham, N. C. Early on Tuesday morning a huge force of hands began the extension of tho Richmond and Danville side track along Peabody street. Tho commissioners hold a meeting and passed resolutions forbidding the road from extending the tr:u'k.. The chief of police was Instructed , 0 use t(l0 f urC c fl) st0 p ,j, e track-layino. |Jg jj 1B ma ft cr „ ocs j 0 ( tbo oou ,. t3 |ln j n( ( 0 j] l0 complication, The Georgia Bacifio railroad is now open regular to connections Greenville-, Miss., and making with the road from that point, to Arkansas City on tho other s jde of the great fiver. The road between Warren and Caawtea beyond Arkansas (jj tv j 3 |_, e iii<r pushed rnmdlv and wlimi ' it s h ,,j| be completed Him there will be n new auc j direct route Atlanta to Texan kana. It i> exported that by tho 1st of August (he Georgjft schedule Pacific railway will be running trains between At anta A dispatch and Tcxarkajjt. fronfRaieigb, N. C. A test made ®«sday tho Raleigh says: was railro® on and Gaston in the presence of a number recently of promi–nt invented railroad men Cade, of a process foil by Bavins of this county, telegraphing to aud from moving trainis. A current is tnnin tabled by means cnTjllnd Or a drug which is nt (ached to the which slides over a set of wifts r«j#jdfc.m IcIWalong the track. A message w» tte offices at o , (hirtv miles «>“'»# at r,lte of th,rt y ”” k * - • m.dfcht J and day Between . Sunday monHog the Cen^l iwlurad put ft fotre *' furht'nf J-,v " about i mile from ’ ( , tahrevenl the Columbus Southern from ’cmiim- in on it An 'XlkAvns finlTfinished’ tli'^Chnl’lnlmm : Brick iniiinet–^and rtimnsto 1 tiled a bill asking J Iiulsrc Bmith ^ w#g at : ' ‘ " ‘ . ^1i, T S t that U htt t •‘••‘ott, wno nnu H ui in T Dttsou ccsWw g, «?'• hey 1": say t^ntW teat lnn tairly v wa was tnk?n taken to to Sumter Citv foe interment. While tak iWrots nv–< bc#ine vevv much flight- 5 emd und ran leaving tho body in the road. One t»gro remained with it, mid lie ' secur ' d an ax and broke open trhr N(( was this accomplished t),,,,, Aui-I;ev („ the unutterable amazement ol tl LniIn.Flo out jumped The the supposed corpse C °V woods iostamly. ,w^ » TT' s of J dm 8 w er ulined fi™t gov (r t l'U Mon d ,*1 Pmiiiir, near magnilLn, Montgom cry, A.U., and eo,lined i , n aud s ail. The train was draped in mourning. The funeral train was met, in addition to the local military, by tlie officials of tho city and county and a delegation of citizens. The procession marched to the chamber of commerce, rt.ro ho casket owed was paced instate. The casket was v during the day by hundredr of citizens. I he party left he city Wodnesdny for Knoxville, where the Interme nt too k place at 3. JO p. m. f i-naniiiwm_m ,qu T . n q , n COURT ' spveb’ai constable si'i cTAToiis prisoner and blvebai, s pectato rs killed. , , ehoot(nff south*’of „ ffra „ 0CCU rred • , , miles ^v. Austin four’ Tex nino in whieh whip men and five negroes were killed and many others wounded. It appears that in the neighborhood where the trouble occurrt . d a oolored justice of the pence, o.ange rf Wickes, imd a colored constable, l8Hac W | ls oe, were recently elected. The justice j, had issued a warrant for one It. uttc and it wat put int0 the hand* of W llson. Soon afterwards, tho lattet ni et Litton, and Informed him he had a warfivnt for his arrest, and proceeded It, to rend it. Little remarked that was no free to read ihe warrant, for he would , 10 t be arrested by n d- nk’ger. Quite a crowd had gathered and Wilson’s the friends advised him that be piece warrant in the hands of a white constable, This he did and Litten was arrested, bnt declared he wou’d not be tried before a colored justice. Notwithstanding Justice his protest he was carried before Wiokes, whose court was in session very abusive, and finally words led to blows, Winchesters. then to the iitse^six-shooter*land were riddled with bullets and died ini mediately, i ho conMable was also killed as whs a negro named Bell. A spec at ot fljj 0 d w tb lead and soon djod. a? « died arened men gathered around ready r(jnew the flght> but all has been quiet ’ ‘ "' ir - ^ DARING . B , wr MimnpR MURDER. DEAD IN A BIR ih.m k . f«~~ « the Louisvillo – Nashville Railroad, was murdered and robbed Tuerday night in on open square on First avenue, l»ir mingbam, Ala., within one hundred toot stolen st ice. The mmdeied man leaves a Wife and four child ren^________ NEWS FROM STANLEY, Letters received at Zanzibar from TJjyi, dated March 10, say that Smutey met Tmnno ^rtofiowera Tib att^l sent a uunabcT ot “ !8 bmk with him byjay of the (;„„go. Stanley .nleadml cmmng to ih<s East rt-a-t sitfl Emm 1 a^na. 1 p Tib would arrive a, Zanzibar u | u ty, FARMING HINTS, GARNERED FROM ALLIANCE SOURCES. The Alliances ot Georgia are solid for cotton bagging. Many Ailances nro having their lec tures read at every meeting from the Southern Cultivator , of Atlanta, Ga. The Alliance men of DeKalb county, Sta.,will ing at Wee have ley a Chapel grand fourth in that of July meet county. Tho ftcroven county, Ga., AUianoes oppose the passage of a unenclosed law prohibiting landB. bunting and fishing on The agricultural headquarters of Geor gia have been located in tho Fr.inkliu Publishing Housr, of Atlanta, Ga., in rooms tendered for the purpose. Tho Dougherty county, Ga., Alliance bought a lot and will commence tho erection of a warehouse at an early dav. The lot purchased has a front of 103J h ot, running back 810. In the last report of tho condition of crops in South Carolina, it is estimated that 4 per cent, luf j commercial fertiliz ers has been used on cotton limn fast yenr, and that 2!) per cent, of tt.3 fertil izer used this year war home-made. As 10 corn, 53 per cent, of the crop Lis been fertilized, and over one-half of this amount with homo made manures. A lar{?o m , mber of f|irmor3 cam0 (lc l ogates ,Local to the meeting of the County Al Seneca, ft. 0. Resolutions con demning the bagging trust and pledging lho numbers of the Alliance to use only cot i on doth to in.le cotton, were adopted, TIl0u ? h 11,0 AlUnnco declined as a body b> endorse; the proposed cotton seed oil ml,l > m,n v ot ', ho !"' B,l ', cr * soWrlbed - Tho 7 , 070,000 farmers and farm labor ers Of the United States (4,000,000 of farms) labor chiefly to feed 60,000,001 people and the domestic animals, and to furnish wool, tlax and other flbeis us raw materials for partly clothing our _ than own nation, and cotton to clothe more 1«0.«00,000 people besides our own; be s id ea i« bt5f r g ( . (jnnntities of sugar, molasses, ’ l “ ri1 ' “ D<1 boro » whictl „,,, fft( , tot ics work into forms ami , u , f „ ,i . 0 » ~fr* of r Aibm/y, <■»«., pcop.cspcnf and buying of iminydol tors in finding off an lieu erant florist the clematis, when the wild clematis of that section is far inme beau tt fal ' A resident discovered one of there P lan , la in one of his incursions into to l ' ountr v > !lu ‘i that for delicate be, i y, t . clematis that bloom f f * r suvpasscs the in tho 8 ilrden ;- The « Tit of that section »h.eh are as e i .o.ee as ever we ’ I e fash- t ? ^ ,:ou!d 1,0broughtihrousU “ laI '; A Georgia tor . his formula . . met gives , makioif a superior fertilizer. It is about the same as the popular Turman fP[ n ’ ut *' e P at l b ? r ’ in lll y < T--‘. , . 1 JOo" .f 01 'SoXle sprinkling in pounds 1 and flftv pounds k ai„ it In this wnv o^four ho builds no the a P height g?" feet Ileal re weeks then (nudes bushel's over mid applies fr.-in thirty 10 to the sfoa. He makes feitilizer with cotton seed meal without tire stable manure. One pounds col ton seed meal, fifty acid phosphate, fifty pounds from mixed together, hundred applying pounds hundred to three to acre. T he following experience of a French was tnmslated frem a Mox journal: "Two peach trees of my were covered with insects, just they Jer.il we.-o about to flower. Having 80 tomato vinos, the idea occur to me to place them arouml tho und branches of tile peach trees, shelter them frera the rays of thc sun. What was my surprise, on tire following to notice that, nil the insects had except from the leaves be vena the Influence of tbe tomato plant. carefully separated these leaves and up the tomato to them, when the in disappeared and from as that though time by the eucliant- peach beg u to grow luxuriantly. Wish to carry the experiment further, I some of the tomato leaves in water sprinkled other plants, such as tho roB6 bush, orange tree, apple tree, tbem 0 [ insects within a few days. gout i,.Carolina papers mention a somc astonishing to the "oldest inhab , ho fln(iing 0 f wild –mo in seed: ‘bothered . av j 8 in question is a growth aud b oak somewhat, v ^ flat, pmmp g • recent dis havtogbeen observed,'infact, until within tho past few days’’Both the large and small cane bear seed, though not freely, as is tho case with mod n'ants, which increase tree y by running root-stocks. The latter fact, well knowu to botanists, accounts for the almost in variable sterility of that pesiiferoiu grass, the "maiden cane.” But i. H. Bimpson, of Manatee, discovered it, seed last year, and proved it to be » va riety of a certain swamp gra-s, the cum Cnrtisi. Dr. George Vasey, of the I)cpar ment of A'.neu'ture, r-otith linn, has recommended botani-ts to rec ognize it- ire ‘ variety Simpsbni. The Farmers’ Alliance is becoming a powerful and influential society in Mis sissippi. ft has able public speakers and well-informed agents visiting ail of the counties of the state, organizing al l aces and instructing the termers in regard t< their interests, their rights an l then wrongs. Their lecturer, are itine ant tbelr school-masters, lectures exactly *l»at a f* tliey an ■£ t0 der know. wv-l ! ass And It round «heme*£re t® A Je 0 o ; * - who do not belong to.the oid- . T to ar (act* e not >» onlyJaught agriculture,, but rapm facts relating. NUMBER 31. commerce and trade, how they should sell their crops, how they are affected by "rings” and "corners” and "combines’ and "trusts,” and by paying dearly foi important the credit they get; and "they are taught facts in political economy, in relation to labor and national wealth, where the money comes from, and wllere It goes, and who gets it. And they are taught thnt thoy must have more farmers in state legislatures, and in Congress, and in state governments to look after the agricultural interests of tho country, and that they must vote for triod fiiends of the farmers for all offices from the Prcsi uent m thi TJaitsi States down to tile officer and thnt tests Farmers the honesty have of deep weights in moasures. a terest in weights and measures, as well as in presidents and law makers. GENERAL NEWS. CONDENSATION OF CURIOUS, AND EXCITING EVENTS. hf.ws iwom evebywhehb accidents, stikees, nans, and usmssiNcts of interest. The black vomit has made its appear auce at Vera Cruz, New Mexico. The total amount of contributions re raved by Governor Beaver, of Harris burg, for the flood sufferers to date is about $700,000. Three of Captain Wissman’s steamers are Bemufeir reported coast. to have German been lost men-of-war on the have gone in search of the missing ves- General Greely is about to turn loose three hundred weather prophets on the country. On and after July 1st, the ob servers at the signal service stations will JoVn »d the schooner Mwtin, are ashore nt damaged. Two It .rlmrs. The Minnesota, and are badly steamer is valued (100,000 and the schooner at$38,000. The Russian army will soon be which provided will with hr. ecii-loading rifles, calry „ distance of 6,000 feet. Noiseless pow(icl . wIU „i ao be use d i„ the future by , arming7f Uo 8rm „ Th s0 improvements in the troops involved immense ex- 1 p ,, n(li ,|,res ‘ ■ f c u Friday, Four dead burying and fourteen nearly forty wounded per 90ns< have already been taken out. Soldiers are removing the rubbish aud searching Cor tlle bodies. Severe hail storms prevailed on Mon a | jn mftu ‘ (lrt8 ()f u crm , in y nterfer in passion gr8at! y th railway traffic. Whites w as passing through the street* of a BicHian town, ’, live of the p,under* killed. , re^^hoeks. , iglltniDg nnd ^fy others de-alt the saloons of Missouri the most 8cVcf0 b i owever received when he prohibits signed jsj ew i )erfy bill. The bill m „ e ; c c „ rc j 8 d j COi billiard tallies, tables, bowling alleys and boxing gloves in 8aloons - a,,<1 wlU lnto cffcct Ju! y h A Chicago paper contains the follow ing paragraph: "The euivivors of Johnstown flood are throwing away their Bibles and openly disclaiming any and be lief in a divine providence. Men women, who saw their loved ones swept away and drowned, Have m their despe ration The turned their has hacks made on religion. ntho great calamity of Ingersolism more couhl ists than a century have done. Tho mayor of Belfast, Ireland, has sent £500 by cable to thc Johnstown julhrers, as an installment of the Mjourt to, be raised by.the c.Uzem ,ot The liukash, sultan for the of Turkey tclief of the don.to^ fl f feren. Mr. Blajno directed the ministe to express the grateful appreclatioa of the President and^government of ho United States for tho generous donation of thc sultan. Tho Johmtown sufferers have received enough clothing, in the shape of coulri tuitions, to last tho people twenty years, 6,000 men are now at, work clearing away tho debris, with the aid of dyna mile and Are engines. Newspaper and cor respondents have taken sick, many have returned home. A hundred porta ble houses are being erected, will and be if sat refectory, a thousand gore put up. Seventeen more bodies were found on Monday, HERO AND HEROINE. . BRAVE WOMAN SAVED FROM DROWNING JlY A BBA VE MAN. A dispatch from Wilmington, N. C., tar-- Thu iu' st d-ii inn re-cue ever made on this coa t has made Kb hard Warren, of Wilmington, the hero of the hour. M'res Currie Moil'd was crowning in tho surf She is a heroine, and tohents her fearless spirit. Her grandfather of Confederate was Captain John N. M< fib. fame. Her fatner was lute Ensign Lu ge., o Moil'd, who distinguished hlmrolf in th<-fight of the Alabama with tho Keaisagc. fitfe «how< d her true south ern pluck by saying to her nearly ex hausted rescuer: "I do not think you can save me thewavtsare to high. It unot well you tliould perish in trying to should save me It is not nee ssary that both die, so if you find yourself growing loose weak under your burden, turn releare me and let me die alone. I will my hold ” People in Wilmington Moffit win pro- and sent testimonials to Miss Warren. CHARLESTON’S COURT. 'Pile corning session of the cnmiirel court, which commence* ou M'-ndav next, promises to be the most important ever held iu Charleston, S. 0. The jury is composed of fourteen mulattos! and negroes and iwentv-one whites —an unu ana ily large proportion ot the colored race. The docket In s over 61 cases to b- tiled—13 for murder, 16 of msault with intent to kill, 6 burglary, 8 of va oraney, 2 of carrying concealed weapons, ° of 3 of house-breaking, 8 of lar rape. and the rest of minor offences. The ceny, interest attaches to the case o E eatest charged v,ith tbe murder of McDow, W. Dawson, ihe 12ih o'. [Japtain F. on March last. It is probable, however, :imt this case will i»e postponed. PRINTED E7ERY TUESDAY —AT— ZEBULON, - - GEORGIA, —BY— PARRY LEE, A SPLENDID ADVERTISING AGENT. WASHINGTON, D. C. MOVEMENTS OF THE PRESIDENT AND JIJS ADVISEES. APPOINTMENTS, DECISIONS, AND OTHF.lt MATTK11S or INTEREST EBOU TUB NATION AT. CAPITAL, Reports received from 8;m Francisco indicate that thc cruiser Charleston will bo ready for anolher trial in about three weeks. Several improvements are being made in her machinery, The attorney-general lies received the resignations of Peter 8. Knight, United States attorney ior tho touttiem of Florida, and E. M. Boykin, United Btates marshal for South Carolina. They have been accepted to take effect upon tho appointment of their successor. The postmaster-general appointed the following fourth-class postmasters for Georgia: Mrs. T. R. Beavers, Dunwoody, De Kalb county; Cornelius English,Leb, Thomas county; John II. Sims, Mazcp p», Milton county; Geo. J. Tiuchcr, Zeb uion, Piko county. There is considerable talk of on extra session of Congress. The northern men are of tho opinion that it will bo held, while the majority of southern mcm ex press Ihe opinion that the President will await the October elections in the newly admitted territories. Tbe following fourth-elms postmasters for Georgia were Rockwell appointed: John G. T. Adair, Congress, county; N. B. Jenkins, Felton, Haralson county; B. Bunnell, Rising Fawn, Dado county; F. M. Garner, Bpringdale, Bhellman, Randolph county; Mrs. M. A. Metier, Randolph county. Forty-one postmnsiors President, were appointed on Tuesday by vacancies tl e of whom fifteen were to created by re moval. Only two wore Southern: Zachariah B. Hargrove, nt Rome, isla., vice William H. Atkins, removed, and Waller Brock, at Tallapoosa, Ga., the of - fice becoming presidential. gjlii 'The President on Saturday wadt lonaR; following appointments to be Gen. Joseph A. Leonard, cf Minnesota, Fryuf at Shanghai; Wakefield G. of Maine, at Halifax; Zachary T. Sweeney, of Indiana, at Constantinople; Oliver H. Dockery, of North Carolina, at Rio de Janeiro; Oliver II. Simons, of Colorado, nt St. Petersburg; George W. Roosevelt, of Pennsylvania, consul nt Brussels; W. Brown, of Ohio, consul at Qlus A delegation of members of the Order of Patriotic Sons of America,on Wednes day paid a visit to President Harrison, at the White House. Mr. b. \V. Bpottmd made the introductions to Mr. Harrison: After they were over, and the vim tot. were standing around the Presulent m u s..rt of circle, Spofiord attempted to pm and said bnm quely 1 o > mt do that, it* The party left, but not in very great B 106, A . mybtcbv __ Dtscovxnv made n an old oravkta.iD NEAR BIRMINGHAM, ALA. a. mysterious child murder was un* earthe ,| Monday afternoon. Two young men were walking through an old grave Jflrd in the suburbs of the city, and were surprised to see a fresh ffiound. As the placo bll8 not been used i;s a burying gr , mn d for many yean, officers were no tifled and the mound was uncovered. Buried only a . few , box ‘ nc, ‘ containug e * . "“f" was found a pmo the dead body of a child apparent ly ( *«mt „^ ^7hMtni- § ft^^htow^W^W h « mi. , rccognitioa The tlothing PW^J^hnnce wtorn of recognR Lurate^witb oa. i to ^ t b „ t blood from the terrible terrible wound wouna in in the ti e head. No one has. yet idLntillet no Body, ine 1 n» g ” ’ w ill develop a _g DRIVEN TO 8UICIDE. A SON SHOOTS HIMBEL? TO AVOID A FATH ERLY THRASHING. A voung man named Jarvis Odam commuted suicide in Rutherford county, N. 0., under peculinr circumstances. He had whipped a smaller brother who had repor-cd the occurrence to his father. The latter is rery severe in correcting hit children and several times chastised ids oldest son very cruelly. On this occa sion he sent word to him that he would give him a terrible thrashing for Whip ping his brother. The young man knew what this meanfftond wont up stairs of cry ing. In a few minutes tho report a gun was heard, and when the young man's room was entered, he was found lying on the floor with a hole in his head. He died in a few seconds. GENERAL TAFT INSANE TOO MUCH RELIGION SEEMS TO HAVE BEES THE CAUSE, It is nimored thnt General Taft, ex. postmaster and present candidate tor tho postmastcrshlp of Churleston, S. C., »...nin lost his mind, mid been sent to the, state lunatic asylum. Talt lost his mind about two years ago, went crazy on tho subject of religion, and after remaining in ihe asylum for some time, was taken north by his wife. He recovered and re, turned here,apparently perfectly restored, although lib friends thought candidate he for was tie a lit Geoff. He was a Wash postmastcrsliip, and lias liven to recently looking after .... lire interests in"ton thought that this might there, and it is have unsettled his mind robbing graves. Three young colored women-—Sylvia Green, Fannie Williams and Ziky Magee weie arrested nnd jal.ed *t Albany, Ga., the on Monday, charged with robbing Albany cemetery. Their two-room cabin near the graveyard was found, to be a oerfect curiosity store, so packed of with the ornaments stolen from the graves bad This desecration has been go ing on for several months, and other negroes residing in tho same house have been hold as witnesses.